Until Dawn full story. Getting a good ending with saving all the heroes

If you are having problems with Walkthrough of the game Until Dawn, you can always use our advice and information to take action. We describe in detail the steps that need to be taken to completely complete the game. Until Dawn. In the most difficult places we add pictures that can help you. Walkthrough Until Dawn read on our website.


Look around you. Take the bottle, and then read the note on the table. You will have a choice - follow the others or wake up Josh. The action will switch to Beth. Quickly press the buttons that will appear on the screen. Choose the path to follow next. Go down, then you must choose the path to follow the tracks or follow the noise. Watch the video. Unlock your phone. Shine into the darkness with the included flashlight. Go straight, take the Totem that lies on the ground. Examine it. Find Hannah, watch the video. Make a choice - to help or not to help the girl. Cutscene again, chat with Doctor Hill. Take a photo, say how you feel when you look at it. Take a short test and watch the opening video of the game.

Memento Mori

Go outside, you will meet a new main character. Study everything on your way, including inscriptions with signs and notes. At the end you will meet Chris. You will control it. Take out your gun and shoot the cans. Then you will see a squirrel, try to kill it, watch the scene. Examine the plaka, get to the station, talk to Sam. Now you will control Jessica. Open the door. Ask to give the letter back or calmly respond to the conflict. Watch the video. Next you will play as Matt. Make two choices and talk to Emily. We switch to Ashley. Watch the video, wait for Michael to appear. Be jealous of the guy, look through binoculars. Let's switch to Jessica. Play Snowballs.


Get out the Ouija board, perform a seance and communicate with the ghost. Move towards the hut, a difficult path awaits you, so be careful. Play as Ashley, follow Chris. Examine the shelves with books. Press the button, then you will have to play as Chris. Go straight, turn left and take the photo. You will also find a note, you can show it to Ashley or hide it. Continue with her and knock down the door. At the end you will have to talk to Doctor Hill.


Follow a known route. Jump over the destroyed bridge. Take the rifle and use the scope to find Jesse. Make a decision. Quickly press the buttons that appear on the screen. Watch the video, you will find Jessica dead. Shoot at the enemy, then go upstairs. The cartridges will run out, watch the video. Now you will have to control Chris. Go straight, take the wallet that will be on your left. Go through the double doors and look at the bloody trails. Go outside, go down the steps. Approach the tree that is glowing. Examine the stuffed animal that weighs on it. Take the totem. Return to the main road, turn right. You will find Ashley and Josh tied up. Rescue one of them, return to camp and talk to your friends. Answer questions.&


Let's play as Michael. Walk around the sanatorium. Find some useful clues and weapons. You will stumble upon the trail of a maniac, follow him, because you have a weapon. You will play as Matt. Get an axe, you can use it to break a door or help a girl climb through a window. Continue following the girl and take the totem. Let's switch to Sam. Go downstairs. Follow the white arrows that can be seen on the walls and other interior. Get to the basement, there you will meet the killer. Run away from him or try to hide. If you choose the first option, you will have to break open one door on the path, and then choose the path at the fork. Watch the video that depends on your decision.


Matt and Emily were surrounded by deer. Talk to the girl, then attack the deer. Click on the buttons that will appear on the screen. Hide from the enemy, help Matt. Watch the video. Now you will play as Emily. Follow the path to the top. You will see a radio tower, climb onto it using the fire escape. Go into the room, look around. Check all the items, at some point your radio will start working. Go to the printer, print out a photo of the girl. Turn on the radio, watch the video. Next you will have to play as Matt. Choose what to say to Emily. A cutscene follows, then Emily dies. Run away from the monster. We switch to Ashley. Take the photo, study it, and then follow the arrows that are on the balls. Find Chris in the basement and talk to him. You will meet a ghost, he will drop the painting. Examine it, find the key. Continue following the ghost, open the door with the key and find the diary. Study it, follow Chris further. Look around with a friend, find several clues and a corpse. The chapter will end for Chris. You will have to commit suicide or kill Ashley. You can do nothing and just remain silent, then the screen will switch to Dr. Hill.


Push the chair towards the window. Get to Mike, he will help you get rid of the ropes on your hands. Then burn the remaining rope. Talk to Mike. Exit through the door, turn right. You will meet friends and Maniac without a mask. Watch the video. Emily did not die; she managed to grab the rope. Now, you will play for her. Climb up, then follow the path and turn right. Get on the train, drive slightly forward, and stop it using the lever. Leave the elevator, go right. Activate the flashlight on your smartphone and break the boards on your way. Climb the rock, take the torch. Follow through the cave, you will come across an icy rock, you cannot climb it. Walk through the forest, find some clues. Get to the doors that will be ahead of you. Go into the room where the elevator is located. Enter the elevator and activate the lever. You will meet an unknown person with a flamethrower in his hands. Stand still, then run away from the enemy, make an important choice, after which a cutscene will follow. Play as Chris. Make several choices, attack Michael.


You will play this chapter as Emily. Swipe your finger on the touchpad, light the checker. Inspect the table, take it and study it. Then go to the cliff, go down, turn right. Watch the video. A demon will attack you, run from it, turn right and go into the elevator. Press the lever, sit quietly. Then run again, throw objects at the monster, and jump over the special crushing equipment. Slide down the rope, watch the video. The action will switch to Chris. Talk to Emily, choose the dialogue options of your choice. Then make an important decision. Shoot the Wendigo at the right moment, watch the video. Switch to Mike. Shoot Emily or let her go. We switch to Ashley. Read all the magazines, get useful information. After that, you can tell the truth to Sam or lie and calm her down. Continue the conversation, watch the video.


Go straight, then turn right at the first opportunity. Climb up the steps that will be on your left. Enter the temple, examine it, and then continue along the red steps, they are located at the end of the hall on the right. Once on the balcony, jump down. Take the found objects and the torch, go back, go to the left side of the hall. Open the door. Climb out through the opening, examine the crosses, pick up evidence, and then return to the temple. Take a sawn-off shotgun and use it to break the lock. Follow the wolf and get to the house. Go into it, examine the walls, find the lever. Go through the bars, go down, find a note that will be a very important piece of evidence. Go to wing B. A monster will attack you there, shoot him in the chest. Close the door behind you. Continue on your way, a monster will attack you, run away from it. Shoot in the chest to slow him down and, most importantly, close the doors behind you so that he slows down in his movement. Get to the castle, open it with a shot. Continue the path, jump down. Then after the cutscene you will control Ashley. Calm Chris down, a video will follow and you will find yourself in a tunnel. Reach a dead end, open the hatch, it leads to the sewer. Use the pipe to open another hatch. Go downstairs, don't forget to close the door behind you. Go through the cave, make a choice. Let's switch to Sam. Choose one of the rock actions. There is a ladder on the right, go up and then go forward. Take the pipe that is near the wall. Open the gate on your way. Go through the forest on the right side, cross the bridge and change direction on the left side. As a result, you will find yourself near the house, remove the boards that block the passage. Hit the monster several times, watch the video.


