Druid in WWII. Tauren Druid: appearances, professions, name

Many in WoW believe that Druids are first-class range damage dealers in PvE battles. Those who know how to assemble a raid correctly know perfectly well that it is impossible to do without a Druid. In PvP, the Druid is also excellent not only as a damage dealer, but also as a healer. Today we will talk about builds for Druid and try to consider all branches in different aspects. Since your performance will depend on how competently your build is pumped up.

The uniqueness is that the build is not completely done, since everyone adheres to their own gaming style. We have provided those talents that are the most important in terms of DPS, see the rest for yourself. If you want to learn your Balance Druid inside and out, then read on. And so, attention - build:

Some of the build's talents are controversial. For one, they do not suit the playing style, the other may simply not know how to use them correctly. See which ones exactly in the guide. There is more information on the build, and not only that.

PvE build for Druid Tank 3.3.5

The build that we provided is the most optimal for playing on any server. You get everything you need for tanking. The raid will feel at ease with such a tank. But at the same time, one build is not enough, because there are so many nuances and secrets in the playing technique that you, as a beginner, may not have heard of yet. everything is outlined in . A build for a druid is just the beginning of your gaming journey.

Players often throw five points into a werewolf: 2 into one and 3 into the other. But for me the best talent would be “The Naturalist”.

PvE build for Druid Restor 3.3.5

In general, the build is standard. Eight talents were not delivered here. You will choose them yourself. According to the mechanics, we have provided you with the basics - that is, those talents that are 100 percent important. There is nothing complicated - everything is determined only by your style - this is how you will play.

When you feel that you are constantly short of mana, take “Dream State”, or you can also take “Moonlight”. For some, Kite is not enough and this can be overcome with the help of “Thorns”. For more details, see the guide.

PvP build for Druid Feral 3.3.5

Like other classes, the Druid can be upgraded in several ways. I place more emphasis on ArP - this makes it possible to play quickly - in fact, in one burst. Druid build 3.3.5 is not difficult, but you need to equip some PvE gear to increase the character's power. How exactly to dress and upgrade a Druid is described in detail in. And now we will move specifically to the build for the Druid.

Let me remind you that in this layout the Druid depends on PvE gear. However, there are some build options where PvE Items are not that important. Everything is described in detail in the Guide.

PvP Build for Druid Heal 3.3.5

Again, it is the game tactics that determine the build for the Druid. Since it is better to keep all castes to a minimum in the arena, your main attacking elements will be the Hoths. You won't be afraid of long battles. You won’t be able to waste your mana, and the effectiveness of the healing will be just as high. When you feel confident, you can help your partner a little by pumping up “Insect Swarm” - this is a passive talent that will damage the enemy. Druid Restor will undoubtedly help you understand in detail. In we go directly to the build:

To each their own and we do not impose on you what we have proposed. There are many layout options, and we chose the most playable and best. If you want to learn more about your class as a PvE player, see. It will be much more difficult in the arena, because among the opponents there are also pros who are quite difficult to defeat. In PvP the technology is completely different. You can also master all this by familiarizing yourself with your class. These sections on the portal exist specifically for this purpose. Develop yourself, good luck everyone!

Defined as a hybrid class that can cope with any role and occupy any niche in gameplay. They use the power of nature to preserve the natural balance and protect the environment. A skilled druid can attack his opponent with a burst of pure natural energy, using a celestial storm, tree roots, or a furious whirlwind as a weapon.

Who can become a Druid?

If the player fights on the side of the Alliance, then he will have the chance to choose between night elves and worgen. If you're on the Horde's side, you'll have to choose between tauren and trolls. This means that the best candidates from the Alliance are the night elf race. The Horde's best candidates are the troll race.

Equipment and weapons

WoW druids have access to armor made only from fabric and leather. Depending on the chosen race, characters will initially be able to use different weapons, but as they progress they will be able to hone their skills in certain areas:

  • Staves.
  • One-handed and two-handed hammers.
  • Knives.
  • Fist weapons.
  • Polearm weapons (added to the game with patch 3 0 8).

WoW druids do not know how to use shields, nor do they know how to use one-handed weapons in two hands at once.


Just like representatives of other classes, druids have three branches of unique talents. Their main difference is that each such branch leads to completely different results.

  • Balance Druids (referred to simply as Owls among players) are a DPS caster class. The playstyle of this specialization is something between mages and priests of darkness, while their armor is the equivalent of plate. The main resource of such druids is mana. In addition to excellent DPS indicators, balance druids can provide their group or raid with various useful bonuses.

