Another vision of boring GTD planners through the lens of RPG games. LifeRPG will turn your life into a computer game How to follow your own commands

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website made a review of useful applications that you will not find in the "Popular" list in various charts, but nevertheless they are really worthy of attention and a place in your phone.

“Oh, I wish I could just list the products from the refrigerator and immediately get a brilliant recipe!” - probably at least once thought every hostess. But this is no longer a dream. There are many programs of this type on the application market, we have chosen one of the first representatives - “Hungry?” But keep in mind that if you only have mayonnaise, onion and cinnamon - of course, the application will not come up with a recipe for a delicious dish from this, but will offer you to go to the store.

In a nutshell, Wi-Fi Map Pro is a large community of people who share Wi-Fi hotspots and passwords around the world. You must connect to the points through the phone settings. We saw the password in the application, copied it, went to the Wi-Fi settings on the phone, inserted the password and enjoy the Internet!

The promising app Fyuse allows you to create "deep" photos with a parallax effect. The camera captures an image from 4 points to create a true 3D image. If everything goes smoothly, you will be able to enjoy 3D photography from multiple angles at your own pace. Unusual, right?

The lower the charge of the phone, the more anxious the state of its owner. To reduce the risk of being left without a connection, the iBattery application can turn off selected applications and the Internet when the screen is locked. As a result, the smartphone can live without recharging for up to several days.

The RPG In Real Life app is a game to keep yourself motivated in self-development. The character to develop and earn points is yourself. Points can be obtained by completing certain tasks, ranging from sports and studying sciences to buying clothes. But it is worth noting that the effectiveness of this application depends solely on your honesty with yourself.

App in the Air is a very handy thing for air travel. It reminds you of flights, delays, the start of online check-in for a flight, helps you navigate in an unfamiliar airport, suggests where you can eat, sleep, connect to Wi-Fi, and more. The application also knows how to track the queue at the counters and writes how long the registration and passport control will take. Great travel companion.

Projects, tasks, milestones and deadlines. Many firms and development teams use some form of GTD-based (or non-GTD) system to manage project tasks in their day-to-day work. I propose to replace the main concepts of this methodology with the terms of multiplayer RPG, add goodies, statistics, achievements, prettiness and fun. We will get the same planner, but not so boring and with additional motivation.

Lol is this a joke? Yes, it is, it's a joke. But in every joke, as they say, there is a share of a joke.

... Speaking of laziness and MMOs, now I’m wondering if it’s so hard for me to get up in the morning for work, if I was so lazy to go to classes if I need to great amount to spend effort to force myself to finally open Flex Builder and finish this stupid project, why did I get up at 6 o'clock in the morning without receiving a salary for 4 months and “work” in the game all day? …

For those who are interested or those who are just curious - wellcome for habrakat. And here is the picture for the seed.


Instead of an intro.

I am very lazy by nature. I won’t make excuses, saying that half of the people here are also lazy, I’m just saying that I am an extremely lazy creature. During my life, I managed to repeatedly score on everything that is possible and impossible, get lectures an hour before the exam, simultaneously finding out who our lecturer is here, break a lot of deadlines, get money and do a lot of stupid things. But at the same time, I must say, this laziness sometimes saves me, you can say that they keep me for this. Laziness helps me not to be a monkey. For example, you need to complete a task that would take 40 hours to complete. But it takes me 40 hours to do it, and in 2 hours I figure out how to get about the same result in 10 hours. Laziness is the engine of progress, friends!

MMO, numbers and work.

Once upon a time in my deep youth, I played World of Warcraft. I played a lot and, one might say, professionally. The game was essentially a job, only they didn’t pay for it, but on the contrary, it ate my small earnings. I was also, sorry for the purely game term, a nerd. Among my dubious achievements is the title of Grand Marshal, for those who are not in the know, this means "the one who has no life who played 4 months in a row for 12-24 hours a day." Speaking of laziness and MMOs, now I’m wondering if I was so lazy to get up in the morning for work, if I was so lazy to go to class, if I need to spend a huge amount of effort to force myself to finally open Flex Builder and finish this stupid project, why I didn’t get paid for 4 months, got up at 6 o’clock in the morning and “worked” in the game all day?

