Walkthrough of The Godfather. Video walkthrough of the Godfather Godfather game walkthrough in order

Some of you may remember a movie called The Godfather. There were only three parts. The game's plot develops just like the plot in the first Godfather film. Only you are not the godfather yourself. To become one, you still need to earn this right. You play as a simple boy whose mother turned to his godfather for help. Also, for more interest, you can create your own portrait from the proposed character at the beginning of the game. The game is somewhat similar to GTA Vice City or Mafia. But the differences are much greater than they might seem at first glance.

In the game The Godfather, you will need to complete different tasks. From surveillance to murder and extortion. As you already understand, you will represent the interests of the Corleone family in the game. Simply put, the interests of the Godfather. In the game you can start a war with other families, buy new more best weapon. You will also have the opportunity to engage in racketeering. Part of the money, or rather the interest, will drip into your pocket. The game has weapons such as a Thomson machine gun, a revolver, a rapid-fire pistol, a shotgun, ground cocktails, a painless bat to bludgeon everyone left and right, and wire to kill different people quietly. And much more. Also in the game there are police officers who are corrupt, like slutty girls on the streets. This is, of course, a plus: you paid and you don’t have to worry about being arrested. The game map is divided into several sectors. Each sector has its own establishments that you will need to capture. You can also buy weapons from various merchants on the streets. A weapon that is marked with an asterisk on the map means that it is a newer weapon, with better characteristics, and this indicates the place where it can be purchased.

We invite you to view the full video walkthrough of the game The Godfather(The Godfather) in Russian (with subtitles and original English voice acting). There is a big drawback to this walkthrough - the author comments during the cut scenes that some may be prevented from enjoying the game, but since the let's player's voice is pleasant and he doesn't talk complete nonsense, you can get used to it, especially since the walkthrough is not bad in principle.

The total number of videos is 10, the average episode length is 30 minutes.

The plot of the game is quite simple, but interesting. Your main goal is to become the Godfather yourself. And destroy other influential families who want to get rid of you.

If you want to shoot, escape the pursuit of corrupt police officers, and feel like a mafioso, then I assure you this game is what you need. Once you start playing it, you won't regret it.
The Godfather game, although old, deserves your attention. Maybe the graphics are lagging behind modern games. But you yourself understand that every player loves games not for the graphics, but for the plot. Rest assured, the plot in The Godfather will not disappoint you.

You are on the The Godfather game page: The Game, created in the Action genre, where you can find a lot useful information. The game was released by EA Redwood Shores. The walkthrough of The Godfather: The Game found here will help you quickly solve in-game problems and get tips on difficult moments. Also for the game The Godfather: The Game, codes and cheats are simply necessary for everyone who likes to receive free bonuses.

Considering that game The Godfather: The Game was not released in Russian, you will obviously need a localization to make the game clearer, because playing in your native language is much more enjoyable. You will play alone, going through each stage without anyone's help.

Reviews and feedback from readers will help you decide if a game is worth your time. Considering that the game was released on 03/21/2006, we can say that it belongs to the category of classics.

In addition to general information, you may need a variety of files. Use add-ons when you are tired of the main plot - they will significantly expand the standard features. Mods and patches will help diversify and fix game process. You can download them in our file storage.

Games about the mafia have always been popular with almost any audience. And the genre doesn’t matter: be it strategies like Omerta, fashion for San Andreas etc., etc. The public will be happy to plunge into the criminal past of the West. What can we say about the super-successful Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven, the no less resonant second part and the inexorably approaching Mafia III.

However, these are all franchises “in themselves” - without relying on anything, their creators completely surrendered to the creative impulse. Today I propose to recall a series, albeit of only two games, which had behind it a magnificent novel by Mario Puzo, wonderful productions by Francis Ford Coppola, seasoned with wonderful music by Nino Rota.

On Gmbox, during the broadcast of the “Crazy Collection” program, Viktor Zuev expressed the opinion that “The Godfather is a scammer, and a scammer under a license.” Let’s take Victor’s skeptical statement as a basis and, based on our own gaming experience, let’s try to really evaluate the quality of this duology.

But let’s talk about the rules for a second: we won’t consider the technical characteristics, engine, publisher, text cards in the lower left corner of the screen at level 100. We have to evaluate creativity, interest in the game, simply understand the project and think about whether it’s worth playing here and now.

Captured by the franchise #12. Review of games "The Godfather"

Captured by the franchise #12. Review of games "The Godfather"

During the “Captive of the Franchise” series, we have already managed to find out that games based on books/films are divided into two types: plot-related and canonical. Canonical ones clearly follow the plot of a film, TV series or book, turning into some kind of addition, while plot-related ones are similar to the original in the setting, minor characters and atmosphere. The situation with The Godfather is more interesting.