There is one hour left until dawn. Controlling Josh, go left, then try to go right, go down and attack the pig. Watch the video, after it, playing as Sam, go forward. There will be a Totem to your right, take it. Approach the ledge and jump from it into the water. Follow Mike, you will get out of the water, press the lever and watch the video, then you will have to control Josh for a short time. Follow Mike, go down to the pond, watch the video. You will control Sam again. Leave the mines for the QTE, then go through the forest until you reach a pond. Jump into it, swim in the other direction. Get out to the shore, go straight, and then jump down. You reach the house, take the stone. Throw at his window, open the closed door. Continue following Michael and run away from the Wendigo. Do everything Mike asks, otherwise you will die.


In the first ending, you can save Michael or immediately run to the switch, but if you choose the second option, then only two people will survive in this game. In the second ending, you must save Mike and then interact with the switch, then you get the ending with three survivors. Despite the above steps, it is possible to ensure that you get five survivors by the end of the game. Save Mike. Then you will have the opportunity to hide behind a pillar, use it. Don't move, then run behind another pillar. Wait until Mike leaves the house. Sam will run to the switch, and then the ending will follow. Watch the end credits.

Until Dawn has 6 endings, which are significantly different from each other. In some of them, almost all the characters die. The outcome of the game largely depends on the decisions you make, of which there are quite a few. It is your choice that will turn the storyline towards one or another ending. This is precisely the process that the employees of the Supermassive Games studio call the “Butterfly Effect”.

Note: There are a lot of plot spoilers in this guide, so if you don't want to find out how it all ends, we advise you to refrain from reading it.

The butterfly effect in Until Dawn can add a couple of bruises to the character or even send him to another world. In addition, this system affects the relationships between the characters. This horror game has a non-standard save mechanics, so you won't be able to constantly load old saves and try to choose a different option. For this reason, we advise you not to make decisions at random, but to approach this matter carefully, for example, do not act like an idiot from a youth horror film and definitely go for it. strange noises emanating from the hatch. If you want to change your stupid act, you will most likely have to start the game again.

Curiosity is not a vice

Taking control of Sam, you will have to decide whether to take the phone or simply close your purse. In the second case, Chris will be delighted to meet the girl, and in the second, he will be offended by her behavior and reproach her in the most sarcastic form.

Consequences in Episode 1

  • Sam closed her purse - in the future, when Chris takes the letter from Jessica, he will not reproach Sam, who is standing next to her.
  • Sam picked it up mobile device- Having received the letter, the guy will rudely say that Sam can be overly curious, and will also change his attitude towards her in a negative direction.

Rats, only fluffy ones

While shooting at the targets, Chris can continue shooting at the bags or try to hit the running squirrel. If you shoot at the animal, birds will immediately attack Sam and scratches will appear on her face, which will have consequences in the 5th episode.

Aftermath in Episode 5

  • Kill the Squirrel - In this chapter, Sam will be chased by a psychopath and hit in the face. As a result, the girl’s wounds will open and blood will begin to drip into her eyes. Because of this, the girl will not be able to quickly hide from the psycho and will be captured.
  • Don't kill the squirrel - Sam will be able to escape from the psychopath relatively easily.

Keeper of Secrets

Using the telescope, Ashley sees Mike hugging Emily. Matt will suddenly appear and ask the girl what she is looking at there. Ashley can either show Matt the hard truth or not upset him.

Aftermath in Episode 2

  • Do not let Matt look through the telescope - he will still decide to sort things out with Mike regarding Emily, but will not attack.
  • Allow Matt to look through the telescope - he will begin to sort things out with Mike regarding Emily and attack him. As a result, no quarrels will arise between Jessica and Emily.

Which side are you on?

During a fight between Jessica and Emily, Matt gets involved and gets to choose sides.

Aftermath in Episode 2

  • Supporting Emily will significantly damage the guy's relationship with Jessica. However, the latter will behave tactlessly towards Matt in any case.
  • Supporting Jessica will significantly worsen your relationship with Emily, and this will be clearly demonstrated during the collapse of the fire tower, which will occur in episode 6.

Be a hero

When playing as Mike, you can either have Jessica pull the cart forward alone, or help her when she ends up in the mine. If you don’t help the girl, then you won’t see a love scene like your own ears.

Consequences in Episode 3

This decision will have a direct impact on the storyline. If you manage to choose your actions thoughtfully, then Jessica will be wearing a minimum of clothes after lighting the fireplace:

  • If you immediately jump down and start pushing the cart, and then don’t scare the girl with a scary mask, then she will end up in sexy underwear.
  • If you immediately jump down and start pushing the cart, but then scare the girl with a scary mask, she will end up in a T-shirt and jeans. In addition, Jessica will ask you to lock the shutters on the window.
  • If you don’t jump into the mine and invite the girl to push the cart herself, and then scare her with a mask, then she will be fully dressed in the guest house. However, she will still be cold and will ask Mike to find a blanket.

With a bat

When playing as Sam, you will find yourself in the basement and try to activate the generator together with Josh. Here you can find the bat and show it to the guy. However, regardless of what you decide to choose, the result will be the same: in episode 5 you will be able to use a baseball bat while escaping from a psychopath.

To the rescue

Taking control of Mike, you will need to decide whether to take risks (a QTE starts) or whether it is better to take a safer route. In the first case, Jessica's life will be saved.

Aftermath in Episode 4

  • When rescuing Jessica, choose safe routes (without pressing buttons) more than 1 time: in this case, the girl will die.
  • When rescuing Jessica, choose only dangerous and fast routes (with QTE): the girl will be saved and you will see her in the 10th episode.

In Chapter 10, Jessica's life will once again be in the balance. If, after falling into the mines, she meets Matt (he should also survive), then together they will be able to hide from the Wendigo. If the boy is dead, then Jess will begin to wander underground alone and will die as a result.

Who should die

When playing as Chris, you will have to decide who exactly to save from a terrible fate - Josh or Ashley. Whatever you choose, the result will be the same - the saw will go towards the guy and cut him.

Episode 8 Consequences

  • Chris decided to save Ashley - in this case, Josh will tell his friend everything he thinks about him. However, Chris will be able to survive when he reaches the mansion, since the girl agrees to open the door for him.
  • Chris decided to save Josh - throughout the game, Josh will conflict with Mike, and Chris will die trying to escape from the Wendigo.

