Chrono trigger seventh additional quest. Chrono Trigger: walkthroughs, quests, tasks, saving, game plot, graphics, history of creation and year of release

Frequently asked questions about gameplay.

Why don't the characters learn new techniques?

Introduce the characters to Specchio at the End of Time.

Where is the best place to fill levels?

The best place to level up Dark Omen characters. If you have already destroyed it, the conveyor belt in the Geno Dome will do (it will be available if you have not defeated Mother Brain). If both locations are no longer available, Giant's Claw will do.

Where can you quickly earn a lot of Technician Points?

If you haven't completed Mt. Woe, then kill every Rubble you come across (100TP). If the location is no longer available, start hunting for Side Kick (100TP) in Black Omen. Also, each victory against Nu in Hunting Range will give you 30TP.

Which is the best team?

It's a matter of personal taste; each character has their own strengths and weaknesses.

How to access New Game+?

Defeat Queen Zeal in Black Omen and then kill Lavos. When the credits roll, restart the game.

How to delete saves?

In the save selection menu, select the one you want to delete and on the second controller press Start and Select. Then you will need to confirm the deletion.

What are the differences between the SNES and PSX versions?

Improvements: The PSX version added anime cut scenes, a bestiary, a music library with four new Mitsuda compositions, and chest locations. Worsening: loading in the PSX version is an order of magnitude longer than in the SNES, and even the sound effects sound worse.

What needs to be done/not done to be found innocent in court?

It is worth noting that the court's decision will not affect further developments in any way.

  1. Help the girl find her cat.
  2. When you crash into Marle, talk to her first, and then take the necklace.
  3. NOT eat the old man's lunch.
  4. When Marle is on the team, talk to Melchior and tell him that the necklace NOT for sale.
  5. NOT move when Marle buys sweets.
  6. During the trial, say that it was your fault, and you didn’t want anything from Marle.
  7. The seventh juror randomly selects "Guilty" or "Not Guilty".

Gifts that you will receive in prison already:

7 declared innocent = 6 Ethers

6 declared innocent = 3 Ethers

5 declared innocent = 2 Ethers

4 declared innocent = 1 Ether

Help with the password!

During the game you will sometimes have to enter passwords. Very often players have questions regarding this part. The most problematic is the code that needs to be entered in the Arris dome, since when playing on an emulator it is impossible to press several keys at once. First you need to catch the rat, find out the password from it, set the 3 necessary buttons to the same key in the emulator settings, go to the remote control and press this key.

The following passwords are also found in the game:

XA BB crane control in 2300AD at the factory. You must enter it after the sound signal.

ZABY in the same factory, opens the door. It must also be entered after the sound signal.

LARA used in 990AD to save Lucca's mom.

How to climb Death Peak?

On the first visit to 2300AD nothing; no matter how hard you try, you will be blown off the mountain. However, you can run to the shining point and get a Speed ​​Tab. When you are sent there according to the plot, you will need to stand close to the tree to avoid gusts of wind.

I can't complete Specchio's mission and walk around the perimeter of the room three times!

Stand near the door, press left; when you reach the corner, press up; when you reach the corner again, click right; then down and repeat. The main thing is not to “get detached” from the wall.

How to get to the Northern Ruins?

Go to Café in 600 AD on the same island where the Northern Ruins are located and talk to the guy who looks like Taban. He will say that he lost his tools. Go to Choras Inn in 1000 AD and talk to his descendant, then take the tools from his wife and give them to the man from 600 AD and he will get down to business. Go to the Ruins and talk to the guy, then clear the newly accessible locations from monsters. Then go to the repairman's house and pay him some money to get him back to work. Congratulations, you are now free to roam the Ruins.

How to save Fiona's Forest?

In Zeal Palace, tell the woman with the tree to save it. If Zeal has already collapsed, then the woman can be found in Commons.

Where is the Hunting Range?

At 65,000,000 BC, on the way to the Dactyl Nest, you can see an alcove in the forest a little to the right. This is it.

How do you get the Nu in one of the huts to move at 12,000 BC?

Just wait a little, he will go away on his own.

I can't win the Soda Contest at the festival!

Use the Turbo button, which can be set in the control settings in the emulator.

How many cats can there be in Chrono's house?

Participate in Norstien Bekkler games and win a second cat. With each subsequent victory you will receive cat food. The more food you win, the more cats there will be in the house. The maximum limit is 11.

How to get Tab hanging on the wall in Kajar?

Go through the door above which the Tab is located and look around the lower right corner of the room, where this Tab should approximately be located.

An interesting, albeit old game. The gameplay is classic for Japanese role-playing games, but there are some innovations, we will learn more about this later, but now it’s time to find out the history of the game, platform, developers and much more.

This is a review of Chrono Trigger - a legendary game.

History of creation

This is a Japanese game in the genre of role-playing games. Released in 1995. In Japan it is March 11th, and in the USA it is August 22nd. The plot revolves around a group of young travelers traveling through fictional worlds in different time periods; among other things, they save the world of the future from destruction. Chrono Trigger was remade in Japan on the PlayStation 1 platform.


There are quite a lot of supporting platforms:

  • SNES. 1995
  • PlayStation. 1999-2001.
  • Nintendo DS. November 20 - February 6, 2008-2009.
  • Mobile phones (iOS and Android). April 25, 2011.
  • Virtual consoles. April 26 - May 20, 2011.
  • PlayStation Network. September 28 - October 4, 2011.
  • Chrono Trigger has been released on PC (personal computer) through the Steam service and online store since February 27, 2018.


Traditional JRPG gameplay. We explore worlds, various locations - forests, cities, caves, where we interact with various characters, from whom we receive riddles, objects, quests, and participate in battles with opponents. The number of side quests is less than the number of story ones. The plot is presented through dialogues and short scenes. Oddly enough, as you progress through Chrono Trigger, the main character named Chrono speaks only one phrase in the entire game, and then at the very end, in other cases his lines are only implied.

The similarity with Final Fantasy 7 is not as large a percentage as it might seem.

The combat system is called "Real Time Combat 2.0". Such a system is a certain algorithm, when a warrior has a certain number of actions, after this value has expired, the hero must pass the move to the next character. There is a combination of “double” or “triple” fighting techniques, when several characters unite for a joint attack.

Each character has his own health and mana (magic) points. The battle goes until the last surviving fighter. When the last fighter dies, the battle is considered lost.

You can play mini-games such as jet bike racing, fair games and others.

Time travel occurs with the help of a special machine "Epoch". It is needed to complete the game in different times.

Among other things, there is an optional New Game+ mode.

Game world

In the world of Chrono Trigger, for moving between locations there is a “world map” - it represents a flat board on which all locations are located, viewed from above. When approaching the entrance to a location and clicking on arrival, a transition to the location is carried out. There are no city locations on the world map; residential buildings or tents are immediately shown here. Each time era determines the type of map and location. When traveling around the world, you will not find random locations, since the enemies will initially be located in specific places.

The game world is divided into the Stone Age, Antiquity, the Middle Ages, our days, Lavos Day, the future, the end of time, the black omen.


They do not represent people with problematic proportions, as is usually the case. The characters' facial expressions can be distinguished, this way it is possible to better understand the feelings of the characters.

Main cast:

  • Chrono is a teenager living with his mother. A good fighter, he is ready to give his life for a friend.
  • Marley is the daughter of the ruler of the country Guardia. It’s hard for her to be a princess, so she runs away from the castle, posing as a commoner.
  • Lucca is a young technocrat girl, thanks to her the opportunity for time travel has appeared.

Other satellites:

  • Frog was a knight, but became a humanoid frog because of the sorcerer Mugus.
  • Robo is a robot who wants to be able to feel like humans.
  • Aela, a warrior maiden from an age when stones were the main tool for hunting and working, protects her people from dinosaurs.
  • Sorcerer Magus - you can kill, offer to join, or simply not meet.

Brief description of the walkthrough

To complete Chrono Trigger one hundred percent, you need to follow the entire text with the passage.

You wake up in the game world. Go down the stairs and talk to mom. Repeat the conversation, if you want to get 200 G, then leave. Now you are on the world map, there is the entire western continent to explore. Mayor's Manor provides training on all the basics of the game. In addition, on the first floor there will be a chest with Potion, and on the second floor a chest with 100 G will be waiting for you. Talk to your grandfather twice, so you can get 300 G from him for chatting .

Now it's time to make the transition by ferry to the Ferry Office, you need to sail to Porre, if you want, you can walk through the desert. The stores sell good equipment, but there may not be enough money for it. On the second floor of Mayor's Manor there is a chest with Shelter, two more black chests nearby, they have spells cast on them, so you won't be able to open them yet. Return to Truce and go to Leene Square.

Melchior has a sword for sale for 4000 G, if by some miracle you were able to accumulate that much at the beginning of the game, then buy it. Now go north to the next location, where we will meet a girl, her name is Marle. Talk to her, pick her up pendant and return it. This will affect the further development of the plot. So, there is one more character in the team. Run to the western wing of the square, there you will see a yellow kitten (do not touch the pink bag). Talk to him and he will follow you. Guide him Time to talk to the fairgoers, ask the strangers at the fountain or the traders in the tents, some of them will tell you that there will be a presentation of a new invention at the very north of the Lucca fair.

Don't forget about the mini-games at the fair. On SNES Chrono Trigger, the passage may be delayed due to mini-games, some of which will be mandatory.

You have the opportunity to earn Silver Points (10 SP to 50 G), which can be spent in Tent of Horrors. Games:

  • Ring the Bell - in the lower left corner of the site. For this you will receive 1 SP.
  • The Race is a blue tent near Melchior. Once all the runners are lined up, talk to the guy and bet on one of the participants. 20 SP per victory.
  • Battle Trainer - West of the area with the large bell. Here you can compete with a robot cat named Gato. In addition to 15 SP, you will receive another 10 exp. and 1 Tech Point.
  • Drinking Contest - East of the location with the bell. The main task is to drink as much of the local drink as possible, and more specifically, 8 pieces. Quite a difficult game. For winning you can get 5 SP.

After these stages, you can start playing Chrono Trigger in Tent of Horrors or exchange them for G.

Tent of Horrors offers three games for Silver Points:

  • (10 SP) Follow the Soldier - three fighters will appear: Biggs, Piette and Wedge, they will be identical to each other. You will need to guess a certain hero. If you guess correctly, you will receive a Poyozo Doll, it will appear in the main character's house.
  • (40 SP) Crono Says - a clone of the main character will appear. Repeat the movements after the clone, for example, if he raises his left hand, then raise his right, when he raises his right, then his left, the same applies to additional movements and actions. You will have to go through it so that it doesn’t remind you of yourself in the future.
  • (80 SP) Knock'em Back - Find two characters to play. Your partner will have all his limbs tied with a rope and hung over the fire, then three monsters will appear. Drive them back into the cage. But don't forget about your comrade, he is hanging over the fire and is slowly falling closer and closer to the flame. Press the switch occasionally to return it to its original position. When a friend touches the fire or the monsters are very close, you will be defeated, so you will have to start this mini-game over again. Tip: try to push back the monster furthest to the button. After winning the mini-games, you will be given a real, whole kitten.

This is only a small part of what is available in the game. Don't forget about traveling between worlds. Exploring different eras, meeting new characters and love affairs will not make you bored. There are a total of thirteen endings in the game.


If you don’t want to go through the entire game, or want to immediately start from some stage, then to install third-party saves you need to do the following:

  • Move the Private folder from the archive to the memory card.
  • In the console settings in the menu, go to the following items: Wii Options -> Data Management -> Save Data -> Wii -> SD card.
  • Select the desired save and copy.

Graphic arts

Traditional 2D graphics. Characters, items, and enemies are made up of sprites; the static environment is created using a tile engine. Rotate and zoom capabilities simulate 3D graphics using Mode 7.


The musical accompaniment and graphic design were performed at the highest level for that time. Yasunori Mitsuda and Nobuo Uematsu were responsible for the musical component. Memorable motifs will remain in the memory for a long time.


Unfortunately, as for the translation in Chrono Trigger, it contains errors (in the Japanese to English version). This applies to many things, including the names of enemies and some items. You'll notice this during Chrono Trigger.

However, the year is now 2018. And we (Russian speakers) have the opportunity to play a localized version of the game; Chrono Trigger rus contains many words that are not entirely clear. The problem with the translation arose due to Ted Woolsey's tight deadline for the translation - less than a month. And since the game is very large, both in terms of the plot narrative and in terms of the gameplay itself, he was not without mistakes or “difficult” words.


During the game, you will encounter many intricacies of the plot, ranging from the slightest misdeeds, which, it would seem, cannot affect the development of the further plot, and ending with important choices that open up a new plot branch. The mini-games are fun, but they weren't necessarily necessary to advance the story. This is, of course, a minus.

But the game is old, it was necessary to somehow diversify the process. For us, such graphics are very outdated, but the point is not in the graphics, but rather in the feeling of nostalgia that will visit. Here you have the opportunity to try pseudo-3D graphics, attention to detail regarding the gameplay and the entire storyline. The game itself received high marks from critics, so you can play it if you have a passion for JRPG games.

The Millennial Fair
Good morning and welcome to the world of Chrono Trigger. Go down to the first floor and talk to the main character's mother. Afterwards, talk to her again to get 200 G for pocket money, then exit. Here you are on the world map, the entire western continent is open to the hero to explore. At Mayor's Manor you will be taught the basics of the game. In addition, there will be a chest with Potion on the first floor and a chest with 100 G on the second. Also, if you talk to grandpa twice, you will receive 300 G from him for beautiful eyes. That's all for now, if you want to visit another city on the continent, then take the ferry at the Ferry Office and sail to Porre (you can, of course, walk through the desert, but why?). The local shops offer good equipment, but they also ask for the right amount of money for it. On the second floor of the local Mayor’s Manor there will be a chest with Shelter, as well as two black chests sealed with magical power, which we will not return to soon. Return to Truce and go to Leene Square.

The square is full of life.

From Melchior you can see an excellent sword for sale at the moment in the game for 4000 G, but it is unlikely that the heroes now have even half of the required amount. In principle, getting it at the moment is not such an impossible task, you just need to show a little patience, endurance and fortitude. Run north to the next location, where the hero will literally encounter a very pretty girl who will introduce herself as Marle. First talk to her, then pick up and return the pendant; At first it may seem that this will not affect anything at all, but in the future this procedure will come back to haunt you. Afterwards the team will have one more character. Afterwards, run to the western wing of the square, there you will see a yellow kitten (as well as a pink bag with yummy food, but I don’t recommend touching it). Try to talk to him, he will follow you. Carefully lead this way to the eastern wing of the fair to the girl, who will thank the heroes. To continue the development of the game scenario further, you need to talk to one of the visitors at the fountain or with the sellers in the tents in the southern part of the fair. One of them will tell the heroes that in the very north of the fair, Lucca is ready to present to the public its new and most incredible invention!

But before you go check it out for yourself, why not have a blast at the festival?

A guide for beginning time travelers. First issue.
"The Millennial Fair"
At the fair, for certain actions you can earn special Silver Points, which can be exchanged for real currency (calculating 10 SP to 50 G) or spent in the Tent of Horrors. Possible ways to earn points include:

Ring the Bell - Found in the lower-left corner of the square. The idea is to strike hard enough for the hammer to strike the bell. To do this, press “A” at the moment when Crono moves away from the call to the maximum distance. 1 SP.

The Race - Blue tent near Melchior. Once all the runners are lined up, talk to the young man in the tent and bet on one of the participants. Then all that remains is to wait for the end of the race. As soon as they line up again, talk to the young man again. 20 SP per victory.

Battle Trainer - West of the area with the large bell. Here you will have a fight with a robot cat named Gato. In addition to 15 SP, you will receive another 10 exp. and 1 Tech Point.

Drinking Contest - East of the location with the bell. The main task is to have time to empty 8 bottles of local drink. Since the Nintendo DS doesn't have a "Turbo A" button, the challenge becomes a real PAIN. 5 SP.

You can spend your earned points in Tent of Horrors - a brutal tent in the southeast. There are three games available there: for 10, for 40 and for 80 SP, respectively.

(10 SP) Follow the Soldier - three soldiers will appear in front of you: Biggs, Piette and Wedge, completely identical in appearance. The hero's task will be to guess the soldier after they are mixed with each other. If you guess correctly, you will receive a Poyozo Doll, which will end up in the main character's house.

