What mobs are there in Minecraft? Minecraft mobs

The Minecraft sandbox can delight the player with a colorful world and endless possibilities for construction, research and crafting.

But in this pixel world there are also not very pleasant features - monsters, or so-called mobs. Among the inhabitants of Minecraft, of course, not all living creatures should be expected to cause harm; for example, sheep, cows, chickens and pigs are absolutely harmless. On the contrary, even useful.

What kind of evil mobs live in game world Minecraft, what to expect from them and how to deal with this scourge? We will tell you in more detail about the most famous evil mobs in Minecraft, as well as how best to destroy them.

Minecraft monsters: types and abilities

Evil mobs in the world of Minecraft have a habit of appearing at night. But during the day, monsters like to gather in bodies of water, because in an open space that is well lit, most mobs simply burn out.

There are also conditionally neutral mobs. These include zombie pigs, they only attack if you hit them. Spiders can also be aggressive, but they only attack at night. Wolves are also neutral mobs. They stop attacking after you feed them.

Minecraft monsters have one more feature. As long as they are around, you cannot sleep.


When you see a creeper, run away - or you will explode along with it!

This monster has become a symbol of almost all evil mobs in Minecraft because it annoys you the most in the game. It has the ability to explode. If you suddenly see that you are simply missing part of the house, this is the work of a creeper.

Killing this dynamite with legs is quite difficult. During the day it does not light up. Hit him little by little, throwing him away from you. If the creeper manages to get close, you're done for.


They cause quite a lot of trouble because whole hordes of them appear at night. Killing zombies gives you rotten flesh. It can be eaten, but may cause hunger and poisoning effects. They are divided into two subspecies: ordinary zombies and zombie residents. The latter appear when ordinary residents are infected with a zombie virus.

Zombies burn when daylight comes.


The skeleton is armed with a bow and an endless supply of arrows. And therefore The best way to get rid of the skeleton - also use a bow. When killed you receive bones and arrows.

Burns in daylight.


This is one of the main bosses of Minecraft. Glowing eyes, diamond armor and sword, enormous combat power and the ability to kill a horde of zombies. It's all about Herobrine. Players should be wary of him.

Herobrine can kill you with the first hit if you don't have diamond armor. To kill this boss, you will need at least three golden apples to restore life and an enchanted diamond sword.

Rare Minecraft monsters


A hostile flying jellyfish-like mob that greets the player with fireballs. It is quite large in size, with tentacles hanging from the lower part of its body. Ghasts fly aimlessly around the Nether, occasionally making strange noises, similar to sobbing. They are heard equally loudly from any distance, so you can clearly hear a ghast who is actually far away.


This not very friendly monster can be found in the lower world. They throw fireballs like ghasts; it is best to use golden apples to fight them. Because they give the effect of fire resistance. Ifrits are different from other mobs. They simply don't have a body.

Ifrits consist of a head and a cloud of smoke.


The slug is a cubic jelly-like monster that moves by jumping. When killing a slug, the mob is divided into two smaller slugs. They have a feature that is not very pleasant for you - slugs are able to sense players through walls.


Long-legged thieves - this description suits them best. They can take blocks. Monsters only get angry if you look them in the eyes. You need to kill the endermen as quickly as possible. They can move to some unpredictable place at any moment.

Creatures hell in minecraft differ from those we are used to seeing in the ordinary world, although some of them are found both in the ordinary and in the lower world.

We have prepared for you a short excursion into hell in Minecraft and will tell you about what mobs you can meet there.

The Zombie Pigman is neutral towards the player. When meeting, he simply looks without showing signs of aggression. Found in hell in minecraft in small groups, and if you show aggression towards at least one individual of the group, then you will have to deal with everyone at once. After some time, if they are not provoked, they will go their own way. In the normal world, zombie pigmen are extremely rare. Mainly at the entrances to the portal and when lightning hits a pig or a pig. The behavior of zombies when they are in the upper or lower world does not change. As a drop, they can drop rotten flesh, a gold nugget, or a gold ingot. It is also unlikely that they will drop golden swords.

The skeleton, unlike zombie pigmen, is hostile to the player. In the lower world it is most often found in the infernal fortress. He is armed with a bow and brings quite a bit of trouble both in the ordinary and in the lower world.

Wanderer of the Land

Starting with version 16w20a, the Land Wanderer was added to the nether world.

The ghast is a huge flying cube, 4 blocks in size, with tentacles at the bottom. Even with their impressive size, they cannot be detected immediately, since they mostly fly at the very top, where players often do not look. Ghasts can be recognized by the strong moans they make. Approaching the player, they attack him with balls, which, when exploding, cause great destruction and set fire to the hellish stones. The best way to kill a ghast is from a distance with a bow. As a drop, they drop gunpowder and a ghast tear (an ingredient in a regeneration potion). If you have certain skills, you can first pull up a ghast with a fishing rod, and then kill him.

Ifrits are also very common in the netherworld. They mainly appear in hellish fortresses. Quite a dangerous opponent, as he shoots three times fireball, setting the player on fire when hit. Iron golems are very helpful in fighting them. From snow golems there will be no point since due to the high temperature he will immediately die. Snowballs are a good help in fighting the golem. One snowball, when it hits an efreet, removes 3 health points, and at the same time it is faster than a bow. Ifrits drop rods - the main component of the cooking stand.

Lava cubes

Lava cubes are similar in appearance to overworld slugs. Large cubes, like slugs, first disintegrate into small ones, and small ones drop a drop in the form of lava cream (a component of the fire resistance potion).