But at what cost

Finding himself in the hospital and taking control of Mike, the guy may fall into a trap. In this case, you will need to decide: cut off your fingers or use a machete to open the trap.

Aftermath in Episode 5

  • Use a machete to open a trap - in this case, the blade will split and cannot be used in the 9th episode.
  • If you cut off 2 of your fingers, you will be able to keep the machete and use it in episode 9, but the hero will be left without precious fingers.

Note: you don't have to approach the trap at all, since it won't affect the main plot in any way, and you'll still be able to leave Mike with both his fingers and the machete.

Friend of human

Having penetrated the chapel located in the hospital, Mike will stumble upon a growling wolf cub. You can kick him or feed him.

Aftermath in Episode 5

  • Don't kick the wolf and feed him - in this case you will be able to get yourself an excellent ally. You can feed the beast with the help of a human bone lying in a box not far from the altar.
  • Kick the wolf - in this case, you definitely won’t make a good team.
  • Kick the wolf and then feed it - then you will have a chance to become his friend.

If you managed to get along with the wolf cub, then he will come to your aid in episode 9, when you return to the hospital. In it, Mike will be attacked by Windigo and if you fail to complete the QTE correctly or you accidentally move when you need to freeze, the monster will not be able to kill you, since it is attacked by a wolf.

Then you will need to escape from the medical facility. Here you will have two options: barricade the exit or simply run out of the building. In the first case, you will be able to save the wolf, and in the second, he will die.

common goal

IN certain moment Matt will have to decide whether he should support Emily in her decision to go to the Fire Tower.

Aftermath in Episode 5

Note: This butterfly effect will happen if Emily decides to give Matt the flare gun on the tower. Otherwise, look at another effect.

  • Matt decided to support Emily - having climbed the Fire Tower and taken the rocket launcher from the girl, he immediately fired a projectile into the air.
  • Matt did not support Emily - if he took the rocket launcher, he would not fire it, but would put it in his pocket for use in the future.

If the guy manages to get a rocket launcher and decides to help Ashley, then in the future he will be able to use this weapon when meeting with Windigo. This will allow him to survive and meet Jessica in the mine.

Run or Hide

At the end of episode 5, Sam will be chased by a psychopath and her decisions will directly affect the outcome of the chase. Basically she will have to choose between hide and seek and escape:

  • You can run instead of hiding under the bed.
  • You can win, and not hide behind a shelf in the boiler room.
  • You can run away and then hide in the Old Hotel.

Aftermath in Episode 5

  • In episode 1, Sam was not attacked by crows - if you bolt the door right in front of the maniac, you will see the door on the other side. The girl will knock it out with her shoulder, and then notice the elevator shaft. Here you will need to choose the “hide” option so that the psycho does not find the heroine.
  • Decide to run away from the Psycho, and not hide in the elevator shaft - in this case, the maniac will catch the girl and put her to sleep by giving her an injection (if you tell the psychiatrist that you are afraid of syringes).

Was Sam able to escape from her pursuer? Then in episode 7 she will be able to study his place of work. The girl failed to escape? In this case, she will be tied to a chair. In the future, Michael will untie her.


In episode 6, Emily and Matt will find themselves near a cliff and surrounded by deer. Matt can attack the deer in order to go with the girl into the forest or leave them alone.

Episode 6 Consequences

  • Attack animals - in this case, the deer will start walking towards Matt and pushing him towards the cliff. Then you will have to complete a series of QTEs, otherwise the character will die.
  • Do not attack the deer - the herd will calmly let the guy and girl into the forest.

Who will get the rocket launcher?

When playing as Emily in Episode 6, you will be able to find a flare gun. Then she will be able to make a choice: keep the weapon for herself or give it to Matt.

Consequences for Emily

If you decide to keep the weapon, you can either fire it or hide it in your pocket:

  • Put it in your pocket - in episode 8, after carrying out several QTEs, you will be able to use the rocket launcher against Windigo and escape from its clawed paws.
  • Shoot - it will become useless. The shot won't do any good either.

Did you hand the gun to the guy? Then he will either shoot it or hide it in his pocket for use in the future (this depends on whether he agreed with Emily's plan to go to the tower).

Consequences for Matt

  • Emily gave Matt a rocket launcher - if the guy decides to help the girl, he will fall straight into the shaft and collide with Windigo. If he has a charged rocket launcher, he will be able to survive the meeting with the monster.
  • Emily did not give Matt the rocket launcher - if he fell into the shaft and did not have a weapon with him, he would die immediately.

Save yourself

In Episode 6, the Fire Tower will begin to tilt sideways and then completely fall. Taking control of Matt, you will have to decide whether to help Emily or jump to the side to safety.

Episode 6 Consequences

  • Matt jumped to safety - he would save his life. Nothing will happen to Emily either. However, both characters will then go their separate ways and never cross paths again.
  • Matt went to save Emily - he would fall into the mine and meet with Windigo, who would instantly send him to the next world if he did not have a rocket launcher with a shell.

If Matt managed to survive in Chapter 6, you will meet him again in Episode 10. He will be alone or with Jess (if she managed to survive episode 4). Then the Windigo will attack them and they will try to escape from it. If you hide twice, you can get out of the mines straight to the rocks. In this case, the monster will not notice the heroes and they will not die.

Forewarned is forearmed

In episode 6, you have to take control of Ashley and walk with Chris along the corridor of an abandoned building. Then the girl hears a strange noise in the next room and decides to find out what happened. Having reached the right place, the couple will be frightened by a ghost. Ashley will then walk forward and explore the room. There she will find scissors on the table. You can take them or leave them on the table.

Episode 6 Consequences

Take scissors - the girl will be able to use them during the attack of the psycho. She decides to stick the scissors right into the maniac's shoulder. After this, the psychopath will hit her in the face and immediately knock her out, leaving a large bruise on her face.

Episode 8 Consequences

Ashley stabbed Psycho with scissors - in this case, Chris will get revenge on Josh for her by stabbing him in the face.

Be together

In Episode 6, while walking down the hallway with Chris as Ashley, you can either go to a workshop with a hard-to-open door, or go into the hallway to find out who made the strange noises there.

Episode 6 Consequences

  • Find out who was making noise in the corridor - in this case, the girl will see a psycho in the workshop, and then find Sam, who is tied to a chair (if she failed to escape from the psycho in the 5th episode), or a scarecrow (if Sam was able to escape).
  • Continue following Chris - you will immediately see Sam tied to a chair (if she failed to escape from the psycho in episode 5), or a scarecrow (if Sam was able to escape).

