Demon Slayer - tips for passing the game. Posts tagged demon slayer high holy spirit stone!Important tips for Sylphs in Demon Slayer

What will be useful in the future?

Hi all!

The game does not stand still - new updates are constantly installed /let’s not discuss whether they are good or bad now/, there are new opportunities for character development, new events...

In general, to use a term from Dota 2, a new meta is formed every time.

This and the Chaos Battle Shop will be discussed today.

Perhaps one of the main misconceptions of most players is that they think that it is equally profitable to take the same item, for example the High Stone of the Holy Spirit, in different shops. But, unfortunately, this is not entirely true.

I’ll say right away that my thoughts and advice are more aimed at intermediate and beginner players /of which, as we know, the majority/.

Once again, Moonstones appeared in the BH shop. Not a bad investment option, especially for those who have not yet made the 2nd evolution of the sylphs.

It's better to take it before it disappears again.

I also advise you to pay attention to stones for processing red quality equipment. Forging is a great way to free /without SMS and registration/ increase your BR. I have already written about this in more detail.

You should never buy something that you can get for free. Let this take some time.

The mount is of course good and before I always advocated adopting a pet if possible, but... now is precisely the moment when the situation has changed very much.

There are more or less enough souls of the beast, and in the future there will be even more, so this time I am against it.

Runes? Perhaps... if you need to upgrade the Chaos or Oblivion rune. But, as for me, this is a kind of middle option.

Advanced holy stones are of course needed /and in large quantities/, but there are too few points. On average, you will receive only 7,000, provided that you do not participate in the Battle of Chaos - that works out to only 350 stones.

With so many points, the price for them is too high and it is much better to take them at events.


Enough interesting option and that's why. First of all, very few of us stayed in Daemon's Hunt for the initial bosses. where they gave Turquoise as a reward /and more fragments for summoning a daemon/.

Accordingly, its supply is very small /personally I only have 98/, and for one daemon you need as many as 720 pieces.

By the way, in the future Archeology event there will be reagents such as Turquoise, Aquamarine, Red Copper, etc. will not fall. Flames of varying quality can be obtained to improve equipment, but these pebbles cannot be obtained. Keep this in mind.

Not worth your attention for the simple reason that Aquamarine can be easily obtained from the C/S Guild Battle shop /where, in fact, there is nothing to take except Aquamarine and gold/.

Well, Red Copper... I don’t even know what to say.

Personally, I’m currently sitting in Daemon’s Wanted at boss 67, where Copper falls. Yes, we still need a lot of it, but I’m in no rush.

So here, probably, everyone decides for themselves whether it is needed or not.

As for me, the plans for the Chaos Battle shop are approximately the following:

  • First, I’ll get the missing amount of Moonstones, which I lack for the 2nd evolution of Cerberus into Ares /yes, in the distant future I plan to make Thor straight away/- 294 pcs.
  • Then I’ll work on Elite processed stones...
  • Well, we’ll see, depending on how Forging progresses. If there is anything left, I will most likely get Turquoise.
What are your options for the Chaos Battle shop?

In this article we will publish basic tips for passing Demon Slayer that will help you facilitate a comfortable passage, and detailed guide for updates to this browser-based RPG.

First of all, you need to decide on the choice of class for your character in the game - there are three in total and let's take a closer look at the advantages of each class in Demon Slayer.

  • A warrior has high combat physical defense parameters and excellent physical attack indicators; this is a tank class.
  • Archer - excellent attack and damage indicators, physical defense lower than that of a warrior, but higher than a mage, excellent attack class at long distances.
  • Mage has a strong magical Attack and a high defense rate with the help of magic, and is used in the game mainly as a support class.

Up to level 10, you can level up your character only by completing quests; it won’t take much time.

Advice! When you reach level 10 in the Demon Slayer game, you will be given a bonus VIP for one hour, do not spend it right away, but rather get comfortable in the game and continue to develop your character on tasks until level 20.

At the beginning of the game you will be given a horse, which can be improved in the stable. All improved parameters of the horse go into your statistics and therefore do not forget to pump it up. When you collect card fragments as you progress through the game, you will unlock improved horses that are more beautiful in appearance.

