Types of children's activities by age. Features of working in different types of children's activities

Natalya Vladimirovna Grigorieva
Characteristics of activities of preschool children

Activity child is varied and rich. At any activities children develop, go through the process of socialization, learn and acquire new knowledge and skills. Main type of activity in preschool age is play activity. A. S. Makarenko wrote: “Play is important in a child’s life, it has the same meaning as in an adult. activity, work, service. What a child is like at play, so in many ways he will be at work when he grows up. Therefore, education of the future the action taking place in the game».

A game is not an arbitrary invention of a child, but a reflection of life. The main source of children's games is familiarity with the life and work of adults. A game young children– manipulation with objects and toys aimed at mastering their properties. IN preschool age A role-playing game arises in which children take on a certain role.

Juniors and seniors preschoolers play differently. The elders play collectively and distribute roles among themselves in advance.

The younger ones don't have this. They only play nearby. They are not interested in the result of the game action, they are carried away by the game process itself. U children For 6-7 year olds, the game is more meaningful, as they know more about the side of life that is depicted in the game.

The older guys are more meticulous about making sure that the rules of the game are followed.

There are also didactic games, board and printed games, where preschoolers gain new knowledge about the surrounding reality, receive sensory development, and development of motor skills.

Motor activity. Develops in outdoor games, physical exercises, physical exercises. minutes. U children physical qualities develop, feelings of mutual assistance, friendship, and justice are fostered. The range of movements is enriched, the child’s health is strengthened, and a healthy lifestyle is introduced.

Fine (productive) activity. This activity introduces children to the world of beauty, develops aesthetic senses, fine motor skills, and sensory skills of the child. The baby not only learns to use a brush and paints, but is also charged with positive energy, as fine art activity has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state.

During training children drawing technique, verbal instructions are important. In early, junior preschool age the whole process is accompanied by verbal instructions and demonstration. In senior age children already perform actions according to one verbal instruction.

Labor activity also present in life children. Certainly, children They are not forced to work until they sweat; they are gradually introduced to work. In the process of labor activities the child will master work skills. Children preschool age can perform some types of this activities:

Labor in nature (planting, watering plants, cleaning the area);

Self-service (taking care of your things, keeping the room clean, etc.);

Duty (table setting - seniors preschoolers, prepare the workplace);

Manual labor (gluing up books, helping in building feeders).

Communicative activity. During any age Children need communication. At an early stage, it is especially important to communicate with an adult, who is the child’s guide to the big world. In the early age It is important to accompany the children’s behavior with verbal addresses to them, short conversations, and commentary on what is happening. During the day, teachers should find time for individual communication with the child. In this age the direct dependence of speech development on motor and cognitive-sensory development remains. The development of movements is the basis for understanding the world around us, and cognitive development is a means for the development of speech. Children of three years old have access to a simple form of dialogic speech (answering questions, but in this case the baby is often distracted from the content of the question. Younger children are able to coherently express their thoughts preschool age They are just beginning to master it, making many mistakes in constructing sentences. The child’s speech is situational, expressive presentation predominates. First coherent utterances of 3 year olds children consist of 2 – 3 phrases. Teaching spoken language to juniors preschool age and its further development is the basis for the formation of monologue speech.

Average age The activation of the vocabulary, the volume of which reaches 2.5 thousand words, has a great influence on the development of coherent speech. Statements become more detailed and consistent, although the structure of speech is still imperfect. In the middle group they begin to teach how to compose short stories using pictures.

In senior age communication with peers is also necessary. The coherent speech of this age reaches a fairly high level. Questions are answered with precise, short or detailed answers. The ability to evaluate the statements and answers of comrades, supplement or correct them is developed. Children can consistently and clearly write descriptive or narrative stories on a given topic. In the process of communication, the child develops his communication skills, develops speech, and learns to interact with people around him.

Cognitive - research activity. These are various games with water, natural materials, and measuring instruments. Now almost every group has an experimentation center, where children study various measuring instruments, do experiments, based on which they try to draw conclusions.

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Alexandra Veselova
Types of children's activities

Types of children's activities

Activity can be defined as a specific type of human activity aimed at knowledge and creative transformation of the surrounding world, including oneself and the conditions of one’s existence.

Preschool age is a bright, unique page in the life of every person. It is during this period that the process of socialization begins, the child’s connection with leading spheres is established. being: the world of people, nature, the objective world. There is an introduction to culture, to universal human values.

Therefore, the main task of preschool education is to create favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics, the development of the abilities and creative potential of each child as a subject of relationships with himself, other children, adults and the world.

The Federal State Educational Standard identifies 5 educational areas, which are implemented through various types of organizations children's activities or their integration using a variety of forms and methods of work.

In the first place is the gaming activity, since it is determined by human nature itself. The main feature of the game activities is the possibility of human development and improvement, as well as the creation of conditions for communication and interaction with people of different ages and interests. The game brings together peers and people of different generations.

Game view children's activities, organized during special moments, joint, independent children's activities.

Cognitive and research activities are organized with the aim of developing children’s cognitive interests and their intellectual development. The main task is to form a holistic picture of the world and broaden one’s horizons.

Communicative activity is carried out throughout the entire period of the child’s stay in the preschool educational institution, and contributes to the child’s mastery of constructive ways and means of interaction with people around him - the development of communication with adults and peers, the development of all components of oral speech.

Motor activity organized during physical exercises, during routine moments, in joint activities of adults and children.

Self-service and elements of household work. This type activities include: self-service, domestic work indoors, domestic work outdoors.

Fine activity aimed at shaping the aesthetic side of the surrounding reality. This type activities realized through drawing, modeling, appliqué.

