Blade and soul is the essence of the game. problem solving

Gaming has fascinated me for a long time and firmly. I had to climb both in a digger and in Kerbalspace, but MMORPGs will remain my favorite genre. And, I will say without a twinge of conscience, BnS is one of those games that I install again even after I change the hardware or completely clean the system. Let's take a closer look.
What's good about the game?
"Plot". It is far from original, and what’s more, it’s overused. The story about the last of the clan/clan/family has always been, is and will be. Of course, the idea of ​​renouncing revenge was predictable and did not hold intrigue, but it is worth recognizing that the idea of ​​the game still remains clear and memorable, with more or less adequate motives of the characters. There are also "characters". I’m glad that he doesn’t throw around the same type of phrases when talking, like in Tera. From the hero you can hear full-fledged phrases with meaning (!).

Review: Excellent game in the JPRG genre

Pros:the ability to fly, awesome graphics, beautiful characters, interesting story
Minuses:a little difficult to figure out at first, a little unbalanced balance among different classes

As you know, there are a lot of games in the JRPG genre at the moment. Different storylines, variety of worlds, etc. But such a game exceeds all expectations - the perfect graphics amaze you from the first minutes. Epic battles, excellent game characters, assortment of enemies and allies leave much to be desired.
The game is very addictive and worth playing. I was most impressed story line. It's rare for me to see an MMO RPG with a well-thought-out storyline these days. Although I am very picky about such games, this game kept me hooked for a long time. When you start playing, you feel that the game was created with soul. I'm very glad that the Russian server has finally come out.
For me it Best game in the JRPG genre

Review: Best story

Nick: foregin
Pros: fights
Minuses: There is not

The game is simply gorgeous, the choice of classes, the battle mechanics are simply amazing the highest level, the graphics are simply awesome, a very interesting crafting system, the likes of which I have never seen anywhere, a day or more of crafting is of course a lot, but then the price corresponds to the effort expended, the pvp arena is simply gorgeous, it somehow reminded me of La2, like Olympus. The samurai style is a little annoying, of course, but if you play longer, it stops annoying, and on the contrary, you like the cute and brutal classes even more. But the most amazing thing about this game that really pleased me was the storyline, it’s simply amazing, you play and really feel like the hero of this game. But if you want to be the best at this game, I recommend taking piano lessons.
Well, overall, I HIGHLY recommend this game.

Review: Best MMORPG

Pros:plot, characters, graphics, management, market
Minuses: addictive

I was looking for a good toy and downloaded a lot of things. Either the computer doesn't work, or the controls are bad. A friend suggested it to BNS. Honestly, I'm delighted, there is no other game like it. Graphics are customizable for any computer. When you create a character, it is well and clearly explained in the video which character is for your neighbor or ranged. So you can accurately choose for yourself what you need. I really liked the function of obtaining skills, each character is unique, he has his own techniques and attacks. I also liked the fact that you can create a character yourself and he is not like the others. The morph was difficult to come by, but the Internet helped me, everything was easy to master. The game is quite easy to play and addictive. IN overall game well thought out and well drawn. The only negative is that it’s impossible to sit in it for half an hour or an hour, it’s so captivating that it takes at least 3 hours))).
And the controls are super: an auto-aim system and shortcut keys, and third-person character control using arrows and the mouse.
There is a game store inside, but I didn’t use it, friends told me they were just buying bags to expand their inventory. Otherwise, everything you need can be purchased on the game market, for game coins, which, by the way, are easy to earn by selling all sorts of things.

Review: visually attractive, but nothing more

Nick: Allaina
Pros:excellent character creation editor, interesting plot, beautiful graphics
Minuses:bad economy, bad quest system, no help for beginners, hard experience leveling

An economically oppressed game, without any bonuses, nice gifts, etc. Unlike Tera Online, it is not 100% viable. It is overly complicated with resources - in terms of morphs, leveling up weapons, jewelry, there is no way to comfortably level up a character and collect resources. Completely addicted to close games with idiots in dungeons and in the arena. Not suitable for solo play.

Review: MMORPG for a wide audience

Nick: Garic
Pros:combat, plot, everything and everyone is beautiful
Minuses: addictive

BnS stands apart among the games of this genre presented in Russia.
What makes it unique is the combat based on a non-target system, thanks to which the game is an eSports game and world championships are held in it. Very spectacular, by the way.
The game has many advantages. This is not a grind, there is a well-thought-out interesting logical plot, the completion of which gives the lion's share of points, good graphics, the ability to create a character similar to a real-life movie star, high dynamics, pleasant Korean authenticity, a large number of equivalent classes, thoughtful, convenient character control, complex dungeons with picturesque landscapes and monsters. And in general there are many, many things that are inherent in the MMORPG genre.
There are also some major differences from most games in this class. Firstly, you can’t play BnS for very many hours in a row to steadily and quickly increase your character’s level; a couple a day is enough; secondly, donation dependence here is quite low, you can reach the highest level quickly and without investment real money; thirdly, the PvP mode is available only at your request and you will not be killed by some random playkiller; fourthly, in the arena everything is decided by your hands; fifthly, the weapon cannot burn during the point. And much more.
In general, if you are tired of PC players, you want to win thanks to your skill, and not by pouring in a lot of money, and really relax while playing, this is the place for you!

Review: not an MMORPG, but an AAA sing-along

Nick: I-7100
Pros:Graphics, Story, Combat
Minuses: launcher, lore

I'll tell you about my impressions. At first I was hooked by the graphics, everything was ok. Further, it became more and more difficult, for some time I even wanted to demolish this game, but no, until I understood the mechanics of the game (I figured it out), this is a combat game - a fighting game with 1 mob, but if you use the abilities correctly, “the mob will not bring any damage", if you get the hang of it, you can kite 2 mobs. (I play as Blade Master Lin, a follower, the path of Hon...) The game is super!

Review: an excellent game that can drag you on for a long time

Pros:plot, graphics, combat system, its own atmosphere
Minuses:practically not found

Among the many MMOs RPG games Internet can highlight the game Blade and Soul, it is famous for its dynamism, graphics, open world and many features (which we will talk about) that other games cannot provide to their consumers. The game is mostly designed for players who like to level up their character and reach the heights of the gaming world; there is a lot of action, a unique combat system and many more goodies.

The plot of the game Blade and Soul can be called extremely interesting and, of course, addictive. Events unfold in a world built on its own, unique laws and concepts, here anyone will feel like family and living their life well. The game world is very rich and unique, teeming with opportunities and adventures that await you.

The gameplay of the game is also pleasing. A unique, interesting, addictive combat system, coupled with an interesting and open world, creates simply a masterpiece of the gaming industry. The main highlight of the gameplay is the wide selection of skills to choose from when leveling up. In this sense, in the world of Blade and Soul you can become anyone. By the way, in the later stages of the game, knowledge of the enemy’s skills is simply vital, of course, in order to resist him in a worthy manner.

Well, since the main advantage of modern MMORPGs is the creation of your own character, it would be a sin not to mention this part of the game.

So, there are only four races available in the game: Jin (people), Gon (“children of dragons”), Kun (“Amazons”, that is, some female warriors) and Lyn (a race of small people with a beautiful face, in other words, cuties).

The peculiarities of each class, in general, lie in the appearance and the number of available classes for each race, that is, representatives of one race may not have access to the classes of another.

There are only 7 classes available for the game: KungFu Master, Blademaster, Force Master (master of the elements), Assassin, Destroyer (tank), Summoner (summoning master) and Lyn Blademaster (sword master according to the Lyn race).

As befits a high-level MMORPG, there is character customization, from eyes and neck size to the length of legs and arms, which of course pleases.

To explain the features of the game, a separate article can be dedicated, but we will list them briefly.

Thoughtful controls down to the smallest detail, while playing you think that it is simply impossible to make the controls more convenient.

A thoughtful world with its own history, into which you immerse yourself so completely that you don’t want to return to reality.

The developers continue to work on the game to make it even more interesting and thoughtful.

Ultimately, we can say that by playing this game you will not regret the time spent one bit, since the game leaves its mark on for a long time, but you want to return to it again and again, but don’t get too involved.

