Cossacks european wars campaign walkthrough. Cossacks: European Wars - description of countries



Austria stands out from other Western European nations. She is quite strong at the start, as in the 17th century you can hire useful units - rundashir and croat. The peculiarity of the rundashir: short construction time and high armor. It is most effective to use at the start, as well as in the artillery stage of the game - the cuirass reliably protects against buckshot and fire from multi-barreled guns. Kroat is a light cavalryman, an analogue of a hired Sich Cossack. With all this, even in the 18th century, Austria was not deprived of useful units. This pandur is a strong shooter without a bayonet.



A country with a set of cheap military force. Algeria has two original units that build quickly - an archer and a light infantryman. However, they have little health. Due to the superiority in numbers at the start, Algeria is very strong. The Algerian archer has the highest build speed, and it has no upgrades that it doesn't need due to its very high strength, capable of killing any foot soldier with one shot, or a cavalryman with two. They have poor shot accuracy and are only effective in crowds against crowds. Mameluke is available in the stable - a mounted unit with high health. Algiers does not have a transition to the 18th century, and also does not have the ability to launch a ball. Also, Algeria does not have cuirassed units, so units are vulnerable to artillery. In a protracted game, Algeria loses its strength.



A rather useful 18th century unit is the Scottish Rifleman. The Scot has quite a lot of damage, but, like a musketeer of the 17th century, he cannot fight close. Also in England there is an original analogue of the drummer of the XVIII century - the piper. It differs only in cheapness.



Musketeers of the 17th century are protected by cuirasses, which makes them little vulnerable to multi-barreled cannons.



In many respects it is similar to the countries of Western Europe. The main difference is that the Polish pikemen are built a third faster than those of other countries. Also, the Polish pikeman is the weakest in the game, his attack is 8 units, and he is not affected by upgrades in the form of cuirasses. Due to the speed of building pikemen, Poland is the strongest nation at the start of the game. In the stable in the 17th century, instead of a reiter, there is a light reiter, which is built very quickly, but has low health. A winged hussar is also available in the stable. The winged hussar is a hybrid of light and heavy cavalry. He is protected by cuirasses, and at the same time, the speed of the hussar is maintained. In the 18th century, the units of Poland are the same as those of the countries of Western Europe.



The portuguese port can fire cannonballs like a battle turret. After the construction of the artillery depot, as well as the tower, it can increase the rate of fire after upgrades.



The Prussian musketeer of the 18th century has a shot power of 106 units. He is 2nd in strength behind the Danish Musketeer. The Prussian hussar is produced a third faster than the hussars of other nations.



The Dutch musketeer of the 17th century is a little weaker than the rest of the shooters. This is compensated by the higher rate of fire than units of this type of other countries, after all the upgrades.



Strong priests, really capable of providing some kind of assistance to the troops.



It differs from the countries of Western Europe in cheap barracks of the 17th century - no gold is needed to build barracks. The Russian Pikeman XVII is the strongest pikeman in the game. His attack power is 10 against the standard 9. Given the cheap barracks and pike strength, Russia is very strong in the early game. However, the strength is somewhat leveled by the lack of housing - the Russian barracks can accommodate fewer soldiers. In the stable, the Don Cossack is available, one of the cheapest units in the game with good hitting power. Instead of a reiter - a knight. The Vityaz is the most powerful cavalry unit of the 17th century after the Ukrainian Hetman. His health is 480 units. In the XVIII century, the units of Russia are the same as those of the countries of Western Europe.



The 18th century Saxon musketeer has a shot power of 101 units, but is slower to fire than all the 18th century musketeers. The Saxon Grenadier has the highest rate of fire of all Grenadiers. Saxony also has an interesting unit - Guards Cavalryman. This is a heavy cavalry, the 7th defense upgrade gives an increase of +30 (!) to defense against lances, bayonets and swords (melee).



In the port, you can build a galeas - an improved version of the galley. Venice also has the cheapest crossing in the 18th century.



The country is similar to Algeria. Turkey has no archers. However, there is a shooter - Janissaries. At the start of the game, the Janissary is not inferior to the Ukrainian Serdyuk. When fully pumped, the Janissaries have a shot power of 30 units. In the stable are available: Spah - an analogue of the Mameluke and Tatar - an archer on a horse. AT middle game Turkey has an advantage due to the large number of Tatars. Turkey, like Algeria, does not have cuirassed units, so the nation weakens in a protracted game. Also, this nation has slightly cheaper all the improvements in the Academy, which makes it a little easier to play ...



