How to play as a platoon at different levels. World of tanks will fine players

One of the most fun modes in World of Tanks is playing in a platoon, with two or, even preferably, three players per team, as you can target and defend flanks with or without the support of allies. Let's talk about how to form a platoon.

"Designer" of the platoon

It is better to select vehicles of the same level and do not forget that artillery and light tanks are balanced separately. That is, if you pair a light tank with a medium, or heavy, or tank destroyer, you are unlikely to get to the top of the team list. If you choose T-62 and MS-1, then the first will land up, and the second, respectively, down.

Don't take artillery - unless you're targeting a firefly plus artillery platoon. The most promising tanks are located on the fifth, sixth, eighth and tenth levels. Many players with a basic account who do not have premium tanks earn credits on vehicles of the fifth and sixth levels.

If you and a friend play tanks of the same class and different nations, then you should not ride together. Because the individual characteristics of each machine can create obstacles. For example, American tanks, due to their good vertical aiming angles, allow you to effectively play from behind hills, but Soviet and German tanks are not suitable for this tactic.

But if you took a heavy tank, and your friend took a medium one, most likely you will have to split up and go in different ways, since on most maps the tactics and travel routes of vehicles of different classes are noticeably different. Therefore, equipment of the same class gets along better in a platoon.

Here are examples of the most popular level 5 and 6 vehicles for playing in a platoon. On fifth level these are Soviet heavy tanks KV-1, medium tanks T-34 and tank destroyer SU-85; German medium tanks Pz.Kpfw. IV and tank destroyer StuG III; American medium tanks M4 Sherman and tank destroyer T49 and, finally, British heavy tanks Churchill I and tank destroyer AT 2.

On sixth level They are accompanied by Soviet heavy tanks KV-2, medium tanks T-34-85 and tank destroyer SU-100; German medium tanks Pz.Kpfw. IV and tank destroyer StuG III; American medium tanks M4A3E8 Sherman and tank destroyer M18 Hellcat; British heavy tanks Churchill-VII and medium Cromwell.

At the eighth level there are simply a lot of people playing, and it is best to accumulate credits on premium equipment of this level. But the richest prey awaits, of course, the platoon in the “tens” – precisely because these tanks are top-of-the-line. You will never be attacked by an enemy with a vehicle higher than yours in level. Such a platoon can make the biggest contribution to a team's victory.

The best time and servers to play with a platoon

It is best to play tanks of the fifth and sixth levels from eleven in the morning until ten in the evening (hereinafter the time is Moscow). During these hours, there are many low-level players on the servers, and the top positions in the team are guaranteed to you. To play in a level five platoon, select the first server. Many novice players - and they are mainly at levels from the first to the fifth - do not choose a server and automatically end up on the first one. If you are on the “six”, the fifth and sixth servers will do. We do not recommend playing on the first one, at this time there are a lot of equipment of the seventh and eighth levels, and your platoon will instantly end up at the bottom of the list.

On level eight vehicles, play in a platoon from two in the afternoon until eleven in the evening on the second, fifth and sixth servers. And the best time to play on the “tens” is from eight to eleven in the evening: it is during these hours that many experienced players who are members of clans fight on the global map and play in companies.

Platoon tactics

World of Tanks pays a lot of attention to strategy, and success is half dependent on your knowledge of the map. By studying every bump on the battlefield, you can play more consciously and use terrain features, paths, bushes and buildings to your advantage. With each patch, the developers delight us with more and more new maps, and you should know each of them thoroughly.

Almost your entire strategy will depend on the so-called "stage", or composition of the opposing teams. If the enemy has a lot of artillery, you should not go out into the open; if there are a lot of tank destroyers, the attack will bog down in the vast majority of cases, if... In a word, first of all, study the composition of your opponent’s equipment and act based on it.

As for your own teammates, unfortunately, for the most part they are destined to die without bringing any benefit - this has already been tested by time. There will definitely be a “shepherd” who will lead the herd into the so-called “ololorash”, deprive your team of a good half of the tanks - and then only competent players will remain on the field. With them you have to save the situation.

