Team command block portal gun. Portal device

Craft by default

Portal Atlas Gun

Portal P-organ Gun

Bacon Gun

  • Fire portals (activation) left and right click mice.

  • Zoom in and out using the middle mouse button.

  • Implementation valid "G" button.

  • Reset the portal with the "R" button.

  • For the Bacon Cannon, the portal color is randomly generated. However, it can be defined in the file properties.

  • This is your special set of portals on SMP. Unique for each person.

Manufacturers portal

  • When placed, a GUI will appear asking you to set the color, and if the portal remains open if Redstone loses power.

  • When enabled with Redstone, it will spawn portals based on the color you set.

Portal Gun Stands

  • Accepts any types of portal guns.

  • Automatic fire when he gets Redstone.

  • Portal Gun can be obtained by right clicking or entering it

Single Color Gun Portal Default

  • Only one type of portal works.

  • Will automatically merge with one color gun, another color portal to form dual weapon portal.

  • Can also be done together.

Long Gravity Boots

  • Nullifies all your fall damage when worn!

Fuel option
NEW 1.3.2v1

  • You can now enable the fuel option in 1.3.2v1 in the configuration file.

  • The fuel that the portal cannon uses is in the form of Ender Pearl dust.

  • One Ender Pearl of Dust is used every time you launch a portal.

  • If you run from Ender Dust, the portal pearl will be dim and will not work.

Mod Part 1:

Weighted Storage Cube

Placement: Selecting the equipment and right-clicking the Weighted Rose Cube will turn it into a companion cube!

While in your inventory, a companion cube will help heal you every 5 seconds!

Burning the cube (How could you?!) Converts into a record.

Metallurgical disk will cause the records to deteriorate, the track changes!

Crafting the first two discs together will also change the track.

  • Play the radio recording loop several times.

  • Can be disabled using right mouse button (configurable)

Weighted Vent Cube Storage

Weighted Vent Companion Cube

  • Placed on the ceiling.

  • Requires Redstone dust.

  • The cubes can be unfolded, the work will not be disrupted.

  • Re-deploying a new cube if Redstone continues to arrive and the cube is destroyed.

NEW: 1.2.5v1
Right click cube with blue dye will do the action! Get rid of bounciness by placing it in water.
(Initially requested by TheFrogMC for Portal 2 mod gels, but I realized that it was funny to make it exclusive to this mod)

Mod Part 2:

Mesh - Release Material

  • They are placed wall to wall, and have a maximum range of 15 blocks.

  • Pouring liquid through it will turn it off.

  • These meshes have several modes that can be configured in the file properties.

  • These grids can also be adjusted to keep Redstone powered.

Mod Part 3:

Sentry Turrets

(Models made by Techne)

  • Removes everything, configured in the file properties.

  • It has a range of 20 blocks and is also customizable.

  • Fire 20 bullets per second.

  • Will die if hit once.

Defective turrets

When the stove receives energy it melts, their smooth body melts and can deteriorate!

Mod Part 4:

Air Plate of Faith

  • Can be placed on floors, walls and ceilings.

  • Wall plates can be oriented to look up or down.

  • Right click to adjust power.

  • Can be installed, slave requires Redstone.

Electronic Intelligence indicator

  • Intelligent purpose, works if the object is indirectly powered by Redstone

  • Warning: Will not increase intelligence if ingested.

Mod Part 5:

High Energy granules Launcher

  • Launch of High Energy pellets when powered by Redstone.

  • High Energy Pellets disintegrates living beings on contact (configurable to discard)

  • High Energy Pellets spontaneously burn if it bounces too many times, travels too far, or has too many lives.

High Energy Granules Catcher

  • Catches High Energy pellets and ensures Redstone operation.

  • Can be stolen or dismantled with the right mouse button to release the High Energy Pellet.

Mod Part 6:

Emitter Dejection Ray

  • Shapes high power laser when powered by Redstone!

