What levels are in the classic game. Games in the yard (hopscotch, jumping rope)

One of exciting games, is considered a children's game classic.
Previously, there was not a single asphalt yard on which hopscotch squares were not drawn with chalk. You can play hopscotch alone, but it’s much more fun when there are several players.

What do you need to play hopscotch?

To play this game, you need a free piece of asphalt or other solid base, a piece of chalk or plaster to draw squares (classes). You can paint the squares for the game with oil paints, in which case they will not be erased for a long time. Also, to play hopscotch, you will need a bat. A bat is a flat, round jar filled with sand for weight, or a small pebble. To make a bat, you can take an empty jar of shoe polish, tooth powder or candy canes.

How to draw hopscotch

Squares called classes are drawn on the asphalt with chalk, plaster or paint.
The size of the squares is 50*50cm. The first two squares are drawn together. The third and fourth are across the first two. The fifth is drawn close to the third and fourth in the middle. The sixth and seventh across the fifth. The eighth is adjacent to the sixth and seventh. The ninth and tenth across the eighth. Then a semicircle is drawn above the ninth and tenth squares connecting the uppermost corners of the ninth and tenth squares. This is the sun.

How to count?

Before the start of the game, you need to count to determine the order of throwing the bat, that is, recite a short rhyme. When a poem is read, with each word the counting person points to one player in a circle, that is, the word player, the word player. Whoever finishes the rhyme first is eliminated from the counting rhyme and throws the bat first. On the second second. On the third third and so on. Until all players leave the counter
Here is an example of a simple counting rhyme.
They sat on the golden porch
Tsar, prince
King, prince
Shoemaker, tailor
Who will you be
Speak quickly
Don't delay
Kind and honest people.
In this counting rhyme, you need to remember who you were called when you were counted. If the poem ends with you, quickly say who you are. Tsar, prince, king, prince, shoemaker or tailor. And the poem is read again.
If you called yourself the king and when the count is repeated you are called the king, then you are eliminated and will throw the bat first. If you make a mistake, the one who was named king during the re-count is eliminated and throws the bat first. And so on until all players leave the counting table.

Children's game classics rules

The player takes a bat and throws it into the first square (class). A bat is allowed to hit the line if most of the bit is in the required class. If it does not fall into the desired class, or most of it is beyond the line of the class square, then the move is skipped.
If the bat is thrown correctly, the player stands in the first class with one leg, bends the other at the knee and jumps on one leg into the second class. Then he jumps into the third and fourth, standing on both legs. Then everything repeats itself, one classic, one leg, two classes, two legs.
In the ninth-tenth grade, you need to jump and turn 180 degrees in a jump. Having turned around, the player continues to jump into reverse side. When jumping on the classics, you cannot step on the line. If it does, you skip your turn.
Having jumped to the bat, you need to pick it up and jump out of the first class with the bat.
The bat is then thrown into the second class, and everything is repeated until the player makes a mistake, or completes a full circle, throwing the bat to the tenth class and back to the first.
If a player, while standing on one leg in class while lifting a bat, loses his balance and stands on two legs, he misses a turn
Throwing a bat in ninth and tenth grade must be especially careful. When a bat hits the sun, one class burns out. That is, the one who throws in the tenth grade misses a turn, and when his turn comes, he must throw the bat in the ninth grade.

There were ten squares, just like the classrooms at school. So, in order to move to the next class, it was necessary, without stepping on the line, to jump through the squares on one or two legs, while simultaneously pushing a special cue ball. If one was not found, some flat pebble was immediately taken and the game began!

In the childhood of your mom and dad, “Classics” were mega-popular, well, about the same as “Counter Strike” is now. Sports stores in the 1980s even sold colorful hopscotch cue balls with characters from the cartoon “Well, Just Wait!” Words cannot express how proud the young owners were of them! But there were also more inventive, and most importantly - cheap, cue balls - a can of shoe polish, a bright lid, or a puck.

How did the game of hopscotch come about?

