How to find the Forest Mansion in Minecraft. Secrets and treasure inside

For many years now, you and I have been involved in a big secret - the secret of the popularity of a game that was released more than 7 years ago. The game attracts more and more new players, new generations of players come to the game. What's the secret? You and I know that the game does not have a logical conclusion, so there is no need to buy Continuations and Additions, as in other games. And the number of licenses sold allows developers to concentrate only on the game. Constant updates with the introduction of new mobs and structures keep experienced players interested in the game, especially when there is a qualitative improvement in the game.
The next update is Minecraft 1.11, just like that.

Minecraft 1.11 - Exploration Update brings to the game:

1. Added Cartographers and Explorer cards.

New village resident - Cartographer, will sell you unique cards“Researchers” with the location of unique Minecraft buildings (Temples, Castles) containing treasures.

Here is a link to the Villager Cartographer and Explorer's Maps presentation. Jeb (the lead developer of Minecraft, who once brought the Red Stone to the game and now leads the project) says:

2. A new block has been added - Observer.
A new device is needed to monitor changes and send an electrical signal when changes occur on the adjacent block.
Crafting the Observer block:

We can say that this is some kind of volume sensor (motion sensor) from real life. It only works on changes that change the id number Minecraft blocks. For example, as in the video, watermelon seeds (id 362) - watermelon (id 103). For players who created chest stores, id numbers have been known for a long time. Link to the presentation of the Observer block:

3. Added: Shulker Shell and Shulker Box.
The shell drops as loot when Shulker dies. Drop rate 50%. 2 shells and a chest allows you to craft the Shulker Chest, which, when broken, does not scatter the contents in all directions, like a regular chest, but stores them in a block. Which, you see, is quite convenient.

Here is a diagram for crafting such a chest:

And here is a link to a video - a presentation of such a chest:

5. Added: return portals in the End world.
Portals on the islands can now transport the player back to the central island (with the Dragon Towers). Reverse portals are generated randomly near End cities.

6. Added curse enchantment.
Added 2 new enchantments:
Wearing spell(Course of Binding). The armor element cannot be removed (in the video below it is a helmet).
Vanishing Spell(Curseof Vanishing). The item does not drop out when the player dies, but disappears (in the video it is a sword).

7. Added Llamas (South American animals from the camel family)
These unique mobs can not only carry chests. Once tamed, they can be covered with carpet (of different colors) to make them more beautiful and differentiate them from each other. If there are more than 1 tamed Llamas, then they create caravans. And for hostile mobs they have their own “weapons”, guess what? Of course, camel spit. They only give loot leather (according to idMinecraft - 334, the same leather as loot from a cow), they do not give meat.

8. Added Forest Mansion.
New natural game structure created during world generation. Found only in forest biomes, and displayed on Explorer maps. The house has 3 floors and consists of many details.

9. New mobs have been added to inhabit this house.
Minion (Vindicator). This villager with an ax in one of his hands, is a fanatical defender of the next mob.
Evoker. The mini-boss is usually surrounded by defenders - Minions. When he casts a spell, he raises his hands up. Can conjure a “bear trap” that bursts out of the floor and damages the player. Or maybe summon the next mob.
Flying spirit. (Vex). Small flying mobs with an iron sword in their hands. Summoned by the Spellcaster.
Loot. Minions leave drops of emerald after death, and rarely an iron axe. Spellcasters leave behind emeralds and the Totem of the Undying.
Mobs spawn only once during world generation. Respawn is not yet provided.

Video about Forest House and hostile mobs inhabiting it:

10. Added: Totems of the Undying.
Dropped by the Spellcaster mini-boss when he dies. If you hold the totem in one of your hands, then when you receive a mortal wound, the totem prevents death by absorbing the damage.

11. Added a new command – location (/locate).
The command allows you to find the nearest requested object. You can request the coordinates of such objects as: EndCity (Ender's city), Fortress (Fortress Netherworld), Mansion, Mineshaft, Monument, Stronghold, Temple and Village.
Moreover, the coordinates of the Temple can be shown as the coordinates of the nearest Igloo, Witch House, Jungle Temple and Desert Temple.