At level 20, access to dungeons opens. At this stage, we can begin to spend our accumulated savings on equipment and gear that will serve us up to level 35.

How to catch astrals in Demon Slayer.

After reaching level 25 in Demon Slayer, important elements of the game become available - astrals, which give various bonuses for your class - attack, magic or defense. Astrals have different colors and each color has a parameter improvement bonus of different strength and influence. Weak green is followed by blue, purple, yellow and the most powerful red. Each astral improves and with each level gives a greater bonus, every time you press the spheres (there are 5 of them), an astral falls out and due to this you are credited with fragments; these fragments you can exchange for the astral that you need, having accumulated the required number.

Advice! How to catch quality astrals. To increase the chance of catching a good astral, you need to open all 5 spheres in turn, after the first one flies off, you catch up with the second by simply opening the first sphere again and so on increasingly, as a result, as a rule, yellow astrals most often fall out on the last spheres .

The level of captured astrals can be increased by combining the selected one with less needed ones.

Sylphs in Demon Slayer.

After reaching level 50, we have the opportunity to get Sylph-spirit assistants, which significantly improve and strengthen your hero by helping him in fights when activating various spells.

There are several ways to get Sylph in the game Demon Slayer:

  • receive as a reward for completing various events and game tasks,
  • catch Sylph in the Heavenly City by being transported to the location “Sylph Island”. You have to fight with the spirits on the island to obtain “Sylph Essence”, after collecting a certain amount of which you can exchange it with the desired NPC for a Sylph Pearl to summon your own.

The spirits of Light and Darkness are considered the most powerful; they can only be received as a reward for participating in competitions or events.

!Important tips for Sylphs in Demon Slayer:

  • You can upgrade the basic skills of the spirit you need in the Enchantment tab - with the help of the Sylph Sarcophagus, which can be obtained by sacrificing the Sylph you don’t need, or you can get it in the Sylph Arena, which opens at level 55, as a reward for events and game events.
  • The most effective option for using Sylphs in battle is to put it in awakening mode, in which case it does not participate in battle but simply transfers some of its characteristics to your character in battle. During the battle, you are awarded HP points; when you reach 3 thousand, you can awaken your assistant.
  • You can improve the quality of your Sylph in the “Promotion” menu tab. You can use holy stones or adamants. One simple training session costs 1 stone or 80 adamant. Below is a table of increases by color and quality costs per training session.

Best Demon Slayer video guides:

Here we will collect various guides that are relevant for Demon Slayer 3: New Era, as well as for latest updates to previous games in the series. Since all three parts are essentially the same Demon Slayer, the guides written for the previous parts will also be relevant for Demon Slayer 3: New Era. Thus, if you did not find the answer to your question here, perhaps you will find it in the knowledge base for the game Demon Slayer 2 or Demon Slayer 1.

Promotion in Demon Slayer

Progression in the Demon Slayer game is another tool for leveling up your character. This ability is activated after reaching level 80, as well as after fulfilling all the necessary conditions.

How to make a promotion

Upon reaching level 80, the player will receive the “Dragon Battle Soul”, as well as a list of tasks that must be completed in order to enhance the effect:

  1. Complete the Dragon's Lair dungeon, destroy the Sirius boss and bring the Dragon Scale artifact.
  2. Win three times as a team in the Battle Zone.
  3. After clearing the Dragon's Lair dungeon, you can find the “Hero's Message” artifact. To move to the next stage of Advancement, ten such items are required.
  4. Talk to the non-playable character named Brad.

Having fulfilled all the above requirements, you will complete only the first stage of Promotion, and there are eight of them in total. Each stage, in turn, is divided into 10 levels. Go to new level occurs automatically after achieving a sufficient amount of experience.

What are the benefits of Promotion?

After all the necessary conditions are met, new talents, more powerful skills, new options for improving pets, and the ability to create level 80 red equipment become available to the player.

In addition, the main character’s figurine will acquire a blue halo, and information about a special rank will appear next to his name, such as Dragon Swordsman, Imperial Reaper, etc.

Second Promotion

In one of the latest updates, a second promotion appeared in the game, or as it is also called - “Knight class”. Also the first, it gives the player access to new skills and more advanced equipment.