The history of hopscotch is fascinating and very interesting. It turns out that something like classics was played back in Ancient Rome. True, then this entertainment was available exclusively to boys. Discrimination? Not at all! In this way, future warriors trained stability, dexterity of movement, endurance, and the ability to maintain balance.

Oh, yes, there was one more tiny feature: the length of the lines of the ancient Roman classics was - how much would you think? - 30 meters.

The first mentions of the “classics”, dating back to the 1st century AD, can be found in the works of Pliny, the famous ancient Roman writer.

Already in the Middle Ages, the game became popular in Europe - the ancient Roman legionnaires brought it with them to most countries, where the classics quickly transformed from a serious educational activity into children's entertainment.

The great popularity of the “classics” was already indicated by the fact that famous writers mentioned them in their works, such as Francois Rabelais in the novel "Gargantua and Pantagruel". Especially, wrote Cornelius Kilian in 1574, the game was loved by Dutch children. And in the 19th century, the classics reached our country.

As before, it was mostly boys who played hopscotch, and Only by the 1950s did girls begin to actively participate in the game. In each city and even courtyard, the rules could differ significantly. Many variants of the game have appeared: with and without a cue ball, with jumping on one leg or on both, with the classic arrangement of squares and classics of the most bizarre shapes.

I will try to tell you about the most common rules of the classics.

Hopscotch rules

Hopscotch is best played on asphalt. We draw a rectangle-grid with a fine line in a ratio of 2 to 5. You will get 10 squares. We put the class numbers: from 1 to 5 up, and from 6 to 10 down. From the 5th and 6th grades we draw a semicircular arc - this area is painted over and is called “fire” (“swamp”). There are other versions of the classics, when one square alternates with two, for example. Everything is ready, you can play!

Basic rules for playing hopscotch:

  • It is not allowed to step on the lines of the squares.
  • You cannot stomp and move the cue ball in the square.
  • You are allowed to hit it only once in one cell, so that it necessarily flies into the next one.

The failed player waits his turn and tries to take the same class again.

Any violation of the rules gives the next player the right to test his strength.

The player begins the game by throwing the cue ball into the first square. Then, jumping on one leg, he uses it to push the cue ball into the second square and jumps behind it into the next square.

In the fifth and sixth squares you can “rest”: stand on both feet, shift, push the cue ball several times, etc.

It's a pity that the classics - a game with a long history - have disappeared from our yards, giving way to modern gadgets and solitude at the computer. But, as they say, everything is in your hands! You can easily bring back the wonderful fun by inviting your friends to play hopscotch. And your mother or grandmother, remembering their happy childhood, will be happy to help you set the rules of the game.

Rules for playing hopscotch.

The number of children to play is not limited. You need to draw out a playing field consisting of cells. You also need to find a bat - it can be a medium-sized pebble, a jar of shoe polish or candy (you can put sand or earth in them for weight).

Players schedule a line (who is behind whom). Then there are several variants of this game:

Option 1. Normal.

"Simple" classics. We jump on one leg to 1, then 2, then with two legs at once to 3-4, one to 5, two to 6-7, one to 8, two to 9-10, turn 180%, and at the same time find ourselves with two legs again to 9-10, and back in the same move.

Then we throw on square 2 (this is “second class”) and jump again from the beginning. And so on, throwing the bat further and further, but always starting to jump from the first square. On the “return path” you need to bend down and pick up your bat (if at this moment the player is standing on one leg, you still need to bend over - the main thing here is not to lose your balance). If we don’t hit the right square with the bat, a turn transition occurs - the next player jumps. The first one to “master” 10 (ten) wins. If the bat suddenly falls into the “fire”, then one “class” burns out (you will have to throw the bat 1 square less than what you “scored” before).

Option 2. Diverse.

The main difference between this option is that the bat needs to be “passed” through all classes - from 1 to 10. A class is considered passed after the player reaches cell 10 with the bat.

