MMO games that died. TOP deaths from gaming (1 photo) Heart attack after a week-long gaming binge

What is the average lifespan of most modern client mmorpg games for PC? If we take only the official years of life of multi-user projects, then they are, as a rule, 3-5 years. Many MMORPG games for PC, however, die earlier for one reason or another. Although the disappearance of official servers cannot be considered the date of death and oblivion of the online game.

After all, fans, admirers of client multiplayer games often continue what they started - they create their own private servers based on stolen or officially released codes, they adapt and expand the game world. It turns out that online games for PC are sometimes no worse than those from official publishers. An example of this or .

The superhero theme 15 years ago was not as fashionable as it is today, when in Hollywood every second blockbuster is dedicated to heroes with superpowers who either save or destroy the world. Fans of this Online Games The publishing company NCsoft is blamed for the death of the game. Immediately after his death in 2012, attempts began to revive the project in a new guise. It was first called The Phoenix Project, then City of Titans.

On Kickstarter, the creators of the Phoenix Project even raised a significant amount of $678,189 (twice the required amount). But the spiritual heir never appeared. People are demanding a refund, but the developers remain silent. From all this we can conclude that the funds were not spent on the game and no spiritual successors, remakes and the like should be expected.

Minions of Mirth
Lifespan: December 2005 – September 2017
Publisher: Prairie Games

The creators of the fantasy mmo game, Prairie Games studio, lured players with all sorts of goodies such as 3 factions, 12 races, 16 gaming classes, subclass system, single and multiplayer campaigns, crafting system. But the joy did not last long. The project died 12 years after its start. The game’s website seems to be still opening, but there hasn’t been anything new there for a long time. For an indie project, Minions of Mirth, however, lived a surprisingly long time.

Club Penguin
Lifespan: October 2005 – March 2017
Publisher: New Horizon Interactive

The cartoon MMO game for children was a set of mini-games. The online gaming project lasted until the spring of 2017, and then was closed. The official reason is the release of a new mobile game called Club Penguin Island from the Canadian division, all is well famous company Disney. Original game continued her life on private servers - consider them pirated.

The Matrix Online
Lifespan: 2005 - August 2009
Publisher: Monolith Productions

A cult film by some estimates did not lead to the emergence of a cult mmo games. Slo-mo mode and fist fights in the game are not for everyone. As a result, 4 years after the start game servers were disabled.

Dark and Light
Lifespan: June 2006 - 2008
Publisher: Snail Games

Another fantasy MMO for PC - Dark and Light— was too buggy and the visual component was not liked by the players. As a result, the mmo project died very quickly. However, the rights to Dark and Light were fully purchased by Snail Games. In 2017, she released another game with the same name. The result is a multiplayer survival game. The game is still in Steam Early Access. But it has the same troubles - bugs, interface flaws, graphics, and the lack of full localization.

The online client game in a fantasy-space setting was dying gradually. In 2010, European and American servers. The game played around for a couple of years in its native Japan, but interest in it disappeared there too. Availability of multi-user and single modes didn't help the game. IGN video about the console version of the game.

Action online action strategy Dynasty Warriors Online takes place in Ancient China. And the theme seems to be quite interesting - exoticism, mysticism, the Time of the Three Kingdoms, the struggle for power. But no. The game didn't survive. It came to the Western world in 2010, and four years later the European and American servers were closed.

Fantasy Earth Zero
Lifespan: 2006/2010 – 2011
Publisher: Fenix ​​Soft

There is no point in talking about the final death of this online project. In Japan it still exists and is still played. However, the American servers of mmorpg Fantasy Earth Zero lasted only a year. At that time, Americans were not inspired by anime girls fighting in pvp. Today, when Hollywood began to actively film anime series - similar games, perhaps they would have fired...

Attempt classic quest with his puzzles, logical problems and brain-bending quests (that’s exactly what Myst was - a three-dimensional quest) turned into an MMO game for PC was unsuccessful. The game lasted only a year and closed in 2008. Later, however, Cyan Worlds released the server code for the project - so the Myst Online game continues to live on private servers among online fans...

Pirates of the Caribbean Online
Lifespan: October 2007 – September 2013
Publisher: Disney Interactive Studios

Another attempt to create a client-side MMO game based on the film. Like The Matrix (see above), it was a failure. The name of such a large studio as Disney did not affect the popularity of the game in any way. Meanwhile, this is one of the first multi-user projects where you could pirate at sea...

