The most famous Russian folk games. Methodical development of "Russian folk outdoor games" applications for middle preschool age

Russian folk games are very diverse: children's games, board games, round dance games for adults with folk songs, jokes, dances. Games have long served as a means of self-knowledge, here they showed their best qualities: kindness, nobility, mutual assistance, self-sacrifice for the sake of others.

There is no need to prove that folk games for a long time were not just entertainment, but also training, education, psychological relief, and at festivities and festivities they were certainly included in the "cultural program". Here, for example, catch-up catchers: they develop dexterity, adjust attention, and improve reaction speed. And special studies show that they also have a very beneficial effect on the formation of a culture of communication.

Which of the catch-ups, besides the banal "tags" and "tags", were popular in Russia? Often these were those that were accompanied by proverbs, jokes, chants, chants. It's amazing how much they survived. Maybe from the fact that, for all their unpretentiousness, they conceal some secret, incomprehensible to the mind, but dear to the soul? And that is why the games that captivate each new generation have been preserved for centuries. Let's remember them?

This, one might say, is a classic of the genre. Players are arranged in pairs, holding hands and forming a column. The driver is in front. All in unison loudly say or sing:

Burn, burn bright
To not go out.
Burn, burn bright
To not go out.

Look at the sky
The birds are flying.
The bells are ringing!
One, two, three - run!

Another variant:

Burn, burn clear
To not go out.
And one, and two, and three.
Last couple, run!

In any case, at the word “run”, those in the last pair open their hands and rush to the beginning of the column, running around it from different sides (one on the left, the other on the right), and the driver tries to catch one of them before the pair, when they meet, they join hands again.

If this succeeds, then together with the caught player, the driver stands in the first pair of the column, and the one who was not caught becomes the driver.

Frost - Red nose

Along the edges of the playground, the boundaries of two "houses" are outlined. In one of them the players gather.

Leading, i.e. Frost - Red Nose, stands in the middle of the site and says:

I am Frost - Red nose,
I freeze everyone indiscriminately.
I'll deal with everyone soon
Who decides now
Go on a long journey!

The players chant in response:

We are not afraid of threats
And we are not afraid of frost!

And then they run to the opposite "house". Frost is trying to catch up with them and "freeze": those whom he manages to touch with his hand freeze in place. At the end of the run they are either out of the game or remain in a "frozen" position for subsequent rounds. In this case, the winner is the one who remains the last to escape the touch of Frost.

Malechina - kalechina

Putting the wand on a finger, palm, leg, etc., you need to keep it in balance while saying the words: "Malechina-Kalechina"
how many hours till evening?
One, two... ten.

Golden Gate
A pair of players stand facing each other and raise their hands up - this is the gate. The rest of the players take each other so that a chain is obtained.
The gate players say a rhyme, and the chain must quickly pass between them.

Golden Gate
They don't always miss.
Saying goodbye for the first time
The second one is prohibited.
And for the third time
We won't miss you!

With these words, hands fall, the gates slam shut. Those that are caught become additional gates. Gates win if they manage to catch all the players.

Game "Guide"

This is more than just a game. This is the acquaintance of souls when such factors as appearance and look.

In the inner circle, facing the center of the circle, men stand, hold hands and close their eyes. In the outer circle, girls dance in a round dance to the music. After some time, at the signal of the host, a clap or whistle, the girls begin to disassemble the guys - any of those they like that are closer. They take the guy by the hand and lead him in a circle, the guy goes all this time with eyes closed. It is desirable that the number of girls and boys match so that no one is left standing alone in the inner circle.

At the signal of the leader, the girls carefully line up the guys again in the inner circle, and they themselves go further in a round dance. This is repeated three times. When, after the third time, the guys are again placed in the inner circle, the leader gives a signal - "You can open your eyes." The hack starts. The guys describe their feelings, name which of the three girls they liked, whom they would like to see. Girls are usually happy to confess and show themselves.
Then the girls stand in the inner circle with their eyes closed, and the guys in the outer one and everything repeats.


Along the edges of the playground there are two "houses", in one of which the players - "geese" gather. Selected for the role of "wolf" is placed in a circle, symbolizing his lair. The host goes to an empty "house" and starts a dialogue with the "geese":

Geese, geese!
- Ha-ha-ha!
- Do you want to eat?
- Yes Yes Yes!
So fly home!
- We can not:
Gray wolf under the mountain
He won't let us go home!
- Well, fly as you like,
Just take care of your wings!

"Geese", flapping their wings, try to cross to another house, and "the wolf catches them." The caught player becomes a "wolf".

This game is the most ancient (as pointed out by academician B.A. Rybakov, and also mentioned by V.Ya. Propp).

Leading - Yasha (i.e. Lizard - the owner of the underwater and underworld, one of the incarnations of Veles) sits in the center of the circle formed by the rest of the participants in the game. Holding hands, they move in a round dance, singing:

Sit-sit Yasha
Under the walnut bush.
Gnawing-gnawing Yasha
roasted nuts,
Gifted to dear...

This is followed by a dialogue:

What does Yasha want?
- I want to get married.
- Get yourself a girl
Which one you want.

The participants in the round dance scatter, and “Yasha” catches someone: if he catches a girl, he kisses her, if a guy, he becomes the leader.

At the bear in the forest

Choose one "bear". Outline two circles. One place for the "bear", the other - a house for the rest of the participants. Everyone leaves the house saying:

At the bear in the forest
Mushrooms, I take berries,
The bear doesn't sleep
And growls at us.

At the last word, the "bear" with a growl kicks out of the den, and the rest run to the "house". Caught becomes a "bear".


Everyone stands in a circle, holding hands - this is a mousetrap. One or two are "mice". They are outside the circle. Holding hands and raising them up, they move in a circle with the words:

Oh, how tired the mice are,
Everyone ate, everyone ate!
Beware, cheaters
We'll get to you!
Let's close the mousetrap
And we'll catch you right away!

During the pronunciation of the text, "mice" run in and out of the circle. With the last word "the mousetrap slams" - they lower their hands and squat down. The "mice" that did not have time to run out of the circle are considered to be caught and stand in a circle. Other mice are selected.

"Salki" ("Pyatnashki", "Traps", "Traps", "Lapki", "Lepki", "Dumplings", "Salo", etc.)

This game has different names and rules, but the main content remains: one or more drivers catch other players and, if caught, change roles with them.

The game can be played in a variety of settings: indoors, outdoors, by children of all ages, youth and adults. The number of participants - from 3 to 40 people. The game does not require leaders, judges.

By lot or by rhyme, one driver is chosen - "salka". The boundaries of the playing area are conditionally established. Everyone scatters within this area. The driver announces: "I am a salka!" - and begins to catch those playing within the established limits of the site. Whomever he catches up and touches (touches), he becomes a "feed" and announces, raising his hand up: "I am a tag!" He begins to catch the players, and the former "trail" runs away with everyone. The game has no definite end.

Varieties of "Salok"

- "Salki with the house." For those who run away, a "house" is drawn on the site, in which they can escape from the "tag", but they do not have the right to stay there for a long time.

Salki "Feet from the ground". Fleeing from the "tag", the players must take their feet off the ground (floor). To this end, they climb on any object or sit down, lie down, raising their legs up. In this position, the "salka" has no right to salt them.

Salki "Give a hand." In this game, the one who runs away from the "tag" shouts: "Give me your hand!" If one of the comrades takes his hand with him, then the driver does not have the right to touch them. If, on the other hand, another player joins, that is, there will be three of them, the driver has the right to salute any extreme.

- "Legs-crossings". Runners can help each other out by crossing the road between the chasing tag and the one who is running away. As soon as someone crosses the road, "Salka" must catch him. Here again, someone seeks to rescue a comrade and runs across the road, the "trail" begins to catch him, and so everyone strives to save the comrade, whom the "trail" is running after. The driver ("salka") must quickly switch and catch a new player who has crossed the road.

MBU DO "Center for Children's Creativity" No. 1 of the city of Orel "

Methodical development

Prepared by:

additional education teacher

Demicheva Victoria Igorevna


Advice for parents

Russian folk outdoor games for children.

Play with us"

Outside the 21st century. Age of technology and progress. In an effort to keep up with the times, we begin to forget our native traditions. Many parents, giving preference to computers and foreign languages, do not at all attach importance to patriotic education, which is rooted in the traditions and history of their native people.

AT recent times special attention is paid to the traditions and history of Russia in kindergartens and schools. For example, introducing a child to Russian folk outdoor games, we:

    we develop in children interest and emotional responsiveness to folk art;

    expand and enrich game actions children;

    we develop motor activity;

    we improve the health of children;

    enrich the vocabulary.

Dear parents, we bring to your attention options for Russian folk outdoor games for children of middle to school age, which can be played not only in kindergarten but also at home and in the yard.

1. Round dance game "Ay, gugu!"

Children stand in a circle. The facilitator leads the children behind him and says the words:

Ay, gugu, gugu, gugu,

Does not circle in the meadow.

In the meadow - a puddle,

The head will spin.

Oh water! Oh water!

That's the trouble, that's the trouble!

Jump - jump, jump - jump,

Jumped, jumped and jumped,

Hit it right in the puddle!

2. The game "Handkerchief"

Children sit on chairs. The leader in the center of the circle shows a handkerchief.

Here's my handkerchief

Go, dance, Katenka, my friend (ties up),

I will show Katenka to all the guys (shows).

Here - here, here is how Katenka goes,

He sings a cheerful song to us.

Can you dance? - I'll see.

I will praise Katenka to mom and dad (children clap, Katya is dancing).

More fun, Katenka, dance,

We clap heartily.

3. The game "Raven"

Before the start of the game, birds are selected (for example, sparrows) whose voice the children can imitate. Raven is chosen. Birds fly and scream. A raven flies out of the nest and shouts: "Karrr!" Birds hide in the house, the raven tries to catch them.

We hope you enjoy playing with the kids and this will become your good tradition! Good luck!

Questionnaire for parents

"Russian folk outdoor games"

Dear parents!

Please take part in the survey and answer the questions in the survey. Answers will be used in aggregated form.

You don't have to give your last name.

Thanks in advance.

    What games does your child like to play the most?

    What Russian folk outdoor games do you know?



    Did you play Russian folk outdoor games as a child? If "Yes", in what?


    Do you play Russian folk outdoor games with your children? If "Yes", in what?


    Do you and your children have favorite Russian folk outdoor games? Name them.



    What positive character traits do Russian folk outdoor games bring up in a child?




"Journey to the Land of Russian Folk Games"


teaching children Russian folk outdoor games and the formation of positive motivation for the development of children's dynamic activity.


Arouse in children an interest in Russian folk games, a desire to play them.

Exercise in performing basic types of movements through game tasks.

Bring joy to children.

To develop the ability to act in a team, to follow the rules in games.

Preliminary work:

learning counting rhymes


Glove doll Parsley

Baba Yaga costume

Broom for Baba Yaga

Bear's Den (box, basket, log)

Sticks for choosing a driver

Leisure course

A conversation about Russian folk games

Let's remember Russian folk games today.

Who will tell me if it is possible to live without the game? (You can, but nothing good will come of it)

That's why people play different games since the beginning of mankind.

What Russian folk games do you know?

Why are they called Russian folk games?

Russian folk games for children have always been popular among small, groovy fidgets. Fun is interesting not only for children, but also for some adults. Games have been played since ancient times and today they play with mothers, and with grandmothers, and with friends, and at mass holidays, fun events, folk festivals.

Leading: Guys, I invite you to go to the country of Russian folk games!

And who will help us in this, we will now find out. Listen to the riddle:

He is a bully toy

Clown, mischievous, prankster!

Amuse, make laugh

Laugh heartily

He is with a bell in his hand

In a blue and red hat

He is a fun toy

And his name is ... (Petrushka)

The host takes out a puppet-glove "Parsley" from the bag.

Parsley: "Hello guys! And here I am, you know all my friends! Yes, guys, I'm Petrushka, a mischievous and fun toy! Do you want to play with me?

And to find out what game we are going to play now, guess the riddle:

Who sleeps there in the winter in a lair,

And he doesn't walk on the road.

He eats raspberries and honey.

In a warm coat all year round ... (Bear)

The game "At the bear in the forest"

The players choose a bear using a rhyme. Determine the place of his lair and his house. Children go to the forest for mushrooms, berries and sing a song:

At the bear in the forest

Mushrooms, I take berries!

