The influence of role-playing games on the development of the child. The influence of role-playing games on the development of preschoolers

In this paragraph, we will try to find out the position of an adult in relation to the role-playing games of preschoolers.

The game is used in the pedagogical process of the kindergarten, firstly, as a means of upbringing and educational work, which allows you to give children certain knowledge, skills, develop attention, memory, concentration, and the ability to volitional efforts; secondly, as a form of organizing the life and activities of children; as a means of solving broad educational problems, developing their initiative, creative abilities and independence.

Free story play is the most engaging activity for kids up to school age. In the game, the child experiences an inner feeling of freedom, subjection to things, actions, relationships - all that is difficult in practical productive activity.

The plot game does not require a real tangible product from the child, everything in it is “as if”, for fun. All this expands his childish world and provides emotional comfort. But besides the momentary subjective feeling of “all possibilities”, emotional comfort, the plot game, due to its specificity, also has an objective significance for mental development preschooler. Psychologists and educators have established that, first of all, the ability to imagine and think develops in the game. It is enough for a child to draw a line to indicate: “Here, behind this line there will be a street, and here, where I am standing, is our house.”

Opening a door lock with an imaginary key or a wand that replaces it costs nothing to a child. "Chick-truck," he says, and makes a slight gesture with his hand. "The door is open, come in." “Ring ...” - depicts a call with a different action and sound. - “I came to visit you”, etc.

AT real life all these simple, in our opinion, actions the child cannot always perform on his own, without outside help from an adult. And the game does not require special skills from him, because. is not associated with obtaining a specific practical result. Therefore, in the game, the child can fly to the moon, and become a brave sailor, and heal the sick, and teach children, that is, the game, on the one hand, provides the child with freedom in a special way, allows him to realize his desires, interests, and on the other hand, helps to join the broad spheres of adult life, to overcome their inaccessibility. And in this sense, the game expands the horizons of children's life, allows you to actively reproduce the environment, better understand and assimilate the meaning of human relationships, and navigate in objective conditions.

However, the question arises: is the child absolutely free and independent in the game? Certainly not. His freedom and independence are limited by the methods of activity that he owns, the knowledge that he has. Studies by many psychologists and educators show that a full-fledged game develops very slowly in a child if he spontaneously gropes and adopts ways of playing behavior.

The development of the game is much faster if the educator specifically and purposefully forms it. How should the educator carry out the functions of managing the game, what pedagogical means should be used?

The means of education are understood as methods of organized and unorganized influence, with the help of which some people - educators - influence other people - pupils - in order to develop certain psychological qualities and forms of behavior in them.

The means of education can be a personal example of the educator, patterns of behavior demonstrated by people around him, actions described as normative and highly valued in pedagogical, artistic, journalistic and other literature. An educational impact on a person as a person can be exerted by everything that in one way or another personally affects him and can affect his psychology of behavior.

Means of education according to the nature of the impact on a person can be divided into direct and indirect. Direct methods include the direct personal impact of one person on another, carried out in direct communication with each other. Indirect, however, contain influences realized with the help of any means, without personal contacts between the educator and the educated person.

In life, not everything that a teacher would like to say can be expressed in words. Therefore, direct educational impact expands the capabilities of the educator. This remedy, moreover, is the only one possible in the early stages. child development when the child does not yet understand the speech addressed to him. It is of great importance to children of any age. In pedagogy, it is called upbringing by personal example.

The disadvantage of this means of education is the personal and temporal limitations of its use. In addition, the educator is not always able to constantly be in personal contact with the educatee.

Indirect educational impact, carried out through toys and other systems of coding and transmission of information from one person to another, can be versatile and arbitrarily long. It can be preserved and repeatedly reproduced, prompting a person to turn again and again to material sources of educational influences. But such upbringing is usually devoid of the living emotional force that a person possesses, having a direct educational effect on another. In addition, such a means of influence also has age restrictions, it is applicable only to children who already speak, to understand the moral meaning of what was said.

A special look at the problem creative development child has a place in the works of N.Ya. Mikhailenko. The author not only formulated her attitude to the indirect management of the game, but also formulated the main ways of building a game, mastering which develops both the child himself and his game.

At N.Ya. Mikhailenko a special look at working with children to develop creativity. She singled out the basic principles of organizing plot- role play.

The first principle of organizing a story game is that when solving the problems of forming game modes of activity, the educator acts in such games as a leader, initiator and organizer. At the same time, he, as a rule, is a direct participant in the game.

The joint game of an adult with children will only then be real game when the child feels not the moral superiority of the educator to whom he must obey, but only the "superiority of the partner who knows how to play interestingly."

The second principle of organizing a story game is that the teacher should play with children throughout preschool childhood, but at each age stage, unfold the game in a special way, so that the children immediately "open" and learn a new, more complex way of building it. An adult should orient him to a peer as early as possible.

This implies the third principle of organizing a plot game: at each stage of preschool childhood, it is necessary, when developing game skills, to simultaneously orient the child both towards the implementation of a game action and explaining its meaning to partners - an adult and a peer.

The revealed principles of organizing a story game are aimed at developing children's ways of playing, skills that allow them to develop an independent game in accordance with their own desires and interests.

According to N.Ya. Mikhailenko, the role of a teacher is limited only to creating conditions for the activation of the game. One of the important conditions for the activation of independent play of children is the provision of appropriate play material, toys. Older preschoolers are guided by an internal plan when playing and can independently organize the game environment they need.

Based on the facts obtained in the studies of N.Ya. Mikhailenko, we can say that the formation of gaming skills occurs in the joint game of the educator with children, as well as in the process of demonstrating patterns of gaming behavior to adults.

Thus, N.Ya. Mikhailenko, along with the organization of the direct "formation" gaming activity believes that in order to develop creativity in a preschooler, it is necessary to develop the position of the subject of activity.

For the creative reproduction of reality by children, a systematic approach to the formation of the game, a comprehensive management of it is necessary. At present, in the practice of the work of a children's institution, the method of integrated management of the game is successfully applied. It was first proposed by E.V. Zvorygina, who developed the specifics of its use at the stage of plot-representative play of kids.

The application of the methodology of integrated leadership at the stage of the role-playing game was studied by N.F. Komarova.

The method of integrated game management is effective in the presence and interrelation of the following pedagogical conditions:

Planned enrichment of children's life experience.

Joint (educational) games of a teacher with children, aimed at transferring gaming experience to children.

Timely change in the subject-play environment, taking into account the enriching life and play experience of children.

Activating communication between an adult and children, aimed at encouraging them to independently use new knowledge in the game, ways to solve game problems that would facilitate the entry of children into interaction with each other.

It is typical for older preschoolers, with the right guidance of their play activities, to learn as much as possible about what they play. It is very important not to miss the questions that have arisen in children - they are not always addressed to adults, but the teacher must feel the cognitive mood of the players. Watching the games of children, the teacher should be able to notice what you can talk about with the children, what interests them most at the moment.

Unfortunately, children face not only good people, with noble deeds, and the media (television, cinema, radio) do not always have a positive effect on the development of the child. Sometimes the guys start games in which they depict, for example, drunks, quarrels between neighbors, wars. This cannot be allowed. It is necessary to distract children from such a game, to create interest in another topic, and most importantly, to arouse in them a negative attitude towards bad things, so that they themselves do not want to portray it in the game.

Any kind of coercion should be excluded from the methods of managing the game, never fantasize for the child, never invent a game for him. It is necessary to very delicately influence the development of interests, the feelings of children, to direct the work of their thoughts and imagination. Only with such guidance does gaming creativity develop.

In order to successfully lead and manage the game, the teacher must, first of all, create a friendly atmosphere in the kindergarten group. To do this, you need to abandon the function of strict mentors during the game, since the atmosphere of emancipation and ease is a reliable guarantee of the productivity of thinking. To do this, the teacher must, first of all, feel himself free and liberated. The team must create an environment conducive to gaming activities, noise levels should be controlled, unwanted and distracting activities limited, and related materials should be contained in a way that does not interfere with play while still being accessible to children. It is very important that the educator feels confident and calm while the children play, and also feels under control of the situation.

Self-confidence allows the teacher to observe the progress of the game, interact with children in a beneficial way and set an example of creativity.

The problem of pedagogical communication occupies one of the central places in psychological and pedagogical science. This is due to the awareness of the exceptional role of the process of pedagogical communication in the upbringing of the younger generation. In a number of cases, neither the family nor the child's stay in the society of peers can ensure the entire moral side of the formation of his personality. Soared behavior and personal qualities of children are largely determined by the nature of the pedagogical communication of the kindergarten teacher with preschoolers.

