Monopoly how to build a branch. Competitions and Bonuses

The construction business in Russia is booming and the outlook for the future is favorable. The payback period for initial investments in construction has decreased to an incredible value for the industry of 1 year. The profitability of an experienced construction company of 100% is quite real, and even a beginner in a subsidized region can count on 40%. So many businessmen, having accumulated capital sufficient to start (approximately 15,000,000 rubles), are thinking: how to open construction company?

But first you need to figure out whether such rosy prospects are a fiction? It turns out not. Paradoxically, the development of construction in Russia is facilitated by the burden of the past.

Taking five-year steps towards the great bright future of the USSR, there was no time for such philistine trifles as a family of 4 people waiting 15 years for a two-room apartment, and in the dashing 90s, which actually stretched to the 10s, there was no time for fat at all, if only I were alive . Now the housing problem is one of the most pressing, and a lot of housing is needed.

The flourishing of construction in Russia is due to global, strategic reasons. Builders can count on favorable market conditions for a long time to come. No matter how the situation inside the country and international changes, there is still more to build in Russia.

How to get into the construction business?

First of all, construction is not for dummies. For a minimum start, you must be at least a qualified construction worker and own a PC. If you fully understand what a load diagram is, the moisture absorption of a material or the covering power of paint, then you might think: how to open a construction company and where to start?

Construction is a developed, complex industry and there are no “just construction companies”. In general, construction companies are classified as follows:

  • Architectural and design firms.
  • General contractors.
  • Specialist subcontractors.
  • Subcontractor suppliers.

Architects and designers are the elite of builders. Experience and qualifications are not enough here; you also need talent. Typically, a good architect has an advanced degree. Although architects do not invest in technology, materials and equipment and do not maintain work teams, there is nothing for a beginner to do here. A naive neophyte simply will not be accepted into the SRO (see below).

General contractors are “tough” bison who know the intricacies of the matter and are capable of performing any type of construction work: from cosmetic renovation of an apartment in a Khrushchev building to the construction of skyscrapers. There is no place for beginners either. In addition to very large initial investments and experience, you need a large, reliable and conscientious workforce (and this is the No. 1 construction problem worldwide) and a fleet of equipment.

A specialist subcontractor either truly specializes in certain types of work - say, plumbing or electrical power and signal communications - for the general contractor, or, formally specializing in, say, repairs, he also performs the entire range of construction work, but on a small scale.

This is where the possibilities open up for a beginner in the construction business (but not in construction technology). You just need to assemble a smart, not drunk and not thieving, team of 5 specialists: a bricklayer, a painter-plasterer, a tiler-finisher, a plumber and an electrician.

The fact is that with the current construction boom, at least the average general contractor has a queue of orders, and they try to take them as quickly as possible. major cities: it’s easier to manage materials, you don’t need to drive equipment far and pay workers travel allowances. And orders in large centers are often large and profitable.

But the hands often don’t reach the outback, where rural and regional owners have money, and which also wants to be comfortable and civilized. The construction industry cannot be changed so easily, and in the USSR construction was focused on “construction projects of the century,” so the small-scale construction structure in Russia is still in its infancy. If you know how and want to build, there is a place to put in your efforts and get a decent return.

The subcontractor-supplier must also know a lot about construction and can earn a good income, but essentially he is no longer a builder, but a specialist trader, so consideration of this activity is beyond the scope of this article.

Therefore, the answer to the question: “how to open a construction company from scratch?” will be like this - to become a specialist subcontractor. Now let's figure out step by step how to do this.

Preparing for debut in construction

To start your own construction company, construction education and labor skills are not enough. You need a constructive worldview and a positive psychological attitude. For those who have their own hut on the edge, and he is the master of it, and no one orders him, and he still won’t listen to anyone, it is better not to count on success in the construction business.

Construction is essentially a collective activity. Let us remember how Robinson suffered alone, at least over his hut with a fence. And construction is a responsible business. The very life of the people in it directly depends on the quality of the building. Formal compliance with SNiPs (building codes and regulations) is not enough for high-quality construction; you need to think about the people who will live and work here for many years.

If you feel that you are endowed with the necessary moral qualities, you can begin to form a team.


Personnel in construction decide everything. A conscientious skilled construction worker is one of the most needed professions in the world. In the leading construction powers of the world - the USA and Japan - foremen complain in their blogs: “Everywhere workers are like workers, they work and get paid, but our knowledgeable materials are stolen and drunk.”

Construction workers are not some kind of scum. It’s just difficult to establish the same accounting and control on a construction site as in production, and one black sheep spoils the whole herd. On a large construction site with a talent pool, an unscrupulous worker can be quickly identified, brought to reason or expelled from the team, but a small enterprise, having lost a specialist, can disrupt the order and be on the verge of collapse.

Therefore, without assembling a capable team in advance, it is not worth taking on the task. Moreover, the team should consist of qualified specialists, preferably with professional education. Newcomers without qualifications with on-the-job training can be hired later, as the business expands. You should also be careful with craftsmen - “Kulibins”.

The market economy does not tolerate long-term construction of the Soviet type. A modern specialist, upon entering the workplace, must, starting from the very first shift, consistently produce the norm with the proper quality. In construction, the requirements for personnel are made more stringent by the fact that construction, as already mentioned, is a responsible matter, and the responsibility of the builder stretches for years. If there are cracks or weeds in the walls, not to mention a collapse, it’s not the microwave that burned out after repairs.

Relationships with colleagues

All builders, in any competition, have to interact with each other in the professional sphere - when linking to general plans, for mutual coordination in architecture, coordinating projects, connecting to communications, etc.

Therefore, notify your colleagues in advance about your plans, what niche you have found for yourself, what work you plan to do. There is no point in hiding: they are not building a stone pillar in the middle of the desert. By jumping out suddenly, like a jack-in-the-box, you risk not only standing in the way of others, but also entering into conflict with government agencies, because development is not carried out chaotically, but under the strict control of the law.

The risk that your niche will be filled faster than you is is minimal - potential competitors also need to assemble a team and decide on a circle of customers, but you have already done this.


It is also advisable to discuss your plans with one of the local general contractors who, in your opinion, are the most trustworthy. Conduct the conversation in this vein: “There is a complex team, here and there there is a breakthrough, I want to start my own business.”

Most likely, you will immediately be offered the position of foreman or foreman with a very decent salary. If you insist: “No, we want to work for ourselves, but we can give a share for support at the start,” then you will almost certainly receive the answer: “Okay, register, we will help with money, equipment and materials.”

It is possible that the general contractor will not have available funds, but if necessary, you will certainly agree on the rental of equipment and receive recommendations from reliable and profitable suppliers. In any case, if it doesn’t work out here, you can try with something else.

It is better to negotiate as soon as the frost hits. Most general contractors, in order to pay workers less for winter conditions, intensify work in the summer and skim off the profit by winter. By spring, available funds are invested in the new season.

Starting a business

Having resolved all the preliminary issues, you need to draw up paperwork for the company. It’s not free, whether you’ve found an investor or not, so along the way we’ll figure out how much it costs to open a construction company at a minimum.

First stage: registration

We register with the tax office as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. It’s simpler and cheaper, but then you won’t be able to do work for legal entities and government agencies, so it’s better to do it right away.

In practice, registration, as well as the creation of a company website, without which the SRO most likely will not accept it, is entrusted to intermediaries-lawyers and a webmaster. Of course, they need to pay, but by running around with the papers on your own, you will spend more money on yourself. Registration along with the creation of a simple website using a template costs 10,000 – 25,000 rubles. including state duty, depending on local rates.

Now you need to join a self-regulatory organization - SRO.

Second stage: SRO

Construction licensing has now been abolished. Construction specialists and specialists in related fields (geologists, surveyors, divers, roofers, blasters, etc.) themselves determine who can work on construction, excavation work, preliminary geological surveys, etc. These people, practicing businessmen themselves and specialists working in their field, make up the SRO. Until you are a member of the SRO, you cannot build anything.

To join an SRO you need to submit three packages of documents:

  • An extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, a notarized copy of the certificate of registration of the enterprise and tax registration, the Charter of the company and an extract from the decision of the meeting of founders that appointed you as a manager.
  • Copies of diplomas of management personnel. Without higher or secondary specialized education in your field, you can only count on minor repairs and finishing work.
  • Copies of work books, employment agreements and contracts, certificates of advanced training - to confirm work experience and, accordingly, experience. For high-altitude installers, you still need a non-expired certificate - permission to work with a mark on passing a medical examination. For electricians - also a non-expired certificate with a group of admission to electrical installations and a medical examination mark.

In addition, all SROs require management business cards with contact information.

The entrance fee to an SRO ranges from 10,000 to 25,000 rubles. depending on the local situation, and it is immediately necessary to replenish the SRO compensation fund by approximately 300,000 rubles. Another 10,000 rubles. will consist of a notary fee and the first monthly membership fee to the SRO.

In total, the procedure for opening a construction company will cost 330,000 – 360,000 rubles.

Many SROs, especially in regions with developed construction, require candidate members to have a business plan with specific data on local conditions, including a production plan for the first year. When drawing it up, you can take as a basis the business plan of a construction company based on aggregated indicators.

Enlarged business plan for a small construction company

Since the success of negotiations with investors depends not only on you, we consider their results to be zero. Agree on the initial “infusions” - well, you’ll pay for yourself faster and get back on your feet. But to calculate the start, it is better to assume the worst.

So, the initial costs:

  • Purchase and rental of special equipment, design and engineering work, geological and geodetic surveys – RUB 12,000,000.
  • Costs for tools and workwear – 1,000,000 rubles.
  • Payment for office rent – ​​150,000 rubles/year.
  • Travel and hospitality expenses – 200,000 rubles/year.
  • Membership fees to SRO, advertising events, website promotion – 100,000 rubles/year.

Total initial expenses 13,450,000 rubles.

To calculate income and payback period, we will take the average statistical value of profitability of a small construction business in the Russian Federation. In megacities, the profitability of even a small construction company can be 100%, but there “everything is taken care of” and it is difficult for a newcomer to take root.

In the subsidized outback, you can count on 25-30% profitability. There are also enough orders there, but you will have to travel a lot and drive equipment far.