The bear doesn't sleep

Everyone is looking at us.

The bear wakes up, leaves the den, slowly walks across the clearing. He quickly runs after the players and tries to catch someone. Caught becomes a bear.


1. The bear leaves the den only after the children sing a song.

2. Children, depending on the behavior of the bear, may not immediately run to their house, but repeat the song, provoke it.


It is better to place the bear's den at the other end of the site. The bear must get out of the den (climb over the log, get out of the box, basket).

Parsley: “What all the good fellows! Children, and I also like to play Dudar. Do you know how to play it?"

Game "Dudar"

With the help of a counting rhyme, children choose Dudar. He becomes in a circle. Around him there is a round dance and sings a song:

Dudar, Dudar, Dudarishche

Old, old old man.

His under the deck, his under the damp, his under the rotten.

Dudar, Dudar, what hurts?

Dudar shows and names what hurts him (arm, head, back, knee, etc.), everyone puts their hands on this place and again begins to walk in a circle with the song. Dudar, Dudar, old Dudarishche, old old man. etc.

When he gets tired of playing, Dudar says: “I recovered!”

Parsley: “Oh, what fun it is to play with you! Listen to another riddle:

In the deep forest in his hut

The old lady lives all alone.

She does not sweep the floor with a broom

Broom - an old woman's plane ... (Baba Yaga)

Petrushka left to look for Baba Yaga. After that, she flies on a broomstick. Starts playing with children.

The game "Grandma - Ezhka"

The driver stands in the middle of the circle - Grandmother-Ezhka, in her hands is a “broomstick”. Players run around and tease her:

Grandmother Ezhka

Bone Leg

Fell off the stove

I broke my leg

And then he says:

My leg hurts.

Grandmother-Ezhka jumps on one leg and tries to touch someone with a “broom”. Whoever touches - he freezes.

Petrushka offers to play another Russian folk game.

Game "Uncle Tryphon"

Children stand in a circle, hold hands. In the center is the leader, who was chosen with the help of sticks, and the players walk in a circle and sing the words:

“And uncle Tryphon

There were seven children

seven sons

They didn't drink, they didn't eat,

They looked at each other.

They did it together like me!”

At the last words, everyone begins to repeat his gestures. The one who repeated the movements best of all becomes the new leader, and the old leader turns into an ordinary player.

Parsley thanks the guys and says goodbye to them.

Questionnaire for educators

"Russian folk outdoor games"

Target: find out what kind of work on the use of Russian folk outdoor games is carried out by kindergarten teachers.


    What outdoor games do you play indoors?

    What games do you play with your children while walking?

    Favorite outdoor games of the children of the group?


    What Russian folk outdoor games do you play with children?


    What outdoor games have you mastered lately?


    What games do you plan to learn with children and what is the reason for the choice?


Game planning scheme

When planning games, it is necessary to take into account the duration of each game, the amount of textual material that children must remember. The number of planned games in one lesson also depends on the level of preparedness of children, on the degree of intensity of the game, on the game plot.

At the beginning of each lesson, it is planned to introduce the children to a new game.




Number of games in class

3 – 4


5 - 6 times

A new game

2 - 3 lessons



with the game

repeat through

1 - 2 lessons


6 – 8 min

Approximate distribution of new games by motor material





Diagnostic table

Criteria for evaluation

Average age

Game development

as an activity





1. The ability to consciously follow the rules

1. Manifestation positive emotions and friendships in the game

1. Showing interest in folk games and oral folk art

2. Ability to coordinate movements

with text

2. Desire to participate in joint games

2. The ability to convey the image in accordance with the plot

3. Ability to navigate in space

3. Ability to organize a familiar game with a small group of peers

4. Ability to perform a massive role

5. Ability to play a leading role

6. Ability to use attributes correctly



Average age

Russian folk games with running

1. Owl and birds

2. Scarf

3. Chickens

4. Shepherd and flock

5. Bears with a chain

6. Baskets

7. I catch birds on the fly

8. Grandfather Rozhok

9. Zarya-Zarnitsa

10. Gray wolf

11. Grandmother Pykhteiha

12. Gardener and sparrow

13. Spinning wheel

14. Pots

15. Duck and drake

16. Arina

17. Cap and wand

18. Gardener

19. Hares in the garden

20. Grandfather Egor

21. Goat

22. Rooster

24. Frog

25. Distillation

26. Bees and swallows

27. Sorcerers

28. Nut

Russian folk games with jumping

1. Toad

2. Buy a bull

3. Baby showers

Russian folk ball games

1. Shaker

2. Stand

3. Onlooker

4. Kick the ball out of the circle

5. Protect the city

6. Dashing

7. Bunny

8. Meeting

9. Governor

10. Candles

Russian folk games of low mobility




    sun and moon


    I sit and sit



    Who is with us


    little ring

    Ritual round dance games

Autumn Winter Spring

1. Lenok 1. Marvelous pike 1. Calls

2. Reapers 2. Spinning wheel 2. Willow-willow

3. Cabbage 3. Princess 3. Poppies 4. Mill 4. Wattle 4. Sunny

5. Snake

round dance games

1. Millet was sown 5. Sparrow

2. We grow poppy 6. Wattle (option)

3. Cap 7. Hare

4. I walk with loach 8. Utenya

Zhmurki Fanta

1. Zhmurka-postman 1. Birds fly

2. Frolka and Fomka 2. Pull-let

3. Yasha and Masha 3. Syllables

4. Blind master 4. Elements

5. Blind goat

6. Tube

7. It's time, grandmother, to feast

8. Crooked rooster

9. Thorns

Card file of Russian folk games

for children 4-5 years old

"Burn Clear"

Target: to exercise children in the ability to independently change the direction of movement with a change in the timbre coloring of the music. Cultivate organization, develop dexterity, speed.

Game progress:

Children stand in a circle holding hands. In the middle is a child with a handkerchief in his hand.

All children go to the right in a circle, the driver waves a handkerchief.

Children stop and clap their hands. The driver jumps inside the circle. When the music ends, he stops and stands in front of two children standing in a circle.

The choir players sing a rhyme:

"Burn, burn bright,

To not go out

One two Three!"

To the words "One, two, three!" They clap their hands 3 times, and the leader waves his handkerchief. After that, the selected children turn their backs to each other and run around the circle. Everyone strives to run first, take a handkerchief from the driver and raise it high.


Target: to develop in children the ability to expressively convey the image of the game. Learn to move easily, freely. Cultivate endurance, attention. Show creativity.

Game progress:

One of the players depicts an "owl", the rest - mice. The owl calls out: "Morning!" Immediately, the mice begin to run, jump, and make various body movements. The owl calls: "Day!" The mice keep moving. The owl says: "Evening!" The mice stand in a circle, walk around the owl and sing:

Oh you, owl - owl,

Golden head.

That you don't sleep at night

Are you all looking at us?

The owl says: "Night!" With this word, the mice instantly freeze, not moving. The owl approaches each of the players and, with various movements and funny grimaces, tries to make any movement, and leaves the game.


Target: educate organization, develop dexterity, speed.

Game progress:

The players choose two children. One is blindfolded with a handkerchief, the other is given a tambourine (or a bell); then they lead a round dance around them and sing:

Bells, bells,

The bastards called.

Digi digi digi dong

Guess where the call is from?

After these words, the player with a tambourine begins to call and walk in a circle, and the blind man's blind man tries to catch him.

As soon as the blind man's blind man catches him, other players change them. Game continues.


Target: to consolidate the skills of performing light jumps with advancement and light fast running.

Game progress:

A child in a mouse cap sits on a chair to the side. Opposite him are a group of children. The hands of the players are on the belt. Children perform a joke:

Cucumber, cucumber,

Don't go to that end.

Light jumps move towards the "trap". They stop, threaten the “trap” with a finger with the words:

The mouse lives there

Your tail will bite off.

The mouse runs after the guys, trying to catch up with them.

"Vaska the cat"

Game progress:

From among the players, “Cat Vaska” is selected and several children “mouse”. All children stand in a circle. "Cat Vaska" goes to the middle of the circle, and the children - "mice" - behind the circle.

Vaska walks gray

Fluffy white tail

Vaska the cat is walking.

Children walk in a circle to the right.

Vaska - to the left.

Sit, wash

Washes with a paw

Sings songs.

Children narrow the circle, watch Vaska wash his face. With the end of the verse, the circle is expanded.

The house will silently go around

Vaska the cat lurks,

Gray mice are waiting.

The children go to the right, the cat goes to the left.

Children make a "gate". The children of the "mouse" run through the "gate", then into the circle, then out of the circle, and the "cat Vaska" tries to catch them.

"Jump - jump"

Target: consolidate the skills of performing light jumps moving forward, soft spring step, narrowing and expanding the circle.

Game progress:

Jump - jump, jump,

Young Thrush.

Move forward by jumping.

Went to the water

Found a young lady.

They walk softly.


Not big.

Narrow the circle.

Itself with tops,

Head with a pot.

They sit down. Expand the circle with a brisk step.

Children stand in a circle with their hands clasped behind their backs, palm to palm, imitating a “tail”.

"Golden Gate"

Target: improve easy running, develop agility.

Game progress:

The participants in the game are divided into those who stand in a circle, raising their hands together. And those who run through these gates in a chain (or one at a time).

Those standing sing:

Golden Gate

Not always missed:

Saying goodbye for the first time

The second one is forbidden

And for the third time

We won't miss you!

The "gates" close and "catch" the one who remained in them. Caught inside the circle, join hands with those forming a circle, increasing"gates".


There was a ram...

Shel ram
Over the steep mountains
Pulled out the grass
He put it on the bench.
Who will take it
He will go out.

A goat was walking along the bridge...
(Russian folk rhyme)

A goat walked along the bridge

And wagged her tail.
Caught on the railing
Went straight into the river.
Who does not believe - it is he,
Get out of the circle!


Running games

"Snake" (Russian folk game)

All children take each other's hands, forming a living chain. The child standing first becomes the leader. He starts to run, dragging everyone else with him. On the run, the leader must sharply change the direction of movement of the entire group several times: run in the opposite direction, make a sharp turn (at an angle of 90 °), twist the chain with a “snake”, describe a circle, etc.


1. All children must hold hands tightly so that the “chain” does not break.

2. Players must accurately repeat all the movements of the leader and try to run “trace to trace”.

3. It is good to use natural obstacles in the game: run around trees, bend over, running under their branches, run along the slopes of shallow ravines. When playing indoors, you can create an "obstacle course" of large cubes or sports items (pin hoops, gymnastic benches).

4. The game can be stopped" if the "chain" is broken, and a new leader can be chosen.

"Salki" (Russian folk game)

Before the start of the game, you need to choose a driver ("trail"). On command, all the children rush in all directions, and the driver starts chasing one of the children. Having caught up with the fleeing child and touched him with his hand, the driver says: “I taunted you!” Now this child becomes the driver and must "tip" the other.


1. The driver chases only one child from the group.
2. The rest of the children, running around the playground, follow the change of drivers and must run away in all directions from the new driver.

"Cat and Mouse" (Russian folk game)

This game, as well as "tags", begins with the choice of the driver ("cat"). Other children - "mice" - scatter in different directions, and the "cat" tries to catch up with them. The player whom he touched with his hand becomes the driver.


1. The driver chases different children, trying to catch up with the child who is closest to him.

2. If the "cat" wants to catch up with a certain child, then he must first loudly call him by name. According to the conditions of the game, you can change the “goal” several times, i.e. call another name and start chasing this child if he is near the "tag".

3. All players should carefully monitor the change of drivers and try to be at a distance from them during the game.

"Sticky stumps" (Bashkir folk game)

The drivers (there are several of them at the same time) squat down, and the rest of the players run between them. The drivers try, while squatting motionless, to catch or at least touch the running children with their hands (“branches”). If they succeeded, then the caught child becomes the driver, and now he himself must catch (“stick”) the cheerful runners.


1. You can not catch players for clothes.
2. "Hemp" should not leave the place.

Vestovye (Yakut folk game)

In the vast expanses of the Far North, where this game originated a long time ago, news was transmitted by special people - messengers. They rode on reindeer or dog sleds, and the “letters” themselves, even before the development of writing by the peoples of the North, were made using knots on bundles of ribbons from thin strips of leather or ropes. For the game you will need two such bundles of ribbons with knots.

