Expert assessment of coins. Auction coin valuation Online valuation of USSR coins

When we find interesting coin, there is a desire to know not only its history, but also its cost. It will be difficult for a person not familiar with numismatics to determine the value of a find. There are several ways to find out the real cost.

Why is an assessment needed?

Why is it necessary to have a coin appraised? The answer is simple and lies on the surface. Before selling, the owner must have an idea of ​​the real value of his exhibit. Correct assessment will help determine all the features of the coin.

Search on the Web

The Internet is one way to learn more about money. There is a table on the Internet for grading coins from Russia, the USSR and other countries. Knowing the year of your find, you can calculate the approximate cost. Typically the tables are divided by issue date and denomination. Although this is a rather primitive method of assessment.

The tables indicate the approximate price for an ordinary coin. However, the cost may not always match. Money of the same denomination has a lot of differences that affect the price.

Coins of Russia

New money is much easier to value. For Russian coins There are special tables with set prices. The cost of money from 1997-2015 ranges from tens to hundreds of thousands of rubles. A striking representative were the 2001 coins with denominations of 50 kopecks and above. Finding a table on the Internet is not difficult. The data is constantly updated, so you should look for the most recent version. It should be noted that the price largely depends on Consider the cost:

Yearone kopeckfive kopecksten kopecksfifty kopecksone rubletwo rublesfive rubles
1997 25-50 50 20 20 10 10 10
1998 10-50 25-50 10-25 5-20 10 10 10
1999 10-50 250 000 10-20 40-150 30-40 50-200 450 000
2000 10-50 100-300
2001 10-50 10-150 10-20 250 000 250 000 250 000
2002 10-50 10, 150, 8500 10-20 10-30 6 000 8 000 10 000
2003 10-50 10, 100, 1750 10-25 10-25 from 20,000 to 250,000from 15,000 to 250,000from 10,000 to 250,000
2004 10-50 10-50 10-25 10-25
2005 10-50 10-100 10-25 10-25 20
2006 10-50 10-50 10-25 30-40 20 20-40 250 000
2007 10-50 10-50 10-25 10-25 20 20
2008 10-50 10-50 10-25 10-25 20 20 25
2009 10-50 15-50 10-25 10-25 20 20-25 25
2010 10-25 10-50 20-100 20-150 25-250
2011 10-25 from 10 rubles to 150,000from 20 rubles to 150,000from 20 rubles to 150,000from 25 rubles to 150,000
2012 200 000 200 000 from 10 rubles to 250,000from 10 rubles to 250,000from 20 rubles 250,000from 20 rubles 250,000from 25 rubles 250,000
2013 from 60,000 to 200,000from 60,000 to 200,00010 10 20 20 40-250
2014 200 000 200 000 from 10 rubles to 200,000from 10 rubles to 100,000from 20 rubles to 200,000from 20 rubles to 200,000from 30 rubles to 250,000


Having determined the year, denomination and mint, you can evaluate the exhibit through the catalog. The problem with this method is market fluctuation. Catalogs do not have time to be updated, and prices change very often. This assessment is suitable as an additional method.

Impact on cost

Grading a coin requires some knowledge and patience. If there is a need to sell a find, you should study all the factors on which the price depends. The main indicator is the state of money. A worn or damaged coin will cost the same as regular scrap. A flawless appearance will significantly increase the price.

Assessing the condition of coins is not the only thing that needs to be determined. The place of manufacture also plays a big role. And if everything is simple with appearance, then identifying the mint will be more difficult. The price will also be affected by minting defects. Sometimes a cheap coin produced with deviations reaches incredible value.

Special sites

There are special resources that can determine the value of money. Valuing a coin on the website will require the owner to take detailed photographs and pay for services. This method is good because, while at home, you can find out the exact cost and features of the money.

Typically, such sites also buy coins. Therefore, it is difficult to trust their assessment. The value may decrease if the sale of the coin was previously agreed upon. Incorrect assessment is also possible with low-quality images.