A.N. It is no coincidence that Leontiev includes a kindergarten teacher in a “small, intimate circle” of communication of a preschool child. “It is known how peculiar the relationship of children of this age to the teacher,” he writes, “how necessary for the child her attention to him and how often he resorts to her mediation in his relations with peers.”

Thus, analyzing the works of famous teachers and psychologists on the relationship between children and adults, we came to the conclusion that this problem is closely related to the development of the creative personality of the child.

The psychology of relationships, studying the personality of the child, comes to the problem of creativity (V.V. Davydov, M.I. Lisina, etc.). And this development, to the greatest extent, is determined by the nature of his interaction with the people around him. The basis of such interaction is communication.

Communication, in our view, is a specific type of direct interaction.

It, unlike subject interaction, is carried out with the help of various communicative means: speech, mimic and pantomimic, communication is not identical to relationships, the core of which is selective, directed feelings. In communication, as a rule, relationships are updated and formed.

By pedagogical communication, we mean the communicative influence of the educator on children for the purpose of education and training, aimed at establishing interpersonal relationships both between the teacher and children and children with each other and at regulating the psychological microclimate. It can be merged with other types of pedagogical influence of a non-communicative nature, and can also act as an independent process.

The effectiveness of pedagogical influence on children largely depends on the establishment of the correct relationship between the teacher and the pupils, on the characteristics of his communication with them. K. Levin identifies several styles of leadership, styles of communication between a teacher and children - these are authoritarian, democratic liberal styles.

The communication of a teacher with preschoolers is largely determined by his value orientations in the field of education. Apparently, depending on what he considers the main thing in the upbringing of children, what he directs his pedagogical skills to, what personality traits he wants to see in children in the first place, and his communication with them is built.

Communication between an adult and a child is aimed at developing ways of solving game problems that are characteristic of each age period.

A distinctive feature of the role-playing game is the interaction of children with adults and peers.

Joint games require the ability to set and accept game tasks set by peers, agree with each other on ways and means of solving game problems, clearly express one's thoughts, tactfully refuse if the game task is not interesting to the child. Game communication becomes meaningful if the guys are good at role-playing behavior (endow the characters with characteristic actions, intonation, speech) and are able to freely use all means of game substitution: actions with toys, with various substitute objects, with imaginary objects; use expressive gestures and words.

Of particular importance in senior preschool age acquires coordination of ideas, which helps to build a common storyline in collective games. This, in turn, is associated with the ability to think figuratively, to combine impressions received from different sources, to fantasize.

As the story unfolds, preschoolers may learn different types of relationships and certain behaviors. The assimilation of the norms and rules of behavior with the help of game roles does not occur spontaneously, since it is difficult for a child to single out the moral essence of human activity on his own. In this case, the assistance of an adult is required.

Different levels of upbringing, life and gaming experience sometimes make it difficult to choose the theme of the game, harmonize roles, etc. Against this background, conflicts may arise when conspiring to play together or in the process of implementing its plot. In this case, the educator is faced with real relationships, the negative manifestations of which he removes by organizing a morally healthy life for the children's team.

The role of an adult in the independent games of older preschoolers is specific. On the one hand, he carefully and tactfully observes the players, carefully treats the ideas of the children. On the other hand, he carefully guides the children's intentions and actions, using mainly indirect methods of leadership (advice, hint, question, etc.). By creating problem situations, the educator flexibly influences the design of ways to display reality. At the same time, acting as an equal partner, he can be included in the game to connect individual game moments, or give advice from the side on the content of the game to correct role relationships.

The behavior of adults, who are an example in everything for children, has a great influence on the creative behavior of children. The teacher should be respected by children, protect them from stress. Because of this, it is necessary to refrain from evaluations in the course of children's creative endeavors. A critical attitude towards the activities of children is unacceptable. It is important to encourage children for expressing original ideas. Guided by the fact that reinforcement increases the likelihood of their occurrence.

Another important aspect of the stimulating creative activity of the teacher is that it, as it were, gives an impetus to shy children to take part in this or that activity. Such children very often need an example. Having set the tone for some activity, and seeing that children, even the most timid ones, take part in it, the teacher can quietly leave the game, thereby giving the children complete independence.

From all of the above, we came to the following conclusion that, subject to the purposeful formation of game methods of activity and pedagogical management of an independent role-playing game, it acquires the status of a leading activity in preschool age. The game becomes a form of organization of children's life, it ensures the emergence and functioning of a "children's society", which is a powerful factor determining the development of the social qualities of the individual, the factors of socialization of children at the stage of preschool childhood. Playful forms of teaching social and practical skills make children want to experiment and engage in play activities for the very process that gives them pleasure.

Under favorable conditions created during play, children can develop flexibility and the ability to develop and refine their ideas.

Consequently, the game, being an internally motivated activity, contains a huge potential for the development of creative abilities in children of senior preschool age.

Thus, this paragraph presents an analysis of various points of view on the problem of the influence of an adult on a role-playing game. For us, it is important that, on the one hand, the child, firstly, must be given independence and freedom. And on the other hand, it is necessary to provide pedagogical guidance for the role-playing game in order to further develop it, and hence the development of creativity in it. Researchers prove the need for indirect management of it, the inadmissibility of direct interference in the game of older preschoolers. Direct interference destroys the play space created by children.

Our task is to preserve it, not to let it collapse. Among the most important conditions for the development of the game, researchers single out the implementation of such a game management that would contribute to the development of the child's creativity, the manifestation of initiative by him, through a special style of communication between an adult and a child, the teacher must create emotionally favorable conditions for the development of creativity.

Topic: The influence of the role-playing game on the social and moral development of children of senior preschool age

What is a game in general terms?The game is the central activity of the child, filled with meaning and significance for him. Play is an essential part of a child's healthy development. An emotionally important experience receives a meaningful expression in the game. Play is an important link in communication between children.In modern pedagogical theory, the game is considered as the leading activity of a preschool child. The leading position of the game is determined not by the amount of time that the child devotes to it, but by the fact that: it satisfies his basic needs; in the bowels of the game, other types of activity are born and develop; The game is the most conducive to the mental development of the child.

Elkonin D.B. emphasized that the game is a complex psychological phenomenon that gives the effect of general mental development. According to Ushinsky K.D., the child “lives” in the game and the traces of this life remain deeper in him than the traces of real life. In the game, the child learns to subordinate his behavior to the rules of the game, learns the rules of communication with people, develops his mental abilities and cognitive interests, which are especially important for successful schooling. Playing for a child is serious business.

Games differ in content, characteristics, the place they occupy in the lives of children, in their upbringing and education.

In our study, we will consider the role-playing game and how it affects the social and moral development of children of senior preschool age.

At senior preschool age, the role-playing game becomes the leading type of activity, where the child models the ways of behavior, actions, and relationships between adults. It highlights the relationship between people and the meaning of their work. Performing roles, the child learns to act in accordance with the moral standards accepted in human society. Role-playing games occupy a significant place in the lives of children. Distinctive feature role-playing game is that it is created by the children themselves, and their play activity is clearly amateur and creative. Their basis is children's amateur performance. Sometimes such games are called creative role-playing games, emphasizing that children do not just copy certain actions, but creatively comprehend and reproduce them in created images, game actions. In a creative role-playing game, the child actively recreates, models the phenomena of real life, experiences them, and this fills his life with rich content, leaves a mark for many years. A role-playing game is a kind of school in which a child actively and creatively masters the rules and norms of people's behavior, their attitude to work, to the world around them, to people and to themselves. The game gives you the ability to see the world not only from your own point of view, but also through the eyes of another person, i.e. intellectual decentration occurs, the ability to analyze one's actions, actions, motives of behavior with the actions of other people is formed. In such a game and through such a game, preschool children develop and form such qualities as honesty, sincerity, initiative, empathy, endurance, sympathy, compassion.

Features of the role-playing game are revealed in the works of psychologists (L.S. Vygotsky, D.B. Elkonin, A.V. Zaporozhets) and teachers (R.I. Zhukovskaya, D.V. Menzheritskaya, A.P. Usova, N. .Ya. Mikhailenko).

Psychologist Zaporozhets Z.A. notes: "A role-playing game, like a fairy tale, teaches the child to be imbued with the thoughts and feelings of the people portrayed, going beyond the circle of ordinary impressions into the wider world of human aspirations and heroic deeds."

