The amazing spider man 2 secrets. My ally is my enemy

With great possibilities...

Late that evening, while returning home, Peter Parker witnessed a store robbery and did nothing to try to stop the robber. And only when he reached the crossroads did he realize the cost of his fatal mistake. Uncle Ben's heightened sense of justice did not allow him to pass by. The criminal, in turn, also stopped at nothing and shot him. In an instant, Peter lost a loved one. Since then, he promised himself that he would never again leave people in trouble. For two years, Spider-Man prevented a lot of crimes, but he never managed to find his uncle’s killer.

On the trail of the killer

Peter Parker never gave up trying to catch the killer. Jumping down, we release the web from our left hand to catch on to the building on the left side and from our right hand to catch on to the building on the right side. For fast flight, we release the web as often as possible. From a message from the police dispatcher we learn that a robbery is taking place in the area of ​​Tompkins Square Park. The description of the criminal is similar to Uncle Ben's killer, so it would be a good idea to check him out. We get to the alley marked with an exclamation mark on the mini-map in the lower right corner. Bandits load boxes of weapons into a van. We take out the camera, focus on the leader and zoom in until the frame turns green. We barely have time to take a photo when danger appears. We look up and click on the indicated dodge button.

Herman Schultz.
The surveillance smoothly turns into a fight. We perform dodges at the moment when the enemy preparing to attack is highlighted with a red outline and icons of a similar color appear above our head. Having trained the reaction, we move on to strikes. The more hits, the longer the series and the more experience points we get at the end of the battle. The series is interrupted if the opponents' attacks are not repelled. Having dealt with four criminals, we cover the last one with a web, quickly and often pressing the shown button. The enemy will be immobilized for some time. We won’t wait for him to unravel, and we’ll unleash a flurry of blows on him. Circles will appear above the head of the stunned criminal - this means that you can perform a signature move.

The leader, scared to death, admits that the one we are looking for is selling weapons to his boss, Herman Schultz. We find out about the location of the transaction and immediately go there. For faster and more targeted movement around the city, we use jerks. We aim the sight at the contours appearing in front of us and almost instantly move towards them. Combining various ways movement, we get to the construction site. Two gangs are fighting for a valuable commodity at once - local and Russian. We activate our intuition and determine the location of the ammunition boxes. The dash is also great for a surprise attack. By holding down the corresponding button, time will slow down as much as possible and we will have the opportunity to carefully plan the action - choose a goal or a place to move to. In battle, don’t forget to fire webs at enemies in order to temporarily immobilize some while we calm others. Having finished with everyone, we go to the box and glue it with cobwebs. We do the same with two more groups of bandits and two boxes.

Schultz will appear with a rifle at the ready. A warning about an impending shot, as in the case of a melee attack, will be served by white icons above the head. At this moment, simultaneously press the evasion and movement buttons in any direction. We disarm the enemy by using “Pull”. Don't forget that enemies can pick up weapons and use them. We upgrade the corresponding branch in the “Improvements” menu to deprive them of this opportunity. Having dealt with Schultz, we begin to interrogate him. We ask all the questions you are interested in and end the conversation. Carradine, Uncle Ben's killer, supplies weapons to anyone who turns to him. He is prudent and generally acts very carefully. You should look for Carradine in Alphabet City. With deft movements, Schultz manages to distract us and escape in an unknown direction.

Life is a struggle...

By completing tasks, performing heroic deeds, defeating enemies, collecting glowing boxes and destroying containers, we receive experience points, which are used to upgrade the suit we are wearing and purchase improvements.

We get to the communications tower, activate our intuition and discover three jammers. We jump onto each antenna one by one and decode them. Now we have the opportunity to quickly respond to crimes committed in the city. We open a map of New York and see on it the points where crimes are currently being committed. We go to the place marked with a question mark. Sometimes several enemies can attack us at once. At this moment, quickly press the dodge button twice. Health does not recover on its own. You will have to hold down the corresponding button for some time without receiving damage. We jump, for example, onto the roof of a building and heal our wounds. The criminals will start a fire by throwing a Molotov cocktail. We have no choice but to get people out of the burning building. We rush inside through a broken window on the second floor. We activate our intuition and break through the doors to the stairs on the other side. We go up one floor and enter apartment 202. We pull a pipe on the ceiling to extinguish the fire, pick up a citizen and get out with him to the main street through the window at the other end of the room.

There are three levels of heroic bonus available. The higher the level, the greater the increase in the characteristics of the suit. To maintain the required level, it is necessary to actively participate in the life of the city, constantly helping citizens and preventing crimes.

Let's visit Stan's comic book store, an old friend of Uncle Ben. Let's take a look at the shelves for action figures and comics and the corner for posters. Also here is slot machine, allowing you to hone your combat skills in twelve challenges, the successful completion of which promises a reward in the form of posters. Each challenge involves holding off four waves of enemies. Some tests get more difficult additional conditions: For example, do not restore health during the entire challenge or do not miss more than five hits. We leave the store and take a wait-and-see attitude.

Finally, the wiretapping bore fruit: the bandits got in touch with Carradine and agreed to meet with him to transfer money for weapons. Having arrived at the place, we rush in pursuit of the merchant. Carradine and an accomplice stole a car, taking the girl as a hostage. We jump onto the roof of the car with a jerk. We move to the left, press the dodge button and, having grabbed the criminal, quickly and often press the strike button. Now let's take care of the hostage: move back to the rear window and press the pull button. If it doesn’t work on the first try, then we rush back to the roof. Having ripped out the rear window, quickly and often press the strike button to save the hostage.

Continuing the chase, we overtake a car that was destroyed by an explosion. We find Carradine's corpse in the alley. The killer used his blood to leave his logo on the dark brick wall - let's take a photo of it.

Aunt May.
We return home, having reached the train and jumped on it. All the obtained costumes are stored in the wardrobe and here you can change into one of them. The photographs on the wall represent game missions - you can replay them at any time. We go down to Aunt May's living room on the first floor. The news reports about that same killer of killers, referred to as the “Carnage Killer”. In any case, this criminal is dangerous for the city. We must not allow him to engage in arbitrariness with impunity. After talking with the aunt, we go to the rescue of Oscorp employees captured by Herman Schultz’s gang.

Raid on Oscorp

We get to the roof of Oscorp Tower and deal with the Russian bandits. First of all, we try to disarm the more dangerous shooters who keep their distance from us. Next, we attract the helicopter stuck in the ventilation shaft and penetrate the building.

We go all the way down the web and jump onto the pipe by pressing the dodge button. We release the web ourselves and continue our descent. We pass through the pipe to the end, press ourselves against the wall and begin to crawl up it. Having reached the ledge, we look towards the enemy and silently eliminate him by pressing the pull button. Silent elimination is available only at a short distance. In this case, you need to sneak up to the target unnoticed from behind. For such neutralization, more experience points are awarded than in a regular battle. By upgrading the “Intuition” branch, we will receive additional features for stealth style. We shoot the fan with cobwebs and, as soon as it stops, we quickly make a dash to the pipe on the other side. We are not too lazy to explore the forks in all directions so as not to miss boxes with valuable experience points. We crawl along the wall into the ventilation pipe and get out on the other side.

Sitting on the wall, we look back. We stop the fan with a web and make our way into the laboratory. The bandits captured Max Dillon, a local electrical engineer, and demanded that he provide access to weapons. Moving along the pipe towards the corridor, we silently eliminate the enemies one by one. We jump over the destroyed partition on the right side onto a parallel pipe. Moving along it, we deal with the last two bandits. We free Max Dillon and gain access to the conveyor. Having climbed onto it, we go down to the reactor.

