Oral games to help pass the time. Latest Chinese warning

So below are 4 games:

1) parallel crosses

2) sunshine

3) I take it with me on a hike

4) Tirli-Tirli-Tirli op

I repeat that the point of these games is to guess their rules. Therefore, ideally, only one person should know the rules! If the company is large, then they may know several, but most people should still not know them (with 10-15 it’s just fine).

So if you read the information below, you will FOREVER deprive yourself of the ability to guess these rules. It is better to entrust the information below to only one person in your gaming cell, after first finding out if anyone has played the games below.

Latest Chinese warning!

1) Game "crosses and parallels".

You are the Master of the game. To help your charges, you play this game with them, just like in Mao's Game. But in addition to the usual participation in the game, you must also comment on the transfer of the move.


First, you must gather people who want to play and invite them to sit in a circle. It is very important that there are no massive items/objects between you that would prevent you from seeing each other fully.

Don't focus on seating everyone! If someone did get up, then it’s okay. If 3-4 people or more have already risen, ask them to sit back down.

How to play

The first presenter is selected. He passes his turn to any other player by saying two words. There are four options:

1) cross cross

2) cross parallel

3) parallel cross

4) parallel parallel

He becomes the leader and passes his turn to the next player (including the Master and the one who just passed his turn).

As a Master, you comment on the transfer of the move with the words “correct” or “incorrect”. If necessary, remind players (and warn them in advance) not to say their guesses out loud. So as not to spoil the game for others. But you can, for example, put on a happy face and say “I got it!” :-)

You play until everyone guesses or the last remaining players give up.

The rule you need to guess is:

The words of the move transfer depend on people's feet. If the person passing the move has his legs crossed (at least at the ankles or even cross-legged), then the first word will be cross. Otherwise it’s a parallel. The second word, accordingly, also depends on the legs of the one to whom the move is passed. Crossed legs are a cross, otherwise they are parallel.

If desired, those who think they have guessed the rule can tell you in your ear or send an SMS/type it in the notes on your phone and show you the screen. We usually played until the moment when everyone didn't get it. It was very funny to watch the facial expressions)

2) Game "Sunshine""

You are again the Master of the game. Just like in the game Mao and the Parallel Crosses. From 3 to 10-15 people, but I think it’s possible with a larger number of people. Just make sure it's not too noisy. You can position yourself however you like.

How to play

The leading player passes an imaginary sun from hand to hand to any other player (including the one who gave it to him and the Master), describing it at the same time. Thus, passing the move to him. You, as a Master, comment on the transfer of the move, indicating whether it was the right sun.

The game might look like this:

I1: My sun is big, bright, beautiful! Please hold it *passes from hand to hand to player 2*

M: Correct sunshine

I2: My sun is small, evil, fights with a sickle moon and there are ghoul hamsters living on it, who pray to the fire god Rglot and wait for the Mother of Dragons! Hold

M: Wrong sun

The sun is correct if the word “please” was uttered.

Remind everyone (and warn them in advance) that guessing about the rules is not an option.

Game mode 2: If your company really likes to have a winner, you can play until someone else wins. The condition is three correct passes in a row.

If you really like the game, then the winner (mode 2) or any person you choose (mode 1) for next game chooses a new rule for determining the correctness of the sun.

3) Game "I'll take it with me on a hike"

Each player takes turns (sit in a circle or agree on the order in advance) to say 2 short statements.

1) Something about yourself in the wording “I am...”. For example, “I am an alcoholic,” “My name is Masha.”

2) What will he take with him on the hike?

You, as a Master, comment on whether this item should be taken. If you want, you can start first to set an example.

It might look like this:

M: My name is Kirill, and I will take a compass on the hike. This is a useful item and we will definitely need it.

I1: My name is Masha. I'll take matches with me.

M: No, we won’t need them. Next.

I2: I am a Programmer, I take Pterodactyl with me.

M: Yes, this is definitely what we need!

The rule that players must guess is: Take the item if its first letter matches what the player called himself. P - Programmer - Pterodactyl - take it.

Remind everyone (and warn them in advance) that guessing about the rules is not an option.

Game mode 1: Play until everyone guesses correctly, or until the remaining people give up.

Game mode 2: If your company really likes to have a winner, you can play until someone else wins. Condition - three correct subject contract.

If you really like the game, then for the next game choose a new rule for determining the usefulness of an item for a hike.

4) Game "Tirli-tirli-tirli op"

Tell the players to repeat your sequence correctly:

You put out your hand and trace any clever pattern over your fingers with the other, repeating the words “tirli-tirli-tirli op, tirli op, tirli op.”

You can come up with any of your own hand movements and words for the game.

After you do this, fold your arms across your chest without focusing on it :-) Whenever they want, everyone in turn (no matter in what order) will try to repeat your actions. And you comment on whether it was successful or not. The first person to do it correctly 3 times in a row wins. Rarely does anyone immediately understand that folding your arms across your chest is part of the necessary movements. You can think of not folding your arms over your chest, but putting them in your pocket or saying “like this” or any other inconspicuous action.

I agree that the games above have little to do with board games, but they can perfectly complement your time with friends. These games take up little space (not at all), they are free, and you won’t forget to take them with you on a visit or outdoors. And they can quite diversify your trip, get a lot positive emotions. Isn't that valuable?

I hope this post is useful to someone.