  • Lasers travel 40 blocks maximum over the last object portals/cube it travels, on a maximum of 20 objects (This is to prevent any overloads in the game)

  • May be determined to cause harm to living beings.

  • Due to my math limitation, the lasers will only go straight vertically, even when passing through a wall portal at an angle into a ceiling/floor portal. (It's a pity!)

Catcher Dejection Ray

  • Receives laser as input data to obtain activity required Redstone.

Sensor Dejection Beam

  • Detects the presence of a laser through it to produce redstone dust.

Cube Dejection redirection

  • Refracts the heat rays of disappointment in the direction it faces.

  • I grabbed the G (default) button.

  • Becomes inflatable when you click the right button with blue dye!

Dejection Redirect Cube Vent

  • Check out the Weighted Vents Cube for information.

Checkpoint blocks

  • Will temporarily save the player's status, portals and portal faces at the moment when the player walks and wants to transfer it, set it in the GUI.

  • Restores health when the player dies and respawns (note this will move you from your bed [if available] to Spawn).

  • Redstone can also put pressure on the plates.

Ultimate Portal Gun is a mod built on command blocks, that is, you can create a portal gun using command blocks, you need to copy 2 commands into 2 command blocks and craft the gun.

In general, the mod takes place; instead of the gun itself, you will have a special bow that creates an orange and blue portal, although it all works so-so. You can make a lot of portals, remove them manually, or remove them all.
The game can lag wildly with such mods, most likely it’s a problem with the PC.

Demonstration video:

How to get a portal gun in the game?

First, install the mod, carefully reading the installation section, everything is quite simple, but still.
After you have a car (after installation is complete), activate it by clicking on the activation plate.

There is also a sign with information on how to craft the gun itself.
You need to take 8 redstone cubes, 32 ender eyes and 1 bow.
Throw them all on the floor in 1 pile, and a portal gun will appear in their place.

A normal shot creates an orange portal.
Shooting while holding down the Shift key creates a blue portal.
Throw a cannon at the portal - the portal will disappear.
Place the Purpur Pillar block on it and throw a cannon at it, all created portals will disappear.

Installing the ULTIMATE PORTAL GUN mod:

1) Download the files with the commands, open them (with notepad), there is a lot of code inside them.
2) Copy the code of the first command from the file (Ctrl+A -> Ctrl+C (select all text) -> (copy))
3) Turn on the game and get command block by typing in chat /give @p command_block, or get it through JEI
4) Place the command block on the ground
5) Right-click on it and paste the command into the “Console Command” field (Ctrl+V)
6) Click Done
7) Minimize the game. (Shift + Tab)
8) Copy the text of the second command from the file (Ctrl+A -> Ctrl+C)
9) Place the second command block on the first (hold Shift and place it on top)
10) Right-click on it and paste the second command into the “Console Command” field (Ctrl+V)
11) Activate the lower command block with a button or lever.

If you are already familiar with Minecraft, then you are well aware that this world is large and vast. How can you move quickly over long distances in it? Well, let’s say, in creative mode you can take off and move quite far in flight without any problems, but in survival it won’t take long to get lost and disappear into the abyss in search of your city. What to do if you urgently need to get exactly where you need to go? Portals will help us do this. You just need to build them and activate them.

What kind of portals are there in Minecraft without mods?

It is useful for a beginner to know that in any version of the game the portal can only be to hell and back, but this portal can and should be used to move to the city or to the point in the world where you built it. There is also a portal to Ender, but it cannot be built in survival mode, you can only find it. But in the creative field it can be done, this will be discussed below.

How to make a portal to hell without mods

As mentioned above, this is the only portal that can be built without mods. It requires at least 10 obsidian blocks (an economical version of the portal, but in general it is built from 14 blocks) and a lighter. We lay out a rectangle of obsidian in 4 blocks horizontally and 5 vertically with an empty middle.

We set fire to the lower block and the portal is activated. Now, upon entering it, your character will fall into HELL of hellstone and lava. It is possible to build a portal to hell in creative mode, but such a portal will not work on Minecraft PE (Android). In the tablet version of the game, the portal replaces the lower world reactor, which is done completely differently.
So, to build a portal to hell, we first get obsidian by filling the lava with water from a bucket (or vice versa, water with lava).

