Completing optional quests in Orzammar. Dragon age: origins: how to win friends - game tactics and advice from masters Dragon age precious metals

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Main plot
As soon as we approach the gate to Orzammar at the pass, we will immediately witness how Tairn Loghain’s henchmen are trying to persuade the gatekeeper to let them into the city. The funny thing is that the gatekeeper, as soon as he heard that we are a gray guard, will immediately let us inside. Loghain's ambassador will not like this and he will get into a fight, you can kill him, for which you will receive verbal gratitude from the gatekeeper.
Life is even more fun inside Orzammar. We have only just crossed the threshold of their city, and representatives of two groups fighting for power have already managed to organize a bloody massacre right before our eyes. Having asked the first gnome we come across about what is happening here, we get useful advice, find out everything from Chief Bandelor in the council chamber.

Search for Chief Bandelor
Having run usefully through the communal halls (the part of the city where commoners live), we go to the nobility quarter (diamond halls) straight to the council building. There we will witness a brief debate between the deshirs (dwarf representatives of the nobility), after which we will be able to talk with Sergeant Major Bandelor.
He will tell you that the gnomes have no time for pestilence now, because... The king of Orzammar recently died, and only the ruler of the dwarven kingdom can fulfill the agreements of the gray guards. This warm place is claimed by: Prince Belen, the youngest son of the late king, and Lord Harrowmont, the latter’s cousin.
You can support any of them, because for us it is only important that the new elected king gives troops to confront the pestilence.

Quests for Belen
Vartag Gavorn
This is the representative of Prince Belen. He will meet you in the hallway of the council building immediately after talking with Bandelor and will tell you that in order to get an audience with Belen, we need to prove our loyalty to him. We agree.

The Prince's Respect: First Task
We need to deliver two notes: one to Lord Helmy (in the Tavern Tavern in the Common Halls), the other to Lady Days (outside in the Diamond Halls). The essence of the matter is to expose Harrowmont as a swindler (he allegedly promised one mansion to two nobles at once). We go to Helmy, after reading the note he will immediately refuse to support Harrowmont. With Lady Days it will be a little more difficult. She will say that her father is engaged in such matters, but now he is on the deep paths in the Edukan taiga. We go there, find the old man and help him fight off the invasion of deep hunters. After the battle, we give Dace the papers and return to Gavorn in the council room. Now we can meet with Belen.

Quests for Harrowmont
Dulin Foringer
This is Lord Harrowmont's representative. He will meet you on the street immediately after talking with Bandelor and will tell you that in order to get an audience with Harrowmont, we need to prove our loyalty to him. We agree.

Lord's trust. First task.
We need to enter the testing arena as a Harrowmont fighter. At the same time, you need to find out why the lord’s best fighters refused to perform: Baizil and Guidon. We go to the arena and first talk with Bayzil. He will tell us one short love story, in the end of which it turns out that he is being blackmailed with certain letters. Behind the blackmail is the gladiator Miaji and her twin brother Lucian (they can be found here in the fighters’ training rooms). We open Miaji's chest with the help of Leliana and steal the letters, after which we give them to Bayzil. Now he will fight in the arena.
Let's go to Guidon. Here the situation is simpler: from the conversation it turns out that he was misinformed that supposedly Lord Harrowmont, after tests in the arena, would renounce his claims to the throne. And if so, then Guidon has no reason to shed his own or someone else’s blood. We convince him that he was vilely deceived and force him to return to duty. Now you can go to the manager and start participating in battles. Having won all of them, return to Dulin Foringer (at the Innkeepers' Tavern) with a report on the test you completed.

Lord's trust. Second task or Respect of the Prince: second task. Jarvia's Lair
We have received the right of audience with Harrowmont (Belen). The lord (prince) will say that he agrees to fulfill the terms of the agreements of the gray guards if we bring him to the throne. We have no choice, so we take the second task. We have to deal with a gang of a certain Jarvia, who controls the dusty city and regularly attacks citizens of community halls. We go to the dusty city and ask the beggar Nadezhda about Jarvia for a donation. She will tell us about the original keys that open the door to the gang's lair. Unfortunately, she won't have the key itself. It doesn’t matter, we go to the abandoned house nearby and deal with a handful of bandits. We take the key from their leader. Now another door has become active in the dusty city. We open it with the key and go in search of Jarvia. She will be in the depths of the caves. Having dealt with her, return to Harrowmont (Belen). He will have one last task for you.

Betrayal from within
Additional quest. You can get it if you fought in the arena for Harrowmont, and then returned to Gavorn and again offered your services, under the pretext that Harrowmont now trusts you and you can spy on him without hindrance. Having learned that Harrowmont sent you to kill Jarvia, Gavorn will give you papers indicating the connection of one of the lord’s relatives with the charter. These papers will need to be placed in Jarvia's chest in her hideout after dealing with her. Once you do this you will be able to turn in quests for both Harrowmont and Gavorn. In addition, both contenders for the throne will give you a task to search for Branka (read the description below).