The first player throws the bat into the first cell with the number 1, i.e. to first grade. Then he had to jump on one leg and try to knock the bat into the second square, etc. Those. drive the bat through all the cells and knock it out of the drawn field. Naturally, if a fire cage was drawn, then you couldn’t knock a bat into it, otherwise you would “burn.”

Option 3. We throw the bat onto the square with the corresponding “class” and then carry out the tasks (“classes”) one by one:
First - ordinary. We jump or walk as we please, and throw the bat to the next square with each step (jump).
Second - throw the bat at the number “2” with eyes closed. Then we jump and walk as we please, the main thing is to reach the 10th square.
Third - "poker". We jump on our right foot, always “kicking” the bat to the left to the next square. "Recess" (the opportunity to rest while standing on 2 legs) - on the 5th square.
Fourth - on the left leg. We “kick” the bat all the time to the right. "Recess" (the opportunity to rest while standing on 2 legs) - on the 6th square.
Fifth - we jump (we don’t walk, we just jump) and kick the bat with both legs at the same time.
Sixth - jump and throw the bat over one cell (1-3-5-7-9).
Seventh - you can't laugh. Everyone around at this time is trying to make you laugh.
Eighth - you can throw a bat from the fifth grade (square).
Ninth - throw the bat at “9” and jump with your eyes closed.
Tenth - a trickle (i.e. ten times on one leg from the first to the tenth), while you don’t have to touch the bat.

Option 4.

Hopscotch rules.

  • The next time the game starts with the class in which the player made a mistake.
  • An error is considered: 1) hitting the puck in the wrong class, 2) stepping on any line of the classics figure, 3) hitting the puck on any line of the classics figure. The players do not knock the puck beyond the boundaries of the classics, but move it sequentially from class to class (as is done in the snail classics).
  • In hopscotch, after the last class, there is a semicircular "house". You can relax in it, standing on two legs before heading back to first class. You can get into the house by jumping over the fire.
  • If a player accidentally hits the fire with his foot or puck, he will have to take an additional exam. What this “exam” will be like in the game is up to the players themselves to decide. Exam options - jump (without a stone) on one leg all classes without mistakes, while other players make you laugh - make faces, sing funny songs. Or, holding an item (cap, box) under the knee of a bent leg, jump all classes (without a puck) on the other leg back and forth. If this is successful, then another attempt is given to throw the puck into the house. If this fails, then the player gives way to the next player.

While playing you must not allow:

  • so that the bat hits the edges of the cage,
  • so that the player gets to the edges of the cage,
  • stand in the cage with both feet,
  • move your feet (change your feet)
  • move the bat inside one cell.

If a player hits the line with a bat or stands on it himself, then it is considered that he has not passed this class and he passes the bat to the next player, and he himself stands last in the ring of players to continue the game (next time for him the game began again with the same class , from which he dropped out).
When the player successfully completes the first class, all 10 cells, he moves to the second class. Those. without entering the marked field, you need to throw the bat into the cell with the number 2 and from there drive the bat through all the cells. And so on. It is difficult to continue playing from 9th and 10th grades. Not only do you need to throw the bat to these cells so as not to hit the line, but then you also need to jump into these cells.
The first one to complete all 10 classes wins.

3. Classics “Snail”

The Snail classics consist of regular squares and shaded squares.

Rules for the game of hopscotch "Snail"

  • You cannot step on shaded cells.
  • You cannot hit the shaded cells with a pebble.
  • If you land on a shaded square with your foot or a pebble (puck), you will have to start all over again.
  • If you get your foot on any of the snail's drawn lines, you'll have to start over.

If a child plays alone, then if he makes a mistake, he returns and starts all over again. You can set a timed task - in how many minutes will you be able to complete the snail without making mistakes?

If a group of players is playing, then in case of any mistake, the right to play passes to the next player in line.

The snail can be either very short - counting to 10 (for preschoolers), or very long with big amount cells – up to 30 cells (for schoolchildren).

The undoubted advantage of the classic “Snail” is that they do not require a large area.

Playing Snail Classics is very simple.We gather in the yard and set the order by counting or drawing lots.

Whoever plays first starts.