(40 SP) Crono Says - an exact copy of himself will appear in front of the hero. It will be necessary to completely repeat all the actions of the clone. “L” - Left Arm (Left Hand), “R” - Right Arm (Right Hand), “Y” - Laugh (Laughter), “A” - Surprise! (Astonishment!). Please note that you need to raise your hands as if it were a reflection (i.e. the clone raised his left hand relative to himself, but you raise your right). For winning you will receive this same clone for your collection. Looking ahead, I will note that this particular game is mandatory from the point of view of the plot, and sooner or later you will have to play it; By going through it now, you will save yourself from unnecessary running around in the future. 🙂

(80 SP) Knock'em Back is the most action-packed game that requires at least two characters in a team. The second character in the team is tied hand and foot and suspended over the fire, after which three monsters will begin to attack. To win you need to drive the monsters back into the cage. While you are doing this, the hostage will slowly descend into the fire; it can be returned to its original position by pressing the button nearby on the wall. If the companion touches the fire or the monsters come close, the game will be lost (in the sense, not the whole game at all, but only this one in the tent). Try to push back the monster furthest to the button first. For winning you will receive a whole kitten.

When you're done having fun, run north. Marle will stop to buy some sweets from a stall nearby. While she is choosing, do not twitch, just wait until she buys something. Afterwards, no one and nothing will stop the hero from valiantly reaching the northern part of the square. And there Lucca and Dad are ranting at the top of their lungs about how wonderful and incredible this next achievement of scientific progress is. However, visitors are skeptical, and none of them even think about checking the Lucca teleport in person. Talk to the girl, after which the hero will have no choice but to risk his own skin in the name of science. All's well that ends well - the protagonist's atoms were able to come together on the other side of the teleport, the crowd was delighted. Afterwards, talk to Lucca's father named Taban, you will get a funny line. Marle will also want to try the invention in action, but, as usual, something will go wrong and the girl will simply disappear, leaving only a pendant. As soon as control is in your hands, bravely grab the pendant and stand on the teleport, and Lucca will send the protagonist after Marle.

The Queen Returns
Three Blue Imps will immediately greet you on site. Having dealt with them, run to the west, where there will be a battle with two more of the same kind. There will be a Potion and a Power Glove in the chests nearby, then run south. And again you are on the world map. Similar to the home world, but differing in details. At Truce Inn, talk to everyone, learn a little about the current situation around. Toma will appear, and over a glass of alcohol he will tell you a couple of interesting observations about Manolia Cathedral, which is nearby. While you can forget about this place, now head to Guardia Forest.

Quite a quiet place, apart from a couple of monsters. Blue Eaglet, Green Imp, Roundillo and Roundillo Rider will delight you with their presence. In the southeast there will be two shining points, when you study the upper one you will receive a Strength Capsule, and the southern one will be a trap. On your way north you will see a rustling bush; if you examine it, a monster will jump out of it, which will leave Shelter for the hero as a souvenir. Leave the forest to the north and go to the castle.

The guards were ready to kick the guest out of the castle, but the Queen saves the hero from such a fate. So, in the left wing of the castle there is a room for the knights, where you can rest, and in the right wing there will be a kitchen where you can find a chest with Ether. If you go north, you will find yourself in the throne room, which is where we need to go at the moment. Talk to Chancellor, who will chuckle meaningfully and leave on business. Follow him to the tower to the left of the throne room (on the way, stealing 100 G from the box. Once up, do not talk to him directly, but run around the location and try to “talk” to him through the wall from the king’s room (by the way, in the room itself you you will find a box with Bronze Armor). Oh, something is unclean here! It's time to visit the tower to the right of the throne room, taking Potion from the chest along the way. There will be Ether in the queen's room. After talking with her, you will find out that it is actually Marle, whom everyone mistakenly mistook for Queen Leene. But the joy of the reunion will not last long, something strange will begin to happen, and Marle will disappear into thin air again... Get down. Lucca will come running, who will tell you in detail what is happening here. Now you need to find and save the real Queen Leene.

A Vanished Princess
Head to Manolia Cathedral and talk to the nun at the organ and explore the sparkling dot nearby. Still, Toma was right. The nuns will show their true appearance and rush into battle. After victory, you will meet a new character named Frog, who will also come to the rescue of the queen. After he joins the team, play the organ and the path will open further. In the new location, run west and grab Athenian Water and Potion from the chests, then north along the stairs and into the room. There you will find three chests with Maiden Suit, Potion and Ether, as well as... hehe... Naga Bromide in the chest of drawers. As soon as you take the last one, three Underlings will fall out on you, deeply offended by such an act of the heroes. Go outside and run north to the chest with a Steel Saber, and west, running around the spikes and removing them with the button on the wall. In the now accessible room there will be two soldiers and a Strength Capsule in a bucket. Go down to the first tier and run to the right to a similar staircase. In the nearest room there will be a friendly company of bad guys who will be sure that the heroes are their own in disguise. Talk to the one with the wings, he will fly away from the room, follow him. In the room where he led you, there will be a fake king, queen and guard, as well as two chests with 100 G and Ether. Afterwards, run to the right through a hidden passage, where there will be inspiring chants in honor of Fiendlord Magus, in fact, his statue and two boxes with a Speed ​​Belt and a Guardian Bangle. And if you can slip through the demons in the secret room if you wish, then you will have to fight with the fake royal couple in any case. Get out, go down to the lower tier and now run north through the center.

Recover at the save point and continue the rescue operation! No matter what ladder you choose next, it will still shrink (however, there is a chest with Shelter near the left one). Roll down, enter the room, press the button on the wall, along the top of the location (chests with Panacea and Potion!) go to the opposite room, press another button and go back up. Now there are no spikes in the central room, but there are five enemies and a chest with an Iron Sword. One more piece of organ music, and a passage will open in the very north, you will have to go down again. There will be a couple more battles in the new location, so don’t relax. Save nearby, because next will be your first battle with the boss.

So, Chancellor will show his real face, which in fact turns out to be not a face, but, sorry, a muzzle, and the heroes will have to fight with this muzzle.

Since this is the first boss of the entire game, in principle it should not present any great difficulties. Let Crono and Frog use double X-Strike techniques, and Lucca plays the role of a healer, periodically snapping fire at the boss when there is no need to heal anyone. Yakra counterattacks painfully against every offensive action of the heroes, so always try to keep the HP level of the protagonists at an acceptable level.

After winning, examine both chests: the one on the right will contain Mid-Ether, and the one on the left will contain the real Chancellor. Talk to the queen again and you will automatically be transported to Guardia Castle. Now all that remains is to check how Marle is doing. When you go upstairs, you will see how she will return to the world of the living again.

Upon arriving home, Lucca will head back to explore the portals better. Crono will volunteer to escort the princess home. Therefore, as soon as you gain control, leave the fair and dive into the Guardia Forest. There will be another Strength Capsule here in the southeastern part. Then run north and go to Guardia Castle. Chancellor hasn't changed much in four centuries. What a waste to accuse the hero of attempting a coup and take him into custody.

The Trial
All rise, the court is in session!

A guide for beginning time travelers. Second issue.
"Good Crono - bad Crono"
In the kingdom of Guardia, where not bringing a kitten to a girl or eating someone else's breakfast can legally cut off your head, being a good guy is not only a matter of good manners, but also of your own survival. Alas, even our main character is put on trial, and only his past actions can determine his future fate. To become a good guy in the eyes of the jury, you must:
After encountering Marle, talk to her before picking up the pendant;
Don't touch the old man's lunch;
Find a lost cat for a little girl (location with the Leene bell);
Don't try to sell Melchior the Marle pendant;
When Marle chooses sweets, be patient and don't rush;
During the court hearing, assert that the princess’s fortune did not tempt you at all (To the question “Did Marle’s fortune tempt you?” answer “No”, then “Not at all”).
As a result:

7 declared innocent = 6 Ethers
6 declared innocent = 3 Ethers
5 declared innocent = 2 Ethers
4 declared innocent = 1 Ether

Alas, the vile Chancellor will arrange a death sentence in three days, even if the hero is found innocent at the trial. So, here's Crono behind bars. Then there are two possible ways:

1. The hero humbly waits for three days (game days, of course, are about 2-3 minutes). They come for him and accompany him to the place where the sentence will be carried out. At the very last moment, Lucca comes running and saves the protagonist from losing his head.
2. The protagonist begins to hammer at the bars with all his might and enrage the guards nearby. One of the guards will not stand it and will open the cell to kick the hero properly. Having come to his senses, the hero grabs a sword (suddenly! It’s strange that they didn’t even take away the weapon from the “terrorist who tried to destroy the royal power”) and clanks it savorily on the guard’s helmet.

Let us describe the first version of the sequence of events. Once free, grab the chest with Bronze Armor. Once out, empty the box with Mid-Potion and save another victim of the local legal system. Raise Mid-Potions from the guards' bodies (those guards on their feet can be stunned without a fight if you sneak up on them from behind).

It makes sense to go down only if you want to take four chests with healers. In the lowest and eastern part of the dungeon there will be a room with these same chests (Ether, Mid-Potion, Mid-Potion and Ether). The way back will be blocked by the enemy Gaoler. His attacks are strong, but he misses too often. After a couple of blows, he will run away, complaining about his insufficient salary.

Climb up and run southwest at the intersection. There will be a Shelter in the right chamber. Return to the intersection and run northwest. In the far chamber there will be a hole in the wall that will lead to the outside of the tower. Get down and go into the hole below. Literally in front of your nose there will be a chest with another Shelter, and in a hole nearby you will find two boxes with 1500 G and the notorious Silver Sword. Go back up the steep wall, then head to the only unexplored northeastern part of the dungeon. And now we are almost at the exit. Examine the body of the guard who once put the hero behind bars, find as many as five Mid-Potions, read the note about the rules of operation of a certain Dragon Tank and be sure to save. On the bridge, Chancellor will drop a new boss on the heroes.

BOSS: Dragon Tank

Dragon Tank is dangerous at least because it consists of three parts, which also independently attack the heroes, thereby having a numerical superiority over the player. The first step is to disable the enemy's head. The main thing is not to use magic, as luck would have it, the boss is invulnerable to fire and electricity. Having smashed the enemy's head against the wall, switch to his wheels so that the heroes are no longer crushed. After the enemy's wheels disappear, start hacking and shooting at the boss's body with all your might, stopping periodically for treatment.

After the battle, the Dragon Tank will be heavily damaged and destroy part of the bridge. Walk over the heads of the enemies and go down (don't forget to take the Shelter from the chest along the way). All that remains is to break through to the exit. After the scene with Marle, she will join the team. In the forest, run along the only possible path east to a small clearing, where, by a happy coincidence, there will be another time portal. Forward into the unknown!

Beyond the Ruins
The heroes find themselves in a room with a door that cannot be opened at the moment. Going back through the portal would not be the best idea, since the soldiers are still there. Go outside and... The ground is pitted with craters, ruins in the north, a dome in the south. The characters seemed to be in another world. The Trann Dome has a weapons and medicine store and a device called Enerton, which replenishes strength as well as a healthy sleep. After purchasing the weapon for Lucca, go to Site 16, northern ruins.

The rats here don’t attack, they just steal Potions when they collide and run away. To the east of the entrance there will be a chest with a Berserker Ring, then fight your way north along the only path, taking the Silver Sword and Silver Bow from the chests along the way. Once you've dealt with the Ruin Stalker and Floral Horror pair, head north and go to the next screen.

Shadows are immune to physical attacks, fry them with fire and cut them with Wind Slash! Going down to the lower part of the location, take Ether from the western chest, then a small fork appears on the path. The southern path to the east is full of Shadow, while the northern path will lead to a battle with a Mutant. The road to the north will lead to the exit from the ruins. Now make your way to the Arris Dome...

In the dome, talk to Doan, he will tell you that on the lower tiers of the structure there is a refrigerator with food supplies and a still functioning main computer. You'll have to go down... Follow the only path to the northwest and along the beams to the north. There is a boss battle in the next room:

BOSS: Guardian + 2 Bits

Rule #1 - while Bits are alive, don’t even touch the boss, otherwise he will counterattack painfully.
Rule #2 - without Bits the boss is completely helpless.

Therefore, break the small ones first, then switch to the boss himself. And keep in mind that fire magic does not affect him. Also be prepared for the fact that the destroyed Bits will soon return to the battlefield in full health, then they will have to be broken a little again.

After the fight, go north. The refrigerator broke down long ago, the food was rotten, alas, only one seed survived everyone here. Take Mid-Ether from the chest and examine the body. The note found will shed light on that “statue” of the rat that the heroes ran past. Go back and catch the rat on the beams - when you catch up with it, press the X button. Once caught, it will share the password for the terminal (press L1 + R1 + X at the same time). Go back a screen, go to the control panel with a sparkling dot and press the required buttons - the path to the north-eastern part of the dome will open. The Exterminator opposite the heroes attacks everything that moves, so you can first let him deal with the rats, then use all three heroes to break him. To the north, at a dead end there will be a chest with Mid-Ether. The transition to the upper tier is on the left near the door from which you appeared; Follow the winding but linear path to the north door. In the next location there are two paths - simple and difficult. Let's describe the first: immediately in front of you will be Version 2.0 and the stairs to the second tier - the first to the nail, the second to climb. After running around the wall, go down and go a little north - there will be another Version 2.0 and a staircase to the west of it. After walking along the second tier, you will immediately get to the super-computer, from which the heroes will learn not only the location of the next time gate, but also the reason why the future became like this. Need I say that the heroes will not want to leave everything as it is and will decide to correct the unwanted future at any cost? Possessing such a wonderful ability as time travel, the task of going against fate does not seem so impossible.

Lucca: Come on, dummy!
Show Marle what you’re made of!

Now return to the surface. This time we will go the hard way, there is one thing that needs to be done. First go along the second tier, then go not to the south, but back to the north, only along the lower tier. Thus, you will reach the next terminal, which is turned on with the same password (L + R + A). A platform will appear right in front of a mysterious door that cannot be opened yet, but it is better to prepare everything now, and not later waste God knows how many pages of the passage to remember the ill-fated code. Now, with a clear conscience, you can return with your report to Doan.

Doan: Hope... There's a word I haven't heard in some time.

Give Doan the seed, it remains the last chance of survival for the inhabitants of the dome and the entire Earth. In exchange, you will receive the key to the Jet Bike, which is located in Site 32. Leave the dome and go to... If you wish, you can visit Abandoned Sewers, otherwise go straight to Site 32. We will talk about the sewers first.

So, you are in the sewer. It’s not a necessary place to visit, but here you can gain experience and find all sorts of useful things that will help you in your future travels. They won’t let us go down, but something will appear, get scared and fly away. On the right there will be a chest with 600G, which will be blocked by a pair of Egg Ooze and one Dondrago. Dondrago are quite dangerous opponents, they hit you hard with water magic. Now from the entrance to the west. After listening to the dialogue of the frogs, go down to the next location. In the west there will be a fragment of the diary of an unknown sewer resident, on the right you will see... a kitten?.. When you try to talk to him, three Dondragos will attack you at once. All you will see on the narrow road are the insidious traps of evil enemies (even the save point at the end!); if you have the strength, you can specifically hit them and gain experience in battles. Go to the next screen. The remaining task here is to include bridges for more comfortable movement. Run north until you see a thin opening in the wall. Go through it and pull the switch at the dead end on the wall (it's a small red light). Return and now run north all the way, then east and feel through the previously opened door. Listen to the frogs' conversations again, they will clearly show you where the switch that activates the bridges is located. Run east and north, there will be a Rage Band in the chest. Sir Krawlie (500HP, stern disposition, unmarried) to the east can pretty much fray the player's nerves, since he removes almost all HP in one hit, leaving the victim with one; If you are not treated in time, the battle may end not in favor of the heroes. After the victory, run south, then west past the exit, turn on the bridges and take the Thunder Blade from the chest.

Old Man: No! You mustn't go to Death Peak!
Wouldn’t make it very far, anyway…
It has to be the right time, and… and it
has to be them, or… or the way is shut!

You will find yourself on the neighboring continent. The path to Death Peak is still closed, since the heroes are naturally blown down by gusts of wind, but it is quite possible to run to the sparkling point (Strength Capsule) in the northeast. In Keeper's Dome, sad music plays and a strangely dressed old man lives with Nu, who talks about something about himself. There is also another mysterious door here. At this point, the journey through the sewer can be considered over, let's return to our main goal.

Site 32 will greet you with a chest containing a Mid-Potion just to the east. In the north, Jet-Bike awaits you. When you try to turn it on, a whole group of robots will attack you, but the battle will be interrupted by Sonic the Hedgehog Robot Johnny! Able to transform into a racing vehicle, he is not averse to competing with the heroes in speed. Defeating him is not very difficult, just make a dash before the finish line. If you can’t overtake the metal walker, you can walk on your own, and at the same time take the Race Log from the chest along the way (even if you win, go get it).

A guide for beginning time travelers. Issue three.
"Cool Johnny is Cool!"
It’s not just that Johnny invites the heroes to compete in speed one more time or two. The most professional racers are guaranteed to receive various goodies! Which ones exactly depend on the number of points scored. During a race, points increase when the player is in the lead and decrease when the player is behind. The longer you don't miss Johnny, the better.