Starquest Online
Lifespan: 2007-2014
Publisher: NeXeon Tech.

The online game Starquest Online was ruined by ugly graphics, but it could have become what it is trying to become today Star Citizen. In this multiplayer project, the gameplay revolves around space. Each player gets a ship at his disposal, hires a crew and goes about his business to the stars...

Richard Garriott had a hand in creating this online client game for PC. The result is a mixture role playing game and a shooter. Humanity is fighting aliens. Some of the game's ideas, such as character development, cloning, and the development of a player rank/title system, looked quite interesting. However, conflicts both within the studio itself and with the publisher led to the quick closure of the game. Meanwhile, the visual component of the project is quite interesting...

Vanguard: Saga of Heroes
Lifespan: January 2007 – July 2014
Publisher: Sony Online

The fantasy mmo project for PC was first distributed by subscription, but since 2012 it has moved to f2p rails. But this didn’t help him either. Boundless freedom of movement across a seamless, seamless world seemed like an innovative idea at the time. Developers and publishers should not rush to release, but wait some more time and complete the content, eliminate bugs, but, alas. Vanguard started off poorly - the game client kept crashing. This caused nothing but irritation. It took about two years to complete the finishing touches, but in the end the game was transformed. Although even in this version it did not last long.

Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning
Lifespan: September 2008 – 2013
Publisher: EA

The Warhammer universe isn't having much luck. There are many games based on the rules of this universe. But they are all kind of... boring, or something. The online project Warhammer Online for PC is no exception. Game world Warhammer is very unusual - there is magic, and fairy-tale creatures (goblins, elves), and mechanisms. The plot of all games, including this one, revolves around endless war. Warhammer Online featured a lot of PvP and RVR, but this feature of the game didn't seem to go over well with players. Well, or buy EA loot boxes at large quantities the players didn't want...

The cartoon fantasy online game Free Realms was based on a mixed monetization model. You could level up to level 20 for free, and then you had to either say goodbye to the game or pay... Apparently, not everyone agreed with this approach, and as a result, the “population” of players decreased until the costs of maintaining servers turned out to be higher than the profits from donations .

Battlestar Galactica Online
Lifespan: February 2011 – February 2019
Publisher: Bogpoint Games.

The free browser game Battlestar Galactica Online (and it is also worthy of mention, although it is not a PC online client game) was based on the television series " Star Cruiser Galaxy". The project was created in Unity and for the browser lasted quite a long time. With the help of Game of Thrones, players' interest in science fiction seems to have declined - instead spaceships The Middle Ages, dragons, magic and sword fighting came into fashion. As a result, the mmo project Battlestar Galactica Online closed in February 2019.

Another cartoon children's MMO game. Its action took place in the fairy-tale universe of Hello Kitty. That is, in the virtual states of the Land of Melodies, the Federation of Ho and the Kingdom of Kitty. The toy is two-dimensional and allows you to play with three characters at the same time. Like other children's mmo games, Hello Kitty Online has a lot of mini-games.

The online client game Mythos was interesting because it was, in fact, the first attempt to make Diablo truly multiplayer. That is, isometrics were used, a similar interface, large cards, unique dungeons. Former Blizzard employees worked on the project. The rights were later transferred to the Korean studio HanbitSoft. The release was planned everywhere, including Russia. All these plans were not destined to come true. The game didn't last long, just over a year. During this time they didn’t really have time to debug it...

The online game for PC was a sequel to Darkfall. The project was positioned as a pvp game. It requires you to create your own clans or join existing ones in order to fight with others in a fantasy universe. Darkfall Unholy Wars was even released in early access on Steam, but has stopped updating since May 2016. In 2017-2018, there were rumors (with a link to Reddit) about the revival of the project, but they seem to have remained rumors.

An attempt to create a pretentious isometric hack-n-slash based on Marvel comics also failed. But not because of failures in graphics or gameplay. It's just that the publisher of this online game, Gazillion, lost the license to Marvel. As a result, the game developers were fired without severance pay or vacation pay.

A multiplayer team-based online computer game, Firefall is a first- or third-person shooter game for PC. The plot of the client Firefall is fantastic. An asteroid breaks up in Earth's orbit, and a fiery rain begins, which almost completely destroys human civilization. The survivors discover a foreign mineral and make a technological leap. And they set off to look for those responsible for the troubles of the blue planet. The reasons for the closure of the Firefall game are again financial...

