Solar panel industrial craft 2. Using a solar panel in minecraft

Energy plays an important role in Industrialcraft 2; without it, it will be impossible to use many of the mechanisms added in this modification. Generators are used to extract energy (windmill, geothermal generator, water mill, etc.), and it is also possible to extract energy using solar panels. Industrialcraft 2 solar panel- a kind of source of energy. In reality, it processes sunlight, creating electrons from it. The game essentially implements the same feature, i.e. electricity only appears in the wires when the sun is shining, so the solar panel will be of little use at night.

So, let's move on directly to crafting this device.

As you can see from the picture, to craft this mechanism you will need the following - coal dust (3 pieces), an electrical circuit (2 pieces), glass (3 pieces) and a generator. Let's analyze the crafting of each part separately in order to calculate all the resources that we will need to spend on the battery.

Coal dust can be made using crusher, by placing ordinary coal in it. I don’t think it’s worth explaining how glass is produced. The most complex parts are the generator and electrical circuits.
Let's start with the electrical circuits. They are crafted from insulated copper wires, iron plate and red dust. Craft looks like this.

Copper wires can be made from copper sheets, which in turn can be crafted by placing a hammer and a copper ingot into a crafting table. Such wires are insulated using rubber (caoutchouc), which is extracted from Hevea trees and then fired in a kiln.

Now let's move on to crafting a generator. To do this, we need the mechanism body (you can use three iron plates and iron stove), a battery and an ordinary stone stove.

To craft a battery you will need red dust (2 pieces), tin shell (4 pieces) and insulated tin wire. The reason is created according to the same scheme as the copper one. And the shell can be crafted using a hammer and tin ingots; to do this, first you need to make a plate from the ingot, and then process it with a hammer again (one battery will require 2 ingots for the shell, and one for the wire).

Assembling the mechanism body is not difficult; for it you need to get 8 iron ingots and flatten them using the same hammer. Next, place it in the workbench so that there is one unoccupied cell left in the center.

Let's summarize everything you need to craft in industrialcraft 2solarpanel: coal - 3 pieces, glass - 3 pieces, insulated copper wires - 12 pieces (6 copper ingots), insulated tin wire - 1 piece (1 ingot, and 1-2 wires will still remain), iron ingots - 10 pieces, red dust - 6 pieces, tin - 4 pieces and 8 pieces of cobblestone.

IN industrialcraft 2 solar panel crafted in this way, however, there are additions to IK2 that add more complex designs of solar panels, with their help you can save space - after all, one improved battery contains several simple batteries.

The solar battery can only be installed under clear skies, i.e. there should be nothing above it. And the option with a lamp won’t work (I’ve already tried it), i.e. it won't work at night. Even a glass ceiling will interfere - there will be no energy production. In one cycle it produces only 1 unit of energy. And in one day (namely, 10 minutes of light), if you take a calculator and count, it produces 13,050 eE.

It is also worth mentioning that such a battery will not generate energy during rain. Thus, the most convenient place where you can install it is the desert, because it doesn’t rain there and the solar battery will generate energy all day without interruption.

In Minecraft, the solar panel is one of the main sources of energy, which turns solar energy into electric current. If you have a relatively small number of such batteries in minecraft, then they are suitable for use as auxiliary energy supply systems. If you make a lot of such modules, then solar panels will help you switch to this type of energy production. When excess electricity appears in Minecraft, it can be accumulated in special energy storage facilities and batteries. In addition, the improved solar panel has a slot that can be used to charge batteries and tools.

Terms of use.

This mod, unlike traditional windmills and watermills, should be used in a 1x1 work area. That is, it will take only one block. This device cannot operate at night or in the rain. Therefore, you need to install it in mine craft only where there is direct sunlight. There should not be any blocks, glass, cables or pipes above the batteries that the BuildCraft mod has. The only exception is snow. During one day of light in minecraft, one solar panel generates up to 13 thousand eE, producing a voltage of 1 eE/f. After installing such a system in the desert, you will not be afraid of rain, since it does not happen here. The only problem for battery operation will be at night.

