Children's educational games made of wood, fox and owl. Card index of outdoor games for the senior group

Owl and mice

Target: Improve coordination of movements (running in all directions with obstacles); to cultivate respect for the culture of the peoples of the north, a feeling of love for the native land; develop interest in the life of animals and birds of the tundra; develop children's speech, curiosity, enrich vocabulary, develop auditory and visual attention.

Activation of words in speech: squeaks, hummock, hide, mouse, mouse hole, night, hill, owl.

Preliminary work: Conversation on the topic “Animals and birds of our region”; looking at paintings about the north.

Equipment: Owl mask; hoops

The teacher draws as many circles on the snow or sand as there are players. The diameter of the circle is 25 - 30 cm, the distance from each other is 20 - 30 cm. In summer you can use hummocks.

The teacher explains to the children the conditions of the game:

Let's play now. We choose an owl. The rest will be mice. At night, mice squeak, run, and play. An owl sits on a hill and listens. He hears the squeak of mice and flies to catch them. When I say: “The owl is flying,” you must run to your holes. The owl takes the caught mouse home.

Rogozhina Lyubov Evgenievna
Card index of outdoor games for the senior group

Outdoor game"At the Bear's Forest".

Target. Teach children to move in accordance with the text of the nursery rhyme, develop children's dexterity, coordination of movements, spatial orientation, and develop the ability to compare their actions with the rules of the game.

Progress of the game. According to the rhyme, the driver is chosen - it will be for the bears. It depicts a sleeping bear in a den. He sits on the opposite side from the other children. Children stand up and say the following words and depict movements according to the poetic text.

The bear has mushrooms in the forest and I take berries.

But the bear doesn’t sleep, he keeps growling at us.

After these words, the bear wakes up and tries to catch up with the children.

Outdoor game"Shaggy Dog"

Target. Teach children to act in accordance with the text, practice walking and running in all directions, and develop attention.

Progress of the game. They choose a driver who sits on the opposite side of the playground from the children. Children say the following words.

Here sits a shaggy dog, hiding his black nose in his paws. Either he's dozing or sleeping and doesn't look at the kids. Our children quietly stood up and the dogs ran. Well, watchdog, quickly get up and catch up with the guys.

After these words, the leader catches up with the children.

Outdoor game"We are funny guys"

Target. Continue working to improve children's health. Teach children to act on a signal, practice the ability to run in all directions, develop dexterity, and cultivate goodwill.

Progress of the game. A driver is selected who stands on the opposite side of the site. The rest of the children say the words. We are funny guys, we love to run and jump, so try to catch up with us. One, two, three catch. Children run away, driver catches them

Outdoor game"The sparrow is jumping and jumping"

Target. Teach children to gently jump off the bench, bend their knees, practice running across the entire court, develop the ability to follow the rules of the game, develop the ability to concentrate, dexterity and coordination of movements.

Progress of the game. The driver is selected. The rest of the sparrows. Children pronounce words. The sparrow is jumping and jumping

Jump, jump, jump, jump

Looking for small children.

Give some crumbs to the sparrow.

I'll sing you a song.

Suddenly the dog came running and

Sparrows scared away

Outdoor game"The Fisherman and the Fishes"

Target. Teach children to jump on two legs, landing softly, and develop joint flexibility.

Progress of the game. The children stand in a semicircle. The driver has a jump rope in his hands. When he drags the rope across the floor, the children must jump so as not to get hit by the rope. Whoever touches the jump rope has played and is eliminated from the game.

Outdoor game"Mice and Cat"

Target. Teach children to run on their toes, teach them to maneuver, avoid collisions, navigate in space, and cultivate a sense of camaraderie.

A cat is chosen. The rest of the children are mice. Children say the following words.

A cat lay down on a bench by the path and dozed.

The cat opens its eyes and the boy catches up

The presenter is trying to catch the children.

A game "Sly Fox"

Target. Teach children to follow the rules of the game, ensure that their actions comply with the rules, develop dexterity and speed of reaction.

Children stand in a circle and close their eyes. At this time, the teacher touches one child with his hand. Then they open their eyes, pronounce: sly fox, where are you, sly fox, where are you? - 3 times. Then the child who was touched jumps out, speaks: here I am. The children run away, and the fox catches them.