The type of stuffed animal will depend on your choice from a psychotherapist.

Point blank

Playing as Chris, at the end of episode 6, you have to choose - shoot yourself, shoot Ashley, or don't shoot anyone.

Episode 6 Consequences

It doesn’t matter what you choose, the psycho will decide to stop the “experiment” and take off the mask (the cartridges were blank). However, if you point a weapon at a girl and shoot at her, you will earn the “Deadly Grudge” achievement.

Episode 8 Consequences

Chris shot Ashley - then the girl would not open the door for the guy when he was running away from the Wendigo, and therefore would die immediately, and the most terrible death.

After the bite

Once in the mines in episode 8, Emily will have to run away from the Wendigo. There can be 3 options for the development of events: to be bitten, to go to the forefathers, or to successfully escape from the monster. If the girl has a loaded rocket launcher, she can use it to hide from the monster at the top of the conveyor belt. However, here you will need to aim well, otherwise you can miss and then the heroine will definitely be bitten.

Emily was bitten by a Wendigo

So, if the girl was bitten and the others found out about it, then Mike would take a gun and point it at Emily. In this situation, he can either shoot or spare the girl. In the first case, you will receive the achievement "Emily's Six Demons", and in the second - a completely different achievement.

By the way, Ashley will decide to join the argument and try to convince Mike to pull the trigger, otherwise the girl will turn into a monster and kill everyone in the house. Even if after persuasion the guy spares Emily, the latter will then hit Ashley.

Episode 10 aftermath

Mike spared Emily - Sam and Ashley later learn that after being bitten by a Wendigo, people do not turn into monsters.

To the mercy of fate

This effect only occurs if Matt and/or Jessica are still alive. If Jess is alive and Matt is dead, then the girl will wander the mines alone and then die. However, there is still a way to save her without Matt - to do this you need to first hide and then run ahead. If Matt is alive and Jessica is not, then he will get out of the ground alone. If both are alive, they will leave the mines together.

Important find

This effect will only occur if Sam manages to find Hannah's diary in the mines. To find it, you need to go through the pond and get to the huge Water Wheel. On its left side you can go up to the shore and find the necessary thing there.

Episode 10 aftermath

  • Hannah's diary is found - after finding Josh, Sam will tell him everything about the sisters. It turned out that the girl did not die, but ate her sister’s body to survive. Then the monster will drag Josh away and if he can recognize the tattoo on his hand, then the monster will not kill the guy, but will take him to his lair. There, Josh will also become a Wendigo.
  • Hannah's diary is not found - the Wendigo will kill Josh as soon as he is left alone with Mike.

The result of chaos

Its result depends on which of the heroes was able to survive and what decisions you made during the game. We hope this guide will help you make the right choice.

New hit after famous game Heavy Rain has become more interesting version called Until Dawn. The review includes the most interesting plot threads. It should be noted that the actions and choices of players can radically change the scenario and lead to a new ending.

In fact, every novice participant reading this information should clearly understand that the Until Dawn game review is quite accurate and true. All the interesting points and even some secrets are described here.

Of course, an interesting and important point in Until Dawn is the release date. Players began testing it at the end of August 2015. Russia opened a new terrible world for its own gamers on August 26, and the USA and Japan - on August 25 and 27.

Until Dawn review

The game itself can freely manipulate the feelings of a real person; it can coerce and force the player to perform actions that will subsequently be beneficial to him. It will not be easy to implement this, since there are certainly unnecessary objects and creatures that interfere with the accomplishment of the plan.

The game can be played more than once. After complete passage there is an opportunity to start over and find new moves, other heroes and learn more ways.

Beginning of the plot

Besides that in Until game Dawn review is interesting in itself; the plot occupies a special position in it. It's really interesting story, which has already managed to conquer many gamers, both beginners and professional ones.

The very first frame of the game strikes immediately, because the action begins at the very top of a beautiful snowy mountain. Here the main character has the opportunity to look around while everyone else is feasting in honor of some big holiday.

Everything around was covered in darkness and horror. The main character's drunken brother is now racing against his own death in dark forest, the inhabitants of this area are in fear, and the slightly creepy-looking totems of the Indians do not speak of anything pleasant at all.

First choice

As in other games, at the beginning there is a video announcing the location of the heroes and the impending disaster. The player then takes control, and the first step is to examine the bottle, which contains a note giving a choice. The correct options should be:

  1. Go in search of the remaining characters (you will need to press the buttons that appear on the screen).
  2. Fast track (again, requires pressing the correct button shown on the screen so that the character can jump without damaging anything).
  3. Follow the tracks.

In the very first act of Until Dawn, the actors showed their full power. Here they immediately expressed the ability to change facial expressions, think logically and avoid making ridiculous mistakes.

Then follow ten parts, which have individual endings with enough interesting passage. Here we will consider only the most difficult moments, where the logic of a real person may fail a little, or simply find another solution not provided for by the authors of the game.

First part

The first part of the game Until Dawn involves a rather interesting passage. Here the gamer will have to meet such heroes as Sam, Chris, Jessica, Matt and Ashley.

In this chapter, difficulties may arise for Chris, who is forced to explore the path to the cable station. The right stick needs to be moved to aim. When you press the desired button, a shot will fire. Here you will need to shoot exclusively at cans and bags. After hitting the bottle, a squirrel appears, and here the player is given the right to choose: aim at the squirrel or continue shooting at the bags.

Upon reaching home, the hero discovers a wanted poster. You must take it with you and constantly collect such evidence throughout the game.

You need to break down the doors to the station, go inside and look around. Then you can go to Sam.

Opportunities in the second chapter

Game discs and versions of Until Dawn PC downloaded from the Internet are no different. In the second part, there are no big differences between the official and pirated versions, so the passage will be the same everywhere.

Chris, Matt, Mike and Sam set out to explore the dark lands of a famous estate. Matt's mission at first glance seems quite simple to complete, but not everyone can complete it so quickly. The girls suddenly begin to develop a conflict among themselves, and the player is again given a choice: to offend one of them or to completely defuse the situation. The gamer can independently choose and carry out any actions. The most important thing here is to defuse the situation and try to reconcile the girls.

After this, Mike becomes the main character, who joins the trio of friends and talks with one of the girls. Then they take several photos of the two of them, and the dispute is eventually resolved.

Now all that remains is to wander through the lands of the estate and collect all the evidence present there. The stage has been completed.

Walkthrough of the third part

Here in Until Dawn the actors, one might say, have outdone themselves. They showed the gamer their true faces and real opportunities. Here each of them gave their best.

