Outdoor game bird flight goal. Coordination and outdoor games


Physical development

Facial massage “Ducks flew”

The ducks were flying

Above the forest edge.

Lightly move your fingers across your forehead 6 times

We hit the spruce

The very top of my head.

It’s just as easy to swipe across your cheeks 6 times.

And the tree is long

Swinging branches.

Use your index fingers to massage the wings of your nose

Shouldn't we start the massage over again?


Communication game "Chicks"

Educator. Do you know how chicks are born? The embryo first develops in the shell. After the allotted time, he breaks it with his small beak and crawls out. A big, bright, unknown world opens up to him, full of mysteries and surprises. Everything is new to him: flowers, grass, and shell fragments. After all, he had never seen all this. Shall we play chicks? Then we’ll squat down and start breaking the shell. Like this! (Show.) That's it! They smashed it! Now let's explore the world around us - let's get to know each other, walk around the room, sniff at objects. But keep in mind that chicks cannot talk, they only squeak.

Finger gymnastics "Migratory birds"

Tili-tili, tili-tili -

They cross their thumbs and wave their palms.

Birds have arrived from the south!

A squirrel flew to us -

Bend the fingers on both hands alternately, starting with the little finger of the left hand.

Gray feather.

Lark, nightingale
We were in a hurry: who is faster?
Heron, swan, duck, swift,
Stork, swallow and siskin -

Everyone has returned, arrived,

Again, with their thumbs crossed, they wave their palms.

They sang sonorous songs!

Use your index finger and thumb to make a beak - “birds sing”

Finger gymnastics “Come on, birds!”

Breathing exercises “Bird”

Goals: coordination of hand movements with respiratory movements of the chest; formation of deep breathing, rhythmic deep breath.

Equipment: bird toy, bird hats and masks.

A bird sat on the window.

Stay with us for a while,

Wait, don't fly away.

The bird flew away... Ay!

The teacher shows the correct execution of the exercise: while taking a deep breath, raise your arms high up. As you exhale, lower it.

Repeat 4-5 times.

Logorhythmic exercises without music accompaniment

"The bird sings a song"

The bird sings a song:
- Tink, tink, tink.
The sun will rise soon.
Ting, ting, ting.
The mosquitoes will wake up soon.
Ting, ting, ting.
Then we'll eat to our heart's content.
Ting, ting, ting.
I'll bring some midges for the kids.
Ting, ting, ting.
I'll collect dew in my beak.
Ting, ting, ting.
I will teach the chicks to fly.
Ting, ting, ting.
Feel free to spread your wings.
Ting, ting, ting.

Children rhythmically tap the fingertips of one hand against the fingers of the other.
They clap their hands rhythmically.
They rhythmically pat the shoulders with crossed arms.
They snap their fingers rhythmically.
The arms are crossed in front of oneself, the fingers are spread apart, and the “wings” are rhythmically flapping. The “beak” is rhythmically opened and closed: the four fingers of the hand, gathered in a pinch, are closed with the thumb. Squat rhythmically, arms to the sides.
Make rhythmic smooth movements with their hands.


Movable "Birds"

Children form a circle and stand at some distance from each other. Turn to face the teacher, who is in the center of the circle. The teacher reads the text of the poem and shows the movements.

Little birds(Perform hand swings)

One-two, one-two!

Skok-skok, skok-skok!

(Jump in place on two legs, hands on the belt)

Little birds(Perform hand swings)

One-two, one-two!

Clap-clap, clap-clap!(Clap their hands)

Little birds(Perform hand swings)

One-two, one-two!

Top-top, top-top!(They stomp their feet, hands on the belt)

Little birds(Perform hand swings)

One-two, one-two!

Scatter in all directions!(They scatter in all directions)

Note. After the teacher's words“Scatter in all directions!”children run away to a place on the playground pre-specified by the teacher.

Small game mobility "Gulenki"

Children form a circle with the teacher and hold hands. While the teacher is reading the text of the poem, they dance in a circle to the rightside:

Oh, lyuli, lyuli, lyulenki!

Gulenki flew to us,

The little ones have arrived.

They sat down near the cradle.

Everyone goes in a circle in the opposite direction together, teacherpronounces:

They started cooing

Don't let Vanya sleep.

Oh, you ghouls, don't coo,

Let Vanechka sleep.

Children stop, teacherpronounces:

The first ghoul speaks:

“We need to feed you porridge”.

Children imitate eating with a spoon.

And the second one says:

“Vanya must be told to sleep”.

Children squat down with their hands under their cheeks.

And the third ghoul says:

“You should go for a walk”.

The children scatter around the playground and walk next to the teacher.

Movable games for kids preschool age

Outdoor game "Birds in Nests"

On the playgroundlines or cords indicate 3-4 circles(diameter of circles 1-1.3 m)These are birds' nests. Bird children are placed in nests. The teacher is in the center of the playground. Hespeaks:

The beautiful spring has come, bringing warmth and joy. Where are you, little birds - Sparrows and titmice? Fly out of your nests quickly, spread your wings!

Children step over the lines of the outlined circles - fly out of the nests and scatter across the entire playground. Teacher"feeds"

birds then on one, then on the other sidesites: children squat down, tapping their fingertips on their knees, pecking at the grains. Then they run and jump around the site again. Teacherspeaks:

Dear birds, sparrows and titmice! Fly to your nests, lower your wings! Children run into the nests, stepping over the lines. All birds must occupy their nests. The game repeats itself.

Notes 1. At the stage of learning the game, you can put a visual reference in each of the nests(cube, skittles, etc. red, yellow, blue or green). 2. When repeating the game, you can invite children to jump out of the circles on two legs, rather than step over the line. 3. The teacher needs to dose physical activity(run)and children's recreation.