One of the options where to evaluate a coin is the meeting places of numismatists. At a specialized forum, there is a chance to get an independent opinion. Usually collectors do not refuse help. They not only tell you the price, but also give you an assessment of the condition.

There is also a possibility that numismatists will be interested in purchasing. The forum is relevant because the assessment of a rare coin will be as accurate as possible. Most users simply have no need to cheat.

Antique shops

The opposite of the forum will be a specialized store, where the valuation of the coin will not be in favor of the seller. Antique dealers deliberately underestimate the cost, although this is not surprising. A profitable purchase of an interesting specimen at a low price promises considerable benefits.

Antique dealers are more interested in purchasing, so they evaluate according to their own criteria. You will have to pay for information about the real cost. But there are also advantages. Having paid once, the owner will know all the details that affect the price of his coin.


Living in big city, you can find a numismatists club. This place is perfect for determining the value of a coin. The owner will find out not only the real price, but will also receive advice on where it is best to sell the find.

The advantages of finding such clubs are huge. Here, not only the evaluation of coins takes place, but also the subsequent purchase. Some numismatists are ready to pay even more than the real price for the exhibit they like.


People who can help evaluate coins can be found even in the regular market. Of course, you can’t find an antiques dealer everywhere, but if you’re lucky, the owner will know the value of the money. You can immediately sell the coin on the market. Merchants are always happy to buy good goods.

The disadvantage of this method is that not all sellers have actually encountered rare coins. Most likely, it will not be possible to appreciate an expensive copy. In this way, you can evaluate either Russia, but with foreign ones there will be a problem.

Social media

This is one of the most primitive, but working methods. There are a lot of people on social networks useful information. The owner can easily find a group of coin collectors and ask for help. The assessment of the coin will most likely be approximate, but the answers will contain a lot of useful information. People will share their sales experience, recommend a place of sale, or purchase the coin themselves.

Preparing for the assessment

How the coins will be assessed depends on the condition. The table does not take this factor into account. It is advisable for the owner to put the goods in order in advance. A perfectly clean coin must be presented for grading, although some buyers may like the patina. However, for Russian coins, which are relatively new, cleaning will not be necessary.

There are many ways to get your money in good shape. Each material will require a specific method. New coins do not need cleaning, but the same ones should definitely be put in order.

Pictures for evaluation

To set the price of an exhibit online, you will need to send a photo. The quality of the photo should convey color, condition and all defects well. Although you shouldn’t be afraid of high demands. You can take a high-quality photo even from a regular phone.

The minimum you need for a photo is 3 megapixels, autofocus and good lighting. The distance between the camera and the coin should be about 10 centimeters. Thus, the color of the money will be conveyed as accurately as possible. There should be no glare on the coin, but at the same time it should be well illuminated. For an accurate assessment, you will need photographs from several angles. The photo should convey all the smallest details of the coin.

It is very important to make accurate and high quality pictures exhibit. The photo will be needed not only for evaluation on the Internet. Photographs will also be required for sale. Coin buyers will be even more demanding than appraisers.

Bottom line

Having studied different ways determining the value of money, the owner will choose the most suitable one for himself. And it doesn’t matter where the appraisal took place - on the Internet or at an antique dealer. Each method is good in its own way.

From the catalogs on our website you can only find out the approximate value of coins of the USSR and Russia; if the price of the coin turns out to be high enough, we advise you to make a more accurate assessment. Moreover, now it is not necessary to visit expert centers for this; if you have the Internet, you can evaluate any banknote free by photo online.

Where can I evaluate coins?

Firstly, for an assessment you can write to us by email [email protected]

Secondly, now on the Internet you can find many numismatic forums that will help you determine the price. The largest forums are: the Central Forum of Numismatists of the USSR and Samara Numismatics. Please note that these forums require registration.

If you have accounts on social networks, then it will be more convenient to make an assessment without registration in one of the numismatic groups. For example, you will always find help in the group on VKontakte" Coins of Russia and USSR " .