The Swedish Reiter costs more and hits weaker than other heavy cavalrymen of the 17th century. But this is poorly compensated by the 18th century pikeman, who is also more expensive than his "brothers", but a little stronger.



The most unconventional nation. The only country in which the peasant is a full-fledged military unit. The Ukrainian builder cannot be captured (the peasant can only be captured if an unguarded city center or mine is captured). Ukraine does not have pikemen. Because of this, at the start, Ukraine is very vulnerable. However, the Ukrainian shooter - Serdyuk - has the largest shot power among all units of the 17th century - 78 units. Therefore, in the game after the start, but not very protracted, Ukraine is very strong. The nation does not have a transition to the 18th century, but the orb that opens the card is available to it. The country does not have cuirassed units, so Ukraine is vulnerable to artillery. In a protracted game, Ukraine is somewhat losing its strength. In the stable, Ukraine has a registered Cossack and Sich, as well as a hetman. Sich Cossack - One of the fastest units in the game. Hetman - has characteristics similar to officers, but is very expensive, and also the hetman is the most powerful unit. Registered Cossack is a light cavalryman with a good strike power, at the same time it has a low price and a fast construction speed. Also, Ukrainians cannot build stone walls, and only galleys are available from the navy.



France has an original 17th century cavalry unit, the royal musketeer. Its feature: a large shot force and slow production. Unlike dragoons, which, when close enough to the enemy, run back to a short distance, the royal musketeer stands still. In the 18th century, you can hire a huntsman - an analogue of the Scottish shooter and pandur. There is also an original 18th century dragoon. Its feature: low shot force and fast production. Maintaining this unit requires a large amount of gold.

What is the name of the game, which should become a symbol of the formation of the Ukrainian gaming industry? How to make the hearts of millions of Ukrainians beat faster from one word? How to commemorate a whole era in domestic computer games? For Ukrainian developers - the company GSC Game World, such questions did not last long. Cossacks! - a symbol of freedom, independence, the best period in the life of the Ukrainian people. The game Cossacks: European Wars was created by GSC Game World in 2001 and published by Russobit - M. The development of the game took more than 6 years, but in the end the game deservedly took its place in the circle best strategies all times and peoples.


Some of those reading this article graduated from school a long time ago, some still have to do it, but almost all of you considered history lessons boring and by all means whiled away the time until the long-awaited call. The Cossacks: European Wars game was able to fit several paragraphs of a history textbook into itself, presenting them in an incredibly authentic way. It's one thing to read a dry list of dates in an old textbook, it's another thing to find yourself on the battlefields, leading thousands of soldiers, following in the footsteps of great commanders, winning heroic victories.

The ideological father of the game Cossacks: European Wars is Age game of Empires, however, unlike the latter, the Cossacks emphasize historical accuracy, recreating not only historical events, but also appearance units, buildings, terrain. And this is its definite plus. It seems that nations have stepped from the pages of textbooks straight into the game. In the game Cossacks: European Wars, 16 nations are available to you: Austria, Algeria, England, Venice, Spain, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Prussia, Piedmont, Russia, Saxony, Turkey, Ukraine, France, Sweden. All nations are available in four Cossacks: European Wars campaigns. An English campaign called "Pirates caribbean", will tell the player about the conquest of the islands of the Caribbean, a protracted struggle with pirates, Spain, the Netherlands. The French campaign - "In the service of the cardinal" - will plunge the player headlong into the Thirty Years' War (1618-1648), in which almost all European countries collided. If you want to know more about your own history - welcome to the Russian campaign ("Window to Europe") of the passage Cossacks: European Wars, in which you have to suppress the uprising of Stepan Razin (the uprising of peasants and Cossacks against the government), with a sword in hand to visit the Crimean Khan (Crimean campaigns) and find yourself in the center of the battle between Russia and Sweden (Northern War). Well, of course, the developers could not ignore the most important events in Ukrainian history: the wars with the Tatars, Russia and, finally, the Commonwealth - you will be introduced to all of them passing Cossacks: European Wars, the campaign "War of Independence".


Progress does not stand still, and what seemed like a breakthrough in the schedule becomes the norm two years later. What then to say about the game, released more than 10 years ago, which even at one time did not claim leadership? "Everything's fine" is the only thing to say. Of course, the graphics are outdated, but look at the screenshots - when playing, there is not the slightest discomfort due to outdated graphics. And all thanks to the talent of developers and the quality of their products. The fact is that the guys from GSC Game World approached the matter very responsibly and paid a lot of attention to details: each nation has unique soldiers, workers, buildings, transferred to the digital world with amazing accuracy, detail and bright colors. But the animation of large-scale battles deserves special praise. Imagine how painstaking and hard work it is to make sure that during the battle with 8 thousand participants there is no texture overlay, judder and implausibility. You can forget about such problems: the developers of the game Cossacks: European Wars did their homework on 5+, for which they are honored and praised. The same applies to the soundtrack: all sound effects and background music are made with the highest quality and with paternal love for the brainchild.


