Last Day on Earth: secrets and survival tips. All secrets in Last Day on Earth: Survival Last day on earth official group

The release date is the point in time after which the game is considered released, which usually means that it can already be downloaded and tried out if purchased. licensed copy. For example, release date last day on Earth: Survival - 25 May 2017.

AT recent times Increasingly, developers allow you to buy the game in advance - make a pre-order. In response to the support from potential buyers, who believe so much in the success of the project that they give money for it even before the release, the developers share various bonuses and exclusive materials. It can be a soundtrack, an artbook, or some mini-addons for the game.

Thus, a pre-order actually allows you to buy the game before its official release, but this does not mean that the announced release date loses its meaning, since you can fully play only after the release.

Why do you need to know release dates for games?

If only because it is more convenient to plan your time and finances. If you know, for example, when Last Day on Earth: Survival will be released, then it will be easier for you to navigate: set aside money to buy it in advance, plan things so that you can immerse yourself in the game as soon as it comes out.

A lot of gamers keep track of game release dates with special calendars and feature articles about the most important releases of the month or season. You can find both on our game portal site

How do developers choose when to release?

They are guided by many factors at once. Firstly, it is important for them to know that their target audience will be able to immediately join the game process, so games are less likely to come out during the holiday season, as well as in those months when work is usually all hands on deck, and students have a session.

Secondly, for a successful release, developers are trying to compare their plans with the announcements of potential competitors. For example, if we are talking about a shooter, then releasing it at the same time as the new Battlefield or Call of Duty is not very reasonable.

Thirdly, the release date indicates the so-called deadline - the very line after which the game is already ready. This means that it must be completed within the stated time. Alas, this does not always work out, and therefore the release date of the game can be shifted one or even several times.

In addition to this, the release of Last Day on Earth: Survival on PC and consoles may differ - often developers try to release one version first, and only then move on to the next.

new game in the genre of Survival ("Survival") for Android and iOS from the Russian studio of developers "Kefir!". The project has not yet left the beta test stage, but the number of players is already in the hundreds of thousands. Especially for recruits and those who have been in business for a long time, but are still not aware of some features of the game, we have prepared this material.


  • To change the name of the character in the equipment menu, you need to click on the blue icon above the indicators of hunger and thirst.
  • At the very beginning of the game, having made a backpack, go to the Alpha bunker. The corpse lying at the beginning of the location has a map to enter it, and in the bunker itself you can freely take useful equipment.
  • Save energy when returning from a field trip. It is most convenient to play in the mode: run to the place of the farm (extermination of opponents), have fun and fill the backpack, go home on foot - nothing will happen on the way, which means that the game can be turned off by doing other things.
  • Don't let the character stand idle - he can simply die of hunger and thirst, which will not happen if the game is closed. In the inactive state, nothing happens.
  • Do not try to shirk housing construction and crafting (creating items) in general - without this, you cannot survive in the game.


  • If possible, place two campfires, two smelters and two garden beds - this will allow you to cook food twice as fast, process stones / scrap metal and grow carrots.
  • Be sure to make a radio and meet with the merchant more often, sometimes for next to nothing (boards, stones, metal) you can buy useful weapons from him.

  • Improve the floor for specific workbenches and furniture - for some things you will need a floor of the second and third level, and some buildings need bare ground at all (the floor is improved in build mode by clicking on the desired square and the up arrow, the icon with a cross - to remove ).
  • Walls are improved and demolished similarly to the floor. Strengthening them is only worth it if you plan to meet hordes of zombies.
  • The zombie horde that advances on the base every day destroys only the walls, without touching anything else. However, if you leave the game 10-15 minutes before they appear, and return after another 10 minutes, only one wall will be demolished. It is worth meeting a zombie horde only with a large supply of bandages and weapons, although there is little point in messing with them. Benefit - only experience and modest loot (prey from the body of the slain).
  • When enclosing the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour dwelling with stakes, it is worth placing them in at least two rows, since they do not detain zombies, but only injure them.