Like, hi!

What associations do you have when you hear the word “game”? Do you think that all this tops are intended exclusively for kindergarteners, and you yourself have long since left this age? Let me disagree. If your party is completely sour, you don’t know what to do at the party, and it seems that you’ve been tired of each other for a long time, this book is for you. If the sun isn’t warm, the barbecue isn’t going well and your friends’ faces make you sad – this book is for you. Or maybe you just want to fit into a new company without any problems? No problem! This book is exactly what you need. A party, a disco, a picnic in nature, and even a lecture or lesson - you can play everywhere and always! Do not believe? Read and progress! Believe me, very soon you will become the center of any party. It is you that all eyes will turn, it is you that the people will be drawn to. Not a single cool and cute character will pass you by. Why? Because you can get excited, relax and have a fun time without any problems. Of course, you will have to work harder, but only in order to learn some simple rules. But then you will forget what boredom is. Your parties will become the most advanced, at the disco you will be in great demand, people will start lining up to sit at the same desk with you! Your parents don't understand you? Invite them to play! You'll see, even the most backward and busy people will be drawn into the game with pleasure, and, very possibly, you will finally begin to understand each other. Well, if your parents are not at home and “you’re already allowed” - especially don’t put this book down! Do you want to be closer to your favorite character, but don't know how to tell him about it? Play, and it may very well be that your relationship will soon become exactly the way you want!

Playing is cool! Playing is fashionable! Playing is fun!

Stop drinking, gather your friends and play with us!

Preved, handsome!
(Want to meet? Let's play!)

A new school, a new class, a new group at the institute, any unfamiliar company... Needless to say, it’s not easy. There are no topics for conversation, there are no common memories, we haven’t really had time to get to know each other. You don’t know what to do with yourself, you yawn desperately and think about how to get away as quickly as possible? Take your time. Suddenly, in this very company that seems alien to you, your future best friend or other half? Take a closer look – that wall character over there looks quite interesting. But how can we get to know each other better? Walking around pestering everyone with questions is, of course, not an option. The game will help! No complicated devices, no impossible actions - and you yourself will not notice how the tension has gone and everything around you is almost your own. Now that you know so much about each other, it’s simply impossible to miss something or someone interesting!

MPS (my right neighbor)

The game can be played in any company and in any condition - the quality will not suffer in any way. The only condition is to play once in the same lineup. This can only be repeated if a newcomer joins the company.

The more people gather, the more interesting game. To begin with, two leaders and one “victim” are selected. One presenter explains the rules of the game to the “victim”, and the other explains to everyone else. The “victim” will have to guess the supposedly hidden person from the rest of the company of players, asking questions that can only be answered “yes” or “no.” The point is that, in fact, no one makes a riddle for anyone, and the players answering in turn are guided by the “signs” of their neighbor on the right. The confusion of the “victim”, who sometimes receives quite contradictory answers to his questions, is guaranteed to lift the mood. The ultimate task of the “victim” is to understand the pattern of the game.

You can add some variety to the game by changing the patterns. For example, responding players will describe the person sitting opposite, or two or three people across.


This game is also suitable for “one-time use” only with one group of participants. The larger the company, the more interesting the game will be.

Leader (person) knowledgeable of the rules) must find out if anyone else is familiar with the game, and take these people as allies. The players sit in a circle, take turns calling the name of the person sitting opposite and saying “Cross” or “Parallel”, according to the principle of whether the counterpart’s legs are crossed or uncrossed. The task of those who do not know the rule is to understand the principle and correctly say what – “Cross” or “Parallel” – can be said about the participant opposite. Since poses can change during the process and few players look at their feet, it is usually not easy to guess.

Statue of Love

It's a kind of trap game, so it's fun to play once with the same lineup.

To conduct the game, you need a leader and two participants (preferably of opposite sexes). The rest of the players at this time are in another room, from where they are called by the leader in turn. The first player is asked to create a “statue of love” from two participants. Usually this is done quite recklessly, and the most elaborate poses are chosen. After the “statue” is ready, the presenter invites the “sculptor” to take the place of one of the participants. The next player is asked to “fix the statue.” It’s good to film the action – a good mood is guaranteed.

Pharaoh's eye

It's more of a prank than a game, but this event is sure to lift the spirits of your group. To play the game you will need: a “pharaoh” - one of the male guests, a girl - the victim of the prank, and a “guide” - a person who knows the script. “Pharaoh” lies down on the sofa and pretends to be a mummy. A glass with some cold and viscous liquid is placed at his head (from experience, sour cream is best). At this time, the girl in the next room is blindfolded and announced that she is now a blind girl who has come on an excursion to the tomb of the pharaoh. The guide’s task is to use all his imagination and attract artistry in order to create for the girl the “effect of presence” in the tomb. He must describe their route, help her imagine the ancient stones, feel the centuries-old dust that covers the tomb. At the same time, spectators can help him with various sounds, imitating falling stones, creaking and rustling, as much as their imagination allows. And so the guide brings the girl to the pharaoh. Describe it as colorfully as possible, and then study it thoroughly: “Now we are already near the mummy of the pharaoh. This is his leg, this is his thigh...” At this time, the girl runs her hand along the pharaoh’s leg, rising higher and higher. At the words “and this is his eye,” the conductor puts the girl’s hand in a glass of sour cream. If the guide is sufficiently convincing, the effect is indescribable.