Max Dillon.
The reactor is out of control and ready to explode at any second. By jerking or releasing the web simultaneously from both hands, we rise to the upper level and, by pulling, activate all three cooling systems. After the doors were unlocked, the Russians obtained high-tech weapons. Schultz's gang undertook to stop them. We use instinct to detect enemies. Almost all of them are armed to the teeth, so we act without attracting attention. Snipers with laser sights are especially dangerous - we neutralize them first. Having sealed four boxes with samples, we enter into battle with Herman Schultz, who managed to acquire seismic gloves. We dodge to the side from targeted seismic shots and run away when the enemy is preparing to hit the ground, thereby trying to hit us with a shock wave. We don’t stop attacking, parrying attacks with simple dodging. Having depleted approximately half of Shocker’s health, we use a pull to activate the cooling system on which he is located. Then we quickly unleash a flurry of blows on the stunned enemy and repeat the previously performed actions. We finish the battle with a spectacular technique by pressing the strike button in time.

All the gangs in the city are afraid of the mysterious Carnage Killer and accuse each other of hiring him. We take Shocker's technology and appropriate it for ourselves. A new branch has opened in improvements - “Seismic impulse”. Hold down the web shoot button for a few seconds and release to hit enemies with a powerful seismic shot.

Harry Osborne announced at the conference his collaboration with Wilson Fisk. Together, they created a Special Group, which, along with the police, will ensure law and order in the city with the help of unique Oscorp developments.

Hunter's Day

The special group is not to be trifled with, so in order to rid yourself of their attention you need to help the residents of New York and prevent crimes. If you do not do this, then the heroic bonus will smoothly flow into a bad reputation, which will entail, firstly, a decrease in the characteristics of the suit, and secondly, the appearance of a special group in certain points of the city. In the first phase, the Special Group will not be so active. Annoying drones are easily destroyed by dashing towards them. We perform any two heroic deeds and restore our reputation.

According to the police dispatcher, a gang war is taking place in the park. Having arrived at the place, we deal with small group Russians and catch up with the escaped bandit. Someone got ahead of us and tied him up. It turned out to be Kraven the Hunter, who expressed a desire to help us. According to the next message from the dispatcher, we get to the bus stop. Three criminals are on opposite sides and hold the flanks. We fly to the bus station building and jump down. We approach the enemies from behind and silently neutralize one by one. At the end, a stronger opponent will appear. We release a seismic impulse at it by holding down the web shot button for a few seconds and releasing it, and only after that we deliver as many blows as possible. When the thug recovers, we run away, hit him again with an impulse and attack.

Kraven the Hunter, aka Sergei Krevinov, makes an offer that is impossible to refuse. On behalf of Peter Parker, let's visit his lair. Craven believes that Fisk is carrying out his shady dealings with the help of a special group. He is confident in his abilities and is ready to clear the city of endlessly warring gangs. Every element of the interior is worthy of appearing on the pages of the Daily Bugle. We will capture in a photo any three exhibits you like. For successful shooting, stand directly in front of the subject and use zoom until the frame turns green.

Into the lion's den

After talking with Felicia (Black Cat) on the phone, we leave the house and meet with Craven on the roof of the house. On his advice, we go to the courtyard of the house, through which the Russians are taking loot from Oscorp to their lair. The idea is to follow them and target larger prey. The “level of awareness” scale located in the upper left corner should not be allowed to fill. To do this, we avoid detection by bandits, trying not to go down to the ground. Each entrance to the yard is guarded by two guards. We take a position in the buildings opposite and take pictures using zoom. The guards will then move into the yard once the truck arrives. Let's do the same and take a photo from above of the box preparing to be loaded into the transport. All that remains is to follow the truck to its destination - the Russian lair.

We enter the shelter through the sewer hatch. The Russians have roughly identified the places where Carnage Killer plans to operate. We send the map to Craven. Now our task is to get to the Oscorp container unnoticed, bypassing or neutralizing the guards. In a confined space, it is especially important to know which direction your opponents are looking and their field of vision. Therefore, it would be a good idea to upgrade the “Intuition” branch in the upgrade menu. We pass through the carriage and deal with the enemy leaning against it. We activate instinct and, almost reaching the drone, look to the right. When the guard stands with his back to the rails, we climb onto the platform and neutralize him, having previously neutralized the drone with web shots. We go down the vertical carriage and eliminate the lone bandit. We go back up and watch for some time the nearest constantly moving enemy. When he begins to move away from us, we will catch up with the jerks and neutralize him before he gets to his partner. Then we neutralize this same partner and another moving guard in the next room. We hang on the beam with a web and, going down, eliminate the enemy. We cling to a vertical piece of concrete behind the back of the last enemy and carry out the final neutralization. Having decrypted the Oscorp data, we get a new suit.

Kraven the Hunter.
All costumes differ in characteristics and have their own unique features. Let's follow the nimble girl into the archive. We neutralize the danger by looking to the left and up. The enemy is quite active in her movements, so we often attract her to us. We tell Craven about the Russian plans to eliminate Fisk and leave the shelter.
Danger threatens everyone

Fisk organized an event at the theater to raise funds to fight crime. Spider-Man is unlikely to be welcomed there, so on behalf of Peter Parker, we’ll ask Whitney Chang for help. The Russians did not have to wait for an invitation; they had already entered the building and began preparations for the implementation of their plan.

Having met Harry Osborne, we’ll talk to him in an informal setting. Harry isn't too happy about working with Fisk, but at least it will at least improve Oscorp's reputation a little. And the Special Group is showing its good side, so there are no serious reasons for concern yet. However, Harry is wary of the bad rumors about Fisk. Your spidey sense tells you that the waiter who offered you the drink is a threat. Let's follow him to the dressing room and change into a suit there. We pull the grate over the exit door and crawl into the ventilation. Having reached the room with the decorations, we deal with the three Russians, trying not to go beyond the zone limited by the green line, and free the hostages. We get to the red gate, pull the weight to the right of it and quickly make a dash to the other side. We go into the corridor and catch up with the waiter. We eliminate the danger on the right side and, once outside, defeat the thug by combining seismic impulses and simple blows. We finish off the weaker bandits and return to the theater hall, having previously changed clothes in the dressing room.

Let's go to the bar and meet Felicia. Then Fisk will appear - we turn our attention to him. Fisk is contemptuous of Spider-Man and believes that he could deal with larger-scale problems than capturing the “small fry”. Having finished the conversation, we leave the theater and get to the bandits. After loading the weapons, they will go to the port. Here the Russians have a well-guarded storage facility with high-tech weapons. We activate our intuition and begin clearing the territory. As usual, the first thing we do is silently neutralize the shooters in the top positions. With the rest it will be as it happens, but still we try not to make noise as long as possible. We open the container using attraction and strike the weapon to disable it. We repeat similar steps at three more points.

Harry Osborne.
Having dealt with the enemies on open area, we climb onto the roof of the hangar and get inside through the ventilation system. We quietly neutralize the bandits on the bridge, then on the lower level, and only then we go down to the hostage. Without leaving the area limited by the green line, we eliminate three opponents. The hostage will report that he saw Carnage Killer and describe his appearance.