Wildstar is an interesting hybrid of fantasy and sci-fi games. It takes place on the planet Nexus, where ancient civilization Eldan left behind many valuable artifacts and technologies. All this wealth needs to be explored. Many people liked this client PC game, but due to the hardcore gameplay, Carbine Studios was unable to recruit a sufficient number of players. As a result, the project is closed.

MMORPG game for PC was announced in 2010, but was first shown to a wide audience only in August 2013. This date can perhaps be considered a release date. The story of the game continues to tell about the world of Norrath, presented in previous parts of EverQuest. One of the innovative features of EverQuest Next was the refusal to develop characters by levels.

The project's problems began when development slowed down. The developers promised new features, in particular crafting, but did not have time to implement them. Ultimately, development was canceled and the game servers shut down.

The client PC game appeared simultaneously with Everquest Next. And it included everything that was never adequately implemented in the first game. The genre is an MMO sandbox with graphics that are more advanced than Minecraft cubes.

The first name of the project was even EverQuest Next Landmark, but then the game was simplified, cleared of all unnecessary things and presented to a wide audience. She didn't like it again. As a result, the project didn’t even last a year.

Chronicles of Spellborn
Years of life: November 2008 - August 2010
Publisher: Acclaim Games

The last project on the list is a post-apocalyptic fantasy that has been around for less than two years. Nevertheless, by the forces of online fans mmorpg game for PC, it looks like it will continue to exist. They took the code latest version games The Chronicles of Spellborn, fixed a bunch of bugs, added and returned content, and promised to make better Chronicles than the official developers.

At the beginning of May 2019, a fan site for the Spellborn project even appeared. The site published a cool music announcement with gameplay clips.

A story about client MMO games for PC that have died would not be complete without mentioning a couple of domestic projects that are unlikely to survive to release.

The first is the multiplayer action project Project Genom, which showed great promise a couple of years ago. They began to remake and improve the game, but the developers ran out of funds and there was nothing to keep the servers running and pay the developers’ salaries.

Will save Project Genome unless it's a miracle - big win into the lottery, a treasure worth a couple of million dollars, or a rich investor who needs to be unfastened a large amount- as simple as driving away an annoying mosquito in the summer.

The last post from the developers is dated November 2018. She's like this:

It's time for accurate news about the project.
As you know, the project has not received any visible updates in recent months, and there are serious reasons for this - after the game was restarted in May 2018, many users encountered problems technical problems(again), which we were unable to resolve promptly. We looked for many ways to solve them and found one that, it seems to us, fully satisfies our needs - this is a technology from Improbable called SpatialOS.

The second stillborn project is the survival mmo Steam Hammer. A few years ago, a blog appeared about the project. The developers beautifully described how cool game they did. Then, however, slight doubts arose about its success. A couple of years later they were confirmed.

The most latest news about Steam Hammer dated January 9, 2019 looks like the screenshot below:

Enthusiasts on Steam are trying to extract the game code and server code from the developers in order to complete the project themselves. But that will be a different game.

That's all!

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Almost all people are addicted to video games to one degree or another, but some take it to the extreme. If pathological gamers stop, it is only to eat, sleep and go to the toilet. The crazy computer geeks on our list were so obsessed with collecting items, reaching new levels and destroying bosses that they ended up paying with their lives, hypnotized and glued to the screen.

For these gaming madmen, their hobby has taken precedence over basic human needs: quenching thirst, emptying their bladder, and going for a walk. fresh air. Many doctors recommend stepping away from the screen at least once an hour, and some - every 20 minutes. Each person has his own computer habits that he does not want to change, but certain people should still do it.

An alarming number of gaming deaths occur in internet cafes. This may be because these establishments don't have parents or spouses to steer gamers away from their consoles. Therefore, perhaps, Internet cafes should act more strictly in relation to pathological gamblers - turn off computers every 20 minutes. These tragic deaths could have easily been avoided if gamers had paid more attention to their health. real life more attention than in a virtual one. For the people below it is literally GAME OVER.

15. Death after a 3-day gaming marathon

At an Internet cafe in Taiwan, known as a haven for online players, neither the staff nor the gamers even noticed that a person died in their presence. The 32-year-old man regularly visited this establishment in Kaohsiung. When he came to the cafe, he could play for several days and often dozed during gaming sessions. So when his heart stopped and he died in 2015, it took hours for staff to realize it.

