How many tiles are there in a Domino game? Rules of classic entertainment. Fish (in dominoes) Combinations of win-win domino moves

Domino - board game which used to be very popular. Plus was the mobility and fascination of the game.

Compact size when transporting and takes up little space in the process of unfolding standard combinations of dominoes.

One session of the game consists of several rounds with a certain number of points. Often, entire mini-tournaments are held. You can play dominoes at any age.

It is a set of rules determined by the skill level of the players. There are the simplest interpretations and rules that will become clear even for beginners.

There is a children's domino, which is intended for middle-aged children. If this game is understandable for children, then any adult can learn to play.

Domino rules for beginners:

  • The most understandable principle of playing dominoes is to line up the bones, to match the number of points. Thus, a series circuit is built.

    There are certain nuances that determine the moments of the end and the beginning of the game, the case when the player does not have a bone with the required number of points.

  • Classical dominoes involve the participation of two to four players. For two, 7 dice are distributed, for three or four - 5 elements per participant.

    In the classical version, the bones are called "stones". The rest of the bones are laid on the wrong side. This collection is called the "bazaar". The first move is made by the player who has a die with points 6 and 6.

    The bone is called a double. The next player must place a stone where there are six points on one of the spaces. If there is none, you should pull the bone from the general "bazaar".

  • In classical dominoes, there is such a thing as "fish", "cross". When the move is closed with a dubbing stone according to the points of the previous bone.

    The one who completes the laying out of their stones wins. Often such a game ends with a fish. Sometimes a person has stones left when laying out a “fish”, then the rule for scoring changes.

  • The end of the game does not determine the winner. Players agree in advance on the maximum number of points.

    Scoring instructions: all the points left by the other players are summed up and recorded on the account of the one who completed the calculation with a fish and had no stones left. If the winner has bones left, then the difference between the points of all players and his personal points is recorded.

  • Each player tries to do without additional stones, located in the additional layout. It is great if the opponent picks up as many stones from the market as possible.

Dominoes is not only a purely mechanical game, but an activity that requires logical thinking. There is a huge variety of domino games: "Goat", "Donkey", "Telephone" and others.

The difference lies in the individual scoring system and the principle of the end of the game itself. When studying the rules, it is important to pay attention to the conceptual apparatus, that is, to know the terminology. For example, in dominoes there is such a term as "sausage".

Secrets in dominoes

Classics in the game of dominoes does not involve too abstruse combinations that lead to victory. There are secrets about how to play the game.

Regardless of the number of players and the subtype of the game, a well-thought-out move can lead to a positive outcome of the game.

Experienced players know the secrets that help get closer to victory. You do not need to memorize them, it is worth remembering only the concept of conducting a “battle”.

Important! main feature winning combination is the number of players. You will have to take into account the possible combinations of bone points of each of the participants. This is the main condition for success.

It is as simple as possible to calculate the options for the moves of opponents, if you play with two pairs or four. Thus, in the game, you need not only attentiveness, but also memory, logic, and the ability to correlate situational combinations. The secrets of the desktop hobby lie in simple manipulations.

What you need to consider to become a domino winner:

Secrets of the game Tricks when using secrets
Multiple duplicates If in the distribution a player comes across two stones with doubles, then you should not immediately throw them on the table. The time for laying out the bones can be determined after several moves of the opponents.
Give yourself a chance When a variety of points allows, then it is worth placing stones in such a way that opponents do not have a division with such a number of points, but you definitely have. One move is won without resorting to the "bazaar".
Follow the game This is the easiest and most accessible secret that can lead to victory. It is worth carefully monitoring the moves of opponents and clearly redistributing weaknesses players.

If the game is played in pairs, it is important to be able to correctly, but secretly for the second pair, signal your game state.

Winning Doubles Depending on the type of domino, it is important to keep a close eye on the players who are likely to have winning dice or doubles.

If you fail to win, then such attentiveness will definitely help not to become the last.

informal leader It is worth determining the leader in each round of the game. Depending on their situation, the tactics of playing against the informal leader are determined.

Sometimes you have to play along in order to worsen the situation of a weak participant, or vice versa - to resist, protecting your interest.

strong bones Depending on the intentions of the opponents, the principle of the game for oneself is determined. If the opponents are not in the best situation, then it is better to start your game with strong stones, then the victory will be quick. Otherwise, the situation is reversed.