The player scored exactly 777 points - 10 Mid-Ethers for unprecedented luck.
The player scored more than 1300 points - 5 Mid-Potions.
The player has scored more than 1500 points - Strength Capsule (issued to one person, cannot be won again).
The player scored more than 2000 points - 5 Ethers.
The player scored more than 2300 points - 5 Hi-Ethers.

Once you've caught up, head to the Proto Dome. On the threshold you will be greeted by three Exterminators, followed by four more. Rest in Enerton if necessary, and use the upper platform to go to the northern part of the dome. There the heroes will find a broken robot, which Lucca can repair without any problems. R-66Y, whom the heroes will call by the more pronounceable name "Robo", will join the group. True, one of the heroes must remain in the dome at this moment in order to have time to open the door. Choose who should stay: Marle or Lucca, then go to the Factory north of the dome.

The Derelict Factory
For having been abandoned for three centuries, the plant is well preserved and is even still functioning.

In general, strictly speaking, there is a lot of running around here because of one single password, which you can, in principle, choose without any problems yourself. But since this is a walkthrough and not a guide to a speed race, we won’t belabor the point and will describe everything as it is.

Approach the monitor in the center, Robo will open the path further. But before you even take a step, an orange blob called Acid will fall on you. It is not lacking in strength, fortunately its low HP negates its usefulness. Go down the right elevator, you will find yourself in a room with a conveyor. On the left behind the wall you will see an open door, behind which you can find a tricky chest with Mid-Ether. Now go down the left stairs to the very bottom and run all the way to the left, where you will find a chest with a Bandit’s Bow. Go back and now go down the right stairs, simultaneously restoring the heroes' health to the limit. Go into the room through which the conveyor runs and create a small traffic jam there, preventing the robot from moving along it. The heroes will be grabbed by a crane and thrown onto a nearby conveyor belt, where they will have three continuous battles with Version 3.0 and Deverminator. The evil conveyor will let you go, then go south (if you really want to get Ether, you can run carefully along the conveyor to the right descent, but then you will have to create a traffic jam again and fight with the robots), kick four Bug and go up the stairs. Cross the bridge to the north, in the east there will be a chest with Mid-Potion and a door behind which there will be two chests with 400G and Mid-Ether and a terminal with information about the passwords for the faucet (code 00 - X A, code 01 - B B). Get out and stomp through the next door, where, in addition to two Version 3.0s, there will be two more chests with Ether and Shelter. Through the passage south of the chests you will find yourself in the crane control chamber; after the sound signal, enter first the first and then the second code, now the path from the barrels is clear. Go out to the bridge and go down the stairs a little to the left of the door. Having run all the way to the west, behind the door there will be a chest with a Thunder Blade and another terminal, from which you will learn a super-duper-complex code from the security system, because of which the heroes had to run so much (X A B Y - no one can hack it in real life, Yes?).

The first part of the race is over. Return to the elevator, go up and take the left one. Save if necessary, then go north and deal with a couple of Acid and Alkali. After the battle, the monitor will turn on, examining it will open an inconspicuous hatch near the chest (which contains Shelter). After going down, run around the perimeter of the location and go into the central room. Open two chests (with a Titanium Vest in the west and a Hammer Arm in the east) and examine the monitor, after which you will fight with a whole bunch of Acid and Alkali. Take the elevator down even lower and run through the long corridor to the last terminal (a chest with a Plasma Gun nearby). Enter the code X A B Y, the sesame will open.

Robo: A defect…
I am a defect!

As soon as you turn on the backup power, the alarm will scream, and you will now have to quickly reel in your fishing rods. The elevators, which is logical, no longer work; we will have to move on our own. Climb the stairs and run along the beaten path towards the exit. The escape will be prevented by the R-Series robots, which differ from our Robo only in color. Unfortunately, they are not very friendly, especially towards their brother, having dismantled him into pieces, so they will have to fight.

BOSS: R-Series (x6)

There are only two heroes left, so a battle with six opponents at once can cause some difficulties. The main thing is not to try to defeat each one individually, use Cyclone Crono on the middle line of robots to hook three at once in one move; let the second character, regardless of which one you chose earlier in the dome, do the treatment.

The heroes will somehow drag the battered Robo to the Proto Dome, where Lucca will repair it again. It's time for time travel again! The portal will sparkle strangely and take the heroes... somewhere.

The End of Time
Talk to the old man standing under the lamppost, he will explain in his fingers that the heroes found themselves at the most distant point in time, where there was nothing else left, and that the portals cannot cope with the mission assigned to them if there are more than three time travelers. When you are offered to assemble a team, take Marle and Lucca, a little later you will find out why. Afterwards, run to the columns of light from where you appeared here, the old man will call you and advise you to visit the room to the north. That's what we'll do. There lives a creature named Spekkio, who will teach the heroes magic (all except Robo), if you just walk three circles clockwise around the perimeter of the room (note: users of SNES emulators should keep in mind that on older versions of emulators it becomes extremely difficult to pass this point difficult task, look for new versions on the Internet). After receiving magical abilities, talk to the old man again, after which you will be completely left to your own devices.

In addition to the door to Spekkio, there is a save point, an HP and MP refill right above it, in the northeast corner there is a lone pillar of light leading to the Arena (read more about it separately) and, finally, a small sparkling dot in the northwest corner , which the old man warned about, will send the heroes straight to 1999 A.D., where they can try to fight him, hardly successfully (by the way, if you lose the battle with Lavos, you will be shown a rather gloomy bad ending to the game). There is nothing more to do here, so jump into the northern pillar of light, which will take the heroes straight to their native 1000 A.D.

Fiendish Folk
You will find yourself in the village of Medina. Jump out of the closet and go explore the area. The weapons store here sells weapons that are simply unimaginable at this point in the game, but even if you force the seller to show you the assortment, the prices will make your eyes widen. North of Medina is the blue pyramid; You can’t do anything with it, and the chest next to it contains Mid-Ether. In the central square (a sparkling point in the center of the settlement), from conversations with Fiends you will learn that in the Middle Ages the sorcerer Magus created a powerful creature named Lavos to destroy the human race. Great, the heroes have their first clue. Visit the Elder's House, on the first floor take the barely noticeable Speed ​​Capsule from the table near the blue goblin, on the second floor take the Magic Capsule from the table. There is nothing else to do here, go southwest to the lonely building in which our old friend Melchior lives. He will offer an adequate price for the weapon, and at the same time he will tell you that Zenan can get to the continent through the Heckran Cave north of here. Okay...

Heckran Cave is a rather nasty place, local monsters are absolutely immune to physical damage, and you will have to clear your way exclusively with magic. Therefore, it’s better not to take Robo with you (its only attack, “Laser Spin,” which deals damage with magic, is still not enough for everyone), but to leave all the work on fragile female shoulders. At the entrance you will immediately be warmly greeted by a couple of old acquaintances, then run along the only path to the west, taking Ether from the chest along the way. The next location will be frighteningly spacious, but there will be nothing confusing about it. Fry, freeze or incinerate with a laser (if you still left Robo) two Rhino Weevils. To the south there will be a passage that will lead to a dead end with a chest (Magic Scarf) and three Boundillos and three more Cave Bats. Now go back west to a chest with Mid-Ether and north to four Rhino Weevils. To the north of the recent battlefield there will be a chest with Ether, then go south to the next location, where you will have a tough battle with four Boundillos, and at the exit of the cave three Cave Bats will try to stop you. The further path will be overshadowed by Djinn Bottle along with three Cave Stalkers. Along the way you will see a mysterious chest; we will not return to it soon. Then run along the water to the central exit with the save point. Having fully restored your health and mana, go north to...

BOSS: Heckran

Like other living creatures in caves, Heckran is completely invulnerable to physical attacks, incl. don't flatter yourself. It is only possible to defeat him with magic. Therefore, immediately start the battle with a portion of electricity addressed to the enemy, it is advisable to leave Robo or Marle inactive in case one of your own gets it, because Heckran can snap back, mainly with water magic. When the phrase “Go ahead, try and attack!” follows See what it gets you!”, stop any aggressive action, since every attack on the boss at this moment will entail a very painful counterattack on all group members. Use available time to heal and restore MP if necessary. After the phrase “Counterattack stance disengaged”, start treating the bad guy with magic again. Sooner or later he will be defeated.

Having again heard about the role of Magus in the birth of Lavos, jump into a small but very deep pond. The depths of the sea will spit out the heroes right near the Lucca house. By the way, take her to the team and run to her house, dad will present Taban’s Vest to his beloved daughter (if Taban is nowhere in the house, talk to Lara, then wait, he will appear and leave again, then he will be in the main room). Visit the main character's mother, then go to Truce Market, where Fritz, whose head you once saved, will thank you for his salvation by giving you 10 Mid-Ether. Time to go back to the Middle Ages.

The Hero Appears
After passing through the portal to the Millennium Fair, you will be transferred to The End of Time, where two more will be added to the total number of light columns - the one from which you just came and the one that will send the heroes to Truce Canyon, 600 A.D. Run through the canyon along the already known path, and at Truce Inn you will learn fresh news from the front from the residents. First, go to Zenan Bridge and talk to the warrior in golden armor, he will say that supplies are running out. Now head to Guardia Castle. Go to the throne room, then go up the top-left stairs and talk to the king. Now go down, go to the kitchen (from the exit of the castle and to the right) and chat with the chef. Hearing that the soldiers have already run out of food, a flurry of grumbling will fall on everyone around, which, with the help of the chef’s wife, will quickly fade away. Then go to the exit of the castle, the chef will catch up with you and give you provisions for the soldiers, and give the heroes a Strength Capsule. Take the food to the gold armored soldier at Zenan Bridge. As you can see, the situation on the bridge has become completely critical, the ranks of people are thinning before our eyes. Join the soldiers in battle, the commander-in-chief will give you the Golden Helmet for your courage. Run forward, there you will first meet Ozzie, one of Lord Magus's generals. In principle, in battles, all firepower can be focused on Ozzie himself, bypassing the undead; after each defeat of the would-be general, the skeletons themselves will crumble. After two battles in this vein, Ozzie will try his best, and from all the bones that he could get in the area, he will make boss characters on his head.

BOSS: Zombor

It’s two-part, and it will create twice as many problems for the heroes. The upper part is vulnerable to the magic of Ice and Shadow, and the lower part is vulnerable to the magic of Fire and Lightning. First, deal with the upper half of the monster as the most aggressive one. Upon death, she will use MP Buster and reset the MP counter of the character who dealt the final blow. Then switch to the lower part. The earthquakes that the boss causes are quite painful, so don’t forget to heal (if Marle is on the team, then after destroying the upper half of the monster, use her exclusively as a medic, anyway, the lower part of Zombor is invulnerable to ice magic). Don't skimp on MP and use magic more often. In general, the boss is weaker than Heckran.

After the victory, leave the bridge, you will find yourself not far from the village of Dorino. First go to Elder’s House, there you will find out that our old friend Toma has received a large order to search for the mythical Rainbow Shell. Now visit the Residence, in the locker you will see a shining point, examine it, then talk to the old man, in exchange for... hehe... Naga Bromide will open the chest of drawers in which the Magic Capsule will lie. Now head to the Dorino Inn, where you will meet Toma again, who will happily exchange information for a drink. Agree, in gratitude Toma will tell you about a large talking toad that has settled in the forests south of here. Don't remember this one?

In Fiona’s Villa, after the desert, only two chests (each with Mid-Ether) are of value, after which the heroes will return here.

Now go to the city of Porre in the very south of the continent. In the Market, in addition to the store itself, there will be a Strength Capsule in the corner. In the Tavern, the heroes will meet Toma again. Once again treated to a drink, the Great Explorer will tell you that the Rainbow Shell is located on a small island, although it is not known which one specifically. In Elder’s House there will be two more mysterious chests, and in Tata’s House you will chat with the dad of the newly-minted hero of the kingdom. Now make your way to Cursed Woods.

A guide for beginning time travelers. Issue four.
"The Hunt for Nu, Part 1"
Nu is an excellent tool for leveling up techniques in the middle of the game. For one battle they give you 30TP at once... But you just have to try harder to catch him, otherwise sometimes it seems that it’s easier and faster to level up on ordinary enemies.

In Cursed Woods (600 A.D.) you can find a strange-looking blue creature. He appears rarely, and you still have to try to provoke him into a fight. Enter the forest and run north. If halfway to Frog's dwelling you do not see any Nu, then leave the forest and enter again. As soon as you see Nu, try to catch not him, but some monster so that Nu is on the screen at that time. The combat is a little more difficult than in Hunting Range, but overall it's the same.

A little further north there will be a Mid-Potion in the chest, and even further north there will be a chest with Shelter. The enemies here are cunning; if the heroes are drawn into battle, always attack only Fangtooth. Once hit, they will restore their health through Edible Frog, killing them in one hit. It’s better not to touch the Edible Frogs themselves, even for the sake of gaining experience - they counterattack very painfully. In the very north you will see a rustling bush that is greener than the rest. Run behind him and go down to the room, which turns out to be Frog’s house. In the peculiar chest on the right there will be a Magic Scarf, the left chest cannot be examined yet. Talk to Frog, the news that the King of Guardia was wounded in battle will have a very bad effect on him. Leave Frog alone with his thoughts, and go to Mount Denadoro yourself.

Frog: I am no Hero.

Tata and the Frog
Be sure to take Lucca on your team, otherwise climbing the mountain will turn into a living hell. The chest contains 300G. After dealing with a couple of Ogan and Bellbird, run north. Here is our valiant bearer of the Hero Medal, running away so that his heels sparkle. Afterwards there will be a fight with Ogan, armed with a large hammer. Invulnerable to physical attacks and magic, it also hits very hard. To prevent the fight with him from turning into torture, use any fire magic on him (preferably, of course, the least expensive one, the damage will be minimal in any case), as a result he will lose his precious weapon and will no longer pose a challenge. First, run north not up the stairs to get the Mirage Hand for Robo, then go back and climb the rope ladder to the next screen. Turn back south along the narrow path to take the previously seen chest with Athenian Water from the previous location. Go back, take out Ether from the chest in the west, then run north all the way. At the turn there will be a chest with 500G, then make your way east along the winding path, if possible, in front of the stairs, dodging Ogan with a hammer, which will jump out of the bushes. After moving to another screen, continue east, so you will first reach a small path to a chest with Mid-Ether, and then two Freelancers and a chest with Athenian Water. Go up the stairs, take the Golden Helmet from the other chest, then go north again along the other stairs, defeat Ogan with the hammer. Now run west, after the battle with Ogan and Freelancer, run south to the chest with the Mid-Potion. On the next screen, Freelancer will throw stones at the heroes; just run north, taking the Mid-Ether from the chest along the way. Next, two Freelancers will ambush you, after defeating them, take 600G from the chest. It is advisable to replenish your health and mana now, since a series of four continuous fights awaits you on the screen to the north. Having endured them with dignity, go west, take 300G from the chest nearby, if to the north there is a chest with a Mid-Potion behind two Freelancers. If you want to get Silver Stud (a wonderful thing that reduces the cost of techniques and magic for the wearer of the accessory by half) and Silver Earring, you will have to jump from the waterfall (the jump location is on a small isthmus in the westernmost part of the waterfall), but then you will have to repeat a short section of the ascent . On the west side there will be a chest containing Mid-Ether. Continue west, along the way you will come across a lone Kilwala admiring the view. Chat with him a few times, he will give the heroes a Magic Capsule so that they leave behind. Now go down the next screen, taking the Mid-Ether from the chest along the way.

Ugh! There's still quite a bit left. Go down and take the Shelter from the chest. Remember that Freelancer who threw stones at the heroes? It's payback time! At this point the ascent can be considered completed. Go into the cave, where the heroes will be tested by the spirits of the great sword Masamune.

Mune: Humans are all the same, aren’t they?
It's how you use the sword that's important,
not just that you have the strongest one!

BOSS: Masa & Mune

There are two of them, they are strong, they fight well and they have dual techniques. All this adds up to make them strong opponents. Unless, of course, you know how to act correctly. Masa and Mune's most fatal weakness is their vulnerability to hypnosis. Therefore, at the beginning of the battle, use Hypnowave (Lucca), one of the opponents will go to dreamland. To win, you only need to defeat one, so don’t waste your energy.

BOSS: Masa & Mune

No more fun now. Having teamed up, Masa & Mune have become a very formidable opponent, which can become a serious problem for an unprepared player. Use the best single and double techniques against him, not forgetting to maintain your health level. When the message "Storing Whirlwind Energy" appears, Masa & Mune will begin to prepare for a very painful reception. Any frontal attack will lead to a counterattack using the Wind Slash technique. To avoid damage, Crono must use the “Wind Slash” technique against the boss himself (the message “Whirlwind energy dissipated” will appear), then his long-drawn technique will fail and it will be possible to return to methodically beating this mountain of muscle with weapons and magic.