Outdoor game "Sparrows and the cat"

Inventory: cat mask.

On the playground, colored cords, ribbons, and lines on the ground indicate 2 lines 3.5-4 m long parallel to each other. The distance between the lines is 4-5 m. Somewhat to the side, at an equal distance from the lines, is the cat’s house. Children stand behind the first line facing the second line - these are sparrows in nests. Teacherpronounces:

Fly out of your nests, little sparrows!

Peck the grains, little sparrows!

Fly fast

Flap your wings!

One-two, one-two,

Flap your wings!

Children go out onto the playing field, move their arms to the sides - the little sparrows spread their wings - and scatter in all directions on the site between two lines. The cat wakes up saying"Meow meow"and runs after the sparrows. They should quickly fly into their nests, behind the second line. The cat takes the caught sparrows to her house.

Notes 1. The caught sparrows do not miss repetitions of the game; they get up again with the rest of the children and occupy their nests. 2. The teacher assigns more active children to the role of the cat, changing the driver each time the game is repeated. 3. Remind children that, when fleeing from a cat, they should run behind the opposite line, and not behind the one they originally stood behind.

Movable game with speech accompaniment "Merry Sparrow"

Children form a circle, face the center at some distance from each other. The teacher is in the middle of the circle, showing the movements that the children repeat after him.

Sparrow from a birch

Jump on the road!

No more frost -(Clap their hands)


It's babbling in the groove(Perform bends left and right)

fast stream,

And your paws won’t get cold -(Jump on two legs, arms down)


The ravines will dry up -(Clap their hands)

Jump, jump, jump!

Bugs will come out -(Do"spring", hands on the belt)


Small game mobility “Where did the sparrow hide?”

Inventory: plastic or rubber sparrow toy(toy height 10-15 cm).

The teacher hides the toy on the playground in advance. The teacher stands in the center of the playground, the children stand scattered around him. Teacherspeaks:

A nimble sparrow jumps

Everything faster, faster, faster!

I pecked at the crumbs of bread,

Flew above the earth,

I sat on a birch tree.

Shoo. He flew off somewhere!

I ask you, my friends,

You will find a sparrow!

After the teacher’s words, the children go to look for a toy. The one who finds it first brings the toy to the teacher.


Outdoor game "Swallows"

The swallows were flying(Children run in a circle, waving their arms)

All the people were watching.

The swallows were landing(They squat and lower their hands behind their backs)

All the people were amazed.

We sat down, we sat,

They took off and flew.(Run in a circle, wave their arms)

Let's fly, fly,

They sang songs.

Outdoor game "Pigeons and the cat" .

We use a little counting machine to choose the driver.

A nimble sparrow jumps among the white doves,

Sparrow - bird, gray shirt.

Respond, sparrow, fly out, don’t be timid!

On the site(in the hall)several large hoops are laid out -"houses for pigeons". At the teacher's signal"Pigeons, fly!""pigeons"fly out of their nest-houses and fly all over the site,"cat"at this time he tries to catch as many as possible"pigeons". At the second signal from the teacher“Pigeons, go home!”« birds » flying to their houses. The teacher together with the children calculates how many"pigeons"caught"cat".

Outdoor game « Bird catcher »

Children stand in a circle and choose« bird catcher » - a driver who is blindfolded. Everyone chooses for themselvesbird , whose voice he will imitate. Children walk in a circle withwords:

In the forest, in the little forest,

On a snowy oak tree

The birds were sitting ,

They sang songs quietly.

HereThe bird catcher is coming -

He will take us prisoner.

The children run away and« bird catcher » trying to catch someone. The one who was caught portrays hisbird's voice , A« bird catcher » guesses which one« bird » he caught it. Then a new one is selected« bird catcher » .

Outdoor game « Birds in a cage »

Half the children stand in a circle, holding hands. Hands up"collars"- this is a cell. The other half of the children run in and out"collars". At the teacher's signal(clap hands)"collars"fall, caught children call any migratorythe bird comes out of the cage . The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Movable games for older preschool age

Outdoor game « Bird catcher »

The players are divided into 3-4 groups of 4-6 people each. Each group of children chooses a flight route for themselves.bird , whose cry they would like to imitate. (For example, the first group is"geese", characteristic cry -"ga-ha-ha", second group -"ducks", characteristic cry -"quack quack", third group -"cuckoos", characteristic cry -"peek-a-boo", fourth group -"cranes", characteristic cry -"kurly-kurly".) All children stand in a circle, in the center of which is the driver.« bird catcher » blindfolded.« Birds » walk randomly, circle around the area« bird catcher » Andpronounce:

Birds spread their wings ,

To the southbirds fly away ,

The birds sing merrily .

Ay!The bird catcher is coming !

Birds , fly away!

« Bird catcher » clapping hands, playing-birds freeze in place (you can’t hide behind any objects, but« bird catcher » starts looking for them. The player the driver finds imitates the screambirds which he chose.« Bird catcher » tries to guess the namebirds and the name of the player he caught. The caught player becomes the driver -« bird catcher » . The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Outdoor game "Starlings and the Cat"

3-4 children are selected -"starling", one child -"cat". Everyone is wearing appropriate masks and caps. The rest of the children, 3-4 each, join hands and form circles -"birdhouses". Each contains 1-2"starling". "Cat"is located to the side. To light cheerful music"starlings"running around the hall in all directions. When the music ends, it appears"cat"and tries to catch"starlings". "Starlings"hide in birdhouses, which can contain no more than 2"starlings". Caught"starling""cat"takes him to his house. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Outdoor game "Owl and the Birds"

The players choose an owl, he goes to his nest. Imitating that screambirds , which is chosen, the players fly around the site.