Perfect, Perfection itself And Void Anvil
We have to go into the deep paths in search of the perfect Branca in order to convince her to vote for Harrowmont (for Belen) in the council. 2 years ago, she took her entire clan and went in search of the legendary anvil of the void. According to legend, it was invented by another perfect one - the blacksmith Karidin, and with its help it was possible to create golems. Let's go searching.
At the very entrance to the deep paths, Ogren, Branka’s husband, will join us. And although he is a drunkard who constantly stares at the beautiful Morrigan, he can help in the search for his wife, since he knows the deep paths well and is excellent with two-handed weapons. First, we have to find the Ortan tag. There we will find Branka's diary (for it we will have to fight with the spider queen), from which we learn that she went to the Dead Ditch - an area that is the border between the kingdom of the gnomes and the shelters of the creatures of darkness. Only the most desperate dwarves from the dead legion fight in this area. By the end of the passage of this location, it turns out that many gnomes died and became creatures of darkness, and one of them became a uterus (the creature that gives birth to all this abomination). We kill the queen, after which the path opens to us in the last location of the deep paths - the Anvil of the Void. As soon as we get into it, Branka comes out to meet us. She is alive and well, but... completely crazy. Having blocked the entrance so that we don’t run back, she wants to avoid the traps in the corridors leading to the anvil at our expense. There is no choice, so we agree. There will be three dangerous rooms in total. In the first one, you will need to turn off the gas by pulling 4 levers on the walls, and also kill the gradually reviving golems. In the second, you will need to disarm 2 floor traps with blades (Leliana does an excellent job with this) and get rid of several more golems. In the third room the test will be more serious. A strange setup will generate the souls of gnomes (very strong ones, by the way). This will go on forever if you don't do the following. As soon as you kill one of the souls, immediately click on the anvil (there are only 4 of them) that begins to glow. Then it will shoot fire ball, causing damage to the installation itself. About 6-7 such shots and the battle will be won. Now we go to the anvil hall. There we will meet Karidin himself in the guise of an iron golem. He will tell us about the second side of the coin of creating an army of golems on an anvil. It turns out that in order to breathe life into a stone, you need to take life from a living creature. Many dwarves were killed at one time to fill the army of golems to protect Orzammar. Caridin will ask us to destroy the anvil and free him from the thousand-year burden of responsibility. At this moment, the weak-willed Branka will come running and suggest that we not destroy the anvil, saying that this is the key to victory over the creatures of darkness. The choice is ours. Personally, I ultimately chose Caridin’s side and killed Branca. After the battle, Caridin forges a crown for the future king of Orzamar and commits suicide.
Note: if you choose Branka's side, the battle will be a little more difficult, because... Caridin is almost immune to magic, and hits much harder than Branka. In this case, the crown for the king of Orzammar will be forged by Branca, and in final battle Golems will fight for you, not ordinary gnomes.

Returning to Orzammar, at the next meeting of the council, we ourselves will name the future king and give him the crown forged by the Perfect One. If you choose Lord Harrowmont, Belen will start a fight right in the council chamber. We send him to a meeting with the stone, after which we speak with Harrowmont. He rewards you with a staff, fulfills his promise and begins to gather troops to fight the Pestilence.
Note: if you crown Belen, the first thing he will do is execute Harrowmont, then give you his brother’s hammer and send troops to fight the Blight.
In any case, Orzammar's support will be received.

Minor quests
Mother's Hope
Filda, a woman from the common halls, asked to find her son Rook, who disappeared 5 years ago in the deep paths. And although it’s almost incredible, the guy survived. You will find him in the Ortan tag according to the plot of the game. Whether you tell Filda the truth about Rook’s fate or not is up to you; it will not affect the completion of the quest or the reward.

Song of the Deep Paths
You need to put in a good word for Brother Burkem with the Chronicler of the Chronicles. A gnome priest wants to open Andraste's church in Orzammar, but this goes against the 2000-year-old canons of the gnome religion. So, let's go to the diamond halls and the house of the guardians. With his persuasion skill up to 3, he can be persuaded that opening a church will benefit the untouchables by providing them with medicine and work. You can also simply scare the great chronicler that soon an army of people will come and forcibly convert all the gnomes to their faith. One way or another, he will give Brother Burkem permission to open the church.

Unprecedented scientist
In the community halls you will meet the girl Dagna, the daughter of the gunsmith Janar. She is very interested in magic and although she has no ability for it, she still wants to study the theory in the tower on Lake Calenhad. We agree to help her. We go to the tower of magicians and talk with Irving (naturally after saving the circle from the possessed). He will be very happy about this desire for magic from a dwarf child and will give the owl his consent. Then it's up to you. You can persuade Dagna to stay to help her parents in the forge, or you can convey Irving’s words to her, after which she will leave Orzammar. One way or another, the quest will close.