Mune: Do you think they’ll fix us?
Will they find our proper owner?

For victory, the heroes will receive a broken blade of the legendary sword. The spirits will wish them good luck and, with a stream of wind, will land the heroes at the foot of the mountain. Go to Tata's House again now. The failed Hero will give the protagonists a medal and apologize for all the misunderstandings. Visit Frog again. Still depressed, Frog doesn't even want to think about fighting Lord Magus. But now the heroes can examine the very chest to which the knight was blocking the path. Inside will be... the hilt of a broken Masamune. A painfully famous name will be written on it. Melchior. Time to come back to the present. I hope you haven’t forgotten the way back to the portal to Truce Canyon yet?

Here are the heroes again in Medina Village. Nothing has changed here, so visit Melchior right away. Deeply surprised that the heroes found the legendary sword somewhere, Melchior will say that he can only restore it if he has the Dreamstone from which this sword was once forged. Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to simply find it in the public domain, since the mineral has disappeared from the face of the Earth for a very, very long time. But it’s not for nothing that in The End of Time there is a mysterious portal to the prehistoric era! This will come in handy, because if you look for a precious mineral anywhere, it’s only at the dawn of humanity; there’s simply nowhere to go before.

The Rare Red Rock
Here are the heroes in 65,000,000 BC. The destination portal was not located very well, which is why the heroes collapsed on the heads of reptile-like humanoid creatures, which in reality would not be very friendly. Take out the first five enemies, after which their number will become completely indecently greater than the number of protagonists, but a cave woman will come to the aid of the heroes, who single-handedly kicks off half of the Reptites, leaving only four for the heroes. After winning, you will meet a cave woman who will introduce herself as Ayla.

Ayla: What do you say? No say word Ayla
not know, Ayla head go boom!

After a rather nice conversation, run south after her, grabbing the chest with the Berserker Ring along the way. Please note that Crested Splinter is very resistant to physical damage, but cannot withstand electricity, while Kilwala, on the contrary, can only be persuaded with steel. Go out to the world map and stomp east to a small settlement. Go to the northwestern (Chief's Hut) hut and talk to Ayla, after which the primitive party will begin! Each character will be left to his own devices for the duration of the drinking session; only Crono will remain under the player’s control. Alternately communicate with the other heroes you took with you, then with Ayla herself; in the midst of the fun, Ayla will offer the hero a competition for the right to possess the Dreamstone. The task is simple - to outdrink the cave lady in a speed battle. It is enough to press the “A” button very often, and victory is in your pocket.

Footprints! Follow!
The party was a great success and everyone was rewarded with a massive hangover. But here’s a misfortune that sobered everyone up in a second - the Gate Key disappeared, without it the heroes would be stuck in this era forever. Wake up Ayla and report the situation, she will burp a little and join the team for the duration of the search. But first, visit the northeastern hut, the old man in it will happily exchange the trophies he earned for quite useful weapons and armor according to the following scheme:

Petal + Fang = Ruby Gun
Petal + Horn = Shaman's Bow
Petal + Feather = Stone Arm
Fang + Horn = Mammoth Tusk
Fang + Feather = Ruby Vest
Horn + Feather = Stone Helm

Trophies can also be knocked out of ordinary monsters in ordinary battles, but it is better to do this in a specialized place called Hunting Range, a little to the right of the Dactyl Nest; Trophies fly out of the local living creatures in batches at once.

A guide for beginning time travelers. Issue five.
"The Hunt for Nu, Part 2"
Nu lives not only in the Middle Ages; you can also hunt it in the prehistoric era.

In the prehistoric era, Nu lives in the Hunting Range, but it is not so easy to catch. The creature emerges from the dense thickets of the ancient jungle only during rain; in clear weather, even if you trample all the paths, you will not find any Nu. It starts raining after about a minute of being in the location. There are three possible points for Nu to appear (with some probability it may not appear at all): lower-right corner on the upper tier, upper-right corner on the lower tier, upper-left corner on the lower tier. If you know how to act, then in one rainstorm session you can manage to run around all three points. In the north, climb the vine to the second tier, follow it to the southeastern part of the hunting grounds and wait for the rain. The first place where Nu appears will become clear immediately, since he emerges from the thickets immediately with the beginning of the rainstorm; if no one appears in front of you, run north, from the upper tier the north-eastern corner of the land will be visible, if it is not there, then without going down the vine, run west to another vine at a dead end, go down it and through a small isthmus, covered by foliage, get to the last Nu spawn point. To challenge him to a fight, you need to talk to him. For winning you will receive Third Eye.

After talking with people from the southern huts, you will learn that the Reptites have headed to Forest Maze. Follow them, it's in the south. There you will meet with Kino, who admits that it was he who stole the Gate Key from the heroes. But he didn’t hold it in his hands for long, because the Reptites visited and stole the stolen property, so he would have to return it by force. The labyrinth is tortuous like an intestine, so I won’t describe it in detail for reasons of readability. Run east, taking the Mid-Potion from the ancient chest; the chest below will contain Athenian Water. After going down the vine again, run along the tree to the east, then south to an inconspicuous chest with Mid-Potion and north and west to a chest with Mid-Ether. Continue running east all the way, then run south, taking Athenian Water from the chest hidden in the foliage a little to the west along the way. After dealing with the raid from Bao Bao and two Kilwala, run south until you run into a chest with Shelter, then turn east. Once you reach the fork, take the southwest path to a chest with a Mid-Potion at the dead end and a Panacea behind two palm trees. Go down the vine and run all the way to the east for Mid-Ether, then go back and leave the tired labyrinth.

The screen after you will witness Aecyto Weevil drilling holes in the ground. Valiant heroes must jump through them to win. Wait for someone to drill a hole, then jump. In a small room, depending on which one you land in, take a chest with Hi-Potion, Mid-Ether, or be left without any treasure at all, and beat up the local fauna. Jump into the next hole. In the next room everything will repeat (there will be a Ruby Vest in the chest). You will fall into a room with a bunch of Reptite. The one in the south is guarding a chest with Stone Helm, and the one in the northeast is guarding Hi-Ether (you will have to fight Megasaur - first hit him with lightning, then finish him off with regular weapons). Run into the only passage in the east, then fight your way north. After defeating another Megasaur accompanied by two Reptites, a save point will appear. You can take your time going north if you want, and head west along the middle path, up the stairs, back to where you started and try your luck with the other holes.

A guide for beginning time travelers. Issue six.
"Riddles of the Reptite Lair"
Few people pay attention, but there is a small puzzle with all these holes created by Aecyto Weevil. Depending on which hole the characters jumped into, they find themselves in different rooms with different things. But there is one tricky room in which lies nothing less than a whole Elixir. To do this, you need to wait for the hole in the easternmost part of the room, then wait again for the hole in the eastern part. A map of this place with item designations is given below.

But it makes sense to do this only if life is not a joy without the Elixir, since holes are dug in completely different places, sometimes you can simply be unlucky.

After jumping, go north, where you will first meet Azala, the leader of the Reptites. Regardless of whether you tell the truth about the purpose of the Key of Time, or simply remain silent, the result will be the same.

BOSS: Nizbel

The tactics in the boss battle are similar to the tactics in battles with Megasaur. Crono should first use Lightning to lower the boss's defense, and let the rest of the characters attack with any available techniques. Sooner or later, Nizbel will recover from the shock, releasing the accumulated charge towards the heroes and thereby causing quite significant damage, so always take the opportunity to replenish the HP reserves of team members. Give him electricity again and continue beating the bad guy. The boss does not have any surprises in store; the entire battle will take place according to the same scheme without any changes.

After the battle, Azala will give the key, give a short inspiring speech and hastily retreat from the recent battlefield. This concludes the adventure in the prehistoric era. Say goodbye to Ayla and go straight to your native era, it’s time to please Melchior with a find (or, again, improve your techniques in battles with Nu (see “Hunting Nu, Part 2”) and exchange all the trophies you earned for weapons and armor (remember the store in Medina, which has crazy prices? By reselling weapons from the prehistoric era, you can quickly make a fortune and buy a luxurious sword for the main character)).

The Masamune
To say that Melchior will be very surprised to see Dreamstone is an understatement, but the old man will not dare to ask about how and where the heroes found both the mineral and Masamune. With additional help from Lucca or Robo (depending on which of them was on the team at the moment), the sword will gain a second life. Yessss... After this comes the understanding of how great Melchior is as a blacksmith... Frog is in for a wonderful surprise!

Melchior: A sword can be used as a tool for
ending lives or as one for saving them. It
all depends on the one who wields it. Be sure
you wield yours for the proper reason.

Go back to the Middle Ages and present Frog with a revived sword. For the first time, the player will be shown Frog's memories, which have haunted him all this time. In the morning, Frog will finally decide what to do next. The time has come to break through Magus's hideout and put an end to the sorcerer once and for all. First, just remember to take the old new team member to Spekkio for some magic.

Head to Magic Cave (the very east of the continent), after another portion of memories, Frog will show by example why legends are made about Masamune by cutting the mountain into two parts. The path further is open. This is a small cave of just one screen, but the monsters here are not only resilient to physical damage, but also snarl if you hit them with a weapon. Only magic, save your nerves. At the exit you will see the corpse of a knight, for posterity he left a hint on how to fight the Juggler monsters, we will return to this when we finally get to them. Exit the cave and head to Fiendlord's Keep.

The Fiendlord's Keep
So, here we are in Magus's castle. Come in. First of all, evil enemies will put pressure on the psyche of the heroes (and the player). In complete silence, run into the left (two Mid-Ether and Shelter) and right (Mid-Ether) wings of the castle to the dead ends, then return to the main hall. A fake Save Point will appear in the center. Step on it, and old acquaintance Ozzie will appear, who will greet travelers, say that Magus is now busy (preparing to destroy the world, obviously), and motivate the heroes to further achievements by summoning six opponents at once. Now the peaceful, albeit gloomy castle has turned into an abode of monsters; any movement through it will require combat. Time to re-visit the left and right wings of the villain’s lair, there’s nowhere else to go anyway. Let's start from the left, perhaps. Here a pair of Gaoler train an army of the undead; You can dodge the fight if you want. In the north, help the souls of the innocent find peace, then your first enemy for today will appear.

Gubast is extremely tough, but this does not prevent him from being a dangerous opponent. Although... Being without a sword yet, he does not pose much of a threat. Things get interesting when Slash stops trying to beat heroes with his fists and switches to steel. Please note that magic does not affect him, do not waste MP. The combination of X-Strike and periodic healing of heroes is a win-win option; if the HP of the heroes is constantly kept at an acceptable level, Slash is unlikely to last long.

For victory you will receive Slash's weapon - Slasher and the opportunity to save and restore health. Heal your wounds and return.

Now it’s time to inspect the right wing for enemies and other bosses. The children guarding the chest (Barrier Sphere) will turn out to be Shadow. Do you remember any other tactics against them? Only magic. On the screen to the north, all the “old acquaintances” will wish the worst for the heroes and turn into monsters. At the end of the path you will encounter what looks like Flea, but... not quite. The strange creature will die in one hit and take with it all the MP of the character who killed it. After the battle, it turns out that our enemy has not only been buzzing in our ear all this time in the guise of a bat, but is also... a transvestite.

First, replenish the character’s MP scale after the previous failure; the classic “X-Strike + active healing” scheme should not be violated! The transvestite sorcerer, although more sensitive to elemental techniques, unlike the impenetrable Slash, is still very resistant to them, so rely on brute force in this battle. The boss is not so much strong as he is nasty - he really likes to indulge in status changes, which has a bad effect on the productivity of team work.

For winning, in addition to experience and pleasure, you will also receive a Magic Capsule. And return to the main hall again (or better yet, go to the world map to replenish your health and save).

The notorious Save Point has reappeared in its old place and is again not working as expected. Step into it, it will teleport the heroes deep into the castle. Get ready for a series of ongoing battles. Always take out the Sorcerers first, these guys are local healers, but the battles will only drag out in vain. In the chest near Ozzie there will be a Mist Robe; he himself, having learned about the sudden death of his friends, hastily retreats. The next location will be fun - carefully run under the moving blades, simultaneously stealing Dark Mail from the chest. At halfway, Ozzie will speed up, incl. be careful. After Ozzie winds up again, there will be a chest with a Death Claw near the lever he was turning. The next activity on the schedule will be climbing up the flimsy wooden bridge. Bats themselves are not aggressive, they are provoked into battle only if the heroes encounter Roundillo, from which you can hide if you go down the rope ladder. This is also where these notorious Jugglers live, about which the guard’s body warned you earlier. When fighting them, keep in mind that they change their vulnerability depending on the heroes’ attacks: they attacked with a sword - Juggler became vulnerable only to magic, but vice versa. By alternating physical damage and magic, you will quickly deal with them.

Moving to the next screen, the first thing you will see is Ozzie, very pleased with something. Before you have time to take a step, a hatch will open under the heroes and they will fall into the dungeon. Deal with six Lancers, then look around. In the southeast corner there will be a Magic Capsule, in the northeast there are two chests with Barrier Sphere and Shelter, in the northwest there are two more with Lapis and Mid-Ether. Now comes the fun part. Each of the four sides has one Save State, and only one of them will teleport the heroes up, one will be a real save point that saves, the last two will be unfriendly and attack (I know, fighting with a save point is very strange). By the way, it’s worth noting two things about them - they have great defense, but low HP (hello Acid and Alkali), they themselves are harmless and don’t even attack, and they give a lot of experience points. In any case, you will have to fall here regularly, until an adequate path to Ozzie is formed (there is no point in drawing a path anyway, it is very easy to stumble).

On the next screen, the ascent along the wooden bridge will continue, in the company of more powerful monsters. Juggler, as usual, has not gone away, incl. be on the lookout! Having risen, be prepared for the next trap of the insidious Ozzie... True, this time it won’t show off any variety, just an ordinary breakthrough through the thickness of enemies. Nothing remarkable, except for the battle with two, and then four Jugglers at once. For winning, you will receive a Speed ​​Belt and a pair of sparkling heels for the pot-bellied general. The last batch of enemies on the next screen (Athenian Water in the chest along the way (if you want to avoid battles, advance while leaning against the wall)) and here he is, pressed against the wall (oh, by the way, chests: Mist Robe on the left and Magic Scarf on the right). The fight with Ozzie doesn't even deserve a special mention; attack the levers behind him, and then just watch...

After winning, two Save Points will appear. The right one will actually save it (be sure to do this, since the next enemy will be much superior to all the previous ones), while the left one will send it to Magus. If you feel ready, touch left and go forward. Go down the stairs, not paying attention to the bats, after which you will find yourself in pitch darkness. Step forward. This is the one who will bring destruction to this world...

Perhaps the nominee for the title of the most powerful enemy at the moment in the game from the very beginning. Magus, from the rage of the heroes, will hide behind a magical barrier that absorbs any magical damage and indecently weakens physical damage. First of all, attack the sorcerer with Frog armed with Masamune, this will reduce the boss’s resistance to magic. For any attack, Magus will counterattack with the magic of one of the elements, and the message “Barrier Change: Absorbs all but ...” will appear and an element will be written in place of the ellipsis, from which the sorcerer’s barrier will not protect.

Having lost half his life, Magus’s battle tactics will change. As soon as the message “Magus lowers his guard to begin casting spell” appears, Magus will remove his magical barrier and begin casting the very powerful “Dark Matter” spell; In this one, use the most powerful double (or even triple) techniques that you have at the moment, but be sure that the heroes’ health is at a high level, since you still have to try to survive Magus’ technique. After healing from Dark Matter, go on the offensive again. Magus is strong, but still not eternal.

After the battle, it turns out that Lavos was not the creation of the hands of a medieval sorcerer, but was only summoned by him. Due to the interruption of the summoning ritual, Lavos, to the great happiness of all the inhabitants of the planet, will not be able to appear in the world, but a huge uncontrolled time portal will be formed, which will suck in all the participants in the previous battle...
Forward to the Past
Crono had a wonderful dream, but Ayla came and ruined everything. Stop, Ayla!? Welcome to the prehistoric era again. Everything is in place, only Magus is gone. Exit the shack, then head north and west deep into the forest and enter a lonely hut. Laruba Village was burned to the ground, many residents, including Kino, were captured - the Reptites took active action. Ayla intends to fight her way into Tyranno Lair and successfully asks the surviving elder for permission to use Dactyl.

Ayla: Win, live. Lose, die. That rule.