  • Place as many drawers in your home as you need to store all the items you don't know about, including smartphones, flashlights, flash drives, watches, and so on. Many items can only be used after reaching high levels.
  • The best way not to get lost in a lot of boxes is to place them near the production and store the appropriate items there (food is closer to the fire, iron is closer to the smelters, and ropes and leather are not far from the dryer).


  • An ax with a pickaxe is not only a tool, but also a weapon - in difficult times, they can be picked up and beat down the enemy much faster than with fists. Although you can arm yourself with them in peacetime, thereby freeing up a slot in your inventory for something more useful.

  • Before leaving for battle, check the condition of the equipment. If its resource is close to the end, it will be very prudent to take a replacement with you. Of course, in green locations, you can hope for luck and undress someone along the way, but in orange or red, such a hope can cost you your entire supply of first-aid kits or your life.
  • Always keep food, bandages or a first aid kit ready - all this can be placed in the equipment slot under the backpack, then in research mode a special button for quickly using the selected item will appear above the attack button.
  • Shoes are often more useful than other items, as they significantly increase the speed of movement, allowing you to take your feet away from runners and other evil spirits.

  • The "crouch" button (lower right) allows you to become less visible to zombies and forest animals. In this mode, movement speed is reduced, but you can sneak up from behind and deal triple damage with one hit (damage depends on the weapon in your hand).
  • Lure zombies out of the crowd one by one. It is only necessary to slowly sneak up to the group until one of them or even two of them rushes in your direction - we run back, wait for them and bring them down.

  • When entering the red level locations, you should wait - after some time, toxic zombies will come running to you. It is better to wait and kill them immediately at the entrance than later they will run into the battle with other ghouls.
  • After death, you can take things from your own corpse only if you died in your home location. Accordingly, in other zones, be always ready to lose everything forever.

Collection of resources:

  • After clearing the map, the routine collection of resources can be given to automatic mode (button at the bottom left). And in order not to recruit everything in a row, you can use the “split” button to fill all the free inventory slots with the necessary materials. Automation will only have to increase their number, without improvising with the assortment.
  • Do not overuse the throw away - when the backpack is full, you can hide something in the corpse of a dead zombie or wolf, picking it up as the inventory slots become free. For example, having unloaded, you can chop even more trees, and then return and change the ax that has become unnecessary for the logs hidden in the body of the dead log and take home at least 20 pieces more.

  • It is not necessary to recycle all resources at the first opportunity. It may turn out that for necessary craft something simple and in ridiculous quantities is missing - it would be a shame to go to the collection for this.
  • It is better to cook meat and carrots on a fire, but you need to use berries wisely: when raw, they restore health better, and in the form of a decoction on a fire, they quench hunger and thirst.

  • It is better not to throw away empty bottles and cans, the former can be filled with water using the Water Collector at the base, and the latter are needed to create a spiked hammer, trip wires and some other items.
  • It is not necessary to constantly carry water with you - you can always get drunk before going into battle, immediately leave an empty bottle to fill in the Water Collector and free up a slot in your inventory. In extreme cases, if you get thirsty on a hike, you can hold out on berries. Similarly, with food, you can always get by with raw meat.

  • Check your mail every day (the coin icon to the left of crafting) - the developers send you Beans in Sauce and Water. And in the case where you die often, there may be a weapon.

Last Day on Earth: important to know:

  • At the time of writing, the online mode in the game has not yet been launched. All players who try to kill you upon meeting you are bots. You can't meet other players.

  • Three neighbors are all the same, but with different nicknames. One of them can make a good living.
  • Packages from the sky and crashed planes mostly appear when energy drops to 50 and below.
  • There is no code for the computer inside the bunker in the game yet, it will appear in the future with one of the updates.

