Fallout 4 legendary enemies. Weaknesses of radscorpion

IN Fallout 4 as in all games from Bethesda, there are NPC IDs by which you can call them. In our guide we will show you the ID list: all NPCs, partners, monsters, legendary bosses. in Fallout 4.

List we are looking for:

  • Partners/companions
  • Regular NPCs
  • Monsters, robots
  • Legendary opponents, bosses

To call an NPC in front of you, do the following:

  1. Open the console using ~, located in the upper left corner of the keyboard under the ESC key
  2. Enter the command player.placeatme(id value) All lists of available NPCs are below.
  3. They may not have enough space, then the game may ask you to find a larger area.

List of NPCs

ID List of NPCs

List of partners/companions

Calling partners occurs using the command prid (partner's id), then player.moveto (partner's id) after that, you must be transported to him. This command is used if your partner has been on a spree, or is stuck in the textures, so there is nothing wrong with this, you are just trying to correct the current situation in a similar way.

ID List of partners/companions:

List of opponents

ID List of opponents:

List of legendary enemies

ID List of Legendary Enemies:

ID Legendary opponents
ff0009a7Mister Handy/Deathclaw

There are many different bosses in Fallout 4 that you can meet while going through the story or just find them by chance. Let's talk about a few of them.

The most powerful bosses in the Fallout 4 universe

In the Commonwealth there are many different dangerous monsters and people who are ready to tear apart anyone who gets in their way. But bosses are superior to regular raiders, super mutants and other opponents in their strength, stamina, overall stats and survivability. They often have special weapons in their arsenal that can be taken as trophies.

The first boss is Kellogg. We meet him at the beginning of the game, because it is he who kills our wife/husband (as opposed to choosing a gender) and kidnaps Sean. He has a special pistol - a revolver, which does a lot of damage. In addition, during the battle he uses Stealth Boy, thanks to which he becomes invisible. He is a very dangerous opponent, and besides, he is guarded by a crowd of synths, because he works for the Institute. It is impossible to avoid a fight with him if you want to go through the main story, because it is in his head that contains information about how to get to the Institute.

There is a small, unremarkable pond near Park Street Station. But if you take a closer look, you can see a huge creature under the water, which goes by the name “Swan”. This creature has a boat stuck in its left hand and is not averse to using it for certain purposes. The fight is extremely fierce, killing this creature is not so easy, but the reward is worthy. As a reward, we receive a special melee weapon that increases the damage dealt with each subsequent attack and has good initial damage.

The next dangerous boss is the Beast. Starts to appear randomly at high levels. He also appears when we attack a fort with nuclear mini-charges, where super mutants have made their lair. There we fight this monster for the first time, using the vertibird minigun. The monster is a three-meter-tall super mutant who can throw huge stones if the enemy is far away. And if his enemy is close, he begins to attack with a huge metal club. After killing him, you can find all sorts of rubbish, caps, cartridges or weapons in the corpse. Nothing special or overly unique.

Lorenzo Cabot is one of the most unique bosses in the game. He owns a powerful artifact that gives him unique abilities such as teleport. We will not fight him directly. It is possible to kill him with radiation, in the same room in which he is locked. His son will help us with this. We shouldn’t expect particularly fierce battles; we just need to turn on a few generators and that’s it. But the moment is quite touching and interesting. At the end, a week after the murder, Jack Cabot, Lorenzo's son, will give us a unique pistol.

And the most terrible boss in the game is the swamp womb. This huge creature can be found in the Castle, in the lair of the Minutemen. This monster has a huge amount of health, and the damage is very high. Basically, the swamp queen spits a deadly poison that very quickly kills anyone it touches. It begins to appear at high levels, but the fight cannot be avoided if you decide to liberate the Castle. Bring only your best equipment.

And remember, it is the bosses that make the game more diverse and exciting, because they are much stronger than ordinary game creatures.

Majority enemy types have Legendary variants that appear in the world randomly. The frequency of their appearance depends on the difficulty of the game; the higher the difficulty, the more often Legendary opponents will appear. This type of enemy has the same characteristics as their standard relatives, but Legendary abilities lie dormant within them.
Legendary enemies that attack a target from a distance tend to have increased accuracy, and melee fighters deal 2x more damage than their common counterparts. All Legendary enemies can mutate after receiving a large amount of damage, in which case they restore their full health and begin to use one of the Legendary abilities: deals poison damage, deals double damage, starts to hit more accurately and deals more damage, causes radiation damage.
Defeating Legendary opponents is more difficult, but for killing them you can get Legendary equipment - weapons or armor with special bonuses. Legendary equipment is marked with an asterisk in the inventory.

