Board game drumstick rules. Board game Drum

Ghosts living in ancient houses are not scary at all and nothing human is alien to them. They even have their own hobby. For example, the ghost from the board game Geistesblitz loves to photograph various objects.

A wild but cute ghost frolics with a camera. The ghost took dozens of photographs of his favorite things: a chair, a book, a bottle, a mouse and himself. Imagine his surprise when in many of the photographs the objects turned out to be the wrong color! You'll have to help the unlucky ghost and figure out which things were photographed correctly and which were not.

How not to confuse a book with a chair? On the table in front of the participants in the board game Geistesblitz there are five multi-colored objects: a red chair, a blue book, a green bottle, a gray mouse and a white ghost figurine. The leading player holds a deck of cards with different combinations of items and reveals one card at a time. The players' task is to grab the item as quickly as possible...

...which is exactly the same as on the open card. For example, a card with a blue book and a white mouse is open (photo on the left) - quickly grab the book! The book is indeed blue, but the mouse is actually gray. image or color of which is NOT on the card. For example, a card with a red ghost and a green book is open (photo on the left)... So you need to grab neither the GHOST, nor the BOOK, nor the RED chair, nor the GREEN bottle (all the characteristics written in capital letters on the card are already there)... Hurry up, grab the gray mouse!

The fastest and smartest player takes the winning card.

Grab or scream! The board game Geistesblitz can be made even more interesting. Just add a rule according to which sometimes you need to shout out their names instead of grabbing objects. For example, if there is a picture of a book on the card, all players should not grab the correct item, but shout out its name.

Ghostbusters and chairbusters. The board game Geistesblitz is an idea for lovers of dynamic board games; it is an explosive mixture of Set (mental decomposition of objects according to individual characteristics), Confusion (don’t believe your eyes!) and Wild Jungle (quickly grab it!). The game perfectly develops attentiveness, imaginative thinking and reaction speed. From two to eight players will be able to participate at the same time.


  • 60 cards (photos);
  • 5 items;
  • rules of the game.
  • Video for the board game Barabashka

  • Reviews for the board game Barabashka


    The game is super! Fast, noisy, funny. Somewhat reminiscent of dobble. We play with the whole family.

    Answer: Try also the games Hally Gully and Speed ​​Caps) And if you want interesting new products, then pay attention to Greedy, Loser and Kahoot)


    Great game! Not only is it fun, it’s also a good training for attention, reaction, overcoming one’s impulsiveness, because... everyone wants to win, but you have to have time to think about what you are doing))) One of our favorite games))

    Answer: Also pay attention to the board games Dobble, Hally Gully, Wild Jungle) We are sure you will like them too) And if you want to change direction a little, then check out Patchwork Kingdom, Sleeping Queens, Pest Dwarves)


    The game is simply SUPERB! We play often, it is very suitable for playing together between children and adults. In general, I love family bonding games! The game is noisy and fun! Sometimes there even comes a moment when you simply don’t know which object to grab and your brain is racing. Or everyone is trying to grab the same object, which is not correct at the moment, then of course there is a lot of laughter after such funny situations. Play - you won't regret it!

    Answer: Thank you very much for your positive feedback. Come visit us for more new games.

  • ) this is "Drummer", a game for snipers.

    In the old castle, the cheerful ghost Barabashka takes photographs of his favorite objects. But here's the problem - the camera is enchanted, and all the colors on the cards are mixed up! The green bottle turned red, the red chair turned white, and the gray mouse turned blue...

    The box is compact, the game is quite a travel size

    The set includes: cards, 5 items, rules.

    items: gray mouse, green bottle, white ghost, red chair and blue book

    60 cards with different combinations of these objects in the correct and incorrect colors

    The goal of the game is very simple: be the first to grab the desired item. What item is needed? Depending on what card is on top now!

    If there is an object of the correct color on the card, for example, a card with a blue book and a white mouse is open, you need to grab the book! She is the right subject, the subject itself, and the color. But the mouse is actually gray, not white.

    If the card does not have an image or the correct color. For example, a card with a red ghost and a green book is open (photo on the left) ... All this does not correspond: there is no green book, and there is no red ghost. Therefore, you need to grab something that is not found on the card either in color or in essence - that is, a gray mouse.