Before the start of the game, the children are divided into two teams and are divided into pairs. In each pair, one child will be the “messenger” and the other the “deer”. Indoors or on the site, a place is indicated for two "pillars". Around each "pillar" the players of a certain team will have to run around, and the "deer" should run first, and the "messenger" from this pair of players will run behind him, not a single step behind him. The game is played in the form of a relay race: each messenger, together with his deer, “jumps” to the post, runs around it clockwise twice and quickly returns to his team. There he gives his bundle of ribbons (“letter”) to the next pair of players, and the new “messenger” with the “deer” again sets off.

The winning team is the one whose "messengers" are the first to hand the "letter" to the judge at the end of the journey.


1. The "messenger" should not overtake his "deer".
2. It is imperative to make two circles near the pillar.
3. The next "messenger" has no right to run out towards the players of his team, returning with a "letter".

"Gate" (Russian folk game)

All children are divided into pairs and stand facing each other. They hold hands, which they raise high above their heads, forming a "gate". The children from the last pair quickly run under the gate and stand in front of everyone, then the next pair runs. The game ends when all the children run under the gate.


1. Children hold each other's hands as they run under the gate.

2. You can not touch the "gate".

3. During the game, you can change the height of the gate, gradually "lowering your hands": this will greatly complicate the task.

"Traps" (Russian folk game)

For this game, several players are selected who stand in pairs, facing each other. They hold hands and raise them up, as in the game "gates": now they are "traps". "Traps" should be evenly spaced on the playing field. The rest of the children run around, running freely through the "traps" as long as they are open.

Unexpectedly, the "traps" close: the drivers lower their hands (the signal may be the whistle of the judge or the cessation of the music). Those children who at that moment ran through the traps are trapped.

Caught players and children, who portrayed “traps” in the game, join hands and stand in a circle, raising their closed hands up. The rest of the players form a "chain", which snakes around in a circle, running through the "traps". The "traps" are closed again, and again some children are trapped: now inside the circle.


1. The game continues until only a few children remain free.

2. The game can be repeated 2-3 times, replacing the "traps".

3. At the end of the game, the most dexterous players and the most successful "trap" should be noted.

"Golden Gate" (Russian folk game)

At the beginning of this game (other variants of its names: goose bridge, golden bridge) two players are chosen. They will be the "sun" and the "moon". These players stand facing each other, hold hands and raise them, forming a "gate". The rest of the players join hands and go through the gate in a string.

Drivers (“sun” and “moon”) repeat the tongue twister in recitative:

The Golden Gate is not always passed: The first time is forgiven, The second time is forbidden, And the third time We will not let you through!

The “gates” close on the last word and catch the one who at that moment was passing through them. Children, knowing that the “gates” close at the end of the poem, rush to quickly slip through them. Drivers can also speed up the pace of pronunciation: this way the whole game becomes more dynamic and unexpected.

The caught player stands behind the "moon" or "sun", and the game continues again until all players are divided into two teams.

"Golden Gate - circular" (Russian folk game)

In this game, half of the players form a circle, holding hands and raising them up - this is a round gate. The remaining children form a living chain, which in turn goes around each player standing in a circle. Children depicting the "gate" repeat the verse in recitative (see the Golden Gate game).

At the last word, the children lower their hands and catch those who are inside the circle.

The caught children form, together with the children already in the circle, an even larger circle, and the game continues. Gradually, the chain of players becomes shorter, and there are more and more children in the circle.

The game ends when only a few children remain outside the circle.


1. You can not stop in front of the gate and not enter them if you are about to utter the last words of the verse. Such children are also considered caught.

2. Children in the chain should not open their hands. If the player "breaks away" from his chain and is left alone, then he is also considered to be caught.

"Burners" (Russian folk game)

The game is played on a clearing or in a hall with a length of at least 20-30 m.

They choose a driver - a "burner". Pairs of players line up behind him (usually in a pair - a girl and a boy), the first pair should stand behind the "burner" at a distance of 10 steps.

All players say in unison:

Burn, burn brightly, so that it does not go out. Look at the sky, the birds are flying, the bells are ringing.

Starting with the words "bells are ringing", the "burner" looks up. At this time, the couple standing behind everyone separates their hands, and bypasses the column of players from different sides. The children quietly approach the “burner”, at the last word (“ringing”) they take off and run forward, past the “burner”, trying to pair up again in front. The driver is trying to "blow" one of the players. If he succeeded, then he forms a pair with him, and the caught player himself becomes a “burner”. Game continues.

The "burner" should gradually move forward so that the distance between him and the first pair does not decrease. When playing in the hall, on the contrary, the players in the column must take a few steps back so that the distance between the players and the “burner” remains the same.


1. "Horelytsik" has no right to look back and peep which couple is going to run.

2. "Horelytsik" can "dump" the runners only until the moment when they again grab their hands.

3. Sometimes it is customary to mark a place in front of the burner (about 15 m), to which the running players should not try to join their hands.

4. Each pair of running children becomes in front of the entire column.

"Udmurt burners" (Udmurt folk game)

The players are divided into pairs and lined up in a column, as in Russian “burners”. However, the driver becomes facing the first pair, in front of her, about 10 steps away. He holds a handkerchief or scarf in his raised hand.

The last pair separates the hands, and each player runs along his side of the column forward to the driver. The player who manages to grab the handkerchief first becomes the leader, and the other player becomes paired with the previous driver at the head of the column. The whole column gradually moves forward, and the leader steps back a few steps so that the distance between him and the first pair does not decrease.


1. The signal for the start of the run for each pair is the raising of the leading handkerchief up, above the head.

2. The driver should not hold out a handkerchief towards one of the players, but should hold it in a highly raised hand.

3. If the players who ran up simultaneously grabbed the handkerchief, then the driver remains, and this pair stands in front of the column.

4. Players must not forcefully pull each other's handkerchief.

"Pegs" (Mari folk game)

Before the start of the game, all players must stock up on wooden pegs about one meter long and stick them into the ground around the driver so that a circle with a radius of 3-5 m is formed. The driver must first ask each child for a peg, but children may not give their peg, because in this case, they will have to take the place of the driver.

If all the children refused the driver, then he starts to get angry and tries to grab any peg. To do this, he must put his hand on the chosen peg and count loudly to three. On the count of three, the driver runs out of the circle and runs around. The owner of the circle simultaneously rushes in the opposite direction, trying to overtake the driver and run to his peg first.

The one who first reaches the peg becomes its owner, and the loser stands in a circle and must drive again.


1. You can not run before the word "three", otherwise the start will be repeated.
2. You can not shorten the circle by cutting it obliquely.

"Glade - pole" (Udmurt folk game)

This folk game is best played in a clearing with soft soil. If the ground is heavily trampled down, then before the start of the game, children should be asked to specially dig up or loosen the place where the pole will be stuck (a thick stick 2 m long).

A circle border with a radius of 10-15 m is outlined around the pole (depending on the age of the children, this distance can be reduced). The driver stands near the pole, the rest of the players stand outside the circle.

At the prearranged signal of the driver, the players run into the circle in turn and, without stopping, hit the pole with their hand or foot on the run (this should be clarified before the start of the game). If the pole falls upon impact, then the driver must rush after this player, trying to “snap” him before the player crosses the boundaries of the circle. If the driver caught up with the player, then the unfortunate player becomes the driver. If not, then he returns to the center of the circle, re-sticks the pole so that it is strictly vertical to the surface of the court, and the game continues.


1. Only one player can run into the circle, the rest of the children are waiting for their turn.

2. The driver must not interfere with the player hitting the pole.

3. If the pole did not fall, but only leaned over, then the driver will not catch up with the player.

4. If during the game one of the children specifically does not want to push the pole strongly so that the driver does not chase him, then such a player is appointed as the driver.

"Two Frosts" (Russian folk game)

For this game, you need to choose two drivers - “two frosts”.

One is "Frost Red Nose" and the other is "Frost Blue Nose". Two extreme lines are indicated at opposite ends of the field: here you can hide from the "frost". Two "frosts" walk across the field. They loudly say: “I am Frost Red Nose!”, “And I am Frost Blue Nose”. And then together they ask the children: “Well, which of you will decide to go on a journey?”

The children answer in chorus: “We are not afraid of threats and we are not afraid of frost!” After that, the children try to quickly run from one end of the field to the other in order to have time to hide behind the saving line of the field boundary, where they are no longer afraid of frost. "Frosts" are trying to catch up and "overpower" the children running across the field. If the "frost" touched the child's hand, then it is considered "frozen". This player must freeze (“freeze”) in the position in which he was overtaken by the “frost”.

Children, having crossed the field, rest a little, and the game continues. "Frosts" again ask: "Well, which of you will dare to set off on a journey?" The daredevils answer: "We are not afraid of threats, and we are not afraid of frost."

On the way back, the children try to help out their “frozen” friends: they can be saved from the ice captivity if, while running past, they have time to touch them with their hands. "Frosts" try to "freeze" children running past and protect their captives.

After several runs, other “frosts” are chosen from among the most dexterous players who have never been caught and were able to rescue other children from ice captivity.


1. You can run across the site only after the words: “We are not afraid of threats, and we are not afraid of frost.”
2. If one of the children did not run along with everyone, but lingered on the edge of the playground, then he is considered "frozen".

"Stop, deer" (game, Komi people)

This game is very popular among the peoples of the Far North, in which players can test their qualities as deer. The game is played on the street or in a large gym, where the boundaries of the "pasture" are specially fenced off before the game begins. The driver (“shepherd”, “hunter”), who is determined by lot or counting, must catch several “deer” for playing.

The game begins when the driver shouts: "Run, deer!" All players rush across the court in all directions, and the “shepherd” tries to catch up with any “deer” by touching it with a small stick and saying: “Stop, deer!” The game continues until the "shepherd" catches five deer.


1. You just need to touch the player with a stick, and not hit him.

2. Players who run out of bounds are considered caught.

Drivers (players of the team that was catching up) quickly turn around and run back in their direction playing field. They strive to run to the end of the playing field on their side. However, the singed player must shout loudly: “Olenma!” (“I am!”), And at this command, all the players turn around and try to catch up with the fleeing opponents in order to, in turn, “bash” any of them. The roles of runaways and catchers can change several times until one of the teams manages to reach its end of the playing field in full force.


1. You can not run out of the sideline, such a player is considered "tagged".
2. It is imperative to shout “Olenma!” So ​​that all the players on your team hear that their player has been “taunted”.

"Cossacks-robbers" (Russian folk game)

The game is played outside. All players are divided into two teams. They throw lots: the players of one team become "robbers", and the other - "Cossacks". The "Cossacks" have a "stan": it is guarded by one of the "Cossacks". The "Cossacks" give the "robbers" some time so that they can hide, and then go to catch them. If the discovered "robber" has time to run to the Cossack "camp", he is not considered caught, but he himself becomes a "Cossack". The game ends when the "Cossacks" catch all the "robbers".


1. It is necessary to limit the place where the robbers should hide.
2. Caught "robbers" are taken to the "camp", where they will be guarded by one "Cossack" until the end of the game.

Wolf and sheep (Russian folk game)

Before starting the game, you need to choose a “wolf” and a “shepherd”, the rest of the children will be “sheep”. On opposite sides of the site, the boundaries of two "sheepfolds" are marked - these are places where "sheep" can escape from the wolf. Before the start of the game, all the "sheep" should be located on the edge of the field, in one of the "sheepfolds". A circle is drawn in the center of the site: there will be a "wolf's lair". The children say in unison:

Shepherd, shepherd, play the horn! The grass is soft, the dew is sweet. Drive the herd into the field, Walk in the wild!

The "shepherd" plays the "horn" and so releases his "sheep" for a walk in the water meadow. "Wolf" is closely watching the grazing "sheep" from his "lair". When the "shepherd" shouts: "-Wolf!", "Sheep" should have time to run to another sheepfold, on the opposite side of the field. And the "wolf" jumps out of its "lair" and tries to catch them ("to piss off"). The "shepherd" protects the "sheep", blocking them from the "wolf". The “sheep” that the “wolf” has caught are out of the game.