Hunter and prey

Having met with Craven, we watch how Carnage Killer, aka Clitus Kasady, is going to kill another criminal. Craven offers to silently watch the spectacle, but this is not in our rules. We disarm the killer and teach him a good lesson. Craven was unhappy with our decision. Cletus was taken to Ravencroft, where he would be cared for by Donald Mencken.

cat claws

The task force began phase 2 of Operation Suppression. Transformers have appeared at intersections, creating huge spheres around themselves. We try to avoid dangerous areas so as not to lose the opportunity to shoot webs. The police report the appearance of a certain Kingpin in the city, seeking to fill the power vacuum. Nobody knows who is hiding behind this nickname. We get to the police convoy and jump onto an armored truck preparing to transport illegal weapons. For bandits, this may seem like easy prey, so they will periodically attack the convoy. We monitor the condition of the truck on the scale in the upper left corner. We promptly destroy the turrets on the humvees, disarm the bandits so that they cannot cause damage to the convoy, and deal with them. Sometimes cars loaded with explosives will appear on the way. We activate our intuition and neutralize them in a dash. Having safely reached our destination, we learn from police conversations that a certain woman reported breaking into the Kane Museum. At the same time, she tried to convince the law enforcement officers that Spider-Man was involved in the crime.

Having reached the roof of the museum, we get inside through the ventilation. The bandits entered the museum not to steal anything, but to lure us into a trap on the instructions of the Kingpin. We disable the cameras by shooting them with cobwebs. Be sure to turn on your intuition and neutralize twelve opponents, starting from the top floor. Bandits move along a certain route. We try to eliminate them when they move away from each other.

Black cat.
Kingpin helped Felicia get out of prison and recruited her into his ranks. We repel attacks, dodge rare knife throws and often attract the nimble opponent to us. When the Black Cat disappears from sight, we turn on our intuition and, having discovered it, carry out a surprise attack in a dash. Having won, Felicia admits that after her release she was made into a hybrid, and then Kingpin, aka Wilson Fisk, ordered us to be killed.

My ally is my enemy

Fisk, with the help of the Special Group, intends to eliminate all his opponents and become the head of all crime in the city. Without realizing it, we managed to take part in the Kingpin’s cunning plan: through Kraven the Hunter, he gave us a tip on the enemies. For more information about Fisk, let's go to Harry on behalf of Peter Parker. From the financial reports on the Task Force, it became clear that Craven was hired by Fisk as a “security consultant.” Harry will talk about his illness, which killed his father. Not wanting to repeat his fate, Harry will ask you to tell Spider-Man to share his blood - the only one reliable for salvation.

Let's while away the time by performing a heroic deed, and then meet again with our childhood friend, but this time on behalf of Spider-Man. Jumping onto the limousine, we explain to Harry that our blood can turn him into an evil hybrid and harm not only himself, but the whole city. It takes time to conduct additional research on our blood, but Harry is not happy with this arrangement.

It's time to sort out all the issues with your mentor. We penetrate into his lair through the roof, go up to the hall with stuffed hybrids and go to the stand, which presents all the comprehensive information about us. After danger appears, we turn around and quickly and often press the dodge button. No matter how hard we try, one of the many darts reaches its target.

Craven gave us all his experience not only so that we could effectively eliminate Kingpin's enemies, but also so that we could become a worthy opponent for him. The location of the fight was not chosen by chance: in the park, among the numerous trees, Craven will feel much more confident. Each missed hit will lead to the appearance of ghostly clones of Kraven - we destroy them first. When the enemy disappears from sight, he will hide in one of the trees, so we turn on our intuition, calculate his location and carry out a dash attack. We try not to hesitate, otherwise Kraven will have time to hit us with an arrow, which, in addition to serious damage, will entail the appearance of ghostly clones.

Wilson Fisk sponsors Ravencroft Prison and uses its prisoners as test subjects. Craven will tell you how to get into the building and warn you not to underestimate the Kingpin. Thanks to the chemical composition obtained from a defeated enemy, we produce an ionic web, which allows us to destroy the armor of enemies and various metal objects.


Wilson Fisk.
A special group rushed in full force to search for a certain secret armor, stolen from Oscorp. We get to Fisk's tower and get into the truck. Having reached our destination, we shoot through the armored door with an ion web and break it with regular blows. We do the same with a member of the Special Group - we fire at him with cobwebs until the armor discolors, and finish him off in close combat. It seems that Oscorp's technology is of particular value, since the Special Group has involved bandits in its search.

We jump over the gate, climb onto the roof of the building on the right side and silently neutralize the sniper. We go to the far right corner of the roof, look down and pull the support, thereby stunning two members of the Special Group at once. We quickly go down and finish them off. We neutralize the snipers on the roof of the neighboring building. Then we turn on our intuition, notice in which direction the enemies on the top floor are looking, and accordingly we penetrate inside through the windows behind them. Another elite Special Forces soldier is patrolling the ground floor. Having waited for the right moment, we sneak up on him from behind and carry out neutralization. Before attacking the fourth group, which is standing outside, we will neutralize all the remaining snipers. We deal with the Special Group and the thug with the minigun, stunning him with a seismic impulse. We look down through the broken floor on the first floor of the building, pull in the support and quickly finish off the stunned enemies. We neutralize the last fighter and bandit.

We go through the opened gate to the elevator and go down to the Kingpin's lair. After a short dialogue, we begin the fight. Staying away from the enemy, we stun him with a seismic impulse and dodge to the side as soon as he begins to approach us (after the notification appears). Without wasting time, we attack Kingpin in a dash and continue to strike until he recovers. From time to time, Special Group fighters will arrive to help the big guy - we try to deal with him as quickly as possible, after first splitting their strong armor with cobwebs.

Having gained access to the system, and subsequently to evidence indicating the close collaboration of Fisk and Craven, the entire city is suddenly enveloped in darkness. All this happened thanks to the efforts of the miraculously resurrected Max Dillon, who was previously considered dead after falling into a tank with genetically modified electric eels.

Power surge

Times Square found itself under a dome in the form of an energy shield, powered by generators outside of it. Using the mini-map as a guide, we get to the power generators and destroy them with simple blows. Electro (Max Dillon) will try to interfere with our actions by constantly sending drones. They fly very quickly, so if we don’t have time to catch on to them, then we hold down the dash button to slow down time. Having leveled the shield, we get to Electro in the very center of Times Square. We dodge the danger behind us and make a dash towards the enemy. Having descended to the ground, we fire webs at Electro until he cannot move. Then we run up to him and attack him in close combat. As soon as he begins to absorb energy, we quickly run away and repeat the previously performed actions. We dodge a powerful directed flow of energy while standing still, and we dodge to the side from a vertical row of electric spheres.

Having dealt Electro a sufficient amount of damage, we fly into the air and quickly and often press the strike button. We pursue the enemy, trying to fly at high altitude so as not to collide with electric mines. Being on the roof, we attack Electro in a dash and continue the battle according to the same principle as on the ground. Only now, when he is actively teleporting in the air, do we not lose sight of him and prepare to dodge away from the horizontal row of electric spheres.

Fisk is actively buying back shares of Oscorp. This news infuriated Harry Osborn, and he decided to inject himself with the Richard Parker serum, obtained from spider venom, despite the warning that it would worsen over time. side effects.

Green Goblin

The task force moved into the third and final phase 3 of Operation Suppression. Huge traps have appeared between the buildings, which limit our movement, blocking the ability to release webs for several seconds, and adapt to the altitude of our flight. Having fallen into such a trap, Special Group soldiers and a small scanning drone will instantly be next to us. If the latter is not destroyed in time with clots of cobwebs, then a huge hunter will come to the rescue. It differs from a regular drone in that it moves much faster and can be dealt with only in two stages, i.e. making two precise jerks, pausing between them.

The dispatcher reports former members of the Special Group who were seen installing dangerous devices, such as bombs, in three different areas of the city. The first bomb is in the middle of the street. We deal with the sniper on the roof, and then with the opponents located directly next to the bomb, having previously weakened their armor with cobwebs. Next, we grab the bomb and quickly deliver it to the shore. The other two bombs are on the roofs, one of which is guarded by four soldiers.

