Complete passage of the main and side quests of the second chapter. Complete walkthrough of the main and side quests of the second chapter of The Witcher 2 The Execution of Sabrina

The quest regarding the conspiracy in the camp begins after talking with Detmold: the sorcerer will approach us when we finish talking with Henselt.

[Choice] We can track down the conspirators in two ways: help the son of Manfred [A] or find a certain Odrin and gather his drinking buddies [B].

The Butcher of Tsidaris

[A] Wandering around the camp, we will sooner or later end up in the dining room. There, among others, we meet Manfred, who sips vodka alone. If we talk to him, he will tell us about his son Sven, who is awaiting a duel with a certain Lethande Avet, also known as the Butcher of Tsidaris. If we offer our help, Manfred promises to do his best to repay us. We leave to talk to Sven. At first he tries to get rid of us, but in the end we convince him to fight the Butcher together. We go to Avet to present to him our idea of ​​a 2 on 2 fight. He agrees, and we return to Sven. When we say that we are ready, we will be transported to the arena, where Avet and his partner are already waiting for us. [Combat] In battle, the main thing is to repel the Butcher's attacks and deliver strong blows with a steel sword.

You can immobilize the enemy with the Yrden Sign and stab him in the back. At the exit from the arena we will meet Manfred, who will thank us for trying to save Sven or for saving him - depending on the outcome of the battle. We can ask him about the people with square coins. Manfred is true to his word: she gives us a square coin. In addition, he advises us to go to Madame Carole’s brothel and ask Whistling Zosya. We must ask that “her smile open the gates of heaven for us.”

This is the password of the conspirators. After the fight with Avet, Proxim will also approach us, who will say that King Henselt was watching our fight. He liked it so much that he ordered a knight's tournament. Proxim invites us to take part in the tournament, and this will be the beginning of a new task (Ave Henselt!).

Truth in beer

[B] We can also learn about Whistle Zos if we help the drunks who are wandering around the camp in search of their friend Odrin. To do this, we need to talk to one of the three-drunk soldiers. We can walk around the entire camp, but we won't find any traces. Audrin sits on the banks of the Pontar. We are leading the drunken soldier back to the camp. Sentinels are posted at the gate. We can tell them that we got Odrin drunk because he is an important witness in the investigation we are conducting, or we can simply bribe them. In any case, they will let us into the camp. We will have to wake up Odrin twice: to find his comrades and to take him to the dining room. If we have found all three of Odrin's friends, then we can go to the canteen to drink beer. If we structure the conversation correctly, these gentlemen will relax and loosen their tongues. They will tell you about the brothel, Svistushka Zosia and square coins. To do this, we must say that everyone is afraid of Henselt, and then that we need information. Otherwise we will not achieve anything from them.

[Choice] Once we have the square coin and information about Whistle Zos, we can go to Detmold and tell him everything we have learned. It will end with his soldiers helping us in the battle against the conspirators. However, we can continue to investigate the conspiracy on our own.

So, we go to Madame Carole's brothel. We say that we want to have fun with the girls, show her the money and choose Zosya the Whistler. We tell Wendy: “I want your smile to open the gates of heaven for me,” and she will open for us a secret passage into the den of the conspirators.

Below we will meet Vinson Trout, whom Detmold and foreman Zyvik told us about. Vinson has one of the magical items needed to finish the battle of the ghosts - Seltkirk's armor. The conspirators leave us no choice: we have to fight. [Combat] The easiest way to kill opponents is to knock them down with the Aard Sign and then finish them off. It is important to remember to search Trout's body after the battle and take the armor. There is an interesting note on the table in the middle of the room. It's worth reading. Suspiciously reminiscent of Master Dandelion's style... It looks like we'll have to talk to the poet in the camp. The first part of this task ends with a conversation with Dandelion. Meetings with the leaders of the conspiracy will have to wait. After defeating Trout and the other conspirators, we can stop by Detmold and tell him everything. The sorcerer will pay us a reward for each killed conspirator, so we can make good money.

Prelude to War: Kaedwen

Attention! Play on the side Roche you can if in first chapter took his side in the quest" at the crossroads: Scoia "taeli" "

Stage 1: go to negotiations with the Aedirn nobles

You will start the second chapter playing as Henselt. Together with Detmold And Shealoy you'll head to tent where the meeting will take place Stennis (M13, 1). The conversation will be about buying land - you can agree, or offer half the price. Soon after this there will be Saskia And Stennis .

Stage 2: fight Saskia

There are two options for conducting a conversation. If you don't let me Saskia talk, the battle will begin, and you will need to concentrate on dragon slayer . You can also listen to Saskia and be challenged to a duel. In this case, the battle will be easier, since enemy soldiers will not interfere with you.

Stage 3: Stop the ghosts so Dethmold can concentrate and cast the spell

The action will focus on Geralt's arrival in Kaedwen. During the conversation with the guard, the sun will disappear, and you and Vernon will move towards the negotiation site. Will start to appear ghosts of Aedirn knights . Your goal is to protect Detmold. However, what you should be most concerned about is draugirs- large, massive monsters. Immobilize them Yrden, but don't fight at close range for too long - it's better to dodge more often.

Stage 4: get out of the ghostly darkness, following Detmold

Eventually, the sorcerer will create a magical barrier. Try not to go beyond it. As soon as one of ghosts steps into it, he will die immediately - at low difficulty levels you don't have to do much. For more high levels you will most likely have to finish them off. Along the way Detmold will be stopped three times ghosts. They themselves do not attack, however, the soldiers who appear do. Try to quickly get rid of the ghosts to unlock the barrier. As you progress you will also come across a corpse Stennis- after searching the body, we will find Stennis sword . Eventually you'll get to Kaedweni camp (M24, 1).