In order for your character to activate the Second Advancement, you need to fulfill several conditions:

  1. Reach level 80;
  2. Complete the first promotion, that is, all eight stages.
  3. Pump up absolutely all talents, both basic and those that appeared after the first promotion, to the maximum.
  4. Have the right tattoo, which will be unique for each class. The characteristics of the tattoo must meet the class requirements.

When all the requirements are met, you need to contact NPC Brad in order to change the class. After this, the player will be offered two development options (two skill branches). The first has a more attacking orientation, and the second, accordingly, is defensive. You cannot swing in two directions at once. Each branch has 2 main skills, 3 active and 4 passive.

In addition to new skills, main character will also receive new talents, of which there are 7 in total. Talent Stones are used to upgrade them, but they can be replaced with real or bonus adamants.

In addition to skills, the player will also have access to new dungeons: Swamp of Epidemics and Black Pit. They differ from each other only in the rewards for completing them. In them, the main character will be able to replenish the reserves of Heart Shards of the World of the Gods and Soul Shards of the World of the Gods, necessary for the synthesis of top equipment.

Seals in the game Demon Slayer

Demon Slayer has two types of seals: Sacred seals and Sylph seals(they are also called Tempering of the Spirit).

Sacred Seal becomes available after reaching level 50. To verify this, you need to open the “Skills” window and select the “Talents” tab. In the window that opens, you will see a ring of skills, in the center of which the seal will be located.

This item provides significant assistance in battle, increasing the damage of combat skills and reducing the reload time, as well as giving the hero new skills, for example, the ability to stun the enemy for 1-2 turns in PvP mode. However, it is worth understanding that the stun effect will only be activated if the level of your seal is higher than the level of the enemy. Every ten levels an opportunity to increase the stun effect opens up.

To upgrade your seal you need gold and experience. Seals are especially effective if you do not want to increase your main level, but want to level up at the current one longer. In this case, you can merge all the experience gained into the Sacred Seal and, thereby, increasing your combat power.

Tempering the spirit

Seal of the Sylphs- This is an improved version of the usual tempering of the spirit. That is, at the beginning of the game, the player has the opportunity to increase the strength of the spirit of his character or mercenaries. Previously, the development of this indicator ended at level 80, since this was the maximum. But, with the release of the update, it was still possible to overcome this milestone.

To do this, you need to use special items, called “Print of Spirits”. This way you will improve your attack, defense, critical hit health and other indicators and, thereby, increase your Battle Rating, which is the main indicator of a player’s coolness.

Collection of spirits

The collection of spirits is updated version Summoning the Sacred Tree in the Guild Hall. The head of the guild, when calling the Sacred Tree, also summons spirits, for the capture of which players receive points and rewards.

The Guild Leader can summon the Sacred Tree only once a day. There are several types of spirits - ordinary (red, blue, yellow), for which they give 10 points, and special ones, for the capture of which they give twice as many points. A special perfume is green in color.

At the same time, players receive rewards not only for collecting spirits themselves, but also for winning prizes in the Top 10 ranking. Participants who take high places will receive an additional reward.

The amount of experience gained can be increased. To do this, all guild members need to charge the Sacred Tree with energy. When the total amount of energy reaches a certain level, the experience gained will increase.

The more participants in the spirit gathering are in the guild Abode, the large quantity spirits will be summoned.

Magic Tavern

The Magic Tavern is a slightly modified Magic Card quest. If earlier in order to obtain cards it was necessary to wander through various locations and carry out excavations, now it is enough to visit the Magic Tavern.

Opening the window Magic card", you will notice that the "Magic Card" button has appeared in the lower right corner. By clicking on it, you will be transported to that same Tavern. On the left will be displayed a list of all NPCs who are currently resting in the tavern. By talking with one of them, you will increase the level of friendship with this character and, thus, can count on more magic cards.

If you talk to a character who is in a good mood, he will give you a double portion of prizes. For dialogues you will receive ashes (magic dust), as well as various sweets (chocolate, ice cream, etc.). If you treat the narrator to something sweet, he may become generous and give you some valuable artifact.

Gate of Time

Gate of Time- This game event, in which great emphasis is placed on the sylphs.

This event is activated automatically. Will appear in the quest journal new quest with the message that the Gate of Time has appeared on the Island of the Titans and you need to go to this place to challenge the evil that lives there.

