How to get a helicopter in GTA 5. A selection of the fastest helicopters in GTA V

Given the cost of transport in the game, many users are interested in where to find a helicopter in GTA-5. The open world in the project is quite extensive, and traveling without knowing the direction will not bring results. You need to know exactly how to get flying equipment with minimal time and money.

The first and cheapest way

In order to no longer ask the question of where to find a helicopter in GTA-5, it is worth going through the storyline. After the Merryweathe mission, a new contact will appear on the main character's phone. A call to him will allow for only a thousand dollars to call a helicopter in the form of support. It will land near the player.

After that, it remains only to kill the pilot and capture the transport. You can do this at almost any time, with the exception of a few missions from the main lane. At the same time, a rather strong combat vehicle arrives, which can destroy more than one area. You can save another $300 if you call the pilot through Lester, and therefore he should also call from time to time.

Friend's helicopter or codes

If you want to know where to find a helicopter in GTA 5, but stealing doesn't suit the style of the game, then it's best to use Trevor's transport. A good combat vehicle will appear on its site near the hangar, which you can take at any time. This will become possible after the mission of the main plot, where it is necessary to kidnap a suspected person from the office of the Office. After completing the mission, at any time you can go to the site of a friend and take a helicopter for yourself. To store it at home, you need to buy an equipped platform.

If this does not suit the user, then in a single game you can simply use the codes. The powerful military machine Buzzard will appear with the help of the code for the helicopter in GTA-5 - BUZZOFF. Call the console with the tilde key and enter the command. You can also buy an aircraft inside the game, but it costs prohibitively much, and it is better to spend money on acquiring buildings or other objects. These methods are also easy and players don't have to work hard to get a helicopter.

Theft from points on the map

There are a number of places on the game map where any user can find a helicopter in GTA-5. The first of these is the Buzzard model already mentioned above. You can try to steal it from the Zancudo military complex, where access is prohibited. Upon entering the closed area, the guards will start shooting and chasing, for which you should be prepared. An easier way to find a police helicopter in GTA-5 is to steal from the roof of the central hospital. There is a variety of news, patrol or ambulance transport.

You can get to the roof in different ways from the outside and inside. The same model called Maverick can often be found on the roofs of skyscrapers. It is enough just to fly over the central area of ​​the city, and several options will be discovered. If there is no helicopter at the indicated points, then it is worth turning around, running 50 meters and returning back. Transport after that should appear, and you can pick it up for yourself.

Purchase of transport

If you do not want to use cheats for a helicopter in GTA-5, then you should use the purchase function. This can be done through the in-game Internet, there are two special sites for this. The method of obtaining a car is honest, but has two significant disadvantages. The first is the high cost of the models. For example, the most nondescript helicopter model "Tramp" costs 780 thousand dollars. There are many ways to collect this amount in the game, but they will have to be spent on mediocre vehicles with weak combat characteristics. A good four-seat Frogger helicopter costs $500,000 more. The second problem is the delivery of products. You will also have to spend money in the Pegasus company, which delivers all types of cars. It is not enough to make a purchase and go to the hangar. Without delivery, the helicopter will not be able to be used. The developers specifically did this so that players understand the complexity of fair play.

Other information about helicopters in the game

Despite the fact that the code for the helicopter in GTA-5 is only for the military model Buzzard, the total number of varieties is ten. There are ordinary vehicles for transportation and powerful military equipment here. This list includes: Savage, Skylift, Valkyrie and others.

The developers have completely changed the management of this mode of transport. Takeoff, landing and turn is carried out with the keys for walking the character, and the direction for movement is selected with the keys on the keyboard Num Lock 8, 5,4 and 6. You can use the helicopter for a wide variety of purposes. Most of all, it is useful for simple flights over long distances. By air, this can be done much faster than in a car. There are no restrictions in the air and the need to follow the roads clearly. Each of the above methods works and is tested in practice. It is enough for the user to purchase a platform, and then to get a helicopter for himself. After that, you can enjoy the open world from above.

In this article, we will cover everything about helicopters in Grand Theft Auto V. You will learn where to find almost any helicopter without using codes or other illegal tricks. You will also find out where to buy a helicopter if you do not want to waste time looking for it. Beginners will learn how to fly helicopters without any problems. And finally, we will take a detailed look at the characteristics of all models available in the game!

Where to get a helicopter in GTA 5

Such a question arises at some point in time for most gamers, especially for those who play, because the presence of a helicopter there is a significant advantage over competitors.

The easiest way to find a helicopter, where it will literally find you, is to call for air support from Merryweather. After completing the mission of the same name, you will have a contact on your phone that makes it possible to do this. After the helicopter arrives to help you, it remains to cynically kill its pilot and assign the vehicle to yourself. The service costs only a thousand dollars, which is not comparable to the in-game cost of a combat vehicle. Lester can do pretty much the same thing for as little as $700, so be sure to call him occasionally to find out where the nearest turntable is to you. Unfortunately, these 2 ways are not available during certain story missions.