Then we mine obsidian blocks with a diamond pickaxe (and only a diamond pickaxe, no other pickaxe will work). We are preparing the flint.

We lay out a 4x5 frame, even without corners. Here are 2 frame options, choose any of the two.

We set fire to the bottom block and that’s it: the portal is ready to transport you to the very heat of hell.

In hell you will come out of the same portal, which will be created there by itself. To return back to your world, enter it.

IN Minecraft versions PE 0.12. and above, the portal to hell is built in exactly the same way. But in the versions below it is completely different: made of gold, cobblestones and a reactor. It looks like this:

How to do: first we need to place 4 gold blocks (you need to place them opposite each other). Between these blocks there are cobblestones (in a cross). Second layer: in the middle there is a reactor, on each gold block we place a cobblestone. Third layer: there is a cobblestone on top of the reactor, we stick 4 more cobblestones on it in the same way as below.

Then we go into survival mode, tap on the reactor and, if you did everything correctly, you will go to hell. The portal is activated when you touch the reactor with a sword. By the way, good equipment doesn't hurt.
And this is in hell:

How to make a portal to a city without mods

The portal to the city is, in fact, the same hellish one, only not an entrance, but an exit. No matter how many portals to hell you create, you will always exit from the one you built first, so you need to make it where your home is located, that is, in the city. If you make the first portal in the forest, then you will always exit into the forest.

There is no other way to get into the city without mods and you shouldn’t believe anyone who claims there is. Tested in practice, all other portals can be created only after installing mods.

Portal to the End (Ender)

The Edge is a world in the form of an island, where a large number of wanderers of the edge live, as well as a dragon (boss); after destroying the dragon, the player can see the end screensaver of the game.
In creative mode, it can be built from 12 frames + 12 End eyes. All frames should be parallel to each other and face inward (it is better to place blocks from the inside, being in the center of the portal).

To activate the teleport, place an Eye of the End into each frame.

A portal to the edge is not created in survival; it can only be found in the fortress using the Eye of Ender. It consists of 12 frames in the shape of a square ring. To find a portal to the edge and activate it, you will need a large amount of the “Eye of the Edge” item, which is crafted from “Pearls of the End”, which in turn drops from Enderman (land wanderers). The Ender appears in dark caves and at night, and quite rarely.
Eye of Ender Recipe: Fire Powder + Ender Pearl
Fire powder is made from a fire rod that falls from ifrits (ifrits live in hell, their spawners can be found there).
You need to throw the Enderman eye into the air with the right mouse button and look where it fell, from where the eye fell you need to throw the next one. When you see that the eye goes down into the ground, you need to start going down there - the portal to the edge is located directly below it. Be careful, scales will spawn near the edge portal, and there may also be other hostile mobs.
The portal is missing a certain number of eyes, they need to be inserted with the right button, then the portal to the edge will be activated and it will be enough to jump into it to get to the edge.

You can only leave the edge by killing the dragon or dying.

Mods for portals

Want more portals?
Wormhole X-Treme is a plugin that implements the functionality of minecraft portals. To create a portal in minecraft, you are required to build a certain figure from certain blocks. In the settings, you can change the form of the minecraft portal to any other, and you can have several forms at the same time for different purposes. The resources from which the minecraft portal is built can also be changed. A control panel is also installed on the minecraft portal.

Maud Portal Gun For Minecraft games PE will allow you to get everything that was available in the PC version. After you download and install it, you will have a weapon that creates portals, and many other nice little things.
Nether Portal Mod for Android will add portals to hell. Or rather, the ability to build them in the same way as in the PC version.
And, of course, fashion for paradise and dusk wood.

