Zoom secrets from the famous. ZOOM poker strategy

I promised a long time ago to write a post on my perception of zoom, but I kept delaying it because I don’t want to give out a post in the style of fuck off, and serious work requires a lot of time (and it wouldn’t hurt to play it before drawing conclusions).

First of all, I’ll publish my results on zoom 100. It’s not that I beat him or didn’t beat him, the distance here must be simply enormous in order to more or less accurately determine the win rate. I don’t have such a distance and won’t have it any time soon. The entire win rate can disappear or double in one session. Just as proof that I’m not completely ignorant, and also that I acted sensitively and am oriented in the matter.

In terms of structure, I will try to streamline everything as much as possible. There will be info on zoom, thoughts about Pokerstars and poker in general. I would also like to say thanks to my friend who spent time analyzing mining and kindly provided me with his calculations. I cannot disclose his name.

Answer yourself honestly, have you ever wondered where the money in Zoom comes from? I played a month in the red - I need to work on my theory. The return is a plus - the work gives results. I played in the red and somehow relaxed again. And in fact…

The composition of the zoom is definitely stronger than that of normal tables of the same limit. But I wouldn’t equate it to a higher limit. Most likely somewhere in the middle (for example, zoom 100 between nl 100 and nl 200). In addition, the compositions are very different, which means you need a different set of skills. Roughly speaking, if there is a normal reg, a weak reg, a weak reg, a weak reg, a weak reg in the zoom, then at the limit above the usual tables there is a fish, a normal reg, a normal reg, a strong reg, a strong reg, a weak reg.

Accordingly, in zoom 100 it will be more profitable to squeeze out weak regs in spots when they are weak (without fanaticism!!!), at the same time on NL 200 regular tables this will not really work - good regs will be opened if you bend them, the fish will simply open. And vice versa, on NL 200 regular ones, the useless selection in zoom rules, plus the ability to play with fish, which are almost absent in zoom.

Fact 1: Number of fish in zoom.

The probability of being at the same table with a fish can be assessed in two ways.

First, just scroll through the randomly selected hands. Out of 200 hands with fish (vpip from 40%), there were only 16 at the table, and this is only 8%. Of course, I might have been unlucky with the sample, session time, etc. But it is unlikely that this percentage will be much more than 10. While when selecting with a fish, 95%+ of hands are played.

The second option is to estimate approximate compositions. Let’s say that in addition to us, there are 70 regs playing in the pool with 4 inputs each and 10 fish with one each (if you don’t like the input data, take those that seem closer to reality to you and recalculate). The probability that there will be only regs at the table is 280/290*279/289*278/288*277/287*276/286=0.84. That is, the chance of seeing at least one fish is 16%. However, in addition to quantitative distribution, there is also a temporary one. It is quite obvious that the regs' distributions are several times faster. Fold. Fold. Fold. Raise-fold. Raise-three-bet-fold. Continbet-fold. Faster, faster, faster. More hands!

And your wish will be fulfilled immediately - they will give you the same cunning people who have long since folded to the hotkey or right mouse button. While the fish will limp, then call. Then he will start with a check and perhaps another call. If we assume that the fish plays twice as slow, this is equivalent to having twice the nominal number of regs in the pool.

Then the probability of seeing a fish at the table is 1-(560/570*559/569*558/568*557/567*556/566)=0.08

The coincidence of theoretical and practical results is not surprising.

Someone will probably say that a fish doesn’t have to be counted as 40 from a point in point; for some, 27-15 will do, but we must not forget that you can be the strongest player at the table and lose money. The reason is as old as time. While you don’t guess anything, Isai is slowly gnawing away at your stack. The situation is similar with regs - you just need to have a huge advantage over the table in order to beat the rake of low limits. Once again: the most strong player at the table he can play at a disadvantage!!!

Fact 2: Win rates in zoom.