Green Goblin.
This time the dispatcher reports that Oscorp Tower has been captured by some criminals. Having arrived at the place, we encounter none other than criminals dressed in the uniform of the Special Group, whom the Goblin pulled out of Ravencroft in order to find and deliver us to him, alive or dead. First, let's deal with the two snipers who have settled in the top positions. Then we return to the ground and one by one neutralize the fighters on the aircraft. We attract them and deliver as many blows as possible in a short time. We repeat these two actions until we completely defeat the enemy. When a yellow circle appears under our feet, we quickly jump to the side so as not to receive damage from a high-explosive grenade.

We help three townspeople get out from under the rubble and move them to a safe area on the road. After the appearance of the Green Goblin, we will finally be convinced that this is Harry Osborn. We get to him and begin the pursuit. Having reached the roof of the skyscraper, we fire at the enemy with cobwebs. We quickly attract the collapsed drones and throw them at the Goblin. We continue to throw still “hot” drones at the stunned enemy or attack him in close combat. Numerous drones constantly distract attention, so don’t forget to watch the icons appear above your head and dodge to the side in time. When the Goblin has half his health left, he will periodically try to ram us - we have time to press the dodge button and make a dash attack. While in flight, flying next to buildings, we press the movement buttons and slam the enemy into the walls. Having landed, we continue the tactics of “knock, pull and throw the drone” until the bitter end. We dodge the danger that appears from behind – the Goblin’s flying machine.

Complete ripper

The situation in Ravencroft has gotten out of control. We get to the policeman and go to prison. We deal with a group of enemies, including both Special Group fighters and mutated prisoners. The thug is useful because when there are more between us weak enemies, then they are stunned by machine-gun fire - this makes it possible to quickly finish them off. Next, we help the city dweller by pulling the overturned vehicle. We go up and neutralize the fighter on the aircraft. Let's watch the enemies below and get ready to finish off the stunned ones, thereby making our task easier. Having finished with everyone, we attract the rubble, under which there is a city dweller, and again go up on the right side. We are not in a hurry to attack the last group; first we will quietly deal with two snipers. Having defeated a couple of fighters and a couple of prisoners and freed the last townsman, we go to the aid of Donald Mencken. Without going beyond the green circle, we deal with numerous prisoners.

Donald Mencken.
Mencken will talk about the so-called “treatment” of Cassady, which is actually an experiment to test the development of scientists from Oscorp, working for the benefit of the Osborns’ recovery. The patient turned into a terrible mutant and, in addition, infected almost all the criminals in custody. He has not yet reached the most dangerous prisoners, but he will definitely do so if no one stops him. We transfer Mencken to the parking area, and then enter the prison building.

We turn on our intuition, jump down and silently neutralize two opponents when they look in the same direction. There are three more on the other side - we deal with them in the same way. We jump onto the structure in the corner and make a dash onto the metal rod sticking out of the concrete piece inside the cage. We select the audio log and find out that Max Dillon, like Cassady, became a victim of experiments in Ravencroft. We get out of the cage through the side crack, jump down and pull the metal structure resting against the wall above us. We climb through the gap that has formed, turn on our intuition and, releasing cobwebs or jerkily clinging to the walls, we get to the indicated point.

Without allowing Cassidy to go into the block with dangerous criminals, we will beat him up a little and bring him to a frank conversation. Further, he will finally turn into a dangerous hybrid. Carnage is very afraid of fire - we use this against him. There are five pipes along the walls of the entire perimeter - we attract their switches and try to drive the enemy into the fire with blows or seismic impulses. When Carnage is out of sight, he hangs over one of the pipes - we fire a seismic pulse, thus stunning him and forcing him to jump straight into the fire. We deal with the scum that emerged from Carnage’s body in a similar way. We dodge back from special attacks of enemies.

Spider-Man has done a great job of clearing the city of crime and dangerous hybrids. Fisk will stop at nothing and will continue to independently finance the Special Group, now without the participation of the Osborne family. His new assistant is Dr. Donald Mencken, aka Chameleon.

On April 10, 2014, Marc Webb's The Amazing Spider-Man 2 was released worldwide. The premiere of the game of the same name, based on the popular comic book, was timed to coincide with this long-awaited event. If you want to feel like a real superhero, this game is for you!

Watch the video walkthrough The games Amazing Spider-Man 2 with Russian voice acting and Russian subtitles. Full playlist with ending. The total duration of all videos is 6 hours. Number of episodes - 11.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 game, created by Canadian developers from Beenox, although it cannot yet boast of record sales, is receiving a lot of praise from users, and deservedly so. Like the first part, the game is an exciting action game about the famous superhero who goes through story missions, flying over the hectic streets of New York. As in the film, Spider-Man, also known to the world as Peter Parker, helps peaceful citizens fight rampant street crime, saves people in trouble, and frees hostages. In addition, the superhero has to serve as a freelance newspaper photographer: in the game The Amazing Spider-Man 2, you will often receive assignments from the editors to photograph some object. Naturally, not for nothing: by completing the task, you will receive additional experience points. By receiving “exp”, your superhero will become more and more “super”: the character will become more dexterous, stronger and faster, new skills will appear, and the web will become stronger, and it will be more difficult for enemies to free themselves from it. Among other things, Spider-Man is endowed with a special vision mode that helps him see important objects through walls and observe enemies.

Perhaps the most important update in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is designed to encourage the player to perform side missions. Now you will receive special bonuses for them, due to which your character’s reputation will grow. The higher your reputation, the cooler your super suit. If you do not cope with these tasks, then your reputation will begin to fall, as a result of which you will have more problems: a character with critically low karma will have constant conflicts with special forces patrols. As soon as they see you, the patrol will shoot to kill.

As for the gameplay, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is an action game with elements of stealth, and the latter in new version The game has become somewhat larger. The hero can quietly approach the enemy from behind or quietly hang upside down from the ceiling. In addition, you will dashingly fight with a dozen opponents at the same time, deftly evade enemy attacks, effectively finish off a defeated enemy. And, tired of superhero adventures, you can safely return home by subway.

With great possibilities

While driving Peter, walk down the street, cross the road at green light. Then you will hear that someone was shooting. Run using your spider sense. You will find Uncle Ben dying. Talk to him. Look introductory video games.

On the trail of the killer

Jump down. Listening to tips from the police, fly to the square (it is marked on the map). Learn to fly correctly. Having reached the desired point, take out your camera, photograph the bandits, and then attack and beat them. After a long battle, head to the construction site. You will notice how the bandits are trying to open the boxes of weapons. They need to be sealed with webs and the bad guys need to be beaten. At the end you will have to dodge Schultz's bullets, catch him and interrogate him.

Life is a struggle

You need to find your uncle's killer, so fly around the city and place radio bugs at the marked points. When you're done, you'll pick up the bandits' signal. Fly to them and kick everyone in the ass. Then they will have to be rescued from the fire. Use your spider sense to see through the smoke. Drop Stan Lee off at the comic book store, walk in and check out the space. It won't be long before the police report the theft. Catch up with the car and get in it. First, neutralize the bandit from behind, and then save the girl. Dodge bullets. The thief will leave, but your reputation will increase better side. Return home by train. Rest, go downstairs and talk to Aunt May.

Attack on Oscorp

You learned from the news that Oscorp was attacked by bandits. Put on a suit and fly to the building, climb onto the roof. Go down the pipes, break the valve. Kill the bandits in the room, save Max Dillon. Take the elevator down. There are three points marked on the map, you need to get to them and knock down the electricity towers. After completing the task, go further through the ventilation. Now you need to disable the weapon boxes, proceed. Shocker will appear at the end. To defeat him, jump away from the waves and get into close combat with the bandit. He will hit the ground, after the hit you need to attack him as quickly as possible. Having won, interrogate the villain.