The creators of the game perfectly mastered both school history lessons and the lessons of the history of modern computer games. I already talked about the first one, but what does the history of computer games have to do with the game? Direct! Before creating their own product, the developers carefully analyzed all the pros and cons of classic strategies, especially Age of Empires. The pros, of course, were left, and the cons were destroyed with inhuman zeal. This applies to both global disadvantages (lack of historical accuracy) and minor flaws, such as the creation of new crop areas exclusively by the user.

The only controversial moment of the game that I would like to bring to the fore is the balance between strategy and tactics. While in games like Warcraft, precise unit control and an advanced combat system come to the fore, Cossacks: European Wars brings to the fore large-scale battles, where the skills of a single unit practically do not solve anything. And this, in my opinion, is absolutely correct, because this is how history was made: huge armies clashed under the leadership of generals.

There are six types of resources in the game Cossacks: European Wars: wood, food, stone, gold, iron, coal. The last three resources are mined exclusively in the mines that you need to build in the field. The resources that are mined in the mines instantly appear in your treasury, which cannot be said about the wood, food and stone that the workers carry on their backs. Mines and workers can be captured, and only the brave Ukrainian serfs cannot be captured: they will fight to the end. Resources can be exchanged on the market, which gives players considerable freedom of action. But the situation when resources run out deserves special attention: coal runs out - arrows stop shooting, gold runs out - all mercenaries get out of your control, there is no food - gradual starvation of the people. As you can see, there are many ways to cut the opponent's arteries.

Despite the fact that the developers did not manage to make each country have completely different tactics, there is a difference in the development strategy: some countries are stronger at the beginning of the game, others come out at full power during protracted battles. This is achieved due to the difference in units, including their damage, as well as additional features countries. For example, Ukraine cannot go to the 18th century, which should have added more powerful units, however, Ukrainians have in their arsenal balloon, which reveals the entire map.

Based on the available resources and buildings, you can create combat units, the choice of which is quite large. The main advantage of the game is that the carefully thought-out composition of the troops comes to the fore, and not the banal pressure of the enemy by quantity. Unfortunately, the computer brain is still significantly inferior to the human one, therefore artificial intelligence will attack huge armies, but even a small, well-composed army will be able to stop the enemy armada. Numerous battle formations (construction figures) of units deserve special praise. Proper use of them will help in any, even the most difficult, situation. Also in the game Cossacks: European Wars, you have to take into account the terrain, which can drastically affect the course of the battle.

The game Cossacks: European Wars presents the player with the following types of battles: campaigns, single missions and missions on random maps. Cossacks European Wars codes are also available, which can cause significant trouble to the enemy, and help you a lot.


Cossacks European Wars opened a new era in the history of domestic strategies, proving, first of all, that any developer, regardless of nationality and his own history, is able to make high-quality computer games. You can download the game Cossacks European Wars for free from many sites on the Internet. Also, you can download Cossacks European Wars torrent: the original game is available (about 700 mb.) And the collection that includes the game (about 3300 mb.). As with all creations of GSC Game World, there is more than one Cossacks European Wars patch that improves the balance and gameplay of the game. At the end of 2001, the developers repeated the feat and released the game Cossacks: The Last Argument of Kings, which we will talk about in a separate review.


The developers did not disgrace the proud name of the Ukrainian Cossacks, assigning it to one of the best strategies in the post-Soviet gaming space. Hard work, attention to detail and history, the talent of developers - this is the true reason for the incredible success of the Cossacks: European Wars game.

About the game Cossacks: European Wars

Cossacks: European Wars / Cossacks European Wars is a real-time strategy game developed by GSC Game World and published by Russobit-M on April 12, 2001 for Windows.

game type

There are three types of game: Campaigns, Single missions, Missions on random maps.


There are four campaigns in the game (not counting the tutorial):
English ("Pirates of the Caribbean") - the conquest of the islands of the Caribbean, privateering and the fight against competitors - pirates, the Netherlands and Spain.
French ("In the service of the cardinal") - France's participation in the Thirty Years' War.
Russian ("Window to Europe") - the suppression of the uprising of Stepan Razin, the Crimean campaigns, the Great Northern War.
Ukrainian (“War for Independence”) - the war with the Tatars, assistance to the Poles in the war with Russia, the struggle for independence from the Commonwealth.

