Silverfall technology. Silverfall: Guides and Walkthroughs

Game: Platform: PC Genre: rpg Release date: March 9, 2007 Developer: Kyivs Games Publisher: Monte Cristo Publisher in Russia: Akella Localizer: Akella / Track When another Diablo clone enters the gaming market, this is completely acceptable. When this same double lays claim to the laurels of the father of the series, it looks a little surprising. No, of course, using the same example Titan Quest(paired with a cool add-on Immortal Throne) it’s time to lecture on the success of non-standard projects with a slightly modified concept and taken design. It's just a pity that game makers from Kyiv Games We haven't listened to the full course yet.
In countless previews, the creators mostly applauded. Apparently, they were misled by the colorful screenshots and the long list of game features. In general, something of what was promised remains and welcomes the player with open arms.

Get ready for a long, obvious and clichéd story about universal evil, a brave superhero, joyless love and a lot of political intrigue. The forces of darkness are descending on Silverfall, the gigantic capital of the entire kingdom. A grayish, poisonous fog envelops the angular houses, demonic gates into the unknown open - from there various evil spirits teleport, destroying everything in their path. The militia does not sleep - led by Kernion, the most powerful sorcerer from the old family, the computer game player repels the attack, using massive spells and drinking magic potions in one gulp. Then - a short-term victory for the hellish messengers, satisfaction, a blow to the head, emptiness, a return from a state of medical death to... the skin of a new person.

With the beginning of a new adventure, we choose a race - there are only four of them. Standard set: the wisest elves, low goblins, cunning trolls and former rulers of the world (at least, they still think so) - people. I’ll make a reservation right away - the storyline does not change if you prefer, for example, light-eared ones. Yes, what can I say - even special abilities do not actually differ. Further, this is only confirmed by the absence of a class feature - one laconic conversation, a significant amount of gold and, voila, a well-aimed archer is transformed into the strongest warrior in close combat. Another thing is that skill points are not enough to research all the special things. You will have to sacrifice various auras and simple elemental mysticism. Besides, a good half of them are completely worthless. Even if the beautiful animation and clever effects try to prove otherwise, the hero will be left with horns and legs in a matter of seconds if the spells are chosen incorrectly. And, of course, the possibility of “retraining” forces the hardcore to laugh until they lose their pulse.

Our protagonist, like the heroes Sacred/Gothic/Diablo, kills a lot of time for pumping. Despite the abundance of the bestiary and its improvement as you move deeper into the territories, the required percentages up to the level are gained quite slowly. And an insignificant 4 skill points no longer bring moral satisfaction when the twisted pair of characteristics strength/intelligence/endurance/dexterity is pumped to the limit.

Another fascinating detail is the division of the world into technocrats and nature lovers. Depending on the completion of certain quests, our protégé will be able to use the power of elven forests/dwarf guns. Plus, some items are also classified - a technician will not be able to summon ents, and the defender of the forests will not be able to summon a hydraulic machine. In the same way, the world around us is divided into scientists and “nerds”. Even the monsters here are mechanical, and Silverfall itself is evenly overgrown with steam boilers or hundred-year-old oak trees.
Originality adds extra points to the final grade.

A distinctive feature of Diablo is the virtual absence of walking. No, obviously, obvious pumping and beating out funds is still in vogue. Simply, after completing another task, the character can be automatically transported to the city and, accordingly, receive credit for diligently completing the assignment. I doubt that reasonable people will not use a similar trick that will help them out from aimlessly wandering around locations in search of a suitable village. True, even in the case of a fatal ending, the protagonist appears in a local settlement, but completely naked. To return the wanderer’s meager belongings, you need to go (yes, no teleports) to your own corpse. It’s just unclear why. After all, gold does not fall out when you die, and you can buy decent equipment without leaving the cash register - in nearby stores. Although the set armor will fall out faster from any creeper if it appears on store shelves. In addition, whole treasures fall from mobs - there is no point in selling the collected things (well, I don’t want to bend over for them), because they pay meager pennies for them. It’s better to spend a good half hour killing amphibians and becoming a virtual “millionaire.” Pebbles are flying at the programmers from Kyiv Games, who did not bother to create a more or less acceptable generator of things (remember Titan Quest, eh) and interactive trading.
Another reason for gossip is the graphics. Yes, everything glows, and the game models are licked to a glamorous shine. Yes, the textures pleasantly amuse the eye with detail, and the shadows are drawn very close to reality. Ragdoll physics has long been a sign of good taste, but support for PhysX accelerators seems a little unnecessary. Not every average buyer has the means to buy the best piece of hardware. In addition, not many people will like cell-shading (this technology was used in Bad Day L.A.) - from time to time I want the brave heroes not to seem like cartoons. Unfortunately, both the genre and the game have very high system requirements. For specific gamers, the column “Recommended amount of RAM: 1024 Mb +” will cause bewilderment and, immediately, indignation. This is still not Diablo, dear ones.

Quite a fascinating representative of the RPG genre. Once again, Russian developers decided to repeat the success of Western hits, and again a similar attempt turned out to be a failure. But you can love the game with all your heart for its beautiful locations, extraordinary monsters and great design work. It is clear that Kyiv Games crafted their brainchild with extraordinary love. As annoying as it may sound, not everything worked out and many “innovations” remained within the boundaries of the studio. Fortunately, at this moment we are willing to believe that the native gaming industry will very soon rise to a higher level and stop producing low-quality products. - a small step towards overall development.

Final comments

Gameplay: The not entirely successful attached plot tries to hide the true face of Silverfall. But we know this - she is the closest relative of the “slashers”
Graphics: Beautiful background, excellent detail, competent reflections and shadows. What else is needed for this genre?
Sound: Remarkable compositions, pleasant to the ear and in harmony with the overall background of the toy. This kind of music is in circulation on Western retro-format radio stations.
Is it forever?: Another attempt to rise above the grayish mass of fakes. It may be that all the banality that computer game players are fed will become boring over and over again. Then they will remember Silverfall.

So - if this smart guy is very lucky, he will kill the dragon, but he himself will die in battle. And in the spring the village children will put flowers on his grave. And if he is not very lucky, he will come out of the cave with a dragon head in his hands, satisfied and joyful. And the first words he will hear from recent enemies and yesterday’s friends will be: “Your Majesty.” Clear?

Eleonora Ratkevich, “Paradoxes of the Younger Patriarch”

Magic or technology? What would you prefer: to get within shooting distance of the enemy and, feeling the pleasant cold weight of the pistol in your hand, shoot him in the forehead... or, after looking at the scoundrel with a contemptuous look, from the heart, conjure a more powerful fireball at him? Nature or progress? What is dearer to your heart: the hiss of a steam boiler or the rustling of the leaves of centuries-old oak trees? Your choice will determine which path you will pave for yourself in the world of Nelve...


Controls in Silverfall are quite simple and, as they say now, intuitive. All main actions are performed using the left mouse button: movement, selecting an object of attack, the attack itself (however, not a magical one), interaction with other characters. Well, we also pick up objects from the floor with its help. With the right mouse button we spit all sorts of magical surprises at the enemy, and also heal ourselves and resurrect our allies. The Ctrl and Alt keys highlight everything that is possible, necessary and not necessary to pick up within a certain radius from us. The mouse wheel zooms in or out of the camera - or map, if the corresponding window is open.

Speaking of the camera. It’s not that it’s very uncomfortable... but it’s as if it’s nailed to one nail. You can turn it to the maximum distance or bring it closer so that every blade of grass becomes visible, you can rotate it three hundred and sixty degrees by moving the mouse to the right or left edge of the screen, but why you can’t look up or down remains a mystery to me. So we have the pleasure of observing the moon only in reflection... In the swamp.

In the lower right corner of the screen there is a panel with several buttons - the top row is responsible for opening the inventory, character, skills, guild (only in multiplayer) and map windows. On the right edge there is a button for calling up settings - there you can also exit the game or the current mission.

On the same panel there is a red life bar and a blue one, indicating the level of magical energy, which is called here. by force. Below them is an indicator of the experience you have gained. To the left of the life bar is a semicircle of buttons for quickly switching to the combat skills you most often use, to the right of the strength bar - to magic ones.

In the upper right corner a mini-map flickers comfortably, in the upper left there is a small panel with your name and bars of life and strength, as well as three squares on which active effects “hanging” on you are displayed - both positive and quite the opposite. If you have friends next to you, you will see panels corresponding to them, by clicking on which you can contact one or another partner.

That's probably all that can be said about the game's controls.

Birth of a Hero

The first step in almost any role-playing game is to decide who we are and what we are. That is, to put it simply, create a character from existing components. The set of components, frankly speaking, is small - nothing like TES IV: Oblivion or Neverwinter Nights 2. Four types of faces, four skin colors, six hair color options and five hairstyles, one of which is bald. But, of course, first of all we choose the gender and race of the hero.

Eh, why not the Moriya mines?

The main races of Nelve - humans, elves, goblins and trolls - were once enemies, but later learned to coexist and formed alliances. In most countries one of the races dominates, but in some all four coexist more or less peacefully.

People very similar to their “relatives” from our world. They are equally skilled in magic and in the use of weapons, they quickly adapt to everything and learn just as quickly.

Elves, fragile and short, by nature they have remarkable abilities for magic and are excellent at handling a bow.

Trolls- huge, muscular creatures with extraordinary strength and impressive jaws. Without a doubt, the best fighters in all of Nelva.

Goblins. Small and green - that's just about them. Their apparent weakness is compensated by incredible dexterity and sharp mind. With technology, goblins are exclusively at your disposal.

In fact, to be honest, you have to be guided mainly by your own aesthetic preferences, because the initial characteristics of any character are the same. Only racial skills matter, but more on them below.

Character development and skills

The role-playing system in the game is simple. We have four main characteristics: strength, agility, endurance and intelligence. Strength, as you might guess, determines how powerful our attacks will be in close combat. Stamina affects the amount of health, and intelligence affects the amount of magical energy, or strength. And finally, the higher the dexterity, the more painfully our arrows, crossbow bolts and bullets bite. We also have resistance to spells of the elements of fire, cold, air and black magic. These indicators can be modified using armor, which, like weapons, comes in four types: ordinary (gray), good quality (yellow), excellent quality (green) and, finally, elite (blue).

For each monster killed or task completed, we gain experience. When the amount of experience reaches a certain point, insight descends on us, that is, the next level. As you can see, the system is quite classic. With each level we gain four stat points and four skill points. They give us the opportunity to make the character stronger and sharper.

While Silverfall does level up surprisingly quickly, there are never too many skill points. Therefore, it is worth deciding from the very beginning who we will make of our hero: what weapon he will fight, if any, and what magic he will choose for himself - black, light or elemental. Although with magic everything is somewhat simpler - no one bothers you to learn a couple of spells from here and there, depending on your taste. We are not given any restrictions in this regard; there are no classes in the game. A “spontaneous” magician is quite capable of learning to call upon a white, transparent and very, very evil ghost to help himself. And a black magician can master a healing or resurrection spell. The latter, however, is a must if you prefer co-op playthrough: an experienced necromancer, of course, will easily raise an untimely dead friend, but why the hell do we need another zombie?.. However, I’m kidding - the game doesn’t provide such an opportunity, so it’s better learn the resurrection skill.

By the way, about death: If you suffer a sudden death in the game, don’t be upset - you will be resurrected in the nearest town. You’ll just have to run in what your mother gave birth to to the resting place - to get your little things. And if you complete the task of the insurance agent of the goblin Lilithip, then you won’t have to - for a round sum of gold, all your belongings will be returned to you immediately. This Lilithip also works as a bank safe - although things in the game have no weight, the inventory capacity is very limited, so you can put the excess in storage.

With martial artists, however, things are a little more complicated. It is better to immediately decide what we will wield: a sword or a bow. Well, either a crossbow or a firearm - these are trifles. The main thing is what we need more: strength or dexterity. With endurance, everything is already clear - good health has never been a hindrance to any hero. With intelligence too: magicians develop it first of all, others - at their own discretion. Although I am of the opinion that a couple of spells up your sleeve is an extremely useful and necessary thing.

There are an incredible number of skills in Silverfall, which, on the one hand, is, of course, good, since it provides ample opportunities for developing a wide variety of characters, and on the other hand, it’s not a sin to get confused in them. For convenience, all skills are divided into three main groups - combat, magic, and those that do not fall into any of these categories and are meaningfully recommended by “others” - in each of which there are three subgroups.



Master of small arms- increases the effectiveness of using one-handed weapons.

Master of heavy weapons- increases the effectiveness of using two-handed weapons.

Hand to hand combat- a basic attack that passively improves all melee skills.

Berserker- a powerful melee attack that damages armor.

Berserker charge- increases the attack power of an enemy located at a distance from you. This skill works if you have the Berserk skill active.

Circular attack- you deal damage to all enemies that surround you. This skill can only be used if you are using a two-handed weapon.

Counterattack- the attack following the parry will be more powerful, and the enemy will not be able to seize the initiative from you. The skill is active when the “Defensive Stance” skill is activated,

Critical knowledge- provides a greater chance of landing a critical hit. Only works if you are using a one-handed weapon.

Defensive stance- you attack from a defensive position at the cost of reducing attack power.

Double attack- a powerful attack that hits the target twice. Only works if you are using a one-handed weapon.

Master of hand weapons - increases the effectiveness of hand-to-hand combat.

Knock down- a blow that knocks the enemy down and makes him vulnerable for some time. This skill only works if you have the Berserk skill active.

Smash- a powerful blow that temporarily renders the enemy's armor unusable. Only works if you have activated the Defensive Stance skill.

Volley of punches- you deal five strong blows to the enemy. Only works if you use your fists.

The art of stun (Stun knowledge)- gives a chance to stun the enemy. Only works if you are using a two-handed weapon.

Knowledge of injuring attack - increases the chances of injuring the enemy. Only works if you are a fan of hand-to-hand combat.

distant battle

Aiming stance- you shoot from an aiming position.

Weakening shot- a special blow that lowers the enemy's characteristics. Only works if you are using a firearm.

Long-range shot- a shot with a large damage radius. The skill also increases all shooting skills.

Master of bow and arrow- increases the efficiency of archery.

Master of crossbow- increases the efficiency of crossbow shooting.

Element shot- a magic shot that strikes without missing.

Explosive quarrel- when fired, there is a chance to cause an explosion and injure all opponents around you. Only works if you are using a crossbow.

Rapid fire- a blow with a larger than usual radius of destruction, causing fire damage.

Master of firearms- increases the effectiveness of firearms.

Disabling arrow- the shot slows down the enemy. Only works if you are using a bow and arrow.

Multiple shots- the shot hits several targets at the same time.

Destabilizing quarrel- a sneaky blow that knocks the enemy down. Only works if you are using a crossbow.

Stun shot- gives a chance to stun the enemy. Only works if you are using a firearm.

Wounding arrow- gives a greater chance of injuring the enemy. Only works if you have a bow in your hands.

Head shot- your arrows fly far and bite painfully. Each attack deals critical damage. Only works if you are standing in an aiming position.

Reflex shot- works only from the “Rapid Fire” position. Increases the speed at which you hit nearby enemies.


Master of parrying- only works if you are using melee combat or a defensive stance.

Rapid missiles- increases the speed of an arrow or bullet.

Master of dodging- increases the chance to evade an enemy attack.

Armor penetration- melee attacks and shots damage part of the enemy’s armor.

Reflexes- Increases the chance to dodge or parry, but also the chance of being seriously wounded.

Master of critical blows- increases the chance of landing a critical hit.

Master of armor- increases the effectiveness of wearing armor.

Deadly weapons- increases the effectiveness of any weapon.

Speed- increases your movement speed.

Poisoned weapons- weapons acquire poisonous properties

Concentrated poison- increases the chance of poisoning the enemy and the period of action of the poison.

Rust (Corrosive poison)- poison eats away armor.

Weakening poison- poison slows down the enemy, reduces his strength and agility.

Endurance- gives you a chance to resist stunning, wounding, poisoning and knockdown attacks.

Glimpse- increases the chance of finding magic items.


Elemental magic

Element projectiles- you shoot one or more balls of pure energy. Passively increases the duration of all elemental spells and the cost of magical energy for them.

Fire blood- the target receives fire damage, and your resistance to fire increases.

Fireball- a clot of fire that causes considerable damage.

Combustion- sets the enemy on fire.

Fire rain- meteor shower hitting the area.

Ice ball- causes little harm, but it has the ability to freeze the enemy. An extremely useful skill, especially in combination with marksmanship skills. Immobilize the reptile - and fire at him to your heart's content.

Cold ring- the ground around you is covered with frost, at the same time freezing all enemies within the radius of action of this spell. It also does little harm, but if you are surrounded, that’s it.

Ice crown- increases resistance to cold, and also freezes everyone who attacks you nearby.

Tornado- summons a tornado on the heads of your enemies, which slows them down and causes serious damage.

Lightning- electric chair in miniature.

Wind spell- increases air resistance and spell casting speed.

Shock wave- the same electric chair, only mass.

Shock- another lightning bolt, which, however, deals more damage and slows down the enemy for a short time.

Applied spells- a skill that increases the chance of causing critical damage with elemental spells.

Servant- calls an elemental to help you.

Master of elements- increases damage from elemental spells.

Magic of light

Rapid healing- reduces the casting time of healing spells.

Healing- restores your life.

Master of healing- increases the power of the healing spell, as well as its cost in units of power.

Rapid recovery- increases the speed of natural health recovery.

Power regeneration- increases the rate of natural strength recovery.

Pure light- passively increases the effect of healing spells.

Resurrection- resurrects an ally. There is no way to do without this skill.

Applied healing- gives a chance to double the effect of a healing spell.

Sacred shield- passively increases overall defense and adds protection against black magic to it.

Superior benediction- passively increases attributes and adds protection from black magic.

Fervent prayer- passively increases the duration of the Illumination spell.

Illumination- increases the damage you deal and protects against black magic.

Reverend's prayer- the effect of “Illumination” descends on everyone around you.

Serenity- after the battle, you freeze for a short time like an idol, while your health and strength are restored at a significant speed.

Life absorption- you heal allies by draining life from the enemy.

Transmutation- if after a battle, for example, your health bar is full, then the speed of strength recovery increases. And vice versa.

Black magic

Abomination - summons an undead servant.

Amplified curses- increases the duration of all curses.

Master of death - increases damage from all black magic spells.

Infection (Contagion)- Cursed enemies “transfer” the curse to all enemies who are near them.

Very nice, God!

Shadow rage- you shoot several clots of darkness, causing damage to enemies.

Education - Increases your undead servant's combat skills.

Element curse- a powerful curse that reduces the target's resistance to elemental magic spells. If this resistance drops to zero or even lower, the damage from elemental spells will be even greater.

After-life- increases the abilities of lost souls.

Life drain - The spell drains life from the target.

Lost weapon- causes an aggressive ghost.

Master of necromancy- increases the effectiveness of your black magic spells.

Power leak - lowers the enemy's intelligence and prevents him from casting spells.

Putrefaction - lowers enemy defense.

Reconstitution - Increases your undead servant's ability to drain life.

Damned pact- turns you into a Shadow. You gain vulnerability to light magic spells, but black magic cannot harm you. The skill increases defense, but reduces resistance to elemental spells. All your attacks deal additional black magic damage.

Vampire hit- your blows and black magic spells additionally drain a little life from the enemy.


Be sure to pay attention to this list when choosing a race for your character.

Racial (human)

Inspiration - this skill, when activated, makes your spells more powerful.

Toughness - reduces the likelihood that your attack will be interrupted at the most inopportune moment.

Knowledge - All spells now cost less power points.

Invoker - increases the power of your summoning spells.

Tenacity - increases the possibility of delivering two decisive blows in a row.

Racial (troll)

Fury - increases attack speed and damage dealt.

Butcher - increases damage dealt in melee combat.

Troll strength - increases strength.

Terrifying sight - increases the chance of hitting the target.

Channeled strength - Increases damage dealt when using force.

Racial (elf)

Affinity with magic - makes it possible to weave a spell without spending magical energy on it.

Rigidity (Inflexible) - increases resistance to black magic.

Meditation - your first blow in a fight will be more powerful.

Amplification - passively increases damage from elemental spells.

Agility - increases the chances of dodging and delivering a decisive blow.

Racial (goblin)

Powder son - Increases accuracy and damage dealt by firearms.

Resistance to spells - increases magic resistance.

Thick skin - improves your endurance.

Evolved armor - improves your armor.

Elusive - increases the chance to evade attacks and movement speed.

And you may not get the next two lines of skills at your disposal - if you are not firm in your convictions. Your character has a loyalty scale, which shows in percentage how much you lean towards one or the other point of view, which is closer to you: nature or technology. We’ll talk about how to win the sympathy of both sides in the walkthrough, but it’s important to know here that none of these skills are available either initially or with level up; they all require a certain “percentage of conviction.” And as soon as you leave the chosen path, they will immediately become inaccessible. However, by completing the appropriate tasks, you can always regain what you have lost.


Acid Blood- your blood, turning into acid, injures enemies attacking you in close combat.

Ancestral power - the spirits of your ancestors grant you magical powers for some time.

Master Druid - Passively increases the duration of your Lycanthropy, Purification, Ancestral Power, and Nature's Aid spells. Also passively reduces the power point cost of all natural spells.

Protective bark - temporarily increases resistance to elemental magic and poison.

Rust - deals direct damage to the enemy. The spell is especially effective against mechanical enemies.

Survival - a natural instinct that gives you a chance to ignore damage from a weapon or spell.

Lycanthropy - you temporarily turn into a beast.

Swarm (Swarm) - Summons a swarm of stinging insects at your enemies.

Nature’s help - Summons an angry animal.

Wild marks - increase strength and agility.


Shield - erects a shield around you that reflects any projectiles.

Steam jets - a stream of steam shoots out and damages your enemies up to five times.

Implants - implants that increase endurance and intelligence.

Magnetic shield - passively absorbs some of the damage done to you.

Master engineer - passively increases the duration of the spells “Overload”, “Shield”, “Mechanical Slave”. Also passively reduces the power point cost of all tech spells.

Mechanical slave - calls a robot to help you.

Neural modification - Passively increases the effectiveness of evasion and parry.

Overload - Temporarily increases attack speed and damage dealt.

Power siphon - Steals power points from an enemy five times.

Radiation - The infected enemy and his immediate neighbors systematically lose health for some damage.

Hand in hand

If you're entrusting your life to someone, it's a good idea to know who you're dealing with, right? Let's take a closer look at our faithful companions - some of them, by the way, are hiding secrets of a very dubious nature.

Alina Fire Whirlwind, elven sorceress

Brave to the point of recklessness, Alina goes through life with a smile and a spell on her lips. She was born in the elven valley of Selimir, which was practically untouched by the turmoil that befell Nelve, and this is probably why her disposition is light and cheerful. Possessing an innate talent for the occult sciences, a passion for pyrotechnic tricks and theatrical effects, she chose fire magic for herself. Natural curiosity prompted her to leave Selimir with the goal of becoming a student in one of the elemental temples.

You should definitely take Alina onto your team - and as soon as you meet. The usefulness of this powerful sorceress, who effortlessly unleashes thunder, lightning and meteor showers on her enemies, cannot be overestimated. True, the elf also requires a lot of care - make sure that particularly cunning enemies do not trample her.

Ser Gort, troll warrior

Ser Gort belongs to the military elite of Tuchedel. These valiant warriors, defenders of the Federation, defend its borders and fight opposition. Gort, a veteran of many expansionist wars, was appointed commander of the personal guard of Lord Urdo, the ruler of the city. Gort went to great lengths to get this position until he was appointed head of a border monastery where nothing happens at all. He just can't stand inaction...

