Outdoor games for kittens and puppies. Lesson in the middle group on physical development “Kitten and puppy”

Number of players: any
Optional: red scarves or headbands
All players are divided equally into two teams. Players from the same team are designated as "People": they are marked either with bright red scarves around their necks or with bright red wide tape wrapped around the biceps of both arms. Players on the other team are designated as “Vampires” and do not have any headband markers. The goal of the “Vampires” is to capture as many “People” as possible, who, after capture, also become “Vampires”. The main charm of the game is that the “Vampires” do not have any bandage markers and the “People” are in constant tension and ready to run away from the “Vampires” filling the playing area.

Snowballs - winter game for children

Number of players: any
Additionally: snow
In winter, you can remember this old Russian pastime.
The game usually involves two teams throwing snowballs at each other.

Monkey tag - a game for children

Number of players: any
Additional: no
The driver must imitate the one running away like a monkey. For example, if the person being pursued unexpectedly (the runner will do such things on purpose) jumps on one leg, then the driver should jump after him on one leg. If the driver did not manage to repeat the movements of the runner in time, then the “greasing” does not count and the runner is given 5 seconds to run away again.

Gates - an outdoor game for children

Number of players: child and adult
Additional: no
If you have a very small but overly active child, then you can try to captivate him in this way.
Let's play outside! The child runs up to you, you spread your legs... and, as it were, “step over” him. He comes back, runs up to you, you again let him pass under you, as if through a “gate”. The main thing is energy in a peaceful direction. The game can be improved and furnished with jokes, add additional objects and tasks like “take the ball, carry it through the gate, put it in the stroller...”.

Catch-up games - an active game for children

Number of players: any
Additionally: 2 spools of thread or very long threads in two colors (preferably blue and red)
We choose a leader. A thread is tied on everyone's hand in a visible place, but the knot is not tightened tightly. Boys and girls have different colors.
The task is to catch up with any person and break the thread from him. The difficulty is that the one who is caught can also tear the thread from the hand of the person who is snatching it. The one whose thread was torn off goes to the leader.

Dungeon Escape - Game for Kids

Number of players: any
Additional: no
The game reminds old fun"Cat and mouse." The participants of the game, holding hands, form a circle. Inside is a prisoner or captive, outside is his or her friend. The prisoner must break out, his assistant must deceive the guards. The one who lets the prisoner go takes his place.

Bells - an outdoor game for children

Number of players: any
Extras: bell
Children stand in a circle. Two people come out into the middle - one with a bell or bell, the other with a blindfold. Everyone sings:
Tryntsy-bryntsy, bells,
The daredevils called:
Guess where the ringing comes from!
After these words, the “blind man’s buff” catches the dodging player.

Bottomless Barrel - a game for children

Number of players: any
Additionally: barrel without bottom, ball
An ordinary barrel without a bottom is suspended on the playground at a height of three meters. The player on the run must throw the ball into the barrel with an accurate blow from the bottom up. The one who does this three times wins.

"Kittens and puppies." Jumping games. The game can be played in a room where there is a gymnastic wall, or on the site. The players are divided into two groups. Children of one group depict kittens, others - puppies. The kittens are near the gymnastics wall, the puppies are on the other side of the room (in the booths behind the benches, behind the ladder placed on the edge). The teacher invites the kittens to run easily, gently. At the words of the teacher “PUPPIES”, the second group of children climb over the benches. They run on all fours after the kittens and bark “aw-aw-aw-aw!” The kittens meow and quickly climb onto the gymnastics wall. The teacher is nearby all the time. The puppies return to their houses, the game resumes.

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Download presentation Physical development of children“Communicative dance games” - Implementation of the most important didactic tasks. We dance with mom. Preschool age. Features of communicative dances - games. Diverse repertoire. Dancing with simple movements. Movements and figures in dancing. Joyful emotions. Directions

“Outdoor games for children” - “Ball over the net.” "By the bear in the forest." "Hide and seek." "Hares and the wolf." "Colored Cars" Running games. "The Fox in the Chicken Coop." Card index of outdoor games for preschool children. “Who left?” "Throw it and catch it." "Traps." “Knock down the pin.” “Find where it’s hidden.” "Ring the rattle." "Find yourself a mate."