Paradise in official game Minecraft doesn't. There is an ordinary world lower world(hell) and the edge, and in order for heaven to appear, a special mod must be installed, which is called Aether. If the mod is not installed, the portal to heaven will not activate. It can be done, but it will only work with the mod. Charlatans offer a bunch of ways to build without mods, but none of them work!
How to do:
Make sure you have an Aether mod installed that is compatible with your version of the game client.
Post it glowing stone frame 4 by 5 blocks and pour water from a bucket onto the portal.

Welcome to Paradise.

Twilight Forest- mod for the twilight forest. We install the mod and build the portal. For the portal you will need 1 diamond, a bucket of water, a shovel and 12 flowers or mushrooms. Dig a 2x2 hole one block deep.
Fill it with water.
We will plant the blocks around the perimeter with flowers or mushrooms.
We throw a diamond into the water and move away so that lightning does not strike us.
Let's go to the portal.

We immediately build ourselves a reliable shelter, preferably underground, in this world hostile mobs are always active.

Portal to space

Its construction without mods is only possible in version 1.2.5. For later versions of the game, in order to get into space, you should install one of the following mods: GalactiCraft or AstroCraft. And with the help of mods MarsPlanetAlfa or MarsPlanetMod You can make a portal to Mars. And don’t forget that before flying into space you still need to craft a spacesuit.

Enjoy your travels through the endless world of Minecraft!

I continue to look at different interesting fashions on your blog, otherwise there are almost none. This time I decided to talk about Portal Gun fashion. It’s clear that some fans of Portal and MineCraft decided to combine two games into a single whole, and perhaps it was in Mine.

The mod is very interesting not only because of the new items, but also the capabilities that they add; to be honest, I was glad to have a portal in my pocket.

So, let's see what items this mod will add.

Turret in Minecraft.

The turret is a mob, i.e. being. She is initially hostile to everyone. However, this can be changed in the settings. This turret fires 20 bullets per second and sees 20 blocks (but can be customized)

Interestingly, it can also be an object, i.e. upon death it turns into a block. By the way, to kill a turret, just push it.

How to craft a turret.

Required iron ingots, obsidian and red dust. These substances must be placed in the order as in the picture.

Tricks with a turret:

  • There is a 10 percent chance that a diviner turret will appear instead of a regular turret.
  • The four Divination Turrets begin to sing.
  • A faulty turret does not fire and speaks in a male voice.

Portal gun in MineCraft.

Another one of the things being added Portal Gun mod in Minecraft. This little thing allows you to create interconnected portals. To craft a portal gun in Minecraft, you need to have obsidian, edge pearls, diamond and iron ingots. All this is needed, as in the picture.

Some features:

  • Shoots portals with the left and right mouse button.
  • Zoom in and out by clicking on the mouse wheel.
  • The ability to capture blocks and creatures is carried out with the button G
  • Each type of portal gun has its own pair of portals and its own colors. Thus, you can create 4 different pairs of portals.
  • Portals are reset using the button R

Every day players have to travel greater and greater distances in search of food, jewelry and adventure, and at the end of the journey they have to return home for a very long time. I think not everyone likes this. One command block specialist decided to ease the suffering of miners and came up with an interesting thing that allows you to teleport - a portal device!

There are more than this gun in the Minecraft universe, but nothing stopped the author of this one and here is the result! Such a curiosity will appeal not only to wandering players, but also to lazy people who are too lazy to descend into the depths of dungeons. How to get it?

  1. It all starts as usual - with a command block. Open the chat and write:/give @p command_block
  2. Open the block and enter the command [ link to it at the end of the article]
  3. Next, take any redstone signal source and place it nearby. The creation of the mechanism will begin. When completed, it will look like this:

Now we need to take the components to create a portal gun, namely:

  • 1 unenchanted bow
  • 1 iron block
  • 1 ender pearl
  • 64 arrows (if you are going to have fun with a cannon in survival mode)
What to do about it? Just throw in one pile and get your Portal Gun!

Now we just take it and shoot it like a regular bow! The first shot will open a red portal, and the second - a blue one. To close the portals, just throw the device on the ground! All! Now have fun for your health!

Solitaire Solitaire