Read stories about minecraft. Minecraft book

Max Brooks

Minecraft: Island

Everything that follows is based on real events


I don't expect you to believe in the world I describe. Although, if you decided to read this book, then you are in this world. You may have already wandered around it, but only now have you discovered my island. Or maybe, like for me, the island has become a gateway to a new universe for you. If you are alone, confused and scared to death, then you are exactly where I was on my first day. This world seems like a confusing labyrinth, at times like a ruthless bandit. But the point is that he is a teacher. Your trials and tribulations are just lessons in disguise.

That's why I'm leaving this book. May the story of my journey help you on your way.

Never give up

I woke up deep under water - dark, cold. And my first thought was: “I’m drowning!” Where is the surface? I rushed around, trying to determine the direction, figure out where to swim. And finally I saw the light - pale, dim, distant.

Instinctively, I rushed towards it and quickly noticed that the water around me was getting lighter. This means the surface and the sun are ahead.

But wait! Is it square?? Am I hallucinating? Or does water deceive the eyes?

Oh, don't care! If only there was enough air. The main thing is to swim out.

My chest was torn, small bubbles escaped from my lips and ran in front of me towards the light. I pushed and grabbed at the water like a cornered animal. And there it is, the shiny, swaying ceiling. I'm closer to him with every desperate stroke. But how far away he is! The body hurts, the lungs are on fire.


My body writhed. A sudden pain shot through him from his eyes to his heels. The mouth opened to let out a heart-rending scream. I reached out to the radiance, wanting to cling to the light, to life.

I jumped out into the cool clean air.

I coughed, hiccupped, sneezed. And he laughed.

At first I just enjoyed it, closing my eyes and letting the sun caress my face. And when I opened my eyes, I didn’t believe them. Square sun! I blinked. Hmm, clouds. No round fluffy lumps of heavenly cotton wool for you. Thin rectangles float lazily overhead.

“Hallucinations,” I thought. - Fell from a boat and hit his head. Slightly mentally damaged.

But did I fall off the boat? I do not remember. I don’t remember anything at all: how I got here, and where “here” is.”

Help! - I yelled, looking around the surroundings. - At least someone! Help! Save!

At least some ship, plane or piece of land in the distance. All around is silence, sea and sky.

Something splashed a couple of inches from my face, tentacles flashed, a thick gray-black head.

I screamed, kicking with my feet, trying to swim away. The creature looked like an octopus, but it seemed to be made of cubes, like everything else in this strange place. She turned her tentacles towards me, opened them - and I stared straight into the red mouth, bordered by razor-sharp teeth.

Get out! - I yelled.

My mouth instantly went dry and my heart began to beat wildly. I paddled clumsily away. And in vain. The tentacles folded and the octopus darted in the opposite direction.

I frantically kneaded the water for several seconds. But the octopus safely disappeared into the depths, and I let out a blissful, sonorous sigh, full of inexpressible relief.

Then I took a deep breath once, twice and a third - and then again and again. Finally, my heart calmed down, my arms and legs stopped shaking, and for the first time since waking up, my mind began to work normally.

“Okay,” I said out loud. - You landed in a lake, ocean or something like that - and not too close to the shore. No one will save you, and you won’t stay afloat for long.

I slowly turned three hundred and sixty degrees, hoping to catch at least a hint of the distant shore. Nothing. In despair, I stared at the sky again. Not a single plane. And no thin foggy streaks. They are everywhere in my world! But obviously not where there is a square sun and rectangular clouds.

Yeah, clouds.

I noticed that they always move in the same direction, away from the rising sun. Due west.

Hmm, if it doesn’t matter where, why not there? - I thought out loud, took a deep breath and slowly swam behind the clouds.

Not a very rational choice of direction, but perhaps the wind would push me, or at least not interfere. If I went north or south, the wind might gradually turn me around and I would swim in circles. Although maybe he wouldn't. I still don't know this. How can someone who woke up with a severe head injury in the middle of the ocean and is now desperately trying not to end up there again know?

Just swim and don’t think, I ordered myself. - Focus on what's ahead.

I finally noticed how strange my “swimming” was - not periodic swings of my arms and legs, pushing forward, but like gliding through the water, with my arms and legs seeming to have almost no help.

“Yes, a head injury,” I thought.