It is not possible to select a difficulty level in the campaign.

Single missions

The game features ten single missions. In single player missions, the player can choose one of four difficulty levels: Easy, Normal, Hard, Very Hard.

Missions on random maps

It is possible to play on random maps. The game is running like finished map, and randomly generated at the request of the player. The player can choose any of the sixteen countries represented, set the number of computer-controlled rivals (up to six on one map), the type of terrain (land, Mediterranean, continents, islands, peninsulas), the level of mineral deposits, the terrain (from plateau to highlands). Also, as in single missions, you can choose the level of difficulty.



hill storm

Most often the game takes place in the 17th century. In some missions, the player can travel to the 18th century. To go to the XVIII century, you need to click on the appropriate button in the City Center. For the transition, you need to collect 50,000 food, 10,000 gold and 5,000 iron (for different countries the amount of collected resources is slightly different, and for England it is significantly different - you need to collect 18500 iron), and also build some structures. After the transition, it becomes available for the construction of the barracks of the XVIII century, new units appear in the Stables and new upgrades in the Academy. Algeria, Turkey and Ukraine cannot go into the 18th century.


There are six types of resources in the game: wood, food, stone, gold, iron, coal. Gold, iron and coal are mined in mines that are built on the deposit of a particular resource. Each mine can accommodate five people. There are special improvements for expanding the mine: after completing the improvement, an additional five, eight and ten peasants can be added to the mine. Mines can be captured by troops. Food is obtained by peasants who collect it from the fields and take it to the mill, as well as by fishing boats that take food to the port. Wood is mined in the forests, and stone is mined in a stone quarry, and are taken by workers to a warehouse or city center. Resources can also be exchanged on the market. If the player has no coal or iron, watchtowers and units armed with firearms, will not be able to shoot. In the event of a shortage of gold, units requiring funding will not be able to fight, and mercenaries and some ships will go out of the player's control. In the absence of food, the player's units begin to die. All units (except mercenaries) require food to build, some also require wood, gold, iron and coal.

The buildings


In the barracks of the 17th century, pikemen, musketeers, and after the construction of the Academy also drummers and officers are available. The last two units are designed to form units that increase the defense and attack of the units. A squad may have 15, 36, 72, 120 or 196 pikemen or musketeers.

Pikemen, musketeers, grenadiers, as well as drummers and officers are available in the barracks of the 18th century. Detachments are formed in the same way as among the units of the barracks of the XVII century.

Reiters and dragoons are available in the stables, and in the transition to the 18th century - hussars, cuirassiers and dragoons.


The game features sixteen countries: Austria, Algeria, England, Venice, Spain, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Prussia, Piedmont, Russia, Saxony, Turkey, Ukraine, France and Sweden. Most countries, mostly Western European countries, have a standard set of buildings and units. The units of each country, in addition to external differences, have their own individual characteristics.


Austria stands out from other Western European nations. She is quite strong at the start, since in the 17th century you can hire useful units - the rundashir and the croat. The peculiarity of the rundashir: short construction time and high armor. It is most effective to use at the start, as well as in the artillery stage of the game - the cuirass reliably protects against buckshot and fire from multi-barreled guns. Kroat is a light cavalryman, an analogue of a hired Sich Cossack. With all this, even in the 18th century, Austria was not deprived of useful units. This pandur is a strong shooter without a bayonet.


A country with a set of cheap military force. Algeria has two original units that build quickly - an archer and a light infantryman. However, they have little health. Due to the superiority in numbers at the start, Algeria is very strong. The Algerian archer has the highest build speed, and it has no upgrades that it doesn't need due to its very high strength, capable of killing any foot soldier with one shot, or a cavalryman with two. They have poor shot accuracy and are only effective in crowds against crowds. Mameluke is available in the stable - a mounted unit with great health. Algiers does not have a transition to the 18th century, and also does not have the ability to launch a balloon. Also, Algeria does not have cuirassed units, so units are vulnerable to artillery. In a protracted game, Algeria loses its strength.


A rather useful unit of the 18th century is the Scottish Rifleman. The Scot has quite a lot of damage, but, like a musketeer of the 17th century, he cannot fight close. Also in England there is an original analogue of the drummer of the XVIII century - the piper. It differs only in cheapness.


Musketeers of the 17th century are protected by cuirasses, which makes them little vulnerable to multi-barreled cannons.