Hunter's Day

Hunters appeared in the city and your reputation fell. Complete tasks until people start loving you. Once you complete the task, go to Craven's house. In the guise of Peter Parker, interview the hunter and take photographs of the exhibits.

Lion's Den

Leave the house, put on a suit and fly to Craven. He will teach you how to hunt. Go to the marked area, take pictures of all the bandits. Keep an eye on the car. A small scene, take a photo of the bandits' plans below. Kill them quietly, watch the indicator. Once the room is clear, put on a new suit and leave the area.

Danger threatens everyone

Go to the theater. Dress up as Peter and enter the building. After the cutscene, talk to Harry. Use your instincts, you will notice that the waiter is behaving too suspiciously, follow him. As a result, you will find yourself in a room with bandits, beat them all. Return to the banquet. Walk around people, listen to what they say. After some time, Wilson Fisk will appear in the hall, talk to him. Leave the building. Go to the bridge, beat the bandits. Now you need to destroy 4 containers with weapons in the bay, start completing the task.

Hunters and prey

Follow additional missions, and then meet me in Craven Alley. A little later you will notice the KK killer, attack him. Find out the true goals of the maniac, and then get rid of him.

cat claws

The police need help, escort the car with weapons and money to their destination. Fight the bandits. After the car reaches the goal, fly to the museum. Black Cat and terrorists are trying to rob him. Eliminate the latter, but try not to get caught on camera, otherwise your reputation will decrease very quickly. At the end of the level you will have to fight the Black Cat. Every time she starts looking at you with red eyes, duck back. Attract it with the help of a web and hit it while jumping.

My ally is my enemy

Black Cat admitted that Kraven is a traitor and will soon begin hunting you. Go to his house, but there you will fall into a trap. You need to defeat the hunter. Use your spider sense to find the true Kraven among the doppelgängers. Shoot at the trees and dodge more often. After the victory, interrogate the villain and find out the truth about Fisk.


According to rumors, there is a secret Ambala base outside the city, fly to it. You need to attract the attention of the crime boss, so break 5 important energy points in the area. After completing the goal, the gate will open and access to the underground complex. Go into it. A battle with Ambal awaits you. Provoke him with a web, and at the moment of his blow, dodge. Hit Fisk while he's stunned. After victory, interrogate the villain.

Power surge

Electro decided to destroy the city and you need to stop him. Break the three large antennas to prevent the villain from charging. When the electric field disappears, you can attack Electro. Try to use the web more often to stun him. Dodge the energy balls. Defeating the villain is very easy.

Green Goblin

According to rumors on the police channel, you learned that an unknown person attacked Oscorp, fly to the main building of the company. Fight the police, after winning the Green Goblin will appear. Follow him throughout the city, save people from pumpkin bombs. Next, your battle will continue on the roof of the building; you need to use your spider sense to catch the bomb in time and throw it at the Goblin. At the end, grab onto the villain and hit his head against the buildings while flying.

Complete ripper

The police are asking for your help. A riot has broken out in the prison and the bandits are about to escape. Go to the prison, save innocent residents. One of them will be an Oscorp employee who will tell you about Carnage. Make your way inside the complex and follow the last battle to the laboratory. Kill the zombies, at the end of the path you will meet Carnage. Talk to him and then engage in battle. Break pipes and levers so that fire shoots at the villain; there is no way to defeat him anymore. Watch the final video. The game is over.

With great possibilities...

Late that evening, while returning home, Peter Parker witnessed a store robbery and did nothing to try to stop the robber. And only when he reached the crossroads did he realize the cost of his fatal mistake. Uncle Ben's heightened sense of justice did not allow him to pass by. The criminal, in turn, also stopped at nothing and shot him. In an instant, Peter lost a loved one. Since then, he promised himself that he would never again leave people in trouble. For two years, Spider-Man prevented a lot of crimes, but he never managed to find his uncle’s killer.

On the trail of the killer

Peter Parker never gave up trying to catch the killer. Jumping down, we release the web from our left hand to catch on to the building on the left side and from our right hand to catch on to the building on the right side. For fast flight, we release the web as often as possible. From a message from the police dispatcher we learn that a robbery is taking place in the area of ​​Tompkins Square Park. The description of the criminal is similar to Uncle Ben's killer, so it would be a good idea to check him out. We get to the alley marked with an exclamation mark on the mini-map in the lower right corner. Bandits load boxes of weapons into a van. We take out the camera, focus on the leader and zoom in until the frame turns green. We barely have time to take a photo when danger appears. We look up and click on the indicated dodge button.

Herman Schultz.

The surveillance smoothly turns into a fight. We perform dodges at the moment when the enemy preparing to attack is highlighted with a red outline and icons of a similar color appear above our head. Having trained the reaction, we move on to strikes. The more hits, the longer the series and the more experience points we get at the end of the battle. The series is interrupted if the opponents' attacks are not repelled. Having dealt with four criminals, we cover the last one with a web, quickly and often pressing the shown button. The enemy will be immobilized for some time. We won’t wait for him to unravel, and we’ll unleash a flurry of blows on him. Circles will appear above the head of the stunned criminal - this means that you can perform a signature move.

The leader, scared to death, admits that the one we are looking for is selling weapons to his boss, Herman Schultz. We find out about the location of the transaction and immediately go there. For faster and more targeted movement around the city, we use jerks. We aim the sight at the contours appearing in front of us and almost instantly move towards them. By combining various methods of transportation, we get to the construction site. Two gangs are fighting for a valuable commodity at once - local and Russian. We activate our intuition and determine the location of the ammunition boxes. The dash is also great for a surprise attack. By holding down the corresponding button, time will slow down as much as possible and we will have the opportunity to carefully plan the action - choose a goal or a place to move to. In battle, don’t forget to fire webs at enemies in order to temporarily immobilize some while we calm others. Having finished with everyone, we go to the box and glue it with cobwebs. We do the same with two more groups of bandits and two boxes.

Schultz will appear with a rifle at the ready. A warning about an impending shot, as in the case of a melee attack, will be served by white icons above the head. At this moment, simultaneously press the evasion and movement buttons in any direction. We disarm the enemy by using “Pull”. Don't forget that enemies can pick up weapons and use them. We upgrade the corresponding branch in the “Improvements” menu to deprive them of this opportunity. Having dealt with Schultz, we begin to interrogate him. We ask all the questions you are interested in and end the conversation. Carradine, Uncle Ben's killer, supplies weapons to anyone who turns to him. He is prudent and generally acts very carefully. You should look for Carradine in Alphabet City. With deft movements, Schultz manages to distract us and escape in an unknown direction.

Life is a struggle...

By completing tasks, performing heroic deeds, defeating enemies, collecting glowing boxes and destroying containers, we receive experience points, which are used to upgrade the suit we are wearing and purchase improvements.

We get to the communications tower, activate our intuition and discover three jammers. We jump onto each antenna one by one and decode them. Now we have the opportunity to quickly respond to crimes committed in the city. We open a map of New York and see on it the points where crimes are currently being committed. We go to the place marked with a question mark. Sometimes several enemies can attack us at once. At this moment, quickly press the dodge button twice. Health does not recover on its own. You will have to hold down the corresponding button for some time without receiving damage. We jump, for example, onto the roof of a building and heal our wounds. The criminals will start a fire by throwing a Molotov cocktail. We have no choice but to get people out of the burning building. We rush inside through a broken window on the second floor. We activate our intuition and break through the doors to the stairs on the other side. We go up one floor and enter apartment 202. We pull a pipe on the ceiling to extinguish the fire, pick up a citizen and get out with him to the main street through the window at the other end of the room.