Famous psychologist L.S. Vygotsky believes that the role-playing game is the most important source for the formation of the social consciousness of a preschool child. This is its main function and significance for the development of the personality of a child of this age. In play, according to Vygotsky,homoessay' becomes a man.

Role-playing game is social in its origin, i.e. arises in the course of the historical development of society as a result of a change in the place of the child in the system of social relations. This conclusion was made by D.B. Elkonin based on the analysis of ethnographic research. The appearance of play is connected not with the action of any innate, instinctive forces, but with certain conditions of the child's life in society. The game is social not only in origin, but also in its content. All researchers who described the role-playing game pointed out that the surrounding reality has a huge impact on it, that the plots of children's games are conditioned by social, domestic, family conditions of life.

The basis of the role-playing game is an imaginary or imaginary situation, which consists in the fact that the child takes on the role of an adult and performs it in a play environment created by him. For example, playing at school, depicts a teacher leading a lesson with students (peers) in the classroom (on the carpet).

In the process of role-playing, the child not only creates an imaginary situation, but also takes on the role of another. The independence of children in the role-playing game is one of its characteristic features. Children themselves choose the theme of the game, determine the lines of its development, decide how they will reveal the roles, where the game will be deployed, etc. e. Each child is free to choose the means of embodying the image. At the same time, nothing is impossible: you can, sitting in a chair - a "rocket", find yourself on the moon, using a stick - a "scalpel" - to perform an operation. Such freedom in the realization of the idea of ​​the game and the flight of fantasy allow the preschooler to independently engage in those areas of human activity that in real life will be inaccessible to him for a long time. Uniting in a plot-role-playing game, children voluntarily choose partners, establish game rules themselves, monitor their implementation, and regulate relationships. But the most important thing is that in the game the child embodies his view, his ideas, his attitude to the event that he is playing.

The creative nature of the role-playing game is determined by the presence of an idea in it, the implementation of which is associated with the active work of the imagination, with the development of the child's ability to display his impressions of the world around him. When playing a role, the child's creativity takes on the character of reincarnation. Its success is directly related to the personal experience of the player, the degree of development of his feelings, fantasies, interests. Like any creative activity, a role-playing game is emotionally saturated and gives each child joy and pleasure by its very process.

The role-playing game has the following structural components: plot, content, role.

The main component of the role-playing game is the plot, without it there is no role-playing game itself. The plot of the game is that sphere of reality that is reproduced by children. The plot is a reflection by the child of certain actions, events, relationships from the life and activities of others. At the same time, his game actions(turns the steering wheel of a car, cooks dinner, teaches students to draw, etc.) - one of the main means of realizing the plot. The plots of the games are varied. Conventionally, they are divided into household (family games, kindergarten), industrial, reflecting the professional work of people (games in the hospital, store, livestock farm), public (games to celebrate the birthday of the city, to the library, school, flight to the moon).

The content of the game, notes D.B. Elkonin, is what is reproduced by the child as a central and characteristic moment of activity and relations between adults in their everyday, labor, social activities. Depending on the depth of the child's ideas about the activities of adults, the content of the games also changes. The game is not a world of absolute freedom and arbitrariness. On the contrary, it has laws and rules similar to those that are in reality. As pointed out by L.S. Vygotsky, any role-playing game is a game with rules that exist within the role that the child takes on.

What is a role for a child? A role is his playing position: he identifies himself with some character in the plot and acts in accordance with the ideas about this character. Each role contains its own rules of behavior, taken by the child from the surrounding life, borrowed from relationships in the world of adults. So, mother takes care of children, prepares food for them, puts them to bed; the teacher speaks loudly and clearly, is strict, requires everyone to listen to her, not to be naughty in the classroom. The subordination of the child to the rules of role-playing behavior is the most important element of the role-playing game. The deviation of any of the players from these rules causes protests from the partners in the game: “You can’t argue with the captain!” or: “The captains are loudly ordering, and you are asking the sailor to wash the deck!” Thus, for preschoolers, the role is a model of how to act. Based on this sample, the child evaluates the behavior of the participants in the game, and then his own.

Consider what kind of relationship develops between children during the game.

In the process of a role-playing game, the child keeps two plans in his head: real and play: “I am a child - you are a child. I am the doctor, you are the patient. Role-playing and real relationships are formed and manifested between children. Role relationships are determined by the plot and content of the game, the role taken on. Children in role-playing statements and actions reflect their ideas about the nature and content of the relationship between the characters in the game (the doctor must be attentive and caring to patients). But even while depicting negative relationships between characters during the game, children in reality continue to treat each other caringly and in a comradely manner.

Real relationships are the relationships of children as comrades, partners in the game. They determine the choice and distribution of roles, they appear when the child, as it were, temporarily leaves the role and gives a variety of remarks, remarks, demands, instructions on compliance with the rules that govern the course of the game.

L.S. Vygotsky considers the main contradiction of the game: on the one hand, the game is a joyful, free, emotionally rich children's activity, on the other hand, the role-playing game is a school of arbitrary behavior. The child, subordinating his actions to the rules, does what is necessary, overcoming his desires.

The game, like other types joint activities, requires from a preschooler the manifestation of certain moral and volitional qualities, the skills necessary to establish contacts with peers. Such skills A.P. Usova described as the qualities of the "public" and attributed to them the ability to act together; make connections with other children; find your place among the players, take the initiative and convince others to accept the game; be attentive to peers; not only influence children by organizing them, but also obey the fair demands of peers, reckon with their opinion. These qualities are formed and manifested in the process of communication in the joint games of children.

From all of the above, it follows that the role-playing game creates certain conditions for the assimilation of moral norms and rules of behavior. The child masters the sphere of knowledge about moral relations accepted in human society mainly by performing roles, modeling ways of behavior, actions, relationships between people. Therefore, it is important that children understand the inner, moral meaning of "good" and "bad" deeds, correctly convey the nature of the characters' experiences, and not just repeat certain actions.

Thus, the importance of the game (plot - role in particular) for the moral formation of the personality of a preschooler is invaluable, because the child is formed when following the rules in the plot - role relations and when communicating with peers in real relationships about the game.

Plot - role-playing game - the leading activity of a preschooler

Preschool childhood - from 3 to 6-7 years old - is a very special period of a child's development. It is at this age that internal mental life and internal regulation of behavior arise. the inner life is manifested in the imagination of the child, in arbitrary behavior, in communication with adults and peers.

All these important qualities and abilities are born and developed not in conversations with an adult and not in classes with specialists, but in a role-playing game.

This is a game in which children take on the roles of adults, and in specially created game, imaginary conditions reproduce (or model) the activities of adults and the relationship between them.

In such a game, all the mental qualities and personality traits of the child are most intensively formed. Game activity influences the formation of arbitrariness of behavior and all mental processes - from elementary to the most complex. In fulfilling the role of play, the child subordinates to this task all his momentary, impulsive actions. In the conditions of the game, children concentrate better and remember more than on the direct instructions of an adult. A conscious goal - to concentrate, to remember something, to restrain an impulsive movement - is the earliest and most easily distinguished by a child in the game.

The game has a strong influence on the mental development of a preschooler. Acting with substitute objects, the child begins to operate in a conceivable, conditional space. The substitute object becomes a support for thinking. Gradually, play actions are reduced, and the child begins to act in the internal, mental plane. Thus, the game contributes to the fact that the child moves to thinking in terms of images and ideas.

In addition, in the game, by performing various roles, the child becomes at different points of view, and begins to see the object from different angles. This contributes to the development of the most important mental ability of a person, which allows him to present a different view and a different point of view.

Role play is critical to the development of the imagination. Game actions take place in an imaginary situation; real objects are used as others, imaginary; the child takes on the roles of imaginary characters. This practice of action in an imaginary space contributes to the fact that children acquire the ability for creative imagination.

Communication between a preschooler and peers also unfolds mainly in the process of playing together. Playing together, children begin to take into account the desires and actions of another child, defend their point of view, build and implement joint plans. Therefore, the game has a huge impact on the development of children's communication during this period.

The great importance of the game for the development of all the psyche and personality of the child gives reason to believe that this activity is the leading one in preschool age.

Features of the role-playing game of a preschooler

The central moment of the role-playing game is the role that the child takes on. At the same time, he does not just call himself the name of the corresponding adult person ("I am an astronaut", "I am a mother", "I am a doctor", but, most importantly, he acts as an adult, whose role he took on and thus as would identify with him.

It is the playing role in a concentrated form that embodies the connection of the child with the world of adults. The most characteristic moment of the role is that it is impossible without practical game action. The role of a rider, doctor or driver cannot be performed only in the mind, without real, practical game actions.