The troll is also a welcome companion on any dangerous journey. This is a real armored vehicle, he is not afraid of anything at all. During all the time I worked with Gort, he died for me only once - and then by accident.

Drilipilim, goblin healer

She prefers to be called simply Dril (hm, the girl is understandable). Child of a democratic goblin society. Growing up in a poor family, she passed exams to become a financial engineer and received a diploma in several disciplines. Having a degree, she intends to become an independent mechanchemist (that is, to produce potions and implants), but she has one problem - money. To open your own pharmacy, you need considerable investment. After working for several months at the prestigious Hilip, Hilip and Sons workshop, the ambitious goblin lost her patience. Young, talented and motivated people can ultimately make a fortune in faster ways. So Dril went in search of adventure... and treasure.

As a healer, Dril is not bad, but she is of little use in battle. It’s useless to put weapons in her hands; she doesn’t know how to use them anyway. Support fighter - and nothing more.

Tanya Planel, shooter

The girl Tanya, nicknamed Thunder, is an expert in firearms. The only daughter of Tuchedelje, a well-known gunsmith throughout the Federation, she grew up surrounded by muskets and barrels of gunpowder. When her father died in a laboratory accident, the girl inherited the family business, but her competitors were not at all happy about this, and they took action. Having gone broke, Tanya became an adventurer, traveling the world in search of something to point a gun at. Having accomplished several feats, she earned a fair amount of money, but she is not interested in gold. Tanya suffers from constant bouts of melancholy and has lost the meaning of life, which is why she is looking for tricky troubles for her pretty little head - in order to continue to improve.

Tanya really shoots well - but, firstly, she is not as good in battle as she would like, and secondly, she has a bad habit of often dying. At the first opportunity, replace her with someone stronger - Alina, for example.

You can only take two friends with you, the rest will wait in a safe place. If you forgot where you left your faithful companion, it doesn’t matter. Use the local teleportation system to transport yourself to a city, and you can be sure that your partner will be found somewhere nearby. The same trick will work if one of them, more than expected, dies - after an instant movement, the carcass hanging lifelessly in the air will be next to you. If you are completely unable to teleport anywhere, but you don’t remember when and where your companion fell, that’s also not a problem. Run forward and watch your step...

When you join, your teammates automatically become the same level as you, and they gain these levels together with you. You can equip them at your discretion - just keep in mind that you have one inventory for everyone! - but you do not have the opportunity to manage their development and education. However, no special nonsense was noted here either - the guys are developing exactly the skills that they need.

Along the way, you will meet several more who want to temporarily share the hardships of wandering with you - we will talk about them in the walkthrough - but they are not nearly as expressive and interesting as these four. Random fellow travelers, nothing more...


We start in the role of the archmage of the entire kingdom and immediately, by the will of the creators of the game, we find ourselves in the thick of battle - apparently, to make it easier to get used to the role. The city is burning, bridges are collapsing, someone is screaming in horror, someone is already being chewed up by disgusting zombie trolls... Idyll, one word. Before we have time to leave the temple and look around, a delegation of the local population immediately runs up, led by our offspring, and immediately stuns us with the age-old questions: “who is to blame?” and “what should I do?” In a fatherly tone, reassure the poor fellows, order them to gather the survivors and send them to the nearest swamp - the ruins there will make a good shelter. Well, you, they say, will try to save whoever you can at this time, cover their retreat and at the same time find and strangle the bastard who started the whole mess.

Don’t worry, the character you lovingly created has not gone away - he, apparently, at this time, along with other refugees, is fleeing towards the swamp. It will be returned to us later. In the meantime, there is time to get used to it. The archmage who has come under our control is wise, well-equipped, and has a couple of very good spells. In short, the enemy is not weak. Run around the city, admire the local beauty, practice on trolls, although there is no point in getting carried away with the latter - the experience from them, which, however, is logical, will not count towards you later. Following the direction indicated by the arrow on the mini-map, you will sooner or later stumble upon a winged creature named Zruul - it commands here. After exchanging pleasantries, you begin to fight, and then something strange happens. Another lightning strikes from the sky, the enemy falls to the ground in writhing, and a strange purple thread stretches between you... Zruul incredulously states that it seems to be the end for him, vengefully promises to return and show everyone, and then we are transported many miles from Silverfall - to a refugee camp. The prologue is over and the game itself begins.

Hunting the Undead

With a confident gait we approach the son of the brave archmage. He will cry a little about how bad everything is: the city is destroyed, his father is missing, it is not clear what is happening. The young man asks to find his father. Agree, he is not a stranger to you either - a teacher, after all. At the same time, promise to thin out the zombie population around the camp a little, otherwise people are getting nervous. Ten is enough.

It is important: when we are given something - a reward for a completed task, for example - the item does not automatically appear in our backpack, we have to pick it up from the floor. What a bad habit, honestly, to throw everything on the floor!

When we return victorious, Kaaron will first give us some money and offer to rest and replenish our supplies. Then, sniffling, he will report that there is a shortage of many necessary things in the camp. In general, wouldn’t we agree to run to the nearest elven settlements and ask for material support? Nothing is given for free in this life, so in exchange Kaaron offers to give away what he managed to save from the ruins of the city.

Upon closer inspection, those settlements turn out to be far, oh-so to the south, but you have to go where to go. The leader of the elves, Oliyar, having seen our credentials and listened to the heartbreaking story, gains confidence in us and agrees to make an exchange. True, he immediately asks for a favor - to get rid of the necrophage (what kind of evil spirits is this? Judging by the name, it feeds on carrion...), kindly marking its location on the map.

After killing the vile creature, return to the refugee camp - Kaaron will tell us a lot of kind words, give us some gold and again complain about life. The number of undead in the surrounding area is growing, the guards are unable to cope with their attacks, isn’t it time to uproot this weed once and for all? Moreover, the root seemed to have been discovered - flooded ruins in the southwest. The bread of the savior of the fatherland tastes bitter. Taking a deep breath, we hit the road...

A zombie captain is discovered in the ruins (I wonder how we determined his rank? Stripes on his body or uniform?). Grabbing the reptile by the collar, we shake him thoroughly and ask: who is he, where is he from, what is happening, why was the capital destroyed? He, however, will not report anything particularly intelligible: he is, they say, nothing more than a blind tool in the hands of a certain master, and the Deadly Shadow is already spreading from Tuchedel... Yes, our report to Kaaron will be vague. The owner who destroyed Silverfall is in the east - looking for something in the mines of Tuchedel. That's all we managed to get out of the zombies. The archmage's son shakes his head with concern: what does this master want in the mines of crystalline coal? But, be that as it may, we are going to Tuchedelje, and Kaaron will join us a little later.

Where the earth is red as blood...

There seems to be a martial law in Tuchedelje: all the doors are locked, half the shops are closed... The guard of the lower gate informs us that the goblins have barricaded themselves in the lower town and are not letting anyone in - even Nekol, the local bootlegger and big shot, cannot get through. Nekol, in response to our questions, gives out a bottle of greenish liquid and orders it to be delivered to Sergeant Nobu - he is in charge there. They also give us a key to the gate. Forward - into the sewer! There is no other way.

“Stand still and keep your hands in sight!” - The sergeant greets us warmly. Wave a bottle in front of his nose and tell him that the person responsible for the fall of Silverfall is hiding in the upper city - Nob will immediately become kinder. But getting into the upper city is nevertheless impossible while the goblin revolt continues. The sergeant is confident that the order of the city ruler, Lord Kiara Urdo, will calm the hot goblin heads. We are tasked with delivering a letter to a certain Birnard, the leader of the uprising. Birnard calls us a strikebreaker and a hired killer, but does not order us to be killed on the spot. Smart... First question, then shoot. Give him a letter from Lord Urdo. Birnard breaks into a satisfied smile - all the demands of the rebels will be satisfied. Somehow even suspicious. Make a face like a brick - I don’t know anything, that’s what they told me, I actually work here as a postman - otherwise they might hit you. In any case, the uprising is over. You can return to Nobu. A satisfied sergeant will give us gold and a pass to the upper city, and will also advise us to contact the ruler - if the one we are looking for is really in the vicinity of Tuchedel, the lord will certainly know about it.

As soon as we take the elevator, Kaaron will say that the merchants saw the archmage in the city - however, there is one strange thing: an aura of malice and danger emanated from him. This is a new misfortune...

Lord Kiar will greet us with a fanged troll smile - of course, we crushed the uprising. Sprinkling pleasantries, his lordship will advise starting the search for the archmage by investigating the following case: a certain Lady Zokor (wasn’t it her guards we killed in one of the side quests?) has been behaving extremely unusually for some time now, so much so that even her relatives do not recognize her. The Lord believes that all this is somehow connected with the disappearance of the archmage and the shadow that the late zombie captain mentioned. It's a tiny thread, but that's all we have.

Be careful, Lady Zokor's palace is huge and swarming with guards!

This is the advice: run to the lady as soon as possible without being distracted by the fight - after talking with her, the guards will stop attacking us.

The lady herself turned out to be a very well-fed troll with a clouded look. Someone has really messed with her mind. But a couple of blows and the lady will come to her senses a little. According to her story, a certain magician from Silverfall came to her and expressed interest in supplying crystalline coal. As a result of negotiations, the parties came to an amicable agreement and, as a sign of the conclusion of the deal, according to local custom, exchanged a kiss. After that, the lady didn’t remember anything. Interesting... Who is it that so shamelessly turns the heads of young girls?

Having outlined the situation, Lady Zokor becomes alarmed and rushes to write an explanatory note to Lord Kiara. We are very clearly pushed out the door. Well, to hell with her, with this business lady. From the ruler we learn that Kaaron rushed to the Machine Makers Guild - its tower in the lower part of the city - according to rumors, his father was seen there. Damn fool... The Archmage is clearly not the same as before; Kaaron should not have acted so rashly. We'll have to help out!

It’s not so easy to get into the tower we need - we need a code. And in general, it can only be opened by the architect who built it. But he fled, pursued by evil spirits, and is probably dead at this moment. A goblin with the cute nickname Gawker will tell us about this.

Architect Globuk, however, is alive and did not run far. Kill the zombie trolls around him and send the poor fellow to Sergeant Nobu - let the city militia guard him. In gratitude, the goblin will share the key.

The guild tower is a labyrinth full of all kinds of robots. Um, are you still a supporter of progress?..

Attention, now you will meet the Deadly Shadow! Or... Well, yes, I feel sorry for the guy.

When it's all over, a stranger will run up to us and tell us that Chalnuk (remember him?) is waiting for us in Silverfall - and as soon as possible. With a heavy heart, we return to our hometown... Chalnuk has to tell us that all the water sources in the area have been poisoned by the invaders. Only living water, which only the Druids know about, can save the situation. Maybe talk to Salma? No, you still have to go to the Druids of Guyana.

Through the valleys and over the hills...

The Druids were clearly not happy with our visit, but they promised help. True, you will have to run for living water. Previously, its source came to the surface, but people came and ruined everything. As always, however. Now only in the tunnels guarded by beast people can life-giving moisture be found. Then it must be brought to the four supreme druids of Guyana for blessing. And then, if we behave well, they will think about our proposal.

The beast people, believe it or not, are not happy to see us either. Yes, and we are not delighted - but who asks us? The hero's opinion is never taken into account. The venerable assembly wants more than anything to immediately bite the uninvited visitors, but the khan, impressed by our courage and determination (or impudence?), prefers to listen. And since we have nothing to repay for the water, he proposes a duel. He shouldn't have done it. We will win anyway, but judging by the angry growls of the other advisers, he will be overthrown in no more than a month...

Upon returning to Guyan, we will witness an attack by the elves. The High Druids, in a panic, ask us to save the seeds of the sacred tree. Well, a favor for a favor. But that is not all! While they are blessing us with some water, we must kill the exiled prince Dalaen, who sent troops to Guyan. By the way, the Druids will also say that the restless late archmage left a legacy here too. And just when I had time...

Are you okay with a little elven genocide? Then go north!

Elven Hospitality

I take my words back - it will be quite a genocide. They also claim that elves are a dying race. Prince Dalaen flies on a huge eagle, and first you will have to hurry, and then beat him seriously. Pressed to the nail, Dalaen admits that the Shadow came to him and promised him invincibility. We have already disappointed him in this, but why did the Shadow order to attack Gayan? His rebellious Highness, as it turned out, was promised the Guyanese lands for full possession, but death would prevent him from completing the story. Again, complete ambiguity.

As soon as Dalaen gives up the ghost, everything will float before our eyes and appear... who do you think? Kaaron! Well, not exactly him. A former friend will try to persuade us to join his master, but we will be as hard as stone. Eh, an apple from an apple tree... First the father, now the son.

There was no boredom in Silverfall during our absence either. The king of Egreida himself, together with his family, intended to arrive in the capital in order to support his subjects, but on the way he was attacked by bandits on a flying ship. According to the only surviving eyewitness, Lieutenant Glardo, the scoundrels killed the king and kidnapped Princess Ilina along with the crown of Egreid. I wonder what they need more: a princess or a crown? Be that as it may, everyone must be saved. Otherwise, our long-suffering country faces a civil war. We'll have to pay a visit to the necrobandits... Glardo just promised to find out the way.

On North

Smugglers can give us a lift to Silvery Bay, or we can get there on our own two feet. The first path is shorter, the second is safer. Choose. In the city we need to find Siriaz Snaketongue, he must know something. By the way, for better or worse, in the absence of the princess we were appointed regent of Egreid. For merit. The pleasure is dubious, but honorable.

The Silver Bay is besieged by an entire army of necroscoundrels. Their leader threatens to break a couple of our limbs unless we donate all our belongings to him. He ran away... We'd better break something for him.

Siriyaz warily asks what we want: a mechanical arm? Eye? Or maybe a rib cage? Thank you, of course, but for now we’ll make do with our own, natural ones. Let's ask him about the princess. How much did he say for the information? Ten thousand? What a grabber. But there is no way out, you have to pay. If only we, in addition to the regency, were given gold according to our rank...

The princess, along with the crown, was dragged all the way to Solitude - to the very north, to the native lands of the necrobandits. Or rather, into a necrobandit airship. To get inside this truly gigantic ship, you will have to fight your way through the laboratory. The main difficulty in the laboratory is the pitch darkness. You can't see anything, but, fortunately, the map correctly indicates the enemies.

What a dear, just Sugar Medovich... Now I’m melting.

Captain Cryar is waiting for us in the airship. He will invite us to participate in a very interesting experiment - not that he particularly asks for our consent. At the most interesting moment, we will be impolitely distracted... and when we deal with the giant necrobandit, our partners will already be roasting the polite captain’s heels. Just not to death! This rascal has not yet admitted where her highness went!

According to an already established bad habit, Cryar died without finishing his sentence. But from his weakened paws a piece of a map fell out - a cemetery, the grave of a certain Iznakhel. History buffs already know that this is the progenitor of the necrobandit race. To enter his tomb, you need a tablet found in the garrison nearby.

Upon entering the tomb, we will receive greetings from Khaaron. Nothing interesting, so feel free to tell the messenger: “Go away!” He won't go far, though...

In the end, we will find an annoying messenger (it turned out to be Iznakhel himself), and next to him is a princess engulfed in scarlet flame. We will be asked to surrender. Even twice. Don't give in - how can you trust someone who treats a girl like that? Well, first we were attacked by the drugged princess, then by the necromancer himself. It makes no sense to his cold... spirit - only half-decayed notes about some Scarlet Dawn Society. From them we learn that the one who created the Deadly Shadow in ancient times did not forget about the method of its destruction - the Black Crystal. And it is located in the Duchy of Stilite, in the hands of the descendants of the knight who founded this state centuries ago.

Among the eternal ice

Eternal winter reigns in Stilaite. It is not surprising that Duchess Olinia is in such a gloomy mood. Well, to be precise, that’s not the only reason. Our regalia makes an impression on her, and her ladyship, opening up, said that her only son and heir was dying of an incurable disease - he had only a few days to live. As for the crystal, okay, so be it, we can take it, but only if we save the Stilite dynasty from extinction. What's it like? To do this, you need to get the illegitimate offspring of a high-ranking family, who is barely two years old. Her merciful ladyship recently kicked the bastard’s mother out of the city, and the poor thing was sheltered by the hermit Hob.

The hermit shakes his head and advises asking the mother where her child is - did you think the child was there? He was kidnapped by the Lozruns, the ice fairies, and dragged into their lair. Kill the king of the Lozrunes and you will be surprised at the results.

Take Ilio to the Duchess and she will tell you where the crystal is. Well, yes, of course, not in the castle. In the ancestral crypt of the Stilites, teeming with undead, he is much safer.

In the tomb we will meet Harois of Stilaite himself, the founder of the dynasty - that is, with his spirit, of course. A knight who died six hundred years ago, having weaved seven barrels of prisoners, gives us permission to take his stone... but before we even have time to take a step towards the tomb, Kaaron will get to the bottom of us. He's itching. However, this time we have something to answer. Poke the crystal at him, and our friend will finally come to his senses. Not for long, really.

A new player appears on the scene, the Dark King. We will ignore the ridicule, but with what joy does Garois talk to him as if he were an old acquaintance? And he even calls him by name. It seems that there were three of them in this Scarlet Dawn Society - but the third, Loriza, did not survive to this day, even as a ghost. Having chatted nicely with a friend, Garois stuns us with the prospect of another adventure. That's the task for all the tasks: go to the city of magic Blasis and fight there with the god of destruction in his deep kingdom. Why not drain the sea? And it will be easier...

Upon returning to Steeleite, we discover that the city has been attacked by druids and beastmen. We'll have to go south and kill their pet animal. And why did they want to attack Stilite? When we finally find out “what,” we are taken aback: it turns out that the creature sensed the damned Shadow and came to kill it. The Supreme Four vying with each other claim that it is our body that has been taken over by this muck. Hmm, I don’t know... There don’t seem to be any extraneous voices whispering in my head. And in general, we have a stone here with this Shadow...

The Druids, scratching their heads, admit that they got carried away and ask for forgiveness. Ask the Duchess, comedians, you ruined half of her state.

Secret paths

All the leads lead to Blasis, so let's go there. But you can’t just get into the city, we’ll give you a fair amount of rounds. There is a passage in the eastern mountain range of Stilite - we go there, climb the mountain and look for the entrance to the underworld. Immediately upon entering, the goblin Xilipp rushes towards us and begs for help. He was attacked by a dozen creatures. Let's kill them and ask, as a return favor, to show us the way to the underground kingdom of the gnomes - Koroziom. Xilipp hesitates, huddles, then finally reveals that his brother Clearix knows the way, but he will soon be eaten, and in general they are both captives of underground insects. And then these strangers, that is, we, appeared just in time... The result is clear. Having introduced ourselves in passing, we rush to the brothers’ rescue.

Klirix does not expect to escape - a huge larva, dreaming of dining on them, is already on its way. But we have a knight Gort on our team - he eats such larvae for breakfast every day... The former larval snack makes an appointment for us in the goblin village of Dripp and runs away - I wonder how he intends to break through the hordes of enemies? At least he didn’t ask us to help.

There is a merchant in Dripp, which is not bad at all. The goblin brothers, having complained about some completely crazy adventurers, showed the path to the dwarven kingdom, but warned that they were even crazier than ours and in general were no longer quite dwarves, but half insects. Mutants.

The gnomes are indeed kind of non-classical, with wings, but polite: first they asked “where are you going”, then they started beating. It's your own fault. Then the road is straight. Looking at the dazzling white arch, I hoped that we would now emerge into the daylight, but that was not the case.

So, Korozioma Palace. We will meet here with another old acquaintance - Zruul - and in the plural. So is this a name, a position, or just such a creature?.. Get ready for a very difficult fight - there are a staggering number of gnomes in the palace, and they bite extremely painfully. In the end, after running through many halls and sliding doors, we find ourselves in the face of the Dark King. Wow, he’s mannered... “You won’t pass!” - we answer no less pathetically, after which the villain disappears into the portal, leaving us with the guard as a souvenir. After the knights of darkness are laid to rest, we jump into the portal.

And I warned you - to get to Blasis, you need a fair detour... Yes, yes, that’s where we end up. This island is a gloomy place - dark scarlet earth, amber sky and rivers of lava. I’m curious, is the weather always so optimistic here, or is it just in honor of the invasion? The allies that Chalnuk promised to gather are already waiting for us nearby. Well, their number is not impressive... The city itself desperately resembles our native Silverfall - only on lava. And when did they manage to evacuate all the residents? The dwarven king undoubtedly settled in the temple - a place where the power of the elements was concentrated. We will, however, get there a little late: the creeping reptile has already managed to call his master - Nothing - to the temple and burst from the fullness of feelings. Well, let's see if this god knows how to die...

“You have proven yourself to be a real hero,” Chalnuk will tell us. - Your Majesty...

This is interesting: after the final video, you can start the game again - just select your well-fed, experienced character in the main menu and press “Start”. We will immediately be transported to a refugee camp, and the story will again roll along the well-trodden rut. All skills, things, level and even partners will remain with us. And even the map will be open - only the marks on it will disappear.

In passing...

But besides the main storyline, we will find something to entertain ourselves in the world of Nelve. After all, there are still a fair amount of tasty and fun additional tasks. Sometimes they loom right under our noses, and sometimes you stumble upon them in the most unexpected places.

Refugee camp

The troll girl named Morka Dobraya seems to have lost her mind a little, doesn’t recognize her own people and claims that she is to blame for all the disasters that have happened and the zombies are looking for her. I feel sorry for the poor guy... Promise to bring a certain Lisse to her, she will help.

When Morka regains her sanity, the trollina will offer to become your ally. By the way, she is a healer.

A trader named Chalnuk, an ardent supporter of progress, has discovered some exceptional swamp gas nearby, which he plans to use as a source of energy. It is necessary, armed with the given pump, to find three sources of gas and collect, so to speak, samples. Well, and don’t let the surrounding creatures ruin your fragile equipment. We are offered a sword as a reward.

It is important: This is one of many tasks where you have to choose - either nature or progress. The decision is yours.

After completing the task, Chalnuk will ask us to find an engineer who will build a port for airships in Silverfall. And the engineer, it turns out, is nothing less than a necrobandit! And he lives in the Tuchedel desert. Who can we unite with for the triumph of progress...

In the east, where the earth is red as blood, lie the bones of ancient animals - from which, according to the blacksmith's assistant, they make good weapons. Why not take a walk, especially since we were promised a pilot copy? To get the bones you will have to climb into the Tuchedel mine.

A local insurance agent, a goblin with the poetic name Lilithip, has lost his magic chest. Without it, there is no way he can insure our property. And insurance would not hurt - then, for a certain fee, we will be able to receive from Lilithip things lost at the scene of death. And you won't have to run. Convenient, isn't it?

The alchemist Clysier (I’m ashamed to admit, but this name reminds me a lot of clyster) threatens to brew a potion that will make us hard as a rock. And equally impenetrable, one must assume. There is only one catch - the main ingredient. Five giant spider eggs - no more, no less. Clisier himself has the guts to plunder spider lairs. Well, why not get acquainted with the local fauna...

It is important: here in the camp there is a master who, for money, can return your unsuccessfully invested skill points. It is marked on the mini-map with a purple dot.