Review: amazing game

Pros:there are enough advantages
Minuses: no cons

I haven't been playing the game for long, and it left a lot of impressions! A game with an oriental flavor, just what those who are drawn to East Asia need. The game came to us straight from Korea. Fascinating plot, beautiful characters, wonderful graphics, a huge number of upgrade opportunities. But most importantly, it is an online game. Play with other players and chat with people in different parts of the world. Isn't it wonderful? Create groups, complete group dungeons and receive valuable prizes. Join guilds and battle schools, collect, create, sell and exchange. A variety of outfits, accessories and gifts. And also 4 races to choose from (Brave Vans, Wise Shens, Beautiful Fans, Agile with cute ears Lina). There are also 9 classes for every color taste and smell (master of shadow, blade, summoning, kung fu, elements, spirits, ax and blade master of the lin). In general, whatever your heart desires. Download and play, you won’t regret it.

Review: for those who love online games, but want something new!

Nick: Noon
Pros: with a twist
Minuses:haven't found it yet

1) The game is beautiful, but not psychedelic like many of the current ones.
2) The toy has a single highlight - style, characters, professionals, houses, oriental-style decorations.
3) The quests are interesting, some of the best. I like.
4) Not the usual scheme for additional professions:

To collect, you need to enter into a contract with a specific guild (each type of resource has its own, not a single one);

You can also conclude a contract with artisans to whom you will sell the collected resources.

Review: you can play but it doesn’t take long

Nick: Yato
Pros:graphics, gameplay, quests
Minuses:restrictions on putting items up for auction, class imbalance

I also got acquainted with this toy at the launch of its obt in Russia) at first glance it looks very good, colorful, non-target system, no less pleasant characters (by the way, there is very little tinkering with the character in terms of changing the face, etc.).
In the game there is a war between two Khanchon factions - they are also called Khachi, we kill them for the blue color of their clothes; the Khanchon people themselves generally understand what they call them =). As for these two factions, at the time of writing this review, the power of Murim prevails, in general, if you want to farm faction bosses, then I advise you to go to Murim because there are a lot of people there who are constantly beating all kinds of bosses, and the Hanchon simply smokes on the sidelines and sometimes still farming bosses once a day is not as successful, of course, as in Murim, but still the faction is alive.

Review: four hours of torture and it won’t start!

Nick: Anonymous951430
Pros:you can create a beautiful character and look at him
Minuses: It does not work

A “wonderful” launcher, which for some reason is launched only through the browser and then on the second try, if you’re lucky, it takes five minutes to load five hundred megabytes into the RAM and when connecting to the server it gives the same error - there is no connection to the server. Terrible!

Review: super toy

Nick: Kirrit
Pros:time flies in the game
Minuses: Have not found

I've been playing Blade and Soul for 3 years now. Cute characters in anime style. In addition to farming bosses, you can also develop economically. Place items on auctions. You can also craft resources and also sell them at auction. There are a lot of exciting dungeons and quests.

Review: The East is a delicate matter

Pros:interesting combat system, oriental surroundings, rich customization appearance

Blade and Soul was originally presented as a PvP game and, in fact, still remains PvP game. If you don't really like PvP as such, then this game may not hold you back for long since PvP is a big part of it. And first of all it is worth mentioning the Arena. In the Arena, player skill and additional skill points decide at the beginning, but skill ultimately triumphs. The system of “raising the PvP flag” is interestingly implemented. If you equip Factional equipment, you will automatically enter PvP mode, regardless of your location or level. In general, the game will appeal to fans of oriental fashion. There are simply tons of costumes here. In fact, almost on only the costumes here are Donat lives.

The maximum level in the game is reached quite quickly. For some it takes about 24 (except for Hoongmoon levels). Particular attention should be paid to upgrading weapons. The important thing here is not to find cool fluff, but to collect it. Moreover, you will have to collect it piece by piece and you won’t be able to do without dungeons, so get ready.

Also, one cannot fail to mention the colorful oriental surroundings of the game. Architecture, clothing, music, character animation, abilities of different classes - it feels like you are watching a very beautiful kung fu movie.

I almost forgot. Russian Blade & Soul server. Don't play on it. Never.

Review: I really liked it, the stories, dungeons, quests, group battle...

Nick: Bilix7
Pros:no-target skills are well combined, and it’s free, no need to donate there
Minuses:like all games of this type it takes a lot of time, and the main benefit comes from the quest

Blade and Soul is very exciting and interesting, it gets you excited from the very beginning and the battle process itself is very dynamic. With each level it becomes more and more interesting. And the game becomes more difficult, but the players do not lose interest; the battles become more serious and unpredictable. Mysterious dungeons, some you can go through alone, some very difficult ones and you call your friends to go through them, many different skills that develop, in general I really liked this game...

Review: Very interesting

Nick: Pryanya111
Pros: exciting adventure for lovers MMORPG genre
Minuses: lags, donat

After I started playing, I no longer play other games. And with the release of ru-off, with the update of the patch, it becomes more and more interesting every time. It’s just upsetting that Innova is a localizer. Somehow, everything is always wrong with them, either during unplanned maintenance or the servers crash. Donat is expensive.

Review: delighted

Nick: Miuuka
Pros:graphics, character editor, flight ability
Minuses: minor

The battles are very well done, it looks very epic, impressive, not like in other games. In Blade&Soul, the character is not assigned to a specific goal; the usual targeting system is absent here, and this is very pleasing. Of course, at first it’s very unusual, but you quickly get used to the good stuff. In battle, everything depends on your reaction, speed, ability to manipulate your character and the chosen tactics. Very dynamic gameplay. Juicy and interesting world and a large number of possibilities. A good character editor, down to the smallest detail. An interesting and convenient crafting system and weapon upgrade system. An interesting story that is accompanied by a video. It just needs to be seen.

Review: excellent no target MMORPG

Pros:graphics, optimization, plot, animation
Minuses:on weak computers maybe it slows down

An excellent game, with a well-developed plot and good graphics. The game has a lot of interesting features, for example, running on walls, how do you like that? The developers of this game, NCSOFT, do their projects very well, so you don’t have to worry about the picture and functionality. Have you ever encountered this problem "I can't swim across this river and it takes a long time to go around" In B&S you can run on water. The plot is given the lion's share of the game, since the game is on with an emphasis on it. The mechanics are very good, constant movement will not let you get bored, and the No Targret system and combo system will not give you any concessions. The world is made very well, there are no soapy or smeared textures in the game, the graphics in the game are pleasant. There are so many different skills, professions and crafts that will keep you awake. Some tasks are made in the form of scrolls, which convey the atmosphere of Asian culture. I spent a lot of time running and I liked all the tasks. You also don’t have to worry about the cost of the game, because it’s shareware, and donations don’t bite. Very good balance in PvP, there are no super items that give an advantage over others. The character creation is very good, there are many sliders with which you can change the appearance of the hero.
I recommend it to all MMORPG fans.
Play only good games!

Review: the game is simply chic

Pros:graphics, gameplay
Minuses: They are not here

I've played a lot of MMOs, but I was waiting for this one, and I wasn't disappointed.
1. Graphics - at the highest level, although the game is not new, it still looks beautiful and modern.
2. Classes and races - there is plenty to choose from, variety. Everyone has their own role.
3. The character editor is at the highest level, you can create anyone.
4. Leveling up - the maximum level of 50 is taken in 3-4 days without particularly straining, leveling up through quests is not tedious, premium is not required. I took the cap in 3 days, and there was even an interesting story worth watching.
5. Skills - each skill has many different branches of research, as you put it so it will be, be it defense or attack.
6. The pvp system is made according to factions, each faction is at war with the other, you can even beat NPCs.
7. It’s not a complicated crab of gear, here it’s called morph, everything is simple and clear, and you don’t need to change your clothes, but simply improve them.

In a word, decent game, the best MMO currently on the market.

I’ll also say separately about the donation system, here it is very good, because you can knock out coins from chests and use them to buy whatever you want in the donation shop.

10 out of 10, simply 10 out of 10, the best game!