Musical activity aimed at developing the ability to emotionally perceive music. Directions work: listening, singing, song creativity, musical and rhythmic movements, dance and gaming creativity, playing musical instruments.

The perception of fiction is aimed at creating interest and need for reading books. Implemented through: reading books, discussing what you read, learning poetry, situational conversation. Children learn to be listeners and handle books carefully.

In the process of activities a child encounters difficulties; when he has a difficulty, he turns to the adults around him. Development scheme of any kind activity is like this:

1. Independent child activity

2. Difficulty

3. Joint activity with adults and peers

4. Joint activities with peers

5. Amateur performance

An important indicator of a child’s development is the level of mastery of various types of children's activities. Preschool teachers help the child at this stage, who in turn should be able to organize leading types of children's activities, as well as organize joint and independent activities of preschoolers.

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A child’s attendance at a preschool institution is an obligatory component of the comprehensive development of the personality of a future adult. If parents themselves can teach reading and writing at home, it is impossible without communicating with peers and performing tasks as a team. Kindergarten promotes the normal growth of a child and prepares him for adulthood.

Types of activities in accordance with Federal state requirements

There are generally accepted requirements that all preschool institutions in the country must adhere to. Thus, the main types of children's activities in accordance with FGT include the gaming component, communicative, labor, cognitive and research, musical and artistic, productive, as well as reading.

The general education program in kindergarten should be carried out not only through the interaction of an adult and a child. The child must solve many problems independently. Such activities allow you not only to acquire new skills, but also to consolidate existing ones.

Federal and state requirements are developed taking into account the regime of children in accordance with their age. Based on this, the main types of children's activities must be planned, taking into account periods of sleep and wakefulness.

in kindergarten

The game can rightfully be called the main activity in a preschool institution. Role-playing games help the development of personality, active ones contribute to the rapid physical development of the child. Any training is much more productive if it is interesting to the child. It is no coincidence that many educational programs are built in the form of a game.

The whole thing can be divided into two groups. In early preschool age, games largely acquire an objective character. Children explore the world around them visually. They try to distinguish one object from another and taste it. In older preschool age, children already begin to interact with each other. Role-playing games are becoming popular. And if the teacher organizes the educational process correctly, it will be possible to teach children writing and reading in the form of a game. All types of children's activities in kindergarten should be related to it to one degree or another.

Cognitive and research activities

An equally important activity can be considered cognitive and research. This species is quite closely related to the game. After all, it is thanks to the latter that the child gets acquainted with the world around him. Cognitive activity is of great importance at any childhood age. Depending on the goals that the teacher sets for the children, this type of activity may include experimentation, observation, and excursions.

Special attention should be paid to targeted walks. In the warm season, thanks to trips to the park or out of town, the teacher helps children solve several problems at once. Active recreation can be combined with getting to know nature and animals of your native land. In addition, fresh air helps improve children's appetite and sleep. An obstacle to daily walks may be too low an air temperature or precipitation. In the summer, teachers should ensure that children spend less time in the open sun and wear hats. Almost all types of children's activities in kindergarten in summer can be carried out in the fresh air.

Communication type of activity

The main task of a preschool institution is to prepare the child for future adult life. A little person must acquire many skills before he enters society. This is not only the ability to speak or use household objects for their intended purpose, but also proper communication with others.

Most children easily find a common language with both peers and adults. But in every preschool institution there is always a group of withdrawn children who find it difficult to socialize. This behavior may be due to personality traits or parental upbringing. Often, troubles in the family lead to the child withdrawing into himself and not wanting to communicate with his friends. The main types of children's activities are aimed at helping such a child. In a playful way, the teacher helps him open up and establish contact with peers.

Properly organized kindergarten also contributes to the development of children’s speech apparatus. Activities may include communication with children on certain topics, situational tasks, conversation, and solving riddles. Story-based games are extremely popular among children. In the role of their favorite fairy-tale characters, children become more self-confident and reveal their creative potential.

in a preschool

In order to exist in a full-fledged society, a child needs not only to learn how to communicate correctly, but also to serve himself. All types of children's activities in kindergarten help children learn independence. They must be able to dress properly and hold kitchen utensils without adult assistance.

Household work is also not in last place. The child must be familiar with the activities of adults. This is especially true for household tasks. Not only the teacher teaches children the culture of life, but also the parents at home. Even in preschool age, parents together with educators must teach the child to be neat. All children must clean up toys and kitchen utensils after themselves. A preschooler must know that all things have their places.

Joint activity between an adult and a child also contributes to social development. The baby quickly learns to solve certain everyday problems and begins to understand the degree of his importance in society.

Productive activity

It is impossible to imagine without drawing, sculpting and appliques. These are all productive activities that promote mental development. In classes, kids learn to express their thoughts and show imagination. It is in kindergarten that a love for art can begin, and parents usually identify one or another talent in the child at this time.

Praise is a very important aspect of productivity. Under no circumstances should you point out mistakes to a preschool child. The teacher can only guide the child, suggest how it would be optimal to solve a specific problem. It is no coincidence that there is no assessment system in preschool institutions. The child should not know that he is drawing or making appliqué worse than others.

Productive activities in kindergarten help introduce the child to the surrounding nature, basic colors and shapes. In addition, drawing and modeling contribute to the development of motor coordination.

Musical and artistic activities

Musical activities for children in kindergarten include singing, humming along, playing instruments, as well as outdoor games with musical accompaniment. In such classes, children develop their creative abilities. Many children enjoy classes with vocal improvisation. It is musical and artistic activities that were created to prepare children for performances. Children learn to feel great in front of a large audience.

Reading in kindergarten

Despite the fact that children begin to read only at school age, educators should teach this skill long before that. The child must first learn to listen and understand the work. A very important skill is the ability to handle a book. The child should know not to tear the pages while looking at the illustrations.

