Astro mythological. Lenormand card meanings

The large Lenormand Astromythological deck consists of 54 cards (52 cards for predictions and plus 2 significator cards) and is radically different from the small gypsy deck. In terms of semantic interpretation, the large Lenormand deck is much closer to Tarot cards than to the traditional Mary Lenormand deck. In our country, a large astro-mythological deck received its second life thanks to Anna Kotelnikova, who led the Russian Tarot club for a long time. The symbols on the cards have several levels of interpretation. Effective fortune telling on the Big Deck requires possession of certain knowledge. The main nuance of the cards is that their meanings change depending on the angle at which the card is located to the blank card. The image of each card is divided into 7 parts, which gives Additional information to the main mythological plot when interpreting cards.

Firstly, almost all layouts for the large Lenormand deck are built around two iconic cards, which are selected depending on the gender of the querent, or the person being guessed. These are two blank cards, 2 significator cards with the image of a man and a woman.

Secondly, the structure of the large Lenormand deck is special and unique in its construction. In the astro-mythological deck, the main focus is on the central plot of the card, based on myths and legends that you need to know; + time frames that are determined by constellations; + amulets and tips - forecasts by colors; + where the corners of the map look - left and right, depending on what questions were posed.

Prediction cards have a complex structure: the central image carries the main information load, the upper left corner contains an image of an ordinary playing card, the upper right corner shows letters and geomantic figures, in the middle of the upper part there are images of a constellation or planet, the lower corners contain plot drawings that are addition to the central plot, and finally, in the middle of the lower part you will find an image of flowers and plants. However, the process of fortune telling on the Large Lenormand Deck is an incredibly exciting activity, get to know

The semantic load of the deck is built on myths and is divided into 7 main categories according to plots:

1. Gods (7 cards).

2. Heroes (5 cards)

3. Trojan War (9 cards)

4. Conquest of the Golden Fleece (5 cards)

5. Alchemy (7 cards)

6. Zodiac signs (12 cards)

7. Allegories (People - 4 cards and Animals - 3 cards)

Of the 52 cards of the astro-mythological Lenormand deck, 12 cards in the middle upper part symbolize the zodiac constellations, 33 cards - ancient constellations and 7 cards symbolize the 7 visible planets.

In the upper right corner there are geomantic figures and letters of the Latin alphabet. In fortune telling in some layouts, if you pay attention to this angle, you can see composed words that you must pay attention to when interpreting the layout. Also, these letters individually also have their own characteristics in cards. Next to each letter on the map there is an image of one of the 16 geomantic systems.

If you attach importance to additional angles in layouts, you can learn a lot of valuable information about the situation for which the layout is being made. The lower left and right corners consist of a plot design; on some cards they are directly related to the central mythical plot, and on others they carry a completely new semantic load. But in any case, reading the meaning of these angles adds additional meaning to the description of the central plot.

In the lower central part of the card there are bouquets of flowers, each flower has and carries its own meaning and history. This is another highlight of the cards that fans of aromatherapy will like, because it will give many tips in this direction.

Also, 7 cards from the deck contain tips on making talismans that will help the querent in future predicted events. The advice given by the card makes it clear which group of talismans can be used to help in a particular case.

The character of the large Lenormand deck is calm and measured. She gives clear answers, specifically to the point, without much emotion or edification, and has, perhaps, one of the highest percentages of prediction accuracy. Pick it up when you want a clear answer to a question. The layouts are very capacious and reflect events very accurately.

An inexperienced fortuneteller may at first be intimidated by such an abundance of information and symbolism. But, having become acquainted with it, you will find a lot of interesting and useful things for yourself, and you will discover another indispensable tool for predicting the future.

In the culture and history of divination and predictive practices there is a name whose significance is difficult to overestimate. It is textbook and is a very striking symbol in “ modern history» fortune telling. This is the name of Marie-Anne Adelaide Lenormand.

Even people who have never been interested (are there such people?) in predictions and soothsayers react to the mention of her name, it is so popular. This Frenchwoman left such a noticeable mark on history in general: romantic, political, professional, that many people wanted to perform under the name of her students after her death. In her name, two decks of cards were created - Small and Large, each of which is a phenomenon. Small – popularity, and Large – a high degree of originality.

The large Lenormand Astro-mythological deck is attributed to the famous fortune teller. This deck, no matter who created it, drew it and published it, is extremely unique. In her style one can sense great talent, education, wild imagination and considerable romanticism.

The deck is very difficult to work with, eclectic, eccentric, and oversaturated with mythologies. And, despite the fact that the French and some Western European countries have been working with it for almost two centuries, and in Lately and our compatriots, the deck is well protected from excessive popularity with its complexity and versatility.

Each card has 7 or 8 fields (elements). Visually, each map is divided into three horizontal planes. The top one is a kind of super-plot, a plan. The middle one is a more specific manifestation of the global plot in the form of a well-known and understandable mythology. And the bottom one is the most concrete and everyday manifestation of the mythology in real life.


The course is structured to make it as clear, accessible and easy to use as possible. practical work. Do not complicate it with a lot of theory, but open it as an interesting and accurate tool in advisory practice.

The seminar will present the meanings of the cards in the deck and the original layouts unique to working with it.

History of the deck, deck structure, practical examples


Suit of Clubs
Suit of Hearts
Suit of Spades
Diamond suit

3. PRACTICAL LESSONS using layouts used to work with this deck in the French cartomantic tradition

4. PRACTICAL LESSONS using modern card techniques and layouts (at the request of the students)

The cost of the course is 18,000 rubles.

After completing the course, a Certificate is issued (optional)
The cost of the certificate is 500 rubles.

The course is conducted by Elsa Khapatnyukovskaya - Grand Master of Tarot, practitioner, historian. He has been practicing in the field of cartomancy, palmistry, astrology, tasseology, geomancy and ethnic forecasting practices since 1980. He is a member of the Russian Tarot Club under the leadership of Anna Kotelnikova, a member of the Tarot Association of the British Isles (TABI) and the American Tarot Association (ATA), an Honorary Member of the Baltic Tarot Academy, a member of the League of Psychologists of Moldova, and the Executive Secretary of the Royal Association of French Tarot (ARTF). Since 2015, he has been working in the project “Esocultism.Ru” (Tarolog, Geomancer), teaching at the School of Classical Magic.


@based on materials from Kotelnikova A.A.

The deck consists of 52 fortune cards and two additional cards.
52 prediction cards The large astro-mythological deck consists of 52 prediction cards.
These cards are divided into 5 main story categories:
Conquest of the Golden Fleece (five cards),
Trojan War (nine cards),
Alchemy (seven cards),
Allegories (nineteen cards)
Zodiac signs (twelve cards).
The Allegory category is divided into 4 sections:
Gods (seven cards),
Heroes (five cards),
People (four cards)
Animals (three cards).

Upper left corner– habitual playing card.
Middle of the top– constellations or planets.
Thirty-three cards are given in accordance with the ancient constellations, 12 cards correspond to the zodiac constellations and 7 cards correspond to the 7 visible planets.
Top right corner– letters and predictive figures. Each card is shown according to one of the 25 letters of the Latin alphabet. On 22 cards, next to the letter there is an image of one of the 15 geomantic predictive figures.
Central mythological image. Carries the main semantic load of the card.
Bottom left and right corners. Subject drawings that have a semantic connection with the central mythological plot.
Flowers. Flowers are depicted at the bottom in the center; each flower has its own history, its own hidden meaning.

The deck contains two completely special cards . One of them shows woman, and on the other man. There are no additional images or matches.
These two cards play a very special role. They are like two empty chairs, one of which must be occupied by the person who turns to the cards for advice. In most layouts, they are not included like all other cards, but are removed from the deck.
The card corresponding to the questioner is placed in the center of the future layout, and the second is put aside. The laid out map is a kind of starting point, zero. It does not carry an independent semantic load, but is the foundation of the entire subsequent layout. In those layouts in which these cards are not removed from the deck, they still play their special role, placing semantic accents or structuring the layout.

The structure of each individual card is subject to strict logic. Various images and correspondences are arranged according to the following scheme.
Upper left corner- card In the upper left corner there is a familiar playing card. We will use this correspondence as a name when describing the cards and presenting the material. As you know, playing cards can also be used for fortune telling. Their interpretation will also be given in the descriptions.
Middle of the top- constellations or planets Thirty-three cards correspond to the ancient constellations, twelve cards correspond to the zodiac constellations and seven cards correspond to the seven visible planets (in the astrological tradition the Sun and Moon are considered planets). In some layouts, the interpretation takes into account the value of the top part of the card. Zodiac charts are used in some methods to determine the time of occurrence of predicted events.
Top right corner- letters and predictive figures Many predictive card systems use various letter correspondences. This analogy suggests itself - just as words are made from letters that describe our entire world, so from the cards in a layout we “read” the information that interests us. The most famous is the system of correspondence between the Major Arcana of the Tarot and the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. In a large astro-mythological deck, each card is matched to one of the twenty-five letters of the Latin alphabet. On twenty-two cards, next to the letter, an image of one of the fifteen geomantic predictive figures is placed. This is a very rare correspondence, practically not used in the practice of predictive cards. The correspondence is interesting and still awaits its thoughtful researchers.
Central mythological image
The main meaning is carried by the large image in the center of the map. Additional information from all angles makes only some correction, adds nuances, additional touches, but never changes the main meaning. The interpretation of each card must begin with a detailed consideration of the central mythological plot. In some layouts, the interpretation of the card is limited to its consideration.
Bottom left and right corners
On each card in the two lower corners you will find a plot drawing. Sometimes it is mythologically connected to the central image, and sometimes not. In some cases it may seem that it is somewhat alien, that it belongs to a completely different era, to other events - but this is not true. Any lower corner has a strong semantic connection with the central mythological plot, complements and explains it in its own way. In many layouts, only one of the lower corners is taken into account. When interpreting a card in this position, one should never forget about the main meaning of the central image. It should always remain the leitmotif, the background of the meaning of the angle.
Below in the center is a bouquet of flowers. Each flower has its own story, its own hidden meaning. Maria Lenormand was fascinated by the language of flowers, and this passion of hers was reflected in a large astro-mythological deck. These specially selected bouquets can provide an interesting additional clue to the attentive researcher. Some cards will give you advice on making certain incense or perfume bags that can be used for aromatherapy.
Seven cards contain advice on making a specific talisman, which is designed to help a person in predicted events. The scope and purpose of this book did not allow us to dwell in detail on the description of all the intricacies of work in this direction, but an army of experts in this art of cards will give very valuable advice.