In the northeastern hut, by the way, the range of items exchanged for trophies has been updated:

Petal + Fang = Dreamstone Gun
Petal + Horn = Dreamstone Bow
Petal + Feather = Magma Hand
Fang + Horn = Primeval Blade
Fang + Feather = Ruby Vest
Horn + Feather = Stone Helm

After all the work, go to the very north to Dactyl Nest, there will be a short climb into the mountains. First of all, deal with the Cave Ape and two Schists, then run north. Before you can climb to the second tier, there will be a fight with two Avian Rex. Once up, take the Mid-Ether from the chest and run south. At the turn there will be three Schists and a chest with a Mid-Potion. then run north and east to a new location. You will immediately be greeted by two Cave Apes and one Schist; after the battle, run north, go to the second tier, then south (Mesozoic Mail in the chest) and north again. And here comes Ayla, who has not yet flown away in search of her death. The heroes will insist that together it will not be so dangerous, as a result, Ayla will join the team now forever and together they will go to chop off the heads of lizards.

...but what is this red star sparkling in the sky?

Unnatural Selection
Tyranno Lair is located in the very center of the continent, fly there. Once inside, kill or dodge the two Cave Apes and run into the only open passage. Having dealt with two Reptites, release your relatives, then run to the east and north. On the floor below there will be three more Reptites and Kino behind bars. After the cute scene, first run into the cell and take Mid-Ether, then follow Kino. He will open the left passage leading up, now the serious game will begin. Having risen, you will find yourself in a small room where there will be monsters on the left and right. If you look closely, you can see buttons against the south wall on each side; by pressing them, you will send the dinosaurs flying, saving yourself the trouble of fighting. The right path will only lead you to a Hi-Potion with a left chest and a trap in the right, if you don't need it, run straight to the left. After a small battle with the Reptites, on the outside of the castle there will be a very cool room with invisible teleporters, its subtleties are presented in the picture below.

1 - Mesozoic Mail; 2 - Potion; 3 - Triceratoper; 4 - Athenian Water

Having risen, go south and in the next location fight your way into the eastern passage. The right button will open the door, the left one will do the same, but will spit out a couple of monsters at you as a free application. Walk north and press the button on the wall, this will open the gate that you recently ran past a screen earlier. Run around Nizbel (o_o) and be sure to save and restore your health, because as soon as you try to climb the stairs, he will go nuts from such impudence, and you will have to fight in any case.

BOSS: Nizbel II

Much more dangerous than his brother. The main difficulty in fighting him is that, unlike other large-caliber dinosaurs, he is not susceptible to the shock effect of electricity. His defense increases after each attack from the heroes and weakens after a charge of electricity. Therefore, do not waste your time on trifles and, taking this opportunity, use the most powerful and expensive double and triple techniques, alternating them with the Lightning of the main character.

After the fight, go up to the next floor, there is one last push left. Once past the massive central gate, run east into the room with three buttons. The left one will remove the floor, the right one will drop two Terasaur, and the central one will activate Save Point. The skull opens on its own, without any buttons. In the open room there will be Hi-Ether and a button that opens the central gate. Return and, having defeated as many as three Terasaur, go to meet Azala. A terrible roar in the room behind the throne room does not bode well, but you still have to go there (taking Triceratopper and Mid-Ether).

BOSS: Azala + Black Tyranno

Despite all the apparent brutality of the king of dinosaurs, the battle can hardly be called that difficult, especially if the heroes are Ruby Vest. The first step is to get rid of Azala. Her physical defense is at a high level, but with magic the situation is better, so use the most powerful magical techniques, since 2700HP is not such a huge indicator. As soon as Azala leaves the battle, wait for the message “Lowers Defense and begins storing power” (Black Tyranno will stop being so thick-skinned and will begin to accumulate energy for attack) and start attacking Black Tyranno with the most powerful techniques. The boss is destroyed by his own slowness... After each of his attacks, heal and continue the attack.

After the battle, watch a beautiful scene of Lavos falling to Earth and the beginning of the decline of the Reptite civilization.

Azala: First, a great fiery stone will crash to the earth.
Its flames will soon spread to scorch every corner of
the land.

Then the chill will begin to creep across the blackened plains,
ushering in a long, cruel age of ice and snow

Unfortunately, the heroes do not have time to destroy the alien, while he is more vulnerable and weak than ever after the collision - Lavos buried himself very quickly, and now it is impossible to get him out of there. We'll have to go back to looking for workarounds. A time portal formed near the crash site of the space porcupine will lead the heroes to a previously unexplored era of antiquity.

The Magic Kingdom
The heroes will find themselves in a cave, outside of which the ice age Azala successfully predicted is raging. Get out and head southeast to a strange structure. Inside there will be a teleport that will send the protagonists literally to heaven. Welcome to the Magic Kingdom of Zeal. You will find yourself on an island where there is the city of Enhasa and another telepotation bridge that lowers you to the ground. First, explore the settlement. In the northwest you will encounter a boy who predicts a sudden death for one of the heroes in the team. Good antiquity... There is also a blue panel on the floor that restores health.

A guide for beginning time travelers. Issue seven.
"Hunt for Nu, part 3"
In the ancient era, you can fight six Nu at once, but only once.

In the city of Enhasa there is a secret room behind one of the bookshelves. You can get into it if you open three magical elemental books in order: water (northeast), air (northwest) and fire (near the entrance to the city, near the bookshelves). There will be a lonely Nu sleeping inside. If you talk to him, he will invite the heroes to fight him and his friends. As a gift for winning - 50TP, Speed ​​Capsule and Magic Capsule.

After finishing your business in the city, go out and go down to the ground through the northeastern teleport. Through the cold and blizzard, make your way north to the next Skyway, which will send the heroes to the main continent. First of all, visit Blackbird, where you will meet Dalton, who will still create problems for the heroes in the future. Now head to Kajar. This city is noticeably larger than Enhasa; you can find a lot of interesting things here.

1. There are magic books here too. Water in the northwest, air in the southeast, fire in the center on the table near Nu. The room that opens will contain a Black Gemstone.
2. There is a shining point in the northeast that is so easy to reach. Go into the room near which it sparkles and search the lower-right corner to get a Speed ​​Capsule.
3. Well, I clamped one Magic Capsule next to the bookcase. It will be possible to convince the cunning person to give it up only after visiting the Zeal Palace and finding the so-called. “Nu scratching points.”

That's all for now. Now go up to Zeal Palace. On the second tier you will see Nu, who walks sideways - he will ask you to scratch his back. Having thus acquired knowledge of Nu's scratching point, you can, even now, if you really want, return to Kajar and scratch Nu's Magic Capsule. Now along the second tier, go to the very south and talk to the woman with a small flower; to her question “Do you like plants, traveler?” answer “Yes”, and then answer “Grow it in secret”. This decision will give life not only to the flower, but also to an additional quest at the end of the game. Now head into the northeast passage, at the fork, go into another northeast one. There you will overhear a short conversation between Janus and Schala. Afterwards, return to the main hall of the palace and go straight north to the throne room. There you will see an old familiar door with a strange symbol, which will open without objection in front of the Schala pendant, but will completely refuse to give in to the heroes. Residents will note the striking similarity of the Marle pendant to the Schala pendant and will add that the Schala pendant begins to shine when close to the Mammon Machine. Let's check out this mysterious device; it is located in the northwestern part of the palace, behind the door that is blocked by the sleeping Nu. Examine the red dot and the pendant will shine (please note that once you do this, the heroes will no longer be allowed out of the palace, so be sure that you didn’t do anything). Now head to the throne room, making sure to take Lucca into your team. The heroes will not be welcome there, and along with hot tea and soft buns, the boss will be dumped on them.

In principle, it is not even necessary to defeat him, the result will still be the same. The boss is strong enough even for well-pumped heroes, he has his own painful counterattacks in store for every action of the characters, and he himself does not stand still and periodically snaps. It is very difficult to defeat him head-on, so use cunning. The boss is vulnerable to fire magic, and the point here is not so much that the damage from it is higher, but that Golem’s counterattack to fire magic is practically harmless. In this case, all you have to do is heal from the boss’s normal attacks, replenish MP as needed, and wait until the boss’s HP runs out.

Regardless of the outcome of the battle, the heroes will be captured. Schala will help them free themselves from suspended animation, and she will ask them to save the Guru of Life. The difficulty will be created by the Prophet appearing out of nowhere, who clearly does not share good intentions with the princess. It will not come to the point of carrying out a death sentence, but the heroes will be thrown out of the era without the opportunity to return there in the usual way. You probably already guessed that now we will be looking for an unusual way to get back to the ancient era. One of the team members will remember that a similar door, opened by a pendant, was in the era of the post-apocalyptic future in Keeper’s Dome...

To Break the Seal
Head to 2300 A.D. Through Site 32 and Abandoned Sewers you will be taken to the Keeper's Dome. Only the lonely Nu remained in the dome, from whom the heroes learn that the old man who lived here has died. Run around it and open the door with the symbol in the north. In the room, study all the shining points, which are Belthasar's notes about the origin of Lavos and the great invention that awaits the heroes behind the last door. After examining the Wings of Time, try to leave the room; Nu will appear, who will ram the seats from the device, tell you the basics of controlling the time machine and advise you to give it a name. Now heroes can access any era without leaving the box office! Now that you have a charged pendant and a time machine, it's time for a treasure hunt!

First of all, head to 600 A.D. In the Magic Cave, take the Magic Ring from the chest. Come out. If you told the woman with the flower to protect the plant, then a funnel will appear in the desert, where not the weakest opponents live and a very strong boss at the moment of the game. After collecting all the things, you can return here and gain experience, since with all the armor found, the heroes will have a better chance against the local reptiles. Go to Porre, Elder's House. There will be two whole chests there; inspect both, but when asked whether they should be opened, answer in the negative. Leaving everything like that, get out and go north to Truce. The chest will be on the second floor of the Truce Inn. Do the same with it - inspect it, but do not open it. Finally, go to Guardia Forest and take the Speed ​​Capsule from the chest in the dead end in the northeast. In Guardia Castle, go up the stairs to the left of the throne room, on the fourth floor there will be another chest with an ornament that you only need to examine, but not open. We're done with the Middle Ages, now go to the present era.

Visit Mayor's Manor in Porre. On the second floor there will be old familiar chests, now open them without remorse. In them you will find Black Plate (Black Vest) and White Plate (White Vest) (in parentheses are the items that you will receive if you have not examined the chests in the past). Now to the north. At Lucca House, Taban presents his daughter with a new excellent armor, Taban’s Suit. Dive into the Coastal Vortex and exit towards Medina Village. Go north from the demon settlement to the blue pyramid (Forest Ruins). The pendant will remove the seal from the pyramid, two chests and Nu will appear. You can only take one thing: a sword for Crono Swallow or a Guardian Helm. Head back through Heckran Cave to the Zenan continent. Along the way you will find a chest with a Barrier Ring and suddenly a Speed ​​Ring. Upon returning, go to the Truce Inn, where on the second floor take the Blue Plate (Blue Vest) (by the way, you can go back to the Middle Ages and collect armor from chests that were examined but not opened). Now head to Guardia Castle; here the chest with the Red Plate (Red Vest) ornament is still located in the tower to the left of the throne room on the fourth floor. There is one last place left to visit, namely Bangor Dome, Trann Dome in the future and the edge of the forest where there was a portal to the future in the present. But due to the fact that the path there is blocked in the forest, you will have to make a huge detour through all the locations in the era of the future.

So, you are back at 2300 A.D. The time machine will take the heroes not to the world map, but to Keepers’ Dome. Go out and take the Magic Capsule that appeared out of nowhere in the room where you read Belthasar’s notes. Afterwards, go out to the world map and fight your way west through Abandoned Sewers and Site 16. First of all, visit the southern Trann Dome, where behind the door with an ornament there will be two chests with Hi-Ether and Golden Stud and a Magic Capsule nearby. The Bangor Dome will have Alluring Top, Hi-Ether and Workman's Wallet outside the door. Afterwards, jump into the portal, which will send the heroes to The End of Time, then visit Guardia Forest, 1000 A.D. The last chest currently available will contain a Power Ring.

Having endured all the hardships of being a treasure hunter with dignity, return to Keepers’ Dome and fly straight to the era of antiquity.

The Guru of Woe
You will find yourself right next to that cave with the now non-working portal. The path to the sky kingdom is sealed, so head northwest to Terra Cave. Having climbed the stairs, you will find yourself in the settlement of the Earthbound - people who, for one reason or another, are not gifted with magical abilities. In the cave nearby there will be a shop with very good equipment. Go down, in a cave nearby there lives an elder who will tell you a lot of interesting things about Janus’ past. Two floors below there will be another cave with a hotel. Having gone down to the very base, save and head to the cave in the east.

Here, immediately in the southeast corner you will see a dot, which is actually a Strength Capsule. To the north you will encounter two Mudbeasts. These guys are quite dangerous, since their physical strength increases after each attack of the characters, so do not be greedy with double techniques that affect one enemy (also note that Ayla, using the Charm technique, can steal one copy of Rainbow Helm from these enemies - one of the best helmets in the game). After victory, continue north, where history repeats itself. The road to the chain will be blocked by two monsters of a different color and one Mud Imp, these are our current bosses.

BOSS: Mud Imp + Blue Mudbeast + Red Mudbeast

3-on-3 fight. Ideally, to win, it is enough to defeat only the Imp, but this is not as easy as it might seem at first. He is practically invulnerable to physical attacks, always counterattacks and sometimes even heals. Therefore, take care of the beast first. Blue Mudbeast is vulnerable to fire, and Red Mudbeast is vulnerable to ice/water magic, incl. with the active use of Ice Sword / Fire Sword techniques, monsters will not last long. If it so happens that you took Ayla and Robo into your team and were left without magic at all, the double Beast Toss technique will show itself perfectly. Moreover, you can extract useful things from all three using the Charm technique. Mud Imp stores Speed ​​Capsule, Blue Mudbeast - Mermaid Helm and Red Mudbeast - Elixir. To win, it is enough to defeat only colored animals, but the Imp will soon run away on its own.

Climb the chain up the mountain. Right in front of your nose you will see the Rubble monster, which will attack only if you crash into it. First of all, he will turn off all the heroes’ magic, which is why they will have to hit him only with physical attacks. For defeating him you will receive as much as 100TP, so do not miss the chance to train up characters who are not doing very well with techniques. The path north will lead to two Stone Imps, one Rubble, a Platinum Helm in a chest, and a dead end. Go back and go west along the chain near the one you used to get here. There will be two more Stone Imps along the way, then climb the chain to the next screen. To the west there will be a dead end and Rubble. The path to the east and north will lead to a battle with two Gargoyles - they have an attack that reduces HP to one, incl. be alert. A little further north will be Save Point. Trying to cross the chain to the east will result in a battle with two Stone Imps and one Gargoyle. You will find yourself on a lonely island with two chests (Platinum Vest + Shield Sphere) and one Rubble. Go back, in the northwest there will be a chest with a Barrier Sphere, and approximately in the middle there will be a transition to the central part of the island. Having run around and climbed to the very top, take Lapis from the chest, then follow the chain to the east. Break through the hordes of enemies to the south. In the very south there is a lone Rubble, and in the chest near the passage to the east there will be a Barrier Sphere.

The next screen will delight you with a new type of enemies and immediately a chest with Lapis at the top. On the southeastern island there will be two chests containing Hi-Ether and a Barrier Sphere. Then go north. While running around the island again, fight Rubble and take Shield Sphere and Shelter from two guarded chests in the south. Along a winding path you will reach the next Save Point. In the next location, follow the only correct path (the first chest will be with a Time Hat) get to the eastern island (next to the chest with Hi-Ether plus a Magic Capsule in the southeast corner), then go north.

BOSS: Giga Gaia

A grotesque creature, to say the least. He has an arsenal of very dangerous attacks that hit all characters, but without arms he is like without arms, so first rid the boss of his limbs, otherwise he will not only constantly attack the heroes, but also heal his body from time to time. The double Falcon Strike technique (Crono + Ayla) will be very effective against the monster. After destroying the hands, switch to the boss itself (by the way, using the Charm technique, you can try to pull the Speed ​​Capsule out of the boss). Soon the enemy’s limbs will grow back, so the amputation procedure will have to be repeated.

After defeating the boss, the seal on the Guru of Life will be removed, and this Guru will turn out to be our old acquaintance Melchior, only from the past, before our first acquaintance with the heroes. This will be followed by a long series of scenes, after which the heroes will have a new goal - to stop all the madness that is now happening in the Ocean Palace and destroy the Mammon Machine. To do this, Melchior will give the protagonist the Ruby Blade. Then head back to Zeal Palace.

What Lies Beyond
In Kajar you can buy excellent equipment from Nu, but if you say that your pendant belongs to Schala, then you will only get a fig with butter. In the throne room of the palace there will be a lonely Dalton, indignant because he was not allowed into the Ocean Palace.