In the middle group, the teacher begins to introduce children to letters. First of all, children learn easy to pronounce letters. These are simple. Next, kids learn to put letters into syllables, and them into words.

A child’s activities in kindergarten must necessarily involve learning short poems. Activities of this kind promote mental development and train the child’s memory. Parents can also learn short stories and jokes with their children at home.

Proper organization of leisure time is also important

Teaching a child's basic skills in a preschool comes first. But properly organized cultural and leisure activities in kindergarten are also important. In order for children to be able to usefully spend their free time in a group, the space must be properly organized. Adults should pay special attention to toys. Appropriate areas in the form of a living corner, kitchen or pharmacy are of great benefit. Special toys make children's role-playing games more intense.

The conditions for the implementation of children's activities in kindergarten also include theatrical events. Performances and fairy tales help children better consolidate the material they have covered. In addition, favorable conditions are created for the comprehensive development of the child within the preschool walls.

Nanny or kindergarten?

Today, more and more parents prefer raising children at home. Meanwhile, it is in a preschool institution that a child can acquire skills in social-role behavior. Children experience communication in a wide variety of forms. Even a negative experience that cannot be gained within the walls of one’s own home will benefit the child. And play, as the leading type of children’s activity, will contribute to the comprehensive development of the child in a team.

At the same time, raising a child at home also has advantages. A nanny with a pedagogical education will make every effort to raise a particular child, taking into account the characteristics of his character. This will provide an opportunity to cultivate the best qualities in him.

Formation of activities

Child activity and development

Development and formation of substantive activity, elements of work activity

Formation of gaming activities

Formation of productive activities



Child activity and development

The development of a child occurs under the influence of hereditary and congenital factors, occurs against the background of growth and maturation of the body, and depends on the educational system and the level of development of the society in which he lives.

The driving cause of mental development is learning as a necessary path for the formation of a person’s generic, historical, characteristics, as a way for a child to “assign” universal human abilities (L.S. Vygotsky). Next Vygotsky L.S. emphasized that training should be focused on the “zone of proximal development.” A child’s learning can occur both spontaneously and purposefully, both in collaboration (explicit or hidden) with another person, an adult or peer, and as a result of observing the actions of other people.

However, no educational influence of another person can be realized without the actual activity of the child himself. The content and methods of carrying out this activity determine the process of mental development of the child, and the factors of heredity and environment are only necessary conditions on which the individual uniqueness of his personality depends. It is in activity that the child builds his image of the world, expanding and deepening the possibilities of his orientation and successful action in diverse conditions and solving practical problems that everyday life poses to him.

Activity does not remain unchanged in a child’s life; it develops from age to age, its content and form change.

The development of the psyche depends on leading activities. Leading activity is the activity in which mental processes are formed and restructured; on which psychological changes in personality depend; in which new types of it arise and within which they differentiate. Each stage in child development is characterized by its own type of leading activity. In infancy it is communication, at an early age it is instrumental-object activity, in preschool it is role-playing play.

At the same time, the child’s development also depends on other “specifically children’s” types of activities (visual arts, construction, perception of fairy tales, etc.), which are associated with the leading activity, interact with it and enrich it meaningfully (A.V. Zaporozhets).

The transition from one type of leading activity to another is associated with a change and development of motivation. New motives arise in the depths of already formed activity, and then give rise to a new type of activity. D.B. Elkonin discovered the law of alternation, periodicity of different types of activity: activity of one type, which is characterized by the formation of the motivational-need sphere of the individual, is followed by activity of another type, in which new ways of it are mastered. Thus, in the activity of communication in infancy, the primary formation of the motivational-need sphere of the child’s personality occurs; At an early age, in the process of object actions, the child masters human ways of acting with objects.

In preschool age, in play activities, the child develops new motives and needs: awareness of his limited place in the society of adults, understanding that he still needs to learn. Therefore, at primary school age, the mastery of new methods of action, mastery of sign-symbolic activity, and the development of cognitive abilities again come to the fore.

Thus, at each psychological age, certain specific developmental tasks come to the fore—the genetic tasks of age.

Object, play, visual, constructive and work activities of children with intellectual disabilities, just like those of normally developing preschoolers, form the basis for the development of mental processes and the formation of the child’s personality.

In children with intellectual disabilities in early and preschool age, all activities are formed with delays and deviations at all stages of development. They do not have any of the types of activities inherent in a given age in a timely manner; the leading activity that is intended to become the support of all mental development in a given age period is not formed. Consequently, it cannot serve as a means of corrective influence on the development of a child with disabilities. Therefore, one of the essential tasks of correctional and educational work is the formation of prerequisites for the development of activities and targeted training in all its types. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the stages of development of all types of activities in a normal child.

The prerequisites for the development of all the child’s activities are the emergence of certain needs, motives, and interests.

The low level of perception in mentally retarded children of early and preschool age is reflected in the fact that they are not always able to independently navigate the conditions of a task and require much more detailed explanation of it than normally developing children.

Perception does not have a decisive influence on such components of activity as motive, goal, i.e. to determine the task and motivating reasons for action.

Having not mastered the means of carrying out objective activities, children are artificially transferred to formal mastery of the means of intellectual activity, which actually does not lead to the development of both the game itself and other types of activities. Meanwhile, there is another way - maximum formation and encouragement of the development of the most objective activity on the basis of the emergence of a corresponding need and the development of perception.

Although all types of activities have a general structure, each of them has its own specifics, its own laws of development and age-related capabilities.