  • Bestial Strength is a branch for those who prefer to fight in close combat or tank. For close combat, Druids take the form of a cat, which uses energy as its main resource. The mechanics of the cat are more like a rogue. As for tanks, another form will suit them, also available in the “Animal Strength” branch - the form of a bear. Here rage is used as the main resource. The mechanics of the bear are similar to that of the warrior. Bear tanks are very durable, as their armor, health and evasion are at a high level.
  • Healing - In this specialization, Druids take the form of the Tree of Life. The main resource is mana. Druid healing can easily compete with the most powerful AOE healers. The abundance of HoT and numerous instant spells turn the Tree of Life into a very useful fighter in some fights.

Guide to Druids "WoW": advantages and weaknesses. Let's sum it up

In conclusion, I would like to mention once again important information for this class and note several main pros and cons.

  • Versatility in gaming styles.
  • The ability to change one's own shape.
  • Variability of weapons.
  • Strongest buffs.
  • The ability to resurrect allies killed in battle.
  • Druids only have access to leather and cloth armor.
  • While in animal form, druids cannot cast spells.

In the game (tank, damage dealer, healer). Perfect for beginners who have not yet decided on the choice of the main character or those who prefer variety in the game.

Not all races can be druids, the Horde has tauren or trolls, the Alliance has night elves or worgens. The main equipment is leather armor; by wearing only “Leather” you will receive a bonus to the main characteristics.

There are several druid specializations:

  • Balance. Fighter ranged, thanks to the appearance of a moonkin, uses birth magic and arcane magic.
  • Healing. A healer who uses his abilities to restore the health of his allies.
  • The power of the beast. Melee fighter, uses the form of animals to deal damage, the main form for maximum effect is a cat.
  • Guardian Tank, turning into a bear makes it possible to take blows on yourself, protecting your allies.


Let's consider all possible talents and possibilities for use in PvP and PvE
First tier of talents
Here we will select talents that contribute to the druid's mobility.
Cat's swiftness is a talent intended for feral druid or PvE, it allows you to quickly get to the enemy or run between boss phases. Stacks with boots bonus.
Astral leap - is very popular in the balance of druids, it allows you to quickly jump 20m away from your opponent. Allows you to avoid received damage.
Swift dash - mainly used in PvP, in two-tier arenas. Suitable for both restaurants and balance. Allows you to protect a friendly target from hunter traps.
Second tier of talents
The choice will be made between failing talents.
Shield of Cenarius is one of the most popular talents in the tier; the talent is very popular among both healers and balancers. Allows you to quickly protect yourself or an ally.
Update - the talent is taken mainly for PvE, it restores the health of an ally as a percentage.
Ysera's Gift is probably the most used talent; it allows you to passively restore your or an ally's health. No need to worry about using, great for beginners.
Tier three
Magic swarm - slows down the enemy by 50%, rarely used by players. There is almost always a character in the group with the same passive spell.
Mass entanglement - the talent is applicable for PvP and RBG, it allows you to give additional control to the target and nearby enemies.
Typhoon is a favorite talent from the Druid tier, it allows you to knock back a target, slow down an opponent, and disrupt a spell.
Tier four
Talents that increase damage done.
Soul of the Forest - gives bonuses when using basic abilities in each of the specifications.
Transformation is a transformative talent appearance character, makes a huge increase in damage for all druids.
Power of Nature - talent is a common choice in PvP, gives additional control when used correctly, calls upon ancient ones that cast “Roots” and “Wrath”, initially has 3 charges, each recovery is 20 seconds. There is no general recovery time.
Tier five
Paralyzing roar - disorients the enemy next to you for 3 seconds, when damage is dealt, it is knocked down. Well used in PvP to disrupt an opponent's cast.
Ursol's Whirlwind is a protective spell that makes it possible to detain a player/mob by returning to the center of the created vortex.
Powerful stun - an excellent talent for both PvP and PvE, it allows you to stun the enemy. It is recommended to use it from the back; there is no chance of a miss.
Tier six
Heart of the Wild - a talent that allows you to fulfill the role of another specialty. For example, if you are a restaurant, you are allowed to deal a lot of damage with a cat or spells.
Cenarius' Dream is a protective spell for PvP, helps to heal allies.
Natural Sensitivity is the most used talent, another save that allows you to convert damage into healing.
Tier seven
Here, for each specialty there is a different selection of talents.