I don’t want to imagine how serious it can be. However, I'm not tired at all - and that's great. Although, in theory, swimming should be tiring. The muscles quickly begin to ache and fill with lead. I thought the adrenaline rush was masking the fatigue. And what happens when the body's emergency tank runs dry?

And sooner or later it will dry up. I will begin to experience convulsions, my breathing will become short, swimming will turn into movement, then I will begin to sway like a float on water, not moving forward. Of course, I will try to catch my breath, gain strength, but how long will I last? And how soon will I, trembling, chattering my teeth, plunge back into the cold darkness?

No, I'm not giving up yet! - I burst out.

I shouted and it was as if my strength immediately increased. I told myself to focus and move forward.

I successfully carried out the order, swam as fast as I could, trying at the same time to keep an eye on the surroundings, hoping to spot a ship’s mast or the shadow of a helicopter. The chance is small - but when you are busy observing, you think less about your desperate situation.

The water is surprisingly calm. No waves, less resistance - which means I can swim more. Plus, the water is fresh - that is, I am in a lake, not in the ocean, and lakes are smaller than oceans. Of course, a large lake is no less dangerous than the sea, but damn it, isn't it better to look on the positive side of things?

I could also see the bottom - very deep, you could put a skyscraper between me and it, but still not an abyss, like in the ocean. Moreover, it is not a flat bottom, but with a lot of hollows and hills.

To the right, the slope of an underwater hill went up, its top hiding somewhere beyond the horizon. Maybe she's coming to the surface? I turned approximately northeast and headed straight for the hill.

Before I had time to catch my breath, the underwater hill turned into a mountain - and became above water! Its top was sticking out.

Probably, it really is the earth,” I was cautious, trying not to frighten off hope. - Although, maybe a mirage, a cunning optical illusion, fog...

And then I saw a tree. Well, something similar, since from a distance I could only make out an angular green mass on a brown straight leg. From excitement I rushed like a torpedo. He did not take his eyes off the shore, and soon saw other trees standing in a row near the brown shore. Suddenly, a green-brown hillside opened up in front of me.

Earth! - I yelled. - EARTH-I-I!!

I managed! Here it is, warm, solid, stable earth. A wave of relief washed over me - and, like a real wave, it immediately subsided.

My joy lasted barely for a second. Then I looked at the island. When I reached the shore, I was completely confused and at a loss. Even waking up in the ocean didn't shock me that much.

The island consisted of cubic blocks. Everything was made up of them: sand, earth, stones, and even things that I initially mistook for trees.

Okay, so be it,” I agreed, not wanting to believe my eyes, “let’s wait a minute, let’s rest.”

I stood waist-deep in the water, blinking and breathing steadily, waiting for the darkness to clear. A little more - and all these sharp corners will become a familiar soft and rounded landscape.

They didn't.

“Head injury,” I firmly decided and went ashore. - No problem. The main thing is to make sure you don't lose too much blood.

Instinctively, I reached out to feel the supposed wound, raised my hand, and gasped.

A rectangular blank ending in a fleshy cube instead of a brush. No matter how hard I tried to open my fingers, I couldn’t.

Where's my hand? - I screamed in panic.

I felt dizzy and my throat was dry. I looked at myself in fright. Brick feet, rectangular legs, shoe box shaped body. Everything is covered with painted clothes.

What's wrong with me? - I screamed to the empty beach.

This can't be true! - I shouted, running back and forth, frantically trying to scrape off the paint.

I almost choked and rushed to the water to see my reflection and calm down. But I didn't see him.

Where I am? - I shouted to the shimmering sea. - Where is that place?

I thought about the water, about how I woke up... but did I really wake up?

“This is a dream,” I told myself to calm my panic, resorting to the only reasonable explanation. - Well, of course!

Hacks for Minecrafters: The Unofficial Guide to Tips and Tricks That Other Guides Won't Teach You

Copyright © 2014 by Hollan Publishing Inc.

This book is not authorized or sponsored by Microsoft Corp., Mojang AB, Notch Development AB, Scholastic Inc., or any other person or entity owning or controlling rights in the Minecraft Name, Trademark, or copyrights.

This publication was not sponsored by Microsoft Corp., Mojang AB, Notch Development AB, Scholastic Inc. or other persons and organizations that own copyrights to the Minecraft name and trademark.