And here is the sought-after Lisse, who turned out to be a local healer. She also has problems with ingredients. Wounded refugees are dying from an unknown disease, and the skin of a tree dragon is needed to prepare a healing potion. What is that dragon to us, when people and non-humans are dying here!.. At the same time, Lisse will agree to restore Morka’s sanity, but only if we find three red mushrooms growing nearby in the swamp.

When we bring the required skin, the healer will be terribly happy and ask us to do another good deed - to find townspeople lost in the swamps in the northeast and bring them to their camp. We won’t refuse to help our compatriots, will we? They will also give us potions.

The elf Salma (hmm, isn't she from the Wild League?) is extremely concerned that hunters are mindlessly exterminating buffalos for their horns, without thinking at all about the balance of nature. If you were touched by her fiery speech, go east, to the border with the desert (we’re still going there for the ancient bones, so what’s the difference?), and convince the buffalo exterminators to moderate their ardor. You can interrupt them, of course, it all depends on what line you choose in the conversation. Considering that we will have to exterminate these buffaloes in batches while traveling through the desert, the task looks somewhat strange.

Once you have completed what is required, Salma will immediately challenge you with her next quest - to find a shaman who will help restore Silverfall. Trees, the elf claims, grow wherever he steps. The shaman lives somewhere in the elven swamps, among the beast people. I wonder if his fellow tribesmen would like to have a bite of the handsome traveler?

Whatever they wish, by the way. But the shaman will treat us quite friendly. Naturally, a city parks specialist will not want to work for that. He will invite us to kill the necrobandits who arrived on the ship and desecrated the Altar of the Earth. What a bloodthirsty...

Tucedel Desert

At the very border, a company of goblins decided to arrange a lynching for their fellow tribesman Ratix - he, it turns out, was a werewolf and ruined their entire harvest. You are invited to act as a judge. But as soon as you start to find out the circumstances of the case in more detail, Ratix will transform and you will have to kill him.

The engineer to whom Chalnuk sent us will also be found here. The folk craftsman Sharpitk looks at the uninvited guest with some morbid interest and, hissing, offers to make us faster. It’s very kind of him, but that’s not what we actually came for. To build an airship port, Sharpitka needs his mechanical servant, and as luck would have it, he broke down.

Five pieces of humanoid bodies,ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssof of of of ofs of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of ofpo- nal

We won't give him the sword - here's another thing. You never know how many metal scraps there are in the world. Everything required is easily extracted from the goblins roaming around the area.

Not far from the necrobandit, in a small harbor, on the pier, stands the goblin Dril - the first of our possible partners. I think you won't be surprised if I say that she has problems: she has to take an exam soon, and she is not too confident in her abilities. Instead of peacefully learning the theory, the green-skinned cunning one asks us to steal tickets from the teacher. Oh, these students... To get to the tickets, you need to go upstairs to the robot factory, and to get to the top, you have to climb into the sewer. The exit from it is in the northwestern corner of the map. You'll have to do a lot of running...

There is an archaeologist standing in the city's sewers. The professor sent him there for the skull of one of the founders of the city - but bad luck, there are a lot of all kinds of hostile animals in the sewers, and the enlightened elf does not yet intend to lay down his head on the altar of science. Therefore, he is happy to offer this role to us. Not for the first time... Having received the skull, the archaeologist expresses his gratitude and makes an amusing reservation to celebrate. Hm. Either archeology is studying something completely different from what I thought, or someone is hiding something...

Goblin Patudeep on the upper pier tells us about strange bandits who shamelessly rob caravans, but never kill anyone. Something familiar appears in these principles... Well, let's look for these originals.

And here they are, by the way... Led by Tanya Pleinel. Hello, future companion, your manners are disgusting. The cute creature invites us to donate our belongings to the benefit of bankrupt gunsmiths, otherwise threatening to make a sieve out of us. No, Tanya, this is not fun at all, we’d rather have a duel... If you are an archer, you will fight with her personally, if you prefer close combat, with her friend named Big Charlie, but if your path is magic, the sorceress Etinsel will will be pleased to honor you. After you win (did anyone doubt it?), demand Tanya to disband the gang and join you.

As soon as you, squinting in the bright light, crawl out of the sewer pit, a rat catcher will approach you and offer to go back and kill a dozen wererat-blins - not for free, of course. Unfortunately, those killed before accepting the task do not count. You can complete this quest indefinitely - until the ratgoblins or your patience run out.

The goblin alchemist Garilda is found nearby. And what do you think? She will send us into the sewers again - but this time for red mushrooms for a rabbit strength potion... or a hamster, if you prefer. It sounds doubtful, but curiosity is stronger!

Another goblin, Theussa, asks us to save her caravan of goods - otherwise her business will end. Shall we feel sorry for the lady? Lead the caravan to Tuchedelje, having previously cleared the area. In the city he won't get away, but don't worry, he won't follow you into the sewer - and thank you for that.

Goblin Panix, pardon the pun, is in a panic. Just now, during a party, bandits broke into the tavern and stole his wedding rings. Panix is ​​terribly afraid that his fiancee will find out about this - because then the angry girl will break off the engagement. And yes, you guessed it - bandits are also hiding in the sewers! How come all these animals haven’t collided with their elbows yet...

Chopit complains that his workers are a little crazy - they mutter something unintelligible and shirk their work. He, the big boss, can’t afford to find out what happened to them, so he’s ready to pay us for psychological consultation. The workers, fortunately, settled nearby. Otentyp will confidentially tell us that yes, of course, they are poorly paid and treated poorly, but this is nonsense, they are familiar, but a druid recently passed through here... Here, friends, we again have to choose: nature or progress. There is no right or wrong decision, there is only your will. Will we kill the druid who is confusing the fragile minds of the workers, or will we take his side and close the factory? To get to the druid, you need to open the gate in the lower city - Birnard, the leader of the uprising, is standing right next to it - or climb the stairs near the mine.

Mangrove swamps

Dancelum, a suspicious-looking researcher (most of all he looks like a bandit, but oh well), asks us to help out the cartographer he hired, who foolishly ended up with the Mandrake fairies. In return, he offers to join us, bragging about what a great fighter he is. The body of the cartographer lies nearby - they have already bitten a little... But Dancelam will not be embarrassed by this at all.

We will also find something to do in the elven village. Elona complains that her personal altar has also been desecrated and is being used as a warehouse - the boxes, you see, have been thrown over. In general, if we want the elementals to carry building stone into our city, please teach the blasphemers a lesson. No, it is not necessary to kill, it is enough to destroy all the boxes.

Nurgol, an elf with very progressive views, will tell us that he ordered a collapsible boat for traveling through the swamps, he really wants to get out of this mossy, mired in... Hm. However, the courier was delayed for some reason. Would we be so kind as to check where he went? Well, at the same time deliver the order.

The courier, oddly enough, is alive and even demands a receipt from us. Make him happy that if he gives us the parcel right now, he can return to Tuchedelje. This prospect will make him so happy that he will give the parcel. But you still have to sign for receipt. Nurgol will greet us with open arms and immediately stare at the instructions in bewilderment. In goblin, hee hee...

Upper Tuchedelye

Troll Brock, showing us a large circular saw, says that he will supply wood to restore Silverfall if we promise to deal with the beast people who may not like it. Upon our return, a new task awaits us - Brock promises to also ensure the supply of ore to our hometown if we remove a competitor from his road. No, we won’t kill, gods forbid, we’ll just ruin it a little... The guards and the warehouse are located here, in the upper city - look for the red dots on the map.

Goblin Razia will complain that some terrorists are going to destroy her forge this night in the southeast of the lower city. Shall we help a fragile and helpless lady? The terrorists turned out to be of a “green” orientation and intend to destroy the forge in the name of nature. You can help them if you sympathize with their cause... Otherwise, hit them.

Destroyed Silverfall

The priest standing next to the temple will tell us that the sacred magic stone has been stolen. Without it, a giant waterfall could wipe out Silverfall from the face of the earth. We don't want this, do we? We'll have to go to the elven forests. The thieves live peacefully in the camp of the rebellious prince Dalaen.

A member of the city guard will tell you about the lack of people and advise you to turn to mercenaries in the vicinity of Guyana. And how, I would like to know, will we pay them? But the attempt is not torture... Although first we still have to prove to the candidates for the capital guard that we are not cut out for it.

An old friend of Lisse is worried that many residents have been poisoned by the water. They can only be cured by an extract from the poisonous gland of the Urgulls - and these creatures are found right around Guyana. We still have to hire guards there, right?

Another Gawker will complain that the town just needs a blacksmith, and if you want it, it should be Loke Iron from the harbors on the northern coast of Silvery Bay. Seven miles is not a detour for an ardent adventurer, is it? The blacksmith needs weighty arguments as an advance - in the form of ten necrobandit skulls. No problem. There are so many of these evil spirits in the area that we can carry bags of their skulls - they are still lying around idle.

A hunter standing near Chalnuk offers a reward for killing the beastmen. There is no such thing as extra money if you don’t particularly feel sorry for the animals. Another endless quest.


Another hunter offers a bounty for the giant eagles. Well, there is a lot of this stuff in the surrounding area. Give him your loot until he gets tired of it.

Portiz is hiding in the bushes. He got as drunk as a baboon and doesn't remember anything from last night. I found myself naked on the street. Shall we help a goblin who finds himself in a piquant situation? After we bring him clothes, Portiz will express a desire to join the squad. The choice is yours, but which cats should the drunken archer go for?

Alchemist Sormir asks for five runes of beast-shamans, and as a reward promises a potion that increases our IQ. Seriously, that's what he said. There are shamans in an abandoned mine - you can shoot them in an instant. But Sormir is not as simple as it seems...


At the border we come across a young elf Alina (by the way, meet another of our future companions), pursued by monsters. Let's help out the poor thing, she begs so hard that it's impossible to resist!.. Having dealt with her pursuers, we learn that Alina literally ran away from the wedding. The oppressive father wanted to marry her to an old man. What a bastard, huh?

Silver Bay

Another hunter stands near the gate and offers money. This time - for necrobrains. There probably aren't enough of our own...

The learned troll Yarnak studies the cults of primitive peoples. In particular, he is interested in the statues of elemental golems. Unfortunately for us, these statues are scattered all over the world, so be patient.

Here we come across another of our possible companions. Gort is looking for a certain necrobandit who is using a certain invention for other purposes... Well, the list of special features is not impressive. After hesitating a little, the troll reports that we are talking about an unusually effective antidote serum. The cunning necrobandit uses it as formaldehyde in his disgusting experiments, which Gort, according to the ethics of the order of mechanical knights, cannot allow. Inventions should serve for the benefit of humanity! The troll doesn’t know what the scoundrel looks like and asks to find someone who can get this information for us. Well, if you are moving forward in the story, you should already know one such smart guy. For two thousand gold, Syriaz will tell us the exact address of the would-be inventor.

Duchy of Stillite

A guy named Fero is wandering around the city, hopelessly in love with the duchess. He has completely gone crazy with love and asks us to bring him some thing that belongs to the object of our adoration - well, at least a scented handkerchief. Shall we help the unfortunate fetishist?

Another hunter offers a bounty for five ice elementals. If you are not yet tired of running after all sorts of creatures, go.

Companion Quests

Drill. When you are in Silver Bay, the goblin will tell you that she is a local native and that she has relatives here. It would be nice to see them... We will arrive just in time to disperse the necrobandits attacking the factory and witness a touching family reunion.

Tanya. When you get to the cemetery near the tomb of Iznakhel, Tanya will tell you that her father is buried here (and what should he do so far from his homeland?). Invite the girl to visit the grave. There you will find the ghost of her father and learn one unpleasant family secret.

Lord Gort And Alina Apparently, they don’t give you any tasks, but with one of them - depending on the gender of your character - you can have a small affair.

Chronicles of Nelve

Since ancient times, the inhabitants of Nelve have practiced magic. Elementalists, battle mages and necromancers learned to draw power from the universe, which allowed them to change the environment at will. In their minds, the four fundamental elements became four dragons: Aefis, the king of the air, the sylphs obey him; Frakkir, the sultan of the volcanic palace where the salamanders live; Elug, lord of the deep sea and the only beloved of the sirens; and Togon, emperor of the titans living in the bowels of the earth. Together they created the world and the creatures that inhabit it. According to legend, goblins, with their penchant for working with metal, descended from Frakkir; people, pliable and flexible, like clay, became the children of Togon. Aefis is considered the ancestor of the fleet-footed elves, while the grey-skinned trolls emerged from the depths of the lakes created by Elug.

Each race, each country, and even some cities have their own pantheons of gods and patron saints, sometimes quite numerous (for example, the warlike trolls of Tuchedel regularly canonize dead heroes thirty years old and older), but none of them knows the all-encompassing greatness of the Four Dragons.

Once upon a time, every city had a temple of elementalists, where they not only worshiped the four, but also taught magic to those capable of it. The most gifted elves became elementalists, the magical elite of Nelve. But now only two elementalist temples remain: in Silverfall, the capital of the kingdom of Egreid, and in the magical city of Blasis, on the volcanic island of Forge.

Over time, human technology improved, and peasants had more and more powerful and useful inventions at their disposal. The steam boiler, developed by the goblins, or more precisely by the master craftsman Oplymus, in 585 of the Age of Magma, marked the beginning of the industrial revolution and at the same time a new form of serfdom.

Whether for political reasons or because of a lack of resources, not all the peoples of Nelve have reached the same level of development. Some - progressive lobbyists call them "retrogrades" - have spoken out in defense of ancient traditions. As society develops, it often begins to give religion less and less influence, so it is not surprising that it was the clergy who most vehemently opposed scientific and technological progress and even science in general.

In 658 of the second Age of Magma, the terrorist movement of the Path of Nature arose, founded by an enlightened elf named Falael the Prophet, who claimed to have some divine mission entrusted to him. Supporters of this movement were not slow to be found throughout Nelva. By burning coal warehouses and killing industrial magnates, in a few years they formed an entire nation of haters of progress. In 672, in alliance with the beast people, Falael founded the so-called Wild League on the ruins of the Duchy of Stilite, on whose territory the laws of nature rule. Led by the Druids, the inhabitants of the League, deifying nature, worship the Forest Mother, also called the horned maiden or maiden of the forests.


There are all sorts of animals in Silverfall - visible and invisible: from stupid and clumsy zombie trolls to the mysterious ice fairies of Lozruns. However, it is worth dwelling in more detail on some particularly expressive subjects.

Arachnoids. Six feet of wood and steel. The pinnacle of goblin science, the arachnoid is simply built for battle. In front it has two sharp scythes, and in the place where a normal spider has a head there are spinning jagged discs. It's not easy to control this thing, but it simply cuts your enemies to ribbons.

Urgulny. They are usually called "water dragons". These are large creatures with dragon wings; Not every shield or weapon can withstand the blow of their tail with a long spike at the end. The toothy mouth is also very expressive.

Necrocannons. Imagine a humanoid creature with a gun sticking out of its stomach. A terrible sight...

Laughing goblins. Is this still a goblin or already a machine? A kind of Frankenstein's monster, assembled from the remains of representatives of larger races, but with metal joints. I couldn’t find out why this creature was so scared.

Mandrake fairies. Well, or rotting sirens, whichever you prefer. These carnivorous cuties have only one thing on their mind - food, and they consider everything that lives and breathes to be food. Their gluttony has become the talk of the town, and even the bravest of warriors speak of them with shudder. Fairies live mainly in swampy places with a humid climate.

Dark Elves. In fact, elves are protectors of nature, delicate and sensitive natures. But some of them wanted to go off the beaten path, rejected ancient customs and even changed quite a lot in appearance. Well, their aggressiveness has also increased.

Beastmen. These “children of nature” settled in the valleys and forests of Nelve and found a common language with all kinds of animals. The teachings of their shamans call for vegetarianism. The rage of the beast people is directed mostly at adherents of the technological path of development.


I consider it my duty to list them, but for some reason not all of them worked for me. So...

I- opens inventory.

WITH- open the character window.

Q- open the quest log.

S- open the skills window.

M- open the world map.

F5- transfer the healing potion to the first companion.

F6- transfer the healing potion to the second companion.

F7- give the potion of strength to the first companion.

F8- transfer the potion of strength to the second companion.

9 - drink a healing potion.

0 - drink a potion of strength.

Keys 1 , 2 , 3 And 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 are reserved for quick access to combat and magical skills, respectively.

1 2 3 All

“So, if this smart guy is very lucky, he will kill the dragon, but he himself will die in battle.” And in the spring the village children will put flowers on his grave. And if he is not very lucky, he will come out of the cave with a dragon head in his hands, satisfied and joyful. And the first words he will hear from recent enemies and yesterday’s friends will be: “Your Majesty.” Clear?

Eleonora Ratkevich, “Paradoxes of the Younger Patriarch”

Magic or technology? What would you prefer: to get within shooting distance of the enemy and, feeling the pleasant cold weight of the pistol in your hand, shoot him in the forehead... or, after looking at the scoundrel with a contemptuous look, from the heart, conjure a more powerful fireball at him? Nature or progress? What is dearer to your heart: the hiss of a steam boiler or the rustling of the leaves of centuries-old oak trees? Your choice will determine which path you will pave for yourself in the world of Nelve...


Controls in Silverfall are quite simple and, as they say now, intuitive. All main actions are performed using the left mouse button: movement, selecting an object of attack, the attack itself (however, not a magical one), interaction with other characters. Well, we also pick up objects from the floor with its help. With the right mouse button we spit all sorts of magical surprises at the enemy, and also heal ourselves and resurrect our allies. The Ctrl and Alt keys highlight everything that is possible, necessary and not necessary to pick up within a certain radius from us. The mouse wheel zooms in or out of the camera - or map, if the corresponding window is open.

Speaking of the camera. It’s not that it’s very uncomfortable... but it’s as if it’s nailed to one nail. You can turn it to the maximum distance or bring it closer so that every blade of grass becomes visible, you can rotate it three hundred and sixty degrees by moving the mouse to the right or left edge of the screen, but why you can’t look up or down remains a mystery to me. So we have the pleasure of observing the moon only in reflection... In the swamp.

In the lower right corner of the screen there is a panel with several buttons - the top row is responsible for opening the windows of inventory, character, skills, guild (only in multiplayer) and map. On the right edge there is a button for calling up settings - there you can also exit the game or the current mission.

On the same panel there is a red life bar and a blue one, indicating the level of magical energy, which is called here. by force. Below them is an indicator of the experience you have gained. To the left of the life bar is a semicircle of buttons for quickly switching to the combat skills you most often use, and to the right of the strength bar - to magic ones.

In the upper right corner there is a cozy mini-map, in the upper left there is a small panel with your name and bars of life and strength, as well as three squares that display active effects “hanging” on you - both positive and quite the opposite. If you have friends next to you, you will see panels corresponding to them, by clicking on which you can contact one or another partner.

That's probably all that can be said about the game's controls.

Birth of a Hero

The first step in almost any role-playing game is to decide who we are and what we are. That is, to put it simply, create a character from existing components. The set of components, frankly speaking, is small - nothing like TES IV: Oblivion or Neverwinter Nights 2. Four types of faces, four skin colors, six hair color options and five hairstyles, one of which is bald. But, of course, first of all we choose the gender and race of the hero.

Eh, why not the Moriya mines?

The main races of Nelve - humans, elves, goblins and trolls - were once enemies, but later learned to coexist and formed alliances. In most countries one of the races dominates, but in some all four coexist more or less peacefully.

People very similar to their “relatives” from our world. They are equally skilled in magic and in the use of weapons, they quickly adapt to everything and learn just as quickly.

Elves, fragile and short, by nature they have remarkable abilities for magic and are excellent at handling a bow.

Trolls- huge, muscular creatures with extraordinary strength and impressive jaws. Without a doubt, the best fighters in all of Nelva.

Goblins. Small and green - that's just about them. Their apparent weakness is compensated by incredible dexterity and sharp mind. With technology, goblins are exclusively at your disposal.

In fact, to be honest, you have to be guided mainly by your own aesthetic preferences, because the initial characteristics of any character are the same. Only racial skills matter, but more on them below.

Character development and skills

The role-playing system in the game is simple. We have four main characteristics: strength, agility, endurance and intelligence. Strength, as you might guess, determines how powerful our attacks will be in close combat. Stamina affects the amount of health, and intelligence affects the amount of magical energy, or strength. And finally, the higher the dexterity, the more painfully our arrows, crossbow bolts and bullets bite. We also have resistance to spells of the elements of fire, cold, air and black magic. These indicators can be modified using armor, which, like weapons, comes in four types: ordinary (gray), good quality (yellow), excellent quality (green) and, finally, elite (blue).

For each monster killed or task completed, we gain experience. When the amount of experience reaches a certain point, insight descends on us, that is, the next level. As you can see, the system is quite classic. With each level we gain four stat points and four skill points. They give us the opportunity to make the character stronger and sharper.

While Silverfall does level up surprisingly quickly, there are never too many skill points. Therefore, it is worth deciding from the very beginning who we will make of our hero: what weapon he will fight, if any, and what magic he will choose for himself - black, light or elemental. Although with magic everything is somewhat simpler - no one bothers you to learn a couple of spells from here and there, depending on your taste. We are not given any restrictions in this regard; there are no classes in the game. A “spontaneous” magician is quite capable of learning to call upon a white, transparent and very, very evil ghost to help himself. And a black magician can master a healing or resurrection spell. The latter, however, is a must if you prefer co-op playthrough: an experienced necromancer, of course, will easily raise an untimely dead friend, but why the hell do we need another zombie?.. However, I’m kidding - the game doesn’t provide such an opportunity, so it’s better learn the resurrection skill.

By the way, about death: If you suffer a sudden death in the game, don’t be upset - you will be resurrected in the nearest town. All you have to do is run in what your mother gave birth to to her final resting place - to get your little things. And if you complete the task of the insurance agent of the goblin Lilithip, then you won’t have to - for a round sum of gold, all your belongings will be returned to you immediately. This Lilithip also works as a bank safe - although things in the game have no weight, the inventory capacity is very limited, so you can put the excess in storage.

With martial artists, however, things are a little more complicated. It is better to immediately decide what we will wield: a sword or a bow. Well, either a crossbow or a firearm - these are trifles. The main thing is what we need more: strength or dexterity. With endurance, everything is already clear - good health has never been a hindrance to any hero. With intelligence too: magicians develop it first of all, others - at their own discretion. Although I am of the opinion that a couple of spells up your sleeve is an extremely useful and necessary thing.

There are an incredible number of skills in Silverfall, which, on the one hand, is, of course, good, since it provides ample opportunities to develop a wide variety of characters, and on the other hand, it’s not a sin to get confused in them. For convenience, all skills are divided into three main groups - combat, magic, and those that do not fall into any of these categories and are meaningfully recommended by “others” - each of which has three subgroups.



Master of small arms— increases the effectiveness of using one-handed weapons.

Master of heavy weapons— increases the effectiveness of using two-handed weapons.

Hand to hand combat- a basic attack that passively improves all melee skills.

Berserker- a powerful melee attack that damages armor.

Berserker charge— increases the attack power of an enemy located at a distance from you. This skill works if you have the Berserk skill active.

Circular attack- you deal damage to all enemies that surround you. This skill can only be used if you are using a two-handed weapon.

Counterattack— the attack following the parry will be more powerful, and the enemy will not be able to seize the initiative from you. The skill is active when the “Defensive Stance” skill is activated,

Critical knowledge- Provides a greater chance of landing a critical hit. Only works if you are using a one-handed weapon.

Defensive stance- you attack from a defensive position at the cost of reducing attack power.