Such reckless and careless actions are due to the fact that the game is massive and not everyone strives to gain the upper hand over their opponent; for some, only the pleasure of quickly breaking through the enemy’s ranks – “rush” – is important, and victory recedes into the background. However, carefully developed tactics can sometimes get you out of even the most hopeless situation, remember this.

Increasing efficiency

  • Use voice communication. It will take you an unreasonably long time to type text, and it’s also very distracting in a dynamic battle. Standard commands are still not enough to coordinate your actions in a difficult situation. A simple microphone costs mere pennies, don’t let that expense stop you.
  • Focus your fire on one enemy. It is always better to destroy one person with a guarantee than to hook several. If the enemy has only a few hit points left, he will still shoot and damage you and your team, which can ultimately prove fatal.
  • Cover the injured comrade with whom you are playing in a platoon. Strictly speaking, this applies to all team members. Here the rule from the previous paragraph works in the opposite direction: it is better if you have as many tanks as possible left in your team, albeit damaged, than one, but with a full margin of safety. Knowledgeable players who go into battle as a platoon are able to evenly divide the damage they receive among themselves, and this allows them to cause more harm to the enemy. In general, if you are badly battered, do not hesitate to hide behind “healthier” allies.
  • Select equipment wisely - especially modules that improve visibility. It makes sense for one player in the platoon to take, for example, a stereo scope and a camouflage net to highlight the enemy from the bushes, and for the other two to shoot from afar in order to also remain unnoticed. Well, at least they'll be hard to hit.
  • First of all, destroy the tanks standing to the side. An enemy who has separated from the rest is an easy target.
  • Try not to glow ahead of time. Experienced opponents will try to destroy the platoon first, as they understand the threat it poses. In general, it is better not to reveal yourself until the last minute in order to attack from an unexpected direction and fire at the hesitant enemy.
  • A partner can always cover your flank or rear. In random battles, allies behave unpredictably and could easily, for example, run away, leaving you alone with several opponents, but a platoon partner will not do this, and this expands your tactical options. A well-matched platoon is capable of a successful breakthrough, which is unlikely to be achieved with random allies.
  • Even if his equipment is disabled, his platoon partner can help you by monitoring the tactical situation and giving advice. In addition, he sees all allies and enemies, some of which may be hidden from you due to the short communication range, and will always keep you informed of events on the battlefield.
  • Choose in advance who will command the platoon. This role is better suited to players with extensive experience, excellent knowledge of maps and the ability to see the real situation on the map. In general, you should recruit those who play approximately the same tactics as you - then you won’t have to argue with your comrades until you’re hoarse, they themselves will know what to do, and their decisions will not cause you to protest. In such a platoon you can even play silently - or without communication.

In most online games, teamwork provides a distinct advantage. World of Tanks is no exception - it is a pronounced team game, where a well-played platoon can “pull out” even a seemingly failed battle, even if most of the allies died in the first minutes. In addition, playing with an experienced player in a platoon will give you invaluable experience.

The result of the battle depends on each fighter: quick reaction, a clear understanding of your role and compliance with it in battle - all this and much more brings your team closer to victory. For players in a platoon, responsibility to potential allies for the outcome of the battle begins even before the battle - at the stage of forming the platoon and selecting equipment. Depending on this, the platoon can either strengthen the team with its coordinated actions, or weaken it with an incorrectly selected composition. Especially if the platoon contains vehicles with a significant difference in levels.

Rewards and experience penalties for platoons based on battle results

With the release of update 9.15, coordinated tactical actions of players in platoons will be encouraged: members of a formation consisting of vehicles of the same level will receive rewards in the form of an experience bonus. And platoons containing multi-level equipment ( the difference between the maximum and minimum tank level is more than 3) will receive a penalty to experience depending on the magnitude of the difference in vehicle levels. When trying to go into battle with tanks of different levels (with a difference of more than 3), players will see a graphic warning about incorrect selection of vehicles.