Review: mediocre, the atmosphere in the game is spoiled due to the fact that the game mechanics allow theft

Nick: Andrey2804
Pros:beautiful graphics
Minuses:the game mechanics allow for theft, monotony, and forced donation

My personal impression of the game: the idea is not bad, the graphics are good, but the mechanics of the game allow you to steal items in dungeons and the developers do nothing about it. The monotony is also annoying, when upgrading a weapon requires a lot of gold and the requirements grow exponentially, and in order to mine you have to spend a lot of time on daily quests and this monotony is depressing. If you don’t want to waste a lot of time, then buy gold, it is sold officially and at a high price. That is, you either complete the same quests for the hundredth time, or invest a lot of money in the game. The PVP system is weak, there is no balance. PVE dungeons are still few and not very interesting. The situation with theft is depressing, and the developers are silent; players on the forums are starting battles because of this.

Review: excellent toy, you don’t regret the time you spend in it

Nick: Marusya23
Pros:great graphics, good story, lots of crafts and tasks, free
Minuses: did not find

I really love playing games of this genre, because there is an opportunity not only to have a good time, but also to meet people, chat and even make friends. This game has only recently been released on Russian servers, for which I thank you very much, I’ve been waiting for it for a very long time. It’s easy to download, go to the official website, select the game and download, then install. As in all games, there is registration, and this opportunity to invite or return a friend, you both will receive small, pleasant bonuses. Then we launch the toy, with a choice of race and profession.

It will be almost impossible to create an ugly character. Master of Elements, Master of Summoning, Master of Kung Fu, Master of Blades, etc. Let's focus on the Master of Summoning, it's convenient and easy to play, you have an assistant who acts as a tank, a cute cat. There are many skills, you can select them for yourself, both for pve and for pve. In PVE there is a division into massive and single damage, as you like. The visualization of abilities is amazing. The graphics are top notch, everything is well drawn, interesting quests, storyline.

There is a choice of crafts, you won't get bored. There is a choice of which faction you will play for, think well, because you will be enemies to each other. Having put on the uniform of the chosen faction, you can calmly kill the enemy. If you get tired and want to rest, just take off the uniform. I really liked the game, if you are interested, you definitely won’t regret it.

Review: It’s easier just to fall asleep!

Nick: Caesar7
Pros: amazing graphics, convenient combat system, simple development, interesting “plot”
Minuses:again - too simple development, strong lags

Good day, dear friends!
Nowadays, the kindest game studios purposefully work so that we have somewhere to spend our precious time!
And NC-Soft is not far behind them!
We present to your attention the game Blade and Soul, which was recently released in the Russian gaming space thanks to the company Innova Systems.
Initial, personal opinion - the game is assembled according to the principle of the designer from Aion `a and Terra Online. Casual, nauseatingly simplified controls and perception of the narrative line itself + nontarget (you don’t need to select an enemy to attack) system.
For a Russian person, the abundance of Korean names, exclamations and national clothes will become a burden; you will feel as if you are in a foreign country, without money and documents.

Review: an exciting game with an oriental flavor

Pros:excellent graphics, the ability to fly, interesting sharpening system
Minuses:some crafts are not in demand

I’ve been playing Blade & Soul on an unofficial server for about a month, and I’m planning to finally switch to ru of. I'll tell you about my impressions.

At first I wasn’t hooked, so I didn’t start playing actively right away. I prefer graphics that are closer * to real life *, and I treated the cartoonishness of this toy with irony.
There are 4 races available in the game, and when choosing a character, the contemplation of the proposed beauties with unnaturally large forms evoked slight sympathy.

There are currently 7 classes in the game. The majority are contact or semi-contact people, which was also unusual for me. I prefer to *keep my distance* from the enemy, and usually choose *ranged* classes like mage or archer. I stayed because I saw a video that suggested trying to play as a character, pressing a few buttons, trying out the combat system, and flying. It was during this mini-training that I noticed the good graphics. *Since the game provides flights and a view from above, that means there must be something to see. If I don't like the game, then at least I'll fly*

Review: a new concept about online games

Pros: Big world, storyline, graphics quality, character selection and creation
Minuses: maximum level 50, the plot is the same for all races and classes

Good day to all!

Consider the game: Blade and soul (BS).

I was immediately struck by the drawing (especially of the characters), at the very beginning you create a character for yourself according to your wishes, i.e. - you choose a class, race, appearance, physique and voice - this reminded me of the game "The Sims", but here you can even create a copy someone's anime character!
Then the plot of the game, yes yes! IN mmorpg game There is a plot, we play as a student of the “Puti Hon” school, we train, and then suddenly the school is attacked by a certain “Chin Soen” who came for the blade.
Everyone dies, the master, in order to save us (his last student), agrees to exchange the blade for us, but he himself died.
I won’t tell you any more, you’ll find out for yourself, it’s a big world and interesting tasks you won't be upset.

Review: It's worth playing just for the story/arena

Nick: ChaosTheory
Pros:beautiful, dynamic, interesting
Minuses:poor content at the top level, imbalance in the arena

I started playing with Pirates. The game is colorful, with good graphics, dynamic gameplay, well-animated skills, and a fairly wide selection of classes. But very boring in the endgame. At lvl 45 it all comes down to daily completion of daily tasks, the arena and farming factions. There are no difficult bosses in the game at the moment (European, Korea has more extensive content). More than 2 years of gaming experience. The euro is currently wearing top gear (tablets from tailcoats/tower+pirate fluff+pirate bizha). Arena: Diamond, I play as a summoner. In principle, new locations and skills are introduced about once a month. But these are just additional daily routines that quickly get boring. In general, the game is definitely worth playing, because the plot is interesting. And then everything depends on your patience. Rating only due to paucity of content.

Review: not bad

Nick: pucca-chan
Pros:graphics, crafting system, weapon upgrade system, skill upgrade system
Minuses: lags, donat

I know this game well enough to judge it, but first it’s worth looking at some of the nuances. Like almost any game, there are several large servers, in this case distributed across regions. I've played four of the five I know of.

Russian server. This place is well equipped with a full Russian translation, thanks to which you can navigate without knowing any foreign languages. I was also pleased that an official server will soon appear, on which all the updates will be available. One of the bad qualities is that there is no development at all after level 50.

Chinese server. As a player I know said, it’s a donation paradise. What I didn’t see there, including wings and costumes of Asian schoolgirls on muscular men. It takes a little time to level up there, there are no annoying quests like “kill so many mobs and come back.” The problem is that wild lags are annoying, despite the fact that I have a powerful PC.

Review: a breakthrough in the world of MMORPGs

Pros:excellent graphics, game world design
Minuses:not available in Russian yet

One of the many MMORPGs that the Koreans have released. But as I watched a lot of videos and even played on one of the Korean servers myself, although I only played for a short time (there is a problem with translating the Korean language), I liked the game.
Something new and fresh has not been seen in this style of games for a very long time; there is a completely new system of pvp and pve battles. Great amount selection of characters of different classes and types. Many quests and an exciting world of battles are all present in this game.
There is a lot of information that in mid-2016. The company 4game wants to release a completely Russian-language game Blade and Soul.
I personally will be looking forward to the release of the official Russian version.
Well, if you can’t bear it, now there is an opportunity to play the game on pirate servers.

Review: for fans of fighting games

Pros:novelty, graphics, and much more
Minuses: weak PVE

The game is great in my opinion. I play on a Russian server, not an official one, of course, but there is no official one)) This game is more demanding than old MMORPGs, this is explained by the beautiful graphics. It's nice to swing, but people who played the previous generation of games will have a hard time getting used to it. Anime fans shouldn't pass by either (there are a lot of kawaii things here) you won't be able to resist them. PVE is of course a little boring, it is more designed for PVP, but don’t be afraid there will be something to do here. Another plus is the combo. By pressing the buttons correctly, you will not only deal damage well, but will also please the eye; the combat graphics are excellent. Another joy is flights made like in old Asian films. You soar there, jump high, run across water, trees, buildings, without getting caught on textures. I also liked the fact that when creating a character there are a lot of options in it; if you try hard, then such a hero will be on your server in this instance, without repeating with the others, as in games of the previous generation.

