Cheat codes for Star Wars 3. Original game text in English

Bonus symbols:
Enter one of the following codes at the diner to unlock the corresponding symbol for
purchases in free game mode:

character code
battle droid 987UYR
Battle Droid (Commander) EN11K5
Battle Droid (Geonosis) LK42U6
Battle Droid (Security) KF999A
Boba Fett LA811Y
F8B4L6 clones
Clone (Episode III) ER33JN
Clones (Episode III, pilot) BHU72T
clones (Episode III, Swamp) N3T6P8
Clones (Episode III, Walker) RS6E25
Count Dooku 14PGMN
Darth Maul H35TUX
Darth Sidious A32CAM
Disguised Clone VR832U
Droideka DH382U
General Grievous SF321Y
Geonosian 19D7NB
Gonk Droid U63B2A
Grievous's Bodyguard ZTY392
Jango Fett PL47NH
Ki-Adi-Mundi DP55MV
Kit Fisto CBR954
Luminara A725X4
Mace Windu (Episode III) MS952L
Padme 92UJ7D
PK Droid R840JU
Princess Leia BEQ82H
Rebel Trooper L54YUK
Royal Guard PP43JX
Shaak Ti EUW862
Super Battle Droid XZNR21

Additional options:
Enter one of the following codes at the diner to unlock the corresponding selection in
\ dinner:

Variant code
Silly Blasters NR37W1
Classic Blasters L449HD
Big Blasters IG72X4
Brushes SHRUB1
tea cups PUCEAT
MINIKIT detector LD116B
Mustache RP924W
Purple YD77GC
Silhouettes MS999Q
invulnerability 4PR28U

Hint: Episode IV bonuses:
successfully complete Episode IV - A New Hope to unlock Darth Vader and Stormtrooper;
Rebel Trooper to purchase for 1000 studs, and Princess Leia to purchase for 50,000 studs.

Hint: Superkit models:
Assemble all the studs in advance at all levels. Keep collecting them dojedi
the bar is full, and flashes to get one superkit piece. After this is done at all levels
Tantive IV superkit Model outside will become available.
Note: This also unlocks the door that opens after collecting all the Minikits and the Superkit - there is actually only one
level is based on the opening scene from Episode IV: A New Hope. \ The end of the level hints at the upcoming sequel Lego Star Wars, which will include
remaining episodes (IV, V, and VI).

Hint: Defeat Anakin:
In Episode III you must fight Anakin. Insert a second controller but do not use it. Easily
to defeat him this way, but keep him on the platform.
Press the Start button on the second joystick when you fight him. Start killing Anakin and when he is on his last
life, have the player's second fall out. Note: If you defeat the man Anakin you just start
older. CPU controlled Anakin now only has one life.

Hint: Defeat battle droids:
Become a Commander battle droid. Shoot the other Commander battle droids once. They will follow
you. This does not work on cloaked clones, bosses, Geonosians, Super battle droids, or Droidekas.

Hint: Defeat and Droid Troopers:
To kill enemies such as droids and troops, press X to use Force Push when they are near the ledge
. It will just push them to the sides and kill them easily. This works best in Episode \u200B\u200B1.
Darth Maul, where there are droids that are easy to push with protrusions

Hint: Defeat Droidekas:
Double jump them while in the air to remove her shield.
Double jump while shielding, then press B before landing.

Hint: Defeat Darth Maul:
When the battle begins, Darth Maul raises a bridge with the Force. He will send
enemy droids to attack you. Destroy enemy droids by deflecting their blaster bolts back at
them. He will use the Force to send the yellow Lego barrel towards you. Using power to do
yellow barrel return to his. Repeat this two more times. The bridge will be divided into three pieces.
Use groups along the middle part to put the bridge back together to convey. You will see Darth Maul
ran away to open door. Go through the same door that Darth Maul entered. You will see
platforms. Climb to the upper platform. You will see a platform one place higher. Go down to
platforms, that is, one less place. You will see Darth Maul on other platforms. Use the Force
to open up the Lego platform and jump to the platform that Darth Maul was on.. You will need to repeat
This. Go up one place and you will see a bridge and a slightly open door. Go in it. Darth Maul
will move to a platform that is far away from the platform that you should be standing on. There must be
the bridge is one place forward compared to the platform that is one place forward compared to the platform that you should
stand on. Darth Maul makes a bridge in the fall. You should see two orange striped androids
(they should appear at the same time). When you can play further, jump onto the platform, which is one
space forward compared to the platform that you are standing on. When you are inheriting the Platform, destroy
two orange-striped droids. Then, destroy the rest of the droids. Two droidekas must come on two
separate platforms, each with one button on them. Destroy the droidekas, then step on one of
red buttons. Your partner should step on the other. The bridge should come up. Bridge jump in
platform, Darth Maul was about. Next, enter the open door that Darth Maul entered. You
should see the hallway shields. Raise one of the switches with the Force. Your partner should
pick up another one. Repeat this until you see Darth Maul. Walk through the open door in front of you.
You should see a picture of Darth Maul and about twelve hearts. To kill Darth Maul, hit him with
nothing but double jump attacks. When he stands on a platform he will use the Force to throw objects at you. Use
group to send them back to him. Repeat this about two or three more times. Darth Maul must come to
earth for the last time. Destroy all the hearts to defeat him.