Rewards based on the results of the battle will be awarded to platoons containing tanks of the same level. The size of the incentive depends on the outcome of the battle (victory or defeat), as well as on the level of equipment in the platoon. Platoons dynamically formed in battle will receive bonuses to experience for playing on same-level vehicles, starting from the second battle. If a player joins a previously formed platoon directly in battle, then he will receive the reward only from the next battle.

Experience penalties based on the results of a battle for vehicles of different levels in a platoon are accrued if the difference between the maximum and minimum levels of tanks in the platoon is more than three. The size of the reduction factor for experience depends on the difference in levels.

If a third tank joins a platoon with vehicles of different levels in battle, then a penalty after the first battle will be assessed only to players who created a multi-level platoon in the Hangar.

A notification about the amount of damage or penalty based on the results of a battle in a platoon will be displayed on the third tab of post-battle statistics.

What is all this for?

Rewards for platoons with the same level of equipment will serve as an incentive for players to unite and act more effectively in battle. Our goal is to encourage collective action. Moreover, the game already has a mechanism for dynamic platoons for this purpose , and in the future new improvements are planned: automatic formation of platoons with friends and some other innovations.

Solo players have been and remain the most important part of our game. However, we want to encourage “loners” to discover a new side of World of Tanks - try the game in a platoon. After all, coordination and joint actions are exactly what allows participants in virtual battles to develop, and platoons are the most suitable tool for this.

Platoons with equipment of different levels is a manifestation of unsportsmanlike behavior, for which fines are imposed. They will make it clear to inexperienced or unconscious players that they need to take a balanced approach to choosing equipment before battle. Equipment of the same level makes the platoon a combat-ready tactical unit that will not be a burden for the team.

What's next?

In the future, you will see a transition to single-level platoons and the disabling of the ability to go into battle in a platoon using vehicles of different levels. This will allow us to rework the team formation systems - matchmaking. Unlike the existing one, which forms command templates depending on the state of the queue for battle on the server, the new system will be more focused on the equality of opposing teams in terms of levels and types of equipment. It is planned that team compositions will strive to be formed according to the 3-5-7 principle: 3 “top” level tanks for this battle, 5 mid-level tanks and 7 minimum level tanks.

Such a formation system will not only solve the problem of inequality between teams in terms of balance weights, but will also affect the gameplay of random battles, making it possible to realize the potential of a tank in battle, regardless of its position in the list of teams. New matchmaking will increase the influence of any part of the team list (top, average or minimum levels) on the outcome of the battle.

More detailed information about the new system will be published on the portal later. Follow the news!

We'll be looking closely at the statistics and your reactions regarding platoon rewards and penalties to further develop this feature. Share your opinion and help us make the game better!

Briefly about the main thing. They cut the LT 10 review, rate of fire, drums. On art it is no longer possible to play in platoons. Yes, yes, the art is so dangerous, it’s creepy. It’s not like a platoon of some 3 grills, which can destroy, for example, an IS-7 in one salvo, or 3 batchats, which will take apart EVERYTHING from the drums. Or a platoon of E-25 bugs, which you won’t even notice, and they’ll already bite you to death. This isn't a problem at all, is it?

Dear players!

On April 7, from 18:45 to 19:10 (Moscow time), the general test servers were unavailable due to the release of a micro-update.

Main changes

Adjusting the role of light tanks in battle

A number of changes in the micropatch for the second general test should correct the use of light tanks (LT) in battle. LTs will still remain excellent reconnaissance units with the ability to fire at the enemy. In that order: exploration is the priority, and dealing damage is a secondary task. Important, but not key.

In the RT configuration for the first general test, the magnitude of the baseline review was excessive. By default, it was sufficient for conducting effective reconnaissance, which made it possible to “develop” the armored vehicle in the direction of causing damage - by installing the appropriate equipment and pumping up skills and abilities that increase firepower. Such actions increased the efficiency of LT damage and made them competitive with medium tanks (MT). Light tanks shined better than medium tanks and dealt damage almost as well. In this regard, it was decided to reduce their review. With the revised characteristics of the LT, the basic visibility will not be as effective, and it will have to be improved by installing Coated Optics/Stereo Tubes and upgrading the skills of the crew in order for the reconnaissance function to be performed as efficiently as possible.