Stage 5: Walk around the camp with Zyvik or convince him to go straight to the king

At the gate you will meet Zyvika, who will give you a tour of the camp. After talking with him, you can convince him to go straight to the king. If we follow him, we will visit the most important places in the camp: the gunsmith Lesovika (M25, 2), a canteen and a notice board nearby ( M25, 3), arena ( M25, 4) and a captive elf ( M25.5). Eventually, Zyvik will lead you to the main gate ( M25, 6), and then it will be deleted.

Attention! Zyvik will be waiting for you at main gate (M25, 6) until you meet him again. After this he will walk around the camp.

You will unlock the quest" assassins of kings ".

Stage 6: Talk to King Henselt

When the gate opens, you can go straight to Henselt (M25, 1). The king will ask you to remove the curse from him, and in return he will help restore your good name. You will be allowed to move freely around the camp, and Detmold will have some information for you. He will call you as soon as you leave the tent. Be sure to ask about the haze and Sabrina .

Reward: 200 XP

You will unlock the quest" conspiracy theory ".

Assassins of Kings

We receive the quest automatically at the beginning of the second chapter

Stage 1: talk to the captive elf in the Kaedweni camp

Carry out this step not necessary. Moving towards King Henselt in the quest" Prelude to War: Kaedwen ", you will see a captive elf ( M25, 4), which has some helpful information. Unfortunately, the guards will not allow you to talk to him until you have earned a certain reputation.

To complete this stage, you need to complete the quest " lost lambs ".

You will speak senior speech so that the guards do not understand anything. Ask about everything related to the other two witchers.

To continue the task you need to complete the quest " blood curse ".

Stage 2: Protect Henselt

After removing the curse from Henselt and visiting his tent, you will be attacked by assassins. Even though there are two of them, the fight won't be particularly difficult. You have to be careful as the enemies fight with two swords and constantly attack. You can charm one of them Axiem and watch killers fight each other. If you decide to fight with two at once, you will have to dodge often and attack with a quick style. As soon as you kill one of them, the fight will end - the second will simply run away.

Additional reward: 500 XP

Stage 3: help Detmold in the necromancer ritual

Enter the tent where Detmold studying the killer's corpse ( M25, 23). Before you see the dead man's memories, you need to drink a special elixir - mallard. The recipe can be purchased from master Miron (M25, 23), which is either inside the tent or outside. To create the elixir, you will need the following ingredients: 1x vitriol, 1x cinnabar, 1x hydragene. Drink the elixir and approach Detmold to begin the ritual.

Attention! If you make a mistake, you will wake up and the dream will begin again.

You will have to control the witcher Egan. Follow killer, killing harpies along the way. Eventually you'll get to killer hideouts (M23, 14).

Inside you should beware of traps ( M30, !). Follow the killer closely to avoid them. After going through the next door you will meet Summer (M30, 2) and find out that he is going to Loc Muinne.

Attention! If you are discovered during the stealth portion, you will wake up and have to start all over again.

Wait until the sentries leave and move towards the tents - you can kill the soldier, or sneak past him when his back is turned. Be careful as he may turn in your direction first, so it's best not to rush.

Soon we will find ourselves in a cave below the camp, and then we will have to fight Kaedweni soldiers. The dream will end with a battle with Geralt - whether you are close to victory or not does not matter.

Stage 4: Go to the Kingslayer Hideout

Don't waste your time and go after the killer in his shelter (M23, 14) – do not go through the darkness, but go around the ravines from the north. This time in the cave you will encounter gargoyles, and in the main room will be waiting for you elemental (M30, 2). Also don't forget about traps. The fight with the elemental should not be difficult, immobilize it and attack from behind, but at the same time watch out for its attacks and dodge in time. Victorious, you will find a dying man killer on the ground. Talk to him and you will have a memory (related to the quest " return of memory "). Don't forget to search his body - you will find several valuable items and Zerrita's notes .

Step 5: Talk to Detmold

Return to camp and talk to Detmold, who is waiting for you in the tent ( M25, 7). He will give you medallion Henselt.

Conspiracy theory

We receive the quest automatically upon completion of the quest "Prelude to War: Kaedwen"

Stage 1: Talk to Detmold

Coming out of their tent Henselt after the first conversation with him, the sorcerer will invite you to go to his tent. Ask him about everything related to the curse. Geralt will decide to change the wars, but for this he will need several of its symbols: hatred, courage, faith and death. Also be sure to ask about the cabal square coins.

You will unlock the quest" eternal battle ".

You will unlock the quest" blood curse ".

Stage 2: talk to the soldiers about the plot against Henselt

To learn more about the conspiracy, you should walk around the camp and interview the soldiers. There are two ways to do this:

There are three in the camp drunk soldier (M25, 10). Talking to anyone will start the quest" the truth is in beer ".
When you pass by the dining room ( M25, 3), you will witness a quarrel between an old soldier and his son. The quest will start automatically" butcher from Tsidaris ".

To continue the task, you must complete one of these quests.

Attention! Both quests can be completed, although only one is required to continue.

Stage 3: take the square coin to the brothel and ask Whistle Zosya there

Attention! Before going to a brothel, you can go to Detmold (M25, 7) and inform him that they have found the hiding place of the conspirators. In this case, in certain moment Four soldiers will come to your aid.

Leave the camp, head to brothel (M25, 12) and talk to there Madame Carole . Tell her you're here to have some fun and show her the square coin. When she asks what kind of girl you would like, choose Zosya the Whistle. Tell her: "I want your smile to open the gates of heaven for me". She will show you a secret passage in basement of the old tower .

Attention! If you have visited before Detmold, four will come to your aid soldier .

Downstairs you will find Vinson Trout - unfortunately, all dialogue options lead to a battle with him. It will be much more difficult to fight alone, so actively use Quen, Aard and blocks. If soldiers are helping you, focus on Vinsone .

Stage 4: Search the room

On the body Vinson you will find: Seltkirk armor (related to the quest " symbol of courage "), note " boar named Henselt " And key to the conspirators' hideout . Using the key you will open the door ( M26, 3) leading out.