Double attack- a powerful attack that hits the target twice. Only works if you are using a one-handed weapon.

Master of hand weapons— increases the effectiveness of hand-to-hand combat.

Knock down- a blow that knocks the enemy down and makes him vulnerable for some time. This skill only works if you have the Berserk skill active.

Smash- a powerful blow that temporarily renders the enemy’s armor unusable. Only works if you have activated the Defensive Stance skill.

Volley of punches- you deal five strong blows to the enemy. Only works if you use your fists.

The art of stun (Stun knowledge)- gives a chance to stun the enemy. Only works if you are using a two-handed weapon.

Knowledge of injuring attack- increases the chances of injuring the enemy. Only works if you are a fan of hand-to-hand combat.

distant battle

Aiming stance- you shoot from an aiming position.

Weakening shot- a special blow that lowers the enemy’s characteristics. Only works if you are using a firearm.

Long-range shot- a shot with a large damage radius. The skill also increases all shooting skills.

Master of bow and arrow- increases the efficiency of archery.

Master of crossbow— increases the efficiency of crossbow shooting.

Element shot- a magic shot that strikes without missing.

Explosive quarrel- when fired, there is a chance to cause an explosion and injure all opponents around you. Only works if you are using a crossbow.

Rapid fire- a blow with a larger than usual radius of destruction, causing fire damage.

Master of firearms- increases the effectiveness of firearms.

Disabling arrow- the shot slows down the enemy. Only works if you are using a bow and arrow.

Multiple shots— the shot hits several targets at the same time.

Destabilizing quarrel- a sneaky blow that knocks the enemy down. Only works if you are using a crossbow.

Stun shot- gives a chance to stun the enemy. Only works if you are using a firearm.

Wounding arrow- gives a greater chance of injuring the enemy. Only works if you have a bow in your hands.

Head shot- your arrows fly far and bite painfully. Each attack deals critical damage. Only works if you are standing in an aiming position.

Reflex shot— works only from the “Rapid Fire” position. Increases the speed at which you hit nearby enemies.


Master of parrying- Only works if you are using melee combat or a defensive stance.

Rapid missiles- increases the speed of an arrow or bullet.

Master of dodging— increases the chance to evade an enemy attack.

Armor penetration— melee attacks and shots damage part of the enemy’s armor.

Reflexes- Increases the chance to dodge or parry, but also the chance to suffer a serious wound.

Master of critical blows- increases the chance of landing a critical hit.

Master of armor— increases the effectiveness of wearing armor.

Deadly weapons- increases the effectiveness of any weapon.

Speed- Increases your movement speed.

Poisoned weapons- weapons acquire poisonous properties

Concentrated poison— increases the chance of poisoning the enemy and the period of action of the poison.

Rust (Corrosive poison)- poison eats away armor.

Weakening poison— poison slows down the enemy, reduces his strength and agility.

Endurance- Gives you a chance to resist staggering, wounding, poisoning, and knockdown attacks.

Glimpse- increases the chance of finding magic items.


Elemental magic

Element projectiles— you shoot one or more balls of pure energy. Passively increases the duration of all elemental spells and the cost of magical energy for them.

Fire blood- the target receives fire damage, and your resistance to fire increases.

Fireball- a clot of fire that causes considerable damage.

Combustion- Sets the enemy on fire.

Fire rain- meteor shower hitting the area.

Ice ball- causes little harm, but it has the ability to freeze the enemy. An extremely useful skill, especially in combination with marksmanship skills. Immobilize the reptile - and fire at him to your heart's content.

Cold ring- the ground around you is covered with frost, at the same time freezing all enemies within the radius of action of this spell. It also does little harm, but if you are surrounded, that’s it.

Ice crown- increases resistance to cold, and also freezes everyone who attacks you nearby.

Tornado— summons a tornado on the heads of your enemies, which slows them down and causes serious damage.

Lightning- miniature electric chair.

Wind spell- Increases air resistance and spell casting speed.

Shock wave- the same electric chair, only mass.

Shock- another lightning bolt, which, however, deals more damage and slows down the enemy for a short time.

Applied spells- a skill that increases the chance of inflicting critical damage with elemental spells.

Servant— summons an elemental to help you.

Master of elements— increases damage from elemental spells.

Magic of light

Rapid healing- Reduces the casting time of healing spells.

Healing- restores your life.

Master of healing— increases the power of the healing spell, as well as its cost in units of power.

Rapid recovery— increases the speed of natural health recovery.

Power regeneration- increases the rate of natural strength recovery.

Pure light- Passively increases the effect of healing spells.

Resurrection- resurrects an ally. There is no way to do without this skill.

Applied healing- gives a chance to double the effect of a healing spell.

Sacred shield— passively increases overall defense and adds protection against black magic to it.

Superior benediction— passively increases attributes and adds protection from black magic.

Fervent prayer— passively increases the duration of the Illumination spell.

Illumination- increases the damage you deal and protects against black magic.

Reverend's prayer— the effect of “Illumination” descends on everyone around you.

Serenity- after the battle, you freeze for a short time like an idol, while your health and strength are restored at a significant speed.

Life absorption- You heal allies by draining life from the enemy.

Transmutation— if after a battle, for example, your health bar is full, then the speed of strength recovery increases. And vice versa.

Black magic

Abomination- Summons an undead servant.

Amplified curses— increases the duration of all curses.

Master of death— increases damage from all black magic spells.

Infection (Contagion)- Cursed enemies “transfer” the curse to all enemies who are near them.

Very nice, God!

Shadow rage— you shoot several clots of darkness, causing damage to enemies.

Education- Increases the combat skills of your undead servant.

Element curse- a powerful curse that reduces the target's resistance to elemental magic spells. If this resistance drops to zero or even lower, the damage from elemental spells will be even greater.

After-life- increases the abilities of lost souls.

Life drain- the spell drains life from the target.

Lost weapon- causes an aggressive ghost.

Master of necromancy- Increases the effectiveness of your black magic spells.

Power leak- lowers the enemy's intelligence and prevents him from casting spells.

Putrefaction- lowers the enemy's defense.

Reconstitution- Increases your undead servant's ability to drain life.

Damned pact- turns you into a Shadow. You gain vulnerability to light magic spells, but black magic cannot harm you. The skill increases defense, but reduces resistance to elemental spells. All your attacks deal additional black magic damage.

Vampire hit— your blows and black magic spells additionally suck some life out of the enemy.


Be sure to pay attention to this list when choosing a race for your character.

Racial (human)

Inspiration- This skill, when activated, makes your spells more powerful.

Toughness- reduces the likelihood that your attack will be interrupted at the most inopportune moment.

Knowledge— all spells now cost less power points.

Invoker- Increases the power of your summoning spells.

Tenacity— increases the possibility of delivering two decisive blows in a row.

Racial (troll)

Fury- Increases attack speed and damage dealt.

Butcher— increases damage inflicted in melee combat.

Troll strength- increases strength.

Terrifying sight- increases the chance of hitting the target.

Channeled strength- Increases damage caused when using force.

Racial (elf)

Affinity with magic- makes it possible to weave a spell without spending magical energy on it.

Rigidity (Inflexible)- increases resistance to black magic.

Meditation- your first blow in a fight will be more powerful.

Amplification— passively increases damage from elemental spells.

Agility- increases the chances of dodging and delivering a decisive blow.

Racial (goblin)

Powder son- Increases accuracy and damage dealt by firearms.

Resistance to spells- Increases magic resistance.

Thick skin- improves your endurance.

Evolved armor- improves your armor.

Elusive— increases the chance to evade attacks and movement speed.

And you may not get the next two skill lines at your disposal unless you are firm in your convictions. Your character has a loyalty scale, which shows in percentage how much you lean towards one or the other point of view, which is closer to you: nature or technology. We’ll talk about how to win the sympathy of both sides in the walkthrough, but it’s important to know here that none of these skills are available either initially or with level up; they all require a certain “percentage of conviction.” And as soon as you leave the chosen path, they will immediately become inaccessible. However, by completing the appropriate tasks, you can always regain what you have lost.


Acid Blood- your blood, turning into acid, injures enemies attacking you in melee.

Ancestral power— the spirits of your ancestors grant you magical powers for some time.

Master Druid— passively increases the duration of the spells “Lycanthropy”, “Purification”, “Power of the Ancestors” and “Nature’s Help”. Also passively reduces the power point cost of all natural spells.

Protective bark- Temporarily increases resistance to elemental magic and poison.

Rust- Causes direct damage to the enemy. The spell is especially effective against mechanical enemies.

Survival- A natural instinct that gives you a chance to ignore damage from a weapon or spell.

Lycanthropy- you temporarily turn into a beast.

Swarm (Swarm)- Summons a swarm of stinging insects at your enemies.

Nature's help- calls the angry animal.

Wild marks- increase strength and agility.


Shield— erects a shield around you that reflects any projectiles.

Steam jets— a jet of steam bursts out and damages your enemies up to five times.

Implants- implants that increase endurance and intelligence.

Magnetic shield- Passively absorbs some of the damage done to you.

Master engineer— passively increases the duration of the spells “Overload”, “Shield”, “Mechanical Slave”. Also passively reduces the power point cost of all tech spells.

Mechanical slave— calls a robot to help you.

Neural modification- Passively increases the effectiveness of evasion and parry.

Overload- Temporarily increases attack speed and damage dealt.

Power Siphon— steals power points from the enemy five times.

Radiation- the infected enemy and his closest neighbors systematically lose health for some damage.

Hand in hand

If you're entrusting your life to someone, it's a good idea to know who you're dealing with, right? Let's take a closer look at our faithful companions - some of them, by the way, are hiding secrets of a very dubious nature.

Alina Fire Whirlwind, elven sorceress

Brave to the point of recklessness, Alina goes through life with a smile and a spell on her lips. She was born in the elven valley of Selimir, which was practically untouched by the turmoil that befell Nelve, and this is probably why her disposition is light and cheerful. Possessing an innate talent for the occult sciences, a passion for pyrotechnic tricks and theatrical effects, she chose fire magic for herself. Natural curiosity prompted her to leave Selimir with the goal of becoming a student in one of the elemental temples.

You should definitely take Alina onto your team - and as soon as you meet. The usefulness of this powerful sorceress, who effortlessly unleashes thunder, lightning and meteor showers on her enemies, cannot be overestimated. True, the elf also requires a lot of care - make sure that particularly cunning enemies do not trample her.

Ser Gort, troll warrior

Ser Gort belongs to the military elite of Tuchedel. These valiant warriors, defenders of the Federation, defend its borders and fight opposition. Gort, a veteran of many expansionist wars, was appointed commander of the personal guard of Lord Urdo, the ruler of the city. Gort went to great lengths to get this position until he was appointed head of a border monastery where nothing happens at all. He just can't stand inaction...

The troll is also a welcome companion on any dangerous journey. This is a real armored vehicle, he is not afraid of anything at all. In all the time I worked with Gort, he died only once, and that was by accident.

Drilipilim, goblin healer

She prefers to be called simply Dril (hm, the girl is understandable). Child of a democratic goblin society. Growing up in a poor family, she passed exams to become a financial engineer and received a diploma in several disciplines. With a degree, she intends to become an independent mechanchemist (that is, produce potions and implants), but she has one problem - money. To open your own pharmacy, you need considerable investment. After working for several months at the prestigious Hilip, Hilip and Sons workshop, the ambitious goblin lost her patience. Young, talented and motivated people can ultimately make a fortune in faster ways. So Dril went in search of adventure... and treasure.

As a healer, Dril is not bad, but she is of little use in battle. It’s useless to put weapons in her hands; she doesn’t know how to use them anyway. Support fighter - and nothing more.

Tanya Planel, shooter

The girl Tanya, nicknamed Thunder, is an expert in firearms. The only daughter of Tuchedelje, a well-known gunsmith throughout the Federation, she grew up surrounded by muskets and barrels of gunpowder. When her father died in a laboratory accident, the girl inherited the family business, but her competitors were not at all happy about this, and they took action. Having gone broke, Tanya became an adventurer, traveling the world in search of something to point a gun at. Having accomplished several feats, she earned a fair amount of money, but she is not interested in gold. Tanya suffers from constant bouts of melancholy and has lost the meaning of life, which is why she is looking for more complicated troubles for her pretty little head - in order to continue to improve.

Tanya really shoots well - but, firstly, she is not as good in battle as she would like, and secondly, she has a bad habit of often dying. At the first opportunity, replace her with someone stronger - Alina, for example.

You can only take two friends with you, the rest will wait in a safe place. If you forgot where you left your faithful companion, it doesn’t matter. Use the local teleportation system to transport yourself to a city, and you can be sure that your partner will be found somewhere nearby. The same trick will work if one of them, more than expected, dies - after an instant movement, the carcass hanging lifelessly in the air will be next to you. If you are completely unable to teleport anywhere, but you don’t remember when and where your companion fell, that’s also not a problem. Run forward and watch your step...

When you join, your teammates automatically become the same level as you, and they gain these levels together with you. You can equip them at your discretion - just keep in mind that you have the same inventory for everyone! - but you do not have the opportunity to manage their development and education. However, no special nonsense was noted here either - the guys are developing exactly the skills that they need.

Along the way, you will meet several more who want to temporarily share the hardships of wandering with you - we will talk about them in the walkthrough - but they are not nearly as expressive and interesting as these four. Random fellow travelers, nothing more...


We start in the role of the archmage of the entire kingdom and immediately, by the will of the creators of the game, we find ourselves in the thick of battle - apparently, to make it easier to get used to the role. The city is burning, bridges are collapsing, someone is screaming in horror, someone is already being chewed up by disgusting zombie trolls... Idyll, one word. Before we have time to leave the temple and look around, a delegation of the local population immediately runs up, led by our offspring, and immediately stuns us with the age-old questions: “who is to blame?” and “what should I do?” In a fatherly tone, reassure the poor fellows, order them to gather the survivors and send them to the nearest swamp - the ruins there will make a good shelter. Well, you, they say, will try to save whoever you can at this time, cover their retreat and at the same time find and strangle the bastard who started the whole mess.

Don’t worry, the character you lovingly created has not gone away - he, apparently, at this time, along with other refugees, is fleeing towards the swamp. It will be returned to us later. In the meantime, there is time to get used to it. The archmage who has come under our control is wise, well-equipped, and has a couple of very good spells. In short, the enemy is not weak. Run around the city, admire the local beauty, practice on trolls, although there is no point in getting carried away with the latter - the experience from them will not be counted towards you, which, however, is logical, later. Following the direction indicated by the arrow on the mini-map, you will sooner or later stumble upon a winged creature named Zruul - it commands here. After exchanging pleasantries, you begin to fight, and then something strange happens. Another lightning strikes from the sky, the enemy falls to the ground in writhing, and a strange purple thread stretches between you... Zruul incredulously states that it seems to be the end for him, vengefully promises to return and show everyone, and then we are transported many miles from Silverfall - to a refugee camp. The prologue is over and the game itself begins.

Hunting the Undead

With a confident gait we approach the son of the brave archmage. He will cry a little about how bad everything is: the city is destroyed, his father is missing, it is not clear what is happening. The young man asks to find his father. Agree, he is not a stranger to you either - a teacher, after all. At the same time, promise to thin out the zombie population around the camp a little, otherwise people are getting nervous. Ten is enough.

It is important: when we are given something - a reward for completing a task, for example - the item does not automatically appear in our backpack, we have to pick it up from the floor. What a bad habit, really, throwing everything on the floor!

When we return victorious, Kaaron will first give us some money and offer to rest and replenish our supplies. Then, sniffling, he will report that there is a shortage of many necessary things in the camp. In general, wouldn’t we agree to run to the nearest elven settlements and ask for material support? Nothing is given for free in this life, so in exchange Kaaron offers to give away what he managed to save from the ruins of the city.

Upon closer inspection, those settlements turn out to be far, oh-so to the south, but you have to go where to go. The leader of the elves, Oliyar, having seen our credentials and listened to the heartbreaking story, gains confidence in us and agrees to make an exchange. True, he immediately asks for a favor - to get rid of the necrophage (what kind of evil spirits is this? Judging by the name, it feeds on carrion...), kindly marking its location on the map.

After killing the vile creature, return to the refugee camp - Kaaron will tell us a lot of kind words, give us some gold and again complain about life. The number of undead in the surrounding area is growing, the guards are unable to cope with their attacks, isn’t it time to uproot this weed once and for all? Moreover, the root seemed to have been discovered - flooded ruins in the southwest. The bread of the savior of the fatherland tastes bitter. Taking a deep breath, we hit the road...

A zombie captain is discovered in the ruins (I wonder how we determined his rank? Stripes on his body or uniform?). Grabbing the reptile by the collar, we shake him thoroughly and ask: who is he, where is he from, what is happening, why was the capital destroyed? He, however, will not report anything particularly intelligible: he is, they say, nothing more than a blind tool in the hands of a certain master, and the Deadly Shadow is already spreading from Tuchedel... Yes, our report to Kaaron will be vague. The owner who destroyed Silverfall is in the east - looking for something in the mines of Tuchedel. That's all we managed to get out of the zombies. The archmage's son shakes his head with concern: what does this master want in the mines of crystalline coal? But, be that as it may, we are going to Tuchedelje, and Kaaron will join us a little later.

Where the earth is red as blood...

There seems to be a martial law in Tuchedelje: all the doors are locked, half the shops are closed... The guard of the lower gate informs us that the goblins have barricaded themselves in the lower town and are not letting anyone in - even Nekol, the local bootlegger and big shot, cannot get through. Nekol, in response to our questions, gives out a bottle of greenish liquid and orders it to be delivered to Sergeant Nobu - he is in charge there. They also give us a key to the gate. Forward - into the sewer! There is no other way.

“Stand still and keep your hands in sight!” - The sergeant greets us warmly. Wave a bottle in front of his nose and tell him that the person responsible for the fall of Silverfall is hiding in the upper city - Nob will immediately become kinder. But getting into the upper city is nevertheless impossible while the goblin revolt continues. The sergeant is confident that the order of the city ruler, Lord Kiara Urdo, will calm the hot goblin heads. We are tasked with delivering a letter to a certain Birnard, the leader of the uprising. Birnard calls us a strikebreaker and a hired killer, but does not order us to be killed on the spot. Smart... First question, then shoot. Give him a letter from Lord Urdo. Birnard breaks into a satisfied smile - all the demands of the rebels will be satisfied. Somehow even suspicious. Make a face like a brick - I don’t know anything, that’s what they told me, I actually work here as a postman - otherwise they might hit you. In any case, the uprising is over. You can return to Nobu. A satisfied sergeant will give us gold and a pass to the upper city, and will also advise us to contact the ruler - if the one we are looking for is really in the vicinity of Tuchedel, the lord will certainly know about it.

As soon as we take the elevator, Kaaron will say that the merchants saw the archmage in the city - however, there is one strange thing: an aura of malice and danger emanated from him. Here's a new attack...

Lord Kiar will greet us with a fanged troll smile - of course, we crushed the uprising. Sprinkling pleasantries, his lordship will advise starting the search for the archmage by investigating the following case: a certain Lady Zokor (wasn’t it her guards we killed in one of the side quests?) has been behaving extremely unusually for some time now, so much so that even her relatives do not recognize her. The Lord believes that all this is somehow connected with the disappearance of the archmage and the shadow that the late zombie captain mentioned. It's a tiny thread, but that's all we have.

Be careful, Lady Zokor's palace is huge and swarming with guards!

This is the advice: run to the lady as soon as possible without being distracted by the fight - after talking with her, the guards will stop attacking us.

The lady herself turned out to be a very well-fed troll with a clouded look. Someone has really messed with her mind. But a couple of blows and the lady will come to her senses a little. According to her story, a certain magician from Silverfall came to her and expressed interest in supplying crystalline coal. As a result of negotiations, the parties came to an amicable agreement and, as a sign of the conclusion of the deal, according to local custom, exchanged a kiss. After that, the lady didn’t remember anything. Interesting... Who is it that so shamelessly turns the heads of young girls?

Having outlined the situation, Lady Zokor becomes alarmed and rushes to write an explanatory note to Lord Kiara. We are very clearly pushed out the door. Well, to hell with her, with this business lady. From the ruler we learn that Kaaron rushed to the Machine Makers Guild - its tower in the lower part of the city - according to rumors, his father was seen there. Damn fool... The Archmage is clearly not the same as before; Kaaron should not have acted so rashly. We'll have to help out!

It’s not so easy to get into the tower we need - we need a code. And in general, it can only be opened by the architect who built it. But he fled, pursued by evil spirits, and is probably dead at this moment. A goblin with the cute nickname Gawker will tell us about this.

Architect Globuk, however, is alive and did not run far. Kill the zombie trolls around him and send the poor fellow to Sergeant Nobu - let the city militia guard him. In gratitude, the goblin will share the key.

The guild tower is a labyrinth full of all kinds of robots. Um, are you still a supporter of progress?..

Attention, now you will meet the Deadly Shadow! Or... Well, yes, I feel sorry for the guy.

When it's all over, a stranger will run up to us and tell us that Chalnuk (remember him?) is waiting for us in Silverfall - and as soon as possible. With a heavy heart, we return to our hometown... Chalnuk has to tell us that all the water sources in the area have been poisoned by the invaders. Only living water, which only the Druids know about, can save the situation. Maybe talk to Salma? No, you still have to go to the Druids of Guyana.

Through the valleys and over the hills...

The Druids were clearly not happy with our visit, but they promised help. True, you will have to run for living water. Previously, its source came to the surface, but people came and ruined everything. As always, however. Now only in the tunnels guarded by beast people can life-giving moisture be found. Then it must be brought to the four supreme druids of Guyana for blessing. And then, if we behave well, they will think about our proposal.

The beast people, believe it or not, are not happy to see us either. Yes, and we are not delighted - but who asks us? The hero's opinion is never taken into account. The venerable assembly wants more than anything to immediately bite the uninvited visitors, but the khan, impressed by our courage and determination (or impudence?), prefers to listen. And since we have nothing to repay for the water, he proposes a duel. He shouldn't have done it. We will win anyway, but judging by the angry growls of the other advisers, he will be overthrown in no more than a month...

Upon returning to Guyan, we will witness an attack by the elves. The High Druids, in a panic, ask us to save the seeds of the sacred tree. Well, a favor for a favor. But that is not all! While they are blessing us with some water, we must kill the exiled prince Dalaen, who sent troops to Guyan. By the way, the Druids will also say that the restless late archmage left a legacy here too. And just when I had time...

Are you okay with a little elven genocide? Then go north!

Elven Hospitality

I take my words back - it will be quite a genocide. They also claim that elves are a dying race. Prince Dalaen flies on a huge eagle, and first you will have to hurry, and then beat him seriously. Pressed to the nail, Dalaen admits that the Shadow came to him and promised him invincibility. We have already disappointed him in this, but why did the Shadow order to attack Gayan? His rebellious Highness, as it turned out, was promised the Guyanese lands for full possession, but death would prevent him from completing the story. Again, complete ambiguity.

As soon as Dalaen gives up the ghost, everything will float before our eyes and appear... who do you think? Kaaron! Well, not exactly him. A former friend will try to persuade us to join his master, but we will be as hard as stone. Eh, an apple from an apple tree... First the father, now the son.

There was no boredom in Silverfall during our absence either. The king of Egreida himself, together with his family, intended to arrive in the capital in order to support his subjects, but on the way he was attacked by bandits on a flying ship. According to the only surviving eyewitness, Lieutenant Glardo, the scoundrels killed the king and kidnapped Princess Ilina along with the crown of Egreid. I wonder what they need more: a princess or a crown? Be that as it may, everyone must be saved. Otherwise, our long-suffering country faces a civil war. We'll have to pay a visit to the necrobandits... Glardo just promised to find out the way.