Advice from the site
If you have a powerful ranged weapon, headshot while in stealth mode with VATS using a critical shot, this way the chances of the Legendary enemy respawning will be minimal.

A description of all bonuses for Legendary weapons and armor can be found using the links below.

Many things in Fallout 4 are only understood after long hours of playing, so we decided to ease your suffering and give you some useful tips. Everything from trade and improvement to maintenance of power armor and management of ill-fated settlements has its own wisdom and details that must be mastered. Only newbies don’t know about something, and some facts may surprise even those who haven’t left the game since release. And don’t forget to check back often – the guide will be updated.

It’s not very clear whether the mechanics are so muddy, since there are so many little things in it that need to be explained, or whether this is a philosophy that encourages independent acquaintance with the basics - they say, learn to swim or go to the bottom. We are inclined to the first option, given the number of undocumented functions that you won’t just stumble upon during the experiment. However, the following text is devoted not only to them - we will try to talk about everything, although not all at once.

How to use the perks menu

This fits into the “helping newbies” category. The perks table looks like one modest screen, doesn't it? No arrow, no scroll bar, no tooltips - in fact, it scrolls down, where the rest of the skills live. Among them are the quite important “Hacking” and “Science”, as well as the public favorite “Bloodbath”. To see them, simply hold down the right mouse button and drag up - or move the cursor to the edge of the screen. You can also turn the wheel and slightly scale the window without a visible target. Unfortunately, there is no way to organize and filter perks.

How to level up your character more effectively

The reforms to the role-playing system in Fallout 4 are, to put it mildly, catching people by surprise. Perks and skills in one bottle, and even tied to the SPECIAL parameters - it is quite understandable that many are lost and do not know where to start developing their alter ego.

In our opinion, you should first take a closer look at the “Hacking” (requiring 4 perception points), “Hacker” (4 intelligence) and “Beggar” (2 luck) perks. With the first two, you will avoid many problems with clearing buildings and will gain access to a huge number of rooms and boxes with valuable things. The third one will make sure that among the loot there is always a small amount of ammunition, which is sorely lacking in the first hours.

It wouldn’t hurt to learn crafting in at least one of the industries. “Crazy Shooter” or “Blacksmith” are the priority areas for modifying firearms or melee weapons, respectively. “Weaponsmith” is equally useful for all builds, as it opens up upgrades for armor. And finally, all three are associated with the “Science!” perk, without which you won’t master half the list of modifications to your equipment.

The rest is up to you. Do you prefer close combat and dimensionless inventory? Upgrade your strength and related perks. Do you want stealth gameplay or, conversely, turn the game into a shooter? Dexterity will help you. Are you leaning on VATS? It's better to focus on perception. Don't be afraid to experiment - if necessary.

How to find your power armor

In the fourth part, you can no longer stuff the power kit into the closet. So what should you do if you have nothing to recharge your suit or just want to take a walk around the area without a bulky exoskeleton? Leave it wherever you want - the location of the power armor can be tracked by a mark on the map.

How to repair power armor

If you often wear power armor, you have already noticed that, unlike conventional protection, it easily wears out to the point of being completely unusable. It needs to be repaired regularly at the appropriate stations - they can be easily found by the yellow vertical frame, similar to a disassembled forklift from Aliens. Get out of the suit somewhere nearby and call up the upgrades and repairs menu by pressing the action key on the station. Just don't forget to stock up on steel for repairs.

Where to put trash

While we're talking about stations, did you know that you can put things in them? Where you frequent, workshops make great storage areas for items you don't need. In the case of garbage, this is doubly convenient: you can’t imagine how many hours we spent packing toasters, phones and microscopes into a backpack because we were afraid to forget them in some drawer.

There is even a function to quickly transfer all junk that is not weapons, armor, food or quest items to the crafting station. Just press R to activate carry mode, then T to drop all the trash.

How to free up space in settlements

When it comes to settlements, there are a few less-than-obvious tricks to know. You probably mastered two of them on your own, but for the record, we’ll still include them here. Firstly, b O Most of the trash on the territory of the settlement (lamp posts, beds, cars and even some buildings) can and should be recycled by pressing the R key in construction mode. This gives you a small amount of resources - mainly steel and wood - which are automatically transferred to the village storage. This storage is accessed through crafting stations as described above. In addition, you can establish communication between stations, but more on that later.

All household and decorative items, as well as armor and weapons, are suitable for recycling. True, the latter must first be dropped to the ground and only then scrapped in construction mode if you do not want to go to the nearest workshop.

How to move and remove objects

Secondly, existing furniture and workshops can be moved or stored in storage. To do this, just go to construction mode and, looking at the desired item, press E to move it or Tab to put it in storage. The objects stored there are available at any time, so you don't have to build a new one.

