How to make a hoe in Minecraft for survival. Diamond hoe

You start the game empty-handed, so you will have to mine the very first blocks without using any devices, that is, with these very hands. And from the first blocks you will be able to make the most primitive tools that will make your life easier. You can cut down trees with an axe, and break stones with a pickaxe. Also among the simplest and most primitive tools, which no fan of this game can do without, is a hoe. But to get it, you need to figure out how to make a hoe in Minecraft as quickly as possible with minimal cost.

Materials for hoe

Any item requires special materials, and if we're talking about about instruments, here they are usually divided into two classes. One is the components that go into creating the handle; they are always the same and do not change. The other is the working part of the tool, and it can be made of various materials. If you want to learn how to make a hoe in Minecraft, then you will have to deal with all these resources. It’s worth starting with something simple, that is, with the handle. For it you will only need two sticks, which are made from wooden boards. As for the working part, here you already need to make a choice between five different ingredients - wood, stone, gold, iron and diamond. You can be guided by both aesthetic considerations and strength considerations, which will be discussed a little later. If you are interested in how to make a hoe in Minecraft, then add two blocks of the selected material to your sticks. Time to start crafting.

Hoe Recipe

If you are faced with the question of how to make a hoe in Minecraft, then first of all you need to study the recipe. All things in the game are made according to certain recipes, and not only the components that are needed to make the item are important, but also their order of placement on the workbench. For the hoe, you need to place two sticks in the center slot and the one below it, and the material for the working part needs to be placed in the top center slot and the one to the left of it. When all the ingredients are in the right order, you can press the craft button - and you will have a brand new hoe in your hands, which you can use right away. You now know how to make a hoe in Minecraft, but you don’t know the main thing - how to use it. And, more importantly, why.

Use of a hoe in agriculture

As in real life, a hoe in Minecraft is needed to work on the ground. With its help, you can cultivate blocks of land, turning them into a bed, rather than destroying them, which would happen if you worked on them, for example, with a pickaxe. And the beds can later be sown with various seeds from which the crop grows. And considering that your character cannot live without food, such a garden is quite capable of feeding him. So, as you can imagine, a hoe is a very important tool - with its help you can get food without putting your character in danger. However, this raises the question of which hoe is more suitable for playing Minecraft? How to make a wooden hoe? Or is it better to make it from a different material? All these questions can be answered quite succinctly.

Hoe strength

If you do not take into account the color that the tool acquires when using different materials, then hoes made from different blocks differ only in one parameter - strength. Durability is an indicator that measures the number of actions performed by an object before it breaks. Therefore, you can be guided by this when crafting your own tool. The most fragile unexpectedly turns out to be the golden hoe, which can withstand processing only thirty-three blocks - even a wooden one can withstand sixty. The most common are iron and stone variations, since they withstand quite a lot of action and at the same time their cost is quite low, since both iron and cobblestones are very easily mined in nature. But the most durable hoe is a diamond one. It can withstand more than one and a half thousand actions, but it is worth paying attention to the fact that mining diamonds is very difficult. And you will definitely find a much better use for them.

on a hoe

However, all differences between the materials used to make a hoe were effectively erased when the ability to enchant these tools was introduced into the game. In one of latest versions you get the ability to enchant your hoe so that it never breaks. This way, you can even use wooden and gold hoes without fear that they will break after cultivating one field. This will not happen thanks to the incredible enchantments that players previously lacked so much. Now they can use gold and wooden hoes, regardless of the number of actions.

To start farming in Minecraft, you need to know how to make a hoe. It is with the help of it that the land is cultivated, into which the seeds of the desired plants can then be planted. Thanks to this, you can grow your own garden or vegetable garden in the game Minecraft.

How to make a hoe in MineCraft

Before making a hoe (251 hits) in Minecraft, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 2 iron blocks;
  • 2 sticks.

These components need to be placed in the crafting grid. After which they will be automatically transformed into a hoe. To use the selected hoe, you need to click on the right mouse button. After which the block of land will be turned directly into a bed for planting the necessary seeds.

Please note that make a hoe in game MineCraft can be made not only from blocks of iron, but also stone, gold, or wood. With its help you can make 132, 33 and 60 hits respectively. If you plan to use the hoe often, then it is better to make it from two sticks and two blocks of diamond. Then it will be possible to make all 1562 blows with it.

One of the most necessary tools for farming in Minecraft is a hoe. Its importance is difficult to underestimate, since nothing will be possible to grow in garden beds without it.

The hoe is found in early versions of the game, but it gained its true fame a little later. In subsequent Minecraft versions Some shortcomings and bugs that occurred when using the hoe have been fixed.

How to use a hoe?

The way to use it is quite simple. Just point it at a block of grass or earth and press the right mouse button. After this you will get a bed of plowed soil. Plant seeds (watermelon, wheat, potatoes or carrots) can only be planted on plowed ground. The hoe can also be used for harvesting. To do this, you need to left-click on the ripe plant.