The minimum distance for zoom is 30k hands. 100 regs were considered, of which 44% are profitable, 12% have win rates of more than 4 BB/100. To be honest, both moments surprised me. Based on fact 1, I assumed that the majority would be negative, and almost no one shows good win rates. The only explanation is that the negative ones simply don’t play until 30k hands, but understand everything much earlier. Or my friend got something wrong, but this is unlikely. The average win rate for 100 random regs is 0.08 BB/100. This is also quite strange, because there are very few fish, and tons of rake is wasted, someone has to fill it.
Minimum distance for another room (1 limit higher) = 20k. 50 regs were considered, 70% of them are positive, 18% have win rates of more than 8 BB/100. The average win rate is 3.64 bb/100.

Fact 3: Zoom has more coolers.

There are two reasons. Firstly, the brain perceives the quantity not per thousand hands, but per unit of time, so the speed of the game can go sideways if we are psychologically unstable. Secondly, we play an order of magnitude more hands with regs than with fish, which means everything revolves in tight ranges, where the probability of a cooler is much higher. Low win rates = tighter swings. Of course, there will be positive turns of dispersion, but good things are forgotten faster. Therefore, if you have a hard time losing 5 stacks on a regular basis, it is better to refrain from this discipline.

The myth about zoom (very popular in my opinion)

You can fastfold hands with minimal +EB in order to increase your dollar per hour.
This would be true if we were constantly dealt to the cutoff. Fold everything, top 3% all-in, profit! But from time to time we are dealt to the blinds, and if we don’t make up our losses within a round, we’ll simply play at a loss. Or we would play 20bb/100, and then we don’t need these crumbs at all.

Also, the disadvantage of the current state of affairs is the average strengthening of the field and the approach to the GTO. Not in the sense that our rivals have become stronger, because we are also progressing, maintaining a certain balance. And not in the sense that someone has come close to the GTO, it’s just that more and more people are trying to protect the blinds, fold to 3-bet no more than 50%, to continuation-bets no more than 40, etc.

Let me explain my idea with a small example. Let's say everyone folded to BTN, he opens, reg on the BB with D4s. And then they change places. In this case, two equal-skilled old-school regs will play this situation to zero. At the same time, two equal-skilled modern (obviously stronger) regs will call, and due to the rake they will play this situation into a minus. This example can be extended to a huge variety of situations (fold to a three-bet instead of a call, fold to a c-bet instead of a float, etc.). Ideally, a global teamplay. Naturally, this is unattainable for many reasons.

When the Enet network just began to gain popularity, there was great amount fishy, ​​my weak game they blocked the predatory rake. The Afs began to promote the fishing spot and soon there were quite a few regulars there. If everyone played 15/13, everyone would continue to make money. But the “smartest” began to steal widely, leaving a bitter choice - to be exploited and get -100 BB/100 per hand, or to defend wider, which is less negative, but both players ended up getting a negative. The ideal result for both was achieved using the style of a narrow BTN range and a very tight fold from the BB. But as soon as the BB started folding tight, BTN was tempted to “exploit the nit.”

This is partly reminiscent of the “prisoner's dilemma.” The team strategy is better, but if the opponent adheres to it, it is more profitable to deceive him. Thus, very soon it became impossible to beat Enet’s high rake and we had to look for other options.

A lot of problems could be solved if all the regs were controlled by one super cyberbrain. Moreover, this does not apply to teamplay directly, and in some cases, not at all.

Around the time of joining the pro team, Misha Inner writes an article “You’re not a pro,” the point of which is that you need to get as many hands as possible, otherwise you won’t be able to hide from the dispersion. Let's compare two options.

The first is that we play few tables (I specifically do not give a quantitative definition of the word few), but we have a higher win rate. The second is mass multi-table, we have a significantly lower win rate, but due to more We get about the same amount of tables and more rakeback. In terms of time and money, they are the same. What then is preferable?

If we earn the same amount, and the rake (room profit) in the second case is much higher, then where will we get the money missing for the balance? That's right, jam more fish! Roughly speaking, remove the stack from not one, but remove half a stack from two, and grind half a stack into the rake. And then complain that there are significantly fewer fish. We mowed them down ourselves for the benefit of the owner.