Neither Michael Corleone nor Sunny will let us play. So far our maximum for the beginning: this is Luca Brasi. But only after we generate our own character using a Sims-like constructor. Random is present, so you don’t have to worry too much.

Captured by the franchise #12. Review of games "The Godfather"

Captured by the franchise #12. Review of games "The Godfather"

Let's go further and immediately note the not very convenient fighting system. The controls here are perhaps worse than in the co-op-oriented Goblet of Fire, and the games, it should be noted, are almost the same age. But then everything generally gets better. Also, the next controversial point arises in the cut scenes. Some people like it when touching scenes at the beginning and until the end of the game cannot be missed, while others, on the contrary, talk about this as an obvious disadvantage of the game.

By the way, about them.

The very idea of ​​wedging a game concept into the plot of a film raises concerns: you can predict in advance all the mistakes of the developers, the clichédness of the script ideas, the dependence of the gameplay on certain moments of the film. This game was no exception: for the sake of the plot, we are forced to take the wounded Don Corleone to the hospital or hide a revolver in the toilet before dinner with Sollozzo. Roughly speaking, we do all the dirty work.

Captured by the franchise #12. Review of games "The Godfather"

Captured by the franchise #12. Review of games "The Godfather"

The plot of the game, as well as the gameplay here, are as mundane and formulaic as possible, which is also a consequence of “pasting” the action of the game into the film. Our developers would even insert real footage, as was the case in the notorious “Paragraph 78.” But in The Godfather, the original footage is replaced by a shortened, simulated version of the same event. By the way, there is also plenty of improvisation here: main character, rising up the criminal hierarchy, falls in love, betrays, fights like a lion and stings like a bee. Roleplaying is also present here: you can upgrade one of five points. However, I think it makes no sense to retell the entire plot of the game. It is much more interesting to discuss the features of the gameplay.

Captured by the franchise #12. Review of games "The Godfather"

Captured by the franchise #12. Review of games "The Godfather"

Anticipating the next point in evaluating The Godfather, it is worth noting that comparisons with the legendary first Mafia were inevitable. The developers understood this too. But understanding is understanding, and execution is very average. And not because the cars here are ugly and loaded, starting with the wheels or the hood. It's all about the city. The New York of this game is more dead than alive. The streets are similar to each other; gray and dull they just kill the atmosphere of the game. Completely. Not a trace remains of the deliberate seriousness of the story. All that remains is... soullessness. Although, many, on the contrary, appreciated this particular component of the game.

If despondency is a grave sin, then all those who are bored by the middle of The Godfather are still sinners. And the tasks of “catch up” and “kill” are not conducive to fun.

Well, in the sequel they added colors, changed the hero, changed the plot and completely changed the structure of the game. Get ready to capture buildings, the bigger the better. Squeeze out businesses! Break through from rags to riches, kill your enemies in the most bloodthirsty way!

Dominic, that’s the name of our hero, may not even be upset if he is killed. I’ll tell you more (to whom I’ll tell, to whom I’ll remind): he will not die. A hospital modeled after GTA will help Dominic out and send him home to replay the mission.

Captured by the franchise #12. Review of games "The Godfather"

Captured by the franchise #12. Review of games "The Godfather"

The management here is also not all smooth sailing. It is, to put it mildly, not the most responsive and certainly not the most comfortable.

Let's spice it all up with a bunch of blunders: Florida is a city, Cuba is too, New York is extremely small, and cars still loom in the air. By the way, about the map: the division into “us” and “strangers” is quite interesting, but not without flaws. In particular, in order to conquer the “foreign” part of the city, you will need to complete tasks involving boring and monotonous dialogues. In general, the lion's share of tasks comes down to killing someone or mayhem in a random bar.

Captured by the franchise #12. Review of games "The Godfather"

Captured by the franchise #12. Review of games "The Godfather"

However, despite all the shortcomings and mistakes, The Godfather 2 has developed something of the depth of the city. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about the plot. And the very depth of the city, in my humble opinion, is not even at the level of 2009. The secondary characters have the same faces, the streets are still the same, interaction with the world is kept at a consistently average level.

Captured by the franchise #12. Review of games "The Godfather"

Captured by the franchise #12. Review of games "The Godfather"

But where the sequel definitely wins over the first part is in the atmosphere. Here she doesn’t get lost in the middle of the game, falling into a viscous network of despondency and soullessness; no, “The Godfather 2” manages to maintain the general mood with an excellent, familiar soundtrack.