Review: very colorful and interesting

Pros:graphics, character editor
Minuses:Compared to other similar games, there are some difficulties at first

I first learned about this game quite a long time ago, but I put it aside as a game that I can play sometimes) When I’m in the mood) And I must admit I still play it))

What immediately catches your eye is the editing of the character, here you can do literally anything with him) Everything from the color of the eyes and the type of pupils to the height and physique can be edited! I really like the graphics in the game, the stunning landscapes in a well-chosen style are pleasing to the eye) True, the battle is not as dynamic as I’m used to in the others similar games, here you don’t have to press a bunch of keys, but only a few are available) At first the game seems incomprehensible, but once you get involved and you start to have fun)) And the most important thing is the pvp system)))

Pkashniks will not be interested in the game)) There are two factions, wearing the uniform of one you can go and fight with those who wear the uniform of the warring faction) But if you don’t want to fight, you can just run around without identifying yourself as a faction and no one will be able to touch you even if you want to) )

In general, the game definitely gets my approval, however, to get the taste you need to at least level up your character several levels) Although I liked both of my classes (mage and summoner) from the very first skills)

And lastly, as always, a couple of screenshots from me of my characters) In this game with such editing capabilities, I was drawn to create something not quite ordinary)) So huge eyes or long fingers are just my whims, and not game limitations)) )

Review: minor flaws could not spoil my opinion of the game. There are no words!

Pros:graphics, plot, character editor, minimum donation, subtitles, NPCs, music and many more advantages
Minuses:Crashes, game crashes, long file checks, translation errors, silent people, frequent errors

Having tried a bunch of MMORPGs, I can say that this game exceeded all my expectations. I think minor shortcomings can be forgiven, since there were no major ones.
When we enter the game, we are given a choice of class and a simply divine character editor. There is so much that those who like to create unique characters can sit for the whole day. You can also dress the character in clothes if you are embarrassed by the towel on the girl or the men’s underpants that are too short. You can change the location to morning, afternoon, evening. Well, of course, you can put the hero in some poses to see him in motion. Also, each race is accompanied by musical accompaniment, which truly evokes the characteristics of the game’s homeland - Korea.

Review: impressed

Nick: Aqual
Pros: graphic arts
Minuses: No

My first acquaintance with the MMORPG Blade and Soul was half a year ago.
I found a video review of this toy and was immediately interested. I encountered a small problem while downloading the game, or rather a misunderstanding. In short, the game is called "BS". But there is a toy, and also an MMO - Blood and Soul, the abbreviation of which is also “BS”. And even without any abbreviations, the names are very similar and you can easily confuse them. I quickly downloaded, installed, started playing and realized that there was a catch somewhere. About the fact that I installed something wrong, I didn’t catch up right away, and having figured it out, I downloaded the game you want.
And then more serious problems began. It turns out that the Russian server was closed, and only the Chinese one remained. During installation, I had to follow a bunch of prompts, change the system language of the computer to some kind of Chinese-American :) In short, I suffered and it was all in vain. Since the server is in China, the ping is simply terrible, it’s impossible to even use anything properly. So don't even bother with China.
But recently I came across an open Russian server. Downloaded and installed everything without problems. The game has even been translated into Russian (well, almost 100%); there are, of course, incomprehensible sentences, but you can get the gist.

What I want to note about the game is the very good graphics. Everything is drawn in such detail and everything is so beautiful... And what’s interesting is that my weak computer (at certain settings) works.
The tutorial quests at the beginning of the game are a little annoying. They teach you how to use skills, mail, crafting, even buns for HP - and that is a quest on how to eat them. I don’t argue that all this is instructive, but when you level up the second or third character, it gets pretty boring.

As for PVP, I didn’t see much variety. There are duels 1 on 1 and 3 on 3 in a designated round arena. Well, no one canceled Rubilovo in PvP zones, but you shouldn’t go there alone :)
Even my five year old daughter plays. Well, the way he plays is just running and jumping. And why - yes, because there are such “nice things” here :)

Overall the game is worth playing.

Review: dynamic and colorful game

Nick: Aqual
Pros:convenient, colorful, interesting, non-standard game in relation to other MMORPGs
Minuses:demanding on ping

B&S is one of many MMORPGs from the Korean manufacturer NCSOFT.
The game is very dynamic, colorful, with pleasant musical accompaniment. The essence of the game is to follow the path of a warrior who has great strength to resist evil.
The game attracts with its non-target style, which is very tempting compared to other games of this kind. Essentially, in order to hit the enemy you need to focus him (something like a sight), if the enemy moves away from the focus, then you may miss and the skills may not work.
Another of the main innovations of this game is a very flexible system for customizing skills. Skills are learned upon reaching a certain level, and along the way, points are added along with their development, with which you can change their branches in some skills. Some skills can be developed in 2-4 variations. But since the points for development are limited, it will not be possible to develop all the skills and you will have to spend a lot of time to study combinations of attacks and, accordingly, set the most to suit your style the best option.
Also in this game, the character's stats do not depend on the clothes he wears. Additional stats are brought by jewelry, weapons and bopas (8 tablets that add up to one “pie”). Clothes serve only to change the character's appearance. Some clothes serve as a division into clans. Players dressed in the clothes of opposing clans can fight each other. Those who do not like PvP can wear neutral clothes and thus not be afraid that someone will attack from behind and kill.

Review: Mortal Combat 3D or simply Blade and Soul

Pros:story NoTarger PvP Graphics
Minuses:Russian server - pirated

And so friends, now I will tell you about a new toy in the MMORPG style
The team from NCSoft released new toy with No Target combat system. No Target?
The No Targer system is something new in the gaming industry, when in order to hit the enemy the player needs to constantly hover the mouse over the character icon so that the WEAPON, and not the invisible something, hits the character. There are 4 races and 7 character classes in the BaS game! The game has quite beautiful graphics, cranking them up to the maximum, good depiction of skills and characters, and a very exciting storyline. Why did I compare MortalCombat to BaS? PvP in the game for some classes is very similar to battles from MC, since there are a huge number of combinations of skills and stances in the game!

Review: excellent MMORPG

Pros:atmosphere, graphics, combat
Minuses:a little monotonous dungeons, but not critical

I spent a long time choosing what to play after being disappointed with Archeage. And I found it! The game really takes it from the very beginning, graphics, atmosphere, plot. Yes, there is a plot and it’s not just for show, but it’s presented very well.
I like the combat, if in archeage it is dull, then here it is excellent. Skills change depending on your position, even, i.e. you stand, fall, knock down an enemy, a different skill appears on each button.
The graphics are nice. There are a lot of appearance settings, for many this is almost the main initial choice of the game. And the classes are very good. And your character can be a small child, or a girl 2+ meters tall.
The quests don’t get boring, everything is quite competent, there is no constant killing of eleven mobs. PVP is interestingly implemented. The morph of the weapon, the exchange is coolly presented, the weapon is assembled and improved gradually as the character grows.
Overall, the game looks very good in all respects. There are practically no analogues or they are not worthy of comparison.
I recommend it to fans of this genre, you won't be disappointed. Good luck to all, successful game and happy randomizing.

Review: amazing mmorpg

Pros: everything is a plus!
Minuses:duel (no balance)

Hi all!
Blade and soul - in my opinion (if I were to choose where it stood, it would be in the top mmorpg) it would be in the top in 2nd place (in 1st place, of course, Warcraft).
I still play this game and I really liked it because it has tricks from Chinese movies and fighting tricks.
I played for all the classes (Ax Master, Sword Master, Lin Sword Master, Shadow Master, Kung Fu Master, etc.) and I really liked them all and I chose for myself the coolest class that I liked, which was the Shadow Master (zhin) . And now I'm at level 26 (at the time of writing this review) and I really like this wonderful game!

