Football simulation. how virtual game developers earn four times more than fifa


  • D / RB - regular accurate shot on the move, header
  • Z+D / RB+B - a tricky strike on a hinged trajectory. It is more difficult to apply, but when it hits the target it is often effective.
  • Q+D / LB+B - “parachute”.

Passes and crosses

  • S/A - short pass/header. The strength of the pass and its length depend on the time the button is held
  • A/X - manual long pass (hold to determine force of shot)
  • A+A+A / X+X+X - low cross
  • Q+W / LB+Y - penetrating pass on horseback (hold to determine the force of the strike). If used wisely, you can get a player 1v1 with the goalie
  • Q+W*2 / LB+Y*2 - cross on the move
  • Q+A / LB+X - early layup (from outside the penalty area)
  • Q+A*2 / LB+X*2 - early low cross (from outside the penalty area)
  • Q+S+S / LB+A*2 - wall game
  • W / Y - pass/through pass (hold to determine the force of the shot). Convenient for getting a player into a striking position or sharpening an attack.

Defensive play

  • Q / LB - player choice
  • D/A - pressing (hold)
  • Z/RB - connect a second defender (hold)
  • C/LT – fight for the ball (hold “up”)
  • S+Z / A+RB - double pressing
  • A/X - tackle
  • D/B – throwing the ball out of bounds (in one’s own half)
  • E/RT - standing still, blocking the ball with your body

Types of dribbling

  • Arrows / Left stick - normal dribbling
  • Q+arrows / LB+Left stick - increased control
  • C+arrows / LT+Left stick - maximum control
  • E+arrows / RT+Left stick - run (small control)
  • Right digital part / Right stick - throwing the ball (minimal control

Playing as a goalkeeper

  • W/Y - game on exit (hold)
  • Q / LB - position selection
  • S/A - ball release (hold to pass the ball to the far player)
  • S+S / A+A - false throw (when determining the force of the blow)
  • A/D/X/B- drop kick
  • W/Y - throw the ball onto the lawn
  • W/Y - taking the ball
  • A/X - tackle
  • C/LT - call defender

Implementation of 1 to 1 outputs

Suppose you managed to bring a player to a rendezvous with the goalkeeper or the last defender in front of you. The best way to deal with a defender is with a feint. If he's in the back, it's not a problem at all. So, there are several options. However, you need to try to get as close as possible to the goalkeeper (2 and a half meters) and then there are several options:

  1. Stop (C / LT), catch the goalkeeper on pause and, depending on the situation, either shoot into the far corner, or wait for maximum approach and sharply move to the side (E+C / LT+RT). Then it’s just a matter of scoring into an empty goal.
  2. Pass to an oncoming teammate if he is in a better position.
  3. Try to beat the goalkeeper with a feint (“swing” is perfect for this) and shoot into the empty goal.
  4. Without further ado, reduce the distance to critical (one and a half meters) and punch.
  5. Try to throw over the goalkeeper (Q+D / LB+B).

Corners and free kicks

  • A/X-feed/overhang
  • D/B - punch (hold to increase punch power). Spinning the ball - arrows "left", "right" (hold to increase the force of the blow)
  • A+A+A / X+X+X - low cross (hold to increase impact power)
  • Q+A / LB+X - soft canopy
  • E/RT - change of batter, server
  • C/LT - call second player
  • C+D / LT+B - strike by the second player
  • C+S / LT+A - rollback under attack
  • Z / RB - call the 3rd player (for free throws)
  • Q+D / LB+B - low kick (for free throws)


  • D/B - powerful blow
  • Q+D / LB+B - “parachute”
  • Z+D / RB+B - technical strike
  • Right digital part / Right stick - dive (goalie)
  • Arrows “right”, “left” / Left stick - moving along the line during a penalty kick (goalkeeper)
  • Use arrows to indicate the direction of the strike or save. The impact force is adjusted intuitively.