Liel Reiter

· Veshtitsa

· Veteran

· Posts: 1732

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Conquest of the Golden Fleece
This myth is represented by five cards:
10 diamonds- Pelias poisons Jason for the Golden Fleece,
9 diamonds- The Argonauts are preparing a ship for Colchis
King of Clubs- Phineus and the Argonauts;
4 tambourines- The sorceress Meleia gives Jason a magic ointment;
Ace of clubs- Jason's last battle for the Golden Fleece.

Jason is the son of King Aeson. After the overthrow of Aeson, the throne was taken by dishonest means by the king's brother Pelias. The legal heir to the throne was Jason, and in order to get rid of his rival, Pelias sent his nephew to get the Golden Fleece to Colchis. Jason, in order to solve this problem, boards the ship Argo, accompanied by the most famous heroes of Greece, including Hercules, Orpheus and Theseus. After numerous adventures, the Argonauts manage to reach Colchis. There, Jason performs a difficult task - on two bulls spitting fire with iron legs, he plows the field of Ares and sows it with dragon teeth, from which numerous warriors of enormous stature then grow. On the advice of the loving Medea, Jason throws a piece of rock into a crowd of grown warriors and they, accusing each other, turn their weapons against themselves. But more difficult trials awaited the heroes on the way back. It’s not enough to get the Golden Fleece, you also need to be able to use it correctly. The Argonauts' journey for the Golden Fleece is an allegory of the search for the golden calf, a symbol of material values. Jason, accompanied by his faithful friends and with the help of a woman in love, gets what he wants - the Golden Fleece becomes his. But Jason could not stand the tests of the return journey. The hero desecrated the temple of the moon goddess Artemis with murder, thereby incurring the wrath of the gods. This symbolizes a violation of lunar principles - a betrayal of ancestral ancient traditions and sacred family ties. That is why the Golden Fleece did not bring happiness, Jason did not receive the kingdom, his life with Medea, who agreed to kill her brother and betray her father, did not work out. Jason lost everything and died in old age, forgotten by everyone, in a niche. Cards in this category reveal issues of material well-being, issues and problems of making money. They will also tell you about upcoming trips. But when faced with cards of this category, remember Jason’s mistake - if moral principles are violated, you will be left with nothing.

10 diamonds
Pelias sends Jason to retrieve the Golden Fleece
Map. The ten of diamonds usually speaks of travel, relocation, and all sorts of new projects.
Myth. Pelias sends Jason to retrieve the Golden Fleece. Jason was the legal heir to the throne of Iolcus. He came to Pelias to demand the return of the throne taken from his father. Pelias was a cunning politician and an intelligent man. He remembered the prediction of the wise priests of Apollo about his death. Pelias decided not to directly oppose Jason’s demands, but to destroy him by cunning. Pelias said that the shadow of the unfortunate Phrixus, who ended his days in exile in distant Colchis, appeared to him. And the shadow told him that the king of Iolkos should be the one who sails to the Colchis coast, takes possession of the Golden Fleece located there, and installs it in the Iolkos temple. Referring to his own old age and weakness, Pelias suggested that Jason do this. It is not difficult to entice a young man to do heroic deeds. And Jason swears an oath that he will take possession of the forbidden rune.
Meaning. The central image of the card seems to appear from under a slightly opened curtain. This detail suggests that the issue being studied is half hidden from you. Only two figures are depicted in detail, and the image of the interior of the palace is only slightly outlined; at the moment, only the characters of the planned enterprise have been identified; everything else can only be discussed in general terms. The figure of Pelias is dressed in red clothes and is more active (he is tilted towards Jason with interest) The figure of Jason is static, he is open and naive. Be careful! They want to trick you into a dangerous adventure. When you get down to business, be prepared for any challenge. In any case, the card speaks of the beginning of a big and difficult undertaking, the details of which will be revealed along the way. If there are no negative cards nearby, then you can safely set off - victory will be yours. Sometimes she may talk about travel or trip plans. When studying interpersonal relationships, the map will give sudden and unexpected changes. It foretells the emergence of new acquaintances. Relationships that are not emotionally charged (with parents, at work, etc.) will be stable and meet expectations. Be that as it may, this card can be considered favorable and indicating excellent prospects. In business matters - all kinds of changes, the beginning and successful implementation of new projects. It is necessary to keep your nose to the wind and act energetically. This card brings success in financial transactions and encourages decisive action: “He who dared, he ate.”
Bottom right: Apg draws a design for the Argo ship. Most often, this corner of the map directly points to " long journey". It opens the green light to all plans related to travel and travel. If the issue being studied is related to the development of a love relationship, then most likely this corner of the card will indicate an imminent engagement or marriage. In our society, this is more likely to look like the beginning of living together. In The theme of this card is not so much important in the legal aspect as in the beginning of a new milestone, a new stage, when people move from romantic meetings to running a joint household. They seem to be preparing to set out on a long voyage together, this corner of the card says. At the same time, it contains an indication that it is necessary to think through all the details, outline responsibilities, review the joint budget. In business matters, the right theft of a card indicates the need to think through and plan everything well. A successful business will be where there is an intelligent accountant. Put your business plans, reports, annual balances in order , draw up a detailed plan for further development. Refuse risk, do not take on those things in which you are not confident. Cold calculation must prevail over emotions. You must be like the wise old arg: discarding all emotions, ambitions, reckless heroism, carefully calculate your “ship”, taking into account all the little things and details.
Bottom left: Jason under the bast tree. This corner of the card recommends abandoning your dangerous plans. Listen to wise advice and do not tempt fate. In relationships, this corner of the card brings doubts and self-doubt. There are good reasons to think: “was the right choice made?” There is a feeling of loneliness, unrequited feelings. Withdrawal into oneself, into one’s doubts and experiences. In professional matters, doubts about one’s own competence and insufficient qualifications make career growth difficult. And this is a strong blow to ambitions and self-esteem. Low-paying work takes a lot of effort and does not bring either moral or material satisfaction. In order to improve the situation, more rationalism and prudence are needed. Perhaps you need to listen to the advice of a more experienced person.
Constellation: kepheus (cepheus).
Located in the northern hemisphere. As Euripides tells us, Cepheus was the king of the Ethiopians and the father of Andromeda. According to legend, he gave his daughter to be devoured by a sea monster, who was saved by Perseus. Thanks to his daughter, he himself
by the will of Athena he was placed among the constellations. According to Ptolemy, the stars of the constellation act like Saturn and Jupiter.
Flowers: red carnation, borage, tulip.
Borage (borage). Contains the powers of Jupiter and the moon. In folk medicine it is used as a diuretic, diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory, a decoction of young leaves and flowers cleanses the blood, strengthens the heart and nerves, improves metabolism, must be collected on the waxing moon, from sunrise to noon, from July 20 to 25.
On modern language flowers is a symbol of Ambitious intentions and romantic aspirations, the red carnation, “Your bright color is like a drop of blood, an emblem of honor and freedom, They swore by you, you were loved by both a brave warrior and a poet,” They say that one day the goddess Liana, returning very irritated after an unsuccessful hunt , met a handsome shepherd who was cheerfully playing his pipe. Beside herself with anger, she speeds up the shepherdess and blames him for her failures. Not wanting to listen to excuses, she pounces on him and tears out his eyes. Only then does she come to her senses and comprehend the full horror of the crime committed. She begins to be tormented by remorse, but nothing can be corrected. Then, in order to perpetuate the eyes that looked at her so pitifully, she throws them onto the path. At that very moment, two red carnations grow out of them, their color reminiscent of innocently shed blood. There is another beautiful legend about the origin of this flower. It is said that it grew from the bloody trail of a wounded Roman legionnaire. In ancient times, the red carnation was a talisman for warriors in battle; it was given to loved ones as a sign of ardent passion, the flower of Zeus. For ancient Christians, carnations symbolized the suffering of Christ. Carnation days from September 3 to 11.
Tulip. Asphodel and tulips grew in the endless fields of paradise of the ancient Greeks. For the ancient Greeks, the tulip was a symbol of happiness and heavenly bliss. In modern symbolism, this flower means a declaration of love, Don Juanism. Druids have tulip days from June 22 to July 1.

