Random encounters. Random encounters on the world map and simply interesting places Toxic waste dump

Periodically, during our journey in the wastelands of the second fallout, we will come across unusual places. The most interesting of them are marked on the world map with a small green circle. The likelihood of encounters depends on luck and the wanderer's skill. The following perks increase the likelihood of encounters: "fidget", "ranger", "scout".

Eternal (aka Guardian Portal)

We come across such a portal.

Having passed through it, we will find ourselves in the 13th shelter, and not just a simple one, but in the past. Let's break the water chip on the computer there. It can be assumed that the next day (in the past, that is), the caretaker of shelter 13 will call our grandfather and give him the task of finding a water chip. This is such a clever trick. There is a solar scorcher on the floor in the armory. A pistol that resembles a laser. Charged by light.

Scorcher at Vault 13

Huge talking stone head

A similar head is located in Arroyo, only it does not speak. We need to talk to this head and we will get a stone. The stone temporarily increases agility (+3), strength (+3) and resistance to physical damage (+50%). But after an hour, weakness begins (strength and agility -6). Then everything returns to normal. By the way, you can steal three more stones.

Tin Woodman

We see a man standing and not moving. He asks me to lubricate him with oil. The oil lies nearby on the ground. After lubrication, it will give us something and run away.

Cafe of Broken Hopes

This location repeats the cafe from the city of Hub from the first part of fallout. Another humorous joke from the developers. The heroes from the first fallout have gathered here and are discussing all sorts of crap. Here you can hire Dogmeat the dog for your team. By the way, in the first part he never stood still, but always moved. As a result, it never blocked the entrance or exit. This is his main difference from the rest of his partners. And so many players kept it for themselves. Let him run. So, in order to hire him, you need to be in the shelter 13 suit, that is, without armor.

Cafe of Broken Hopes. One of the episodes related to the first fallout.

crashed whale

You can also find something like this. The whale fell from somewhere above. Nearby you can find a pot with a flower, with which you can’t do anything except exchange it.

Crashed whale and flower

Bridge of Death

A bridge to cross. Everything would be fine, but he is guarded by a watchman. Who has many lives. I shot him in the eyes with a gauss pistol, he fell to the ground, but his health was not taken away. It's very difficult to defeat him. And, as they correctly advise, you need to save for a new mark. And try different options for the development of events.

Caerbennog Cave

This location can only be found after King Arthur's knights. An almost ordinary rat runs around there and fights with those same knights. She can be killed by aiming at the eye. You don't have to kill. We need to get inside the cave and take an Antiochus grenade there. I read somewhere that due to a bug in the original game this location is not accessible. It can be found in some mods. And indeed, no matter how much I ran around the world, I could not find it. In the original fallout, this location can be viewed via Ctrl+R in the game menu. Which is exactly what I did. The map is called rndholy2.map. To exit the map, press Ctrl+R again.

Caerbennog Cave


One day there meets a group of people calling themselves “Unwashed Peasants”. They are chasing the spammer. For those who don’t know, spammers are vile and vile people who send meaningless messages on websites, forums, and chat rooms. And “Unwashed Peasants” really is such a fan club, in fact, of the game Fallout 2 itself.


Federation shuttle

Another joke from the developers. This is a reference to the movie "Star Trek". Stimulant-like substances can be found in dead people. Three syringes, each of which restores 75 health.

Raging Brahmins

A herd of Brahmins, each of which, upon approaching the Chosen One, explodes.


Toxic waste dump

As soon as we got here, we immediately received a very large dose of radiation. We need to run away faster and take Rad-Avey.

Pariah, aka a loser dog

This dog will join us in any case if we come close. Its presence is equivalent to the Evil Eye trait. That is, the enemies are mistaken and we are mistaken. In most cases, you can kill right away or simply not approach.

Pariah, unlucky dog

Trader Willie

North of Modoc you can meet a merchant. Who can sell us an alien blaster - a very powerful energy weapon. The only drawback is the short distance. I don’t know for sure, but it seems that if you talk to him once, you won’t be able to meet him again. Therefore it is necessary to steal. To get this blaster, you must be level 13 or higher.

Random Encounters in Fallout 2 are, as the name suggests, extraordinary occurrences that the player may stumble upon while traveling through the wasteland. Random encounters are determined by the player's location on the world map, their level, and the global variables governing these occurrences, and finally determined by the chances of encountering one occurrence from a list stored in WORLDMAP.TXT. This could be anything from a family of bear rats scurrying around the area to a gang of canniballs attacking you or a trade caravan.

All subsequent events are unique and one-time only.