Precious metals
The bandit Rogek in the dusty city will offer you a deal. You can, of course, be rude to him and kill him, but if your conviction level is up to level 3, or even better, level 4, then you still need to make a deal. So, we buy lyrium from him for 40 gold (don’t be afraid to lose such huge money, you will get 1.5 times more in the end). By the way, initially lyrium is sold for 50 gold, but we know how to convince.
Now we go to the tower of magicians to see Godwin (this is the eccentric who, during the invasion of the possessed, was holed up in a closet on the second floor). We sell him lyrium. He offers 50 gold, naturally we do not agree to this and again use eloquence. If you have a level 3 persuasion skill, then you will receive 60 gold for lyrium, if 4, then 75. After the deal, do not be lazy to ask Godwin about the details of why he needs so much Lyrium. Very interesting details will be revealed about the relationship between magicians and templars. We blackmail Godwin, threatening to tell everything to the chief templar Gregor, as a result of which we receive a ransom for silence of 8 gold. Now we return to Orzammar to Rogek and receive money for working as an intermediary. Initially, you agreed on 20 gold, but the dwarf will want to deceive you and offer only 10. We turn on persuasion or intimidation and get the promised money. Total: -40+60 (75)+8+20=48(63) gold in the black.
Note: The quest can only be taken if you have 50 gold in your wallet.

Zerlinda's grief
A poor woman from the dusty city of Zerlinda, after donating 5 silvers, will tell you her story. Her child is untouchable and her parents set a condition for her: either she gets rid of the child, and then she is left in the caste, or she is expelled along with her offspring. She chose the second option and is now forced to eat slop. We agree to help. You can try to convince her father, who drinks at the Tavern Tavern (this will require persuasion skill 3), or you can tell Zerlinda about life on the surface. In the first case, she will return home with the child, in the second, she will go to the surface with him. One way or another, the quest will be completed.

Lost records
In the archives of the chroniclers we will meet a girl named Orta, she is looking for records about the homeland of her ancestors - the Ortan teiga. We agree to help, especially since we still have to find this tag in the plot of the game. The documents will be in a chest in the middle of the desired location. Returning to Orzammar, give them to Ortha, then meet her in the council chamber to receive your reward.

Thief in the academic house
The Chronicler's Assistant will complain to you that daring thief stole one ancient book from the untouchables. We agree to help. We go to the dusty city and a little further from Rogek there will be a gnome similar to the description given to us by the chronicler's assistant (bald with a tattoo all over his face). We interrogate him, rip open his belly and find... no, not a stolen book, but evidence that will lead us to it - a receipt from the arena. Let's go to the testing arena. The gnome we need will be in the left wing. I don’t remember his name, but by the mark on the map you will understand that it is him. After a short conversation, the buyer of stolen goods will get into a fight. In vain. We take the book from his corpse. Now you have 2 options: you can sell the book yourself to the dwarf Jorthrin, standing next to the deceased, or you can honestly return it to the chroniclers. For returning the book to the chroniclers, you will receive nothing but gratitude, and you will receive several gold pieces from the gnome.

Lost Naga
There will be a naga beater standing near the entrance to the diamond halls. Talk to him, he will tell you that all his animals have fled and his business is closed. In order for him to get back into business, he needs to catch at least one naga. The nearest animal stands two steps away from the beater. We catch it and give it to him. Now he will buy all the captured nagas from us for a small amount of silver.

Glorious overlander
Traveling along the deep paths, you will find parts of a broken ancient elven sword:
Ephesus - at the crossroads of Karidina
pommel - in the Ortan teig
blade - in dead ditches
Having collected all three parts, the resting place of the owner of this sword will be revealed to you. It is located in the caves of the Ortan teig. You may have already been there in advance. It's no big deal, just go back to the sarcophagus and put all three parts of the sword in it. The weapon will become whole again and will serve you in the fight against enemies. The blade is quite powerful, with three sockets, so I highly recommend completing this quest.

In pieces!
While exploring the caves of the Karidina intersection, you will come across 3 bags with the remains of some kind of creature. Having collected all the bags, go to the Ortan teig location. There you will see an altar. Reunite all remains. The creature will come to life. Then you have two options: kill her again or demand a reward for saving her. The second option is preferable, because firstly, the creature is very strong and it is not so easy to kill it, and secondly, for killing you, alas, you will not receive anything except experience (the demon’s body cannot be searched). So take 25 gold as a reward and go get drunk at the nearest pub.

Wanderers' treasure
Traveling along the deep paths, you will find records of certain wanderers. Having collected all the records, you will find out the place where the treasure lies. Just find it by the mark that appears on the map at the Karidina intersection.

Dead Castle
Traveling around Dead locations ditches, you will find pieces of armor of the legion of the dead. Once you have collected all the pieces, you will learn the location of the unmarked grave. Just find it using the mark that appears on the map. In the grave you will find the emblem of the caste of the dead, with which you can give the Legion of the Dead a noble position (to do this, just read the right book in the guardian's house).

Golem records
As will become known from the plot, golems were either volunteer gnomes, criminals, or untouchables. So in the main hall of the Anvil of the Void location you will find stone slab with a list of the names of all these unfortunate gnomes. Copy it onto a piece of paper and take it to the chroniclers in Orzammar. The chief chronicler will promise us an artifact as a reward.
Note: I had a bug here, they didn’t give me the artifact. However, the quest will be completed in any case.