On North

Smugglers can give us a lift to Silvery Bay, or we can get there on our own two feet. The first path is shorter, the second is safer. Choose. In the city we need to find Siriaz Snaketongue, he must know something. By the way, for better or worse, in the absence of the princess we were appointed regent of Egreid. For merit. The pleasure is dubious, but honorable.

The Silver Bay is besieged by an entire army of necroscoundrels. Their leader threatens to break a couple of our limbs unless we donate all our belongings to him. He ran away... We'd better break something for him.

Siriyaz warily asks what we want: a mechanical arm? Eye? Or maybe a rib cage? Thank you, of course, but for now we’ll make do with our own, natural ones. Let's ask him about the princess. How much did he say for the information? Ten thousand? What a grabber. But there is no way out, you have to pay. If only we, in addition to the regency, were given gold according to our rank...

The princess, along with the crown, was dragged all the way to Solitude - to the very north, to the native lands of the necrobandits. Or rather, into a necrobandit airship. To get inside this truly gigantic ship, you will have to fight your way through the laboratory. The main difficulty in the laboratory is the pitch darkness. You can't see anything, but, fortunately, the map correctly indicates the enemies.

What a dear, just Sugar Medovich... Now I’m melting.

Captain Cryar is waiting for us in the airship. He will invite us to take part in a very interesting experiment - not that he particularly asks for our consent. At the most interesting moment, we will be impolitely distracted... and when we deal with the giant necrobandit, our partners will already be roasting the heels of the polite captain. Just not to death! This rascal has not yet admitted where her highness went!

According to an already established bad habit, Cryar died without finishing his sentence. But from his weakened paws a piece of a map fell out - a cemetery, the grave of a certain Iznakhel. History buffs already know that this is the progenitor of the necrobandit race. To enter his tomb, you need a tablet found in the garrison nearby.

Upon entering the tomb, we will receive greetings from Khaaron. Nothing interesting, so feel free to tell the messenger: “Go away!” He won't go far, though...

In the end, we will find an annoying messenger (it turned out to be Iznahel himself), and next to him is a princess engulfed in scarlet flame. We will be asked to surrender. Even twice. Don’t give in - how can you trust someone who treats a girl like that? Well, first we were attacked by the drugged princess, then by the necromancer himself. It makes no sense to his cold... spirit - only half-decayed notes about some Scarlet Dawn Society. From them we learn that the one who created the Deadly Shadow in ancient times did not forget about the method of its destruction - the Black Crystal. And it is located in the Duchy of Stilite, in the hands of the descendants of the knight who founded this state centuries ago.

Among the eternal ice

Eternal winter reigns in Stilaite. It is not surprising that Duchess Olinia is in such a gloomy mood. Well, to be precise, that’s not the only reason. Our regalia makes an impression on her, and her ladyship, opening up, said that her only son and heir was dying of an incurable disease - he had only a few days to live. As for the crystal, okay, so be it, we can take it, but only if we save the Stilite dynasty from extinction. What's it like? To do this, you need to get the illegitimate offspring of a high-ranking family, who is barely two years old. Her merciful ladyship recently kicked the bastard’s mother out of the city, and the poor thing was sheltered by the hermit Hob.

The hermit shakes his head and advises asking the mother where her child is - did you think the child was there? He was kidnapped by the Lozruns, the ice fairies, and dragged into their lair. Kill the Lozrun king and you will be surprised at the results.

Take Ilio to the Duchess and she will tell you where the crystal is. Well, yes, of course, not in the castle. In the ancestral crypt of the Stilites, teeming with undead, he is much safer.

In the tomb we will meet Harois of Stilaite himself, the founder of the dynasty - that is, with his spirit, of course. A knight who died six hundred years ago, having weaved seven barrels of prisoners, gives us permission to take his stone... but before we even have time to take a step towards the tomb, Kaaron will get to the bottom of us. He's itching. However, this time we have something to answer. Poke the crystal at him, and our friend will finally come to his senses. Not for long, really.

A new player appears on the scene, the Dark King. We will ignore the ridicule, but with what joy does Garois talk to him as if he were an old acquaintance? And he even calls him by name. It seems that there were three of them in this Scarlet Dawn Society - but the third, Loriza, did not survive to this day, even as a ghost. Having chatted nicely with a friend, Garois stuns us with the prospect of another adventure. That's the task for all the tasks: go to the city of magic Blasis and fight there with the god of destruction in his deep kingdom. Why not drain the sea? And it will be easier...

Upon returning to Steeleite, we discover that the city has been attacked by druids and beastmen. We'll have to go south and kill their pet animal. And why did they want to attack Stilite? When we finally find out “what,” we are taken aback: it turns out that the creature sensed the damned Shadow and came to kill it. The Supreme Four vying with each other claim that it is our body that has been taken over by this muck. Hmm, I don’t know... There don’t seem to be any extraneous voices whispering in my head. And in general, we have a stone here with this Shadow...

The Druids, scratching their heads, admit that they got carried away and ask for forgiveness. Ask the Duchess, comedians, you ruined half of her state.

Secret paths

All the leads lead to Blasis, so let's go there. But you can’t just get into the city, we’ll give you a fair amount of rounds. There is a passage in the eastern mountain range of Stilite - we go there, climb the mountain and look for the entrance to the underworld. Immediately upon entering, the goblin Xilipp rushes towards us and begs for help. He was attacked by a dozen creatures. Let's kill them and ask, as a return favor, to show us the way to the underground kingdom of the gnomes - Koroziom. Xilipp hesitates, huddles, then finally reveals that his brother Clearix knows the way, but he will soon be eaten, and in general they are both captives of underground insects. And then these strangers, that is, we, appeared just in time... The result is clear. Having introduced ourselves in passing, we rush to the brothers’ rescue.

Klirix does not expect to escape - a huge larva, dreaming of dining on them, is already on its way. But we have a knight Gort on our team - he eats such larvae for breakfast every day... The former larval snack makes an appointment for us in the goblin village of Dripp and runs away - I wonder how he intends to break through the hordes of enemies? At least he didn’t ask us to help.

There is a merchant in Dripp, which is not bad at all. The goblin brothers, having complained about some completely crazy adventurers, showed the path to the dwarven kingdom, but warned that they were even crazier than ours and in general were no longer quite dwarves, but half insects. Mutants.

The gnomes are indeed kind of non-classical, with wings, but polite: first they asked “where are you going”, then they started beating. It's your own fault. Then the road is straight. Looking at the dazzling white arch, I hoped that we would now emerge into the daylight, but that was not the case.

So, Korozioma Palace. We will meet here with another old acquaintance - Zruul - and in the plural. So is this a name, a position, or just such a creature?.. Get ready for a very difficult fight - there are a staggering number of gnomes in the palace, and they bite extremely painfully. In the end, after running through many halls and sliding doors, we find ourselves in the face of the Dark King. Wow, he’s mannered... “You won’t pass!” - we answer no less pathetically, after which the villain disappears into the portal, leaving us with the guard as a souvenir. After the knights of darkness are laid to rest, we jump into the portal.

And I warned you - to get to Blasis, you need a fair detour... Yes, yes, that’s exactly where we find ourselves. This island is a gloomy place - dark scarlet earth, amber sky and rivers of lava. I’m curious, is the weather always so optimistic here, or is it just in honor of the invasion? The allies that Chalnuk promised to gather are already waiting for us nearby. Well, their number is not impressive... The city itself desperately resembles our native Silverfall - only on lava. And when did they manage to evacuate all the residents? The dwarven king undoubtedly settled in the temple - a place where the power of the elements was concentrated. True, we will get there a little late: the creeping reptile has already managed to call his master - Nothing - to the temple and burst from the fullness of feelings. Well, let's see if this god knows how to die...

“You have proven yourself to be a real hero,” Chalnuk will tell us. - Your Majesty...

This is interesting: After the final video, you can start the game again - just select your well-fed, experienced character in the main menu and press “Start”. We will immediately be transported to a refugee camp, and the story will again roll along the well-trodden rut. All skills, things, level and even partners will remain with us. And even the map will be open - only the marks on it will disappear.

In passing...

But besides the main storyline, we will find something to entertain ourselves in the world of Nelve. After all, there are still a fair amount of tasty and fun additional tasks. Sometimes they loom right under our noses, and sometimes you stumble upon them in the most unexpected places.

Refugee camp

The troll girl named Morka Dobraya seems to have lost her mind a little, doesn’t recognize her own people and claims that she is to blame for all the disasters that have happened and the zombies are looking for her. I feel sorry for the poor guy... Promise to bring a certain Lisse to her, she will help.

When Morka regains her sanity, the trollina will offer to become your ally. By the way, she is a healer.

A trader named Chalnuk, an ardent supporter of progress, has discovered some exceptional swamp gas nearby, which he plans to use as a source of energy. It is necessary, armed with the given pump, to find three sources of gas and collect, so to speak, samples. Well, and don’t let the surrounding creatures ruin your fragile equipment. We are offered a sword as a reward.

It is important: This is one of many tasks where you will have to choose - either nature or progress. The decision is yours.

After completing the task, Chalnuk will ask us to find an engineer who will build a port for airships in Silverfall. And the engineer, it turns out, is nothing less than a necrobandit! And he lives in the Tuchedel desert. Who can we unite with for the triumph of progress...

In the east, where the earth is red as blood, lie the bones of ancient animals - from which, according to the blacksmith's assistant, they make good weapons. Why not take a walk, especially since we were promised a pilot copy? To get the bones you will have to climb into the Tuchedel mine.

A local insurance agent, a goblin with the poetic name Lilithip, has lost his magic chest. Without it, there is no way he can insure our property. And insurance would not hurt - then, for a certain fee, we will be able to receive from Lilithip things lost at the scene of death. And you won't have to run. Convenient, isn't it?

The alchemist Clysier (I’m ashamed to admit, but this name reminds me a lot of clyster) threatens to brew a potion that will make us hard as a rock. And equally impenetrable, one must assume. There is only one catch - the main ingredient. Five giant spider eggs - no more, no less. Clisier himself has the guts to plunder spider lairs. Well, why not get acquainted with the local fauna...

It is important: here in the camp there is a master who, for money, can return your unsuccessfully invested skill points. It is marked on the mini-map with a purple dot.

And here is the sought-after Lisse, who turned out to be a local healer. She also has problems with ingredients. Wounded refugees are dying from an unknown disease, and the skin of a tree dragon is needed to prepare a healing potion. What is that dragon to us, when people and non-humans are dying here!.. At the same time, Lisse will agree to restore Morka’s sanity, but only if we find three red mushrooms growing nearby in the swamp.

When we bring the required skin, the healer will be terribly happy and ask us to do another good deed - to find townspeople lost in the swamps in the northeast and bring them to their camp. We won’t refuse to help our compatriots, will we? They will also give us potions.

The elf Salma (hmm, isn't she from the Wild League?) is extremely concerned that hunters are mindlessly exterminating buffalos for their horns, without thinking at all about the balance of nature. If you were touched by her fiery speech, go east, to the border with the desert (we’re still going there for the ancient bones, so what’s the difference?), and convince the buffalo exterminators to moderate their ardor. You can interrupt them, of course, it all depends on what line you choose in the conversation. Considering that we will have to exterminate these buffaloes in batches while traveling through the desert, the task looks somewhat strange.

Once you have completed what is required, Salma will immediately challenge you with her next quest - find a shaman who will help restore Silverfall. Trees, the elf claims, grow wherever he steps. The shaman lives somewhere in the elven swamps, among the beast people. I wonder if his fellow tribesmen would like to have a bite of the handsome traveler?

Whatever they wish, by the way. But the shaman will treat us quite friendly. Naturally, a city parks specialist will not want to work for that. He will invite us to kill the necrobandits who arrived on the ship and desecrated the Altar of the Earth. What a bloodthirsty...

Tucedel Desert

At the very border, a company of goblins decided to arrange a lynching for their fellow tribesman Ratix - he, it turns out, was a werewolf and ruined their entire harvest. You are invited to act as a judge. But as soon as you start to find out the circumstances of the case in more detail, Ratix will transform and you will have to kill him.

The engineer to whom Chalnuk sent us will also be found here. The folk craftsman Sharpitk looks at the uninvited guest with some morbid interest and, hissing, offers to make us faster. It’s very kind of him, but that’s not what we actually came for. To build an airship port, Sharpitka needs his mechanical servant, and as luck would have it, he broke down.

- Five pieces of humanoid bodies, yes, sir, my darling (sorry, I got carried away, but this type’s manner of speaking is painfully similar!)... And a piece of metal - that sword over there will do just fine...

We won’t give him the sword - here’s another thing. You never know how many metal scraps there are in the world. Everything required is easily extracted from the goblins roaming around the area.

Not far from the necrobandit, in a small harbor, on the pier, stands the goblin Dril - the first of our possible partners. I think you won't be surprised if I say that she has problems: she has to take an exam soon, and she is not too confident in her abilities. Instead of peacefully learning the theory, the green-skinned cunning one asks us to steal tickets from the teacher. Oh, these students... To get to the tickets, you need to go upstairs to the robot factory, and to get to the top, you have to climb into the sewer. The exit from it is in the northwestern corner of the map. You'll have to do a lot of running...

There is an archaeologist standing in the city's sewers. The professor sent him there for the skull of one of the founders of the city - but bad luck, there are a lot of all kinds of hostile animals in the sewers, and the enlightened elf does not yet intend to lay down his head on the altar of science. Therefore, he is happy to offer this role to us. Not for the first time... Having received the skull, the archaeologist expresses his gratitude and makes an amusing reservation to celebrate. Hm. Either archeology is studying something completely different from what I thought, or someone is hiding something...

Goblin Patudeep on the upper pier tells us about strange bandits who shamelessly rob caravans, but never kill anyone. Something familiar appears in these principles... Well, let's look for these originals.

And here they are, by the way... Led by Tanya Pleinel. Hello, future companion, your manners are disgusting. The cute creature invites us to donate our belongings to the benefit of bankrupt gunsmiths, otherwise threatening to make a sieve out of us. No, Tanya, this is not fun at all, we’d rather have a duel... If you are an archer, you will fight with her personally, if you prefer close combat, with her friend named Big Charlie, but if your path is magic, the sorceress Etinsel will will be pleased to honor you. After you win (did anyone doubt it?), demand Tanya to disband the gang and join you.

As soon as you, squinting in the bright light, crawl out of the sewer pit, the rat catcher will approach you and offer to go back and kill a dozen wererat-blins - not for free, of course. Unfortunately, those killed before accepting the task do not count. You can complete this quest indefinitely - until the ratblin or your patience runs out.

The goblin alchemist Garilda is found nearby. And what do you think? She will send us into the sewers again - but this time for red mushrooms for a rabbit strength potion... or a hamster, if you prefer. It sounds doubtful, but curiosity is stronger!

Another goblin, Theussa, asks us to save her caravan of goods - otherwise her business will end. Shall we feel sorry for the lady? Lead the caravan to Tuchedelje, having previously cleared the area. In the city he won't get away, but don't worry, he won't follow you into the sewer - and thank you for that.

Goblin Panix, pardon the pun, is in a panic. Just now, during a party, bandits broke into the tavern and stole his wedding rings. Panix is ​​terribly afraid that his fiancee will find out about this - because then the angry girl will break off the engagement. And yes, you guessed it - bandits are also hiding in the sewers! How come all these animals haven’t collided with their elbows yet...

Chopit complains that his workers are a little crazy - they mutter something unintelligible and shirk their work. He, the big boss, can’t afford to find out what happened to them, so he’s ready to pay us for psychological consultation. The workers, fortunately, settled nearby. Otentyp will confidentially tell us that yes, of course, they are poorly paid and treated poorly, but this is nonsense, they are familiar, but a druid recently passed through here... Here, friends, we again have to choose: nature or progress. There is no right or wrong decision, there is only your will. Will we kill the druid who is confusing the fragile minds of the workers, or will we take his side and close the factory? To get to the druid, you need to open the gate in the lower city - right next to it stands Birnard, the leader of the uprising - or climb the stairs near the mine.

Mangrove swamps

Dancelum, a suspicious-looking researcher (most of all he looks like a bandit, but oh well), asks us to help out the cartographer he hired, who foolishly ended up with the Mandrake fairies. In return, he offers to join us, bragging about what a great fighter he is. The body of the cartographer lies nearby - they have already bitten a little... But Dancelam will not be embarrassed by this at all.

We will also find something to do in the elven village. Elona complains that her personal altar has also been desecrated and is being used as a warehouse - the boxes, you see, have been thrown over. In general, if we want the elementals to carry building stone into our city, please teach the blasphemers a lesson. No, it is not necessary to kill, it is enough to destroy all the boxes.

Nurgol, an elf with very progressive views, will tell us that he ordered a collapsible boat for traveling through the swamps, he really wants to get out of this mossy, mired in... Hm. However, the courier was delayed for some reason. Would we be so kind as to check where he went? Well, at the same time deliver the order.

The courier, oddly enough, is alive and even demands a receipt from us. Make him happy that if he gives us the parcel right now, he can return to Tuchedelje. This prospect will make him so happy that he will give the parcel. But you still have to sign for receipt. Nurgol will greet us with open arms and immediately stare at the instructions in bewilderment. In goblin, hee hee...

Upper Tuchedelye

Troll Brock, showing us a large circular saw, says that he will supply wood to restore Silverfall if we promise to deal with the beast people who may not like it. Upon our return, a new task awaits us - Brock promises to also ensure the supply of ore to our hometown if we remove a competitor from his road. No, we won’t kill, gods forbid, we’ll just ruin it a little... The guards and the warehouse are located here, in the upper city - look for the red dots on the map.

Goblin Razia will complain that some terrorists are going to destroy her forge this night in the southeast of the lower city. Shall we help a fragile and helpless lady? The terrorists turned out to be of a “green” orientation and intend to destroy the forge in the name of nature. You can help them if you sympathize with their cause... Otherwise, hit them.

Destroyed Silverfall

The priest standing next to the temple will tell us that the sacred magic stone has been stolen. Without it, a giant waterfall could wipe out Silverfall from the face of the earth. We don't want this, do we? We'll have to go to the elven forests. The thieves live peacefully in the camp of the rebellious prince Dalaen.

A member of the city guard will tell you about the lack of people and advise you to turn to mercenaries in the vicinity of Guyana. And how, I would like to know, will we pay them? But the attempt is not torture... Although first we still have to prove to the candidates for the capital guard that we are not cut out for it.

An old friend of Lisse is worried that many residents have been poisoned by the water. They can only be cured by an extract from the poisonous gland of the Urgulls - and these creatures are found right around Guyana. We still have to hire guards there, right?

Another Gawker will complain that the town just needs a blacksmith, and if you want it, it should be Loke Iron from the harbors on the northern coast of Silvery Bay. Seven miles is not a detour for an ardent adventurer, is it? The blacksmith needs weighty arguments as an advance - in the form of ten necrobandit skulls. No problem. There are so many of these evil spirits in the area that we can carry bags of their skulls - they are still lying around idle.

A hunter standing near Chalnuk offers a reward for killing the beastmen. There is no such thing as extra money if you don’t particularly feel sorry for the animals. Another endless quest.


Another hunter offers a bounty for the giant eagles. Well, there is a lot of this stuff in the surrounding area. Give him your loot until he gets tired of it.

Portiz is hiding in the bushes. He got as drunk as a baboon and doesn't remember anything from last night. I found myself naked on the street. Shall we help a goblin who finds himself in a piquant situation? After we bring him clothes, Portiz will express a desire to join the squad. The choice is yours, but which cats should the drunken archer go for?

Alchemist Sormir asks for five runes of beast-shamans, and as a reward promises a potion that increases our IQ. Seriously, that's what he said. There are shamans piled up in an abandoned mine - you’ll shoot them instantly. But Sormir is not as simple as it seems...


At the border we come across a young elf Alina (by the way, meet another of our future companions), pursued by monsters. Let's help out the poor thing, she begs so hard that it's impossible to resist!.. Having dealt with her pursuers, we learn that Alina literally ran away from the wedding. The oppressive father wanted to marry her to an old man. What a bastard, huh?

Silver Bay

Another hunter stands near the gate and offers money. This time - for necrobrains. There probably aren't enough of our own...

The learned troll Yarnak studies the cults of primitive peoples. In particular, he is interested in the statues of elemental golems. Unfortunately for us, these statues are scattered all over the world, so be patient.

Here we come across another of our possible companions. Gort is looking for a certain necrobandit who is using a certain invention for other purposes... Well, the list of special signs is not impressive. After hesitating a little, the troll reports that we are talking about an unusually effective antidote serum. The cunning necrobandit uses it as formaldehyde in his disgusting experiments, which Gort, according to the ethics of the order of mechanical knights, cannot allow. Inventions should serve for the benefit of humanity! The troll doesn’t know what the scoundrel looks like and asks to find someone who can get this information for us. Well, if you are moving forward in the story, you should already know one such smart guy. For two thousand gold, Syriaz will tell us the exact address of the would-be inventor.

Duchy of Stillite

A guy named Fero is wandering around the city, hopelessly in love with the duchess. He has completely gone crazy with love and asks us to bring him some thing that belongs to the object of our adoration - well, at least a scented handkerchief. Shall we help the unfortunate fetishist?

Another hunter offers a bounty for five ice elementals. If you are not yet tired of running after all sorts of creatures, go.

Companion Quests

Drill. When you are in Silver Bay, the goblin will tell you that she is a local native and that she has relatives here. It would be nice to see them... We will arrive just in time to disperse the necrobandits attacking the factory and witness a touching family reunion.

Tanya. When you get to the cemetery near the tomb of Iznakhel, Tanya will tell you that her father is buried here (and what should he do so far from his homeland?). Invite the girl to visit the grave. There you will find the ghost of her father and learn one unpleasant family secret.

Lord Gort And Alina Apparently, there are no tasks given, but with one of them - depending on the gender of your character - you can have a small affair.

Chronicles of Nelve

Since ancient times, the inhabitants of Nelve have practiced magic. Elementalists, battle mages and necromancers learned to draw power from the universe, which allowed them to change the environment at will. In their minds, the four fundamental elements became four dragons: Aefis, the king of the air, the sylphs obey him; Frakkir, the sultan of the volcanic palace where the salamanders live; Elug, lord of the deep sea and the only beloved of the sirens; and Togon, emperor of the titans living in the bowels of the earth. Together they created the world and the creatures that inhabit it. According to legend, goblins, with their penchant for working with metal, descended from Frakkir; people, pliable and flexible, like clay, became the children of Togon. Aefis is considered the ancestor of the fleet-footed elves, while the grey-skinned trolls emerged from the depths of the lakes created by Elug.

Each race, each country, and even some cities have their own pantheons of gods and patron saints, sometimes quite numerous (for example, the warlike trolls of Tuchedel regularly canonize dead heroes thirty years old and older), but none of them knows the all-encompassing greatness of the Four Dragons.

Once upon a time, every city had a temple of elementalists, where they not only worshiped the four, but also taught magic to those capable of it. The most gifted elves became elementalists, the magical elite of Nelve. But now only two elementalist temples remain: in Silverfall, the capital of the kingdom of Egreid, and in the magical city of Blasis, on the volcanic island of Forge.

