The Last Bogatyr: Heroes of Belogorye. Download The Last Bogatyr: Heroes of Belogorye for Android Game the last hero how to sell wheat

The game is small, compact, size 11*7*2.5 cm. convenient to take on the road. Inside: 9 evil cards, 9 hero cards, a cube and thick cardboard tiles with images of wounds. The cards themselves are quite dense and smooth, which gives hope for their long-term use.

I won’t rewrite the rules; they are on the manufacturer’s website. I'll share my impressions of the game.

The game is for two and it says 8+. However, if you think that any second-grader, after reading the rules, will immediately understand their essence and send his squad into battle, I’m afraid to disappoint you. Everything there is not so easy, simple and obvious. It took us reading the rules several times, laying out and turning over the cards, to figure out how to even play it. Those. It won’t work to open it and start the game right away. But once you figure it out, it becomes interesting.

First, there are three types of hits: strong, medium and weak.
Secondly, not every blow reaches the target, and you can miss.
Thirdly, blows can be intercepted and wounds treated.
Fourthly, even from the few cards in the pictures, it is clear that all the characters are individual. For example, Alyosha Popovich is not wounded by weak blows, Ilya Muromets does not close himself when attacking, Koshchei is difficult to kill because each blow inflicts two fewer wounds on him, etc. In general, all this is described in terms of three characteristics of the character: health, attack power and speed.

Thus, the game combines both strategy (alignment of one’s forces at the beginning of the game) and luck (rolls of the dice determine the strength of the blow)

The winner, of course, is the one who destroys the enemy. In war, as in war.

We played several times, each time it becomes more interesting and shorter :)). The first one took at least an hour, we constantly looked at the rules and argued whether we were playing like this. Then it became easier. In the end, it began to seem to me that the team of evil spirits was less evenly matched than the heroes, and because of this they were a little weaker. However, the die usually evens out the odds.

Among the difficult moments:
1) Everyone has 9 cards, and everyone can move. This is not so easy, especially at first, until you have learned all the properties. While you read, while you think... We tried to play three at a time. Those. You can use any three of your cards in one turn. It turned out to be easier and faster. Although not according to the rules.

2) Some aspects of the game are not very clear, for example, after a card is played, it closes. What about the next move? Can she walk right away or open it first and only walk through it? We eventually decided that we can move immediately, and closing is important only when the enemy is attacking. And it’s also not very convenient to turn the cards on their side. It would be nice to have some kind of cloth field for them so that they don’t stray from the course :) We played on a checkered oilcloth, which generally solved this problem.

1) The variety of characters provides many options for the development of events.
2) The rules can be easily adjusted in a convenient direction. There is room for your imagination to run wild!
3) Compactness! Easy to take with you on the road, for example.
Summary: quite exciting, the main thing is to find the strength to understand the rules.

Upd. The cards are also good for all kinds of DM games. Connoisseurs will appreciate it.

According to the plot of the game, main character should become the manager of a large fairy-tale palace. It so happened that Belogorye has long been inhabited by fairy-tale inhabitants, as well as various evil spirits. There are both good creatures and bad ones who constantly cause problems for the population and the palace.

A council of local residents gathered, at which it was decided to turn to the heroes for help. It is the last hero who is able to stop the growing lawlessness and establish order.

The last hero will be controlled by the user, who must save the good inhabitants from injustices. It is necessary to restore order, eliminate evil, and show the evil spirits that their rampage has come to an end. But first, the hero must build a beautiful palace. After this, you will need to learn the craft in order to then develop the local inhabitants.

There is an opportunity to build a barnyard and develop it. Citizens will be able to live and work on it, and at the same time be safe. Evil spirits do not dare to enter the palace to harm good people. Behind the game The Last Bogatyr: Heroes of Belogorye You definitely won’t be bored, and no one will be able to remain indifferent.

Game Features;

  • fabulous design;
  • interesting story;
  • simple controls.

The game takes place far before the events that are shown to us in the Disney film “The Last Hero”.

Why is it worth downloading The Last Bogatyr: Heroes of Belogorye for Android?

The main character must take control of an entire fairy-tale palace. At first glance, the task does not seem simple, but quite tempting.

The capital of Belgorod has always been inhabited by fairy-tale creatures and all kinds of evil spirits. The former are the good population of the capital, but the latter have always created problems for the palace and ordinary residents. Which in the end were almost impossible to solve. And so, at the council of civilians, it was decided to ask for help from the Bogatyrs - Ilya Muromets and Dobrynya Nikitich, but also, of course, the last hero. It is under clear management the last hero, they will be able to end the chaos and restore order in Belgorod.