    The most important thing in the game is to place the items exactly in the center!

    Ruhama is the unsurpassed champion of the "Drum" game

    The main thing is not to fight!

    Counting cards is a very important step. The more items you grab first, the more cards you have. I usually never have more than one - one is just luck!

    We had a magical story with this game.

    We usually buy board games in Moscow at the Igroved store; we’ve already done this ten times. Everything was always fine, but even if there were some kind of game with marriage, the trouble is not great, the husband goes to Moscow every week, he can always change it. And it’s never a bad idea to start playing a new game, a week earlier, a week later...

    We bought this game when it was very important that everything was in order: my husband flew home for a month of vacation, and could not change the game if something happened. And the game is needed for a reason, anytime, namely in 2 weeks, for Ruhamina’s operation! And this time the game turned out to be defective!!! Just when you can’t rush to Moscow during the week and put off the exchange until later. Well, it’s such a coincidence that this particular purchase ended up being defective!

    They urgently started calling Igroved. We explained the situation to the seller over the phone - that the game was needed urgently, and let them find the missing part of the game. The seller rushed to call stores in Moscow - and hurray-hurray! - two stores put aside parts for us.
    My husband urgently began to look for who was flying from Moscow before the holiday - he remembered a friend who was flying the next day, and not just to Israel, but straight to our neighbors! An acquaintance drove up to Igroved, picked up the part for us, and we quickly received it.

    Noisy home spirit.

    Drum is an exciting, gambling board game - what is called: “from 3 to 99”. The children of our modern world have to explain the meaning of the name: the drummer is a noisy house spirit, a mischievous brownie. Already familiarization with this word sets you up for a fun pastime, with bright emotions and uncontrollable laughter. This game will appeal to both children and adults; it will allow you to escape from everyday problems and have a fun, relaxed time in the company of your children or friends.

    The board game Barabashka uses the same principle of choosing the correct answer (the same game mechanics) as the board game Set. But unlike Seth, where you need to keep four signs in your field of attention at the same time, in Barabashka there are only two of them - shape and color. Reducing the number of signs significantly expands the age range for using the game, and the funny, pleasant-to-touch figures make it attractive to very young children.

    Board game Drum actively develops attention, helping to improve all its characteristics and, first of all, such as distribution (it is necessary to keep 2 signs in the field of attention). Increases and trains the function of self-control and stress resistance, trains the skill of quick decision-making in a competitive environment.

    According to the basic rules stated by the manufacturer, children under the guidance of an adult can start playing from the age of 3-4, but this will require some time to learn and explain the rules to the child.

    Let's start getting acquainted with the figures and, placing them in the middle of the table, we will learn how to grab them correctly in a race. The adult presenter names an object indicating its color (red chair, blue book, etc.). Then we complicate the task and alternate correct word combinations with incorrect ones (red chair, gray book, white ghost, white bottle, gray mouse, red book, etc.) - you need to grab only if it is correct. At this stage, you need to teach the child to carefully monitor the combination of two signs, behave correctly towards the opponent, and keep his hands at a specified distance from the figures.

    At the second stage of getting to know the game, you need to select from the deck those cards that can be called “complete matches.”

    Now children should be guided not by the words of the presenter, but by the image on the card. At this stage, you can practice how to turn the card over. It is important that the image is equally visible to all players at the same time. At this stage, the presenter can become an equal participant in the game. To ensure that all participants are in the same conditions, the role of the leader can be transferred from player to player every turn or every game, having previously agreed on whether the leader will snatch the figure equally with everyone else.

    Now let’s take those cards that we’ll call “complete mismatch” and practice all the acquired skills in new conditions.

    Playing by any kind of simplified rules, you yourself will understand when the rules can be complicated. Thus, your child will grow up to the basic rules of the board game Barabashka.

    The basic rules of the game (option 2) offer a more complicated version of the rules, in which if the card shows a book, you must not grab the correct object, but say its name. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that this particular version of the game is best trains self-control function, and you can come up with other more complicated versions of the rules yourself. For example, if there is a book on the card, say, if there is a ghost on the card, grab it with your right hand, if there is a mouse on the card, grab it with your left hand. In a situation with such complicated rules, we recommend that the presenter, who turns over the card, not participate in the drawing, but monitor the correct execution of the rules.