On average, in the Russian Federation, the distribution of profitability of construction organizations, depending on local conditions, has a slight asymmetry with a maximum at a value of 60%. This gives a payback period of 20 months, but you need to take into account that winter period largely falls out. Then the payback period is 2 years, and monthly income averages 560,000 rubles.

As you can see, the construction business is expensive and complicated at the start, but provides consistently high profitability in the long term. By opening a construction company, you will be confident in your well-being and will know that you are engaged in one of the most worthy human endeavors. And the time will come to sum it up - you don’t have to worry about the monument. There will be many of them - everything that you have built.

Engagement in the construction business helps not only preserve, but also increase cash. Depending on the amount of money the founder has, the direction in construction that the company will develop also depends.

At relatively low costs, a small company can carry out finishing work without obtaining SRO approval. If funds allow, you can carry out construction work on the construction of large objects (residential buildings and structures).

Where to start opening a construction company?

In order to start your own business, it is not enough to simply say to yourself: “I want to open a company.” The work of any organization begins with the registration process with the tax office.

If you decide to register a limited liability company, you will need the following documents:

  1. Copies of passports of all founders.
  2. If one of the founders is a legal entity (for example, a construction organization), it is necessary to provide copies of all constituent documents of this organization.
  3. Letter of guarantee or Certificate of ownership of the non-residential premises where your repair and construction company will be located.

To register as an individual entrepreneur, a copy of your passport certified by a notary is sufficient. You can learn how to properly open a construction company from any law firm that provides assistance in registering businesses.

Is it possible to do without SRO?

Most of the work performed by a construction organization requires obtaining permission from the SRO - Self-Regulatory Organization of Builders.

The choice of SRO is made by each company independently. The list of such associations is published in the Unified Register of Self-Regulatory Organizations of Builders. This registry can be easily found on the Internet.

Having chosen an SRO, you need to contact its representative in your region, who will send by e-mail a list of required documents and an application form.

To join the SRO, the following documents are required:

  1. OGRN and TIN certificate.
  2. Charter
  3. The decision (minutes) on the election of a leader and the order of appointment.
  4. Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  5. Diplomas of secondary technical and higher education engineering staff, as well as certificates of completion of advanced training courses.
  6. Office lease agreement or Certificate of ownership.

Without joining a self-regulatory organization of builders (SRO), you can carry out the following types of activities:

  1. Repair and finishing works.
  2. Installation of lightweight enclosing structures (doors and window openings).

Choosing your niche

A construction company can operate in three main areas:

  • Industrial construction (buildings and structures for industrial purposes).
  • Road construction (construction of highways, repair of road surfaces).
  • Civil engineering (residential buildings).

Each line of activity means that the company can engage not only in construction work, but also in the dismantling of buildings and structures, as well as in preparing the construction site for work.

In addition to the main activities, the company can master a number of additional ones:

  • Production and sale of building materials.
  • Rent out construction machinery and equipment.
  • Conduct training in construction specialties on the basis of the organization.
  • Storing construction materials.

The construction services market is quite developed, so all niches are occupied. In order to successfully engage in a certain type of activity, it is necessary to analyze the positions of competitors. The first option for entering the market is based on this.

The tactic is this: since the market for construction services is vast, it is necessary to compete with existing companies by offering the strongest positions of your enterprise.

For example, when performing a certain type of work (improving the local area), construction waste is removed by the company free of charge.

The second option to gain a strong foothold in the market is to offer consumers materials or technologies that are not available on the market or are poorly distributed. This includes the use of new materials in construction. For example, low-rise construction from twin blocks is carried out by few companies, since this is a fairly heavy material. Meanwhile, twin blocks are environmentally friendly building materials.

Road and large scale construction

These types of activities can be considered one of the highest paid. This means that existing enterprises in this segment are unlikely to want to share a tasty morsel with a newcomer.

Typically, large construction projects are supervised by government services. They most often hand out orders for such work.

If you have set your sights on this industry, you will benefit from well-established connections in these authorities and the impressive amount that will be required to complete the work. Therefore, these options are not very suitable for starting.

A small company in the periphery or in the capital?

Opening a construction company in a metropolis is a very attractive, but also troublesome prospect. Firstly, the competition is huge and it will be very difficult to make yourself known. Secondly, starting a business will require an impressive amount. But if you manage to gain a foothold here, then the profit can be quite high.

Small towns do not promise such earnings, but they can provide stable orders. You can start producing your own products: this will reduce the cost of purchasing building materials. The most profitable type of production is the production of scaffolding, as well as blocks or log cabins.

As an option, you can try to start a business in a suburb or small town, gradually moving closer to the metropolis: notify potential clients, look for orders in the capital.

Opening a repair and finishing company

Apartment renovation and finishing are the most popular services in construction. It makes sense to try to act in this direction. However, the abundance of companies performing this type of work will not allow you to immediately become a noticeable figure. This takes time.

You can occupy a niche in the construction market by reducing prices for services, but within reasonable limits. As long as the proposed prices allow covering the company's expenses, there is no risk of ruin for the company.

At the initial stage of activity, it is not necessary to recruit ordinary workers; construction teams can be hired under a contract.

This option will allow you to save on payments to employees - contractors are paid upon completion of work, and not monthly, as with full-time employees.

Business plan for a construction company: how much does it cost to start a business from scratch?

To open a construction company, you need to clearly understand how much money you need to invest in the enterprise. The main items of the cost part are the costs of registering an enterprise, obtaining SRO approval, rental costs, logistics and wages.

To operate the company requires the following staff:

If your type of activity requires mandatory membership in an SRO, you will have to pay the following amounts:

Costs for creating the material and technical base:

Tool type Unit Price Qty Total (rubles)
Hammer drill Skil 1755 AA PC. 3000 1 3000
Screwdriver Interskol Sh-700 ER PC. 2000 1 2000
Laser level PC. 1400 1 1400
Jigsaw Casals PC. 1200 1 1200
STERN Toolbox PC. 1200 2 2400
Manual tile cutter PC. 1800 1 1800
Drill BE 600 R PC. 2900 1 2900
Hammer PC. 200 5 1000
Specialist. cloth PC. 1500 10 15000
Vehicle (cargo Gazelle) PC. 150000 1 150000
Computer PC. 16000 2 32000
MFP with phone PC. 9000 1 9000
Total 220700

Thus, the costs of opening a construction company are:

As for the remaining costs associated with opening a construction company, these include the cost of renting equipment (only if you do not have your own material and technical base).

By the way, renting equipment is much more profitable for a company that is just starting out. This allows you to save money for the subsequent purchase of construction equipment on lease or on credit. We are talking about large equipment - trucks, construction cranes, bulldozers.

The normal rate of return in construction is 10–15%. This indicates that the planned, estimated and actual levels of the enterprise’s work are built correctly.

Currently, among construction organizations, the rate of profitability has noticeably decreased and averages 7–9%. The decrease in profitability occurs due to the fact that the amount of overhead costs does not change, at the same time, the cost of building materials and personnel costs are growing every year.

All these factors influence the timing of work completion. In order to return the invested funds, construction companies are forced to reduce prices for their services and offer clients more favorable conditions. Accordingly, cash flow and profit margins decrease and, as a result, business profitability decreases.

For the successful work of a construction organization, it is necessary to draw up an approximate list of upcoming expenses. You can order a ready-made business plan for the development of a company or take an example of a business plan on the Internet as a basis.

Development of your construction business

To develop your own business, especially at first, special attention should be paid to promoting the brand: you should inform about the company and its capabilities. Advertising events carried out competently always bear fruit.


The main system that allows construction organizations to navigate the services market is marketing. With its help, construction companies have the opportunity to regulate the structure of the enterprise, identify possible risks, improve external and internal communications, which ultimately helps to optimize the work of the construction organization.

The main areas of marketing in construction are:

  1. Analysis of demand for construction services, study of price growth dynamics.
  2. Ensuring that the organization's activities comply with market requirements to fully utilize production capacity.
  3. Formation of a structure for promoting services and demand for construction products.
  4. Analysis of consumer demand and solving problems related to the implementation of work with the involvement of third-party (partner) organizations.
  5. Timely updating of the range of services and products.

Possibilities of the World Wide Web

Not the least role in the development own business Internet plays. It is necessary to create your own website at the stage of obtaining SRO approval. The page must indicate the registration details of the organization; a landline telephone number and a list of contact persons must be prominently displayed. Welcome to the customer reviews page.

Today, an increasing number of customers are looking for contractors (construction organizations) on the Internet.

So the costs of creating a website can pay off quite quickly.

How can you open a construction company and not go broke?

Video about starting a construction business

Risk analysis

In order to minimize the receipt of all kinds of losses, it is necessary to remember the risks that arise during the activities of a construction company.

The main risks include:

  • Reducing the volume of construction work (for example, due to inflation).
  • An increase in prices for products (building materials) or an increase in tax deductions (social taxes).

In addition to the main ones, there are a number of indirect risks:

  • Delay in putting a construction project into operation entails untimely receipt of funds.
  • Inflation rates exceeding forecast.
  • Sharp jumps in foreign currency rates.
  • Increased costs.

All these risks must be constantly monitored to prevent possible losses. That is why at the stage of formation of a construction company it is necessary to create a marketing department.

Where to find clients for new firms

The easiest way to get clients is to post advertisements about your services on free boards on the Internet. In addition, it is necessary to advertise construction services in 2-3 of the most popular print media in your area (region). It’s a good idea to send out offers from your company via the Internet.

Many clients like it when, in addition to the ordered services, they receive bonuses.

For example, after finishing work is completed, the premises are cleaned by a construction company. This serves as the best advertising, since most potential clients trust customer recommendations.

Construction companies that have been operating in this field for many years have already adapted to both the variability of external conditions and internal changes. Beginners will have to “get the hang of things” on their own and earn the trust of clients. The personal qualities of the leader play an important role in this. A future construction magnate must have a strong character, steely self-control, and be stress-resistant.

Reviews about the article:

Nikolay | 03/27/2019

Hello, please explain, when playing for a while, who exactly is considered the winner - the player whose cash amount for all the property he owns is the most, or who has the largest amount of cash capital, or who sums up everything - cash + property?