In order to visit the Gate of Time, several conditions must be met:

1. Get the knight class (make the second promotion).

2. Make sure that your guild is registered in Outland.

3. It is also desirable to have strong sylphs and not some weaklings, like a weakly pumped Zeus, but really good units, such as Torah, Wotanach and Frigach, and the more BR your sylph has, the more chances you have for obtaining interesting and useful items.

After completing the quest, a special “Gate of Time” window will open in front of you. Here the player can choose the battle, the level of difficulty, collect the rewards obtained, and also perform other simple manipulations, such as choosing sylphs.

Difficulty selection

Each difficulty level becomes available automatically after certain conditions are met:

Normal - the player must have a knight class.

Difficult - the player must activate a Holy Weapon (one Holy Weapon).

Nightmare - The player must activate 2 Holy Weapons.

Purgatory - The player must activate 3 Sacred Weapons.

Battle selection

Battles are divided by difficulty level, the number of points the player will receive if the portal is cleared, and the number of attempts to complete them.

Battles in the Gates of Time, unlike the Sylph Expedition, take place in a one-on-one format, with the ability to use extra skills absent.

If you kill an enemy, you receive points, and one attempt is deducted from this dungeon. If you fail, the attempt is not lost.

Also, do not forget that your sylph’s HP will not be restored, and therefore it is recommended to heal before ending the battle.

Having collected a sufficient number of points, you can count on receiving a reward. All prizes are available in the form of chests and the more points you collect, the more valuable the reward will be.

Boss fight in the Sanctuary

After participating in a battle, whether you win or lose, there is a chance that you will gain access to the boss.

Unlike regular fights, you will beat the boss in character mode, so it’s worth equipping the necessary sylphs and equipping the necessary skills.

You can also call your friends to help you, but it is worth remembering that only players with the knight class can take part in the boss battle. At the same time, the battle with the boss from the Reserve proceeds exactly the same as the battle with the World Boss - that is, by attacking, you remove a certain amount of HP from him, after which you repeat your actions until the enemy is defeated.

Magic square

The Magic Square is an updated version of the Tower of Kings. That is, in fact, this is an ordinary dungeon, for visiting which players will receive Magic Chests. Inside these chests may be one of the following items: Grim Spirit, Mystical Crystal, Rune, Medal, Beast Stone, Stone of Destiny, or Pearl of Determination.

Passage rules

In front of you will be a square field measuring 5 by 5 cells. You need to open the cells in the right order to get the maximum number of points. One example of the correct passage of the Magic Square is:

1. We attack all enemies around the central mob and thereby form a 3 by 3 square.

2. After clearing the square, we attack the mobs that are located in the middle of the sides of the square.

3. Destroy the outermost mobs located in the corners of the large square.

4. The last step should be to attack the central mob located in the very center of the Magic Square.

For each open cell you will receive points, and for the collected line (horizontal, vertical or diagonal), the number of points will increase significantly.

By opening we should mean ridding it of the enemies who are there, that is, there is a battle to be fought. But don’t worry too much, since passing the Magic Square is quite simple and should not cause any difficulties.

Holy gifts

Holy Gifts are divided into three tabs: Contract, Holy Gifts and Ode.

Contract. Using this section, you can improve the characteristics of sylphs, combining various elements: Light and Darkness, Wind and Water, as well as Fire and Lightning.

To enter into a contract, you will need Sylph Orbs, which can be obtained from the Time Portal.

With each contract concluded, certain stats are awarded, and the number of required spheres also increases.

As you level up, an indicator such as Stage is displayed at the top of the window. When it reaches 100%, you can go to the second tab.

In the second tab you can upgrade additional characteristics of the sylph. At the same time, not only the hero’s stats increase, but also his passive skills.

Path of Glory

This event is reminiscent of the old Heavenly Way. The point of this event is to destroy players, earn buffs and points for this, which, in turn, will be exchanged for rewards.

For complete passage ten players must be defeated. You can pre-select the difficulty level, which will determine the characteristics of your opponent, as well as the value of the reward for killing him.

In addition to the usual rewards, you can become the owner of a buff.