Balance Druid

Euphoria - recognized as the best talent at level 100.
Starburst is a multi-target talent.
Balance of power - do not take a talent while it is considered useless, perhaps something will change in the future.

Restaurant Druid

Moment of Clarity - allows you to cast Restoration without spending mana. In PvE this is a short amount of time, in PvP it allows you to survive the burst.
Origin - allows you to apply two rejuvenations to each target, an excellent talent.
Wild growth - the rejuvenation talent does not require recovery, Rapid recovery deals 20% healing, but dispels the effects of Rejuvenation and restoration (recovery is a priority if it weighs two hots)

Guardian of death

Lunar Inspiration - allows you to use moonfire in cat form, giving one combo move and costs 30 units. energy. Gives an advantage against multiple opponents.
Bloody Claws is the best talent for a single target; it is recommended to hang scratches under the effect of this ability.
Shirvallah's Claws is a rarely used talent, an alternative to claws.

Hyde Balance

It's no secret that the owl is a universal killer whose main task is to help allies. Yes, yes, you heard right! Despite the enormous damage to the target, your tasks will include saving your teammates with healing spells and control, assistance in dealing damage during “bursts,” and huge AoE pressure (PvP)/damage (PvE) throughout the entire time.

The main parameters, as for any caster, will be Intelligence and Spell Power. Next, we choose the priority of the stats, everyone has different thoughts on this matter, but my choice is the following:

Mastery > Crit = Hast = Multistrike = Versatility

Mastery is the main secondary stat, the rest become equivalent.
When dealing damage to the 1st target:
"Euphoria" + "Soul of the Forest"/"Reincarnation"
First, cast “Star Stream” (gain the energy of the Lunar Peak) > turn on “Transformation” + “Parade of Planets” + “Solar”/“Moonfire” > for the “Lunar Power” proc > then cast “Star Fire”/“Star Stream” on the Lunar Peak > when moving to the Solar Peak, cast “Wrath” / “Star Stream” + refresh Solar and Moonlight fire, and so on in a circle.

AoE damage:
For excellent AoE damage, you need to put the Sunfall symbol > go to the middle of the Solar Eclipse > throw Solar Fire on one target > pass the passive to all targets within a radius of 5 m > turn on "Sunfall"

That's all the tactics for a balance druid.

Hyde restaurant

Restor Druid is the most mobile healer in the game; he has a large number of instant spells, which helps heal allies during runs between bosses or avoid running into opponents in PvP. Has powerful AoE healing, but at the same time calmly heals one target.

Stats and main characteristics:
Intelligence remains the main stat for the healer. Each unit of intelligence is equal to one unit of spell power, and the greater the spell power, the greater the healing. The second most important stat is speed, it reduces the casting speed of spells and adds additional Rejuvenation and Puddles procs. Mastery - increases the effectiveness of healing with spells, the higher the % of mastery, the greater the healing, works both for direct and periodic spells. The remaining characteristics are not so important for a restaurateur druid. Accordingly, we get the following graph:

Intelligence > Haste = Mastery > Multistrike > Crit > Versatility

How to heal?
The order of casting spells and the choice of spells depends on the amount of health of the raid/group.
If the raid has 70-95% health
Lifebloom > Rejuvenation > Rapid Recovery > Restoration > Healing Touch
50-70% health
Rejuvenation > Wild Growth > Calm > Rapid Recovery > Healing Touch > Restoration
Up to 50% health
Calm > Wild Growth > Rejuvenation > Rapid Recovery > Rejuvenation > Healing Touch
Heals 1st target
Lifebloom > Restoration > Rejuvenation > Rapid Recovery > Mushroom > Healing Touch > Ironbark

Now you are ready to go to a raid/group.

Guide Power of the Beast

Common people say the druid is a feral; for many patches there have been no changes to the mechanics; the most important thing when playing as a feral is to be careful. Has serious attacking potential combined with defensive abilities. If necessary, it can remove some controls from allies. It is one of the simplest in terms of mechanics.

Stats and main characteristics:
Now we have moved into a completely different type of play as a druid, instead of ranged attacks we will need to attack close and for this we need different characteristics. In my opinion, the priority of characteristics should be:

Agility > Weapon DPS > Attack Damage > Crit > Mastery > Versatility = Multiattack > Speed

Dealing damage with a feral is quite simple, the main thing is not to lose sight of your target, and thanks to your abilities it is quite simple. You can also actively use your invisibility to get closer to your target. Your control spells (whirlwind and roots) can still work at a distance. What do you need to know when dealing damage? Watch the duration of the abilities on you and the remaining bleeding time on the target, trying to maintain them without harming the overall damage.