An unenviable fate befell those who fell here - and it would be better for you to get out of here before it happens again. If you manage to escape in less than 10 seconds, the Luck roll will not occur. Further, such a check will occur every 10 seconds, and if you fail it, then an innocent-looking, emaciated dog named Paria will automatically join the party (regardless of the character limit), whose presence reduces Luck to one (to two if you have the Gifted trait ") and in addition rewards the character with the "Evil Eye" trait.

On a note:
● To enable this event, the character's level must be at least level 10.
● Pariah will use all seven of her action points to run to the nearest exit from any map as soon as combat begins, and she has a whopping 750 hit points. Once the dog dies, both the Evil Eye and the luck reduction will be canceled, except in rare cases cases where the dog is killed by a critical hit without damage.
● Pariah can be killed by luring him to the electric floor on the second level of the Sierra Army Depot military base: the dog will not sense danger unless you start a fight with it. If you operate on her using the organ extraction chamber at the third level, you can get two brains and -200 to Karma. Like the New Reno Masticator, Pariah provides a stat debuff that can be used to your advantage. Getting Luck and mutually exclusive hubologist zeta scans, if you received them before meeting the dog, prevent the loss of luck. And the upcoming luck increase after the dog's death, which should have returned it to normal levels, will instead increase your luck meter. NCR’s zeta scan gives +2 to Luck \ -1 to Luck, and SF’s zeta scan gives +1 to Luck and +1 to Wisdom \ -1 to Luck., and this result depends on... Luck.

A herd of crazed Brahmins rushes towards the Chosen One, exploding on contact, making them extremely dangerous - especially for an unprepared beginner who has not yet gained levels.

For those of you who don't yet know what a common whale should NOT normally look like - this is exactly what it is! The unfortunate mammal was thrown from a height of three hundred miles and slammed onto the surface of the earth like an egg yolk onto the kitchen floor... except that it had more fat in it. Here you can also find a pot of cute, fragile daisies.

This dramatic scene references Douglas Adams' book The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, which describes how, due to space-time distortions created by the Engine of Infinite Improbability, two nuclear missiles fired at a spaceship turned into a whale and a pot of petunias and then plopped onto the surface of the planet. .

“This whale appears to have fallen from a great height.”

The Giant Talking Head that can be "encountered" in the Wasteland near Arroyo (or the New California Republic, which could actually be anywhere on the map) is sort of a talking version of the Giant Stone Head of the Chosen One in the center of Arroyo Village. If you talk to her and tell her that you are the Chosen One, she will not agree with this and will enter into a heated argument with you that will last for 12 hours. At the end of the argument, she will have to agree with your evidence, and then she will give you a fragment of the monument as a reward for your lost time.
If you use kleptomania, you can steal about four more of the same fragments from the sacred head. However, you won't get far with them: the angry head will let out a wild howl of rage, which will deal 14,000 points of damage to you and turn your bones to jelly and your muscles to water.

You are standing in front of a huge crevice with a flimsy rope bridge across it, but the road to it is blocked by a figure in brown robes. The bridge guard calls out to the Chosen One and offers to answer three questions in order to get to the other side. You cannot leave the location without crossing the bridge, and if the character already has a Highwayman car, then it will inevitably be parked on the other side of the obstacle. The guard's first two questions will be: "What is your name?" and “What is your goal?” You can answer the first question honestly, or you can lie. The answers to the second will be relatively truthful and will change depending on your progress in the game at the moment. The third question randomly falls out of three possible options, and all of them have to do with little things from the world of Fallout and rely on the SPECIAL system - the system of role-playing mechanics of the game.

If your Wisdom is below four, the dialogue will be terribly unclear, but you will still be able to answer the questions. The gatekeeper will ask only two questions and hide the answer to the second question in its own wording. In addition, in this case you will have the opportunity to kill the guard on the first question by asking his name.

Answers to the third question:
What are the minimum requirements for the "quick access" perk?
- Agility is at least five?
- Third level?
- What do you mean? Level indicator or prerequisite for abilities? (Kills the Bridge Guardian).

Which NPCs from the first game survive to appear in the sequel?
- Dogmeet?
- Tandi?
- Harold?
- Who do you mean? NPC enemies or NPC allies? (Kills the Bridge Guardian).

How much weight can a character with strength 6 lift if he has the Strong Back perk?
- Um... two hundred twenty-five pounds?
- To what level is “Strong Back” pumped? (Kills the Bridge Guardian).

On a note:
● If the Chosen One answers all questions truthfully and clearly, the Bridge Guardian will reluctantly let him through, muttering to himself how much he hates this job, casually revealing himself as an actress from a second-rate, unpromising film project.
● If the Chosen One answers the first two questions correctly, but the third one is met with a counter-question, the Gate Guardian suddenly dies, for which 500 XP is given. His body can also be removed with a robe, which is the equivalent of battle armor, but weighs half as much and looks exactly like the robes worn by members of the Cathedral Children cult.
● If the Chosen One lies to the guards, or does not answer the third question correctly or with a counter-question, he will immediately die a terrible death.
● If you try to defeat the guard by force, then a rabid exploding Brahmin will immediately come to his aid and rush to commit suicide against the hero like a suicide bomber. However, it is possible to kill a guard - for this they will give 7500 XP, but they will write down -10 in karma.
● This special event occurs most often of all possible.