Here comes the illusory third chapter. Ashley goes to the library, which is where the new part begins.

The friends decided to use a Ouija board. As throughout the entire game, you will also have to make a choice here: either take this idea completely seriously, or show everyone your own indifference and show frivolity. It is best, of course, to take the general idea seriously. And then a ghost will appear, who needs to be asked about who exactly needs help.

Now another character appears - Hannah. It is necessary to clarify whether she needs any help. Here Ashley finds out what happened to the ghost, as well as who was responsible for the death of this man.

Then you need to go down. Chris is heading there. This will be a room with a huge amount books. At this point, Ashley will only need to press the indicated button. Next, the girl will be a little afraid to go first, so her role in this chapter is over.

Travels in the fourth chapter

Not only teenagers, but also older players became interested in this genre of interactive adventures. Therefore, many similar toys are currently popular.

Mike explores the hut and finds many interesting things and new adventures there. The same route is present here, so it’s worth sticking to it. the path can only be overcome by jumping. The rifle scope will become an assistant in the search for Jess, who is crawling along a certain route in the snow.

You need to jump down, clinging to a branch and smoothly descending to the ground. The buttons that pop up on the screen will help you do this. But here you need to be extremely careful and not miss a single key, as there is a possibility of losing your health. After a certain period of time, the hero will come to a building that he will need to enter. This path will go through some stairs and a fork in the path, where you will need to turn left and travel further.

The hero finds Jessica lifeless, but she can still be saved. To do this, you will need to roll down the slope, find the enemy higher and shoot at him. Only a bullet to the forehead can kill him, but from such a long distance nothing comes of it. Therefore, we further climb carefully along the wall, adhering more safe route. At the very top, the hero begins to chase the enemy and shoots at him, but the cartridges suddenly run out.

Until Dawn on PC is now actually popular among both boys and girls. Despite all the fears and horrors that occur in this chapter, absolutely anyone will be interested in such a plot.

Sam will have a difficult test at this stage. He is still on the same estate. Sam leaves the bathroom and goes downstairs. Reds Balloons hide white arrows that indicate the direction of the path along which you need to move further.

A maniac will appear in the room, you should immediately run away from him. There is no point in running under the bed, and then it will be solely the player’s choice. You can simply hide in an inconspicuous place, or you can run to the basement.

Hacking the doors will be useless; you just need to knock over the boxes of bottles. The door is closed with a shutter, and neighboring doors can already be broken.

What does the sixth part hide?

Chris in this chapter is located in an old hotel, but he is not alone here, but together with Ashley. They are tied tightly to chairs, and a saw slides down from above, which can kill them. Chris has a gun in his pocket and has a choice: shoot Ashley or shoot himself. But still, it is better not to take any action, because if he dies, the survivor will have a difficult journey alone.

The screen goes dark, and the girl’s screams can be clearly heard in the background. Then the heroes find themselves in the doctor’s office, who lectures the maniac. This situation leaves the guys indifferent, and they think about what to do next.

Further passage

In Until Dawn, completing all subsequent parts will not be so difficult. Here you simply need to use the tips from the previous six parts, and then a logical solution to the problem will come to the player by itself.


Quite a lot interesting facts exists about the game Until Dawn. The characters, for example, are wonderful. Surprisingly, they have perfect facial expressions, and each emotion fits well into the complex vicissitudes of this terrible world.

All of them are quite young and beautiful, and besides this, their peculiar characteristics will not allow the player to get into trouble. These youth are able to change the banal scenario and make the outcome more interesting.

Will Until be adapted to personal computers? dawn game? The PC version has been named one of the best today, and for the masses quality games remains to wait.

Walkthrough of the horror game Until Dawn

Attention! The video walkthrough is different from the text walkthrough!


Old friends gather at a country house a year after the tragic deaths of two girls

After the video, we examine the bottle on the table. We approach the door and take the note from the table. After this, you need to make a choice to look for the others or wake up Josh.

First choice is to find the others

Press the buttons that pop up on the screen. We choose a short or safe route.

Second choice - fast route

We go down and choose to follow the tracks or follow the noise.

Third choice - follow the trail

Unlock the phone (slide your finger over the touchpad) and control the flashlight using the right stick. Along the road on the left side we find a death totem that will show us a fragment of the future. Now another choice awaits us, but in any case, death cannot be avoided.

Dr. Hill

We look at the photo and answer the questions. We choose “it makes me happy”, then we choose “yes, it happened” and, finally, we choose that we would be afraid to stay in this house for a long time.

Chapter 1. Remember death

We play as Sam and go to the gate, there we read the note. We go to the left and, pressing the buttons, we climb over the fence.

First choice - fast

We press the button and immediately choose to jump or climb.

Second choice is to climb

To feed the squirrel, hold the joystick motionless. We walk along the path and read the sign on the pedestal. We learn about the colors of totems and find a totem with a recommendation nearby. We go further and find the inscription “the past is beyond your control.” We approach the house and find a backpack on a bench. We make a choice to watch the phone or not.

Third choice - close the bag (butterfly effect)

Chris appears, let's follow him. We shoot at targets at the shooting range. A little later a squirrel will appear, here you have to choose to shoot at it or the bag.

Fourth choice – shoot the bag (butterfly effect)

On the way to the house we find a “wanted” poster - this is evidence. We break into the lock and examine the “hotel and sanatorium” poster. Then we find the TV and go to Sam. We get on the funicular.

Behind Jess we press the button to unlock the door. After Chris takes the letter from Jess, we make a choice.

Fifth choice - insist and take away the letter

Emily. We go forward and find Mike, make a choice.

Sixth choice - we're all friends here

We talk to Emily and choose again.

The seventh choice is to insist that we won't let her go alone.

Ashley. We see Mike and Emily, and when Mike appears we choose to look through binoculars or not.

Eighth choice - mislead

After the dialogue, the choice will need to be repeated.

Ninth choice - no (butterfly effect)

Jessica sits on the bench and waits. We immediately choose to read or watch the phone.

Tenth choice - look at the phone

Mike will appear.

Eleventh choice - take snowballs

We play snowballs by aiming and throwing. After Mike knocks Jessica to the ground, choose.

Twelfth choice - kiss Mike

Dr. Hill

We choose a woman, a plane, a height, a snake, a knife, a snake, a clown and blood. Second batch: snake, blood, zombie and blood (twice).

Chapter 2. Darkness

We meet Josh (the brother of the dead girls) and make the choice to worry or gossip.

First choice - talking about Matt and Emily

We talk to Ashley, choose confidence or indecision.