The fire parameters of the LT will also be adjusted: the ability to inflict damage remains, but as a secondary, not key feature for vehicles of this class. The main task of light tanks is reconnaissance.

Limitation of playing in a platoon for self-propelled guns

Players actively asked to remove the option to play in a platoon as part of the reworking of the self-propelled gun class. After all, after the introduction of a new balancer and the ability to unite into a platoon of three players, a situation may often arise when a platoon of three self-propelled guns will be the only vehicles at the top of the list. And three support vehicles cannot be the most powerful unit on the battlefield.

In addition, after analyzing various scenarios of the behavior of a platoon of self-propelled guns in battle, we came to the conclusion that the influence of a platoon of several self-propelled guns on a single target is too great and is extremely negatively perceived by the “target” tank. At the same time, single self-propelled guns, due to a lower level of interaction with each other, will be able to better control the entire battlefield, providing uniform assistance to allies in all directions. Therefore, it was decided to disable the possibility of creating a platoon, both dynamic and in the Hangar, with the participation of self-propelled guns.

Since self-propelled guns will not be able to go into battle as part of platoons, personal combat missions for them will also be adjusted: the need to go into battle as a platoon will be removed from the conditions.

About all changes in details


A ban on taking self-propelled guns for playing in a platoon has been included. Selecting self-propelled guns in the platoon window will be impossible. The restriction applies to platoons consisting only of self-propelled guns, as well as self-propelled guns and equipment of other classes.

Gaming nations


Spähpanzer Ru 251:
  • The reload time of the 90 mm Rheinmetall DM1 gun for the Spähpanzer Ru 251 Drehturm 360° turret has been increased from 6 to 7 s.
  • The viewing range of the Spähpanzer Ru 251 Drehturm 360° turret has been reduced from 420 to 410 m.
Spähpanzer SP I C
  • Turret viewing range Spähpanzer SP I C PT II Rh.-Nr. WK-G2 reduced from 400 to 390 m.
Rheinmetall Panzerwagen
  • The viewing range of the Rheinmetall Panzerwagen turret has been reduced from 430 to 420 m.
  • Armor penetration of the projectile Exp. The HE of the 105 mm Kanone gun has been increased from 53 mm to 120 mm.
  • Damage dealt by projectile Exp. APDS of the 105 mm Kanone gun has been reduced from 390 to 360 units.
  • Damage dealt by projectile Exp. HE gun 105 mm Kanone, reduced from 480 to 440 units.
  • Damage dealt by projectile Exp. HEAT of the 105 mm Kanone gun, reduced from 390 to 360 units.
HWK 12
  • The reload time of the 90 mm Mecar N gun for the HWK 12 turret has been increased from 7.9 to 8.2 s.
  • The reload time of the 90 mm Mecar N gun for the HWK 12 verbessert turret has been increased from 7.15 to 7.7 s.


  • Turret 131's viewing range has been reduced from 360 to 350 m.
  • The viewing range of turret 131-1 has been reduced from 380 to 360 m.
  • The viewing range of the 132A turret has been reduced from 380 to 360 m.
  • The turret 132B's viewing range has been reduced from 390 to 370 m.
  • The reload time of the 100 mm 60-100TA gun for the WZ-132 turret has been increased from 7 to 7.8 s.
  • The reload time of the 100 mm 59-100TA gun for the WZ-131-1 turret has been increased from 8.1 to 8.5 s.
  • The reload time of the 100 mm 59-100TA gun for the WZ-132 turret has been increased from 7.5 to 8.2 s.
  • The viewing range of the WZ-131-1 turret has been reduced from 380 to 370 m.
  • The viewing range of the WZ-132 turret has been reduced from 390 to 380 m.
  • The reload time of the 100 mm 60-100TA gun for the WZ-132A turret has been increased from 6.8 to 7.7 s.
  • The reload time of the 100 mm 62-100TA gun for the WZ-132A turret has been increased from 7.8 to 9.2 s.
  • The viewing range of the WZ-132A turret has been reduced from 420 m to 390 m.
  • The reload time of the 105 mm L7A3C gun for the WZ-132-1 turret has been increased from 9.5 to 10.7 s.
  • The viewing range of the WZ-132-1 turret has been reduced from 425 to 400 m.
  • The ammunition capacity of the 105 mm L7A3C gun has been reduced from 40 to 32 rounds.