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Learning how to play classic goat domino is not as difficult as it might seem. All you need to do is to read in detail the rules of the game for beginners that are written here. The instructions with the rules are illustrated with photo examples, so the rules are much easier to understand. After reading this article, you will not have a question How to play table dominoes?

How many bones should be in a set of dominoes

The number of bones in one set of dominoes must be 28 pieces. AT Chinese dominoes there are more bones, and in a classic domino box there are exactly 28 pieces of bones. By the way, many mistakenly ask how many chips, dominoes are in the set, correctly call bones, stones or just dominoes.

These are paired dice with the same number of points on both sides, in a set of 28 double dice there should be 7 pieces: 0-0, 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5, 6-6.

How many doubles in dominoes - 7 pieces.

How to play domino goat

We figured out what doubles are in dominoes and how many bones should be in total to play Goat (28 pieces). We proceed directly to how to play domino goat.

1 Mixing the bones
We pour the bones on the table so that the points (points) on the bones are not visible. We mix the bones well, now this pile of stones is called the "Bazaar".

2 We take dominoes
Then the players take turns taking the bones from the Bazaar, you need to take them so that other players do not see the numbers (dots) on your dominoes.

How many dominoes to distribute per player?
Depends on how many people will play, a maximum of 4 players is possible.

  • 2 players - take 7 dice each;
  • 3–4 players - take 5 dice each;

Bazaar- these are closed extra dominoes that remained after all players picked up dominoes. When there is nothing to walk with, players from the Bazaar get dominoes.

After everyone has picked up the dominoes, the game begins.

3 First move
The first stone is placed in the center of the table by the player who has the double with the lowest score in hand, 0–0, 1–1, 2–2, and so on. If no one has doubles, a simple die with a lower score is played, such as 0-1, 0-2, and so on. In the example, for two players, the smallest bone behind the number of points turned out to be 2-2.

4 Second move
After the first player, the others place their dice in turn. If the player has several domino options for walking, for example, 2-6 and 2-3, he decides which dice to place. In the example, the second player looked like a stone 2-6.

5 What to do when there is nothing to walk?
It's your turn to put the dice on the table, and you don't have the right domino in your hand. Then the player looks for suitable dominoes in the Bazaar. Each open stone from the "Bazaar" the player takes into his hand.

5 End of the game
The game ends when one of the players runs out of dice or when a "Fish" is obtained. All other players with dice in their hands begin to count points.


Before the start of the game, the players agree on how many points they will play dominoes, for example, 300 points. This means that the one who scores the first 300 points wins. After each game played, the winner gets points from the stones that were left in the hands of the losing players.

Which bone gives how many points?

  • Empty or empty-empty (0–0) - count as 25 points;
  • Bone 6–6 - count as 50 points;
  • All other stones give how many points, how many points on them. For example, a dice 1-4 is 5 points, a dice 6-4 is 10 points, a dice 3-5 is 8 points, and so on.

What does the domino fish mean?

Sometimes in dominoes there is such a situation that none of the players has a stone in their hands that can be placed to continue the game and the Bazaar has run out of bones for selection, such a situation called the Domino Fish.

What is empty and empty is empty in dominoes?

Zero, empty, empty, bald, naked, this is the name of the 0-0 stone, this is a bone on which there are no points (points).

If you have reached this part of the article, then you have read all the rules of how to play table dominoes. To consolidate and understand everything that is written in this article, try to play dominoes that are below. And remember never say chips, bones, stones or dominoes will be correct :)

You have reached the end of the page, which means that you have read all the rules of the game of dominoes and it is time for you to consolidate your knowledge in the game against real opponents.

For a long time our yards have not been filled with loud cries: “Fish! Double! There are no fierce disputes between two neighbors, playing already the sixth game, dominoes do not knock on a wooden table. Too bad it's sorely lacking. But such a picture remained in the days of the USSR. This does not mean at all that dominoes have gone out of fashion. In clubs of interest, on vacation, in the family circle, on the Internet, this game flourishes and does not slow down at all.

