Download the World of Tank test client. Test the new engine

Our game Worls of Tanks 1.2 has a test server. Is it worth downloading the WOT test server and what interesting things are there that are not on main servers games? Let's take a closer look.

World of Tanks 1.2 server for testing updates

Test World server of Tanks 1.2 is not open all the time, unlike the main game servers. Basically, this server served for players to test upcoming updates and slowly get used to the improvements that were about to be released on the main servers. Before any changes in the game, be it the introduction of new maps, or the transfer of maps to HD mode, or even the introduction of a new branch of technology, a test server is opened.

That is, having learned what interesting things the developers have prepared for the players, we can verify this not only in words, but also in practice. The game client is no different and the gameplay itself has not been changed.

How to install Test Server World of Tank 1.2?

In order to install the WOT 1.2 test server, you need to download a separate game client, because there are no test servers on the main client. Just as a regular client is updated from time to time, the same thing happens in the test client.

What to do on the World of Tanks 1.2 test server?

Also, if you are tired of constantly “leaking” your statistics, which you have been raising for a long time, there are times in the game when victories are not going anywhere, you can move to the test server and play calmly. That is, we have been provided with a huge amount of resources in the form of “gold”, free experience and silver, which allows us to purchase any tank without wasting time on upgrading it. We choose any branch of tanks, and in a matter of minutes we can already buy ten for our hangar.

You can also purchase premium tanks, if, for example, we have a choice between two tanks, and we don’t know which is better for us to take, then we can go to the World of Tank test server and have several battles on each vehicle between which we have a choice . In the same way, we can pump up the tank branch in order to understand whether we need a certain technique and whether it’s worth spending time and money on pumping up the branch.

Download World of Tanks 1.2 test server

As a result, if you need to try the mechanics of the game on any tank that you don’t have in your hangar, or quickly check the new changes that await us in the patches before updating the game, you just need to download the World of Tanks 1.2 test server. Also, on the test server, you can simply play with a crew whose perks have been pumped to the maximum or shoot purely with “gold bullets” so that you can get maximum pleasure without losing your percentage of wins on your account and game statistics.

Servers for the World of Tanks 1.5 game update test are dedicated servers where the playability of cards, vehicle characteristics, and general updates are tested by ordinary wot players. The test server is available only at certain times; entry is possible only when the developers are ready to test the functionality of game innovations.

Release date - updates 1.5

Download general test World of Tanks 1.5.1

As soon as the link to download the test client 1.5 appears, it will be published right here! Tentatively, we should expect it in the late afternoon after 18:00 Moscow time. The client 1.5 release date should be expected by April 2019, as indicated in the table below.

How it works?

Let's look at what a test server is. Basically, this is a virtual resource where a modified copy of the game is located. The main purpose is to test and check the capabilities of any innovations before including them in the main patch.
WG developers get access to test domains first. Then super-testers are connected to look for shortcomings and bugs. After the fix, additional testing is carried out with the maximum load of the game client.

To do this, a copy of the game is “uploaded” to a backup domain, where anyone can access it. After this, the detected deficiencies are again eliminated, after which changes are made to the main game client.

How to take part in the WoT test?

Anyone can take part in testing the game. To do this, you need to download the installer with version 1.5. After which, the installer will prompt the user to download the test game client. After the download is complete, a new folder WORLD of TANKS is created on the desktop, with a directory of graphics settings specified by the player.

Key Features

There are two basic rules for test participants:

  1. Participants receive: 20,000 in-game gold, 100,000,000 credits and free experience.
  2. Experience earned on the test server, game currency and purchased equipment are not transferred to the main client.

Test goal for patch 1.5.1

Players will have to test the following innovations:

  • Changes for the LBZ tank: Object 279 early;
  • 3 maps converted to HD:
    "Empire's Border"
  • Changes and edits on maps: Ruinberg, Overlord, Redshire, Sand River and Paris;

Very soon, players can expect a new patch – 9.20, which means a lot of innovations. Traditionally, before a patch is released, developers launch a test server, with the help of which everyone can see and try all the changes without any impact on their own statistics.

The test server is downloaded as a separate client, where, as on your main client, you need to enter the data of a valid account under which you will test the update.

The test version of the game exists so that players can try out the future patch and, if possible, notice all the errors and bugs so that the developers can fix them before the patch is released.

How to become a World of Tanks 0.9.20 tester?

Everything here is quite simple - you just need to download the test client installer on the official website of the game or from our website (link at the end of the article), wait for installation and log in under your name.

By the way, every player who gets to the test server gets to use 20 thousand gold, 100 million free experience and silver per account, so that everyone can try any tank in the game. After the test server closes, all gold, experience and money will disappear, and the account statistics will remain the same - the test does not affect it at all, it works like a separate game.

What changes will be in the new patch 0.9.20?

The most important update will be a branch of new Swedish tanks: a mixed and full-fledged tank destroyer branch with unique vehicles at the top levels. Many Tier VIII premium tanks will be upgraded. The three and two gauge rules will be redone. Eleven tanks will receive new and colorful HD models.