  • A motorcycle (chopper), an all-terrain vehicle, a truck and a clan tower cannot yet be made - some parts for them are not yet in the game.
  • It’s also impossible to collect a lot of workbenches and weapons - the components necessary for them are located across the river, where you can’t get there without transport.
  • It is also impossible to repair things yet, therefore powerful weapon save for really dangerous locations.

  • Before leaving the beta and fully launching the game with an online mode, developers can partially reset the progress of the players. What exactly will disappear and what will remain is still unknown. You can learn about this and much more in the official VK community, where developers publish data on updates and upcoming changes.

Oh yes, if you kill the Thug — without a screenshot it doesn't count =)

In this guide, I will provide all the secrets in Last Day on Earth: Survival. Gradually, the article will be updated, if you know any secrets, then write about it in the comments.

Starting the game in Last Day on Earth: Survival

How to change your name

To change the name of the character in the equipment menu, you need to click on the blue icon above the indicators of hunger and thirst.

Bunker alpha

At the very beginning of the game, having made a backpack, go to the Alpha bunker. The corpse lying at the beginning of the location has a map to enter it, and in the bunker itself you can freely take useful equipment. Code from the bunker 07275 , 07256 or 77612 .

Saving energy when out and about

Save energy when returning from a field trip. It is most convenient to play in the mode: run to the place of the farm (extermination of opponents), have fun and fill the backpack, go home on foot - nothing will happen on the way, which means that the game can be turned off by doing other things.

Hunger and thirst

Don't let the character stand idle - he can simply die of hunger and thirst, which will not happen if the game is closed. In the inactive state, nothing happens.

How to level up fast in Last Day on Earth: Survival

For fast pumping, you need to kill enemies more than to extract resources. At the same time, in this case, your weapon will begin to break down quickly, which means that you will lose the resources necessary to make it. In any case, this issue will be discussed a little later in a separate article.

Building in Last Day on Earth: Survival

Building a dwelling

Do not try to shirk housing construction and crafting (creating items) in general - without this, you cannot survive in the game. If possible, place two campfires, two smelters and two garden beds - this will allow you to cook food twice as fast, process stones / scrap metal and grow carrots.


Be sure to make a radio and meet with the merchant more often, sometimes for next to nothing (boards, stones, metal) you can buy useful weapons from him.

Floor and walls

Improve the floor for specific workbenches and furniture - for some things you will need a floor of the second and third levels, and some buildings need bare ground at all (the floor is improved in build mode by clicking on the desired square and the up arrow, the icon with a cross - to remove ).

Walls are improved and demolished similarly to the floor. Strengthening them is only worth it if you plan to meet hordes of zombies.

Loot boxes

Place as many drawers in your home as you need to store all the items you don't know about, including smartphones, flashlights, flash drives, watches, and so on. Many items can only be used after reaching high levels.

The best way not to get lost in a lot of boxes is to place them near the production and store the appropriate items there (food is closer to the fire, iron is closer to the smelters, and ropes and skin are not far from the dryer).

How to defend against zombie hordes in Last Day on Earth: Survival

The zombie horde that advances on the base every day destroys only the walls, without touching anything else. However, if you leave the game 10-15 minutes before they appear, and return after another 10 minutes, only one wall will be demolished. It is worth meeting a zombie horde only with a large supply of bandages and weapons, although there is little point in messing with them. Benefit - only experience and modest loot (prey from the body of the slain).

When enclosing the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour dwelling with stakes, it is worth placing them in at least two rows, since they do not detain zombies, but only injure them.

The "crouch" button (lower right) allows you to become less visible to zombies and forest animals. In this mode, movement speed is reduced, but you can sneak up from behind and deal triple damage with one hit (damage depends on the weapon in your hand).

Lure zombies out of the crowd one by one. It is only necessary to slowly sneak up to the group until one of them, or even two, rushes in your direction - we run back, wait for them and bring them down.