Review: a worthy representative of its genre

Pros:beautiful, playable, in Russian
Minuses:little interaction with other players, weak pit bosses

Many people were waiting for this game. someone even played in Korea. But I came to play it not so long ago. and was immediately pleasantly surprised by the presence of a server in Russia. and with RUSSIAN translation. (

Among the advantages of the game compared to others I can highlight:
- smooth flights in a long jump
- interesting run-up (water running skills, fast flight, running)
- excellent storyline starting from the first level
- an unusual way of “getting” weapons corresponding to the level (the so-called “morph”)
- a system of costumes and tablets, which is generally the first time I have encountered it on my way in the game worlds (the costumes are not sharpened, but simply for beauty, but they are needed to be able to hang tablets that give bonuses to health, protection, crit, etc.)

Review: colorful and exciting game

Pros:quite lively combat system, beautiful graphics and special effects, good plot, as well as beautiful cutscenes with the character, excellent soundtrack
Minuses:sometimes it seems monotonous

Blade And Soul is quite interesting, beautiful, and of course quality game in the MMORPG genre.
The game features four races and seven classes.
Let's start with the races:
First, Jin are ordinary people.
Next are Gon - big guys who have dragons in their ancestors.
The next race is Lin - small insidious creatures with ears and a tail.
And the last race is the graceful Kun, which for some reason consists of only girls.

Next, let's look at the classes:
1) Kung-Fu master specializes in a variety of grabs, creases, and counterattacks.
2) Blade master specializes in blocks, parries, and various combos.
3) Assassins specialize in fast and sudden attacks and combos.
4) Force master specializes in control and support, and also knows how to grab the throat like Darth Vader.
5) The Summoner specializes in control and support, and also uses the help of a pet in battle.
6) Destroyer specializes in massive damage.
The game also has an amazing Qing Gong movement system - allowing you to run along walls, on water, as well as hover, jump high and run fast.
I was a little disappointed in the Russian version because it is not very optimized yet and the voice acting is not completed...

Review: boredom

Nick: kentyra53
Pros:graphics, combat mechanics
Minuses:terrible pvp design, boring pve content

Hi all. I agree with many people who play Blade and Soul that the game has amazing graphics, combat mechanics, etc. But the game becomes very boring high lvl, or very little fan. I’m generally silent about PVE content; going through the same instances 100,500 times a day just gets boring. The only thing I particularly liked was the arena. And world PvP itself is dead, to put it mildly. In general, the conclusion is that the game loses special meaning at the high point and there is simply nothing to do other than completing hedgehogs and farming the same instances.

Review: the game has good graphics and soundtrack

Pros:graphics, soundtrack, story
Minuses: No

Two years ago I was shocked by the abundance of graphics in demo videos. Air combat and the ability to customize the character's appearance excited my fevered mind. And indeed, having started to savor the game on the Chinese and Korean servers, the game showed its best side. It’s a pity that in Korean it’s paid, but in Chinese high ping. I dove into this game headfirst, maximizing my characters' levels and strength. How many wonderful screenshots did I get from this great game. True, the pvp system is quite strange, different from other mmorpgs.

Review: beautiful game

Nick: arzant
Pros:beautiful graphics, choice of characters and classes
Minuses:there are no such things

Good day everyone, today I would like to tell you about this colorful MMO game. At the moment there is no official Russian client, but there are amateur servers on which you can play comfortably. This game is very beautifully made, the graphics here are simply magnificent (anime fans will especially appreciate it), the battle system is also very interesting with a lot of all sorts of solos. Partially open game world, which can be run around by an explorer, the characters are also developed at the highest level, the game also has donation, but for this kind of game this is quite natural. Overall, the game is worthy of attention and I'm looking forward to the release of the European or Russian client. All the best.

Review: very cool

Pros:plot, graphics, combat system, dungeons
Minuses:not fully working Russian server

The game is really cool, I've been playing for 3 days. No other MMORPG has ever sucked me in so much. This is partly due to the graphics and combat system, and partly due to the interesting plot. Cool dungeons starting from level 20.

Review: the most beautiful MMORPG!

Pros:amazing graphics, amazing character editor, donation depends on the selected server
Minuses:grinding on free servers is terrible

First of all, I will say that I played in CHINA, and it is characterized by strong nerdiness or donation, because the game there is free. Therefore, if you want to play comfortably, then buy an account in KOREA, but if you feel sorry for money, then play in China or on a free Russian server, which features a complete translation of all text in the game, but donations from China.

The game started with character creation - it's awesome. Many players overlook sliders that can help create a unique physique and face, so they use blanks.

But before that there were 4 races that were no different except in appearance. And they are all - consider them people, just two - they are very similar people, but some are darker, others are children, and others are a race of women. I chose cute children. By the way, each race has class restrictions, so this may affect your choice.

When creating a character, you can adjust the size of everything, you get the idea.

After training, a very, very long leveling will begin, because if you are in CHINA, you will have to kill many bosses many times in order to knock them out... Miscellaneous. In the first case, this is a stone for the wheel of fortune, which you spin online and all the people stand in line. It drops a random prize.

By the way, in the game there are no things to improve your characteristics, all items are visual, but there are tablets that improve your characteristics and these are the ones you need to get.

The combat system is epic, then there are many combos that are taught to you as you progress through the game.

Bottom line: if you play in China or on a free Russian server, then be prepared for 25-50 kills of one boss or clearing a dungeon. And if you play in Korea, it will be quite comfortable. The game itself is one of the most beautiful and the interesting combat system adds to the enjoyment of the game.

Review: the graphics are super, the depiction of the world and characters is impressive!

Nick: maks9417
Pros:graphics, combat system
Minuses:I didn't notice any cons

The thing that caught my attention was the graphics, the portrayal of the characters is wonderful. The storyline is very interesting, a lot of interesting additional tasks, the fighting technique is not the same as in other games, I recommend it.

Review: there are simply no words

Nick: maks9417
Pros:graphics and well-developed characters + there is physics in terms of the human body
Minuses: No

A year ago, I noticed that many of my friends on the Internet were playing a game called “Blade and Soul”. I was impressed by the character designs and pretty cute graphics and decided to download it too. At that time it turned out that there were no Russian servers and I had to forget about this game because there were a lot of problems with the installation. But just the other day, I came across this game again. I type it into the search engine and what I see is that a Russian server has appeared. There was no limit to my joy. At that very second I rushed to pump.
Well, the moment has come. Having entered the game, I immediately noticed the sound when typing (it somehow caught my attention). The graphics were not as brilliant as I expected, and all my joy immediately disappeared. After all, the characters are so beautiful that without good graphics the whole point is lost. This worried me a little. Having gone into the settings, I immediately understood what the problem was and did everything for the better. I was speechless, I couldn’t say a word. The game was so transformed that my eyes simply could not believe it. This is an online game, and for such games and such graphics... this, excuse me, is a low bow and applause.
Again, we can talk about graphics for a very long time, let’s not forget about the content. The start was very pleasing. It starts with training, and this same training turned out to be not as boring as in most online games. Further game begins to resemble an ordinary RPG, but in a new light. This is a big step in game production.
Koreans, you are simply great.

Review: super

Nick: vulfrig42
Pros:won't fit in 15 words
Minuses: a lot of people

The game is very interesting for mmormg fans, I personally advise you to download it, at first it will seem that the game is so-so, but then, when you get into it, you won’t be able to stop. To be honest, I currently have it minimized on the taskbar. The official game server launched about a month ago and there are already more than 200 thousand players. The graphics in the game are simply incredible, everything is drawn to the smallest detail. The game runs at maximum speed on almost all computers. Doesn't require much internet. The gameplay itself is very exciting. True, the voice acting has not yet been translated into Russian, but there are subtitles, you can read it if you feel like it.
I recommend everyone to play it, you won’t regret it.

Review: addictive game with amazing graphics

Pros:very interesting plot, interesting combat, good graphics
Minuses: ping

Today I would like to talk a little about one game that captivated me and didn’t let me go for quite a long time.
At the beginning, I want to discuss the point that I really love various MMORPGs, but I don’t play them for a long time. Games with a large audience, where there is someone to play with, are especially attractive.

I started playing this game not so long ago, but I already understood it well. I started playing on the Korean server. Fortunately, my Asian friends helped a lot with registration.
Well, let's go. The set is simple at first - each race has its own classes, but basically, as in the old fashioned way (mage, warrior, assassin). Character customization is at the highest level, although not very anime-like. So, having created my warrior, I got to the training ground.