On signal"Owl!"Allbirds trying to fly to their nests. If an eagle owl manages to catch someone, then he must guess what it is.bird , and only then does the caught one become an eagle owl.

Instructions for carrying out. Before starting the game, children choose the names of thosebirds whose voice they can imitate(for example, dove, crow, jackdaw, sparrow, tit, crane, etc.). Nestsbirds and it is better to choose an eagle owl on tall objects(on stumps, benches, etc.). Birds Each one hides from the eagle owl in its own nest.

Option. Children are divided into 3-4 subgroups and agree on whichbirds they will portray. Then they approach the owl andThey say: “We are magpies, where is our home?”; “We are seagulls, where is our home?”; “We are ducks, where is our home?”The owl names the place wherebirds must live . Birds fly around the site , on word"Owl"hiding in their nests. CaughtThe eagle owl must recognize the bird .

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 1 "Solnyshko" of the Zvenigorod urban district"

GCD summary for physical development in the middle group

on the topic of: "Migration of Birds"

Prepared and conducted:

Teacher Brazhinskaya E.V.


Target: exercise children in walking and running in a circle, changing direction, walking on their toes, on their heels, teach children to crawl on a gymnastic bench, practice jumping on two legs from hoop to hoop.

Benefits: four hoops, a gymnastics bench.

Progress of the lesson.

1 part

Walking in a column one at a time, running in a circle, walking with a change of direction, walking on the toes, arms to the sides, walking on the heels - hands on the belt, normal walking.

Reorganization into links.

part 2

General developmental exercises.

1.”Birds flap their wings”

I. p. Stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms along the body.

Vol. “Birds flap their wings” - raise your arms to the sides to shoulder level, wave, lower, say: “Chick-chirp” 4-6 times.

2.”Birds turn their heads”

Vol. Turn to the right to straighten up, turn to the left to straighten up, return to the starting position 5 times.

3. “Birds Lean”

I. p. feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt

Vol. bend down, do not bend your knees, reach with your hands (wings) on your toes. Return to starting position 5 times.

4.”Birds are bathing”

I.p. lie on your back, legs extended, arms along the body.

Vol. “Birds are bathing” - move your bent arms and legs freely, return to the starting position 5 times.

5. “Birds are jumping”

I. p. feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt.

Vol. jumping, legs apart, legs together.

Medium pace (8 jumps after a pause, repeat 4 times)

One child with good coordination in this type of jump can stand in front of the children and jump with them so that the children can feel the rhythm of the jump.

Walking in a column one by one

Children sit on chairs.

Main types of movements.

1. Crawling on a gymnastic bench (2-3 times)

2. Long jump into a hoop (2-3 times)

The teacher arranges the benefits.

Children stand in two lines and watch as two children demonstrate an exercise, crawling on a gymnastic bench. After 2-3 repetitions, the teacher stops them and again two children show long jumps into a hoop.

Outdoor game: “Migration of birds.”

Children (birds) gather on one side of the hall, opposite benches or chairs.

At the signal “let’s fly,” the birds scatter throughout the hall, spreading their wings (arms to the sides) and waving them. At the signal “storm,” the birds fly to the trees (children sit on a gymnastic bench or chairs). When the teacher says “The storm has passed,” the birds calmly descend from the trees and continue to fly. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Part 3.

A game “It doesn’t fly” low mobility for attention.

Description of work: This outdoor game “Birds of Migratory” will be useful for educators, physical education instructors, and primary school teachers. The game can be used in calendar-thematic planning when completing the topic “Migratory Birds”. Recommended for older preschoolers and younger schoolchildren..

Target: Create conditions for maintaining and strengthening health.


Strengthen the health of players.

Promote their proper physical development.

Promote the acquisition of vital motor skills.

commit game actions according to the text.

Develop the ability to move in different directions without bumping into each other.

Develop orientation in space.

Cultivate endurance and patience.

Educational areas: “Physical Education”, “Health”, “Cognition”, “Communication”,

Types of children's activities: communicative, gaming, cognitive, motor.

Equipment: wind cap

Outdoor game “Birds of Migratory”

Progress of the game:

Host: We have one game, you will like it.

Children: The birds are still flying south, they want to spend the winter

Where there is sun and warmth, it will be easy to wait for spring

Only the wind interferes with them and knocks them off the road

1 option: According to the counting, the “breeze” is selected. Children stand on one side of the hall, read the recitative, at the end of the words the children run to the opposite side of the hall “warm countries”, the “breeze” catches them, “leads them astray”, whoever is stained misses one game.

Option 2: According to the counting, a “breeze” is selected and stands in the middle of the circle. Children walk in a circle, read the recitative, at the end of the text they run away, the “breeze” catches the one who stained, he misses one game.

Choose “Breeze” according to the rhyme:

Counting tables:

The wind flew over the sea,

The wind counted the songbirds.

I counted every one of them!

And then I took the day off.

One two three four five!

We're going to play.

Well, who should start?

One two Three -

You start driving!

One two three four five,

The sun needs to rise.

Six seven eight nine ten,

The sun is sleeping, there is a month in the sky.

Run away in all directions

Tomorrow a new game.


He cleverly builds a nest under the roof,

He constantly breeds his chicks,

Before the rain it flies very low,

Every child knows this bird

We love to watch her,

Tell me the name of this bird. /martin/

Of all the migratory birds,

Cleans arable land from worms.

Jump back and forth across the arable land.

And the bird's name is /rook/

She walks so importantly through the swamp!

And the swamp creatures run away.

After all, if the frog cannot hide,

Then no one will help this frog. /heron/

Who has no legs and no pipe

Who is this? /nightingale/

He repeats one thing - ha-ha,

Who offended? Where? When?

