Computer games for the development of preschoolers, consultation on the topic. Computer educational games Computer games for preschoolers recommended by the ministry

Tatiana Dvoryaninova
« Computer games for children preschool age" Consultation for parents

Consultation for parents

« Computer games for preschool children»

The modern child is entering computerized the world is as natural as learning to walk, play with toys, communicate with peers and people around him. The child perceives computer as part of the environment and masters it very quickly. Sometimes it is very difficult to explain to a child that in addition to computer, there is still a lot of interesting things around. Computer attracts the child because the child can participate in computer game, performs actions for the hero himself games-This is different from simply, passively watching cartoons.

Child communication - preschooler with computer should start with computer games, carefully selected taking into account age, health, development of the child, characteristics of his attention and memory.

Among modern game programs there are many developing: educational programs are offered for children games, in which they recognize the colors and shapes of objects, remember letters, numbers, learn to count, etc.

For example:

« Constructor» , "Build a house"- to develop skills design.

"Enter the Castle", "Help the chick"- to develop and consolidate mathematical concepts.

"Give me a word", "ABC"- to develop the child’s speech and to consolidate knowledge of the native language.

Managing computer game program, children learn to think first and then act: computer games develop the ability to plan their activities, train memory, develop logic and abstract thinking. Forming children the basics of information culture must be taken into account age and psychological characteristics children, maintaining their mental and physical health.

, falls on the eyes. For a child preschool age It is best to choose a static image, large and in color, accompanied by sound. Because games, containing images moving at high speed and small elements, lead to overfatigue and tension in the child’s body. sitting behind computer, the child is in a cramped position, as he has to look at the screen and press keys at the same time. The adult’s task is to create conditions for motor exercises and eye exercises. It is also necessary to diversify the child’s leisure time as much as possible. nka: between classes on computer he must play mobile games, spend as much time as possible walking and playing sports.

Gymnastics to prevent eye fatigue while the child is outside computer, should be carried out twice: 7-8 minutes from the start of work and after finishing. Gymnastics, lasting 1 minute, is simple and accessible to everyone. For example: sitting at computer, the child raises his eyes upward and, imagining a flying mosquito, watches its movement from one corner of the room to another, without turning his head - only the eyes should move! This exercise can be done by adults too.

Computer games form a motivating force for preschool children, intelligent, operational readiness for use computer funds for studying at school.

Publications on the topic:

Consultation for parents “Didactic games and exercises, their impact on the development of preschool children” Didactic games and exercises, their influence on the sensory development of preschool children. A child finds himself at every age stage.

Consultation for parents “Musical education of preschool children” Slide 1 Dear parents! Today we will talk about developing the creative potential of your children. Why does a child need music? Strange.

Consultation for parents “Teaching skiing to preschool children. Outdoor games on skis"“Teaching skiing to preschool children, outdoor games on skis.” One of the most accessible types of recreational activities for preschoolers.

Consultation for parents “Patriotic education of preschool children” Patriotic upbringing of a child and interest in the spiritual beginning of our lives are the basis for the formation of a future citizen. In order to achieve.

Consultation for parents “Sensory development of preschool children” A child’s sensory development is the development of his perception and the formation of ideas about the external properties of objects: their shape, color, size.

Consultation for parents “Learning to hear and distinguish speech sounds” (games for children of primary preschool age). Dear parents! We'll talk about children's speech. In order to achieve correct pronunciation of the sounds of your native language, you must first.

Master class for parents: “Game and information and computer technologies on traffic rules for preschool children”(2 slide) Goal: increasing the activity of parents in developing safe behavior skills on the road in preschoolers through play.

"Development of electronic multimedia didactic manual

(electronic information manual to accompany the event

for parents or teachers)

"Computer games for preschoolers"

Explanatory note

Introducing preschool children to a computer in a preschool educational institution begins with games carefully selected taking into account age and focus. One of the most important functions of such games is educational. The games are designed in such a way that the child can perceive and assimilate not only individual concepts or specific situations, but also obtain generalized ideas about all similar objects and situations. This is how he develops important thinking operations - generalization and classification.
This paper reflects the characteristics of computer games for preschool children and their classification. The presentation contains various positive and negative consequences of playing computer games, and also discusses guidelines for parents on the use of computer games.