When you enter the room with the large pit, Darth Maul should be on one side and you on the other.
Attack his Group until he dies.
When facing Darth Maul, double jump. When in the air press B it is easier to remove it.

Hint: Defeat Jango Fett: B
level\u200B\u200BII, play until you reach the end, where you must Defeat Jango Fett
. Lure him next to one of the mines installed on the field and step by step next to him so that he charges.
back far in the opposite direction than Fett pulled him over mine. If everything is done correctly,
My explosion will take all his hearts and destroy him instantly, saving you from several minutes
from fighting.

Hint: Defeating bosses:
To kill the boss or any enemy, use Jedi or Sith. Press Jump, then attack. This leads to easy
kills. To kill enemies like Jango Fett, switch to someone with a blaster and just shoot him.

Hint: Saber moves:
Instead of quickly entering the B attack with random combos, you can perform more powerful moves on
by pressing B in time with the pattern. Press B once, then again immediately afterwards, but not before
first lands strike. Your Jedi will perform a more powerful move on the second
strike. This will make a special sound when performed correctly, and sparkles from the group
will appear from your lightsaber. Most Jedi or Sith will perform another group trait if you press
B again after the first one finishes. Remember, you must press B at the right moment after each
move, but don't press it until the ends move, or you will perform normal combos. To make it easier to perform
in battle, just press B in a stationary model, line up in one hit after taking the other side.

Hint: End of Episode 2:
At the end of Attack of the Clones (Episode 2), go after Obi-Wan and use the force on him.

Hint: Blue Treasure Stud:
unlock hidden level \ IV: A New Hope \ until you reach the first schism B
ways. Battle through the rebel guards down the right corridor and enter the door. There you should find
A group of yellow, blue, green and red blocks are scattered across the laying floor. Usage
Jedi or Sith, use the Force to have you build\blocks,\blue blocks,\green blocks, and\red blocks. If done right at least
dozens of blue hairpins (worth 1000 each) will fall from the ceiling. Collect as much as you
maybe before they disappear.

Hint: Easy studs:
After each level, don't continue. Instead, leave lunch and break all\doors outside. You can get a good few thousand if you're lucky.

In Discovery on Kamino level, if you come across a broomstick where you should have R4 to the open gate,
using the Group on it. There won't be any money. If you follow him around the whole room, the money will still be there
appear. This is useful when trying to get the perfect stud.

When fighting General Grievous in the free game mode, go right on the cliff as possible.
Go over the bridge, then into the dome on the right. Destroy all the bombs and use the group by
levers to receive a MINIKIT.

Enable\ so you don't die and lose your pins. Replay chapter on how
many times desired and try to find studs.
To Dexter's Diner and places where you can enter levels. Use salt groups
and pepper shakers to get about 1000 studs each time.

After any level, go to Dexter's Diner instead of continuing the levels. There are three tables in
Dexter's Diner, but only two of them have salt and pepper shakers on them. In each there are about
800 spikes. You cannot destroy them with a Lightsaber or by shooting them. You should use group
destroy them. After you destroy them, you can also go to Episode I, Episode II and Episode III
to get them. There are two salt and pepper shakers in Episode I and II, and four in Episode III.

Enable\then play the Darth Vader Episode III level. At the very beginning on
lava that you have to jump over, go to the third hole and wait. Number of spikes
will pop out, including two blue ones. You may have to jump into lava, but you won't lose
any stud due to invincibility. Die, if you haven't done this yet (same case), then repeat
any number of times.

Use group salt and pepper shakers. They are located on the tables of the diner. In order to get better
using this, do not select \ after the game episode. Instead, go to dinner
and get shakers from these thorns.

To Episode I. Select the level with Darth Maul. When Darth Maul is working on
platforms/bridges, go to the very top. There should be a lot of spikes in there, along with some droids
battles. After they fail get all the studs. Note: Do not use the elevator band on

Hint: Hidden Lego Canister:
Listen to the ringing sound. If you hear these sounds, they indicate that there is a canister
somewhere near. Look around and if you can reach the canister, grab it. You may need to grab
via Free Play.

Tip: Keep your health high:
Whatever episode and chapters you play, copy the type of your current opponent. For example
If there are hordes of cloaked clones ready to shoot you, switch to cloaked clone
and they won't attack, giving you time to shoot them. Note: They will probably follow you
especially if you're a battle droid. Note: Please note this does not work on bosses, Sita, General
Grevious etc.

Hint: Fighting symbols:
After unlocking a lot of characters, go out for dinner and to the hangar. Most part of time
, good characters will attack the bad characters that spawn there. Because there are
more good characters than bad ones, sometimes you can see Darth Maul caught in the clutches of many opponents

Hint: Lightsaber Fighting:
Try alternating or simultaneously pressing Attack, Jump, and the Analog Stick like any Jedi or Sith with
Lightsaber for performing various maneuvers and various three hit combos.