After a gambling binge that lasted 3 days, the 32-year-old man’s heart finally gave up, and employees found him after a long time, lying in a chair. The police claimed that he was numb. This means that a lot of time has passed since death. Disgusting!

14. Binge gaming on XBOX caused a blood clot.

20-year-old Chris Staniforth from the United Kingdom spent 12 hours a day playing XBOX. He did not see this as a cause for concern, because this was his hobby and his main passion in life. The guy entered the University of Leicester for a game design program. However, a sedentary lifestyle took its toll, and the young student died later from a pulmonary embolism caused by a blood clot.

The boy’s father, David Staniforth, recalls his son’s behavior the night before his death: “He was probably on the computer all night.” Chris apparently felt chest pain during game night, but didn’t attach any importance to it. The next day, the guy was walking with a friend and suddenly lost consciousness. Chris's untimely death shows that it is not only older people who are at risk of dying from a blood clot due to an inactive lifestyle.

13. A couple of gambling addicts doomed a child to death

To be precise, the child did not die while playing on the computer, but her parents' unhealthy obsession is responsible for the death of the three-month-old girl. Completely careless married couple from South Korea, while playing games, left her daughter Sarang (which means love in Korean) hungry. Grief parents left the child for 6-12 hours, going to an Internet cafe and immersing themselves in virtual world.

What's striking about this horror story is the irony of the game the couple is obsessed with. Instead of caring for their real child, they became addicted to MMOs Prius, which allowed players to raise children and meet their needs. Putting a virtual child first instead of your own is the wildest absurdity we have ever heard of. Their only “achievement” is being the worst parents of the decade!

12. 50 hours of non-stop play

On the eve of his death, passionate online player Sangseob Lee was unable to best time. Within a month and a half, he was fired from his job and his girlfriend left him. Some people with addictions in this situation would find solace in a bottle or drugs. Lee fell into the biggest vice of his life - MMOs. He used to frequent the local internet cafe for long gaming sessions, but after a streak of bad luck, he plunged too deep into the abyss.

Lee wanted to relieve his sadness by playing 50 hours of epic strategy Starcraft. Unfortunately, instead of having fun, it resulted in cardiac arrest and death in the hospital. Lee's friend said he knew how bad his addiction was. Perhaps his loved ones should have intervened in the situation.

11. Died after a 24-hour charity gaming marathon

One recent game-playing death that made the news was that of Virginia's Brian Vigneault. In February this year, the father of three took part in a 24-hour charity gaming marathon. He played the popular MMO World of Warcraft to earn money for the Make a Wish foundation. But, unfortunately, he failed.

Brian's friend, who was with him during the live charity gaming stream, noticed that he looked exhausted during the marathon and even fell asleep at one point. At 22 o'clock, Vigneault left the computer to smoke, but lost consciousness and died. Brian tried to maintain his alertness with the help of energy drinks. Of course, this was all done with good intentions, but there are safer ways to give to charity.

10. Died after 40 hours of playing Diablo 3

After 12 years since the release of the second part of the hugely popular franchise Diablo the long-awaited sequel has appeared. When the final release of the third game in the series took place, Chong from Taiwan wasted no time in going to an Internet cafe to participate in a 40-hour session.

During the entire time, the 18-year-old did not eat or drink anything (and apparently did not go to the toilet). He started playing new Diablo on Friday and after a full 40 hours finished on Saturday morning. After leaving the Internet cafe, Chong lost consciousness. An 18-year-old boy's life was cut short because... he couldn't get enough of the long-awaited sequel.

9. Seizures and subsequent suicide

This tragic case of compulsive online gaming shows how addictive the virtual world can be. Sean Woolley's life in Wisconsin spiraled out of control when he became addicted to gambling. EverQuest(“Ongoing Quest”), based on magic and sword fighting. Fully in accordance with the name of the MMORPG, the man endlessly completed missions and completed tasks. He ended up losing his job, getting evicted from his apartment, and buying a gun that no one knew about.

One day, Sean started having seizures after spending a long time at the computer. His mother sent him to group therapy for people with addictions. However, Sean quickly abandoned treatment and continued to ruin his life by playing computer games. The last straw was the refusal Sean received from one of the characters. His mother found his body lying on the keyboard with a suicide letter among notes about the game EverQuest.