Currently, the acquisition of information, its selection, processing and application is of decisive importance in any area of ​​human activity. Development of new information technologies in education is one of the newest and most pressing problems. Solving this problem is the key to successful personality realization modern preschooler.
Computer games in domestic preschool pedagogy are one of the ways to solve this problem. Computer games develop children's attention, ability to concentrate, foster determination and desire to win, they are educational and intensely competitive.

Mastering a computer has a beneficial effect on the formation of a child’s personality and gives him a higher social status. Children have a new direction of communication: they actively discuss new computer games, their achievements and failures when performing difficult tasks. The children's vocabulary is significantly enriched, preschoolers easily and with pleasure master new terminology. All this contributes to the development of children’s speech and significantly increases the level of volition and awareness of actions.

Target: effective use of computer games by parents for the development and education of children.

To familiarize parents with the types of computer games for preschoolers, to help them navigate their diversity;
- develop the ability to distinguish computer games by their purpose;

Inform parents about the positive and negative effects of computer games on the child’s psyche;

Help parents use computer games as effective remedy development and education of children.

Description of working with slides:

(Algorithm for working with slides)


Parents need to be able to divide computer games according to their purpose and purpose of creation into entertaining games and games created for educational purposes.


About the influence of computer games on the child’s psyche


Computer games are divided into educational games, educational, simulation games, 3 D Action "Shooters"


Educational games promote development mental abilities


Educational games - This game programs educational type, in which game form it is proposed to solve one or more didactic problems.


This type of games traumatizes the child’s psyche and has a negative impact on the development of thinking and moral education.


The plot of the simulation game involves reproducing real-life actions in a game situation.


Computer games should be educational, educational, with a low level of aggression


Control by an adult is necessary for the game to have a truly educational or educational effect.

Educational games for preschool children encourage activities that improve the child's thinking and memory. His character and skills that are in demand for further education are formed.

Properly organized play activity It is considered an indispensable means of education, as it helps children grow healthy and acquire skills that will be useful in life.

Preschoolers are attracted to new activities and positively colored emotions. Faithful allies of adults in education are educational games for children of primary preschool age, “smart” toys.

Interesting and useful activities at 4–6 years old influence the formation of the child’s character, improve his attention, memory, thinking and other functions of the growing body. All this is in demand and necessary for subsequent successful education at school.

Educational games for preschool children

Preschoolers learn how to act; this is the cognitive aspect of educational games. Children do not receive ready-made knowledge, but obtain it themselves. Mental processes and abilities are being formed.

In the game, the child learns to find objects based on characteristics and exchange them with other children. The relationships of preschoolers are developing (the educational side of the game process).

A number of features allow us to distinguish educational games from story-based, didactic, theatrical and other activities:

  • a special game plan that an adult offers to children;
  • material prepared in advance for the game;
  • certain rules;
  • organized communication between children.

The game design takes into account the age qualities of children. Younger preschoolers are more interested in objects and their properties. For them, they should choose a material of various textures, which they get into their own hands. Modern computer games attract children of older preschool age.

An adult in an educational game is its organizer and direct participant:

  • communicates the plan, rules;
  • teaches game actions;
  • directs the game;
  • helps children;
  • encourages achievements and ensures compliance with the rules.


In educational games there is an individual and collective component of activity. Preschoolers learn to communicate and gradually master the rules of society.

Thanks to collective developmental activities, the child can listen, talk and share his feelings. In the game “Blow up the Bubble” for children of middle preschool age, children learn to interact with the help of an adult.