  • A+S, D+S / X+A, B+A- false swings
  • Zidane's feint: SHIFT+LEFT,DOWN,RIGHT or SHIFT+LEFT,UP,RIGHT (without releasing SHIFT, press the arrows in turn)
  • Ronaldinho feints: SHIFT+UP+UP;SHIFT+Down+down;SHIFT+Up+Down
  • To avoid it during a tackle (take the ball between your legs and jump), press SHIFT sharply (condition: the tackle must be performed from the front)
  • SHIFT + “arrow where the player is looking” + “arrow to the side” / LT+ “direction where the player is looking” + “direction to the side” - going to the side (does not happen that often, it needs to be performed by football players of a sufficient level, but most often the technique is automatic)
  • SHIFT + arrows on the “second floor” / LT+ direction on the “second floor” - body play (pushing) when receiving a cross

Who is your local hero among your friends? Of course, the one who plays best at . It is undeniable that there are people who are naturally endowed with the best reaction, cunning and good memory, but each new part franchise from EA gives you the opportunity to start over with a clean slate. Today we will try to tell you about the most important aspects of the game that will allow you to get the fastest start.

This year, FIFA has acquired a set of new tricks, some of them useful, while others are made for the usual pathos. Some aspects of the game have been completely redone, plus new offensive feints have been added (including the Jewelry Through Pass, the Bouncing Header, and so on).

If you listen to our advice, you will soon begin to use many more movements. Here are ten things you might not know about FIFA 17, and the key combinations you need to do them.

10. Powerful blow

Hold B or Circle to charge a strike, press again to perform it

Since goalkeepers in FIFA 17 have received a strong bonus to their characteristics, you will have to vary your shots in order to drive the ball into the net. Most The best way for this - a powerful blow that will send the ball straight to the target, while it will be pressed to the ground. This will greatly improve your player's chances of moving up the final table, especially if he has just been acquired. In addition, this blow practically negates the protection of the nearest post.

9. Holding the ball

Hold LT or L2 as soon as the ball is at the player's feet

As you've probably already heard, FIFA 17 is all about physics. Player size and strength are now more important than ever, and holding the ball opens up a whole host of tactics. Successfully executing this move will allow your attackers to deal with attackers and break through enemy defenses.

8. Jeweled through pass

Hold R.B. or R1 while making a pass ( Y or Triangle)

One of the most frustrating moments in the FIFA series is when your striker charges forward through a hole in the defence, prepares to go one-on-one with the goalkeeper, and your perfectly placed ball hits his shin. There is a special technique to prevent such situations. The through pass is an extremely useful tool in any FIFA player's arsenal and can, when executed successfully, make you delighted, or otherwise make you hate all of your players. This year, the through pass allows for excellent accuracy with little spin.

7. Bouncing header

Click B or Circle twice as the ball flies up; hold longer the first time for more punching power

Head kicks have been a bit of an imbalance in FIFA for a long time, and unfortunately this year is no exception, so we advise you to learn how to gain aerial superiority as quickly as possible. The Bouncing Header is a new feature that gives you even more chances to score from long range, so try to cross the ball whenever you have some space to attack.

6. Free kicks from the side of the foot

Aim slightly outside the post, use the right stick to line up the player behind the ball and move the left stick 45 degrees up

The new FIFA brought us new type free kicks. This technique involves hitting with a spin, causing the ball to fly along a curved trajectory. If you successfully master this method, you will not leave the goalkeeper a single chance.

5. Powerful goal kicks

Hold R.B. or R1 and press either the throw or hit button

Goalkeepers now have a bit of extra precision and skill thanks to a new move that allows them to get the ball into the field over a very long distance. This technique is best used during a counter attack, but be careful as the ball can always be intercepted.

4. Fake throw-in

X or Square in the direction of the decoy player and A or X for the one to whom we throw

The feint is definitely a useful technique if you want to buy some time and space for your attacking players.

3. Rolling the ball back

While the player is standing (you can stop him with a false swing), hold down RT or R2, perform a false swing, and then perform a movement with the left stick Up/Left or Up/Right

Rolling the ball back is one of the most useful tricks for deceiving your opponent. Your player starts moving in one direction, and then suddenly changes it. If you get used to this skill, you will greatly improve your FIFA skills.

2. Neymar Feint

While the player is standing, hold the right stick to the right or left and move the left stick in the direction of movement to direct your player forward

A fairly easy skill to perform, but that doesn't make it useless. This trick is especially effective against live players. However, when playing against the computer, do not rely too much on it, as they are less susceptible to cheating

1. Elbow dance

After a goal is scored, hold R.B. or R2 and press Y or Triangle twice

We will end today's article on a cheerful note, namely celebrations. The undisputed king of 2016 was the elbow dance or dab. We understand that everyone has their own tastes, but you should try it at least once!