An extremely radioactive landfill infested with geckos. The contaminated liquid spilled throughout the landfill will greet you with massive doses of radiation, and the geckos will certainly want to tear you to shreds. There are no rewards for this event, and the exit cage is on the right - unless you like to spend a long time enjoying a radioactive tan and the local friendly fauna.

A fallen shuttle, half covered in dirt. Near him are three dehydrated corpses in a strange red uniform, which is unknown to the hero. The dead can also be found with “hypo” - an improved version of the steampack that does not take away 9 hit points over time.

On a note:
● As you may have guessed, this event is a reference to the sci-fi series “Star Trek”: the design of the shuttle is identical to the Enterprise from the film, and the red shirts are those same unfortunate poor fellows who were assigned the role of appearing for a few moments - only to , to introduce the public to the new monster of the week.
● The name of the shuttle is “U.S.S.” Torres" is most likely borrowed from B'Elanna Torres, a character from "Star Trek: Voyager", which was published from 1995 to 2001.

“The Guardian” is a huge portal that allows the Chosen One to return to the past as it was before the start of Fallout and break the water chip in Vault 13. After this, the inscription will appear: “There will be enough water in the shelter for 100-150 days. For some reason, realizing this fact gives you pleasure.”

Inside the shelter, you can only explore the Overseer's command center, where you can find a couple of Mentats, as well as a unique energy weapon: the Sun Scorcher.
By the way, you will only be able to get here once: carefully search all the nooks and crannies.

On a note:
Guardian of Forever is a reference to the Star Trek episode "The City on the Edge of Forever".

The Chosen One stumbles upon a poor Enclave soldier whose advanced power armor has rusted to the point that he cannot move. He is asking you for help. The chosen one can pick up an oil can and lubricate the armor, after which the soldier will thank you and give you 150 microfusion cells.

On a note:
● Of course, here we see a reference to the Tin Woodman from The Wizard of Oz.

An unwashed hillbilly trying to defeat a spammer called "Death" or "Grim Reaper". This group is supplied with weapons by Eldridge from New Reno. Helping a hillbilly is not profitable - for killing “Death” you only get 1 XP.

On a note:
This is a reference to the “Unwashed Village” community, the oldest in the history of the Fallout game, and it reflects the confrontation that once took place in reality between this community and the no less legendary spammer Grim Reaper or Grim.

A small eatery somewhere in the middle of the Wasteland, where you can find all the people from the Vault - even those who cannot be played as, including a black man and a red-haired woman.
Additionally, Thandi, Seth and Dogmeat from the first Fallout are also here.
This cafe is a copy of the Maltese Falcon in Hub City from the first Fallout

On a note:
● If the Chosen One removes all armor, leaving only the base suit (vault jumpsuit), Dogmeat will join him as a companion.
● If you attack Dogmeat, a man in a leather coat will appear out of nowhere to defend him: this is a reference to the film “Mad Max 2: The Road Fighter” with Mel Gibson in the role of the aforementioned character.

A small place where King Arthur is surrounded by warriors of the Brotherhood of Steel and people in T51-b power armor. They will ask you if you have seen the Holy Grenade. You can try to defeat them all, but at low and medium levels it will be extremely difficult.

Members of the meeting:
Arthur Pendragon, Ser Lancelot, Ser Robin, Ser Galahad, Ser Bedemir,
Joshua, Ser Robin's bard, Concord, Robin's steed, Eric, Robin's steed

On a note:
This company is a reference to King Arthur's Knights from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

“Knowledge of infinity requires infinite time.”

(Strugatsky Brothers)

In the last article I talked about the walkthrough of Fallout II. Now it's time to describe some non-obvious and pleasant things - Easter eggs. They are not easy to spot when playing the game for the first, second, or even tenth time. In addition, the game contains many allusions and parodies to well-known sources. For example, a random location with a dead whale is a joke on the theme of the book "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy." There are about hundreds of such “chips” in the game. “Star Wars” and “Austin Powers”, Diablo and Mortal Combat - this is not a complete list of creations of the human mind, hints of which can be found in the game.

