Walkthrough of the game Corsairs: To Each His Own - Kaleuche. Dutch Gambit: basic options Walkthrough of the game corsairs for everyone Dutch Gambit

I accompanied the merchant to Tortuga, or rather to his lighthouse, and he gave me the plans of his competitor, another merchant, whose hold was filled with mahogany. He said that in two weeks he would have to appear on Cayman Island to replenish drinking water supplies. I thanked for the information and did not bear a grudge against my former companion, instead I moved to the port of Tortuga and exchanged my Lugger for a Sloop, which was slightly better than mine and could accommodate 15 more people, not to mention a more capacious hold, additional guns more high caliber. I did not load my ship, because my sailors were not very good gunners, and I myself, not very accurate, so I took 6-pound guns (3-pound on the Lugger), loaded the ship with gunpowder and shells, provisions I took enough for the voyage to the Caymans and more for the days of waiting for the ship. I didn’t load the ship too much and relied on speed and maneuverability, because the battle lay ahead of me against Flute, whose hold was supposed to be bursting with mahogany, therefore, there would be a battle against a clumsy heavyweight.

Cherishing dreams of a mountain of gold and glory, I set my ship towards Cayman. Along the way there were pirates and Spanish patrols, but they would never catch up with my swallow. Arriving on the island, three days earlier than expected, I decided to inspect it for profit and other hunters, like me. As soon as he landed on the shore, the sailors immediately ran up. It was clear from them that they had not eaten for several days and were very happy to see my ship. They asked to join me in my service, but I recruited sailors at the Tortuga tavern and I did not have room for them. Well, I didn’t leave them there on the island with empty hands and stomach. He ordered his sailors to provide them with a boat, medicines and provisions. This would be enough for them to reach the crowded shores of Cuba, and he himself headed into the interior of the island. After several hours of searching, I discovered the entrance to the cave. There was an empty chest in it, and in the cave itself there was a disgusting atmosphere - it smelled like a curse, so my bodyguard and I hurried to leave it quickly. Having examined the entire island, I returned back to the ship. There is no trace of those sailors, apparently they decided to try their luck and try to swim to the mainland or to Cuba. Good luck to them with that.

I ordered the ship to be camouflaged and began to wait for that merchant. Three days later he appeared on his flute under the French flag. His “friend” forgot to mention this, so I ordered to change my French flag to the Jolly Roger and headed to meet the flute. My sloop cut through the waves like a hot knife through butter and half an hour later you could already see the merchant’s surprised face through my cheap binoculars. On the deck of the flute, sailors began to run around, disturbing each other. Newbies, I thought.

The battle went on for several hours. My sloop seemed to be dancing near a large and clumsy elephant and stinging its most vulnerable parts. I didn’t have much gunpowder, because I didn’t want to overload my ship, so the first thing I did was fire at the ship’s crew. They may be newcomers, but there were three, or maybe even four, more of them than us. It's not worth the risk. So the reserves of buckshot ran out, and the crew of the flute was noticeably reduced, and its sails were also damaged, now it was even more clumsy. I did not allow this unfortunate captain to turn his ship sideways towards me, I constantly adjusted my side to his stern and fired from all five 6-foot cannons. Well, the gunpowder ran out in the hold.

There are only 30 of my 59 sailors left, what a pity that not all of them will be able to see the gold that I will receive for the goods that lie in the flute’s hold, if it really is there. But there was nowhere to retreat, and it was stupid - we took up arms and went to board. For each of our sailors there were three enemy sailors, and this is taking into account the fact that we fired at them with grapeshot for so long that it would have been enough to cast a large bell.

How many deaths? Of all the sailors, only four were squeezed out, and even then, three of them were seriously wounded. It was impossible to allow the death of the others to be in vain and, armed, my Indian friend and I went down into the hold, where ten more French sailors were waiting for us. Their numbers are against our skill. I made the right choice to save this Indian from the gallows. Victory was ours, and I had a meeting with their captain. The merchant turned out to be not accommodating, but I wanted to invite him to surrender and sail on, with his surviving sailors or those taken prisoner. He thought he could defeat me and doomed his people to slavery - well, that would be on his conscience.

But the merchant did not deceive. The hold of the flute was completely filled with mahogany. We spent several hours reloading the goods into the hold of our ship, and then headed back to Tortuga. The way back turned out to be quite calm, and the wind was glorious. The risk paid off and I earned fifty thousand pesos, ten thousand of which were spent on repairing my swallow, recruiting a new team and replenishing supplies. Aarrrghhh, what a nice day it was!