9 diamonds
The Argonauts are preparing a ship for Colchis
Map. The traditional meaning of the nine of diamonds is the fulfillment of desires.
Myth. The Argonauts assemble a ship for Colhila. As soon as Jason vowed to obtain the Golden Fleece, rumors spread throughout Greece about the upcoming journey. Little by little, brave souls began to gather in quiet Iolk from all sides. Many glorious heroes expressed a desire to take part in the campaign:
Meleager - winner of the Calydonian boar;
conqueror of the Minotaur monster Theseus;
mighty Ankei;
the cautious and gloomy fighter Telamon;
beautiful twins Castor and Polydeuces;
experienced helmsman Lynceus;
the glorious Thracian singer Orpheus;
young hero Hercules.
The glorious ship builder Arg, commanding slaves and free carpenters, began construction of the ship.
Vanity and troubles before a long journey. Expected trip. The broader meaning of the map is to prepare the ground for further activities. Sometimes in combination with unfavorable cards it can mean delays, delays and various interferences. Try not to let your worries affect your well-being. Favorable changes are planned in the professional sphere. Work that involves travel, various movements and frequent contact with people will be successful. Planned activities are being implemented, career advancement is easily achievable. A new round in professional activity is possible, which will have a positive impact on your future financial situation. In general, this card almost always brings an improvement in material well-being. Even if the business involves risk or initial costs, you should not hesitate and refuse the opportunity. When studying your personal life, this card gives an unexpected and rapid development to existing relationships. If your heart is currently free, then the card indicates that a very important meeting or acquaintance will take place soon. which will turn into an exciting novel. Sometimes you can assume new meetings, acquaintances while traveling or on the road.
Bottom right: The Argonauts are carrying their ship. This corner of the card speaks of the difficulties and trials that have befallen you. It is necessary to take responsibility for what is happening, and, despite any obstacles, move towards the intended goal. Difficulties along the way. In relationships there is tension, internal tension. However, the disagreements that arise are not fundamental and, with mutual tolerance of the parties, can be resolved peacefully. Work does not bring real satisfaction. Your efforts are not appreciated by others and are not compensated for in any way, which causes a pessimistic attitude and lack of confidence in your own abilities. Your situation leaves much to be desired. It seems that you are very dependent on your superiors. The financial situation causes a lot of concern. Ice meetings and negotiations are complicated by various obstacles and sudden disagreements. Investment proposals will not be accepted. Disagreements tend to worsen and negatively affect the overall course of affairs.
Bottom left: The Argonauts receive food supplies. You are well prepared for the challenges ahead. Problems that arise will be easily overcome. Driving without problems. Sometimes it may indicate someone’s small help or an event that favorably changes the development of the case. In personal life, this corner of the card gives a rise in feelings, a new surge of emotions. Corresponds to the spring mood, when you want to sing, fly and do stupid things. Ease and ease in communication, freeing desire from complexes and internal constriction. Good understanding. This corner of the card promises success in all professional matters. Any kind of activity will be successful. You are determined and ready to move mountains, and also have the powerful support of an influential person. All problems in the material sphere are settled favorably. You receive good financial rewards for your efforts.
Constellation: Argo.
Constellation of the southern hemisphere. Argo was placed in the sky among the stars by the will of Athena to serve future people as a clear example. The fact is that it was the first ship built and equipped in ancient times. He had a voice and was the first to cross the hitherto forbidden sea. But his image was placed among the constellations so that sailors, looking at him, would be encouraged in their voyages, and so that the glory of himself, who was among the gods, would not fade with time. The most notable star of this constellation is Canopus. This star received this name in honor of the ancient Egyptian god, the patron saint of sailors and travelers. It awakens the best spiritual qualities. According to ancient tradition, Canopus gives a love of travel, but also provokes disputes and scandals, often ending in litigation. A person under the influence of this star can conduct its energy constructively if he is serious and insightful.
Flowers: Bearded carnation, bindweed, juniper.
Bearded carnation. This flower comes from southern Europe. It is especially popular in Italy, where it is known as a talisman of love and a talisman for travel. With lush bouquets in their hands, Italian women pray in front of the image of the Madonna for a happy journey and the safe return of their lover. They ask to bless the flowers, which will serve as a talisman against all kinds of troubles. In Bologna, the bearded carnation is considered the flower of the Apostle Peter, and on June 29, the day of his memory, all the churches and the entire city are decorated with these flowers.
Bindweed. Bindweed warns that someone who positions himself as weak and in need of care is just waiting for the right moment to take advantage of you and uses his environment for selfish purposes. In the modern language of flowers, bindweed symbolizes the courage to follow a new, unexplored path, disregarding conservative traditions and public opinion. This is a flower of loyalty, flexible democratic politics, new unexpected unconventional solutions.
Juniper. The Golden Fleece in Colchis was guarded by an immortal dragon. The sorceress Medea put him to sleep, sprinkling him with sleepy drops using freshly cut juniper branches. According to ancient Russian beliefs, juniper can not only overcome a fatal illness, but also provide the opportunity to gain eternal life. In modern symbolism, this evergreen coniferous plant is a sign of the eternal life of the soul.

In any business, you need to see success not in necessarily achieving a result, but in laying down your bones, but doing everything you were capable of. This will end either in getting what you want or dying on the way to it. Both can be considered success. Living differently simply doesn’t make sense!

Liel Reiter

· Veshtitsa

· Veteran

· Posts: 1732

· I do not provide services

Re: Large Lenormand deck - card meanings

King of Clubs
Phineus and the Argonauts
Myth. Phineus and the Argonauts. Phineus was king of Thrace for many years. The great gods were merciful to him: they revealed many secrets and he could predict the future. But Phineus committed a great sin: out of pity, he began to foretell to people what the gods wanted to hide from them forever. Then Zeus and Apollo terribly punished him. Apollo blinded him, and Zeus commanded the harpies to fly into his house every day as soon as he sat down to eat and eat all the food without a trace. With the appearance of Arg, the gonauts removed the punishment from the old man. With tears of gratitude in his eyes, the old soothsayer predicted the future for Jason and gave wise advice.
Be careful when giving advice and especially when predicting the future! Remember Phineas' mistake. Probably, now is just the case when the gods do not want to open the veil of secrecy. Your premonitions are correct, but keep them to yourself and do not give any advice. If advice is given to you, feel free to follow it. In layouts, most often this card symbolizes a man who is much older than you, more educated and wiser. We can talk about a husband, father, brother, friend, teacher, boss, etc. Just like Phineus, who gives advice to the Argonauts, this man is ready to help you. You can safely entrust your problems to him - he will give very valuable advice. In general, this card speaks of valuable advice that you are about to receive. It would be unforgivable frivolity not to follow it. When considering emotional relationships, it speaks of the predominance of friendly feelings, mutual understanding, peace and tranquility. Sincerity. All promises will be fulfilled. The card indicates a reliable man full of many virtues. In the professional sphere - complete success. Your ambitions are satisfied and you look to the future with confidence. Successful advancement up the career ladder is very likely. In any event you can count on effective external support and assistance. The financial situation is stable. All doubts will be dispelled, difficulties will be overcome, success is guaranteed. The two lower corners of the map are associated with the myth of the Symplegadean rocks ("colliding rocks"). These rocks converged and diverged, and the waves between them rushed and swirled in a frantic whirlpool. On the advice of Phineus, the Argonafts sent a dove ahead: if it flies, so will Argo will sail unharmed.The bird overcame the obstacle, and the ship, with the help of Pallas Athena, coped with the most terrible danger on the way to Colchis.
Bottom right. Dove in front of the rocks, Risks and dangers ahead. You will face great difficulties, you will have to overcome a serious obstacle. But listen to the advice of a wise person, and then you will cope with everything. In relationships there is fear and mistrust, suspiciousness, and lack of self-confidence. You probably need to overcome some kind of internal barrier that prevents the establishment of true intimacy. At work, the situation requires extreme caution. Serious tests lie ahead and you will encounter significant difficulties. Before entering into any transactions, take the necessary precautions and seriously analyze any offers that come your way. Listen carefully to the advice of more experienced colleagues.
Bottom left. The dove flew over the rocks. An obstacle passed, an excitement experienced. The hardest part is already behind us. You have reached the "finish line". In the position of the future, there are easily surmountable obstacles and minor difficulties. In personal relationships, all internal pressures and complexes have been removed, you can openly express your feelings and be yourself. Minor difficulties have already been overcome and now you can calmly enjoy intimacy. When considering professional issues, this corner of the map portends the beginning of a favorable streak. All the most difficult things are over; now you just need to carefully conduct business to maintain the achieved position. The financial sector should not worry you - everything is smooth and stable there. Investments are successful, income promises to be good.
Planet Saturn.
Saturn is one of the oldest Italian gods. Around the 3rd century. BC e. became identified with Cronus devouring his children. The similarity of sound - Kronos and "chronos" ("time") - led to the interpretation of Saturn as inexorable time, absorbing what it itself gave birth to or as a seed returning to the earth that gave birth to it. Symbolizes experience, testing, the passage of time, as well as patience. It is called the planet of fate. Planet of debt, scarcity, hard work, realism. Also - the principle of limitation, for it is Saturn that limits any expansion, gives a rigid form, a frame.
Flowers. Adonis, mustard, poppy.
Adonis (summer Adonis). This spring flower is dedicated to the god of dying and resurrecting nature, Adonis. In the modern language of flowers, it is a symbol of young male beauty.
Mustard. Jesus Christ compared the mustard seed to the Kingdom of God. It was a small seed, barely visible. But a man planted it in the ground, a young shoot quickly appeared, and a tall and beautiful plant grew. And in due time it gave abundant seeds. This is the Gospel parable and a topic for reflection. In the modern language of flowers, mustard is a symbol of cleansing suffering.
Poppy. In ancient Greece, the poppy was considered an indispensable attribute of the god of sleep - Hypnos and his brother, the god of death - Thanatos. As a result, the god of sleep was always depicted as a lying or sitting young man carrying poppy heads in his hands. They depicted the God of Death in the form of a young man with a wreath of poppies, extinguishing an overturned burning torch. In the same way, the goddess of the night was always imagined by the ancients as entwined with garlands of poppy flowers, as a symbol of peace descending to the earth. The poppy was also dedicated to the fertility goddess Demeter, since it always grows among cereals. Lemaitre made wreaths from poppy flowers and ears of grain, and then decorated her statues with them. This flower was also a symbol of fertility. The poppy seed is also a symbol of everything small and insignificant, and collecting poppies seems to be a symbol of the impossibility of accomplishing something or, in general, of great difficulty. In the modern language of flowers, the poppy is a symbol of intoxicating beauty. Sometimes used as a symbol of laziness. Druids have poppy days from March 1st to March 10th.

A wonderful oracle for divination - the Great Astro-Mythological Deck of Madame Lenormand - is amazing in its Method of reading the layout "Grand Jeu de Mlle. Lenormand, 1962". This deck was first published in 1962 in Paris (France). Today this oracle is found under the title "Astro Mythological by Bonnie Cehovet". Let's take a closer look at this oracle...

The deck contains 54 sheets, fifty-two of which are analogous to the 52 cards of a regular playing deck, to which two blanks have been added (a man and a woman). This deck can be simplified with only 36 cards and blanks. The images on the cards of this fortune telling deck have their own special interpretation.


The interpretation of reading the layout is designed to read THREE CARDS from left to right, using Latin letters, which are located in the fourth sector of the card, along with geomantic figures. Having mastered reading three cards first, then it will be easy to read a layout from any number of cards. The interpretation of cards in Madame Lenormand's Big Astro-Mythological Deck differs from the interpretation of traditional cards.