Stage 5: talk to Buttercup and Detmold

Buttercup can be found by the fire between the tents ( M25, 20). You can talk to him about his stupid creations, because of which he could be killed. Then move towards the sorcerer ( M25, 7) and tell him that the conspirators are finished. You'll get 300 orens(50 for each killed).

To continue the task you must complete the quests " blood curse ", "assassins of kings " And " eternal battle ".

Stage 6: Meet the conspirators at the house on the hill

After being passed out for three days, you wake up in a brothel. After talking with Buttercup, you will learn about the meeting of the conspirators in house over a cliff (M23, 2). Move there to understand the situation. There you will meet Roche, the main conspirator.

Step 7: Return to Kaedweni camp

After the recent arrests, the conspirators have been uncovered, and you need to quickly warn everyone. Move with Roche to his camp (M25, 15) to notify Bianca and everyone else. Unfortunately, there will only be Kaedweni soldiers - we get rid of them. From one of the whores you learn that everyone has been invited to the camp for a feast.

Stage 8: go to the soldiers' canteen

Once you enter the camp, take out a few soldiers, and then move into dining room (M25, 3). Unfortunately, you will see how the feast ended - all the conspirators were hanged. The only one who survived is Bianca, who was raped by Henselt.

You will unlock the quest" siege of Vergen ".

Reward: 500 XP

Truth in beer

We receive the quest from a drunk soldier, having previously started the quest “conspiracy theory”

Stage 1: Find Odrin

In the camp you will meet three drunken soldiers ( M25, 10), who are looking for their missing comrade, Audrina. Unfortunately, you don't know his whereabouts, so you'll have to search. Leave the camp in west gate , leading to the shore ( M25, 11). Drunk Audrina you will find lying near the entrance to the cave ( M25, 17).

Stage 2: gather Audrina his three comrades

Raise the drunkard and lead him to the gate ( M25, 11) – a guard will stop you. You can bribe him or tell him that Audrin is your prisoner or an important witness.

Attention! If you tell the guards that you are leading a witness, the quest will fail!

Upon entering the camp, you need to find all the drunks ( M25, 10) - we just go to them.

Stage 3: escort Odrin and his drunken friends to the soldiers' mess

Once everyone is gathered, go to the dining room ( M25, 3). Sitting over a glass of beer, it will not be difficult for you to learn a lot of interesting information. True, you should choose the right dialogue options - "people are afraid of Henselt" And "I need some information". You'll get square coin and information that Whistle Zosya

The Butcher of Tsidaris

We receive the quest from Manfred, having previously started the quest “conspiracy theory”

Stage 1: Talk to the reckless son's father in the cafeteria

The quest will start automatically as soon as you pass the cafeteria ( M25, 3), having previously started the quest "conspiracy theory". You will see an old soldier arguing with his son. It's worth finding out more about the situation. Manfreda can be found in the dining room, sitting at the table. You learn that his son is about to fight the feared Butcher of Cidaris - offer your help in exchange for information.

Stage 2: Talk to Sven

Talk to the soldier's son - Sven. He trains near the cafeteria ( M25, 18). Tell him that you want to help him defend his honor and make the battle easier. You will propose a battle in pairs.

Stage 3: Challenge Lethande Avet to a fight

Butcher can be found in the next tent ( M25, 19). Regardless of how you conduct the conversation, he will agree to a doubles fight.

Stage 4: Return to Sven and then defeat Lethande Avet in the arena

Return to Sven ( M25, 18) and tell him that the fight is arranged. When you're ready, select the appropriate dialogue option and the game will automatically move to the arena. The fight itself should not cause difficulties - Letande will focus on you, and Edwin will fight Sven. If you are close to Edwin, he will start attacking you. The fight can end in two ways: Sven will either survive or not. If he survives, he will become a knight. Regardless of the outcome of the battle, near the arena you will meet Manfreda, who will give you some information. You'll get square coin and information that Whistle Zosya will take you to the conspirators if you tell her the password. The quest will end.

will come to you Proxim and will inform you about the tournament.

You will unlock the quest" Ave Henselt! ".

Curse of Blood

We receive the quest from Manfred after talking with Detmold during the quest "conspiracy theory"

Stage 1: Explore the site of Sabrina Glevissig's execution

For more details on Sabrina's death, you should head to place of execution (M23.5). Approach the circle - you can take a closer look at some elements:

Look at the pillar

Examine objects lying nearby: inspect the candles, raise square coin (related to the quest " conspiracy theory "), raise letter .


Look at the ground: look at the tracks of people, look at the tracks of animals

Consider the wheel: see how burned everything is, examine fresh traces (you can lift relic nail - connected with our quest).

Attention! On the way you will meet two soldiers associated with the quest " lost lambs ".

Stage 2: talk to the soldiers near the circle

Ask the soldiers if they saw the execution and what they are doing here. You will learn about the Inspired - find out where he lives. At the end you will be asked to return the nail, which is supposedly protecting the owner. You can take the soldiers with you or leave them here.

Attention! By carrying a nail, you can help arguing soldiers determine whether the nail they bought from a relic dealer is genuine.

Attention! To finish the quest" lost lambs ", you must return with the soldiers!

Stage 3: Meet with the Inspired or Relic Seller

It's better to visit both, but since relic seller closer, you should start with it. He sits in dining room (M25, 3), to the right of the entrance. You can ask him about the battle three years ago, but the most important topic of discussion is his footprints in the ashes. Ask him about the relics he is selling, and especially about the spear of Yagon.

Attention! You will see three soldiers arguing about the authenticity of the relic nail. If you haven't given yours nail to the soldiers at the execution site, you can prove that their relic is a fake.

Stage 4: Talk to the Inspired about Sabrina Glevissig

On the way to home Inspirational (M23, 7) you will come across a group of soldiers ( M25, 16), fighting off foulbroods.

This will activate the quest" on the way to Inspirational "

Once the Inspired One agrees to talk to you, ask him about everything related to Sabrina's Curse, the Phantom Mist, and the Spear of Yahon.