I'm not afraid of anyone

Well, of course it is. /goose/

There is an awl in front,

Behind is a fork,

On top there is black cloth,

Below is a white towel.

Long-legged, long-necked,

Long-billed, gray body,

And the back of the head is bare, red,

Wanders through the dirty swamps,

Catches frogs in them,

Stupid jumpers./heron/

High under the clouds

Over the fields and meadows,

As if fluttering out of sleep,

The song starts. /lark/

It is important to walk on the ground,

It pierces the soil with its beak,

He’ll eat the harmful ones, he’s great!

"Mousetrap" p.g. No. 1

Target : To develop children's self-control, the ability to coordinate movements with words, and dexterity. Exercise in running and squatting, forming in a circle and walking in a circle.

Game description : the players are divided into two unequal teams, the big one forms a circle - a “mousetrap”, the rest - mice. Words:

Oh, how tired the mice are,
Everyone gnawed, everyone ate.
Beware of the cheat,
We'll get to you.
Let's set up mousetraps,
Let's catch everyone now!
Then the children lower their hands down, and the “mice” remaining in the circle stand in a circle and the mousetrap increases in size.

“Migration of birds” p.g. No. 2

Target: Develop children's self-control and ability to move when given a signal. Exercise in running, climbing.

Game description: children stand scattered at one end of the playground - “birds”. At the other end is a climbing tower or gymnastic wall with several spans. At the signal “birds fly away,” the birds fly with their wings spread. At the signal “storm,” the birds fly to the tower to hide from the storm. At the signal “the storm has stopped,” the birds fly. Duration 5-7 minutes.

“Roll the ball” p.g. No. 3
Target: develop endurance, attention, dexterity. Practice rolling the ball.

Game description : The players form a circle, kneel down and sit on their heels. The teacher rolls the ball to one of the children. He pushes away from himself with his hand, not allowing the other player to touch his feet. If the ball touches the feet, the child takes a step out of the circle. Sitting behind the circle, the loser takes part in the game if he pushes away the ball accidentally sent to him. Game duration is 4 – 5 minutes.

“Burn, burn clearly! » p.g. No. 4

Target : develop children's self-control and spatial orientation. Exercise in running fast.

Game description : The players stand in a column in pairs. A line is drawn in front of the column at a distance of 2-3 steps. The “catcher” stands on this line. Everyone says:

Burn, burn clearly, so as not to go out.
Look at the sky - Birds are flying, Bells are ringing! One, two, three - run! After the word “run”, the children standing in the last pair run along the column (one on the left, the other on the right, trying to grab the hands in front of the catcher, who is trying to catch one of the pair before the children have time to meet and join hands. If the catcher manages to do this, then he forms a pair and stands in front of the column, and the remaining one is the catcher.

« Traps from the circle" p.g. No. 5

Target : develop in children the ability to coordinate movements with words. Practice rhythmic walking, running with dodging and catching, and lining up in a circle.

Game description: children stand in a circle, holding hands. The trap is in the center of the circle, with a bandage on the arm. The players move in a circle and say:

We, funny guys, love to run and jump.
Well, try to catch up with us. One, two, three - catch it!

The children run away, but the trap catches up. The caught one temporarily moves aside. The game continues until the trap catches 2-3 children. Duration 5-7 minutes.

« Frogs and Heron" p.g. No. 6
Target : develop in children the ability to act on a signal, dexterity. Practice standing high jumps.

Game description : a square is outlined - a “swamp” where “frogs” live. Pegs are driven in the corners or cubes are placed. Height 10 – 15 cm. A rope is stretched along the sides of the square. Outside the square is a “heron’s nest.” At the signal “heron”, she, raising her legs, heads towards the swamp and steps over the rope. Frogs jump out of the swamp by jumping over a rope, pushing off with both legs. Stepping over the rope, the heron catches the frogs. Duration 5-7 minutes

"Ball Traps" p.g. No. 7

Target : develop the ability to “perform movements according to the word. Practice throwing at a moving target and running while dodging.

Game description : The area is limited by lines. In the center of the court, the players form a circle, standing apart from each other at a distance of arms outstretched to the sides. One child becomes the center (leading). There are 2 small balls at his feet. The driver makes a series of movements, the players repeat. At the teacher’s signal: “Run from the circle,” the children run away, and the driver tries to hit one of the children with the ball. At the signal “one, two, three, run in a circle,” the children again form a circle. The driver changes. Duration 5-7 minutes.

"Guess what they did" p.g. No. 8

Target : to develop children’s self-control, initiative, and imagination.

Game description : choose one child who moves 8 to 10 steps away from the others and turns his back. Children agree on what action they will portray. At the word “it’s time,” the guesser turns, approaches the players and says:

Hello children! Where have you been? What have you seen? The children answer: We won’t tell you what we saw, but we’ll show you what we did.

All children depict some kind of action (playing the harmonica, riding horses, etc.) The driver must guess this action. Game duration is 4-6 minutes.

"Sly Fox" p.g. No. 9
Target : develop endurance and observation in children. Practice running fast, lining up in a circle, and catching.

Game description : The players stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other. Outside the circle is the “fox’s house”. The children close their eyes, and the teacher goes around the circle and touches one of the players, who becomes “ sly fox" Children open their eyes. The players ask three times in chorus, first quietly and then louder: “Sly fox, where are you? “The sly fox comes out to the middle of the circle, raises his hand and says: “I’m here!” “The children run away, but the “fox” catches them. If caught, go to the house. Duration 6-8 minutes.

"Fishing rod" p.g. No. 10

Target : develop inhibition in children, the ability to act on a signal. Practice running with dodging and catching.