  • He throws a pebble (puck) into the first squareand jumps on one leg into this cell so as not to touch a single line.
  • Then he tries to move the puck with his toeso that it moves to the next cell. If a pebble lands on one of the lines while moving, you will have to start all over again. And give way to another player.
  • When you reach the “fire” - the shaded cell, you need todrive to jump over.To do this, you need to push the puck with your toe and move it forward, passing the shaded fire square. After the puck, you need to jump into this box yourself. If the puck or foot touches a shaded square or any line of the snail, you will have to give way and start all over again.

Player's task - carry the pebble without mistakes or spades to the middle of the snail and return back. You can change legs in the middle of the cochlea.

Circular hopscotch.

Draw a circle and divide it into 12 sectors. First we jump with both feet on 1 and 2. Then with the right foot on 1 and then with both feet on 2 and 3. with the right foot on 2, with both feet on 3 and 4. And so on until the end of the circle. After this, your opponent gives you three tasks, for example, jump simultaneously on 12 and 6 or on 4 and 9. One foot should be on sector 12, the other on 6. If you succeed, the second round begins - you no longer jump from 1 and 2, and with 2 and 3. When you jump to the end again, you again complete three tasks.

But if you make a mistake or step on the line, the right to move goes to your opponent. The player is considered the winner if he completes all 12 rounds and completes three tasks for each.

Game "Rubber Band"

To play, you need 3-4 participants and a rubber band at least 4 meters long.

You can play together, or even alone (in this case, the rubber band was usually cut and one or two of the participants holding the rubber band became a tree or pole). It was possible to play with a group of more than 4 people, but in this case someone would have to wait.

Rules of the rubber band game:

Two players become rubber bands. One player jumps (performs a series of exercises) - in turn at all levels. Each exercise was performed at all levels in turn, after which they moved on to the next exercise and started jumping from level 1 - this way the game was more varied. Sometimes I jumped differently - all the exercises were performed at once, first at levels 1, then at levels 2, 3, and so on. At levels 5-6-7, complex exercises were canceled (I’ll write about this below).

If the game is on three of us: as soon as the jumper makes a mistake (gets lost, clings to the rubber band, steps on the rubber band, etc.) - he becomes “in the rubber band”, and the next player begins to jump. They always continue to jump from the place where they got lost.If the game is played by four people: When a player goes down, a teammate can help him out. When he gets confused, the pairs change places (the team that got lost becomes “rubber banded”). Teams always continue to jump from the place where they last jumped.

Rubber band game levels:

The first - when the elastic band is at the level of the ankles holding
- second - elastic band at knee level
- third - elastic band at hip level ("under the butt")
- fourth - elastic band at waist level
- fifth - elastic band at chest level
- sixth - elastic band at neck level
- and even sevenths - the elastic band was held with hands at ear level.

List of exercises performed:

Since it’s very difficult to explain this in words, I’ll post it soon visual material(photos) for all exercises

Despite the apparent simplicity of these movements, they are difficult to perform in the second, and even more so in the third position.

We jump: legs on both sides of one rubber band, jump, legs on both sides of the other, jump out on the other side of the rubber band

Runners (pedestrians, rails)
We jump, step at the same time - one leg on one “rubber band”, jump, change legs - like this 4 times (you can say “pe-she-ho-dy”), jump out on the other side of the rubber band

We jump with both feet (together) - we jump, hook one elastic band, stepping on the other, then with one jump we free ourselves from the elastic band and jump out on the other side

The right leg is below the first elastic band, the left is on top. We jump onto the second elastic band so that we get a bow (right on top, left on bottom). With one jump we free ourselves from the elastic band and jump out from the other side

Candy (envelope)
We jump with both feet immediately behind the second elastic band, hooking the first one (we get a cross, inside of which we stand), jump and step on both elastic bands with both feet, jump out of the elastic band

We start like in an envelope - we jump inside with both legs, jump and land so that both legs are “outside” the elastic, cross in one direction and the other, jump out of the elastic