Hanging pear

This is also a kind of prank game, guaranteed to lift your spirits. To conduct it you need a young man, a girl and two presenters. The young man and the girl go to different rooms, each with their own leader. They explain to the young man that he will have to go into the room, take a chair and pretend to screw in a light bulb. At the same time, his partner will interfere with him in every possible way. Task: explain to her that he is doing a necessary and useful thing and soon everything will be bright and good. You can't talk while doing this. In the next room, the girl is explained that her partner will portray a man who decided to hang himself. Her task is to use facial expressions and gestures to dissuade him from this decisive step. Next, both participants enter the common room, where grateful spectators who know the essence of the draw are already waiting for them.

Question answer

A simple and fun game.

Any even number of people can play, it is advisable to maintain an equal ratio of boys and girls, but if it doesn’t work out, it doesn’t matter.

You need to prepare your inventory in advance - two decks of cards. One deck will contain cards with questions, the other with answers.

One player from the pair takes a card with a question and reads it out loud, the second player with the answer. The player who answered then asks the next neighbor a question.

The combinations usually turn out to be the most unimaginable, a good mood is guaranteed.


1. Are you interested in extravagant young people (girls)?

2. Tell me, are you always so impudent?

3. Do you give up your seat in transport?

4. Are you friendly?

5. Tell me, is your heart free?

6. Tell me, do you love me?

7. Do you steal chewing gum from supermarkets?

8. Do you like to give gifts?

9. Do you make mistakes in your life? 10. Tell me, are you jealous?

11. Do you want to have a boyfriend (girlfriend)?

12. Do you often travel on public transport without a ticket?

13. Do you want something unusual?

14. Tell me, are you ready for anything?

15. Have you often fallen out of bed?

17. Do you often find yourself in extreme situations?

18. Do you like to kiss?

19. Can you overdo it with alcoholic drinks?

20. Do you often lie?

21. Yours free time Are you spending time in a fun company?

22. Are you rude to others?

23. Do you like to cook?

24. Would you like to get drunk today?

25. Are you a romantic?

26. Pop music sucks, rock music sucks?

27. Do you feel dizzy when you drink?

28. Are you lazy?

29. Are you able to buy love with money?

30. Do you like to laugh at others?

31. Do you want my photo?

32. Are you a passionate and sensual person?

33. Do you often borrow money?

34. Have you tried to seduce someone else's guy (girl)?

35. Do you sleep naked?

36. Tell me, do you often eat so much?

37. Do you want to meet me?

38. Have you ever slept in someone else's bed?

39. Tell me, are you an interesting conversationalist?

40. Do you like pickles on Mondays?

41. Do you play sports?

42. Do you often wash in the bathroom?

43. How do you feel about striptease?

44. Does it happen that you sleep in class?

45. Tell me, are you cowardly?

46. ​​Are you willing to kiss in public places?

47. What would you say if I kissed you right there?

48. Do you like to dress fashionably?

49. Do you have many secrets?

50. Are you afraid of the policeman?

51. Tell me, do you like me?

52. Do you think that your loved one should only be told the truth?

53. What would you say if you and I were left alone?

54. Would you go with me through the forest at night?

55. Do you like my eyes?

56. Do you often drink beer?

57. Do you like to interfere in other people's affairs?


1. I can’t imagine my life without this.

2. I don’t answer political questions.

3. I love you, but at someone else’s expense.

4. No, I'm a very shy person.

5. I find it difficult to answer the truth because I don’t want to ruin my reputation.

6. Only when I feel some weakness.

7. Not here.

8. Ask someone more sober about this.

9. Why not? With great pleasure!

10. My blushing is the clearest answer to this question.

11. Only when I have rested.

12. This case, of course, will proceed without witnesses.

13. This opportunity should not be missed.

14. I’ll tell you this in bed.

15. Only when you want to go to bed.

16. You can already try this.

17. If this can be arranged now, then yes.

18. If they really ask me about it.

19. I can spend hours, especially in the dark.

20. My financial situation rarely allows me to do this.

21. No, I tried it once - it didn’t work.

22. Oh yes! This is especially great for me!

23. Damn it! You guessed it!

24. In principle no, but as an exception - yes.

25. Only on holidays.

26. When I'm drunk, and I'm always drunk.

27. Only away from your (your) lover.

28. I’ll say this in the evening when I make a date.

29. Only at night.

30. Only for decent pay.

31. Only if no one sees.

32. It's so natural.

33. Always when conscience orders.

34. But something needs to be done!

35. If there is no other way out.

36. Always when I have a good drink!

37. Well, who doesn’t it happen to?!

38. Could you ask a more modest question?

39. If it doesn't cost you.

40. Do I really look like this?

41. I have had a penchant for this since childhood.

42. These are the best moments of my life.

43. Even all night.

44. On Saturdays this is a necessity for me.

45. I can’t say this without a couple of drinks.

46. ​​This has long been my greatest desire.