It is customary to distinguish between the plot and the content of the game.

The plot of the game- this is the area of ​​​​reality that is reproduced by children in the game (hospital, family, war, store, etc.). The plots of the games reflect the specific conditions of the child's life. They change depending on these specific conditions, along with the expansion of the child's horizons and his acquaintance with the environment.

The main source of role-playing games is the acquaintance of the child with the life and activities of adults. If children are new to the surrounding world of people, they play little, their games are monotonous and limited. Recently, educators and psychologists have noted a decrease in the level of role-playing games among preschoolers.

Game content- this is what is reproduced by the child as a central moment in human relations. The specific nature of the relationships between people that children recreate in the game may be different and depends on the relationship of real adults surrounding the child. The same game in its plot (for example, a game with a family) can have completely different content: one “mother” will beat and scold her “children”, another will put on makeup in front of a mirror and rush to visit, the third will constantly wash and cook, the fourth - read books to children and engage with them, etc.

All these options reflect what "flows" into the child from the surrounding life. What a mother does with her daughter, the daughter will do with her doll (or playmate).

Human relations and the conditions in which a child lives determine not only the plots, but above all the content of children's games. Thus, the game arises from the conditions of the child's life and reflects, reproduces these conditions.

The nature of game actions

Acting out the role Development of the plot in an imaginary situation

3 - 4 years Separate game actions that are conditional in nature The role is actually carried out, but not called Plot - a chain of two actions, an imaginary situation is held by an adult

4-5 years Interrelated play actions that have a clear role-playing character The role is called, children can change the role during the game A chain of 3-4 interrelated actions / children independently hold an imaginary situation

5 - 6 years old Transition to role-playing actions that reflect the social functions of people Roles are distributed before the start of the game, children adhere to their role throughout the game A chain of game actions united by one plot that corresponds to the real logic of adults' actions

6 - 7 years old Displaying relationships between people in game actions (submission, cooperation). The technique of game actions is conditional Not only the roles, but also the idea of ​​the game are spoken by the children before it starts. The plot is based on an imaginary situation, the actions are varied and correspond to real relationships between people

Conditions and methods for the development of role-playing games in preschoolers.

The main tasks that the educator faces when managing role-playing games:

1) the development of the game as an activity;

2) the use of the game in order to educate the children's team and individual children.

The development of the game as an activity means the expansion of the theme of children's games, the deepening of their content. In the game, children should acquire a positive social experience, which is why it is necessary that it reflects the love of adults for work, friendship, mutual assistance, etc.

3. For the development of a role-playing game, a pedagogically appropriate selection of toys and game materials is necessary, which creates “the material basis of the game, ensures the development of the game as an activity.

The selection of toys should be carried out in accordance with the main theme of children's games in this age group, taking into account the immediate prospects for their development. For children of younger preschool age, a toy is needed that allows them to play in the family, kindergarten, etc. In groups of middle-aged and older children, the selection of toys should ensure the development of games on labor topics and games that reflect social events and phenomena.

4. Techniques for directing children's games can be conditionally divided into two groups: methods of indirect influence and methods of direct guidance.

Indirect play management is carried out by enriching children's knowledge of the surrounding social life, updating play materials, etc., that is, without direct intervention in the game. One of the methods of such an indirect influence on children's play is the introduction of toys and the creation of a play environment even before the start of the game. This technique is used to arouse children's interest in a new theme of the game or to enrich the content of an existing one. The introduction of new toys causes both playful and cognitive interest of children.

Direct management techniques: role-playing participation in the game, participation in the collusion of children, clarification, assistance, advice during the game, suggesting a new topic for the game, etc. But we must not forget that the main condition for using these techniques is to preserve and develop children's independence in the game.

5. Three stages of the formation of a plot-role-playing game:

At the first stage(1, 5 - 3 years) the teacher stimulates the child to carry out conditional actions with objects.

At the second stage(3 years - 5 years) forms in children the ability to take on a role, to move from one role to another in the game. This can be done most successfully by building joint game with children in the form of a chain of role-playing dialogues between participants, shifting the attention of children from conditional actions with objects to role-playing speech.

At the third stage(5-7 years old) children should master the ability to come up with a variety of game plots. To do this, the teacher can develop a game together with the children - inventing, proceeding in a purely speech plan, the main content of which is inventing new plots that include a variety of events.

6. The main points of the methodology for using the role-playing game:

Game selection. It is determined by a specific educational task.

Pedagogical development of the game plan. When developing a game, the educator should strive to maximize its saturation with game content that can captivate the child. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, it is important to determine the expected roles and means of the game organization that would contribute to the fulfillment of the planned educational tasks.

Familiarize children with the game plan and jointly refine it. The teacher should strive to conduct a conversation in such a way as to involve children as much as possible in the discussion of the game plan, in developing the content of role-playing activities.

Creating an imaginary situation. Preschoolers always start role-playing games by endowing surrounding objects with figurative meanings: chairs - a train, bushes - a border, a log - a ship, etc. Creating an imaginary situation is the most important basis for starting a creative role-playing game.

Distribution of roles. The teacher should strive to satisfy the playing needs of children, that is, he gives everyone the desired role, suggests the order of playing roles varying degrees activity, looking for opportunities to assert the position of the child in the team through the game role.

Beginning of the game. To evoke a positive perception of the game in children, you can use some methodological techniques, for example, prepare a group of children to act out a game episode. Another methodological technique may be this: at the beginning of the game, the main roles are distributed among active children with a well-developed creative imagination. This allows you to set the tone, show the guys an example of interesting role-playing behavior.

Saving the game situation. There is some condition for maintaining a persistent interest in the game in children:

a) an adult is obliged to set the tone in dealing with playing children, using conditional game terminology (in paramilitary games - clarity and conciseness of commands, demand a response: “There is a comrade commander!” A report on the completed assignment);

b) the teacher should try to beat any business of the children's team

c) all measures of pedagogical influence on children - requirements, encouragement, punishments - the teacher must carry out in a game way without destroying the game situation;

d) in the course of a role-playing game, it is advisable to include detailed creative games or games on the ground with identical plots;

e) during the game, the teacher can organize a collective competition between small groups of the playing team.

The end of the game. By developing a game plan, the teacher outlines the intended ending in advance. It is necessary to take care of such an ending, a game that would make children want to preserve in the life of the team all the best that the game brought with it.

Thus, we can conclude that through the role-playing game, the child masters spiritual values, learns previous social experience. In it, the child receives the skills of collective thinking.

A role-playing game is the most accessible type of activity for children, a way of processing impressions and knowledge received from the outside world, because here the features of the child’s thinking and imagination, his emotionality, activity, and developing need for communication are clearly manifested.

Role-playing games can become the form of organizing the life of a preschooler, in which the teacher, using various methods, forms the personality of the child, its spiritual and social orientation.

The role of educational games in preschool age

Children look at the world around them with wide eyes. Often, parents are surprised by children's energy, and with it perseverance and stubbornness. The child is in constant search.

He searches and learns, studies and checks, collects and breaks, just gets angry, admires, rejoices and laughs. The child is developing, and your goal is to help him by directing his strength and energy in the right direction.

By the age of three, a child's brain is formed, or rather its structure, while all skills, abilities and properties have their own sensitive periods. For example, speech develops from 6 months to 3 years. If during this time the child does not hear human speech, he will not be able to learn it, and it will not be easy to catch up later.

Often you can come across an erroneous opinion about children's abilities and intelligence. The brain of a child is like a sponge, capable of absorbing a huge amount of information.

It should be remembered that children tend to memorize only what causes their curiosity and interest. It is this that serves as a great incentive for development. And what else besides the game can ignite genuine interest in a child?

It is the game that is assigned the role of a guide to the world of adults. And it depends on her how the personality of the child will be formed in the future.

The most effective method of education and training are games aimed at development.

Principles of developing games:

Combination of elements of the game with learning;

Gradual complication of the learning process and game conditions;

The growth of the child's intellectual activity in solving new problems;

Consistent connection and dependence between the mental activity of the child and the surrounding space, a step-by-step increase in the intensity of intellectual work;

Holistic influence of teaching and educational factors.

With the competent implementation of the above principles, conditions are formed that contribute to the development of the initial norms of self-esteem and self-control in children. This has a tremendous impact on their educational activities and life in the team.

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Continuation. (beginning: What is a role-playing game?)