© Reitman M. A., translation into Russian, 2015

© Design. Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2015


You have developed a mine! We've mined diamonds, killed a couple or a million zombies, and learned that you can't dig straight down or straight up! What's next? A lot of interesting! Minecraft is an ever-evolving sandbox game. The developers of the game add innovations every year, and you can play it in different ways. IN Minecraft versions 1.7.2 doubled the number of biomes, that is, types of landscapes, which allows you to catch treasure or garbage by fishing. The game evolves and changes as you play, so you always have the opportunity to learn new things and experiment with them.

Every year, players solve the problems they face better, faster, or more fun. This book will help you a lot during the game and, regardless of whether you want to fight zombies or build castles, it will show you...

How to customize the game for yourself using skins, resource packs and mods

How to develop mines and find ore as quickly as possible

How to fight hostile mobs and raise animals on farms

How to make potions and cast spells

How to Use Red Stone Most Effectively

How to build beautiful buildings and make unique furniture from scrap materials

How to get down to lower world and return back with treasures

How to get to the Edge and defeat the Dragon and the Wither

NOTE. The tips in this book apply to the PC version of Minecraft 1.8.3, so if you're using a different version or playing on a console, you may notice slight differences in how some features work.

Play as you want

Minecraft is a sandbox game. There are no rules in it, you can play as you please. You can build a sand castle, dig a road, or scatter sand everywhere. In Minecraft, you can create massive train systems, tame wolves and ocelots, explore the oceans, fight an army of zombies, or do all three. There are no goals here that you need to achieve, but if you like to set goals for yourself, then Minecraft will provide you with some guidelines. It's up to you to decide how to play, and you can combine a variety of ways as you see fit.

Minecraft Game Modes

Minecraft has different modes, one of which you choose at the beginning of the game. These modes correspond various types gameplay.

Survival and Hardcore: You will have to look for food and shelter to survive. Besides, you can kill and be killed. After death in mode Survival(Survival) you are reborn at the starting point. You lose everything that was in your inventory, but the buildings you built and what you saved in chests remain intact. Mode Survival(Survival) provides four levels of difficulty: Peaceful(Peaceful) (no hostile mobs), Easy(Easy) (few hostile mobs), Normal(Normal) and Difficult(Hard) (enemies deal more damage and you may die from hunger). In mode Hardcore(Hardcore) difficulty level used Difficult(Hard) and you cannot use cheat commands and a bonus chest. You only have one life, and if you die, your entire world will be destroyed!

On Hard difficulty, mobs will most often spawn with weapons, armor, and use spells to cause more damage to you

Adventure. New mode for playing on specialized user-created maps. It does not allow you to modify as many blocks as other modes.

Creative. Here you can't die or take damage, you don't need food, and you can fly instead of walk. Ideal for building amazing redstone houses and gadgets without having to worry about hostile mobs. Your inventory is replaced with an item selection screen where you can place and use any item in the Minecraft world, from a bed to the Eye of Ender. This screen even includes a search page to help you find what you're looking for. To fly, press the key twice Space. Then use the key Space to fly higher, and the key Shift to go down. However, if you select any mode other than Peaceful(Peaceful), you will encounter hostile mobs. They won't be able to harm you, but you may get hurt by the creeper's explosion!

In Creative mode you can fly, which can be useful when building a tower in the sky!

Do you need goals?

If you like to set goals and achieve them, then you can play this way. Minecraft has about thirty achievements that can be used as quests. Once you achieve one goal, you can move on. All this will help you develop your survival skills in the game. Initial goals are easy, and you've probably already achieved many of them. The first was to use the inventory, which you did by pressing the key E. To view what you have already done and what is yet to come, press the key Esc– the screen will open Settings(Options) – and then click the button Achievements(Achievements). (Click on the button Statistics(Statistics) to look at information about creepers killed, fish caught, blocks mined, etc.)

Don't worry

You will die. Unless you're playing in Creative(Creative), something will finish you off sooner or later. Even in mode Peaceful(Peaceful) You may fall into a lava pool. However, this is part of the game. Prepare for this by storing your items in chests that you can find later. Don't forget where these chests and your home are located!