  1. The teacher or parent invites the children to sit on chairs in the room. He approaches one of the preschoolers and asks the question: “What is your name? Say your name so that you can be heard."
  2. The child answers, the leader takes him by the hand and adds: “Let's go play!” The adult with the first preschooler goes to the next child.
  3. When all the children become a “snake,” the leader closes the circle of children and says: “What a big bubble we have! Let's make it small."
  4. Preschoolers close in a tight circle, then blow into their clenched palms - “inflate a bubble,” uttering “f-f-f” with each exhalation and taking a step back. Once again you get a large ring.
  5. An adult goes to the center and touches the children’s clasped hands, exclaiming: “The bubble has burst!” The guys clap their hands and run to the leader. You can play several times.


Preschoolers learn the basics of exact sciences in play situations. The level of perception and memorization of material that is objectively difficult for children depends on the preparation carried out by adults.

Educational mathematical games involve the use of a ready-made Geometric Mosaic set, natural and waste material, office supplies.

With their help, the adult forms in the child ideas about the shape and size of geometric shapes, the quantity and number of objects. Math games develop fine motor skills and logical thinking.

Game descriptions:

1. “Wonderful bag”

An adult puts cones, nesting dolls, cubes, and small balls into a bag made of thick fabric. Explains to a child or group of children that wonderful bag various objects are hidden, names them. Calls the preschooler over and offers to get: 4 cubes, 3 cones, 2 balls (without peeking).

2. "Hammer"

The adult invites the children to pick up cards with numbers corresponding to the number of hammer strikes.

3. “Be careful!”

1 option. The presenter silently shows the children different numbers of toys, other objects or images. Children hold up signs with corresponding numbers.
Option 2. An adult shows cards with numbers, and preschoolers 5–6 years old show toys (pictures of objects).

With a ball

When a child runs, plays ball, and jumps, he develops agility, increases endurance, and develops coordination. The preschooler also learns the meaning of objects and phenomena. Children begin to remember what the words mean: “throw the ball”, “go”, “stop” and others.

Every piece of information obtained in the game finds fertile soil, children collect it and use it in the future. For children of primary preschool age, bright balls of different colors and diameters, targets, and baskets are suitable.

Game descriptions:

1. “Day and Night” (throw and catch the ball)

Children pick up one ball each. When the presenter says: “day,” the guys begin to throw balls up, down, at a wall or target. The adult’s command “night” is heard, the children freeze in the movement they were performing.

You cannot move until the leader says “day.” You can play with a small group of children for 4-5 minutes.

2. "Children's bowling"

Two lines are drawn in the yard or room, forming a “bowling green.” The smaller the children, the shorter the distance between the lines should be. Place 3 plastic pins on one line. Children are behind the second line.

Each of the kids takes turns trying to knock down the pins with a ball. It can be thrown or rolled, whichever is more convenient for the child. Each pin knocked down earns the player a point, and he is awarded a small paper square. Whoever collects them more than others wins the game.

Tongue Twisters

Poor diction very often leads to problems at school. The formation of correct speech is possible with the help of children's educational games. In them, the child learns to pronounce letters, words and sentences.

Children of middle preschool age are especially fascinated by tongue twisters. They enjoy fun speech training consisting of short funny phrases:

  1. All beavers are kind to their own.
  2. - Tell us about your purchases! – What kind of “shopping?” - About shopping, about shopping, about your shopping!
  3. Starlings and titmice are funny birds.
  4. The needles on the Christmas tree are pegs.
  5. The bristles of a pig, the scales of a pike.

Pronouncing Russian tongue twisters and nursery rhymes strengthens the speech apparatus and enriches the vocabulary of a preschooler. An adult needs to monitor the correct pronunciation of letters and words, especially for a 6-year-old child, and offer him new tongue twisters.

With rope

Jump ropes provide an opportunity to have fun with your child. Simple games with ropes, younger and older preschoolers like them.

Game descriptions:

1. "Snake"

Carry out in the yard, on the path of the garden or park, in the room. One child or several children can participate. The adult places the rope on the ground and asks the child to jump over several times. Stretches the rope along the ground, holding one end. Asks the children to help move the “snake.” The game is best played with fun music.