Link to video presentation:

12. Removed Herobrine.

, Tools , Shelter construction ,
Mining, Transforming the World.

  • Cheat codes. Modifications.
  • Location orientation

    The world of Minecraft is huge and diverse; you can easily get lost in its countless forests, fields and mountains. So, if you decide to go on a long journey, then in order to later return to your home or resurrection point, you need to immediately remember which way you went.

    The simplest and most effective way is to determine the cardinal directions (north, south, west, east).

    Orientation by celestial bodies
    Minecraft. Survival

    You can determine the cardinal directions in Minecraft, as in life, by the celestial bodies: the sun, the moon (and that’s all starry sky) always move from east to west.

    In addition, air clouds also always move from east to west (this is illogical, but this is the case in the game).

    So, we look at the sky, determine where the west is and where the east is. We stand so that the east is to our right and the west is to our left. Now we lower our head to the normal position, north will be directly in front of us, and south will be behind us.

    Orientation by block textures
    Minecraft. Survival

    In life, a very noticeable reference point for determining the cardinal directions is vegetation: tree branches on the northern side are shorter, and on the southern side longer; if there is moss at the base of the tree, then there is more of it on the north side; grass stems are more succulent on the south side; the flowers are always slightly inclined to the south. (Naturally, all this is true only for the northern hemisphere of the Earth).

    Unfortunately, such natural landmarks are not observed in Minecraft, but instead there is another, but very similar method– determination of cardinal directions based on block textures.

    On the surface of the earth, determining the cardinal directions by textures can only serve as additional method, but deep underground, where the heavenly bodies are not visible, all that remains is to peer at the textures of the blocks.

    Stone(Stone) top view
    The light 2x2 square is located closer to the south side.
    Gravel(Gravel) top view
    Only on the western side at the edge there is a line of 2 light dots.
    Throughout the gravel texture there are many corners of dark dots, all of these corners are directed towards the southeast.
    Earth(Earth) top view
    Only on the western side is a gray dot adjacent to the edge.
    Grass(Grass) top view
    On one side there is a group of 5 light dots - this side is always directed to the West.
    Sand(Sand) top view
    Only on the eastern side there is a group of 3 dark dots.
    Snow(Snow) top view
    Only on the western side there are no dark spots at all on the edge.
    On the eastern side, on the contrary, all the points are dark.
    Tree(Tree) top view
    Only on the western side at the edge there are 2 long dark stripes.
    Boards(Wood) top view
    The darkest point is located at the edge of the southern side.
    There are two dark stripes on the eastern side.
    (Bench) top view
    Only on the western side, closer to the edge, there is a long dark brown stripe.
    (Furnace) top view
    Only on the south side there is a long light strip of pixels.

    (Standard textures for the version Minecraft games 1.4.7)

    Orientation using the debug screen
    Minecraft. Secrets

    To open the debug screen, you need to press the F3 key. The "f" coordinate is responsible for the direction the player is looking. Explanation:

    F: 0 (SOUTH) - looking south,
    f: 1 (WEST) - looking west,
    f: 2 (NORTH) - looking north,
    f: 3 (EAST) - looking east.

    If the value on the Z axis decreases, you move north, if it increases, you move south. If the value on the X axis decreases, you are moving west; if it increases, you are moving east. The Y coordinate shows the current altitude.

    Paths of torches
    Minecraft. Orientation

    If you don’t want to get lost in the world of Maincraft, and always want to find your way back to home, then you should leave some signs on your way. These may be blocks made of artificial material, but it is better to place torches, because they will be clearly visible even on a dark night. It is best to place torches in threes at a time, lining them up in a corner or a small arrow (with the corner forward, and two torches on the sides - towards the house). It is better to place the torches at such a distance that the previous point of the torches can be seen from the new point.

    If you build a lot of these torch paths, it's worth using markers to write on them where the path leads.