In many respects it is similar to the countries of Western Europe. The main difference is that the Polish pikemen are built a third faster than those of other countries. Also, the Polish pikeman is the weakest in the game, his attack is 8 units, and he is not affected by improvements in the form of cuirasses. Due to the speed of building pikemen, Poland is the strongest nation at the start of the game. In the stable in the 17th century, instead of a reiter, there is a light reiter, which is built very quickly, but has low health. A winged hussar is also available in the stable. The winged hussar is a hybrid of light and heavy cavalry. He is protected by cuirasses, and at the same time, the speed of the hussar is maintained. In the 18th century, the units of Poland are the same as those of the countries of Western Europe.


The portuguese port can fire cannonballs like a battle turret. After the construction of the artillery depot, as well as the tower, it can increase the rate of fire after upgrades.


The Prussian musketeer of the 18th century has a shot power of 106 units. He is 2nd in strength behind the Danish Musketeer. The Prussian hussar is produced a third faster than the hussars of other nations.


The Dutch musketeer of the 17th century is a little weaker than the rest of the shooters. This is compensated by the higher rate of fire than units of this type of other countries, after all the upgrades.


Strong priests, really capable of providing some kind of assistance to the troops.


It differs from the countries of Western Europe in cheap barracks of the 17th century - no gold is needed to build barracks. The Russian Pikeman XVII is the strongest pikeman in the game. His attack power is 10 against the standard 9. Given the cheap barracks and pike strength, Russia is very strong in the early game. However, the strength is somewhat leveled by the lack of housing - the Russian barracks can accommodate fewer soldiers. In the stable, the Don Cossack is available, one of the cheapest units in the game with good hitting power. Instead of a reiter - a knight. The Vityaz is the most powerful cavalry unit of the 17th century after the Ukrainian Hetman. His health is 480 units. In the XVIII century, the units of Russia are the same as those of the countries of Western Europe.


The 18th century Saxon musketeer has a shot power of 101 units, but is slower to fire than all the 18th century musketeers. The Saxon Grenadier has the highest rate of fire of all Grenadiers. Saxony also has an interesting unit - Guards Cavalryman. This is a heavy cavalry, the 7th defense upgrade gives an increase of +30 (!) to defense against lances, bayonets and swords (melee).


In the port, you can build a galeas - an improved version of the galley. Venice also has the cheapest crossing in the 18th century.


The country is similar to Algeria. Turkey has no archers. However, there is a shooter - Janissaries. At the start of the game, the Janissary is not inferior to the Ukrainian Serdyuk. When fully pumped, the Janissaries have a shot power of 30 units. In the stable are available: Spah - an analogue of the Mameluke and Tatar - an archer on a horse. In the middle game, Turkey has an advantage due to the large number of Tatars. Turkey, like Algeria, does not have cuirassed units, so the nation weakens in a protracted game. Also, this nation has slightly cheaper all the improvements in the Academy, which makes it a little easier to play ...


The Swedish Reiter costs more and hits weaker than other heavy cavalrymen of the 17th century. But this is poorly compensated by the 18th century pikeman, who is also more expensive than his "brothers", but a little stronger.


The most unconventional nation. The only country in which the peasant is a full-fledged military unit. The Ukrainian builder cannot be captured (the peasant can only be captured if an unguarded city center or mine is captured). Ukraine does not have pikemen. Because of this, at the start, Ukraine is very vulnerable. However, the Ukrainian shooter - Serdyuk - has the largest shot power among all units of the 17th century - 78 units. Therefore, in the game after the start, but not very protracted, Ukraine is very strong. The nation does not have a transition to the 18th century, but the orb that opens the card is available to it. The country does not have cuirassed units, so Ukraine is vulnerable to artillery. In a protracted game, Ukraine is somewhat losing its strength. In the stable, Ukraine has a registered Cossack and Sich, as well as a hetman. Sich Cossack - One of the fastest units in the game. Hetman - has characteristics similar to officers, but is very expensive, and also the hetman is the most powerful unit. The Registered Cossack is a light cavalryman with a good strike force, at the same time it has a low price and a fast construction speed. Also, Ukrainians cannot build stone walls, and only galleys are available from the navy.


France has an original 17th century cavalry unit - the royal musketeer. Its feature: a large shot force and slow production. Unlike dragoons, which, when close enough to the enemy, run back to a short distance, the royal musketeer stands still. In the XVIII century, you can hire a huntsman - an analogue of the Scottish shooter and pandur. There is also an original 18th century dragoon. Its feature: low shot force and fast production. Maintaining this unit requires a large amount of gold.