Over time, human technology improved, and peasants had more and more powerful and useful inventions at their disposal. The steam boiler, developed by the goblins, or more precisely by the master craftsman Oplymus, in 585 of the Age of Magma, marked the beginning of the industrial revolution and at the same time a new form of serfdom.

Whether for political reasons or because of a lack of resources, not all the peoples of Nelve have reached the same level of development. Some—progressive lobbyists call them “retrogrades”—have spoken out in defense of ancient traditions. As society develops, it often begins to give religion less and less influence, so it is not surprising that it was the clergy who most vehemently opposed scientific and technological progress and even science in general.

In 658 of the second Age of Magma, the terrorist movement of the Path of Nature arose, founded by an enlightened elf named Falael the Prophet, who claimed to have some divine mission entrusted to him. Supporters of this movement were not slow to be found throughout Nelva. By burning coal warehouses and killing industrial magnates, in a few years they formed an entire nation of haters of progress. In 672, in alliance with the beast people, Falael founded the so-called Wild League on the ruins of the Duchy of Stilite, on whose territory the laws of nature rule. Led by the Druids, the inhabitants of the League, deifying nature, worship the Forest Mother, also called the horned maiden or maiden of the forests.


There are all sorts of animals in Silverfall - visible and invisible: from stupid and clumsy zombie trolls to the mysterious ice fairies of Lozruns. However, it is worth dwelling in more detail on some particularly expressive subjects.

Arachnoids. Six feet of wood and steel. The pinnacle of goblin science, the arachnoid is simply built for battle. In front it has two sharp scythes, and in the place where a normal spider has a head there are spinning jagged discs. It's not easy to control this thing, but it simply cuts your enemies to ribbons.

Urgulny. They are usually called "water dragons". These are large creatures with dragon wings; Not every shield or weapon can withstand the blow of their tail with a long spike at the end. The toothy mouth is also very expressive.

Necrocannons. Imagine a humanoid creature with a gun sticking out of its stomach. A terrible sight...

Laughing goblins. Is this still a goblin or already a machine? A kind of Frankenstein's monster, assembled from the remains of representatives of larger races, but with metal joints. I couldn’t find out why this creature was so scared.

Mandrake fairies. Well, or rotting sirens, whichever you prefer. These carnivorous cuties have only one thing on their mind - food, and they consider everything that lives and breathes to be food. Their gluttony has become the talk of the town, and even the bravest of warriors speak of them with shudder. Fairies live mainly in swampy places with a humid climate.

Dark Elves. In fact, elves are protectors of nature, delicate and sensitive natures. But some of them wanted to go off the beaten path, rejected ancient customs and even changed quite a lot in appearance. Well, their aggressiveness has also increased.

Beastmen. These “children of nature” settled in the valleys and forests of Nelve and found a common language with all kinds of animals. The teachings of their shamans call for vegetarianism. The rage of the beast people is directed mostly at adherents of the technological path of development.


I consider it my duty to list them, but for some reason not all of them worked for me. So...

I- opens inventory.

WITH— open the character window.

Q— open the quest log.

S— open the skills window.

M— open the world map.

F5- Give the healing potion to the first companion.

F6- transfer the healing potion to the second companion.

F7— give the potion of strength to the first companion.

F8— transfer the potion of strength to the second companion.

9 - Drink a healing potion.

0 - Drink a potion of strength.

Keys 1 , 2 , 3 And 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 are reserved for quick access to combat and magical skills, respectively.

“So, if this smart guy is very lucky, he will kill the dragon, but he himself will die in battle.” And in the spring the village children will put flowers on his grave. And if he is not very lucky, he will come out of the cave with a dragon head in his hands, satisfied and joyful. And the first words he will hear from recent enemies and yesterday’s friends will be: “Your Majesty.” Clear?

Eleonora Ratkevich, “Paradoxes of the Younger Patriarch”

Magic or technology? What would you prefer: to get within shooting distance of the enemy and, feeling the pleasant cold weight of the pistol in your hand, shoot him in the forehead... or, after looking at the scoundrel with a contemptuous look, from the heart, conjure a more powerful fireball at him? Nature or progress? What is dearer to your heart: the hiss of a steam boiler or the rustling of the leaves of centuries-old oak trees? Your choice will determine which path you will pave for yourself in the world of Nelve...


Controls in Silverfall are quite simple and, as they say now, intuitive. All main actions are performed using the left mouse button: movement, selecting an object of attack, the attack itself (however, not a magical one), interaction with other characters. Well, we also pick up objects from the floor with its help. With the right mouse button we spit all sorts of magical surprises at the enemy, and also heal ourselves and resurrect our allies. The Ctrl and Alt keys highlight everything that is possible, necessary and not necessary to pick up within a certain radius from us. The mouse wheel zooms in or out of the camera - or map, if the corresponding window is open.

Speaking of the camera. It’s not that it’s very uncomfortable... but it’s as if it’s nailed to one nail. You can turn it to the maximum distance or bring it closer so that every blade of grass becomes visible, you can rotate it three hundred and sixty degrees by moving the mouse to the right or left edge of the screen, but why you can’t look up or down remains a mystery to me. So we have the pleasure of observing the moon only in reflection... In the swamp.

In the lower right corner of the screen there is a panel with several buttons - the top row is responsible for opening the windows of inventory, character, skills, guild (only in multiplayer) and map. On the right edge there is a button for calling up settings - there you can also exit the game or the current mission.

On the same panel there is a red life bar and a blue one, indicating the level of magical energy, which is called here. by force. Below them is an indicator of the experience you have gained. To the left of the life bar is a semicircle of buttons for quickly switching to the combat skills you most often use, and to the right of the strength bar - to magic ones.

In the upper right corner there is a cozy mini-map, in the upper left there is a small panel with your name and bars of life and strength, as well as three squares that display active effects “hanging” on you - both positive and quite the opposite. If you have friends next to you, you will see panels corresponding to them, by clicking on which you can contact one or another partner.

That's probably all that can be said about the game's controls.

Birth of a Hero

The first step in almost any role-playing game is to decide who we are and what we are. That is, to put it simply, create a character from existing components. The set of components, frankly speaking, is small - nothing like TES IV: Oblivion or Neverwinter Nights 2. Four types of faces, four skin colors, six hair color options and five hairstyles, one of which is bald. But, of course, first of all we choose the gender and race of the hero.

Eh, why not the Moriya mines?

The main races of Nelve - humans, elves, goblins and trolls - were once enemies, but later learned to coexist and formed alliances. In most countries one of the races dominates, but in some all four coexist more or less peacefully.

People very similar to their “relatives” from our world. They are equally skilled in magic and in the use of weapons, they quickly adapt to everything and learn just as quickly.

Elves, fragile and short, by nature they have remarkable abilities for magic and are excellent at handling a bow.

Trolls- huge, muscular creatures with extraordinary strength and impressive jaws. Without a doubt, the best fighters in all of Nelva.

Goblins. Small and green - that's just about them. Their apparent weakness is compensated by incredible dexterity and sharp mind. With technology, goblins are exclusively at your disposal.

In fact, to be honest, you have to be guided mainly by your own aesthetic preferences, because the initial characteristics of any character are the same. Only racial skills matter, but more on them below.

Character development and skills

The role-playing system in the game is simple. We have four main characteristics: strength, agility, endurance and intelligence. Strength, as you might guess, determines how powerful our attacks will be in close combat. Stamina affects the amount of health, and intelligence affects the amount of magical energy, or strength. And finally, the higher the dexterity, the more painfully our arrows, crossbow bolts and bullets bite. We also have resistance to spells of the elements of fire, cold, air and black magic. These indicators can be modified using armor, which, like weapons, comes in four types: ordinary (gray), good quality (yellow), excellent quality (green) and, finally, elite (blue).

For each monster killed or task completed, we gain experience. When the amount of experience reaches a certain point, insight descends on us, that is, the next level. As you can see, the system is quite classic. With each level we gain four stat points and four skill points. They give us the opportunity to make the character stronger and sharper.

While Silverfall does level up surprisingly quickly, there are never too many skill points. Therefore, it is worth deciding from the very beginning who we will make of our hero: what weapon he will fight, if any, and what magic he will choose for himself - black, light or elemental. Although with magic everything is somewhat simpler - no one bothers you to learn a couple of spells from here and there, depending on your taste. We are not given any restrictions in this regard; there are no classes in the game. A “spontaneous” magician is quite capable of learning to call upon a white, transparent and very, very evil ghost to help himself. And a black magician can master a healing or resurrection spell. The latter, however, is a must if you prefer co-op playthrough: an experienced necromancer, of course, will easily raise an untimely dead friend, but why the hell do we need another zombie?.. However, I’m kidding - the game doesn’t provide such an opportunity, so it’s better learn the resurrection skill.

By the way, about death: If you suffer a sudden death in the game, don’t be upset - you will be resurrected in the nearest town. All you have to do is run in what your mother gave birth to to her final resting place - to get your little things. And if you complete the task of the insurance agent of the goblin Lilithip, then you won’t have to - for a round sum of gold, all your belongings will be returned to you immediately. This Lilithip also works as a bank safe - although things in the game have no weight, the inventory capacity is very limited, so you can put the excess in storage.

With martial artists, however, things are a little more complicated. It is better to immediately decide what we will wield: a sword or a bow. Well, either a crossbow or a firearm - these are trifles. The main thing is what we need more: strength or dexterity. With endurance, everything is already clear - good health has never been a hindrance to any hero. With intelligence too: magicians develop it first of all, others - at their own discretion. Although I am of the opinion that a couple of spells up your sleeve is an extremely useful and necessary thing.

There are an incredible number of skills in Silverfall, which, on the one hand, is, of course, good, since it provides ample opportunities to develop a wide variety of characters, and on the other hand, it’s not a sin to get confused in them. For convenience, all skills are divided into three main groups - combat, magic, and those that do not fall into any of these categories and are meaningfully recommended by “others” - each of which has three subgroups.



Master of small arms— increases the effectiveness of using one-handed weapons.

Master of heavy weapons— increases the effectiveness of using two-handed weapons.

Hand to hand combat- a basic attack that passively improves all melee skills.

Berserker- a powerful melee attack that damages armor.

Berserker charge— increases the attack power of an enemy located at a distance from you. This skill works if you have the Berserk skill active.

Circular attack- you deal damage to all enemies that surround you. This skill can only be used if you are using a two-handed weapon.

Counterattack— the attack following the parry will be more powerful, and the enemy will not be able to seize the initiative from you. The skill is active when the “Defensive Stance” skill is activated,

Critical knowledge- Provides a greater chance of landing a critical hit. Only works if you are using a one-handed weapon.

Defensive stance- you attack from a defensive position at the cost of reducing attack power.

Double attack- a powerful attack that hits the target twice. Only works if you are using a one-handed weapon.

Master of hand weapons— increases the effectiveness of hand-to-hand combat.

Knock down- a blow that knocks the enemy down and makes him vulnerable for some time. This skill only works if you have the Berserk skill active.

Smash- a powerful blow that temporarily renders the enemy’s armor unusable. Only works if you have activated the Defensive Stance skill.

Volley of punches- you deal five strong blows to the enemy. Only works if you use your fists.

The art of stun (Stun knowledge)- gives a chance to stun the enemy. Only works if you are using a two-handed weapon.

Knowledge of injuring attack- increases the chances of injuring the enemy. Only works if you are a fan of hand-to-hand combat.

distant battle

Aiming stance- you shoot from an aiming position.

Weakening shot- a special blow that lowers the enemy’s characteristics. Only works if you are using a firearm.

Long-range shot- a shot with a large damage radius. The skill also increases all shooting skills.

Master of bow and arrow- increases the efficiency of archery.

Master of crossbow— increases the efficiency of crossbow shooting.

Element shot- a magic shot that strikes without missing.

Explosive quarrel- when fired, there is a chance to cause an explosion and injure all opponents around you. Only works if you are using a crossbow.

Rapid fire- a blow with a larger than usual radius of destruction, causing fire damage.

Master of firearms- increases the effectiveness of firearms.

Disabling arrow- the shot slows down the enemy. Only works if you are using a bow and arrow.

Multiple shots— the shot hits several targets at the same time.

Destabilizing quarrel- a sneaky blow that knocks the enemy down. Only works if you are using a crossbow.

Stun shot- gives a chance to stun the enemy. Only works if you are using a firearm.

Wounding arrow- gives a greater chance of injuring the enemy. Only works if you have a bow in your hands.

Head shot- your arrows fly far and bite painfully. Each attack deals critical damage. Only works if you are standing in an aiming position.

Reflex shot— works only from the “Rapid Fire” position. Increases the speed at which you hit nearby enemies.


Master of parrying- Only works if you are using melee combat or a defensive stance.

Rapid missiles- increases the speed of an arrow or bullet.

Master of dodging— increases the chance to evade an enemy attack.

Armor penetration— melee attacks and shots damage part of the enemy’s armor.

Reflexes- Increases the chance to dodge or parry, but also the chance to suffer a serious wound.

Master of critical blows- increases the chance of landing a critical hit.

Master of armor— increases the effectiveness of wearing armor.

Deadly weapons- increases the effectiveness of any weapon.

Speed- Increases your movement speed.

Poisoned weapons- weapons acquire poisonous properties

Concentrated poison— increases the chance of poisoning the enemy and the period of action of the poison.

Rust (Corrosive poison)- poison eats away armor.

Weakening poison— poison slows down the enemy, reduces his strength and agility.

Endurance- Gives you a chance to resist staggering, wounding, poisoning, and knockdown attacks.

Glimpse- increases the chance of finding magic items.


Elemental magic

Element projectiles— you shoot one or more balls of pure energy. Passively increases the duration of all elemental spells and the cost of magical energy for them.

Fire blood- the target receives fire damage, and your resistance to fire increases.

Fireball- a clot of fire that causes considerable damage.

Combustion- Sets the enemy on fire.

Fire rain- meteor shower hitting the area.

Ice ball- causes little harm, but it has the ability to freeze the enemy. An extremely useful skill, especially in combination with marksmanship skills. Immobilize the reptile - and fire at him to your heart's content.

Cold ring- the ground around you is covered with frost, at the same time freezing all enemies within the radius of action of this spell. It also does little harm, but if you are surrounded, that’s it.

Ice crown- increases resistance to cold, and also freezes everyone who attacks you nearby.

Tornado— summons a tornado on the heads of your enemies, which slows them down and causes serious damage.

Lightning- miniature electric chair.

Wind spell- Increases air resistance and spell casting speed.

Shock wave- the same electric chair, only mass.

Shock- another lightning bolt, which, however, deals more damage and slows down the enemy for a short time.

Applied spells- a skill that increases the chance of inflicting critical damage with elemental spells.

Servant— summons an elemental to help you.

Master of elements— increases damage from elemental spells.

Magic of light

Rapid healing- Reduces the casting time of healing spells.

Healing- restores your life.

Master of healing— increases the power of the healing spell, as well as its cost in units of power.

Rapid recovery— increases the speed of natural health recovery.

Power regeneration- increases the rate of natural strength recovery.

Pure light- Passively increases the effect of healing spells.

Resurrection- resurrects an ally. There is no way to do without this skill.

Applied healing- gives a chance to double the effect of a healing spell.

Sacred shield— passively increases overall defense and adds protection against black magic to it.

Superior benediction— passively increases attributes and adds protection from black magic.

Fervent prayer— passively increases the duration of the Illumination spell.

Illumination- increases the damage you deal and protects against black magic.

Reverend's prayer— the effect of “Illumination” descends on everyone around you.

Serenity- after the battle, you freeze for a short time like an idol, while your health and strength are restored at a significant speed.

Life absorption- You heal allies by draining life from the enemy.

Transmutation— if after a battle, for example, your health bar is full, then the speed of strength recovery increases. And vice versa.

Black magic

Abomination- Summons an undead servant.

Amplified curses— increases the duration of all curses.

Master of death— increases damage from all black magic spells.

Infection (Contagion)- Cursed enemies “transfer” the curse to all enemies who are near them.

Very nice, God!

Shadow rage— you shoot several clots of darkness, causing damage to enemies.

Education- Increases the combat skills of your undead servant.

Element curse- a powerful curse that reduces the target's resistance to elemental magic spells. If this resistance drops to zero or even lower, the damage from elemental spells will be even greater.

After-life- increases the abilities of lost souls.

Life drain- the spell drains life from the target.

Lost weapon- causes an aggressive ghost.

Master of necromancy- Increases the effectiveness of your black magic spells.

Power leak- lowers the enemy's intelligence and prevents him from casting spells.

Putrefaction- lowers the enemy's defense.

Reconstitution- Increases your undead servant's ability to drain life.

Damned pact- turns you into a Shadow. You gain vulnerability to light magic spells, but black magic cannot harm you. The skill increases defense, but reduces resistance to elemental spells. All your attacks deal additional black magic damage.

Vampire hit— your blows and black magic spells additionally suck some life out of the enemy.


Be sure to pay attention to this list when choosing a race for your character.

Racial (human)

Inspiration- This skill, when activated, makes your spells more powerful.

Toughness- reduces the likelihood that your attack will be interrupted at the most inopportune moment.

Knowledge— all spells now cost less power points.

Invoker- Increases the power of your summoning spells.

Tenacity— increases the possibility of delivering two decisive blows in a row.

Racial (troll)

Fury- Increases attack speed and damage dealt.

Butcher— increases damage inflicted in melee combat.

Troll strength- increases strength.

Terrifying sight- increases the chance of hitting the target.

Channeled strength- Increases damage caused when using force.

Racial (elf)

Affinity with magic- makes it possible to weave a spell without spending magical energy on it.

Rigidity (Inflexible)- increases resistance to black magic.

Meditation- your first blow in a fight will be more powerful.

Amplification— passively increases damage from elemental spells.

Agility- increases the chances of dodging and delivering a decisive blow.

Racial (goblin)

Powder son- Increases accuracy and damage dealt by firearms.

Resistance to spells- Increases magic resistance.

Thick skin- improves your endurance.

Evolved armor- improves your armor.

Elusive— increases the chance to evade attacks and movement speed.

And you may not get the next two skill lines at your disposal unless you are firm in your convictions. Your character has a loyalty scale, which shows in percentage how much you lean towards one or the other point of view, which is closer to you: nature or technology. We’ll talk about how to win the sympathy of both sides in the walkthrough, but it’s important to know here that none of these skills are available either initially or with level up; they all require a certain “percentage of conviction.” And as soon as you leave the chosen path, they will immediately become inaccessible. However, by completing the appropriate tasks, you can always regain what you have lost.


Acid Blood- your blood, turning into acid, injures enemies attacking you in melee.

Ancestral power— the spirits of your ancestors grant you magical powers for some time.

Master Druid— passively increases the duration of the spells “Lycanthropy”, “Purification”, “Power of the Ancestors” and “Nature’s Help”. Also passively reduces the power point cost of all natural spells.

Protective bark- Temporarily increases resistance to elemental magic and poison.

Rust- Causes direct damage to the enemy. The spell is especially effective against mechanical enemies.

Survival- A natural instinct that gives you a chance to ignore damage from a weapon or spell.

Lycanthropy- you temporarily turn into a beast.

Swarm (Swarm)- Summons a swarm of stinging insects at your enemies.

Nature's help- calls the angry animal.

Wild marks- increase strength and agility.


Shield— erects a shield around you that reflects any projectiles.

Steam jets— a jet of steam bursts out and damages your enemies up to five times.

Implants- implants that increase endurance and intelligence.

Magnetic shield- Passively absorbs some of the damage done to you.

Master engineer— passively increases the duration of the spells “Overload”, “Shield”, “Mechanical Slave”. Also passively reduces the power point cost of all tech spells.

Mechanical slave— calls a robot to help you.

Neural modification- Passively increases the effectiveness of evasion and parry.

Overload- Temporarily increases attack speed and damage dealt.

Power Siphon— steals power points from the enemy five times.

Radiation- the infected enemy and his closest neighbors systematically lose health for some damage.

Hand in hand

If you're entrusting your life to someone, it's a good idea to know who you're dealing with, right? Let's take a closer look at our faithful companions - some of them, by the way, are hiding secrets of a very dubious nature.

Alina Fire Whirlwind, elven sorceress

Brave to the point of recklessness, Alina goes through life with a smile and a spell on her lips. She was born in the elven valley of Selimir, which was practically untouched by the turmoil that befell Nelve, and this is probably why her disposition is light and cheerful. Possessing an innate talent for the occult sciences, a passion for pyrotechnic tricks and theatrical effects, she chose fire magic for herself. Natural curiosity prompted her to leave Selimir with the goal of becoming a student in one of the elemental temples.

You should definitely take Alina onto your team - and as soon as you meet. The usefulness of this powerful sorceress, who effortlessly unleashes thunder, lightning and meteor showers on her enemies, cannot be overestimated. True, the elf also requires a lot of care - make sure that particularly cunning enemies do not trample her.

Ser Gort, troll warrior

Ser Gort belongs to the military elite of Tuchedel. These valiant warriors, defenders of the Federation, defend its borders and fight opposition. Gort, a veteran of many expansionist wars, was appointed commander of the personal guard of Lord Urdo, the ruler of the city. Gort went to great lengths to get this position until he was appointed head of a border monastery where nothing happens at all. He just can't stand inaction...

The troll is also a welcome companion on any dangerous journey. This is a real armored vehicle, he is not afraid of anything at all. In all the time I worked with Gort, he died only once, and that was by accident.

Drilipilim, goblin healer

She prefers to be called simply Dril (hm, the girl is understandable). Child of a democratic goblin society. Growing up in a poor family, she passed exams to become a financial engineer and received a diploma in several disciplines. With a degree, she intends to become an independent mechanchemist (that is, produce potions and implants), but she has one problem - money. To open your own pharmacy, you need considerable investment. After working for several months at the prestigious Hilip, Hilip and Sons workshop, the ambitious goblin lost her patience. Young, talented and motivated people can ultimately make a fortune in faster ways. So Dril went in search of adventure... and treasure.

As a healer, Dril is not bad, but she is of little use in battle. It’s useless to put weapons in her hands; she doesn’t know how to use them anyway. Support fighter - and nothing more.

Tanya Planel, shooter

The girl Tanya, nicknamed Thunder, is an expert in firearms. The only daughter of Tuchedelje, a well-known gunsmith throughout the Federation, she grew up surrounded by muskets and barrels of gunpowder. When her father died in a laboratory accident, the girl inherited the family business, but her competitors were not at all happy about this, and they took action. Having gone broke, Tanya became an adventurer, traveling the world in search of something to point a gun at. Having accomplished several feats, she earned a fair amount of money, but she is not interested in gold. Tanya suffers from constant bouts of melancholy and has lost the meaning of life, which is why she is looking for more complicated troubles for her pretty little head - in order to continue to improve.

Tanya really shoots well - but, firstly, she is not as good in battle as she would like, and secondly, she has a bad habit of often dying. At the first opportunity, replace her with someone stronger - Alina, for example.

You can only take two friends with you, the rest will wait in a safe place. If you forgot where you left your faithful companion, it doesn’t matter. Use the local teleportation system to transport yourself to a city, and you can be sure that your partner will be found somewhere nearby. The same trick will work if one of them, more than expected, dies - after an instant movement, the carcass hanging lifelessly in the air will be next to you. If you are completely unable to teleport anywhere, but you don’t remember when and where your companion fell, that’s also not a problem. Run forward and watch your step...

When you join, your teammates automatically become the same level as you, and they gain these levels together with you. You can equip them at your discretion - just keep in mind that you have the same inventory for everyone! - but you do not have the opportunity to manage their development and education. However, no special nonsense was noted here either - the guys are developing exactly the skills that they need.