Nikolay, hello! The rules do not provide for this point, so the players must agree on determining the winner before starting the game. We believe that both cash and assets need to be taken into account.

Alexander | 03/16/2019

The “two moves in a row without stopping” card fell out, how to move? Two moves without stopping, i.e. The first time I rolled a 6, I ended up on a plot that was not purchased or a chance or something else, can I buy a plot, draw a chance card, or should I throw a second time immediately and go?

Alexander, hello! When such a card appears, you need to roll the dice, go to the number of cells that fell out, then immediately roll the dice again and go again. Don't stop, don't buy anything, and don't draw cards.

Alexey | 03/12/2019

Such a question, in the jackpot there is “77 - jackpot”, what does this mean? Should I replay the jackpot again or take x1 from the current one? It’s just that 777 is the most expensive, therefore, logically, 77 should be better than other twos, but x1 is generally bad, and the replay is clearly worse than the hypothetical x7 on these 77, so is that right?

Alexey, hello! You roll the dice only 3 times, no replays, and see if there is a winning combination. If the combination “77” comes out, you take the amount that you put into the “Jackpot” cash register.

Makar | 03/08/2019

Hello! I had the chance to “Go to a site in any of your industries.” I’m moving to those sites that have just been purchased, right? That is, if I have 2 out of 3 business cards, and I got this card, do I only go to purchased ones or can I go to this unpurchased business?

Makar, good afternoon! In this situation, you can only move to the plot that you purchased and own.

Maxim | 01/21/2019

Player 1 got a card with the chance “any foreign plot you prefer will come into your possession” Player 2 has a monopoly of the industry on which 2 of the 3 plots are built up. Player 1 takes away an undeveloped plot from player 2! what happens to the buildings on the two remaining player 2. he simply cannot build any further? Or are the remaining buildings on the plots being sold to the bank?

Hello, Maxim! Yes, the rules do not provide for this case. We believe that player 2’s existing buildings remain, but he will not be able to build anything else, unless, of course, he returns the third plot from this industry in some way.

Anel | 01/18/2019

Hello, I have a question. What are planes, cars, etc. for? A game elite millionaire. We bought it for 500, and then what to do with it? And what do the other participants do when they get there?

Hello Anel! Perhaps you meant the game "Monopoly Millionaire"? This game has 3 chips for each player. Each of them improves the standard of living. If a chip makes a full circle around the field, then the player, if there is a desire and opportunity, can exchange it for a larger one. This indicates the next level of security. And the higher the level, the greater the player’s income. But such a transition will come at a cost.
Your second question is not entirely clear.!

Oleg | 01/15/2019

Hello. I read everything from beginning to end, studied the rules and played your cool game 10 times. There are still controversial issues that my friends and I cannot discuss. 1) When you throw a double, you stand on the “Tax Inspectorate” square. What needs to be done? stay there or still roll the dice again and continue moving, as the rules say. 2) When throwing, I pass by the tax square and stop at the vacant plot that I want to buy. What should you do first? Buy a plot and then pay taxes? Or you must first pay taxes and then you can buy a plot.

Oleg, hello! Not all the nuances are spelled out in the instructions, so you can come up with your own rules, having previously agreed on them with other participants. If you want to know our opinion on your questions, then here it is: 1) Once in the “Tax Inspectorate” after a double, the player must roll the dice again. If there is a double on the dice again, then he is exempt from taxation and, having thrown the dice again, continues his move. If the dice do not show a double, then the player pays a fine of 50 forfeits to leave the “Tax Inspectorate”. After paying the fine, he rolls the dice and walks. If he doesn’t want to pay the fine, then he simply skips the turn so that next time he can try to throw out a double for a free release. This is done no more than 3 times, after which the player is still forced to pay a fine. 2) In this case, you first pay taxes, and then you can buy a plot.

Alice | 01/13/2019

Where does the money in the charitable foundation come from?

Alice, good afternoon! The charitable fund is replenished by participants. The player contributes money to the Charitable Fund, firstly, when he lands on the “Black Business” cell and pays a fine, and secondly, when he receives the corresponding instruction on the “Chance” card.

Artem | 08/13/2018

And what kind of plane is this (for example) for 500 pounds if I bought it and another player got on it, then what?

Hello, Artem! If you purchased a plot, the amount of the rental fee is indicated on it. The player who stands on the cell is obliged to give you the amount of money that is written in the cell.

Anna | 05/20/2018

Hello, please tell me 1) why do I need to buy the central industry, how does it help? 2) How are taxes and rent paid in the central industry? 3) In the tax calculation table for the central industry it is written one plot 10, two plots 40 and so on, what does this mean?

Anna, hello! Purchasing a central industry allows you to earn extra money. The more of them you have, the higher the rent charged to other players. For example, you have 1 central industry. A participant who gets into it must pay you 30 forfeits, if there are 2 central industries, then the rent for getting into any of them is 100 and so on according to the table. The tax is calculated in the same way. Provided that you have 2 central industries, you contribute 40 forfeits to the treasury for them. We wish you success in the game!

Denis | 03/28/2018

And based on this question, and your answer, it turns out that the price should simply become 50, until next time. change course, and only insurance can save you. Good game, this is not the first time we spend evenings playing games with friends. I have this question. In the game, our shares already cost 350 forfeits and suddenly the player draws a card that says “the cost of the shares is 50 forfeits.” And we got into an argument. After all, one of the players wants to give away the insurance policy, since “it is not favorable for him.” BUT another player believes that he cannot use it, since “the cost of the shares is 50 forfeits”, this is for all players and it cannot be “covered” by the policy. So, to resolve our dispute, several options are possible: 1. it is not possible to use the policy, since it is for all participants. And this is a truism that is not discussed. 2. one player can give away his policy (the coolest one) and for all players this decision is canceled. 3. must all players hand over one policy in order to “pay off”? Thank you in advance! Smart toy: Daria, hello! Yes, the game is really good and unusual. Although the rules are written very vaguely :-) It seems to us that it is possible to use the policy in the described case, but its effect will only apply to the owner of the policy (no matter how “cool” this policy may be). That is, for the player who took advantage of the insurance policy, the cost of the shares remains at 350 forfeits, and he can sell them at this price on his turn. And for all other players, the drawn “Fortune” card applies, and the shares for them cost 50 forfeits. That is, our answer is more consistent with your 3rd option: which players have policies, they can pay off the unfavorable effect of the card; For those who don’t have a policy, shares cost 50 forfeits. By the way, do not forget that there are short-term and long-term policies. If a player insures himself with a short-term policy, then the shares cost him 350 forfeits only until the end of the circle. If long-term, the shares cost 350 forfeits until the next rate change

Hello, Denis! One-time instructions from FORTUNA are valid until the end of one circle. You can use recommendations given to another player.

Denis | 03/26/2018

Then what is the essence of this fulfillment, if it later returns in the opposite direction, nothing is indicated there, it is said to execute, completed, and how does the stock price return back?

Hello, Denis! At the time the FORTUNA card is valid, players buy shares at the price indicated in the condition. This changes the game on the EXCHANGE. The rules for buying and selling shares are described in detail in the instructions.

Denis | 03/25/2018

Hello, a situation arose, we played and pulled out a fortune card describing a one-time execution, the share price was 50 forfeits. The shares cost 30 forfeits. What future stock price should be in play? Should the stock price be fixed at a value of 50 or purely for one specific move or action of the player?

Hello, Denis! FORTUNA cards contain collective instructions that are common to all players. If your card indicates that it is a one-time purchase, then the condition must be fulfilled only once, then the value of the shares returns to the original value.

Dimtri | 02/16/2018

Good afternoon You write: - Bidding begins when any player lands on a cell with an unoccupied plot and refuses to purchase it, or as indicated by the “CHANCE” card. And if there are no unoccupied plots (some have been purchased, some are at auction), at what point can they be purchased at auction?

Hello Dmitry! In the case you described, you can start an auction at any time during the game by agreement with other participants.

Dmitry | 02/15/2018

Good afternoon No, as I understand it, if a player lands not on an empty cell, but on a cell with a plot, and if he does not buy it, then the plot is put up for auction.... This plot, for example, is not bought by anyone, then it appears in the auction another plot, it is also not being purchased, and thus several plots have accumulated at auction. And so I decided to buy them. The question is, when can I buy them back, at what point in the game and in what quantity? Can I buy only one plot at auction at a time or at least all at once?

Hello Dmitry! It is not advisable to accumulate plots from different industries at auction, since they bring potential profits. The situation you described is not provided for in the instructions, so you can come up with your own rules, having previously agreed on them with other participants. Therefore, if you wish, you can buy as many plots at auction as your budget allows. Bidding begins when any player lands on a cell with an unoccupied site and refuses to purchase it, or as indicated by the “CHANCE” card.

Dmitry | 02/15/2018

Good afternoon I have a few more questions: 1. At what point in the game can I buy plots at auction and how many plots can I buy at one time? At least all those that are at auction? 2. If I find myself having to pay taxes or pay rent, and I don’t have the required amount, do I immediately lose, or can I sell/mortgage the plots at that very moment, or do I have to take care of this earlier, BEFORE my move?

Good afternoon, Dmitry! 1. The plot is put up for auction if any player on his next turn lands on an empty cell and refuses to purchase it or at the direction of the CHANCE card. At one point in the game, only 1 plot is put up for auction, which players can buy. 2. In this case, you can pledge the plot to the BANK, following the rules of the game. A player is declared bankrupt if he cannot pay off his debts.

Dmitry | 02/14/2018

Good afternoon. Please clarify about the game on the Jackpot cell. The rules say that the player, depending on the bet and the winning combination withdraws the corresponding amount from the BANK. And in the answers below from 01/02/16, Yuri already has another version that the player takes part from the jackpot cash desk and partly from the bank. Please clarify! Thank you!

Hello Dmitry! If there is an amount in the Jackpot cashbox corresponding to the size of the winnings, you can withdraw it from there. If there are not enough funds, it is logical to assume that you get the balance from the BANK.

Ivan | 02/03/2018

Hello, I just can’t understand how to use PROMOTIONS and why they are needed at all. I read the entire instructions, but did not find the answer: (Please tell me what to do with them?