History of dominoes

The country that gave life to dominoes is China and it happened around the second century BC. Its prototype was a dice game, which was brought to China from India much earlier.

“Domino” is a French word that refers to the winter clothes of a priest. It was white on the inside and black on the outside. "Domino" is also a kind of masks that represent a dark and light motif.

The domino itself is a rectangle of absolutely regular geometric shape, in which one length is equal to the width multiplied by two. The rectangle itself is divided into two parts by a horizontal strip and each half shows points 1,2,3…6. The usual set for the game consists of 28 tiles, and in certain games they take a set of 32 tiles.

Types of bones for dominoes

  • In the originally conceived form, the domino game was made from ordinary bone or ivory, as well as from stone, but after millennia this game became more accessible to ordinary people and for this it was made from plastic, wood or various metals. Sometimes a deck of cards is used to play dominoes.
  • Dots are not always depicted on modern dominoes. It happens that dominoes with animals, children's cartoon characters and other pictures are created for children. For example, at the time Soviet Union very often they sold a domino game with the image of berries, while playing it, young children not only learned to think logically and memorize, but also learned the name of berry crops.

How to play traditional dominoes

  • 2-4 people play.
  • For two people, 7 bones are distributed, for three or four - 5 each. The rest are put aside in the "bazaar", from where the players will get their bones during the game.
  • The player who got the “double six” starts, or another double in descending order, if the six remained in the “bazaar” (if not a single double was caught during the distribution in the game, then they don’t go to the “bazaar”, but start with that the tile with the highest total score, e.g. 6-5).
  • The rest of the players take turns placing dice with appropriate values ​​(6-1 ; 6-2; ...). If none of the players has a suitable bone, then he needs to take one bone from the “bazaar” until the right one appears.
  • The game will end in two cases, if one of the players lays out the last stone (in this case, the winner gets the points of all other players in total) or "fish". This means that there are still stones left in the hands, but there is nothing more to report to the current layout.
  • The winner belongs to the one who has the fewest points left in his hand, the difference between the total points and his own is recorded to him. The game can be continued up to any predetermined amount, for example, 100 points.

Varieties of the game of dominoes

In eastern countries, there are more than fifty varieties of dominoes. They differ in the bones, and the number of players, and the method of scoring.


In Russia, the game under the popular name Goat has gained the greatest popularity. Basically, the rules of this game do not differ from the traditional ones (rules for the beginning of a turn, distribution by the number of players, distribution of tiles, etc.). Therefore, below we will call distinctive features this particular game:

  • the last bone remains in the “bazaar”, it is never taken away;
  • a new round is started by the player who came out the winner in this one, or the one who made the “fish”;
  • points begin to be recorded only when twenty-five or more are scored at a time;
  • when several players have the same number of points after the “fish”, then these points, or “eggs”, will be added to the one who loses in the next round;
  • the one who scored one hundred and twenty-five points or more loses, he is a “goat”.

sea ​​goat

This game is the most popular in Russia, it is active and complex, compared to other varieties of dominoes. You can play two or four (then you can play a pair on a pair diagonally). So, below are the rules of the game in "Sea Goat":

  • the points of all the losers are recorded by the only one, the first player who came out;
  • if the player has come across doubles that can be substituted in one move to different ends of the placed bones, then according to the rules of this game, this is possible;
  • the player who was the first to start recording his points, at any moment, if a double six came to him, can start the round first, and if he can win this round, he automatically wins the whole game, but if he loses with twenty-five points or more, then automatically loses the entire game;
  • if one of the players was able to finish the round with a “0-0” double, then he is the winner, this is called the “bald goat”. If the last double put by the player is “6-6”, he is also considered the winner, but only if at least one of the losers left more than 25 points in his hands;
  • when the player has only the "0-0" bone left, he totals twenty-five points, if only "6-6" - fifty points, if "0-0" and "6-6" - immediately seventy-five.

As you have noticed, the differences in the rules of the game for these varieties are very subtle, and you can choose the ways of playing dominoes yourself. There is also “Donkey”, FWW, “General”, “Sports Lotto” and many others. Each company can decide for itself how they want to play dominoes. Before the game, you can discuss the rules and write them down on paper.

AT recent times domino games through a computer in the Internet space are gaining more and more popularity. You can play with a computer, or you can play with real people through the network. The choice is yours!