The FIFA18 demo is now live and gives players the chance to check out all the new features, tweaks and additions that EA Sports has brought to the overall game process. Let's look at the most interesting of them in this guide.

How to celebrate a goal

While FIFA 18 has a number of new celebrations, the one that was introduced last year is incredible. After becoming popular in online gaming, it has made a comeback.

If you played FIFA 17 last year, you already know how to do this. Simply hold R1/RB and then double-tap the Triangle/Y button. This will cause your player to do a little dance-like celebration, and some of your teammates will come and join you in your antics.

However, if you score a goal with Paul Pogba, the celebration becomes much easier. Just press the X/A button and it will automatically make it your signature feature. However, all others will require you to follow the previous method mentioned above.

How to get skill points

Whether you're playing ProClubs mode in FIFA 18 or guiding young Alex through his second season of professional soccer in HunterReturns, skill points will be essential. As the name suggests, this is the currency you will use to unlock and improve player stats in ProClubs or Hunter. How to easily get skill points? The answer to this question is simple, but it will also require your time.

When it comes to HunterReturns, skill points will simply be earned through strong performances in matches. Tutorial exercises will also improve your stats, but they don't reward you with points.

The same goes for playing ProClubs. You'll earn these points by simply playing matches, and you can get them faster by finishing games with a high score. Match rating is determined by a number of things from the number of passes completed, the number of goals or assists scored, and the success rate of your interceptions. Even if you play terrible in every game, you will still unlock skill points in FIFA 18, just slower.

How to score a controlled goal

The controlled goal was introduced in last year's version of the popular football game and he turned out to be key part games. It allows you to hit a powerful shot past the goalkeeper on the ground, giving you a small chance to save the goal. To score a successful goal, you need to be somewhere in the center, preferably with a good line of sight to the goal. Then keep the B/Circle button pressed as long as you have time to execute the shot. When your player is about to kick the ball, press the same button again to perform a controlled goal. Your player will hit the ball on the ground while maintaining the maximum amount of energy that you set when you first press the kick button.

Don't be afraid to put more energy into your controlled goal than other types of shots in FIFA 18, because the more powerful it is, the more unstoppable it will be. However, keep in mind that if you don't hit the shot a second time, the force of your shot will be too strong and it will go over the bar.

Guided goals have had a lot of power since they were introduced last year. They are very useful in the FIFA 18 demo, so be sure to make the most of them in the full game.

How to add value to your club

One of the major additions to the career mode in last year's version of the game was the inclusion of goals set by the board of the club you manage. These goals can range from better development youth before the club's value increases. Since this may be vital to the satisfaction of your board, this results in an increase in the funds allocated.

Most effective method- get maximum profit through transfers. If you have senior players who are worth a lot of money, it would be better to sell as many of them as you can and replace them with cheaper players with high potential. This increases your club's profit margin and increases its value. Make sure the players you buy have quality and potential and a low asking price. Established or young players are great options.

Additionally, buying world class players or developing young players within them will also increase the value of your club. This is because it will increase the money generated from marketing, shirt sales and ticket sales. All this increases the earnings and value of the club.

FIFA 18 - the game is another version in the FIFA series. Electronic Arts has introduced many important innovations, and this will bring great pleasure to all fans of virtual football. Particularly significant is the introduction of Real Players Motion technology, which controls the appearance, animation and behavior of players in the game. Although this technology mainly involves best players, less famous football players also behave more realistically, as new system takes into account various factors.

In today's article we will look at several interesting ways win the game. Fifa 14 is a game in which two equal opponents can compete, but they cannot score or increase their advantage. Players who are just a little bit missing something. The simulator from EA Sports allows for its peculiarity when everything can be decided by one single moment and, based on the strength of the team, an inferior opponent can tip the scales with his competent action or cunning trick.

So today I want to tell you a couple of such tricks. Let's start with perhaps the most effective way to score in the current series of games - serves. But sometimes more experienced players, knowing about such tactics of crosses, they block in every possible way and nothing comes out during the game. There is a completely calm option for serving - this is to earn corners. Score, play against the players and get your chance. The only question is that not everyone is able to correctly and effectively use the opportunity that presents itself. But that's why we're here, to share and learn.