Game description : The players stand in a circle, at a distance of arms outstretched to the sides. The teacher is in the center. He rotates a cord in a circle, to the end of which a bag of sand (fishing rod) is attached. The players carefully watch the bag and, when it approaches, jump in place so that the bag does not touch their feet. The one who gets hit by the bag is out of the game. Duration 5-7 minutes.

« Hide your hands behind your back» village No. 11

Target : develop in children the speed of reaction to a signal. Practice running, catching, and strengthen correct posture.

Game description: choose a driver - “trap”, standing in the middle of the site. The rest stand in different places on the platform and hold their hands behind their backs. When the teacher says “start,” the players lower their hands and begin to run in any direction, but only within the boundaries of the area indicated by flags. The purpose of the trap is to catch one of the players, but you can only touch those whose hands are down. If the player managed to put his hands behind his back and say “I’m not afraid,” the trap cannot touch him. If the trap fails to catch anyone, another one is assigned. Duration 5-7 minutes.

“Find where it’s hidden? » p.g. No. 12

Target : to develop endurance, observation, and parity in children.

Game description: children sit along the wall. The teacher shows the children a flag and says that he will hide it. Then the teacher invites the children to stand up and turn towards the wall. After making sure that none of the children are looking, the teacher hides the flag, after which he says “it’s time.” Children begin to look for the hidden flag. Whoever finds it first hides it. Repeat the game 3-4 times.

“Two frosts” p.g. No. 13

Target: develop in children inhibition, observation, and the ability to perform movements on a signal. Exercise in running

Game description : the players are located on two sides of the court, two drivers stand in the middle (Frost - Red Nose and Frost - Blue Nose) and say:

We are two young brothers, two daring frosts:
I am Frost - Red Nose, I am Frost - Blue Nose,
Which one of you will decide to hit the road?
All players answer in chorus:
We are not afraid of threats
And we are not afraid of frost.

After the word “frost,” all the players run to the house on the opposite side of the site, and the frosts try to “freeze” them (touch them with their hands). Game duration is 5-7 minutes.

"Free place" village №14

Goal: to develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal. Practice running fast.

Description of the game: players sit on chairs in a circle. The teacher calls the other children sitting nearby. At the signal “one, two, three – run!” “They run in different directions around the circle, reach their place and sit down. The teacher and all the players note who was the first to take an empty seat. Game duration is 5-7 minutes.

"Serso" settlement No. 15

Target: develop accuracy and eye. Practice throwing, catching and coordination of movements.

Game description : two children stand opposite each other on a short distance(2 – 3 m.) . One of them throws rings towards the other, and the latter catches them with a stick or hand. When all the rings have been thrown, a count is made, after which the children change roles. Game duration 5-7 minutes

"Wolf in the Moat"

p.g. No. 16

Goal: to develop courage and dexterity, the ability to act on a signal. Practice running long jumps.

Description of the game: two parallel straight lines are drawn on the site at a distance of 80 - 100 cm - a “ditch”. A “goat house” is outlined along the edges of the site. The teacher appoints one player as a “wolf”, the rest as “goats”. All goats are located on one side of the site. The wolf stands in the ditch. At the teacher’s signal “wolf in the ditch,” the goats run to the opposite side of the site, jumping over the ditch, and the wolf tries to catch (touch) them. Those caught are taken to the corner of the ditch. Game duration is 5-7 minutes.

Target "Sovushka" p.g. No. 17

Game description: : to develop in children inhibition, observation, and the ability to perform movements on a signal. Exercise children in running.

At a distance of 80 - 100 cm, two straight lines are drawn - this is a “ditch”. At a distance of one or two steps from the border, the “goat’s house” is outlined. All goats are located on one side of the site. The wolf stands in the ditch. At the signal “wolf in the ditch,” the goats run to the opposite side, jumping over the ditch, and the wolf at this time catches the goats. Those caught are taken to the corner of the ditch. Duration 6-8 minutes.

Target: "Don't get caught" p.g. No. 18

Game description: There are lines on the court beyond which the players have no right to run. In one corner of the site there is a circle called “Owl’s Nest”. An “owl” is selected, and the rest of the children pretend to be insects and scatter around the playground. “Night” - the “owl” is walking, the “insects” are sleeping. And the “owl” looks to see if anyone is moving? The owl takes whoever moves to its nest. Duration 5-7 minutes

"Homeless Hare" p.g. No. 19

Target: develop spatial orientation in children. Exercise fast running

Game description : A hunter and a homeless hare are selected from among the players. The rest of the players - the hares - draw circles for themselves - “their own house.” A homeless hare runs away, and the hunter catches up with him. A hare can escape from a hunter by running into any circle; then the hare standing in the circle becomes a homeless hare. If the hunter catches them, they switch roles. Game duration is 5-7 minutes.

"Jump ropes" p.g. No. 20

Target : develop coordination of movements. Practice jumping in place and while moving forward.

Game description : children jump rope on the spot until they make a mistake or each player comes up with their own movements. Jumping rope is carried out on the spot and moving forward to the appointed place. Game duration is 5-7 minutes.

"Birdhouses" p.g. No. 21
Target: develop in children intelligence, spatial orientation and the ability to act on a signal. Exercise children in running.

Game description : the players draw circles in different places on the site - “birdhouses” - one pair of starlings in it. Number of birdhouses = half the number of players. Children run around the playground in different directions. At the teacher’s signal “the starlings have arrived,” they run to the “birdhouses.” Children left without a birdhouse are considered losers. Game duration is 5-7 minutes.

« Firefighters in training» village №22

Target : develop in children a sense of collectivism, the ability to perform movements on a signal. Practice climbing and forming a column.