1. The "wolf" should not catch the "sheep", it is enough just to "tip" them.

2. The "shepherd" should not delay the "wolf", grab him with his hands, he can only obscure his "sheep".

3. "Sheep" cannot return to the "sheepfold" from which they left for the pasture. They must necessarily run across the "field", hitting its opposite side, bypassing the "wolf's lair".

"Hawk and ducks" (Buryat folk game)

The game is played outside. It is necessary to divide the site into several zones: "reeds", "lake". "Lake" is a free-form outlined area at one of the opposite ends of the field. At the other end of the field there is a “hawk” - this is the leader who will catch the “ducks”. "Ducks" must, on command, run away from the "hawk", hiding in the "reeds" on the way to the "lake". "Reeds" are several players who are located in random order at a distance of 1-1.5 m from each other on the way of the "ducks" to the "lake". "Ducks" are saved first among the "reeds", and then - in the "lake", where the "hawk" can no longer catch them. If the "hawk" managed to "tear down" several ducks, then they are considered to be caught and go out of the playing field. "Hawk" continues to catch a smaller number of "ducks". "Hawk" wins if he managed to catch all the "ducks". Rules:

1. "Reeds" should not leave the place or catch one of the players with their hands.

2. "Reeds" can sway while standing still, and thus prevent the "hawk" from catching "ducks".

3. Each "duck" is obliged to stray in the "reeds", and not immediately run to the "lake", where it will be completely safe.

"Running with a stick in hand" (Ingush folk game)

There are many traditional techniques of this game, popular among the peoples of the North Caucasus: to hold a stick in the palm of your hand, on your finger, on your fist, elbow, etc.

Consider how you can arrange a whole running competition, holding a stick in the palm of your hand. To do this, you must pre-determine the distance from start to finish and mark it. It can be 50-100 m, but small children can run a shorter distance. You also need to prepare wooden sticks with which the participants will compete in running. They should be about the same weight and size so that all participants have the same difficulty in keeping their sticks in balance. If schoolchildren compete, then sticks can be up to 1 m long, if the game is played with older preschoolers, then the length of the stick should not be more than 50 cm. Participants in the same race should also not differ very much in height.

Children must run from start to finish, holding a stick in front of them in the palm of their outstretched hand. If a child drops a stick while running, he is out of the game.

The winner is the one who managed to reach the finish line first and not drop the stick.


1. If during the run the participant supported the swaying stick with the other hand, then he is considered a loser and must leave the game.
2. In case of a “false start”, the player’s result is not counted.

"Blind Bear" (Ossetian folk game)

Traditionally, in this game, the attention of the “blind bear” was attracted by the players with the help of rattles: two wooden sticks the length of a pencil. The ends of one of the sticks had "notches", when held along which the smooth side of the other stick could produce a kind of crack. However, other sounds can also be used, such as the ringing of a bell.

The leading “blind bear” is chosen by lot. This child is blindfolded tightly.

The rest of the children approach the bear and start cracking wooden sticks. "Blind Bear" goes to the sound and tries to catch or "blow" any player. Fleeing from the bear, the players run away in all directions. But at the same time, they should not leave the limits of the playing field.

The caught player himself becomes a "blind bear".


1. If a player leaves the playing area, he is considered a loser.
2. The player approaching the bear must necessarily crackle with rattles.

"Zhmurki" (Russian folk game)

Before the start of the game, it is determined by lot who will be the driver. They blindfold him tightly so that he cannot see anything, and put him face to the wall. The driver counts loudly: "One, two, three, four, five: I'm going to look." During this time, the rest of the children should hide indoors. If the game is played on the street, then it is necessary to determine the boundaries of the site, beyond which players cannot go. The one who leads by touch starts looking for children, and they, running from place to place, try not to make noise so that he does not hear where they are. The driver first tries to catch the player, and then, if he succeeded, must determine who is in front of him. The guessed player himself becomes the driver.


1. If the driver went in a direction where there is not a single child, then you can help him by saying: “Cold, very cold!” As you get closer to the players, it becomes "warmer".

2. The caught player is released if the driver by touch could not correctly determine who is in front of him.

3. Sometimes it is allowed to specifically exchange some items of clothing (bows, hairpins, caps) to make it harder for the driver to recognize the players with their eyes closed.

Zhmurki (in circles) (Bashkir folk game)

This game can be played outdoors or indoors. It is necessary to prepare small circles before the start of the game, which the players will become in the future. We recommend cutting out such circles from thick cardboard of such a size that you can stand steadily with both feet on them. However, you can simply draw circles with chalk on the pavement or with a stick on the ground. The main thing is that they are clearly visible, and the number of such circles somewhat exceeds the number of players.

In the center of the site, they “unwind” the blindfolded driver so that he loses his orientation and does not know which way he is going. At the command of an adult, the driver goes at random, and the other players run from circle to circle until the driver comes close to one of them. Then everyone “freezes”, and the driver must, in complete silence, try to find by touch where the player hid. The child being caught can squat, lean to the side, but under no circumstances leave the circle. If he could not keep his balance and stepped outside the circle, he is considered a loser.

If the driver managed to find a player standing on the circle, then he must also determine by touch who he caught. If he succeeded, then this player becomes the leader.


1. All children can again run from circle to circle, make noise, clap their hands, only until the driver comes close to the player “in the circle”.
2. A child who tried to run away or simply did not keep his balance (moved from his place), when the "leader" came close to his circle, becomes the leader himself.

Blind Man's Bluff "Masha and Yasha" (Russian folk game)

For this game, children choose a boy and a girl as drivers. The boy is assigned "Masha": now he must speak in a thin voice, and the girl "Yasha": from now on she speaks in bass. Both drivers are blindfolded. The rest of the children join hands and form a vicious circle around the leaders. The drivers become in a circle, they are untwisted to make it more difficult for them to maintain their orientation, and they are released to “look for” each other. “Yasha” is looking for “Masha”, calling out to her in a bass voice, and “Masha” responds, but is not in a hurry to meet “Yasha”. If “Yasha” blindly takes another child for “Masha”, they point out a mistake to him. The game continues until the funny couple finally meet. You can then choose another pair of players.


1. "Masha" is considered caught if "Yasha" touched her with his hand.
2. If “Yasha” cannot catch “Masha” for a long time, you can offer the heroes to switch roles or give way to other children.

"Painter and paints" (Tatar folk game)

Before the start of the game, a driver (“painter”) and a “mistress of paints” are chosen. The rest of the children become "paints", each child chooses his own color, but so that the "painter" does not hear his name.

The driver (“painter”) addresses the “mistress of paints”: “Grandma, grandmother, I came for paint. May I take it?" - “I have a lot of colors,” the “mistress of colors” answers, “what do you want?”

All the “paints” sit side by side on a bench and wait for what color the “painter” will call. The named “paint” must jump up from the bench and have time to run to the opposite end of the room or platform, where it will be possible to hide behind a specially drawn line.

The “painter”, calling “paint”, does not know if the “hostess” has it and what kind of player it is. He must try to guess the right color, and then either have time to catch the escaping "paint", or at least "smear" it. Usually, according to the rules of the game, the "painter" must collect at least five paints. Then you can choose another "painter", "mistress of paints", assign new names to the "paints" and start the game again.


1. The painter should not catch the "paint" when it is just rising from the chair.
2. It is not allowed for two players to choose the name of one "paint".

"Chur, everything!" (hide and seek with tongue twisters) (game of the Komi peoples)

Before the start of the game, the children are divided into two teams and choose two referees who will strictly monitor the observance of the rules throughout the game.

The drawing of lots determines which team will hide first. All players of the other team stand in a circle and say a tongue twister in unison for an agreed number of times, for example, “All beavers are kind to their beavers.” (The correct pronunciation of the tongue twister should be available to everyone. If there are children in the team with impaired pronunciation of individual sounds, then the tongue twister can be replaced with a simpler one: “Dust flies across the field under the clatter of hooves.”) Judges monitor the correct pronunciation of the tongue twister and count how much once it is pronounced. During this time, all the children from the other team must have time to hide.

Having finished pronouncing the tongue twister, the players from the leading team begin to look for hidden opponents. When you manage to find the first player of the other team, you need to shout loudly: “Chur!”, And call the found child by name. Then all the players from both teams run to the place of the draw and, holding hands, say the same tongue twister once in chorus as at the beginning of the game. Each team is monitored by its own judge for the correct pronunciation of the tongue twister.

The winning team is the one that completes this sequence of actions first. She gets the right to hide.


1. Before the tongue twister begins, all players must have time to join hands.
2. It is necessary to pronounce the tongue twister correctly, without rearranging words, syllables, sounds.



Summer games and fun.

Summer holidays in Russia were accompanied by merry games, amusements, in which both children and adults took part. On Semik, Trinity, round dances with dances were started, swings were arranged.

The swing was one of the most favorite pastimes of the kids. On holidays, common swings were placed on elevated places, on playgrounds, which were, as it were, the center of games and fun for the whole village or village. Such swings were installed by the whole world: the young guys were helped by the kids. On two dug-in poles, a crossbar was strengthened, on which a rope with a board up to 2 m long was fixed. funny Games, sang songs to the accordion, sometimes the accordion player was seated in the center between the swings.

There were also such swings: they took a solid board, put it in the middle on the stage. The jumpers stood on the ends of the board and established balance by adding or subtracting the ends. In the middle of the board, in order to press it against the stage, they put someone (it was called “sit on porridge”). They rode merrily, sometimes they did not only high jumps, but also made all sorts of figures with their feet.

For children, the swing was arranged as follows: either they hung a board on a rope thrown over a beam, or set up a swing on tripods (“goats”). For the smallest children, a swing was arranged in the house.

Children's summer folk games are very diverse. They are held, as a rule, on the street, in a forest, in a grove, in a field, on a lake or river, they are very mobile, they require resourcefulness, ingenuity, they give a lot of skills and abilities. Movable summer games harden not only the body, but also the soul, teach to endure pain from possible falls, bruises. There is no such quality of personality that could not be developed with the help of a folk game, especially in summer.


Salki, or tags

One of the most widespread games in Russia, it has different names and variants in different places.

By lot, one driver is chosen - "salka", or "tag". Conditionally set the boundaries of the site. The players scatter, and the driver catches up with them, trying to touch someone with his hand, “dump”, “stain”. Whomever he catches up with and “assaults”, he becomes a “tag”, “tag”. He begins to catch the players, and the former "trail" runs away with everyone. You can play the game until you get bored.

Salki with a house (option)

For the players, a “house” is drawn on the court, where they cannot be “stained”, “salted”. "Salka" can "salu pour" only outside the "home".

Turkish salki (option)

Do not "salat" the one who managed to sit down in Turkish (legs crossed).

feet off the ground. To do this, they stand on any object or sit down, lie down, raising their legs up.

Salki-peresalki (option)

In this variant of the game, anyone can help out the player who is trying to overtake the "tag". To do this, he must cross the road between the "tag" and the fleeing player. As soon as he crosses the road, the "tag" should already catch him. At this time, one of the players can cross the road again. Thus, everyone is trying to help out the player who is currently being chased by the "fifteen".

Salki with captivity (option)

This version of the game differs from ordinary tags in that the driver chosen by lot remains the same for the entire duration of the game. All caught "salka" takes to his "house" ("captivity") (outlined corner of the site). But the "prisoners" can be rescued: for this you need to touch the "captive" player with your hand. Salka, on the other hand, is trying to “bash” anyone who dares to approach his “home”. The game ends only when all the players have been caught.

Circular tally (option)

The players become in a circle. Two stand behind the circle one against the other. This couple starts the game. One of them is a "trail", the second is a runaway. The game starts on a signal. "Salka" is trying to "bash" the evader. Fleeing from persecution, the evader can stand in a circle at any place between the players. In this case, the player standing to his right becomes a tag, and the eliminated tag runs away. You can run in any direction, but only in the outer circle. In turn, escaping, he can also stand in a circle. Accordingly, the one standing on the right becomes a "leaf". If the evader is "pegged" before he gets into the circle, he is out of the game.

Salochki in two rounds (option)

The players form two circles: inner and outer. In different circles, children move in opposite directions. At the signal of the leader, selected by counting, they stop. Everyone playing in the outer circle quickly tries to "blow" the players in the outer circle by touching them before they have time to sit down. The “salted” players stand in the inner circle, and the game starts over. The game ends when there are few players left in the outer circle (their number is agreed in advance).