Development and formation of substantive activity, elements of work activity

Without special training, subject-related activity in mentally retarded children becomes limited only to older preschool age. At the same time, it is the starting point for the formation of its other types. Therefore, teaching objective actions and its formation turns out to be one of the central tasks in the correctional work of a special kindergarten. Training in objective actions is carried out in classes on self-service, on the development of play, on familiarization with the outside world, on all types of classes on labor education and in the process of conducting all routine moments of kindergarten. One should not think that with active correctional work it is possible to complete the formation of subject activity in the first and second years of study. This work must be carried out continuously throughout all four years of study.

Mastering the elements of work activity is a direct continuation of the development of the child’s objective activity, makes the objective actions themselves socially significant for the child and requires a new level of mastery of objective and instrumental actions.

Mastering the elements of work activity is not an easy task for preschoolers with intellectual disabilities. Self-service already includes a number of very complex skills that children must master. For a child, two difficulties may arise here: in determining and mastering the sequence of operations and in mastering each of them. The emergence of work activity plays a large role in a mentally retarded child’s acquisition of experience in operating with objects and contributes to an understanding of the role of each individual action and its logical sequence.

The formation of elements of work activity is carried out in special classes and in everyday life, and is carried out in two directions. On the one hand, children are introduced to the work of adults, the role of work in the life of the entire society, and are taught respect for the work of adults. On the other hand, labor education is carried out during the organization of children’s practical activities - in the formation of self-service skills, in classes: manual labor, in the process of household labor and labor in nature.

A huge help in understanding the meaning of work and in mastering knowledge about people of different professions can be provided by a game in which children, under the guidance of teachers and educators, will play out the impressions received during observations, alternately playing the roles of a driver, salesman, hairdresser, etc.

The formation of ideas about the work of adults is also carried out in the process of familiarizing children with works of art - with fairy tales, stories, poems, with illustrations for these works, and in older groups with special filmstrips telling about different professions. Concepts are clarified with the help of didactic games.

Along with the formation of ideas about the work of adults, the work activities of children themselves are organized. In the first years of training, special attention is paid to instilling self-care skills and cultural and hygienic skills. These skills are formed in special classes and reinforced during all regime moments.

Labor training is also carried out in special manual labor classes, in which children perform various crafts. In these classes, it is necessary, in addition to manual skills, to create in children interest and respect for the result of their work. To do this, the result of labor must be highlighted and made meaningful for children. In manual labor classes, children make crafts that can serve as attributes for games, as a means of decorating a group, as a gift for younger children or adults, etc. Crafts should be not only individual, but also collective. In the process of creating collective crafts, children learn to work together, to correlate their actions with the actions of others, the result of their work with the results of the work of their peers, which is one of the main aspects of work culture.

Household work is introduced in a special preschool institution in the second year of study. At first it is simple - children carry out individual tasks (watering flowers, arranging aids, handing out spoons before meals, etc.). Gradually, work assignments become more complicated.

The next type of work activity for mentally retarded preschoolers is work in nature. Children care for plants and animals in a group and work in the preschool area.

Labor training plays a huge role in the entire mental development of a child, in his mental and moral education.

In the process of work tasks, children learn to act by imitation, model and verbal instructions. Actions following verbal instructions, first very simple and short, and then more and more detailed, help children develop verbal regulation of activity.

In work, we also find great opportunities to teach children to plan their actions - what will be done first, what will be done later, to comprehend the meaning of the sequence of actions to achieve the final result; by older preschool age, this allows us to achieve the emergence of elements of self-control.

The need to work together leads to the fact that children begin to feel like members of a team, consider their work as part of the overall work, and be proud of their contribution to the overall result. On this basis, not only respect for the result of one’s own and common work, but also elements of self-esteem can be formed.

Collective work provides an excellent basis for instilling mutual assistance and responsiveness and for organizing the behavior of children in general.

Formation of gaming activities

The initial task of the teaching staff is to create conditions for the development of gaming activities. Here, setting up a play corner in a group room is important. Its equipment should take into account the age interests of children and meet the objectives of developing play activities. Learning to play is carried out in special classes and in time specially allocated for free play, during walks.

In the program, the “Game” section includes three areas of teaching role-playing games, mobile and didactic. Classes in the first direction are conducted by a speech pathologist and educator, in the other two - mainly by the educator.

At the initial stage of learning, it is important to create in children an emotional attitude towards the toy and this game situation through interaction with an adult, as well as to form children’s indicative activities. To this end, the first classes are conducted on playing with didactic and story-based toys.

A special place in the teacher’s guidance of children’s play is given to the formation of play behavior skills. It is necessary to teach them to exchange toys, play side by side, and cultivate goodwill and compliance in them.

The next task of teaching the game is for children to master the logic of the development of an everyday plot, so that children understand the pattern of development of the game action, which consists in the fact that one of the actions is preparatory in relation to the other.

Only with the development of object-based play actions can a genuine, meaningful plot game arise, which is a great achievement in the development of play in a mentally retarded child, its necessary stage.

In the future, training in role-playing games is carried out.

It is this type of games that embodies the most significant and essential features of the game as an activity. In them, the child transforms into various characters and roles, acts in an imaginary situation, and operates with a variety of different toys as their substitutes. The main point of the role-playing game is the reproduction of the activities of adults and their relationships. Through play, a preschooler learns about various spheres of human activity and masters various ways of communicating between people.

The formation of play activity in mentally retarded children should take place in close connection with the expansion of their ideas about the phenomena of social life. At this stage, classes are aimed at accumulating, generalizing and consolidating the acquired social and emotional experience, with moral norms and human feelings. The process of familiarizing mentally retarded children with social phenomena is carried out using different methods: excursions, observing the relationships between people in work, reading fiction, watching filmstrips and films, conversations.