The game of a preschool child develops under the influence of education and training, depends on the acquisition of knowledge and skills, on the education of interests. In play, the individual characteristics of the child are manifested with particular force, and it can be observed that the same child exhibits a different level of play creativity depending on the content of the game, the role played, and relationships with comrades.

Many domestic and foreign psychologists believe that no one will develop Creative skills the child is better than himself. Therefore, first of all, the child needs to create conditions for spontaneous creative play.

It is possible to single out the main tasks that the educator faces in managing role-playing games: 1) the development of the game as an activity; 2) the use of the game in order to educate the children's team and individual children.

The development of the game as an activity means the expansion of the theme of children's games, the deepening of their content. In the game, the fly should acquire a positive social experience, which is why it is necessary that it reflects the love of adults for work, friendship, mutual assistance, etc.

How more organized game the higher its educational impact. The signs of a good game are: the ability to play with concentration, purposefully, take into account the interests and desires of your comrades, resolve conflicts in a friendly way, help each other in case of difficulties.

However, the game can also be a source of formation and negative experience, when the same children act as organizers, take on the main roles, suppressing the independence and initiative of others; the game can reflect the negative aspects of adult life. Educators, leading the game, must ensure the accumulation of positive experience of social relations.

The constant expansion of children's knowledge of the life around them, the enrichment of their impressions is one of the most important conditions for the development of full-fledged play in a particular group of children.

Important for the development of a role-playing game is the pedagogically appropriate selection of toys and game materials, which creates the "material basis" of the game, ensures the development of the game as an activity.

The selection of toys should be carried out in accordance with the main theme of children's games in this age group, taking into account the immediate prospects for their development. For children of younger preschool age, a toy is needed that allows them to play games in the family, kindergarten, etc. In groups of middle-aged and older children, the selection of toys should ensure the development of games on labor topics and games that reflect social events and phenomena. When selecting toys, the educator should take into account the nature of the requirements that children of this age place on the toy.

The teacher, organizing the storage of toys, must also take into account the development of play activities. AT junior groups it is most advisable to store toys so that they are in the child's field of vision - in the play corners: after all, the toy stimulates the child's play plan, so it should be visible and accessible.

In the middle and older groups, there is no such need, because the children in the selection of toys come from the idea of ​​​​the game. But children must definitely know what toys are in the group, where they are stored and maintain the appropriate order.

In older groups, toys can be completed by topic(for example, to play the hospital, mail, travel, astronauts, etc.). The presence of such ready-made sets, consisting of the most necessary toys, allows children to quickly deploy the game, pick up additional play materials. Such a set of toys should be compiled by the teacher together with the children as the game develops, and given to children only in finished form. Children, together with the teacher, can make homemade toys themselves.

For the correct management of games, the educator needs to study the interests of children, their favorite games, the completeness and educational value of the games that exist in the group; know how children unite in the game: who likes to play with whom, what is the moral basis of these associations, their stability, the nature of the relationship in the game, etc. Watching the games, the teacher assesses the degree of development of independence and self-organization of children in the game, their ability to negotiate , create a playful environment, fairly resolve emerging conflicts, etc.

In domestic preschool pedagogy, D. V. Mendzheritskaya, R. I. Zhukovskaya, V. P. Zalogina, N. Ya. two groups: methods of indirect influence and methods of direct guidance.

Indirect control of the game is carried out by enriching the knowledge of the Children about the surrounding social life, updating the game materials, etc., i.e. without direct intervention in the game. This preserves the independence of children in the process of playing.

One of the methods of such an indirect influence on children's play is the introduction of toys and the creation of a play environment even before the start of the game. This technique is used to arouse children's interest in a new theme of the game or to enrich the content of an existing one. The introduction of new toys causes both play and cognitive interest of children.

Direct management techniques (role-playing participation in the game, participation in the collusion of children, clarification, assistance, advice during the game, suggesting a new topic for the game, etc.) make it possible to purposefully influence the content of the game, the relationship of children in the game, the behavior of the players, etc. But we must not forget that the main condition for the use of these techniques is the preservation and development of children's independence in the game.

Let us consider some aspects of the concept of N. Ya. Mikhalenko about the formation of a plot game in preschool childhood. It states that the development of children's independent play occurs much faster if the educator purposefully guides it, forming specific playing skills throughout preschool childhood.

Stages of formation of a story game

N. Ya. Mikhailenko singles out 3 stages of the formation of a story game.

At the first stage (1.5-3 years) the teacher, deploying the game, places special emphasis on the play action with toys and substitute objects, creates situations that stimulate the child to carry out conditional actions with the object.

At the second stage (3 years - 5 years) the educator forms in children the ability to take on a role, deploy role-playing interaction, and move from one role to another in the game. This can be done most successfully if you build a joint game with children in the form of a chain of role-playing dialogues between participants, shifting the attention of children from conditional actions with an object to role-playing speech (role-playing dialogue).

At the third stage (5-7 years) children should master the ability to come up with new diverse plots of games, coordinate game plans with each other. To this end, the educator can develop, together with the children, a kind of inventing game that takes place in a purely speech plan, the main content of which is the inventing of new plots that include various events.

The peculiarity of the process of formation of playing skills, according to N. Ya. Mikhailenko, is that the adult here is not a teacher, but an equal partner: he, as it were, takes the position of the child and plays with him, thereby preserving the naturalness of the game. At the same time, when deploying a joint game with children, the educator should, from an early age, orient the child to a peer, while teaching him to play interaction with a partner at an accessible level for him.

Conditions and methods for the development of a role-playing game in preschoolers

N. V. Krasnoshchekova


Conditions for the development of abilities in preschool age

Each period of childhood creates special favorable conditions for the manifestation and development of abilities. The most peculiar in this regard is the preschool age, when all kinds of abilities are rapidly developing.

And yet there is a certain age-related dynamics in their manifestation. Artistic talent is revealed the earliest - first for music, then for drawing, later for science, and talent for mathematics manifests itself earlier than others.

Recall that abilities are manifested and formed only in activity. This means that only by properly organizing the activity of the child, it is possible to identify and then develop his abilities.

K. D. Ushinsky wrote: “The basic law of children’s nature can be expressed as follows: the child needs activity incessantly and gets tired not of activity, but of its monotony or one-sidedness.” It is important to include a preschooler in a variety of activities and, avoiding early specialization, allow all his inclinations and inclinations to manifest.

Let the kid try himself in all areas of activity. For this purpose, an objective environment is created, the baby is provided with all kinds of items: designers, materials, pencils, paints, paper, scissors, glue, etc.

All preschoolers draw, sing, dance. But why do children gradually stop doing this by the end of primary school age? One of the reasons is as follows.

Any activity requires certain technical skills and abilities, only then you can achieve an original result if you have mastered them. Children, not possessing the appropriate skills and abilities, see the low quality of their products and lose interest in activities.

The well-known psychologist N. S. Leites pointed out two most important properties of a gifted child. It is activity and self-regulation.

The kid is distinguished by indefatigable performance, which an adult must not only support, but also direct in the appropriate direction, developing cognitive interests and inclinations. Any activity requires the ability to set its goals, regulate and control one's behavior, as well as the ability to volitional effort.

The child must learn to bring the work begun to the end, to achieve results, despite the difficulties. The most important personal quality that should be formed in a baby is diligence.

In dealing with gifted, capable children, the correct position of an adult is important. On the one hand, adults often do not like the heightened curiosity of children, their desire to discuss "adult topics", a critical attitude towards parents and caregivers when they cannot answer the child's questions.

And on the other hand, gifted children require increased attention from adults, because they look at them as a source of various knowledge, erudite people who know the answers to all questions. And, finally, on the third hand, it is adults who form the child's assessment, attitude to his abilities, to the results achieved in his activity.

Therefore, in dealing with a gifted child, an adult should be patient with the ideas of the child, which he thinks are strange, show sympathy for failures, try to answer all his questions, provide maximum independence and the opportunity to do things that interest him. And at the same time, it should be remembered that a gifted child is still characterized by the same age indicators as an ordinary one. Therefore, he needs to be given time to play, preschool types activities, help avoid premature unilateral maturation.

Difficulties in such children are manifested not only in relationships with adults, but also in relationships with peers. Communication with peers is not always interesting for them, since their mental development is much ahead of the development of the latter.

Older children consider them small. An adult must find a peer of approximately the same level of psychological development for a gifted child.

Difficulties are observed in gifted children and in relation to themselves. Increased criticality leads to increased anxiety and vulnerability, to the fact that children are often not satisfied with the results of their activities, they are acutely worried if they cannot solve the problem, find an unambiguous answer to the question that has arisen.