Salochki-wheel (option)

The players are divided into several groups up to b people in each. Choose a driver. A circle with a diameter of about 2 m is drawn on the ground. Each group lines up in a line, at the back of each other's head. These groups become radiant, like spokes in a wheel, facing the center of the circle, at the same distance from each other. The first player in each group stands on the line of the circle. The driver is away from these groups.

The driver runs around the circle, stands behind any player standing at the end of the “knitting needle”, “salts” him. He accordingly passes the blow to the one in front of him, etc. When the first player in this “spoke” receives a blow, he loudly shouts “Yes!” and runs along his column, runs out of the circle, runs around it outside and returns to his place. All the players of his “knitting needle”, including the driver, run after him, trying to overtake each other in order to take their place in it. The player who took the last place in his “spoke” becomes the leader.

Instructions for conducting: a spacious area is selected for the game of tag. The number of participants is from 3 to 30 people (in different versions). You can only run within the designated area. Who you fled beyond its borders is considered caught and becomes a "tag". Each new driver must announce that he has become a “tag”, or “tag”, so that everyone knows who to escape from. The driver should not run after the same player. This is reminiscent of the game sentences that children love so much:

For one is not a race -

Catch a pig!

Modern version:

For one is not a race -

I'm not a five-ton!

In this game, dexterity is brought up, the ability to mobilize and avoid danger. Variants of the game are offered according to the degree of complication. If the former are most interesting for preschoolers, then the latter are for younger students.

There are many figurative games among trap games.

lame crow

A “lame crow” is chosen by lot, the rest of the players are “sparrows”. A “nest” is marked on the site. The "lame crow" goes to its "nest" where it can stand on two legs.

"Sparrows" are trying to lure the "crow". They can run around the “nest”, chirping and eating in different voices, teasing the driver: “Lame crow! Carr, carr, thief!" As soon as the “crow” looks at its victim, it stands on one leg, jumps out of the “nest”, tries to “tarnish” the gaping “sparrow”. If this succeeds, she gets up on both legs, and the new "lame crow" hurries to the "nest". The “crow” can “stain” its prey on both legs, but at the same time it should not leave the “nest”.

Instructions for conducting: the game is held on a spacious meadow, older preschoolers and younger schoolchildren, from 3 to 20 people, participate in it. It is important to observe the following condition: the “lame crow” must always ride on one leg, on the one on which it jumped out of the “nest”. If she changes her foot or touches the ground with her other foot, she must again go to the “nest” and drive again. The “crow” can run away to its “nest” on two legs, the players are allowed to softly slap it on the back, on the shoulders. None of the "sparrows" has the right to jump into the nest "and even step on the line.

A fox

Players are counted until one person remains. They tease him: "Fox, fox, long tail!" "Fox" rushes to catch the players, and whoever she catches helps her catch the rest.

Instructions for use: This game is for preschoolers; The more participants, the more interesting it is. The rule must be observed: players can only be caught within the established area. The game continues until all participants are caught.


The player, depicting a frog, squats down. The participants of the game come up to him with the words: "I'm in the frog house, I do what I want." The "frog" gets up and catches up with the players who are trying to get to their house. The running player says: “At home”, or “In his house”. Poy semolina becomes a frog.

Instructions for conducting: the game is interesting for both pre-schoolers and younger students. At the beginning of the game, they designate the “frog house” and the “houses” of the other players. The rules should be followed: the frog starts to catch only after teasing, catches only on the run.

hawk and birds

The "hawk", chosen by lot, hides from the "birds". When they approach him, jumps out of the ambush and catches them. Caught playing becomes a "hawk". The game is repeated.

Instructions for the game: it is more interesting to play this game in a forest clearing, where the “hawk” can hide in the bushes, behind the trees, in order to attack unexpectedly. "Birds" should fly all over the site, approaching the house of "hawk".

Bees and swallows

The players - bees - "fly" in the clearing and sing, say:

The bees are flying.

Honey is collected.

Zoom, zoom, zoom!

Zoom, zoom, zoom!

The “swallow”, chosen by lot, sits in her “nest” and listens to their singing. At the end of the song, the “swallow” says: “The swallow will get up, it will catch the bee.” With the last word, she flies out of the "nest" and catches "bees". Caught becomes a "swallow", the game is repeated.

Instructions for carrying out: the game is interesting for kids. You can play with the whole group. There is only one condition: “bees” must fly all over the site and be removed only after the words “swallows”.

baba yaga

One of the players, chosen by lot by Baba Yaga, stands aside. The others come up to him and tease him:

Baba Yaga, bone leg.

Fell off the stove

Broke her leg.

I went to the garden

The people got scared.

I ran to the bath

Scared the bunny.


Grandmother-Ezhka, bone leg,

Fell off the stove.

Broke her leg.

Went down the street

Crushed the chicken.

Went to the market

Crushed the samovar.

Went to the lawn

Scared the bunny.

Baba Yaga starts jumping on one leg, trying to catch the fleeing players. The one she caught becomes Baba Yaga and the game continues.

Instructions for conducting: the game is interesting for both preschoolers and younger students. The number of participants - from 3 to 30 people. In the hands of Baba Yaga, at the request of the players, there can be a branch (“pomelo”), with which she “salts” them. At the beginning of the game, you should determine the space in which the participants run from Baba Yaga. The game can be complicated: whoever Baba Yaga catches, he freezes in place. Other players can save the captured person by touching him.


By lot, the players choose a "kite" and a "brood hen". All the rest are "chickens". They become in a chain one after another. Each player holds on to the belt in front of the one in front. The mother hen becomes the head of the chain. Her task is to protect the "chickens", especially the very last one, from the "kite". "Kite" sits on the ground and digs a hole. A "hen" with "chickens" comes up to him and starts a conversation:

  1. Kite, what are you doing?
  2. I dig a hole.
  3. Why do you need a hole?
  4. I'm looking for a penny.
  5. Why do you need a penny?
  6. I will buy a needle.
  7. Why do you need a needle?
  8. Sew the bag.
  9. Why do you need a bag?
  10. Put stones.
  11. Why do you need stones?
  12. Throw at your kids.
  13. For what?
  14. They climb into my garden.
  15. You would make the fence higher, and if you don’t know how, then catch them.

"Kite" rushes at the "chickens". His task is to tear off the “chicken” standing at the end of the chain. The mother hen tries to keep him away from the chickens. The last "chicken" also tries to dodge the hands of a predator. When the kite catches everyone, the game ends.

Instructions for the game: up to 20 people can take part in the game. According to the condition, the “kite” can only steal the last “chicken”. The game will be more interesting if the "kite" will use various tricks, for example, suddenly turn in the other direction and grab the "chicken". The rules should be remembered: “chickens” must hold tightly to each other, since those that have broken away from the chain and did not have time to quickly connect also become the prey of the “kite”. The “hen”, protecting the “chickens”, does not have the right to repel the “kite” with his hands. Sometimes they agree to play like this: if the "kite" catches five "chickens", then he himself becomes a "brood hen", and the "brood hen" turns into the last "chicken" in the chain.


The "toad" is chosen by lot. The rest draw a circle and stand behind the line. "Toad" goes to the middle of the circle, the players talk to her:

  1. Why do you need four paws, frog?
  2. To jump on the grass with legs outstretched!
  3. Show me, frog, how you jump, jump!
  4. And that's how I am!

“Toad” shows how she jumps, and the children standing on the line of the circle say:

Boda, boda, balaboda,

A toad lives in a swamp.

Sitting with bulging eyes

Loudly says:


And I'm jumping like this!

The “toad” jumps, trying to “bash” one of the players. Players dodge, run along the circle line. Whom the “toad” touches, he takes on her role.

Instructions for conducting: the game is interesting for schoolchildren. It is better to play with a subgroup of 10-12 people. It should be remembered that the "toad" begins to "salt" the players after the teasing. The one who stepped off the circle line is considered to be caught and is out of the game.


The players sit in a circle on their haunches. The driver (“dawn-dawn”) walks outside the circle, hides the “keys” behind his back - a handkerchief with a knot tied. The “dawn-dawn” walks, together with everyone says:


red maiden,

Walked across the sky

Dropped the keys.

saw the moon

The sun is gone!

The driver is trying to discreetly put the “keys” behind someone. Players must not look back, turn their heads. The one who was given the “keys” runs after the driver, beats him with a handkerchief, saying: “Don’t lose the keys, don’t lose the keys!” The driver who is caught sits in his place, and the “stained one” becomes the “dawn”.

Instructions for conducting: the game is interesting for younger students, it requires not only quick reaction and skill, but also attention. You can play both outdoors and indoors (the game does not require a lot of space). According to the rules of the game, if the one who was given the “keys” does not notice this, the “dawn” goes around the circle, raises the “keys”, starts whipping the onlooker, saying: “Do not hide the keys, do not hide the keys!”

Shoemaker Grandpa

According to the counter, "grandfather-shoemaker" is selected. He becomes in the center of the circle formed by the players. The dialogue starts:

Children: Grandfather-shoemaker, sew boots for us!

Shoemaker: Wait, kids, I lost my glasses!
Children: Grandfather-shoemaker, how many of us

will you take?

Shoemaker: Two rubles and a half, a piglet and a penny.
Children: Grandfather-shoemaker, are you crazy!

Shoemaker: Wait, kids, I found glasses!

During the dialogue, the children narrow the circle, approaching the "shoemaker". After pronouncing the last words, "grandfather" tries to catch one of the players. Caught becomes a "grandfather-shoemaker".

Shoemaker (option)

The players stand in a circle and join hands, if there are few of them, they hold a handkerchief rolled up with a bundle by the ends. In the middle of the circle sits the “shoemaker”, chosen by the rhyme. He pretends to sew boots, saying: “Pretty legs, pretty legs, try on boots!” The players, quickly spinning in a circle, answer: “Try on, try on!” After these words, the "shoemaker" should, without getting up from his seat, stretch out his hand and "bash" someone from the circle. Caught and "shoemaker" change places.

In a shoemaker (modern version)

The house of the "shoemaker" is drawn in the form of a "snail". The “shoemaker”, chosen by lot, is in the very center. The players take turns calling to his house. After the call, the "shoemaker" runs along the spiral path to the door, inviting the guest to his place.

Guest: Shoemaker, shoemaker, fix my shoes (shoes, boots, etc.) The shoemaker "takes measurements" from shoes - circles the guest's foot with a stick - and imitates shoe repair. Then he names a price.

Guest (distracts the attention of the shoemaker): Shoemaker, shoemaker, look, there is a bird flying (airplane, etc.).

The shoemaker looks up at the sky, while the guest runs down the spiral path. The shoemaker catches up and tries to "snap". If he catches up, they change roles, and if not, then the shoemaker meets the next guest.

Instructions for conducting: the game is played on a small playground, in a group of up to 12 people. Before the start of the game, they agree: the “grandfather-shoemaker” will catch the players without leaving the circle, or all over the court. In the "Shoemaker" variant, the size of the circle is determined by the ability of the players to reach from its center to the edge. When playing "shoemaker", you should remember: you can not step on spiral paths, jump from one path to another.

wolf and children

One of the players, by lot, depicts a wolf, the rest are children. "Wolf" sits aside and is silent. Children, pretending to pick berries in the forest, approach the "wolf", say:

I pinch, I pinch the berry,

For blackcurrant,

Father on inserter.

Mother on a sleeve,

Gray wolf Grass on a shovel.

With the last words, the children throw grass at the “wolf” and run in all directions, and the “wolf” catches them. Caught semolina becomes a "wolf". If the "wolf" did not catch anyone, he returns to his place.

At the bear in a thief (option)

The game is the same, only the children tease the "bear". Gathering mushrooms and berries, they say:

At the bear in the forest

Mushrooms, I take berries!

The bear caught a cold

Frozen on the stove!

At the bear in the forest

Mushrooms, I take berries!

The bear doesn't sleep

And growls at us!

"Bear" begins to toss and turn, stretch, leaves the den and catches the children. Caught becomes a "bear".