The picture below shows a helipad, where new helicopters are constantly appearing (click on the image for a larger view). Works in both single player and online versions.

If you come to the location and there is no helicopter, turn the camera 180 degrees and go outside, and then go back: most likely the helicopter will appear.

And now the most valuable map on the topic "Where to find a helicopter in GTA". Click on the picture to enlarge:

Helicopters are marked in red, airplanes in blue. And the numbers mean the level of the character in GTA Online, which will be needed for the aircraft to be in place. Please note that the map is valid for both Grand Theft Auto Online and regular GTA V.

The rule described above applies here: if there is no helicopter in the designated place, turn around and leave. Step back about fifty meters, and then come back: what you were looking for will most likely be in place.

If you are interested in where to find the plane in the single player version of the game, then here is another diagram to help you:

How to buy a helicopter in GTA 5

If you still decide not to follow our advice on how to steal a helicopter, but want to buy it in an honest way, then you need to consider that the cost of helicopters in the game is simply cosmic and approaches the price of turntables in real life. So, the cheapest helicopter in the game, the Tramp, which has very mediocre characteristics, will cost you 780 thousand dollars! Good helicopters will cost many times more. If the desire to buy still has not disappeared, there is not enough currency yet, then we advise you to read our guides on how and how in the game.

Suppose you have saved up the required amount, and now you want to absolutely legally purchase a helicopter. Log in via the gaming internet to or and make the desired purchase.

And this is where most players start having problems! Money disappears from the account, but the vehicle does not appear in the hangar! Many gamers travel around the entire game map in even attempts to find a purchased helicopter, but it is nowhere to be found. The fact is that the developers decided to bring the gameplay even closer to real life and add headaches to the players. In GTA 5, there is a list of vehicles, the delivery of which must be negotiated separately with a special company Pegasus. She just deals with such issues. Her contact should be on your phone, and if it suddenly is not, call 328-555-0122. The list of such vehicles includes most air transport, as well as boats, buses, tanks and much more.

How to fly a helicopter in GTA 5

Helicopter control has not changed much since the past parts of the game, but those who discovered the Grand Theft Auto series immediately with GTA 5 may have problems with this.

So, with the help of the "W" key, the turntable motor is activated, and it begins to rise vertically upwards. "S", respectively, causes the helicopter to descend. Well, the "A" and "D" keys rotate it to rotate around its own axis left and right. Movement to the sides is implemented using an additional numeric keypad - Num Lock. "8" - tilts the helicopter forward, "5" - back, "4" and "6" - left and right, respectively. Thus, to fly forward, you need to combine elevation gain ("W") and tilt forward ("8"). It may seem a little difficult and uncomfortable at first, but once you spend at least five minutes in the flight, you will get used to it.

Helicopters in GTA 5

Now that you know where to get a helicopter and how to fly it, we can move on to the description and characteristics of each individual model. For convenience, we have prepared separate mini-articles that will help you better understand.

The helicopter in GTA 5 is a favorite means of transportation and air entertainment for many users.

Players should be aware of the ten fastest vehicles in this category.

About this, as well as other details, the material will tell in the article.

Rating opening

In GTA 5, the Maverick model helicopter from the fictional in-game manufacturer Buckingham ranks tenth with a top speed of 257 km/h. It is worth noting that a large number of models in this list will have similar characteristics.

Rapid response police helicopter

The Maverick variety deserved its place for a good acceleration in the region of 8.5 points from ten. The transport is used by the police and fire department, with some modifications. The obvious disadvantages include instability in strong winds at altitude.

ninth place

On the next step in the list of high-speed helicopters is the Frogger model from the manufacturer Maibatsu (a parody of the Mitsubishi brand). With a weight of 7 tons with a capacity of 4 people, the maximum speed of 257 km / h is a good result. Add to this a near-perfect acceleration rate and you get a profitable option for flying, completing tasks and even racing.

Good helicopter for recreational flights

The third obvious plus is its manageability. It loses a little to some models, but behaves quite responsively in the air. Together, these characteristics make it a great choice for every gamer, although the price of 1.3 million is considered decent for the world of Los Santos.

Eighth step

A little higher in the ranking is a helicopter from Nagasaki invented by the developers (the real prototype of Kawasaki) called Buzzard. In terms of speed, it does not outperform the aforementioned technique, but the maximum figure of 257 km / h is gained incredibly quickly thanks to acceleration.