Captured by the franchise #12. Review of games "The Godfather"

Captured by the franchise #12. Review of games "The Godfather"

Thus, the game deserves 6.5 out of 10.

But to summarize the above, it would be a crime not to note the following. “The Godfather”, as well as its sequels, are childhood games for a fairly impressive number of players. And, as you know, we are ready to forgive a lot for games from childhood. For example, for the life of me, I don’t understand the charm of the first Resident Evil, but given that this game has become the favorite of an entire generation of players, I have to give it a certain discount in the evaluation. A similar story happens with The Godfather. These games don't match the greatness of the films (the first two, at least) one iota, much less the book. But I will never be able to explain this to, say, my neighbor, who does not value Vice City at all, but periodically plays “The Godfather”, not hiding a stingy nostalgic tear.

Captured by the franchise #12. Review of games "The Godfather"

Captured by the franchise #12. Review of games "The Godfather"

Now conclusions for the younger generation, even younger than your humble servant.

This series is not a must-learn classic. You won’t get the value that the movies and the book brought, but if you want to touch the classic gangster theme in the world of games, then I advise you to turn to Mafia, Vice City, San Andreas, Omerta. The somewhat underrated Scarface, although not a classic, I can also recommend it for study. Of course, it never hurts to expand your horizons, but if you decide to play “The Godfather” after all or at least some of the above games, then it will be akin to reading Panaev after Dostoevsky: both seem to be contemporaries, both are certainly talented, and the world classic - Fedor Mikhailovich.

A slightly blasphemous comparison, but that’s where I want to end this article. The next one is already printed, and as soon as this post passes a certain threshold of upvotes, I will publish it immediately. Hope you enjoyed it.

And for today, thank you all.

P.S. Bravo, Victor. Your definition is truly as laconic as it is reliable.

So, 2006 was blessed with a game like Godfather, released by the company's electronic pen Electronic Arts. True, this was fortunate only for the publishers, since the users were a little unhappy. Is not it too much? Who knows. Some were jumping in delight, shouting about a good alternative to GTA, others were tearing out their hair, horrified by the wrong money invested when buying a disc... Opinions were radically divided, but "The Godfather" saw the light of day. Whether it was long or short, it existed on the games market, although without holding back the competition. So, let's look at everything in order.

When you start the Godfather game, your virtual father is killed. Yes, that’s such a banal premise. And GG has no choice but to join the ranks of the mafia himself. So, here you come to one don, hire him and start working, carrying out all sorts of small assignments. Logical, isn't it? Since you are still a small fry, that means the orders are insignificant, like forcibly offering protection to small entrepreneurs. But here’s the thing: you grow in rank, become Don’s right-hand man, but the tasks don’t become more difficult or sophisticated. You are still personally involved in extortion, collecting old scores from debtors, showdowns with competitors and other worthless rubbish.

But it wasn’t just the plot of The Godfather that let us down. After all, you can make a mistake with the plot, but compensate for this with the beauty of the graphics. Here, in New York, the player has access to five districts, which differ from each other only in names. The same sad courtyards, evoking thoughts of autumn in St. Petersburg. The same cars that completely “materialize” literally a few meters before the hero. If you dreamed of relaxing in a quiet courtyard in New York, forget about it. For the Godfather game, the key is the word "dullness." I don’t know how it was possible to release such a game, having other excellent masterpieces to its credit.

Also in Godfather, problems may arise with terrain orientation. Due to the fact that the city is monotonous, it is very difficult to navigate the area. Even when you approach the end, you will not be able to navigate the city perfectly and quickly. There is almost nothing noticeable.

But in Godfather the choice of weapons is interesting. You can perfectly shoot your opponent in the leg and watch him suffer. Or it is quite tolerable to smash his head against the wall, which will greatly damage his health. True, there was a fly in the ointment here too. Smart developers have introduced auto-aim into the Godfather game. This hasn't happened for a long time. But even with this drawback you can shoot beautifully. I can’t say that everything looks very realistic, but it’s done really beautifully.

To summarize, it should be said that Godfather does not deserve the title of successor to such a spectacular masterpiece as Mafia. Half was copied from it, half from GTA. What happened can be called a game. But it's a stretch. Who needs stretch marks? It’s better, in my opinion, to play unprecedented originals of their genre.

And finally. At the end of the game The Godfather, when your Don is wounded, he will be admitted to the hospital just like that, without taking off his suit. Great plot device, isn't it?