8. Died after trying to get “pro status”

Online gaming in last years has become so widespread that in some circles it is considered a serious, competitive sport. There was a time when the word “multiplayer” meant two-player games with your friends. Now you can play against countless players from all over the world. Along with the advent of the MMO generation, a craze for this topic has arisen (perhaps video games will soon become an Olympic sport)

League of Legends This MMO, which many gamers view as a “professional sport,” cost one man his life. A fan named Chen Rong-Yu spent 23 hours non-stop playing the game in an attempt to gain “pro status.” Unfortunately, his heart did not share the enthusiasm and stopped, which is why he died.

7. Heart attacks after playing Atari

The first deaths due to pathological gaming occurred with Jeff Daly and Peter Burkowski, who died while doing their favorite activity - achieving the highest possible score in a game. Berzerk(“Mad”) on the Atari console. The name of a popular arcade game from the 80s. corresponds to the situation, because there was nothing adequate in the actions of the two gamers.

Both young men died of sudden cardiac arrest after playing for a long time while trying to beat their records. In 1981, 19-year-old Jeff Daly died while perfecting his results, spending hours and money on it. slot machine Berzerk. Burkowski died the following year after spending n months improving his ratings at a local gaming club. Since the guys were obsessed with glasses, they would have been amazed to know that they had made gaming history.

6. 27 consecutive days of play

Almost month constant game? We were surprised this guy didn't die sooner. A 33-year-old man from Beijing's Chaoyang District died of cardiac arrest and malnutrition after an incredible gaming binge of 27 days (650 hours)! By the way, the moon had almost completed its revolution around its axis by the time this guy was leveling up and killing bosses at the computer.

5. Suicide of a 13-year-old due to World of Warcraft

The second suicide on our list was committed by 13-year-old Chinese Xiao Yi, who was so immersed in the universe that he wanted to become a part of it. According to the boy's parents, he was an exemplary child and studied very well at school before his addiction to WoW took over. Xiao started staying at internet cafes overnight to play World of Warcraft. This led to his virtual friends becoming his real family.

When Xiao's parents eventually found her in an internet cafe, the teenager went several days without food and was unable to control himself. The boy, feeling cornered by his obsession, announced that he was giving his life in the hope of meeting his virtual friends in the next world. It's just disgusting that an obsession with a game drove a teenager to suicide!

4. Heart attack after a week-long gaming binge

During a national holiday in China, a 26-year-old man knew exactly what he would do during the week's time off, hard-won from work - take part in a gaming marathon, of course! This may not be the most popular way of spending time among people. It's one thing to drink a couple of beers before a day's game, but another to literally sit through a gaming session for an entire week.

As with any type of marathon, you must be prepared in mind and body. If 26-year-old Tsang was fine with the first, then there were problems with the second. Having gained 150 kilograms, the guy was not in the best physical shape, which most likely contributed to the player’s death from a heart attack after a week of unbridled gaming. Perhaps people like Tsang don’t need to give up their hobby, but it’s worth starting another one that would improve the functioning of the circulatory system.

3. Ironic death after an enthusiastic Wii fitness marathon

Unlike most gamers on our list, this player did not lead a sedentary lifestyle. Not even close! Scout leader Tim Eves, 25, obsessively followed a Wii fitness program to improve his fitness. Unfortunately, getting in shape resulted in excessive and overly intense exercise when quick game or yoga in the park would be quite enough.

Apparently, Tim was doing yoga using a Wii fitness program when he suddenly fell to the floor and died. Given his young age and no prior health problems, Mr. Eves' death appears to have been related to a rare heart condition. This shows the dangers of trying to improve your fitness by playing addictive games instead of going for a run. real world. Therefore, you should think twice before engaging in Wii fitness programs.

2. Brain death and life support after playing XBOX

It seems incredible that a game could cause such a violent reaction in anyone, but that's exactly what happened to 13-year-old Anna-Lee Kehoe. The girl was asthmatic and an avid gamer. Her obsession with playing XBOX may have distracted her from symptoms that couldn't be ignored. One day, when the girl was playing XBOX with her friends, she suddenly felt that she could not breathe.