Along the way, you will meet several more who want to temporarily share the hardships of wandering with you - we will talk about them in the walkthrough - but they are not nearly as expressive and interesting as these four. Random fellow travelers, nothing more...


We start in the role of the archmage of the entire kingdom and immediately, by the will of the creators of the game, we find ourselves in the thick of battle - apparently, to make it easier to get used to the role. The city is burning, bridges are collapsing, someone is screaming in horror, someone is already being chewed up by disgusting zombie trolls... Idyll, one word. Before we have time to leave the temple and look around, a delegation of the local population immediately runs up, led by our offspring, and immediately stuns us with the age-old questions: “who is to blame?” and “what should I do?” In a fatherly tone, reassure the poor fellows, order them to gather the survivors and send them to the nearest swamp - the ruins there will make a good shelter. Well, you, they say, will try to save whoever you can at this time, cover their retreat and at the same time find and strangle the bastard who started the whole mess.

Don’t worry, the character you lovingly created has not gone away - he, apparently, at this time, along with other refugees, is fleeing towards the swamp. It will be returned to us later. In the meantime, there is time to get used to it. The archmage who has come under our control is wise, well-equipped, and has a couple of very good spells. In short, the enemy is not weak. Run around the city, admire the local beauty, practice on trolls, although there is no point in getting carried away with the latter - the experience from them will not be counted towards you, which, however, is logical, later. Following the direction indicated by the arrow on the mini-map, you will sooner or later stumble upon a winged creature named Zruul - it commands here. After exchanging pleasantries, you begin to fight, and then something strange happens. Another lightning strikes from the sky, the enemy falls to the ground in writhing, and a strange purple thread stretches between you... Zruul incredulously states that it seems to be the end for him, vengefully promises to return and show everyone, and then we are transported many miles from Silverfall - to a refugee camp. The prologue is over and the game itself begins.

Hunting the Undead

With a confident gait we approach the son of the brave archmage. He will cry a little about how bad everything is: the city is destroyed, his father is missing, it is not clear what is happening. The young man asks to find his father. Agree, he is not a stranger to you either - a teacher, after all. At the same time, promise to thin out the zombie population around the camp a little, otherwise people are getting nervous. Ten is enough.

It is important: when we are given something - a reward for completing a task, for example - the item does not automatically appear in our backpack, we have to pick it up from the floor. What a bad habit, really, throwing everything on the floor!

When we return victorious, Kaaron will first give us some money and offer to rest and replenish our supplies. Then, sniffling, he will report that there is a shortage of many necessary things in the camp. In general, wouldn’t we agree to run to the nearest elven settlements and ask for material support? Nothing is given for free in this life, so in exchange Kaaron offers to give away what he managed to save from the ruins of the city.

Upon closer inspection, those settlements turn out to be far, oh-so to the south, but you have to go where to go. The leader of the elves, Oliyar, having seen our credentials and listened to the heartbreaking story, gains confidence in us and agrees to make an exchange. True, he immediately asks for a favor - to get rid of the necrophage (what kind of evil spirits is this? Judging by the name, it feeds on carrion...), kindly marking its location on the map.

After killing the vile creature, return to the refugee camp - Kaaron will tell us a lot of kind words, give us some gold and again complain about life. The number of undead in the surrounding area is growing, the guards are unable to cope with their attacks, isn’t it time to uproot this weed once and for all? Moreover, the root seemed to have been discovered - flooded ruins in the southwest. The bread of the savior of the fatherland tastes bitter. Taking a deep breath, we hit the road...

A zombie captain is discovered in the ruins (I wonder how we determined his rank? Stripes on his body or uniform?). Grabbing the reptile by the collar, we shake him thoroughly and ask: who is he, where is he from, what is happening, why was the capital destroyed? He, however, will not report anything particularly intelligible: he is, they say, nothing more than a blind tool in the hands of a certain master, and the Deadly Shadow is already spreading from Tuchedel... Yes, our report to Kaaron will be vague. The owner who destroyed Silverfall is in the east - looking for something in the mines of Tuchedel. That's all we managed to get out of the zombies. The archmage's son shakes his head with concern: what does this master want in the mines of crystalline coal? But, be that as it may, we are going to Tuchedelje, and Kaaron will join us a little later.

Where the earth is red as blood...

There seems to be a martial law in Tuchedelje: all the doors are locked, half the shops are closed... The guard of the lower gate informs us that the goblins have barricaded themselves in the lower town and are not letting anyone in - even Nekol, the local bootlegger and big shot, cannot get through. Nekol, in response to our questions, gives out a bottle of greenish liquid and orders it to be delivered to Sergeant Nobu - he is in charge there. They also give us a key to the gate. Forward - into the sewer! There is no other way.

“Stand still and keep your hands in sight!” - The sergeant greets us warmly. Wave a bottle in front of his nose and tell him that the person responsible for the fall of Silverfall is hiding in the upper city - Nob will immediately become kinder. But getting into the upper city is nevertheless impossible while the goblin revolt continues. The sergeant is confident that the order of the city ruler, Lord Kiara Urdo, will calm the hot goblin heads. We are tasked with delivering a letter to a certain Birnard, the leader of the uprising. Birnard calls us a strikebreaker and a hired killer, but does not order us to be killed on the spot. Smart... First question, then shoot. Give him a letter from Lord Urdo. Birnard breaks into a satisfied smile - all the demands of the rebels will be satisfied. Somehow even suspicious. Make a face like a brick - I don’t know anything, that’s what they told me, I actually work here as a postman - otherwise they might hit you. In any case, the uprising is over. You can return to Nobu. A satisfied sergeant will give us gold and a pass to the upper city, and will also advise us to contact the ruler - if the one we are looking for is really in the vicinity of Tuchedel, the lord will certainly know about it.

As soon as we take the elevator, Kaaron will say that the merchants saw the archmage in the city - however, there is one strange thing: an aura of malice and danger emanated from him. This is a new misfortune...

Lord Kiar will greet us with a fanged troll smile - of course, we crushed the uprising. Sprinkling pleasantries, his lordship will advise starting the search for the archmage by investigating the following case: a certain Lady Zokor (wasn’t it her guards we killed in one of the side quests?) has been behaving extremely unusually for some time now, so much so that even her relatives do not recognize her. The Lord believes that all this is somehow connected with the disappearance of the archmage and the shadow that the late zombie captain mentioned. It's a tiny thread, but that's all we have.

Be careful, Lady Zokor's palace is huge and swarming with guards!

This is the advice: run to the lady as soon as possible without being distracted by the fight - after talking with her, the guards will stop attacking us.

The lady herself turned out to be a very well-fed troll with a clouded look. Someone has really messed with her mind. But a couple of blows and the lady will come to her senses a little. According to her story, a certain magician from Silverfall came to her and expressed interest in supplying crystalline coal. As a result of negotiations, the parties came to an amicable agreement and, as a sign of the conclusion of the deal, according to local custom, exchanged a kiss. After that, the lady didn’t remember anything. Interesting... Who is it that so shamelessly turns the heads of young girls?

Having outlined the situation, Lady Zokor becomes alarmed and rushes to write an explanatory note to Lord Kiara. We are very clearly pushed out the door. Well, to hell with her, with this business lady. From the ruler we learn that Kaaron rushed to the Machine Makers Guild - its tower in the lower part of the city - according to rumors, his father was seen there. Damn fool... The Archmage is clearly not the same as before; Kaaron should not have acted so rashly. We'll have to help out!

It’s not so easy to get into the tower we need - we need a code. And in general, it can only be opened by the architect who built it. But he fled, pursued by evil spirits, and is probably dead at this moment. A goblin with the cute nickname Gawker will tell us about this.

Architect Globuk, however, is alive and did not run far. Kill the zombie trolls around him and send the poor fellow to Sergeant Nobu - let the city militia guard him. In gratitude, the goblin will share the key.

The guild tower is a labyrinth full of all kinds of robots. Um, are you still a supporter of progress?..

Attention, now you will meet the Deadly Shadow! Or... Well, yes, I feel sorry for the guy.

When it's all over, a stranger will run up to us and tell us that Chalnuk (remember him?) is waiting for us in Silverfall - and as soon as possible. With a heavy heart, we return to our hometown... Chalnuk has to tell us that all the water sources in the area have been poisoned by the invaders. Only living water, which only the Druids know about, can save the situation. Maybe talk to Salma? No, you still have to go to the Druids of Guyana.

Through the valleys and over the hills...

The Druids were clearly not happy with our visit, but they promised help. True, you will have to run for living water. Previously, its source came to the surface, but people came and ruined everything. As always, however. Now only in the tunnels guarded by beast people can life-giving moisture be found. Then it must be brought to the four supreme druids of Guyana for blessing. And then, if we behave well, they will think about our proposal.

The beast people, believe it or not, are not happy to see us either. Yes, and we are not delighted - but who asks us? The hero's opinion is never taken into account. The venerable assembly wants more than anything to immediately bite the uninvited visitors, but the khan, impressed by our courage and determination (or impudence?), prefers to listen. And since we have nothing to repay for the water, he proposes a duel. He shouldn't have done it. We will win anyway, but judging by the angry growls of the other advisers, he will be overthrown in no more than a month...

Upon returning to Guyan, we will witness an attack by the elves. The High Druids, in a panic, ask us to save the seeds of the sacred tree. Well, a favor for a favor. But that is not all! While they are blessing us with some water, we must kill the exiled prince Dalaen, who sent troops to Guyan. By the way, the Druids will also say that the restless late archmage left a legacy here too. And just when I had time...

Are you okay with a little elven genocide? Then go north!

Elven Hospitality

I take my words back - it will be quite a genocide. They also claim that elves are a dying race. Prince Dalaen flies on a huge eagle, and first you will have to hurry, and then beat him seriously. Pressed to the nail, Dalaen admits that the Shadow came to him and promised him invincibility. We have already disappointed him in this, but why did the Shadow order to attack Gayan? His rebellious Highness, as it turned out, was promised the Guyanese lands for full possession, but death would prevent him from completing the story. Again, complete ambiguity.

As soon as Dalaen gives up the ghost, everything will float before our eyes and appear... who do you think? Kaaron! Well, not exactly him. A former friend will try to persuade us to join his master, but we will be as hard as stone. Eh, an apple from an apple tree... First the father, now the son.

There was no boredom in Silverfall during our absence either. The king of Egreida himself, together with his family, intended to arrive in the capital in order to support his subjects, but on the way he was attacked by bandits on a flying ship. According to the only surviving eyewitness, Lieutenant Glardo, the scoundrels killed the king and kidnapped Princess Ilina along with the crown of Egreid. I wonder what they need more: a princess or a crown? Be that as it may, everyone must be saved. Otherwise, our long-suffering country faces a civil war. We'll have to pay a visit to the necrobandits... Glardo just promised to find out the way.

On North

Smugglers can give us a lift to Silvery Bay, or we can get there on our own two feet. The first path is shorter, the second is safer. Choose. In the city we need to find Siriaz Snaketongue, he must know something. By the way, for better or worse, in the absence of the princess we were appointed regent of Egreid. For merit. The pleasure is dubious, but honorable.

The Silver Bay is besieged by an entire army of necroscoundrels. Their leader threatens to break a couple of our limbs unless we donate all our belongings to him. He ran away... We'd better break something for him.

Siriyaz warily asks what we want: a mechanical arm? Eye? Or maybe a rib cage? Thank you, of course, but for now we’ll make do with our own, natural ones. Let's ask him about the princess. How much did he say for the information? Ten thousand? What a grabber. But there is no way out, you have to pay. If only we, in addition to the regency, were given gold according to our rank...

The princess, along with the crown, was dragged all the way to Solitude - to the very north, to the native lands of the necrobandits. Or rather, into a necrobandit airship. To get inside this truly gigantic ship, you will have to fight your way through the laboratory. The main difficulty in the laboratory is the pitch darkness. You can't see anything, but, fortunately, the map correctly indicates the enemies.

What a dear, just Sugar Medovich... Now I’m melting.

Captain Cryar is waiting for us in the airship. He will invite us to take part in a very interesting experiment - not that he particularly asks for our consent. At the most interesting moment, we will be impolitely distracted... and when we deal with the giant necrobandit, our partners will already be roasting the polite captain’s heels. Just not to death! This rascal has not yet admitted where her highness went!

According to an already established bad habit, Cryar died without finishing his sentence. But from his weakened paws a piece of a map fell out - a cemetery, the grave of a certain Iznakhel. History buffs already know that this is the progenitor of the necrobandit race. To enter his tomb, you need a tablet found in the garrison nearby.

Upon entering the tomb, we will receive greetings from Khaaron. Nothing interesting, so feel free to tell the messenger: “Go away!” He won't go far, though...

In the end, we will find an annoying messenger (it turned out to be Iznahel himself), and next to him is a princess engulfed in scarlet flame. We will be asked to surrender. Even twice. Don’t give in - how can you trust someone who treats a girl like that? Well, first we were attacked by the drugged princess, then by the necromancer himself. It makes no sense to his cold... spirit - only half-decayed notes about some Scarlet Dawn Society. From them we learn that the one who created the Deadly Shadow in ancient times did not forget about the method of its destruction - the Black Crystal. And it is located in the Duchy of Stilite, in the hands of the descendants of the knight who founded this state centuries ago.

Among the eternal ice

Eternal winter reigns in Stilaite. It is not surprising that Duchess Olinia is in such a gloomy mood. Well, to be precise, that’s not the only reason. Our regalia makes an impression on her, and her ladyship, opening up, said that her only son and heir was dying of an incurable disease - he had only a few days to live. As for the crystal, okay, so be it, we can take it, but only if we save the Stilite dynasty from extinction. What's it like? To do this, you need to get the illegitimate offspring of a high-ranking family, who is barely two years old. Her merciful ladyship recently kicked the bastard’s mother out of the city, and the poor thing was sheltered by the hermit Hob.

The hermit shakes his head and advises asking the mother where her child is - did you think the child was there? He was kidnapped by the Lozruns, the ice fairies, and dragged into their lair. Kill the Lozrun king and you will be surprised at the results.

Take Ilio to the Duchess and she will tell you where the crystal is. Well, yes, of course, not in the castle. In the ancestral crypt of the Stilites, teeming with undead, he is much safer.

In the tomb we will meet Harois of Stilaite himself, the founder of the dynasty - that is, with his spirit, of course. A knight who died six hundred years ago, having weaved seven barrels of prisoners, gives us permission to take his stone... but before we even have time to take a step towards the tomb, Kaaron will get to the bottom of us. He's itching. However, this time we have something to answer. Poke the crystal at him, and our friend will finally come to his senses. Not for long, really.

A new player appears on the scene, the Dark King. We will ignore the ridicule, but with what joy does Garois talk to him as if he were an old acquaintance? And he even calls him by name. It seems that there were three of them in this Scarlet Dawn Society - but the third, Loriza, did not survive to this day, even as a ghost. Having chatted nicely with a friend, Garois stuns us with the prospect of another adventure. That's the task for all the tasks: go to the city of magic Blasis and fight there with the god of destruction in his deep kingdom. Why not drain the sea? And it will be easier...

Upon returning to Steeleite, we discover that the city has been attacked by druids and beastmen. We'll have to go south and kill their pet animal. And why did they want to attack Stilite? When we finally find out “what,” we are taken aback: it turns out that the creature sensed the damned Shadow and came to kill it. The Supreme Four vying with each other claim that it is our body that has been taken over by this muck. Hmm, I don’t know... There don’t seem to be any extraneous voices whispering in my head. And in general, we have a stone here with this Shadow...

The Druids, scratching their heads, admit that they got carried away and ask for forgiveness. Ask the Duchess, comedians, you ruined half of her state.

Secret paths

All the leads lead to Blasis, so let's go there. But you can’t just get into the city, we’ll give you a fair amount of rounds. There is a passage in the eastern mountain range of Stilite - we go there, climb the mountain and look for the entrance to the underworld. Immediately upon entering, the goblin Xilipp rushes towards us and begs for help. He was attacked by a dozen creatures. Let's kill them and ask, as a return favor, to show us the way to the underground kingdom of the gnomes - Koroziom. Xilipp hesitates, huddles, then finally reveals that his brother Clearix knows the way, but he will soon be eaten, and in general they are both captives of underground insects. And then these strangers, that is, we, appeared just in time... The result is clear. Having introduced ourselves in passing, we rush to the brothers’ rescue.

Klirix does not expect to escape - a huge larva, dreaming of dining on them, is already on its way. But we have a knight Gort on our team - he eats such larvae for breakfast every day... The former larval snack makes an appointment for us in the goblin village of Dripp and runs away - I wonder how he intends to break through the hordes of enemies? At least he didn’t ask us to help.

There is a merchant in Dripp, which is not bad at all. The goblin brothers, having complained about some completely crazy adventurers, showed the path to the dwarven kingdom, but warned that they were even crazier than ours and in general were no longer quite dwarves, but half insects. Mutants.

The gnomes are indeed kind of non-classical, with wings, but polite: first they asked “where are you going”, then they started beating. It's your own fault. Then the road is straight. Looking at the dazzling white arch, I hoped that we would now emerge into the daylight, but that was not the case.

So, Korozioma Palace. We will meet here with another old acquaintance - Zruul - and in the plural. So is this a name, a position, or just such a creature?.. Get ready for a very difficult fight - there are a staggering number of gnomes in the palace, and they bite extremely painfully. In the end, after running through many halls and sliding doors, we find ourselves in the face of the Dark King. Wow, he’s mannered... “You won’t pass!” - we answer no less pathetically, after which the villain disappears into the portal, leaving us with the guard as a souvenir. After the knights of darkness are laid to rest, we jump into the portal.

And I warned you - to get to Blasis, you need a fair detour... Yes, yes, that’s exactly where we find ourselves. This island is a gloomy place - dark scarlet earth, amber sky and rivers of lava. I’m curious, is the weather always so optimistic here, or is it just in honor of the invasion? The allies that Chalnuk promised to gather are already waiting for us nearby. Well, their number is not impressive... The city itself desperately resembles our native Silverfall - only on lava. And when did they manage to evacuate all the residents? The dwarven king undoubtedly settled in the temple - a place where the power of the elements was concentrated. True, we will get there a little late: the creeping reptile has already managed to call his master - Nothing - to the temple and burst from the fullness of feelings. Well, let's see if this god knows how to die...

“You have proven yourself to be a real hero,” Chalnuk will tell us. - Your Majesty...

This is interesting: After the final video, you can start the game again - just select your well-fed, experienced character in the main menu and press “Start”. We will immediately be transported to a refugee camp, and the story will again roll along the well-trodden rut. All skills, things, level and even partners will remain with us. And even the map will be open - only the marks on it will disappear.

In passing...

But besides the main storyline, we will find something to entertain ourselves in the world of Nelve. After all, there are still a fair amount of tasty and fun additional tasks. Sometimes they loom right under our noses, and sometimes you stumble upon them in the most unexpected places.

Refugee camp

The troll girl named Morka Dobraya seems to have lost her mind a little, doesn’t recognize her own people and claims that she is to blame for all the disasters that have happened and the zombies are looking for her. I feel sorry for the poor guy... Promise to bring a certain Lisse to her, she will help.

When Morka regains her sanity, the trollina will offer to become your ally. By the way, she is a healer.

A trader named Chalnuk, an ardent supporter of progress, has discovered some exceptional swamp gas nearby, which he plans to use as a source of energy. It is necessary, armed with the given pump, to find three sources of gas and collect, so to speak, samples. Well, and don’t let the surrounding creatures ruin your fragile equipment. We are offered a sword as a reward.

It is important: This is one of many tasks where you will have to choose - either nature or progress. The decision is yours.

After completing the task, Chalnuk will ask us to find an engineer who will build a port for airships in Silverfall. And the engineer, it turns out, is nothing less than a necrobandit! And he lives in the Tuchedel desert. Who can we unite with for the triumph of progress...

In the east, where the earth is red as blood, lie the bones of ancient animals - from which, according to the blacksmith's assistant, they make good weapons. Why not take a walk, especially since we were promised a pilot copy? To get the bones you will have to climb into the Tuchedel mine.

A local insurance agent, a goblin with the poetic name Lilithip, has lost his magic chest. Without it, there is no way he can insure our property. And insurance would not hurt - then, for a certain fee, we will be able to receive from Lilithip things lost at the scene of death. And you won't have to run. Convenient, isn't it?

The alchemist Clysier (I’m ashamed to admit, but this name reminds me a lot of clyster) threatens to brew a potion that will make us hard as a rock. And equally impenetrable, one must assume. There is only one catch - the main ingredient. Five giant spider eggs - no more, no less. Clisier himself has the guts to plunder spider lairs. Well, why not get acquainted with the local fauna...

It is important: here in the camp there is a master who, for money, can return your unsuccessfully invested skill points. It is marked on the mini-map with a purple dot.

And here is the sought-after Lisse, who turned out to be a local healer. She also has problems with ingredients. Wounded refugees are dying from an unknown disease, and the skin of a tree dragon is needed to prepare a healing potion. What is that dragon to us, when people and non-humans are dying here!.. At the same time, Lisse will agree to restore Morka’s sanity, but only if we find three red mushrooms growing nearby in the swamp.

When we bring the required skin, the healer will be terribly happy and ask us to do another good deed - to find townspeople lost in the swamps in the northeast and bring them to their camp. We won’t refuse to help our compatriots, will we? They will also give us potions.

The elf Salma (hmm, isn't she from the Wild League?) is extremely concerned that hunters are mindlessly exterminating buffalos for their horns, without thinking at all about the balance of nature. If you were touched by her fiery speech, go east, to the border with the desert (we’re still going there for the ancient bones, so what’s the difference?), and convince the buffalo exterminators to moderate their ardor. You can interrupt them, of course, it all depends on what line you choose in the conversation. Considering that we will have to exterminate these buffaloes in batches while traveling through the desert, the task looks somewhat strange.

Once you have completed what is required, Salma will immediately challenge you with her next quest - find a shaman who will help restore Silverfall. Trees, the elf claims, grow wherever he steps. The shaman lives somewhere in the elven swamps, among the beast people. I wonder if his fellow tribesmen would like to have a bite of the handsome traveler?

Whatever they wish, by the way. But the shaman will treat us quite friendly. Naturally, a city parks specialist will not want to work for that. He will invite us to kill the necrobandits who arrived on the ship and desecrated the Altar of the Earth. What a bloodthirsty...

Tucedel Desert

At the very border, a company of goblins decided to arrange a lynching for their fellow tribesman Ratix - he, it turns out, was a werewolf and ruined their entire harvest. You are invited to act as a judge. But as soon as you start to find out the circumstances of the case in more detail, Ratix will transform and you will have to kill him.

The engineer to whom Chalnuk sent us will also be found here. The folk craftsman Sharpitk looks at the uninvited guest with some morbid interest and, hissing, offers to make us faster. It’s very kind of him, but that’s not what we actually came for. To build an airship port, Sharpitka needs his mechanical servant, and as luck would have it, he broke down.

- Five pieces of humanoid bodies, yes, sir, my darling (sorry, I got carried away, but this type’s manner of speaking is painfully similar!)... And a piece of metal - that sword over there will do just fine...

We won’t give him the sword - here’s another thing. You never know how many metal scraps there are in the world. Everything required is easily extracted from the goblins roaming around the area.