Dutch Gambit:

We sail to Antigua, go left and go into Charlie Knippel's house. In order to be given a task for the English side, you must have the following characteristics: navigation – 30 points, positive or neutral honor, and the main character’s rank is not higher than 15.

If you have met all these conditions, you will receive the first task. We need to capture the East India ship. Before taking on this task, go to the taverns and hire a couple of boarders who can become officers. Also purchase nipples and cores. After that, return to Charlie and take on the task. You will need to cross the direction Martinique - Antigua - St. Christopher. Also, fourteen days are allotted for this task. If you do not meet this deadline, the British will not work with you. But in theory you should meet it. As soon as you see a ship with purple sails, this is our goal. Swim towards it and engage in battle. We destroy two small ships and board the big one. After a successful boarding, we assign an officer to the ship with the silver and return to Antigua to Charlie Knippel. We report on the availability of the ship and silver on it, and receive orders to come exactly one day later to meet the commander, receive a reward, and also a new task.

Walkthrough “Corsairs: To Each His Own.” "Dutch Gambit" for England

Walkthrough “Corsairs: To Each His Own.” "Dutch Gambit" for England

Richard talks about the Schneur family, about Abigail, about her father, who thinks he is an evil pirate and therefore wants to marry his daughter to an evil Dutchman, who is Richard’s enemy. Richard will ask you to bring Abigail to him, and we agree. We sail to Willemstad and go into the Schneurs' house, which is located next to the residence. Solomon meets us at the house and begins to tell us about some kind of grandfather’s skull and that we return his money. He will also tell you where Abigail is. We go to church and talk to her. Abigail doesn't want to leave her father until the family treasures are found, so we will need to find them. To search for latitude and longitude, we will need a compass, as well as a working chronometer. We have a compass, and the chronometer is bought in the GVIK building. A working chronometer is made in the inventory (K) by crossing an hourglass and a chronometer. After that, go to your cabin, put on a working chronometer and compass, and then use the “thinking out loud” option to look for the right place. Coordinates: 12’48 and 64’41, swim to these coordinates and then go out to sea. By the way, the coordinates do not have to be absolutely the same; an error is permissible. The main thing is that when you go to sea, an inscription about the location of the island appears in the ship's log. After this, land on the island and go to the grotto. A chest awaits us in the grotto, but it explodes as we approach, and a zombie, the Chavinavi guard, will crawl out of the ground. We kill him and rummage through the corpse, after the chest - in the chest instead of money there will be a head. After the events we experienced, we go to Richard Fleetweed and tell him about everything we saw.

Arriving at Richard Fleetweed, we tell everything we saw and show the head of Bald Gaston. Richard will ask you to look into this situation and go to Bridgetown (Barbados) to check whether Gaston really died or this is a deceptive maneuver by our enemies. After this, we should sail to Curacao, to the Blanca Lagoon, to Charlie, who will be waiting for us with money to ransom Abigail. We need to do it in twenty days. We arrive and go to the tavern. There we receive a letter from Gaston with warnings about the Englishman and the Dutchman. And that you can’t trust anyone. Now we need to sail to Curacao, to the Blanca Lagoon, where Charlie is waiting for us. We arrive at the place and find out that there is no need to swim anywhere else. Charlie hands over a letter from Richard wishing him good luck and two hundred thousand pesos, so as not to be completely disappointed in this English traitor. There is nothing to do, you will have to fight with the Dutch dogs. Also, Charlie will be asked to join your team. Take it, you won't regret it. At the exit from the lagoon, three Dutch warships are waiting for us. You can fight them, or you can run away. Remember, if you decide to fight, you will ruin your reputation with Holland.

After you detach from the fleet, sail to Antigua to find a pharmacy. Go down into the underground passage, which is located next to the entrance to the church. Wandering through the catacombs, you will stumble upon Murdoch, who, in turn, will not want to give up the papers and will attack you. Be careful, he is not alone, but with a Chinese man.