“Physical education in preschool educational institutions” - The word “occupation”. An indispensable assistant instructor. Interaction between parents and teachers. Strategic guidelines. Ways to organize children. Collaboration between a teacher and a physical education instructor. Visual propaganda. Teacher and physical education instructor. System of complex measures.

"Fitball" - Fitball. Fitball gymnastics. Additional benefits. Exercises. Presentation “Everything about health.” Contents of the lesson. Fitball gymnastics classes. Color influence. Vibration effect. A game.

“Physical training corner in kindergarten” - Consultation plan. Remote material. Jr preschool age. Group exercise corner kindergarten. Objectives of the physical education corner. Jump ropes. Senior preschool age. Requirements for a physical education corner. The main objective. To make a child smart and reasonable, make him strong. Anyone who plays sports gains strength.

“Physical education of preschool children” - Educational tasks. Toy. Walk. Physical education minutes. Sport games. Finger gymnastics. Work in groups. Tasks physical education. Educational objectives. Morning exercises. Consultations. Forms of physical education.

There are 12 presentations in total

Alena Mashkova
Lesson in middle group By physical development"Kitten and Puppy"

Target: practice walking and running in a circle with changes in the direction of movement and running in all directions, balance and jumping, walking in a circle, snake, while maintaining correct posture; consolidate the ability to quickly move around the site in different directions.

Means of implementation: tambourine, musical accompaniment, cubes, cord (40-50cm, balls.

Move classes:

The teacher organizes a warm-up.

Children walk in a column one at a time with a change of leader. The teacher calls the child by name, he stands in front of the column and leads it. After some time, another child leads the column. Everyone walks and runs randomly around the hall, walking to the recitative.

Live as one family kitten and puppy.

But life is not as simple as anyone might think.

The kitten will meow loudly, the puppy growls in response.

It is clear to everyone that there is no point in such a conversation.

It is not difficult for them to live together, and trouble is not terrible.

Simple word "friendship" they will always understand.

Let's play with kitten and puppy

The teacher suggests doing general developmental exercises with a cube under a tambourine.

1. I. p. – leg stand at the width of the foot, cube in the right hand. Rising on your toes, transfer the cube to your left hand, lower it, rise on your toes, transfer the cube to your right hand, return to i. P. (5 times).

2. I. p. – leg stand at the width of the foot, cube in the right hand. Sit down, transfer the cube to your left hand, stand up, return to i. P. (5 times).

3. I. p. - kneeling, cube in right hand. Turn right, place the cube at your toes, straighten up; turn right, take the cube, return to i. n. Same to the left (three times for each side)

4. I. p. - sitting, legs apart, cube in right hand. Bend over, put the cube between your toes, straighten up, hands on your waist; bend over, take the cube with your left hand, return to i. P. (5 times)

5. I. p. - stand with legs slightly apart, arms along the body. Cube on the floor. Jumping on two legs around a cube in both directions (3-4 times)

Main types of movements.

1. Standing long jump through a cord (40-5 cm, (6-8 times)

2. Throwing balls to each other (8-10 times)

Outdoor game: "Kittens and Puppies"

The players are divided into two groups: "kittens" And "puppies". They are located at different ends of the site. On signal "kittens" They begin to run easily, as if playing. On signal "Kittens!"they pronounce: "Meow!"

In reply "puppies"bark: "Woof woof woof", on all fours they run for "kittens" who quickly climb onto the gymnastics bench. "Puppies" return to their places.

After two or three repetitions, the children change roles. You can finish the game like this:: invite everyone to walk quietly and slowly "cat-like".

The teacher organizes walking in a column, one at a time, clapping his hands every fourth count. Thanks and praises children for their efforts.