After all, sometimes both a game and a job require mainly mechanical actions with minimal participation of the brain. Often, on the contrary, you need to think quickly and give birth to some ideas. Why is it more interesting to work in a game that has already turned into a job?

The answer is simple - numbers, gentlemen! In order to interest the player, cunning game designers stuffed various stats everywhere for piskomerstvo and a sense of progress. I didn't just clear the meadow of wolves, I killed 37 wolves and got 1000 reputation with hares for that. I didn't just waste a day today, no, I leveled up 2000000 experience and got 3 levels. I not only completed all the tasks for today, I completed 12 quests and killed 131 mobs. The player feels progress and can measure it with other players.

How about in our work? What did you do last Wednesday? Yeah, a lot of tasks. And how did you become cooler from this? Is your boss happy with you? How do you know? That is, "well, probably ..." right?

This is where the motivation is gentlemen, every day during these 4 months I saw my progress. And even 90% of the absolute monotony of what is happening did not knock me down. I knew that if I did not get up at 6 am today, then I would not get absolutely specific 50,000 points and I would not be able to take absolutely specific first place in a week and I would have to spend another 2 weeks on this matter. I foresee comments about salary as a motivation. Where is your salary? Once or twice a month? It is somewhere far away, I don’t really feel the difference if they tell me that it will be increased and in a month I will receive 10% more (I will feel it at the time of receipt, yes). Now, if the salary was issued once a day in the evening.

Outcome: an MMO player is motivated to do non-meaningful repetitive actions with numbers, statistics and visible progress.


So first let's try to build a one-to-one correspondence between the terms and practice of GTD and RPG for our GTDRPG… MMOGTDRPG. I can just see a straight-faced TV announcer trying to say it.

So, our customer will be a Faction (or something like that), a faction in terms of WoW is a certain group of human beings with which you can download reputation. For example, some elves, mountain pigs or cave bears. The higher the reputation, the more trust they have in you, and you can take buns from them in the game. By completing tasks for a client, you increase your reputation with him. Accordingly, breaking deadlines - reduce.

The project will be a dungeon (dungeon) or some isolated zone with resources, quests and mobs. To complete the project, you need to go through the milestones in terms of GTD. The project belongs to the customer, that is, the faction.

Task is a quest. Write a component, draw an animation, integrate an animation - these are all atomic quests. Do this and complete the quest.

Milestone is essentially a set of quests (tasks), some kind of quest line. Complete 50 quests by December 1st and you'll have a completed milestone. That is, a milestone is, in various terms, an epic quest or a quest chain.

Project resources such as pictures, sounds, video, text will be the dungeon/zone resources to collect. Here's a quest for you - collect me 10 pink pig animations by 12 noon on Monday!

What a project without bugs, right. Bugs are mobs that need to be killed and drop loot, or items in plain language. Here's another quest - finally kill the boss, because of which I have a pancake IllegalOperationError falls when building a BSP tree from this stupid model in the tupaya_model.3ds file.

It seems to have worked, but that's not all. Otherwise, we would have the same simple side view planner.

We, as in MMOs, need numbers and motivation.

For completing quests, killing mobs, completing quest chains on time, the employee player receives a very specific amount of reputation with the customer, with the boss, with the main programmer, finally. For failure to meet deadlines, the reputation decreases. For a reputation, a person’s work avatar is overgrown with prettiness, and I myself will be pleased to see that the client is satisfied with 936 out of 1000. What did I do today? Today I raised my reputation with a client by 50.

Conducted (voluntary!) statistics of everything around. How many projects I completed, how many lines of code I wrote, how many classes I created, how many quests I did, etc.

Achievements are performed according to statistics. O! You wrote the 1000th class! Congratulations! You're wearing a green badge on your chest. A variety of achievements can be made kueva khuchu. Nothing material, but nice. How many of you will stay at work to finally add the number of lines to 10,000, get an achievement and go home happy to sleep?

Each of you has some set of skills related to work. Programming, it contains ActionScript 3, PHP, Ruby subskills, Papervision3d and Box2d and other libraries. For example, I am currently working on a quest that requires knowledge of ActonScript 3 and Papervision3d skills. Consequently, I improve my skills in these skills. Accordingly, in quests I indicate that I work with these skills, and they grow in numbers. Other skills that have not been used for a long time are reduced (forgotten) to some minimum level, is it logical? I can open the panel and see, yeah, here I know everything perfectly, but here I kind of start to forget things. We urgently need to do something in Ruby.