Grandfather bear (option)

One of the players is "grandfather-bear". Children come up to him, saying: "Grandfather-bear, let us spend the night." The request is repeated until the driver answers: “Not long, not long, not until the evening!” Hearing this, the children lie down on the grass, pretending to be asleep. After sleeping a little, they jump up and shout to “grandfather”: “We’ll come tomorrow, we’ll bake rolls!” Stepping aside for a while, the children return again and ask: “Grandfather-bear, let us take a steam bath!” The driver agrees: "Come, but don't burn the bathhouse." Hearing this, the players scatter in different directions, shouting: “It's on fire! It's on fire! - and the "grandfather-bear" rushes after them. The first one caught becomes the "grandfather".

Instructions for conducting: the game is interesting for both preschoolers and younger students, from 3 to 40 people can take part in it. Requires a large playground. It is interesting to play in a forest clearing. The rules should be followed: a wolf or a bear has no right to run out until the players say the last words of the teaser; You can catch players only within the established area.

Swan geese

The players choose the "wolf" and the "owner", they themselves depict the "geese". On one side of the site they draw a house where the "owner" and "geese" live, on the other - a field. Between them is the lair of the "wolf".

All geese fly to the field to pluck the grass. The owner calls them:

  1. Geese, geese!
  2. Ha-ha-ha!
  3. Do you want to eat?
  4. Yes Yes Yes!
  5. So fly home!
  6. The gray wolf under the mountain does not let us go home.
  7. What is he doing?
  8. He sharpens his teeth, he wants to eat us.
  9. Well, fly as you like, just take care of your wings! The "geese" run into the house, the "wolf" tries to catch them.

The game ends when all the "geese" are caught.

You can also use this ending: when the “wolf” catches everyone, the owner drowns the bathhouse and invites the “wolf”, the “wolf” pretends to take a steam bath. After that, the owner tells him: “Volkushko, I’ll throw you a cow,” and throws a stick. The "wolf" runs after the stick, and the "geese" at this time run away to the owner.

The game can be made more difficult by introducing a second “wolf” into it.

Instructions for conducting: older preschoolers and younger schoolchildren, from 5 to 40 people, can take part in the game. It takes place in a spacious area. It is interesting to play in the meadow, not in the forest field. Rules: "geese" must fly all over the site, they are allowed to return home only after the words spoken by the owner. At the end of the game, you can mark the most dexterous "geese" (never got to the "wolf") and the best "wolf" (caught more "geese").


Kostroma is chosen by lot. The players come up to her and sing or say:

Kostromushka, Kostroma,

Alien far side!

At Kostroma in the house

Ate porridge on the floor;

oil porridge,

Spoon painted.

I'll throw the porridge, I'll throw the spoon,

The soul will go around the world!

After singing the song, the players lean towards Kostroma and ask her the question: “Where is Kostroma?” Kostroma replies: “I’ve gone into the forest!” Having received the answer, the players sing:

Kostroma, Kostroma,

Alien far side

Why did you wander into the forest?

There is a rare shelf in the bath.

Break your sock!

Scrape your back with a nail,

You will soon go to that world!

Children ask Kostroma again: “Where is Kostroma?” This time they get the answer: “Kostroma is dead!” Then they sing:

Died, our deceased died,

Neither Wednesday nor Tuesday

They began to incense him,

And he looks with his eyes.

They began to call Kuzka,

He kicks his feet

Call Kostromushka -

He began to straighten his back,

And how they began to sing -

He's running after us!

At the last words, the children run away. "Kostroma" begins to catch them. Caught becomes "Kostroma", the game starts again.

Instructions for conducting: today this game is not in the game repertoire of our children, however, younger students can be introduced to it as an illustration of what games they played in the old days in the summer (Green Christmas time). Singing songs involves preparing children for this game.

Warrior Mushrooms

The driver, chosen by lot, is removed from the rest. All the players take the names of well-known mushrooms: volushki, russula, fly agaric, mushrooms, etc. Everyone becomes in a circle, and the driver, standing in the middle, says:

Our grief has come, dear,

We lived peacefully in the wild.

King Peas with Queen Carrot,

Yes, with Repo's sister-in-law,

With brother Bob

Yes, with matchmaker Kochan

They go to war with us.

Come fight with me!

The players, holding hands, answer him:

You, sir, have mercy on us!

Do not drag to the service by force,

How long does a mushroom live?

A day or two will pass

He's getting old

Falls on the side

Legs are thin

trepan hat,

Just win

Both you and us.

"Well well well!" - says the driver and, despite the resistance of the mushrooms, begins to call them out: “Chanterelles! Russula!" etc. The players corresponding to these names run, and the driver catches them. The remaining "mushrooms" can protect those caught. They try to surround them and prevent the leader from getting inside the circle. The driver, without catching the "chanterelles", can shout out the name of another mushroom. In this case, the named "mushrooms" must leave the protection and escape. The rest of the "mushrooms" are already trying to protect them. The first semolina "mushroom" caught becomes the leader and again begins to collect the "mushroom army".

Instructions for conducting: the game is interesting for older preschoolers and younger students, it is held on a spacious site, a forest clearing. Several players can call themselves the same mushroom. They agree in advance on the boundaries of the site on which the driver catches "mushrooms".

Among the trap games, one can single out a large group of traps with a ball that children liked to play in the summer.

Hunters and ducks

2 lines are drawn on the site at a distance of 6-8 m from one another, the width of the site is arbitrarily determined (also limited by lines). Conspiracy players are divided into two teams - "hunters" and "ducks". "Hunters" stand behind the drawn lines, "ducks" are located in the center. "Hunters" throw the ball to each other and at a convenient moment throw it into the "ducks". The “duck” “salted” by the ball is out of the game. The game continues until all the "ducks" are "shot", after which the teams switch roles.

How to play: This game can be played by 4 to 12 people. It is better to play ball while walking in the forest, choosing a flat clearing. The ball must be of medium size. Rules: “hunters” do not have the right to step over the line; The “shot duck” is temporarily not involved in the game (until all the “ducks” are “assed” and the teams change places). Each team has its own captain. He can help out the losing team if he completes the task: during 10-12 ball transfers he will never be “shot down”.

"Ducks" can catch the ball ("candles") - these are spare points, in which case the subsequent hit in the "duck" is not counted.

The game is especially interesting for younger preschoolers, they have a better developed eye, more accuracy in knocking out "ducks".

circular ball

All players are located in a circle with a diameter of about 10 m. They choose the leader. He begins to walk around with the ball, waiting for the right moment to throw the ball at one of those standing in the circle. The eliminated player grabs the ball with his hands and yells "Stop!" The driver, who, after hitting the ball with the player, tries to run as far as possible from the circle, must stop. The player says: “To you ... steps!” Takes the named number of steps and throws the ball at the driver. If it hits, the driver will repeat everything from the beginning. If he misses, he himself becomes the driver.

Instructions for playing: the game does not require a lot of space, it is better to use a medium-sized ball for it. The number of players - up to 10-12 people. The rules are as follows: after the “stop” signal, the driver must stop, you can dodge the ball, but you cannot leave the place. In the second version of the game, at the signal “fire”, all the players stop, the legs cannot be torn off the ground.

Poles (option)

The players stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other. Everyone to whom the ball is thrown must hit it with their palms to the other. At the same time, each player monitors how the others hit the ball. As soon as the ball, unsuccessfully beaten off or unsuccessfully received, falls to the ground, everyone scatters in different directions. The player who dropped the ball becomes the driver. He picks up the ball and yells "Fire!" All players stop. Now the driver must recoup - throw the ball at the player closest to him. If it hits - win back. The players again stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other until a new driver is determined. If the driver throws the ball and does not hit the player, then they put him in a “pillar” for this: he must stand still without moving. And the game continues.

When the next moment for running away comes, the “pillar” stands still. As a rule, it is at him that the new driver throws the ball. With a successful throw, he wins back, and the “pillar” still remains where it stood. If the driver misses, then he himself is put in a “pillar”, and the one at whom he threw the ball returns to the circle of players.

Hide-and-seek games

Cossack robbers

With the help of collusion, the players are divided into two teams. By lot, one team of "Cossacks" is established, and the other - "robbers". The team of "Cossacks" must have some kind of sign: armbands, badges, etc.

The "robbers" scatter in different directions and hide from the "Cossacks". After a certain time, by agreement, the "Cossacks" go in search. Having found the "robber", the "Cossack" catches up with him. If he cannot catch himself, he calls his comrades for help. The prisoner is taken to the "dungeon" and left there under guard. The "robbers" can free their comrades from the "dungeon" by "staining" the prisoner, however, the liberators themselves can be captured if at that moment they are "stained" by the "Cossacks".

Instructions for conducting: This is a game for schoolchildren, especially interesting for boys. You can play on the playground, on the edge of the forest. The main condition is the availability of places where you can hide: buildings, trees, shrubs, small pits, etc. You need to agree in advance on the limits to which you can hide and run away. A “dungeon” can be a corner of the site, a tree, or some prominent place. "Dungeon" is denoted by sticks, twigs, lines, stones.

Give, grandfather, a pen!

The players are divided into two groups. They cast lots on who to seek and who to hide. The players, who had a lot to look for, choose "grandfather", the rest - "granddaughters". They step aside with him, close their eyes. Those hiding choose a “mother” for themselves, who should hide her children in different places, but not far from each other.

Having hidden the children, she goes to "grandfather" and tells him: "Grandfather, give me a pen!" He gives his hand, and the “mother” leads him and the “grandchildren” in a completely different direction from the hidden children. But along the way, "grandfather" and "grandchildren" vigilantly look around, trying to guess where the children are hidden. As soon as they notice this place, they immediately run to those hiding, trying to catch someone. Those hiding, noticing this, can immediately run out of their ambush towards the “mother”. If she runs to her children before the "grandfather" with the "grandchildren", then they will no longer be able to catch anyone. If the "grandfather" manages to catch at least one of them, the players change roles.

Instructions for conducting: the number of participants in the game - up to 20 people. The area where the game is played should have trees, bushes or objects behind which it is convenient to hide. "Grandfather" and "grandchildren" should not peep when the "mother" hides her children.

Two blind (Blind master)

Choose two leaders. One is the “blind master”, the other is the “servant Jacob”. The players join hands and stand in a circle. The “blind master” begins to call his servant: “Yakov! Where are you?" “Yakov” comes as close as possible and answers “master”, and then quietly leaves. The “blind master” tries to ask his “servant” about any business as often as possible. The same, answering him, immediately bounces away. The "blind master" is trying to catch him. When the "master" catches "Yakov", new drivers are selected, the game continues.

Instructions for conducting: the game does not require a large area, since the search is only in the center of the circle, which is formed by the players. A lively dialogue between two leaders is assumed, according to the voice of the “master” he is looking for a servant. New drivers can be chosen as follows: the “blind” touches one of those standing in a circle and, after asking him a question, tries to recognize him by his voice. If he guesses correctly, he becomes the leader.


The players choose the driver. Everyone picks up a stick and says:


What time is it

Left until the evening

Before summer?

After these words, put the stick vertically on the palm or on the tip of the fingers. The fingers of the other hand cannot support a small-crippled man. The driver counts: “One, two, three ... ten!” When the stick falls, it must be picked up with the other hand, not allowing the final fall to the ground. The score is kept only until the second hand is picked up, and not until it falls to the ground. The one who holds the stick the longest wins.

The stick can be held in different ways:

  1. On the back of the hand, on the elbow, on the shoulder, on the head.
  2. Holding the stick, they squat, stand on the bench, walk or run to the drawn line.
  3. They hold two sticks at the same time, one on the palm, the other on the head.

Team game (option)

The players are divided into two groups. On the ground, a line marks the place to which they must run with the crippled little thing. On a signal, the players rush to the line. The winner is the group that first reaches the line without dropping even once their crippled little thing.

How to play: This game can be played with a different number of players, from 1 to 10 at the same time. To play, you need a straight thick stick with a diameter of about 2-3 cm, a length of 50 to 150 cm. One end of the stick can be slightly pointed. Sometimes a turntable is installed on the tip of the malechina-mutilation, which, when the player moves, begins to spin. You can put some funny toy on its tip - a bun, etc. The players stand away from each other so that it is convenient to keep the balance of the stick. The driver can give different tasks: the players, without releasing the stick, must walk, squat, turn around. The ways of holding the stick on the hand, as well as the difficulty of the tasks, are determined by the age and capabilities of the children.