Game description: children line up facing the gymnastic wall at a distance of 5–6 steps in 3–4 columns. A bell is suspended against each column at the same height. At the signal “1, 2, 3 - run,” the children standing first run to the wall, climb in and ring the bell. Then they descend and stand at the end of their column. Repeat the game 6-8 times.

“Catching Butterflies” p.g. No. 23

Target: develop children's self-control and ability to act on cues. Practice running with dodging, catching, and squatting.

Game description : choose four players - “children with nets”. The rest of the players are “butterflies”. At the word “fly,” the children scatter around the playground. At the signal “catch,” two children run out to catch butterflies. they catch, closing their hands around the caught one, then take him to a designated place. to the words “Butterflies landed on flowers.” butterflies sit down and rest. When 3-5 butterflies are caught, note which pair caught the most. Repeat the game 6-8 times.

"Ball relay"» village №24

Target: develop children's coordination of movements and the ability to act on a signal. Practice agility.

Game description: The players are divided into two columns. The first in the column is given a ball. At the teacher’s signal: “Up! “- the children raise their hands and the one standing first passes the ball over the head to the one standing behind, etc. The column that brings the ball first wins. Game duration is 6 – 8 minutes.

"Fishermen and Fishes" p.g. No. 25

Target : develop in children dexterity, intelligence, and the ability to act on a signal. Practice running fast, dodging and catching.

Game description: platform - “pond”. A fisherman walks along the platform, and on the opposite side is his assistant. In the hands of the senior fisherman is a “net” (a rope with a bag of sand at the end. The senior fisherman says to the assistant: “Catch!” and throws him the end of the rope with a load, then the fishermen surround the fish with a rope that did not manage to swim to a deep place (outlined place on the site). At the signal “fish, swim,” the fish swim out of the deep place again. Duration of the game is 6–8 minutes.

"Change the checkbox" p.g. No. 26

Target: develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal, cultivate a sense of teamwork. Practice running at speed and lining up in a column.

Game description : on one side of the site, 4-5 circles with a diameter of 1 step are drawn; the distance between them is 1 step. on the opposite side there are 4 - 5 columns. Each first has a flag of the same color. A flag of a different color is placed in each circle. At the signal “1, 2, 3 - run,” the players run to their circle, put down their flag and take another. Whoever raised the flag first is considered the winner. The game continues 2 - 3 times.

"Who gets to the middle first" p.g. No. 27

Target: develop hand movements in children

Game description : Take two short round sticks. A cord 8 - 10 m long is tied to them, the middle of it is marked with tape. The players pull the cord. At the teacher’s signal, they quickly begin to rotate the sticks with both hands and, winding the cord around the stick, move forward. The winner is the one who winds the cord to the tape first.

“Catching monkeys” p.g. No. 28

Target: develop children's initiative, observation, memory, and dexterity. Practice climbing and running.

Game description : Children pretending to be monkeys are placed on one side of the area where there are climbing devices or benches. On the other side there are 4 - 6 people - these are monkey catchers. Monkeys imitate everything they see. The catchers agree on what movements they will make. As soon as the catchers reach the middle of the site, the monkeys climb onto the tower and watch from there. Having made the movements, the catchers leave, the monkeys approach the place where the catchers were and repeat their movements. At the signal "catchers" the catchers catch the monkeys. Game duration is 5-7 minutes.

“Pass the ball” p.g. No. 29

Target : develop the ability to perform movements rhythmically, in accordance with words, as well as according to a signal. Practice passing the ball, turning the body to the right and left, and throwing at a moving target

Game description : The players stand in a circle. The teacher gives one of the players a ball (D=6-8cm). At the word “start,” the children pass the ball to each other in one direction. All players say: One, two, three! Get the ball quickly!

Four five six! Here he is, here he is!
Seven, eight, nine! Who can throw it? I!

The one who has the ball on the word “I” goes out into the middle with it and says: “One, two, three - run.” After these words, all the children run away, and the one standing, without leaving his place, throws
the ball to the runners. The one who was hit by the ball is out of the game. At the signal “one, two, three, run in a circle,” the children again form a circle. The game is repeated 6-8 times.

"Fishing Rod" » p.g. No. 30

Goal: jumping

Game description: The players stand in a circle. The driver, being in the middle, twists the rope with a bag at the end so that the bag flies at a height of 5-10 cm from the floor. Everyone jumps over the rope, and the one who touches it receives one penalty point, after which the game continues. The winners are the jumpers who receive the fewest penalty points after 8-12 laps of rope under their feet.

"Who's first through the hoop to the flag" village №31

Target : develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal, dexterity and collectivism. Practice fast running and climbing.

Game description : on one side of the site there are flags (4 – 6) placed at a distance of one meter from each other. There are hoops in the middle of the court. On the opposite side there are 4 – 6 columns. At the signal “1, 2, 3 - run,” those standing first run to the flags, crawling through the hoop on the way, runs to the flag, picks it up and lifts it up, then puts it down and runs to the end of the column. The game continues 3 - 4 times.

"Ocean is shaking" village №32

Target: develop children's self-control, the ability to coordinate movements with words, and dexterity. Exercise in running and squatting, forming in a circle and walking in a circle.

Game description : The driver is selected from among the players. The rest stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other, and everyone draws a circle in their place. The leader walks around the players like a snake, and the children, who are told “The sea is rough,” stand behind him, gradually forming a chain. then suddenly the presenter says, “The sea is calm,” - everyone lets go of their hands and runs to take their places. The one who is left without a circle becomes the driver. The game is repeated 6-8 times.

“Spider and flies” p.g. No. 33

Target: develop endurance and dexterity in children. Practice running and squatting.