Using tools as weapons

An ax with a pickaxe is not only tools, but also weapons - in difficult times they can be picked up and beat down the enemy much faster than with fists. Although you can arm yourself with them in peacetime, thereby freeing up a slot in your inventory for something more useful.

Checking equipment before a trip

Before leaving for battle, check the condition of the equipment. If its resource is close to the end, it will be very prudent to take a replacement with you. Of course, in green locations, you can hope for luck and undress someone along the way, but in orange or red, such a hope can cost you your entire supply of first-aid kits or your life.

Always keep food, bandages or a first aid kit ready - all this can be placed in the equipment slot under the backpack, then in research mode a special button for quickly using the selected item will appear above the attack button.

Shoes are often more useful than other items, as they significantly increase the speed of movement, allowing you to take your feet away from runners and other evil spirits.

In the locations of the red level, when entering, it is worth waiting - after some time, toxic zombies will come running to you. It is better to wait and kill them immediately at the entrance than later they will run into the battle with other ghouls.

After death, you can take things from your own corpse only if you died in your home location. Accordingly, in other zones, be always ready to lose everything forever.

Gathering resources in Last Day on Earth: Survival

After clearing the map, the routine collection of resources can be given to automatic mode (button at the bottom left). And in order not to recruit everything in a row, you can use the "split" button to fill all the free inventory slots with the necessary materials. Automation will only have to increase their number, without improvising with the assortment.

Do not abuse the throw away - when the backpack is full, you can hide something in the corpse of a dead zombie or wolf, picking it up as the inventory slots become free. For example, having unloaded, you can chop even more trees, and then return and change the ax that has become unnecessary for the logs hidden in the body of the dead log and take home at least 20 pieces more.

It is not necessary to recycle all resources at the first opportunity. It may turn out that something simple and in a ridiculous amount is missing for the necessary craft - it will be a shame to go to the collection for the sake of this.

How to find water in Last Day on Earth: Survival

Water in the game can either be found in bottles, or use a water collector. In the first case, you need to inspect chests in various locations. Especially a lot of water bottles in locations with a crashed plane.

To build a water collector, you will need 10 pine logs, three pieces of cloth and two scrap metal. Pine logs can be found lying around in the location or obtained using a wood ax. Pieces of fabric and scrap metal should also be looked for in locations, especially in bags in places with a crashed plane.

Preparing food and medicine

It is better to cook meat and carrots on a fire, but it is necessary to use berries wisely: when raw, they restore health better, and in the form of a decoction on a fire, they quench hunger and thirst.

It is better not to throw away empty bottles and cans, the former can be filled with water using the Water Collector at the base, and the latter are needed to create a spiked hammer, trip wires and some other items.

It is not necessary to constantly carry water with you - you can always get drunk before leaving for battle, immediately leave an empty bottle to fill in the Water Collector and free up a slot in your inventory. In extreme cases, if you get thirsty on a hike, you can hold out on berries. Similarly, with food, you can always get by with raw meat.

Check your mail every day (coin icon to the left of crafting) - the developers send you Beans in Sauce and Water. And in the case where you die often, there may be a weapon.

Other secrets in Last Day on Earth

  • At the time of writing, the online mode in the game has not yet been launched. All players who try to kill you upon meeting you are bots. You can't meet other players.
  • Three neighbors are all the same, but with different nicknames. One of them can make a good living.
  • Packages from the sky and crashed planes mostly appear when energy drops to 50 and below.
  • There is no code for the computer inside the bunker in the game yet, it will appear in the future with one of the updates.
  • A motorcycle (chopper), an all-terrain vehicle, a truck and a clan tower cannot yet be made - some parts for them are not yet in the game.
  • It is also impossible to assemble a lot of workbenches and weapons - the components necessary for them are located across the river, where you cannot get there without transport.
  • It is also impossible to repair things yet, so save powerful weapons for really dangerous locations.