Hint: Disco on Camino:
Once you get to the section where Django is behind the force field and there are two weapons on top
. Go through the door to the left. You will see several circles on the ground. Step on one of
White and your partner (whether CPU or human) will step on to the other side. Once you are done with
all of them, Dance Mix of Star Wars themes will start playing. NovRedTuk Camino foreigners will start dancing. Once you leave the room, you will have to repeat.

Hint: Dexter's Cantina Diner:
In Dexter's Diner, go through Episode 1 door. On the left you will see that
looks like a jukebox. Use groups on it and it will play cantina music for fifteen
seconds You will have to repeat this if you want to play the music again.

Tip: Move Like Yoda:
Whenever you are Yoda, you will notice that he is slow-moving without his lightsaber. Press
Jump and he will get out of the chair when you hover over it. It's easier when traveling, since you don't have to
to watch him jump like crazy, or move slowly with a stick.

Tip: Moving through holes and gutters:
Young Anakin is not the only character who can go through the vents and boxes in the levels.
Boba Fett can also slide through the vents as well. To do this either with character, face ventilation
up close and press X.

Hint: Super transition:
Double jump onto walls. Immediately after hitting the wall you can do another double jump

Hint: Skip the first part of the Darth Maul level:
When Darth Maul raises the bridge in the first part of the level, use your high jumper
and jump on the bridge. Walk the platform and jump off. You may be able to save a minute or two.
You may have to destroy the droids.

Hint: Extra time in blowing up a room in Darth Vader level:
Use the following trick to gain extra time in the room that Darth Vader is about to blow up
level. Use groups of broken bunches. This can save you about a minute and a half to
get money and open the door.

Hint: Invincible Waiter Droid:
To Dexter's Diner (main room). There will be a droid who carries the plate. You can attack him with
anything and she won't die.

Hint: Invincible Gunk Droid:
As you know, the droid waitress at Dexter's dinner cannot be destroyed. However, Gunk droid also
cannot be killed. It can only be turned over by Forces. No matter how many times you hitGunk
droids he will never die. Do this and watch as the Gunk Droids try to get back on their feet and
started walking.

Hint: Musical chairs:
On the first level Episode 1, use groups of chairs at the start. They start to move and
the music will start playing.

Hint: Hard to find MINIKIT canisters:
Some MINIKIT canisters are located in areas that even high jumping characters cannot reach. To get these
use General Grievous in free game mode.
In defense of Kashyyyk, cross the huge tree with several platforms on it. Use the fighting character
hook to climb up from the left side of the tree (left). Eventually you will find the platforms
which seems impossible to achieve. Switch to General Grievous mode, double jump to the platform, and press
B make the helicopter move. Just before you start spiraling down, press the R or L key to toggle for
another character, while still holding the analog stick in the direction of the platform. You must
land on it. Then, switch to Grievous again and jump twice over the calm until you reach MINIKIT.
In Retake Theed Palace, play until you reach the part where you rescue the guards so that
you can get from. Go all the way to the right side of the room. Use Grievous to double jump to the Platform
. Double jump again and you should reach an unjumpable wall. Keep on a short distance from
wall, so as not to tamper with the top. Use the same helicopter trick earlier. Press R or L to
switch to another character, again while holding the analog stick towards the wall.
You must get to the top and get MINIKIT.

Hint: minikits: When
You get all ten minikits in a level, you will receive 50,000 studs. Some of them are found in the following
Episode 2

Discovery on Camino
Star Fighter. You must be a high jumper.
Before Star Fighter. Use R5 to patronize.
Hallway after the clones appear. Activate all switches.
Various hallways. Use C3PO to activate the panel. Get to know the buttons, blast the target. , That
enter the holes.
the same room on the right.
Jango Fett's room. Finished Jango Fett Poster.
Jango Fett's room goes into. Step with the right switches.
min bridge Grab and use C3PO to activate the panel. Hit all targets.
Hallway after the bridge: use the Dark Group after the bridge. Use dark forces in the room.
Hint: Store prices:
Whiskers: 150000 Cats
Miniket Det. 750000 studs
tea cups: 175,000 studs
Brushes: 200,000 pins
Big Blaster: 50,000 studs
Classic Blaster: 75,000 studs
Stupid Blaster: 100,000 studs
Invulnerability: 1000,000 studs
Silhouettes: 75,000 stilettos
Purple: 50,000 studs
Mustache: 15,000 pins
hints: 8 hints, 10-80 pins
Gonk Droid: 250 Cats
PK Droid: 350 studs
battle Droid (Security) 300 spikes
Battle Droid: 200 Spikes
battle droid (Commander) 1000 studs
Droideka: 10000 studs
Royal Guard: 800 Thorns
Darth Maul: 15,000 studs
Clone: ​​2000 pins
Geonosian: 2000 studs
Battle Droid (Geonosian) 300 studs
Super Battle Droid: 5000 studs
Jango Fett: 65,000 studs
Boba Fett: 800 Thorns
Luminara: 20,000 studs
Ki-Adi-Mundi: 25,000 studs
Kit Fisco: 35,000 studs
Shaak Ti: 15000 studs
Count Dooku: 45,000 studs
Grievous Bodyguard: 30,000 studs
General Grievous: 200,000 studs
clones (Episode 3): 600 spikes
clones (Episode 3 pilot): 700 spikes
clones (Episode 3 swamp): 800 thorns
Clones (Episode 3 Walker): 2500 studs
Mace Windu (Episode 3): 30,000 studs
Disguised clone: ​​2750 studs
Darth Sidious: 150,000 studs
Rebel Trooper: 1000 studs
Princess Leia: 50,000 studs