The first thing you need to remember when filing corners is that throw away all football standards and concepts that directly proportional football players should take corners, the left corner is with the right, and the right corner is left-handed, you need to twist it from the goalkeeper - this is true, but Fifa14 breaks everything that was logical earlier. To score a goal from a corner, you need to use the player in a similar way to the serving side, that is, the left corner must be taken by a left-hander, and the right corner must be taken with the right foot. But this does not mean that we will serve from the goalkeeper, more on that later.

The second thing you need to remember, when choosing a performer, you need to remember for yourself that the priority in the numbers of skill will be all four criteria; we need all of them to be at least 70, depending on what will be higher in general does not matter. But the higher the accuracy of the serve, the easier it will be to complete the corner with a goal. Having selected a performer, you first need to determine what position he occupies on the field. For example, Robin van Persie is an excellent serve and in left corners he is a great choice. True, because he is a forward, there will be one less player in the penalty area who could send the ball into the net. And shorter players will take their place in the selection, which does not suit us. It is best to play as a left or right midfielder, but in no case do I advise you to serve with full-backs who are fast and not very tall, because usually these players remain with the opponent’s forwards in the center of the field. Because often, if the serve is unsuccessful, the opponent immediately launches a counterattack, where the opponent’s forward is left one on one with the defender, and then there is the central defender, whom the opponent simply runs around (after all, very often in Fifa14 I use forwards with a speed of 90 and above).

Third and most importantly, how do you need to take a corner in order to score the long-awaited corner?! We chose a left-hander for the left corner, then we look at how in the picture the corner flag should be slightly to the right of the near goal post. The strength of the execution should be two levels and when you press the canopy, you need to move the left stick (player movement buttons) up and to the right. The serve will be made to the goalkeeper, which he does not go to because according to all the laws of football, the serve should be or simply must fly from the goalkeeper, but here it seems that’s not the case. The ball will be a little closer to the 11 meter. Plus - Minus meter. And the most important thing is the blow, press hard and the ball is higher, weakly and he has it again, but only in his hands. Calculate and change the style of finishing the attack, the force of the blow.

In fact, in Fifa14 you can decide in one moment and take your team ahead at any moment of the game match. Even if you miss, you shouldn’t be upset, because football simulator loves combinations and even for good beautiful game The opponent's defense can simply bury themselves. Fifa 14 loves those who don’t give up and are used to making the most of every moment, so I’ll already tell you a trick that can be used both at the very beginning of the game and after a missed goal.

The condition is simple, you play the ball in the center of the field and after the first pass there will be a gifted football player with the ball (fast or a top striker who can keep the defenders away). We start the match, the attacker with the ball, turns it towards his midfielders and gives a pass to the one closest to the goal (preferably a defensive player, because many start playing with pressure and the trick may not work) but you need to make more than just a pass. We execute a pass with a run A+Lb to the defensive player and wait, look at the radar, the forward runs. As soon as the forward is very close to the last defender, we make a throw on the move Y+Lb.

The attacker goes one on one with the goalkeeper and the only thing left to decide is a goal.

It turns out that having missed a goal, we can immediately equalize the score with the help of an easy combination. You can also put emotional pressure on your opponent from the very beginning of the match. A goal in the first minutes does not add any excitement. IN computer game absolutely any moment can decide the moment, just like in real football, any set piece can become a goal.

Standard. For a standard from close range (up to 30 m), you need to select a performer, it is advisable that the first three skills of me be above 75 (power, tsh, mpd) everything will be absolutely great if the power is at the maximum, we will punch the hands of the goalkeeper. So how to perform it? To begin with, we select the corner in which we will hit. Preferably, which leg is the same and the opposite corner, except if the free kick is on the right, then with the right we convert it into the near corner. How to hit, press up and strike, the force of the strike is slightly less than the second level and here you have a calm goal.

The better the performer, the easier it is to score and the easier it is to break the hands of giants like Neure, Cech or Casillas.

Today we also looked at a couple of interesting ideas and tips, and if you liked the article, subscribe to my blog: or . YouTube channel: . Vkontakte group: . Wait for new episodes and most importantly watch football - love football.