Instead of an asthma attack, Anna-Lee suffered a full-blown heart attack, so severe that she was brain dead and left on life support. Devastated by what happened to their little girl, her parents made the heartbreaking decision to disconnect her from the machine. At 13 years old, Anna-Lee became one of the youngest to die from video games.

1. Another death due to the Nintendo Wii

Although this woman's death was not directly caused by gaming, the unhealthy obsession with gaming game consoles killed her. She could have pushed her body to the limit by playing a Wii fitness program, but the girl pushed her bladder to the limit (and not by ignoring the urge to urinate in search of a checkpoint).

28-year-old Jennifer Strange from California took part in the “Don't pee-pee and get a Wii” competition on one of the radio stations. The girl was so determined to get the long-awaited console that she drank seven and a half liters of water and refused to go to the toilet in the hope of becoming a winner. Unfortunately, she died from water intoxication. We hope the radio station staff responsible for the stupid competition are proud of themselves.

In Bashkiria, the death of a teenager who died while playing a computer game is being investigated. The student spent several weeks in a row at home in front of a computer monitor with short breaks for sleep and food. After one of the gaming sessions, the parents found the teenager unconscious.

In one of the Bashkir villages there is a new grave in the cemetery. Rustam Abdulzalimov, a student at a local school, is buried there.

On September 1, he was supposed to go to 11th grade. Unexpected death. In the morning, his younger brother called him to breakfast. Rustam, as always, sat at the computer all night long. Looking up from the monitor, he lost consciousness. The arriving doctors were no longer able to help. According to preliminary data, the cause of death was a blood clot that stopped the circulatory system.

Due to a leg injury, Rustam had been sitting at the computer for the last 22 days and played, played, played. Rustam played around the clock, interrupting only for a short nap.

“He could play games. But he didn’t have an addiction. He had an addiction to sports,” notes Rustam’s father Ilfat Abdulzalilov.

The teenager was supposed to appear at the doctor's appointment, but it was precisely because of the game that he had no time. The parents did not pay attention to what was happening; in their opinion, everything was in order. And investigators emphasize: the family is characterized as positive.

“Investigators have established that since 2014, he has lost a total of computer games about 2 thousand hours,” notes Svetlana Abramova, senior assistant to the head of the Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee for the Republic of Bashkortostan.

The tragedy in the Bashkir village is, of course, a tragic coincidence of circumstances, but still a reflection of certain trends. Experts think so.

IN modern world There is a computer and the Internet in almost every home, and with the capabilities of modern phones, it turns out that many have it right in their pocket. The problem is growing exponentially, which has caused the emergence of a new group of specialists among psychotherapists who deal specifically with this issue.

The medical center helps in just such cases. Those who have a pronounced gaming and Internet addiction come here. But more often - their parents.

Save my child from computer addiction—psychotherapists are increasingly encountering such requests at appointments. The recommendations are simple: try to come to an agreement with your child, motivate him to get distracted from the monitor, try to show him that, in addition to the computer reality, there is another reality around him - the real one.

"This is arrested development. Arrested mental development, delayed emotional development, when emotions, sensuality and social contacts do not develop. And, accordingly, such teenagers, after finishing school, do not adapt to society. They cannot work, make arrangements with friends, or start a family. And it’s absolutely surprising: healthy-looking teenagers are essentially disabled,” notes the negative consequences gaming addiction Professor, Head of the Department of Psychotherapy at Moscow Medical University Vladimir Malygin.

If you simply cut the wires at home, it will be impossible to achieve anything on his part other than distrust of his parents. Internet celebrity Sashko the gamer is a prime example of this.

- Go away, you fool! May you die,” the boy reacts to the suggestion to look away from the computer screen.

What happened in Bashkiria is far away. In January 2015, a 32-year-old man died in a Taiwanese internet cafe, and in February 2011, a 30-year-old unemployed man died of exhaustion in Beijing. He played on the computer continuously for 27 days.

Dota is the name of the game, which is also the case with Rustam Abdulzalimov. As they say, hundreds of thousands of people, if not millions, are hooked on it all over the world. That's why it's a game - it gives you the opportunity to revive your hero. In real life, there may not be such a button on the keyboard.

For most people, video games are nothing more than in a simple way escape from external problems - relax, experience some new emotions, temporarily plunge into life, where the most incredible things can happen, etc. However, there are also people for whom video games provoke the awakening of inner demons.