In any case, take the time to get to know this wonderful game, because it develops attention, memory, logic. And it's just very nice to spend time playing with your friends. Good luck in the game!

Domino - entertainment game for adults and children. It promotes the development of memory, logic and attention. With its help, you can pass the rainy evenings and have a good time in the company. Fortunately, it is easy enough to learn how to play dominoes, both in the classic version and in more complex varieties.

Each chip has a rectangular shape and is divided into 2 halves on one side. On each part of it, from 0 to 6 points are applied, indicating points. In a classic set of 28 elements, there are 7 doubles - chips with the same number of points on both halves.

In Russia, dominoes with 28 bones are used.

The main materials for making chips are plastic, wood, metal and bone.

There are also children's dominoes. It is a rectangular chips with the image of fruits, vegetables, toys and other things that may interest the child.

In total, there are more than 40 types of dominoes in the world. There are also the most accessible, which are suitable for beginners, and require certain skills.

In addition to the classic domino, the most popular games are:

  • "Sports Domino";
  • "Goat";
  • "Sea goat";
  • "Chechev";
  • "A donkey";
  • "Telephone";
  • "General" ("General goat");
  • "Sausage";
  • "Seven".

The difference between the games is mainly due to the number of participants and the method of scoring. You can play dominoes in twos, threes or in pairs.

Classic domino rules

The classic domino is the most common variant of this game. For the party you will need a set consisting of 28 elements.

The goal is to build a chain of chips that have the same number of points.

The goal of the game is to build a consecutive chain of chips in such a way that the number of points on the adjacent halves matches. Moves are made in turn in a clockwise direction.

Number of participants

The game involves 2-4 people. You can play both by yourself and in pairs. At the same time, the number of bones that players receive differs:

  • in a one-on-one game, participants receive 7 chips;
  • in a pair game - 5 each.

The rest of the stones go unopened to the reserve, which is called the bazaar. From it, the participants take the necessary chips to continue the game.

How to walk and fight back

The right to move first has a player who has a double with the most great value(for example, 6-6). If the players do not have doubles, the right of the first move is given to the participant who has the bone with the largest number of points.

In the future, the players build a chain of stones in such a way that the number of dots on the halves of different chips is the same. For example, one end of the chain ends with 6 dots, the other end with 5. You need to find among your chips those that have 6 or 5 dots on the half, and substitute them to the corresponding end of the chain.

...there should be as many points on the half of the bone as there are on the tip of the chain.

If the player does not have the necessary element, he goes to the market and takes chips there until he gets the right one or the reserve is empty. If no matching tile is found, the move is skipped.

The end of the game comes when one of the opponents has all the chips out or there is no stone necessary to continue the game.

When playing dominoes, you need to be attentive and follow every move of the opponent. Having dice with different values ​​in your hands, think over the next move right away. Try to determine the intent of the competitor. Based on this, start the game with weak or strong bones.

How to play Goat

To play dominoes "Goat" you will need a classic set of dice in the amount of 28 pieces. The number of players is from two to four people.

All chips are turned over to the wrong side and mixed well. Each participant takes 7 or 5 stones. It is necessary to take chips in such a way that other players do not see the number of points indicated on the stones.

The goat is the most popular type of domino in Russia.

The first move is made by the participant with the smallest double or the fewest points, for example 1-1, 1-2. Next, the opponents take turns building a chain of suitable elements.

The game ends when one of the participants puts out all his chips or a situation arises when the opponents have stones, but the continuation of the game is impossible (it is called fish). In this case, the double cannot be considered the last stone.

"Sea goat"

In the games "Goat" and "Sea Goat" the rules are similar. The same number of players take part in the game. Bones are distributed according to the same principle. The first stone to enter the game is the one with the most doubles or dots.

However, there are some differences:

  1. The game ends when one player has 125 points.
  2. Points are awarded to the loser, but only in case of a set of more than 25 points. The rest of the participants in the game do not fix the loss.
  3. If one player has 5 or more doubles, then the chips are mixed and re-dealt.
  4. If a participant has two doubles at once that fit on different ends of the chain, they can be set in 1 move.
  5. When a double 0-0 remains in hand at the end of the game, 25 points are awarded. With 6-6 - 50 points. If both doubles are in the hands of one player at once, then he receives, respectively, 75 points.
  6. At the end of the game with a double 0-0, the participant who put up this bone automatically becomes the winner. Such a draw is called "Bald Goat".