Female voice acting WoT

Video review of update 9.18

Not so long ago game World of Tanks has released a new update, which has already been dubbed another nerf to tank destroyers. New patch 0.9.2, in addition to the nerfs of certain top vehicles, introduced a significant number of changes to the game. On the test server, as always, there was a line of people eager to test the new update. If you are a beginner, you have probably thought about how to play on the World of Tanks test server. Anyway, what is a test server and how does it differ from regular RU servers?

Perhaps it’s worth starting with the fact that the Common Test 1/2 test servers only work while testing new patches. Thanks to open testing Wargaming company collects data about the patch, errors, bugs and finalizes the update. Thus, while testing a new update, the test servers may be restarted several times.

To play on the test server, you must have a pre-registered account. As a matter of fact, if you have never played World of Tanks before starting the test, then you will not be able to play on the test server. A month before the test, a cut of the base is made. Thus, when you enter the game on the Common_Test server, you will have tanks in the hangar at the time the base is cut. If you changed your password, you will have to use the pass that you previously had.

But why is everyone so eager to get on the test server? Firstly, in addition to getting acquainted with the innovations, the player can play on any vehicle, since when he enters the test server, in addition to his account funds (gold/silver), he is also allocated an additional amount: 20 thousand gold, 100 million free experience and 100 million silver. Any player will envy such a reserve of currency. Alas, all achievements and “money” are not transferred to regular servers.

Thanks to gold, players can buy any premium tank and play on it. True, 20 thousand gold will not give you the opportunity to buy two premium tanks of level 8 at once. But experienced players This situation has already been identified. Many of them have a special second account for tests. It is from this that they prefer to play on test servers. And if there is not enough gold for a premium tank, then they switch to the main account. Great amount experience and credits allows you to open any branch of interest and buy any top tank. After playing several battles on a level 10 tank, the player can decide whether to upgrade to this branch or not.

However, the test attracts not only players who want to play on new combat vehicles, but also players who like to shoot gold. After all, the test gives out 20,000 gold, which is enough to buy gold shells for hundreds of battles.

As a rule, the company indicates the time for cutting off the database so that players who have changed their passwords can access the server, as well as the approximate time for stopping the server. You can find out in advance about the launch of the test from the corresponding section of the official website -

To start testing, you should download a special installer called WoT_internet_install_ct.exe from the section and run it. The volume of the installer is small - 4.5 MB. But after launching the launcher, the game will begin downloading, which is at least 8.5 gigabytes. In this regard, before downloading and running the installer, free up space on your local disk.

After installing the test client, just launch it, enter your data and play. Playing on the test is no different from playing on regular servers. Well, the answer to the question of how to play on the WoT test server has been received.

Read the news more often, watch the official KTTS program and get ready for the new test.

The Common Test client server has a test version of your Wargaming account, meaning that all the vehicles purchased and the research that you have completed will be the same. But don"t forget these key points:

  • Though your login details are the same, your test account is still completely separate from your normal account. Achievements and research that you complete on the test client will not be carried over to your normal play account
  • Real money transactions are not possible on the test server and payments will not be accepted
  • All test accounts will receive a one-time payment of:
    • 100,000,000
    • 100,000,000
    • 20,000
  • Depending on the aims of the test, Credits and Experience rates may not be increased

The test server is subject to the same EULA and general rules as the World of Tanks game server. This means that you still need to play nice, or you will be subject to the same consequences as on the regular, "production" game servers.

Getting Started

Installing and playing in the Common Test is virtually the same as installing the "regular" World of Tanks. To participate in the test, you need to take the following steps:

  • Install the Common Test client,

  • Update World of Tanks via the launcher (total download depends on the update, but is more than 8 GB)

  • If you have already installed the Common Test game client, the launcher will update to the new version automatically

Be sure to install the Test launcher in a different folder from the current game client version. Also, close all game clients before installing the update.

If you previously installed the Test client and are having problems updating or starting, we recommend uninstalling and reinstalling the Test client.


Once you have logged into the test client, you are free to play as much or as little as you want. We encourage you to try out all the new features and see what you can do!

Once you have been playing for a while, please let us know your feedback by posting in the dedicated forum threads. The appropriate links will be provided in the respective announcement. Wargaming community managers will collect feedback and report to the development team after the test period.

What makes good feedback? Here"s some examples of things you can bring up:

  • Any bugs or glitches that you have found in the game. Got stuck in the scenery? Game crashes when you do a certain action? Tell us all about it!
  • Honest feedback about vehicles and game mechanics. If you think something doesn't function well, then please tell us
  • Feedback isn't just about being negative! Anything you particularly like? Do you love the new stats for a vehicle? If the developers get a sense of what the community likes, it can allow them to focus on other improvements

Remember that the Common Test is about testing! Every new feature is subject to change before the final release.

Server Cycles

In order to make the test experience more efficient, it may be necessary to limit the number of players on the test server. If the server is full when you log in, you"ll be placed into a queue.

In addition, each periphery (server) of the Common Test will be restarted regularly according to the following schedule:

  • First Periphery: Every EVEN day of the month. Average duration will be around 25 minutes
  • Second Periphery: Every ODD day of the month. Average duration will be around 25 minutes
  • Central Database: Every day. Average duration will be around 2 or 3 minutes
  • The test server may also be subject to unscheduled restarts and maintenance.

Finally, the Common Test is also updated a few times each test period to address collected feedback or add other new features. Keep an eye on the Common Test article(s) and the forum for details on new iterations!

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