Imagine the opportunity to take a couple of billions from the room and give them to the fish, how much would the clearing improve? But the catch is that we can’t achieve anything alone (playing few tables won’t save the fish, which will be drowned out by other multi-tablers), which means there’s simply no way to change the current state of affairs. Just in case, I’ll add that I don’t blame Inner for anything, he just did his job well.

Locally, you can help yourself without accepting the false ideals that they are trying to impose on us. Multitabling (to be a pro), aggression (to be a top reg), zoom (it's fashionable) - all this distracts us from the main task - to win money. Naturally, this does not apply to phenomenal talents, future top regs, enslavers of glades. But each of us, if he doesn’t consider himself like that, then at least wants to become one. But in fact, this is a drop in the bucket.

A few from the pool of regs seeking to join the cohort of the elite. But a good selection will not hurt them in this. You can upgrade your skill both at a table with 5 regs and at a table with 4 regs and a fish. Do not separate earnings and training, they are completely compatible! And if you suddenly don’t turn out to be a future Forhalei, your savings will warm your soul a little.

What to do then? Don't play zoom at all?

There are actually cases where zoom works quite well.

When is Zoom poker right for us?

1. As a second room - to fill time. In most rooms, the skating rink is determined by the daily biorhythms of the main donor countries. There are bad hours when it will be very difficult to get even 2-3 tables challenging task. If you are full of energy, add zoom sometimes. However, it costs to play 1-2 limits lower than the main one. Then you may have the necessary advantage over the field. It may not happen, but you can check. The downside is that as the limit decreases, the rake increases (in BB/100).

2. To practice strategies. More specifically, you are a relatively advanced player and want to experiment with limping, sizing, shuffling lines and ranges. In this case, for training distances in a competitive environment, a zoom is ideal. From my graph it can be seen that Lately I tried to work out one strategy))

3. You simply do not have the opportunity to ride long sessions. Do you work in an office or have a small child? Also a limit or two lower. Remember that your job is to make money.

I’m not sure that I wrote everything I wanted, maybe I’ll remember and add some details. I am also open to questions and discussions.

Zoom poker format is well known to players PokerStars – it was in this online room that it appeared in the form in which it now exists. However, for the first time fast poker called Rush Poker was offered by the room Full Tilt even before the merger with PokerStars. Nowadays, quite a lot of players prefer to play Zoom poker at cash tables and tournaments. Playing this game, it is important to consider its features, advantages and disadvantages.

What is the Zoom format in poker?

Actually, Zoom poker is a type of fast poker that you can play at PokerStars. main feature– the ability to declare a quick fold. The player does not have to wait until the decision turn to leave the hand. Having made a Fold, he not only discards the cards, but also immediately becomes a participant in the new distribution, moving to the table where it begins. This type of poker has a number of significant advantages compared to a regular cash game:

  • A poker player can significantly increase the number of hands played per unit of time;
  • The player can increase profits per session;
  • Fast poker is an excellent alternative to multi-table games;
  • Most opponents play tight or use a ready-made strategy to get rakeback;
  • No need to waste time choosing tables;
  • The game becomes more dynamic and interesting.

Previously, most players used a multi-table game to increase profits at the usual limit by increasing the number hands played per session. However, multitabling is not suitable for all players, since it is inconvenient to play at several tables with a small monitor size or with mobile device. In addition, not every player has the reaction speed required to successfully play at several tables at the same time. Zoom poker has solved all these problems, but it also has disadvantages:

  • Each new hand the opponents change, which makes it difficult to use observations of them in the game;
  • Drawing up notes (notes on opponents) becomes a more labor-intensive process;
  • Playing Zoom poker requires stricter bankroll management;
  • You need to get used to the dynamism of the game.

When planning how to play Zoom poker in terms of strategy, it is important to take these disadvantages into account. Currently, at PokerStars you can play the following disciplines, which are played in the fast poker format:

  • BL Hold’em and PL Omaha – very popular;
  • Omaha Hi-Lo – average popularity;
  • FL Hold'em and 5-card draw - low popularity.