The image on the card of the Great Astro-Mythological Deck of Madame Lenormand consists of seven elements:
(1) depiction of a mythological scene,
(2) playing deck card,
(3) one of the constellations,
(4) Latin letter,
(5) and (6) two genre scenes located in the lower corners,
(7) a bouquet composed for each card in a special way.
It turns out the map is divided into seven sectors.

Latin letters on cards.
Each card has a corresponding letter of the alphabet, which determines which of the sectors of the next card must be read in the spread (25 + 25 + 2 = 52 Cards):
The letters A B C D E F Г H I K J are on 25 of the cards - it is determined that the fifth sector is being read
The letters M. N O P Q R S T U V X Y Z are on the next 25 cards - the sixth sector is read
The letter "L" is on 2 cards - the central plot of the card is read.


When three cards are laid out from left to right, the card on the left (A) is read while looking at the central image - the central plot. Next, we look at which letter is in the fourth sector of this card, from the card to the left. You go to the next card (B) for the following -

If it is the letter B C D E F Г H I J or K – you are reading the small lower left image (see sector 5 of the map).

If it is the letter M. N O P Q R S T U V X Y or Z – You are reading the small right image (see sector 6 of the map).

If it is the letter "L" - you are reading a large image - the central plot on the next card.

1st card:
Reading the central plot - sector 1

2nd card:
If through K on the 1st card: small left image (see 5th sector of the card).
If M. through Z on the 1st map: small right image (see 6th sector of the map).
If L is on the 1st Card: the central plot is on the 2nd Card.

3rd card:
If through K on the 2nd map: small left image (see 5th sector of the map).
If M. through Z on the 2nd map: small right image (see 6th sector of the map).
If L is on the 2nd Card: the central plot is on the 3rd Card.


The Lenormand deck described here is unique and has no analogues. All other reconstructions of the cards of the great French fortuneteller are of the same type and look like a deck of 36 cards, except for the Mystical Oracle Lenormand. They differ only in the set of symbols, execution and number of cards.

The large deck of Mademoiselle Lenormand has some fundamental differences in its structure and in the structure of its constituent cards, which have a large field for study, as a set of correspondences - the languages ​​of flowers, plants, talismans, letter and astrological correspondences.

These cards are suitable for anyone interested in applied predictive practices; this deck will help not only study the proposed prediction methods, but also find their own paths. The accuracy of your predictions will depend on how you managed to make energetic contact with the cards. Fortune telling cards are very thin instrument, requiring special treatment.

This deck is based on 52 cards, each card is equipped with a capacious image-picture that reflects an important concept. There are also two cards in the deck - forms, which during fortune telling indicate the questioner. The deck consists of 52 fortune cards and two additional cards.

These cards are divided into 5 main storylines-categories:

  • Conquest of the Golden Fleece (five cards)
  • Trojan War (nine cards)
  • Alchemy (seven cards)
  • Allegories (nineteen cards)
  • Zodiac Signs (twelve cards)
The Allegory category is divided into 4 sections:
  • Gods (seven cards),
  • Heroes (five cards),
  • People (four cards)
  • Animals (three cards).
Two questioner cards. The peculiarity of the cards in Maria Lenormand's large deck is the nuances of meaning (from the main value to the corners) and a rich set of correspondences. It opens up great opportunities for a persistent researcher to make accurate forecasts and study the psychological subtleties of the soul. With its help, you can carry out subtle and competent correction of your life, correctly understanding the meaning of current events.

The structure of each individual card is subject to strict logic. The various images and correspondences are arranged as follows:

  • Upper left corner - map. In the upper left corner there is a familiar playing card. We will use this correspondence as a name when describing the cards and presenting the material. As you know, playing cards can also be used for fortune telling. Their interpretation will also be given in the descriptions.
  • The middle of the upper part is the constellations or planets. Thirty-three cards are aligned with ancient constellations, twelve cards are aligned with zodiacal constellations, and seven cards are aligned with the seven visible planets (the Sun and Moon are considered planets in the astrological tradition). In some layouts, the interpretation takes into account the value of the top part of the card. Zodiac charts are used in some methods to determine the time of occurrence of predicted events.
  • Upper right corner - letters and predictive figures. Many predictive card systems use different letter correspondences. This analogy suggests itself - just as words are made from letters that describe our entire world, so from the cards in a layout we “read” the information that interests us. The most famous is the system of correspondence between the Major Arcana of the Tarot and the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. In a large astro-mythological deck, each card is assigned to one of the twenty-five letters of the Latin alphabet. On twenty-two cards, next to the letter, an image of one of the fifteen geomantic predictive figures is placed. This is a very rare correspondence, practically not used in the practice of predictive cards. The correspondence is interesting and still awaits its thoughtful researchers.
  • Central mythological image. The main meaning is carried by the large image in the center of the map. Additional information from all angles makes only some correction, adds nuances, additional touches, but never changes the main meaning. The interpretation of each card must begin with a detailed consideration of the central mythological plot. In some layouts, the interpretation of the card is limited to its consideration.
  • Bottom left and right corners. On each card in the two lower corners you will find a plot drawing. Sometimes it is mythologically connected to the central image, and sometimes not. In some cases it may seem that it is somewhat alien, that it belongs to a completely different era, to other events - but this is not true. Any lower corner has a strong semantic connection with the central mythological plot, complements and explains it in its own way. In many layouts, only one of the lower corners is taken into account. When interpreting a card in this position, one should never forget about the main meaning of the central image. It should always remain the leitmotif, the background of the meaning of the angle.
  • Flowers. Below in the center is a bouquet of flowers. Each flower has its own story, its own hidden meaning. Maria Lenormand was fascinated by the language of flowers, and this passion of hers was reflected in a large astro-mythological deck. These specially selected bouquets can provide an interesting additional clue to the attentive researcher. Some cards will give you advice on putting together specific incense or perfume bags that can be used for aromatherapy.
  • Talismans. Seven cards contain advice on making a specific talisman, which is designed to help a person in predicted events. The scope and purpose of this book did not allow us to dwell in detail on the description of all the intricacies of work in this direction, but an army of experts in this art of cards will give very valuable advice.
The peculiarity of this deck is the transition from the main meaning to the angles and a rich set of correspondences, which opens up great opportunities for making accurate forecasts and studying the psychological subtleties of the human soul. With the help of these cards, you can correct your life, understanding the meaning of current events.

This myth is represented by five cards:

  • 10 of diamonds - Pelias poisons Jason for the Golden Fleece,
  • 9 diamonds - Argonauts assemble a ship to Colchis
  • King of Clubs - Phineus and the Argonauts;
  • 4 diamonds - The sorceress Medea gives Jason a magic ointment;
  • Ace of Clubs - Jason's last battle for the Golden Fleece.
Jason is the son of King Aeson. After the overthrow of Aeson, the throne was taken by dishonest means by the king's brother Pelias. The legal heir to the throne was Jason, and in order to get rid of his rival, Pelias sent his nephew to get the Golden Fleece to Colchis. Jason, in order to solve this problem, boards the ship Argo, accompanied by the most famous heroes of Greece, including Hercules, Orpheus and Theseus. After numerous adventures, the Argonauts manage to reach Colchis. There, Jason performs a difficult task - on two bulls spitting fire with iron legs, he plows the field of Ares and sows it with dragon teeth, from which numerous warriors of enormous stature then grow. On the advice of the loving Medea, Jason throws a piece of rock into a crowd of grown warriors and they, accusing each other, turn their weapons against themselves. But more difficult trials awaited the heroes on the way back. It’s not enough to get the Golden Fleece, you also need to be able to use it correctly. The Argonauts' journey for the Golden Fleece is an allegory of the search for the golden calf, a symbol of material values. Jason, accompanied by his faithful friends and with the help of a woman in love, gets what he wants - the Golden Fleece becomes his. But Jason could not stand the tests of the return journey. The hero desecrated the temple of the moon goddess Artemis with murder, thereby incurring the wrath of the gods. This symbolizes a violation of lunar principles - a betrayal of ancient ancestral traditions and sacred family ties. That is why the Golden Fleece did not bring happiness, Jason did not receive the kingdom, his life with Medea, who agreed to kill her brother and betray her father, did not work out. Jason lost everything and died in old age, forgotten by everyone, in poverty. Cards in this category reveal issues of material well-being, issues and problems of making money. They will also tell you about upcoming trips. But when faced with cards of this category, remember Jason’s mistake - if moral principles are violated, you will be left with nothing.

This mythological plot is represented by 9 cards:

  • Queen of Diamonds - Gods at the wedding of Peleus and Thetis;
  • 5 of clubs - Paris runs with Helen, wife of Menelaus:
  • Jack of Diamonds - Disguised as a merchant, Odysseus tries to find Achilles in the palace of Lycomedes;
  • 2 peak - The Greek prince came to Calchas for advice;
  • 9 of spades - Iris, taking the form of the daughter of Priam, brings the news to Helen, who is busy with embroidery;
  • 6 clubs - Paris and Menelaus before the duel;
  • 10 clubs - Odysseus and Diomedes in the enemy camp:
  • 8 of spades - Achilles drags Hector’s dead body:
  • 6 spades - Trojan horse.
The Trojan War is a story of many years of bloody hostility, mutual grievances and hostility. A war that quarreled even the gods sitting on bright Olympus. Cards in this category will describe various conflict situations and give advice on how to constructively resolve emerging contradictions. Conflict is an inevitable phase in the development of any relationship, so it is necessary to go through it with dignity, extracting the maximum benefit.