BOSS: Dalton

Dalton is not a dangerous opponent for heroes who have defeated Giga Gaia himself. The only thing you should be wary of is a boss attack that removes half the life from one of the characters. Otherwise, Dalton is nothing special as a boss.

Defeated, but not broken in spirit, Dalton retreats to the battlefields, opening the way for the heroes to the depths of the ocean, where the Ocean Palace rests.

Lavos Beckons
Now the heroes are closer than ever to Lavos. Masa & Mune are also here, and they are clearly not happy with all the negative energy that this place is literally saturated with. Save and replenish your health at the Save Point nearby, then go deeper into the palace. The heroes will not be able to advance further than the large premises; they must first figure out a small puzzle with buttons; Don’t forget to also take a chest with a Rune Blade near the entrance and a chest with an Aeonian Suit in the lower-right corner of the room.

First, a little information. The main enemies here for now will be Scouters of three different colors, each of which is vulnerable to the magic of only its own color, not the opposite one. If you use magic of an inappropriate element against them, you will receive a powerful counterattack in response, and physical attacks are very weak, so it is highly recommended to now form a team with an emphasis on magic.

So, let's start from the top-right room. Click the button on the floor, Djinn and Ghul will appear. First of all, get rid of the second one, then deal with the Genie. Then stomp to the southeast, where there will be a chest with an Aeonian Helm, tirelessly guarded by two Red Scouts plus a Zealot Mage. Now go west back to the main hall, then southeast. You can dodge two Blue Scouters if you wish; in the south there will be a box with a Kaiser Arm, and in the center there are four stationary colored Scouters (it is enough not to step on the panel between the columns so as not to get involved in battle). The button in the west will open the treasured bridge in the central hall to the south and, in fact, you can immediately run after the development of the scenario, but there are still unexplored chests. So, to the west of the button there will be a Sonic Bow. Southwest - Shockwave near two Red Scouters and a cleverly hidden Demonslayer - to get to it, you need to run around the room along the left wall counterclockwise and follow an invisible path to get into a small room with a treasured chest. The western room from the central hall will lead to an Empyrean Blade. There is nothing to do to the northwest, since the path further is already open, so immediately go south. The bestiary will be replenished with a new type of enemy; after victory, go down the stairs. The lower you go, the more persistent the evildoers will be; at the end of the path you will again communicate with one of the pieces of Masamune, after the event they will switch to the very heart of Ocean Palace, where the royal madness continues. When control returns to you, go down and be sure to save and replenish your HP and MP at the Save Point. In the south there will be an elevator, during the operation of which the heroes will be terrorized by simply crowds of evil villains. If you really want to get the Magic Capsule, then exit and re-enter the room with the elevator and go up; the tablet will be on the wall to the left. But you’ll have to go down on your own again...

In the next room you will need to tinker with the bridges and buttons again. The central one is not working, so visit the side rooms. Both on the left and on the right, three Scouters, one of each color, will defend the treasured lever. By pulling both levers, the central panel will work and turn on the bridge. In the next room there will be a Save Point and suddenly an Elixir. A screen north, you will again meet with Dalton, who will descend on the heroes...

BOSS: Golem Sisters

Two Golems for the price of one. Dalton is something without imagination... The main technique, which consists in using exclusively fire magic, works without problems here too, you just need to take into account that this time there are two opponents, so try to catch two with fire at once, so that one of the bosses does not snap back again.

After victory, recover to the save points and continue north. Eventually the heroes will reach the Mammon Machine. Unfortunately, events will not go according to the planned scenario, and the Ruby Blade will not be able to calm the device forever. The awakening of Lavos could not be avoided...

The heroes will be drawn into the battle against the Beast, but it is unlikely that they will be able to withstand even the very first attack of Lavos, as a result the battle will end very quickly. Prophet will reveal his identity and also oppose the monster, but, unfortunately, not with the best result as the heroes. The first to wake up is Crono, who will try to fight Lavos alone to save his friends, for which he will pay with his life.

The New King
The protagonists will find themselves in a room without things, weapons, or even money. Climb the stairs, you will find out exactly where you are. Returning to the cell, one of the characters will notice something in the upper-left corner. After examining it, the heroes will find themselves in a ventilation shaft. Run first to the west and south, at the very bottom you will learn the fate of the unfortunate Epoch. Then head to the northeast, where you should find a chamber with a chest and a sleeping guard through the ventilation. Go down, the chest will contain the leading character's equipment. The next chest will be in the southwestern room, it is guarded by two enemies. Two characters are already armed and very dangerous, so exit the room through the door. Take the escalator north. In the left room there will be a chest with money and three Daltonites. In the northeasternmost room, guarded by two Daltonites, there will be a Byte and an equipment box for the last character. Then continue north to the next screen. In the western room there will be the last chest with things, two Daltonite and one Byte and a door through which, after returning all the equipment, you need to go.

You will get out on one of the wings of the car. Through Turret (enemies are similar to Rubber) run all the way to the west. There you will encounter the most important golem called Golem Overlord.

The poor guy is afraid of heights, so he won't attack at all. However, after a few moves, he will run away from the battlefield in tears, leaving the heroes without the coveted experience points. Therefore, do not skimp on technology and try to disable it as soon as possible.

Dalton didn't waste any time and taught our Epoch to fly and shoot lasers. All that remains is to convince him to return other people's property to the true owners.

BOSS: Dalton Plus

He is still an unimportant opponent. With the exception of his old friend Iron Sphere, he has no techniques at all that can harm the heroes in any way. In order not to constantly receive counterattacks that halve HP from the boss, do not skimp on magic and use techniques to the maximum, since the villain is not very healthy.

In the end, he will try to summon Golem Overlord, only he is already that... bye bye. As a result, Dalton will be sucked into his own portal, leaving the heroes to deal with the old new technology on their own. As a result, the protagonists accidentally shoot down the plane, but they successfully get used to the updated controls. The heroes will automatically land on the island of survivors in the hope of still finding a friend. Residents will report seeing someone in the North Cape. There you will find a light, upon inspection of which Magus will appear, who will tell you a little about his past. At the end, the heroes will be given a choice - fight the sorcerer, or refuse the fight. In the second case, Magus will join the team, and he is a very good warrior and magician. In both cases, he will talk about the Guru of Time, who was looking for a way to change fate. Get into Epoch, then watch the scene with the rebirth of Ocean Palace into a terrible structure called Black Omen. As if one misfortune were not enough for us, in the prehistoric and medieval eras green portals appeared right on the world map.

The Time Egg
Head to The End of Time and talk to the old man. It turns out that he is the Guru of Time. He will give the heroes a Time Egg and advise them to talk to the one who invented Epoch. Those. We should, in theory, go straight to 2300 A.D. now, but in order not to run back and forth, visit 1000 A.D. first. and take the Crono Doll from his house (if you didn’t fight for it at the beginning of the game, then visit the Tent of Horror at the festival and win it for 40 Silver Points). In Keeper’s Dome, talk to Nu, he will tell you that he will be waiting for the heroes at Death Peak and will provide his assistance in overcoming the gusts of wind. It's time to go to the mountains.

The first screen is already familiar. The wind is blowing so hard that it won't let anyone through. Run up to the doll, it will turn into a tree, behind which you can wait out the strong winds. On the next screen there will be no such problems, but the normal game will begin. Run to the left, destroy three Blood Yolks, take the Magic Ring from the chest and climb the wall with ledges. Then follow the only path, go east and north again up the mountain. The next screen will be on the right. Macabre will be mixed into the next pack of Blood Yolk. In the southeast there will be a Save Point and a chest with a Barrier Ring. To the northwest there will be a cave guarded by two Macabres. Waiting for you in the cave... Lavos Spawn. He is much weaker than dad, but has a considerable HP reserve and you only need to hit him in the head. There will be a Gigaton Arm for Robo in a chest near the battlefield. Exit through the cave in the north, then run the zigzag path and you will find yourself in an already familiar cave, only from a previously inaccessible side. There is a Brave Sword in the chest nearby, then exit to the south. Outside, the sparkling dot turns out to be not a pill, but a button that opens a new path. Unfortunately, there is no way to jump, so return to the location with the save point and go to the newly opened cave. In the chest along the way you will find a Hadean Sickle. A screen to the north there will be another battle with the offspring of the main bastard. After the victory, go west, where the heroes will have to carefully walk along a narrow path under the gusts of wind and not fall; In case of a fall, part of the path will have to be overcome again. It sounds simple, but in reality you will most likely have to run. On the other side there will be a waterfall of Blood Yolks, behind them there will be a box with a Yaksha Blade. Having gone down from the streams of enemies, you will again find yourself in a familiar location, only in a different part of it. Run west to the next screen, where the last third Poyozo Doll will give a hint on what to do with the Lavos Spawn shell. Go down the ledges, run to the west (on the way, go down the ledges again to the save point and the chest with Dark Helm), then defeat the nasty evil thorn and push its shell towards the wall with the ledges. After rising, take the Memory Cap from the box in the east. After that, all that remains is to go north, at which point the ascent will be completed, after which watch a beautiful scene of the reunion of old friends.

At full strength, you will automatically return to The End of Time. Talk to the old man, after which you will be freed from the shackles of the linearity of the scenario and will be left to your own devices. You can even now go to battle with Lavos (which is unlikely to end in favor of the heroes even now), or you can follow Gaspar’s advice and travel around the world. The final chapter of this story begins...

The Fated Hour
As I already said, from this point on the game no longer leads the player by the hand. Therefore, the order of completing additional quests can be any. Anyway…

1.Fiona's Forest
The first in line will be a quest to save the forest in the medieval era. Fly into the desert north of Porre and enter Fiona's Village. After talking with her and her husband, who has returned to the front, you will learn that monsters under the desert suck life out of plants and prevent the revival of the forest, and also that these monsters really do not like water (and ice too). Therefore, believe in the team of Marle, Frog or Magus and go to the crater nearby. Step into the center of the quicksand, you will find yourself in a cave. There are a lot of chests here, in them you will find Lapis near the crash site, Hi-Ether in the northwest, Elixir in the southwest and Aeonian Suit in the southeast. Then go south. There are no ordinary enemies here, but there is a boss who appears here and there from time to time. In addition to the boss itself, there are many chests with all sorts of things (clockwise): Hi-Potion, 5000 G, Turbo Ether, Aeonian Helm, Muscle Ring, Memory Cap, Hi-Ether. And now Boss Time.

BOSS: Melphyx

Quite a nasty guy, completely like the late Zombor. To the upper and lower halves there is also a core in the middle, from which the boss sometimes siphons life for personal needs (you can pull out a Speed ​​Capsule from the core, so it makes sense to take Ayla to the team). For physical attacks, the boss is completely invulnerable at first; you need to use water or ice magic in order to lower the enemy’s defense to an adequate level.

To begin with, don’t rush to destroy the core, without it the boss will go crazy and become even more dangerous in battle, so it makes sense to heal the core yourself from time to time, since it absorbs magic. The time-tested X-Strike technique works great against the bastard himself (if you took Ayla into the team, then the triple 3-D Attack technique will be even better).

After winning, head up to the surface, but don't forget to grab the Strength Capsule along the way. Take Robo to your team and talk to Fiona, the robot will offer its help in reviving the forest. Move to Epoch at 1000 A.D. and see what has become of what was once a dead desert, with nowhere to moor the ship. Enter Fiona's Shrine, the nun on the top right sells very good headdresses that protect against status changes. Go upstairs and meet an old friend who has worked for four centuries to bring the forest back to life. On the occasion of the reunion, the heroes will decide to spend the night in the forest. Robo, still under repair, will make some interesting assumptions about the nature of the Time Gate and the force that has driven the heroes all this time. Afterwards, all the heroes will fall asleep, but Lucca will hear the characteristic sound of a time portal and goes to check. An unusual red portal will send her straight to 990 A.D. to Lucca's house. Read the note, another one will be on the first floor in the northern room, it says that the name of Taban’s wife, Lara, was used as an emergency shutdown password for a certain device. Go out into the main room, there is a huge device in the middle that Lara will want to clean a little on her own. The hem will catch on the mechanism and the device will turn on. Run up to the shining point and enter the password L A R A, this will save Mama Lucca from losing her legs. Afterwards, read the new fragments of Lucca's diary and return through the portal back to the future. A short dialogue between Lucca and Robo will follow, at which the first quest will end safely.

2. Ozzie's Fort
A small side quest east of Fiendlord's Keep. An old acquaintance of Ozzie has set up a small fort in the style of Magus’s castle, where he commits atrocities. He will not be happy about the appearance of the gentleman, and again we will see only the heels of the green belly. On the next screen there is a fight with Flea. The sorcerer has not learned anything new over the past time, so after a couple of slaps he will quickly run away. A screen north, Ozzie will mention some treasure that he stole from the Fiendlord Keep under the cover of darkness, after which he will summon several monsters that... well, you will see. In the next location Slash will be waiting for you. It is a little stronger than Flea, but also not particularly difficult. After winning, run north, where Ozzie has prepared the dumbest trap imaginable for the characters. Just ignore the chest and run to the right, then watch a funny scene. Don't rush to the north, but look at the wall opposite the passage, there will be a secret room with a Gloom Cape, Gloom Helm, Doom Scythe and a Magic Capsule. And the chest that Ozzie was lured to will contain Hi-Ether. There will already be a full-fledged boss battle in the north.

BOSS: Ozzie the Great, Super Slash, Diva Flea

Together they already pose a certain threat to the health of the heroes. Mainly with his team techniques and counterattacks. Therefore, it is highly discouraged to use magic of mass destruction against them; it is better to knock the wind out of each one in turn and do not waste your strength. Flea should be the first to be taken out of the battle, because after defeating Slash, he will leave the battlefield.

Also, using Charm, you can extract unique items from each enemy that cannot be found anywhere else. If you want to collect a collection of all the things in your inventory, then take Ayla into your team and start fooling the villains, sooner or later they will all part with their last pants.

Of the opponents, only one indignant Ozzie will remain, who will run away again. The chests nearby will contain a Speed ​​Ring and a Clarity Cap. After Ozzie's heartfelt speech, he will hide behind his ice shield the old fashioned way. Hit the levers behind him again, but this time the villain will be more cunning. Return to the battlefield, then watch a funny scene of the kitten's victory over the Great Ozzie.

On this cheerful note the quest will end. Out of curiosity, you can fly to Medina Village in the present to admire the result.

3.Hero's Grave
The ghost of the great medieval knight has taken on flesh and now brings fear to the inhabitants of Choras in the present (Choras is the southeastern continent). Do you know many such knights? Yes, this quest is entirely dedicated to Frog.

Now visit the Northern Ruins yourself, where you will meet a team of repairmen who will say that they patched up everything they could, monsters are rampant on other floors. Clear this place of all undead (there will be a chest with Turbo Ether on the lower floor near the door), then return to the Residence and resume repairs (this time the service is paid, the heroes’ wallet will be 2000G lighter). In Northern Ruins, history will repeat itself, the repairmen will run away again, seeing monsters on the horizon. If you have already cleared the right side of the ruins of skeletons, then immediately return and re-order repairs. This time they will patch up the last holes, after which it will be possible to safely move around the ruins. Go to the eastern part of the ruins and examine (but do not open!) all the black chests that will be there, then go back and go to the left wing. Take Frog into your team and examine the tombstone. After a short conversation between Frog and his friend's ghost, the legendary sword will gain its true power.

Now fly to the Denadoro Mountains and to the area with the waterfall and the FreeLancer throwing rocks. Place Frog as the group leader and expose yourself to the rocks. Frog will catch one of the thrown stones, in the hands of the frog it will turn into a Golden Gemstone. King Midas, by God!

All that remains is to deal with the black chests. Fly to 1000 A.D. and head to Hero's Grave, formerly Northern Ruins. In the right wing, take Moonbeam Armor from the black chest (excellent armor that also protects against magic). In the very depths of the former ruins you will find Valkyrie Bow and Suzaku. There will be a Magic Capsule near Cyrus's grave.

4. Origin of Machines
Place Robo as the group leader and head to 2300 A.D. in the Geno Dome, located on the continent where Choras once was. Please note that as soon as Robo approaches the terminal, the path from here will be closed, incl. be sure you are well prepared. Next will be a long conveyor, while moving along which you will be pestered by various robots; the further, the more persistent. On the next screen after the conveyor there will be a fairly massive puzzle. Run left and break the two robots; the path to Poyozo Doll will be inappropriately blocked by a robot who, like Gandalf from The Lord of the Rings, will stubbornly not allow us to pass. Afterwards, go back a little and run north, where three Version 4.0s and a lone Hi-Potion in a chest will be waiting for you (by the way, one of these robots may not wait and will leave to open the southern door, then you will have to fight it indoors). There will be a terminal nearby where you can get a couple of hints regarding the puzzle. Run into the small panel near the terminal (you need to press the green button for it to open), Robo will start sparkling all over. Run to the south, press the green button near a similar panel and go into it, this action will open the door nearby. Inside you will find two boxes with Hi-Potion and 50,000 G (and one Version 4.0, if he opened the door and not the heroes). Go back and go through the door to the northwest. There will be another electrically locked door, as well as four Laser Guards. In the north there will be a wall with three buttons; press left and right, this will open a panel nearby. Run for the electricity and open the door behind which will be the first Poyozo Doll.