Glitch: Invisible blaster pistols:
To DinerDexter's parking lot and tags Jango Fett. Then go to Episode 2 rooms. Use
his jet pack and fly to Discovery On Camino. When you start the level you will still be flying and
your blasters will be invisible.

Glitch: Raining inside Kamino:
This trick requires two players. Have one player use the Power to rebuild an electrical post
activate the bride and go into the building. There will be a wall pole. Use groups by
him, then stand next to him. Then there is a second player try to the left as far as they can. This
the second player will start to rain.

Glitch: Battle Droid Commander items:
Complete the first level then go to Dexter's Diner and buy\ Find him in
Episode I'm a hanger or dinner in free Play. Once you're with him, press X then quickly press
B. This will lead to a battle Droid (commander) who owns Walky - talky in his left hand and
pistol in his right hand.

Glitch: Headless Gungans:
At the end of Episode I, look carefully. One of the izgungans playing drums in the parade will be
to be without a head.

Glitch: Flying PK droid:
At the level of negotiations. Get near the end of the level the magnet and all the droids.
Defeat all droids. Then use the group by switch when you see the PC droid lined up with
switch. The PK droid will stick to the switch. In a few seconds the PC droid will fly through

Glitch: Flying Mace Windu:
Go to Episode III and continue playing until you defeat General Grievous. Then go to Free Play mode
with Mace Windu. You must have either R2-D2 or R4. Continue playing on the level. When you get to
points where you have to use your gun to shoot, do it. He will return down to the arena floor.
Do R2/R4 hover over the ledge and the ground, one directly in front of it. Get in this little building
and make Mace Windu wait for the extremes (inside) he should freeze as if he is
flight. You can fly the rims as long as you like.

Glitch: A thing moving with sound:
Buy Droideke and go to any level in the free Play mode. Make it roll, then while moving quickly press
L or R to switch characters. This will cause the sound to roll and continue until making
different sound with different character.
[email protected]

Original game text in English

Lego Star Wars - Game cheats, tips and tricks for Gamecube

Submitted by: Chris

Bonus characters:
character for purchase in free play mode:

Character Code
Battle Droid 987UYR
Battle Droid (Commander) EN11K5
Battle Droid (Geonosis) LK42U6
Battle Droid (Security) KF999A
Boba Fett LA811Y
Clone F8B4L6
Clone (Episode III) ER33JN
Clone (Episode III, Pilot) BHU72T
Clone (Episode III, Swamp) N3T6P8
Clone (Episode III, Walker) RS6E25
Count Dooku 14PGMN
Darth Maul H35TUX
Darth Sidious A32CAM
Disguised Clone VR832U
Droideka DH382U
General Grievous SF321Y
Geonosian 19D7NB
Gonk Droid U63B2A
Grievous" Bodyguard ZTY392
Jango Fett PL47NH
Ki-Adi Mundi DP55MV
Kit Fisto CBR954
Luminara A725X4
Mace Windu (Episode III) MS952L
Padme 92UJ7D
PK Droid R840JU
Princess Leia BEQ82H
Rebel Trooper L54YUK
Royal Guard PP43JX
Shaak Ti EUW862
Super Battle Droid XZNR21

Extra options:
Enter one of the following codes at the diner to unlock the corresponding
selection in the "Extra Option" menu in the diner:

Option Code
Silly Blasters NR37W1
Classic Blasters L449HD
Big Blasters IG72X4
Brushes SHRUB1
Tea cups PUCEAT
Minikit detector LD116B
Mustaches RP924W
Purple YD77GC
Silhouettes MS999Q
Invincibility 4PR28U

Hint: Episode IV bonuses:
Successfully complete Episode IV - A New Hope to unlock Darth Vader and the Stormtrooper;
the Rebel Trooper for purchase for 1,000 studs, and Princess Leia for purchase for 50,000 studs.

Hint: Superkit model:
Collect all the pre-positioned studs in every level. Keep them collecting until the Jedi
bar is full and flashing to get one superkit piece. After this is done in all levels the
Tantive IV superkit model outside will become available.
Note: This will also unlock the "?" door in Dexter's Diner. The "episode" behind the secret
door that is opened after collecting all Minikits and the Superkit is in actuality only one
level based on the opening scene from Episode IV: A New Hope. The "To Be Continued..." message
at the end of the level hints at an upcoming sequel to Lego Star Wars, which would include the
remaining episodes (IV, V, and VI).