Key to the city
Another task that becomes active only after you collect all the necessary records. In the city, look for information about the internal foundations and customs of Orzammar. When you have all of them, an entry will appear in your diary stating that you now know the location of the council members’ hiding place. We go to the council room, there will be a giant box in the left wing, we search it and take away a ring in the shape of a key with very, very strong parameters.

Outlandish means
In the royal palace you will find a sick dwarf woman. If you ask the doctor (he stands next to her bed) if we can help with anything, he will give a prescription and ask us to hurry up. The recipe will appear from your companion who knows the art of the herbalist (for example Morrigan):
you will need 4 elven roots, 2 concentration reagents, 2 life stones and one flask. We make a potion and give it to the patient. That's the whole quest.
Note: To complete the quest you need the maximum level of herbalist art.

Jammer's stash
Traveling through Jarvia's lair, you will find 3 chests (Kanka, Pike and Jammer himself), which seem to contain valuable items (rings, amulets, etc.). but when you try to pick them up, you will receive damage, and the trinkets themselves will not appear in your inventory. To avoid taking damage and injury from traps, take the cheapest item from each chest. As soon as you open the last chest, the location of Jammer's real treasure will be marked on the map. Go there and receive a reward for your efforts.

Encased in stone
Taken after reading the inscriptions on the throne of Orzammar in the palace (Diamond Halls). Need to switch to single player mode and arrange the companions correctly: take one out of the hall and place it on the square in front of the entrance to the throne room. Two more need to be placed on such small arrows in the hall itself (they are located on the left on the floor near the wall with a window behind which lava flows). The latter approaches the throne and presses the "eye". The dragon comes running. We unite the party again and kill him, after which we take a good two-handed sword from the corpse.
Note: This quest can only be completed before choosing the Dwarf King, after which the throne stops lighting up and the task cannot be taken.

Naga Beater Bemor stands in the Commons near the entrance to the Diamond District. He will complain that all his nagas have fled throughout the city, and now he will have to close the case. Offer him your help, and he will tell you that even one naga will be enough for him to improve matters.

As soon as you agree to capture him, nagas will appear in different nooks and crannies around the city. Catch one and take it to Bemor. He will pay you 12 silvers and the task will be completed. However, you can catch and bring him the rest of the nagas to get the same 12 silver, only he pays not per piece, but immediately per batch, so it’s more profitable to take them one by one, rather than in bulk.

Animals can be found in the following places:

  • At the checkpoint to the Deep Roads;
  • Near the Figora store;
  • On the bridge before the entrance to the Orzammar Trials;
  • In the alley behind the Janara store;
  • Near Brother Berkel.

After you take five of them to Bemor, he will say that you have caught all the nagas in Thedas and you can’t get anything else from him.

Note 1: a bug may occur when Bemor says that there are still uncaught nagas.
Note 2: If you give Leliana a tame naga in the Commons, you can catch it and hand it over to Bemor.

Mother's Hope

In the Community Halls near Janara's workshop you will find the gnome Filda, praying to her ancestors to help her find her son Ruk, who was lost on the Deep Paths. Offer her your help.

You can find Ruka in the Ortan taiga. He will start running away from you, follow him to his camp, where he lives, feeding on the flesh of the creatures of darkness. You can kill Rook, or you can convince or intimidate him so that you can talk and trade with him (he has several good things for sale, as well as a couple of gifts for party members). If you decide to spare him, he will tell you why he fled to the Deep Roads and ask you not to tell his mother about his fate.

If you agree to lie to Filda about being dead, Wynn will approve.

If Zevran is in the group, then after finishing the conversation with Rook, he will offer to kill him and you will have to do it. If you still want to avoid this, end the conversation through the trade window.

If Stan is in the party, he will not allow Filda to lie about the fate of her son and will tell her the truth.


As a reward for completing the task, you can receive experience, money or the Shield of the Hand (small shield, steel, defense: 1.50, protection from projectiles: 2.25, +10% to spirit resistance, +4 to attack).

If Rook is still alive and you lied to Filda about his death, you will receive experience and a shield. If you killed him but lied about it, you will only gain experience.

If you killed him and tell her the truth, she will curse you and, again, you will only gain experience. If you decide not to look for him and tell Filda that you looked but didn't find anything, she will give you money.

If you kill Rook, there is an opportunity to receive experience, gold and a shield as a reward. To do this, select the option "I doubt you want to hear this" and then lie to her about how he died heroically for a long time back.

Note: If you talked to Rook before you received the quest, you can still complete it if you return to Orzammar, talk to Filda, and then talk to Rook again. However, this must be done before entering the Anvil of the Void location - after the coronation, Field will disappear.

Unprecedented scientist

If you agree to talk to the mages, Wynn and Leliana will approve.