Many years before the release of the first part of the game, back in the late 80s, Interplay and Electronic Arts released the game Wastelands. The game scenario today seems ridiculous. A global fire broke out in 1998 due to disagreements between the USA and the USSR (at that time no one could have imagined that a “velvet revolution” would occur). The most interesting thing is that in this game, unlike many others released in America, the US government does not appear from its best side. During the first nuclear strikes, some US Army engineering units were building bridges in the southwest. South of the army there was only one habitable structure - a federal prison. In fact, it was a small factory. The Americans, with their characteristic cruelty, threw the prisoners out onto the street, dooming them to certain death, and they themselves settled in prison... Soon they united all the nearby settlements and called their base “Ranger Center”. The inhabitants of the former prison, impressed by the film "Walker: Texas Ranger", began to help the inhabitants of the wasteland.


First, let's look at “jokes” that cannot be attributed to specific cities. Let's start with our malicious opponents - the enclave soldiers, continue with the equally dangerous Bounty Hunters, then I will tell you a little about the picture that you have all seen more than one hundred times. Finally, you will learn about the little-known capabilities of your Pip-Boy.

Miss Kitty asked you to come to her after the game is over! Why the owner of the brothel needed a chosen one is not difficult to guess. The only pity is that during such scenes the screen turns black.

You can also talk to the first citizen (more precisely, the first citizen) of the Vault City. Whatever you tell her, she will not be offended. Do you remember what happened before the passage? One wrong word, and this entire arrogant town had to be destroyed!

In the eighth shelter (Vault City), insert your Pip-Boy into the main computer (level 3). Follow the terminal in the upper left corner... What happens next - see for yourself!

Be sure to check out the Corsican brothers. They will make a new film about you, this time about how you save the earth.

When encountered, the enclave patrolman says the following phrase: “I suppose you will tell me that you are simply looking for a water chip. Do I look like a pump? Grab him! (“Now I suppose you”re going to tell me you”re just out looking for a water chip. Do I look pump? Get him!”). As you may have guessed, this is a reference to the first part of the game, where the main character was looking for a water chip for his shelter.

If you knock down the last living patrolman, you can end the fight without killing him. After this, the patrolman will give out his entire vocabulary of unprintable words in a few seconds, since he cannot stand up due to the considerable weight of the Advanced Power Armor he is wearing.

These same soldiers sing the song: “Let the name of Roger Jang shine forever.” This is a reference to Robert Heinlein's book Starship Troopers.

A little about Bounty Hunters, they are bandit hunters. If you play an evil character (for example, kill children), you will soon become acquainted with them. It's not like shooting a bunch of mutant chameleons. They are armed to the teeth and become even stronger over time. The strongest composition: four fighters in Power Armor and one in Combat Armor, one with a Gauss rifle, the rest with energy weapons.

This is interesting: Deathclaws are actually mutated chameleons.

Many of you probably have a question: where did the inscriptions on the map near the Vault-Tec logo come from? These are allusions to the Star Wars movie. The first of them is “L5-AA23” - the number of the cell (more precisely, the floor and sector) of Princess Leia on the Death Star. The second "TK-421" is the call sign of the stormtrooper from whom Luke Skywalker borrowed the armor.

From Frank Herbert’s cult saga “Dune”, not only the word “mentat” (human computers who often use drugs to increase their already considerable mental abilities) is borrowed, but also the Bene Gesserit mantra: “Fear oppresses the mind.” . Fear is a little death. I will look him in the face. I won’t let it take over me” (“Fear is the mind-killer, fear is the little-death..."). It is sometimes uttered by enemies before death.

This is interesting: Red Ryder BB Gun is an allusion to a character from the game "Wastelands", named Red Ryder - an analogue of bounty hunters (he attacked the party if they killed children).

The Pip-Boy congratulates you on certain holidays (Christmas, Easter), and after some time of inactivity, a screensaver with falling bombs will start.


I'll do without a preface. I will limit myself to the words of Whiskey Bob: “You will not find a greater hive of scum and villany.”). He, in turn, borrowed them from Obi-Wan (from his story about the Tantooine spaceport to Luke Skywalker).

An allusion to the movie "Austin Powers": in the cemetery in Dan, on one of the tombstones it is written that the deceased was killed by evil mutant perches.

I can’t help but remember the cartoon series “Bugs Bunny” when the residents of Dan say: “Be vewy, vewy quiet, I"m hunting wabbits.” Unfortunately, the meaning of this phrase, like many others, is lost in translation.

During slaver raids, victims sometimes shout "Run for it, Marty!" This phrase is taken from the movie "Back to the future".

New Reno

New Reno is my favorite city. Of course, in terms of the range of stores it is inferior to San Francisco, but in size it will give odds to any other wasteland settlement. Naturally, this city boasts a lot of Easter eggs, links and other “jokes”.

I advise everyone to watch the film “Route 60” - you won’t regret it. In this film, the main character had a billiard ball number 8, which answered questions with a fair amount of humor. His twin brother can be found on the second floor of the Bishops' casino. If you have high luck levels, he will tell you about many non-obvious things in the game. This is, in my opinion, the most useful Easter egg. For example, from this ball you can learn the following: “In the toilet of the Mordino casino, someone stuffed grenades into the tank.”