There are three levels of heroic bonus available. The higher the level, the greater the increase in the characteristics of the suit. To maintain the required level, it is necessary to actively participate in the life of the city, constantly helping citizens and preventing crimes.

Let's visit Stan's comic book store, an old friend of Uncle Ben. Let's take a look at the shelves for action figures and comics and the corner for posters. There is also a slot machine here that allows you to hone your combat skills in twelve challenges, the successful completion of which promises a reward in the form of posters. Each challenge involves holding off four waves of enemies. Some challenges are made more difficult by additional conditions: for example, do not restore health during the entire trial or do not miss more than five hits. We leave the store and take a wait-and-see attitude.

Finally, the wiretapping bore fruit: the bandits got in touch with Carradine and agreed to meet with him to transfer money for weapons. Having arrived at the place, we rush in pursuit of the merchant. Carradine and an accomplice stole a car, taking the girl as a hostage. We jump onto the roof of the car with a jerk. We move to the left, press the dodge button and, having grabbed the criminal, quickly and often press the strike button. Now let's take care of the hostage: move back to the rear window and press the pull button. If it doesn’t work on the first try, then we rush back to the roof. Having ripped out the rear window, quickly and often press the strike button to save the hostage.

Continuing the chase, we overtake a car that was destroyed by an explosion. We find Carradine's corpse in the alley. The killer used his blood to leave his logo on the dark brick wall - let's take a photo of it.

Aunt May.

We return home, having reached the train and jumped on it. All the obtained costumes are stored in the wardrobe and here you can change into one of them. The photographs on the wall represent game missions - you can replay them at any time. We go down to Aunt May's living room on the first floor. The news reports about that same killer of killers, referred to as the “Carnage Killer”. In any case, this criminal is dangerous for the city. We must not allow him to engage in arbitrariness with impunity. After talking with the aunt, we go to the rescue of Oscorp employees captured by Herman Schultz’s gang.

Raid on Oscorp

We get to the roof of Oscorp Tower and deal with the Russian bandits. First of all, we try to disarm the more dangerous shooters who keep their distance from us. Next, we attract the helicopter stuck in the ventilation shaft and penetrate the building.

We go all the way down the web and jump onto the pipe by pressing the dodge button. We release the web ourselves and continue our descent. We pass through the pipe to the end, press ourselves against the wall and begin to crawl up it. Having reached the ledge, we look towards the enemy and silently eliminate him by pressing the pull button. Silent elimination is available only at a short distance. In this case, you need to sneak up to the target unnoticed from behind. For such neutralization, more experience points are awarded than in a regular battle. By upgrading the “Intuition” branch, we will receive additional opportunities for stealth style. We shoot the fan with cobwebs and, as soon as it stops, we quickly make a dash to the pipe on the other side. We are not too lazy to explore the forks in all directions so as not to miss boxes with valuable experience points. We crawl along the wall into the ventilation pipe and get out on the other side.

Sitting on the wall, we look back. We stop the fan with a web and make our way into the laboratory. The bandits captured Max Dillon, a local electrical engineer, and demanded that he provide access to weapons. Moving along the pipe towards the corridor, we silently eliminate the enemies one by one. We jump over the destroyed partition on the right side onto a parallel pipe. Moving along it, we deal with the last two bandits. We free Max Dillon and gain access to the conveyor. Having climbed onto it, we go down to the reactor.

Max Dillon.

The reactor is out of control and ready to explode at any second. By jerking or releasing the web simultaneously from both hands, we rise to the upper level and, by pulling, activate all three cooling systems. After the doors were unlocked, the Russians obtained high-tech weapons. Schultz's gang undertook to stop them. We use instinct to detect enemies. Almost all of them are armed to the teeth, so we act without attracting attention. Snipers with laser sights are especially dangerous - we neutralize them first. Having sealed four boxes with samples, we enter into battle with Herman Schultz, who managed to acquire seismic gloves. We dodge to the side from targeted seismic shots and run away when the enemy is preparing to hit the ground, thereby trying to hit us with a shock wave. We don’t stop attacking, parrying attacks with simple dodging. Having depleted approximately half of Shocker’s health, we use a pull to activate the cooling system on which he is located. Then we quickly unleash a flurry of blows on the stunned enemy and repeat the previously performed actions. We finish the battle with a spectacular technique by pressing the strike button in time.

All the gangs in the city are afraid of the mysterious Carnage Killer and accuse each other of hiring him. We take Shocker's technology and appropriate it for ourselves. A new branch has opened in improvements - “Seismic impulse”. Hold down the web shoot button for a few seconds and release to hit enemies with a powerful seismic shot.

Harry Osborne announced at the conference his collaboration with Wilson Fisk. Together, they created a Special Group, which, along with the police, will ensure law and order in the city with the help of unique Oscorp developments.

Hunter's Day

The special group is not to be trifled with, so in order to rid yourself of their attention you need to help the residents of New York and prevent crimes. If you do not do this, then the heroic bonus will smoothly flow into a bad reputation, which will entail, firstly, a decrease in the characteristics of the suit, and secondly, the appearance of a special group in certain points of the city. In the first phase, the Special Group will not be so active. Annoying drones are easily destroyed by dashing towards them. We perform any two heroic deeds and restore our reputation.

According to the police dispatcher, a gang war is taking place in the park. Having arrived at the place, we deal with a small group of Russians and catch up with the escaped bandit. Someone got ahead of us and tied him up. It turned out to be Kraven the Hunter, who expressed a desire to help us. According to the next message from the dispatcher, we get to the bus stop. Three criminals are on opposite sides and hold the flanks. We fly to the bus station building and jump down. We approach the enemies from behind and silently neutralize one by one. At the end, a stronger opponent will appear. We release a seismic impulse at it by holding down the web shot button for a few seconds and releasing it, and only after that we deliver as many blows as possible. When the thug recovers, we run away, hit him again with an impulse and attack.

Kraven the Hunter, aka Sergei Krevinov, makes an offer that is impossible to refuse. On behalf of Peter Parker, let's visit his lair. Craven believes that Fisk is carrying out his shady dealings with the help of a special group. He is confident in his abilities and is ready to clear the city of endlessly warring gangs. Every element of the interior is worthy of appearing on the pages of the Daily Bugle. We will capture in a photo any three exhibits you like. For successful shooting, stand directly in front of the subject and use zoom until the frame turns green.

Into the lion's den

After talking with Felicia (Black Cat) on the phone, we leave the house and meet with Craven on the roof of the house. On his advice, we go to the courtyard of the house, through which the Russians are taking loot from Oscorp to their lair. The idea is to follow them and target larger prey. The “level of awareness” scale located in the upper left corner should not be allowed to fill. To do this, we avoid detection by bandits, trying not to go down to the ground. Each entrance to the yard is guarded by two guards. We take a position in the buildings opposite and take pictures using zoom. The guards will then move into the yard once the truck arrives. Let's do the same and take a photo from above of the box preparing to be loaded into the transport. All that remains is to follow the truck to its destination - the Russian lair.