Encourages cleaning of equipment.

Publications on the topic:

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Theme: “Fluffy kitten” Educational area: artistic and aesthetic development, speech development, cognitive development. Age.

Lesson on physical development in the second junior group Tasks. Educational: - exercise in maintaining stable balance when walking on a limited support area; - consolidate skills c.

Lesson on physical development in the middle group of kindergarten: “The sea is agitated” Educational field: “Physical development” (physical culture). Pedagogical goal: to practice walking and running in a circle with changes.

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Lesson “I have a kitten” in the second junior group Lesson in the second junior group

"Birds and Chicks"
Goal: To develop in children the execution of movements on a signal. Practice running in different directions without touching each other.
Children are divided into 3 – 4 groups; Each group has its own nest house. Each group of “chicks” has a mother bird. According to the teacher’s word “fly”, the chicks fly out of the nest. According to the teacher’s word “home,” the mother birds return and call the chicks home. In the nest, the chicks sit in a circle. The game is played 3 – 4 times.

"Mice in the Pantry"
Goal: To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal. Practice running and climbing.
Children - "mice" - sit in holes - on chairs. On the opposite side there is a rope stretched at a height of 50 - 40 cm. This is the “pantry”. A “cat”, the teacher, sits next to the players. The cat falls asleep, the mice run into the pantry. Penetrating into the pantry, they try not to touch the rope. They sit down there and seem to be gnawing on crackers. The cat suddenly wakes up, meows and runs after the mice. The mice run into their holes. The game is played 4 - 5 times.

"Fox in the Chicken Coop"
Goal: To develop attention, dexterity, and execution of movements on a signal. Practice running.
A chicken coop is outlined on one side of the site. On the opposite side is a fox hole. The rest of the place is a yard. One of the players is designated as a fox, the rest are chickens. At the teacher’s signal, the chickens walk and run around the yard, pecking at grains and flapping their wings. At the teacher’s signal “Fox! “- the chickens run into the chicken coop, and the fox tries to drag the chicken, which did not have time to escape, into the hole. Duration of the game is 4 – 5 times.

"Who will throw the bag further"
Goal: To develop in children the ability to act on a signal. Practice throwing into the distance with your right and left hands, running, and color recognition.
Children sit along the walls or on the sides of the playground. Several children, named by the teacher, stand on the same line in front of a rope placed on the floor. Children receive bags of 3 - 4 different colors. At the teacher’s signal “throw,” the children throw the bag into the distance. The teacher draws the children's attention to whose bag fell further and says: “Pick up the bags.” Children run for their bags, pick them up and sit down. The teacher names other children. The game is repeated 3–4 times.

"Find your color"
Goal: To develop children's attention, the ability to distinguish colors and act on a signal. Practice walking and running.
Children receive flags of three or four colors: red, blue and yellow and are grouped in groups of 4-6 people in different corners of the site. In each corner, the teacher places a colored flag (red, blue, yellow) on a stand. At the teacher’s signal “go for a walk,” the children disperse around the playground. When the teacher says “find your color,” the children gather near the flag of the corresponding color. Game duration is 4 – 5 minutes.

Goal: To develop in children the ability to move in a team, to find their place on the playground. Practice crawling, running, and jumping on two legs.
On one side of the site, circles are outlined - “rabbit cages”. Chairs are placed in front of them, to which hoops are tied vertically, and if there are no hoops, a cord is stretched. A chair is placed on the opposite side - the “watchman’s house”, on which the teacher sits. Between the house and the cages there is a “meadow”. The teacher divides the children into small groups. Each group stands in a circle. “Rabbits are sitting in cages” - children squat down. The teacher approaches the cages one by one and releases the rabbits onto the grass. The rabbits crawl through the hoop and begin to run and jump. After a while, the teacher says: “Run to the cages.” The rabbits run home and each returns to their cage, crawling through the hoop again. The game is played 4 - 5 times.