47. My modesty does not allow me to answer this question.

48. Everything depends on the situation.

49. Crazy! With great pleasure!

50. Yes, only within the bounds of decency.

51. Of course, you can’t do without this.

52. This is the main goal of my life.

53. I just can’t stand it.

54. I will never refuse such an opportunity.

55. Nowadays this is not a sin.

56. Surely, I am capable of anything.

57. This often happens to me when visiting.

On the couch

A fun, dynamic way to remember the names of new acquaintances. A game for a company of 8-10 people. You will need a sofa that can seat half of the players, and chairs. The chairs are placed in a semicircle opposite the sofa. The names of the participants are written on pieces of paper; if there are duplicate names in the company, write surnames or nicknames. Half of the players sit on the sofa, half on chairs. One chair remains free. The papers are mixed and distributed to the participants. The first player to move is the one to the left of whom there is an empty space. He calls one name, and the one who has a piece of paper with this name in his hands moves to an empty seat and exchanges pieces of paper with the player who called him. Then the procedure is repeated. The task of the team sitting on the chairs is to move to the sofa, evicting their opponents from there.

Guessing game

This game is perfect for a company whose members want to get to know each other better. There should be at least 8-10 people playing, the more, the more interesting. The number of guys must match the number of girls.

The rules are very simple: young people leave the room, and at this time the girls choose their boyfriends in such a way that they are all distributed among the girls. Then the girls sit in a row, the first young man enters the room and tries to guess which girl chose him. This is done only with the help of your own intuition; you cannot ask anything. The girl who chose this young man should try not to give herself away and not react to inquisitive glances. When a guy makes a choice, he must come up and kiss the girl who, in his opinion, made her choice in his favor. If the young man guessed right, the girl kisses the young man and remains sitting in a row, while the guy remains in the room. If the young man makes a mistake (which is most likely to happen), the girl slaps him in the face and he leaves the room. If a young man chooses a girl who has already been guessed, the young man who remained in the room must kick him out the door. The one who finds his girlfriend last loses.


This game is a great way to understand some of the personal qualities of your new acquaintances. The presenter calls a couple of players (it is better if the couple is mixed, a young man - a girl) and invites them to role-play the situation. The situations can be very diverse, it all depends on your imagination. For example: “Are you on desert island“,” “A drunk emo girl comes up to you on the street and persistently asks you to go somewhere,” “A friend invites you to a “men’s party,” but you already have a date with a girl,” etc. The most artistic and original couple wins. Who knows, maybe they will want to continue their acquaintance?


Many people love to sing, but it’s not interesting to just sing. Let's Play! Participants are divided into two teams. One team sings one verse from a song, the other must sing a verse from a song whose meaning will contradict the first. To begin with, you can set the themes of the songs in advance or offer to sing songs in which words with opposite meanings will be found. For example: black - white, day - night, water - earth, guy - girl, etc.


It’s not always appropriate to ask direct questions, but you want to know about each other. Let's Play! The rules are very simple. Participants are asked to line up according to some characteristic. For example, by date of birth. This means that at the beginning of the line there should be people born in January, followed by people born in February, and so on. There is only one difficulty - you can’t talk while doing this. You need to convey your position to your playing partners with gestures, facial expressions and using various available means. The signs by which the line is lined up can be anything: hair and eye color, weight, age, sociability, activity, etc. The game will help you get to know each other better, loosen up and unite.

Lettering on the back

This game is good because it lasts throughout the holiday, and the more participants, the more interesting it is. The rules are very simple: before the start of the event, a piece of paper is attached to each participant’s back. During the feast, dancing and other entertainment, the participants come up to each other and write on these sheets their opinions about their “carriers”. Towards the end of the party, the sheets are removed and the messages on them are read out loud.

We are looking for common things

Finding a kindred spirit in an unfamiliar company is always good and interesting. Let's make this task easier. The number of participants in this game is from 8 people. All players are divided into pairs, and within the allotted amount of time, the members of the pair must find the maximum number of common characteristics in each other. These signs can be anything: external characteristics, place of work or study, family composition, presence or absence of pets, etc. Then the pairs form fours for the same purpose. The merger occurs until the creation of two teams. The team that manages to find the maximum number of common features wins.

truth or dare

Another way to get to know each other better. The host asks each participant in the game: “Truth or dare?” The one who chose “truth” must answer any question asked by any player (it is advisable, of course, to answer honestly). The one who chooses “action” must somehow amuse the other players - dance, sing, tell a joke, etc.

I never…

This game is a great way to learn more about each other. Participants take turns saying a phrase that begins with the words “I have never...”. For example: “I have never seen a crocodile.” Those players for whom this statement is not true, that is, they saw a crocodile, bend one finger on their hand. The task of the player proposing the statement is to “knock out” as many participants as possible. The person with the least life experience wins, that is, the one who bends all his fingers first. The most versatile loses.


The game is good for companies whose members are meeting each other for the first time. The rules are simple: each player is given a piece of paper on their back before the party starts. After a brief acquaintance, the participants of the holiday write on these sheets their first impression of its bearer. You should write briefly and, if possible, witty. Shortly before the end of the party, guests are invited to write down their last impression of the person on the same sheets. It will be interesting to compare, and you will learn a lot of new and unexpected things about yourself.

Mark on history

One of the players is removed from the room. At this time, the other participants in the game leave an autograph, a drawing, a lipstick mark, a fingerprint on sheets of paper - in general, some kind of trace. Then main player returns. Now he is a “historian” who has to guess who left what imprint. This game really makes us take a closer look at each other.


The game helps you tune in to each other, even if you don't know each other. And if one person hears another, it will be much easier for them to become acquaintances!