There are 7 cards in this category:

  • 7 of spades - The master puts raw materials into the philosophical lamp:
  • 3 clubs - The master experiences the effect of the philosophical lamp:
  • 4 Clubs - Master and Philosopher's Lamp;
  • 8 of Clubs - Master between two philosophical lamps:
  • 7 of hearts - The master pours a transparent solution into the philosopher’s lamp:
  • 10 of Hearts - The Master observes a substance covered in white.
  • 6 of Hearts - The Master observes a stone turning into gold.
Alchemy is the science of multiplication and is based on the natural phenomenon of growth. ""Nothing comes from nothing" is an extremely ancient saying. Alchemy is the process of increasing and improving what already exists. Ancient legends tell that alchemy and astrology are sciences that were revealed to man so that he could return According to old legends, the angel at the gates of Eden initiated Adam into the mysteries of the Qabalah and alchemy, promising that when the human race had mastered the secret wisdom hidden in these divine arts, the curse of the forbidden fruit would be lifted and man could once again enter the Garden of the Lord. It is believed that the subject and ultimate goal of Alchemy is the transformation of base metals into gold. However, this science is purely spiritual and psychological in nature. The efforts of alchemists are aimed at transforming the mortal and egoistic personality of man, symbolized by the square, into the divine Supreme Trial, truly spiritual being.Alchemical transformations make a person better, banish his shortcomings and eliminate imperfections. He becomes more generous, gentle, kind, fair, and prudent. In man, purification and elevation passed through seven steps or stages of the alchemical process, which symbolizes the Path of Initiation, the path from darkness to light, from lead to pure gold, from ignorance to Wisdom. The alchemist must look into his soul, penetrate into the very depths of his being, doing hidden, mysterious work in order to discover the magical Philosopher's Stone within himself. The Great Work is the process of union with God that opens the way to immortality, it is the comprehension of how a human being can develop divine abilities. In a mystical sense, receiving the Philosopher's Stone means transmuting the lower, animal nature of man, transforming it into a higher, divine one.

The seven cards in this category represent the seven stages of the Great Work:
1) intention - reparation (correction)
2) test - calcium reduction
3) awareness - sublimation (sublimation)
4) choice - dissolution
5) action - distillation
6) control - coagulation (clotting)
7) the result is the contact of the philosopher's stone with the transmuted substance.

The goal of the alchemists is to carry out in the laboratory, as far as possible, the processes by which Nature worked within the earth. Seven main problems occupied their attention:
1. The preparation of a complex substance called the Elixir, the universal medicine or Philosopher's Stone, which had the property of transforming base metals into gold and silver.
2. The creation of a homunculus, or living being, about which many delightful but improbable stories have been told.
3. Preparation of a universal solvent that would dissolve any substance.
4. Palingenesis, or restoration of plants from ashes. If they succeeded in this, they would have hope of raising the dead.
5. Preparation of spiritus mundi, a mystical substance possessing many properties, the main of which was the ability to dissolve gold.
6. Extraction of the quintessence, or the active primary source of all substances.
7. Preparation of aurum potabile, liquid gold, the most perfect remedy for healing, because gold, perfect in itself, can produce the most perfect effect on human nature.
The main idea of ​​alchemy is the mastery of matter and its spiritualization. Cards of this category on the material plane are associated with matrimonial affairs and interpersonal relationships, on the energetic plane they can be considered as a process of treatment or healing, and on the spiritual plane - problems of personal growth and self-improvement.

19 cards of this category in the language of myths give a forecast of expected events or characteristics of people. They can be divided into four groups: Gods, Heroes, People and Animals.

Gods(7 cards). The cards in this group represent inevitable events that must happen. They must be accepted as a karmic reward or punishment. The events symbolized by these cards are very important in life.

  • 3rd peak - Three Moirai: Atropos, Lachesis, Clotho;
  • 2 clubs - Goddesses receive gold from the river;
  • 10th peak - Laverna - goddess of theft, accompanied by wolves:
  • Queen of Spades - Tearful Aphrodite finds the body of Adonis:
  • 4th peak - Hera in the form of an old woman appeared to Semele;
  • Queen of Clubs - The Hesperides guard the tree with golden apples;
  • 3 of hearts - Thoth, the god of writing, writes on the ground with a stick.
Heroes(5 cards). The events represented by cards in this category require you to show all your best qualities. How the situation under study will end largely depends on how you behave and what decision you make.
  • King of Diamonds - Cadmus presents gifts;
  • Jack of Clubs - Melanion, pursued by Atlanta, Drops golden apples;
  • Ace of Diamonds - Harpocrates and Hermes;
  • 7 diamonds—Epimetheus's wife Pandora opens the box;
  • Ace of Hearts - Danaus and his fifty daughters.
People(4 cards)
Events in this category are everyday worries, our daily joys and hardships. Their accomplishment is entirely in your hands.
  • King of Spades - Court hearing;
  • King of Hearts - Old Man with a Crystal Ball;
  • 5 of hearts - Two men from different countries admitted to the king's residence;
  • 2 diamonds - A child sits on a goat.
Animals(3 cards)
  • 8 of hearts - The eagle carries the toad out of the pond;
  • 6 diamonds - The rat enters the throat of a sleeping crocodile;
  • 2 worms - The dog found the shelter of the partridges.
ZODIAC SIGNS - the time sequence is represented by 12 cards. With their help, you can determine the time of occurrence of the expected event, conduct a preliminary diagnosis of health status, identifying tendencies to various types diseases. These 12 cards:
  • Jack of Hearts - Aries - Zeus with the head of a ram shows Dionysus a source to quench his thirst;
  • Ace of spades - Taurus - Zeus, transformed into a bull, kidnaps Europa;
  • 3 diamonds - Gemini - Castor and Polydeuces:
  • 9 clubs - Cancer - Hera sent the cancer to bite Hercules when he killed the Lernaean Hydra;
  • 9 of hearts - Leo - The first labor of Hercules - victory over the Nemean lion;
  • Queen of Hearts - Virgo - Zeus shows Astraea her place in the sky;
  • Jack of spades - Libra - The philosopher raises a pair of cups;
  • 5 diamonds - Scorpio - Phaeton in the chariot of the Sun rushes towards the constellation Scorpio;
  • 5 peak - Sagittarius - Centaur Chiron, killed by an arrow, turns into the heavenly Sagittarius;
  • 7 clubs - Capricorn - Pan wants to rise up into the sky;
  • 8 diamonds - Aquarius - Ganymede serves the Bots offering ambrosia:
  • 4 of Hearts - Pisces - Aphrodite and Eros cross the Euphrates on the backs of dolphins.
In 1993, the French fortune teller and writer Colette Silvestre wrote the book “The Grand Deck of Mademoiselle Lenormand,” which talks about a unique deck that has no analogues in modern predictive practice. The large Lenormand deck uses Western European symbolism, which easily affects the subconscious, facilitating the process of interaction with the cards. This Lenormand deck can also be simplified with only 36 cards and blanks. The images on the cards of this Lenormand fortune telling deck also consist of the elements listed above and also have their own special interpretation.


A wonderful oracle for divination - the Great Astro-Mythological Deck of Madame Lenormand - is amazing for its Method of reading the layout "Grand Jeu de Mlle. Lenormand, 1962". This deck was first published in 1962 in Paris (France). Today this oracle is found under the title "Astro Mythological by Bonnie Cehovet". Let's take a closer look at this oracle...

The deck contains 54 sheets, fifty-two of which are analogous to the 52 cards of a regular playing deck, to which two blanks have been added (a man and a woman). This deck can be simplified with only 36 cards and blanks. The images on the cards of this fortune telling deck have their own special interpretation.


The interpretation of reading the layout is designed to read THREE CARDS from left to right, using Latin letters, which are located in the fourth sector of the card, along with geomantic figures. Having mastered reading three cards first, then it will be easy to read a layout from any number of cards. The interpretation of cards in Madame Lenormand's Big Astro-Mythological Deck differs from the interpretation of traditional cards.

The image on the card of the Great Astro-Mythological Deck of Madame Lenormand consists of seven elements:
(1) depiction of a mythological scene,
(2) playing deck card,
(3) one of the constellations,
(4) Latin letter,
(5) and (6) two genre scenes located in the lower corners,
(7) a bouquet composed for each card in a special way.
It turns out the map is divided into seven sectors.

Latin letters on cards.
Each card has a corresponding letter of the alphabet, which determines which of the sectors of the next card must be read in the spread (25 + 25 + 2 = 52 Cards):
The letters A B C D E F Г H I K J are on 25 of the cards - it is determined that the fifth sector is being read
The letters M. N O P Q R S T U V X Y Z are on the next 25 cards - the sixth sector is read
The letter "L" is on 2 cards - the central plot of the card is read.


When three cards are laid out from left to right, the card on the left (A) is read while looking at the central image - the central plot. Next, we look at which letter is in the fourth sector of this card, from the card to the left. You go to the next card (B) for the following -

If it is the letter B C D E F Г H I J or K – you are reading the small lower left image (see sector 5 of the map).

If it is the letter M. N O P Q R S T U V X Y or Z – You are reading the small right image (see sector 6 of the map).

If it is the letter "L" - you are reading a large image - the central plot on the next card.

1st card:
Reading the central plot - sector 1

2nd card:
If through K on the 1st card: small left image (see 5th sector of the card).
If M. through Z on the 1st map: small right image (see 6th sector of the map).
If L is on the 1st Card: the central plot is on the 2nd Card.

3rd card:
If through K on the 2nd map: small left image (see 5th sector of the map).
If M. through Z on the 2nd map: small right image (see 6th sector of the map).
If L is on the 2nd Card: the central plot is on the 3rd Card.


The Lenormand deck described here is unique and has no analogues. All other reconstructions of the cards of the great French fortuneteller are of the same type and look like a deck of 36 cards, except for the Mystical Oracle Lenormand. They differ only in the set of symbols, execution and number of cards.

The large deck of Mademoiselle Lenormand has some fundamental differences in its structure and in the structure of its constituent cards, which have a large field for study, as a set of correspondences - the languages ​​of flowers, plants, talismans, letter and astrological correspondences.

These cards are suitable for anyone interested in applied predictive practices; this deck will help not only study the proposed prediction methods, but also find their own paths. The accuracy of your predictions will depend on how you managed to make energetic contact with the cards. Fortune telling cards are a very subtle tool that requires special treatment.

This deck is based on 52 cards, each card is equipped with a capacious image-picture that reflects an important concept. There are also two cards in the deck - forms, which during fortune telling indicate the questioner. The deck consists of 52 fortune cards and two additional cards.