"Sparrows and the cat"
Goal: To develop the ability to locate in space and move in a group without touching each other, and also to act on a signal. Practice deep jumps, standing long jumps and long jumps. running fast.
Children stand along the walls of the room on benches, on large blocks or in hoops placed on the floor. These are “sparrows on the roof” or in “nests”. A cat sits at a distance, the role of which is played by the teacher. The little sparrows flew,” says the teacher. Sparrows jump from the roof or jump out of the nest and, spreading their wings, run scattered throughout the room. Meanwhile, the “cat” is sleeping. But then she wakes up, says: “Meow, meow,” and runs to catch up with the sparrows, who are running to their nests. The cat takes the caught sparrows to her “house.”

"Take what you want and play with whoever you want"
Goal: To develop in children: activity, initiative, a sense of friendship.
Children sit on chairs in a circle or semicircle. Opposite the children at a distance there is a table on which toys are located: a flag, a handkerchief, reins, a hoop, a ball, and musical toys. The teacher calls the child’s name and tells him: “Take what you want and play with whoever you want.” The child comes to the table, takes a toy and chooses a friend to play with. After a while, the teacher says: “Put the toy in its place.” The players put down the toy and sit down. Game duration is 4 – 6 minutes.

"Colored Cars"
Goal: To develop children's attention, the ability to distinguish colors and act on a visual signal. Exercise in running, walking.
There are children sitting on chairs along the wall. They are "cars". Each person is given a flag of some color or a colored circle or ring. The teacher is in the center of the site. He holds three colored flags in his hand. The teacher raises a flag of any color. All children with a flag of this color run around the playground; while driving they hum, imitating a car. When the teacher lowers the flag, the children stop and, at the signal “to the garage,” walk towards their chair. Duration 4 - 6 minutes.

"Put the bag into the circle"
Goal: To develop in children the ability to act on a signal. Practice throwing with your right and left hands. Children stand in a circle. In the center of the circle there is a circle made of rope, the ends of the rope are tied; the circle can also be drawn on the ground. Children are at a distance of 1 - 2 steps from this circle. The children have bags of sand in their hands. At the teacher’s signal “throw”, all children throw their bags into the circle. “Pick up the bags,” says the teacher. Children pick up the bags and stand in place. The teacher notes whose bag did not fall into the circle, and the game continues. The game is repeated 4 – 6 times.

"Two balls"
Goal: To develop in children the execution of movements on a signal. Practice passing the ball quickly
Children stand in a circle at a distance outstretched arms one from the other. The teacher gives two balls to the children standing next to each other. On the “one” command, children begin to pass the balls, one on their right side, and the other on their left. When the balls meet the children who are standing nearby, these children go to the middle of the circle, throw the ball up 2-3 times, catch it, and then go up to the children who are standing nearby in the circle and give them the ball, and they themselves stand on their own places. Game continues. The teacher marks the children whose ball never fell when passed to another. Game duration is 5 – 6 minutes.

"Find where it's hidden!"
Purpose: To develop visual memory and attention in children. Practice working with a team.
Children sit on one side of the playground. The teacher shows the children a toy or a flag that he will hide. The teacher invites the children to stand up and turn to the wall. The teacher himself takes a few steps away from the children and hides the flag, after which he says: “Look!” The children begin to look. Whoever finds the flag first has the right to hide it when the game is repeated. The game ends when 3 - 5 guys find the flag. Game duration is 5 – 6 minutes.

Goal: To develop in children the ability to distinguish colors and act on a visual signal. Practice running and walking in a column.
Children stand along the wall or side of the playground in a column in pairs, holding each other's hands. With their free hands they hold onto the cord, the ends of which are tied (one child holds with his right hand, the other with his left). The teacher is in one of the corners of the playground and holds three colored flags in his hand. The teacher raises a green flag, and the children run - “the tram is moving.” Having reached the teacher, the children look to see if the color of the flag has changed; if the green flag is raised, the tram continues moving; if a yellow or red flag appears, the children stop and wait for the green color to appear. Game duration is 5 – 6 minutes.