The "sea goat" is not much different from the land goat, but the rules are more complicated.

Move a bone with a value of 6-6 - "move one hundred." The contestant who goes this double and finishes the round first is the winner. If, when playing a game, he has chips with a value of more than 25, he is considered a loser.


The type of game affects the scoring. In classic dominoes, the score is in favor of the player with the lowest score.

In the games "Goat" and "Sea Goat", points are considered to be the participant or pair of players who have scored the most points. In this case, points are awarded only if you score at least 25 points. If at the end of the round the player has a double 0-0, then he additionally receives 25 points. A die with a value of 6-6 adds 50 points. The game is played by agreement of the players (100, 200, 300 or 500 points).

When fish

The participant who finished the game with a fish is called a fisherman. He automatically has the right of the first move in the next round. With a fish, the game does not end in a draw. The winner is the player who, after scoring, has the fewest points on the stones.

Dummy and double dummy

A chip without dots is empty. A dummy double is also called a zero double or soap. It is forbidden by the rules to make the first move with a double of an empty. The participant who retains this stone at the end of the game gets 10 points.

The easiest way to learn how to play dominoes is during the game itself, if you have an experienced teacher. The most difficult thing to understand is the scoring and prohibitions, and the principle of the game is simple and clear. At an amateur level, you can learn to play in one evening, but to play at a professional level, you will have to spend years on training.

Each of us held dominoes in our hands. They are wooden or plastic, usually black or white with white/black dots. Everyone used to love to play dominoes. Now, of course, children play more often, but you can also see old people and adults laying out the bones in the correct order on the flat surface of the table, bench, board. It would seem, what is difficult in the correct arrangement of numbers? Let's look at the rules of the game of dominoes.

The set for dominoes includes 28 rectangular plates, divided in half by a line. On each square half of a dot, whose number can be a number from zero to six.

By the way, why bones? It is believed that this name comes from the word bones, that is, cubes. And each plate symbolizes the roll of two dice. Some sets of dominoes may include dice with more than six dots on one half, up to eighteen. Also in China, there are duplicate tiles, and none of them have empty squares. In addition, there are children's dominoes, where there can be children's or exclusive dominoes, where pictures are used instead of dots. The reverse side is usually flat, but may be covered with any of the same pattern.

Now we know what the set consists of. Let's start the game. There are usually two or four participants. If you play with two players, you need to deal seven chips, if you play four, then five. The rest should be put aside (in the house, market, reserve). The first move belongs to the one who rolled two zeros or two sixes (depending on how you agreed or what game you are playing). If no one has these dice, then you can start with any other double token, in order of seniority (that is, two deuces, two fives, and so on). If suddenly no one has doubles, they start with dominoes with the largest sum of numbers. The first chip is laid out in the center playing field. Then, one by one, they begin to attach the rest to the line. You can continue in both directions, adding the same numbers according to the rule (six to six, five to five, etc.), but sometimes a different method is used when the sum of the adjacent numbers should be equal to six (that is, the six must be answered with zero, by five by one and further according to this principle).

Be sure to remember these domino rules.

If there is nothing to post, you should take it from home until you have something to post. However, such a situation may happen that there is absolutely nothing to put on the table, and everyone has chips in their hands. It's called fish.

The winner is the one who first puts his last bone on the table (or who has the smallest amount on the chips when the fish). The rest count the amounts on their chips, and write them down on a sheet. The game is repeated again until a predetermined limit is scored (one hundred, two hundred points).

There are many types of domino games. For example, in China their number reaches forty. In Russia, the following options are known: 1. Goat. There are two, three or four players in this game. The game starts with the smallest double. In the next game, the winner of the previous round goes first. The losers write down the number of points, but only if it is thirteen or more. The game is played up to 101 points, and the loser is declared a goat. There is an option team play when four people are divided into pairs of two. In this case, the players of the same team sit opposite each other.