Outdoor game"Owl"

Target. Develop reaction speed, dexterity, and spatial orientation skills.

Progress of the game. An owl presenter is selected. The owl sleeps during the day and goes out hunting at night. When They say: day the children jump, walk, and the owl sleeps. And when pronounce: night, the owl wakes up and tries to catch the children. And the children's task is to escape

A game “The apple is rolling into the round dance circle”

Target. Develop dexterity, resourcefulness, and speed of reaction.

Progress of the game. Children stand in a circle and pass the ball and talk words: an apple rolls into a round dance circle, whoever catches it is the governor. Whoever has the ball in his hands says words: Today I am a governor, I am running from a round dance. A child with a ball runs around the circle and stops near two participants. They stand with their backs to each other. And after words: don’t be a crow, run, like a horse must run around a circle and grab the ball. The one with the ball in his hand first wins

Outdoor game"Swan geese"

Target. Exercise children in running, improve basic movements, teach them to act on the teacher’s signal, develop the ability to switch attention, and increase children’s motor activity.

Progress of the game. A leading wolf is selected. The children are on the other side of the playground. The following words are pronounced: Educator. Geese, geese.

Children. Ga-ga-ga.

Educator. You want to eat.

Children. Yes Yes Yes.

Educator. So fly home.

Children. The gray wolf under the mountain does not let us go home.

Educator. So fly as you want, just take care of your wings.

Children run to the other side of the playground, and the leader catches them

Outdoor game"Vanya, Vanya simplicity".

Target. Develop dexterity, resourcefulness, and speed of reaction.

Progress of the game. The driver is selected. Children say the following words

Vanya, Vanya simplicity.

I bought a horse without a tail.

I sat down backwards and went to the garden.

One, two, three, catch it.

The children run away, and the leader catches them

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Card index of outdoor games Municipal budgetary preschool institution "Kindergarten No. 132" of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities in the direction.

Outdoor play is the joy of movement inherent in a child by nature. As a result of outdoor games, the formation of motor skills is accelerated, the child develops not only physically, but also mentally. In the game, children develop communication skills, children learn to communicate, negotiate, make friends, and learn to find mutual understanding.

Outdoor games develop dexterity and accuracy, strength and speed of reaction. Develops endurance and coordination of movements.

Children often transform one game into a new game, which means their imagination and creativity develop.

And every child perceives the game as entertainment, an increase in a cheerful mood; even the most timid children do not notice how an adult involves them in a cheerful movement.

I invite those who wish to replenish their card files of outdoor games with my achievements.

"The Owl and the Mice" .

There is a child on a raised platform "owl" , all the other children "mice" running around, squeaking. "Owl" says the words:

I sit high!
I'm looking far away!
Who's stopping you from resting?
I'll catch up quickly!..

Children "mice" they run away, the owl catches them.

/ Option: a place for the running children to move is agreed upon in advance, for example, around the sandbox to the owl’s house. Whoever takes a seat first becomes "owl" .

"Tuchka and the Children" .

All the playing children are jumping merrily on the playground, a child is moving towards them "Tuchka" with words:

I walked and walked along the paths
And I found the children.
Children on the left, children on the right
Run away, everyone!

“Tuchka catches up with the children running away to the bench, they answer her:

Didn't catch up with anyone
Everyone has been home for a long time!

The game is repeated, the one who is caught becomes "cloud" .


A cloud walked across the sky
The rain fell from above
On the paths, on the flowers,
You'll be wet, even you!
Run away if you can!

"Spider" .

There is a web drawn on the path with a child in it. "spider" . All the other Mushka children stand around the web and say:

Check, check, attic
There's a spider in the corner.
Fly the flies quickly
Don't get caught by the spider!

All the children run and fly around the web, without running far, the spider tries to make fun of those running by and gathers them to itself. A spider cannot leave its web. Of those caught "flies" they choose a new one with a counting rhyme "spider" .

"The Bear and the Bees" .

Presenter with "a barrel of honey" calls the children into a circle. There's a child at the other end of the playground "bear" .

Let's all gather in a big circle
Let's hold hands together -
This is a hive, a bees' home!
Are we flying over the meadow?

Bee Children "fly" they buzz, the presenter announces the appearance of a bear, all the bee children must have time to gather in a circle. If the bear arrives earlier, he takes the honey and becomes the leader.