It is very important to prepare the children themselves to portray characters, to correctly reproduce and understand speech material, and to create in them an emotional attitude to what is happening. For dramatization games, fairy tales are selected that contain dialogues between the characters.

One of the important points in guiding children’s play at this stage is to bring them to an awareness of the role they play in the game, and thereby lead them to genuine role-playing play.

In the process of conducting a dramatization game, it is necessary to provide children with the opportunity to try themselves in various roles, encouraging them to act as much as possible in an imaginary situation. This is greatly facilitated by the use of costumes and various attributes.

When conducting the game, the teacher must clearly understand his role. At the beginning of each game, it is necessary to create a gaming mood in children, to arouse in them an emotional attitude towards the role. At the same time, the teacher himself is in the mood for a game. It is important to make learning fun and keep the children active.

After each game, it is necessary to have a conversation with the children asking them to answer a number of questions. What were they playing? Who was who? What did you do? etc. Such summing up allows children to consolidate their behavior in collective activities with peers.

Teaching preschoolers role-playing games should include the following steps:

purposeful formation of children’s ideas about the profession;

preparing attributes for the upcoming role-playing game;

conducting a game where an adult takes the main role;

development and deepening of the game’s plot, in which its modification and addition are possible.

The main goal of teaching games is for students to develop an interest in role-playing games, which include an imaginary situation, actions with substitute objects, and role-playing behavior.

During the game, children with intellectual disabilities develop voluntary mental processes: voluntary attention and memory. The game situation and actions in it activate the mental activity of students. In the game, children learn to act with substitute objects, they give them a new game name, and learn to act adequately in an imaginary situation. Gradually, play activities are reduced, the child learns to think about objects and act with them mentally. Consequently, play greatly contributes to the child’s gradual transition to thinking in terms of ideas. The game acts as an activity in which the formation of prerequisites for the transition of mental actions to a higher stage occurs - the stage of mental actions based on speech.

Formation of productive activities

The first productive activity of a child, as is known, is visual and constructive activity. Their occurrence in a child is closely connected with the perception of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, since what is not perceived cannot be reflected. On the other hand, visual activity is closely related to other types of child activity.

The development of a child’s visual activity is associated with the development of his objective activity and presupposes a fairly high level of development of the latter.

In early preschool age, design, modeling, drawing and appliqué are closely intertwined with play.

The development of productive activity is associated with the development of perception, speech, thinking, imagination, i.e. with the entire mental development of the child.

By the beginning of preschool age, normally developing children have already accumulated a certain graphic experience, a certain stock of graphic images, although still very primitive. However, at the same time, the image is actively associated with the appearance of familiar objects, and the scribbles are “objectified” through words. Visual actions are accompanied by play and speech. Children with intellectual disabilities, for whom correctional work on the formation of visual activity is not carried out, very often, even before entering school, monotonous, short-term, chaotic actions with pencils remain. These actions do not have a visual orientation, are devoid of playful moments, the images are not called children in any way, i.e. do not contact surrounding objects.

In the drawings of older children, whose training is carried out without taking into account their mental development, there is almost no play or speech accompaniment, images of people, animals, i.e. those objects that constitute the main content of children's visual creativity.

Difficulties in mastering an object image in the development of the content side of drawing in preschoolers with intellectual disabilities are closely related to the underdevelopment of perception, imaginative thinking, object and play activities, speech, i.e. those aspects of the psyche that form the basis of visual activity.

All this draws attention to the need to teach visual arts to children with intellectual disabilities throughout preschool childhood.

One of the main tasks of the initial period is the formation of a motivational and need-based activity plan. They make children want to draw, sculpt, cut, stick, etc.

The next task of teaching children's visual activity is to develop methods of examination: feeling before sculpting three-dimensional objects, using visual-motor modeling of the form; tracing - highlighting a flat shape before drawing. This task is realized by teaching children object drawing and modeling from nature.

In the course of object drawing and modeling, children become familiar with the space of a sheet of paper and learn to perceive an image on a plane as a reflection of real space.

Mastering the methods of visual-motor modeling of form allows the child to use them in the future when depicting images that have not yet been in his graphic experience.

During training, the teacher also solves the problem of ensuring the operational and technical side of the activities of his students. This work is connected, on the one hand, with children’s mastering the techniques and skills of visual activity, and on the other, with developing their ability to independently select the means necessary for constructing various images.

Fine arts classes are essential in terms of the aesthetic education of a child. Children perceive beautiful, bright objects specially selected by the teacher as nature, and experience joy. They learn to compare their work with nature and thereby correctly evaluate it, listen to the opinions of their peers about the work done.

Fine arts classes help develop positive personality traits: perseverance, attention, and the ability to complete what has been started.

Following substantive drawing and modeling from life, substantive drawing and sculpting from an idea are carried out. Based on the images of perception obtained during classes using nature, the teacher teaches children to depict objects according to description.

As a result of purposeful work on teaching children to draw and sculpt from nature and from imagination, it becomes possible to begin work according to plan. The work on forming a plan closely resonates with the work on teaching subject and then plot drawing and modeling.

All these types of activities contribute to the development of the child’s memory, in particular, voluntary memorization, which is extremely important for all subsequent learning not only in kindergarten, but also at school.

Closely intertwined with all these activities are appliqué activities, which help children explain how a three-dimensional form is depicted in a plane; they provide an opportunity to draw children’s attention to the relationships between quantities and allow them to solve sensory education problems.

In the process of design classes, children need to develop an interest in this type of productive activity and a desire to create structures for play themselves. For this purpose, the teacher builds various objects in front of the children, which are immediately included in the joint game. Speech accompaniment includes all types of communicative statements: questions, incentives, messages.