Game description : The driver is chosen - a spider, the rest of the children are flies. The spider stands to the side, flies run all over the area. At the teacher’s signal, the flies freeze, the spider goes around the players, and whoever notices even the slightest movement, takes him to him. The game is repeated 6-8 times.

"The Kite and the Mother Hen"(with running) p.g. No. 34

Target: develop dexterity, intelligence, and a sense of camaraderie in children. Practice running in a column.

Game description : 8 - 10 children participate in the game. One of the players is a “kite”, the other is a “hen”, the rest are “chicks”, which stand behind the hen, forming a column. Everyone hold on to each other. on the opposite side there is a circle - “kite’s nest”. At the signal “kite”, he flies out of the nest and tries to catch the chick standing behind the hen. The hen, “spreading her wings,” protects her chickens, does not allow the kite to grab the chicken, and the chickens follow the hen. Duration 5-7 minutes.

"Don't stay on the floor" p.g. No. 35

Target : to develop in children endurance, dexterity, the ability to act on a signal, and quickly navigate the environment. Exercise in running, long jumping, catching

Game description : on the site there are objects 25 - 30 cm high that children must climb: ladders with steps, boards placed on a raised platform, low boxes, benches. A bandage is put on the catcher’s hand. Children walk, run, and jump to the beat of the tambourine. At the “catch” signal, all children climb onto objects.

The trap catches those who did not have time to jump onto the dais. Those caught sit to the side. Duration 5-7 minutes

"Throw and Catch" village №36

Target: develop children's coordination of movement and spatial orientation. Practice throwing and catching, running fast.

Game description : A rope is attached to two posts or jumping racks at the height of a child with a raised arm. Children throw the ball over a string, then run after it and catch it. Duration: 5-7 minutes.

"Echo" village №37


Game description : The players stand in a circle. The first player says his name and shows any movement (turn, clap his hands, jump, etc.). All children repeat the name and movement three times in chorus, trying to pronounce it with the same intonation as the first player. Then the next child says his name and shows the movement, everyone repeats, etc., until all the children say their names.


Target: teach children to crawl.

Game description : Participants stand in two columns. The first one takes a step forward and takes a bent position. The second participant crawls under the first specified method (on his belly, on low all fours with support on his forearms) and takes the same position next to the first. The third participant starts the movement, etc. The task is performed 2-3 times in a row. The team that crawls over the landmark the fastest wins.

Option 1
Having lined up, the teams take the starting position - lying on bent arms. The guides and followers face each other. The guides have balls in their hands. At the signal, players do push-ups while lying down and, raising their pelvis, take a bent position. The guide rolls with a push of two hands
the ball goes through the tunnel and lands on the floor. The closing player, having caught the ball, runs to the place of the guide. At this time, all other players bend their arms and lie down in the position. The relay ends when the guide returns to his place.

Option 2
Same conditions, but i.p. - emphasis while sitting behind, and at the moment of rolling the ball - emphasis while lying behind.

“Hit the pear” p.g. No. 39

Target: balance, ball throws, throwing.

Game description : The participants of the game are divided into 2 teams. The first is “pears”, children stand on a bench placed across the hall. The players of the second team, the “throwers,” take one ball each (d=15.25 cm) and line up at a distance of 5-6 m from the bench. At the signal, the “throwers” ​​take turns throwing the ball, trying to knock down the “pear”. The game is played 5-6 times, the total number of knocked down pears is counted. The team that knocked down wins large quantity pears The player (“pear”) who was hit by the ball or who jumped to the floor is considered to be knocked down.

Both teams stand on parallel benches. The “throwers” ​​bench stands perpendicular to the bench with “pears” at a distance of 5-6 m, before the throw the “thrower” player runs along the bench.

“Dexterous fingers” p.g. No. 40

Target: develop the ability for motor improvisation, motor resourcefulness, the ability to coordinate actions when jointly solving motor problems.

Game description : Small objects are scattered around the hall: pieces of rubber mats, felt-tip pens, balls, plastic stoppers, etc. The players collect them by grabbing them with their toes (one object with the right foot, the other with the left foot), and take them in their hands. When all the objects have been collected, the players sit on the floor, and everyone arranges some kind of composition from what he has collected (houses, flowers, ships, forest, etc.).

It is not allowed to take objects from the floor with your hands.

With your right foot, collect objects in your left hand, with your left foot in your right hand.


Target village №41

Game description: : teach children the ability to crawl and run.

One child is chosen as an “ice piece”, and all the rest scatter to different corners of the playground. “Ice” counts to 5, and then catches up with the fleeing people. When a piece of ice touches them, they freeze in place in a wide stance. To defrost them, other children must crawl between the legs of the frozen ones. The game is played 2-3 times for 2-3 minutes. Each time a new piece of ice is selected."Raft Crossing"

Target: village №42

Game description develop balance.

: Teams are lined up in columns one at a time in front of the starting line (“on the shore”), with two rubber mats (rafts) in the hands of the guide. At a signal, he places one rug in front of him on the floor and two, three or four people quickly stand on it (depending on the length and width of the rug). Then the guide places a second mat on the floor, and the whole group moves onto it, passing the first mat on. And so, alternately, jumping from mat to mat, the group crosses the “river” to the opposite “bank”, where the participants remain behind the finish line, and one of the players returns back for the next group in the same way. Players are not allowed to place their feet on the floor. Participants who violate this condition are eliminated from the game (considered “drowned”). The team that finishes the “crossing” first and without losses wins."Hot potato"

village №43

Game description: Goal: passing the ball. The players stand in a circle at a distance outstretched arms
. Two players standing on opposite sides of the circle each have a ball. At the signal, both players begin to pass the balls in a circle in one direction as quickly as possible so that one ball catches up with the other.