Hint: Defeating Anakin:
In Episode III you must fight Anakin. Insert a second controller but do not use it. It is easy
to defeat him this way but, keep him on the platform.
Press Start on controller two when you fight him. Start to kill Anakin, and when he is on his
last life, have the second player drop out. Note: If you defeat the human Anakin you will just
start over. The CPU controlled Anakin now only has one life.

Hint: Defeating Battle Droids:
Become a Battle Droid Commander. Shoot the other Battle Droid Commanders once. They will follow
you. This does not work on disguised clones, Bosses, Geonosians, Super Battle Droids, or Droidekas.

Hint: Defeating Droids and Troopers:
To kill enemies such as Droids and Troopers, press X to use Force Push when they are near a
ledge. It will just push them off the side and kill them easily. This works best in Episode 1,
Darth Maul, where there are droids that are easy to push off the ledges

Hint: Defeating Droidekas:
Double jump them with A while in the air to take down its shield.
Double jump near the shield, then press B before you land.

Hint: Defeating Darth Maul:
When the battle starts, Darth Maul will lift up the bridge with the Force. He will send out
enemy droids to attack you. Destroy the enemy droids by deflecting their blaster bolts back at
them. He will then use the Force to send a yellow Lego barrel at you. Use the Force to make the
yellow barrel go back to him. Repeat this two more times. The bridge will split into three pieces.
Use the Force on the middle piece to put the bridge back together to get across. You will see Darth
Maul run away into an open door. Go into the same door that Darth Maul entered. You will see
platforms. Go up to the top platform. You will then see a platform one space higher. Go down to
the platform that is one space lower. You will see Darth Maul at the other platform. Use the Force
to open up the Lego platform and jump to the platorm that Darth Maul was on.. You will need to repeat
this. Jump one space higher and you will see a bridge and a slightly open door. Go in it. Darth Maul
will jump to a platform that is far away from the platform that you should be standing on. There should
be a bridge one space forward from the platform that is one space forward from the platform that you
should be standing on. Darth Maul makes the bridge fall. You should see two orange-stripped droids
(they should appear one at a time). When you can play again, jump over to the platform that is one
space forward from the platform that you are standing on. When you are on the next platform, destroy
the two orange-stripped droids. Then, destroy the rest of the droids. Two droidekas should come on two
separate platforms that each have one button on them. Destroy the droidekas, then step on one of the
red buttons. Your partner should step on the other one. The bridge should come up. Jump from the bridge
to the platform that Darth Maul was on. Next, go into the open door that Darth Maul went into. You
should now see a hallway of shields. Lift up one of the switches with the Force. Your partner should
lift up the other one. Repeat until this you see Darth Maul. Go into the open door in front of you.
You should see a picture of Darth Maul and about twelve hearts. To kill Darth Maul, hit him with nothing
but double jump attacks. When he is on a platform he will use the Force to throw objects at you. Use
the Force to send them back to him. Repeat this about two or three more times. Darth Maul should
come to the ground for the last time. Destroy the rest of his hearts to defeat him.

When you enter the room with the big pit, Darth Maul should be on one side and you on the other.
Keep attacking him with the Force until he dies.
When facing Darth Maul do a double jump. When in the air press B to take him down easier.

Hint: Defeating Jango Fett:
In the level "Jedi Battle" in Episode II, play until you reach the end where you must defeat Jango
Fett. Lure him near one of the mine s set up on the field and step near it so that it charges up.
Back away in an opposite direction than Fett to draw him over the mine. If done correctly, the
exploding mine will take away all his hearts and destroy him instantly, saving you from several
minutes of fighting.

Hint: Defeating Bosses:
To kill a Boss or any enemy, use a Jedi or Sith. Press Jump, then attack. This results in easy
kills. To kill enemies such as Jango Fett, switch to someone with a blaster and just shoot him.

Hint: Saber moves:
Instead of rapidly tapping B to attack with random combos, you can execute more powerful moves
by pressing B in a well-timed pattern. Press B once, then again immediately afterwards, but not
before the first strike lands. Your Jedi will perform a more powerful force move on the second
strike. It will make a special sound when performed correctly, and little sparks from the Force
will appear from your lightsaber. Most Jedi or Sith will perform another Force slash if you press
B again after the first one finishes. Remember, you must press B at the correct moment after each
move, but do not press it before the move ends or you will perform the normal combos. For easier
execution in combat, just press B in a steady pattern, lining up one strike after the other.

Hint: End of Episode 2:
At the end of Attack Of The Clones (Episode 2), go behind Obi-Wan and use Force on him.

Hint: Blue stud treasure:
Unlock the hidden level "Episode IV: A New Hope" and play until you reach the first split in
the path. Battle through the rebel guards down the right hallway and enter the door. There you
should find a group of yellow, blue, green, and red blocks laying scattered on the floor. Using
a Jedi or Sith, utilize the Force so that you build an "L" with the yellow blocks, an "E" with
the blue blocks, a "G" with the green blocks, and an "O" with the red blocks. If done correctly,
at least a dozen blue studs (worth 1,000 each) will fall from the ceiling. Collect as many as you
can before they fade away.

Hint: Easy studs:
After each level, do not continue. Instead, leave the diner and break all "trash cans" by the
doors outside. You can get a good few thousand if you are lucky.