Many experienced players use Zoom poker to wager bonuses. Here, by playing at only one table, you can significantly increase the number of hands played, and therefore the rake generation. This way, you can quickly collect the required number of bonus points to turn the bonus into real money.

What is Zoom in Tournament Poker?

A number of tournament events are also held in the Zoom poker format at PokerStars. The principle of play in such tournaments is similar to fast cash tables. The only difference is that during the game the number of opponents is constantly decreasing, and new players appear only during the late registration period. As the tables get smaller, the game switches to a classic format, for example when there are 18 or 27 participants left, depending on the tournament rules.

The advantage of tournaments held in the Zoom format is that the game flows faster when compared to regular events with the same number of participants.

How to play Zoom poker

A player who successfully plays at classic tables can achieve similar results in Zoom poker. However, when forming a strategy, the following points should be taken into account:

Change of position – at each new table the position is determined by the random method - randomly. You can pay the Blinds twice in a row or not place them for more than ten hands in a row. You should take into account your losses on the Blinds in order to compensate for them in a timely manner. Position becomes more important than observing opponents;

Unfamiliar rivals – you will have little information about your opponents, and observing them will be difficult, given their number. However, a similar situation will arise for them - they will have a minimum of information about you;

Features of Blinds – the player in the big blind, the only participant in the hand who cannot make a quick fold right away. He can fold cards only after one of his opponents rises. This needs to be taken into account! In Zoom poker, players are much more likely to defend their Blinds from steals (attempts to "steal"). You should choose your hands more carefully in order to steal the Blinds;

Bankroll management – for Zoom poker you should have more buy-ins than for regular cash tables. It is advisable to have a bankroll in the range of 45-70 buy-ins. Having raised the stack to 150BB, you should leave the table and sit down again with the original stack.

Tracking experienced opponents – despite the fact that it is more difficult to observe opponents, it is worth paying attention to experienced players. The ability to watch the rest of the hand without leaving the table after folding will help you with this. Experienced players should be celebrated.

Entry into trading with an increase – you should practically forget about limping, since in Zoom poker you should not enter trades without raising. You should always enter the trades with a raise, and use Cold Call only in multipots with pocket pairs and suited connectors.

Analyze your game regularly, which will allow you to adjust the range of hands and identify errors.

Remember that the ability to fold quickly attracts many players, especially inexperienced ones. They often do nothing but press this button, expecting to receive good pocket cards in the next hand. Your task is not to do this, but to realize the potential of all promising hands for each specific position.

Zoom poker is an interesting and dynamic game that allows you to get increased profits with a competent strategic approach. When getting acquainted with this type of poker, it is recommended to start playing at a lower limit than you prefer at regular cash tables. You may need time to adapt to such a game and adjust your strategy. Reducing the limits will reduce possible losses.

The game is fun and fast and can make a lot of money if you know what to do. So we decided to ask some of the best players in this area about exactly how to beat the insanely fast Zoom Poker fields.

If you've been awake for the past six months, you've probably noticed how much Zoom Poker has grown in popularity on PokerStars. The essence of Zoom is that all the players at its tables are stacked into one large pool, divided into limits, where you get a new seat at the table, where the hand begins, almost the same second you fold your hand.

Thanks to the fast fold button, you can fold your hand at almost any time in the game, jumping from hand to hand until you find yourself where you would like to play. As a result of all these features, despite the fact that the game essentially retains all the characteristics of a classic cash game, it requires a special approach.

Cash games are played in both full ring and 6-max formats with bet ranges from $0.01/$0.02 to $2.50/$5.00 and you can play at up to four tables at once, both Hold'em and Omaha . Considering the fact that you can play 4 times more hands than usual in the same amount of time, you'll be faced with a ton of action. This means that mistakes and edges will also fly by much faster and more unnoticed. So try to make sure that you are the one sitting on the edge and forcing others to make mistakes.

Getting used to Zoom

The speed of the game is predetermined by the fact that players can auto-fold out of turn, allowing them to move on to the next table without even having to watch the rest of the pre-flop actions of other players. The only exception is the player sitting in the big blind, who must wait until all other players have had their say.