All players sit in a circle and place their right hands on the left knee of the neighbor on the right, and their left hands on the right knee of the neighbor on the left. After this, one of the players (the leader) beats some simple rhythm with his right hand on his neighbor’s knee. The neighbor’s task is to pass the rhythm on. Everything seems simple, but try it - almost never the first time the rhythm is returned to the leader in its original form. The task can be complicated by running two rhythms simultaneously, to the right and to the left.

Find the bride

This is a pretty funny game that can help you start communication in an unfamiliar company. All you need to do it is a few balls of wool or thread. Participants are divided into pairs (preferably mixed: a young man - a girl), the balls are unwound, and the ends of one ball are given to the members of the pair. After this, the threads of different balls must be carefully tangled. The winner will be the couple who is the first to release their thread and, having wound it into a ball, come to each other.

Participants sit in a circle. The presenter invites them to choose one of four phrases: “cross-parallel”, “cross-cross”, “parallel-cross”, “parallel-parallel”. When passing an object, participants say one of the phrases. The presenter answers whether it is true or not, without explaining the reason. The participants' task is to guess what it is.

The secret of the game is as follows: the cross is the participant’s crossed legs, the parallel is the uncrossed legs. For example, the phrase “cross-parallel” means that a person with crossed legs passes a pen to a person with uncrossed legs, etc. and so on.

Bunnies. (to develop attention)

The presenter names a part of the body and shows it on himself. Gradually increases the pace and makes deceptive movements. (Noses, tails, ears, tops.)

Log, path, bridge.

Participants stand in a circle and, turning to one side, begin to move in a circle.

If the leader says the word “log,” then all participants place their hands on the shoulders of the person walking in front. When they hear the word “path,” they walk squatting. When you hear the word “bridge,” they spread their arms to the sides.

Pig game.

The driver is blindfolded, given a stick and placed against the wall (so as not to fall). The rest of the players form a semicircle around him. The driver must touch someone at random with a stick and say: “Piggy, grunt.” The one touched grunts three times without distorting his voice. The driver's task is to concentrate and guess who was grunting. The one he recognizes becomes the driver himself.

I won't answer myself.

The participants of the game stand in a circle, with the leader in the middle. He asks the players various questions, without observing the order. The person asked must remain silent; the neighbor on the right side is responsible for him. The one who answers the question himself or is late to answer for his neighbor leaves the game.

Verbal volleyball (for junior teams)

To play you need a ball. Everyone stands in a circle. Throw the ball through the center of the circle. In this case we call the word a noun. The one who catches the ball adds a verb suitable in meaning, for example: a cloud - floats, a fire - burns. The one who says nonsense is out of the game.


Prepare some small object: a thimble, a ring, a pen, a badge. All players except the leader leave the room. The presenter places the item in the most visible place. Invite the players one by one and explain that you can only make one circle around the room. If he finds an object with his gaze, he sits down; if not, he leaves the room again.

To yourself - to your neighbor.

The players stand in a circle, their arms extended. The leader stands in the center. The players have one hand motionless, and with the other they pass the coin in any direction in a circle, placing it on the palm of their neighbor. Everyone makes a hand movement at the same time, regardless of whether there is a coin there or not. At the same time they say: “To themselves - to their neighbor.” The presenter must guess who has the coin.

Three are active.

The room must remain completely silent. Three players are blindfolded. Everyone must catch one of the partners and escape from the other. The participants in the game listen to each other’s steps, breathing and, when they consider it necessary, call the player by name and ask: “Where are you?” The player who is asked must immediately answer: “I’m here!” The first one who manages to catch the “enemy” becomes the winner. After this, three others begin to play.

Half a word is yours.

The participants of the game sit in a circle and throw the ball to each other. In this case, those who throw say half of a word; the one who catches must name its other half, for example: locomotive, telephone. You need to answer quickly. For each mistake or delay, the participant is eliminated from the game. The condition can be complicated: the leader says half the word to each child sitting in a circle, and everyone must continue the second half. Can't - penalty point. The presenter begins to say his half of the word, for example: “Tele...”. Children continue: telephone, telegram, telescope, cart, etc. It is better to play this game in the middle and junior teams.

The exercises proposed below can be carried out as full-fledged fires. It should be good to go in the middle of a shift, when you become “tired” from the impressions and want to go home, and by this time the situation in the detachment may become “heated up”.

Games of this kind are convenient because they do not require props (if any are needed, then minimal ones), they can be used anywhere and at any time. Oral games can either diversify the holiday or simply occupy hours on a tiring journey or in a long line. Such entertainment can become not only an interesting pastime, but also a good stimulus for mental and speech development child.


This is perhaps the most famous game of all times and peoples of our country. The first player names any city, the next participant comes up with a city starting with the final letter of the previous one, for example: Moscow - Arkhangelsk - Kursk.

Alternatively, you can make the game more difficult: pronounce the names of cities in a certain country.

Another city game has something in common with the game “I know...”, where the continuation of the initial phrase “I know” can be completely different variants: five city names starting with the letter P, five cities in Germany, five cities in Siberia, etc. The main thing is to name all five without getting confused or pausing.


Both individuals and teams participate here. The first player or team sings any song (1-2 lines), the opponents must sing the answer - a song starting with the last letter of the previous one. This fun game good at holidays and in companies where people like to sing. This way you can have a real concert, singing the songs in full.