  • The viewing range of the MT-25 turret has been reduced from 380 to 360 m.
  • The reload time of the 85 mm D-5T-85BMU gun for the LTTB turret has been increased from 5.2 to 5.5 s.
  • The reload time of the 85 mm D-10-85 gun for the LTTB turret has been increased from 5.1 to 5.4 s.
  • The viewing range of the LTTB turret has been reduced from 390 m to 380 m.
T-54 lightweight:
  • Reload time for 100 mm D-10TM gun mod. 1945 for the T-54 turret, lightweight version, increased from 6.8 to 7.2 s.
  • The reload time of the 100 mm D-10TM gun for the T-54 light version turret has been increased from 7 to 7.5 s.
  • The viewing range of the T-54 light version turret has been reduced from 410 to 390 m.
  • The dispersion of the 85 mm D-5T-85BMU gun for the LTG turret has been increased from 0.38 to 0.4 m.
  • The viewing range of the LTG turret has been reduced from 390 m to 360 m.
T-100 LT:
  • The dispersion of the 100 mm T-100 gun for the T-100 LT turret (Product 64992) has been increased from 0.44 m to 0.46 m.
  • The viewing range of the T-100 LT turret (Product 64992) has been reduced from 410 to 390 m.
  • VLD armor has been changed from 100 mm to 90 mm.
  • The damage caused by the 3VBB shell of the 100 mm T-100 gun has been reduced from 320 to 300 units.
  • The damage caused by the 3VBM shell of the 100 mm T-100 gun has been reduced from 320 to 300 units.
  • The damage caused by the 3VOF shell of the 100 mm T-100 gun has been reduced from 420 to 360 units.
  • The ammunition capacity of the 100 mm T-100 gun has been reduced from 42 to 33 rounds.
  • The reload time of the 45 mm VT-43M gun has been increased from 2 to 2.3 s.
  • View range reduced from 360 to 350 m.


  • The reload time of the 90 mm Gun T132E3 gun for the T49 turret has been increased from 6.3 to 6.4 s.
  • The reload time of the 90 mm Gun T132E3 gun for the XM551 test bed turret has been increased from 5.65 to 6 s.
  • The T49 turret's viewing range has been reduced from 410 to 400 m.
  • The viewing range of the XM551 test bed turret has been reduced from 420 m to 410 m.
  • The viewing range has been reduced from 400 to 390 m.
XM551 Sheridan:
  • View range reduced from 430 to 420 m.
  • Damage dealt by projectile Exp. APDS of the 105 mm Lightweight Gun gun has been reduced from 390 to 360 units.
  • Damage dealt by projectile Exp. HE of the 105 mm Lightweight Gun, reduced from 480 to 440 units.
  • Damage dealt by projectile Exp. HEAT of the 105 mm Lightweight Gun, reduced from 390 to 360 units.
  • The ammunition capacity of the 105 mm Lightweight Gun has been reduced from 42 to 32 rounds.
  • The ammunition capacity of the 152 mm Gun-Launcher XM81 (conventional) gun has been reduced from 30 to 25 rounds.
  • M47 turret range reduced from 380 to 360 m.
M24 Chaffee:
  • M24 turret range reduced from 370 to 360 m.
  • Viewing range reduced from 390 to 380 m.
  • The T37 turret's viewing range has been reduced from 370 to 360 m.
  • The viewing range of the T41 pilot number 1 turret has been reduced from 385 to 370 m.
M41 Walker Bulldog:
  • The reload time of the 76 mm Gun M32 gun for the M41 turret has been increased from 4.6 to 5.3 s.
  • The reload time of the 76 mm Gun T91E5 gun for the M41 turret has been increased from 38 to 40 s.
  • The reload time of the 76 mm Gun M32 gun for the M41A1 turret has been increased from 4.6 to 5.3 s.
  • The reload time of the 76 mm Gun M32 late gun for the M41A1 turret has been increased from 4.3 to 5 s.
  • The number of shells in the drum for the 76 mm Gun T91E5 gun for the M41 turret has been reduced from 10 to 6.
  • The number of shells in the drum for the 76 mm Gun T91E5 gun for the M41A1 turret has been reduced from 10 to 6.
  • The ammunition capacity of the 76 mm Gun T91E5 gun has been increased from 70 to 72 rounds.