Wild Roar > Rip > Rake > Slash > Ferocious Bite (if you have extra moves)

Wild roar - should always be on you in battle, all bleeding should only be done with it;
Tiger's Fury - use when you see a need for energy;
Bloody Claws - use before discarding moves;
Tear - always supported on the target, recommended to be used with Bloody Claws, Tiger's Fury;
Deep wound - accept in the same way as Tear;

18 964

Druid "Balance" uses the form of a moonkin to maintain balance in the use of the forces of Nature and Arcane magic. Using the energy of the Sun and Moon, he is a formidable opponent at a distance. You will learn about the most important things about this druid from our WoW guide.


Basic information on spec:

The Balance Druid, like all Druids, has the ability to take on various forms, although his main one is Moonkin form . Many abilities are tied to this appearance. As a Moonkin, you have one primary resource - Astral Energy, which is spent on all main DPS abilities, and one secondary resource - mana, which is required to cast various auxiliary spells. Without a form and in marching form, the druid has mana as the main resource, in the bear - rage, and in the cat form - energy, when taken Kinship with the power of the beast combo points will also be available.

Let's look at the strengths and weak sides this specialization:


  • Very strong area damage
  • Good multidot
  • Availability of Insight


  • Boring gameplay













Miles and range zone

TraitAzerite armor

WoW for Russian players initially existed only in foreign languages, since the native language of the game is English, many terms to this day are formed from the English names of established mechanics and many abilities.

AoE- (from the English Area of ​​Effect) literally - this is the area in which the effect occurs, whether damage is done in this area or healing is performed does not matter. Typically this abbreviation is used as a command to deal damage in a group/raid to multiple targets. It is also used to describe any boss ability with the effect described above.

Buffpositive effect. By default it is displayed to the left of the minimap along its top edge.

Burst— (from the English Burst), an ability that allows you to inflict a large amount of damage in a short time in various ways.

Gir— (from the English Gear) is essentially equipment.

GKD— (short for English Global Cooldown) is the total recovery time of abilities.

Debuff- negative effect. By default it is displayed to the left of the minimap along its bottom edge.

DoT— (from English Damage over Time) is an effect that causes damage over time

DPS- (from the English DPS - Damage per Second) this is a value that reflects the damage dealt per second.

Cleve— (from the English Cleave) the ability to inflict damage on secondary targets by inflicting damage on the main target while having no loss (or with minimal loss) on the main one.

Cooldown- (from the English Cooldown, you can often find the abbreviation “CD”, or “kdshki”), the main meaning is the recovery time of the ability. Also often used in relation to bursts or various defensive abilities.

Miles and range zone- (from the English Melee and Ranged, respectively) Miles - means a melee zone, also used to name all classes/specs that deal effective damage directly in this zone. Range (can also be found “range”) usually means a zone that is not a melee zone, and, accordingly, is also used to name all classes/specs that can effectively deal damage from a distance.

Trait- (from English Trait) the name of your “talents”Azerite armor

Basic Abilities

Offensive Abilities


General information. As you reach several new levels, new “tiers” of talents will open up for you. In each such line, you can select only one talent at a time. Talents can influence abilities in different ways: add new ones, replace old ones, passively modify various effects and spells. You can change talents while in sanctuaries or in any recreation areas, however, if there are no such places nearby, you can use “the tome of the serene mind” , which will allow you to change talents within a minute. Talents cannot be changed in battle. A talent cannot be changed if the talent chosen in this tier is on cooldown; you will first have to wait for it to be restored.

Tier 1. 15 lvl

Azerite traits

Sets were removed from BfA, and “Azerite Armor” was added in their place. Now in any honor/head/shoulders there are several rings in which you have to choose one or another talent.

  • A good raid choice would beAn insidious agreement in quantities of 1-2 pieces. This talent provides intelligence, but has its drawbacks, for example, if health drops below 50%, it stops providing strength and becomes useless, and if health drops below 20%, it even starts to work at a loss, and provides a debuff that we take 15% more damage. Since the owl has very few useful damage traits, this one looks pretty good compared to the others, and is one of the best.
  • Magic pulsar. Increases damage from "Star Stream ". Every 9th use "Star Stream "you for 6 sec. get the effect " Parade of planets ". An excellent trait that you need to have in quantity of 1 piece.
  • Swift stars. While the Parade of Planets is active ", your damaging spells summon a Swift Star, dealing additional damage unless you use the same ability repeatedly. The best trait that you need to have is 3 pieces. Changes our rotation a bit by forcing us NOT to use the same ability twice during a burst. But it's worth it, the DPS increase is significant.