Not far from the necrobandit, in a small harbor, on the pier, stands the goblin Dril - the first of our possible partners. I think you won't be surprised if I say that she has problems: she has to take an exam soon, and she is not too confident in her abilities. Instead of peacefully learning the theory, the green-skinned cunning one asks us to steal tickets from the teacher. Oh, these students... To get to the tickets, you need to go upstairs to the robot factory, and to get to the top, you have to climb into the sewer. The exit from it is in the northwestern corner of the map. You'll have to do a lot of running...

There is an archaeologist standing in the city's sewers. The professor sent him there for the skull of one of the founders of the city - but bad luck, there are a lot of all sorts of hostile animals in the sewers, and the enlightened elf does not yet intend to lay down his head on the altar of science. Therefore, he is happy to offer this role to us. Not for the first time... Having received the skull, the archaeologist expresses his gratitude and makes an amusing reservation to celebrate. Hm. Either archeology is studying something completely different from what I thought, or someone is hiding something...

Goblin Patudeep on the upper pier tells us about strange bandits who shamelessly rob caravans, but never kill anyone. Something familiar appears in these principles... Well, let's look for these originals.

And here they are, by the way... Led by Tanya Pleinel. Hello, future companion, your manners are disgusting. The cute creature invites us to donate our belongings to the benefit of bankrupt gunsmiths, otherwise threatening to make a sieve out of us. No, Tanya, this is not fun at all, we’d rather have a duel... If you are an archer, you will fight with her personally, if you prefer close combat, with her friend named Big Charlie, but if your path is magic, the sorceress Etinsel will will be pleased to honor you. After you win (did anyone doubt it?), demand Tanya to disband the gang and join you.

As soon as you, squinting in the bright light, crawl out of the sewer pit, the rat catcher will approach you and offer to go back and kill a dozen wererat-blins - not for free, of course. Unfortunately, those killed before accepting the task do not count. You can complete this quest indefinitely - until the ratblin or your patience runs out.

The goblin alchemist Garilda is found nearby. And what do you think? She will send us into the sewers again - but this time for red mushrooms for a rabbit strength potion... or a hamster, if you prefer. It sounds doubtful, but curiosity is stronger!

Another goblin, Theussa, asks us to save her caravan of goods - otherwise her business will end. Shall we feel sorry for the lady? Lead the caravan to Tuchedelje, having previously cleared the area. In the city he won't get away, but don't worry, he won't follow you into the sewer - and thank you for that.

Goblin Panix, pardon the pun, is in a panic. Just now, during a party, bandits broke into the tavern and stole his wedding rings. Panix is ​​terribly afraid that his fiancee will find out about this - because then the angry girl will break off the engagement. And yes, you guessed it - bandits are also hiding in the sewers! How come all these animals haven’t collided with their elbows yet...

Chopit complains that his workers are a little crazy - they mutter something unintelligible and shirk their work. He, the big boss, can’t afford to find out what happened to them, so he’s ready to pay us for psychological consultation. The workers, fortunately, settled nearby. Otentyp will confidentially tell us that yes, of course, they are poorly paid and treated poorly, but this is nonsense, they are familiar, but a druid recently passed through here... Here, friends, we again have to choose: nature or progress. There is no right or wrong decision, there is only your will. Will we kill the druid who is confusing the fragile minds of the workers, or will we take his side and close the factory? To get to the druid, you need to open the gate in the lower city - right next to it stands Birnard, the leader of the uprising - or climb the stairs near the mine.

Mangrove swamps

Dancelum, a suspicious-looking researcher (most of all he looks like a bandit, but oh well), asks us to help out the cartographer he hired, who foolishly ended up with the Mandrake fairies. In return, he offers to join us, bragging about what a great fighter he is. The body of the cartographer lies nearby - they have already bitten a little... But Dancelam will not be embarrassed by this at all.

We will also find something to do in the elven village. Elona complains that her personal altar has also been desecrated and is being used as a warehouse - the boxes, you see, have been thrown over. In general, if we want the elementals to carry building stone into our city, please teach the blasphemers a lesson. No, it is not necessary to kill, it is enough to destroy all the boxes.

Nurgol, an elf with very progressive views, will tell us that he ordered a collapsible boat for traveling through the swamps, he really wants to get out of this mossy, mired in... Hm. However, the courier was delayed for some reason. Would we be so kind as to check where he went? Well, at the same time deliver the order.

The courier, oddly enough, is alive and even demands a receipt from us. Make him happy that if he gives us the parcel right now, he can return to Tuchedelje. This prospect will make him so happy that he will give the parcel. But you still have to sign for receipt. Nurgol will greet us with open arms and immediately stare at the instructions in bewilderment. In goblin, hee hee...

Upper Tuchedelye

Troll Brock, showing us a large circular saw, says that he will supply wood to restore Silverfall if we promise to deal with the beast people who may not like it. Upon our return, a new task awaits us - Brock promises to also ensure the supply of ore to our hometown if we remove a competitor from his road. No, we won’t kill, gods forbid, we’ll just ruin it a little... The guards and the warehouse are located here, in the upper city - look for the red dots on the map.

Goblin Razia will complain that some terrorists are going to destroy her forge this night in the southeast of the lower city. Shall we help a fragile and helpless lady? The terrorists turned out to be of a “green” orientation and intend to destroy the forge in the name of nature. You can help them if you sympathize with their cause... Otherwise, hit them.

Destroyed Silverfall

The priest standing next to the temple will tell us that the sacred magic stone has been stolen. Without it, a giant waterfall could wipe out Silverfall from the face of the earth. We don't want this, do we? We'll have to go to the elven forests. The thieves live peacefully in the camp of the rebellious prince Dalaen.

A member of the city guard will tell you about the lack of people and advise you to turn to mercenaries in the vicinity of Guyana. And how, I would like to know, will we pay them? But the attempt is not torture... Although first we still have to prove to the candidates for the capital guard that we are not cut out for it.

An old friend of Lisse is worried that many residents have been poisoned by the water. They can only be cured by an extract from the poisonous gland of the Urgulls - and these creatures are found right around Guyana. We still have to hire guards there, right?

Another Gawker will complain that the town just needs a blacksmith, and if you want it, it should be Loke Iron from the harbors on the northern coast of Silvery Bay. Seven miles is not a detour for an ardent adventurer, is it? The blacksmith needs weighty arguments as an advance - in the form of ten necrobandit skulls. No problem. There are so many of these evil spirits in the area that we can carry bags of their skulls - they are still lying around idle.

A hunter standing near Chalnuk offers a reward for killing the beastmen. There is no such thing as extra money if you don’t particularly feel sorry for the animals. Another endless quest.


Another hunter offers a bounty for the giant eagles. Well, there is a lot of this stuff in the surrounding area. Give him your loot until he gets tired of it.

Portiz is hiding in the bushes. He got as drunk as a baboon and doesn't remember anything from last night. I found myself naked on the street. Shall we help a goblin who finds himself in a piquant situation? After we bring him clothes, Portiz will express a desire to join the squad. The choice is yours, but which cats should the drunken archer go for?

Alchemist Sormir asks for five runes of beast-shamans, and as a reward promises a potion that increases our IQ. Seriously, that's what he said. There are shamans piled up in an abandoned mine - you’ll shoot them instantly. But Sormir is not as simple as it seems...


At the border we come across a young elf Alina (by the way, meet another of our future companions), pursued by monsters. Let's help out the poor thing, she begs so hard that it's impossible to resist!.. Having dealt with her pursuers, we learn that Alina literally ran away from the wedding. The oppressive father wanted to marry her to an old man. What a bastard, huh?

Silver Bay

Another hunter stands near the gate and offers money. This time - for necrobrains. There probably aren't enough of our own...

The learned troll Yarnak studies the cults of primitive peoples. In particular, he is interested in the statues of elemental golems. Unfortunately for us, these statues are scattered all over the world, so be patient.

Here we come across another of our possible companions. Gort is looking for a certain necrobandit who is using a certain invention for other purposes... Well, the list of special features is not impressive. After hesitating a little, the troll reports that we are talking about an unusually effective antidote serum. The cunning necrobandit uses it as formaldehyde in his disgusting experiments, which Gort, according to the ethics of the order of mechanical knights, cannot allow. Inventions should serve for the benefit of humanity! The troll doesn’t know what the scoundrel looks like and asks to find someone who can get this information for us. Well, if you are moving forward in the story, you should already know one such smart guy. For two thousand gold, Syriaz will tell us the exact address of the would-be inventor.

Duchy of Stillite

A guy named Fero is wandering around the city, hopelessly in love with the duchess. He has completely gone crazy with love and asks us to bring him some thing that belongs to the object of our adoration - well, at least a scented handkerchief. Shall we help the unfortunate fetishist?

Another hunter offers a bounty for five ice elementals. If you are not yet tired of running after all sorts of creatures, go.

Companion Quests

Drill. When you are in Silver Bay, the goblin will tell you that she is a local native and that she has relatives here. It would be nice to see them... We will arrive just in time to disperse the necrobandits attacking the factory and witness a touching family reunion.

Tanya. When you get to the cemetery near the tomb of Iznakhel, Tanya will tell you that her father is buried here (and what should he do so far from his homeland?). Invite the girl to visit the grave. There you will find the ghost of her father and learn one unpleasant family secret.

Lord Gort And Alina Apparently, there are no tasks given, but with one of them - depending on the gender of your character - you can have a small affair.

Chronicles of Nelve

Since ancient times, the inhabitants of Nelve have practiced magic. Elementalists, battle mages and necromancers learned to draw power from the universe, which allowed them to change the environment at will. In their minds, the four fundamental elements became four dragons: Aefis, the king of the air, the sylphs obey him; Frakkir, the sultan of the volcanic palace where the salamanders live; Elug, lord of the deep sea and the only beloved of the sirens; and Togon, emperor of the titans living in the bowels of the earth. Together they created the world and the creatures that inhabit it. According to legend, goblins, with their penchant for working with metal, descended from Frakkir; people, pliable and flexible, like clay, became the children of Togon. Aefis is considered the ancestor of the fleet-footed elves, while the grey-skinned trolls emerged from the depths of the lakes created by Elug.

Each race, each country, and even some cities have their own pantheons of gods and patron saints, sometimes quite numerous (for example, the warlike trolls of Tuchedel regularly canonize dead heroes thirty years old and older), but none of them knows the all-encompassing greatness of the Four Dragons.

Once upon a time, every city had a temple of elementalists, where they not only worshiped the four, but also taught magic to those capable of it. The most gifted elves became elementalists, the magical elite of Nelve. But now only two elementalist temples remain: in Silverfall, the capital of the kingdom of Egreid, and in the magical city of Blasis, on the volcanic island of Forge.

Over time, human technology improved, and peasants had more and more powerful and useful inventions at their disposal. The steam boiler, developed by the goblins, or more precisely by the master craftsman Oplymus, in 585 of the Age of Magma, marked the beginning of the industrial revolution and at the same time a new form of serfdom.

Whether for political reasons or because of a lack of resources, not all the peoples of Nelve have reached the same level of development. Some—progressive lobbyists call them “retrogrades”—have spoken out in defense of ancient traditions. As society develops, it often begins to give religion less and less influence, so it is not surprising that it was the clergy who most vehemently opposed scientific and technological progress and even science in general.

In 658 of the second Age of Magma, the terrorist movement of the Path of Nature arose, founded by an enlightened elf named Falael the Prophet, who claimed to have some divine mission entrusted to him. Supporters of this movement were not slow to be found throughout Nelva. By burning coal warehouses and killing industrial magnates, in a few years they formed an entire nation of haters of progress. In 672, in alliance with the beast people, Falael founded the so-called Wild League on the ruins of the Duchy of Stilite, on whose territory the laws of nature rule. Led by the Druids, the inhabitants of the League, deifying nature, worship the Forest Mother, also called the horned maiden or maiden of the forests.


There are all sorts of animals in Silverfall - visible and invisible: from stupid and clumsy zombie trolls to the mysterious ice fairies of Lozruns. However, it is worth dwelling in more detail on some particularly expressive subjects.

Arachnoids. Six feet of wood and steel. The pinnacle of goblin science, the arachnoid is simply built for battle. In front it has two sharp scythes, and in the place where a normal spider has a head there are spinning jagged discs. It's not easy to control this thing, but it simply cuts your enemies to ribbons.

Urgulny. They are usually called "water dragons". These are large creatures with dragon wings; Not every shield or weapon can withstand the blow of their tail with a long spike at the end. The toothy mouth is also very expressive.

Necrocannons. Imagine a humanoid creature with a gun sticking out of its stomach. A terrible sight...

Laughing goblins. Is this still a goblin or already a machine? A kind of Frankenstein's monster, assembled from the remains of representatives of larger races, but with metal joints. I couldn’t find out why this creature was so scared.

Mandrake fairies. Well, or rotting sirens, whichever you prefer. These carnivorous cuties have only one thing on their mind - food, and they consider everything that lives and breathes to be food. Their gluttony has become the talk of the town, and even the bravest of warriors speak of them with shudder. Fairies live mainly in swampy places with a humid climate.

Dark Elves. In fact, elves are protectors of nature, delicate and sensitive natures. But some of them wanted to go off the beaten path, rejected ancient customs and even changed quite a lot in appearance. Well, their aggressiveness has also increased.

Beastmen. These “children of nature” settled in the valleys and forests of Nelve and found a common language with all kinds of animals. The teachings of their shamans call for vegetarianism. The rage of the beast people is directed mostly at adherents of the technological path of development.


I consider it my duty to list them, but for some reason not all of them worked for me. So...

I- opens inventory.

WITH— open the character window.

Q— open the quest log.

S— open the skills window.

M— open the world map.

F5- Give the healing potion to the first companion.

F6- transfer the healing potion to the second companion.

F7— give the potion of strength to the first companion.

F8— transfer the potion of strength to the second companion.

9 - Drink a healing potion.

0 - Drink a potion of strength.

Keys 1 , 2 , 3 And 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 are reserved for quick access to combat and magical skills, respectively.

Magic or technology? What would you prefer: to get within shooting distance of the enemy and, feeling the pleasant cold weight of the pistol in your hand, shoot him in the forehead... or, after looking at the scoundrel with a contemptuous look, from the heart, conjure a more powerful fireball at him? Nature or progress? What is dearer to your heart: the hiss of a steam boiler or the rustling of the leaves of centuries-old oak trees? Your choice will determine which path you will pave for yourself in the world of Nelve...


Controls in Silverfall are quite simple and, as they say now, intuitive. All main actions are performed using the left mouse button: movement, selecting an object of attack, the attack itself (however, not a magical one), interaction with other characters. Well, we also pick up objects from the floor with its help. With the right mouse button we spit all sorts of magical surprises at the enemy, and also heal ourselves and resurrect our allies. The Ctrl and Alt keys highlight everything that is possible, necessary and not necessary to pick up within a certain radius from us. The mouse wheel zooms in or out of the camera - or map, if the corresponding window is open.

Speaking of the camera. It’s not that it’s very uncomfortable... but it’s as if it’s nailed to one nail. You can turn it to the maximum distance or bring it closer so that every blade of grass becomes visible, you can rotate it three hundred and sixty degrees by moving the mouse to the right or left edge of the screen, but why you can’t look up or down remains a mystery to me. So we have the pleasure of observing the moon only in reflection... In the swamp.

In the lower right corner of the screen there is a panel with several buttons - the top row is responsible for opening the windows of inventory, character, skills, guild (only in multiplayer) and map. On the right edge there is a button for calling up settings - there you can also exit the game or the current mission.

On the same panel there is a red life bar and a blue one, indicating the level of magical energy, which is called here. by force. Below them is an indicator of the experience you have gained. To the left of the life bar is a semicircle of buttons for quickly switching to the combat skills you most often use, to the right of the strength bar - to magic ones.

In the upper right corner a mini-map flickers comfortably, in the upper left there is a small panel with your name and bars of life and strength, as well as three squares on which active effects “hanging” on you are displayed - both positive and quite the opposite. If you have friends next to you, you will see panels corresponding to them, by clicking on which you can contact one or another partner.

That's probably all that can be said about the game's controls.

Birth of a Hero

The first step in almost any role-playing game is to decide who we are and what we are. That is, to put it simply, create a character from existing components. The set of components, frankly speaking, is small - nothing like TES IV: Oblivion or Neverwinter Nights 2. Four types of faces, four skin colors, six hair color options and five hairstyles, one of which is bald. But, of course, first of all we choose the gender and race of the hero.

The main races of Nelve - humans, elves, goblins and trolls - were once enemies, but later learned to coexist and formed alliances. In most countries one of the races dominates, but in some all four coexist more or less peacefully.

People very similar to their “relatives” from our world. They are equally skilled in magic and in the use of weapons, they quickly adapt to everything and learn just as quickly.

Elves, fragile and short, by nature they have remarkable abilities for magic and are excellent at handling a bow.

Trolls- huge, muscular creatures with extraordinary strength and impressive jaws. Without a doubt, the best fighters in all of Nelva.

Goblins. Small and green - that's just about them. Their apparent weakness is compensated by incredible dexterity and sharp mind. With technology, goblins are exclusively at your disposal.

In fact, to be honest, you have to be guided mainly by your own aesthetic preferences, because the initial characteristics of any character are the same. Only racial skills matter, but more on them below.

Character development and skills

The role-playing system in the game is simple. We have four main characteristics: strength, agility, endurance and intelligence. Strength, as you might guess, determines how powerful our attacks will be in close combat. Stamina affects the amount of health, and intelligence affects the amount of magical energy, or strength. And finally, the higher the dexterity, the more painfully our arrows, crossbow bolts and bullets bite. We also have resistance to spells of the elements of fire, cold, air and black magic. These indicators can be modified using armor, which, like weapons, comes in four types: ordinary (gray), good quality (yellow), excellent quality (green) and, finally, elite (blue).

For each monster killed or task completed, we gain experience. When the amount of experience reaches a certain point, insight descends on us, that is, the next level. As you can see, the system is quite classic. With each level we gain four stat points and four skill points. They give us the opportunity to make the character stronger and sharper.

While Silverfall does level up surprisingly quickly, there are never too many skill points. Therefore, it is worth deciding from the very beginning who we will make of our hero: what weapon he will fight, if any, and what magic he will choose for himself - black, light or elemental. Although with magic everything is somewhat simpler - no one bothers you to learn a couple of spells from here and there, depending on your taste. We are not given any restrictions in this regard; there are no classes in the game. A “spontaneous” magician is quite capable of learning to call upon a white, transparent and very, very evil ghost to help himself. And a black magician can master a healing or resurrection spell. The latter, however, is a must if you prefer co-op playthrough: an experienced necromancer, of course, will easily raise an untimely dead friend, but why the hell do we need another zombie?.. However, I’m kidding - the game doesn’t provide such an opportunity, so it’s better learn the resurrection skill.

By the way, about death: If you suffer a sudden death in the game, don’t be upset - you will be resurrected in the nearest town. You’ll just have to run in what your mother gave birth to to the resting place - to get your little things. And if you complete the task of the insurance agent of the goblin Lilithip, then you won’t have to - for a round sum of gold, all your belongings will be returned to you immediately. This Lilithip also works as a bank safe - although things in the game have no weight, the inventory capacity is very limited, so you can put the excess in storage.

With martial artists, however, things are a little more complicated. It is better to immediately decide what we will wield: a sword or a bow. Well, either a crossbow or a firearm - these are trifles. The main thing is what we need more: strength or dexterity. With endurance, everything is already clear - good health has never been a hindrance to any hero. With intelligence too: magicians develop it first of all, others - at their own discretion. Although I am of the opinion that a couple of spells up your sleeve is an extremely useful and necessary thing.

There are an incredible number of skills in Silverfall, which, on the one hand, is, of course, good, since it provides ample opportunities for developing a wide variety of characters, and on the other hand, it’s not a sin to get confused in them. For convenience, all skills are divided into three main groups - combat, magic, and those that do not fall into any of these categories and are meaningfully recommended by “others” - in each of which there are three subgroups.



Master of small arms- increases the effectiveness of using one-handed weapons.

Master of heavy weapons- increases the effectiveness of using two-handed weapons.

Hand to hand combat- a basic attack that passively improves all melee skills.

Berserker- a powerful melee attack that damages armor.

Berserker charge- increases the attack power of an enemy located at a distance from you. This skill works if you have the Berserk skill active.

Circular attack- you deal damage to all enemies that surround you. This skill can only be used if you are using a two-handed weapon.

Counterattack- the attack following the parry will be more powerful, and the enemy will not be able to seize the initiative from you. The skill is active when the “Defensive Stance” skill is activated,

Critical knowledge- provides a greater chance of landing a critical hit. Only works if you are using a one-handed weapon.

Defensive stance- you attack from a defensive position at the cost of reducing attack power.

Double attack- a powerful attack that hits the target twice. Only works if you are using a one-handed weapon.

Master of hand weapons- increases the effectiveness of hand-to-hand combat.

Knock down- a blow that knocks the enemy down and makes him vulnerable for some time. This skill only works if you have the Berserk skill active.

Smash- a powerful blow that temporarily renders the enemy's armor unusable. Only works if you have activated the Defensive Stance skill.

Volley of punches- you deal five strong blows to the enemy. Only works if you use your fists.

The art of stun (Stun knowledge)- gives a chance to stun the enemy. Only works if you are using a two-handed weapon.

Knowledge of injuring attack- increases the chances of injuring the enemy. Only works if you are a fan of hand-to-hand combat.

distant battle

Aiming stance- you shoot from an aiming position.

Weakening shot- a special blow that lowers the enemy’s characteristics. Only works if you are using a firearm.

Long-range shot- a shot with a large damage radius. The skill also increases all shooting skills.

Master of bow and arrow- increases the efficiency of archery.

Master of crossbow- increases the efficiency of crossbow shooting.

Element shot- a magic shot that strikes without missing.

Explosive quarrel- when fired, there is a chance to cause an explosion and injure all opponents around you. Only works if you are using a crossbow.

Rapid fire- a blow with a larger than usual radius of destruction, causing fire damage.

Master of firearms- increases the effectiveness of firearms.

Disabling arrow- the shot slows down the enemy. Only works if you are using a bow and arrow.

Multiple shots- the shot hits several targets at the same time.

Destabilizing quarrel- a sneaky blow that knocks the enemy down. Only works if you are using a crossbow.

Stun shot- gives a chance to stun the enemy. Only works if you are using a firearm.

Wounding arrow- gives a greater chance of injuring the enemy. Only works if you have a bow in your hands.

Head shot- your arrows fly far and bite painfully. Each attack deals critical damage. Only works if you are standing in an aiming position.

Reflex shot- works only from the “Rapid Fire” position. Increases the speed at which you hit nearby enemies.


Master of parrying- only works if you are using melee combat or a defensive stance.

Rapid missiles- increases the speed of an arrow or bullet.

Master of dodging- increases the chance to evade an enemy attack.

Armor penetration- melee attacks and shots damage part of the enemy’s armor.

Reflexes- increases the chance to dodge or parry, but also the chance of getting seriously wounded.

Master of critical blows- increases the chance of landing a critical hit.

Master of armor- increases the effectiveness of wearing armor.

Deadly weapons- increases the effectiveness of any weapon.

Speed- increases your movement speed.

Poisoned weapons- weapons acquire poisonous properties

Concentrated poison- increases the chance of poisoning the enemy and the period of action of the poison.

Rust (Corrosive poison)- poison eats away armor.

Weakening poison- poison slows down the enemy, reduces his strength and agility.

Endurance- gives you a chance to resist stunning, wounding, poisoning and knockdown attacks.

Glimpse- increases the chance of finding magic items.