In the Discovery On Kamino level, if you encounter the broom where you had R4 to open the gate,
use the Force on it. Money will come out. If you follow it around the entire room, money will
still appear. This is useful when trying to get perfect studs.

When fighting General Grievous in free play mode, go as far right on the cliff as possible.
Go on the bridge then into the dome on the right. Destroy all the bombs and use the Force on
the levers to get a minikit.

Enable the "Invincibility" code so you do not die and lose your studs. Replay a chapter as how
many times desired and try to find studs.
Go to Dexter's Diner and the places where you can enter the levels. Use The Force on the salt
and pepper shakers to get about 1,000 studs each time.

After any level, go to Dexter's Diner instead of continuing the levels. There are three tables
in Dexter's Diner, but only two have salt and pepper shakers on them. In each one there are about
800 studs. You cannot destroy them with a lightsaber or by shooting them. You must use The Force
to destroy them. After you destroy them, you can also go in Episode I, Episode II, and Episode
III to get them. There are two salt and pepper shakers in Episode I and II, and four in Episode III.

Enable the "Invincibility" code, then play the Darth Vader level in Episode III. At the very
beginning at the lava that you must jump over, go to the third hole and wait. A number of studs
will pop out, including two blue ones. You may need to jump into the lava, but you will not lose
any studs because of the invincibility. Die if you have not already (same case) then repeat as
many times as desired.

Use the Force on the salt and pepper shakers. They are on the tables at the diner. To make better
use of this, do not select "Continue Story" after you play an episode. Instead, go to the diner
and get the studs from these shakers.

Go to Episode I. Select the level with Darth Maul. When Darth Maul is running over the
platforms/bridges, go to the very top. There should be a lot of studs up there, along with some
Battle Droids. After they are defeated get all the studs. Note: Do not use The Force on the
elevator at the end.

Hint: Hidden Lego canisters:
Listen for a jingle sound. If you hear these sounds, they indicate that there is a canister
somewhere near. Look around and if you can reach the canister, grab it. You may need to grab
it through Free Play.

Hint: Keep health high:
In whatever episode and chapter you are playing, copy the type of your current opponent. For
example, if there are hordes of disguised clones ready to shoot you, switch to disguised clone
and they will not attack, giving you time to shoot them. Note: They will probably follow you,
especially if you are a battle droid. Note: Note this does not work on Bosses, Sith, General
Grevious etc.

Hint: Characters fighting:
After unlocking a lot of characters, go outside of the diner and to the hangar. Most of the
time, the good characters will attack the bad characters that spawn there. Because there are
more good characters than bad, sometimes you can see Darth Maul getting hammered by a lot of

Hint: Lightsaber fighting:
Try alternating or simultaneously pressing Attack, Jump, and the Analog-stick as any Jedi or
Sith with a lightsaber to execute various maneuvers and different three-hit combos.

Hint: Disco on Kamino:
Once you get to the section where Jango is behind a force field and there are two guns at the
top. Go in the door at the left. You will see some circles on the ground. Step on one of the
white ones and your partner (whether CPU or human) will step on the other. Once you are done
with all of them, a dance mix of the Star Wars themes will start playing. The Kamino aliens
will start dancing. Once you leave the room, you will have to repeat it.

Hint: Cantina Music in Dexter's Diner:
In Dexter's Diner, go through the Episode 1 door. To the left you will see something that
looks similar to a jukebox. Use The Force on it and it will play the cantina music for fifteen
seconds. You will have to keep repeating this if you want to play the music again.

Hint: Moving as Yoda:
Whenever you are Yoda , you will notice that he is slow moving without his lightsaber. Press
Jump and he will get out a hover chair. This is easier when traveling, as you will not have
to watch him jump like crazy or move slow with the stick.

Hint: Moving through the vents and chutes:
Young Anakin is not the only character that can go through the vents and chutes in levels.
Boba Fett can also slip through the vents as well. To do this with either character, face the
vent up close and press X.

Hint: Super jump:
Do a double jump onto a wall. Immediately after you hit the wall you can do another double jump

Hint: Skipping the first part on Darth Maul's level:
When Darth Maul lifts up the bridge in the first part of the level, use your highest jumper
and jump on the bridge. Walk across the bridge and jump off. You will save a minute or two.
You might have to destroy the droids.

Hint: Extra time in exploding room on Darth Vader's level:
Use the following trick to get extra time in the room that is going to explode in the Darth
Vader level. Use the Force on the broken beams. This could save you about a minute and a half
to get money and open the door.

Hint: Invincible waiter droid:
Go to Dexter's Diner (main room).There will be a droid who carries a plate. You can attack it
with anything and it will not die.

Hint: Invincible Gunk droid:
As you know, the waitress droid at Dexter's Dinner cannot be destroyed. However the Gunk droid also
cannot be killed. It can only be tipped over by the Force. No matter how many times you hit the Gunk
droid it will never die. Do this and watch as the Gunk droid tries to get back up on its feet and
start to walk again.

Hint: Musical chairs:
On the first level of Episode 1, use the Force on the chairs at the start. They will start moving
and music will begin playing.