FIFA is known for turning even the calmest player into an angry and angry one. Only it’s not about the game itself, but about the opponents. Some people just want to figure out their IP and, like Jay and Silent Bob, personally express all their sore points.

Here are seven things your opponents do to piss you off.

Sin number one: scoring a goal and guarding the ball

In a difficult match, one goal can sometimes decide everything. And your opponent was lucky - he took the lead in the middle of the second half. It would seem that there is still a chance to win back, but the opponent, as luck would have it, keeps the ball from their players, throwing it between the defenders and midfielders. This is a classic Spanish style of passing, which irritates many in real football. Not without reason.

There is another type of player who is haunted by the advantage in the score. They are so “fearless” that they are ready to go to their goal with one of the players, start chasing the ball and not stop until you try to take the projectile. An extremely nasty way to use time to your advantage. One thing is convenient: when you do intercept the ball, the goal will be just a stone's throw away.

Sin two: throwing from the middle of the field

A very popular maneuver in FIFA 14 allowed, when playing the ball from the center of the field with one pass, to transfer it to the player who was next to the goal and had a very high chance of scoring a goal. The tactic was regularly used in online modes - one cross gave an incredibly good chance of a one-on-one situation and a goal in the end.

A “cure” for the scourge was sought and eventually successfully found, so this superficial tactic soon ceased to be so popular. FIFA 15 has finished it off almost completely.

Sin three: procrastinating

Incredibly, there are players online who watch all or almost all of the cutscenes and replays. There are few of them, but they tire. Some people stubbornly watch replays of their goals, even if they are the most ordinary goals in the world.

Savoring your shot into an empty goal from all possible angles is, of course, pleasant, but... long.

Although there are exceptional cases: when the opponent’s goal turned out to be so beautiful that you yourself are ready to enjoy this moment with him again and again. The main thing is that this is not a match for promotion to the next division.

There are also opponents who simply cannot help but press pause. Several times per game. For the entire allocated time. It remains a mystery what distracts these players - boiled dumplings, a boiling kettle, Twitter?..

True, this also gives you a chance to make a replacement, which can help with implementation. Use it.

Sin four: quitting the game after scoring an early goal

There is a rule in FIFA: a player who scores a goal in the first five minutes of the match can leave the game and will not be given a forfeit, although the game will be considered completed. Such players hinder you in season mode, where in order to reach the next division, every match is often important.

This seemingly harmless action can greatly ruin your performance in some modes, where matches disrupted in this way simply deprive you of potential points.

Fifth sin: leaving the match right before the start

It also happens: both players are ready to start the match, but then one of them suddenly leaves the game. The reasons are different, but most often it is simply a search for a weaker opponent, whose scheme is not built as well as yours. Here you just have to be patient - there are not many such players, but, as a rule, you come across them in a row at once.

However, quitting the game before the start is one thing, but when you lead in the score and the enemy runs away with his tail between his legs, it’s also not very pleasant. There are also players with poor ping who constantly drop out of the match. Don't play FIFA with bad ping.

Sin sixth: loving “sweaty” goals

The so-called sweaty goal is an eternal FIFA classic. The ball is brought extremely close to the goal, forcing the AI ​​goalkeeper to run to intercept, and is passed to another player so that he can score the goal into an empty net. At such a moment there is always hope that the opponent will miss, but more often it still works.

And, as a rule, at the very end of the game.

Nevertheless, you are more happy than ever if your opponent manages to shoot wide.

Sin seventh: playing tricks because it's funny

* * *

Tricks to get around an opponent or to free yourself from the guards of the defense are one thing, but there are players who can’t help but pull tricks literally out of nowhere. They are capable of performing bizarre but completely useless pirouettes for a few seconds even in their own half of the field. In attack, their maneuvers most often end in the most ridiculous way - they lose the ball without even trying to take it away. Such rivals are not so much annoying as they are amusing. But they are still taking time. to chic - one step. How, by the way. Bad opponents spoil the mood, but the ability to competently make them pay and the subsequent feeling of satisfaction is one of the most pleasant feelings in virtual football. Emotions follow each other, but at some point you catch the one best a moment after which you walk around all day with a smile on your face. This is what we actually play for.

Control yourself, keep a cool head and play beautifully.

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