Depicting a turnip (he is chosen with the help of a counting rhyme) tightly clings to an immovable object: a tree, a stump, a pole. The rest wrap their arms around each other's waists. One of the players tries to “pull the turnip”, i.e., to pull the player representing the turnip away from the tree. If this succeeds, all the players lose their balance and fall to the ground, only the most dexterous can stay on their feet. If the row is broken, and the turnip is not pulled out, everyone laughs: “We didn’t eat the turnips.”

Instructions for conducting: the minimum number of participants is 4 people. It is good to play this game in the forest during a walk, choosing a convenient platform. After several unsuccessful attempts to "pull a turnip", a new "turnip" is selected. All players must be in this role. This game is interesting for children up to school age.


The players stand one after another, clasping their hands in the form of a long ridge. The first is called "grandmother", all the rest are radishes.

One of the players, chosen by lot, is called Ivashka Popov. He approaches the grandmother and talks to her: "Knock-knock." - "Who's here?" - "Ivashka Popov". - "Why did you come?" - "For a radish." - "Not in time, come tomorrow."

Ivashka Popov leaves, but soon returns. The conversation with the grandmother is repeated, but the ending changes - the grandmother replies: "Pull whatever you want."

Ivashka pulls everyone in turn. Whoever pulled out more radishes is the winner.

Instructions for conducting: the game can have 4 or more participants in the game. The radishes try to hold each other tightly. Ivashka can shake the players - who by the hands, who by the head, etc. Laughing players are easier to "pull out".


The players are divided into two groups, one depicts an elephant, the other - riders. The players of the first group stand one after another, clasping each other by the waist (facing the wall). The first, bent over and lowering his head, rests his hands against the wall. Holding tightly to each other, they depict an elephant. The players of the other group, one by one, jump on the “elephant” with a run, so as to sit on horseback as far forward as possible, leaving room for the next. When all the players have jumped, the "elephant" slowly turns around and carries the riders to the agreed place and back.

Instructions for conducting: this game is interesting for younger students, it is usually played by boys. The number of players can be from 8 to 12 people (up to 6 people in one group). If the game is played in the forest, then a tree trunk can be used to support the setting of the “elephant”. It should be remembered that the players at the top (“riders”) only hold on to each other. If they grab the “elephant”, then they change roles with him. Groups change places even if during the movement one of the riders fell. If the players depicting the "elephant" do everything correctly, then in next game they become riders.


The players are divided into pairs. Each pair joins hands and begins to twist, that is, rotate around its longitudinal axis, singing:

Does the tube wind, does it wind,

Does it wind, does the silver wind...

The game continues until one of the spinners falls. Whose pair lasts longer is the winner.

How to play: The game is simple and is usually played by girls (4 to 6 people). Doesn't require a lot of space. You can play both in the yard and on the lawn, in the clearing. The rules are set by the players themselves.


The collusive players are divided into two teams and line up in two lines against each other (at a distance of up to 10-15 m). The players of each line firmly hold hands, forming a chain. In each team, a "womb" ("mother") is chosen. By agreement with its players, the “womb” addresses the other team with the words: “Tara-bars! Give us such and such!" The named one separates from his line, runs to those who call, and, having run up, tries to break through the "chain". If he succeeds, he takes any of the opposing team to his team. If the "chain" remains unbroken, then he himself remains in the opposite team, standing in their line. The winning team is the one that all the players from the opponent's line go to.

Instructions for conducting: the game is interesting for children of senior preschool and primary school age. Held in a large field. The number of participants is from 8 to 16 people. Each time, before the choice, all team members agree on which player from the opposite line will be called. The winner can be considered the team, which moved more players from the opposite "chain".


Two players, chosen by lot, sit on the ground opposite each other. One of them stretches his leg forward, the other puts his heel on the toe of the first. Other players jump over these two legs. Then the first player puts the second leg, the rest jump over four legs. Then the second player puts the second leg, the rest jump over four legs. Then the hands come into play. Through such a "fence" they jump already from a place. Anyone who doesn't jump is out of the game. For the most dexterous, remaining at the end of the game, a test (“exam”) is arranged. A “cauldron” is built for them: those sitting on the ground spread their legs, and the player must jump over it with their eyes closed. If you managed to jump - you won.

Posigushki (option)

By agreement, the players are divided into two teams, one of them is the leader. The players of this team form pairs that stand in a corridor - facing each other at a distance of 1-2 m, one pair from the other. Then the children also sit in pairs on the grass, straighten their legs, with their feet touching each other. The players of the other team stand in single file and try to jump over their legs as quickly as possible. Drivers are trying to "bump" the jumping player. Each "singed" stands behind the back of the driver who "singed" him. The players change places after all the children have passed, and the game is repeated. The winner is the team in which fewer players are "assed".

Instructions for conducting: since during the game the children sit on the ground, the best place for it is a forest clearing or a sandy beach. In this game, children not only practice jumping, but also show dexterity and dexterity. Children can come up with their own test for the winners in the first version of the game. The team variant provides for the following rules: the "tagged" must not jump further than the pair of players who "tagged" him. The leading “salit” of the player only when he jumps over, while he should not change the position of his legs.

In the repertoire of summer children's games there are always competition games with a ball.


The players stand in a circle facing the center at a distance of about a step from each other. According to the rhyme, the driver is chosen. He goes to the center of the circle, calls the name of one of the children and throws the ball on the ground so that it bounces in the right direction. The one whose name was called by the driver catches the ball and beats it off - spanks with his palm. The number of ball hits is set by agreement, but not more than five, so that the rest of the players do not have to wait long for their turn. After hitting the ball, the player throws it to the driver, and the game continues until someone drops the ball. In this case, the game starts over. The one who dropped the ball takes the place of the driver.

Directions for the game: play on a level surface so that the ball bounces well. It is better to take a medium-sized ball. No more than 10-15 people take part in this game. The success of the game depends on how well the children control the ball. There is only one rule: you need to hit the ball while standing in one place. The game can be complicated - use 2 or 3 balls, but in this case you need to choose two or three drivers.


The participants of the game stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other and begin to throw the ball, calling by name the one who should catch it. The ball is tossed until one of the players drops it. The dropper stands in the center of the circle and, on the instructions of the players, performs 1-2 exercises with the ball. You can take forfeits from the offenders, and when playing, offer to perform exercises with the ball: toss the ball high and, when it bounces off the ground, catch it; throwing the ball up, clap your hands several times and catch the ball, etc.

Instructions for conducting: the game is interesting for preschool children, you can play with toddlers. The younger the children, the smaller the number of participants. The ball can be taken of any size depending on the skills of the children; the smaller the ball, the more difficult it is to catch and perform exercises.

You should remember the rules: the ball is allowed to be thrown to each other only through the center of the circle; if the player drops the ball during the exercises, he is given an additional task.


The players stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other. You need to beat it with your palms. Each player carefully watches how the others hit the ball. As soon as an unsuccessfully repulsed or unsuccessfully caught semolina ball falls to the ground, everyone scatters in different directions. The player who dropped the ball is considered to be the driver. He must pick up the ball as soon as possible and shout "Fire!" All players stop. The driver must win back - throw the ball at the player closest to him. If he hits, he wins back, again stands in a circle, the game continues until a new driver appears. If the driver throws the ball at the player and does not hit, then he is put on a “bom table”: he must stand still without moving. When the next moment for running away comes, the "pillar" stands still. As a rule, it is into him that the new driver will throw the ball. With a successful throw, he wins back, and the "pillar" still remains in place. If the driver misses, then he himself is put in a “pillar”, and the one to whom he threw the ball returns to the circle.

Operation Instructions: This is a game for younger students. The number of participants is up to 15-20 people. It is better to take a medium-sized ball that is easily beaten off by the palms. The game requires attention from children. So, after the words of the driver: “Fire!” All players must stop where they are. The one at whom the driver throws the ball can dodge, but in no case take his feet off the ground.


The players stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other. A “bunny” is chosen by lot, he becomes in a circle. The participants in the game throw the ball so that it hits the "bunny". "Bunny" runs in a circle, dodging the ball. If someone misses by throwing the ball at the "bunny", then he himself becomes him.

In a circle (option)

The players throw the ball to each other - The one who did not catch goes to the middle of the circle and “salyat” him - they hit the ball. The one who does not catch the ball in his hands replaces it.

Instructions for conducting: there should be no more than 10 people playing. According to the rules of the game, you need to pass the ball quickly, you can not hold it in your hands. The faster the players pass the ball, the more interesting the game goes and the more opportunities to “tarnish” the “bunny”. "Bunny" (or driver in the second version) can catch the ball. In this case, the player whose ball was caught stands in a circle and plays the role of a bunny (or driver).



They choose the leader with a counting book, close his eyes with his hands, turn and twist in different directions, and then knock him face down on the ground without opening his eyes. The driver put in this way must guess where he “flies”, for example, to the forest, to the village, etc. At the same time, they say:

Roll-roll loaf,

Kudi with your head.

To the forest-males,

I'll climb into the garden

I'll dig the ridges

I will break the pommel

Where's your head?

If the driver guesses correctly, he is released, and the next player takes his place.

How to play: This game is good to play in a forest clearing with a small group of 3 to 6 people. You can not close the eyes of the driver with your hands, but tie it with a handkerchief, just make sure that it does not fall off. The more participants, the more the driver is twisted. Before the start of the game, the participants agree on the choice of landmarks: oak, river, path, etc. The driver must be well oriented in the surrounding area. The game continues as long as there is interest.

Owl and birds

The players choose "owl" with the help of a counting rhyme, he goes to his nest. The rest choose for themselves the names of the birds whose voice they want to imitate, and “scatter” around the site. On the signal "Owl!" everyone is trying to fly to their nests. If the "eagle owl" has time to catch someone, then he must guess what kind of bird it is, and only then the one who is caught becomes an "owl".

Instructions for the game: the game is played on a spacious area. The number of participants is up to 20 people. "Nests" are better to choose on high objects: on stumps, on benches. Each bird hides from the "eagle owl" in its own nest.

Ivan the Mower and the Beasts

For this game, a special counter is used to select the driver:

Ivan with a scythe

Don't go barefoot

And shod go,

Weave your own bast shoes.

If you are shod

Wolves, foxes will not find,

The bear won't find you

Come out, you're on fire!

The rest of the players call themselves various animals, one is a wolf, one is a bear, one is a fox, one is a hare, etc. "Ivan the mower" picks up a stick ("scythe") and makes movements, as when mowing. "Beasts" are talking to him:

  1. Ivan mower, what are you doing?
  2. I cut the grass.
  3. Why are you mowing?
  4. Feed the cows.
  5. Why cows?
  6. Give milk.
  7. Why milk?
  8. To make cheese.
  9. Why cheese?
  10. Feed the hunters.
  11. Why feed the hunters?
  12. Catch animals in the forest!

"Beasts" quickly scatter in all directions, and "Ivan-mower" runs to look for them and catch them. Having caught one of the "animals", he must guess which "animal" it is. If he guesses correctly, the caught one is out of the game, and "Ivan-mower" is looking for the rest of the hidden "animals".

Instructions for the game: the game is played on a spacious area, from 3 to 20 people can participate in it. The game is interesting for children of preschool and primary school age. If a large number of children take part in the game, then the same names of “animals” are allowed: two bears, two foxes, etc. “Ivan-mower” begins to catch up only after the last words: “Catch animals in the forest!” The driver can help himself in guessing leading questions to the captured animal.

In "heaps"

The driver, chosen with the help of a rhyme, takes one thing from the players, hides it in piles of sand so that one of them contains two things, the other one, and the third none. Having hidden the objects, the driver offers to look for them. Whoever gets a pair wins, and whoever gets an empty pile loses. The winner becomes the leader.

Instructions for conducting: three people participate in the game. It is good to spend it on the river bank. You can hide pebbles, cones and other objects. It is important to remember that players take turns making choices. The game continues as long as there is interest.



Children join hands, forming a long line. They go smoothly, slowly sing:

Weave, weave, my cabbage,

Weave, weave, white.

How can I, cabbage, curl,

How can I not fall in the winter!

The leader conducts a round dance through the "gate" - raised hands that hold the latter in a string. When everyone passes, the very last one turns and “curls the cabbage”, that is, throws the hand over his shoulder, which holds on to his comrade. Then the round dance passes through the second gate, the third, etc. until all the players “curl”.