    Other ways to play with figures and cards of the board game Drum:

    • For the youngest children, starting from the age of two, we can use figurines to play train visual memory. The presenter puts out all the figures, the baby looks at them and turns away. The presenter removes one of them, the child must say what has disappeared. The option is more complicated - when the figures do not disappear, but change places. Then the baby needs to explain what exactly has changed. During this game with your baby, you can practice concepts such as “right”, “left”, “between”, “next to” and so on, since the figures can stand not just next to each other, but the bottle can stand “on” chair or the book can lie “under” the chair.
    • Using the cards from the board game Barabashka, you can develop auditory, which will be very useful for the child both in kindergarten and at school. The cards are laid out in rows. The child looks for a card in accordance with the presenter’s instructions (“Find a white mouse with a blue book, find a gray ghost on a red chair”).
    • For children starting from three years old, you can offer a game that is good for developing visual attention and logical thinking, as well as the ability to explain your choice: having thoroughly mixed the deck, we distribute 5 cards to the players and place one in the center. You need to place your own card on the table, focusing either on the character or the color. You need to do this faster than others and correctly explain your move (“I put the blue book on the blue bottle”, “I put the ghost on the ghost”).
    • At the same age, you can train visual memory using cards. Let's first show the child one card and turn it over - you need to remember what was drawn on it and what color. We increase the number of memory cards in accordance with the child’s abilities.
    • Trains well visual memory game Memory. You can play it with your child using any paired cards. Cards from the board game Barabashka are also suitable for playing Memory with kids. Choose from a deck of cards with images, for example, chairs, two cards of each color, for a total of 10 cards. Mix them up and play by Memory rules.

    The board game Barabashka, like any good board game, trains important social interaction skills without the players noticing. Teaches correctly, within the rules compete with an opponent, cope with emotions both during the game and after its completion, treats losses constructively, accepts congratulations on winning, without hurting the feelings of the losers. The game also makes it possible to experience a large amplitude of experiences in a short period of time, thereby discovering sometimes unknown feelings and emotions. A special responsibility here lies with the adult - he needs to simultaneously be a worthy role model and a gentle mentor. Time spent playing the game will not be in vain for anyone, parents will get to know their children better, and children will practice proper behavior skills, which will be useful to them in any classes and free time from studying, and will also learn to control themselves in unexpected, non-standard, new situations, and there are plenty of them in preschool age and even more so in school.

    For specialists (teachers, psychologists, speech therapists, speech pathologists), the game will be useful in individual lessons and for working with small groups. The game has also proven itself well when conducting family psychotherapy to identify habitual patterns of behavior.

    The game can be a good gift for a family with children of different ages; it is suitable both for spending time at home and for taking it with you on a trip and playing it with new friends.

    The article was prepared by: teacher Kolokolova N.M., speech therapist Shmeleva I.A., psychologist Loshinskaya E.A.

    Admit it, when you play with your child, you're getting bored. Not always, of course, but it happens. After all, we adults strive to play games that interest us.

    But our children do not always meet our expectations in play, and instead of an exciting competition, we have to play along with them so that they don't lose interest and run to the TV.

    Or another situation. The child flatly refuses to play something, for example, , and you have to follow him and whine: “Well, play Rummy with me, and then I’ll play with you.” Do you want some candy? Two? Then we’ll play some more.”

    I think this is a familiar situation to you.

    Make friends with the game “Drummer” - and you won’t have to play along with your child, he will still beat you.

    "Drum" (Geistesblitz) is an inexpensive game. Price as of December 2014 approximately 850 rubles.

    Place five items in the center of the table:

    - red chair,
    - blue book,
    - green bottle,
    - gray mouse,
    - white drummer (this is such a cute ghost).

    Don't worry, they are all included.

    The presenter takes one by one from a stack of cards (60 pieces) and places them on the table face up. What to do?

    We urgently need to grab:

    1) exactly the same object of the same color,

    2) if on the card none of the drawn objects match the color of the objects on the table, then you need to strain your brains and grab the object that is NOT depicted on the card and of a color that is not there.

    Let me explain with examples.

