Passage of the quest ancient knowledge in Skyrim. Passing the quest ancient knowledge in Skyrim What item is needed to activate the Dwemer mechanism

Dwemer Mechanisms and ruins are the only thing left of a vanished civilization in the world of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Periodically, glimpses of working systems appear in one corner, then in another. And, as a rule, underground. What these devices are and what they were created for will be discussed in the article.

About the Dwemer

Very little is known about this race. Their name translates as “Clever Elf” or “Deep Elf”. The greatest mystery of this civilization lies in their own disappearance. Not a single body of a representative of the Dwemer people was found: only ruins with mechanisms that work many centuries later, inhabited by automatons guarding treasures. The most commonly seen Dwemer mechanisms in Skyrim are spiders, spheres and centurions.


Small arachnid creatures are found in the ruins as guards and maintenance personnel for Dwemer mechanisms. There are three types of spiders in Skyrim:

  • ordinary;
  • worker;
  • guardian spider.

These mechanical creatures are resistant to fire or cold damage, as well as critical hits. Some automatons explode when defeated in battle. The fights are delivered to the place via special viaducts and steam mechanisms. Dovahkiin can collect trophies from them in the form of soul stones, pieces of ore, precious stones and scrap metal.


A more mobile type of Dwemer mechanisms designed for protection. At rest, it is an ordinary ball that opens when put on alert. A humanoid structure emerges from the sphere, armed with a blade and a crossbow. Such an enemy is resistant to electricity and fire, and is also immune to cold magic. Like spiders, they are divided into three types:

  • ordinary sphere;
  • guardian;
  • master.

They are delivered to the battle with the main character in the same ways - through pipes. Due to their mobility, these mechanisms are easier to destroy than to escape from them. Soul stones, Dwemer scrap metal and crossbow bolts (in the Dawnguard DLC) remain as trophies.


The most formidable of all Dwemer mechanisms in Skyrim. Externally, they are giant humanoid automatons powered by steam energy, as well as the core of a centurion generator. They are armed with a hammer and a blade, and also attack at a considerable distance with a stream of steam, which causes fire elemental damage. Very tenacious, immune to screams, but rather slow. These Dwemer machines are vulnerable to fire and will reward you with a Centurion Generator Core and a Greater Soul Stone.

There are also three types:

  • ordinary centurion;
  • guardian;
  • master.

Bottom line

In conclusion, it should be said that Dwemer mechanisms and ruins are the only thing left from the lost civilization. But the fact that all this is still working testifies to the unprecedented greatness of the Dwemer in terms of the development of scientific and technical thought.

There are three versions of the disappearance of the race:

  • the chief architect Kagrenac accidentally destroyed everyone, unable to cope with the energy of the Heart of Lorkhan;
  • he finally dealt with the artifact and transferred his relatives to the Outer Dimensions, where they all gained immortality;
  • The Daedra became angry and wiped out the Dwemer from the face of Nirn.

Nobody knows which of these options is correct.

Raldbthar (Raldbthar) are Dwemer ruins located in the mountains southwest of Windhelm, between Lake Jorgrim and White River.

This area consists of two zones: Raldbthar and Raldbthar Deep Market.


  • Farewell Love: Help Muiri take revenge.

Zone 1: Raldbthar

This area is mostly inhabited by bandits, but is also home to several Dwemer spiders and orbs.
Among the bandits is Alain Dufant, who wields the Aegisbane, a hammer enchanted with cold damage. Behind Alen on the table there is a skill book Stealth, 2920, month of the Last Seed, vol.8

Zone 2: Raldbthar Underground Market

To lower the gate allowing you to enter the underground market, there are four buttons on the right.
We press the buttons (counting from left to right) - the very first one activates the trap, the third button will lower the spikes so that you can go further.

The next bridge can be lowered, clearing the four mechanisms of the broken bones stuck in them.

One of the mechanisms is in the water under the bridge (it happens that the bones are lying on the ground near the mechanism, and not in it itself; take these bones as you would normally do). On the right hand, when you enter the room, under another gear you will see another piece of bone. The two remaining pieces lie in the far corners. When you lower the bridge you release a Dwemer centurion. If the bridge is reactivated while the Centurion is on it, the bridge will launch the Centurion to the ceiling, and when falling down, it may break.