AMX 12t:
  • The viewing range has been reduced from 380 to 360 m.
AMX 13 75:
  • View range reduced from 390 to 370 m.
AMX 13 90:
  • The viewing range has been reduced from 400 to 380 m.
  • The ammunition capacity of the 90 mm F3M gun has been reduced from 44 to 36 rounds.
Bat.-Châtillon 12 t:
  • View range reduced from 390 to 380 m.
AMX 13 105:
  • The dispersion of the 105 mm D. 1504 gun has been increased from 0.4 to 0.42 m.
  • View range reduced from 415 to 390 m.
  • Damage dealt by the OCC-105 D. 1504 projectile has been reduced from 390 to 360.
  • Damage caused by the OE-105-Mle projectile. 60 D. 1504, reduced from 480 to 440 units.
  • The damage caused by the OFL-105 D. 1504 projectile has been reduced from 390 to 360 units.
  • The ammunition capacity of the 105 mm D. 1504 gun has been reduced from 33 to 24 rounds.

In World of Tanks, gamers can unite into platoons consisting of 2-3 people. Now random battles can become easier, because acquaintances and friends can be in the platoon. But is there any benefit from this? Of course, and it is obvious, because you know these people, you can coordinately correct actions, which has a beneficial effect on the effectiveness of the battle.

A well-chosen platoon composition, including three experienced players, can lead to victory in 70-80% of confrontations. And this is a very good result, which affects both experience and the amount of silver. However, you should not think that as soon as you form a platoon, you will immediately start winning. This requires team play skills, which appear only after a large number of battles played.

How to create a productive platoon?

In order for the game in a platoon to be successful, you should use the same technology, since this increases the advantages of certain tanks several times. However, this rule is often not observed, since each player prefers a certain type of equipment, which he upgrades in the future. But it’s worth saying right away that differences in technology can create some obstacles.

If platoon members drive different mid-level tanks, for example, one in an American tank, which, thanks to vertical guidance, can effectively shoot from behind the hills, and the other in a Soviet or German tank, this tactic is not feasible on them.

Troubles can also arise when one gamer uses a heavy tank and the other a medium one. In this case, you will have to travel separately, since some routes provide for driving only medium tanks, and it will not be possible to drive a heavy one.

The only exception is playing in a platoon, where two tankers use self-propelled guns and one uses light vehicles.

  • First of all, you need to communicate by voice. Writing messages takes a long time and is distracting. There are few ordinary teams; they are not enough to organize the actions of all platoon members in a difficult battle. It’s better to buy a microphone, and then the effect will be obvious.
  • Be sure to concentrate your shooting on one enemy. It is better to eliminate one enemy than to cause a little damage to everyone. After all, even a small amount of strength points allows players from enemy teams to cause damage to your platoon.

  • Be sure to cover a platoon member who has taken damage. Although this can be done even if no one was shot. In this case, you should remember the rule: it is better to have all the players on your team, even if the enemies have caused them damage, than if there is only one left, but with a 100% safety margin. Experienced tankers, who often play in a platoon, know how to correctly distribute damage between all team members, making future actions more productive.
  • You need to know how to select equipment. Especially if these are modules that provide maximum visibility.
  • It is necessary to eliminate first those tanks that stand apart from others. An enemy who has moved away from his allies is an easy victim.
  • Before the battle, when the countdown is underway, do not waste time - discuss your actions and plans with the platoon members. You can choose the right route, build shooting tactics, and so on.
  • Do not expose yourself prematurely, because opponents will strive to immediately eliminate the platoon, since it poses a danger. Stay in the shadows until the last moment, this will allow you to attack the enemy unexpectedly and put him into a stupor.