If you are reading this article, then you are not indifferent to the fate of Minecraft. Do you know where the legend began and what path it has traveled?

Minecraft was actually created on May 10, 2009 by Markus Persson (better known as Notch). Surprisingly, at first there were only blocks of Earth and cobblestones in Minecraft. A little later we added a few more blocks: wood, foliage, etc.

Minecraft was originally called CaveGame, but this name did not last long and the game was renamed.

Closer to 2010, Minecraft became an online game. The online site was small and full of bugs, but people still liked it because it was something new. People are tired of playing monotonous shooters, but there is no need to shoot in Minecraft! People liked the idea of ​​building towns on servers.

Notch didn’t even think about stopping there. He constantly improved the game. In 2010, two new dynamic blocks were added: Water and Lava. They had a bug.

For example, if you spill water at a height of 16 (along the z axis), then the entire world at level 16 will be filled with water. In the next version of the game, this bug was eliminated. Water and Lava began to spread as they do now (water by 7 blocks, and lava by 4).

November 17, 2011 was presented absolutely a new version Minecraft PE on Sony Ericsson smartphones. With the Minecraft PE version it was more problems, because at that time smartphones were very weak and create quality game it was quite difficult.

The inventory of blocks in the game is replenished to this day with each new version.

And only in 2014 Minecraft RE rose to new level. The game engine has been radically changed. The world in Minecraft 0.9.0 began to be generated endlessly.

Bill Gates suddenly burst into Minecraft history for $2.5 billion. This did not particularly affect the history of Minecraft, but it is still quite a significant event in the world arena of computer games.

After another six months, Minecraft 0.10.0 was released. The engine was also changed once again. On the old Minecraft PE engine, it produced a maximum of 40fps. The new engine started the game and showed 60fps. We also added new softer shader lighting.

It’s surprising that they didn’t spend a cent on PR for Minecraft, and at the moment there are no people who don’t know about this game.

Current page: 1 (book has 8 pages in total) [available reading passage: 2 pages]


100% +

Megan Miller
All the secrets of Minecraft

Hacks for Minecrafters: The Unofficial Guide to Tips and Tricks That Other Guides Won't Teach You

Copyright © 2014 by Hollan Publishing Inc.

This book is not authorized or sponsored by Microsoft Corp., Mojang AB, Notch Development AB, Scholastic Inc., or any other person or entity owning or controlling rights in the Minecraft Name, Trademark, or copyrights.

This publication was not sponsored by Microsoft Corp., Mojang AB, Notch Development AB, Scholastic Inc. or other persons and organizations that own copyrights to the Minecraft name and trademark.

© Reitman M. A., translation into Russian, 2015

© Design. Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2015

* * *


You have developed a mine! We've mined diamonds, killed a couple or a million zombies, and learned that you can't dig straight down or straight up! What's next? A lot of interesting! Minecraft is an ever-evolving sandbox game. The developers of the game add innovations every year, and you can play it in different ways. Minecraft 1.7.2 has doubled the number of biomes, or types of terrain, allowing you to fish for treasure or trash. The game evolves and changes as you play, so you always have the opportunity to learn new things and experiment with them.

Every year, players solve the problems they face better, faster, or more fun. This book will help you a lot during the game and, regardless of whether you want to fight zombies or build castles, it will show you...

How to customize the game for yourself using skins, resource packs and mods

How to develop mines and find ore as quickly as possible

How to fight hostile mobs and raise animals on farms

How to make potions and cast spells

How to Use Red Stone Most Effectively

How to build beautiful buildings and make unique furniture from scrap materials

How to go down to the Lower World and return back with treasures

How to get to the Edge and defeat the Dragon and the Wither

NOTE. The tips in this book apply to the PC version of Minecraft 1.8.3, so if you're using a different version or playing on a console, you may notice slight differences in how some features work.

Chapter 1
Play as you want

Minecraft is a sandbox game. There are no rules in it, you can play as you please. You can build a sand castle, dig a road, or scatter sand everywhere. In Minecraft, you can create massive train systems, tame wolves and ocelots, explore the oceans, fight an army of zombies, or do all three. There are no goals here that you need to achieve, but if you like to set goals for yourself, then Minecraft will provide you with some guidelines. It's up to you to decide how to play, and you can combine a variety of ways as you see fit.