How to assign roles to residents

Thirdly, the most important and least obvious. We hope we are not the only ones who for a long time could not figure out how to give the settlers jobs like farming and protection. When a new resident appears, he asks how he can help, but if you missed this line, he will continue to wander around the area with nothing to do. To eradicate parasitism, you need to go into construction mode, find the lazy one and press E. After that, you can command him to go somewhere or attach him to one of the structures. Hooray, no more limp tomatoes!

How to combine settlement warehouses

This function of reassigning residents, in our opinion, is one of the most useful: with its help, workshops in different settlements merge into a single array of resources. Roughly speaking, it saves you from having to run back and forth because you didn’t have enough, say, aluminum at the right station.

To do this, you will need the “Local Leader” perk, which requires 6 units of charisma. Once you have received it, enter construction mode and press Q on the worker - a list of settlements under your control will open. Select the one you need, and the connection between it and your current location is established. Just keep in mind that this action will actually exclude the “connector” from the inhabitants of the settlement and tear him away from any work that he previously performed.

Companions, by the way, can also be assigned along the supply route if there are very few wards.

Where to find energy cores

This advice probably borders on cheating, but overall it can be used as an interesting and fun experiment. For anyone using Power Armor, your most important resource is your Power Cores—the little glowing things that make your suit work at all. You can find them somewhere in the very depths of abandoned buildings or in the assortment of traders selling them at exorbitant prices. And yet the best source of “batteries” is, without a doubt, the Brotherhood of Steel. However, not everyone will want or be able to join the guys with techno-fascist habits - so how about stealing a couple of cores?

There is no need to quarrel with the faction. Just level up your Thievery perk to level three and look for stocked Brotherhood soldiers. Sneaking up on them and pulling out the energy cores from their suits is a breeze. A glaring design flaw, in our opinion, especially considering that after your actions, soldiers jump out of their exoskeletons and throw them unattended, allowing them to get hold of extra modules for their armor. Or even the armor itself, if you don’t have your own yet.

A good strategy is obtained for the enemies of the Brotherhood: they sneaked up, pulled out the cannonballs and shot the unfortunate ones without their “shells”.

How to filter items when trading

A little tip about the shops. While trading, you can switch categories (weapons, clothing, ammo, etc.) instead of endlessly scrolling through a long list that is only sorted by alphabet, damage, price, and weight. Do you see the little arrows to the left and right of “My Inventory” or the merchant’s name? They are the ones who leaf through the sections of things. If you still don’t see it, click on the inscriptions anyway, it works that way too.

How to remove a weapon

Many people who have played Skyrim or Fallout 3 already know this, but it won't hurt to repeat it for new arrivals: hold R (or whatever your reload button is) to hide your weapon. This not only makes some NPCs more friendly, but also removes the giant gun from the screen, without which roleplaying becomes easier and screenshots look prettier. And without a weapon, the character runs much more quickly, don’t forget.

How to easily get experience points

Not counting battles and quests, you gain experience for any craft. Therefore, visit science and cooking stations more often and check what you can cook up from the dirty tricks in your inventory. Usually there are enough ingredients for any recipe, be it cooking scorpion meat or mixing drugs, and after long wanderings, crafting will bring you a lot of experience.

What are casual clothes for?

Charisma affects not only the likelihood of success in conversations and access to perks: the higher your charisma score, the better the prices from merchants - both when selling and when buying. So don’t turn your nose up at chic outfits and formal suits without protection. Wear one of these before a shopping trip, and the notorious +2 to charisma will do the trick.

How to shoot from behind cover

The game has some kind of cover system. When you are at the edge of a wall or in front of an open door, simply hold down the aim key (right mouse button by default) - your character will automatically peek around the corner and provide a clear view from a safe point. However, this works only in first-person view, “from the back” you, as usual, will bury your nose in the nearest brick, blocking the whole picture for you.

How to change companion equipment

Some partners can be changed. They can wear almost anything, except, of course, power armor, and use any weapon. Simply give your companion the equipment when exchanging, select the desired item and press T. This will instantly affect his appearance. In this way, you can increase the effectiveness of your companions in battle or simply customize their appearance to your standards.

Of course, this only works with human companions, although from time to time you come across special armor for dogs.

UPD. Time and not blushing, they say. The loyal dog can wear bandanas, collars and welding goggles (well, the ones like Riddick), and Codsworth lets a funny bowler hat be placed on top of his head. Massive customization!