To create the prerequisites for independent design, children are also shown that objects of the same functional purpose (for example, a kindergarten building) can have different designs, that is, built differently, but at the same time meet general requirements (have a small height, many entrances and etc.).

At the initial stages, one of the main methods of learning is to imitate the actions of an adult. Imitation actions involve the child literally following an adult, reproducing his actions without delay.

In the future, children are taught to carry out the design according to the model. Design based on a model is based on the independent actions of children and on the implementation of those ideas that are formed as a result of a directed examination and analysis of a sample under the guidance of a teacher. At the beginning of training, only simple volumetric samples with visible constituent elements are used. Studying the sample under the guidance of an adult is carried out in a certain sequence. Analysis of a sample is a specially organized examination of it, carried out under the guidance of a teacher.

Sample analysis begins with a holistic perception of the object. Children name it, then move on to identifying the main supporting parts.

In the future, children learn to design according to a graphic model. For this purpose, they are offered various construction sets and prefabricated toys.

Experience in teaching design to children with intellectual disabilities has shown that, with proper organization of correctional work, they are able to master initial actions with all types of models.

Thus, with a special organization and corrective orientation of training, children with intellectual disabilities are able to perform object-based images, as well as reflect simple content related to their life experience.


  1. Gavrilushkina O P. Teaching visual activities to mentally retarded preschoolers (2nd year of study). / Sat. Correctional and educational work in special preschool institutions // Ed. N.G.Morozova. - M., 1976. - P. 34-40.
  2. Gavrilushkina O.P. Organization of the preparatory period for teaching visual arts to mentally retarded preschoolers. // Defectology. - 1975. - No. 3. - P. 79-85.
  3. Gavrilushkina O.P. Development of visual activity of mentally retarded preschool children. / On Sat. Features of the development and education of preschool children with hearing and intelligence impairments. // Ed. L.P. Noskova. - M., 1984. - P. 47-64.
  4. Gavrilushkina O.P., Sokolova N.D. Education and training of mentally retarded preschool children. - M., 1987.
  5. Gavrilushkina O.P. Teaching design in preschool institutions for mentally retarded children. - M., 1991.
  6. Kulesha Eva. Mastery of object actions by mentally retarded children. // Defectology. - 1989. - No. 3. - P. 65-68.
  7. Sokolova N.D. On the content and methods of labor education in the senior groups of a special kindergarten for mentally retarded children. / Sat. Issues of education and training of abnormal preschool children. // Ed. L.P. Noskova. - M., 1980. - P. 3-13.
  8. Sokolova N.D. Development of play activity of mentally retarded preschoolers in the process of targeted learning. / In the collection Features of the development and education of preschool children with hearing and intelligence impairments. // Ed. L.P. Noskova. - M., 1984. - P. 30-46.
Children's activities Forms and methods of organizing educational activities Methods, means
Games, including role-playing games and other educational games 1. Games - experimentation (games with natural objects, games with toys) 2. Story-based amateur games (story-display, plot-role-playing, director's, theatrical) 3. Educational games (story-didactic, movement, musical-didactic, educational) 4. Leisure games (intellectual, fun games, theatrical, festive and carnival, computer) 5. Folk games 6. Ritual games (family, seasonal, religious) 7. Leisure games 1. Developmental subject-game environment 2. Attributes for plot-role-playing games.
Communicative (communication and interaction with adults and peers) 1. GCD 2. Conversations 3. Emotional games 4. Group traditions 5. Collections 6. Didactic games 7. Round dancing games 6. Various activities in the social-emotional center 1. Developmental subject-game environment 2. Layouts, models, mnemonic tables 3. Interactive aids 4. Communication between adults and children. 5. Cultural language environment 6. Interactive toys 7. Fine arts, music, theater 8. Fiction
Cognitive and research (studying objects of the surrounding world and experimenting with them) 1 . ECD 2. Targeted walks and excursions 3. Listening to music and poetry 4. Educational conversations 5. Collecting (for example, children's treasures, collecting toys from Kinder surprises) 6. Productive activities 7. Play exercises 8. Reading 9. Problem situations 10 Situational conversation with children 11. Simple experiments 12. Project activities 13. Riddles 14. Various activities in the educational and research center 1. Developing subject-spatial environment: sets of visual didactic material for classes, equipment for independent games and activities for children. 2.Imaginative and symbolic material 3.Experimentation 4.The simplest algorithms 5.Information and computer tools: laptop, projector 6.Fine arts, music, theater 7.Fiction
Perception of fiction and folklore 1. Reading a literary work 2. Conversation about the read work 3. Discussion of the work 4. Theatrical play 5. Situational conversation based on what was read 1.Books with good illustrations, 2.Audiobooks 3.Audiovisual aids
Self-care and basic household work (indoors and outdoors) 1.Assignments 2.Work together with adults 1. Own work activity (training specific work skills and abilities, meeting one’s own work needs) 2. Familiarization with the work of adults (targeted walks and excursions)
Construction from various materials, including construction sets, modules, paper, natural and other materials 1. Organized activities: NOD 2. Joint activities of adults and children. 3. Independent activity of children. 3. Design: - according to the conditions - according to the plan - according to the topic - according to the sample. 4.Creative workshop 5.Games with building materials 1. Equipment and materials for construction, natural and waste materials.
Fine (drawing, modeling, applique) 1. Perception: - illustrations of children's books - picturesque images 2. Practical activities: - Drawing (subject, subject, decorative) - Modeling (Decorative, subject, subject) - Applique (decorative, subject, subject; in form - volumetric, planar; by color - single-color, multi-color) -Working with paper, natural materials, unformed (waste) material 1. Works of art 2. Reproductions 3. Illustrations 4. Equipment and materials for modeling, appliqué, drawing and design, natural and waste materials.
Musical (perception and understanding of the meaning of musical works, singing, musical-rhythmic movements, playing children's musical instruments) 1.NOD (complex, thematic, traditional), music quizzes, competitions, music during the day, holidays and entertainment 1.TCO 2.Audio CDs, illustrative material, musical toys, children's musical instruments, attributes for musical and play activities
Motor (mastery of basic movements) forms of child activity 1. Physical education classes 2. Tempering procedures 3. Outdoor games and exercises 4. Physical education minutes 5. Sports games, entertainment, holidays, competitions and leisure activities 6. Reading (works of fiction related in theme to the formation of a healthy lifestyle element) 7. Morning exercises 8 .Awakening gymnastics 1. Motor activity, physical education (satisfying the child’s need for movement and at the same time developing it) 2. Ecological and natural factors: sun, air, water 3. Psychohygienic factors (day routine, activities, sleep, wakefulness, nutrition; clothing hygiene, shoes)