Having done almost all the work in this part of the dome, run to the east and he will reach the shining point (this point will send the heroes straight to the exit from the dome) to the north. Behind the door near the conveyor there will be two chests with Elixir and Lapis and three Version 4.0. Get out and run north against the movement of the conveyor belt. There will be another closed door on the left; It’s better to press the green button right away so as not to waste time later. If you run into the very base of the conveyor, you will see a hint with an invisible path to the north. Go back and go through the door a little to the left of the sparkling point. Take the elevator, save if necessary, then immediately turn into the door nearby. Run along the long corridor, at the end there will be another elevator that will send the heroes to the already familiar part of the dome, only to a previously inaccessible part of it. Run south with the red laser blocking the passage and press the button on the wall to turn it off. Remember that secret passage that the robot showed us earlier? Run along and press the next button on the other side, which will turn the conveyor back. Return to recharge and open the last electric door. On the other side there will be two chests with Turbo Ether and Hi-Ether, as well as one peace-loving robot. Try to talk to him, he will still peacefully follow the heroes. The task is to take him to the security robot in the southwestern part of the location. The two robots will stare at each other, and at this time you can pick up the Poyozo Doll and Vigilant’s Hat from the chest.

That's it, both toys are in hand, now it's time to visit the local authorities. Take the elevator up again, but now run south (Lapis in the chest) and west. There you will meet a pink R-series robot called Atropos. After a not entirely pleasant conversation, you will have to fight with her.

BOSS: Atropos XR

The fight will take place one on one. Atropos is almost a mirror image of our Robo in battle, so be careful. The combination of Rapid-fire Fist and Heal Beam works great in this battle. Sooner or later the boss's HP will run out.

After the battle, Atropos, before dying, will restore his memory and give Robo his bow, which will add speed and protection from magic to our robot. To the north of the battlefield there will be Megalixir behind the lasers. Then go west and down the stairs (15,000 G in the chest) and north to the door. Behind it you will see what the dome is really up to, but it is simply impossible to stop this disgrace. Run east and exit, so you will reach a chest with Hi-Ether. This is a dead end, so go back and climb the stairs back up. Now to the north. Place both Poyozo Dolls in their places and the sesame will open.

Here she is, the instigator of the genocide of the future.

BOSS: Mother Brain

A hologram, and such a combat one. Despite the fact that the boss has even less health than Atropos XR, Mother Brain is a much more dangerous opponent. There are two options for the development of events:

1. You destroy all three terminals, then quickly use the most powerful attacks to try to get rid of Mother Brain until its defense and attack become simply unbearable.

2. You destroy only two of the three terminals and then inflict attacks on the boss, the damage from which exceeds 1000 HP, in order to overpower the healing effect of the last remaining monitor. This approach will be more boring and longer, but it will also be much safer.

After victory, Robo will receive the Teraton Arm and Crisis Arm, and all dome activities will be stopped forever.

5. Sun Stone
This additional quest tells the story of an ancient stone that shines like the Sun. Take Lucca to your team, equip everyone with fireproof armor (if for some reason you don’t have it, then first visit the prehistoric era and exchange trophies for it) and head to the Sun Temple in the post-apocalyptic era (southwest of Keeper's Dome) . You won't even have time to walk a couple of steps when B-B-BOSS TIME is here!!

BOSS: Son of the Sun

Not as huge and hot as dad, but still... For over 15 years, this boss has been creating a lot of problems for players of all ages. The point here is not to hit Son of the Sun himself, but to hit the lights that surround him with physical attacks. Among them there is the so-called. real flame, which, when hit, transfers damage to the boss himself. The message “Son of the Sun is losing his light” means the victory of the heroes.

And don’t even try to hit him with magic of mass destruction - the unfortunate man will receive six counterattacks in response.

Having won, go upstairs, where you will get the legendary Moon Stone at your disposal. Fly to the prehistoric era in the Sun Shrine (a small island in the northeast of the map, which does not change its location in any era (even Armageddon did not move it!)). In the far part of the cave, sunlight will fall on the ground, place a Moon Stone on this place and exit. Fly to 2300 A.D., see how the pebble is doing there. Alas, no way, he is not there. Fly to 600 A.D. — The Moon Stone is still in place, and the Strength Capsule is lying nearby. Obviously, we stole the stone in the present, we fly there. Flying over Porre, you will see the characteristic glow from the windows of Mayor’s Manor. All the evidence is there, but the mayor stubbornly refuses. Go to the Snail Stop nearby and buy Spiced Jerky from the seller for 9.900 G. Fly to 600 A.D. and in Elder’s House, give the woman your recent purchase for beautiful eyes (you can, of course, take the money, but there’s no point in that), then she will promise to raise her children in such a generous manner. Now the mayor in the present is a kind-hearted person and will willingly give you the Moon Stone. Return the stone to its rightful place and go to 2300 A.D. It fully charged and became Sun Stone. Events will automatically move to Lucca's House, where Lucca uses the stone's energy to create Wondershot, and her dad makes Sunglasses.

6. Rainbow Shell
A story about a treasure that shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow.

At 600 A.D. visit the Tavern in Choras. Toma drinks his glass with all his might, as always. Talk to him, Toma will tell you that he seems to have discovered the location of the Rainbow Shell, but for some reason he is very nervous about this. Toma will hand the heroes his drink and ask, if events go according to the worst-case scenario for the researcher, to pour it on his tombstone.

You will find the explorer's grave at 1000 A.D. in the northwest of the same continent, in the West Cape. Fulfill his request, as a result the ghost Toma will appear, who will tell you about an island called Giant’s Claw, located in the northwest of the continent. Travel back to the Middle Ages and head to this very Giant’s Claw.

Familiar music? Afterwards, all doubts will be dispelled by the screen. Tyranno Lair partially floated back from the bowels of the Earth, and in some places even the architecture survived. In the location to the south, go west, where there will be a chest with a Clarity Cap, then back east, along the stairs and into the passage. You will find yourself in a location with three buttons on the floor; the middle one activates Save Point, the right one summons two Fossil Apes, the left one removes the floor. Jump after the kitten. You will find yourself in a room with two buttons. The left one opens the skull, and the right one simply summons enemies. There will be a Strength Capsule on the floor behind the skull, then head south back into the caves. Going down the stairs, you will reach a chest with a Hi-Ether on the left and a Strength Capsule on the right. Then go back up the stairs and run around the perimeter of the cave counterclockwise, defeating two Fossil Apes along the way and at the end take an inconspicuous chest with a Blue Gemstone. In the next location, the path up will return the heroes almost to the very beginning of the dungeon, so go down, taking the Zodiac Cape and Lapis from the chests. In the next location, you will again see familiar places. The right skull is closed, so stomp on the left one and go up the stairs. The buttons still throw monsters out of sight. The left path will lead to a chest with a Wrath Band, the right one will send you to a cave with two Rubbles and an egg trap that will throw the heroes down. Exit, go left and go up to get the Strength Capsule. Then go back and go down. A huge hole has formed in the chamber where Kino was millions of years ago, and that’s where we need to go. Do you hear a roar? Yes, this is it... Another blast from the past. In advance, put armor on the heroes that protects them from fire.

BOSS: Rust Tyranno

The old acquaintance has not grown any wiser in the intervening time and stubbornly continues to fight, using countdown tactics to then launch a powerful fire attack (which is completely negated by the armor). A series of powerful triple attacks against the boss, and the anthropological museum will have a new exhibit.

Once the battle is over, run north, where you will find a legendary artifact. True, it weighs an indecent amount, the heroes will not be able to drag it away on their own, they will have to ask for help from outside. Run south, events will automatically transfer to Guardia Castle, where the king will agree to help the heroes with the artifact and keep the Rainbow Shell as a national treasure.

Now it's time to visit the castle in the present, just don't forget to include Marle in the team. From the guards you will learn that there is a trial of the King of Guardia, who allegedly sold the national treasure. Go upstairs along the only possible path, taking Turbo Ether along the way and noticing a certain closed chest. At the top, Marle will scream and break into the courtroom, where she will see another machination of the Chancellor, who is trying to frame the king. The heroes will be kicked out of the room, all that remains is to find this very treasure to prove to everyone that the Rainbow Shell has never left the castle for four centuries.

Now head to the easternmost part of the castle down the stairs that were not there before, there you will learn about Chancellor's cunning plan and meet several enemies from the long past (in every sense). On the way north, in chests you will find Lapis, Elixir, Turbo Ether, another Elixir, another Turbo Ether, another Lapis and the Rainbow Shell itself. All that remains is to return in time. Even though they had to take a detour to get to the courtroom, the heroes manage to stop Chancellor.


Unlike Rust Tyranno, this one at least learned something in the process of evolution. At first, he won’t pose much of a challenge, but after losing half his health, he’ll start using a Lavos-like Needle attack that deals average damage of 250-300 HP, so you’ll also have to keep an eye on the heroes’ health. But even defeated, he will not want to give up and will use a Needle attack against the entire group, so rest assured that everyone’s HP is in perfect order.

After the victory, a touching scene of reconciliation between father and daughter will follow.

At the end, Melchior will appear, who does not want to miss out on the fun and takes the initiative in making armor from Rainbow Shell. But first, return to the courtroom and pick up the Yakra's Key from the floor, which will open the locked chest you ran past; there will be a real Chancellor in it. Afterwards, go down to the dungeon, where the Guru of Life has been waiting for you. From him you will receive a choice of one Prismatic Dress or three Rainbow Helms. Afterwards, talk to him again, when he sees your Sun Stone, he will make Prism Spectacles and, no less, Rainbow - the best weapon for Crono. This will end the last additional quest.

All that remains is to deal with the Black Omen. Choose any era where it exists (and this is any era except prehistoric and post-apocalyptic) and fly Epoch there.

Black Omen
Despite the fact that Black Omen became available earlier than some locations from additional quests, it is positioned as the final dungeon, so expect appropriate difficulty from it. Before you have time to enter, you will have a fight with six Laser Guards. Inside, Queen Zeal will greet you and drop the first boss on the heads of the heroes.

BOSS: Mega Mutant

Since this boss is more designed for the protagonists to visit the Black Omen literally immediately when he emerges from the depths of the sea, the heroes who have completed all six additional quests will simply split the poor fellow into atoms. A few techniques of mass destruction, and there will be one less boss.

After winning, run north and east. Beware of Fangbeast, these are pretty nasty bad guys who can halve the HP of heroes. Save if necessary, then go north (at this moment it is highly recommended to take Ayla into your team to pull out items (you can even add Marle, no one can resist the Twin Charm double technique!). You can steal rare Speed ​​Capsules from Panel. Two more Panels will guard the northern exit. Watcher and Nomad in the northern location are analogues of Rubble; if you are lucky with accuracy, you can get a lot of TP. There will be three such battles in total on the way to the north. Metal Mutants are dangerous because they drain health from heroes with very large in portions. Further advancement forward will lead to a portal with a subsequent elevator. During the descent, the heroes will be attacked by Hydraconda; apparently, they are not on good terms with their relatives, so in the battle with them, take your time and wait until they kill themselves, then finish off the survivor. Once down, run north and follow a winding path through Watcher and Nomad to first reach a chest with Megalixir, then you will have a battle with Synchrite and two Flyclops. A chest with 30,000 G will be to the left of the recent battlefield. Go north. If you go around the column on the left side, you will come across two Hydracondas, but if you go around the right side, you will come across two Flyclops. At the next fork, run right and take the Magic Crest from the chest along the way. In the next location, literally under your nose, there will be two chests with Vigilant’s Hat and Elixir. Above there will be two more with Megalixir and Nova Armor, as well as a save point. Two more chests (Haste Helm and Megalixir) will be in the northern part of the room. The left Nu will happily trade provisions, and the right one can send the heroes back to Epoch. If you are sure that you are ready to move on, open the door and move forward.

In the west there will be a fight with Blubber Hulk, from which you can pull out a Strength Capsule. In the next location, two Blubber Hulks are waiting for you; in the farthest part of it there will be a chest with a Zodiac Cape. To the west, you can, if you wish, siphon between Nomads while their eyes are closed. On the platform with Flyclops and two Fangbeasts you will find a box with Megalixir. Siphon out the two Watchers from under the eyes again and run south. The chest will contain a Power Crest, after which you will have to fight another Blubber Hulk, now surrounded by two Flyclops. Don't forget to grab the Speed ​​Capsule from the hidden chest in the southeast corner. Run a little further than the next door and take another Speed ​​Capsule. Another teleport, we are getting closer and closer to the goal.

In the west there will be a fight with two Ghaj (be careful, it’s not for nothing that they have a small HP reserve; they counterattack to physical attacks with a technique that kills with one hit) and two Narble. On the southeast platform there will be a chest containing Elixir. In the northern part of the location there will be two chests with a Speed ​​Capsule and Megalixir. A blissful save point further along the course, as well as a new boss.

BOSS: Giga Mutant

This guy will be stronger than his deceased relative. Physical attacks are like a mosquito bite to him, so don’t skimp on magical techniques. The boss will drain the heroes' MP, so keep your Ethers ready.

And again the teleport and again the elevator. Only the elevator will be somehow strange; during the entire ascent along it, no one will attack the heroes at all. Come out. On the way to the north you will have to fight with two Blubber Hulks at once, this is very serious. In the next room there will be Panels again - you can earn a few more Speed ​​Capsules, the same Speed ​​Capsule will be in the chest at the dead end on the left. After defeating all the Panels, a save point will appear, hinting at...

BOSS: Tera Mutant

Another mutant, even more overfed. Fortunately the last one. The tactics of fighting him are completely similar to the previous one, only here the boss will be healed from time to time from the lower half

Having won, take Megalixir and White Gemstone from the chests, then make up for your losses at the save point. After running across the long bridge, you will find yourself in a room alone with Elder Lavos Spawn. Although he is stronger than his fallen brothers from 2300 A.D., and this thorn managed to learn a couple of new techniques somewhere, the battle does not present any particular difficulties, just hit him in the head. There will be a battle ahead with as many as five Panels. For defeating them you will receive another save point. Be sure to save, because next there will be just a series of bosses. Go into the passage formed after the destruction of the Panel. In the next room you will see a strange sight with heroes floating in capsules, and in the northern part of it you will finally meet Queen Zeal again.

BOSS: Queen Zeal

The battle will begin with the boss reducing the heroes' health to 1 HP. Time to use techniques that depend on the characters' HP! Available to choose from: Frog Squash (Frog), Dino Tail (Ayla), Frog Flare (Frog + Lucca). If there are none of the listed characters on the team, then restore your health and beat the maddened queen with the most powerful techniques. Periodically, she will repeat the previous technique, so a healer on the team will be very welcome.

Next up is the Mammon Machine itself.

BOSS: Mammon Machine

Tricky boss. Physical damage will increase his defense and weaken his attack, and magic will increase his attack power and weaken his magic. At first it will not act at all. To win, it is enough not to take things to the point of absurdity - forget about physical attacks and use exclusively magic like Luminaire, Flare and Dark Matter. Alternatively, you can not heal at all after the battle with Queen Zeal and use Frog Squash, Dino Tail and/or Frog Flare to the fullest; the boss is unlikely to survive until his first turn in this case.

Queen Zeal will be very unhappy with this turn of events. If Magus is on the team, they will exchange a few words, after which the battle with the second form of Queen Zeal will begin.

BOSS: Queen Zeal

It's not enough for her. It’s better not to touch the boss’s hands at all, the Right Hand will counterattack with a technique that reduces HP to one, and the Left Hand will reset the MP to zero. Basically, if Ayla is on the team, you can try to use Charm to pull out the Prismatic Dress from the Right Hand, the Prismatic Helm will be in the Left Hand, and you can steal the Megalixir from the head. Decide whether the game is worth the candle in this case, things are really good.

Okay, about the boss. You only need to hit the head. Mass destruction techniques are completely contraindicated, since you will get a counterattack from each of the hands. Queen Zeal has a simply monstrous HP reserve, but was it in vain that we trained so long and hard? If you constantly maintain HP and MP at the same level, then the boss is doomed.

Magus: I will sever the wick of your life's
candle, Lavos!