Modes Minecraft games

Minecraft has different modes, one of which you choose at the beginning of the game. These modes correspond to different types of gameplay.

Survival and Hardcore: You will have to look for food and shelter to survive. Besides, you can kill and be killed. After death in mode Survival(Survival) you are reborn at the starting point. You lose everything that was in your inventory, but the buildings you built and what you saved in chests remain intact. Mode Survival(Survival) provides four levels of difficulty: Peaceful(Peaceful) (no hostile mobs), Easy(Easy) (few hostile mobs), Normal(Normal) and Difficult(Hard) (enemies deal more damage and you may die from hunger). In mode Hardcore(Hardcore) difficulty level used Difficult(Hard) and you cannot use cheat commands and a bonus chest. You only have one life, and if you die, your entire world will be destroyed!

On Hard difficulty, mobs will most often spawn with weapons, armor, and use spells to cause more damage to you

Adventure. A new mode for playing on specialized user-created maps. It does not allow you to modify as many blocks as other modes.

Creative. Here you can't die or take damage, you don't need food, and you can fly instead of walk. Ideal for building amazing redstone houses and gadgets without having to worry about hostile mobs. Your inventory is replaced with an item selection screen where you can place and use any item in the Minecraft world, from a bed to the Eye of Ender. This screen even includes a search page to help you find what you're looking for. To fly, press the key twice Space. Then use the key Space to fly higher, and the key Shift to go down. However, if you select any mode other than Peaceful(Peaceful), you will encounter hostile mobs. They won't be able to harm you, but you may get hurt by the creeper's explosion!

In Creative mode you can fly, which can be useful when building a tower in the sky!

Do you need goals?

If you like to set goals and achieve them, then you can play this way. Minecraft has about thirty achievements that can be used as quests. Once you achieve one goal, you can move on. All this will help you develop your survival skills in the game. Initial goals are easy, and you've probably already achieved many of them. The first was to use the inventory, which you did by pressing the key E. To view what you have already done and what is yet to come, press the key Esc– the screen will open Settings(Options) – and then click the button Achievements(Achievements). (Click on the button Statistics(Statistics) to look at information about creepers killed, fish caught, blocks mined, etc.)

If you like to set goals for yourself, use the achievements screen to set new goals

You can track all your results on the statistics screen, which includes data on everything from the number of iron blocks mined to the number of zombies killed

In Minecraft you can "win" at final battle with the Ender Dragon in a dimension called edge(End). It's difficult to get there, and in preparation you must learn how to use potions, kill Endwalkers and survive in the dimension lower world(Nether), where you have to collect the necessary items.

How to play Minecraft as efficiently as possible

Don't worry

You will die. Unless you're playing in Creative(Creative), something will finish you off sooner or later. Even in mode Peaceful(Peaceful) You may fall into a lava pool. However, this is part of the game. Prepare for this by storing your items in chests that you can find later. Don't forget where these chests and your home are located!


If you want to take a little break from mobs, switch to Peaceful(Peaceful). To change the difficulty level in mode Survival(Survival), press the key Esc and change the settings in the section Complexity(Difficulty). If you enable cheat commands when creating a world, you will be able to switch between modes Survival(Survival) and Creative(Creative).

If you have enabled the ability to use cheat commands when creating your world, you can enter them in the chat window. Press the key T to open it, and then enter slash and cheat. For example, the command /time set day changes the time in the game to daytime

Use cheat commands wisely

Using cheat commands may reduce your enjoyment of the game mode Survival(Survival). However, if you use the Creative(Creative) and don't want to worry about mob attacks, you can use cheat commands. To do this you need to activate this opportunity when creating the world. You can then open the chat window by pressing T. (You can chat with other players only in network game.) Put a slash first. (You can also open a chat window by simply typing a slash.) To switch to Creative(Creative) use cheat /gamemode c. To switch to mode Survival(Survival), – /gamemode s . The difficulty level can be changed using cheat commands, starting with /diffi culty 0 (for level Peaceful(Peaceful)) and ending with difficulty 3 ( Difficult(Hard)). Another popular cheat command allows you to increase experience: /xp X (where X is the number of experience points). Using the /tp X Y Z cheat you can teleport anywhere if you know the coordinates. To see a list of available cheat commands, type /help .