2.2. The part formed by the participants in educational relations

Part formed by participants in educational relations The variable part of the Program was formed by the staff of the kindergarten MDOU d/s "Solnyshko" on the basis of programs (methodologies, forms of organizing educational work) chosen by participants in educational relations, aimed at the development of children, taking into account:

1. Specifics of the region (national and cultural affiliation of students; features of the industrial and cultural complex of the Samara region; natural-climatic, seasonal and environmental features of the region);

2. Supplementing the content of one educational area of ​​the Program with a partial program that expands and deepens the content of this educational area, which best suits the needs and interests of children, as well as the capabilities of the teaching staff and meets the established traditions of the team.

Particular attention in this section of the variable part of the Program is paid to the possibility of implementing the principle of introducing children to sociocultural norms, traditions of the family, immediate environment, urban society, etc. The immediate environment is the social environment in which children live; it is the basis for expanding children's horizons and for introducing children to sociocultural norms, traditions of the family, society, and state.

The variable part of the Program complies with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education and constitutes no more than 40% of the content and does not contradict the goals and objectives of the Program.

The program is implemented throughout the child’s stay in the preschool.

2.2.2. Directions chosen by participants in educational relations from among partial and other programs and/or created by them independently

Directions of development (educational area) Name of the partial or authored program Authors Output Brief description of the program
Artistic and aesthetic development "Musical Masterpieces" O.P. Radynova M.: Gnom-Press, 2004 The proposed System for forming the foundations of musical culture promotes the development of emotions, thinking, imagination, interest in music, taste, ideas about beauty, and creative development of children
Cognitive development The Volga land is my homeland. (Program for environmental and local history education for preschoolers) O.V. Kasparova, V.N. Gandina, O.V. Shchepovskikh Tolyatti, Technocom Plect LLC, 2013 – 299 p. The proposed system of working with children is built on the basis of modern approaches to the implementation of the regional component using the integration of educational areas, elements of new pedagogical technologies - gaming, museum pedagogy, the project method, TRIZ techniques. The content includes educational activities, joint and independent activities of children, close and meaningful interaction with the family

III. Organizational section

Mandatory part

3.1.1 Description of the material and technical support of the Program, provision of teaching materials and means of training and education

The material and technical support of the Program complies with the Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education, the tasks of the kindergarten’s general educational program, fire safety rules, sanitary and epidemiological rules and standards for preschool educational institutions, and the age and individual characteristics of children.

On the territory of the preschool organization there are functional zones:

Game Zone. It includes: - group areas - individual for each group at a rate of at least 7.2 square meters. m per 1 child for young children and at least 9.0 sq. m per 1 child of preschool age and in compliance with the principle of group isolation;

Physical training ground. Near the physical education area in the summer, the kindergarten operates an outdoor swimming pool.

The territory of the kindergarten is equipped with video surveillance.

The building and premises contain: group cells - isolated rooms belonging to each children's group. The group cell includes: a dressing room (for receiving children and storing outerwear, where cabinets for clothes and shoes are placed, they are equipped with individual cells - shelves for hats and hooks for outerwear), a group room (for conducting direct educational activities, games, classes and meals), separate bedrooms on the 1st floor, three bunk beds in a group room on the second floor, a pantry (for preparing ready-made meals for distribution and washing tableware), a toilet (combined with a washroom).

In the kindergarten premises there are additional rooms for working with children, intended for alternate use by all or several children's groups (music room, gym, teacher-psychologist's office, art studio) as well as related rooms (medical, catering, laundry room) and service - living quarters for staff.

Play equipment is appropriate for the age of the children and meets sanitary requirements. All materials and equipment are safe and have appropriate certificates. Didactic material is available in sufficient quantities, located in the centers of group rooms: motor, cognitive, intellectual, speech, musical and theatrical, environmental, productive, constructive, center of personal communication. Each group has modular furniture, thanks to which the area of ​​the groups is effectively used, since according to the project, the kindergarten does not have bedrooms on the second floor.