Hello, Ivan! Shares bring additional income to the owner during the game. They can be purchased by passing through the “Start” cell or getting to the “Exchange” cell, and sold at the original cost of 100 forfeits. Playing on the stock exchange can change the price of shares and, accordingly, increase or decrease their profitability.

Mariag | 01/22/2018

Hello! Please explain how to play Jackpot.

Hello! If you hit the JACKPOT cell, you have a chance to play the machine. To do this, place a bet at the cashier. Then you need to roll the dice three times - once on each column slot machine– and move the chip from bottom to top by the number of symbols drawn. If your combination matches one of the winning ones, you receive the corresponding amount from the BANK. If there are no matches, the money remains in the jackpot box. Good luck!

Tatiana | 01/11/2018

Hello. Not everything is clear with the auction 1) if I find myself on an empty plot, but I don’t want to buy it, I can put it up for auction, and where does the proceeds go? 2) in the chance card there is a task according to which I must put up someone else’s land for auction, and who does the money go to?

Hello Tatiana! The money from the sale of plots at auction in both cases goes to the BANK. Good luck in the game!

Polina | 01/08/2018

Hello, I have 1 question. Tell me more about the plots. I don’t understand what to pay for and how to pay the rent. Thank you

Hello, Polina! You pay the rent if you stay on someone else's property on your turn. The rules for calculating rent are described in the instructions. Good luck in the game!

Anna | 01/03/2018

Hello. Share price 100 forfeits. Then the card of fortune came out and the price became, say, 300 forfeits. One of the players increased the price of the shares by 2 points for a total of 320 value, and then the fortune card loses its effect. What becomes the price 100 or 120? Is the increase or decrease in the value of shares by the player during the validity of the card lost or not after its cancellation? Thank you.

Hello Anna! After the Fortune card expires, its conditions are canceled. Accordingly, the value of the shares remains the same.

Anna | 01/03/2018

Hello. There are two plots at the auction, but it’s not possible to pick them up. According to the rules of the game at the auction (roll the dice three times), is there any other way to buy them back?

Hello Anna! Free plots can be purchased either at auction or by stopping at the appropriate square while making your next move.

Anna | 11/26/2017

Hello. It’s not clear how to buy shares and what they are for?

Hello Anna! Shares are needed to generate additional income. They can be purchased at the beginning of the game by going through the “Start” cell or the “Exchange” cell.

Nikolay | 04.11.2017

Hello! We had a dispute (most likely related to translation difficulties). Are “BANK” and “CHARITABLE FUND BANK” the same thing? In my opinion, “BANK” is all the money available in the game (in plastic form), according to another debater, “BANK” = “CHARITABLE FUND BANK”, that is, it starts from 0, is replenished only at the expense of the players and constantly goes bankrupt. Who is right?

Hello, Nikolay! "BANK" is the total money supply in the game. From it, for example, circular income is paid. The "CHARITABLE FUND BANK" is replenished by participants who go through "surprise cages". These are 2 different banks.

Irina | 03.10.2017

there is one task for the “chance” cards: “a player can take any plot from another player.” Can he take the plot on which the building is located?

Hello Irina! The rules of the game do not stipulate any restrictions in this regard, so you can decide for yourself whether you can take away plots with buildings by discussing with other participants. Good luck in business!

Kolya | 07/17/2017

by moving to the nearest corner cell, is circular income needed or not?

Hello! The circular income is paid to all participants the next time they pass through the START cell.

Valya | 05/29/2017

Hello, Valya! The game contains 20 CHANCE cards, which provide various individual instructions regarding economic events. For example, you may receive a card with the instruction “You won 100 forfeits on the stock exchange” and others. If you lose your cards, you can come up with such instructions yourself.

Your name | 03/29/2017

Your feedback on the article

KotikMoor | 03/29/2017

Can you tell me how much money to give out? I realized that I need 2000 forfeits, but how many bills???

Hello! That's right, at the beginning of the game, all players are given 2000 forfeits of initial capital, in any banknotes - at your discretion. Good luck in the game!

Daria | 02/27/2017

Hello! Can a banker be a gambler? Or is a banker a separate person who does not take part in the purchase and construction of industries?

Hello, Daria! The banker is selected from among the people actively participating in the game. Good luck in mastering the business!

Munkh-Od | 02/18/2017

Hello, this question is: “What is the jackpot winnings when two sevens are rolled?”, in the reviews there is an answer that this is the winning itself. But isn't it logical to assume that the winnings should be multiplied seven times, taking into account the rate of increase in winnings written on the board? It is written on the board: 2 cherries = x 2; 2 plums = x 3; 2 bells = x 5; 2 sevens = jackpot. Maybe they meant 77 = x 7 (supposedly three sevens: JACKPOT)? Thanks in advance for your answer.

Hello! Your remark is correct. You can modify the rules so that the game is interesting and understandable for you. May fortune smile on you!

Millionaire | 01/29/2017

The situation is this: One of the players has no money, but at the same time he has areas with branches. He ends up in the “Tax Office”, he fails to free himself with doubles and can only pay 50 forfeits. At the same time, he refuses to sell his branches in order to receive the amount needed for release, and constantly skips moves of his own free will. This went on for quite a long time. Does he have the right to do this? Or is he obliged to sell his branches and get free?

Hello! If a player does not roll a double within 3 subsequent turns, he must pay a fine. Otherwise, the game for this player comes to a dead end. It's worth the risk to get it in the end big jackpot!

Tamara | 11/27/2016

got a card chance: get one branch worth 200 forfeits from the bank for free. What should I do if I don’t yet own 3 plots of the same industry or on my plots the cost of branches is less than 200 Ftv?

Hello Tamara! If game circumstances are such that you cannot follow the instructions on the “CHANCE” card, keep it with you until the right moment comes. Become a monopolist in the industry soon!

Marina | 10/17/2016

Hello! please tell me.. if I bought a plot and have not yet built a branch, my husband got into the auction... in the auction draw, it was my already purchased plot without a branch that came up... is this plot going to auction or not???? Could you tell us more about the auction???? Thank you!!!

Hello, Marina! According to the rules, only mortgaged plots, plots insured from the auction, and plots on which there is at least one building cannot be put up for auction. If your property is not developed and insured, unfortunately it is put up for auction. But you can buy it back by offering the highest price. Good luck in the game!

Charles | 08/27/2016

Hello. I have a lot of questions. 1- if during my next move I get a double, then I go to the number that fell out, if there is a plot there, then I can buy it, and then throw it again? 2- if I find myself on an empty site, then I can, based on the rules, organize an auction. Where will the money go? To me or to the Bank? 3- Can players with plots of the same industry combine into a common business and build buildings if this business is aimed at profit or salvation from bankruptcy? 4- Having 24 plot cards and there is one more. it depicts an accountant on both sides with abacus papers and an adding machine?. What is this? Bank license? Thank you.

Hello, we will try to answer all your questions. 1. Yes, if you get a double, then you go to the dropped number of cells and can buy a plot, and then roll again. 2. You can sell your undeveloped plots, or arrange an auction (in this case the money will go to you). If you have not previously purchased an empty plot of land and you do not want to purchase it, then it can also be put up for auction (it goes to the one who offers the bank a larger amount). 3. No, this option is not provided for by the rules of the game, but you can improve them yourself, perhaps it will be even more interesting to play. 4. This card is given to the participant who acts as a banker in the game.

Christina | 05/25/2016

Good day. Please explain how to play the jackpot cell correctly. The principle is not very clear.

Christina, hello! The general principle of the game is described in the rules, and the subtleties and questions that other players have had have been explained more than once in previous answers (please read them in more detail).

Alexey | 05/16/2016

Hello! Sorry for the stupid question, but I can’t find it anywhere, what happens if your chip ends up on your own purchased property, what happens? Do you take the rent indicated on the card from the bank or nothing happens and you wait for your next move?

Hello, Alexey. If you end up on your own property, then you, of course, do not pay anything (and no one pays you if they are not on your territory at that moment). Everything happens as during a normal course, for example, you can build branches or enterprises, trade with other players, or perform other actions provided for by the rules.

Evgeniy | 05/07/2016

Hello, please tell me, if a player lands on a black business square, he pays 50 forfeits to a charity fund and is transferred to the same square. Question: does the bank pay this player 200 forfeits for such a crossing of the START cell.

Hello, Evgeniy! No, in this case the bank does not pay the player 200 forfeits for crossing the START cell. The rules do not stipulate this point, but there would be no point in a fine, since the player in this case would still remain in the black.

Alexey | 05/03/2016

About the "Tax Police/Inspectorate". A player (let’s say I) located on the “tax office” field receives payment from other players for staying in his industries. Thus, while, for example, I am “resting” at the tax office waiting for the third take, three moves by other players will bring me an incredible amount of forfeits. At the same time, by skipping a move, I avoid paying rent from other people’s fields. Am I thinking correctly? Is everything according to the rules? It would be logical to assume that two corner cells should generate income: START and JACKPOT, the other two corner TAX cells bring you trouble - exempting other players from paying and my fields. 50 forfeits is not even a price when the fine on some fields reaches 2000. The emotions from the game are positive.

Hello, Alexey! To get out of the Tax Office, you roll the dice three times on your turn. If one of them hits a double, get out. If not, pay 50 forfeits and leave. Thus, you spend not 3 circles on this square, but one, and do not receive any additional income.

Vyacheslav | 04/09/2016

Thanks for playing. Question: Can a player build multiple branches or businesses in one turn? Is construction tied to progress at all? Is it possible to build while other players are moving?

Hello! In one turn, you can build several branches or enterprises at once, if you have a sufficient amount, the main thing is to do this sequentially (see the Branches and Enterprises section). There are no clear instructions in the rules regarding construction time, so you can solve this issue yourself by introducing an additional element of excitement into the game :)

Alexey | 03/22/2016

How should you arrange branches if there are not enough of them, i.e. for example, on each field there is a branch, then they run out and I want to put 1 more, what should I do?

Alexey, hello! If you run out of branch chips, then you need to wait until they are free (for example, if one of the players builds an enterprise on their site and returns 3 branches to the Bank).