These cards are divided into 5 main storylines-categories:

  • Conquest of the Golden Fleece (five cards)
  • Trojan War (nine cards)
  • Alchemy (seven cards)
  • Allegories (nineteen cards)
  • Zodiac Signs (twelve cards)
The Allegory category is divided into 4 sections:
  • Gods (seven cards),
  • Heroes (five cards),
  • People (four cards)
  • Animals (three cards).
Two questioner cards. The peculiarity of the cards of Maria Lenormand's large deck is the nuances of meaning (from the main value to the corners) and a rich set of correspondences. It opens up great opportunities for a persistent researcher to make accurate forecasts and study the psychological subtleties of the soul. With its help, you can carry out subtle and competent correction of your life, correctly understanding the meaning of current events.

The structure of each individual card is subject to strict logic. The various images and correspondences are arranged as follows:

  • Upper left corner - map. In the upper left corner there is a familiar playing card. We will use this correspondence as a name when describing the cards and presenting the material. As you know, playing cards can also be used for fortune telling. Their interpretation will also be given in the descriptions.
  • Middle of the top - constellations or planets. Thirty-three cards are aligned with ancient constellations, twelve cards are aligned with zodiacal constellations, and seven cards are aligned with the seven visible planets (the Sun and Moon are considered planets in the astrological tradition). In some layouts, the interpretation takes into account the value of the top part of the card. Zodiac charts are used in some methods to determine the time of occurrence of predicted events.
  • Upper right corner - letters and predictive figures. Many predictive card systems use different letter correspondences. This analogy suggests itself - just as words are made from letters that describe our entire world, so from the cards in a layout we “read” the information that interests us. The most famous is the system of correspondence between the Major Arcana of the Tarot and the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. In a large astro-mythological deck, each card is assigned to one of the twenty-five letters of the Latin alphabet. On twenty-two cards, next to the letter, an image of one of the fifteen geomantic predictive figures is placed. This is a very rare correspondence, practically not used in the practice of predictive cards. The correspondence is interesting and still awaits its thoughtful researchers.
  • Central mythological image. The main meaning is carried by the large image in the center of the map. Additional information from all angles makes only some correction, adds nuances, additional touches, but never changes the main meaning. The interpretation of each card must begin with a detailed consideration of the central mythological plot. In some layouts, the interpretation of the card is limited to its consideration.
  • Bottom left and right corners. On each card in the two lower corners you will find a plot drawing. Sometimes it is mythologically connected to the central image, and sometimes not. In some cases it may seem that it is somewhat alien, that it belongs to a completely different era, to other events - but this is not true. Any lower corner has a strong semantic connection with the central mythological plot, complements and explains it in its own way. In many layouts, only one of the lower corners is taken into account. When interpreting a card in this position, one should never forget about the main meaning of the central image. It should always remain the leitmotif, the background of the meaning of the angle.
  • Flowers. Below in the center is a bouquet of flowers. Each flower has its own story, its own hidden meaning. Maria Lenormand was fascinated by the language of flowers, and this passion of hers was reflected in a large astro-mythological deck. These specially selected bouquets can provide an interesting additional clue to the attentive researcher. Some cards will give you advice on putting together specific incense or perfume bags that can be used for aromatherapy.
  • Talismans. Seven cards contain advice on making a specific talisman, which is designed to help a person in predicted events. The scope and purpose of this book did not allow us to dwell in detail on the description of all the intricacies of work in this direction, but an army of experts in this art of cards will give very valuable advice.
The peculiarity of this deck is the transition from the main meaning to the angles and a rich set of correspondences, which opens up great opportunities for making accurate forecasts and studying the psychological subtleties of the human soul. With the help of these cards, you can correct your life, understanding the meaning of current events.

This myth is represented by five cards:

  • 10 of diamonds - Pelias poisons Jason for the Golden Fleece,
  • 9 diamonds - Argonauts assemble a ship to Colchis
  • King of Clubs - Phineus and the Argonauts;
  • 4 diamonds - The sorceress Medea gives Jason a magic ointment;
  • Ace of Clubs - Jason's last battle for the Golden Fleece.
Jason is the son of King Aeson. After the overthrow of Aeson, the throne was taken by dishonest means by the king's brother Pelias. The legal heir to the throne was Jason, and in order to get rid of his rival, Pelias sent his nephew to get the Golden Fleece to Colchis. Jason, in order to solve this problem, boards the ship Argo, accompanied by the most famous heroes of Greece, including Hercules, Orpheus and Theseus. After numerous adventures, the Argonauts manage to reach Colchis. There, Jason performs a difficult task - on two bulls spitting fire with iron legs, he plows the field of Ares and sows it with dragon teeth, from which numerous warriors of enormous stature then grow. On the advice of the loving Medea, Jason throws a piece of rock into a crowd of grown warriors and they, accusing each other, turn their weapons against themselves. But more difficult trials awaited the heroes on the way back. It’s not enough to get the Golden Fleece, you also need to be able to use it correctly. The Argonauts' journey for the Golden Fleece is an allegory of the search for the golden calf, a symbol of material values. Jason, accompanied by his faithful friends and with the help of a woman in love, gets what he wants - the Golden Fleece becomes his. But Jason could not stand the tests of the return journey. The hero desecrated the temple of the moon goddess Artemis with murder, thereby incurring the wrath of the gods. This symbolizes a violation of lunar principles - a betrayal of ancestral ancient traditions and sacred family ties. That is why the Golden Fleece did not bring happiness, Jason did not receive the kingdom, his life with Medea, who agreed to kill her brother and betray her father, did not work out. Jason lost everything and died in old age, forgotten by everyone, in poverty. Cards in this category reveal issues of material well-being, issues and problems of making money. They will also tell you about upcoming trips. But when faced with cards of this category, remember Jason’s mistake - if moral principles are violated, you will be left with nothing.

This mythological plot is represented by 9 cards:

  • Queen of Diamonds - Gods at the wedding of Peleus and Thetis;
  • 5 of clubs - Paris runs with Helen, wife of Menelaus:
  • Jack of Diamonds - Odysseus, disguised as a merchant, tries to find Achilles in the palace of Lycomedes;
  • 2 peak - The Greek prince came to Calchas for advice;
  • 9 of peaks - Iris, taking the form of the daughter of Priam, brings the news to Helen, who is busy with embroidery;
  • 6 clubs - Paris and Menelaus before the duel;
  • 10 clubs - Odysseus and Diomedes in the enemy camp:
  • 8 of spades - Achilles drags Hector’s dead body:
  • 6 spades - Trojan horse.
The Trojan War is a story of many years of bloody hostility, mutual grievances and hostility. A war that quarreled even the gods sitting on bright Olympus. Cards in this category will describe various conflict situations and give advice on how to constructively resolve emerging contradictions. Conflict is an inevitable phase in the development of any relationship, so it is necessary to go through it with dignity, extracting the maximum benefit.

There are 7 cards in this category:

  • 7 of spades - The master puts raw materials into the philosophical lamp:
  • 3 clubs - The master experiences the effect of the philosophical lamp:
  • 4 Clubs - Master and Philosopher's Lamp;
  • 8 of clubs - Master between two philosophical lamps:
  • 7 of hearts - The master pours a transparent solution into the philosopher's lamp:
  • 10 of Hearts - The Master observes a substance covered in white.
  • 6 of Hearts - The Master observes a stone turning into gold.
Alchemy is the science of multiplication and is based on the natural phenomenon of growth. ""Nothing comes from nothing" is an extremely ancient saying. Alchemy is the process of increasing and improving what already exists. Ancient legends tell that alchemy and astrology are sciences that were revealed to man so that he could return According to old legends, the angel at the gates of Eden initiated Adam into the mysteries of the Qabalah and alchemy, promising that when the human race had mastered the secret wisdom hidden in these divine arts, the curse of the forbidden fruit would be lifted and man could once again enter the Garden of the Lord. It is believed that the subject and ultimate goal of Alchemy is the transformation of base metals into gold. However, this science is purely spiritual and psychological in nature. The efforts of alchemists are aimed at transforming the mortal and egoistic personality of man, symbolized by the square, into the divine Supreme Trial, truly spiritual being.Alchemical transformations make a person better, banish his shortcomings and eliminate imperfections. He becomes more generous, gentle, kind, fair, and prudent. In man, purification and elevation passed through seven steps or stages of the alchemical process, which symbolizes the Path of Initiation, the path from darkness to light, from lead to pure gold, from ignorance to Wisdom. The alchemist must look into his soul, penetrate into the very depths of his being, doing hidden, mysterious work in order to discover the magical Philosopher's Stone within himself. The Great Work is the process of union with God that opens the way to immortality, it is the comprehension of how a human being can develop divine abilities. In a mystical sense, receiving the Philosopher's Stone means transmuting the lower, animal nature of man, transforming it into a higher, divine one.

The seven cards in this category represent the seven stages of the Great Work:
1) intention - reparation (correction)
2) test - calcium reduction
3) awareness - sublimation (sublimation)
4) choice - dissolution
5) action - distillation
6) control - coagulation (clotting)
7) the result is the contact of the philosopher's stone with the transmuted substance.

The goal of the alchemists is to carry out in the laboratory, as far as possible, the processes by which Nature worked within the earth. Seven main problems occupied their attention:
1. The preparation of a complex substance called the Elixir, the universal medicine or Philosopher's Stone, which had the property of transforming base metals into gold and silver.
2. The creation of a homunculus, or living being, about which many delightful but improbable stories have been told.
3. Preparation of a universal solvent that would dissolve any substance.
4. Palingenesis, or restoration of plants from ashes. If they succeeded in this, they would have hope of raising the dead.
5. Preparation of spiritus mundi, a mystical substance possessing many properties, the main of which was the ability to dissolve gold.
6. Extraction of the quintessence, or the active primary source of all substances.
7. Preparation of aurum potabile, liquid gold, the most perfect remedy for healing, because gold, perfect in itself, can produce the most perfect effect on human nature.
The main idea of ​​alchemy is the mastery of matter and its spiritualization. Cards of this category on the material plane are associated with matrimonial affairs and interpersonal relationships, on the energetic plane they can be considered as a process of treatment or healing, and on the spiritual plane - problems of personal growth and self-improvement.

