Super cactus games 10. Free games cactus mccoy

The brave guy McCoy hunted for treasures. One day, a mysterious guy approached him and offered him a large sum of money for getting him a special jewel. The guy agreed and found what the customer needed - a large round emerald with white spikes, lying on one of the branches of a stone cactus. But that same night, a strange transformation occurred with the guy: from a man he turned into a walking and talking cactus. He was visited by a vision in which the ghost of a cactus like himself said that at one time he also stole this emerald and also turned into a cactus, and then became a stone altogether. McCoy must return the jewel to its real owner, otherwise he will face the same fate.

The hero has a map, and from level to level he gets closer and closer to his salvation. The villain who ordered the emerald for McCoy found out about everything. He posted notices everywhere about a reward for his capture and set his thugs on Cactus's heels. In the first game, Cactus McCoy escapes from them by jumping on platforms, climbing ladders, crawling along tight ropes. Along the way, he comes across jewelry - they are stored in boxes that are hidden in secluded corners game world. Besides them, Cactus tears down posters announcing his capture. If you collect all the posters and jewelry, you can get prize stars after completing the level. At the end of each round, McCoy finds a special artifact, after which he can begin adventures in new location. Free games Cactus McCoy pass with regular fights. The hero is attacked by various villains. Some attack him with their fists, others will have him in their hands metal pipe or a baton.

The further you go, the more interesting the Cactus games become.

  • dart
  • guns

With such weapons, you must remember to monitor the fullness of ammunition. Coins fall out of defeated enemies - if Cactus picks them up, he will accumulate enough money to carry out upgrades to improve his characteristics. Gamers really liked the game Cactus McCoy, and the developers released a sequel. Here the hero, in the guise of a cactus, met a girl with wings growing from her hands, allowing her to fly. She told about the treasure of the ancient city of Calavera and offered to find it together. But evil bandits attacked the partners and kidnapped the girl.
Now McCoy must search for the treasure on his own and, in addition, save his partner. In the second part of the toy, new locations appeared, although the principle of the game remained the same - McCoy:

  • jumps
  • climbs
  • runs
  • fights
  • collects jewelry

Enjoy games with Cactus McCoy on our gaming portal!

Everything is quite unusual and very exciting! All Western fans simply cannot help but like the Game Cactus McCoy 1, in which all the laws of the genre are observed. One day in the Wild West, a simple handsome guy, by order of the sheriff, goes in search of a famous treasure. How could he know that the ruby ​​was enchanted? The kidnapper's body turns into a cactus with all the ensuing consequences. The Indian relic must be returned as soon as possible, otherwise McCoy will gradually turn into stone. And here, you know, don’t expect anything good.

The task is complicated by a gang of notorious thugs sent after the hero by the customer who did not receive the desired item. But the character himself has now become more dangerous. Still would! His fists are covered with spikes, and on his way he constantly finds new weapons and all sorts of useful accessories. During the five lives allotted to him by the developers, he and you, together with you, improve a series of blows that allow you to knock out coins and the necessary tools from defeated enemies.

On the way to his goal, he will have to go through abandoned mines, cross the desert and fight on the train at full speed, not forgetting to tear down the notices posted everywhere about the reward on his head.


Hints will appear throughout the entire first level. But still, it would not be superfluous to list the main functions. It's not difficult to play this game. The “right” and “left” arrows are responsible for the hero’s movement; the “A” key will make McCoy jump, and the “down” arrow will make him crouch. We use it to select the item the hero needs. A character can only have one weapon in use. If we want to change it to a new one, press “D” and throw away the old one. McCoy attacks after pressing the "S" key.

The series of blows become longer and their strength increases as your hero gains experience over the course of 12 levels. Money earned in battle can also be periodically spent to improve the character's characteristics.

Wild West. Desert. Bandits. Mafia. And a heroic cactus, ready to stop anyone who commits injustice and evil. This is how you can briefly and clearly describe the Cactus McCoy games, where main character– green, prickly and very strong plant.

They say that Cactus was once a man, but evil magic turned him into a large thorn and sent him to fight Evil. This may be true, but for plots where you need to shoot, hit, catch and win, this information is not essential. But every gamer will benefit from the information that the fists of a living plant in the Cactus McCoy games are powerful and strong, and the shots are well-aimed and dangerous. With such input data, you can safely play any plot.

Since McCoy is very cute and attractive, the series of games with him has been expanded with additional stories. Now children can travel with the cactus, deciding logic problems and completing simple tasks, and girls who can easily save the green hero from a cunning and dangerous trap.

Well? Are you interested in the World of the Wild West? Then it's time to start playing: win, travel or save - the choice is up to the user.