If you tell Janar about his daughter's request before she joins the Circle, he will ask you to talk her out of it. Alternatively, return and convince her to stay in Orzammar.

If you decide to convey her request to the magicians, then first you need to finish story mission"Broken Circle" Whether they will agree to accept Dagna to study in the Circle depends on whose side you took: the magicians or the templars. Knight-Captain Gregor will be against her studying in the Circle, and First Sorcerer Irving, on the contrary, will say that it will be an interesting experience.

Return to Dagna and tell her about the Circle's decision. If you say that they don’t want to accept her or that the Circle has been destroyed, she will go there herself, without permission. If you tell her that she is expected at the Circle, she will thank you and reward you with a large potion of lyrium or a dweomer rune.

Note: if Dagna goes to the Circle, Janar will be very unhappy with this and will stop trading with you. If you don’t want to lose your merchant, don’t talk to him about your daughter.

Outlandish means

In the southwest room of the royal palace, the herbalist Vidron is trying to cure his patient Lady Broadens, who was poisoned by an exotic poison. To help him, you need to bring an antidote made from rare and expensive ingredients:

  • Elven root – 4;
  • Stone of life – 2;
  • Concentrating reagent – ​​2;
  • Flask - 1.

To prepare an antidote, a character or party member must possess maximum level herbalism skill. Create a potion and give it to the patient. You will receive experience as a reward.

Lost records

The gnome Orta is looking for some records of House Ortan to prove that she comes from this house. Teig Ortan was lost during the last Blight, and there are virtually no records of him left. However, Orta's mother's family believed that they were descended from the youngest daughter of the house, Kelana Ortan, who was studying in Orzammar at the time the thaig was lost.

You can receive the task either personally from Orta, who you will find in the halls of the Guardians, or by taking papers from a chest in the Ortan thaiga, not far from the place where you meet Ruk. Return these papers to Orta so that she can show them to the Council with a demand that her family be restored to title and inheritance.

To complete the task, talk to her again in the Council chambers. You can request more money To get 5 gold, you can ask her to vote for one of the candidates or ask nothing in return, gaining experience.

In any case, if you leave Orzammar and then return there again, Orta will give you 10 gold.


Leliana can be found in a tavern in Lothering. She herself will ask you to take her into the group immediately after the battle, which will begin automatically after your meeting.

Special gifts for Leliana are the "Grace of Andraste" flowers, which grow in the Brecilian Forest, at the mill in Redcliffe and in the Elvenage in Denerim, and the naga, which the Idle Dwarf can catch for you in Dusty Town. (To do this, talk to the naga catcher Boernor in the Unknown Region with Leliana in the group, and then talk to her again - otherwise the option to ask the Idle Dwarf to catch a naga will not appear for you.) Of the rest, she will gladly accept religious symbols related to to Andraste, and beautiful shoes.

Leliana can teach you the Bard specialization.

Quest - Leliana's Past

If you've already talked to Leliana about her past, you know that she was a bard in Orlais and that her mother was from Ferelden. You must leave the camp and return to it again so that Leliana will tell you about Marjolein, her former friend and mentor. After this conversation, when you are traveling around the world map with Leliana in the group, you will be attacked by a squad of robbers. This will be a very narrow passage, and the group of attackers will include an elite archer and a mage (regular), so be careful. Of course, it all depends on the composition of your group, your level and your favorite tactics, but if you suddenly have problems with this encounter, I recommend taking out the mage first and at least immobilizing the archer leader while you deal with the rest. (As an option, immediately throw all your strength at the leader, since when you take away almost all his lives, the battle will end.) The bridge there, by the way, is protected by a fireball trap.

After you have dealt with the attackers and are almost done with the leader, Leliana will ask you not to kill him in order to interrogate him. From him you will learn that the robbers were hired specifically to kill Leliana, and you will receive an address where you can find the one who ordered the murder. After that, you can kill the mercenary or release him on all four sides - it’s up to you.

Leliana will suggest that Marjolein is behind all this and will offer to find her in Denerim. If you agree, you will earn Leliana's approval. In Denerim the right house will be marked on the map. It is located in the Shopping District. You'll have to fight two guards when you enter it, but they're unlikely to pose a problem to you. After the fight, go into the room - and Marjolein will meet you.

The conversation with Marjolein can end peacefully or not, depending on your desire. If you tell Leliana, "You know she'll haunt you as long as she lives," you'll have to fight her. Marjolein will summon two mages and two warriors to help her, but if you quickly retreat to the door to the street, she will follow you, and the rest may be left behind. Mages almost always remain in their rooms, but warriors can stay or follow Marjolein.

Marjolein is a very powerful bard. I recommend not crowding around her with the whole group - sometimes she uses a bard’s skill, which paralyzes everyone nearby (but also the bard himself), in this case she is quite easy to kill by that ally who did not fall into her sphere of influence.

Be careful - there is a trap in front of both rooms with magicians.

When you kill everyone (or let Marjolein go in peace), Leliana will state that she needs to think and that she will talk to you later. (Don't forget to check the chest in one of the rooms - there is one of the best bows in the game, which only Leliana can use. You will receive the bow regardless of whether Marjolein remains alive or not.)