Online assessment based on photo

  • take high-quality photos of the coin from at least two sides;
  • be sure to crop the photo so that there is a minimum of free space around the edges of the coin;
  • accompany the images detailed description(indicate denomination, year, mint and other information known to you).

If a banknote has any features (non-standard color, weight or size, defects, etc.), then they should also be described in detail and confirmed with additional photographs or videos (if necessary, take additional photographs from an angle to demonstrate these peculiarities). If you believe your coin is a rare or infrequent variety, it is important to report this using the stamp number from known catalogues.

Remember that organizations that do both the repurchase and the appraisal often underestimate the price. Therefore, than larger number The more opinions you collect about the value, the more objectively you will be able to evaluate the coin.

Without the help of experts, it is very difficult to evaluate a coin, even with knowledge. A coin grader has more varied experience with antique coins. He knows distinctive features copies of a specific period: in what condition they are found, what is their approximate value. In addition, he owns special equipment that allows him to verify the authenticity of the coin.

The appraisal of any coins should be entrusted to a specialist. But there is no such thing as a perfectly objective assessment. Moreover, if the specialist agrees not only to evaluate the coin, but also to buy it back later. It is better to contact an independent expert service on the issue of determining the value of a coin, whose activities are aimed only at assessing coins. Everything is clear here: the expert buyer is interested in reducing the price, which is disadvantageous to the owner of the coin.

In this article we will look at the main criteria that specialists of any service will pay attention to. We will also give advice on preparing photographs of a coin to assess its value online.

The collectible value and the total (nominal) value of a coin are different concepts and values. The total cost depends on objective factors, and the collectible value depends on the exterior, aesthetic value and other criteria that are important for a particular person. For example, antique gold coin with a small drilled hole - the nominal price may be high, and the value for the collection is reduced due to unnatural damage to the specimen.

There is a set of criteria and categories for grading coins. If earlier the priority was on the side of conservative characteristics (historical value, exterior, etc.), today the emphasis is on the condition of the coin.

Coin condition

Assessing the condition of a coin, first of all, involves determining the degree of wear. In practice, two main assessment systems are used: the International and the 70-point system of Dr. W. Sheldon. First you need to master the international one, it is easier. But Sheldon's 70-point system provides a detailed assessment, while the first provides only general information.

International Condition Assessment System

UNC (Uncirculated) is a coin that has practically never been in circulation, as can be seen from the absence of abrasions even at the highest point of its relief. Such coins retain the stamp shine and clarity of the details of the design elements. The copy may have been in circulation, but UNC status is assigned to it only if it is completely undamaged.

However, the coin may have an unattractive appearance due to defective minting, ugly color, or uneven patina. Therefore, according to the Sheldonian system, there are 10 gradations of the condition of coins that have not been in circulation. They are united by one property - the absence of signs of use.

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It is difficult to find a coin in this condition even in modern issues. Ancient coins are not preserved as UNC.

XF or EF (Extremely Fine). If the coin was in circulation, it was very little. In some places even the stamp sheen has been preserved. The elements of the drawing are impeccably clear. Abrasions can only occur at the highest points of the relief. Very small details of the drawing may be slightly blurry.

VF (Very Fine). The fact that the coin was in circulation for quite a long period is evidenced by significant abrasions not only on the protruding details of the design (side edges of letters and numbers), but also on the smooth areas of the coin. In rare cases, a stamp sheen is present. Small details are poorly outlined, but overall the coin is clear.

In this condition, royal coins from the times of Peter I, Catherine II, and Peter III reach modern collectors. This best quality in which they meet.

F (Fine). A worn coin used in everyday life. The notches on the edge have been erased, the edge is almost comparable to the field of the coin. The main lines of the drawing are still visible, but small elements (hair in portraits, feathers of a double-headed eagle) are blurred. The design elements are weakly expressed, although the side edges are still distinguishable. The stamp shine is completely absent.