    Minecraft. Orientation

    Another way not to get lost in Minecraft world is the construction of a highway.

    A highway is a long, perfectly straight road. It’s very easy to build it: take a pickaxe, a shovel, an axe; we choose a direction and move forward, without turning anywhere or changing altitude. We destroy all oncoming blocks blocking the path with a suitable tool; We fill all the gaps with accumulated blocks of earth and stone. We place torches on the sides of the highway. You can place blocks on the left and right so that the highway is visible on a flat piece of terrain. You can also place blocks, and then place torches on them only from a certain side (towards the house), so that you can then determine which direction of the road will lead where.

    Such a perfectly smooth road will be visible from afar, thanks to the illumination from torches. The longer the road, the less likely you will be to pass it when you get lost. And once you find the highway, you will immediately understand where to go towards the house.

    A little later, when you have accumulated enough iron, gold and red dust, you can turn the highway into railway, and move along it on a cart at great speed.

    Lighthouses, towers
    Minecraft. Passing maps

    If you are unhappy with the large number of torches that you need to spend on building a path, or the fact that they are difficult to see in dense forests and jungles, then you can use another method to mark your paths - build a tower.

    Typically, such orientation towers are built one block wide and a height of ten blocks to the maximum height of the world. From above, you can add torches to the tower on all sides, then you get something like a lighthouse.

    When building a very high pillar, a problem arises - after completing the work, you need to somehow jump down to the ground and not break. This must be provided for and a small reservoir, at least 2x2 in size, must be dug under the tower. After the jump you can bury it. Or you can take a bucket of water with you, pour the water from the pole, and immediately jump off after the water. As a result, the water will slowly take you down.

    One of the types of orientation towers are lava pillars. The main thing is to get the main ingredient - lava. To do this, you will have to go deep underground with a bucket, find a lava lake, and scoop up one block of lava.

    Before building a lava pillar, it is better to place all valuables in a chest so as not to lose them in case of death. We build a regular pillar, attach one block on the side at the top, stand on it, pour lava onto the central block. Let's jump down. It is better to build a fence one block high from below so that the lava does not spread far.

    Mincraft has a small glitch when pouring liquids (water, lava) - under certain conditions the flow of liquid will be endless. Thus, a stream of lava will endlessly flow from our lava column along its entire height, although we only used one bucket of lava for this.

    Minecraft. Orientation

    A very convenient navigation tool is compass. The finished compass is usually placed in one of the quick access slots, so it will always be visible.

    IN Minecraft Pocket Edition you can find many residents offering a wide variety of goods for your use. Today we invite you to make a deal with the Cartographer - a new merchant from the village who sells various cards to search for natural structures generated in . How to find a resident? First of all you must download and install CartographerPlus for and then get to the village. The cartographer will offer you 2 existing and 4 new guide maps. Find what you've been looking for with much less effort!

    Cartographer in Minecraft PE

    Cartographer - new villager from the world Minecraft PE, which sells maps for finding natural structures. This feature has already been added to the game before, but now there are more cards! When trading with a new resident, you can buy the following cards from him:
    • New! Mine Search Map: 4 Emeralds
    • New! Map for finding Villages: 8 Emeralds
    • New! Map to find the Temple: 10 Emeralds
    • New! Map for finding the Fortress: 15 Emeralds
    • Map for finding the Underwater Fortress: 28 Emeralds + 1 Compass
    • Map to find the Forest Mansion: 46 Emeralds + 2 Compasses

    After the purchase, you should activate the card and follow the marker marked on the map. For example, in the screenshot below you can see how the player found a mine in .

    Well, here is an example of how the player found the Needle. We're not entirely sure this worked correctly since the map is designed to find the temple in Minecraft PE. In any case, it's better than nothing.

    Despite the fact that Minecraft came out quite a long time ago, its popularity continues to grow. "Open sandbox" is the main guarantee of recognition and success of this simple game.