"Kittens and puppies"
Goal: Develop dexterity in spatial orientation. Exercise in climbing, running.
The players are divided into two groups. Children of one group depict kittens, the other - puppies. Kittens are on one side of the site, puppies are on the other side. The teacher invites the kittens to run around easily and gently. To the words of the teacher: “Puppies! " - the second group of children climbs over the bench. They run on all fours after the kittens and bark. Kittens quickly climb onto their bench or gymnastics wall. The game is played 4 - 5 times.

"Throw on a ring"
Goal: To develop accuracy, eye, coordination of movements. Practice throwing.
The game consists of throwing rings onto various funny figures, for example, an elephant with a raised trunk, a goose with an outstretched neck, etc. At a distance of 1.5 - 2 m from the figure, a line is drawn - the boundary from which children throw the ring. The teacher shows how to stand up, how to hold the ring in a horizontal position, and how to throw. Game duration is 5-7 minutes.

"Free place"
Goal: To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal. Practice running fast.
The players sit on chairs in a circle. The teacher calls the children sitting nearby. At the signal “one, two, three – run!” “They run in different directions around the circle, reach their place and sit down. The teacher and all the players note who was the first to take an empty seat. Game duration is 5-7 minutes.

"Find yourself a mate"
Goal: To develop spatial orientation in children. Exercise children in running.
Each child receives one flag. There are equal numbers of flags of two colors. At the teacher’s signal, the children scatter around the playground. At the signal “find a pair”, children with the same flags stand next to each other. An odd number of children must take part in the game so that one is left without a pair. Turning to him, all the players say: Vanya, Vanya, don’t yawn (Manya. Olya, etc.)
Quickly choose a couple.
Then, when the tambourine is hit, the children scatter around the playground again, and the game is repeated. Game duration is 5-7 minutes.

"Catch a mosquito"
Goal: To develop in children the ability to coordinate movements with a visual signal. Practice jumping in place.
The players stand in a circle, at a distance of arms outstretched to the sides. The teacher is in the center. He rotates a cord in a circle, to the end of which a “mosquito” is attached. The teacher circles the mosquito slightly above the heads of the players. The players carefully watch the mosquito and, when it approaches, jump on the spot to catch it. The one who catches the mosquito says: “I caught it.” Duration 4 -5 minutes.

"At the bear in the forest..."
Goal: To develop children's intelligence, spatial orientation and rhythmic movements. Exercise children in running and catching.
A line is drawn at one end of the site. This is the edge of the forest. Beyond the line is a place for a bear. At the opposite end of the site, the children's house is marked with a line. The teacher appoints one of the players to be a bear. The children head to the edge of the forest and say: The bear has mushrooms in the forest, I take berries.
But the bear does not sleep and growls at us.
When the players say the word “growls,” the bear gets up with a growl, and the children run “home.” The bear is trying to catch them. He takes the caught one to his place. Game duration is 5 – 6 minutes.

"Let's jump over the stream"

Purpose: To practice standing long jumps. A stream is drawn on the playground, narrow at one end, and then wider and wider (from 10 to 40 cm). A group of children is asked to jump over the stream, first where it is narrow, and then where it is wider, and finally where it is widest . Game duration is 5 – 6 minutes.

"For a walk"
Goal: To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal. Practice walking.
Children are divided into 2 identical groups. Each group sits on chairs placed at opposite ends of the site, in front of the drawn lines. The teacher first approaches one group of children and says: “Well, guys, get ready for a walk quickly!” The children get up and one after another follow the teacher. The teacher, together with the children in the first group, approaches the second group, and together, with the same words, they invite them for a walk. Children of the second group stand behind the children of the first group and walk together. The teacher takes them as far as possible from their places. Suddenly the teacher says: “Get to your places!”, and the children run to their places. The group that completes the task faster is considered the winner. Game duration is 5 – 6 minutes.