Ivan | 03/06/2016

Good afternoon. I want to ask, if I own an industry monopoly (three plots) and if I get a chip on my plot, then can I buy three branches at once? (one for each plot)

Ivan, hello! Yes, you can have one for each, if funds allow. The main thing is to build up the areas evenly; in other words, if there is enough money for 4 branches, then you can simultaneously build one on three plots, and then put a second branch on another plot.

Katerina | 02/28/2016

It’s not clear, the Jackpot must be replenished every time. And nothing is written in the rules that you need to buy 3 identical branches by color.

Katerina, hello! Money appears in the Jackpot cashbox every time a player lands on the appropriate cell and decides to play. Moreover, if he loses, then his bet remains in this cash register, and the next player who decides to play the Jackpot replenishes this amount with his bet. So the jackpot at the box office grows until someone wins it, and then begins to form anew from players’ bets. The question about branches is not entirely clear... Perhaps we're talking about about the purchase of three plots of the same color, in which case the player becomes the monopoly owner of an entire industry. This gives him the right to take double rent from rivals, as well as build branches and enterprises on these sites. There is information about this in the rules.

DinamoR | 02/13/2016

and another question: when a player gets a double, can he build buildings twice? or does it count as one turn and he can only build once?

Hello! The double has no effect on the number of actions in one move. You simply step more squares.

DinamoR | 02/13/2016

Hello. if, after using the “chance” and “move” cards, I am asked to move a certain number of cells forward/backward, after which I find myself on someone else’s site, chance/move, jackpot, tax office, then I need to pay rent, take cards chance/move, play the jackpot, pay the tax office?

Hello! Yes.

Maria | 02/07/2016

Where does the charity's money come from?

Maria, hello! The player contributes money to the Charitable Fund, firstly, when he lands on the “Black Business” cell and pays a fine, and secondly, when he receives the corresponding instruction on the “Chance” card.

dima | 02/02/2016

An incomprehensible situation arose, a card came up with a chance “any other person’s plot of land that you prefer goes into your possession.” Can I take someone else’s plot on which there are already buildings?

Dima, hello! As stated in the rules, “no lot can be sold, mortgaged or exchanged if there is at least one building on it.” However, if you want to complicate the rules, you can agree in advance with other players that built-up areas can also become the property of others when the corresponding card appears. In this case, the former owner must return all of his buildings to the Bank (for full price, half price, or even free of charge - it’s up to you, the players, to decide).

Alexandra | 01/11/2016

Hello, if a player hits the jackpot cell and makes a bet of 1000 forfeits and he gets 777, that is, his winnings are 50,000 forfeits, he takes all the winnings from the bank, but what? If the bank still owes him... and what next? play if there are no forfeits in the bank at all, that is, players can no longer receive circular income... how to continue playing?

Alexandra, hello! Indeed, a valuable note. We recommend that you limit the size of the maximum bet before starting the game. Let’s say we make it no more than 200 forfeits, so that there are no serious interference in the game.

Alice | 01/05/2016

Hello, does the rent double only on areas without houses and hotels? (Despite the fact that all your enterprises are the same color)

Hello Alice! Your question is not entirely clear. The rent for plots with buildings increases compared to undeveloped plots, but not necessarily twice (the specific amounts are indicated on the cells of the playing field and the corresponding cards). As for color, only branches (blue in the photo) and enterprises (red in the photo) differ on this basis, and all enterprises are equivalent to each other.

Denis S. | 01/03/2016

Hello! Is the number of businesses on the site limited only by the number of cards in the set (12) or just one? P.S. The link to the video rules presented here earlier (http://www..html) is broken

Denis, hello! On each site you can build only 1 enterprise (before that there must be 3 branches there). Thanks for the information about the broken link, we will fix it now.

Yuri | 01/02/2016

Hello. The process of winning the Jackpot is not clear. The Jackpot box contains 200 forfeits, and the minimum win is 2 times the player's bet. And if the player deposited 250 forfeits, then his minimum winnings are already 500 forfeits, and there are only 400 in the cash register. Where else can I get 100? Or can the winnings not exceed the amount available in the cash register, regardless of what the player contributed? Well then, I don’t see the point of winning options x2, x3, x5, etc., two options are enough - hit or miss, respectively, if you win, you take your bet x2, but if you lose, you lose everything. Or am I missing something?

Yuri, hello! The rules say that the player receives the winning amount in the Bank (minus the amount that is already in the Jack Pot cash register, you take it from the cash register itself). For example, you made a bet of 250 forfeits, and before that there were 150 in the Jack Pot cash register - a total of 400. You got a combination that tripled the bet, which means you should receive 250x3 = 750 forfeits. In this case, you take 400 from the Jack Pot cash desk, and 350 from the Bank.

Your name | 12/27/2015

And I also forgot, if on a field the cost of construction is 100 and I built three branches there and then the enterprise, these 3 abkbfkf remain standing or go into a box? And if I want to sell, then I have to take 50 from the bank as for one building or 200 as for four?

When you build a business, 3 branches are removed from the site and put back into the box. If you sell an enterprise, then you get 50% of the cost for one building (the previous three are no longer on the field!).

Glory | 12/27/2015

Hello, this is a question, if you run out of enterprise chips, do you need to wait until the occupied chips are freed up or replace them with something else (pieces of cardboard, paper)? And also if I have 3 branches in each zone and a monopoly and another player stands on one of them, he is obliged to pay double the cost, for example 950 * 2 = 1900?

Slava, hello! We answer the questions one by one: 1) You need to wait until the chips are free. 2) The amount of rent for a plot with a different number of buildings is indicated on the cell and card of this plot.

Timur | 12/18/2015

Good evening, I would like to ask, are the branches built up one by one from the smallest plot to the enterprise or where did the chip fall? That is, for example, the entertainment industry begins with a “cinema”, regardless of where the chip ends up, with all the monopoly, initially only the “cinema” is built up to the enterprise? Or is there still an option with a chip hitting any cell of a given monopoly and subsequent construction after the chip hits? I hope you understand!?

Timur, hello! By sequential development of sections of the industry that you exclusively own, it is meant that you first build one branch on each section, then a second, a third, and finally begin to replace the triplets of branches on each section with one enterprise. The order of development of industry sites does NOT matter. You can build your first branch (or later an enterprise) on either the cheapest or the most expensive site. Also, your chip does NOT have to stand on the site that you are building on.

Timur | 12/17/2015

For example, building 100?

At the bottom (neither on the cards nor on the cells of the playing field) there is no inscription “cost of the plot”. Building 100 means that if you build a branch or enterprise on this site, you give 100 forfeits to the Bank.

Timur | 12/17/2015

thank you very much, and the number below where it says the cost of the plot - what is it?

Timur | 12/17/2015

Hello! I wanted to clarify, is the figure above the cost of the plot? And the number below where it says building? Should it be summed up?

Timur, hello! The number on top is the cost of the plot. The rules are written in detail about buildings: the player has the right to build branches and enterprises on his plots only when he has a monopoly on the entire industry. The cost of construction increases the rental amount that your rivals pay you, but does not add to the cost of the plot when purchasing it.

Nikita | 04.12.2015

Hope | 01.12.2015

Thank you! You are so great!

Hope | 11/30/2015

Hello. Can I move branches within my monopolies? For example, in one industry I have one branch, in another there are two. The bank has no branches available for purchase, and I can’t build a company without a third branch. Can I take branches from my own monopoly and move them to the industry I need, paying the difference in the purchase price to the bank accordingly? Or having received the difference from the bank? I hope that you understood what I wanted to ask?? Thank you.

Nadezhda, hello! If the Bank runs out of buildings, then you can wait until they appear there again (for example, if another player wants to mortgage their built-up plot) or sell your own buildings from the least promising industry, in your opinion, to the Bank for half the price. See paragraph of the rules “Branches and enterprises”.

Ditrius | 11/22/2015

Hello! If it’s my turn and I want to build a branch, do I line up and roll the dice, or do I build and skip the move (moving a chip across the field)?

Dmitry, hello! Construction does not prevent the player from making a move. You can build a branch and an enterprise, and then roll the dice and move the chip. Or vice versa, at your discretion)

Nadezhda S. | 11/17/2015

Thanks a lot. Let's try to play again today!

If you have any questions, please contact us! :-)

Hope | 11/16/2015

Hello. I read all the questions and answers. Much has become clearer. But! Perhaps I will surprise you with my question, where to start? My son and I were never able to figure out how much to pay initially for an empty plot. Cost of renting an empty lot? The cost of the enterprise (I already understand that it is not), the number at the top of the card (it looks too much like a serial number)? Help me to understand.

Nadezhda, hello! 1) How much should I pay for an empty plot? The initial cost of an empty plot is the top number on the card. For example, when purchasing a Cinema, you pay 50 forfeits to the Bank. 2) The cost of renting an empty plot is the top line on the card. For example, an opponent who stops at your Cinema square will pay you 1 phantom rent. If you own all the plots of one industry (i.e. you are a monopolist of this industry), then the rent of each plot is doubled. The cost of renting a developed plot is indicated in the following lines on the card. 3) The cost of the branch is equal to the cost of the enterprise. The payment amount is indicated at the very bottom of the site card. For example, any building (be it a branch or an enterprise) on the Furniture Production site costs 100 forfeits.

Svyatoslav | 11/12/2015

Hello, I have the following questions: 1) if a player gets into the tax office square, the rules say he can get out of it by paying a fine of 50 forfeits or by rolling a double on the dice in ONE OF THE THREE SUBSEQUENT MOVES, how is that? 2) if he gives a double, then do you have to go to this number or stand still or what?

Svyatoslav, hello! 1) Once on the “Tax Office” cell, the player must pay 50 forfeits to exit immediately, and otherwise skip 3 turns. But he has a chance to start moving around the playing field earlier. To do this, when it’s his turn, he rolls the dice. If a double appears, it means that the player leaves the cell earlier than after 3 moves. Another number is dropped - it remains in the “Tax Office” until it is his turn to roll the dice again. BUT: after standing on this square for 3 moves, on the fourth move the player still leaves it (for this you no longer need to pay or throw away a double). 2) If the player standing on the “Tax Inspectorate” cell gets a double, then he walks the number of steps drawn (for example, two sixes - 12 steps).

Olga | 10/23/2015

Thank you very much for your prompt response.