Step 5: Pick up the spear from the relic seller

Move in again dining room (M25, 3) To relic seller – without further ado, we demand his spear. Unfortunately, the seller no longer has it, and information about his whereabouts has its own price: you can pay him (or tell him that it is too expensive and set the amount yourself), or use intimidation, persuasion, or Aksiy. You will learn that the spear was won by one soldier who is now in Vergen.

Stage 6: Talk to Detmold about the ghostly haze

Go to the sorcerer's tent ( M25, 7) and tell him that to get to the spear, you will have to cross to the other side of the ghostly darkness. You'll get emissary standard - a sign that you are going in peace, Zirael armor And amulet of Detmold . Also, do not forget to ask for magic dust, which will come in handy during the removal of the curse, when you draw runes in accordance with the marks in grimoire .

Attention! Before you go to the other side, you should find out about the remaining artifacts, in particular, complete the quest " symbol of courage ".

Attention! Before you go to Vergen, it's worth talking to Zyvik- he will give you beaver hat , which will be useful in the quest" symbol of hatred ".

You will unlock the quest" symbol of death ".

You will unlock the quest" symbol of hatred ".

Stage 7: Go through the darkness and get the spear

As soon as you leave the tent and head towards the darkness, a Zoltan– you can have a drink with him and ask him why he’s not in the mood. Invite him to go to Vergen together, and the dwarf will agree. Leave the camp and head towards haze (M25, 21).

Stage 8: Get to Vergen

When you find yourself in the darkness, the medallion will point you in the right direction. You can take the upper or lower path, however, you will encounter fewer ghosts on the lower one. Whatever path you choose, you will get there eventually Vergena (M24, 1).

Attention! There is no need to fight ghosts. It is much easier to immediately run to the other side of the fog, since they do not give experience for killing them.

On the way to the city, in burned village you will encounter a squad skoya"tael (M23, 10), but a white flag will get you out of trouble.

Stage 9: Talk to the guards in Vergen

As soon as you enter the city you are greeted Cecile And Skalen Burdon (M27, 1). Ask them about Saskia's sword and standard. You will learn more details about the symbol of death and the symbol of hatred.

Stage 10: get Yagon's spearhead, Vandergrift's sword and the banner of the Brown Banner

Vandergrift's Sword symbol of hatred ".

Banner of the Brown Banner you will receive by completing the quest " symbol of death ".

Spearhead you will receive by completing the quest " Holy Lance " – the task will begin after you complete the quest " symbol of hatred ".

Stage 11: get to Henselt's camp

Having collected all the artifacts in Vergen, you can return to Kaedweni camp (M24, 2). To do this, you will again have to go through the darkness (the medallion will again show the way) - this time you will take the lower path, far from the majority ghosts. You can simply run over to the other side, since they still don’t give you experience for killing them.

Stage 12: Find Triss in the Nilfgaardian camp

Once you get to the other side, you will see Roche in the company of the corpses of several Nilfgaardians. HE will tell you that a certain woman crossed the fog with a figurine that looks like Triss. Together with your friend, head to nilfgaar camp (M25, 22). Unfortunately, just to see the ship sail away Lok Muinne .

Stage 13: Go to King Henselt

Move towards the tent. Henselt (M25, 1), happy that you have collected all the artifacts, will decide that it is time to lift the curse. The action will automatically move to the place of Sabrina's execution. After a short conversation, the king will show the place from where he watched the execution ( M23, 13).

If you take a look at grimoire who gave you Detmold, you will notice a line drawn through the skull and connected by red dots. Below you will find a list of what is and where:

1. Witches circle
2. Black candles
3. Charred wood
4. Goat skull
5. Crow carcass
6. Curdled milk in a stone bowl
7. Petrified Bread

The line can be drawn in two ways (the second is a mirror image of the first):

1. Curdled milk in a stone bowl
2. Crow carcass
3. Charred wood
4. Goat skull
5. Black candles
6. Charred bread
7. Witches circle

Step 15: Ignite the magic powder with the Igni Sign

Go down and approach any of the items - stand in front of it and use Igni to ignite the powder. The ritual will begin.

Stage 16: Protect Henselt until the end of the ritual

Your task is to protect the king from the emerging ghosts. Try not to let yourself be surrounded, and remember that the number of ghosts killed does not matter - you just need to wait for the right moment in the ritual (when Henselt pierce with a spear Sabrina). At the end you will mention the creed - you will receive it for your labors in the king's tent.

Stage 17: go to King Henselt's tent

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Curse of Blood

It’s no wonder that His Majesty is tormented by him! After all, he sent Sabrina Glevissig to the stake, for which she cursed him. The details of this sad incident need to be learned from Detmold, but it is impossible to do without visiting the place of her execution. Well, we leave the camp and go west along the coast, crossing a small stream. But in addition to the main goal, your friend Zyvik will ask you to find two lost soldiers in order to quickly return them to duty. As you cut your way through the ranks of the drowners, you will find warriors right at the place of execution, which they made the subject of their cult. It is headed by someone Inspired, who lives in the gorges behind the camp. In the meantime, carefully examine the site of the scaffold three years ago. You will find familiar square coins, footprints in the ash, a letter and a nail, and this is what your new companions will be interested in. Whether you give it or not is your choice. And so that they don’t bother you anymore, bring the dunces to the stream, from where they will get to the camp on their own.