19 cards of this category in the language of myths give a forecast of expected events or characteristics of people. They can be divided into four groups: Gods, Heroes, People and Animals.

Gods(7 cards). The cards in this group represent inevitable events that must happen. They must be accepted as a karmic reward or punishment. The events symbolized by these cards are very important in life.

  • 3rd peak - Three Moirai: Atropos, Lachesis, Clotho;
  • 2 clubs - Goddesses receive gold from the river;
  • 10th peak - Laverna – goddess of theft, accompanied by wolves:
  • Queen of Spades - Tearful Aphrodite finds the body of Adonis:
  • 4 peak - Hera in the form of an old woman appeared to Semele;
  • Queen of Clubs - The Hesperides guard the tree with golden apples;
  • 3 of hearts - Thoth, the god of writing, writes on the ground with a stick.
Heroes(5 cards). The events represented by cards in this category require you to show all your best qualities. How the situation under study will end largely depends on how you behave and what decision you make.
  • King of Diamonds - Cadmus presents gifts;
  • Jack of Clubs - Melanion, pursued by Atlanta, Drops golden apples;
  • Ace of diamonds - Harpocrates and Hermes;
  • 7 diamonds - Epimetheus's wife Pandora opens the box;
  • Ace of Hearts - Danaus and his fifty daughters.
People(4 cards)
Events in this category are everyday worries, our daily joys and hardships. Their accomplishment is entirely in your hands.
  • King of Spades - Court hearing;
  • King of Hearts - Old Man with a Crystal Ball;
  • 5 of hearts - Two men from different countries are allowed into the king's residence;
  • 2 diamonds - A child sits on a goat.
Animals(3 cards)
  • 8 of hearts - The eagle carries the toad out of the pond;
  • 6 diamonds - The rat enters the throat of a sleeping crocodile;
  • 2 worms - The dog found the shelter of the partridges.
ZODIAC SIGNS - the time sequence is represented by 12 cards. With their help, you can determine the time of occurrence of the expected event, conduct a preliminary diagnosis of your health status, identifying predispositions to various types of diseases. These 12 cards:
  • Jack of Hearts - Aries - Zeus with the head of a ram shows Dionysus a source to quench his thirst;
  • Ace of spades - Taurus - Zeus, transformed into a bull, kidnaps Europa;
  • 3 diamonds - Gemini - Castor and Polydeuces:
  • 9 clubs - Cancer - Hera sent the cancer to bite Hercules when he killed the Lernaean Hydra;
  • 9 of hearts - Leo - The first labor of Hercules - victory over the Nemean lion;
  • Queen of Hearts - Virgo - Zeus shows Astraea her place in the sky;
  • Jack of spades - Libra - The philosopher raises a pair of cups;
  • 5 diamonds - Scorpio - Phaeton in the chariot of the Sun rushes towards the constellation Scorpio;
  • 5 peak - Sagittarius - Centaur Chiron, killed by an arrow, turns into the heavenly Sagittarius;
  • 7 clubs - Capricorn - Pan wants to rise up into the sky;
  • 8 diamonds - Aquarius - Ganymede serves the Bots offering ambrosia:
  • 4 of Hearts - Pisces - Aphrodite and Eros cross the Euphrates on the backs of dolphins.
In 1993, the French fortune teller and writer Colette Silvestre wrote the book “The Grand Deck of Mademoiselle Lenormand,” which talks about a unique deck that has no analogues in modern predictive practice. The large Lenormand deck uses Western European symbolism, which easily affects the subconscious, facilitating the process of interaction with the cards. This Lenormand deck can also be simplified with only 36 cards and blanks. The images on the cards of this Lenormand fortune telling deck also consist of the elements listed above and also have their own special interpretation.


Lecture No. 5.

Oracles of Marie Lenormand. Part 2

*Artemis was playing Medici solitaire on the table. Grunting: “Almost done,” the girl quickly collected the cards, putting them in the desk drawer, and closed the door.*

We don’t welcome latecomers; today we have a very big topic.

*Having written the topic on the board: “The great astro-mythological oracle Lenormand,” the teacher returned to the department again.*

The large Astro-mythological Lenormand deck is of venerable age - the cards date back to the second half of the 19th century. This deck is a unique copy; similar and similar decks no longer exist. An incomplete set of this deck is even in the State Historical Museum. However, in fact, the deck does not have an author, since their creation is only attributed to Mademoiselle Lenormand. There is a legend that the Astro-mythological deck was the prototype for the small Lenormand, but there is no confirmation of this. This is because there are a great many analogues of the small Lenormand, and they all contain 36 cards, while the Astro-mythological deck is the only one of its kind.

However, as often happens, the deck, ingenious in its structure, lives its own life, acquiring the name Lenormand. Indeed, even with a superficial viewing of the gallery, one can immediately see the abundance of symbols that the author offers us. For simplicity, we will also call it Lenormand.

The astro-mythological Lenormand deck consists of 54 cards.

Two of them are the cards of the questioner - a man and a woman, respectively. The deck itself is built on myths and is divided into 7 main categories according to plots:

1. Gods (consists of 7 cards):

10 spades “Laverna”, Queen of spades “Aphrodite and Adonis”, Ace of diamonds “Harpocrates and Hermes”, 3 spades “Moira”, Queen of clubs “Hesperides”, 2 clubs “Goddesses at the Pactolus River”, 3 hearts “Thoth”.

2. Heroes (consists of 5 cards):

7 of diamonds “Pandora”, Jack of clubs “Melanion and Atlanta”, King of diamonds “Cadmus”, 4 of spades “Hera and Semele”, Ace of hearts “Danaus and his 50 daughters”.

3. Allegories. Consists of subcategories:

People (4 cards): 2 diamonds “Child on a Goat”, King of Hearts “Old Man with a Crystal Ball”, 5 hearts “Ambassadors to the King”, King of Spades “Court Session”; and Animals (3 cards): 6 diamonds “Rat and crocodile”, 2 hearts “Dog found partridges” and 8 hearts “Eagle takes a toad from the pond”.

4. Conquest of the Golden Fleece (consists of 5 cards):

10 diamonds “Pelius and Jason”, 9 diamonds “Argonauts equipping the ship”, King of clubs “Phineas and the Argonauts”, 4 diamonds “Medea and Jason”, Ace of clubs “Golden Fleece”.

5. Trojan War (consists of 9 cards):

Queen of Diamonds “Gods at the Wedding of Peleus and Thetis”, 5 of Clubs “Paris Runs with Helen”, Jack of Diamonds “Odysseus Finds Achilles”, 2 of Spades “Calchas”, 9 of Spades “Appearance of Iris to Helen”, 6 of Clubs “Paris and Menelaus before the Duel” ", 10 clubs "Odysseus and Diomedes in the enemy camp", 8 peak "Achilles drags the dead body of Hector", 6 peak "Trojan Horse".

6. Zodiac signs (consists of 12 cards):

Jack of hearts – Aries – “Zeus and Dionysus”, Ace of spades – Taurus – “The Rape of Europa”, 3 of diamonds – Gemini – “Castor and Polydeuces”, 9 of clubs – Cancer – “Cancer biting Hercules”, 9 of hearts – Leo – “ Hercules and the Nemean Lion”, Queen of Hearts – Virgo – “Astraea”, Jack of Spades – Libra – “Philosopher with Libra”, 5 of Diamonds – Scorpio – “Phaethon”, 5 of Spades – Sagittarius – “Centaur Chiron”, 7 of Clubs – Capricorn – “Pan”, 8 diamonds – Aquarius – “Ganymede”, 4 hearts – Pisces – “Aphrodite and Eros”.

7. Alchemy (consists of 7 cards):

7 spades “The Master puts raw materials into the philosophical lamp”, 3 clubs “The Master experiences the effect of the philosophical lamp”, 4 clubs “The Master and the philosophical lamp”, 8 clubs “The Master between two philosophical lamps”, 7 hearts “The Master pours an alkahest* into the philosophical lamp ", 10 hearts "The Master observes a substance covered with white", 6 hearts "The Master observes a stone turning into gold."

The structure of the deck is special and unique in its construction. The main nuance of the cards is that their meanings change depending on the angle the card is located to the questioner’s card (form).

The image of each card is divided into 7 parts in a certain way, which provides additional information when interpreting cards.

1. The central image of the map is the main myth (square 1).

In the center of each card is the main mythological plot, which carries the main semantic load when interpreting the Astro-mythological Lenormand deck. The remaining squares only complement the main meaning of the card or soften it (in the case of a negative forecast). But the interpretation of each card should begin with the central plot.

2. Upper left corner (square 2) - the value of the playing card.

In this corner is the familiar meaning of the card as a playing card. This greatly simplifies the memorization of cards, and also suggests how to guess on ordinary playing cards.

3. The middle upper part is the astrological aspect of the constellation and planet chart (square 3).

Of the 52 cards of the Astro-mythological Lenormand deck, 12 cards in this part show zodiac constellations, 33 cards show ancient constellations, and 7 cards symbolize 7 visible planets (the Sun and Moon were considered visible planets). This part of the map does not always take part in the interpretation of layouts, but in some cases, information from this block can be decisive. For example, in the case when we're talking about about the time before the desired event.

4. Upper right corner - geomantic figures and letters of the Latin alphabet (square 4).

In fortune telling in some layouts, if you pay attention to this angle, you can see composed words that you must pay attention to when interpreting the layout. Unfortunately, if you don't know Latin, this information won't help you much. Also, these letters individually also have their own characteristics in cards. For example, there are correspondences between the major arcana of the Tarot and the letters of the Hebrew alphabet.

Next to each letter on the map there is an image of one of the 16 geomantic signs.

Geomancy, if anyone could read about it, was once a fairly large layer of mantic. Its essence boiled down to the fact that a handful of earth or sand was thrown onto any surface, and then the resulting symbols were interpreted by a magician or geomancer. Subsequently, the handful was replaced with a stick with knots, which was used to knock on the ground, and then with paper and a pen. By the way, in some areas of Europe, geomancy methods are still used, which involve throwing a certain number of beans onto a linen napkin and interpreting the resulting symbols.