Generating a hoe is not difficult. To do this you will need 2 sticks and 2 units of basic material: stone, gold, iron, and so on. You need to put 1 stick in the central cell. Place the second one a little lower, and then place the cobblestone in the upper left corner. The second cobblestone should be placed to the right of the first. The hoe is ready. It is important to remember that the hoe is a farming tool, so it does not cause damage to enemies. Also, the material from which it will be made does not matter much: gold, diamond or boards. This will not make the hoe work faster; only its strength limit will increase. The most durable diamond hoe. It is designed for 1562 “clicks”. The Golden Hoe is considered the weakest, because it is designed for only 33 uses.

Interestingly, when using a hoe, it seems as if the block of earth has become smaller. It's like he's sinking into the ground. This can be explained by the shift in structure game world relative to this block. The soil plowed with a hoe can be used an infinite number of times until the plowed soil is compacted. After this, it will need to be plowed again.

Diamond hoe ID: 293 .

NID: diamond_hoe.

Diamond hoe - English name diamond hoe in Minecraft.

Attack damage - 1 ().

Durability - 1562.

Diamond hoes are the most durable in Minecraft when compared with the same tools, but made from other materials. Iron the hoe, which ranks second in the ranking, has a strength of only 251. That is, the difference is more than six times. And most importantly: all hoes have one main purpose - to create beds for the subsequent planting of seeds and growing their fruits. The hoe is the final way to make the land suitable for gardening in Minecraft.



We begin cultivating the land with a diamond hoe.

How to make a diamond hoe

Don't make hoes out of needles (proverb).

It would be too easy if the strongest hoe were made from readily available material. For this reason, a diamond hoe is an expensive tool. This means you shouldn’t do it unless absolutely necessary. Diamonds in Minecraft are a very rare mineral, mined with an iron or diamond pickaxe from diamond ore; In addition, it is possible to melt diamond ore in a furnace. The crafting recipe, typical for all hoes, is as follows:

In earlier versions of Minecraft iron and gold the hoe could be bought from locals for emeralds, but in later versions this became impossible. Additionally, as of Mine 1.11, diamond hoes can be found in the Forest Mansion.

Part of the earthen soil was processed with a diamond hoe.

What is a hoe needed for?

Don't throw away your old hoe - it works better than a new one (proverb).

Since you won’t always be satisfied with just hunting in Minecraft, you may need to grow some edible fruits. For example, watermelons, potatoes, carrots, wheat, pumpkin. Or something else. These crops require beds that cannot be made without a hoe.

How to use a hoe? Take a diamond hoe in your hand and click on a block of earth or grass right click mice. This little feature (PCM) distinguishes hoes from most tools. Next, the resulting bed becomes suitable for sowing. Obviously, some seeds require special conditions: the availability of water and lighting.

In Minecraft 1.8, you can use a hoe to cultivate rocky soil, turning it into “ordinary” soil.

Tool or weapon

Not only the saber, but also the mind is a weapon (proverb).

Strength is the only advantage of a diamond hoe. But it is premature to seriously consider it as a weapon. Which is related to other “weapon” characteristics: damage, attack speed, recovery. And they are very modest among hoes. Despite the fact that as of Minecraft 1.9, iron and diamond hoes should do slightly more damage than a hand. And from the same version of the game, hoes lose 1 durability when used as a weapon.

Properties of all hoes in Minecraft
Shovel Strength Damage Attack speed "Recharge"
Golden hoe 33 1 () 1 1
Wooden hoe 60 1 () 1 1
Stone hoe 132 1 () 2 0,5
Iron hoe 251 1 () 3 0,33
1562 1 () 4 0,25

Swords and axes in Minecraft can prove themselves to be more formidable weapons.

Axes with swords and their characteristics
Name Strength Damage Attack speed "Recharge"
Golden ax 33 7 () 1,0 1.0 s
Wooden ax 60 7 () 0,8 1.25 s
Stone ax 132 9 () 0,8 1.25 s
Iron ax 251 9 () 0,9 1.11 s
Diamond ax 1562 9 () 1,0 1.0 s
Golden sword 33 4 () 1,6 0.625 s
Wooden sword 60 4 () 1,6 0.625 s
will give the instruments certain effects. Cool? Seems Yes. But in the case of a diamond hoe, which is not always recommended to do because of its high cost, not everything is so obvious. If you need to cultivate very large areas, then it makes sense to think about a diamond hoe and, perhaps, an enchantment for it. In other cases, an iron or even stone option will be quite sufficient.

No. 71 (28) - “Curse of Loss” (vanishing_curse) - Only for Java and Bedrock Edition.


  • No. in the first column of the table is EID, i.e. The ID number of the effect used in the /enchant command.