Hint: Hard to reach minikit canisters:
Some minikit canisters are in areas that even a high jumping character cannot reach. To get these,
use General Grievous in free play mode.
In Defense of Kashyyyk, go to the huge tree with several platforms on it. Use a grappling hook
character to climb the left side of the tree (your left). Eventually you will find a platform that
seems impossible to reach. Switch to General Grievous, double jump toward the platform, and press
B to do the helicopter move. Just before you start to spiral downwards, press R or L to switch to
another character, while still holding the Analog-stick in the direction of the platform. You should
land on it. then, switch back Grievous and double jump through the rest until you reach the minikit.
In Retake Theed Palace, play through until you get to the part where you rescue the guards so that
you can get out. Walk all the way to the right side of the room. Use Grievous to double jump onto the
platform. Double jump again and you should reach an unjumpable wall. Keep a slight distance from the
wall so you do not hit the edge on the top. Use the same Copter trick from before. Press R or L to
switch to another character, again while holding the Analog-stick in the direction of the wall.
You should reach the top and get the minikit.

Hint: Minikits:
When you get all ten Minikits in a level, you will get 50,000 studs. Some are found in the following
Episode 2

Discovery On Kamino
Behind the Star Fighter. You need a high jumper.
In front of Star Fighter. Use R5 to hover over.
Hallway after you see Clones. Activate all switches.
Different hallway. Use C3PO to activate the panel. Get to the buttons, blast the target., then
go into holes.
The same room on the far right.
Jango Fett's room. Finish the Jango Fett Poster.
The room Jango Fett goes into. Step on the right switches.
Mine bridge. Grapple and use C3PO to activate the panel. Hit all targets.
Hallway after the bridge: Use Dark Force on the table. Use Dark Force in the room.
Hint: Store prices:
Moustaches:150,000 Studs
Miniket Det. 750,000 studs
Tea cups: 175,000 studs
Brushes: 200,000 studs
Big Blaster: 50,000 studs
Classic Blaster: 75,000 studs
Silly Blaster: 100,000 studs
Invincibility: 1000,000 studs
Silhouettes: 75,000 studs
Purple: 50,000 studs
Moustaches: 15,000 studs
Hints: 8 hints, 10-80 studs
Gonk Droid: 250 Studs
PK Droid: 350 studs
Battle Droid: (Security) 300 studs
Battle Droid: 200 studs
Battle Droid (Commander) 1,000 studs
Droideka: 10,000 studs
Royal Guard:800 studs
Darth Maul: 15,000 studs
Clone: ​​2,000 studs
Geonosian:2,000 studs
Battle Droid (Geonosian)300 studs
Super Battle Droid: 5,000 studs
Jango Fett: 65,000 studs
Boba Fett: 800 studs
Luminara: 20,000 studs
Ki-Adi-Mundi:25,000 studs
Kit Fisco: 35,000 studs
Shaak Ti: 15,000 studs
Count Dooku:45,000 studs
Grievous" Bodyguard: 30,000 studs
General Grievous: 200,000 studs
Clone (Episode 3): 600 studs
Clone (Episode 3 pilot):700 studs
Clone (Episode 3 swamp):800 studs
Clone (Episode 3 walker):2500 studs
Mace Windu (Episode 3):30,000 studs
Disguised clone: ​​2750 studs
Darth Sidious: 150,000 studs
Rebel trooper: 1,000 studs
Princess Leia: 50,000 studs

Glitch: Invisible blaster pistols:
Go to the Dexter's Diner parking lot and tag Jango Fett. Then, walk into the Episode 2 room. Use
his jet pack and fly into Discovery On Kamino. When you start the level, you will still be flying
and your blasters will be invisible.

Glitch: Raining inside Kamino:
This trick requires two players. Have one player use the Force to re-build the electric post to
activate the bride and go into the building. There will be a pole on the wall. Use the Force on
it, then stand next to it. Then have the second player run to the left as far as they can. It
will start to rain on the second player.

Glitch: Battle Droid commander items:
Complete the first level then go to Dexter's Diner and buy the "Battle Droid (commander)". Find
him in the Episode I hanger or diner in Free Play. Once you have him, press X then quickly press
B. This will result in the Battle Droid (commander) holding the walky-talky in his left hand and
the pistol in his right hand.

Glitch: Headless Gungan:
At the end of Episode I, look carefully. One of the Gungans playing the drums in the parade
will be headless.

Glitch: Flying PK droid:
Go to the Negotiations level. Get near the end of the level with the magnet and all the droids.
Defeat all of the droids. Then, use the Force on the switch when you see a PK droid lined up with
the switch. The PK droid will stick to the switch. After a few seconds the PK droid will fly through
the air.

Glitch: Flying Mace Windu:
Go to Episode III and keep playing until you defeat General Grievous. Then, go in Free Play mode
with Mace Windu. You should have either R2-D2 or R4. Continue playing the level. When you get to
the point where you must use your gun to shoot, do so. He will fall back down onto the arena floor.
Have R2/R4 hover over the ledge and land on the one directly in front of it. Get in that little
building and make Mace Windu stand by the rim of the wall (inside) he should freeze as if he is
flying. You can the fly around the rim as long as desired.