During the passage, do not forget that your health is not restored in the intervals between battles, or rather, it is restored, but only for adamants. In addition, in case of death, you can resurrect yourself for the same adamants, but no more than 10 times.

Demon Slayer tattoo system

One of the latest updates released for the multiplayer game Demon Slayer introduced the ability to get tattoos.

This functionality becomes available immediately after completion of Promotion, that is, at least after level 80. At this stage, you are given the opportunity to build a “Pirkin Laboratory” - a special building in your kingdom that produces tattoo ink, as well as other ingredients. There are three types of laboratories - Primary, Secondary and Senior, which differ in the number of products produced. At the same time, you should understand that the more resources you want to receive, the longer you will have to wait.

  • Initial- duration 1 hour - 5 tattoo colors.
  • Average- 5 hours - 25.
  • Older- 10 hours - 50.

It is worth remembering that the laboratory may be attacked by another player, as a result of which all the finished products will go to someone else's warehouse. You can also "rob" other players. There are 5 attempts per day. When you click on the Raid button, you will be given 3 targets to choose from. This list will update automatically after two hours or 200,000 gold.

Using paint obtained in laboratories, you can apply tattoos to the body of your hero or mercenaries. In addition, using the same paint, you can improve already filled tattoos to enhance their effect.

This can be done in a special section; to do this, click on the “Character” icon and select the “Tattoo” tab. After this, we select the slot in which we want to place the tattoo, there are eight such slots in total, some of them will open as you increase your Advancement levels. After this, another window will appear in which you will have to choose which tattoo you want to get; the ability to replace one tattoo with another is also present. Upon completion of the entire procedure, you will be able to see what effect this or that tattoo brought. It is also worth understanding that some tattoos can not only enhance certain characteristics, such as intelligence, but can also worsen them.

In the same section, you can improve an already filled tattoo by simply clicking on another button.

Tattoo top level can increase properties. When the tattoo's properties reach their limit, it will only be possible to change the type of properties.

To increase the properties of a tattoo, a top-level ink is needed.

Did you know that elemental resistance is one of the most important aspects of Demon Slayer 2? Upgrade your resists to withstand the strongest attacks of your opponent's sylph! Three protection crystals are inserted into one shield. Every 10 points of resistance increases the character's defense by 1.2%.

To open and increase the number of shields in combat defense, fulfill two conditions:

  • Level up! This combat system available from level 55. New shields open every 5 levels;
  • Complete the quest “Fight and Defend”! Receive the Forgotten Stone in Demon Slayer for completing the Necropolis of Suffering and exchange it for the Royal Seal.

Sylph Upgrades

Are you looking for a faithful comrade? Level up to level 50 and tame a magical companion! The magical spirit helps in battle and increases the Battle Rating. How to increase the power of a companion? Improve the quality of the sylph using the holy stone in Demon Slayer 2! Gradation of sylph qualities:

  1. White;
  2. Green;
  3. Blue;
  4. Violet;
  5. Yellow;
  6. Red.

Five stages are leveled up with the help of a holy stone, get it:

  • Fighting in Dimensions;
  • As a reward for completing the labyrinth of the Sky;
  • Exploring the Underground Palace;
  • Opening chests from the farm.

After the second evolution, evolve the sylph using the Demon Slayer 2 high holy spirit stone. There are only three ways to get the high stone:

  • Attend fiery feasts with friends;
  • Exchange chaos points and glory crystals;
  • The merchant has a dimension.

Heavenly treasure

Just recently a new mini-game, Heavenly Treasure, was added, which is available from level 30. To participate in the event you need. Buy an energy ball for 99 adamants and go on a treasure hunt!

What rewards await heroes who find heavenly treasures in Demon Slayer? For first, second and third place in the ranking among players you will receive an untethered adamant, and, if you're lucky, a unique mount! Personal rating will bring you:

  • Unattached and personal adamants;
  • Materials for sylph enhancement;
  • Triton Chests.

Lilia Artie, specially for RBK Games

Title: Energy consumption in the outlands
Spend 100 energy - a bunch of grapes*1, an empty barrel*1, a will crystal lvl 1*1
Spend 300 energy - a bunch of grapes*1, an empty barrel*1, a will crystal lvl 2*1
Spend 500 energy – suit enhancement stone*1, bunch of grapes*1, empty barrel*1, level 3 will crystal*1
Premium tasks

Hurry up to take part in Premium tasks to win valuable prizes!