Maneuverable and combat helicopter

It is done on 10 out of 10, and such a clear advantage allows you to take the eighth position in the ranking. Other advantages of transport include weight 3.8, small dimensions and ease of operation. The downside is the open design. It should be noted that up to the fifth place in the rating, helicopters will have almost the same characteristics, as it was intended by the game developers.

seventh position

A civilian helicopter from the English manufacturer Buckingham of the luxury category with the name Swift is in seventh place. The main advantage of this transport, no doubt, is beauty with convenience for the character, plus responsive control. Only here in speed it also does not lose to all models up to the fifth place.

Luxury civilian helicopter

The indicator of 257 km / h, he is gaining incredibly fast, which every player can feel when purchasing a helicopter. Its price in the in-game internet is $1.5 million. The disadvantages include large dimensions, difficulties with control in the air and fragility. It is unsuitable for combat operations, and you should be careful when landing.

Sixth place

Even lower in the ranking is the helicopter, which has almost no differences from the Swift model. This is a more expensive version of Swift Deluxe, which is intended for the richest residents of the Los Santos world. It is made entirely of gold, which worsened the already weak armor. However, this parameter contributed to a set of speed during a decrease.

Helicopter for the wealthy residents of the Los Santos world

In this indicator, the vehicle has no equal among similar equipment. Other characteristics remained the same - the maximum speed of 257 km / h, excellent acceleration. From the minuses, it should be noted the degraded control and difficulties in landing, even though the landing gear can be taken out at any time during the flight.

Opening the top five

The representative of the fifth place in the ranking of the fastest helicopters is called SuperVolito, and the manufacturer in the game is Buckingham. There was a transport with the introduction of the GTA 5 Online add-on "Great people and other bandits." This is the first different model in terms of speed.

The first different model in terms of speed

Its maximum rate is at the level of 260 km / h. Acceleration is not inferior to previous competitors, and therefore in a long-distance race it will have an advantage, albeit small, but. The second plus is sensitive control, which makes it versatile for any task. Only here you will have to pay 2,113,000 dollars for it, which is a large amount.

fourth position

This stage is occupied by the same SuperVolito helicopter, but with a carbon finish, which adds the word "Carbon" to the name. It is stated that the maximum speed of this model is also at the level of 260 km / h, but practice shows that the figure is several units higher.

The carbon finish of the hull adds only beauty to the helicopter

The carbon finish of the body adds to its beauty, and therefore it will be even more pleasant to do tricks in the air. The controls remain just as responsive - even dodging projectiles can be done. The downside is the increased price to $3.33 million. Each player will decide for himself about the need to purchase.

Bronze medalist

An honorable third place in the list is occupied by a helicopter with the name Valkyrie from the same English company Buckingham. This is a clear parody of the Huey vehicle used by US troops during the Vietnam War. Its speed reaches 265 km / h, and excellent acceleration allows you to gain an advantage over opponents already at the start.

Good and maneuverable Los Santos army helicopter

Plus, good maneuverability will allow you to respond to shots. The downside is that he has almost no protection. He will not be able to withstand even the first hits, while even small-caliber weapons will fit for an emergency landing. You can place it in your hangar for $2.85 million.

List Silver

The Valkyrie MOD.0 helicopter also appeared in the add-on already mentioned above and now ranks second among the fastest vehicles in this category. Although in the game GTA 5 Online access to purchase it is closed, it is impossible to bypass the technique. It almost does not differ from the previous prototype, but here there is no cannon with explosive shells on board.

The same helicopter as above, only without weapons

This has nothing to do with speed, because the helicopter is able to develop all the same 265 km / h incredibly fast. The same problems remained with the armor - the vehicle is too vulnerable. You can only meet in the Supremacy Mode called "Evacuation".

Leader beyond competition

With the advent of the Volatus model from the manufacturer Buckingham, the rest of the helicopters went one position lower in speed. This technique can be considered ideal in terms of performance. It is super sensitive to controls, a little practice and the player will be able to conquer the skies.

The most stylish and fastest helicopter in GTA

The maximum speed exceeds 270 km / h and this is with the highest rate of acceleration. A helicopter is the dream of every flight lover. Its price is 2.295.000 dollars and if you are not confused by the futuristic look, then you should already start saving money for the purchase.

Computer games almost always have a well-defined plot that tells a certain story. However, the scenery, characters and much more may differ. The world around you can be linear or open, there may be many important characters in it, or you may not meet anyone along the way. But almost always there are certain secrets in the games that you can't discover if you just follow the storyline. To get secrets, you will need to spend more time, deviate from the plot, sometimes even get a lot of creativity to discover something that many people miss. In the game "GTA 5" there are quite a few such secrets. Rare transport is a full-fledged separate section that will require you to spend many hours traveling around the city in order to find cars, planes, and so on. In this article you will learn where to find a helicopter in GTA 5.