Second choice - indecision

We talk to Josh and make a choice twice.

Third and fourth choice - we agree

We walk along the path and on the back wall of the house we find an ax stand. We move the cabinet and climb out the window. Inside, near the bicycle, we find a totem. We go left and look around. Through the door on the left we get into the utility room, here we take the newspaper. We go back and go into the doors on the right. Along the way, on the left we find a family portrait. We pass to the end and find ourselves in the foyer. To open locked doors you need to find deodorant. We go up the stairs to the second floor and at the end of the corridor we find the desired room. We take deodorant in the drawer (don’t be alarmed).

Emily and Jessica start arguing, we make a choice.

The fifth and sixth choice is to defuse the situation (butterfly effect)

Downstairs we talk to Jessica and take a photo. We go into the forest and make a choice.

The seventh and eighth choices are to disagree and then agree.

We are trying to open the gate. We go to the right and find a danger totem. Inside, open the generator cover and press the buttons. We start the generator. We open the gate and follow Jessica.

The ninth choice is to ask about memories.

We follow the path into the mine. We talk to Jessica and choose.

Tenth choice - be heroic (butterfly effect)

We move the trolley and move on, then we brake another one. At the fork we go right and find the totem of good luck. Now go back and turn left. We go up the steps and pass the falling beam. On the table we find a map of the mine. We go up the mountain, leaving the mine. We look through binoculars and go through the gate. After the bird appears, we choose.

Eleventh choice - show wit

Michael and Jessica head to the guest house after a small fight with friends

We speak with Jessica.

Sam. We go along the corridor and find Hannah's room. We examine the music box on the cabinet. We go into the next room and find a scrap on the floor. We go into the corridor and hear a conversation between Josh and Chris. Let's go down. We talk with friends and go downstairs with Josh.

Twelfth choice - flatter Josh

We look at the photo on the table (you need to rotate it). We go to Josh and make a choice in conversation.

Thirteenth choice - expressing hope

We go down and find a bat.

Fourteenth choice – seriousness (butterfly effect)

We don't move while Josh examines the closet. Turn the switch. Then press the button at the same mark. We talk to Josh and choose.

Fifteenth choice - we say that there is something behind it

Sixteenth choice - we say that Josh figured us out

The seventeenth choice - we tell Josh that he needs to be careful

We run away from the enemy that appears.

Dr. Hill

We answer negatively about feelings. Then we choose sympathy, no, devotion and devotion again.

Chapter 3. Ghosts

It's Ouija board time and there's the choice of whether to do it seriously or frivolously.

The first choice is to take it seriously

Second choice - ask the ghost who needs help

We talk to Hannah and make a choice.

Third choice - does she do it?

We ask about the killer. Mike. We go forward and inspect the car.

Fourth choice - we say Jessica wins

We cross the bridge and go up. Throw a snowball at a tree. We go into the house and find a mask on the table.

Fifth choice - show the mask to Jessica

We leave the house to the right and go up the path on the left. We find a wounded deer.

Sixth choice - comfort the deer

We run away from the enemy and choose between a fast or safe route.

Seventh choice - proven route

We reach the house and choose between helping Jessica and the key.

The eighth choice is to help (butterfly effect)

We find a lantern near the fireplace and turn it on, fulfill the requirements. We inspect the fireplace and add firewood. We find matches. To the right of the door we examine the cabinets and find a rifle.

Ninth choice - show rifle

We light the fireplace, the matches are behind Jessica on the table.

Tenth choice: Calm Jessica down

We close the shutters and make a choice again.

Eleventh choice – compliment Jessica (butterfly effect)

After you hear the noise, go to the far side of the room and pick up the phone.

Michael searches for Jessica in the mine, and Chris has a difficult choice to make.

Ashley. We go down after Chris and switch to him. We go in and turn left. We take the photograph on the table and read the threats. You can show this note to Ashley.

Twelfth choice - answer honestly

We go out into the corridor and go through the opened door. We go to the end of the corridor and open another door. We talk to Ashley and break down the door.

Dr. Hill

We choose Sam, Matt, Ashley, Mike, Josh, Chris and Emily. Dr. Hill tries to get to know your least favorite character.

Chapter 4. Devotion

First choice - proven route

We jump over the bridge. We look through the rifle scope at Jessica. We choose how to get there.

Second choice - jump down

We go down the mountain by pressing the indicated buttons.

Third choice - jump to the ledge

The fourth choice is a proven path

We enter the building and go down the stairs on the right. At the fork in the mine we turn left. we find the lift (butterfly effect). We go down, but Jessica has already died. After the video, we shoot at the enemy. We run further and climb the wall.

Fifth choice - safe route

We are trying to catch up with the enemy, but there are no cartridges.

Chris. We go forward and find a wallet on the left. We pass the double door and find traces of blood. On the street we go down. We turn left along the path and go to the smoking tree. We find the stuffed animal and examine it. Under the tree we find a pig's head. A little further we find the death totem. We go to the main road and turn right. We find a hut. Through the bars we see Josh and Ashley tied up.

Sixth choice - save Ashley

Move the lever to the right. We free Ashley and talk to our friends.

Dr. Hill

We choose: “no, that’s not true,” “who are you?”, “you’re annoying me,” “you’re real.”

Chapter 5. Fear

Mike. We go forward and go down. We move the panel and climb into the building. We go to the right and pass the grate, in the distance we find a totem. We move the barrel and climb onto the ledge. We go along the grate and climb onto the generator, and then onto the first floor.

We go forward and look into the hole. We go back and find a room with the inscription “admin”. We go left and take the camera on the closet. We go through the door on the other side into the corridor.

Now go straight and left. We read the newspaper on the table. Again into the corridor, a little back and through the door on the right. First we go to the room on the right. We find a medical report on the table. We go further and go down the steps. Open the door on the right and take the knife.

There will be two passages ahead. First we go right and find a telegram on the table. We go left and go into the operating room. We examine the hand and fall into a trap.

First choice is to open the trap

Nothing comes of it.

Second choice - cut off fingers (butterfly effect)

We go further and examine the strange skull. On the other hand, we inspect the freezers for corpses. We find an access pass in the pocket. In other cameras there is a document and a tag. We open the door with the pass we found. We go up and run away from the dogs. We go right and jump down, we find a door on the right. Here we use the pass again.

Third choice - hit the dog (butterfly effect)

In the center of the hall we find a cigarette case. Take a bone from the white chest.

Fourth choice – give the dog a bone (butterfly effect)

Now we go right through the grate. We examine the wall. We find doors marked “exit”; here you need a key. We go a little back and take the jacket on the fence.