Worlds and grain (seed)

If you like to explore worlds or can't find structures like jungle temples, play in worlds found by other players. Every world begins with a “grain” (seed). When Minecraft creates a world, a random number called a "grain" is generated. You can find out the seed of your world by entering the /seed command into the chat window.

You can visit another player's world by entering the appropriate seed on the world settings screen

You can enter an arbitrary number or sequence of characters on the screen Additional world settings...(More World Options…) in the field Key for the World Generator(Seed for the World Generator). Users share seeds online, for example on Find a world you like on one of the sites, make sure the world was created using your version of the game, and then enter that world's seed on the screen World Settings(World Options). You can use not only numbers, but also letters. See what kind of world will be generated if you enter your own name!

You can change the base world type by clicking the button World type(World Type).

Superflat(Superflat) – flat world with one grass block on top of two dirt blocks and one layer of bedrock. Change layers and depth using the Customize button, or select a preset super flat world type.

Large biomes(Large Biomes) increases the size of biomes by sixteen times.

Advanced(Amplified) makes mountains appear taller, but its use may reduce computer performance.

Manage your inventory

Many players find it easier and faster to use keyboard shortcuts to move items between inventory slots and other containers.

Use the number keys 1 to 9 to access the Quick Access Toolbar.

Press the key Shift and click to move a stack of items between inventory slots and the hotbar, or between an inventory container and the quickbar.

To get items in the hotbar, press the number key from 1 to 9 (from left to right)

While holding down the key Shift, click on the armor to place it in the corresponding cells.

Move items between your inventory and specific hotbar slots by hovering your mouse over an item or an empty inventory slot and pressing the number key (0 to 9) corresponding to that slot.

If your oven is open, you can click while holding down the key Shift, on raw pork or coal to move them to the desired cell.

Click right click mouse to take half the stack of items.

Double-click on an item to take all the items contained in the inventory slot (up to the entire stack, which contains 64 items).

To move the maximum possible number of items from inventory to the chest, take any item, press the key Shift, and then double-click the item you want to move.

Right-click while holding a stack of items to release only one item from it.

During the crafting process, right-click and hover over each cell to place one item at a time. Do this several times to add the required number of items to the cells.

To create the maximum possible number of items from the stacks located in the cells of the crafting grid, click on the cell of the item being created while holding down the key Shift.

Manage your tools

Keep track of your tools and weapons, repair them without waiting for them to break by crafting an old tool with a new one. This increases their durability. A damaged tool repaired with a new one will last longer than a new tool.

Repair damaged tools by combining them with new ones. This increases their durability

Customize your game

Any player can make changes to Minecraft. Remember that you can easily download an application or file that can damage your game or computer. If you want to make changes to the game, we recommend taking the help of your parents or a friend who has already done this successfully. You should make sure that any new files or applications you use are compatible with your version of the game, and should back up your game files and scan for viruses before making changes!

There are three ways to customize the game.

Skins: you can change appearance your character by uploading an image - a skin - on the Internet or creating it yourself using a skin editor. Download an image you like from a Minecraft site like Log in to the site and go to your profile page. Click the button Review(Browse) to locate the file on your computer, then download it. Your skin will change!

A skin is a small image that determines the appearance of your character. Many games, including Minecraft, allow you to change your skin. This picture shows a skin from

Resource packs: These are sets of files that replace game resources such as sounds, textures (image files) that determine the appearance of blocks, and music. They do not change the basic way of playing.

Mods: These are downloadable programs that change some aspect of how the game works. For example, one mod can add a lot of new creatures to your game, from rabbits to werewolves, while another can add new fantastic plants.

Keep learning

Minecraft is played by millions of adults and children. They talk about it on the Internet, play it in multiplayer mode, create videos and guides. Two best resource dedicated to Minecraft are videos posted on YouTube and a wiki tutorial

Chapter 2
Navigating Your World

Your Minecraft world huge. It has a wide variety of landscapes - biomes, changing weather and countless caves, lakes, seas and fields. The disadvantage is the lack of guidelines. Moving at a fast pace, chasing a pig, running away from a creeper, you can easily get lost.