Combat helicopter

If you are wondering where to find a helicopter in GTA 5, then you should first of all pay attention to the Buzzard model, which you have already seen in the previous episode of the game, or rather, in the addition dedicated to Jolly Tony. However, how do you detect it, which will also give you impressive firepower? In fact, everything is not so difficult - you need to find the National Security building, which is surrounded by a fence. You should not try to get inside in any special way - this will only attract attention to yourself. Just go through the gate that will open in front of you. Well, then you will already need to climb onto the roof along one of the stairs, go to - and there a helicopter will be waiting for you. You get it absolutely free and you can use it for as long as you want. However, this is not the only place you should explore if you want to know where to find a helicopter in GTA 5.

medical helicopter

Naturally, a military helicopter is not the only type that will be available to you in this game. If you want to know where to find a helicopter in GTA 5, then you should also pay attention to the medical model, which is also not so difficult to get. You need to go to the Los Santos Medical Center, which has several passages leading up to the helipad. There you can even find not one, but several small red helicopters, which have a fairly high speed and mobility, as they are designed to quickly deliver seriously ill patients to the hospital. Here, too, no one will stop you, and you can take possession of these helicopters without any problems. Now you know where you can find a helicopter in GTA 5 on the map, but this is not the only way to search.

Helicopters on the Internet

If you are thinking about where to find a helicopter with a magnet in GTA 5, then you will need to access a computer with the Internet. In the fifth part of the series, this feature became available to everyone, thereby greatly expanding the functionality. Go to the site, which sells a wide variety of types of equipment - there you can find the very one that was discussed earlier. But not only him - in addition, you will have a chance to purchase a Cargobob transport model that has the same magnet. If you are interested in where to find it in GTA 5, then you can also refer to this site. But remember that he is not the only one - you always have an alternative.

As mentioned above, everything is not limited to just one site on the Web. You may be surprised, but there are several of them, but not all of them you can find helicopters. is a page where you can find almost all models available in the game, including the Police Helicopter. And all of them can be purchased - of course, they will cost quite a lot, but it's really worth it. And getting a police helicopter in this way is much easier than breaking the law, waiting for a serious pursuit and trying to steal this model in the course of a firefight. You can get a ten percent discount on your first purchase if you find and subscribe to the company's social page on the Internet. Thus, you can buy any helicopter much cheaper.

There are times when moving towards the horizon along the roads with their countless turns and oncoming traffic is insanely annoying. For such cases inGTA 5 provides aviation and, in particular, helicopters. The range of models is extremely wide - from small civilian to heavy military turntables.

Helicopter control in GTA 5

Control since GTA 4 has not changed much, so with the help of "W" and "S" the height is adjusted, "A" and "D" set the direction of rotation to the left or right, "4", "6", "5" and " 8" on the number pad tilt your turntable left, right, back and forward respectively.

By pressing "TAB" you can select a weapon, and by pressing "space" you can start shooting. "Insert" turns on the weapon chamber, "E" promotes the use of the hook in the cargo Cargobob.

So, where can you get a helicopter without spending a single cent in single player mode?GTA 5?

The easiest and most obvious way is to call Lester and ask about the location of the nearest rotorcraft. You can also call Merryweather and order a helicopter, and when he arrives just kill the pilot and take possession of the "bird".

You can legally get a helicopter without spending resources. As you progress through the campaign, after the mission with the kidnapping of the suspect, a rotorcraft will appear at Mr. Phillips' alma mater, at the Sandy Schorrs airfield, which you can use at your discretion.

The code

It is important to remember that codes inGTA 5 has not been canceled, there is a helicopter cheat among them. Cheats are entered through a mobile phone - for this we take out a mobile phone, go to contacts, click on the mouse wheel and type the combination on the keyboard:

If everything is entered correctly, then you will have a Buzzard - a small black military turntable that is equipped with ammunition.

Helicopter hijacking

Of course, in addition to the methods described, a helicopter can be taken over like a notorious criminal by simply stealing it. For example, Maverick, which is located on the roof of a hospital in South Los Santos or on the platforms for turntables on skyscrapers.

And, if during the hijacking of civil aviation, difficulties do not arise or appear in minimal quantities, then hijacking such rotorcraft as the Buzzard or Cargobob will have to sweat.

First you have to get to Fort Zancudo - a well-guarded military facility that is not displayed on the road map. It is located south of the town of Northern Chumash.

Red marks the location of Buzzard, and black marks the location of Cargobob. As soon as you cross the border of the fort, a firestorm will immediately fall on you, which is not possible to resist. The number of soldiers in a given base seems to tend to infinity, so the best option is not to fight them, but to directly break through to the target.

It is important to remember - Cargobob can take off and patrol the area, so if he is your target, you will have to wait for the right moment.

In online mode, getting a "bird" will be a little more difficult for obvious reasons - everyone wants a helicopter. Helicopters appear at five points, and the appearance of a particular model is not due to any sequences, that is, you can get both Maverick and Annihilator.

Different games