Three stories (fact or fiction)

Each participant takes turns telling two real stories that happened to him and one fictional one. The task of the others is to guess which one is not true. It is advisable to tell a fictional story in such a way that it is difficult to immediately guess which of the three is made up.


The presenter leaves the room, and the rest of the participants guess the name of any player. The presenter’s task is to guess this person by asking association questions, for example:

“Which bird does this person look like: a penguin, a sparrow or a peacock?”, “If this person was a house, would it be a high-rise building, a cottage or a hut?”, “Is this person a poppy, a rose or a forget-me-not?”

Find the color

This is a game of speed. The presenter writes the names of the players on a piece of paper and for each quick answer puts a point next to the name of the answerer. The task of the participants is to find and show the color chosen by the presenter as quickly as possible (in household items, clothing, nature, etc.) in the immediate environment.

A more complicated version of the game: guess colors with shades, for example, light green, dirty pink. You can also guess rarely spoken names of colors: lilac, olive, khaki, etc.

For schoolchildren, such a game in English or another language that they are studying will be useful.

Find the hidden object

From everything that is visible to the eye, the presenter makes a wish for one object. Players take turns asking leading questions to guess it. Questions can only be answered “yes” or “no”. Each player can do one thing on his turn: either ask a leading question, or guess what kind of object is in store. If the player guesses the item incorrectly, then he misses the next move. The winner changes places with the leader and wishes for a new item.

This game teaches you to listen carefully, analyze and draw conclusions, because with the help of questions asked by other participants, you can guess the object on your turn.

I never…

For this game you will need matches or other small objects that you can take and give.

Each participant is given 10 matches (seeds, beads, sticks, etc.). Players take turns saying the phrase: “I have never…” and continue it with some fact from their lives. It is important that this statement be as unique as possible and that as few participants as possible can say the same thing about themselves. As soon as the player says his phrase, everyone else who cannot say this about themselves gives him one match.

For example, if you say, “I've never been a pilot on an airplane,” you most likely won't get more than one match because... none of the players were pilots either. But, if you say: “I have never ridden a bicycle,” rest assured that they will give you a lot of matches. Close friends who know each other well will ensure that there is no cunning or deception, because Some facts are difficult to verify with unfamiliar game participants.


This game develops memory and attention. The first participant begins the game with the phrase: “I take a bag and put in it...” then he continues, pronouncing any object, for example, an apple. The next person repeats everything said by the previous one, but adds one more item of his own: “I take a bag and put an apple and socks in it.” And so on the game continues in a circle. Everyone who stumbles out. The last remaining participant who managed to pronounce the entire chain without hesitation wins.


This funny game, if you catch a wave of inspiration, will greatly amuse its participants. The task is simple: the first player pronounces the first phrase of the verse, the second - the next, and so on. The most important thing is to follow the rhyme. For fun, you can write down the work that the writers produce.

You can make this game easier by giving everyone a word that rhymes with their neighbor's word. Then there will be no tension with coming up with a rhyme: everyone composes the “filling” of the line. For example, from the words: love-carrots, tears-roses, you can get the following poem:

I have love in my heart

Grows like a carrot.

That's why I shed tears -

For watering a cute rose.


This is a game for schoolchildren and their parents. Any word can be invented (preferably a verb). Participants in a circle begin to pronounce its synonyms. There should be no pauses, so the one who stops leaves the game. The last remaining participant wins.

The chain of synonyms will be longer if figurative concepts are inserted into it, for example: run - fly, work - hump, etc. You can also use not only one word, but also expressions that will reflect the same meaning: cry - shed tears, gather - wash your skis.

Continue the word

Option 1. Two people play. The first one says half of any word, the second one must continue it and say the whole word. For example:

First: “Re..”

Second: “...rights. Horus..."

First: “od... Udo...”, etc.

The winner is the one who can hold on without stumbling.

Option 2. A game for company. Participants are divided into 2 teams, three minutes are timed and during this time the teams must come up with as many words as possible from the beginning syllable. The team with the most words wins. For example, you need to come up with a continuation of part of the word “com...”: communism, utility worker, room, combine, company, comedian, team, etc.

Decipher the song

The presenter leaves the hall, everyone makes a wish for a famous song. When the presenter enters, he must, by asking any questions (not related to the song), understand what the participants wished. Each participant must insert one word from the song into their answer. The next leader becomes the player on whom the song was recognized.

For example, the song “Oh, the viburnum is blooming in the field by the stream”:

Host: What's the weather like today?

Player 1: Oh, it looks like it's going to rain.

Host: What did you have for breakfast today?

Player 2: A sunflower is blooming under my window, I ate the seeds from it.

Host: What color is your shirt?

3rd player: If you compare the color of my shirt with the plants, it will be about the same as viburnum. And so on.

It is important to make such sentences that the presenter will not immediately guess what song it is about. we're talking about.

You cannot change the case, number, declension, or conjugation of words: they must remain in the form in which they appear in the song.

Games of wit

In these games, participants must guess what scheme the leader is using.

From cross to parallel

Everyone sits around on chairs. Take a phantom (any item) that will be convenient to transfer. The presenter begins the game by passing the forfeit to any participant, with the words: “From the cross to the parallel.” The participant must pass it to any other player, correctly saying: from the cross to the parallel, or from the parallel to the cross. The players' task is to guess what kind of system operates in this game: when they are crosses and when they are parallels.