Talk to Leliana at the camp. In this conversation, you will have a chance to “toughen up” her character. This will not have a special impact on the game - except that in the "Pearl" in Denerim you will have a chance to persuade her to "triangle" with you and Isabella and in very rare cases - to "quadrangle" with you

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Completing companion quests in Dragon Age: Origins

Companions will join you in different places and at different levels of the game. In order for a character to want to join you, and also for you to have a good relationship, you need to choose the right tone in a conversation with him. I advise you to save before starting a conversation, otherwise you risk losing your companion if you choose the wrong answer. Also, if the conversation is successful, the companion receives a bonus to his characteristics.

First to join you Alistair in Ostagar, at the beginning of the game. He is happy to join the Gray Wardens, as he is bored with the quiet life, and is not at all happy with the prospect of joining the ranks of the Templars, and the latter also find little pleasure in this.

A key character, you need to talk to him often, during long conversations he will give a personal task: visiting his sister in Denerim. During the quest, you can and should toughen the character of your companion. After talking with Alistair's sister, Goldanna, choose the answer option "Every man for himself" and during a conversation in the camp later, confirm your words. If after the conversation you console Alistair, this will not have a positive effect on his fate in the end.

Alistair is a human warrior, specialization Templar. He'll make it good tank, if you manage your skill leveling correctly. To put on armor, upgrade your strength. Upgrade your warrior skills and shield. You also need dexterity. You shouldn't upgrade your templar skills.

A character may die or leave you during the Landsmeet. If he falls in love, he gives the object of his affection a rose. This is only possible in relation to a female character.

Special Gifts. In Dragon Age: Origins, you need to give gifts to your companions to improve your relationship with them. Each companion has his own preferences, Alistair, for example, prefers figurines of magical creatures and rune stones, and special gifts for him will be the “Amulet of Alistair’s mother,” which can be found in Earl Eamon’s office in Redcliffe Castle, and “Duncan’s Shield,” which will be possible to obtain before Land Assembly, release Hou from prison Gray Warden Riordan, then talk to him in Eamon's mansion about the Guardians' warehouse. Riordan will give you the key to the cache that has now appeared there. You will find the warehouse in the shopping district.

Your second companion, or rather companion, will be Morrigan, who will join you after the Battle of Ostagar. Also a key character, he will remain with you until the end of the game. Human, werewolf mage, herbalist, knows how to brew potions. It is useful to pump up her cold magic; the “Cone of Ice” spell affects all bosses. Morrigan is not a gift, she has a quarrelsome character, and does not like to do good deeds. You need to give her gifts to calm her temper a little. She will give a personal quest when she receives a special gift: “Black Grimoire”, you will find it during the passage of the Tower of Magicians in Irving’s office.

If he falls in love, he gives him a ring. Falls in love exclusively with male characters. Will be in an intimate relationship with the hero only until the moment this relationship reaches the “love” mark.

Gifts for her will be jewelry; they can be bought from the gnome in the camp. Special gifts will be the same Grimoire, the “Grimoire of Flemeth” and the “Golden Mirror”, which the merchant Givin has in Orzammar. Morrigan will leave before the final battle if her proposal made after the Landsmeet is refused.

The next companion in Dragon Age: Origins will be Dog. If you are a human noble, you simply pick up the dog from the kitchen, the rest need to do the quest with the hound in Ostagar. He prefers bones as gifts, although this is not necessary, he loves you anyway, and bones can be given to the most harmful of companions. If you talk to your dog and ask him if he sees anything interesting, there is a chance that he will bring back something really valuable. From time to time, send him on a search, he can bring wine, give it to Ogren, give the pie and tattered trousers to whoever you want. If there was a conversation between Winn and Stan about the Ferelden frosts, then the skein of woolen thread brought by the dog will be useful to Winn to knit something warm for Stan. There is a chance to find unique thing- boots from ancient elven armor. This part of the kit can no longer be obtained.

If the dog marks the territory (I think you understand what I mean), then its fighting qualities in this area will increase.

Next satellite - Lillian. The person, a robber, needs a developed Cunning, since her specialization is picking locks and carrying wallets. Bard. She will join you during a skirmish with Loghain's soldiers at the Dane's Hideout Tavern in Lothering. You need to be as careful as possible with her, save before talking to her, because one wrong word said will forever discourage her from talking and giving you any task. Talk to her more often, otherwise you may miss the moment of the necessary conversation, which will lead to the same consequences.

To receive a personal task, you must have at least +25 approval. Ask her about her reasons for going to church and about minstrelsy. She will tell you about Marjoline, and when you move between locations with Liliana in the group, you will be attacked by robbers, whom she recognizes as those who came after her. Interrogate the robbers and deal with Marjoline. As a result, you will receive a bow that only Liliana can use. Talk to Liliana about the church, that being a Bard is not bad, that you need to be yourself and live the way you like. In the process, it turns out that she still wants to live life to the fullest, and she was bored in church.