*The best traits are described here, the rest are much worse or situational. I advise you to use raidbots.com to optimize your DPS and select the optimal traits.

We recommend using the Herodamage resource and the AzeritePowerWeight addon. Import a line from the site into the addon and you can easily compare your Azerites right in the game.

(AzeritePowerWeights:1:"herodamage.com - Stacks_1T_T23":11:102: 200=10, 562=5.71, 82=5.55, 522=5.36, 193=5.36, 526=5.29, 505=5.07, 196=4.93, 481 =4.85, 504=4.66, 192=4.62, 501=4.61, 483=4.54, 494=4.53, 488=4.53, 157=4.53, 479=4.51, 250=4.37, 495=4.29, 489=4.29, 122=4. 28 , 194=4.18, 478=4.18, 195=4.17, 485=4.16, 482=4.14, 521=4.01, 561=4.00, 480=3.98, 486=3.94, 492=3.94, 523=3.92, 30=3.86, 73 =3.67, 364=3.67, 498=3.59, 487=3.52, 493=3.52, 156=3.31, 500=3.14, 21=3.02, 18=3.02, 22=2.99, 31=2.95, 356=2.93, 459=2.93 , 560=2.92, 20=2.76, 499=2.74, 497=2.74, 491=2.74, 38=2.65, 541=2.58, 461=2.55, 462=2.53, 490=2.34, 496=2.34, 357=1.76)

Dealing Damage

Basic ability priority:

  1. Support the Sun's Fire on target (taking into account the pandemic solar fire update no earlier than 5.4 seconds before the fall)
  2. Support

Relevant for: Burning Crusade, The Wrath of the Lich King

Bear and Dear Bear Form

At the tenth level, each class has the opportunity to develop talents, but for a druid this is not the most important thing, because it is at this level that our night elf receives the first task in a short chain, after completing which the first form appears - the Bear Form. This will be the first step into the unknown world of various power-ups and stat increases that completely eliminate the need for serious armor. Let's take a closer look at our “bear”. Now we will superficially describe the main features, because you will see further the true power. After completing the chain of tasks, the bear will acquire, along with the form, an increase in the armor of wearable items by 180 percent, this is an excellent indicator that can protect you in battle. Also, in battle, the bear does not lose strength, because melee strength increases by 30. Finally, your stamina indicator (Stamina) will increase by 25 percent. At first glance, these are not such colossal opportunities, but it is worth considering that this will happen already at level 10, which can be achieved in the shortest possible time. In addition, this form will not always be like this, because later at level 40 an “update” will appear, namely the form of the Dire Bear Form. Here he is a real bear, who became an almost legendary tank in the expansion Burning Crusade r. This was determined solely by its indicators, which need to be considered in more detail.

First, the druid's armor in dire bear form increases by 370 percent. A remarkable indicator that was slightly changed during the transition to the new addition. In Burning Crusader we saw armor increase by 400 percent, which gave large quantity. As a result, there were only a small number of warriors or paladins who were capable of matching the performance of a dire bear form of the same level. It didn't matter that the two classes wore superior clothing because the bonus stat covered all of those obstacles. Lich King somewhat smoothed out this difference by tidying up the ratio of the number of players of the above classes.

Secondly, your attack abilities while in Dire Bear Form are increased by 120. An excellent stat that was not affected by the version change. Usually the bear form is considered exclusively as a tanking character, but this indicator once again reminds us that he will be dangerous from all sides.

Third, stamina is also increased by 25 percent, giving Va more vitality to survive.

Dire Bear Form is an almost ideal defensive form for any talent tree because it allows even an undeveloped character to survive. In addition, obtaining the updated bear form does not require completing any tasks, but is learned from the class trainer, which makes obtaining it the simplest process.

Aquatic Form

Developing further, at level 16, an interesting chain of tasks begins, which provide the druid with another form. These quests are all exclusively related to water, which is not at all surprising, because after completing them, an Aquatic Form appears. This is one of the most original animals that can be found in World of Warcraft, because when switching to it, the druid becomes a seal. At the same time, he gains the ability to breathe under water, and at the same time increases the speed of movement in the water element by 50 percent. Any player knows that moving in water is always associated with great difficulties, because it slows down the character, and the air constantly runs out, forcing you to float to the surface again.