At the very end of this zone there is a Dwemer mechanism that you can only activate using the Attunement Sphere. Tuning spheres can be obtained from Septimius Segonius at his post, which is located north of the college in Winterhold. This is one of several paths into the Black Reach.

Also keep in mind that there is a back door to the underground market of Raldbthar, and it can be used when you need to go back and activate the Dwemer mechanism, but first you need to take the lift at the end of the dungeon and open the gate at the top. The switch is on the right side of the gate, it will be difficult to notice.


  • 1 Moon Ore vein is 210 feet south-southwest.
  • There is 1 vein of Silver Ore outside, next to the steps from the dungeon, hidden behind a tree and a snowberry bush.

Mzinchaleft (Mzinchaleft) is a vast Dwemer ruin southwest of the Dawnstar.

Short description

Many broken Dwemer Spiders and Dwemer Orbs lie littered in the corridors near the entrance. The bandits have set up a camp in the ruins and are fighting with the still functioning Dwemer machine guns. The Falmer and Corus settled in the depths. At the deepest levels you will encounter functioning automata and a Dwemer Centurion. He guards the exit to the surface and the entrance to Blackreach, which will open if you place the Tincture Sphere in the nearest Dwemer mechanism.

Notable Items

At the second level you can find a full set of Falmer Armor, the quality is very similar to steel, but looks different. There are also two unique, but useless notes here: the Mzinchaleft order, and the Mzinchaleft security memo.

At the first level, you can find the book of eloquence skills “Dance in Fire” volume 7 in Maluril’s room, which is locked with an adept-level lock. The key is usually held by the room guard standing near the door.

In the far room, on a stone platform, right behind the Dwemer centurion production machine, you will find a unique glass sword, “Gloom Cleaver,” which will be required for the quest: “Return the Grim Cleaver.”

Ancient knowledge is a task in the main plot of the game Skyrim, in which you will search for the “Ancient Scroll”. Over the course of a long quest, you must find out where the ancient scroll is and, most importantly, find it in the Dwemer ruins. In this article we will tell you the entire process of passing through the ancient knowledge of Skyrim, starting from a conversation with the College of Winterhold and ending with a complex exploration of the ruins of Alftand.

Obtaining information about an ancient scroll

When completing the previous quest called “The Throat of the World,” you met the dragon Paarthurnax, who will tell you that to defeat Alduin you need to find an ancient scroll. Unfortunately, Paarthurnax does not know where this scroll is, but suggests asking Esbern or Arngeir about it. After completing this task, you need to go to one of these people, it doesn’t matter which one. After talking with one of them, they will tell you that the magicians from the College of Winterhold know about the location of the ancient scroll, in particular the librarian Urag gro-Shuba, to whom you need to go.

If you have not yet completed the College of Winterhold line, the task will take longer to complete. At the entrance to the college you will be stopped by Faralda, who will tell you that just anyone is not allowed into this place. To go further, tell Faralda that you are Dovahkiin and demonstrate the most common cry near her. Next, go to the college library, there will be an orc Urag gro-Shuba sitting there, with whom you need to talk. Tell Urag that you are looking for an ancient scroll, after which he will give you two books with the necessary information. After reading both books, you will notice several sentences talking about the notes of a madman; to find out more about them, approach the librarian again and talk to him. During the conversation, Urag will tell you that Septimius Setonius, who is at a post north of the College of Winterhold, may know about the scroll.

Having reached the post and met with Septimius, he will tell you that the ancient scroll is located in the ruins of Alftand and to get it he will give you a tuning sphere and an empty dictionary.

Entrance to the Dwemer ruins of Alftand

Go to the Dwemer ruins of Alftand, you can enter there through the destroyed entrance at the bottom of the cliff. Upon entering Alftand, you will come across a passage closed by bars that cannot be opened. Ignore him, just turn back and go to the narrow passage leading deep into the Dwemer tunnels. Next, you just need to go and destroy all the Dwemer spiders and spheres until you reach the large door leading to the Alftand Animatorium.