Glitch: Stuck rolling sound:
Buy Droideke and go into any level in Free Play mode. Make him roll, then while moving quickly press
L or R to switch characters. This will result in the rolling sound to continue until you make
another sound with a different character.
[email protected]

For lovers game series LEGO Star Wars once again has a chance to be transported into an amazing and fantastic universe Star Wars, entirely assembled from LEGO parts. With the help of an improved and updated graphics engine, fighting and building in the game has become even more interesting. The main characters will have unforgettable adventures over about two dozen missions, which are directly related to the plot of the films. Players will also be able to try their hand at forty additional levels. The main characters will visit unknown parts of the galaxy and meet many famous characters, both original films and characters from the popular animated series “The Clone Wars”.

Quite good visual effects, a unique atmosphere of an immortal space saga and the possibility of cooperative playthrough of almost the entire arcade game. Without a doubt, over the game LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars You can enjoy your free time for both children and adults.

Game Features:

Completely new plot twists. Having become full participants in the story of the Clone Wars, which is discussed in several seasons of the famous animated series, players will have to engage in brutal combat with many popular villains, such as the Zillo Beast and so on. Among other things, fans of the legendary “Star Wars” will be able to meet well-known characters from the original films in the game. For example, players will meet Chubbaka, Luke Skywalker and Darth Vadar himself.

In constant battles with endless droids, players will have to manage and give orders to entire battalions of clones, build bases and fortifications, and control the movements of military equipment. In order for players to feel at the center of the action, they are given the opportunity to control several combat units that are located in completely different places.

Freedom of action, thanks to which heroes can travel through outer space as many as sixteen star systems on various spaceships. The player can choose to side with the Republicans or the Separatists. Or even play as mercenaries, tracking down ordered victims throughout the vast galaxy.

Players have the opportunity to use any Star Wars equipment they like. Heroes can master not only the principles of shooting from a rapid-fire rifle or a clone rocket launcher, but also try out a variety of spaceships, one of which will be Anakin’s flagship called the Steadfast and the huge cruiser Schadenfreude, which has great destructive power. For successful and victorious battles, players will also benefit from military technologies such as clone tubotanks or Jedi interceptors.

The presented codes for the game LEGO Star Wars 3 will help you easily complete the game and get at your disposal such characters as Obi Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Yoda and Padmé Amidala.

In order to activate cheat codes, pause Lego Star Wars 3 The Clone Wars. In the "Advanced" menu, enter the following cheat codes:

Mace Windu - 8nvrwj
Super boosters - b1d3w3
Double points multiplier - yzphuv
Quick build - gchp7s
Tenx score multiplier - n1ckr1
Character shaped wands - qd2c31
Quadruple score multiplier -43t5e5
Darth Maul - qh68ak
Rod - 6mz5ch
Supersaber - bs828k
6x score multiplier - sebhgr
8x score multiplier - byfsaq
Invulnerability - j46p7a
Regenerating hearts - 2d7jns
Supply Detector - csd5na
Light in the Dark - 4gt3vq
Two-handed swords - c4es4r
Get access to score multipliers - Yzphuv
Geonosis Fighter - edenec
Dark Side - x1v4n2
Perfect reflection of attacks - 3F5L56

If you are not satisfied with the cheat codes we found, use a game hacking program or

Found a mistake? Anything to add? - Write to us via ! Or in the comments below

Also in our database, in addition to cheat codes for Lego Star Wars 3 The Clone Wars, there are cheats for such popular games as.

LEGO Star Wars 3 Cheats will give you all Red and Gold Blocks, unlock all Characters, Ships and Sets. With these LEGO Star Wars 3 cheats you can get everything in the game. Many players are looking for LEGO Star Wars 3 codes for Gold Blocks, and we will provide them to you. In order to get gold blocks, red blocks, all characters, all ships and sets, you just need to enter these cheat codes into the game. And if you don’t yet know where to enter cheats for the game LEGO Star Wars 3, then below in this article we have posted a link to instructions in which everything is described in detail. Have a good game!

  • To get all Gold Blocks enter this Cheat Code - SW_xcUhbKvWR3
  • To get all Characters enter this Cheat Code - SW_M5hy11nHFA
  • To get all Ships enter this Cheat Code - SW_ClhZxSr9JW
  • To get all Red Blocks enter this Cheat Code - SW_U5MGCth7ko
  • To get all Sets enter this Cheat Code - SW_nxMjSuGHJi

All Cheat Codes can be entered multiple times.

Attention! In order to get instructions for cheats, you need to subscribe to this guy's channel on YouTube, and like any of his videos and watch this video to the end without rewinding

Cheat Codes are better than Lego Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars Hack Programs because:

  1. You don't need to download any programs for hacking lego star wars 3.
  2. You can Hack the Game Lego Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars for Gold Blocks, Characters, Ships, Sets for free.
  3. You won't get a virus because you don't need to download anything.
  4. This Breaking 100% safe because you don't need to download malware to hack.

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