Walkthrough “Corsairs: To Each His Own.” "Dutch Gambit" for England

Walkthrough “Corsairs: To Each His Own.” "Dutch Gambit" for England

From Murdoch's corpse it will be possible to take: seventeen thousand pesos, a trombone, John Murdoch's archive and two sealed letters. You also need to find a code, for this: we leave the dungeon and enter again, after that we go straight and turn right. We search the stones and find the code. After this, we sail to Cayman, to Esmeralda Bay, where Lucas Rodenburg is already waiting for us. If you have a ship of rank 4 or higher, you can board it. If not, then just drown it. After boarding Lucas, you can remove the following things: an officer's saber, a dueling pistol, a good telescope and twenty thousand pesos. In the chest you can find: twenty thousand pesos, a four-barreled pistol, one hundred and forty-five gold doubloons, a “jade turtle” amulet, a “Fisherman” amulet, “Ish-Chel” tears, blue amber, amber, a meteorite. After killing Lucas, get off the ship as soon as possible, as it is mined. After a successful boarding and explosion of Lucas, land on the shore of Esmeralda, go into the jungle and enter the grotto. Inside will be two hundred thousand pesos and the keys to the pharmacy - our new property. Don't forget to visit your new home in Antigua and meet your new friend - Gino Guineili. He will give you a beginner alchemist's chest, as well as a recipe for an antidote.

After this adventure, you should have accumulated a million. If you haven’t accumulated enough, then complete side tasks, and then go to Michel and make him happy with your first million earned.

Good day, dear friend!

Today the subject of our attention is the half-brother of the Peruvian gambit, which we have already examined. Namely, the Dutch Gambit, a rather original discovery of Dutch chess players.

What kind of gambit is this?

An edgy sequel developed and introduced by Dutch masters, primarily L. Prince and T. van Scheltinga .

The Dutch Gambit, or Dutch Variation as it is sometimes called, is one of the branches of the Gambit

I think it's easy to notice that the Dutch Gambit starts from the same position as the gambit we discussed earlier. Instead of 5…Qb6, black is playing 5…cd

The meaning of the move 5…cd– by sacrificing a pawn to get ahead of the opponent in development and seize the initiative.

Significant contributions to the theory and practice of the Dutch Gambit were made by Bronstein, Keres, Geller . Sometimes the “Dutchman” is used by modern grandmasters. He was seen in the debut repertoire Vitiugov, Naiditsch .

Main options

Let's consider the main options that arise in this original.


There was also a preliminary 6.Fa4+. However, the practical test turned out rather in favor of Black.

For example:

Black's position is even better. Pachman–Prince, 1949 See also the section on errors and pitfalls.


6. Q:d4 Be7

Preparing to gain tempo with your move Ks6

Straightaway 6…Ks6 not good in view 7.B:f6 gf 8.Qe4


The move considered the best. When 7.Kf3 ed it turns out an improved version

Other options:


Example option:

Black has the initiative for the pawn.

7.0-0-0 ?!

This beautiful move also has a dubious reputation.

For example:

Again, Black has sufficient compensation.


Black has the initiative.


With a full game for Black.

Let's get back to the move 7.е4

7.e4 Kc6

A programmatic move within the framework of the idea of ​​the Dutch Gambit.

White before choosing: 8.Bb5, 8.Qa4, 8.Qe3 And 8.Qd2. Let's look at it in order:


This energetic move is not scary for Black.

For example:

Black has the initiative.


Black levels the game.

With counterplay for Black.

With compensation for Black's pawn.


Black has compensation for the sacrificed piece.

Gulko – Giorgadze , 1969

White fought back, but it is not easy to realize a material advantage.

Sadie - Bisguier, 1971

In addition, there is a feeling that Black's play in the last example can be strengthened.

Common mistakes and pitfalls

White's knight is caught. Play it right 7.Q:d4. Better yet, take the pawn a move earlier - 6.Q:d4

As you can see, a witty attack Nb6 allows Black to resist even a seemingly fatal double check from White. And not just to resist, but to maintain material superiority.

For whites the lesser of evils 9.Q:d4

It should be noted that if White plays Nb5 without prior exchange for f6, Black can no longer allow a double check:

And White wins.

Black wins an exchange.

A short summary:

The peculiarity of the Dutch Gambit is that it has quite a lot of pitfalls. Above we were convinced of this statement.

White must play carefully, including in terms of the order of moves. Otherwise, you can not only give up the initiative, but also lose the material already in the opening.

Approximate games

Gradelius - Naiditsch , Douglas, 2016 ½: ½

Tukmakov — Ubilava , Rostov-on-Don, 1980, 0:1

Smyslov - Geller , Moscow, 1955 1:0

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