    Picture 1

    FIGURE 1. From left to right:

    – gray mouse and red book:

    we grab the gray mouse because it is the same color as in the picture,

    – blue bottle and red drum:

    nothing matches in color, so we grab not a bottle, not a drum, not blue, not red, but grab a gray mouse,

    – white chair and green bottle:

    grab the bottle

    – red mouse and blue bottle:

    we grab not red, not blue, not a mouse, not a bottle, but grab a white drum,

    – blue drum and green mouse:

    We grab not the blue, not the green, not the mouse, not the drum, but we grab the red chair.

    Figure 2

    FIGURE 2. From left to right:

    – green mouse and red book:

    we don’t grab a mouse, not a book, not red, not green, but we grab a white drum,

    – blue bottle and gray drum:

    we grab not a bottle, not a drumstick, not a blue one, not a gray one, but we grab a red chair,

    – red drum and green book:

    we don’t grab the drum, we don’t grab the book, not the red, not the green, but we grab the gray mouse,

    – red book and gray bottle:

    not a book, not a bottle, not red, not gray, but grab a white drum,

    – blue book and white bottle:

    not blue, not white, not a book, not a bottle, grab the red chair.

    The one who correctly grabbed the piece receives a card (the piece returns to the table again for the next grab). If you grab it incorrectly, you give back one of the cards you’ve already earned. The one with the most cards at the end of the game wins.

    Noise, laughter and a short pleasant pastime are guaranteed!!!

    Text and photo: Tanya Belkina

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    I would like to show you a board game that appeared here quite recently (more precisely, yesterday). But yesterday I couldn’t tear my youngest daughter away until the night.
    We got the game thanks to one wonderful mother from Klumba

    Board game GeistesBlitz

    The board game Drumstick is a product of TM Zoch Gmbh (Germany). The distributor of the game is the Russian "Lifestyle Company"
    The game is designed for 2-8 players from 6 years old
    The game is packaged in a small box made of hard, high-quality cardboard. Box size 13*13 cm. On the back there is a brief summary of the game

    Inside the game there are game rules in Russian, 5 wooden objects for the game (Drum, chair, bottle, book, mouse) and a deck of 60 cards

    Background and purpose of the game

    In very old houses there live ghosts, but not terrible ones, but very kind ones, with their own harmless hobbies. So, for example, Drum engages in photographing various objects. Most of all he likes to photograph a chair, a book, a bottle, a mouse and himself. But sometimes in photographs these objects turn out to be a completely different color from what they really are, that is, instead of red, a chair can be gray, blue, green, and even white, like the ghost itself. The same miracles happen with other objects. So Barabashka needs the help of players, who can be from two to eight people, starting even from the age of six and without maximum restrictions
    Do you want to help Barabashka? For the correct item to disappear, you must grab it very quickly! you just need to figure out which subject is correct!!

    So, the correct items are:
    - Red chair
    - White Drum
    - Blue book
    - Green bottle
    - Gray mouse

    Now there is a deck of 60 cards, on which Barabashka photographed all these objects:

    But, attention!!! In the first photo, for example!!! Our original bottle is green! And on the cards there are also white, red and gray bottles depicted/“photographed”. And besides the blue book, there are also red, white, and gray books.

    Before the game, it is necessary to place all five objects in the center of the table so that the participants can easily reach them. Then thoroughly shuffle the deck and place it face down side by side. Now we are ready to help the unlucky ghost. One of the players reveals the top card, and everyone tries to determine which item is hidden on the card and get it before the others.

    There may be two options:
    - One of the objects shown on the map matches the color of the corresponding object in the center of the table? Then, without hesitation, we grab a suitable object (photo 3 - green bottle, photo 4 - blue book).
    - There are no objects on the map, which would simultaneously match in color and shape with any object in the center of the table? Then we need an item that, firstly, is not on the map. And secondly, the color of this item is missing on the map (photo 1 - red chair, photo 2 - green bottle).
    Once we have identified the item we are looking for, we grab it without hesitation. But take care of your hands, as there will be many people willing. But remember, you only have one try! If you are right, you can take the current card and place it in front of you. If you make a mistake, give one of your cards to the participant who chooses the correct item. If all participants made a mistake, then everyone must give up one of their cards. These cards, along with the open card, are placed under the common deck.
    After the deck of snapshots runs out, the player with the most cards wins.