Last Day on Earth: Survival on PC is a highly detailed zombie apocalypse simulator. The few survivors build reliable shelters, get transport and provisions, do everything to survive.

The game takes us ten years ahead, when an unknown virus has turned most of the population into the walking dead. Zombies infested the cities, and the few human survivors hastily took refuge in the forests and fortified camps. You have to try to survive in the new difficult conditions of the world that has changed beyond recognition.

Gameplay: walkthrough, features

At the very beginning of the game, your character has absolutely nothing: no weapons, no equipment. You will have to create all this yourself from everything that comes to hand. Fortunately, your hero will initially be in a location rich in the necessary resources.

Absolutely everyone around is a danger: zombies, wild animals, a stranger who decided to profit from your supplies.

The possibility of alliances and betrayals adds a special realism. Surviving in a group is, of course, easier, so you can create your own or join an already formed one. But that doesn't mean you're safe now. Any ally can attack you at any moment simply because he liked one of your things. However, you can also attack any character for the same reason. It is also possible to unite in a group in order to capture someone else's base.

There is one rare virtue in this game that evens all players and contributes to the feeling of a real apocalypse: there is absolutely no currency in it. Nothing can be bought, only found or made. That is why it is recommended to collect absolutely everything that you come across on the way. It is not known what may be useful to you or your friends. Show your imagination: from the selected trash you can certainly collect something incredibly important and useful.

Playing Last Day on Earth: Survival on the computer, you will be able to visit a wide variety of locations: abandoned houses and military bases, long-empty streets and completely wild forests. Try to carefully explore every corner. Everything you need can usually be found where you least expect it.

How to install Last Day on Earth: Survival on a computer

It is most convenient to install the Last Day on Earth: Survival game on a PC using an android device emulator, for example,. You can sign in to this application using your Google account. In the search bar, you must enter the name of the game, then select the desired application and open its page. Click on the "Install" button, then in the new window that opens - on the "Accept" button. After the installation is complete, it is advisable to restart BlueStacks.

Minimum system requirements

This game is completely unpretentious in terms of computer requirements. Windows 7, 8.1 or 10 will be enough and only 600 MB of free hard disk space. RAM preferably from 2 GB.

How to control the game on PC

You can completely customize the controls for yourself. It is enough to enter the BlueStacks settings and set the correspondence of commands and keys in such a way that it is convenient for you to work with them.

Last Day on Earth: Survival on Google Play

Last Day on Earth: Survival for iOS

  • : First Person Zombie Shooter Game. Classic zombie apocalypse. The resurrected dead take over the world and a few of the people, those who escaped death, organize a semblance of a movement for freedom, destroying all the zombies they meet.
  • . This is probably the most unusual version of the zombie game. Aliens arrived on our planet, but instead of capturing it, they opened a store selling an unusual drink. The most notable thing about this drink is that its main ingredient is zombies. The gamer will have to work as a supplier of rare goods for alien entrepreneurs. To do this, the player will have to become a real zombie hunter, look for the walking dead, organize traps and send "raw materials" to a special laboratory, where all juices will literally be squeezed out of the "extracted resource".
  • Into the Dead. In the center of the plot is the hero's attempt to escape from bloodthirsty zombies, which people turned into after they were infected with an unknown and dangerous virus.

Conclusions: is it worth installing the game

Extensive maps, numerous and varied enemies, endless crafting opportunities, sophisticated graphics and a full-fledged post-apocalyptic imitation - all this makes the game truly exciting and interesting. Here you have to think through every step and every action. Your survival may depend on a lost trinket, on a bad decision and an underestimated danger from an enemy, or on an overestimated faith in an ally. In a world immersed in chaos, betrayal becomes the norm. Probably, you yourself will become a true product of the apocalypse!

One has only to download Last Day on Earth: Survival to your computer, and you will find out if you can survive in the conditions of the apocalypse, without money, shelter and true friends, relying only on your own cunning and the ability to create everything you need with your own hands.

Different games