We grab one rubber band with one foot, carry it behind the second (it turns out to be an envelope, but with one foot), jump and turn 180 0 , without letting go of the rubber band, we continue to jump - we free ourselves from the rubber band and land so that our feet are on both sides of the first rubber band

Games with jump rope

1. Repeat the movements.

To play, all players must have their own jump rope. The presenter jumps rope. Every ten jumps he jumps differently (on two legs, on the right, on the left, with arms crossed, with two turns of the rope in one jump, with stepping from foot to foot as if walking, with high knees, etc. ). All other players, like a mirror, repeat these movements after the leader. If the player makes a mistake, he leaves the game.

2. A crocodile was walking.

They play in turns, i.e. One rope is enough for all players. The first player begins to jump rope and say the words of the rhyme: “A crocodile was walking. He smoked a pipe. The phone fell and wrote." On the last word of the rhyme, the player throws the rope to the ground. The rope falls, forming an intricate pattern of loops. Next you need to stand with one foot in one of the largest loops and stand on it while other players count to 10 (in school age You can count up to 20) or until the rhyme is read to the end. One player can make people laugh while everyone else reads the rhyme. The task is to stand on one leg without paying attention to anyone.

This game teaches the child to control his behavior, concentrate, and develop a sense of balance.

There are no winners in this game. All players play with pleasure. It is always interesting and unexpected what kind of pattern will come out of a fallen jump rope. Sometimes there are such small loops that it is unclear how you can stand in them. Sometimes big loops. It's fun to make other players laugh. The game is fun for everyone!

Rules for playing with a jump rope:

  • If the child was unable to jump the rope to the end of the entire rhyme (the rope got tangled), then he immediately gives way to the next player.
  • If the child could not stand on one leg, then he immediately passes the move to the next player.
  • If the child was able to do everything without mistakes, he gets the right to play a second time, and thenIn any case, he gives way to the next player.

3. Game with skipping rope “Alphabet”.

You can play the alphabet with schoolchildren in the yard. With each jump you need to name a letter of the alphabet in order. The method of jumping should be complex, requiring coordination of movements - for example, with the arms crossing over one jump.

If a player makes a mistake in the alphabet or gets confused in the jump rope, then he must immediately name a plant (animal or city) with that letter while the players count to three. If he was able to do this, then he can start jumping again. If not, then he passes the rope to the next player.

You can simplify this game with preschoolers by naming numbers. And make the jumping method simple, without unnecessary movements.

4. Game “Fisherman and fishes”.

This game can be played by two or three people. But it's more fun to play it big company adults and children. To play you will need a jump rope or rope. All players stand in a circle. A fisherman stands in the center of the circle. In the hands of the fisherman is a jump rope, folded into several folds - this is his “fishing rod”. He starts fishing. The fisherman lowers one end of his fishing rod to the ground (the handle of the rope is in the fisherman’s palms, and a part of the rope, reminiscent of a rope, is directed towards the children - the line of the fishing rod). The fisherman spins his fishing rod in a circle, trying to touch the children’s legs with the rope (jump rope). Children jump up when the fishing rod approaches so that the jump rope does not hit them. If the jump rope touches the child’s legs, then he is “caught” and he leaves the game.

The fish's task is to stay in the game until the end (so that the fisherman does not catch them).

As soon as the snow melts, chalked figures appear in yards. Of course, these are timeless “classics”. This is truly international game. Hopscotch is played in many countries around the world, and each country has its own version of the “class” pieces.
To play you need crayons and a bat (this can be a pebble or a tin of cream). The bat should be quite heavy. Therefore, fill the jar with sand and check that it does not open when it falls and hits the ground.
The rules of the game are very simple and are passed down from generation to generation. Draw a field on the asphalt with chalk - a rectangle 1 m wide and 2 m long. Draw the field into cells, which you number in order (Fig. 1).