In the basement of another casino (Shark Club) you can find a parody of Mike Tyson. The favorite phrase of the boxer who trains there is: “Mike like ears.”

Thanks to another criminal family, you can get hold of a unique weapon. Tell Mrs. Wright what her husband does for a living and agree to destroy this firewater production. After completing the task, do not refuse the reward - a baseball bat. Despite its harmless appearance, this “stick” quite often knocks out opponents.

Another Easter egg can be found in the basement of the New Reno Arms. The entrance to the basement is hidden behind a closet in the northern part of the store. To make it easier to find, increase the contrast of your monitor. Place the mouse on the bottom visible corner of the upright mattress (northeast corner of the room) and move it up parallel to the wall until you come across a notch in the pile of boxes. In the center of this recess you can see part of a brown pot in which the desired item is gathering dust, waiting for you.

If you approach one of the porn actresses in power armor, she will ask: “Aren’t you too short to be a soldier?” (“Aren’t you a little short for StormTrooper?”) Princess Leia said the same thing to Luke Skywalker after her rescue.

Look closely at the graffiti on the walls of the city and you will find the names of T.Ray and other developers. Also, the names of the developers can be read on the tombstones.

Remember in the movie “From Dusk Till Dawn” there was a barker standing in front of the bar and shouting something like: “If you take one girl, you get the second one for free”? There is a colleague of his in New Reno near the Cat's Paw brothel, and their repertoire is the same.

Advice: Do you want to earn several hundred thousand dollars (in gaming, of course)? Develop your Gambling skill to 150%, increase your luck to at least 8 and head to New Reno. Go to the first casino you come across and play. Hold down the “5” key (the highest bet). If your money is growing quickly, press this key with something and go for a smoke break; if not, develop your gaming skill or improve your luck.

In the Stables there is a large herd of cows, the last one (from the entrance to the location) is not entirely healthy. On this unfortunate creature you can test your knowledge of medicine (the “doctor” skill). From one place of this bull, with a slight movement of the hand, you can pull out 50 nuclear batteries. But if your medicine skill is poor, then on the third attempt you will be attacked by the entire herd. I wonder where the nuclear batteries in the cow's stomach came from?! Is the cow really the very same battery-eating animal spelled with three “e”s?

The Sierra Army Depot hides a few jokes. The Skynet system installed there is the namesake of the supercomputer from the movie “Terminator”, the same one that tried to destroy humanity.

Link to the film “Silence of the Lambs”. At the same base you can find a holodisk belonging to Dr. Hannibal Lector. The Doctor talks about sending a human liver with a side dish of beans to soldiers who were playing a prank on him.

Vault City

In the suburbs, a little above the "welcome office" stands a child who has lost his toy. It's a doll in the trash pile behind Casady's bar. After the doll returns, listen to Curtis’s monologue and you will learn that a wrench is hidden in a pile of stones near the bar (this is what Valeria, the local mechanic, asked to bring).

A guy having trouble in the restroom of a bar near Vault City City Hall occasionally says, “Who does number two work for?” (“Who does number two work for?”) - Austin Powers asked the same thing in a similar room (“Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery”).

If you are patient, the previously mentioned magic ball will reveal the access code to the terminal located closest to the entrance to the shelter. Unfortunately, nothing but a few Stimpaks can be extracted from this “supercomputer”.

The guy on the third floor of the shelter sings the song from the intro to the first part.

Broken Hills

When you first arrive in this town, a dead man gets run over by the wheels of your car, who was hit by a truck with Nuka-Cola in the first part (random location).

The phrase of Francis (a mutant who is fond of arm wrestling): “If you lose, you"ll be my gimp for the night”) was borrowed from Pulp Fiction.

To the north, behind all the houses, you can see three boxes. It's impossible to get to them honestly. But if you load the map using Ctrl+R, you can walk on the “red” land without moving between locations. If you want to rummage through these chests, load up the BROKEN1.map, get close to the fence (just above the spawn point), then click behind it. As a result, the character will leave the visible area of ​​​​the map and after a few seconds will appear where you clicked.


During the first conversation, the head of the slave traders' guild says: “Fresh meat!” (“Aaaaah, fresh meat!”). The butcher from Diablo says the same thing.

Advice: Having good “stealing” and “sneaking” skills, you can get hold of the property of a low-status merchant (in the suburbs). To do this, go to the shelves behind him, press “1” (enter the “sneak” mode), then “3” (steal). And fill your pockets with everything you like.

Finally, I would like to note that, contrary to popular belief, the city is open at night. You just need to talk to the woman in the house near the gate, and - it's open!