Things are purely decorative, but nevertheless, to reward the developer with the Super Blade of Awesomeness for some merit has some inspiring meaning.

Outcome: I have defined concepts and possible parameters of development, and also briefly mentioned additional motivation.


I'm not going to say that everyone is like me. No, but I know for sure that there are a lot of similar people. And they don't necessarily play MMOs now, although they are very prone to MMO addiction, and if you know such people, it's better not to show them these games.

The potential audience includes solo developers and small development teams who are already using GTD or looking to start, especially in the gamedev industry. The transition from boring task management software to fun software is justified. If the team does not use GTD, then the introduction of such a system looks inappropriate. I foresee questions, they say, and so there is not enough time, there are still some quests to fill in, to follow all this. You probably don't use GTD, because you have to do exactly the same thing there.

The larger the team, the more likely it is that this idea will not work because of too serious people who do not like this thing.

Outcome: indie developers and small teams.


This scheduler offers all the same features of the regular GTD scheduler and adds multiplayer elements to them. RPG games. This will make the workflow less tedious, add some meta elements above task control tasks. Virtual rewards, statistics, a person will immediately see the results of his work in some numbers. After a hard day's work, I can sit and admire the skills that have grown by 5, for example, OOP and Ruby. A trifle, but nice.

From now on, this picture can be interpreted in a new way! I'm a level 80 Flash Developer, folks, and that sounds proud!

Project management, creating/editing tasks. Everything is done in a convenient visual interface without stupid clicks on a bunch of pages with strange input fields.

Easy access to the status of various parameters, again more numbers and graphics. Let's turn the boring task management process into an interesting one.

View current tasks by projects, statistics on them.

Flowchart by projects.

You can create groups for the so-called group quests. For example, I have a group quest with a designer - finally insert a pink pig with a flower into a flash drive. This is a task for both of us. Visually represent task chains as quest chains with a convenient display of the tree, status and progress.

Separately, I want to mention the automatic statistics collection, which can be integrated into development as an Eclipse plugin or Ant task.

Outcome: showed my vision of the interface, functions and process.


The main problem with this approach is subjectivity. Everyone has different projects and tasks. Therefore, it makes no sense to compare my progress and the progress of Vasya, who works in New Zealand. That is, the global service of writing will not work. If I want to, I will wind up easy quests for myself and rise to level 100500, and honest Petya will do his difficult quests at level 7.

Therefore, I chose singles and small groups of developers as an audience. Here, if anyone starts cheating, people will come up and hit you on the head. In a small team, such a system can be very interesting and help increase productivity. On the other hand, at the beginning I mentioned the comparison of achievements, which is not possible without mass character. And again, starting from honesty and subjectivity, some top and some comparisons can still be made. At least according to the statistics that are collected automatically.

Another question is the "seriousness" of such a decision. It is clear that all developers should use the control system, but if it seems too childish to someone (what? elves? quests? what the hell are you doing there ...), then the whole process goes down the drain.

Anticipating issues, as I said, into problems I will not take out the problems of the GTD methodology on which this idea is based.

Outcome: everything is subjective.

How to earn.

From all of the above, we can draw a sad conclusion and change the name of this part to “How not to make money.”, Because the system turns out to be very narrowly focused. You can’t do a great service for everyone, micropayments for game items are for juvenile idiots on VKontakte, but we are going to work here.

You can take a small amount of money for hosting the system on your servers, as regular GTD solutions do. You can think of something in the matter of customization for individual orders, for example, remake everything for the StarCraft universe.

Outcome: Apparently, you can't make millions here.

Many people have done well in computer games. Their virtual characters are well developed and capable of much. At the same time, not everyone was able to achieve the same success in real life. But life is also a kind of game, and if we find quests for ourselves and cope with them, we also get rewards and experience. The LifeRPG app will help turn your life into a kind of computer game.

There are a lot of applications that help you set goals and cope with them. This application is designed for those who are quite good at managing goals in computer games. All you need is to find tasks for yourself and enter them into the application.