Olga | 10/23/2015

Hello! The situation is not entirely clear when two numbers 7 appear in the jackpot columns. It says jackpot win, i.e. if my bet was 500 and 77 came up, we read in the jackpot column it turns out I take my bet 500 and that’s it, if besides it there was nothing else in the jackpot pot?

Olga, hello! Yes, you understood everything correctly: the jackpot is your bet.

Bogdan | 10/15/2015

What to do if 2 sevens appear in the JACKPOT?

Bogdan, hello! Sevens cannot be rolled because the die only has 6 sides :-)

Bogdan | 10/12/2015

Hello, if a player ends up in someone else’s square with enterprises and is unable to pay the fine, does he have the right to borrow from the bank the amount he needs, giving it back later?

Bogdan, hello! In the rules (section “End of the game”) it is written as follows: “If a player owes the BANK or other players more than he is able to pay, he gives all the money he has, after which he is declared bankrupt and leaves the game.” This is exactly the case you just described.

Ivan | 10/02/2015

If a player comes across a card “To any part of his industry,” then the player should only go to his own areas?

Ivan, hello! Absolutely right, because the card says exactly “your industry.”

Your name | 09.21.2015

Hello, what should you do if you get a card and any plot of someone else’s that you prefer is transferred to your possession? Is it possible to take a plot on which something is built?? Please answer

Hello! The rules state: “No lot may be sold, mortgaged or exchanged while it contains at least one structure.” But if you want to complicate the rules, you can agree in advance with other players that built-up areas can become the property of others when the corresponding card appears. In this case, the former owner must return all his buildings to the Bank (for example, for their original cost or even free of charge - it’s up to you as you agree :-))

Your name | 09/04/2015

Hello, tell me what chance cards there are in the game millionaire, I lost them, but I can’t find them on the internet????

Hello! The list of cards is ready. Please indicate in your next review the email address to which it can be sent.

Vova | 08/29/2015

How to make an auction? If it started, then the money should go to the bank or somewhere?

Vova, hello! The player gives the money for the plot purchased at auction to the Bank.

Ilya | 08/26/2015

Thank you very much for your help, I am very grateful to you.

Please contact)

Ilya | 08/25/2015

I know I’ve already tired you, but there is another question: can I, on my turn, sell my enterprise from a less cheap industry and immediately buy it into a more expensive one (of course, provided that all the branches are built)

Hmm, Ilya, you made us think) Most likely not. In one move you either sell or buy.

Ilya | 08/25/2015

What can a player sell the mortgaged property to the bank? If yes, then for how much?

The player can either simply sell the property (for half the price) or mortgage the plot - before that, he again needs to sell all the buildings (also for half the price).

Ilya | 08/25/2015

That is, you mean, if three enterprises are purchased for branches of the same color, they go to the bank, thus freeing up chips for other cells of industries. There was simply a situation that two people had two monopolies (that is, each had 6 cells) and they completely built them with enterprises (12 in total). What should other players do who want to build too?

If there are no free enterprises in the bank, then you can only wait for them to appear. For example, the owner sells or does not redeem the property from the collateral. While there are no businesses available, you can simply build branches. If there are no available branches either, then again - just wait) This is the point of the game - there are few available resources, but there are many who want to get them.

Ilya | 08/24/2015

Tell me, there are only 12 enterprises in the game, there are many more industry cells, and if the game takes too long and there are not enough enterprise chips, what to do in this case.

Hello, Ilya. In this case, you will have to wait until the enterprises are free.

Evgeniy | 08/24/2015

Hello, the question is, if you are standing on the tax office square and could not throw a double in three moves, and there are less than 50 fans, what should you do in such a situation.

Hello, Evgeniy. You can mortgage one or more plots to the bank to get the required amount.

Nikita | 07/28/2015

It’s a good game, but as they said, the rules are sparsely written (question: if a person draws a movement card, which says to move to the nearest corner square, is the movement carried out forward clockwise to the corner or backwards if the back corner is closer?

Nikita, hello! If the rules do not indicate whether to go forward or backward, then the players decide for themselves. Just agree with others what to do in a similar situation, and play the way you like.

Svetlana | 07/18/2015

Good afternoon, please tell me, if during movement a card lands “on any site of someone else’s industry,” can the player move to a site that is still in the bank and buy it? Thank you.

Svetlana, hello! Yes, of course you can.

Oleg | 06.06.2015

how much do you have to pay if you end up on someone else’s land and its owner didn’t build it?

Oleg, hello! The rent is always indicated on the site card. If there are no buildings on it, then you pay for it the amount indicated in the “Empty plot” column. At the same time, keep in mind that if the site is part of a monopoly (the player owns all the cells of this industry), then the rent is doubled.

K | 05/02/2015

Hello! Please tell me on the jackpot field, after throwing the dice three times, two sevens came up, which means the jackpot, the question is, how much do I take?

Hello. Before playing on the Jackpot field, you must place a bet. Accordingly, if you win, you receive a win that is equal to the bet made.

Evgeniy | 03/23/2015

Thank you very much for your answer!)

Evgeniy | 03/21/2015

Evgeniy | 03/21/2015

Hello! Please tell me: if one of the players owns a monopoly and has two branches built on each site. At this time, the second player gets a CHANCE card - “any plot you prefer will come into your possession.” Does this player have the right to take away one of the monopoly enterprises where branches are located, and what happens to the branches in this case? Thank you in advance!)

Evgeniy, hello! The rules do not stipulate such a case, but there is a phrase that players can enter into any contractual relationship. So decide for yourself: in such a situation, you can give away only empty plots, you can pay the owner of the CHANCE card a “ransom” instead of giving him your plot, and to make the game even more difficult, you can also give away built-up plots. In the latter case, you lose your monopoly and are obliged to sell branches/enterprises from all other developed areas of the industry.

Stanislav | 03/18/2015

Thank you for the detailed answer, one more question, can I build up a monopoly with enterprises before the move by pre-paying the cost of all branches if my finances allow it, thanks in advance for the answer)

Good morning, Stanislav) If you have enough money to build up the entire monopoly with branches at once, and then exchange them for enterprises, you can do it.

Stanislav | 03/18/2015

Question about branches. If I own several monopolies, can I build one branch for each monopoly? And if, for example, a bank has run out of branches and I have 3 branches per monopoly, can I build an enterprise before the move and distribute the vacated branches among my monopolies? And a question about the jackpot, if, say, I have cherries in the first and third columns, will this be considered a win or do I need at least two of the same kind in a row to get caught in the first and second? Thanks for answers)

Hello, Stanislav. If you own several monopolies, you have the right to develop them all in accordance with the rules. That is, you sequentially develop areas of each industry; Moreover, it is not necessary to wait for the full development of one monopoly to begin filling the second with branches. If you build an enterprise, the branches it replaces are automatically returned to the bank. From there you buy them according to the rules of the game and place them on the desired areas. Regarding the jackpot: it doesn’t matter in what sequence the symbols appear, the main thing is their number. If you get two cherries, feel free to take your winnings)

Konstantin | 03/12/2015

Hello, when do you need to build branches and so on? When will the move hit this or that industry again or what?

Hello, Konstantin. To build branches and businesses, you don't have to wait for your chip to move to the desired industry. It is enough to have an industry in monopoly ownership, then you can build during any turn. The main thing is to build up your plots consistently.

Zukhra | 02/07/2015

Maxim N. | 01/28/2015

how to lay out plots. And when to pay for construction.

Maxim, please read the rules of the game about how to lay out plots. There is a whole section on this topic. You pay the Bank for the construction immediately as soon as you place it on your site.

Maxim N. | 01/28/2015

I've found myself in a no man's land and want to buy, for example, two or three branches at once. Should I buy everything there in order? first a simple site, then one branch and so on? Or can I buy two at once?

Maxim, hello! First, you must buy up ALL plots of any industry (in other words, become a monopolist of this industry) and only then build branches on these plots. Branches are built sequentially: first, one in each sector of the industry, then a second and a third. This is described in detail in the rules.

Anya | 01/21/2015

Good afternoon Please tell me: the amount of construction is indicated everywhere on the card, does this mean that I have to pay this amount to the bank in order to build a branch? and for each subsequent branch I have to pay the same amount?

Hello Ana! You understood everything correctly. Any building, be it a branch or an enterprise, costs the same amount, regardless of how many buildings already stand on the site. You deposit this amount into the bank.

Violetta | 01/15/2015

Below you say that you can buy several branches at once, but there was a situation where all the branches were bought up by players and there was nothing to buy. What to do? I'm talking about the game Monopoly, if anything

Violetta, hello! If the question is really about another game, please ask it in the description of "Monopoly" so as not to mislead those who read the rules of "Millionaire".

Gennady | 01/12/2015

Thank you very much for your answer, everything is clear on the first question. And according to the second - here we get a third option, which none of us could even imagine :) Let me, for clarity, describe the exact situation as an example: Let's take "Oil Holding", which shows the following numbers: Rent: empty plot - 50, one branch - 200, two branches - 750, three branches - 1500, enterprise - 2000. Did I understand correctly that if an enterprise is built on the site, then the player must pay not 2000 indicated on the card, but 2000 + 50 (the cost of renting an empty plot) * 2 = 2100 forfeits? That is, each time you need to add this cost of renting an empty plot, multiplied by two? Isn’t this double amount of an empty plot already included in the indicated cost of renting a business on the card? After all, even for 1 branch the indicated rental cost of 200 forfeits is more than 50*2=100... I apologize for the importunity, but I want to figure it out once and for all)

For plots with buildings you pay exactly as much as indicated on the card. There is no need to add the cost of an empty plot to this figure. Once you find yourself on the Oil Holding cell where the enterprise is built, give your opponent 2000 forfeits. Please always contact us! :-)

Gennady | 01/11/2015

Good afternoon We have a serious dispute regarding the game "Millionaire Classic" art.00109 and only you can help us solve it! The situation is as follows: Player 1 owns all three plots of the same color, and he has already placed one branch on the most expensive one. What rent should Player2 pay if he lands on the cheapest of these three sites for Player1, which does not have a single branch? Should he pay the "empty lot" rental price shown on the card, or should he pay double that figure? Let me explain, the rules of the game say that if a player owns all three plots of the same color, the rental cost is multiplied by two. But what if the player has 1 enterprise, the “Enterprise” rental price figure on the card must be multiplied by two? We will be very grateful for your answer! And thanks for Interesting games that you do!