Number of completed tasks*5:bunch of grapes*1, empty barrel*1,Bonus adamant*100;
Number of completed tasks*10:bunch of grapes*1, empty barrel*1,talent stone*10;
Number of completed tasks*20:bunch of grapes*1, empty barrel*1,High spirit stone. lvl*10
Sylph Arena

Hurry up to take part in the Sylph Arena to win valuable prizes!
5 times: bunch of grapes*1, empty barrel*1,Bonus adamant*100;
10 times: costume enhancement stone*1, bunch of grapes*2, empty barrel*2,High spirit stone. lvl*10;
Archaeol. Intelligence service

Hurry up to take part in Archaeological Exploration to win valuable prizes!
1. 1 time per day 2. Event is updated at 0:00 am
10 times: Lucky Coupon*1;
20 times: Beast Stone*50,Tattoo Dye*100;
30 times: Spirit Stone*100,Tattoo Dye*100;Fusion Stone*1

+ Events from 3 to 4 July
Title: Training
100 times: Beast Stone x30
300 times: Beast Stone x60, wonderful mount box (sable) x1
600 times: Beast Stone x90, wonderful mount box (blue whale) x1
1000 times: Beast Stone x120, wonderful mount box (chain lion) x1, bunch of grapes*1
1500 times: Beast Stone x150, wonderful mount box (roboleopard) x1, bunch of grapes *1
2100 times: Beast Stone x180, wonderful mount box (butterfly) x1, bunch of grapes *1
2800 times: Beast Stone x210, wonderful mount box (mandarin duck) x1, bunch of grapes *1
3600 times: Beast Stone x250, wonderful mount box (ice kirin) x1, bunch of grapes *1

Title: Improvement
100 times: Beast's Hoof x30
300 times: Beast's hoof x60, wonderful mount box x1
600 times: Beast's hoof x90, wonderful mount box (airship) x1
1000 times: Beast's hoof x120, wonderful mount box (flaming lion) x1, bunch of grapes *1
1500 times: Beast's hoof x150, wonderful mount box (David deer) x1, bunch of grapes *1
2100 times: Beast's hoof x180, wonderful mount box (snow fox) x1, bunch of grapes *1
2800 times: Beast's hoof x210, wonderful mount box (monkfish) x1, bunch of grapes *1
3600 times: Beast's hoof x250, wonderful mount box (white owl) x1, bunch of grapes *1

Title: Meteor Exchange
Meteor x250: Bananaplane Map
Horse Card Fragment x15, Meteor x250: Ice Kirin Card
Horse Card Fragment x15, Meteor x250: White Owl Card
Horse Card Fragment x5, Meteor x100: Air Dragon Card
Horse Card Fragment x1, Meteor x120: Magma Pegasus Card
Fragment of a horse card x15, Meteor x200: Double-headed eagle card
Fragment of a horse card x10, Meteor x150: Frost Fox Card
Fragment of a horse card x10, Meteor x200: Monkfish card
Fragment of a horse card x10, Meteor x200: Roboleopard card
Horse Card Fragment x10, Meteor x200: Chameleon Card
Horse Card Fragment x10, Meteor x200: Lynx Card
Horse Card Fragment x10, Meteor x200: Multicolor Butterfly Card
Fragment of a horse card x10, Meteor x200: Mandarin card
Horse Card Fragment x5, Meteor x200: Forest Ent Card
Horse Card Fragment x10, Meteor x120: Flaming Lion Card
Horse Card Fragment x20: Toad Lizard Card
Meteor x50: Ugly Duckling Card
Meteor x50: Mister Hippo Card
Meteor x180: Flying Dragon Map
Meteor x50: Demonic Shankara Card
Meteor x55: Cloud Beast Map
Meteor x60: Ball fish map
Meteor x70: Qunyu Card

Name: Reward for stable level
Level 2: Beast Stone x300
Level 3: Beast Stone x800
Level 4: Beast Stone x2500
Level 5: Beast Stone x4500
Level 6: Beast Stone x6500
Level 7: Beast Stone x9000
8 lvl Beast Stone x12000