And then the child must be helped to believe in himself, in his strength, to support him on the difficult path of knowledge. And at the same time, it is important to teach a preschooler to correctly and objectively evaluate himself, the result obtained.


Belova E., Ishchenko I. Gifted child. What can parents do for him / / Preschool education. - 1992. -№7-8. -FROM. 26-31.

Genesis of sensory abilities / Ed. L. A. Venger. - M., 1976.

Gilbukh Yu. Z., Garnets O. N., Korobko S. L. The phenomenon of mental endowment//Questions of psychology.-1990.-№4.-S. 147-155.

Karpinskaya N. S. Development of artistic abilities of preschoolers in the process of play-dramatization//Izvestiya APN RSFSR. - 1959. - Issue. 100. - S. 98-139.

Komarova T. S. On the development of abilities for visual activity//Preschool education. -1990. - No. 6. - S. 44-50.

Leites N. S. Ability and giftedness in childhood. -M., 1984.

The development of cognitive abilities in the process of preschool education / / Ed. L. A. Venger. - M., 1986.

Tarasova K. Ontogeny of musical abilities. - M., 1988.


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S.T. Shatsky commented on these games in the following way: “A laid-back children's game that gives scope to the imagination reflects the life experience of children; its course depends not only on the speed, dexterity of movements and this or that degree of ingenuity, but also on the richness of the inner life developing in the soul of the child.

In these games, although they take a limited time, the role of an adult is great. Accordingly, his position determines the pedagogical meaning of this game. The selection of situations and the development of the plot of the game itself is the main link, providing which, the adult also ensures the effective educational influence of the game.

In the structure of game activity, the plot as the main component of the game includes a character, life situation, actions and relationships of characters.

The role-playing game in its developed form, as a rule, has a collective character. This does not mean that children do not play alone. But the presence of a children's society is the most favorable condition for the development of role-playing games. If the game reflects the relationship between people, then the presence of comrades provides a more complete implementation of the plot. So the content itself creates in children the need for joint, collective play. This need must be reinforced by the ability to play together. The needs of skill must be educated: they do not form themselves. The essence of the educational impact of the role-playing game in the acquisition and accumulation of social experience.

1.2 . The influence of role-playing games on the self-development of children of middle preschool age.

Pedagogy and psychology see such important features in the game as:

polyfunctionality - the ability to provide the individual with the position of the subject of activity instead of the passive "consumer" of information, which is extremely important for the effectiveness of the educational process.

The game refers to an indirect method of influence: the child does not feel himself an object of influence of an adult, he is a full-fledged subject of activity.

The game is a means where education turns into self-education.

The game is closely connected with the development of the personality, namely, during the period of its especially intensive development in childhood, it acquires special significance.

The game is the first activity that plays a particularly significant role in the development of the personality, in the formation of properties and the enrichment of its internal content.

In the early, preschool years of a child's life, play is the type of activity in which his personality is formed.

Entering the game, the corresponding actions are fixed over and over again; while playing, the child masters them better and better: the game becomes for him a kind of school of life. The child does not play in order to acquire preparation for life, but acquires preparation for life by playing, because he naturally has a need to act out precisely those actions that are newly acquired for him, not yet become habits. As a result, he develops during the game and receives preparation for further activities.

He plays because he develops and develops because he plays. Game-practice development. The game prepares children to continue the work of the older generation, forming, developing in it the abilities and qualities necessary for the activity that they will have to perform in the future.

In the game, the child develops an imagination that includes both departure from reality and penetration into it. The ability to transform reality in an image and to transform it in action, to change it, are laid down and prepared in play action, and in play a path is paved from feeling to organized action and from action to feeling. In a word, in the game, as in a focus, all aspects of the mental life of the personality are collected, manifested in it and through it are formed in the roles that the child, while playing, takes on, expands, enriches, deepens the very personality of the child.

In the game, to one degree or another, the properties necessary for learning at school are formed, which determine the readiness for learning.

At different stages of development, children tend to different games in logical accordance with the general nature of this stage. By participating in the development of the child, the game itself develops. The game is a complex socio-psychological phenomenon already because it is not an age-related phenomenon, but a personal one. The need of the individual in the game and the ability to join the game is characterized by a special vision of the world and is not related to the person's age.

The need for the game depends on the creative capabilities of the individual. After all, creativity is necessarily associated with the experience of joy from the very process of activity. In the works of L.S. Vygotsky, an age-related trend towards a decrease in spontaneously arising games is shown.

As a rule, by school age, interest in creativity curtails in children, the child begins to be critical of him.

“We see the same curtailment of childhood fantasy in the fact that the child loses interest in the naive games of earlier childhood.”

An adult who has already made a choice of one of the possible life paths lives in the sphere of a narrow channel of the funnel, and the game allows him to conditionally feel other possible life options that are not used in the real plan.

The ability of people to enter the game affects the emotional atmosphere of communication, creates a mood for others. The game is a complex socio-psychological phenomenon, with a sufficiently conscious attitude, it becomes a means of stress control, self-renewal, self-improvement, overcoming internal conflict, and also stimulating high spirits.

As noted above, the game is, first of all, a creative process,

But many have a stereotype that creativity is the lot of the elite, but L.S. Vygotsky, in his work Imagination and Creativity in Childhood, refutes this idea. If we understand creativity: “as a necessary condition for existence, and everything that goes beyond the limits of routine, and what it consists of, at least an iota of new, it doesn’t matter whether it is created ... some thing of the outside world or a well-known construction of the mind or feeling ...”. It is easy to see that creative processes are found in full force, both in the earliest childhood and in adults.

Arising on the border of early childhood and preschool age, the role-playing game develops intensively and reaches in the second half of its top level. In play, the role is the next link between the child and the rule. Assuming a role makes it much easier for a child to follow the rules.

The principles of gaming communication that ensure the self-development of the individual are as follows:

1.Self-integrity and self-worth. The essence of the game is in its process, and not in the product result, which, if it can take place in the game, is like an artifact that is not provided for and optional in the game plan.

2. The main motive for entering into gaming communication is the need of a person not as a biological or social being, but as a cultural being. The game in this vein develops mechanisms of self-development. A person in the game comprehends his life meanings, joins the highest life values ​​of the team.

3. Volunteering. Roles in the game are not assigned, but are chosen by the players themselves, developed during the game.

4. The game has its own special space-time organization. The game is artificial, ideal because it is conditional. She has her own rules, her own roles, howling plot, howling game tasks. Outside the rules, the game is meaningless.

5. The game is always specific, situational, unique, inimitable.

6. Three-dimensionality. Each participant in the game combines at the same time a life position, a social function and a playing role. The latter is determined by the conditions of the game. The social function is given to the subject as a member of a certain society (each object in this case is a functionary). The position in life is not set by anyone and nothing, but is developed personally by each subject.

Of course, none of the above principles of gaming communication "works" in isolation from others.