After that, the last one in the string remains in place, and the round dance “curls” around it, gradually covering everything denser and denser, until “cabbage forks” are obtained. It turns out to be a lot of fun. Then the cabbage begins to "develop" until it returns to its original position. The game is always accompanied by singing, sometimes loud, sometimes quieter, but invariably smooth and drawn out.


The players stand in a circle, holding hands, sing:

Zainka, go out into the circle,

Gray, come out in a circle,

Hurry, hurry, go out to Krygu,

Hurry, hurry, get in the circle!

One of the players, previously chosen by the "hare", goes to the middle of the circle. The players continue to sing:

Zainka, you walk

Gray, you go

Here and there you go

Go here and there!

"Hare" walks in one direction or the other, and the players clap their hands:

Zainka, wash your hands,

Gray, wash your hands,

Left, right, wash your hands,

Left, right, wash your hands!

"Hare" shows how he washes his hands. All the players repeat the same movements:

Zainka, wash your face,

Gray, wash your face.

Wash your face from top to bottom

Wash your face from top to bottom!

"Hare" shows how he washes himself, the rest of the players repeat his gestures.

Zainka, smooth your fur,

Grey, smooth your fur.

Behind, in front, smooth the fur,

Behind, in front, smooth the fur!

"Zainka" runs his hands over the clothes, straightens them, cleans them. All players repeat:

Zainka, comb your hair,

Grey, brush your hair.

Yes, brush your hair better

Yes, brush your hair better!

"Hare" shows how he combs his hair. Players repeat:

Zainka, under the barrel,

Gray, under the barrel

Dancing, dancing Cossack,

Dancing, dancing Cossack!

"Hare" is dancing, the rest of the players are also dancing. After the words “dancing, dancing Cossack”, everyone scatters, “hare” catches them. Caught becomes a "hare".

Cap (spider)

A leader is chosen who squats in the center of the circle. The rest of the players walk around him, holding hands, and sing:

cap, cap,

thin legs,

Red boots.

We fed you

We fed you

put on their feet,

Forced to dance.

After these words, everyone runs to the center, lifts the driver, puts him on his feet and again forms a circle. Clapping their hands, they sing:

Forced to dance.

The driver begins to spin with his eyes closed. Everyone sings:

Dance, dance as much as you want

Choose who you want!

The driver chooses someone without opening his eyes, and changes places with him.


Tsyntsy-bryntsy, Balalaika!

Tsyntsy-bryntsy, play!

Tsyntsy-bryntsy, I don't want to!

Tsyntsy-bryntsy, I'll go!

Zealous horse

With a long mane

Rides, rides through the fields

Here and there! Here and there!

Where will he jump

Get out of the circle!

The bees flew into the field

They buzzed, they buzzed.

The bees sat on the flowers

We play - you drive.

Past the forest, past the cottages

A red ball floated down the river.

I saw a pike, what is this thing?

Grab, grab! Don't catch.

The ball popped up again.

Come out, you lead.

Once the guys went to the river,

They carried two oars in their hands.

To meet them - three sheep

And four turkeys.

All the guys were scared

The oars were thrown into the bushes,

Frightened, fled

And you must find them!

Cockerel, cockerel,

Show me your jacket.

The box is on fire

How many feathers does it have?

One, two, three, four, five,

You run out of the circle!

An apple rolled past the garden,

Past the fence.

Who will raise

That one will come out.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock

Under the bridge there lived a blue crab,

Cancer grabbed the cat by the tail.

Meow meow, help!

Unhook from the tail of cancer!

Everyone is running and you run

Help cat Vaska.

In a wide circle, I see

All my friends got up.

I am for you my friends

I'm making pies:

Gotta bake them fast

You go and light the stove.

The Tilichinchiks were visiting

At the cheerful Chilichili,

We drank tea, ate cookies,

Someone spilled sweet tea

The one who spilled, answer!

The seagull warmed up the kettle,

Invited seagulls to visit

Everyone came for tea!

How many seagulls? Answer! - Seven!

One two three four,

Five, six, seven. (Seventh out)

Ah, ah, ah, oh!

Masha sowed peas,

He was born thick.

We will rush, you wait!

Tel-tel, the birds sang,

Soared, flew to the forest.

The birds began to nest,

Who does not Viet, to drive!

In the mud at Oleg

The cart got stuck.

Oleg would sit

Until the snow.

You get out of the circle

And save a friend.

One two three four!

Mice lived in the apartment

They drank tea, broke cups,

Three money paid

Who doesn't want to pay

That's why you need to drive!

A man was driving along the road

Broke a wheel on the doorstep.

How many nails does he need?

Speak quickly

Don't delay good people. - Five!

One, two, three, four, five. (Fifth comes out)

The cuckoo walked past the net,

And behind her are small children.

Cuckoos are asked to drink,

Come out, you lead.

One two three four,

Who doesn't sleep in our apartment?

Everyone in the world needs sleep

Who does not sleep, he will go out!

rainbow arc,

Don't let it rain

Come on sunshine

Bell tower.


bear, bear,

Disperse the cloud:

I'll give you a bunch of Oats.

During the drought, when the rains passed by, ask the rainbow:

rainbow arc,

Bring us rain.

rainbow arc,

Don't drink our water.

After bathing, in order to get rid of the water pouring into the ears, they jumped on one leg, pressing their palm to their ear, saying to the beat of jumping:

Mouse, mouse,

Pour out the water

For the slanting garden!

aquarius, aquarius,

Get the water out of your ears!

In search of mushrooms in the forest, they used to say:

Mushrooms on mushrooms, and mine is on top.

There lived men

They took saffron mushrooms.


Summer rain brought both joys and sorrows. While playing outside, the children called the rain like this:

Urine, urine, rain,

For our rye;

On grandma's wheat

On grandfather's barley

Water all day.

Rain, rain, more

For babina cabbage

On my barley

Ride all day.

Rain, rosy, rosy,

Girl, grow, grow!

Rain, rain, more!

Vanka rides with thick,

Backlog for a stump -

The light lit up

Backlog for a bump -

Spilled thick barrel.

Go rain, rain,

Drill the earth

Give us water!

When it rained incessantly, they asked the rainbow to stop it:

rainbow arc,

Break through the rain

Give me the sun

Natalya Melnikova
Russian folk games - a means of familiarizing the child with the traditions of the Russian people

Subject: « Russian folk games - a means of familiarizing the child with the traditions of the Russian people».

Target: Update parents' ideas about Russian folk games as a means of familiarizing the child with the traditions of the Russian people».


1 Introduce parents to Russian folk games, show their accessibility for preschool children.

2 Involve parents in organizing and conducting Russian folk games.

3 Foster love and respect for traditions of the Russian people.

General education plan

1 Introduction.

« Russian folk games»

2 Music director performance "The Importance of Music in Russian folk games»

3 Practical part (play with parents in Russian folk games)

4. Final part.

The course of general education

Dear parents. Today our general education will be dedicated to Russian folk games, as a means of introducing the child to the traditions of the Russian people.

Russian folk games have a long history, they have been preserved and have come down to our days from ancient times, passed down from generation to generation, incorporating the best national traditions. Both the old and the young gathered on the street. Children of different ages played together, so they knew how to take into account the interests and opinions of their playmates, and fairly resolve disputes. And on holidays, adults arranged competitions. Many games - round dances Russian people spent during national holidays, ceremonies Part games in traditional folk culture were dancing, walking to songs, pranks, fun, entertainment, moving games. Song Games, dancing games, round dance games, scene games have always been created in Russian holiday atmosphere of joy and fun.

Folk games relevant and interesting at the present time, despite the fact that there are a fairly large number of temptations in our technical age. Russian folk games for children they also have pedagogical value, have a great influence on the education of the mind, character, will, develop moral feelings, physically strengthen the child, create a certain spiritual mood, interest in folk art. All in content folk games are very concise expressive and accessible to kid. In the game, children actively think and reflect, learn about the surrounding reality, expand their horizons. The game concentrates in itself the totality of expressive Russian language and provides to kid the opportunity to naturally experience a rich culture Russian people.

Games contribute to the education of conscious discipline, will, perseverance in overcoming difficulties, teach children to be honest and truthful, respectful of the older generation, honor traditions his family and his country. Children learn to display such qualities as: kindness, nobility, mutual assistance, self-sacrifice for the sake of others. Thus, the transition of the child's organism to a higher stage of development takes place. That is why the game is recognized as the leading activity preschool child.

Quiz "Troubles from a barrel": (parents pull out questions and answer)

What attributes are used in Russian folk games? (stick, handkerchief, splinter, pebble, ball, toy)

Main role in folk game? (leader)

What determines the whole course games regulates the actions and behavior of children? (regulations games)

Why do you need a rhyme in the game? (to choose a driver)

What activities are used Russian folk games? (in the organization of holidays, matinees, entertainment, walks)

Name the toys of our ancestors (whistles, straw dolls, amulet dolls, rag dolls, wooden toys)

What is the doll - Maslenitsa used for? (this doll is not for games, an attribute of the holiday, the burning of an effigy of Maslenitsa symbolizes the transition from one season to another)

Name the genres of folklore ( Russian folk tales, songs, proverbs, sentences, jokes, incantations, pestles, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, tongue twisters, riddles)

What is a riddle? (a brief allegorical description of an object or phenomenon that needs to be unraveled).

In kindergarten introducing children to the Russian folk culture begins almost from the very early age. Properly organized education and learning process child experience of social life, is a necessary condition for the active knowledge of the preschooler of the social reality surrounding him, is of decisive importance in the formation of the foundations of the personality and its further development.

Organize folk games are not so difficult as it might seem at first glance. Folk games are universal, since their holding, depending on weather conditions, is possible both inside the kindergarten and on the sports ground. The main condition for successful implementation folk games in the life of a preschooler is a deep knowledge and fluency in an extensive game repertoire, as well as a method of pedagogical guidance. Creatively using the game as an emotional-figurative means of influencing children, the teacher arouses their interest, imagination, achieving active performance of game actions.

Folk games with singing - games which are passed down from generation to generation, have deep historical roots and do not change over the years ( "Boyars", "Burn, burn bright", "Cap", "Arina"). Most often they are used at folklore holidays and on walks.

Russian folk game"Cap" (with music)

Children stand in a circle. "Cap"- inside the circle.

Russian folk game"Arina"

The players stand in a circle, in the middle of Arina, she is blindfolded.

Everybody sing:

Dear Arina, rise above the barn,

Fold your hands, whose name indicate!

(Arina walks, singing)

“I walk, I walk along the loaf,

Along the loaf, I'll find out who I find!

(Then, touching one of the players, he tries to guess his name. Whose name guesses, he becomes in a circle)

So, folk games in combination with other educational means represent the basis of the initial stage of the formation of a harmoniously developed, active personality.

Russian folk game"At the bear in the forest"

Russian folk game"Burners".

Russian folk game"Cat and Mouse".

The players stand in two rows facing each other, join hands, forming a small passage - a hole. Cats are in one row, mice are in the other. The first pair starts the game: the cat catches the mouse, and she runs around the players. At a dangerous moment, the mouse can hide in the corridor formed by the clasped hands of the players. As soon as the cat has caught the mouse, the players line up. The second pair starts the game. The game continues until the cats catch all the mice.

rules games. The cat must not run into the hole. The cat and mice should not run far from the hole.

Russian folk game"Zarnitsa".

Children stand in a circle, hands are held behind their backs, and one of the players - dawn - walks behind with a tape and says:


red maiden,

Walked across the field

Dropped the keys

golden keys,

blue ribbons,

entwined rings,

Went for water!

With the last words, the driver carefully places the ribbon on the shoulder of one of the players, who, noticing this, quickly takes the ribbon, and they both run in different directions in a circle. The one who is left without a place becomes a dawn. The game is repeated.

rules games. Runners must not cross the circle. The players do not turn around while the driver chooses who to put the tape on his shoulder.

Russian folk game Udochka(Fish, Fishing)

All players form a circle. One driver is selected, who becomes the center of the circle. The driver is given a rope. An adult can also be the driver. The leader begins to spin the rope. The task of all the players in the circle is to jump over it and not be caught. Development Options games 2-va.

Russian folk game"Golden Gate"

Russian folk game"Ring-Ring".

And I would like to conclude by saying that Russian folk outdoor games should not be forgotten. They will give positive results when they fulfill their main purpose - they will give children pleasure and joy, and will not be a learning activity.

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