2. “Rope fun”

An adult lays a long rope in the form of a broken line on the grass or path. Invites the child to walk on a rope, come up with and perform other types of exercises, for example, jumping over a rope on one or two legs, crawling along it.


Neither teachers nor parents question the developmental nature of outdoor games. Many adults remember their favorite outdoor games from childhood. There are Russian amusements that are several hundred years old, for example, “Geese-geese”, “Bear the bear in the forest”.

Games are classified according to the intensity of movements (low, medium and high mobility). There are fun with and without a driver, with objects and other types.

Game descriptions:

1. “By the bear in the forest”

The driver - the “bear” sleeps in the “den”. Children pretend to bend down and collect gifts from the forest. Gradually approach the leader. They sing a song: “The bear has mushrooms in the forest, I take berries, but the bear does not sleep - it growls at the children.”

The driver stands up and growls, portraying a dissatisfied “owner of the forest.” Children rush in all directions. To improve the game, you can change the starting position of the driver (in the center, standing, sitting on a chair, behind a bench.).

2. "Dragon"

During the game, a column of children turns into a “dragon”. The first child represents the “head”, and the last child represents the “tail”. At the leader’s signal, the “head” tries to grab the “tail”, but it dodges. When the “tail” is caught, the children change places.


Children's dominoes, drawing stencils, coloring books and others Board games develop the child’s memory and intelligence, and allow him to organize his leisure time.

There are ready-made sets in stores; it is no less interesting for children to play homemade dominoes (cardboards with geometric shapes, cars, vegetables and fruits, animals).

Drawing with stencils develops a child's creative skills and eye.

Children love solving puzzles; they especially like one of the modern games - puzzles. Simple ones are intended for children of primary preschool age; they can collect 4-6 elements. The more complex ones have dozens of fragments; adults are usually happy to help children assemble the picture according to the model.


Bright pictures on the screen enable the child to learn colors and geometric shapes, letters and numbers. Educational computer games captivate children, stimulate logical thinking, and broaden their horizons.

The choice is huge, they create them for almost all children age groups(excluding the smallest ones). A preschooler's screen time should be no more than 20 minutes a day.

Finding age-appropriate educational games for a child is both an interesting and challenging problem for parents. Simple tips will help you make the right choice and organize your child’s leisure time:

In educational games, preschoolers acquire skills that help them more successfully overcome the steps of the age “ladder.” The children will learn about time, nature, people, sciences, and art.

For children of middle preschool age, the social-emotional side of activity is important. They learn cooperation in the game, obey the rules, which becomes the key to successful socialization.

This is why it is so important to teach your child to cope with emerging problems. Overcoming another difficult situation, he rejoices: “I did it!”, “I did it!”.

Video: Developmental exercises (games) for children 3-4 years old

Children's computer educational games - myth or reality? In our time, tablets and computers have replaced ordinary toys. You can play a variety of computer games on them, depending on the age category of the child and his hobbies.

Educational games are:

  • educational;
  • on the development of color perception;
  • to train memory and attention;
  • brain teaser;
  • to study geometric bodies and forms;
  • puzzles;
  • mathematical;
  • puzzles and riddles

What do children's computer educational games contain?

Educational computer games help broaden a child’s horizons, teach them to compare objects and establish relationships between their properties.

The child must be able to characterize an object, name its characteristics and differences from others. In the process of playing, a child learns to observe and explore the world, to be able to identify an object by characteristics and assign it to one or another group and classification.

– Color games are a study of the main 7 colors of the rainbow and their shades. In some applications, it is possible to study different shades so that the child learns the concepts of “lighter” and “darker”.

Also, when preparing for school, you will need such a skill as grouping drawn objects in pictures according to color scheme. The computer toy can vocalize colors and highlight objects of that color on the screen. Games that develop color perception include all kinds of coloring books and drawing games.