As a result, people like these, who don't deserve to be called gamers, do the most terrible things, as a result of which many organizations blame video games, which supposedly served as the main causative agent of the "slip." In this article we would like to talk about the most striking, or rather famous cases in which the word murder and video games appear.

13-year-old boy killed his grandmother due to lack of money for online games

In 2007, a 13-year-old Vietnamese boy named Dinh Dan killed an 81-year-old woman because he lacked the brains and money to play online games. The teenager strangled his grandmother with a rope, and then buried her body in front of the house in a pile of sand. Because he was a minor, Vietnamese police placed him in a special re-education camp.

A guy from Korea died because of the game StarCraft

In 2005, a guy from Korea named Lee died due to playing the game for too long, wanting to improve his skills in the game. According to authorities, death was due to heart failure caused by exhaustion while playing StarCraft. In fact, the guy’s heart simply stopped when he improved his skill for dozens of hours in a row.

Sandy Hook shooting

In 2012, a twenty-year-old boy named Adam Lanza committed a horrific murder at a school called Sandy Hook, located in the town of Newtown. He took the lives of 27 people, after which he committed suicide. It is noteworthy that this person spent most of his time in his bedroom playing violent video games.

Murder over a sold sword in The Legend of Mir 3

The incident occurred in China when a guy named Qiu Chengwei lent his friend Zhu Caoyuan a rare dragon sword Saber from the fantasy multiplayer RPG. After this, a friend sold an in-game item for $675, which was the reason for the murder. Chengwei stabbed his friend to death, after which he was arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment.

Suicide after playing World of Warcraft

Xiao Yi was 13 when he jumped from a 24-story building to his death. Before he died, he left a note for his parents, which talked about his character from and his desire to meet in the afterlife with characters from the game. According to his parents, when they asked him about his addiction, he replied that he could no longer control himself and was completely absorbed in the game.

Father killed his 17-month-old daughter

While 27-year-old Tyrone Spellman spent long hours playing Xbox consoles, his 17-month-old daughter accidentally pulled the wire, causing the device to fall and break. Tyrone was so enraged by the incident that he began beating his daughter, resulting in her skull being fractured. After the autopsy, it became known that Tyrone had beaten the child before this incident.

Killed his mother because she wouldn't let him play Halo 3

The incident occurred with a 17-year-old boy named Daniel Petric. When his parents took the game away from him, he became so enraged that he took a 9mm pistol from the safe and went into his parents' room. Daniel asked them to close their eyes, saying that he had a surprise. After that, the guy shot his parents in the head. It is worth noting that the father was able to survive, but the mother died instantly.

Killing policemen and stealing a car after playing GTA

A guy named Devin Moore who is a fan of the game series Grand Theft Auto, killed three people - two police officers and one dispatcher. He did this when the police detained him on suspicion of car theft. Devin managed to take the gun from one policeman, after which he began shooting. When the guy was finally detained, she said, “life is like video games. Someday you must die."

Loves to play and kill

Jared Lee Loughner, who attempted to kill US Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in a shooting that left six people dead in 2011, was an avid gamer who enjoyed violent action video games.

Schoolgirls tried to kill their friend in the name of Slenderman

Two 12-year-old schoolgirls, Morgan Geyser and Anissa Weier, tried to kill their classmate Payton Leutner by stabbing her nineteen times. As a result, the girl managed to survive by calling a passing motorcyclist for help.

Schoolgirls who tried to kill their classmate believed that if they made a sacrifice, they would be able to summon Slender Man, the main antagonist from horror. It is noteworthy that both girls were acquitted in court, declaring their insanity.

Killed classmates thinking they were characters from Doom

Evan Ramsey, a fan of the game, used a shotgun to shoot his classmates and the school principal, after which he declared: “I didn’t understand that I took out a weapon and shot at living people... game Doom you have to shoot your opponent eight or nine times for him to die.".

Breivik prepared for mass murder in Call of Duty

Terrorist Anders Breivik, who carried out a terrorist attack in the city of Oslo (Norway) in 2011, killing 77 people, turns out to have been preparing for a mass murder by playing cruel games. In particular, Breivik loved to play one of the parts of the Call of Duty shooter series.

Killed seven people including himself

Elliot Rodger killed seven people, both men and women. After killing people, Elliot committed suicide. It is noted that the guy loved violent video games, and also constantly played World Of Warcraft, where he spent almost all his time.