Original tactics

Select a character with the main skills: “small weapons” (/Texts/Masters/Fallout/0406/Small guns) and “sneak”. Of course, the character's Perception and Agility must be at their best. Tactics: when loading a battle, press “A” (English, of course) to be the first to start the battle, then 1 to turn on the “Sneak” mode and retreat to a safe distance. Then choose a victim and start treating it with lead. If there is a good chance of a critical hit, I advise you to shoot the first shot at the head. The enemy will most likely "get lost", which will increase the likelihood of getting hit in the eye. The beauty of this tactic is that other ideological opponents notice how their colleague loses part of his head and, covered in blood, falls to the ground, but they can’t do anything, because they don’t see you. True, this tactic has a significant disadvantage - it is tedious.

San Francisco

The name of the scientist hanging around the shuttle is Dave Handy. This is a parody of one of the Black Isle employees, David Hendee.

Interesting: Why does a computer need a throne?

Take a close look at the Shea (San Francisco) emblem, it shows a crooked dragon. Doesn't it remind you of Mortal Combat?

Thanks to the film "Big Trouble in Little China" he received the first and last name Lo Pan (in honor of the main villain).

A hint of Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise (in the game - Vikky Goldman and Juan Cruise). Hubology is a parody of Scientology, and the stars mentioned are active supporters of this teaching.


The creators of the drilling platform were clearly impressed by Bill Clinton. Talk to the president's secretary and she will tell you about the stained dress. There is also an entry on one of the holodisks: “In February 2075 there was impeachment because the president was walking the dog” (“on Feb. 15 2075 the president was impeached after being proud of JAYWALKING.”).

By the way, Frank Horrigan is named after the hero of the film “In the Line of Fire”.

Random locations

    The dog that brings misfortune

    In my article “The Magnificent Six and the Hero” I already talked about this animal. Let me repeat myself: this dog has a couple hundred hit points, but he never attacks anyone. She joins you automatically, you just have to approach her (which I categorically do not recommend). After this, luck is reduced to 2 and you gain the “cursed” ability.

    Crazy cows

    These seemingly harmless cows pose a serious threat - when they approach the character, they explode, causing considerable damage. Trying to kill them all is pointless, since their number is infinite. This place can be used as an endless source of experience: run away from the points where the cows appear and destroy them from a safe distance.

    Bridge of Death

    Some crazy monk known as the "bridge keeper" will block your path and demand you answer three questions. The first two are not particularly difficult, but if the answer is wrong, the player dies. If you answer the question “with a question” for the last time, the keeper will die and leave you a cloak as an inheritance. It has all the properties of combat armor at significantly less weight! If you answer all the questions correctly, the bridge keeper will simply leave, and you will receive 5000 experience. By the way, it is possible to kill him, but it is quite difficult, since he has 400 lives and good armor.

    Radioactive landfill

    If your luck is low, you may encounter dozens of golden lizards and stumble upon a whole bunch of barrels of radioactive waste. You will immediately receive a hefty dose of radiation, and the longer you stay in this godforsaken location, the more irradiated you will be. If, after visiting this location, you want to obtain citizenship in Vault City through testing, you will have to cut off your sixth finger.

    Cafe of Broken Hopes

    This is a reminder of the first part, a small part of the Hub trading settlement. Characters familiar from the first part will be waiting for you inside. You already know how to attach a dog - to do this you need to approach it naked. But few people know that if you kill all the regulars of the cafe, including the dog, then a people’s avenger will appear with a unique weapon.

    Gate of Eternity

    This location, like the previous one, takes you back to the events of the first part, or rather, what happened even before the start of the first Fallout. To do this, you need to go through the “donut” and break the water chip of the thirteenth bomb shelter. In the shelter warehouse you can also find a solar blaster, which I already talked about in my last article.

    Stone head

    This stupid image of your ancestor (Vault Dweller) will try to disprove your chosenness. After a long dialogue, she will take back her words and reward you with a seemingly useless stone as compensation for moral damage. This pebble temporarily increases some characteristics. Three more such miracles of technology can be stolen from her.

    Knights of King Arthur

    In reality, it's a bunch of steel bros who hit their heads and a few imbeciles imitating horses. They will start asking you about the Holy Pomegranate. No matter what you tell them, they will leave.

    Knights of King Arthur-2

    According to the developers, the player should have a tiny chance to meet the armored half of the schizophrenics described above for a second time. This time they shoot the super rat (Voliant Rat) to no avail. This rodent can only be destroyed by critical hits or a holy grenade (found in the cave). But, unfortunately, it is not possible to honestly find this location - when calculating the probability, the wrong variable is checked!

    Federation shuttle

    This is another parody of the Star Trek series. This movie probably has a lot of fans among the game developers. If you search the corpses, you can find three analogues of the stimpack - hypo (Hypo), each of which restores 90 lives, and, unlike super stimpacks, has no side effects.