1.3. Pedagogical conditions for self-development of children of middle preschool age by means of role-playing game.

To effectively educate preschoolers, it is not enough to know a set of games. The game, like any other means, becomes an educational factor only under certain conditions. The main one is the attitude of the teacher to the children, which is expressed with the help of playing tricks . It can be called the game position of the teacher. It can be seen that if in relation to the child we speak of education by play, then in relation to the teacher this is a test by play. The game position of the teacher is, first of all, a special style of relations between adults and children. The very process of mastering the game pedagogical method is interesting. No stories about the game method will give this idea of ​​the educational significance of the game, which can take shape almost instantly if the teacher himself includes himself in the system of game actions, starts to play. The game position of the teacher therefore turns the game into an educational factor, which contributes to the humanization of the relationship "educator-pupil". This is the main function of the teacher's playing position, which contributes to the creation of a creative atmosphere. So many games that are unsuccessful and do not interest children suffer from one drawback - the lack of a clearly thought-out role for each participant. Therefore, when organizing games, the teacher must skillfully distribute the roles between the participants, taking into account the individual characteristics and interests of the children. The conditions for the development of amateur games for preschoolers make it possible to understand why creative games organized by adults sometimes do not captivate children. Adults, when organizing play, must create that common, unified attitude in children towards play, which always already exists in a group of children united by independent play. An adult must himself ensure the intimacy, seriousness and commonality of attitudes towards the game among all the players. Otherwise, the game will not take place, and this is possible when he himself takes the game seriously and sensitively. This implies the first requirement that a specially organized game must satisfy. It consists in the fact that most of the children playing should be interested in its plot. The initiative in the game itself should belong to the children, even if it was suggested by an adult. In no case should an adult impose a game on children if they are not interested, because. this idea is not only doomed to failure, but also creates an unfriendly relationship between the teacher and the children. An adult can create a correct attitude towards a game specially organized for educational purposes only on the condition that he himself considers it a necessary and serious activity, is passionate about the idea of ​​the game, its design and wants to captivate children with them. However, the idea of ​​the game must always be in the interests of the children, otherwise they will not be carried away by it i.e. Great demands are placed on teachers. Often, when conducting role-playing games with preschool children, teachers are faced not with the lack of interest of children in any aspect of adult activity, not with the fact that it is difficult to arouse the desire to play on this plot, but with the difficulty of deploying the game itself. Therefore, the function of an adult should not end with a game plan developed jointly with the children, but only begin at that moment. The main business of an adult is not to start the game, but to conduct it. Moreover, to conduct it in such a way that during the game those educational tasks that the teacher sets in his work with this team are solved. If an adult does not fulfill the duties that come to him with the game, the game breaks up. Many believe that she broke up because the guys were not interested in her. This is how teachers console themselves, who themselves are not interested and do not want to waste their time, strength and energy on what, in the depths of their souls, apparently, they consider not so important. In fact, if an already started game falls apart or does not bring the expected effect, as a rule, the organizer of the game is to blame. The game becomes a valid means of education under the condition of purposeful pedagogical work. The content of the pedagogical guide to the game includes 3 stages. In the pre-game (preparatory) period, the teacher helps the children choose a game or come up with a new one, coordinate ideas, and distribute roles. In addition, it is important to help pick up details, understand the rules. During the game, the main thing is to promote the development of independence and creativity, to regulate the moral situation. The debriefing stage is important for all kinds of games. The focus of the teacher should be given a fair assessment of each child, determining the winner and the loser. In addition to relations imaginary or prescribed by the rules, real relations arise during the game: friendship or enmity, having arisen in games, can pass into the daily life of children. So it is impossible to conduct games-competitions in a conflict team. In the post-game period, the task of the teacher is to consolidate the positive manifestations that arise in the games and slow down the negative ones. The active use of children's play helps to increase the effectiveness of the educational process.

For preschool children

games have an exclusive

meaning: the game for them is study,

game for them is work,

the game is a serious form for them

education. game for

preschoolers - a way of knowing


N. K. Krupskaya

Comprehensive education of children in the game.

The game is one of those types of children's activities that are used by adults in order to educate preschoolers, teaching them various actions with objects, methods and means of communication. In the game, the child develops as a person, he forms those aspects of the psyche, on which the success of his educational and work activities, his relationships with people will subsequently depend.

For example, self-regulation of actions is formed in the game, taking into account the tasks of collective activity. The most important achievement is the acquisition of a sense of collectivism. It not only characterizes the moral character of the child, but also restructures his intellectual sphere, since in the collective game there is an interaction of various ideas, the development of event content and the achievement of a common game goal.

It is proved that in the game children get the first experience of collective thinking. This is very significant for the child, since his future is connected with socially useful work, which requires its participants to jointly solve problems. (N.K. Krupskaya, A.S. Makarenko, E.A. Flerina, E.I. Tikheeva, A.P. Usova and others)

Psychologists L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontieva, D.b. Elkonina, A.V. Zaporozhets and their followers believed that the game has a historical, not a biological nature. Their opinion is that children's games spontaneously, but naturally, arose as a reflection of the labor and social activities of adults. However, it is known that the ability to play (the early stages of preschool childhood) does not arise by automatically transferring into the game what is learned in everyday life. Children need to be involved in the game.

Analysis educational work in d / s shows that in some cases children play little and primitively, the level of reflection of reality does not always correspond to their age capabilities. This lag is due to various reasons, but the lack of leadership in the game has one result: children do not know how to play. Children who play poorly, waiting for a prompt from an adult for each next action, are, as a rule, children who have not formed the psychological activity basis of the game (the appearance of the game can be created by teaching the child game skill, not connected with the necessary motive), or those children who, in an environment of mentoring, lose the initiative.

The tasks of comprehensive education in the game are successfully implemented only if the psychological basis of play activity is formed in each age period of early and preschool childhood.

This is due to the fact that the development of the game is associated with transformations in the psyche of the child, and above all in his intellectual sphere, which is the basis for the development of the child's personality.

For example, by the end of 3 and at the beginning of the 4th year of life, children are fluent in different ways display of reality. If 2 summer child, washing the doll, reproduces the action known to him. Then by 3-4 under favorable conditions ( proper guidance game) he is able to replace actions with a generalized action-gesture (denoting washing) or, replace with a word (the doll has already washed). The transition from actions to verbal designation testifies to the child's ability to think abstractly, and, consequently, to an important transformation of his intellectual sphere.

At an older age, object-mediated actions are replaced by role-playing modes of action and modes of communication that are characteristic of a role-playing game.

The results of the observations of scientists, the study of children's games lead to the following conclusions:

I the stage of development of gaming activity is introductory game. With the help of a toy item, the game is a subject-play activity. Its content is action-manipulation.

IIdisplay game, in which individual subject-specific operations pass into the rank of actions. This is the climax of the development of the psychological content of play in early childhood.

IIIplot-display: the actions of the child, while remaining object-mediated, imitate in a conditional form the use of the object for its intended purpose. This is how the prerequisites for a role-playing game are gradually born. At this stage in the development of the game, word and deed merge.

Coming IV stage - role-playing game, in which the players simulate the labor and social relations of people familiar to them. Here is the development of emotions, initiative, creativity.

A good game is an effective means of correcting disorders in the emotional sphere of children brought up in dysfunctional families.

Vrole-playing game.

The importance of games for the mental development of the child is considered. However, the role of the plot game in the formation of moral qualities is no less important.

children, as well as in their physical development.

Story games also have an impact on the aesthetic education of children. This is ensured primarily by the selection of toys and attributes that meet the requirements of artistic taste. Equally important is the aesthetics of the content of the games themselves.

At preschool age, individual or joint directorial games are not uncommon. In fact, they are similar to role-playing ones, because. reflect the level of knowledge of children about the life around them, and carry elements of productive creativity and fantasy.

However, role-playing games alone cannot provide a solution to all the problems of comprehensive education of children in the game. This can be achieved by combining in the educational process different types games.

All types of games can be combined into 2 groups, which differ in the degree of direct participation of an adult, as well as in various forms of children's activity.

I- games where an adult takes an indirect part in their preparation and conduct.

The activity of children has an initiative, creative character - the child is able to independently set a game goal, develop an idea and find ways to solve game problems. Games in this group, which include plot and educational, are valuable for their developmental function, which is important for the overall mental development of the child.

II- various educational games in which an adult, telling the child the rules of the game or explaining the construction, gives a fixed program of actions to achieve a certain result.

In these games, specific tasks of education and training are usually solved; they are aimed at mastering certain material and rules that players must follow. They are also important for the moral and aesthetic education of preschoolers. The activity of children in educational games is of a reproductive nature: children, solving game problems with a given program of actions, only reproduce the methods for their implementation. These include mobile, didactic, musical games, dramatization games, entertainment games.

Comparative characteristics of role-playing and didactic games.

The idea comes from the child. The learning task is formulated by adults to achieve certain goals of the educator.
The content is created by the child in accordance with their own social and play experience. The content is developed by adults and is aimed at the implementation of the didactic task.
The role is an attractive component in the game for the child. Sometimes the game arises because he wants to be somebody. The role is not so interesting.
Game actions are determined by the role. Game actions are invented by adults and given to the child in finished form.
Rules are almost always implied, rarely spoken aloud, and never written down. Rules are drawn up by adults in advance, recorded. Their implementation is mandatory.

The main result of both games - child development level; At the same time, role-playing games have a greater influence on personal development of a preschooler, and didactic - on cognitive.

Psychologist about the game.

- What does play have to do with preparing for school?

The most immediate. The game is the leading activity of a preschooler. It has everything that is necessary for the full development of the individual. And therein lies its irreplaceable significance. In games, the child is formed as an active figure: he determines the idea and embodies it in the game plot. He, at his own discretion, makes adjustments to the game plans, independently enters into contacts with peers. In the game, the child tries his strength and capabilities.

Independence, activity, self-regulation - important features of free play activity - play an indispensable role in shaping the personality of a future student.

- There are different games. Perhaps their influence on the preparation of the child for school is not the same?