Go there too and talk about your find with the relic seller hanging out in the dining room. From him you will learn a lot of interesting things, in particular, that Yagon eased Sabrina’s fate by piercing her with a spear on the scaffold. However, you still can’t do without a visit to the Inspired One. Leave the camp again and move east to the gorges, fighting off the corpse eaters along the way. The main tactic for dealing with them is to jump away from them in time before they explode. In the final part of your journey, you will witness the death of two soldiers from the clutches of foulbroods, and as soon as you take revenge on these creatures, you will go to the dwelling of the Inspired One. After fighting off the harpies there, talk with the head of the cult and try to extract all possible information from him. The easiest way to do this is through bribery, but if money is a pity, then there is another way. Pretend that we agree to join the cult and undergo a test for this. All you need to do is drink the resulting potion at the onset of darkness (after 21:00) near the crypt between two lakes and view the vision. Well, and fight a little more with the evil spirits along the way. Having won his trust (or bought it) he will inform you about the relics needed to lift the curse from the king. You already have Seltkirk's armor, but the relic dealer should have Yagon's spear. For some reason we didn’t see this spear on him - let’s go find out! Having pressed the merchant in the camp, he admits that he sold the spear to a soldier who successfully lost the artifact in the battle with the elves. Moreover, the spear is most likely in the hands of our old friend Iorvet, who may now be in Vergen.

Be gone, evil spirit!

Having told Detmold the information you have received, you receive from him the task of making your way through the dangerous fog directly to the city of Vergen, having received only a talisman and an embassy flag to overcome this suicidal task. It’s good that our friend Zoltan met us on the way to the exit from the camp and, having learned where we were heading, happily agreed to go with us. And the road will not be easy. The amulet you receive will indeed tell you the way through the fog, but you will have to fight the endless ghosts entirely on your own. The main thing is to quickly cross the danger zone in order to end up at a village with elves, where only thanks to the presence of our friend you will not be riddled with arrows. Continue forward until you meet the commander of the dwarven guard. He will show you the location of one of the items needed to remove the spell - the symbol of death. It is located in the dungeons in the forest outside the city. But there is also bad news. No one is going to let you into the city, and then your traveling companion decides to stay in Vergen forever. But in gratitude to Geralt, he promises to get the sword of General Vandergrift and give it to you in the dungeons under the city.

Now our path lies in the dungeons in the depths of the forest, in which you need to go down to the lowest tier. And if on the way to it you were attacked by ordinary ghosts, then when you reach one of the halls on the lower floor, you will encounter the very spirit of the standard-bearer Brown Banner. To take possession of the banner by force, you will have to work hard - your opponent is very strong. But the bloodless path is not easier. You can try to convince him that you yourself were in this detachment, but no one will take your word for it. The spirit will ask questions, and only by answering them correctly will you earn its trust and the right to take the banner for yourself. For opponents of violence, here are the correct answers to the questions in order: incorrect, Menno Koehoorn, he was killed at Brenna, Seltkirk and Vandergrift, we were captured by Bigerhorn. But even if you did everything right and the spirit allowed us to take the banner, there is a risk that we will have to deal with it later. Therefore, if you are confident in your abilities, then it is safer to choose a forceful solution to the problem.

Now we go to meet Zoltan. To begin, return to the burnt village, and from there, at the two subsequent forks (at the gorges and at the gate), turn left. Thus, you will reach the catacombs under the city, which is not recommended to go into without sufficient supplies of a potion for orientation in the dark. You will have to get quite lost in them, meeting along the road not only ordinary corpse eaters, but also their hefty leader. Fortunately, your friends are waiting for you very close behind the nearest door to give you the much-needed sword. And Zoltan will bring good news - Iorvet successfully lost the spear in dice to Skalen Burdon from the outskirts, so all you have to do is return there and win back the relic for yourself. It is unlikely that you will be able to win right away, so be persistent. After winning the spear, head back through the fog to the camp. Brushing away the ghosts, you will escape from the darkness, where Roche is already waiting for you to report on the events that occurred during your absence. His squad was attacked by Nilfgaardians meeting Philippa's maid Eilhart. We rush to the camp to find out the details, but failure awaits us there. The Nilfgaardians have already set sail, so we go to the king and inform him of the completion of our successful search.

While the king heads to the place of Sabrina's execution, you need to take a special powder for drawing runes from Detmold. Their images can be seen in the book received from him. Having arrived at the place where the king is already waiting for you, start drawing runes. More precisely, you will only guide the actions of the monarch, telling him the correct way to reproduce the image. You need to draw from the witch's circle to the petrified bread and from the charred tree to the corpse of a bird, curdled milk, and close the figure again at the witch's circle. Now set fire to the powder and get ready for battle. You need to protect the king from the attacking spirits until he pierces the spirit of Sabrina with the received spear. From this moment on, the curse will be lifted, and in gratitude you will receive a medallion and an invitation to the royal feast.

Assassins of Kings

These are the times! The king himself invited us to the feast, but the guards still won’t let us in because the monarch was receiving a foreign ambassador. Then we meditate until the evening (until 22 o’clock) and again go to the reception with the king. He's lucky that he let us in! The story about the events that happened in the castle of La Valette will be interrupted by two assassins who killed the ambassador. You need to fight both of them to protect the king from certain death. Over time, Sheala will get into the fray, and you will win a relative victory - the king is alive, but one of the killers managed to escape, and you won’t learn anything from the second. Although Detmold offers a way out of this situation. If you resort to necromancy, you can perform a ritual, thanks to which you will be able to see events through the eyes of the killer for a certain period before his death. Find Detmold in the hospital and ask him about the ingredients needed to perform the ceremony. You will need the “Duck” potion, the recipe for which can be bought from the merchant near the hospital. We return with him to Detmold and prepare for a kind of transformation. Seeing the world through the eyes of the dead killer Egan, you and his companion hurry forward through the gorge, fighting the harpies there. Having carefully avoided the traps after the battle, your deadly tandem will reach the meeting place with Leto, from whom he will learn that Sheala is also involved in the conspiracy and should be gotten rid of.

The second part of the vision starts at the royal camp and requires the killer to quietly sneak into the royal tent, avoiding the watchful eyes of the guards. If you manage to get through this part of the path undetected, you will witness how the killers communicate with each other in the dungeon under the camp, where they will discuss the congress of sorcerers in Loc Muinne. Finally, the last push has to be made right at the tent itself, having fought near it with well-armed guards. So, a lot of information has been received! We tell them to the magician and go to the killers’ hideout, which we saw under the influence of the drug. There you will find the wounded escaped killer and extract all the information you are interested in. Returning back to Detmold, you will receive the king's medallion from him and go to remove the fog from the battlefield.