    Tin Woodman

    A soldier in enclave armor asks to be lubricated with Vaseline (there is an oil can lying under his feet). After that, he will give you two hundred nuclear batteries and leave an oil can that no one needs.

    crashed whale

    Useless location where you can pick up a pot of petunias.

    Unwashed Villagers and spammer

    A joke on the theme of the famous Fallout clan (http://www.unwashed.com/). Help them to improve their karma, then search the shelves in the ruins of the house for steam packs.

Developer: Black Isle Studios
Publisher: Interplay Productions
Localizer in Russia: 1C
Publisher in Russia: 1C
On official sale from: October 1998
Russian status: on official sale since May 19, 2006
Genre: RPG


In the main menu, hold down the key and click on the “AUTHORS” button. In place of the usual names of the game developers, their various remarks and statements will appear, which they managed to take notes during the creation of Fallout 2. Having translated them, you will laugh.


You can find the Easter egg in the New Reno Weapons basement. It lies in a pot, among the boxes in the southeast corner of the basement. Finding a pot is very, very difficult, even for a knowledgeable person, look for it until you find it! To make this task easier, we recommend using our screenshots. There is no way to use the egg, it’s just a joke.


In the screenshot you can see the Vault-Tec logo located in the lower left corner of the world map. Take a close look at it. There are two codes written at the top left and right. This is one of the developers' jokes based on the Star Wars saga.
In the left corner it says "L5-AA23". Let's remember where Princess Leia was imprisoned on the Death Star? Correctly “Level 5, Detention Block AA23” (level 5, prison block AA23). In the right corner it says “TK-421”. This is nothing more than the call sign of Luke Skywalker.


Go to the folder with the installed game and pay attention to the fallout2.exe file. Now change the file display mode, for example to “Tile”. Pay attention to the same file again, its label should change to the bearded face of Tim Kane... Don't even ask who he is... (Works only in the first two parts of the game).


Start the game as a female character named Buffy. Get a leather jacket and put it on. Then go to Becky in Dan and talk to her. She will mistake you for someone else (namely, the heroine of the series), tell you about some Dave, and then give you an Uzi submachine gun, metal armor, $1000, 5 ammo clips, 5 stimulants, a Plasma Grenade and a Flower .
Becky: Buffy! It's you! How are you How much time has passed!
You: Huh?
Becky: Dave says hi, he would definitely come by if he could, but he's on the run now.
You: And where is it going?
Becky: Was going to go to the commandos... or he was going after the commandos. I don't know exactly, but something like this.
You: Oh.
Becky: Oh, he asked me to give this to you. This is a gift from the Handy family. You should find it useful.
You: What is this?
Becky: Oh, just a few trinkets. Here. [Becky gives you $1000, 5 stimulants, metal armor, Uzi, 5 ammo clips, a plasma grenade and a flower].
You: Thank you.
Becky: No problem. It wasn't difficult for me. Well, I better get back to work.
You: Thanks, bye.
P.S. The dialogue is copied from the version from 1C.


Open Pip-Boy 2000 and wait a moment to see the old screensaver of your Pocket PC. In this case, it is prohibited to move the mouse, otherwise you will not see anything.


If you poke at the tombstones of the graves in the game, you will notice the phrase: - “Fergus Urquhart: the trunk was not enough to make a notch.” It's none other than the head Black Isle Studios game developer company. Alas, it (the company) no longer exists. The second screenshot is a joke about another developer, after reading it you will understand everything yourself.
Note: The inscriptions on the graves are constantly changing in a random order. So, if you “poke” on the same tombstone as in the screenshot, and there turns out to be another joke, then you shouldn’t “roll a barrel” at us.


A guy on the third floor of Vault 8, in Vault City, sings a song from the intro to the first part of the game:

Maybe... you"ll think of me, when you are all alone,
Maybe the one who is waiting for you will prove untrue
Then, what will you do?


While wandering through the wasteland, you can accidentally stumble upon a group of people called the Knights of King Arthur. These are heavily armed soldiers, dressed in Brotherhood of Steel armor, who are looking for various technologies.
In particular, they will ask you if we have seen the Holy Hand Grenade of Antiochus, and if you answer that you have seen it, you will receive 500 coins and gratitude in addition.


Next comes a chance meeting, which should be the logical conclusion of the previous one. In order to visit this location, you must first visit the previous one.
So, before us is a land strewn with bones, in the center of which there is an ordinary-looking rat. But she is ordinary only in appearance because she is very powerful and tenacious. At the bottom of the map are the same Knights of King Arthur. Almost immediately a fight will begin between the rat and these people. If you can get into the cave, then the most secret and most powerful object in the entire game awaits you - the Holy Hand Grenade of Antiochus.
If you don’t mind, then you can use it for its intended purpose in relation to the rat. The reward will be a large number of experience points.