It is logical to assume that most players will fold most of their marginal hands, since they can quickly move on to a better hand immediately after folding them. And in general, this is true. But as soon as a trend appears in a game, there are players who learn to take advantage of it. If you can learn to make money on both categories of these players, you will be able to make good money at these tables.

"Some players prefer more tight style games, because they can easily play a fast fold with all the garbage on their hands and immediately move on to the next hand,” says Dale “Daleroxxu” Philip. “Others prefer to play looser to gain an advantage over those who play tighter. Therefore, it is vital for us to collect as much information as possible on our rivals. Without knowing who is a “nit” and who is a “lag,” one could simply play blind.”

And although you can use some kind of PokerTracker for these purposes, you really don’t need to spend a lot of time to start understanding your opponents. You can simply click after a couple of hands with some player right click mouse over the person’s avatar and make a short note about him. Notes like these can be incredibly helpful because while it may seem like every hand is being played at a new table with new people, this is actually not the case.

“In regular ring games, you will get to know your opponents more and more with each hand, which means you will gain information that will allow you to play better against them in future hands. When you play zoom, your opponents and their positions change with each hand, but you will still find yourself at the same table with the same people quite often (at least during the same session). And that's why it's so important to take notes on your opponents to keep track of who you're playing against now,” says Philip.

However, the biggest edge in these games is still your HUD. Most players don't bother setting up the HUD in zoom, as it's quick and easy. fun game for amateur players. But this does not mean that you should deny yourself the opportunity to make money there. “Information is power. If you have the information and your opponents treat zoom as a game that can be played without reads, then you get a huge edge.” – Philip adds.

Quick style

When you play a large number of hands, you also pay a large number of blinds. This means that in almost every hand there will be a sea of ​​dead money that can be taken away if you do not allow someone else to do so. “I just think you should try to steal the blinds with a wide range since a lot of people in these games open and defend with relatively strong ranges, but make sure you can fold your hand comfortably if you run into strong resistance.” - says Super High Roller champion, Evgeniy Kachalov.

Opening with a very wide range can be a profitable move if you're facing little resistance, but it's worth keeping your range closer to hands like 6-8s and eliminating hands like Q-8 or K-7 from your steal range. since you can get yourself into a situation with marginal top pair. Always keep this in mind, whether you're raising for value or just trying to take down the blinds. The same goes for 3-betting.

Are you raising because you think you can get enough folds to make the move +EV for you, or because you're missing the action? “I think 3-betting with a wider range preflop is also a good strategy, especially against late position openers as their range will obviously be much weaker. But when playing against regulars in such games, I would be careful, as they can quickly begin to adapt to your strategy.”

“Given all this, I would, of course, like to note that for the most part, players will not think much about the nature of your 3-bet and will prefer to move on to the next hand if they don’t have anything worthwhile,” Kachalov concludes.

Blind position

Most of the general assumptions regarding folding and opening ranges can be safely ignored when it comes to playing from the big blind in Zoom. If you are sitting in the big blind, you will still need to wait for the final raise to be made before you can fold your hand. And while this may not seem like a long wait in the grand scheme of things, once you get used to this ever-clicking world, such a wait can cause the big blind to respond to your actions more often, especially if you make raise from the cutoff or button. But this does not mean that you can 4-bet the big blind with a wide range after he begins to snap at your open raise.

“You have to stick to your normal game plan. But at the same time, it is worth remembering the specifics of playing from the big blind. Some players may start 3-betting very wide, up to 20-25% of the range, and some may fold their big blind five or six times in a row. You should react accordingly,” says Gregor “DaWarsaw” Mikielevich.

There is a significant chance that your opponent in the big blind will defend much more widely than in any other position. And that’s why it’s worth c-betting more often! Again, it all depends on the position.

Despite the differences from “regular” ring games, position still greatly influences the action in Zoom. “Pay attention to your opponents' position when they open. In Zoom this may be an even more important factor than in regular games, since players do not need to wait 50 hands to create an image of themselves as tight, which means that their raises from UTG and other early positions will be respected anyway,” adds Kachalov.