Download The Last Bogatyr: Heroes of Belogorye for Android, powerful heroes under the control of the main character (player), intend to save civilians from unrighteousness. Put things in order, destroy evil, show evil spirits that goodness and justice will always be ahead. First you will have to build your own beautiful palace. Then begin to study the craft in order to further develop the livelihoods of its residents. You can develop and build a barnyard and thereby provide residents with work and housing, and most importantly, security. Evil spirits are unlikely to dare to enter the territory of your palace and cause harm.

And even if this happens, it will be immediately destroyed. After all, there are a lot of guards in the palace. Train your heroes, together calculate the strategy for protecting your possession. Bogatyrs are your faithful friends and rest assured, they will never let you down. Download The Last Bogatyr: Heroes of Belogorye for Android, send them to an independent battle with evil spirits, and you stay in the palace, monitor the situation and help the residents in the prosperity of the palace.

Any successful film can confidently count on a sequel in the form of a game. And here in front of you is just such a game, created based on an interesting film. True, there are a number of shortcomings here, for example, graphics. The picture in the game, of course, turned out to be nice, I can’t say anything here, but, unfortunately, it is very different from what we could see in the film. This, of course, applies to both the world itself as a whole and individual characters. In the game you will have to take control of an entire kingdom in order to achieve its prosperity. There are a lot of different evil spirits in the world, and your task is to take control of the positive heroes in order to cleanse the world of the evil creatures that have filled it. The advantages of the game include the Russian-language localization, which will greatly facilitate your passage. Moreover, unlike many modern games, this passage will not require you to have mobile Internet, which you will agree is also a very important advantage.

Fairytale plot

The storyline here is quite naive, but at the same time quite decent. Your main tasks will be to cleanse the world of evil spirits, rebuild the kingdom and return it to prosperity. First of all, of course, you will need to rebuild the palace, after which you will develop crafts and train your heroes. Download The Last Bogatyr: Heroes of Belogorye for android you can already for the sake of such opportunities, don’t even doubt it, similar game Perfect for both children and adult audiences. True, it is mostly designed specifically for a children's audience; there is a greater variety of entertainment that was tailored specifically for kids. But at the same time, there are really a lot of funny moments here for adults. Here I must immediately add that here you will see a lot in common with the film, the plot here, of course, is far from one hundred percent consistent with what you could see there, but in general such references are pleasing. In addition, there are a lot of interesting characters, both from those you could see in the film, and new, but no less interesting. As you progress, you will regularly receive a wide variety of game tasks, which will really serve as a good decoration for the game. In addition, it is simply impossible not to mention that, despite the fairly high-quality graphics, the game turned out to be far from demanding of your device, so it will have to run on most of them. Also here you will find convenient controls, thanks to which you will confidently solve all the tasks assigned to you.

Creators of the blockbuster sequel "The Last Hero"- Disney company; Yellow, Black and White and the Rossiya TV channel presented the audience with the first teaser trailer and teaser poster, as well as the first selection of stills for one of the most anticipated films of the coming year "The Last Hero: The Root of Evil". It will be released on December 24, 2020.

The first part of the fairy-tale adventure was released in October 2017 and updated the box office record for domestic film releases in the entire history of Russian film distribution, earning more than 1.7 billion rubles. The story of an ordinary guy named Ivan, who is unexpectedly transported from the bustle of modern Moscow to the fairy-tale country of Belogorye, discovers his heroic courage and determination, meets friends and finds true love, also became the first Russian-made film to surpass the mark of five million viewers faster than others .

Vitaly Shlyappo, Dmitry Yan, Vasily Kutsenko, Pavel Danilov and Igor Tudvasev wrote the script for the continuation of this story; filming of the sequel started in June 2019 and took place in the Moscow region, Karelia, Krasnodar and Perm territories.

There is peace and tranquility in Belogorye, Ivan enjoys his well-deserved fame, Vasilisa is busy preparing for the wedding, next to them are friends, relatives and small joys from modern world, where the Sword-Kladenets makes it possible to regularly cut a hole. The only thing that darkens the happiness of the good fellow is the upcoming Bogatyr Games, a competition of all the knights of Belogorye in prowess and strength. But Ivan just doesn’t feel the heroic strength in himself and is afraid of disgracing himself in front of his father, bride and the handsome Finist, who clearly sympathizes with her...

But that’s not what Ivanushka should have worried about! In the midst of the competition, an ancient evil awakens, and the very existence of the magical world is threatened. To save Belogorye, Ivan will have to team up with old friends and new enemies and go on a long and dangerous journey beyond the known world...

"In the second part we are intensifying the action, making the visual component much brighter and, just like in the first film, we will have new character, completely created using computer graphics,” promises director Dmitry Dyachenko. Viewers will see new corners fairy world and exciting battles with the participation of epic heroes. Magic world it will become even bigger, and the story will become even more interesting. In order to save Belogorye from a thousand-year-old evil, Ivan will have to overcome the most unexpected and treacherous obstacles.

Meet the new fairytale adventure Disney "The Last Hero: Root of Evil" on big screens in December 2020!