Goal: To develop children's intelligence, spatial orientation and rhythmic movements. Exercise children in running and squatting.
Children - "butterflies" stand on the edge of the playground wherever they want. To the music or to the words of the teacher: “butterflies, butterflies have flown into the garden,” children move their arms to the sides, run in different directions, running around one another.
The teacher continues: “Everyone sat down quietly on the little white flower.” Children squat near the flowers of the named color. At the teacher’s signal: “oo-oo-oo,” which means howling wind, storm, butterflies run away from the garden to the edge of the playground. The game is repeated with the words: “butterflies, butterflies, they flew into the field.” The teacher constantly notes children who ran and squatted easily and quietly. Game duration 5 – 6 minutes

"Run Quietly"
Goal: To develop in children the ability to act according to rules. Practice light jogging on your toes.
Children are divided into groups of 5–6 people. They stand behind the line at one end of the site. The driver is selected, he sits in the middle of the platform and closes his eyes. At the teacher’s signal, one group runs silently past the driver to the opposite side. If the driver hears a noise, he says “Stop,” and the runners stop. Without opening his eyes, the presenter shows where he hears the noise. If he pointed correctly, the children move aside; If you make a mistake, the game continues. The group that the driver cannot hear will win. Game duration is 5 – 6 minutes.

"Cucumber, cucumber..."
Goal: To develop rhythmic movements in children. Practice jumping and running.
At one end of the playground there is a teacher, at the other there are children. Children approach the trap by jumping on two legs. The teacher says:
Cucumber, cucumber,
Don't go to that end:
There's a mouse living there
He'll bite your tail off.
At the last words, the children run to their places, and the teacher catches up with them. Game duration is 5 – 6 minutes.

Goal: To develop rhythmic movements and resourcefulness in children. Practice walking in a circle.
Holding hands, the children form a round dance. A leader is selected, he stands in the middle of the round dance, and the rest walk in a circle to the right and say:
We brought gifts for everyone, Here is a doll with a bright ribbon,
Whoever wants it will take it. Horse, top and plane.
At the end of the words, the children stop, and the person standing in the circle names which of the listed gifts he wants to receive, and the children imitate the movements, accompanying them with the words:
Our horse gallops, chok, chok. chok, that's how a top spins,
The clatter of fast feet can be heard. He buzzed and lay down on his side.
Doll, doll, dance, The plane is flying, flying,
Wave the red ribbon. A brave pilot sits in it
The one chosen goes to the middle of the circle and the game continues.

Goal: To develop in children to perform movements on cue, rhythmic movements, and resourcefulness. Practice walking in a circle.
Children stand in a column according to their height. The first child in the column is a “locomotive”, the rest are “cars”. After the teacher’s signal, the locomotive buzzes: “u-u-u”, at which time the children bend their arms at the elbows. After the locomotive whistles, children stretch their arms forward and say: “Choo,” and use their hands to imitate the movement of the wheels. They repeat this 3 - 4 times. In response to the words of the teacher: “The wheels are knocking,” the children take a step in place, when the signal “let’s go” they walk, gradually speeding up their pace, and then run. To the words “bridge” or “downhill” the train goes slowly, but “from the mountain” the train goes faster again. When the teacher raises the red flag, the train stops; when it's green, it moves on. The train approaches the station slowly and stops. The locomotive releases steam: "psh - sh." Game duration 5 – 6 minutes

Goal: To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal, to practice running in all directions.
Children are lined up in 3-4 columns in different places on the site, which are marked with flags. The players portray pilots. At the teacher’s signal: “Get ready for flight! "- the children make movements with their hands - start the engine. “Fly! "- the children raise their arms to the sides and fly scattered in different directions. At the teacher’s signal: “Landing! " - the planes find their places and land: they line up in columns and go down on one knee. Game duration is 5 – 6 minutes.