Where to find legendary weapons

Fallout 4 indicates enemy strength in several ways. The first is names. For example, among the raiders there are both harmless rabble and psychopaths who can give a serious fight back. The second is the icons that appear next to the names of some opponents. If you see a skull, it means you are fighting a large and strong reptile. Don't be surprised that all your ammo and stimpaks went to him - it's probably better to run away and better prepare for the battle.

Enemies with stars next to their names are considered legendary. They are also quite strong, but they are not that difficult to kill, so it's worth a try. These drop legendary items - weapons and pieces of armor with special bonuses. Some are unique (most often given for quests), while others appear to be randomly generated. One way or another, among them there are very, very worthy things.

Fact for the most confident: the higher the difficulty level, the more legendary enemies will be on your way.

Where is the best power armor?

As is the case with a character’s clothing, different sets of power armor differ from each other in characteristics and protection indicators. Yes, any of them makes you feel like you're in a tank, but the X-01, the most powerful kit in the game, is like a tank inside another tank - just right for raiding legendary enemies. In addition, it will pleasantly diversify your collection with its enclave design, so every self-respecting wanderer should have it. And we just know how to acquire such beauty without having to assemble it from spare parts.

Keep in mind that your character must be no lower than level 25-30 so that the armor appears in the specified location. Otherwise, there is a high probability of spawning a T-60 or another mediocre kit.

Head east from, ahem, Goodneighbor until you come across the Custom House Tower location. Looking at the building with the flags, turn to the alley on the left. You need to find the green building that has "35 Court" written at the entrance - it won't be marked on the map, so keep your eyes peeled. The way will be shown to you by two suspended turrets, firing at you directly from the desired porch. Greet them back and go inside.

If you are here solely for the reservation, go straight to the top floor. A difficult battle with an assault gun and a security robot awaits you there, so you should prepare stimpaks, grenades and more powerful weapons in advance. However, you shouldn’t worry too much: it’s quite easy to deal with the assault gun, and the big guy can be meanly fired at from the ramp along which you rise into the room.

As soon as you manage, press the buttons in the niches where the enemies appeared from. The central chamber will open, revealing the best power armor in Fallout 4. Congratulations, you've succeeded! Take it, use it, improve it.

By the way, don’t rush to panic if you see something else in place of the long-awaited X-01. In one of our scenarios (level 42), an offensive T-51 appeared there, but as soon as we got into it and went home (we shouldn’t leave empty-handed), it miraculously turned into an X-01. What can I say, Bethesda.

Of course, there are other places where this set appears, but personally we were lucky only in “35 Court”.

How to change a character's appearance

Yes, we know how it goes. They touched the distance slider between the eyes, accidentally kept the hooked nose, and forgot to remove the scar all over the face. Anything can happen, but you don’t have time to notice everything before you take on the final appearance of your character. One way or another, you can correct your own sins (well, or correct them) in two ways.

The first one is the fastest, the most free and the most dishonest, because cheats will come into play. To access the character editing menu, just open the console with the “~” key and enter “ShowLooksMenu 14” (without quotes). Just first switch to third-person view and rotate the camera so that you can see what’s going on with your protégé.

The second one is completely legal and provided for by the game world; it’s just that not everyone can find it. If you followed the tips on the loading screens, you already know that a plastic surgeon works in Diamond City. Head there and look for the red door to the right of the robot chef's stall - you'll recognize it from the surgery center logo. Inside you will be offered to tighten up your face for just 100 caps.

But the hairstyle needs to be changed separately. But you definitely won’t have any difficulties with this: the hairdresser is located right behind the editorial office of the local newspaper, and you come across it almost immediately upon entering the city. Well, or go to where a couple of NPCs are constantly chattering incessantly, you won’t get lost.

And don’t forget to build yourself the most convincing home in the vast Boston area with the help of ours.

This modification for Fallout 4 significantly increases the number of legendary enemies that spawn (about five times the normal amount). By increasing the number of legendary enemies, your chance of finding legendary items will increase (if you cope with your opponents, of course).

In the archive you can find seven options, each suitable for a certain difficulty of the game (you only need to install one file). To make playing as comfortable as possible, we recommend installing one file for all difficulties, so that there is less confusion in the future.

The easiest way to install the mod is through or follow the instructions:
1. In the folder “My Documents/My Games/Fallout 4” we find the file “Fallout4Prefs.ini”, you need to edit it - in “” add “bEnableFileSelection=1” (without quotes)
2. Then go to “C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Fallout4” and open the file “plugins.txt” with notepad, then add the line “NAME.esp” after “Fallout4.esm” (without quotes) , save and close.
3. Go to the properties of the “plugins.txt” file and mark “read only”.
4. Add the “esp” file you selected to the “Data” folder, which is located in the root of the game /Fallout 4/