Fifth choice - get a gun

We open those doors by shooting at the lock with a pistol. We go forward and to the left, go down. We move the barrel and shoot at another castle.

Matt and Emily make their way to the tower, and Ashley and Chris encounter a ghost

Matt. The doors don't open, so we follow Emily. We find an axe.

Fifth choice - help Emily

We knock down the door and hang a map on the wall in the room. We examine the panel - there is no key.

Sixth choice - agree with Emily

We lower the stairs and go down. We climb the slope. After the bridge we find the totem of good luck.

Sam. We leave the bathroom and go downstairs. After the enemy appears, we make a choice.

Seventh choice - run

Eighth choice - jump over the bed

The ninth choice is to run

Tenth choice - knock over the box

We close the doors and windows. We break down the other door and choose.

Eleventh choice - run

Chapter 6. Revenge

Matt. We meet a bunch of deer.

First choice is to calm Emily down

Second choice is to hit the deer (butterfly effect)

Third choice - don't grab the ledge

We jump up so that Emily can help Matt get out (butterfly effect).

Emily. We walk along the path to the radio tower. In front of the steps we find a totem. We climb up the fire escape. We try to turn on the radio and check the printer. We go to the right, find the fuse box and turn on the toggle switch. Turn on the printer and look at the printout. We're talking on the radio.

Fourth choice - introduce yourself

Fifth choice - we say that we will die soon

Sixth choice – calm Emily down (butterfly effect)

Seventh choice - asking Emily not to move

Eighth and ninth choices - trying to save Emily (butterfly effect)

Ashley. We examine the photograph lying on the stand with candles. We go down, guided by the arrows (butterfly effect). Let's go to the door.

Tenth choice - say we saw a ghost

Let's go to the basement. On the right there will be a corridor with bottles along which Sam ran. We follow Chris and see a ghost. We find a locked door and a picture on the wall. Let's return to Chris. After the painting falls, we examine the wall under it. We take the key and go back, we see the ghost again. On the left we examine the toy house. Insert the key into the keyhole and turn it clockwise. We examine the diary. We follow Chris and open the door, go downstairs.

Eleventh choice - we say that everyone embarrassed Hannah

When Chris stops, go right. We find a stack of newspapers and go to the stairs.

Twelfth choice - we suggest finding Sam

We go downstairs and talk to Chris. We go forward and left. We approach the sparks and inspect the batteries. We go further and at the fork we go left. The doors will slam behind you (butterfly effect).

Ahead we examine the stand with photographs. We approach the door.

Thirteenth choice - follow Chris (butterfly effect)

Chris and Ashley are tied to chairs and are about to be cut by a saw. We don't do anything.

Chapter 7. Violence

Sam runs away from a maniac, and Josh reveals secrets

Sam. We push the chair and free Sam (butterfly effect). We burn the rope.

First choice - ask Mike

We go out and open the doors with the bolt. A little further we find Chris and Ashley.

Emily. Let's swing to save Emily. We go forward and to the right, go down. We do not approach the large wooden gate, but go up to the left. We switch the lever near the trolley. We pass and pull the lever.

From the elevator we go right. We find a clock on the fence. We go to the right and find the stairs. After Emily falls, turn on the flashlight. We break boards on the way. Let's climb up. We go along the road and find a torch. We turn on the electricity and go back. We go down the steps and find the totem.

We pass through the cave to the exit. We examine the barrels and find a photo. On the right at the foot of the mountain we find sticks. We go up the slope and move the grate aside. We examine the doll. We go forward and open the doors. We go into the elevator and pull the lever. We go upstairs and see a man with a flamethrower, we don’t move, and then we run away by pressing buttons. Set fire to the puddle.

Second choice - hide

Third choice - ask the maniac to shut up

Fourth choice - we say that we cannot trust

Fifth choice - we threaten and ask you to shut up

We knock the weapon out of Mike's hands.

Chapter 8. Exposure

Emily. We light the signal checker. On the table on the right we find a photo. We jump off the cliff and go forward. We run to the right. We go into the elevator and lower the lever. When the enemy attacks us, we do not move. We run and throw everything we find to block his path. We jump over the car and close the door (butterfly effect). Let's jump forward.

First choice - ask about the monster

Second choice - open the door

We follow the stranger and listen to him, do not move when he speaks. Let's shoot.

Mike. After conversations, we choose to shoot Emily or not.

Third choice - do nothing

Ashley. We find the magazine and leaf through it.

Fourth choice - hide information (butterfly effect)

Dr. Hill

We say that no one was hurt.

Chapter 9. Karma

Mike looks around the hospital while the others try to find him.

Mike. We go along the corridor, to the right and up the steps. In the temple we go to the right and go up the red steps. We jump down into the hole. On the table we take a torch and a sawn-off shotgun. We open the door and go to the other side. Open the mesh door.

We get out and examine the crosses. We return to the temple. We find a door with a lock and shoot at it. We follow the dog and enter the building. We go left and pull the lever. We squeeze between the doors. Let's go down. On the table in the room on the left we find a piece of paper.

On the other side we find the body of a dog. Let's go further after the dog. When you hear strange sounds, you can shoot.

First choice - do nothing

Second choice - we shoot the monster

Third choice - go straight at the fork

We close the door and shoot at the monster. We open the door and shoot again several times, dropping the cabinet. We attack the enemy and run into another room, closing the door with a bolt. Let's not move. We catch the bottle. We go forward and shoot at the monster through the bars. We press the buttons and shoot back. We drop the barrel and push it. We shoot at the barrel. We lock the door. We go to the right, shoot at the lock on the door.

Fourth choice - barricade the door

We jump down and shoot at the monsters.

Fifth choice - calm Chris down (butterfly effect)

We go along the tunnel and reach a dead end. We examine the hatch. Use the pipe to move the hatch. We go down and return the hatch to its place. We go forward and choose.

The sixth choice is to rejoin the group (butterfly effect)

Sam. We climb onto the rock, choosing the necessary actions.

The seventh choice is to climb, climb, jump

We find the stairs on the right and go forward. We jump over the pit and take the pipe. We go down from the ledge. We move the gate and go through the forest to the right. We cross the bridge and turn left. we break the gate. We approach the door and remove the board. We attack the enemy.

Chapter 10. Denouement

Josh. We examine the passages left and right. We go down and beat the pig.

Sam. We go forward and find a totem of good luck. We jump down and go into the water. We follow Mike and go out to the other end. We pull the lever and find Josh.

Josh. We follow Mike into the pond.

Sam. We get out of the mine. We pass through the forest and come out to the pond. We go down into the water and climb onto the ledge. We go along the path and go down. We bend down and jump over the object on the ground. We break the glass with a stone and go in. Let's go downstairs for Mike.