The brown bear is coming towards us
Loves sweet honey very much.
Everyone rush to the bee hive,
Save honey from the bear!

"Wolf, Fox and Hares" .

They sleep under the trees "wolf" And "fox" . Children-hares jump around the playground. Hoops and bunny houses are laid out on the territory.

There is noise and commotion in the clearing
Hares jump here and there.
The wolf and the fox were fast asleep
And they dreamed of catching bunnies.
The wolf and the fox are hurrying here,
Run away in all directions...

The wolf and the fox catch the rabbits that did not have time to jump into the houses. The most dexterous bunnies become foxes and wolves. There may be more than two traps.

"Fishing" .

On the outlined area, fish children run, imitating a swimming movement while the leader speaks the words. With the appearance of two fisher children, the fish children freeze, sitting down, the fishermen passing by each fish take the hats from those children who moved, they drop out of the game for a while.

The fish swam, dived,
We played together and had fun...
Fishermen appeared
They catch fish for fish soup!

Doroshkevich Natalya Evgenievna, MBDOU d/s No. 84 - teacher

One of the players - the “owl” - is in a small circle (in the “nest”). The rest run and jump freely, pretending to be bugs, butterflies and frogs. At the adult’s signal: “Night is coming!” - everyone stops, and the owl flies out to hunt. All players freeze in place. Noticing the player moving, the owl takes him by the hand and leads him into the nest. When the players hear: “Day!” - everyone starts moving again. After two or three repetitions, a new owl is selected. The most dexterous and cautious players are those who have never fallen into a nest.

Rules: 1)The owl does not have the right to watch the same player for a long time.

2) You can’t escape from the owl.

3) If the owl does not notice the players moving, and the “Day” signal sounds, then it flies to the nest alone, without prey.

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Outdoor games

Trap with a bell

Children stand in a circle and choose a trap, which is given a bell. The trap is in the center of the circle. Children say:

"The guys here are funny.

They love to run and jump. Try to catch up with them! Get ready, look

And call someone!”

At the last words, the children scatter and try to find any elevated place (bench, log, ladder, stump). The trap must have time to detain someone, ring the bell and hand the bell to the person caught. The trap brings the detainee to the center of the circle, after which all the players go down and form a circle again. The game continues with a new trap.

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Outdoor games


One player is chosen to go hide while everyone else closes their eyes and counts to 30. Then the players go to look for the person hiding. When the seeker discovers the one hiding, he joins him. The goal of the game is to find the hiding player as quickly as possible. The last player becomes the driver.

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Outdoor games

Wolf and kids

Lines separate the “House of the Wolf” and the “House of the Little Goats.” Between these “houses” there is a “clearing”.

Children are divided into two teams: wolves and kids. The wolves go to bed, and the kids go out into the clearing for a walk. The kids ask: “Wolf, wolf, are you sleeping?” The wolf says: “I’m still sleeping.” This happens several times, then the wolves wake up and catch up with the kids. It must be unexpected.

The wolf may have one child.

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Outdoor games

Be smart

Children stand facing in a circle, with a bag of sand at each feet. The driver is in the center of the circle. At a signal, children jump into the circle and back through the bags, pushing off with both feet. The driver tries to make fun of the children before they jump out of the circle. The greasy children leave the game. A new driver is chosen from those who were never touched by the previous driver.

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Outdoor games

Whoever is named, catch it

Children walk, run, jump, etc. around the playground. An adult is among the children, he holds a large ball in his hand. Then he calls the name of one of the children and throws the ball up. The person named runs up, catches the ball and throws it up, calling one of the players by name, who in turn runs up, catches the ball, etc.

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Outdoor games

Drive a piece of ice

A large circle is drawn on the snow with colored paint, from which there are 8-10 colored lines - rays - in different directions, their length is 2.5-3 m. At the end of these lines there are children. There is a piece of ice at the toe of each player’s right foot. At the signal, jumping on the right foot, everyone tries to quickly drive their piece of ice into the circle. Here you can stand on two legs while waiting for the other players. After that, everyone drives their piece of ice back, bouncing on their left foot and trying to stick to the drawn line, and passes the piece of ice to another player. The first person to arrive is noted.