We enter the shelter through the sewer hatch. The Russians have roughly identified the places where Carnage Killer plans to operate. We send the map to Craven. Now our task is to get to the Oscorp container unnoticed, bypassing or neutralizing the guards. In a confined space, it is especially important to know which direction your opponents are looking and their field of vision. Therefore, it would be a good idea to upgrade the “Intuition” branch in the upgrade menu. We pass through the carriage and deal with the enemy leaning against it. We activate instinct and, almost reaching the drone, look to the right. When the guard stands with his back to the rails, we climb onto the platform and neutralize him, having previously neutralized the drone with web shots. We go down the vertical carriage and eliminate the lone bandit. We go back up and watch for some time the nearest constantly moving enemy. When he begins to move away from us, we will catch up with the jerks and neutralize him before he gets to his partner. Then we neutralize this same partner and another moving guard in the next room. We hang on the beam with a web and, going down, eliminate the enemy. We cling to a vertical piece of concrete behind the back of the last enemy and carry out the final neutralization. Having decrypted the Oscorp data, we get a new suit.

Kraven the Hunter.

All costumes differ in characteristics and have their own unique features. Let's follow the nimble girl into the archive. We neutralize the danger by looking to the left and up. The enemy is quite active in her movements, so we often attract her to us. We tell Craven about the Russian plans to eliminate Fisk and leave the shelter.

Name of the game: The Amazing Spider-man 2 in Russia is published as “ New person spider 2"

Genre: action

Platform: Android, iPad, iPhone, PC, PS3, PS4, X360, PS4

"Sometimes I wonder

How would my life turn out if a hedgehog bit me?”

Walkthrough The new Spiderman 2.


We start the game as Peter Parker. We leave the store and see a man screaming that his bag was stolen. We walk along the street where the target designator points, while getting used to the controls. When we hear a shot on the street, we go to the place where it was fired. We see the murdered Uncle Ben and watch Parker tell his story.

On the trail of the killer

Take a photo of the gang leader, defeat the criminals

Two years later. Let's get used to managing the web and Spider-Man's movements in the city. When we hear the police radio message about the robbery, the goal will be to get to the alley. We fly there on the web, take a photo of the gang leader. Spider-Man will feel the danger, we look around from above there will be a crane that will fall on us. We fight with the criminals, interrogate the leader.

Boxes with weapons. Herman Schultz

We get to the location of the arms deal. We use our intuition to discover boxes with weapons, deal with the bandits and wrap 3 boxes in cobwebs. Hermann Schultz appears, we defeat him in battle and ask about Ben’s killer.

Life is a struggle

Communication tower.

We get to the communications tower. It is blocked by antennas. Sitting on a communications tower, we turn on our intuition and look down at the buildings. 3 antennas will be below on the buildings. We move towards them and block them. After which you can open a map of Manhattan and see various events in the city - crimes being committed, robberies, thefts, and so on. For preventing crimes and performing heroic deeds, our heroic bonus will increase.

Investigate street crimes. Save the townsman.

We get to the crime scene, fight with the bandits, they throw a Molotov cocktail at the building and it catches fire. We need to get a resident out of a burning building. We jump through the window to the second floor onto the stairs, on the left we break down the door for those passing through the room to another staircase and go up to the floor above. We break down the door, in front of us there is a fire behind it, a townsman. We pull the beam to bring it down on the fire and put it out. We grab the citizen, jump out the window with him and carry him to the medical gurney.

Stan's Comic Shop

We go to Stan's store. Now we can collect figurines during the adventures of Spider-Man and comics. You can also play the slot machine while going through combat tests. We leave the store.

Get to Carradine

We go to Carradine's meeting with the buyer. He will escape by car taking a hostage. We chase the car on the web and, approaching, jerk towards the car. We open the door on the left and throw out his accomplice. If we fall off the car, we catch up with it again. Then you need to tear out the rear window of the car and pull out the hostage. In order for the action button to appear - tear out the glass, we go down a little lower on the rear hood.

Aunt May's house

After listening to the message, we send him home to Aunt May. In the room we can try on Spider-Man costumes, each of which has its own bonuses. We can also replay missions. by clicking on the photos on the wall. We talk with the aunt, after which we go to Oscorp.

Raid on Oscorp

Find Oscorp installation

We climb the Oscorp Tower. We deal with the Russian bandits and pull back the broken helicopter to penetrate the building. We make our way through the shaft of the building and silently eliminate the bandits. We shoot cobwebs at the running fan to stop it. We rush past the red-hot red pipes.

Activate coolant flow.

In the laboratory we deal with the bandits and untie Dillon’s hands. In the same room you can take a photo of the prototype for flights and on the door that Max opens there is a photo of the Oscorp emblem. The warning system will turn on. Max will open the door for us and jump onto the conveyor belt. Near the generator we turn on three cooling units.

After the installations are launched, warring gangs will appear. We find 4 boxes with weapons and code the boxes.

Defeat Shocker

After we find all the boxes with weapons, Schultz, aka Shocker, will appear. We fight with him and bounce away from him when red waves appear above the spider. and we attack again. When he starts jumping onto the installations, we simply shoot the web at the levers so that they go down and hit him again.

Hunter's Day

Criminal activity

We perform two heroic deeds in order to increase our karma in the eyes of the residents and so that the special group does not attack us. After completing work on the crimes, we go to Central Park, deal with some more bandits and find a note from the escaped criminal.

Defeat the goon

After this, we move to the bus stop, where a shootout is taking place. We deal with all the bandits, after which a pot-bellied guy will appear, he’s also a thug. We shoot at him with a seismic impulse to cause dizziness, and immediately fly up to him and start hitting him, as soon as he comes to his senses we run away from him and again direct the impulse at him and mutize

Craven's Lair

After the victory, Kraven will appear on the thug, we go to his hideout. We listen to him talk about fighting crime, take 3 photos of interesting objects in his house. Afterwards we look at his stuffed hybrids and leave the lair

Into the lion's den!

After Craven, Parker will receive a call from Felicia, aka Catwoman. We leave Aunt May's house and go again to meet Craven, only in a spider suit. Spider-Man agrees to work with him.

We go to the place where small bandits live and take photographs of the four from the roofs of the building. As soon as we take a photo of everyone, one of them will run to the box from Oscorp. We take photographs of the boxes from the forklift. Then we quietly follow the truck to the Russian shelter and penetrate it through the sewer.

Russian refuge

A stealth mission begins in the lair, so for this mission I recommend upgrading Spider-Man’s “VISION” ability, which will allow you to better see enemies in intuition mode and their visibility area, which is illuminated with a red glow. Next, we carefully and slowly eliminate all the gangsters. Unlocking a new costume for Spidey. We deal with the agile Russian. To do this, we don’t let her jump too much, we pull her towards us or we ourselves pull ourselves towards her and hit her. Afterwards we photograph the archive.

Danger threatens everyone!


In the city we go to the theater. As Parker, we interrogate Harry Osborn. During the dialogue, a suspicious waiter will approach you. We follow the waiter. In the back rooms we see the waiter come through the door and change into Spider-Man. From above, we tear off the ventilation grill with cobwebs and climb into it.

Inside we see how Russian bandits are holding waiters hostage, we fight with them, not allowing them to come to their senses and kill the hostages. The door through which the waiter left under the load, we pull the load down with a web to open the door and quickly jump through it with a jerk until it closes.

Having reached the waiter, the spider senses danger, we look around to determine the source. We find another thug to our right. We deal with him in the same way as with the first one, we direct a seismic impulse at him and hit him while he is stunned. More Russian bandits will come running, we’ll deal with them.

We dress up as Peter Parker again and go to the theater. We need to eavesdrop on the guests, so we approach the girl (Felicia) near the bar. Fisk will appear, let's go question him. After talking with him, we leave the theater.

High-tech weapons storage facility and the Russians

Having found out that the Russians are bringing weapons into the city, we follow their trail to the truck into which they load the weapons. At the dock we fight with the Russians and destroy 4 containers with weapons, to do this we tear off the lids with cobwebs and simply smash them until the container explodes.