Eternal fight

Fortunately, to complete this mission you have in your hands all the artifacts received in previous tasks: the banner of the Brown Banner and the sword of Vandergrift, the armor of Zeltkirk and the royal medallion of Henselt. Having received final instructions from Detmold, it was time to leave the camp and head into the dangerous fog. There, Geralt is one by one possessed by the spirits of dead soldiers, so he will have to complete several simple tasks on their behalf. First, in the guise of an Aedirn warrior, you will have to cross the line of enemy fortifications and, having fought with the spirits of soldiers, capture the Kaedweni banner. And immediately after success, Geralt is possessed by the soul of a Kaedweni soldier, rushing across the battlefields to his commander to report the loss of the banner. You will have to move in short dashes in between the volleys of archers, so as not to fall under their arrows. After admiring the fight between the Kaedweni general and Sabrina, whom you know in absentia, you are transported into the image of an Aedirn commander fighting with enemy soldiers. Soon you will reach their general, the battle with whom will take place on behalf of the true Geralt, giving you the opportunity to use all his abilities in it. Just in time, because this fight promises to be very difficult. It is better to avoid the fiery volleys and deadly whirlwinds he uses against you in time, trying to roll up to the enemy from the unprotected side and hit him with a silver sword. Finally, after the victory, the final transformation into a priest awaits you, leading his warriors out of the dangerous zone, where, at the edge of darkness, this leapfrog of universes will end as soon as we emerge into the light of day.

Conspiracy theory

Remember how, in the secret room of Madame Carole’s brothel, we made some noise in the ranks of the conspirators? So, it's time to deal with the rest. We learn their location from Buttercup, who woke us up and pointed to a house standing on the top of a hill. That’s why we run there, but we meet there not the conspirators at all, but our comrade Roche, and now we need to gather all his people together. To begin with, we run together to the camp of his squad, fighting along the way with Kaedweni warriors. But upon arriving at the place, we find no one except a lonely prostitute, who told us that the king invited all Rocher’s people to the dining room of his camp for a feast. We return there, overcoming fierce enemy attacks, and see with horror that all of Roche’s comrades are hanged on the gallows, with the exception of one Bianca, who will tell you about Henselt’s betrayal. He is now just at the walls of Vergen, where we are heading to show him Kuzka’s mother, and at the same time to find Sheala, whom we know that she worked in conjunction with the killer of kings.

Assault on Vergen

You can get to the city through the gorge, which we saw through the eyes of one of the failed assassins of King Henselt in the task of the same name in this chapter. The harpies have not disappeared from there, but after them you will meet a lonely troll. You should not kill her (there is such an opportunity), because then you will learn from her that her husband recently met someone heading to Loc Muinne. Having said goodbye to her, follow the road to the quarries, again fighting off the harpies and meeting the husband of our recent friend in the gorge ahead. Help him fight off the soldiers and calmly move on (but if you killed his wife, you will have to fight with him too). Already near the entrance to the caves, you will fight with the next portion of soldiers and dive into the dungeons after the only surviving warrior. Moving deeper into the caves and dealing with his comrades, you will reach Detmold and the commander of the local soldiery, Pangratt. You need to quickly cope with the latter, because the magician, although he will distract you with his spells, will still leave your sword, hiding in the portal. After defeating Pangratt, all you have to do is run out of the caves, where Zoltan, who previously emigrated to Vergen, will be waiting for you.

From him we learn that Sheala, whom you are looking for, is hiding in the house of her trade friend Philippa. You can immediately run there, but before that there is a chance to help your old friend Iorvet out of trouble (after all, we are indebted to him), surrounded by enemy soldiers in the city. Climb up towards the suspension bridge, which will treacherously break at the last moment, leaving you without Roche's support. From here it is worth turning right, making your way through the ranks of Kaedweni soldiers to the fortification of Iorveth. Having provided the elf with support, it’s time to head to Philippa’s house to look for Sheala (this can be done right away). You can deal with ordinary opponents on the way to it without any problems, but you will have to tinker with the monster summoned by the sorceress. It’s all the more disappointing that we won’t be able to have a heart-to-heart talk with her. She will disappear into the portal right in front of your nose, and King Henselt and his retinue will appear in her place. Having dealt with his knights and taken on him, you will be interrupted by Roche running in, and the further fate of the cunning monarch depends on Geralt’s decision. Whether you persuade Roche to spare him or let him take revenge for his hanged comrades is your choice. Having made a difficult moral choice, it’s time to enter the home stretch of history leading to Loc Muinne.

Chapter 3
In the name of Temeria!

The road to the city will be smooth – the harpies never cease to bother you here too! And here, at the gates in Loc Muinne, the knights of the Order of the Flaming Rose will not want to let the Witcher into the city. Fortunately, Roche’s diplomatic skills are quite enough to allow you to go on a date with the head of the order, Siegfried. After talking with him, you will temporarily part with your friend and go on an excursion to the city alone. However, in its central square you will reunite your duet again, heading from there to a reception with King Radovid. From him you will learn that the only legitimate heir of Temeria, Princess Anais, was kidnapped by Detmold. And if she is gone, then this kingdom will simply be divided among other monarchs, which is unlikely to be done without massive bloodshed. But he will also say that Geralt’s beloved Triss is now in this city as a prisoner of the Nilfgaardians. As a result, we are faced with another serious choice. He will go to rescue from captivity the daughter of King Foltest, who was killed partly due to our oversight, or take care of personal affairs by going in search of Triss. The choice is not easy, but, looking ahead a little, we can tell you that the princess will not remain in trouble anyway, so you can go save Triss with a clear conscience.

Where is Triss?