Statistics and the form of their presentation will allow you to begin to perceive yourself as a character in a computer game that can be improved and developed. You can do the same with yourself, you just need to complete tasks and receive rewards. You will have all the necessary attributes, such as inventory, map, list of skills and rewards. I wish everyone successful game.

Appendix: LifeRPG Developer: Jayvant Javier Pujara Category: Entertainment Price: For free Download: Google Play Already interested in the application: 106 Human

Hours spent playing MMO games sometimes turn into frustration. Nights killed for the pumping of some dark elf, in real world often lead to dead health, “tails” in studies, problems at work and other sad consequences. Luckily, exciting game mechanics there is a place on this side of the monitor - today the most diverse areas of our life are subject to the so-called gamification. We have selected six games, apps and services whose creators have decided to turn our lives into RPGs.

HabitRPG: task manager with raids, quests and guilds

HabitRPG is a mixture of a task manager and role play. Let's say you work hard at work, school or at home, and at this time your virtual character grows in levels and gets new equipment. You need to set tasks yourself - they are divided into habits (both useful and harmful; the latter should be avoided), daily routines (for example, washing dishes) and other things. At the same time, several role-playing mechanics work in the application. Smoked an extra cigarette - the hero loses health. Do exercises every day - the character becomes stronger and takes less damage from not doing things.

Sienna Leslie, HabitRPG Community Manager:

Many gamified apps only focus on one aspect of life - only fitness, only productivity, and so on. HabitRPG takes a broader approach, as you can change habits anywhere. Some of our players are battling chronic illnesses, others in leadership roles are busy scheduling HabitRPG. We only provide them with a flexible platform and motivate them to achieve.

Despite the fact that the core of the HabitRPG audience is gamers, 40% of our users do not consider themselves to be gamers. Apparently, our game is suitable for everyone who is looking for a fun way to improve their lives.

For extra motivation, you can team up with other players and go on boss raids. In this case, skipping tasks leads to the loss of health of all members of the group. Also in HabitRPG there are special world bosses that all players fight at once. The slobs gradually fill the scale of the monster's rage, and in certain moment it deals devastating damage to all users of the game. Of course, HabitRPG can be fooled by ticking off the backlogs, but in the end, you're only fooling yourself.

HabitRPG also has other role-playing elements: quests (thematic series of tasks from different users), seasonal events, promotions with unique items, pets, mounts, guilds and, of course, a bunch of different equipment. The hero can even be sent to the tavern while on vacation - there he will not lose health while you are basking by the sea.

EpicWin: HabitRPG analogue with great design

Tak Fung, founder of Supermono Studios:

Although at first EpicWin was noticed only by gamers, last years even old ladies wrote to me! EpicWin has also helped people with autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. In the near future, I want to conduct a scientific study to test the real effect of the application on people suffering from these disorders.

A variation of HabitRPG from the Supermono studio, formed by people from Lionhead ( , ). EpicWin is a hybrid organizer with an adventure RPG: when you're cleaning your apartment or doing other chores, your hero runs forward through the fantasy world and opens chests in search of loot. Each task pumps certain characteristics of the character (strength, intelligence, endurance, and so on) and has its own complexity. As with HabitRPG, it's important to be honest with yourself here: don't consider morning exercise an incredible feat, and don't fill your to-do list with obvious things like brushing your teeth.

Although EpicWin seems a little too simple compared to HabitRPG, it's still worth a try if only for the design by Rex Cole, who had a hand in and .

Classcraft : school lessons as a role-playing game

If adults can still get used to the idea that life is not a raid in Destiny, then schoolchildren are worried about this situation much more. The modern education system, whether domestic or foreign, is hardly able to captivate children. Good grades are weak motivation. To cheer up his students, physics teacher Sean Young came up with Classcraft, a role-playing add-on to the educational program. The project attracted media attention and received financial support from the Canadian Media Foundation.