But, as we all know, big pots lose and win just post-flop, and this is where Zoom shows in all its glory its differences from regular ring games. Preflop ranges are one thing, but if a player knows that he can safely abandon a flop that gave him nothing and immediately move on to another hand, especially if the game is out of position for him, then most often this is what he will choose the option for himself. This is a huge difference from regular cash games, where players will stubbornly hold onto their younger couple, or high ace.

Continuation betting against standard players should be encouraged. “It seems to me that the hit-or-fold logic that some of your opponents will play with in zoom will always trigger a logical response in the form of more frequent c-bet (but smaller size). And the best part is that this c-bet will still get a ton of fold equity.”

“In situations where you would normally check the flop for pot control, you can now c-bet since you will almost always get high level fold equity, not only on the flop, but also on subsequent streets,” says Roit “GodlikeRoy” Bazin

Lex Veldhuis agrees: “most people either give up on the flop right away or decide to go all the way in the hand. The reason for this lies in the desire to catch some good hand, where it will be obvious that you are ahead. Marginal situations become less interesting for some players. Why take complex solutions, if you can simply and quickly move on to the next one? I c-bet the flop a lot for this exact reason, but at the same time I've pretty much stopped playing the triple barrel in Zoom. And the size of the continuation bet itself can be made smaller due to increased fold equity.” And these are the words of a man who plays very aggressively in regular games and tournaments, and for him the triple barrel is a classic.

Don't forget about the base

With so many bluffs out there, it might seem like it's time to put on your cape and make that heroic call. But the problem is that there is no room in Zoom for such calls. Due to the tighter range starting hands, and more disciplined post-flop play, the number of situations in which your high ace or third pair can win the hand on the river is reduced to zero. You will pay off your opponents' value bets much more often. Yes, heroic calls can sometimes work in low-stakes tournaments, or in games against your drunk friends, but not so on Zoom.

Main– don’t overload your head with “global thoughts” about how zoom actually works. If something works in standard 6-max cash, then it should also work in 6-max zoom, the same goes for full ring and Omaha. You shouldn’t justify your terrible call or all-in by saying that it’s a zoom and there’s a different logic here. This way you will only confuse yourself.

Also be careful with stacks. It's easy to build up a big stack here, so keep an eye on your and your opponents' stack size dynamics before getting into a pre-flop war of wits. Sometimes it's better to just call with your small pocket pair, and sometimes you can play a 3-bet. Consider your opponents' stack sizes and what you want to achieve. Remember that basic poker skills will help you no matter where or what you play. Yes, the variance in these games is much higher, but large pots, over time, will level the situation in favor of the one who constantly and quickly makes the right decisions. You just need to make sure that this player is you.

Zoom poker format quick game from PokerStars, which has long found fans among the room’s players and received rave reviews. The direction itself is quite different in style from other PokerStars games.

Traditional hands in Zoom poker are played at one table and with a limited number of opponents. The format is a fast and dynamic game. She assumes that the tables will change with new opponents very often. Fast poker has its own strengths, and weak, like others. In any case, this is the type of game where you need to develop your own strategy and understand the nature of the game well. Let's look at how to play Zoom poker and what features it has.

The game begins according to the traditional scheme: you sit down at the table and calmly enter the game. The difference from standard formats comes as soon as you fold your hand. The table changes to another with new players and a new hand. You can declare a quick fold at any time without waiting for others to make a decision. This is the main advantage. You can push for a quick fold until you land on a good hand.

Zoom poker formats

In the lobby of the room you can see several types of poker available, which are played at a fast and dynamic pace.

Types of games:

  • BL Hold'em and PL Omaha;
  • Omaha Hi-Lo;
  • FL Hold'em and Five Card Draw.

Most often, players choose BC Hold'em poker and submarine Omaha.