VG (Very Good). The worn edge indicates the ancient origin of the coin. The edging is worn out, the relief of the design is completely missing in places. The corners of the letters and numbers are rounded, the free areas of the margin are significantly worn. Large lines of the drawing are quite clear, small details are difficult to distinguish.

G (Good). Coin with significant wear. Design elements appear as outlines. The relief of the drawing is almost erased. The inscriptions on such coins can still be distinguished, but the edge practically does not rise above the level of the field. The edge is so thin that it no longer serves a protective function for the coin disk.

FA (Fair), AG (Almost/About Good), PR (Poor) - these designations are used for coins with the highest degree of wear. They are characterized by an almost complete absence of contours, edging and other design details. The relief was almost equal to the field. It is difficult to find out any information about the denomination and nationality of a coin without a magnifying glass. The collection value of such specimens will be low.

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Coin circulation

The second important factor is the size of the circulation. It determines how rare the coin is. You can find out the circulation in coin catalogs. But there is also such a factor as historical circumstances.

For example, a coin could have been issued in a huge circulation, but almost all of it was withdrawn from circulation and melted down. Only a few copies have survived, some of which are in the museum, and the rest are being hunted by numismatists. Therefore, along with the circulation, it is necessary to take into account the historical conditions of its existence.

Metal cost

If the coin is made of precious metal and at the same time has numismatic and historical value, its price will be high. But even if it is a common coin containing gold, silver, platinum or other precious metals, its value may be higher than the cost of a rare copy if it is made of copper.

Gold coin

That is, the face value will be high, despite the fact that the collection value may be average. To some extent, the price of a coin depends on the exchange rate precious metals.


The assessment of coins is always subjective. And the score appearance coins depends not only on some generally accepted norms, but also on the aesthetic taste of a particular person. What is meant by the exterior of a coin, and what features will be taken into account?

  • The presence or absence of unnatural damage (that is, resulting from improper storage).
  • The shade of the patina, the uniformity of its coverage (especially important for copper coins), whether the shades of patina on the obverse and reverse of the coin are in harmony.
  • The shine of the coin. The brightness of the stamp shine and the degree of its preservation especially affect the value of the UNC condition coin, and other coins as well. The effect of “rotating rays” indicates high quality minted. If you bring a coin to a light source and swing it from side to side, two rays will run along the circumference of the coin.

Grade antique coins by specialists from the Gold Antique antique shop does not require an office visit. You can find out how much coins are worth without leaving your home. Experienced numismatists with whom we cooperate will tell you the real market value of the object of sale for its profitable sale in the future.

We accept the following coins

  • Peter I;
  • Catherine I;
  • Anna Ioannovna;
  • Elizabeth;
  • Catherine II;
  • Nicholas I, etc.

If the assessment of the coins of Tsarist Russia shows that this is a rare, expensive specimen, then we will be ready to buy it back immediately.

We are also interested in purchasing ancient coins from the 16th - 17th centuries. This period includes the reigns of Ivan the Terrible, Boris Godunov and Mikhail Fedorovich. Only an experienced numismatist can help you determine exactly what period your item was issued.

What criteria does the expert use to determine the cost?

  • Safety. A heavily worn example with unreadable symbols and unpreserved relief is inferior in price to a coin in good condition. Even we're talking about about rare and gold specimens. The exception is coins with patina, a natural film that covers bronze and copper over time.
  • Year of minting. Everything is simple here: what older age monetary unit, the higher its value. Online evaluation of old coins will help determine the date of manufacture and authenticity.
  • Features of coinage. If you take two samples released in the same edition, then one may cost more than the other. This is due to the fact that different stamps and devices for obtaining impressions are used for minting. These differences can often only be seen by an experienced appraiser.
  • Limited edition. Every numismatist dreams of getting a rare piece into a private collection. As a result, large sums are offered for such samples.
  • Demand on the antique market. It is important to understand that the cost monetary units influenced by the economic situation and their popularity among collectors. Therefore, it is impossible to set the real price yourself, unless you are a professional numismatist. Grade royal coins and monetary units of other periods should be carried out by specialists.