Then our path lies straight to the Nilfgaardian camp. On the way, Geralt will be lucky and will meet Ambassador Shilard in the company of just a couple of soldiers. Having easily dealt with them, you can continue your further path to the camp together with the hostage, hoping that he will be useful to you in the process of negotiations with the Nilfgaardians. But upon arrival at the camp, our calculation will be a complete failure, because Shilard will be killed by the guard commander without a twinge of conscience, and you will have to fight with him and his subordinates. It's not that easy to get out of here. The gate is locked, so you will have to look for alternative paths leading to the square. There, a life-or-death battle will flare up, especially since Matsen himself will soon join the rank-and-file opponents, talking to us about the purpose of our arrival at the Nilfgaardian camp. But stop wagging your tongue - it's time to fight! Moreover, from Matsen’s corpse you will pick up the key to the cell where Triss is languishing. Go down to the dungeon and free the girl who has been waiting for you, who told Geralt a lot interesting facts. Well, now break through to the exit from here to meet again at the meeting of sorcerers.

Meeting of sorcerers

Having met Triss at the amphitheater, you will witness negotiations between kings and other interested parties about the future fate of Temeria. At this meeting, King Radovid will demonstrate to those present the rescued Princess Anais and will act as the guarantor of her accession to the throne of Timeria when she grows up. Then the magicians begin to discuss technical issues regarding the creation of a new council. And at this moment Triss will ask to speak and expose Sheala as an accomplice to the murderer of kings. They will try to take the traitor into custody, but she does not intend to give up without a fight, so she will call on the dragon for help.

Dragon Appearance

Saskia, in the guise of a dragon, carried Sheala to a nearby tower. So we have only one task - to get to it by any means! We run to the tower, trying not to get fried in dragon flames along the way, and climb to the very top. There Sheala will tell us her vision of the motives of the kingslayer Leto and give us the opportunity to personally deal with the dragon. We approach the dragon at the moment when he pours fire on us, and in order not to turn into a fragrant roast, we use the Quen sign. As soon as the battle reaches its middle, the ceilings below you will break, and you will have to move the battle arena to the roof, climbing onto it along the ledges of the walls. There the dragon will attack you, crawling out from under the platform from all sides and still pouring fire on Geralt. Show all your dexterity to avoid falling under the dragon’s attacks, and at the very end of the battle, get ready to perform another QTE scene. If it is successful, the Witcher will land the dragon directly on a broken tree in the forest and defeat the enemy.

Assassins of Kings

Returning to the city border, Triss will meet you and inform us about Leto's presence in the Temerian camp. Go to this fateful meeting, fighting off soldiers' attacks along the way. Surprisingly, it is quite possible to avoid the final fight if you follow Leto’s arguments. Well, if they don’t suit you, you are welcome to take part in the final battle, which will end with a spectacularly staged scene of your victory.

Are you sad that the game is over? No problem! Embark on a new adventure doing things differently, and your hike will be vastly different from the last.

The Witcher 2 quest Curse of Blood is taken from Manfred after a conversation with Detmold takes place during the quest "Conspiracy Theory".

  1. At the very beginning, you need to go to the place where Sabrina Glewessig was executed and examine it. As soon as you find yourself near the circle, go to the pillar to carefully examine the objects scattered around it: candles, a square-shaped coin, a letter. By the way, you need to pick up the message and take it with you. Then look at the ground and notice human and animal tracks. After this, you need to go to the burnt wheel and examine the place near it in order to pick up a special nail, which will be useful in the further passage of the quest Curse of Blood, The Witcher 2.
  2. Move further towards the circle to meet the soldiers near it. You need to talk to them and try to find out if they saw the execution itself. The whereabouts of the Inspired One will become known. At the end of the conversation, the soldiers will ask for the nail you found. It’s up to you to decide whether to give it back or not, but keep in mind that if the find remains with you, you can help resolve the dispute about the authenticity of the nail that will occur between other soldiers later. I also advise you to definitely allow the fighters to join you in order to complete the “Lost Lambs” quest.
  3. Then, in the passage of the quest Curse of Blood The Witcher 2, you need to head to the canteen where the relic dealer is sitting. Once there, look to the right, there you will find a merchant at a table. Talk to him and find out about the massacre that occurred three years ago and about the traces left in the ashes. Also find out about the valuables he is selling, namely the spear of Yagon. After the conversation, go to Vkhodnovenny’s house.
  4. Along the way you will meet soldiers who will fight the Rotfiends, help them to start the quest “On the Path to the Inspired”. Once you meet, try to start a conversation in which you need to find out all the details regarding Sabrina’s curse. If they start talking willingly, then do not miss the chance and find out information about the spear of Yahon and the ghostly haze.
  5. Then, in completing the quest Curse of Blood in The Witcher 2, you will need to take the spear from the relic dealer. To do this, you should return to the dining room where you met him and demand a weapon from him. It turns out that the merchant has already sold it, but in order to find out who the buyer is and where he is, he will have to pay. You can also scare him or use Axii to avoid wasting precious orens. Thus, it turns out that the spear was won by one of the soldiers who is in Vergen.
  6. Now you need to talk with Detmold regarding the ghostly haze. To do this, you must first find it. I advise you to go to his tent and tell him that you urgently need to go to the opposite side of the ghostly darkness. If he does not want to help you, then tell him that you are going there for a spear. After this, when completing the quest Curse of Blood in The Witcher 2, you will receive an emissary standard, which will indicate that you are coming with good intentions. Detmold will also give you the Zirael armor and the Detmold amulet. I advise you to ask the sorcerer about the magic dust, which will be very useful when you have to remove the curse and for drawing runes in the future

    It is worth noting that before going to the opposite side, you need to find out some information about other artifacts and complete the task “Symbol of Courage”. Also, before going to Vergen, talk to Zyvik, because this is the only way to get a beaver hat, which will be useful in completing the next quest “Symbol of Hate”.