There is another interesting aspect - Zoom poker and tournaments. They are similar to fast cash tables. In the Zoom format, the number of participants is declining. New members appear only with late registration. When there are fewer gaming tables, then the nature of the competition turns into a standard classical form.

Advantages and disadvantages of Zoom Poker

The Zoom format has the following advantages:

  • More hands played in a short period of time;
  • There is no need to select a table to play - the system does everything itself;
  • The distributions are dynamic and unpredictable.

With the help of multitabling, poker players increase their account at a small limit due to a large number of games in one session. But a large number of tables is not always suitable for users. For example, if you play on a small screen (mobile or tablet) or have not yet reached the skill level to quickly respond to hands at multiple tables.

Of course, like any format, Zoom poker PokerStars has its disadvantages:

  • It is almost impossible to observe the strategy of your opponents because they change very quickly;
  • You need to maintain strict bankroll management;
  • It's hard to get used to the fast dynamics of the game.

These aspects are important to consider - you will not be able to think through a strategy according to the usual scheme. The strategy for playing zoom poker must change because the game has a completely different character.

How to play Zoom Poker in the PokerStars client

To start practicing, sit down at the PokerStars Zoom poker tables. For this:

  1. Go to PokerStars client and in the menu bar you will see a Zoom tab.
  2. Click and a window with a list of games will open in front of you.
  3. You can choose any type of poker, bet size and number of competitors. All parameters can be filtered. As you can see, even with heads-up you can play with quick table changes. All configured settings can be saved.

If you are just starting to get acquainted with this type of Zoom, then to understand how to play it, you can click the “Observe” button. If you are ready for the competition, then click on the “Join” button.

Zoom Poker Strategies

To start playing, you need to understand how the fast format affects the change in game strategy.

Aspects to pay attention to:

  • Each new hand takes place at a new table with new players. This means that you should not devote time to in-depth analysis of your opponents’ actions.
  • Don't get carried away with quick folds and go in with playing hands. You can get carried away with folding in search of the best combination. Keep competing and post the blinds. Remember that you are still playing to win.
  • Don’t get carried away by quickly changing tables until you are used to the speed of the hands.
  • Don't forget to pay attention to the size of the participants' stacks in each new hand. Evaluate your position before you sit down at the table.
  • You are deprived of table choice and cannot identify strong and weak participants. This means you won’t be able to knock out a specific opponent. You need to beat the average player.
  • If you knock out the middle one, you win the entire game.
  • You won't be able to fold quickly if you're in the big blind. If one of the participants raises the bet, then you can fold the cards. When the entire nature of the game in Zoom is tight, then only the big blind has an advantage and can play looser. Therefore, it is often stolen and, accordingly, protected more often.
  • Look out for experienced opponents. You can watch the rest of the hand if you hold down the CTRL key when changing tables.
  • Enter the hand with a raise. Save the cold call for pocket pairs and suited connectors.
  • One of the significant advantages of participating in fast format poker is the opportunity to receive more bonuses. More hands generate more rake and you earn more points, which can be exchanged for various bonuses in the loyalty program.

You will understand how to play Zoom poker only after a few lessons. It’s worth getting used to the non-standard form of hands, studying all the intricacies on your own, monitoring what’s happening at the tables, and adapting to your opponents. You can develop your skills and create your own poker strategy only with proper observation. But still remember that Zoom poker is online poker, which you need to enjoy and enjoy the speed, dynamics and excitement!


Can I play Zoom Poker from my phone?

Yes, Zoom Poker is available in .

Are there free tournaments on PokerStars?

The room has a whole system of tournaments without contributions; you can learn more about it in our material about PokerStars freerolls.

What other types of tournaments at PokerStars should I pay attention to?

For beginners, tournaments without fees and competitions with a minimum buy-in are suitable. We have collected all the information about the tournaments on a separate page.

Zoom poker is a new product from poker rooms, which has already developed into a separate direction.

The distinctive features of the game can be called its dynamics. The competitions are really exciting and interesting. Instead of fighting with a dozen opponents, it is possible to participate in a total of up to two hundred tables with a couple of thousand opponents at a time.