"Sparrows and the car"
Goal: To develop spatial orientation in children. Practice running and jumping.
The boundaries of the site are outlined or marked with flags. At one end there are sparrows, at the other there is a place for cars. “The sparrows are flying out of the nest,” says the teacher, and the children begin to run in different directions. A horn sounds and a car (the designated child) appears. The sparrows get scared and fly away to their nests. The car returns to the garage. Game duration is 5 – 6 minutes.

"What's hidden?"
Purpose: To develop visual memory and attention in children.
Children sit in the room on chairs, on the floor in a circle or in one line. The teacher places 3-5 objects in the center of the circle and asks them to remember them. Then the players stand up and turn their backs to the center or to the wall and close their eyes. The teacher hides one or two things lying in the center of the circle and says: “Look! “Children open their eyes, turn again to face the center and remember what things are not there. The teacher approaches some children, and each of them tells him in his ear what is hidden. When the majority of players give the correct answer, the teacher loudly names the hidden thing. Game duration is 3 – 4 minutes.

"Hunters and Hares"
Goal: To develop the ability to throw at a moving target. Exercise children in running and climbing.
On one side of the site a place for the hunter is outlined. On the other side, the places of hares are indicated by circles. The hunter walks around the area, as if looking for traces of hares, then returns to his place. The teacher says: “hares ran out into the clearing.” Hares run out and jump on two legs, moving forward. At the signal “hunter! “The hares stop, turn their backs to the hunter, and he, without leaving his place, throws the ball at them. The hare that was hit by the ball is considered shot and the hunter takes it home. Game duration is 5 - 7 minutes.

Goal: To develop dexterity, intelligence, and a sense of camaraderie in children. Practice running in a column.
The children become pairs: one is the horse, the other is the driver. To play, reins are given or children are given to hold on to the belt. Let's go, let's go with the nuts, with the nuts
A turnip for a grandfather, a boy for a boy,
Little by little, little by little.
With the end of the text, the children continue to run in the same rhythm under the teacher’s pronouncing “gop, gop...” until the teacher says “Whoa - y...”. When repeating the game, children change roles.
Duration 5-7 minutes.

"Bring the ball"
Goal: To develop children's observation, intelligence and execution of movements on a signal. Practice running in a specific direction.
Children sit on chairs on one side of the playground. At a distance of 3–4 steps, a line is drawn, behind which, as directed by the teacher, 5–6 children are placed with their backs to the seated persons. The teacher has a box with small balls according to the number of children standing. “One, two, three - run! “- says the teacher and throws all the balls from the box forward. Children run after balls; everyone catches up with one of the balls, runs with it to the teacher and puts it in the box. Then the children sit down in their places, and another group stands behind the line.

"Hares and the Wolf"
Goal: To develop coordination of movement and spatial orientation in children. Practice running and jumping.
One of the players is chosen as a wolf. The rest of the children pretend to be hares. On one site the hares stand in their houses, the wolf is at the other end of the site. The teacher says: The bunnies are jumping, hop, hop, hop,
To the green meadow.
They pinch the grass, eat it,
Listen carefully -
Is there a wolf coming?
Hares jump out of the houses and scatter around the site. They jump, sit down and look around. When the teacher says the last word, the wolf comes out of the ravine and runs after the hares, trying to catch them. The hares are running away. The wolf takes the caught hares into the ravine. Duration of the game is 5 – 6 times.

"Where did you call?"
Goal: To develop dexterity and intelligence in children. Practice running, catching and lining up in a circle. Children sit in a circle or along the wall of the room. one of the players, as assigned by the teacher, stands in the center of the circle or in front of those sitting (with his back turned). At the teacher’s signal, he closes his eyes. The teacher gives one of the children a bell and invites them to call. The child, located in the center of the circle, must, without opening his eyes, point with his hand where the sound is coming from. If he points correctly, the teacher says “it’s time,” and the guesser opens his eyes, and the one who called raises the bell and shows it. If the driver is wrong, he closes his eyes again and guesses again. Game duration is 3 – 5 minutes.

"Who will reach the flag faster?"