Modular game complexes create in kindergarten groups a health-saving, functional, “open” object-based play environment for use and transformation by the children themselves, which provides the child with the opportunity to make a choice of activities in accordance with his interests. The design of the object environment meets the design requirements: the color palette is based on warm pastel colors, the design uses elements of artistic culture (decorative elements on the walls, exhibitions of folk art, reproductions of paintings, etc.);

No. Educational areas Name of equipped development zones, facilities for practical classes, physical education and sports facilities with a list of main equipment
Social and communicative development Center for personal communication: - attributes for group cohesion; material for reconciliation, aids for responding to emotional tension (“Stomp Island”, “Scream Bag”, etc.), games for developing cooperation (work in pairs), games for recognizing and labeling emotions, albums, illustrations for labeling emotional experiences, albums “My Friends”, “My Family”, etc., games aimed at maintaining a favorable emotional climate in the group, games and aids for awakening and growing self-awareness, audio cassettes with recordings of songs about friendship. Safety Corner (SAC): - illustrations, a set of toys on the theme “Transport”, a traffic light model, diagrams of traffic controller gestures, a “Street” model, attributes for the role-playing game “Transport”, attributes of a traffic police inspector (rod, cap), didactic games to familiarize children with traffic rules, a diagram of safe routes to the DS, a card index of “dangerous situations” Duty corner: - algorithms for the sequence of duty, schemes for proper table setting, aprons, headscarves, caps, a duty schedule for the nature corner, for the dining room, for classes. Center for role-playing games: -games, toys and attributes for role-playing, director's games, operating objects, play equipment (game modules, furniture, dishes), layouts, play space markers
Cognitive development Ecological center: - indoor plants, seasonal plant objects (winter garden, seedlings of flowers, vegetables, etc.); algorithms, diagrams, rules for caring for plants; material for plant care; nature calendar; albums recording observations of experimental plantings. Mathematical / intellectual center: - measuring instruments, clocks; geometric shapes, mosaics, a set of colored elements for constructing geometric shapes, a set of geometric bodies with images of projections, Dienesh blocks, a “wonderful” bag with a set of volumetric bodies, games like “Tangrams”; numbers, numbers and mathematical signs (sets of subject cards with numbers, counting material, cubes with numbers, number scale, Cuisenaire counting sticks); a guide to distinguishing relationships (temporal, spatial): various clocks, pictures depicting the seasons, daily routines, calendars, frames and inserts; didactic games and aids for comparing quantities: pyramids, nesting dolls, bars and cylinders (6-8 elements), strips, a set of scales and weights, thermometers, rulers, a set of hollow geometric bodies for comparing volumes and areas; games for the development of logical thinking (“The fourth odd one”, “What’s missing”, “find the ninth”, “Continue the series”, “Find the differences”, “Labyrinths”, etc.) Experimentation center (laboratory): - scales, clocks, magnifying glass, flashlight, rubber band jumpers, equipment for experiments with water, equipment for experiments with air, equipment for experiments with bulk materials, including sand, equipment for experiments with color changes (pieces of colored plastic, palette, etc.), equipment for experiments with magnets, equipment for measuring time, models of thermometers, collections (seeds, shells, etc.), games for building logical chains, equipment for sensory experiments (fragrant, noisy boxes, etc.), technological maps for conducting experiments Design Center : - different types of construction sets (tabletop and floor), toys for playing with buildings Center for Patriotic Education: - albums about the hometown, fiction: poems about the hometown, stories and legends of the Zhiguli Mountains, fairy tales of Samarskaya Luka, etc., illustrations: “Nature native land”, “Flora and fauna of Zhiguli”, “Our city in all seasons”, pictures - illustrations: VAZ cars, VAZ emblem, photographs of parents working at VAZ, album “Adult Labor in Tolyatti”, outdoor games , didactic games using national attributes, examples of decorative and applied arts (from the cities of Tolyatti and Samara). Dolls in Russian costumes, illustrations about the life of Russian peasants. A musical selection of sounds in nature, the voices of birds and animals of Samara Luka. Flag, coats of arms and other symbols of the cities of Togliatti, Samara, Volga region, Russia. Audio and video cassettes “My Motherland”, “City of Tolyatti”, “Volga Expanse” and others.
Speech development Speech center: - games and aids for the formation of children's vocabulary, games and aids for the development of coherent speech, speech-reasoning, games and aids for preparing for learning to read and write.; homemade books, magnetic board, Logo Corner letters: - toys and game aids for the development of correct speech breathing, symbols-pictures of the correct articulation of sounds (articulation models), games to determine the place of a sound in a word, selection of words with a given sound, differentiation of sounds; games to regulate speech tempo, voice strength Book corner: - books for children's reading, magazines, including toy books, audio books, illustrative material, portraits of writers, poets, coloring books based on literary works
Artistic and aesthetic development Musical and theatrical center: - children's musical instruments (voiced and unvoiced), portraits of composers, visual material (pictures of the content of songs, musical works, musical instruments), musical and didactic games for the development of pitch hearing, rhythmic hearing, timbre hearing, dynamic hearing, games for developing creative abilities, different types of theaters, a set of hats and masks, costume elements, materials for making posters, transformation algorithms, a screen, a tape recorder, audio recordings for listening to musical works, children's songs, musical fairy tales. Center for productive activities: - beauty shelf, visual material (paintings, reproductions, thematic selections, collections, etc.), material for familiarization with decorative and applied arts (photos, postcards, albums); didactic games for the development of creativity and imagination, knowledge of types decorative and applied arts, knowledge of fine art genres, albums (visual material) for familiarization with non-traditional drawing techniques, a variety of materials for drawing, modeling, artistic work, natural and waste materials.
Physical development Motor center: - attributes for outdoor games, attributes for games with jumping, attributes for games with throwing, catching, throwing, albums (cards - diagrams) with general developmental exercises, basic types of movements, elements of rhythmic gymnastics, cards-standards of physical fitness, non-traditional benefits that develop children's interest in physical exercise (soap bubbles, funny bags, etc.), equipment for recording children's achievements (“Champions Board”, “Our Achievements” “Wall of Success”) Health Center: - albums for prevention and healing of the body (acupressure, breathing, visual exercises, self-massage, etc.), the availability of benefits for the prevention of flat feet and the formation of correct posture, albums on promoting a healthy lifestyle (“Types of sports”, “How we harden”, etc.), algorithms for the formation of cultural and hygienic skills (washing, dressing, brushing teeth, etc.)