All of them play a positive role in the upbringing of the future student. But each type of game makes its own special contribution to the preparation. Role-playing games influence the development of the social, moral, emotional and intellectual spheres of the future student. In the game, the behavior of adults is modeled by children, real relationships are translated into a new language - the language of game images. And this is a complex intellectual and practical activity.

In a role-playing game, real and fantastic are intertwined. Real objects are being replaced by symbols. Entire events can be replaced by a single word or gesture, a prearranged signal. And all the players must reach mutual understanding, a commonality of views - without this there is no game. In the game, a whole complex of qualities necessary for school education is formed: the development of sign-symbolic means (substitution, modeling), the development of mechanisms of social behavior (communication, interaction, cooperation), the expansion and deepening of feelings and experiences.

- Is it possible, by watching children's games, to somehow predict the success of their schooling?

A child's play is an important indicator of overall development. It is no coincidence that K.D. Ushinsky urged to carefully observe children's games. If a child does not express interest in games, shows passivity, if his games are stereotyped and primitive in content, this is a signal of trouble in the development of the child and, unfortunately, a disappointing prognosis for schooling. Often, primitive play behavior is combined with intellectual passivity, developmental delay, and, therefore, there is a real reason to doubt the ability of such a child to succeed in school.

Pedagogical conditions for the formation of a role-playing game.

Enriching the social experience of children in everyday life. The source that feeds the game is real experience, a wide variety of knowledge about the environment. The knowledge gained in the classroom has a special influence on the game. It is very important that they naturally influence children's play. When getting acquainted with the work of adults, the greatest preference was given in my work, of course, to excursions, i.e. direct observation. Children are shown not only the actions that people perform, but also the significance of their work for others. Attention is drawn to the personal qualities of a worker. For example, the seller is polite, attentive, offers the right thing, etc. The postman is caring, and in bad weather brings newspapers and letters. The teacher expresses sympathy for the person with whose difficulty he introduces the children. So, during an excursion to the laundry, it was asked: “How can we help the laundress in her work?”. We bring the children to the conclusion: if you wash your hands cleanly, the towels will not get very dirty, keep your clothes clean.

The motive of the role-playing game is the relationship of people. When getting acquainted with others, it is necessary to show that adults not only do something, but also come into contact with each other. And this is the main thing: a seller cannot be without a buyer, a doctor cannot be without a patient, and so on.

It is necessary to organize the daily life of children in such a way that they have a need to turn to other people for something. For example, you can create a situation where the child needs to find out something in the first-aid post, or go to the next group for scissors. From their own experience, children are convinced of how important it is to skillfully establish contacts with others. Most importantly, children acquire a new social experience of interacting with other people, which will help them in establishing contacts with peers and in play activities.

The enrichment of the game is facilitated by various works of art, objects of fine art. good addition to observations, reading literature are pictures. They help to revive existing impressions, give ideas about new events. Make images fuller.

The study of the features of the plot-role-playing game of children 5-7 years old who find themselves in a difficult life situation and placed in a social institution

Conducting research. Observation of the independent plot-role-playing game of children 5-7 years old in natural conditions.

Data processing. The analysis of the protocols is carried out according to the scheme:

  1. The idea of ​​the game. Setting game goals and objectives
  2. Game content
  3. The plot of the game
  4. Role play and interaction of children in play
  5. Game actions and game items
  6. Game rules

Data from the initial observation, which was carried out from October to December, show:

Game Components


The concept of the game, setting game goals and objectives Children set tasks for those they want to play with. They cannot always understand each other, so an adult often helps to identify the game task. (Corresponds to the play activity of children 3-4 years old.)
Game content Reflects the relationship of adults (4-5 years)
The plot of the game Children do not use plots from fairy tales, monotonous everyday plots prevail (4 years)
Children take on a certain role, but often cannot negotiate with partners in the game. They reproduce game actions with interest, emotionally convey role-playing behavior. The role-playing dialogue is not yet developed (everyday remarks). Most children prefer to play in pairs, but the game is short-lived (4 years)
Children themselves choose substitute subjects. Object-game actions are well mastered, they play freely with toys, give verbal designations to these objects (5 years)
Rules of the game Rules govern the sequence of actions. Children are not completely, but they follow the rules in accordance with the role they have taken. Monitor the implementation of the rules of the game by other children (5 years old)

I would like to note the following: not all children correlate the initial idea and its implementation in the game, almost all children do not correlate the idea with the achieved result; conflicts also arise in the distribution of roles, and when certain tasks are not fulfilled by someone

rules, when possessing a toy, because of which the game stops, the children switch to another type of activity or move to another group of players. Children mainly play in equipped play corners and rarely prepare the play environment themselves. Children almost never turn to an adult, except for complaints, or to give something for the game.

The results obtained indicate that the level of development of the game of children aged 5-7 who come to our institution corresponds on average to the level of 4-year-old children, children simply do not know how to play, play together. As we can see, everyday subjects dominate, where those events and situations are transmitted, participants or observers of which they were. Moreover, they convey the relationship in the language that they heard, at the everyday level.

In this regard, together with the educators, excursions were conducted to the shelter, to the post office, to the hairdresser, to the clinic, to the library, to shops and to the market, conversations with children about what they met, what professions, what they saw interesting. I organized a cycle of role-playing games aimed at developing in children the ability to create an imaginary game situation, the ability to take on a role and act in accordance with it, to cultivate partnerships in the process of collective games, to teach them to reflect acquired life experience in games, to enrich vocabulary stock and speech development of older preschoolers.

In May, a control observation of the game of the same group of children was carried out and the following results were obtained:

Game Components


The concept of the game, setting goals and objectives The design of the games is more stable, but still short-lived. Children agree before the game, but do not discuss its design. In the process, children can change the rules of the game, include new images. (Corresponds to the game 6-7 l.)
Game content Create models of relationships between people.

The plot of the game

Episodes from fairy tales are not used independently, public plots prevail. Children began to combine knowledge gleaned from observations, films, stories of adults.

Role fulfillment and interaction in the game

Interaction and role-playing dialogue become longer and more meaningful. Children convey characteristic features through facial expressions, gestures, intonation. Most children prefer to play together. The peculiarity is that children cannot name their favorite roles or are guided by a random choice.
Game actions, game items Children freely use substitute subjects. Speech became more active.
Rules of the game Some children do not fully understand that following the rules is a condition for the implementation of the role.

In conclusion, I would like to generalize that outside of directed learning, the game activity of a preschooler may not reach such a level of development at which it could have a developing effect on their psyche. In order for the game of children with developmental delays (ZPR) with emotional and behavioral disorders to become a leading activity, teachers must solve the following tasks: arouse interest and a strong positive attitude towards games and toys; to form in children the actual play actions, which will later be included in the complex structure of play activity, the ability to use in the game not only toys, but substitute objects; to develop in children the ability to create an imaginary game situation, the ability to take on a role and act in accordance with it; to cultivate partnership relations in the process of collective games; to teach to reflect the acquired experience in games; develop children's speech.

In the process of playing activity, mental education of children is also carried out (development of perception, ideas, training in analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification of objects); physical development(dexterity, mobility, coordination of movements); moral education (formation of skills of collective behavior, assimilation of ethical norms and rules of behavior in society); speech development (expansion and enrichment of the dictionary, development of communicative, cognitive and regulatory functions of speech); labor education (the formation of ideas about the work of adults, the modeling of certain types of labor in the game, the education of a positive attitude towards work).

The work provides for conducting classes on teaching role-playing and didactic games. Outdoor games are held on a walk, in physical education classes.

Role-playing games are taught by a specialist, 5-6 people each in the first half of the day in the game corner, once a week.

The teacher directs these games in the afternoon, and conducts special classes on teaching didactic games. With children of senior preschool age, classes are held on the manufacture of attributes of the game; Of great importance is the planning of the game, aimed at creating a game plan, evaluation by the teacher and children of the performance of roles, their relationship as partners in the game. The game affects other activities, productive activities are closely related to it.

Game techniques are used in all other classes.

Bibliographic list
  1. Venger L.A., Mukhina V.S. Psychology.
  2. Childhood: Program for the development and education of children in kindergarten / ed. T.I. Babaeva.
  3. Games in kindergarten / translation from Slavatsky G.A. Kasvin, E.G. Rogovskoy.
  4. Lyublinskaya A.A. Child psychology.
  5. Mendzheritskaya D.V. Educator about children's play.
  6. Uruntaeva G.A., Afonkina Yu.A. Workshop on preschool psychology.
  7. Usova A.P. Play and organization of children's lives.