Gennady, hello! First, on the first question: how much to pay your opponent if you find yourself in the area of ​​his monopoly industry. Follow the directions on the map for the area you are standing on. And it doesn’t matter whether there are branches and enterprises in neighboring areas of the same industry. If you are standing on an EMPTY plot that is in someone else's exclusive ownership, then simply pay the owner double rent for this plot. It’s another matter if you find yourself on someone else’s property with buildings. For each building, an nth amount is added to the double rent (see the specific site card). Now the second question is about renting a plot of land with an enterprise. Only the amount for an empty plot is doubled! Rent for plots with buildings is already indicated taking into account doubling. For example, if you find yourself on an EMPTY “Airline” square, which is in someone’s exclusive ownership, you pay the owner 76 forfeits (38x2). And if there is one branch on this site, then pay 130 forfeits. We hope that we have provided comprehensive answers. But if other disputes arise, feel free to contact us!

Polina | 01/11/2015

that is, if a player has a double, he moves one additional chip or rolls the dice again

Polina, hello! If a player gets a double, then he makes two moves in a row. The first time he goes forward by the number of steps rolled, and the second time he rolls the dice again.

Max | 01/05/2015

Is it possible to mortgage plots if you have a chance to pay double for someone who gets to your plot and leave only 3 plots with branches?

Max, hello! To mortgage a plot in an industry where there are already any buildings, you need to sell ALL of these buildings to the Bank at half price (see the section “Pledge Rules”). It is impossible to lay out plots in the way you describe. In any case, the effect of “Chance” cards does not apply to pledged plots, since these plots are actually not yours.

Sasha | 12/22/2014

What to do if there is no money in the bank?

Sasha, just wait. Perhaps one of the players will want to buy a plot, make a building, etc.

Sasha | 12/21/2014

What to do if the bank runs out of money? I won the jackpot and then took 40% of the budget. Does the bank still owe me?

Sasha, hello! Yes that's right. In this situation, the Bank still owes you. You will be able to receive your debt as soon as money appears in the Bank.

Philip Mityakin | 01.12.2014

Good afternoon Cool toy. True, it has similarities with a monopoly, like Nescafe 3in1 with the Italian LAVAZZA. But the question is different. Over the weekend we argued until we screamed how the branches were built. In the rules section Branches and enterprises: In this case, the plots are built up sequentially: one branch on each, then a second branch, then a third. What exactly does this mean? that in one of my moves I can place a maximum of 3 branches per color zone, that is, ONE branch per “street”/“subzone”, or I can immediately place, say, 9 branches in the entire zone (being a monopolist of this color zone) according to 3 branches for each of the 3 or even for the enterprise, paying the cost of all branches at once?

Philip, hello! Of course, if the player has enough money, he can pay for all branches and immediately install enterprises on his sites. It's another matter when there is not enough money for everything. In this case, the colored plots are built up sequentially: that is, the player first places one branch on each plot, then the second, and so on. For example, if you have one branch on two sites, you will build the next branch on the third site of the industry, and not on one of these two.

Alexander | 11/21/2014

Is it possible to lend money to players? Is it possible to sell plots to players at a price lower than the nominal price?? Or are there any specific rules for these cases?

Alexander, in the rules (see section “Property Trade”) there is such a good wording: Players can enter into any transactions and contractual relations with each other. From this we can conclude that the player determines any monetary relationship with his rivals himself. You can give a loan under certain conditions, or you can transfer a certain amount to your “protégé” free of charge. You can sell a plot that another player desperately needs for fabulous money or give it away for next to nothing. Decide for yourself! This is, so to speak, the “live” part of the game.

Alexander | 11/21/2014

During the period of being in the “tax office”, can a player receive rent from players standing on his sites?

Alexander, yes, he does. He is not paid only a circular income.

Alexander | 11/21/2014

There is such a “chance” card, which says that it is necessary to return one plot to the bank, if there are buildings on this plot, what should be done with them? Is it possible to return the mortgaged plot to the bank?

Alexander, since this point is not specified in the rules, you can decide for yourself what to do in a given situation. When playing with children, make it so that only undeveloped areas can be returned (as long as there are no such areas on the field, the card is simply kept in the player’s hands). If you want to complicate the game, extend the action of the card to all areas without exception (the same applies to one of your previous questions about the “Chance” card). But in this case, the owner of the industry from which the plot is returned will have to say goodbye to his entire monopoly and sell all his buildings to the bank. As for pledged plots (see the section “Rules of Pledge” in the rules), the pledged plot can neither be sold nor exchanged until the complete bankruptcy of its owner. That is, you cannot touch it.

Alexander | 11/21/2014

If the bank does not have enough businesses or branches to purchase, what should you do? Previously, in monopoly it was necessary to wait for branches or enterprises to become free, in this game the order is different?? Is it possible to replace branches with something if there are not enough of them in the bank?

Alexander, in this game the principle is the same: wait until the chips of the branches/enterprises are free.

Alexander | 11/21/2014

If a “move” card appears, which says to change places with the player closest to you, we change places and I, for example (considering that it wasn’t me who went), change places with him and find myself on someone else’s site, do I have to pay rent in this case ?? Thank you in advance!

Alexander, since the move was not yours, you won’t have to pay anything. When it's your turn, you don't need to pay either. You will simply start moving from this square.

Alexander | 11/21/2014

If the card “get any other player’s plot for free” comes up, and this lucky person chooses a plot in an industry in which all the plots belong to me, and each of them has an enterprise built on it, what to do with the buildings? Are they sold to the bank and transferred to the lucky winner? Please explain this situation

Alexander, hello! We believe that only an undeveloped plot can be transferred to someone else's ownership. If there are no such people on the playing field, the “lucky one” will have to hold the card for himself (see the “Chance” section in the rules) until he manages to grab someone else’s free space.

Monogo controversial situations. | 03.11.2014

The rules are poorly written... Many controversial situations arise, unforeseen and undiscussed by the rules. If you had to go back on the “move” card and then move forward, then the player, when crossing the “start” field, receives 200 forfeits again. And if the player had to use this card to return to the “start” field, then? Receives?

The player always receives a circular income when he passes through the START square on his own. But he does not receive it if he “flies” through the START, following the instructions of the movement card. It turns out that in the first case you described, you receive 200 forfeits, since you step through the START yourself, but in the second, you do not, since the movement card sent you to the START.

How to interpret it :) | 03.11.2014

If a card appears: “Any plot of land that belongs to others becomes your property” Does this mean that it is transferred free of charge? Then it’s not entirely logical... It was paid for by another player.

That's the point: you get someone else's land completely free of charge. Luck;-)

Yuri | 03.11.2014

When moving from a black business to a charity, does the player receive a salary of 200 forfeits?

Yuri, judging by the rules, yes. The player does not receive circular income only if he crosses the START square as directed by the movement cards.

Oleg | 10/28/2014

If I own, for example, 2 plots and my opponent owns 1, how can I build branches? Or not at all? :)

Hello, Oleg. You are absolutely right - no way) Branches can only be built if you own the entire industry, that is, all three sections.

Katya | 09/13/2014

Where does the money go when buying branches?! To a charity bank?

Katya, hello! When purchasing branches, you pay money to the bank. The charitable foundation has nothing to do with it. Just a Bank - all the money is in a box, a Charitable Fund Bank - a cage in the center of the field.

Evgenia | 09/01/2014

How do you know whether to buy branches and businesses sequentially? That is, I can start building a branch with each of my turns?

Evgenia, “consistently” means that it is impossible, for example, to build 3 branches on one site at once, and leave the remaining sites of the same industry empty. First, you need to build one branch in each sector of the industry, then a second and a third. And then every three branches can be replaced by an enterprise. What you wrote is also true: branches and enterprises can be built every turn if there is a desire and opportunity.

Your name | 06/01/2014

How much money should a charity fund have? and how to put them there

Hello! The amount of money in the Charity Fund is not limited. You can put them there by following the instructions of the game. For example, if you land on the “Black Business” square.

Tatiana | 04/07/2014

It’s not clear how to build branches: where to give the money and how to mark what has been built?

Tatyana, branches and enterprises are purchased from the Bank, which means the player gives the money to the Bank. The set includes special “Branch” and “Enterprise” chips, which are placed on the built-up area. To learn more about the rules, you can watch our new video for the game “Millionaire Classic”.

rasul | 03/27/2014

this game is wonderful

rasul | 03/27/2014

this game is great

rasul | 03/27/2014

this game is perfect

Ivan | 12/16/2013

The game is great! Only the rules are not clear regarding the construction of branches. Can they be built at any time, being on any field (provided that you own the entire industry), or do you need to get to the field where you want to create a branch?

Ivan, hello! You can build branches and enterprises in areas of your industry, located on any cell of the playing field.

Board games have always been in great demand. During the period of active development of the Internet era, they were somewhat, so to speak, modernized and became even more popular. Today, almost any game can be downloaded to your computer, tablet or smartphone. But it's better to get all your friends together and have fun, say, playing Monopoly. It's pretty old game. It is already more than a hundred years old, but this has not affected its popularity in any way. In this article you will learn how to play Monopoly.

First meeting

The goal is to remain the only player who has not gone bankrupt. The playing field consists of squares through which participants move, depending on the number rolled on the die. In any sector there is a plot that can be purchased from the bank for development. But here, as in real life, you will have to pay taxes and mortgage the property. Well, of course, you need to be at least a little economically savvy.


First you need to place all the objects (houses, hotels) in the sectors of the playing field in accordance with the diagram. Then shuffle the “Chances” cards and place them with their backs on the corresponding square. Then each player chooses a chip and places it on the “Forward” sign. The team chooses a Banker who will manage the money. There are 16 banknotes in total:

  • 500 thousand rubles. - 2 pcs.;
  • 100 thousand rubles. - 4 things.;
  • 50 thousand rubles. - 1 PC.;
  • 20 thousand rubles. - 1 PC.;
  • 10 thousand rubles. - 2 pcs.;
  • 5 thousand rubles. - 1 PC.;
  • 1 thousand rub. - 5 pieces.