Liliana is gay, her last love was a woman, and if you get to know her better, you will find out that she does not have very good memories of relationships with men. But if your hero is a man, and you have enough patience and desire, then you can win her heart. Compliment her on her appearance, and talk to her about what someone like her did at church. If you have patience and talk with her about such feminine things as hairstyles, shoes, etc., then in the future Liliana will tell interesting legends and sing songs. If your hero is a woman, then Liliana herself will start a conversation about relationships. She will start with a phrase about how glad she is to see you. Having asked her whether she often enjoys female company so much, she will answer with the phrase “What if I say that it happens sometimes? What will you answer? If you want to romance her, this is where you should giggle. If you already had an affair with her, which ended in a break, then after completing the personal quest you will be able to resume it. Liliana will turn out to be a faithful companion, and if she has an affair with the hero, then she will stay with you until the end. But this is only until the hero (heroine) gets married, even if this happens solely for the sake of profit. She will leave immediately.

Gifts for her will be jewelry, blue shoes and the Silver Sword of Mercy, which can be bought from the gnome encountered when moving between locations, as well as Symbols of Andraste. Special gifts for Liliana: Grace of Andraste, these flowers can be found in the Bressilian Forest, in Redcliffe at the Mill and in Elfinage. Tame Nag: If you don't have love or friendship, she won't ask for it. If she asked, then when you are in Orzamar with Liliana in the group, take the task to capture the nagas from the driver, and then hire the Idle Dwarf in Dusty city, so that he would find a clean and well-fed wild naga.

If you did not talk to Liliana during the personal quest about the church and did not convince her not to fall into fanaticism, then she will become your enemy if you desecrate the remains of Dust with dragon blood Holy Urn Andraste. If they “sobered up” her, then even after that she will remain with the hero.

The next satellite will be Stan. Specializes in two-handed weapons, the main parameter is strength. But don’t pump everything into strength, pump up your agility as well, otherwise there will be a lot of misses on target.

Doesn't like magicians, won't approve of the desire to preserve the circle of magicians. I don’t recommend taking him to clear the Mage Tower. He will only be glad if all the magicians are destroyed, and will do everything possible for this, but getting rid of the magicians is unprofitable; they will play a very large role in the final battle and in many quests.

You will find the wall in a cage in Lothering. You can open it either with a master key, or go with Liliana to the church, and after she vouches for you, the priestess will give you the key. He will give you a personal task if you have enough approval points. Talk to him about the past, about why he did not return with a report after collecting information for the Qunari. Or about the reasons why he killed the peasants, then about the sword. He lost his sword at the entrance to the Lake Calenhad location. Interrogate the marauder, go to the Frosty Mountains, and there you will find out the name of the buyer of the sword. It will be Dvin from Redcliffe. Go to him and demand the sword back. If Sten is with you, then Dvin will not say anything about compensation for losses, but if Sten is not there, then you will have to pay a large sum.

Doesn't start romantic relationships. If you earn respect, he will invite you to travel with him to the lands of the Qunari.

Paintings will be gifts for him.


Another mage companion in Dragon Age: Origins. Specialization: spiritual healer. Its purpose is to heal the group, resurrect in battle, and buff the group.

An integral, non-conflict personality, who will support in difficult times, knits warm clothes for Wall. She is a little biased towards elves, and this is most likely due to Zevran, who turned all conversations into attempts to cry on her chest, which could not leave Wynn indifferent. In this regard, she approves of the hero by as much as +7 points when he seduces an elf in the Dalish camp.

She will join you while clearing the Circle Tower, offer her help, and after completing the quest, invite her to go with you to fight the Pestilence. She will give a personal quest if the approval is more than 25. There are many dialogues available with Wynn, but to get the quest, you need to talk to her about her past, about whether she regrets anything. If you find out that her student has disappeared, ask about him in the Dalish camp. You will find him in the cleared location of the Bressilian Forest, where the hermit's stump stands. Talk to him, receive a reward and Winn's gratitude.

Gifts for her will be books and scrolls. The merchant in Lothering has a bottle of wine for Wynn. All other alcoholic drinks are for Ogren.

You will lose Wynn if you decide to destroy all the mages during the quest in the Mage Tower. She also won’t like it very much if you desecrate the remains of the Ashes of Andraste’s Sacred Urn with the blood of a dragon. There were cases when the hero quarreled with her after becoming a blood mage, but in my case everything was fine, she did not react to these spells in any way.


Poison specialist, killer, elf. Upgrade his killer skills and skill in handling weapons in both hands. You need dexterity and a little strength. It is optimal to place it behind the enemy’s back, and do not forget about poisons. Works great together with Morrigan. Doesn't like it when vows are broken. Advice: when you leave the ruins, in a conversation with Zatrian, promise him protection only if he does not attack first; if you promise it just like that, and then talk to him about lifting the curse, Zevran will not like it very much. Doesn't like it when elves are offended.