    In today's article we will tell you how to find the Forest Mansion in Minecraft - an interesting addition that was released with update 1.1 and attracted the attention of many fans. But first, a little about the game itself

    About the game

    The main advantages of Minecraft are the endless possibilities, mining of minerals and resources, construction of unique objects and much, much more. In addition, players will experience a variety of adventures and battles with dangerous mobs. The original one is constantly updated with all kinds of extensions: modifications, character skins, new maps, plugins and other content.

    The calling card of Minecraft can be called its cubic world, even the heroes here are made of cubes! Each cube has its own texture, which makes the game look even more interesting and exciting.

    Players are given two modes to choose from: “construction” and “survival”. The first mode is very simple and provides a huge platform for creativity. Here you can thoroughly enjoy the basic features that Minecraft is rich in - the construction of buildings. The name of the “survival” mode speaks for itself: the hero tries with all his might to survive the day/night and not become a victim of aggressive mobs.

    Forest mansion: is it worth looking for?

    Explore this mysterious place and you will be able to get the main treasure - "Totem of Eternal Life". Is it worth explaining that possession gives real immortality? This artifact alone is enough for all players to rush in search of the mansion. Join them too!

    How to find the Forest Mansion in Minecraft?

    Version 1.1. brought to the game a new interesting structure for exploration called Forest mansion(by the way, another name for this place is the Hunter's Mansion). It is part of a larger region" Dark forest"We will share with you useful information about how to find the Forest Mansion in Minecraft (or, in other words, “pocket edition”, English - pocket edition).

    There are several ways:

    1. Create a world from scratch and activate the ability to use cheats. Then enter the command /locate-mansion(remove the "-"), which will transmit the coordinates of the mansion's location. Team tp-<полученные-координаты> will take you straight to the spot. This is the easiest way, and it is not aimed at searching, but at how to make a Forest Mansion in Minecraft. You can also download already ready map with a mansion built on it from any thematic site.
    2. For the second method, you will need a map, which is in the hands of a cartographer living in the village. The map shows the approximate area where our mansion is located. Take more supplies with you and go on a long and dangerous journey. After you have found the Forest Mansion in Minecraft, you will need to go inside and destroy a mob called the Summoner. After his death, the same “Totem of Eternal Life” falls out. Congratulations, you have just become immortal!

    A new structure has been added - Forest mansion, which many players try to find by simply flying around the world. But I’ll say right away that finding it this way is simply unrealistic. That is why we have prepared this one, which will help you find a forest mansion in Minecraft PE.

    How to find a forest mansion?

    This can be done in two ways - using a command in chat or special card treasures

    The easiest way to find a mansion is to use a chat command. First you need to enter the command /locate mansion, after which you will receive coordinates to the nearest mansion.

    I don't know if this is a bug or a feature, but for some reason it doesn't display the coordinate Y(height). Therefore, I recommend entering it in the range from 80 to 120, and I recommend doing this only in creative mode!

    Next, you need to enter these coordinates into the teleportation command (/tp x y z). In my case I entered: /tp -14840 100 3208.

    Another way is to purchase a special treasure map from a village cartographer.

    Finding a resident cartographer is not an easy task. He looks like a resident librarian, but only cartographer can buy Forest Explorer Map V .

    If you are lucky enough to find it, then do not forget to take emeralds and some other items to purchase the card.

    Buy all the items (as shown in the screenshots below). This is necessary to increase the level of confidence of the resident and to achieve maximum level he will let you buy Forest Explorer Map.

    Don't confuse this card with Ocean Explorer Card. They differ in color: the color of the card with the mansion is brown, and the color of the underwater fortress is blue.

    If you have nerves of steel and are ready to go on a long journey, then before your journey, stock up well on food, blocks, and tools.

    It is very easy to get lost with a map and only practice will help you understand the principle of the cardinal directions and search for structures.

    How to use the card?

    You just need to remember a few things that will help you determine the cardinal directions in Minecraft PE.

    The simplest thing is that the Sun and Moon always rise in the east and set in the west (as in real life), and the sunflower flower is always tilted only to the east (towards the Sun).