When one of the players has two balls, the game starts again. They play for 4-5 minutes, then mark the players who passed the ball well.

The ball must be passed to everyone standing nearby, without letting anyone through. The player who dropped the ball must pick it up and, returning to his place, pass it to his neighbor.
Balls of different weights.
The number of balls is more than two.

"Be careful" village №44

Target : to increase the creative activity of children, awaken imagination, cheer up, develop composure, attentiveness, the ability to manage their emotions and actions, skills of collective and coordinated activity.

Game description: The teacher invites the children to perform all the movements that he names, but he himself can show completely different movements. For example, the teacher says: “Hands to the sides!”, He himself raises his hands up, etc. The game lasts 2-3 minutes. It can be carried out both in a circle and in any other formation.
Option : Children do what the teacher shows, not what he says.

“It flies, it doesn’t fly” p.g. No. 45

Target: increase children's creative activity, awaken imagination, cheer up, develop attentiveness, the ability to manage their emotions and actions, skills of collective and coordinated activity.

Game description: Children stand in a circle, with an instructor in the center. He names animate and inanimate objects that fly or do not fly. When naming an object, the instructor raises his arms to the sides - up. For example, he says: “The bird flies, the chair flies, the plane flies,” etc.
Children should raise their arms to the sides - up if a flying object is named.

The game can be played while walking slowly.

“Who has the ball?” p.g. No. 46

Goal: point game No. 45

Game description: Children stand in a circle facing the center, hands behind their backs. In the center of the circle the driver with eyes closed. The host gives a small ball to any of the players. Children begin to quietly pass the ball in a circle behind their backs. The driver, opening his eyes, tries to determine who has the ball, turning to the player: “Olya, show your hands!” The child addressed by the driver shows his hands and again hides them behind his back. The ball cannot be held in your hands for long. The driver cannot address the children in order. If the driver determines who has the ball, that player becomes the driver.

"Streams and lakes" village №47

Target : teach children to run and change lanes
Game description: Children stand in two or three columns with the same number of players playing in different parts of the hall - these are streams. At the signal “The streams ran!” everyone runs after each other in different directions (each in his own column).

At the signal “Lake!” players stop, hold hands and build circles in the lake. Those children who build a circle win.

“Day and Night” p.g. No. 48

Target: teach children the ability to throw and catch a ball.

Game description: Each of the children has a ball in their hands. At the command “Day!” children perform familiar movements with the ball (throwing up, down, into a wall, into a hoop, hitting the ball in place, in motion, etc.). At the command “Night!” - freeze in the position in which the night found you.

The game lasts 3-4 minutes

« Swap places" village №44

Target: increase the creative activity of children, awaken imagination, cheer up, develop composure, attentiveness, the ability to manage their emotions and actions, skills of collective and coordinated activity.

Game description : Children stand in a circle. The instructor offers to swap places for those children who have something the same: blond hair, white T-shirts, pets, etc. For example, the instructor says: “Let those who have a bicycle change places.” Children change places, etc. The game lasts 3-4 minutes.

Outdoor game
“Wintering birds, migratory birds”

Explanatory note

The game is intended for older children – 5-7 years old

It is advisable to carry out the game during the period of validity of the lexical topics of the preschool educational institution: “Who is preparing for winter. Animals and birds of our region”, “Meeting birds. Birds of our region"


1. Teach children to run in all directions without bumping into each other;

2. Learn to differentiate the concepts of “wintering” and “migratory” birds;

3.Develop attention, auditory perception, imagination;

4.Cultivate interest in nature (migratory and wintering birds);

Preliminary work:

Within the framework of the lexical topics of the preschool educational institution: “Who is preparing for winter. Animals and birds of our region”, “Meeting birds. Birds of our region”, interaction between a physical education instructor and preschool teachers (educators) is organized. Interaction consists of preparing for the perception of this game.

Preparing to experience the game

— conducting OOD in accordance with lexical topics DOW: “Who is preparing for winter. Animals and birds of our region”, “Meeting birds. Birds of our region"

— conducting individual, group and frontal conversations in accordance with these lexical topics of the preschool educational institution

Integration of educational areas: speech development, cognitive development.

Equipment: cord or rope

Pace: moderate

Preparation: On one side of the hall a line is drawn (laid out with a cord), followed by “warm countries”. The rest of the space is a clearing.

Rules of the game:

- when running in all directions, do not bump into each other

- move beyond the line (cord, rope) or squat only after the words “...spreads its wings”

- pronounce all words clearly, without delay

Progress of the game:

It is more appropriate for a teacher to act as a presenter - he explains the rules and monitors the progress of the game.

Children are “birds”. Children run scattered around the “clearing”, imitating the movements of birds.

The teacher says the text:

Fall has come,

It's getting cold.

The crane (swallow, starling, rook, etc.) spreads its wings,

Children “fly” over the line, saying:

Flies away, flies away

To warmer climes.

And if the teacher names a wintering bird:

Fall has come,

It's getting cold.

A crow (sparrow, dove, tit, etc.) spreads its wings,

The children stop, squat down in the “clearing” and continue the text:

But it doesn't fly anywhere.

Winter is not scary for her.

The game is repeated 5-6 times.

At the end of the game, the teacher marks the most attentive children.

Title: Outdoor game for older children (5-7 years old) “Wintering birds, migratory birds”
Category: Kindergarten – Educational games – Outdoor games

Position: physical education instructor
Place of work: MDOU Kindergarten No. 22 in the village of Yaratkulova
Location: Chelyabinsk region, Argayash district, Yaratkulova village, Tsentralnaya st., 25