In fact, the answer is extremely simple: when a person sits on a chair with his legs crossed, he is a cross, and when both of his legs are parallel, he is a parallel. Therefore, the same participant can be both a cross and a parallel dozens of times.

Warn the players so that those who are the first to guess about the game system and are convinced that they really understood everything correctly do not immediately tell the other participants about it. You can only say: “I got it,” continue to play and wait for others to guess.

I take it with me on a hike...

The presenter says the initial phrase: “I take with me on a hike...” and then pronounces some object. One by one, the players begin to try to take something with them and name their items. The presenter must say: you can take them or not, and in the meantime the participants must guess on what principle they can take things on a hike.

There can be a lot of options here (you can come up with them yourself): from simple to complex. Everything will depend on the age of the players. For example, you can take items on a hike:

1. starting or ending with a specific letter:

Host: “I take a mug with me on a hike.”

Player 1: “I take a stroller with me on a hike.”

Player 2: “I take a hockey stick with me on a hike.”

2. consisting of a certain material (only metal or only wood):

Host: “I take a needle with me on a hike.”

Player 1: “I take a spoon with me on hikes.”

Player 2: “I take a coin with me on a hike.”

3. starting with the first letter of the player’s name:

Presenter (Vanya): “I take jam with me on a hike.”

1st player (Lena): “I take skis with me on a hike.”

Player 2 (Slava): “I take salt with me on my hike.”

4. only edible (or only inedible).

5. only those that are around the players. Etc.


The presenter says that he has a detective story, the plot of which players will learn by asking leading questions. The presenter has the right to answer only “yes”, “no” and “I don’t know”, and the participants must guess in what pattern the presenter gives answers.

For example:

Player 1: “Was it in a big city?”

Host: “Yes.”

Player 2: “Was it April?”

Host: “I don’t know.”

3rd player: “Did the residents hear the shot?”

Host: “Yes.”

The secret of this game of ingenuity is as follows: when the question ends in a vowel, the leader says: “Yes,” when - in a consonant: “No,” when in a soft sign: “I don’t know.”

Photo - photobank Lori


To yourself - to your neighbor

Inventory: Coin, ring or button.

Progress of the game: Participants stand in a circle and learn the movement: hands shoulder-width apart, the palm of the left hand is folded into a ladle, the fingers of the right palm are gathered (as if holding something). Simultaneously repeating the words “to oneself - to a neighbor,” players imitate transferring a small object from hand to hand (with the right hand from the left palm to the left palm of the neighbor). When the players have learned the movements, a driver is selected, he leaves the circle and turns away. The presenter places a small object in the left hand of one of the players (a ladle). The driver returns to the circle and the game begins. The driver's task is to guess who has the object in their palm; the task of the other players is to pass the object unnoticed by the driver.

1-1, 1-2

Progress of the game: All players sit in a circle. Players settle in numerical order and remember their numbers. The leader sets the pace: two claps on the knees, two claps on the hands. Everyone repeats. As soon as a single rhythm can be established, words are introduced. Hitting the knees twice, the presenter pronounces his number “one, one” twice. Then, clapping his knees for the first time, he says his number, after the second clap, he says the number of the player to whom he passes the word (for example: “one, three”). Now this player (numbered “3”), without leaving the general tempo, plays the game.

Elephant, toaster, monkey

Progress of the game: Participants stand in a circle. The driver suddenly points at someone and says one of the words (elephant, toaster, monkey, skunk, giraffe, bird). The player pointed at and the neighbor to his right and left must show certain movements. If someone hesitates or makes the wrong piece, he is eliminated from the game or becomes the driver.

Figures and movements:

Elephant - the player makes a trunk out of his hands, and his neighbors make ears for him.

Toaster - the player jumps on the spot, and his neighbors close him in a mini-circle, holding hands.

Monkey - the player pretends to be a monkey, and the neighbors pretend to dig through his hair.

Skunk - the player moves his foot along the ground and feels shy, and the neighbors depict emotions like “fuuuuu...”.

Bird - the player himself makes a beak from his hands, and the neighbors bend one leg farthest from the player and move their hand to the side.

Giraffe - this player raises both hands up, and his two neighbors - on the right and left - must squat down.


Progress of the game: All participants sit in a circle. The presenter sets a certain rhythm (for example, of a song) by clapping his hands. The guys must repeat this rhythm in a circle, provided that everyone claps only once.

I'll go south

Inventory: Toy.

Progress of the game: Participants sit in a semicircle or circle. The presenter says that he will soon go south and take with him the most attentive person. The presenter says: “I’ll go south and take with me... (names an object), please take it,” and hands the toy to the neighbor. The neighbor also begins and continues the phrase. At the end of the circle, the counselor names the one whom he will take with him (those who said: “Take it, please”). The circle is repeated until everyone realizes that at the end of the phrase they need to say: “Take it, please.”


Inventory: Chairs.

Progress of the game: Two players sit on chairs in some unusual positions. The driver is asked to remember the players' poses (for 20-25 seconds), then he leaves the room or turns away. Two of the remaining players are asked to change the positions of those sitting on the chairs. The driver, returning to the room, must restore from memory the original poses of the players. By the way, the players themselves must remember their initial poses.