Cat Form

Constant development and increase in level will increase your strength and capabilities, and at the long-awaited level 20, the class trainer will offer the druid to study the Cat Form. Now the night elf can turn into a beautiful black panther (for the Alliance) or a lion (for the Horde). A beautiful, graceful animal that has a lot of advantages and shows the real capabilities of a druid in close combat. Here the greatest importance and the main change concerns the melee attack power (attack power), only its increase is calculated a little more complicated. There is no specific amount, but the increase is the sum of your agility and 40, as a result it is clear that as the character develops, the attack in cat form will increase. In addition, all cat skills are designed for high speed, which gives excellent results in attacking actions. It is worth noting that the druid in cat form fights using a system of combo attacks, which makes it possible to use the most powerful finishing blows.

Travel Form

The next form appears again from the trainer as soon as the character reaches level 30. This is a Travel Form, which is expressed in the same cat, but this cat is not an attacking character. As the name suggests, it is designed only for long journeys, which is perfectly confirmed by the change in the druid's stats. In this form, his movement speed increases by 40 percent. In this form, you can perfectly travel to various locations, instantly turning into a combat or protective form in case of any danger. In principle, for more high levels You probably won't use it, but it's important at this point.

Flight Form and Swift Flight Form

Next, we will remember that as we approach the victorious end, we learn that it is possible not only to move on land or water, but also through the air, because at level 70 the character gets the opportunity to acquire a flying animal. Flight space is limited, but it still provides great opportunities to perform numerous tasks. Of course, when playing a druid, you can buy yourself a griffin, but in fact there is absolutely no point in this, because your character will already take off from the ground at level 68. Again, the class trainer will have a new skill, expressed in the form of a bird (Flight Form). It turns out that it is the druid who takes off before everyone else, which is again due to his most interesting transformations. This form has the usual qualities of the first fly mount, namely its movement speed is increased by 60 percent. At the same time, you will spend your own cash just to learn a skill, which is not commensurate with the costs of other classes. True, every player dreams of further increasing their flight capabilities, because a second fly mount increases speed by 280 percent, but this dream is not always realized because its cost becomes too high. The druid was able to stand out from the crowd here too; when a character reaches level 70, a chain of quests appears. Not everyone even experienced player ready to complete it completely, because it consists of 16 different quests scattered across all locations. The loss of time will be simply colossal, but as a result the druid acquires a new form - the appearance of a Swift Flight Form. This is the dream of all players, this flying form has an increase in movement speed by 280 percent, and for tasks you will be given a decent amount of money. It turns out that the druid does not spend any money on the bird.

Many inexperienced players believe that the above forms are full set, which accompanies the druid, but this can only be said about those characters who developed along the second talent tree, Feral Combat. There are actually two additional forms that appear at the same time as talents are learned, which prevents us from presenting to you the level of their appearance.

Moonkin Form

Moonkin Form is a form that appears when developing the balance talent tree. It is aimed solely at making your druid a real caster, that is, a magician who uses nature magic. Characters that attack enemies from a distance are not that common in World of Warcraft because there are only a small number of users who are willing to take on their development. This is a difficult process, because their stamina is low, which means they cannot allow monsters into close combat. With the Druid everything is different, because in any serious danger he can use any other form, so developing a balancer becomes easier. You can get the Moonkin form immediately after 30 talent points appear in the balance tree. In principle, the level may be different, because the points are not invested in this branch. This skin also provides a 400 percent bonus to armor from items, but there are no additional bonuses to melee attack or stamina. This form cannot be acquired by developing the character in any other branch.

Tree of life shape

The last form that a druid can take is the tree of life, a small tree designed exclusively for healing. Accordingly, this form appears only with the development of the healing branch (Restoration). By the way, here you can see major change in the LIch King version, because in Burning Crusader the tree of life was in a severe form, because it could not even run away from the enemy attacking it, its movement speed was reduced by 30 percent. IN new version it moves at the same speed, giving it more options on the battlefield. Now the druid in the form of the tree of life can take care of himself.

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The mission, in short, is to talk to some spirit, I don’t remember which one. But before that, kill his guard. After that, submit the task and run to the Druid mentor. That's it)))) Personally, I did this.

A druid with lvl 12 can turn into a bear.

Dinozaver May 19, 2013 at 01:14 pm Answer

Where can a druid look for a teacher of class skills?

Guest March 15, 2011 at 7:19 pm Answer