The key strategy when playing is to always know your location, as well as where your home is and how to get to it. You probably already know how to create a beacon at your base. It will guide you if you are close to home, but it will not help if you are far away or there are high mountains in the way. Therefore, when building a lighthouse, make sure that it is higher than the nearby mountains. Place some torches on top of the lighthouse to light up the night sky!

When building a lighthouse, make sure it is higher than the surrounding mountains and well lit.

Compasses and maps will not solve the problem. The compass always points to your starting spawn point. If you update the spawn point by sleeping in a bed somewhere else, the compass will not help you. Maps work well, but require a set to cover a large area large maps. You can create a map with a larger or, conversely, reduced scale by placing the map in the center of the crafting grid and surrounding it with eight sheets of paper. You can do this four times to create a map sixteen times the size of the original.

You can create a map that is four times the size of the original

A quick way to keep track of your path is to cut down the middle blocks of trees (if you are in a forest).

As you move through the forest, track your path by cutting down the middle blocks of trees

If you are in the desert, you can leave dirt blocks along the way (they will stand out). In other places there are blocks of sand. Use other blocks as well, just make sure they are clearly visible against the background of the landscape.

Leave blocks in your path like bread crumbs

If you find and explore interesting caves and ravines during your travels, make a note of them. One type of label might say, “Explore this!”, while another might say, “Already Explored.” If you want a marker that is easy to spot, create a small tower with a torch.

You can use your own identification system. The picture shows an explored ravine marked with sand and red wool

Using X and Y coordinates to mark locations

Probably, the best way track your position and the location of your home - use the coordinates you find by opening the debug screen. To do this, press the key F3(or Fn+F3 on some laptops; Fn is a function key). The debug screen displays information about chunks (parts of the world with an area of ​​16x16 blocks that are controlled by Minecraft program) and memory. The most important thing is the numbers X, Y, Z and F at the bottom of the screen. The coordinates of the “center” of the world are 0, 0, 0.

The bottom of the debug screen lists the X, Z, Y coordinates and your direction (Facing)

X: shows your position on the east-west line. Negative values ​​indicate that you are west of the 0, 0 coordinate.

Z: shows your position on the north-south line. Negative values ​​indicate that you are north of the 0, 0 coordinate.

Y: shows the altitude you are at. The initial value (0) corresponds to the lowest layer.

Facing: shows your direction - East(east), west(west), north(north) or south(south).

The most important coordinates for keeping track of your location are X and Z. Keep a notebook (real) to write down the coordinates of your house and other important places, such as villages, temples and abandoned mines, that you will explore. You can keep a data note in your inventory, but it will be lost if you die.

Getting home using coordinates

If you're lost but have your home coordinates saved, you can open the debug screen, look at your current X and Z coordinates, and figure out which way you need to go. It's easiest to navigate in one direction because the values ​​on the debug screen change very quickly and it's difficult to keep track of more than one value at a time. For example, if you need to move further east, concentrate on the F value and move in one direction. Watch the screen to see if the X value on the debug screen is increasing (this means you are moving east). Of course, you may need to go around mountains or lakes!

Clouds always move west, so if you can't see the sun, you can tell the direction by the movement of the clouds.

Take a map underground, it will show you if there is lava, sand or water above you if you need to dig up.

To mark your path, clear leaves from trees along the way, use blocks of dyed wool, or use Jack-O-Lanterns that can be placed facing the desired direction!

If you move slowly, you can dig a ditch as you move. You can later turn it into a road using cobblestones or other blocks.

When you install the Jack-O-Lantern, its face is directed towards you. If you place all the lights facing in the right direction, it will help you find your way

Boat trip

In addition to traveling on foot and on horseback, you can move quite quickly across the sea, and with the help of the river you can quickly explore the world around you. If you have a zoomed out map, you can fill it up pretty quickly. Boats break easily. When planning a long trip, take a stack of boats with you. If one of them is destroyed, take out the other one and climb into it by right-clicking.

Boat trip

To make a boat, you will need five blocks of wooden planks. Launch your boat by right-clicking on the water. To get into a boat, right-click on it, and to leave it, press the key Shift. When steering the boat, use the key W to move forward and turn using the crosshairs. Press the key S to move backwards, but changing direction will cause the boat to turn underneath you. Boats are easily damaged when colliding with other blocks and water lilies, and when the damage level is critical, they fall apart.