First choice - run after friends without closing the door

When Mike says not to move, we do so. After Sam retreats, we repeat.

Second choice is to run to the switch

There will be only two survivors.

Second choice is to save Mike and run to the switch

There will be three survivors.

Second choice - save Mike

When there is a monster nearby, we don’t move.

Third choice - hide behind a pillar

Don't move again.

Fourth choice - hide on the right

Don't move until Mike leaves the house.

The game has six slightly different endings. It all depends on how many characters are left alive. There is even an option when all the heroes of the game die.

So, in total there are eight friends and you will find out how to join in one situation or another in order to preserve their existence.

Let's start the Until Dawn mini-guide on stopgame.ru.


In one of the episodes of the game you will have to choose who to kill - Josh or Ashley. Choose the option: kill Josh (the young lady will still survive, but if you make a different choice, then she will not save Chris later). During the passage of the ninth chapter, you do not need to go to the rumble, but move with another group. But even if you follow the noise, you don’t need to expose the hatch from which the sounds are coming.
Ashley. Chris

During the passage of the sixth chapter, there is no need to point a weapon at Ashley. Choose the option to shoot yourself in the head. Pull the trigger. In the eighth chapter, shoot all the enemies with weapons, after which Ashley will allow you to go inside the house. Very interesting fact: if you try to kill Ashley instead of Josh in chapter six, the young lady will still survive, but in chapter eight she will not open the door for Chris.
Chris. Emily

In the eighth chapter, escape from the upper room, and also do not skip the QTE actions. Press all the buttons correctly.
Emily. Jessica

In Chapter 4, when Mike is trying to get rid of Jessica, take a more risky route. There will be several choices - you must take the shortest route (do not bypass anything, etc.).

In the tenth chapter of the century, choose the “hide” option (when the creature is in the mine), and also do not skip QTE actions. Press all the buttons correctly.
Jessica. Josh

Josh, dependent on your actions, will live until the tenth episode. And then... Find all the clues of the twins (20 objects), or Josh will not be able to find that the Wendigo's hand has the same tattoo as one of the lost sisters. If Josh doesn't find the tattoo, the Wendigo will crush his skull.
Josh. Matt

In the sixth chapter, when Mike and Emily are surrounded by animals, do not hit anyone. When you are on the radio tower, choose a “safe jump” and under no circumstances come forward to help Emily. In order to support Emily, you must have a flare gun.
Matt. Mike

Mike, dependent on your actions, will live until the tenth episode. Playing as Sam, you will be asked to make a choice (in the coffin of the game): save Mike or run to the switch and turn on the light. Save Mike, and then pour in the light.
Mike. Sam

Sam, dependent on your actions, will live until the tenth episode. Don't miss QTE activities during the game and successfully hide from the Wendigo.
Sam and the mysterious murderer (in the background). Other great choices

1. In the first episode, do not hit the squirrel.
2. In the fourth episode, make friends with the wolf.
How to Find All 20 Twins Collectibles

In order for Josh to survive, he must recognize the tattoo on the Wendigo's hand. To do this, you absolutely need to concentrate all 20 collectible objects that in one way or another look towards the twins.

We continue the Until Dawn mini-guide on stopgame.ru.

At that time, as if you are tossing Chris, flow out along the dark corridor. There is a canvas hanging on the wall on the reverse side. Study it to get the first clue.

On the ground floor of the house, speaking as the same Chris, check the table on the left. There's a card from the graduation party there. Take it away and look at the return of Palestine. This is the second clue.

Go down to the basement, near the stairs there is a stand with a card. You will have to pick up this card during the game in one of the available episodes. This is the initial chance to pick up the card. Even if you don’t take it now, you can return here later. The third clue has been found or may be found later.

Go around the mansion and follow the path to the gazebo. Look at the point where you found the second clue. There's another one lying on the shelf. The fourth clue has been found.

After the sequence with Mike, control will pass to Sam, who will be in the mansion. Leave the bathroom and enter the bedroom, illuminated by purple rays of light. There will be a business card opposite the bed. This is the fifth clue.

Enter the large closet behind the bed. On the bottom shelf on the right you will see a shiny dot. This is the sixth clue.

As Mike, you will reach a dark office. Don't light the fireplace yet. Instead, go up the corridor on the right. Walk past the gaping door and see a tennis-related image on the counter. This is the seventh clue.

You will move Ashley in the mansion's library. From the starting point you need to roll out and check the corridor on the left side. If you pass by, which is quite likely, you will miss one of the hard-to-see clues. This is the eighth clue.

As Matt, fly through the rope station and flow up the path. Matt's girlfriend will step forward, illuminating the rut with a flashlight. You will need to turn left, towards the cliff. There's a barn to eat here. Go inside it. Matt must trip over something. Lift the boards and take the evidence. This is the tenth clue.

Climb the stairs into the tower, and then open the locker from the wrong side. On the inner panel of the door, examine the missing person poster. This is the eleventh clue.

Activate the feeding in the tower and return to the main room. Here you can eat a printer with a green light. Use it to print out the newly minted evidence. This is the twelfth clue.

In the mines, Emily should see an exit at the top of an icy mountain. She cannot ascend there, so explore the area around this place. On the wrong side, eat wooden boards in the background. Check the hollow space (the corner of the underside of the left plank). This is the thirteenth clue.

Walk around the boards to the left to see the scattered wood. Move there to see numbers on the stone wall. This is the fourteenth clue.
Continue moving to the left of the found evidence. The cave should lead you to a forgotten wooden cross. This is the fifteenth clue.

In the foreground, a couple of chestnut barrels are eating. On one of the barrels there is a card that needs to be studied. This is the sixteenth clue.

The road to the right is the main one to continue storyline. Ignore it and continue along the underside path until you reach a barrel with another clue. Make sure you open the medallion and find the seventeenth clue.

The last clue of this chapter will be behind the rusty gate, a salvo after the previous clue was found. Don't turn right, but come to the front and open the door. You will see a doll ahead. Explore it to get the eighteenth clue.

In the dungeon, you don’t need to jump into the water until you have fully explored the location. There is an additional path going to the left. It will lead you to the nineteenth clue.

The twins' final clue can be found when Sam and his friend jump into the water. Stick to the wrong side. To the left of the water wheel there will be a ledge with the remaining clue. Climb up this ledge and pick up the old notebook from the ground. Be sure to scroll through the entire book to get the twentieth clue. The Until Dawn mini-guide on stopgame.ru is coming to a head. After this, Josh will certainly survive!