Goal: To develop dexterity and intelligence in children. Practice running.
On one side of the playground, children sit on chairs in front of a drawn line. 3 - 4 children come to the line and stand opposite the chairs. There are flags at the other end of the site. At the teacher’s signal “one!” or “run!” children run to the flags, take them and lift them up, then put them in place. The teacher notes who raised the flags first. Then all the children who took part go and sit in their places. The next three or four children enter the line. The game ends when all children raise their flags up. The game can be repeated 2 - 3 times.

"Cats and Mice"
Goal: To develop dexterity and intelligence in children. Practice running and walking.
You need to choose “cats” from the children and place them on the side of the playground. The rest of the children - "mice", sit in holes (on chairs placed in a semicircle). There are 3-5 mice in each hole (for the number of chairs). When the playground is quiet, there are no cats, the mice come out of their holes, run around, gather in a circle, and dance.
When the teacher says “cats”, the mice hurry to their holes. Cats catch them. The teacher marks the most dexterous one. When the game is repeated, new cats are selected. Game duration is 5 – 6 minutes.

Tasks. Exercise children in the ability to climb a gymnastic wall, crawl under a rope with their right and left sides without touching the ground with their hands, and run and walk while maintaining their posture. Cause in children positive emotions During the game, continue to work to improve children's health.

№ 3. Music game“Who is screaming?”

Tasks. Continue to introduce children to the voices of animals, imitate them, and develop children’s pitch hearing.

Role-playing game"Hospital".

Tasks. Teach children to agree to play, teach them to select the necessary attributes and substitute items, and help expand the range of play activities. Teach children to use their knowledge about the activities of a doctor in the game and correctly name medical instruments.

Working with children in a group


Role-playing games of children's choice.

Tasks. Support children's initiative in choosing a plot and organizing play interaction, develop imagination and creative abilities.

Work in the music education corner.

Tasks. Teach children the techniques of correct sound production on a metallophone, teach them to improvise and perform simple melodies, and encourage children’s independent creativity.

No. 3. Familiarization with fiction. Reading S. Kozlov’s fairy tale “The Winter’s Tale”

Tasks. Continue to develop an interest in words and literary works.

Day 15



Individual work on speech development.

Tasks. IN game exercises consolidate children’s ability to correctly use the plural form of the genitive case of nouns (forks, apples, shoes, etc.).

Outdoor game “Toss and catch”.

Tasks. Teach children to throw and catch a ball with both hands at the same time, without holding it to their chest, develop gross motor skills and hand muscles, dexterity, coordination of movements, eye, and cultivate perseverance in the desire to achieve success.

Observation in a corner of nature. Comparison of geranium and balsam.

Tasks. Teach children to examine plants, compare them by color, shape, size, surface type and number of leaves, talk about the results of observations, using comparison constructions “for balsam..., and for geranium...”.

Formation of cultural and hygienic skills. Practical exercise “Clean palms”.

Tasks. Teach children to wash their hands correctly (wash hands thoroughly, rinse off soap carefully, wipe hands dry), discuss the importance of correctly performing this hygiene procedure.

Role-playing game "Builders".

Tasks. Teach children to perform game actions in accordance with the game plan, creatively transform their knowledge and skills, gaming experience in the game, build constructive relationships with peers (agree on what they will build, distribute material among themselves, coordinate actions and jointly achieve results).

Role-playing game "Mail".

Tasks. Teach children to implement and develop the plot, distribute roles, choose a convenient place for play, select the necessary substitute items and attributes. Cultivate a sensitive and attentive attitude towards comrades.



Excursion to the trolleybus stop.

Tasks. To clarify children’s ideas about various types of transport (cars and trucks, vehicles for transporting passengers - buses, trolleybuses, taxis, minibuses), to supplement children’s knowledge about the work of a driver and driver. Teach children the rules of behavior in public places.

Outdoor game “Find and remain silent.”

Tasks. Teach children to maintain cross-coordination of arms and legs, correct posture when walking, and develop expressiveness of movements.