Unfortunately, your device does not support Flash. You won't be able to color a picture online.

– Memory games help develop and train visual and auditory perception. These are basically games to find the differences between two similar objects. Also game labyrinths that help you learn to remember. Bright .

Logic games designed to compare objects by size and location in space. They also help expand a child’s vocabulary by learning antonym words. The baby learns to reason logically, identify patterns, process and analyze the information received.

Such games include all kinds of mosaics, games of association and extra objects, pairing, connecting drawings by dots.
– The study of shapes will be useful in the future in mathematics lessons and for orientation in space. The child must be able to characterize an object in the house or other place, that is, describe its shape, size, and compare it with other things. Understand the concepts of more/less.

Typically, such games offer a choice of pictures of objects of different sizes. The child must answer the questions and click the correct picture with the answer.

– Puzzles for children consist of a small number of elements, but large in size. Usually, bright colorful pictures are selected for breaking into parts that may interest the child. Such games develop logical thinking.

– Mathematical games allow the child to master the first count. They are designed for learning numbers, digits and simple arithmetic operations with them. This is good preparation for school.
– Riddles train thinking and intelligence, develop the child’s intelligence, expand their horizons and vocabulary, and teach them to write words correctly.

Parents and the process of playful learning

Children should play computer games under adult supervision. The baby cannot read yet, and it will not always be clear to him what to press during or at the end of the game. The child may also need adult help to complete the task. Parents must show how to play correctly and which buttons to press.

If the child does not succeed, the elders will be able to tell him the correct actions in the game. In this case, a tablet is more convenient to use. With it you can sit on the sofa in a comfortable position. It will be more fun for your baby to point his fingers at the bright screen and enjoy the feeling of reality of the game.

Learning through play is more fun for kids. After all, in early age Children do not know how to concentrate on a task for a long time. Educational games will help the child gain his first knowledge of the world around him and combine learning useful information with a fun time.

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Developer: Activision
Publisher: 1C
Developer website:
Interface language: Russian
Voice language: Russian


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Publisher: ND
Developer website:
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Publisher: New Disk
Developer's website:
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC
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Processor: Pentium III 500 MHz (800 MHz for Windows Vista)
RAM: 64 MB (512 MB for Windows Vista)


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Publisher: Akella
Developer website:
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC
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Processor: Pentium III 800 MHz
RAM: 256MB
Video card: 32 MB DirectX 9 compatible


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Publisher: New Disk
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Publisher: New Disk
Developer website: unknown
Interface language: Russian
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Interface language: Russian


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Year of manufacture: 2009
Genre: Children's educational program with game elements
Developer: Bayun Studio
Publisher: Buka
Developer's website:
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC
System: Microsoft® Windows®XP/Vista
Processor: Pentium® III 1000 MHz
Memory: 256 MB Video card: supporting resolution 1024*728 Audio card: Any
Hard drive: 450 MB
Additionally: printer for printing extras. assignments (optional)


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Publisher: New Disk
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Interface language: Russian


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Publisher: PlayWay
Developer website:
Interface language: English
Platform: PC
Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7
Processor: Intel Pentium 2.0 GHz
RAM: 512 MB


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Publisher: ComMedia
Developer's website:
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC Operating system Windows 98/Me/2000/XP Processor Pentium III-500 MHz 64 MB RAM 12-speed CD-ROM Sound card, speakers or headphones


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Publisher: ID COMPANY
Developer website:
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC


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Developer: Vivendi Games
Publisher: Activision
Developer's website:
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC
Operating systems: XP / Windows 7
Processor: Pentium II 300 MHz
RAM: 128 MB


Land of knowledge. Secret club. (part 52) ​​Final issue. (2011)

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Year of manufacture: 2011
Genre: Children's educational games
Developer: deagostini
Publisher: deagostini
Developer's website:
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC Windows 98/ME/2000/XP, IntelAMD 1 GG processor, screen resolution 1024x768 pixels, sound card.

Different games