Title: Horse Collection
200 horses: Beast Stone x1000, Hardening Stone x500
190 horses: Beast Stone x900, Spirit Concentration Stone x1000
180 horses: Beast stone x850, energy fragment x1000
170 horses: Beast Stone x800, Titan Soul Stone x500
160 horses: Beast stone x750, talent stone x500
150 horses: Beast Stone x700, tattoo paints (highest) x500
140 horses: Beast Stone x650, High Holy Spirit Stone x500
130 horses: Beast Stone x500, high sarcophagus x500
120 horses: Beast Stone x450, Essence of Suppression x500
110 horses: Beast Stone x400, Essence of Resistance x500
100 horses: Beast Stone x350, Morality Crystal x500
80 horses: Stone of the Beast x300, Blood of Zeus x500
60 horses: Beast Stone x250, Spirit Crystal x400
40 horses: Beast Stone x200, Holy Beast Hoof x300
20 horses: Beast Stone x150, Holy Stone x200
10 horses: Beast Stone x100, Sylph Sarcophagus x100

Title: Strengthening the Damon's Unique Skills
Absorb 20, reward: Scroll active. Damon's skills x1,Damon's passive skills scroll x1, book of wisdom x5
Absorb 50, reward: Scroll of assets. Damon's skills x4,Scroll passive. Damon's skills x4, book of wisdom x10
Absorb 200, reward: Scroll of assets. Damon's skills x25,Scroll passive. Damon's skills x25, book of wisdom x15
Absorb 500, reward: Scroll of assets. Damon's skills x45,Scroll passive. Damon's skills x45, book of wisdom x25

Title: Damon Crest Resistance Improvement
During the event, upgrade the resistance of the daemon's coat of arms 50 times - essence of guardian resistance * 10, essence of guardian * 1
During the event, upgrade the resistance of the daemon's coat of arms 150 times - essence of guardian resistance * 20, essence of guardian * 2, bunch of grapes * 1
During the event, upgrade the resistance of the daemon's coat of arms 300 times - essence of guardian resistance * 30, essence of guardian * 3, bunch of grapes * 1
During the event, upgrade the resistance of the daemon's coat of arms 500 times - essence of guardian resistance * 40, essence of guardian * 4, bunch of grapes * 1
During the event, upgrade the resistance of the daemon's coat of arms 750 times - essence of guardian resistance * 50, essence of guardian * 5 bunch of grapes * 1
During the event, upgrade the resistance of the daemon's coat of arms 1000 times - essence of guardian resistance * 60, essence of guardian * 6, bunch of grapes * 1
1 time per day 2. Event is updated at 0:00 am

Title: The Making of Agate
Create Health Agate level 4. x1, reward: Health Agate lvl. x1, Health Agate lvl. x1,
Create Health Agate level 5. x1, reward: Health Agate lvl. x1, reward: Health Agate lvl. x1, guardian essence*1
Create Health Agate level 6. x1, reward: Health Agate lvl. x1, reward: Health Agate lvl. x1, guardian essence*2, bunch of grapes x1
Create Health Agate level 7. x1, reward: Health Agate lvl. x1, reward: Health Agate lvl. x1, guardian essence*3, bunch of grapes*1
Create Health Agate level 8. x1, Health Agate lvl. x1, reward: Health Agate lvl. x1, guardian essence*4, bunch of grapes*1
Create Health Agate level 9. x1, Health Agate lvl. x1, reward: Health Agate lvl. x1, guardian essence*4, bunch of grapes*1
Create Health Agate level 10. x1 Agate of health level 9. x1, reward: Health Agate lvl. x1, guardian essence*6, bunch of grapes*1
1 time per day 2. Event is updated at 0:00 am

Title: Enhance Damon's Universal Skills
Absorb 20, reward: Universal Scroll. Damon's skills x2, Book of Wisdom x5
Absorb 50, reward: Universal Scroll. Damon's skills x8, Book of Wisdom x10
Absorb 200, reward: Universal Scroll. Damon's skills x50, Book of Wisdom x15
Absorb 500, reward: Universal Scroll. Damon's skills x90, Book of Wisdom x25