The documents for the property remain in the bank. Salaries, bonuses and loans are issued in other money. The amount of "cash" is not limited. At any time, you can write on a regular piece of paper. The game on Android “Monopoly” is deprived of the ability to “issue” paper money.

Each participant takes turns throwing the dice and moving the piece across the field. The direction of movement is indicated by arrows. There can be several chips on one cell. It also contains instructions for further actions: pay taxes, buy land, pay rent, receive a salary, or go to prison.

How to play Monopoly: rules

The player can go through the “Forward” point several times. At the same time, the bank pays 200 thousand rubles when it stops again in this sector.

The “Construction site” position gives the player the opportunity to be the first to buy out property documents if no one has done so before. In this case, the card must be placed face up on the field. In case of refusal to purchase, the plot is immediately put up for auction at the lowest price and sold at the most recent offer. The Banker manages the process.

"Ownership" allows you to collect rent from "tenants". If the properties are painted in one color, then that allows you to build houses.

“Do not leave someone else’s property”: the owner can demand from you but only until the next player rolls the dice. The payment amount is indicated in the documents and may change during the game. It depends on the number of buildings constructed. Rent is charged each time a player stops on a property of the same color group and is doubled if the player ends up on a built-up lot, provided that the building is not mortgaged. For the "Station" field the rules are similar.

The same conditions apply in the sector as with real estate. There is only one thing: rent is charged in accordance with the number of points that appear on the dice. The amount increases 4 times if the owner has one enterprise, and 10 times if both. If a player lands on the field using the “Chances” card, then he needs to roll the dice to determine how much the payment will increase.

The game "Monopoly. Millionaire" has one interesting sector. If a participant hits the field " Public treasury", then he needs to take a card from the pile and follow the instructions indicated in it. There are many options: from moving chips to getting out of prison for free. After fulfilling the conditions, the card must be placed at the very bottom of the pile.

Position "Taxes": the specified amount must be paid to the bank.

"Free parking" means that the player can simply stay on the field and do nothing.

They end up in “Prison” if the corresponding card or the same number on the dice appears three times in a row. Here the player does not receive a salary, but can save rent. To leave this field, you need to pay a fine of 50 thousand rubles or buy a “Get Out of Jail Free” card from another player. Then the game continues. Monopoly for two has advantages in this regard. If you don't have enough money in your account, you can stay in prison and continue rolling the dice. If you get a double, make a move. But you will still have to pay a fine (50 thousand rubles). Only after this can you continue the game. If the player got into the prison sector not by the map, but as a result of a move, then he will not have to pay a fine.

Details about the property

Having plots of the same color group, you can buy houses and pay rent to players who are in your possessions. The transaction should be made in between moves. The plot is built up evenly: building a second house on a sector of the same color is allowed only after the others have one building each. The maximum number of buildings on one area is 4. They are also sold only evenly, but at any time.

After development, you can buy a hotel. Unit price - 4 houses plus the amount indicated on the property card. Only one hotel is allowed to be purchased in each sector. If the bank cannot sell the house, and there are not enough buildings of its own, then it will have to wait until other participants part with their possessions. If there are many people willing to purchase real estate, an auction is held.


The game has one more advantage. You can sell plots, railway stations and utilities other players. If a participant wants to sell an empty sector of one color group, then first he needs to sell all the real estate from it - evenly - and then put it up for sale. The bank makes a purchase for half the amount indicated in the documents. Hotels of the same color group are sold simultaneously.

You can get money from the bank by mortgaging real estate. A title deed turned face down is proof of a mortgage. The bank can sell such property only to other players. The amount to be repaid is the cost of the buildings plus 10%. A participant in the game can independently implement the building.

If a player owes the bank more money than he can pay after selling all his property, then he is bankrupt. The financial institution takes away his property and sells it at auction. If the creditor is another player, then he sells the debtor's property to the bank for half its value. Here's how to play Monopoly.

Tips for beginners

Having figured out how to play Monopoly, we move on to the question of tactics. We remind you that the goal is to remain the only non-bankrupt participant. Therefore, in order to win, in addition to the rules, you also need to know some features.

Buy everything

If you don’t have money, then you should pledge your existing property to the bank. When participating in auctions, pay special attention railways and land plots. It is better not to purchase water and electric companies. Their payback period is 3 player stops on this field.

Prison is your helper

At the stage of accumulating prison sentences, it is better to avoid imprisonment, but if you do end up behind bars, you must take all measures to get out of prison as soon as possible. But when other players begin to actively build up their territories, it is better to skip a move or two.

Buy railroads

All four have a special place in the game. At the very beginning they bring a lot of profit, in the middle they will not be superfluous, and at the end gameplay It's better to get rid of them.


According to statistics, the prison is the most visited cell on the playing field. The most profitable areas are purple, orange and green. At the same time, it is better to build no more than three houses in a sector of the same color. The only time it is worth purchasing a hotel is if all your areas are the same color.

Use it wisely at home

According to the rules, their number in one game is limited, and you cannot buy hotels at the very beginning. Experienced participants base their strategy on this, namely: they fill all their sites with buildings and never acquire hotels. This prevents other players from owning real estate.

Psychological features of trading

  • People value mortgaged land less, that is, they are ready to part with it at a lower price.
  • Inexperienced players easily exchange or sell what they consider to be “useless” single plots.

A large number of participants is the advantage of the game

Monopoly for two is not as interesting as playing with a group of friends. One winning strategy works well with a large number of players. It consists of quickly and at any price buying three cards of any color (starting with blue). In this case, the player must have a large number of multi-colored plots of land. You can even sacrifice the railway for this. After which you need to quickly build houses and under no circumstances part with your lands.

Which option is better?

The Monopoly game installs on your computer quite quickly. But it's better to give preference desktop version. By gathering your friends at home, you can take advantage of a large number of players and try out the following winning strategy in practice.

How to play Monopoly with bank cards

This option is more suitable for a money manager. One of the rules of the game is that a financial institution can issue any number of banknotes on plain paper at any time. It is worth using it when the process becomes especially tedious, and “issuing” banknotes of 1 thousand rubles. This will force other participants to take their minds off thinking about game tactics and start counting money.


"Monopoly" is a game for a group of friends. To win, you need not only to know the rules well, but also to develop tactics and strategy in advance. The ultimate goal, as already mentioned, is to remain the only non-bankrupt participant.

Rules of the game PURPOSE OF THE GAME Monopoly is economic game, the goal of which is to buy as many different enterprises as possible, build as many branches and monopolies as possible, i.e. become a major monopolist, thereby ruining its rivals. GAME DESCRIPTION The number of players participating in the game can be from 2 to 5. Playing field is a square. Movement across the field is carried out clockwise from the starting cell “BANK”. The order of the players' moves, as well as the player's color, are determined automatically by the computer. The game begins with the player rolling dice to determine how many squares forward he should move. Throwing the dice, determining the total number of numbers rolled by the dice, as well as moving the player’s chip is carried out automatically. If the numbers on both dice thrown are the same (double), the player is entitled to an additional roll. If the double is repeated 3 times, then the player ends up in the “Hospital” cell. After throwing the dice, the player moves n spaces forward. STOPING AT A FREE PLOT If a player lands on an enterprise card that has not been purchased by another player, then he has the opportunity to buy this enterprise for the price indicated on the card. In this case, the enterprise becomes his property and is painted in the player’s color. If the plot is not purchased, it remains free and available for purchase by other players. STAYING AT A OWNED LOT Each purchased lot has its own rent. When an opponent lands on your square, he pays you this amount. Rents increase when building branches and skyrocket when building a monopoly. BRANCHES and MONOPOLY The field is divided into 8 industries, each of which has 3 enterprises, painted in the same color. If a player buys all 3 enterprises of one industry (monopoly), he can build branches in each sector of the industry. The plots are built up sequentially: one branch on each, then a second branch, then a third. After 3 branches have been built on all cells of the industry, the player can build a monopoly. SALE If the player decides to sell the enterprise, then the BANK pays him half of their original price. If a player sells branches, he must remove them from the plots evenly: one building from each plot. At the same time, the BANK also buys buildings for half of their original price. EXCHANGE Players have the opportunity to exchange businesses. If you lack any cards before monopoly, and another player has them, you can offer him an exchange: offer cards that you would like to take, and cards that you would like to offer in return. You can equalize the deal by adding the required amount. DEPOSIT Initially, each player is given $2000. If you have no money left, you can mortgage your enterprises, receiving half of the purchase price for them. In the future, you can buy out these enterprises. Players visiting mortgaged businesses will not be charged rent. Mortgaged plots cannot be exchanged or sold. “SURPRISE” BANK CELLS Players start from the “BANK” square. Passing through this cell in the future, the player receives +$200 to his total. In addition to this, the bank’s functionality offers each player a deposit account with an initial amount of $100. Each time you use the “Bank” card, your account is replenished with a fixed amount of $50. If desired, the player can withdraw the entire amount, thereby canceling the account. CITY HALL When landing on the “CITY HALL” cell, the player is offered one of several types of bonuses, determined automatically. The player may receive an offer to buy one of the selected free enterprises or to seize an enterprise from other players that is not in a monopoly at an increased cost. CASINO The "Casino" cage gives you the opportunity to play the "One-Armed Bandit" slot machine. You select the bet you want to place and pull the lever. When certain matches of items appear in the machine, you receive a win. HOSPITAL To get out of the “Hospital” cell, you must pay a certain amount, or continue to be “treated.” In the latter case, you will be offered cards with treatment options and, if you choose the correct option, you will be able to leave the “Hospital”; if not, then you will remain “treated”. CENTRAL CELLS In addition to the outer ones, there are central action cells. These cells are polar, i.e. can give both positive (in this case they are colored green) and so-called “negative” bonuses (colored red). CHANCE and MOVEMENT In addition, there are bonus squares such as "Chance" and "Movement" that affect the player's location and well-being. END OF THE GAME Players who are in the red are considered losers. They are declared bankrupt and removed from the game. The bankrupt's branches and monopolies are returned to the bank. Site cards are placed on the field in their corresponding cells. The game continues until all players except one are completely bankrupt - he is declared the winner.

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