  • Remember that platoon allies help the platoon even after destruction. The eliminated player can monitor the situation and give practical recommendations, since he has a clear view of enemies who are hiding from the rest of the team due to insufficient communication.

Team play gives tangible results: The platoon receives not only victory, but also experience that will be useful in subsequent battles.

The result of the battle depends on each fighter: quick reaction, a clear understanding of your role and compliance with it in battle - all this and much more brings your team closer to victory. For players in a platoon, responsibility to potential allies for the outcome of the battle begins even before the battle - at the stage of forming the platoon and selecting equipment. Depending on this, the platoon can either strengthen the team with its coordinated actions, or weaken it with an incorrectly selected composition. Especially if the platoon contains vehicles with a significant difference in levels.

Rewards and experience penalties for platoons based on battle results

With the release of update 9.15, coordinated tactical actions of players in platoons will be encouraged: members of a formation consisting of vehicles of the same level will receive rewards in the form of an experience bonus. And platoons containing multi-level equipment (the difference between the maximum and minimum tank level is more than 3 ) will receive a penalty to experiencedepending on the magnitude of the difference in machine levels. When trying to go into battle with tanks of different levels (with a difference of more than 3), players will see a graphic warning about incorrect selection of vehicles.

Rewards based on the results of the battle will be awarded to platoons containing tanks of the same level. The size of the incentive depends on the outcome of the battle (victory or defeat), as well as on the level of equipment in the platoon. D platoons formed dynamically in battle will receive bonuses to experience for playing on same-level vehicles, starting from the second battle. If a player joins a previously formed platoon directly in battle, then he will receive the reward only from the next battle.

Experience penalties based on the results of a battle for vehicles of different levels in a platoon are accrued if the difference between the maximum and minimum levels of tanks in the platoon is more than three. The size of the reduction factor for experience depends on the difference in levels.

If a third tank joins a platoon with vehicles of different levels in battle, then a penalty after the first battle will be assessed only to players who created a multi-level platoon in the Hangar.

A notification about the amount of reward or penalty based on the results of a battle in a platoon will be displayed on the third tab of post-battle statistics.

What is all this for?

Rewards for platoons with the same level of equipment will serve as an incentive for players to unite and act more effectively in battle. Our goal is to encourage collective action. Moreover, for this purpose already exists in the game, and in the future new improvements are planned: automatic formation of platoons with friends and some other innovations.

Solo players have been and remain the most important part of our game. However, we want to encourage “loners” to discover a new side of World of Tanks - try the game in a platoon. After all, coordination and joint actions are exactly what allows participants in virtual battles to develop, and platoons are the most suitable tool for this.

Platoons with equipment of different levels is a manifestation of unsportsmanlike behavior, for which fines are imposed. They will make it clear to inexperienced or unconscious players that they need to take a balanced approach to choosing equipment before battle. T Equipment of the same level makes the platoon a combat-ready tactical unit that will not be a burden for the team.

What's next?

In the future, it is planned to switch to single-level platoons and disable the ability to go into battle in a platoon using vehicles of different levels. This will allow us to rework the team formation systems - matchmaking. Unlike the existing one, which forms command templates depending on the state of the queue for battle on the server, the new system will be more focused on the equality of opposing teams in terms of levels and types of equipment. It is planned that the composition of the teams will strive to form according to the 3-5-7 principle: 3 “top” level tanks for this battle, 5 mid-level tanks and 7 minimum level tanks.

Such a formation system will not only solve the problem of inequality of teams in terms of balance weights, but will also affect the gameplay of random battles, making it possible to realize the potential of a tank in battle regardless of its position in the command list. New matchmaking will increase the influence of any part of the team list (top, average or minimum levels) on the outcome of the battle.

More detailed information about the new system will be published on the portal later. Follow the news!

We'll be looking closely at the statistics and your reactions regarding platoon rewards and penalties to further develop this feature. Share your opinion and help us make the game better!

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