2. Variety of Goat. Sea Goat. This game is longer and harder than the previous one. There are two or four players (four are divided into teams). The game also starts with the smallest double, but now the winner writes down the points for himself. He considers the sum of the remaining numbers in the hands of the losers, if it is more than twenty-five, then you can write it down. But if the winner in the next round is different and he also has twenty-five points or more, your points are deducted. The game is played for 125 points. Now a few subtleties. If you have two doubles in your hands, and you can lay them out right away, then you have the right to do so. If the player who started recording points has the right to start the game with a double of sixes. If he wins, he wins the game, but if he loses by more than 25 points, he is out of the game. The one who ends the game on two zeros also wins (such a goat is called bald). If the last chip was a double six, then this is either a win (with the sum of the loser's hands from 25 points), or the next round starts with two sixes.

When calculating points, the following domino rules are taken into account. If there are only two zeros on the hands, then this is 25 points. If only two sixes, then 50 points. In the presence of only zeros and sixes 75.

In the case of fish, the steps are as follows. The player who placed the last chip (except for a double) is considered a fisherman. If the fisherman has less than 25 points and the other has more, then the fisherman wins and starts with sixes. If a fisherman is in a losing position, then you can try to write off the fish, continuing the game from any knuckle. If the fisherman wins, and the second player has more than 25 points, then the fish is written off. If it was not possible to write off in three runs, then the fisherman loses, and the winner still starts the game with sixes. If, with a fish, the sum of points in the hands of all players is equal, then eggs are obtained. They are written off only from two units. If with three times it was not possible to write off the eggs, a draw is declared. The game ends.

3. This is also a version of the Goat, but this time a sporty one. There are four players (again in two teams). Chips are placed on special stands. The right of the first move passes from team to team in turn. The number of rounds is a multiple of four. Points are recorded according to the principle of the Sea Goat, that is, the score is kept by the winner. The couple with the most points wins.

4. Donkey. The differences from the Goat in the Donkey are as follows. The game goes not in two, but in four directions. Doubles can be set in any number, at least two, at least four. Doubles can be closed, that is, turned points down. In this case, you cannot place chips in that direction. If the beginning was not from a double, then before the first open double, only a couple of doubles can be set closed. The scoring, as in Kozl, goes up to 101. If the points are less than 13, then they are remembered and deleted only after the next round, if nothing was written into it either.

5. Another kind of Goat General. The players are again two teams of two. Distribution goes on seven knuckles. To inform a teammate that you have two zeros on your hand, you need to wink, and if you have two sixes, puff out your cheeks. The chip with two units is laid out first on the table. In the event of a fish, the game does not count. Spread chips only in two directions. If the player managed to finish with two zeros or two sixes, then he is declared a general. The game will still end if there are no chips in hand.

Here the score is not on points, but on the generals in the team. The game is limited to half an hour or an hour. Just in time for lunch break. To make it more interesting, you can play with four, and six, and eight. Two teams still play, and if one loses, a third team takes over to replace it. If a team immediately received a general, then it is worth giving way to another.

6. Somewhat different game. Telephone (sometimes called Houses). Players from two to four. The first chip is a house, chips are placed in it from four sides. The game goes to 72 points.

The scoring rules are as follows. When the sum of the numbers at the ends of the tracks is a multiple of five, the player is credited with this amount divided by five. Double is equal to the sum your glasses. The winner divides the amount left in the hands of the losers by five and writes it down for himself. If not divisible, round up.

As a variant of the rules, you can set up to four takes at once. There are many more games. Finally, it is worth mentioning the English version of dominoes, which has taken root in Russia. This game is called Miggins. Two, three or four play. If there are two players, then seven chips are dealt out, if more, then five. The first player is determined by lot. You can start the game with any bone. After laying out the first double, the game develops in four directions. Points are awarded at the moment when the sum of points at the edges of the lanes is a multiple of five. Each five earns the player five points. Winning brings ten more. With a fish, the winner will be the one who has fewer points in his hand. In this case, the points won are calculated as the difference between the points of the winners and all the losers. The count is kept up to 200.

At first, it may seem to you that the rules of the game of dominoes are complex and confusing, so we recommend that you print this page and keep it in front of your eyes at first as a hint. Learn the rules of dominoes and play for fun!