Throw the bat so that it hits the first square.
Jumping on one leg, push (drive) the bat from cage to cage through all classes with the toe of your shoe.
The one who passed the entire figure without errors throws the bat again, but now into the second cell. In the third round - to the third. And so on. So each time the task seems to become easier. To make the game more difficult, there is a “fire” cage. If you push a bat into it or accidentally jump into it, everything will burn and you will have to start the game from the very beginning.
If you make a mistake, give way to the next one, and when it’s your turn to jump again, start where you left off. The first person to complete all classes wins.
An error is considered:
if the bat hits the wrong square, which is next in line, as well as on the line or in the “fire” square;
if the player stumbles, touches the ground with his other foot, steps on the line dividing the cells, or jumps into the “fire” cell.

If all the “classes” are completed successfully, the “exams” begin. The guys usually agree on all further testing conditions themselves.
A variation of the game is jumping hopscotch. In these variants the bit is not used.

"Shahmaka" (Fig. 2).

The players take turns jumping through the drawn classes. Jump on one leg into the single cage of the “classics”. Then with both legs - into paired cells, each leg - into a separate cell. Next, jump alternately with one leg, then with both.
On the last pair of squares, turn 180° and jump in the same way in the opposite direction.
If you have completed all the “classes” or made a mistake, give way to the next one. It is considered a mistake if the player touches the ground with his second foot in an unpaired square or steps on the line dividing the cells with his foot.
"Japanese staircase" (Fig. 3).

The players take turns jumping around the marked classes on one leg.
If the first player has ridden through all the classes without errors, that is, without stepping on any line or putting down his second foot, he has the right to put his sign in one of the squares. Next time he will be able to rest in the square where his signature is. If the first player makes any mistake, the next one comes into play. The winner is the player who manages to sign the most squares.
Playing hopscotch is an excellent exercise for the legs; it develops the eye well, promotes the development of a sense of balance, and develops good coordination of movements.

Back in the days Ancient Rome, as evidenced by the mentions of Pliny, there was a game known to this day, the rules of which have not changed at all since then. More precisely, there were slightly more of them than in traditional game, and in each yard the conditions may vary somewhat, depending on the wishes of the participants, but the main ones are always strictly adhered to:

  • the one who threw the cue ball (pebble) and hit/beyond the line gives way to the next player;
  • the one who steps on the line of the square also gives way;
  • in a single square you cannot stand with both feet, or take aim and stomp on the spot for a long time before jumping, lowering your other foot;
  • the one who did not pass the con (all squares) starts all over again.

Types of classics and rules of the game with and without a stone

There are the following common types of hopscotch on asphalt, the rules of which can be traditional or fictitious. This:

  1. Snail.
  2. Herringbone.
  3. Drum.
  4. Star.
  5. Watch.
  6. Snake.
  7. Antenna.

The sectors for these games can be square or have any shape - circle, rectangle, oval, triangle. They draw figures with chalk on the asphalt, and at home they use a soft puzzle mat with numbers for this.

Most often, the game involves a so-called cue ball, which can be a pebble, a hockey puck, or any small object. There are ten numbered sectors in total, as well as a hopscotch pinnacle called house or fire. On it, the player can turn around to jump back in the same sequence.

The game begins with a draw, and after it, participant No. 1 throws the cue ball into the first sector, after which he jumps into the square with one foot. Then he needs to bend down in such a way as to pick up the pebble, but maintain his balance and not stand on his other leg. Then the move is repeated.

The right to throw and jump hopscotch is transferred to the next participant if the first one violated the rule - he stepped over the line or threw/missed the cue ball. After he misses, the turn goes to No. 1 if there are only two players, but he must start the game again, from the first square. The winner will be the one who manages to completely complete all levels. If there are more participants, then you will have to wait longer for your turn. The rules of the game of “Snail” classics are slightly different, since the dexterity of the players is even more important here. In it, the sectors are arranged in a spiral and the numbers alternate with shaded squares. Having hit one of them with a foot or a stone, the player must give way to the next one.

Knowing the rules of how to play hopscotch, you can have a great time with friends who will most likely be new to this game. After all, modern children are closer to various Internet adventure games than educational ones

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