Progress of the game: The players stand in a circle. The first player (usually a counselor) passes the word “zipp” to someone using a directed clap and sliding of the hand, the one to whom the word was sent must then pass the word “zepp” in the same way, the next one passes the word “zap”. Each time, “zipp-zepp-zapp” is transmitted sequentially. Gradually the pace accelerates, and whoever made a mistake (for example, instead of “zapp”, said “zepp”) or did not see that the move was being passed to him, is eliminated. The game continues until there is one winner.

Who did I wish for?

Progress of the game: Everyone sits in a semicircle. The counselor names any three objects and asks who he wished for. Participants try to understand on what principle the counselor makes a riddle for this or that person and how the objects are connected, but it turns out that the riddle is the one who is the first to say a word. The game continues until everyone has guessed.

What number?

Inventory: Several pens.

Progress of the game: The counselor places several pens on a flat surface in front of the players and asks what number he wished for. Players try to find connections between laid out objects. The solution is simple: having laid out his hands, the counselor quietly shows a certain number of fingers, which is the answer, and this is what the players should notice.


Progress of the game: This is a mystery game. The counselor says that there are four positions: cross-parallel, parallel-cross, cross-cross, parallel-parallel. The players' task is to figure out what they are talking about. To do this, everyone in a circle, starting with the leader, tells the neighbor on the left one of the provisions, trying to guess their meaning. The presenter determines whether what was said was “true” or “wrong.” The game continues until the solution is found by each player.

Solution: the cross means the crossing of a neighbor's legs or arms, and the parallel means uncrossed legs or arms. Accordingly, you need to name the position that would indicate the legs and arms of your neighbor. For example, a neighbor’s legs are crossed but his arms are missing, I tell him: “Cross-parallel.”

Bang Bang

Progress of the game: The players stand in a circle. The presenter calls the name of any player, folds his hands with a pistol, and “shoots” at one of the participants. The person named must crouch down to avoid the shot. His neighbors to the right and left begin a duel. You need to extend your hand in the form of a pistol towards the enemy and say “Bang-Bang” or make other shooting sounds. The one who does this a little later than his opponent loses. If the player whose name was called does not crouch in time, then he is killed, as he finds himself between two shooters. The killed (loser) leaves the circle. The remaining two become winners. You can arrange a duel between them.


Progress of the game: Participants stand in a circle. A driver is selected, who moves away and turns away. At this time, the others agree on who will show the dance moves. After this, the driver returns and stands in the middle of the circle, and the rest, creating a dance tempo from the words “Santiki-Fantiki-Limpompo”, repeat the movements shown by the selected player, who changes the movements unnoticed by the driver. Players must quickly change from one movement to another so that the driver does not figure out who is showing. The goal of the driver is to guess the person showing.


Progress of the game: The presenter says two random words (“orange” and “suitcase”). One of the participants aloud describes an image connecting the leader’s second word with the first (for example: an orange rolled out of a suitcase). Then the participant who created the image passes his word to the next player, the one sitting on his left hand. For example, the word "coffee". This player connects the third word with the second word of the leader (the orange got into the coffee and left a mark on the clothes), and passes his own word - already the fourth in this chain - as a task to his neighbor on the left.


Progress of the game: Cards with role names.

Description: There is a certain city. The players represent the residents of this city. Everyone plays their role: the commissioner, the doctor, civilians and the mafia. Roles are assigned secretly before the start of the game. The presenter is also selected.

The host leads the game, announces the change of day and night (when it’s “night” - everyone closes their eyes), introduces the mafia to each other, informs the commissioner whether his suspicions about the involvement of city residents in the mafia are correct or not (all acquaintances take place at night, eyes are opened only at the request presenter), leads a daylong discussion of possible candidates for “expulsion from the city.”

Every night the mafia “removes” one of the honest people (in extreme cases, you can remove your own). During the day, the mafia, along with honest residents, participates in the discussion of possible candidates for “expulsion from the city”; They identify and “remove” the commissar, the doctor, as well as all honest people.

After a night “shot” by the mafia, the doctor can prevent the “murder” if he correctly points out the candidate chosen by the mafia.

At night, the commissioner can definitely find out about one thing: whether he belongs to the mafia or not. During the day, guided by information received at night, he can influence the outcome of the discussion; in case of premature death, he can leave a will indicating the names of the mafia.

During daytime discussions, peaceful people propose candidates for “expulsion from the city” of possible mafia members, somehow justifying their decision. Carefully observing each other, drawing conclusions from the actions, judgments and statements of others, they try to identify and neutralize the mafia.

The game ends when either the mafia or civilians die.


Progress of the game: One of the players thinks of a word and says the letter with which it begins. Everyone else must guess the word. For example, the presenter thinks of the word “shovel” and tells the players that the word begins with the letter “l”. In order for the presenter to open the second letter, it is necessary to select a word starting with the letter “l” and give it a short description. For example, one of the players says: “It is in the sky at night.” The one who guessed what it is about says: “Contact” and, together with the player who gave the description, counts to 10 and calls the word at the same time. If the words turn out to be different, players continue to select words starting with the letter “l”. If the words match, then the leader calls the next letter, for example, the letter “o”, and then the syllable “lo” is formed. Now the players begin to select words for this syllable, characterize them, count to 10, etc. If the presenter guesses the words that the participants characterize, he says “no, that’s not... (names the word that the players characterized)” . In this game, it is important for the leader that his word cannot be guessed for as long as possible.