A similar meeting with a herd of Brahmins took place in Fallout 1. The only difference between this one is that two-headed cows not only moo but also explode upon contact with an object, that is, with you and your partners. A very dangerous random encounter, because after it you may be missing several partners in your squad.


You meet a huge stone head created by some tribes, but not a simple one, but a talking one. Don’t rush to talk to her, but first read what she says. It's worth it.
After this, talk to her and after a fascinating dialogue, the head will give you a piece of stone, but, again, not a simple one, but which will greatly increase the character’s characteristics. It's just a pity that it's not forever.


This time we meet the guardian of the bridge in a location called the Bridge of Death. A certain man in a dirty robe blocks our path to the other side, and when we try to talk to him, he agrees to let you through only when you answer three of his questions. (Yes, yes, this is a reference to the famous 1975 film “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” in the West)
At first glance it seems simple, but the questions are far from easy and the catch is that if you answer incorrectly, you die immediately. If you answer correctly (which is very difficult to do), then the man in the robe simply leaves and lets you through. If you try to kill him, he will send exploding Brahmins at you and you will die immediately.
But in this whole situation there is one small nuance... As the bridge guard said, the one who cannot answer the question will die. And if on the last, third, question you manage to ask the bridge guard himself, he will not be able to answer your question and will immediately explode!
This is such a funny pun. By the way, in the film there was an almost similar situation.


Cafe of Broken Dreams with the Maltese Falcon sign. Does the second name remind you of anything? Exactly! There was absolutely the same cafe in the first part of the game, only, of course, with different characters and lines.
The most remarkable thing here is the dialogue between visitors and the famous dog Dogmeat, which you can take with you as a partner by feeding it something edible. For example, an iguana on a stick.


This time the hero stumbles upon a strange-looking sculptural work of art. This local wonder of the world is called “Guardian of Eternity”, in the English version - Guardian of Forever. In general, this building is a reference to one of the episodes of the previously popular TV series Star Trek.
If you run through the stone ring, you will be teleported to Vault 13, but not the one you are looking for, but eighty years ago, that is, just before the events of the first part of the game. If you go into the weapons room of the Vault, there on the floor there will be a unique pistol “Solar Scorcher”, which is charged from sunlight, that is, infinite and very powerful.
When you get tired of wandering around the level, then go to the main computer terminal and use simple manipulations to break the water chip... Yes, yes, this is nothing more than a reference to the first part of the game.


In the middle of the wasteland, you come across people and other creatures who have died a painful death, among which stands an innocent mongrel. It would seem that this poor creature should help her, but somehow it’s not like that. After the dog joins you as a companion, the hero’s luck parameter will immediately drop to one. The only way to restore the parameter is to kill the dog. But be careful, the dog has a lot of hit points, as much as 750.


You find yourself in a location called "Crashed Shuttle". Before you appears a crashed space shuttle with another reference to the series “Star Trek”, around which lie three corpses dressed in red robes, as in the series. If you search them, you can find three unique injections of a certain drug Hypo, which, when used, restores a large number of character hit points.


One day, wandering around the world map, the main character will come across a man in Enclave armor who cannot move. It turns out that his armor was somehow able to rust without lubrication. Fortunately, there is an oil can lying next to him (a unique item, by the way); by picking it up, you can help the person by lubricating his armor, for which the person will give you several atomic batteries as a reward.
As you probably already guessed, this is a reference to The Wizard of Oz, in particular to the local woodcutter.


The next random encounter is the consequences of some man-made disaster, you come across a nuclear waste dump with a pile of barrels with green liquid and opponents in the face of various Gekko, from ordinary to fire-breathing. There is nothing useful in this location, so we would advise you to get out of here as quickly as possible.


Probably someday you will stumble upon a location where a group of people are trying to kill a spammer. To make it clear what's going on here, we had to do a little digging on the Internet and here's what we found: The Unwashed Villagers hunting a spammer. This meeting is a reference to a real event. “The Unwashed Villagers” is an existing online community that became the first major fan clan of the game Fallout. As for the location itself, you have a choice to either help the clan members, or the spammer, or remain a passive observer. From the point of view of morality and honor, it is logical to kill the side with the largest number. For killing clan members, your Karma indicator will decrease slightly, and if you kill a spammer, it will increase. If you do nothing, the spammer will be killed and the clansmen will flee.


You come across a whale that has fallen to its death from a great height in the middle of the wasteland. This is a direct reference to the old 1981 TV series The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy. There the whale crashed in a similar way. In addition to the whale, in this location you can find a unique item - a pot of geraniums, which is absolutely useless. There is nothing else to see here, you can calmly go your way.

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