Almost at the very beginning of the Animatorium there is a trap that is activated using pressure plates. If you step on one of these slabs, spinning blades will appear from the floor that can kill in one hit. To avoid triggering the trap, go along the left side of the stairs, as there are no pressure plates there. After this, turn the lever, lower the grate and go into a huge and deep room. Going down you will have to fight with a large number of Falmer, ranging from archers to magicians. At the end of the Animatorium, you will be attacked by a Dwemer centurion, and behind him will be an unusual mechanism. To go further, activate the mechanism and go down the resulting stairs to the door to the Black Limit.

Black Limit

Once in the black limit, you will see a whole underground world with Dwemer buildings, lakes, waterfalls and glowing mushrooms of huge size. To get to your desired goal, simply follow the stone path, destroying all the Falmers and centurions along the way. At the end of the cave there will be a Mzark tower, and to get to the top floor you need to turn the lever of the Dwemer elevator.

After going up the elevator, you will find yourself in the location where the ancient scroll is located. To pick it up, climb onto the top of the Dwemer apparatus, place the dictionary in the desired cell and press all the buttons. After this, a crystal will appear in the middle of the Dwemer apparatus, in which the ancient scroll will lie. Next, you just need to take the scroll and the “ancient knowledge” task will be completed.

Summing up

Now you know everything passage of ancient knowledge of Skyrim. To get out of the Dwemer ruins, return to the elevator and turn the lever. This time the elevator will take you outside, right next to the entrance to Alftand. It is worth noting that the next task is automatically activated for you, in which you need to read this ancient scroll in the Throat of the World. Well, then a battle with Alduin will await you, in which you must emerge victorious. Good luck!

The Dwemer are representatives of the elven race who left this world long ago. Now only the Dwemer ruins in Skyrim remind us of them. People mistakenly call them gnomes.

However, the chronicles say that they were the same height as other elves. The scrolls of Xanathar describe the hypothesis that the Dwemer met certain giants, creatures who had never seen humans and elves before, and it was they who began to call them dwarves. If you dig a little deeper, then in translation “Dwemer” means “deep elf” or “smart elf”, but not a dwarf. The Dwemer lived mainly on Vardenfell, an island that was located in Morrowind. At one time, these lands had a different name - Veloti. And after they merged with the Chimers, they changed their name again, now it was Resdain. In addition, there were villages in Hammerfell. These settlements were founded by the Rourken clan. Legend has it that the clan leader threw his hammer into the sky and vowed to lead the people to the lands where it would fall. The Rourken clan did not make peace with the Chimers, and lived separately.

You can find quite a lot of valuables and artifacts in the ruins. The Dwemer Gear in Skyrim is a key item for unraveling the mysteries of the Dwemer. And the Dwemer ingot obtained from various Dwemer scrap metal is used to make weapons and armor. They were famous for their skill in mechanics. A large number of mechanisms created by these creatures have survived to this day, in fully working condition. One of these is the Dwemer convector. The Dwemer armillary sphere deserves special attention, as it is an example of the symbiosis of mechanics and magic.

Among other things, it is worth mentioning the mechanisms located at the end of the ruins. How to open the Dwemer Raldbthar mechanism and how to make the Mzinchaleft device work are questions that are quite common, and a few words can be said about them. So, the device of the ruins of Raldbtah will be activated during the main quest, during the search for the Ancient Scroll. In a situation where there is no guess as to how to activate the Dwemer Mzinchaleft mechanism, it is worth visiting the location just above Winterhold: “Post Septimius Segonius”. The answer is found in square J1, if you look at the map. Both mechanisms are gateways to the Black Reach. The disappearance of all the Dwemer has long worried the minds of scientists and magicians. There are a huge number of hypotheses, however, confirmation of one or another guess is extremely insufficient. The Dunmer are of the opinion that the “dwarves” angered the gods, for which they paid. Indeed, the Dwemer were not particularly respectful. Another assumption is that they desired immortality and died.

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