Like many other sources of electricity in minecraft, this panel will become available only after you install the industrial craft 2 mod. Although many people perceive it as an additional source of current, if you craft many such systems, you can completely replenish all your energy reserves. It is best to collect energy in minecraft in special batteries, which will allow you to use it on cloudy days and even at night.


In order to make one solar battery in mine craft, you need to have specific elements, as the table informs:


An efficient solar battery can be crafted from these elements. In Minecraft it needs to be installed where there is direct sunlight. A conventional or hybrid system can only operate during daylight hours. When night falls, you can use the energy stored in the batteries. If you read the craft wiki, they advise placing the device in the desert, since there is no rain or cloudiness there.

In addition, after reading the crafting wiki, you will learn that you can make a solar-powered helmet from such a device. It is very convenient to use when traveling long distances. All this will provide the crafter with the necessary level of mobility.

Advanced alternative sources.

By installing the Advanced Solar Panels mod, you will be able to use advanced energy generators in minecraft. This improved panel will not only provide more power, but also generate it on cloudy days and at night. In addition, such equipment will have increased output voltage and increased internal capacitance. Apart from the improved battery, there are other alternative power generators such as hybrid panel and super panel. They allow the use of uranium as additional energy. You can find out the recipes for making them by reading the crafting wiki. The only drawback of such systems is their higher price.

Compact Solars.

If you don't like any of the improved minecraft batteries, then you should install the CompactSolars additional mod. With its help you will get several new products at once. Their advantage is that the improved panel will take up much less space than conventional batteries. This add-on was created in order to combat lags that occurred due to overloading the server with large fields of energy sources.

One of the energy generators in Minecraft is a solar panel. Like other energy sources, this panel becomes available after installing the “Industrial Craft2” mod. It is usually perceived as an additional generator, but nothing prevents you from crafting enough of them to meet your needs. Since excess energy from the panel can be “collected” into batteries, the gifts of the Sun are also available at night and in cloudy times.

Unlike wind and hydro generators, it does not take up much space in Minecraft (one block per unit). To make one solar panel, you need to stock up on the following elements:

  • 3 coals
  • 12 copper insulated wires
  • 10 iron refined ingots
  • 4 tin
  • 3 glasses
  • 1 tin insulated wire
  • 6 redstones
  • 8 cobblestones

The actual battery components crafted from the indicated elements, their quantity and location, you can see in the screenshot.

By installing the panel in a place in Minecraft to which the rays have Free access, per day you will receive 13050 EE. Of course, the generator will not work at night, meaning during daylight hours. In the desert, even rain will not interfere with energy collection, since it simply does not happen there.

The panel can also serve as an ingredient when crafting a helmet with a solar battery. It is useful in forays over fairly long distances, providing the crafter with mobility in terms of energy.

If you install the Advanced Solar Panels add-on, you can make several other, more advanced types of generators in Minecraft. Any improved battery provides more energy than a regular one, is not so dependent on the weather and time of day (even at night and on a cloudy day it produces more electricity than a regular one), has a high output voltage and internal capacity.

You can find flaws in almost everything. Improved models also have them - they cost significantly more in Minecraft, especially the hybrid and super-panel. In the settings, you can enable the ability to craft complicated panels, the craft of which uses uranium.

In the illustrations you can see crafting recipes and characteristics of energy sources:

  • Improved solar battery (from v.3.3.4)
  • Improved solar battery (up to v.3.3.3)
  • Hybrid
  • Super panel

The following picture shows how to craft the necessary components.

And the next two illustrations demonstrate complicated recipes and crafting components for these generators.

Add-on "CompactSolars"

If none of the improved panels suits you, you can use the CompactSolars add-on, which adds a few more new features. Their trick is that they take up much less space in Minecraft (maximum 512 times). The creation of this add-on was a necessary measure designed to combat lags - the huge fields of generators were extremely loading Minecraft server. The picture demonstrates crafting.