From this it becomes immediately clear that the poker strategy for zoom poker is indeed very difficult.

At the initial stage of the competition, everything appears in its traditional form. But as soon as a participant decides to fold and does so, he will immediately be dealt the next set and the poker player will automatically move to a new table. It follows from this that when playing zoom poker, there is no need to wait for the end of the current fight; the player enters a new battle with lightning speed.

To do this, just press the specially designed key “ fast fold"as many times as you like. This should be done until you receive a suitable set with which the participant is ready to go into battle and win. Based on this, we can say that zoom strategy poker begins when the poker player himself decides which of the dropped combinations is best suited, and there is no need to discard it, but you can safely enter the game.

This tempting prospect has generated a large number of adherents to this type of competition. But the zoom poker strategy is full of other attractive innovations that are also worth considering in more detail.

Characteristic changes in the game

What are the main differences of this competition, according to which the zoom poker strategy can be adjusted?

7 differentiating factors:

  1. A short history of distributions. IN traditional games the situation develops as follows: opponents know that the participant raises the button several times in a row. Zoom poker dictates its own rules. This is impossible here. The opponent does not have information about the number of times the player raises.
  2. The obvious facts lie on the surface and are understandable to both the poker player and his opponents. A competition strategy of this type implies the emergence of difficulties when forming notes on opponents. As soon as one combination is played, a new set of opponents at the next table appears before the participant, as if from a blank slate. The opponents are unknown, what their skills, technique and strategy are is a mystery.
  3. Speed. For those who are trying to figure out how to play zoom poker, it will be nice to know the following difference: there is no need to wait. Regular wrestling involves participation in several tables. This guarantees a greater number of active draws. But the zoom poker strategy provides the opportunity to discard unsuitable sets until such a card arrives with which the participant is ready to test his own strength and enter into battle.
  4. The need to set blinds remains unchanged. Even in a situation where a “quick fold” is a tempting prospect, you still won’t be able to sit out and wait for the aces to come.
  5. Number of hands. Zoom poker strategy provides game perspectives more sets for a certain time period. This means that you can take part in fewer tables. It would be correct to start with just one; you can also add only at the moment when there is a well-founded confidence: “Now it is important to allow yourself this action.”
  6. Information. All information that is at the player’s disposal must be skillfully applied; it is important to take into account and implement any information for the benefit of your game. Here it would be correct to pay attention to the number of opponents at the table, take into account the player’s own position, and the size of the opponents’ stacks. Based on the above information, it is important to form your decision about the set draw.
  7. Players' style. Most often, zoom poker involves a tight game of behavior for the player. This can be quite logically explained by the presence of the “quick fold” button.

When you theoretically become familiar with the changes that characterize this type of competition, you get the impression that these are simple truths that are understandable to absolutely everyone. But, as practice shows, the consequences during the competition may not be the most optimistic if you approach familiarization with the changes superficially, without going deeper.

Advantages of ZOOM

Zoom poker has actually become the choice of the majority. A wide range of advantages has allowed us to gain stable positions among other types of competitions.

The obvious advantages include the following:

  • Ease of starting a gaming session;
  • At the tables there is a high probability of meeting a participant with little experience;
  • If you have the chance to fight with one opponent more than once, this will allow you to better understand his behavior and make notes about his game as a whole;
  • In such a struggle it is easier to achieve VIP level, due to a larger number of played sets within an hour.

Thus, the strategy for playing zoom poker becomes clear, but it is also important to appreciate that in this type of competition there is much less time to choose one or another action to continue the fight.

Without sufficient experience, only this factor can negatively affect the analysis of the current situation. When the cards are folded, the player cannot observe how events developed further. Unless, by holding down the CTRL button after folding, you have a chance to watch and find out how the hand ended.

Proper analysis, study and evaluation of all changes can be a good basis for achieving victory.

But, no matter what approach this or that player chooses for himself: to thoroughly understand or learn all the secrets of the game during the competition itself, everyone is driven by the tempting prospect of increasing the total number of played combinations up to 400% per hour.

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