Immediately a game video. Not bad for an online game. Almost nothing surprising compared to other games... Oh, did I say amazing? Yes, there’s a system without aiming =No target sistem= Although this used to be an innovation, it’s not surprising now. Once I wandered around the training arena and finished it, learning the flight system and navigation. So, again, a game video *hmm, it’s a pity that it’s in Korean, but it’s understandable*. So, a minute passed, three, five and I forgot that I was playing an online game. I even wanted to know what was going on next in the plot. I haven’t seen an online game for a very, very long time, namely an MMORPG with such an interesting plot.
So, when I got to the first village and began my ascent, I was pleasantly surprised that the number of monsters was surprising, and the vegetation was fascinating, and that’s not all. They did not stand like wood, as happens in other games. They seem to live their own lives. The gameplay, and especially the plot, absorbs you completely.

It so happened that I was the only one playing with this toy. Few of my friends are still into MMORPGs (as many say, the era of MMORPGs has already sunk into oblivion. Therefore, I mostly play MMORPGs alone, but I was not at all bored in this game. Then I joined a Russian-speaking guild on the server. Why I’m grateful to the guys who explained what it’s like in this game.
Due to the fact that characters could be created with (especially girls) revealing outfits. Especially after putting on certain equipment. Many parts of the character’s body, roughly speaking, remained uncovered. Because of which the creators had to make a “censorship modification”
So the game is very interesting and exciting, it’s easy to recruit a group into the dungeon even if you are a solo player and don’t have friends playing. Very interesting plot, a lot of different quests. Lots of training tutorials (how skills interact with each other)
Playing in Korea, I was not satisfied with just one ping to the server. But now there are 2 normal free Russian servers, but on which you can play this game quite comfortably. Well, or wait for the official implementation in Russia. Although it will not be known when.

The game is a new step in the development of the MMORPG genre. An impressive plot, which can be very rarely seen in online games, also every story quest accompanied by its own video. I will tell you the meaning of the plot only superficially. It is as follows. You play as the only one who survived the attack of a traitor (yes there will be a traitor, but I won’t say who =P) and people of evil (that’s what they are called). Your task in this game is to avenge the dead comrades and the owner (who is also the teacher). I won't say anything further about the plot. You'll find out for yourself when you play. I give the plot 10 out of 10. The graphics in the game are simply gorgeous. Everything is drawn, from the character to the leaf on the tree. That’s why I give the graphics 10 out of 10. As for character creation. Well, it’s just like in a restaurant. The choice of classes is naturally limited. But as for appearance... I can’t even count how many options there are. Creation of "external" Anime fans will really like it. Why? Find out for yourself. For the characters I give 9 out of 10. Since the choice is huge and creation can take a lot of time. The voice acting isn't exactly great, but it's also pretty good. I give it 7 out of 10. The gameplay deserves respect. The non-target system is very impressive. Thanks to it, you can dodge enemy attacks or hit several at once, without frantically clicking the mouse in search of a target. Using abilities is all simple. The gameplay gets 11 out of 10 from me. I advise everyone to play it. DXS was with you. Good luck to all.

It's been several years since I first played this game. Stunning graphics and emotional characters for a long time discouraged the desire to play any other MMORPG. The game has four races, one of which is only female, and seven classes, each of which is unique in its own way and will appeal to almost anyone. Do you like to crush your opponents with huge swords? The path of the destroyer awaits you. Do you prefer to run with a cute companion who can distract an enemy or even resurrect the owner? Become a summoner. Do you want to unleash the full fury of fire on your enemy? The thorny road of the magician will be strewn with the smoldering remains of unlucky rivals. Bonus - a cute ribbon for your hand.
The game also boasts realistic physics. The aforementioned ribbon seems to flutter in the wind, branches bend under the body, and some prominent parts of the female characters sway temptingly when jumping. And what about a system reminiscent of old fighting games? Let's say "no" to the boring panels with 1000 and 1 skill, let's rejoice new system"combo", where a correctly executed combination of a couple of blows will send the enemy flying.
In Blade and Soul you can be anyone: a tiny mouse or a stern man, an unapproachable priestess or a cunning guy. Develop, improve, and maybe someday you will become a legend of this world.

At the beginning I want to say that I really love various MMORPGs, especially some new ones. Games that were released recently, but already have a big online players and already with good popularity, with a good start. This game is exactly on this list.

I started playing this game a long time ago, but I immediately fell in love with it. This game has everything that I love in various online games: excellent graphics, a beautiful battle system, many quests both in the main branch and in the additional one.

The game simply attracts with its wide variety of different monsters, territories, various small details and many more interesting things and goodies that are available to all beginners, starting from the first level.

Review: very high quality MMORPG

Nick: TeSa4eK
Pros:the game is very diverse
Minuses:very long character development

Here comes another game from the creators of the game Blud end soul. This game has more powerful graphics than its later version.
I’ve been playing it for almost a year, I’ve already leveled up to level 100 and continue to play, because in addition to the fact that in this game you can complete various missions, go through various dungeons, there is also PVP (battle between two or more players). The game also has 4 classes: mage, bard, shooter and warrior. For each class you can also choose different gear. The higher the level of the character, the higher it is possible to equip a higher level of gear, and the higher the level of gear, the stronger your character.
The game has several servers for the player to choose from. And on each server there are many different locations, many different dungeons, many bosses, various mobs, they also have their own level, and what level the character has, these are the mobs he needs for the quest.
The game also has an emotions tab, this is another huge plus for the game, because the game has female and male characters, and thanks to these emotions you can kiss a man or a woman, hug, lie down together, and so on. This game also has the opportunity to find your soulmate and marry him (her) right in the game.
In general, Blade and Soul is one of the best MMO RPG games in my opinion; it is the most vibrant game world in computer games.

Review: could there really be anything better?

Nick: TeSa4eK
Pros:the game is one huge plus
Minuses:wild ping in China and Korea. Russian off may be very expensive

Everyone who plays Blade and Soul is the happiest gamer... Unless, of course, their ping goes through the roof, as when playing on a Chinese server, for example.
What does it offer? this game? Completely unique sensations from the same completely unique combat system.
When you play, not only your eyes and ears are happy, but also everything that should make gamers happy.
If you played on Atomix, you didn't play Blade and Soul. Such a plot only exists in the WOW universe.
Seven years of work were not in vain:
Four completely different races, seven different classes, fourteen types of craft. Each race has its own characteristics, its own emotions.
What can I say, when you run across a wooden bridge – it WAKES!

Blade und Soul is an online fantasy game. What can you tell us about her? Probably the fact that it is very beautiful - well-developed characters, the world and the inhabitants in it (which is usually not typical for online games). I liked the character creation process. There is simply a huge selection here to create your own unique one. Personally, it took me almost half a day.)) The storyline is also interesting. Which again you don’t see in all MMORPGs. I also liked how the combat system was designed. There is also a non-target system in which there is no need to select a target. It will be enough to aim at her. In general, I advise you to play, it will be difficult to tear yourself away.)) Well, that’s probably all.

Review: not a game, but a fairy tale

Pros:huge world, beautiful graphics, lots of features
Minuses:Lags and bugs typical for any online game

Beautiful game, well drawn and impressive, huge world. From the creators famous game Lineage, but better quality. The game has a lot of features, you can even get married and start a family. Interesting and not tedious tasks that are pleasant to complete. The game is currently only in Korean, but it is easy to understand, and even the Korean interface makes you want to completely immerse yourself in this game. In a 4th class game, I had the opportunity to play as a bard and was very pleased with this class. Participating in mass battles and engaging in your favorite profession will bring great pleasure. And upon reaching level 20, each character will have the opportunity to join the ranks of the Gods by completing the appropriate tasks. Let's hope that this game will be localized in Russia, and we will be able to play in our native language.

At the moment the game is available for play on 3 servers: Korea, China and Russian non-OF server. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to play in Korea, but we still managed to play on the Chinese server, albeit not for long. Let's look at the game a little bit.