  7. In the further passage of the quest Curse of Blood, The Witcher 2, you need to go to Vergen. As soon as you find yourself in the darkness, you need to get a medallion that will point in the right direction. You can take either the upper road or the lower one, but the latter path will have far fewer ghosts. Sooner or later you will find yourself there. It is worth noting that it is not at all necessary to fight ghosts, because you will not receive experience for them, so when you see them, run to the other side of the fog.
  8. As soon as you enter Vergen, you will immediately receive a greeting from Cecil and Skalen Burdon. Be sure to ask them about the standard and sword of Saskia to find out all the information regarding the symbols of death and hatred.
  9. Now in the passage of Curse of Blood The Witcher 2 you need to get the tip of Yagon’s spear. In order to get this artifact, you need to complete the quest "Spear of Destiny." You also need to get Vandergrift's sword, which will be at your disposal after completing the quest "Symbol of Hate." The last symbol you need to get is the Brown Banner banner. You will have it after completing the task "Symbol of Death".
  10. In the further passage of the quest Curse of Blood The Witcher 2, you need to go to Henselt’s camp after you already have all the artifacts. Make your way to the Kaedweni camp through pitch darkness. Use the medallion again and follow the path below to avoid more ghosts.
  11. Once on the opposite side, find Roche. Approach him and find out about Triss's whereabouts. It turns out that she walked through the darkness with a figurine in her hands. Together with Roche, go to the Nilfgaar camp. But you won’t get on the ship there, because it will already leave and head to Loc Muinne.
  12. Go to the tent where King Henselt is located. Tell him that you managed to collect all the artifacts so that he will remove the curse from you. After this, you will automatically find yourself at the place where Sabrina was executed.
  13. Now, in completing the quest Curse of Blood in The Witcher 2, you need to help Henselt in tracing the runes. Take out the grimoire you received from Detmold and find on it a line passing through the skull and connected by red dots. After all the lines have been drawn, go down and go to any of the objects, stand in front of it and use Igni. This way the powder will be set on fire and the ritual will begin.
  14. Now you have to desperately protect the king from constantly arriving ghosts. I advise you not to let yourself be surrounded and wait for Henselt to pierce Sabrina with a spear. After the battle, you need to tell the king about the symbol of faith and Henselt will definitely give it to you. However, you will have to wait until 23:00 to enter the tent to collect your reward. The fact is that the king will receive a guest and you will not be allowed inside. After receiving your reward, fight the mercenaries and celebrate your victory. At this point, the passage of the quest Curse of Blood The Witcher 2 is considered complete.

Step 8: Get to Vergen

Once you get into the fog, the medallion will show you the right path. You can choose the bottom or top path - if you don't want to make your way through packs of fighting spirits, then the bottom is a better choice. Whatever you choose, you need to get into Vergen(M24, 1) .

Advice! You don't have to fight all the spirits. It's better to just run to the other side of the fog, since you still won't get experience for killing the spirits.

On the way to the city you will meet Scoia'tael V burnt village(M23, 10) . Fortunately, the banner will save you from death.

Step 9: Talk to the guards in Vergen

Immediately after you enter the gate, you will be greeted by Cecile Bourdon And Skalen Burdon(M27, 1) . Ask them about Saskia's banner and sword. You will learn more about Symbol of death And Symbol of hate.

Step 10: Get the spearhead, Vandergrift's sword and the Brown Banner banner.

Vandergrift's Sword Symbol of hate.

Banner of the Brown Banner can be obtained by completing the task Symbol of death.

Spear Tip can be obtained by completing the task Holy Lance– the task is activated after you complete the task Symbol of hate.

Step 11: Get to Henselt's camp

Once you have received all the items in Vergen, you can return to Kaedweni camp(M24, 2) . To do this, you will have to cross the fog again - the medallion will show you the way - this time you will take the lower path, away from most spirits. You can also run through without a fight, since they still don’t give you experience.

Step 12: Find Triss in the Nilfgaardian camp

After you reach the camp, you will meet Roche and you will find several corpses of Nilfgaardians. He will tell you that a certain woman walked into the fog with a Triss-like statue in her hands. Run with your friend to Nilfgaardian camp(M25, 22) , unfortunately only to see a ship sailing to Lok Muinne.

Step 13: Go to King Henselt

Go to the tent. Henselt(M25, 1) , happy that you have collected all the artifacts, will decide that it is time to lift the curse. You will automatically be transported to the site of Sabrina's execution. After a short dialogue, the king will show you where he watched everything from (M23, 13).

Step 14: Guide Henselt to draw the runes from Dethmold's book of witchcraft

If you look in witchcraft book which I gave you Detmold, you will notice a path drawn on the skull, connected by red dots. Below you will see a list of what is where:

  1. Elf Ring
  2. Black candles
  3. Burnt tree
  4. Goat skull
  5. Raven Corpse
  6. Curdled milk
  7. Stale bread

A line can be drawn correctly in two ways (the second will be a reflection of the first):

  1. Curdled milk
  2. Raven Corpse
  3. Burnt tree
  4. Goat skull
  5. Black candles
  6. Stale bread
  7. Elf Ring

Step 15: Use Igni to Ignite the Magic Dust

Go down and go to any item listed above - face it and use Igni to ignite the dust. The ritual will begin.

Step 16: Protect Henselt until the ritual is completed

Your task is to protect the king from spirits, which will constantly appear. Try to avoid being surrounded, and remember that it doesn't matter how many spirits you kill - you just need to reach the right step in the ritual when Henselt will pierce Sabrina spear. At the end you will mention an artifact symbolizing faith - you will receive it for your fee, but first you will need to meet the king in his tent.

Step 17: Go to Henselt's tent

Time to pick up the reward - unfortunately, the king will have a guest, and the guards will not let you through. You need to wait until 11 pm to be able to enter the tent. You talk about Foltest's children - it doesn't matter what you say. Eventually you will be attacked by assassins. The mission will be over.