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How does the assessment work?

The easiest way to do this is online. To do this, take a photo of the coin from both sides and send the photos using the online assessment service on our website, email or WhatsApp. The service is free and takes 5 minutes of time. Our specialist will answer the specified phone number or e-mail within 30 minutes during business hours and announce a specific amount.

Get a preliminary free estimate It’s very easy to find coins on our website – just send us a photo. You can do this in any convenient way:

  • viber and whatsapp (as well as MMS and iMessage) by number 89259240279 (fastest method)
  • Email [email protected]
  • feedback form on the website

How to properly photograph coins for grading?

In 95% of cases, it’s enough just to take a photo from both sides, the main thing is that the image is clear and not blurry. At the same time, the size of the photo is not important, it is important that the coin is simply clearly visible.

If there are a lot of coins, then you can take group photos (5-10-20 pieces in one photo), or photograph the entire album page. In this case, it is better to take pictures not in a pile, but by placing the coins next to each other.

A photo of the edge (rib) is not needed in all cases; you don’t have to take it specially, if such a photo is required - we usually request it separately.

How long does the online assessment take?

We try to estimate the cost as quickly as possible. In practice, this means that 90% of requests received during business hours are processed within an hour or two, but much more often - almost instantly!

However, there are situations when we take longer to respond. This can be caused by various reasons:

  • experts are physically busy with complex examinations or lengthy meetings;
  • the request for an assessment came during non-working hours (for example, at night or late in the evening) - in this case, we will process it the next day;
  • in some cases, the coin is not of interest to us ourselves, but we know clients or dealers who might be interested.

In such cases, we may ask the buyer if he is interested, and the time to respond is up to him, not us.

If you require an urgent response, you can call and ask that your application be processed as a priority. If such a possibility exists, we will immediately assess the cost; this service is free.

How to conduct an authenticity examination?

Our enormous professional experience allows us to determine the authenticity of coins even from photos in 90% of cases. The remaining 10% are high-quality fakes the highest level or situations when, due to poor condition, it is difficult to say something remotely. In these cases, it is necessary to watch the item live to establish the exact result. Just look - to determine authenticity, we extremely rarely use anything other than a magnifying glass, since high-quality modern fakes have long learned to match the weight and standard of metal to genuine samples. The authenticity examination is carried out in the format of a free consultation; we do not make written documents; for such papers you should contact the State Historical Museum.

How long does the proposed buyback price last?

As a rule, from several weeks to several months. But in fact, there is no clear answer to this question.

It is worth understanding that the market and economic situation can change, which in turn can lead to changes in prices for certain items - and they can either become more expensive or cheaper. The story that antiques or collectibles always go up in price is a myth! Coins are a product whose price is regulated by the balance of supply and demand, and there are many examples of how some items are rapidly becoming cheaper for one reason or another.

The main thing you need to know about our store: we always strive for an individual approach to each client and value our reputation!

Therefore, we DO NOT practice, for example, situations where they tell you over the phone “it costs up to 100 thousand”, but on the spot they offer 15-20. Unfortunately, some market players are guilty of this.

If we indicate a specific cost or price range, we stick to the stated amounts and try to deal with clients honestly and openly. And in some cases you can bargain with us! Contact the PurchaseCoins store and you will receive a quick, qualified and free assessment of your coins from professional numismatists with many years of experience!

You can send a photo in any convenient way:

The office where the coins are redeemed is located in the Taganskaya-Koltsevaya metro area, detailed diagram directions you can see

Also for your convenience, a PRICE LIST with approximate prices for some of the most common coins has been posted. It mainly concerns the period of the USSR and modern Russia; It is not possible to put a price tag on coins of the Tsarist period - the price for them very much depends on the condition, a photograph is required for evaluation.

If you want to sell or evaluate coins and antiques in Moscow, contact the store website! Professional assessment, adequate market prices and an individual approach to the client are just some of our advantages.
Contact us daily, from 10 to 18

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