At the moment, the most common are 16 geomantic figures, which contain great meaning. Using the same geomantic figure, you can find out the location of a future or past event, its duration, which person will participate in the event, and even roughly describe your appearance!

Here are the 16 figures and their names.

5 and 6 - lower left and right corners (squares 5 and 6).

Each lower corner consists of a plot drawing; on some cards they are directly related to the central mythical plot, and on others they carry a completely different meaning. But in any case, the meaning of these angles is an additional meaning to the description of the central plot. If you give importance to these additional angles in your layouts, you can learn a lot of additional valuable information about the situation for which the layout is being made. The main thing is to consider the angle values ​​only in conjunction with the central plot of the map.

7. Central lower part - Flowers (square 7).

The lower central part of the card depicts bouquets of flowers, where each flower has its own meaning and story. This is another highlight of the cards that fans of aromatherapy will like, because it will give many tips in this direction. We must remember that we consider flowers as advice, a summary of the entire layout. By the way, does everyone know that there is a language of flowers? Same thing.

Also, 7 cards from the deck contain tips on making talismans that can help the questioner in future predicted events. Advice that makes it clear which group of talismans can be used to help in each specific case.

If you look carefully at the deck, you will quickly find these same tips for making talismans.

In this case, this is the sign of Jupiter - it will help you endure the upcoming trials with honor and receive quite strong patrons.

However, the objectives of our course do not include the practice of making talismans, so we will move on.

As with the Petit Lenormand, I strongly advise you to get a notebook for working with this deck. By the way, while you have a small block of work with maps, you can take an ordinary 48-sheet notebook and divide it into two blocks - in one you write down your work with the small Lenormand, and in the other with the Astro-mythological one. To make your work easier, read the article “Basics of working with maps” in the library in the Mantiq section.

I didn’t mention this earlier, but to fully work with this deck, it is very desirable to have a good knowledge of the myths that are talked about in the deck. There are very good books according to Greco-Roman mythology. I think I won’t recommend reading it – that’s obvious.

*Artemis looked at the students carefully.*

Layouts of the Astro-mythological Lenormand.

"Rhombus". Used to quickly answer a question about the development of something.

1 – situation in the present;

2 – strengths or support;

3 – weaknesses or obstacles;

4 – result.

In this case, if we don’t go into details, we see that a strong, resilient person has found himself in a situation, his strength is that he is capable of clearly directed actions, he is not easily confused; the weak side is stubbornness and the inability to complete things, and the result of this situation will be getting rid of negative character traits if a person pulls himself together.

"Portrait". This layout is used for a detailed study and diagnosis of a person’s condition at the current moment.

In the center is the card of the questioner - in our case, a woman. Next, positions 1-8 are laid out and interpreted according to the following scheme:

1-3 – the recent past, sometimes containing cards exposing human vices;

4-5 – describe the most significant events in the present or the current state;

6-8 – something over which a person has no control. This can be a psychological state, external influences, as well as future events.

There are a huge variety of layouts. I think we don’t need more to understand the principle of working with cards. If you want to find out more information about the Astro-mythological oracle, read Anna Kotelnikova's book “The Revived Oracle of Lenormand”.

That's all for now. Let's go, homework.

* - Alkahest (alkh.) - a universal solvent, a liquid substance that has the ability to dissolve all bodies (substances) without exception.


1. Carefully examine any five geomantic figures used in the Grand Lenormand. Use your intuition and give their main meanings based on the shape or name of the figures. If you can’t, provide a literary version. It is advisable to supplement the information with your personal opinion.
2. Find the Astro-mythological Lenormand gallery on the Internet. To work, we take one of three cards: 9 spades, 3 clubs, 3 spades. Your task is to characterize the bouquet compiled by Maria-Anna Lenormand in accordance with the language of flowers and your own feelings.

Each card from Madame Lenormand's oracle contains 2 images, in the Big Lenormand deck there are 6 of them, this is a very complex deck that requires knowledge in several related areas, for example, astrology, numerology, geomancy, the language of flowers Selam, as well as knowledge of mythology Ancient Greece. In the Small Deck there are two images: the main picture, which is interpreted intuitively easily and is close in its meaning to the dream book, as well as a playing card - it is usually located on the side or top in the center - this part of the card is more difficult to interpret and for beginners it is recommended to guess, focusing on the main symbol. Later, with accumulated experience, you will be able to interpret the meanings of gypsy cards.

Traditionally, Lenormand cards are interpreted in an upright position, because Each card has several meanings at once, for example, the Child card can be a signifier of a child, indicate something new, excessive gullibility and naivety, inexperience, the birth of a child.

There are also bad-good-neutral cards in the deck, in addition, the cards are read in a special way, we will talk about this in more detail later: in pairs and triads, which also greatly expands the meaning of one card and does not require their inverted position. Depending on the Querent's question, each card can represent the person himself, some action, emotion, object or way of life. You can easily determine each specific meaning in a separate case when you study the basic meanings of the Lenormand cards. It is the key words that will help you understand the essence of the layout in relation to the question posed.

For example, the Garden card itself means public fame or collective initiative, and the Child means simplicity. The combination of the Garden and Child cards means: some social initiative will prevail due to its simplicity. This is not the same as Child and Garden, because if 2 cards fell together, then the second card describes the first, it characterizes the first card, its value becomes auxiliary to the main value. The location of the Lenormand cards in the layout greatly influences their interpretation. The Horseman and the Fox are false information or a cunning courier; and the Fox and the Horseman are a talkative deceiver, talking with his teeth, an agile criminal. The card that comes out first influences the next card, its meaning is secondary and more as an adjective or definition. The next additional map expands on this story, but also within the framework of the first map!

"Horseman and Fox" and "Fox and Horseman" - Not the same thing

  • Keywords - a list of words from which you can choose the most suitable ones for interpreting the meaning of the card in the layout.
  • Map description – description of the image on the map, taking into account the nuances.
  • Symbolism is the key symbolism of the card, it allows you to understand where the meaning and interpretation came from, because the images are archetypal and, in principle, easy to read.
  • Characteristics - at this point the connection of Lenormand cards with astrology, elements, organs in the body, dates and time frames, professions according to Lenormand cards, as well as an advice card, a warning card and a day card.
  • Character – the person under this card; people, occupation, main features.
  • The main value is a key block, because it reflects all the main aspects of interpreting the meanings of Lenormand cards. We compare cards whose main meanings are closely related, so that you can more accurately interpret their meanings and not get confused at first.
  • Negative value (Shadow of the card) – every card, even the best one in terms of its values, has a negative side, for example, from an overabundance of quality, this point is also worth taking into account. When a positive card is a description of a negative one.
  • Issues of personal relationships - the most popular topic for fortune telling is love and relationships. We tell you what the meaning of Lenormand cards is in fortune telling for love.
  • Issues of business and finance - the second most popular topic for fortune telling is work and money. We tell you how each card describes a given area of ​​life.
  • Medical issues - the main areas of health that each card describes are touched upon
  • Personality Map - questions are often asked about third parties, this description will help you characterize the person in general terms.
  • Interpretation of the card in the layout - we reveal the nuances of practical work.

Combinations with all cards from the Lenormand deck - gives clues to how you can independently compose interpretations by summing up the meanings of two cards. Combinations are presented here, but of course not full list of all the possible options, but only an example of how you can read the cards together. Essentially, it’s like adding syllables or assembling sentences from a given noun, verb, adjective, definition, pronoun. When reading the layouts, you will come across various combinations that form Lenormand pairs and triads; they must always be analyzed individually and in the context of the question asked.

In the culture and history of divination and predictive practices there is a name whose significance is difficult to overestimate. It is textbook and is a very striking symbol in the “recent history” of fortune telling. This is the name of Marie-Anne Adelaide Lenormand.

Even people who have never been interested (are there such people?) in predictions and soothsayers react to the mention of her name, it is so popular. This Frenchwoman left such a noticeable mark on history in general: romantic, political, professional, that many people wanted to perform under the name of her students after her death. In her name, two decks of cards were created - Small and Large, each of which is a phenomenon. Small – popularity, and Large – a high degree of originality.

The large Lenormand Astro-mythological deck is attributed to the famous fortune teller. This deck, no matter who created it, drew it and published it, is extremely unique. In her style one can sense great talent, education, wild imagination and considerable romanticism.

The deck is very difficult to work with, eclectic, eccentric, and oversaturated with mythologies. And, despite the fact that the French and some Western European countries, and recently our compatriots, have been working with it for almost two centuries, the deck is well protected from excessive popularity by its complexity and versatility.

Each card has 7 or 8 fields (elements). Visually, each map is divided into three horizontal planes. The top one is a kind of super-plot, a plan. The middle one is a more specific manifestation of the global plot in the form of a well-known and understandable mythology. And the bottom one is the most concrete and everyday manifestation of the mythology in real life.


The course is structured to make it as clear, accessible and easy to use as possible. Do not complicate it with a lot of theory, but open it as an interesting and accurate tool in advisory practice.

The seminar will present the meanings of the cards in the deck and the original layouts unique to working with it.

History of the deck, deck structure, practical examples


Suit of Clubs
Suit of Hearts
Suit of Spades
Diamond suit

3. PRACTICAL LESSONS using layouts used to work with this deck in the French cartomantic tradition

4. PRACTICAL LESSONS using modern card techniques and layouts (at the request of the students)

The cost of the course is 18,000 rubles.

After completing the course, a Certificate is issued (optional)
The cost of the certificate is 500 rubles.

The course is conducted by Elsa Khapatnyukovskaya - Grand Master of Tarot, practitioner, historian. He has been practicing in the field of cartomancy, palmistry, astrology, tasseology, geomancy and ethnic forecasting practices since 1980. He is a member of the Russian Tarot Club under the leadership of Anna Kotelnikova, a member of the Tarot Association of the British Isles (TABI) and the American Tarot Association (ATA), an Honorary Member of the Baltic Tarot Academy, a member of the League of Psychologists of Moldova, and the Executive Secretary of the Royal Association of French Tarot (ARTF). Since 2015, he has been working in the project “Esocultism.Ru” (Tarolog, Geomancer), teaching at the School of Classical Magic.


Different games