We see the bandit enter the hangar. We penetrate into the hangar through the ventilation from above, in stealth mode and with intuition turned on, we eliminate the bandits. After which we jump into the circle with the hostage and stay in this circle so that the hostage is not killed and at the same time deal with the bandits. Afterwards, we untie the townsman and learn from him a description of the Carnage Killer.

Hunting and prey


We get to the meeting place with Craven, who is already watching the killer. We fight with him, after victory the spider talks to Craven, and Clitus is taken to a psychiatric hospital.

cat claws

Police convoy

Spider-Man is now being hunted by a special group, so we try to move carefully around the city; if a flying drone of a special group does follow us, it will be easier not to run away from it, but simply incapacitate it by clinging to it.

We get to the police escort. We accompany him, fighting off ambushes, using intuition to find mined cars along the convoy route.


Having heard from the police that some impostor robbed the museum, we go there to find out what happened there. We get to the museum and get inside through the ventilation on the roof. Spider-Man discovers that an ambush from Kingpin's men awaits him inside.

We must not be seen by surveillance cameras. If you haven’t already done so, pump up your intuition to the maximum in order to see all enemies and their field of vision. The cameras are not so scary, we just climb the ceiling and walls just above them and eliminate 12 bandits one by one.

Defeat the Black Cat

The catwoman moves quickly, disappearing and suddenly appearing in different places. We just don’t let her go behind our backs, we try to pull her towards us. She will begin to disappear and appear in different places in the museum. We turn on our intuition to see it, where it is. You can try covering it with cobwebs. After victory she will run away. And we find out that Fisk is the Kingpin.

My ally is my enemy!


We go to Harry Osborn's house to talk to him about Fisk. During a conversation with him, we learn that Harry is sick with his father’s genetic disease, and Fisk wants to take over Oscorp, and Craven works for him. We're heading back to the city to fight crime. After completing heroic deeds, we head back to Harry's house. Jumping onto the limo we talk to him.


We go to Craven's lair. Inside we see that he moved out of it. We search his lair to find evidence. In the hall where his stuffed animals stand, we see that one place has been prepared for Spider-Man. A little further we find a stand with photographs of a spider from which we find out that he was researching our hero, studying his abilities and capabilities. The spider's intuition will immediately work, we are looking for the source of danger, darts will fly, I will immediately say there is no point in dodging, one dart will still hit. Kraven uses darts to put Spider-Man to sleep.

We find ourselves in the park with Craven. We fight him. It causes us to hallucinate and we see many doubles and fight them off. When he hides in the trees, we turn on our intuition to find him, as soon as we find him, we are attracted to him to throw him off the tree, and hit him again. After the victory, we ask him about everything he knows.


Fisk aka Kingpin

We go to Fisk's tower and get into the truck that is going to Fisk. We need to get out of the truck, upgrade as much as we can to improve the ionic web, which corrodes the armor. We shoot it at the car doors so that the web will corrode them after it turns black and knock it out. As soon as we get out of the truck, a special group soldier will immediately meet us. Normal attacks do not harm him while he is wearing armor. Using an ion web we corrode his armor until it turns black, after which we break the armor and neutralize the fighter himself.

By the way, after the appearance of the ion web, you can destroy Oscorp boxes, from each box we will receive + 1000 points to improve your abilities.

In the estate where Kingpin is hiding, we need to destroy 5 special group soldiers in armor, who are covered by ordinary bandits and thugs with machine guns. As soon as we deal with everyone, the passage to the Penguin's safe house will open. We use intuition to find the gate, destroy it with an ionic web and go along the opened passage.

Defeat Kingpin.

Having reached Fisk, aka Kingpin, we fight him. You shouldn't stand next to him for long. As soon as he runs towards us, we dodge his ram, as soon as he crashes into the wall, after that we can beat him with impunity for a couple of seconds, during which time his lives are taken away. When he starts calling armored fighters, we launch seismic impulses at him to slow him down, and at the same time we deal with the fighters so that they do not interfere. Again we wait for his rams and beat him up when he crashes into the wall.

Power surge


To get to Electro, you need to remove the electrical shield around him. We destroy 4 electric generators. Flying drones will interfere with us, we disable them by tearing them off at the bottom of the engine. Having turned off all the generators, we jump into the field with Electro, determine the source of danger in order to dodge the boss’s blow.

After that, we shoot the web at Electro to cover him all over, we are attracted to him and hit him while he is in the web. As soon as he frees himself, we run away from him and dodge his discharges, throw him with cobwebs again and hit him. When he frees himself from the web, he sends a wave of current around him, we move back or jump over it.

When he has half his lives left, he will grab Spider-Man and fly up, press the button that is shown to us to free himself from his strangulation and start beating him. Having fallen to the ground, Electro will begin to run away from us, launching electric balls behind him, we chase him and shoot the balls with a web and try to hit him. Having caught up with him, we fight him again on the roof, shooting cobwebs. At the end of the battle in the air, we deal him the final decisive blow.

Green Goblin

Defuse the bombs

Spider-Man is now a threat to the task force that must be eliminated. The special group put up special shields between the houses so that the spider could not fly through them, and small drones fly everywhere, cover them with cobwebs to get rid of them and collect all the bombs that the green goblin scatters, throwing them into the water.

After eliminating the bombs, we go to the Oscorp tower. flying special squad fighters will appear in front of the entrance. We pull them to the ground with a web and finish them off. After the victory, we save three townspeople from their burning building, and turn on our intuition to detect them.

Green Goblin

A green goblin will appear; after talking with him, we go after him. We get to him and then chase him to the roof of the house. We shoot with a web, catch one of his fallen drones with a web and throw it at him to throw him off, after which we hit him until he flies. We jerk towards the goblin and hit him in flight.

On the roof he is armed with drones, we shoot them with cobwebs and grab one of the drones, throwing it at the others, after which we hit the goblin himself, dodging the fire that he shoots around him. Also, when you scatter all the drones, it is best to attract the goblin to you and beat him.

Complete ripper


Having heard the police message, we go to one of the policemen. He will tell us that there was a riot in Ravencroft, and the special group sent there got into trouble. We go there, clear all points of rioters, special forces soldiers, psychotic mutants and save the trapped innocents.

After capturing the points, we go to help Donald Mencken. We stay in a circle next to him and deal with the enemies. After the rescue, we ask him about Cassidy, and quickly drag him out to the parking lot, making sure that the fighters do not hit us, otherwise for some time he will lose the ability to shoot webs. We go to Ravencroft

In the footsteps of Carnage

There are fighters inside and the cage is under tension. We eliminate the fighters, trying not to get caught in the electricity. We enter the cage in which Max Dillon was sitting through the gap with a jerk. We jump out of it in the same way. There is a large gap in the wall nearby, we pull the beam away from it with a cobweb and jump there with a jerk. We make our way to the Poisons wing.

We follow Cassidy's trail, ahead of us we will meet mutated plants or symbiotes, we launch a seismic impulse at them to neutralize them. We make our way to the meeting place with Cassidy.

Defeat Carnage

We fight with Cassidy, having won, we question him after which he mutates into something similar to Spider-Man. We fight him. We open all the shutters to open fire around. We shoot at him with a seismic pulse and try to throw him into the fire.

When he starts jumping on the pillars above in a circle, we turn on our intuition and shoot him with a seismic pulse so that he falls down, preferably to the place where the fire is burning. He will call his doubles, who will attack us in the arena, and he himself will continue to shoot from above. I just gave up on the doubles, running away from them and shooting at him so that he would fall into the fire every time.

The final

After defeating Carnage. We will be shown a scene in which Peter is in the Wall comic book store, talking to him about Uncle Ben and how he can continue to live. And Fisk and Chameleon are planning new insidious plans.