Before Lavos fights the heroes at full strength, he will play around a bit first. Lavos will begin to imitate various bosses that heroes have fought in different eras. Among them will be:

Dragon Tank (including head and wheel)
Guardian (with two Bits)
Zombor (head and legs)
Azala and Black Tyranno
Giga Gaia (body and two arms)

After each battle, heroes will be given a short break for treatment. If you have already forgotten something, just scroll back through this walkthrough. Tired of fooling around, Lavos will begin to fight in full force. Rain Destruction and Lavos Needle deal quite significant damage, so be careful. Since the thorn does not have as much health as Queen Zeal, the battle will not last long.
Dream's End
Gaspar: This is a battle between Lavos and the very
planet itself!

If you defeated Lavos through Black Omen, here, in addition to the save point, there will be a time portal that can return the heroes to The End of Time. When you are completely sure that all the work has been done, all the Capsules have been used (no, what’s the point of storing them now?), go north. Here he is, who will destroy the whole world...

BOSS: Inner Lavos

It's time to put an end to this story!

In general, the boss is reminiscent of Giga Gaia in its fighting style. As long as both arms are alive, the body is invulnerable, so it is necessary to carry out the amputation procedure as soon as possible. Any technique of mass destruction is suitable for this, since none of the parts of the boss counterattack. But even without limbs, the boss will pose a great danger. It is recommended not to overuse triple techniques and leave one character as a healer for extreme cases. The longer the fight goes on, the stronger Lavos will become, and over time the already dangerous Dark Flame's Embrace technique will become simply indecently painful, so do not hesitate too much in action. He still won’t be able to withstand the attacks of heroes forever...

Sooner or later, the villain will howl and disappear in a flash of light. And in its place something will appear.

So this is what you really are, Lavos. A disgusting humanoid whose appearance evokes only pity. However, this creature has enough power to manipulate the process of evolution on the entire planet as he pleases. The final battle promises to be hot.

BOSS: Lavos Core

And again the battle is 3 on 3. Lavos still has three parts, one main and two auxiliary (they fly nearby and help). This is definitely one of the most cleverly designed battles in the entire game. Please note that Lavos is trying to confuse you. The entire life of the final boss is concentrated only in the right Bit, and the destruction of the body itself will bring nothing but disappointment. But it’s impossible to even hit the right Bit; the left Bit protects him from any manifestations of aggression.

Lavos's body attacks depend on what era is flashing in the background. Among them are:

65,000,000 B.C. - Grandstone (very strong physical attack on all characters)
12,000 B.C. - Unholy Light (applies Slow effect)
600 A.D. - Demon Star (reduces characters' HP by half)
1000 A.D. - Diabolic Whisper (applies various status changes to all characters)
2300 A.D. - Dreamreaver (Powerful magical damage to everyone)
The End of Time - Heavenly Tears (Very painful attack on one character)

Therefore, the battle tactics are quite simple, you just have to figure it out. We spit on the body, let him attack, and focus all the firepower on the left Bit, who has only 2000 HP. Please note that you only need to beat him with physical attacks, he absorbs any magic directed against him. As soon as the left Bit dies, wait for the message “Lavos Core lowers its defenses” and, by hook or by crook, inflict as much damage as possible on the right Bit. When the characters' MP starts to run out, use the emergency supply of Elixir and Megalixir, now it will be really very difficult without them.

The battle will be long and difficult, but you can handle it. Once the Lavos Core dies, you win. After the final battle, the end of the game will come, it will depend on what you did and didn't do during the game, and at what part of the game you finished.

Thank you for being with us. But do you really think that's all? Watch to the end and you will see that strange purple time portals have appeared in some eras. The adventures of the heroes continue!

Good morning and welcome to the world of Chrono Trigger. We hope you enjoy your stay here. Go down to the first floor and talk to the main character's mother. Afterwards, talk to her again to get 200 G for pocket money, then exit. Here you are on the world map, the entire western continent is open to the hero to explore. IN Mayor's Manor You will be taught the basics of the game. In addition, there will be a chest with Potion on the first floor and a chest with 100 G on the second. Also, if you talk to grandpa twice, you will receive 300 G from him for beautiful eyes. That's all for now, if you want to visit another city on the continent, then take the ferry to Ferry Office and swim to Porre(you can, of course, walk through the desert, but why?). The local shops offer good equipment, but they also ask for the right amount of money for it. On the second floor of the local Mayor's Manor there will be a chest with Shelter, as well as two black chests sealed with magical power, which we will not return to soon. Return to Truce and go to Leene Square.

The square is full of life.

From Melchior you can see for sale a sword that is excellent at the moment in the game for 4000 G, but it is unlikely that the heroes now have even half of the required amount. In principle, getting it at the moment is not such an impossible task, you just need to show a little patience, endurance and fortitude. Run north to the next location, where the hero will literally encounter a very pretty girl who introduces herself as Marle. First, talk to her, then pick up and return the pendant; at first it may seem that this is not which will not affect at all, but in the future this procedure will come back to haunt you. After that, there will be one more character in the team. After that, run to the western wing of the square, there you will see a yellow kitten (as well as a pink bag with yummy food, but I don’t recommend touching it) . Try to talk to him, he will follow you. Carefully lead him to the eastern wing of the fair to the girl, who will thank the heroes. To continue developing the game scenario further, you need to talk to one of the visitors at the fountain or with the sellers in the southern part of the fair in tents. One of them will tell the heroes that in the very north of the fair, Lucca is ready to present to the public its new and most incredible invention!

But before you go check it out for yourself, why not have a blast at the festival?

A guide for beginning time travelers. First issue.

"The Millennial Fair"

At the fair, for certain actions you can earn special Silver Points, which can be exchanged for real currency (calculating 10 SP to 50 G) or spent in the Tent of Horrors. Possible ways to earn points include:

Ring the Bell- Located in the lower-left corner of the square. The idea is to strike hard enough for the hammer to strike the bell. To do this, press “A” at the moment when Crono moves away from the call to the maximum distance. 1 SP.

The Race- Blue tent near Melchior "a. As soon as all the runners line up, talk to the young man in the tent and put it on one of the participants. After that, all you have to do is wait for the end of the race. As soon as they line up in one line again, talk to the young man again. 20 SP for victory.

Battle Trainer- West of the location with the large bell. Here you will have a fight with a robot cat named Gato. Besides 15SP you will receive another 10 exp. and 1 Tech Point.

Drinking Contest- East of the location with the bell. The main task is to have time to empty 8 bottles of local drink. Since the Nintendo DS doesn't have a "Turbo A" button, the challenge becomes a real PAIN. 5 SP.

You can spend your earned points Tent of Horrors- a brutal tent in the southeast. There are three games available there: for 10, for 40 and for 80 SP, respectively.

(10 SP) Follow the Soldier- three soldiers will appear in front of you: Biggs, Piette and Wedge, completely identical in appearance. The hero's task will be to guess the soldier after they are mixed with each other. If you guess correctly, you will receive a Poyozo Doll, which will end up in the main character's house.

(40 SP) Crono Says- his exact copy will appear in front of the hero. It will be necessary to completely repeat all the actions of the clone. “L” - Left Arm (Left Hand), “R” - Right Arm (Right Hand), “Y” - Laugh (Laughter), “A” - Surprise! (Astonishment!). Please note that you need to raise your hands as if it were a reflection (i.e. the clone raised his left hand relative to himself, but you raise your right). For winning you will receive this same clone for your collection. Looking ahead, I will note that this particular game is mandatory from the point of view of the plot, and sooner or later you will have to play it; By going through it now, you will save yourself from unnecessary running around in the future. :)

(80 SP) Knock'em Back- the most action-packed game that requires at least two characters in a team. The second character in the team is tied hand and foot and suspended over the fire, after which three monsters will begin to attack. To win you need to drive the monsters back into the cage. While you are doing this, the hostage will slowly descend into the fire; it can be returned to its original position by pressing the button nearby on the wall. If the companion touches the fire or the monsters come close, the game will be lost (in the sense, not the whole game at all, but only this one in the tent). Try to push back the monster furthest to the button first. For winning you will receive a whole kitten.

When you're done having fun, run north. Marle will stop to buy some sweets from a stall nearby. While she is choosing, do not twitch, just wait until she buys something. Afterwards, no one and nothing will stop the hero from valiantly reaching the northern part of the square. And there Lucca and Dad are ranting at the top of their lungs about how wonderful and incredible this next achievement of scientific progress is. However, visitors are skeptical, and none of them even think about checking the Lucca teleport in person. Talk to the girl, after which the hero will have no choice but to risk his own skin in the name of science. All's well that ends well - the protagonist's atoms were able to come together on the other side of the teleport, the crowd was delighted. Afterwards, talk to Lucca's father named Taban, you will get a funny line. Marle will also want to try the invention in action, but, as usual, something will go wrong and the girl will simply disappear, leaving only a pendant. As soon as control is in your hands, bravely grab the pendant and stand on the teleport, and Lucca will send the protagonist after Marle.

The Queen Returns

Three Blue Imps will immediately greet you on site. Having dealt with them, run to the west, where there will be a battle with two more of the same kind. There will be Potion and Power Glove in the chests nearby, then run south. And again you are on the world map. Similar to the home world, but differing in details. IN Truce Inn talk to everyone, find out a little about the current situation around you. Toma will appear, who will tell you a couple of interesting observations regarding Manolia Cathedral, which is nearby. While you can forget about this place, now head to Guardia Forest.

Toma: You an outsider, too? The name's Toma.
I"m an explorer. And if you can spare 10 G to
buy this roung, I"ll be a storyteller, too.

Quite a quiet place, apart from a couple of monsters. Blue Eaglet, Green Imp, Roundillo and Roundillo Rider will delight you with their presence. In the southeast there will be two shining points, when you study the upper one you will receive a Strength Capsule, and the southern one will be a trap. On your way north you will see a rustling bush; if you examine it, a monster will jump out of it, which will leave Shelter for the hero as a souvenir. Leave the forest to the north and go to the castle.

The guards were ready to kick the guest out of the castle, but the Queen saves the hero from such a fate. So, in the left wing of the castle there is a room for the knights, where you can rest, and in the right wing there will be a kitchen where you can find a chest with Ether. If you go north, you will find yourself in the throne room, which is where we need to go at the moment. Talk to Chancellor, who will chuckle meaningfully and leave on business. Follow him to the tower to the left of the throne room (on the way, stealing 100 G from the box. Once up, do not talk to him directly, but run around the location and try to “talk” to him through the wall from the king’s room (by the way, in the room itself you you will find a box with Bronze Armor). Oh, something is unclean here! It’s time to visit the tower to the right of the throne room, taking Potion from the chest along the way. In the queen’s room there will be Ether. After talking with her, you will find out that this is actually Marle, whom everyone mistakenly mistook for Queen Leene. But the joy of the reunion will not last long, something strange will begin to happen, and Marle will disappear into thin air again... Get down. Lucca will come running, who will tell you in detail what is happening here. Now you need to find and save the real Queen Leene.

A Vanished Princess

Head to Manolia Cathedral and talk to the nun at the organ and examine the sparkling point nearby. Still, Toma was right. The nuns will show their true appearance and rush into battle. After victory, you will meet a new character named Frog, who will also come to the rescue of the queen. After he joins the team, play the organ and the path will open further. In the new location, run west and grab Athenian Water and Potion from the chests, then north along the stairs and into the room. There you will find three chests with Maiden Suit, Potion and Ether, as well as... hehe... Naga Bromide in the chest of drawers. As soon as you take the last one, three Underlings will fall out on you, deeply offended by such an act of the heroes. Go outside and run north to the chest with Steel Saber, and west, running around the spikes and removing them with the button on the wall. In the now accessible room there will be two soldiers and a Strength Capsule in a bucket. Go down to the first tier and run to the right to a similar staircase. In the nearest room there will be a friendly company of bad guys who will be sure that the heroes are their own in disguise. Talk to the one with the wings, he will fly away from the room, follow him. In the room where he led you, there will be a fake king, queen and guard, as well as two chests with 100 G and Ether. Then run to the right through a hidden passage, where there will be inspiring chants in honor of the Fiendlord Magus, in fact, his statue and two boxes with a Speed ​​Belt and a Guardian Bangle. And if you can slip through the demons in the secret room if you wish, then you will have to fight with the fake royal couple in any case. Get out, go down to the lower tier and now run north through the center.

Recover at the save point and continue the rescue operation! No matter what ladder you choose next, it will still shrink (however, there is a chest with Shelter near the left one). Roll down, enter the room, press the button on the wall, along the top of the location (chests with Panacea and Potion!) go to the opposite room, press another button and go back up. Now there are no spikes in the central room, but there are five enemies and a chest with an Iron Sword. One more piece of organ music, and a passage will open in the very north, you will have to go down again. There will be a couple more battles in the new location, so don’t relax. Save nearby, because next will be your first battle with the boss.

So, Chancellor will show his real face, which in fact turns out to be not a face, but, sorry, a muzzle, and the heroes will have to fight with this muzzle.

After winning, examine both chests: the one on the right will contain Mid-Ether, and the one on the left will contain the real Chancellor. Talk to the queen again and you will automatically be transported to Guardia Castle. Now all that remains is to check how Marle is doing. When you go upstairs, you will see how she will return to the world of the living again.


Upon arriving home, Lucca will head back to explore the portals better. Crono will volunteer to escort the princess home. Therefore, as soon as you gain control, leave the fair and dive into the Guardia Forest. There will be another Strength Capsule here in the southeastern part. Then run north and go to Guardia Castle. Chancellor hasn't changed much in four centuries. What a waste to accuse the hero of attempting a coup and take him into custody.

The Trial

All rise, the court is in session!

A guide for beginning time travelers. Second issue.

"Good Crono - bad Crono"

In the kingdom of Guardia, where not bringing a kitten to a girl or eating someone else's breakfast can legally cut off your head, being a good guy is not only a matter of good manners, but also of your own survival. Alas, even our main character is put on trial, and only his past actions can determine his future fate. To become a good guy in the eyes of the jury, you must:
  1. After encountering Marle, talk to her before picking up the pendant;
  2. Don't touch the old man's lunch;
  3. Find a lost cat for a little girl (location with the Leene bell);
  4. Don't try to sell Melchior's Marle pendant;
  5. When Marle chooses sweets, be patient and don't rush;
  6. During the court hearing, assert that the princess’s fortune did not tempt you at all (To the question “Did Marle’s fortune tempt you?” answer “No”, then “Not at all”).

As a result:

  • 7 declared innocent = 6 Ethers
  • 6 declared innocent = 3 Ethers
  • 5 declared innocent = 2 Ethers
  • 4 declared innocent = 1 Ether

Alas, the vile Chancellor will arrange a death sentence in three days, even if the hero is found innocent at the trial. So, here's Crono behind bars. Then there are two possible ways:

1. The hero humbly waits for three days (game days, of course, are about 2-3 minutes). They come for him and accompany him to the place where the sentence will be carried out. At the very last moment, Lucca comes running and saves the protagonist from losing his head.
2. The protagonist begins to hammer at the bars with all his might and enrage the guards nearby. One of the guards will not stand it and will open the cell to kick the hero properly. Having come to his senses, the hero grabs a sword (suddenly! It’s strange that they didn’t even take away the weapon from the “terrorist who tried to destroy the royal power”) and clanks it savorily on the guard’s helmet.

Let us describe the first version of the sequence of events. Once free, grab the chest containing Bronze Armor. Once out, empty the box with Mid-Potion and save another victim of the local legal system. Raise Mid-Potion guards from their bodies (those guards on their feet can be stunned without a fight if you sneak up on them from behind).

It makes sense to go down only if you want to take four chests with healers. In the lowest and eastern part of the dungeon there will be a room with these same chests (Ether, Mid-Potion, Mid-Potion and Ether). The way back will be blocked by the enemy Gaoler. His attacks are strong, but he misses too often. After a couple of blows, he will run away, complaining about his insufficient salary.

Climb up and run southwest at the intersection. In the right chamber there will be a Shelter. Return to the intersection and run northwest. In the far chamber there will be a hole in the wall that will lead to the outside of the tower. Get down and go into the hole below. Literally in front of your nose there will be a chest with another Shelter, and in a hole nearby you will find two boxes with 1500 G and the notorious Silver Sword. Go back up the steep wall, then head to the only unexplored northeastern part of the dungeon. And now we are almost at the exit. Examine the body of the guard who once put the hero behind bars, find as many as five Mid-Potions, read the note about the rules of operation of a certain Dragon Tank and be sure to save. On the bridge, Chancellor will drop a new boss on the heroes.

After the battle, the Dragon Tank will be heavily damaged and destroy part of the bridge. Walk over the heads of the enemies and go down (don't forget to take the Shelter from the chest along the way). All that remains is to break through to the exit. After the scene with Marle, she will join the team. In the forest, run along the only possible path east to a small clearing, where, by a happy coincidence, there will be another time portal. Forward into the unknown!