Andrey Podshibyakin, founder and CEO Insight One:

Classcraft works in three areas: the game increases the motivation of students, teaches them teamwork and controls behavior. Each student creates a character for himself: a warrior, a magician or a healer. Each class has unique abilities: a warrior can eat in class, a mage gets extra minutes on an exam, and a healer is allowed to listen to an iPod during a test. Some skills help the whole team - for example, if two warriors go to Frontal Attack together, their team will be able to turn in their homework a day later. As students complete assignments, help out classmates, and answer teacher questions, their Sims gain experience points and level up, unlocking new abilities like being able to get a hint on a test. Bad behavior and underachievement, in turn, lead to the loss of health points. Students who "kill" their heroes are fined - they stay after school or get less time on test papers.

Classcraft is distributed in three versions - free, freemium and paid. The second and third options open access to character customization for in-game gold. In the paid version, the teacher manages the distribution of gold, while in the freemium, students can buy it using microtransactions.

Duolingo : language learning with skill leveling

The first visit to Duolingo brings back memories of: these skill trees are unmistakable. True, instead of necromancy, Duolingo is learning foreign languages. The skills here are much more practical - "Conjugations", "Comparisons", "Past Tense" and the like. I did a series of exercises, consolidated a skill, got access to learning new ones - and so on until the entire skill tree turns golden.

Each completed task brings experience, thanks to which the player gradually gains levels and receives the so-called lingots, the local currency. It can be spent on additional language modules and tests, the ability to skip classes without resetting the combo counter, as well as a gold tracksuit for Duo the owl, the game's mascot. Duolingo also has team entertainment - site users work together to translate articles from Wikipedia and other resources into different languages, helping each other. For additional motivation, it is worth calling friends into the game - after I spent a week at the bottom of the leaderboard, three friends immediately asked me where I had disappeared.

Duolingo CEO Louis von Ahn considers the main competitors not at all other language simulators (LinguaLeo and Busuu), but mobile entertainment like . In an interview with The Next Web, he noted that Duolingo is most often launched in free time to put it to good use. Luis also intends to undermine the authority of the TOEFL and IELTS tests - in the summer, the Test Center program was opened in Duolingo, where you can get a certificate of knowledge in English for only $20 (for comparison, getting TOEFL in Russia costs $250). Now the company is seeking recognition of the Test Center by world universities and employers.

Fitocracy : dual-pump fitness - real and virtual

Rocking an elf in some MMORPG can be much more fun than bench presses in a gym. Fitocracy founder Brian Wang realized this when he once again saw a skinny kid in the mirror, not a walking mountain of muscles. It was around this time that his friend Richard Talens was inspired to turn fitness into a game, and in August 2010 the two of them started making Fitocracy.

In this service, you choose your favorite workout on the site or in mobile application, do it at home or in the gym and get experience points for successful completion. The latter are directly related to your real progress - if a beginner after ten push-ups immediately gets new level, then experienced "phytocrats" require more complex and diverse programs.

Fitocracy is no stranger to other role-playing entertainment. For example, good way get more experience- complete fitness quests. They work like achievements in games: you don’t need to take tasks on your own - just fulfill their conditions. And for motivation, you can join various interest groups. Their participants not only give each other advice, but also arrange competitions. For example, "Kings and Queens of Push-ups-2015" has already begun to find out who is the best in push-ups from the floor in different variations. A paid Fitocracy Hero account also gives you access to the local PvP mode - duels. In them, you choose an opponent on the site and invite him to compete on your terms: who will run further, who will lift how much in the bench press, and so on.

Fitocracy is not only a game, but also a social network, which is why it works so well. You are constantly encouraged, and a competitive spirit reigns around - as a result, regular training becomes a habit, and external motivation becomes internal.

NikeFuel: "fuel" as experience points

Role-playing games automatically count successes: slaughtered an orc - got 300 experience points, a dragon - 2000, and so on. Instant feedback keeps you in good shape and pushes you to new achievements. Nike has come up with a similar system for real life - NikeFuel tracks your movements and combines them into one "fuel" indicator. Weight, gender and age of the user are not taken into account - this is an abstract unit of measurement of physical activity. In fact, "fuel" is an analogue of experience points.

Nike has built an entire ecosystem around fuel - you can score points with the Nike+ FuelBand SE, Nike+ Sportwatch, iPod Nano, pedometer apps for iOS and Android, and even an Xbox 360 game. All information is collected in your account, and then in social mechanics come into play - in Nike + you can collect achievements, compete with friends and brag about the results.