He is very partial to females; everyone, including Winn, came under his attention. His reasoning and advice regarding romantic relationships should not reach children's ears. Joins you after completing the first story quest. Your actions attract the attention of the authorities and when you move to another location you will see a video in which Loghain hires a representative of the assassins’ guild. Now, during the next transitions from location to location, you can expect ambushes with traps and archers. After destroying the enemies, decide for yourself - you can kill Zevran, or you can take him into your service.

After receiving the quest to save Queen Anora, when moving to another location, you will meet a group of Ravens. You need to fight with them, always in a group with Zevran. If your relationship with him is bad, then he will go over to their side, although at this point in the game the relationship can with great difficulty remain bad, because even simple chatter improves his attitude towards you. After the Ravens are beaten, Zevran says he could leave, but you don't see any strong desire to do so. At the camp he will thank you for getting rid of the Ravens. If you are having an affair, then his attitude towards you will increase to “love”, and he will give you an earring. If there was no romance, now there will be an opportunity to start one.

Zevran gives preference to women, but does not disdain relationships with men due to his former profession. But still, without hints from the male protagonist, he will not show initiative. After completing the personal quest, when you saved him from the Ravens, he will change a lot, he will stop pestering women.

If the hero or heroine becomes king (queen), then Zevran remains with the hero. If you have an affair, and the hero dies, then Zevran goes to the Ravens, destroys everything and everyone there, becomes the head of the organization and is sad for the rest of his life, and does not start new novels.

Gifts for him will be bars of precious metals. Special gifts: Dalish deerskin gloves, can be found in the Bressilian forest, in the trap camp, Antivan leather boots, they are in a chest in the Vault. Don't let his attitude towards you drop to its lowest point. In this case, he will either turn against you in the battle against the Ravens, or he will simply want to leave.

Another satellite - Oghren.

A dwarf warrior who carries a two-handed weapon. Unlike Sten, he has a bonus not to strength, but to physique, and otherwise level him up the same way as Sten. It is worth listening to the dialogues with Ogren during the obligatory chat in some areas.

She will join you when you go looking for the Perfect One, in Orzamar, when you meet at the exit to the Deep Paths.

To receive a personal quest, you need to talk to him about a woman named Felsi. Talk to her at the tavern at Lake Calenhad Marina. Now go to her with Orgen. You can help him establish a relationship with her by telling him the right phrases during a conversation.

He likes to drink and will be glad to have a drink as a gift. Watch his attitude towards you; if his approval drops, he will leave. In this case, you can persuade him to stay, challenge him to a fight, and in the end either kill him, or force him to stay, or drive him away.

Sheila, satellite from additional content Dragon Age: Origins.

Joins after completing the quest Stone prisoner. To receive a personal quest, talk to her about Karidin after completing the quest in Orzamar. Now go with her to the Deep Paths, a new lock has opened there, clear it and talk to Sheila again.

Gifts for her are precious stones.

Will also leave the party if approval drops too low. In addition, if the character decides to keep the Anvil of the Void, the golem will also leave the party, and it does not matter whether he is in the group at the moment or remains in the camp.


If you don’t kill him after the “Gathering of the Lands,” you can force him to become a Gray Warden. True, Alistair will not like this very much, so he will leave. If you toughened him up, as advised above, he will marry Anora, remove himself from the board, but still leave the party. If you haven't toughened it up, he'll just get drunk. Gifts for Loghain will be maps and historical documents.

Interesting Facts

We go to the circle tower. We speak with the first sorcerer Irving about Dagna. The quest "Unprecedented Scientist" has been completed. Next, in the rooms of the senior magicians, we speak with Godwin, the quest “Precious Metals” is completed. We go back to Orzammar, on the way there is an attack by the creatures of darkness on the gnomes, we help the gnomes deal with the monsters. We arrive in Orzammar and tell Dagna that she will be accepted into the circle of magicians. We hand over the quest "Precious Metals" to Rogek. We go to the camp, give Morrigan the “Golden Mirror”, and also give gifts to the rest of the companions. We talk with Ogren, find out the details of his life in Orzammar. We speak with Leliana and Alistair. Let's go to Denerim. We hand over completed quests to the innkeeper in the "Bitten Nobleman" tavern and take the new "Severe Measures". We talk with “Master Ignacio” and agree to work for him. The first quest is read to us, since we have already finished with Pedan a long time ago. In the chest we find “Contract for Kadan-Fe mercenaries” and “Contract for Ambassador Gainley.” We go to the Genitivi House, talk with Waylon, expose him in a lie, he attacks our squad and dies. We find the “body of the real Veylon”, and in the chest nearby “Steel Symbol of Andraste” and “Genitivi Research”. Now we have the village "Shelter" on the map. We go to the Kdan-Fe Shelter and deal with the mercenaries. We head back to Denerim. On the way to the pearl, an attack occurs (according to the quest "Severe Measures"). We deal with the bandits, on the body of “Assistant K.” We find the map "Path to Shelter". We go to "Vault K." Let's deal with "K." and his people. The quest "Severe Measures" has been completed.