Character selection:
There are only 3 races and 7 classes in the game, although not many, but there is something for everyone. After choosing a race and class, we should choose the appearance of our character; almost everything can be changed: physique, height, eyes, hairstyle, thickness and length of arms, legs, neck, etc. in general, if you want to create a character with a unique appearance, then you will what to do, of course I’ve already been present for several ready-made options(for lazy or not picky people).

First steps and pumping:
From the first minutes we are not thrown into a crowd of monsters without explanation. Everything happens gradually, we are told how to move, how to put on items, look at skills, how to repair weapons, and of course we are told how to fight. This is very good for people who are not good at such games. Leveling up is done by completing both main quests (without which it will be difficult or impossible to play further) and additional ones (in order to quickly gain a level and become better accustomed to the game). Leveling up by killing mobs is very difficult, since there are not only few places in the game with a large number of monsters, but also not all classes are able to kill them in batches, which makes leveling up very difficult and tedious. But even those who don’t really like doing boring quests, but are used to leveling up characters by killing monsters all over the map, I think they will like it, there are few quests in the game that force you to fly through almost the entire location to pass the quest, mostly we complete the task not far from NPCs and as you explore the territory, most quests have pleasant gifts.

The information is no longer relevant, the Atomix server is closed! Play for free in Blade and Soul you can on Ruoff by going to and pressing the button official site.

This article is dedicated to online game and applies ONLY to the Atomix server ( and cannot be applied to the official release and other implementations of free servers.

Atomix is ​​the ONLY more or less normally implemented free Blade and Soul server of all, but it also has a lot of bugs and non-working content. All the Russian clones that perform, such as the Russian Atomix server, have nothing to do with this server! Atomix is ​​the ONLY FREE FOREIGN SERVER that implements at least something. All Russian analogues of the free Blade and Soul servers do not have even 50% of the implemented Atomix content. Be careful and don't fall for scammers!
Also take into account, that playing on any free server can be dangerous for your computer.

F.A.Q. By free server Blade and Soul Atomix:

Registration on Atomix, installation and launch of Blade and Soul:

The client is broken into pieces. You need to unzip everything into one folder.

Video on installing the Blade and Soul game client on the Atomix server:

Blade and soul system requirements:

Normal Performance
CPU: Intel Dual core / AMD Athlon 64X2
VGA: nVidia GeForce 8600GT / AMD Radeon HD4600
HDD: 15GB+
OS: Windows XP (SP2), Vista, Win7 (32bit / 64bit)
DirectX: 9.0c

Good Performance
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E8400
VGA: nVidia GeForce GTS250
HDD: 15GB+

DirectX: 9.0c

High Performance
CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad / AMD Phenom II X4
VGA: nVidia Geforce 8800GT / AMD Radeon HD4850
HDD: 15GB+
OS: Windows XP (SP2), Vista, Win7 (64bit)
DirectX: 9.0c

Common problems:

The keyboard does not work when entering your login and password when entering the game
- You need to update or install a later version of Internet Explorer.
Download Internet Explorer 8 / Internet Explorer 9

When loading, the launcher gives an error:
Error like Error Code: 25 (FileGroupTargetDirectoryNotFound): The target directory does not exist: "C:????????BNSBnS_CBT2".
- The launcher does not understand Russian letters, change or change the path to the Blade and Soul client (For example - D: BNS)

Error Engine Load Fail:(ErrID:2000)(14001)
- You need to install Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable or newer, fresh drivers on the video card and update DirectX.
Download Microsoft Visual C++ - / 2010

Error while initializing the application (0xc0000135)
- You need to install NetFramework 2.0. or higher version
Download NetFramework 3.5/4.0

For Win XP, you still need to install support for East Asian languages ​​(Win 7 has them natively):
In the “Control Panel”, go to “Regional and Language Options”, then go to the “Languages” tab and check the box next to “Install support for languages ​​with writing” hieroglyphs" (“Install files for the East Asian languages”). Then click the “OK” button twice and insert the system disk, install the necessary files and reboot.

If you have any other questions or errors, write in the comments.

Internal game errors on the Atomix server

The character is stuck in the textures or hanging in the air/cannot move/something like that.
- In already running game blade and soul press the Esc key and select the menu item 1:1 – Cannot move – Move now, or when re-entering the game with a problem character, try pressing the jump key - SPACE.

While completing a quest, I accidentally overtook the quest NPC, and then nothing happens.
Atomix is ​​a very crooked server, so just don't overtake the NPCs. There is still a possibility that the bug will disappear if you return to the starting location of the quest. The NPC should return after some time to the starting point.

I can't complete the quest at level 15 that opens the skill tree
Only 15 levels are implemented on the Atomix server. No further implementation is expected in the future, since the main implementer Atomix left the project and is no longer involved with the server. The server has not been updated for almost a year.

I can't get through initial quests for the Destroyer class
This class is not implemented on the Atomix server. Implementation is not expected.

Is it possible to insert enhancement stones into weapons?
– It’s not allowed on the Atomix-e server! Implementation is not expected.

The list will be updated as questions come in.

Happy playing and fewer bugs in Blade and Soul on the Atomix server!

For more detailed information on the game, I advise you to visit the game page on the website

Bugs in Blade and Soul are not new, and occur very often during the gameplay. It is because of this that users are increasingly complaining, bombarding developers with angry letters.

Errors: general list

At the moment, the world of Blade and Soul is actively populating servers with new players. There are 6 active servers to choose from, named: “Agate”, “Ruby”, “Amethyst”, “Emerald”, “Sapphire” and “Topaz”. And everything would be excellent if it were not for frequent errors in the gameplay, which clearly slow down the progress of the new toy.

A list of the most annoying errors in the game has now been compiled, which can be corrected in several ways.

So, we offer you a solution to such errors as:

  • Error 100
  • Error 106
  • Error 200
  • Error 300
  • Error 704
  • Error 1000
  • Error 1073
  • Error 14001
  • Error 2000022
  • BnSCrashReport

Blade and Soul: solving “errors numbered...”

Error 100

So, one of the most common and at the same time most easily solved errors is error 100. It is not related to the creators' fault - after all, it occurs if you enter the wrong password when logging in.

To deal with this problem, you need to enter the game only through the game server, and also make sure that starting the toy client does not exceed five minutes.

Error 106

The next Blade and Soul error is error 106, which occurs while working on the game servers. If this error does not go away after some time, try the following troubleshooting method. First, download the utility to your PC (it can be found on the Internet), and use it to remove the lsp module in the toy code, which will stand out.

To do this, after installing the utility on your computer, you need to recreate the point at which your operating system. Next, you need to download lspFIX.exe using the Administrator name. After that, look for a module called ibgzl.dll and then remove it. After these steps, you need to restart your PC. Please be aware that your internet connection may disappear. If it has disappeared, then use the system restore point that you created, and then reinstall the operating system. And if you haven’t disappeared, enter the game.

Error 200

When error 200 appeared in Blade and Soul, and it told you that your account authentication has failed, then most of all that you have a problematic Internet connection. To solve this problem, you need to talk to your provider - he will tell you what to do if there is a problem with NAT and your IP address has changed without reconnecting to the network.

Also, error 200 may occur if access to the addresses of the server on which you play is blocked - contact technical support games.

Error 300

In Blade and Soul, an error connecting to servers or error 300 occurs when you cannot launch the toy. In this case, there are two possible ways to resolve the problem. The first is to contact your Internet provider, since the reason may be an arbitrary change in the IP address. And the second is to solve the problems by adjusting the connection speed (it may be too low, or an antivirus or some other security software is interfering.

Error 704

Blade and Soul has a lot of bugs

Error 704 occurs when the game is installed incorrectly, when the game is updated, or when the path to the game client is incorrectly specified. In order to fix it, you must first clear the browser cache, turn off programs that extend it, remove Ubar and VideoPlugin, activate 4game-service, remove antivirus program Avast, install and activate AdwCleaner.

If this does not resolve the error, then you should contact the game’s technical support, where you must describe all your actions to resolve the problem and the problem itself.