Wither Skeleton

The wither skeleton is similar in appearance to a regular skeleton, but black in color and with a sword. When hit, it inflicts a withering effect (taking half a heart's worth of damage every 2 seconds). The skull of a wither skeleton may drop as a drop (a fragment necessary to create a wither).


The chicken as a mob in the lower world is found only with a rider, so eggs do not appear from it, and when the rider dies, it disappears. At the same time, by killing a chicken you can get raw chicken.

That's all. Anyone who still doesn’t know how to get to hell, read our article on how to do it

Minecraft is a popular computer game. It was developed by Swedish programmer Mark Person. The game consists of four blocks. Game blocks: mobs, objects, landscapes, player. There are 4 game modes:

  • hardcore
  • creative
  • survival
  • adventure

Minecraft: how to make mobs

Mobs in computer game Minecraft is a game of moving creatures in an exciting Minecraft world. They are shaped like animals. When mobs die, they drop food. The player can summon a mob at any time. From a distance of 16 blocks, mobs can notice the player.

There are currently 4 types of mobs in the game. Let's look at them in more detail:

  • Friendly. These mobs lead a quiet lifestyle and do not attack when attacked. Friendly mobs are:
    • cow
    • pig
    • octopus
    • chicken
    • tamed wolf
    • country people
    • mushroom cow
    • cat
    • bat
    • ocelot
  • Neutral. They can attack another mob or the player himself if they are attacked first. Neutral mobs:
    • zombie pigman
    • wanderer of the land
  • Hostile. They notice a player within a radius of sixteen blocks and attack first. Hostile mobs are:
    • zombie - resident
    • zombie
    • skeleton - wither
    • skeleton
    • spider in the dark
    • skeleton - rider
    • cave spider
    • slug
    • creeper
    • silverfish
    • lava cube
    • witch
    • ifrit
  • Created. You can create these mobs yourself. Created mobs:
    • iron Golem
    • snow golem

How to make a mob spawner

In the Minecraft game you can make two types of mobs. A mob spawner is a block (transparent) with a blue grid. Mobs then appear from it. So, in Minecraft you can create a Snow and Iron Golem.

The snow golem (snowman) is a mob that you can create yourself. The snowman is always friendly to the player. He can throw snowballs at hostile mobs. The Snow Golem has the ability to attract enemies. For this he makes special traps. If the player stands in the place where the Snow Golem was standing, he can see his real face. A snow golem can be created using snow blocks and a pumpkin.

So, to create a Snow Golem you need:

  • place 2 snow blocks on top of each other
  • place the pumpkin on the blocks. It needs to be installed last. You can also use a Jack-O-Lantern instead of a pumpkin.

Iron Golem is a spawnable neutral mob. This is the strongest and largest mob. In the game, in terms of health, he is third after the Ender Dragon and the Wither. Its height is 2.9 blocks and width is 1.4 blocks. Outwardly, this mob is very similar to a villager. The iron golem can also supply iron. When creating a golem, particles of iron blocks will fly off. The main purpose of the Iron Golem is to protect villagers and players from hostile mobs. When creating an Iron Golem, the pumpkin should be placed last.

To make an Iron Golem you need:

  • Use the Russian letter “T” to place 4 iron blocks
  • put a pumpkin on top

Now you will know what Minecraft is, how to make a mob in Minecraf, what mobs there are and what mobs you can create yourself. Have a great time!

There are several types of mobs in Minecraft: friendly, neutral, spawned, hostile and boss. Of course, we should not forget that there are fashions and a great variety of them. This means that there are serious additions to the game from these same mods. Here will be a list of the main inhabitants of the universe. Briefly and about the main thing:


As you probably guessed, such mobs will not attack you. Moreover, if you attack them, they will attempt to escape. This group includes, for example, chicken, sheep, cat, octopus and some others.

Also, the friendly group includes Villager. Like all other representatives of this group, he is not aggressive, but, unlike those listed above, when attacked, he will not run away.

Just note that if you decide to start making attempts on the lives of residents, carefully avoid having an Iron Golem nearby. He will stand up for the residents.


This group of mobs resentfully ignores your presence. However, they are capable of striking back at you. There are not too many of them (4 in total): Ender, zombie pigman, wolf, spider (in the light).


The name is telling. You create these mobs yourself from resources. There are 2 of them: snow and iron golems.


No comments. It is only worth noting that their number exceeds the compositions of other groups. There are 14 of them. Of these, 8 main ones: silverfish, skeleton, slug, creeper, spider, ghast, ifrit and zombie. And 6 variations, which includes, for example, a witch.

They all have their own, individual model of behavior: that is, each mob can only be in some specific places and under certain circumstances. Accordingly, separate tactics are used against each. By the way, it is worth noting that the presence of many of them nearby is accompanied by voice acting. For example, a skeleton can be easily identified by the sound of bones clicking.


Bosses have quite high attack and health. It turns out to be almost impossible to kill even the simplest boss alone. There is a boss that you can summon yourself. This is the Wither.

When he is killed, the Star drops Netherworld" The next boss is the Ender Dragon. Unlike the Wither, it cannot be summoned. He has a fairly strong attack and when he is killed, a “Dragon Egg” drops. These are the 2 main bosses in the game.

By the way, there is also a group of deleted mobs in the game, that is, those that previously existed, but were deleted. This is, for example, Steve, Rana or Man.

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