Title: Daemon Level Up
During the event, upgrade the daemon 50 times - blood of Zeus * 10, essence of the guard * 1
During the event, upgrade the daemon 150 times - blood of Zeus**20, essence of the guard *2, bunch of grapes *1
During the event, upgrade the daemon 300 times - blood of Zeus *30, essence of the guard *3, bunch of grapes *1
During the event, upgrade the daemon 500 times - blood of Zeus *40, essence of the guard *4, bunch of grapes *1
During the event, upgrade the daemon 750 times - blood of Zeus *50, essence of the guard *5, bunch of grapes 1
During the event, upgrade 1000 times - blood of Zeus *60, essence of the guard *6, bunch of grapes *1
1 time per day 2. Event is updated at 0:00 am

Name: Damon Crest Resistance Reduction Improvement
50 times: Essence of Resistance Reduction x10, Essence of Guardian x1
150 times: Essence of Resistance Reduction x20, Essence of Guardian x2, Bunch of Grapes *1
300 times: Resistance Reduction Essence x30, Guardian Essence x3, Bunch of Grapes *1
500 times: Resistance Reduction Essence x40, Guardian Essence x4, Bunch of Grapes *1
750 times: Resistance Reduction Essence x50, Guardian Essence x5, Bunch of Grapes *1
1000 times: Essence of Resistance Reduction x60, Essence of Guardian x6, Bunch of Grapes *1

Title: May Titan Soul Infusion
events spend soul infusion stone 100 - soul infusion stone *10
During the event, spend 200 soul infusion stone - soul infusion stone *15
During the event, spend 300 soul infusion stone - soul infusion stone *20
During the event, spend 400 soul infusion stone - soul infusion stone *25
During the event, spend 500 soul infusion stone - soul infusion stone *30

Title: May charging titanium
During the event, spend a charge fragment of 100 - a charge fragment *10
During the event, spend 200 charge fragment - charge fragment *15
During the event, spend 300 charge fragment - charge fragment *20
During the event, spend 400 charge fragment - charge fragment *25
During the event, spend 500 charge fragment - charge fragment *30

Title: Exchange card of happiness
Items change every week. The reset takes place after a week.
Exchange limit*1:Fusion Stone*100, Fusion Spirit*1;
Exchange Limit*1:Fusion Spirit*1, Bonus Adamant*5W;
Exchange Limit*1:Lucky Coupon*1, Fusion Stone*1;
Exchange limit*1:romantic holiday*1(cap)
Exchange limit*1:Stormy Spring*1 (armor)
Exchange Limit*1:Lucky Coupon*2, Fusion Stone*1;
Exchange Limit*1:Lucky Coupon*3, Fusion Stone*1;
Exchange limit*1:Lucky coupon*1, Solar core*30;
Exchange limit*1:Lucky coupon*1, Solar Flame/*30;
Exchange limit*1:Lucky coupon*1, Horse card fragment*1;
Exchange limit*1:Lucky coupon*1, Tattoo stone*1;
Exchange limit*1:Lucky coupon*1, Sylph Soul Shard*100;
Exchange Limit*1:Lucky Coupon*1, Epic Magic Shard*100;
Exchange limit*1:Lucky coupon*1, Guardian Essence*100;
Exchange limit*1:Lucky coupon*1, Soul Infusion Stone*100;
Exchange limit*1:Lucky coupon*1, Charging fragment*100;
Exchange limit*1:Lucky coupon*1, Titan Spirit Stone*100;
Exchange limit*1:Lucky coupon*1, Talent stone*100;
Exchange limit*1:Lucky coupon*1, High quality tattoo dye. lvl*100;
Exchange limit*1:Lucky coupon*1, Bonus adamant*1000;
Exchange limit*1:Lucky coupon*1, Divine stone*100;
Exchange limit*1:Lucky coupon*1, Moonstone*100;
Exchange limit*1:Lucky coupon*1, Moon dust*100;
Exchange limit*1:Lucky coupon*1, God's blessing*100;
Exchange limit*1:Lucky coupon*1, Health gem lvl 10*1;
Exchange limit*1:Lucky coupon*1, Super experience scroll*1;
Exchange limit*1:Lucky coupon*1, VIP for the day*1;
Exchange limit*1:Lucky coupon*1, Golden stick*1;
Exchange limit*1:Lucky coupon*1, Golden dice*1;