1. Counter-Strike
A 22-year-old Thai man died while playing Counter-Strike. After finishing his shift at the factory, he headed to the Internet club, and in order not to look away from the computer once again, he bought provisions along the way. Friends discovered him in critical condition only the next day. The young man was taken to the hospital, but it was too late and he died without regaining consciousness. The cause of death was heart failure - the gamer simply became worried while playing.

2. Two Dnepropetrovsk teenagers came to visit a friend and killed him. A mother who returned home in the evening discovered the body of her fourteen-year-old son with traces of knife wounds and blows to the head with hammers. The teenagers did not stop at murder: money and gold jewelry disappeared from the apartment. After their arrest, the criminals admitted that they had stolen money and valuables to pay for computer time in clubs.

3. The body of a twenty-four-year-old gamer was found in the toilet of one of the South Korean computer clubs. The reason is exhaustion and overwork of the body. Judging by the records of the club owners, the young man spent more than 86 hours playing the toy, without being distracted by eating or sleeping.

4. In Yekaterinburg, a 12-year-old schoolboy died from a massive stroke after spending 12 hours straight at the computer in one of the local gaming clubs. With the start of school holidays, the boy practically “moved” to the computer club and spent 10-12 hours a day in virtual battles. Doctors at Children's City Hospital No. 9, where the boy was taken, say that every week they receive at least one teenager who is addicted to computer games. Now in Russia, according to research, up to 80% of schoolchildren aged 12-13 years suffer from computer addiction.

5. A 38-year-old man spent 10 days in a row in an Internet cafe in Incheon, west of Seoul. He was at the computer from morning to night without adequate rest, interrupting only to sleep, and on the 10th day he lost consciousness. According to a police officer, the man died on arrival at the hospital, the cause of death being exhaustion: In August of the same year, a 28-year-old man died in the city of Daegu in southeastern Korea after two days of continuous gaming.

6. A 27-year-old man died in Beijing after sitting at the computer for too long. As doctors determined, the cause of death was severe fatigue. My computer is the best public. Being a regular visitor to one of the capital's Internet cafes, he spent more than 10 hours at the computer without a break. It was established that the deceased spent considerable time in the bar, mainly playing computer games. At the same time, he was practically not distracted by anything else and did not take breaks. Previously, the young man was nothing

7. Diablo III
An eighteen-year-old Taiwanese man died after playing Diablo III for forty hours, The Australian reports. This happened on Sunday, July 15, in the city of Tainan in the southwest of the island.

8. On July 13, the young man booked a room in a gaming cafe and spent almost two days playing there (and did not eat anything). On the morning of July 15, he was found sleeping on the table. After the young man was woken up, he stood up, took a few steps and fell. Death was confirmed at a local hospital, where the gamer was taken. The cause of death is still unknown, but the media suggest that it could have been problems with the cardiovascular system caused by the young man sitting in one place for too long.

9. Death by World of Warcraft
This happened to a 13 year old boy who was pushed to his death. World game of Warcraft. His parents took the game from him, after which he left a note: “I am leaving to join the heroes of Azeroth.” And he committed suicide. The cause of death has not been officially confirmed, but we all know it. They are now specifically training people on how to deal with survivors of gambling-related suicide (more than 1,000 cases per month!).

10. Death by Starcraft games.
The death of a Korean man who died of cardiac arrest after playing Starcraft for 70 hours straight - that's almost three days! This man went to a 24/7 internet cafe (very popular in Korea). By the way, did you know that Korea is considered the capital of the Starcraft game? He started playing Starcraft non-stop, with short breaks to sleep and eat. After 2 days, his friend started to worry because the man lost his job because of playing Starcraft, but he ignored him. About the third day, a cafe worker found him fainting. He was taken to the hospital, but died on the way from cardiac arrest and lack of nutrition.

11. Death from the game Everquest.
A man named Hudson Wooley lost everything by playing the hugely popular game Everquest for several hours a day. Vulya had difficulties that led to depression. And although the family blamed Everquest for committing suicide, others believe that it was simply an escape from reality instead of drinking alcohol. After he lost his job and began to ignore his friends and family, they began to worry about his condition. After some time, Wooly shot himself, but not because of problems with the game Everquest. His suicide was an escape from reality, just like many others immersed themselves in games such as Everquest, Warhammer, World of Warcraft and so on.

Different games