Error 1000

In Blade and Soul, the 1000 error is very annoying for players. She can appear at any moment. To eliminate it, a number of actions must be taken. First, you need to check your PC using files.cinn, find “junk” files, and also fix the game client. You also need to download the corresponding utility on the game server to diagnose everything game processes. Next, turn off everything that may interfere with the game starting.

This error may also appear if your personal computer does not comply system requirements games - then upgrade your hardware, or forget about the game. You also need to have a 64-bit version of Windows.

And finally, you need to scan the disks of your PC using Dr. Web Cure. And then in Blade and Soul error 1000 will not bother you.

Error 1073

Blade and Soul error 1073 is an error that appears when the game cannot be launched on Windows 7, and the error message is accompanied by the text that the operating system components could not be loaded. To fix the problem, you should download an update for the game called KB3033929 on your personal computer. It will also update your operating system. And then error 1073 will no longer appear in Blade and Soul.

Error 14001

We hope our tips will help eliminate errors

Also, error 14001 occurs in Blade and Soul. To eliminate it, you need to install special software, which you should look for in the redist game folder.

Error 2000022

And the last error in Blade and Soul, which occurs frequently, is error 2000022. It can also be issued under numbers 2008214 or 2131094 - but this is for the Windows tenth operating system). This error occurs when the operating system you are using is in debug mode or is too overloaded. You can only activate the debugging mode yourself, and to disable it, you need to use the reg file, unpack it, activate it and click on “I agree” when the program asks for confirmation of actions.

After you are done, restart your PC.

We hope our tips helped you eliminate all the errors that were preventing you from completing the game Blade and Soul.

Q: What economic model will the game be distributed under?
Free-to-play with premium subscription.

Q: Will the items in the pack be available to all characters or just one?
Items will be available for the entire account. The mechanics of using them on different characters will be described later - the administration chooses whether it will simply be the ability to transfer between characters of the same account or a regular accrual when creating a new character.

Q: Why are there no items to expand inventory and character slots in the packs?
We believe that these extensions should be obtained exclusively playfully, V game store We do not intend to sell them.

Q: What kind of items are the belt and bracelet?
These items will be available on the account that purchased the “Guru Pack” without level restrictions. We will write more about the characteristics they influence later.

Q: Will the game have censorship like the Chinese version of the game?
In the Chinese version of the game, censorship of overly revealing outfits is a consequence of Chinese law. We are not so strict with this, so we will not have such censorship.

Q: Where will they be located? game servers?
Various tests will be carried out before making a decision. The purpose of these tests is to select the location of the servers in such a way that more players' ping and related indicators were comfortable for the game. At the moment we are leaning towards installing servers in Moscow.

Q: How far will the Russian version lag behind the Korean one?
The game starts with one of latest versions client. The transition to new versions and further development of content will depend, among other things, on the in-game activity of our players: their speed of “familiarization” with the game content.

Q: Are there any plans to develop Blade & Soul in Russia as an e-sports game?
Necessarily. Blade & Soul esports competitions are already happening all over the world and they look amazing.

Q: Why are the race and class names different from other regions?
The fact is that we are undergoing a process of localization, not literal translation. Together with translation, our localization department creates a story by translating texts. Simply put, to get the idea of ​​the game the way it was intended, and not a simple translation.

Q: What are the asterisks/black names on some players?
This is an indicator of a “premium” account. You can read more >> here<<

Q: How to download/improve skills?
After completing the story quest “17th Scroll”, the distribution of skill points will be available. Until then, they just accumulate. You can read the guide >> here<< (Новые умения вы получаете при достижения определённых уровней)

Q: I don’t like the layout of the interface elements/health bar/etc. How can I change this?
Press Shift+F1 and move them to your health!

Q: How to get “Poison of the Wild Forest”?
This ingredient can be obtained either through daily quests in the Emerald Village, or with a certain chance of being dropped from bosses in the dungeons of the location of the same name.

Q: Why is there only a cancel button when I try to upgrade an item?
There is such a problem in the interface, just press the Enter key and everything will work!

Q: What to do with the “Tablets of the Hero of the Wonderful Forest”?
Exchange for useful things.

Q: Which class bends more?
The one played by the more skilled player

Q: Where do you get the “Keys of the Wonderful Forest”?
They are given out for quests, they are found in chests received for clearing dungeons, and Jewelers can also craft them.

Q: Why are Pickaxe and Jug needed?
On the map you can see “boulders” and “wells”. Using a pickaxe, you can extract pieces of stone from a boulder, and fill a jug with water/syrup. We must remember that this is not an endless resource; if you come running to a place where a boulder is marked on the map, and it’s empty, someone has already rushed in before you! But don’t despair - there are a lot of boulders and they are constantly being restored.

Q: What is “Catalyst” and where can I get it?
There are several types of catalysts. For weapons and accessories, these are "Amulets of Experience", which can be obtained from chests at the end of dungeons. Naturally, you can “get” them at auction. These amulets increase the amount of experience a weapon gains during the upgrade process.
Also, various rare ingredients are used as catalysts for Breakthrough and Evolution: Poison of the Wild Forest, Reforging Stones, Tooth of the Lord of the Spawn, etc.
To improve Bo-Pae, the catalyst is powder, which is obtained by “dismantling” (hammer button in inventory) unnecessary tablets. The higher the rank of the tablet, the greater the chance of receiving the desired powder, and not junk, which, however, is not true for the Chian-Shi tablets!

Q: Where can I get “cooler armor”?
In Blade&Soul, clothing does not affect the character's strength in any way; you can play through the rest of the game wearing what you received at the beginning of the game.

Q: I received a new skill, but it did not appear on the panel, why?
Some skills only appear under certain conditions (for example: your opponent is knocked down), and some do not appear there at all, as the developers chose to reduce the number of buttons on the screen.

Q: Does it make sense to improve the weapons of the “Hon Way”?
Without a doubt! This weapon (as well as accessories obtained later) will serve you up to the top levels! You can read the guide on improvement (morphing).

Q: Where can I get the Seals of the Sea Brotherhood?
A good and detailed article has been written on this topic.

Q: How to divide a bunch of items?
By pressing Shift+RMB (Shift+Right Mouse Key).

Q: Where does Outlandish (weapon type) drop?
Any monster in the Wild Forest can drop a box. For me personally, he fell into a dungeon with Scorpio in the Emerald Village. In order to be guaranteed to receive a weapon of your class from this box, it is advisable to keep the Sparkling Key of the Wondrous Forest, which is given out around level 6-7.

Q: Why is there an item at the Auction, but when you select it, it says that it is not there?
The auction system in B&S is a bit convoluted. Here a list of all available options for things is displayed, regardless of whether they are for sale or not. More details about this system can be seen in the video guide.

Q: What time do daily quests update?
At 06:00 Moscow time.

Q: What are the differences between the available races?
Only the choice of classes and some costumes are also limited by race.

Q: Where can I get the Uncanny Forest/Great Desert Reforging Stone?
The Strange Forest Reforging Stone is given out as part of the quest. These stones can also be created using the Priesthood craft (in the original - Bo-Pae) or purchased at auction. It is worth noting that starting from the Great Desert, many things will have to be obtained in this way - by craft or by purchasing from other players.

Q: How to write to a group/location/private chat?
Press / and select the desired option in the menu that appears. For PM, you can right-click on the recipient's name in the chat or in the friends list. You can also write in PM like this: /t “PlayerName (quote symbol is required!).

Q: I can't get out of my place/I'm stuck in the textures, what should I do?
Wait a little, there may be a server delay or textures that have not fully loaded. If it doesn’t go away after a minute: press Esc and select Deliverance in the menu that appears. As an alternative, you can try changing the channel or teleporting to any beacon.

Q: Why can’t I exchange an item with another player/sell an item at auction?
The line “Cannot be traded” in the item description means that the item you are looking for cannot be transferred, auctioned, or mailed to another player (including other characters on your account). These items are strictly tied to your character and there is nothing you can do about it. There are also things (Bo-Pae of green and higher ranks, precious stones and jewelry) that after the first use become irreplaceable.

Q: I can’t complete “The Lost Spy,” what should I do?
This task must be completed while wearing the Guard's dobok (suit). Then the desired NPC will appear near the Inn on the Rock.

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