All life is a game! Why do adults like to play? Why do we play computer games What game does a computer play better than a person.

psychoanalyst's view

This is far from the first, and, of course, not the last article about psychology of computer games, which is written for a psychological site. The theme is fertile - computers have become an integral part of life, and computer games- in a seductive way to spend free time.

  • Why do people play computer games?
  • Computer game: is it good or bad?
  • How to get rid of gambling addiction?

Every day thousands of people ask Yandex these and other similar questions. Considering these questions through the prism of psychoanalytic experience, I will try to give my answers to them.

People who play games

There is a common misconception that it is predominantly teenagers who play computer games. This is not entirely true. Rather, adolescents are more open about their games. Adults, on the other hand, often find the fact that they are attracted to certain computer games somewhat embarrassing or even shameful. And they continue to play them, without advertising this fact among friends and strangers. In fact, computer games can take over a person of any age, gender, family and professional status.

Why are computer games attractive?

The game can take quite a long time (and not always free). However, many people prefer to spend their time in front of the monitor. Why is this happening?

Computer games allow you to travel to another world. They, like nothing else, allow you to immerse yourself in this world very deeply, and even at the level of the body to feel its virtual reality. The situation of the game allows you to be as free inside it as "real reality" never allows. The worst consequence of a mistake or failure in a game is the need to close it and start over.

Games are attractive because they allow feel something what is missing in everyday life. Or, on the contrary, DO NOT feel something that is abundant in life. In addition, some games allow at least for a while to be someone someone else, someone attractive, whom the person would like to feel.

Example 1. To be Lara Croft?

A number of games, especially role-playing games, provide an opportunity feel like a different person than in reality. For example, a fearless, courageous, strong savior of an innocent victim of terrible monsters, or a beautiful, intelligent, athletic, extremely attractive female archaeologist who is ready to risk her life in order to acquire incredible artifacts.

The ability to feel your own strength, attractiveness, fearlessly take risks, successfully unravel ingenious riddles is almost a drug. And the stronger he is, the fewer opportunities a person has to feel the same in his real life.

Example 2. Kill the monster!

Many games have a pronounced aggressive context: kill as many enemies as possible! crush a terrible monster! gain strength and become invincible! The player feels excitement, strength, power, and deep satisfaction from the massive destruction of virtual creatures. One might get the impression that the game causes aggression, which a person has not had before - a good argument against computer games?

Why do these games turn out to be so attractive to seemingly completely peaceful, sometimes even timid people in ordinary life? Because they let the suppressedand aggression... They help to express what a person does not allow himself to manifest in reality - after all, the more a feeling is suppressed, the stronger and stronger it becomes somewhere deep inside. The virtual situation is safe, it makes it possible not to feel fear and guilt - those feelings that form the basis for suppressing aggression.

Enthusiasm aggressive games- this is attempt get in touch with your aggression and perhaps learn to manage it. True, this attempt is not always successful, because virtual reality is still very different from real.

Example 3. Collecting solitaire ...

A whole layer of computer games (for example, logic games) are created in order to pass the time in situations of forced waiting. But sometimes it turns out that time is not at all superfluous, and it is impossible to tear yourself away from a simple and rather monotonous game. It would seem, but what is it that addicts?

Occupying your attention, focusing on solving problems of varying degrees of complexity, observing a series of attractive visual images, going into an unpretentious virtual world of colored balls, cards, beautiful schemes, a person for a while moves away from the state of alarm... By shifting cards, grouping balls by color or collecting words from letters, a person temporarily stops the flow of disturbing thoughts and images. But the return to reality also brings anxiety back.

Computer games: pros and cons?

Computer games can look like an absolutely meaningless pastime if you look at them only from the perspective of external reality. For her, the person who spends hours in front of the monitor is practically lost. But since people are doing something, then it has some kind of mental meaning. Which?

From the point of view of internal (psychic) ​​reality, computer games represent a kind of way of mental self-regulation... The process of the game allows you to relieve mental stress(to some extent). So, the game "leaves" from stress, dissatisfaction with their life and themselves, from the impossibility of showing any strong emotions in real relationships.

This way of dealing with difficulties is similar to the use of alcohol as a way of regulating one's state: play (like alcohol) allows you to quickly (but only for a short time) change the internal state and release tension. When games are often used as a means of achieving inner balance, it is possible development of gamingdependencies... The mechanism of formation of alcoholic and gambling addiction similar: when the mental stress is very high, there is a simple and rather pleasant way to quickly relieve it. This method does not require particularly large expenditures of time, energy, money ... In the case of alcohol, chemical dependence also comes into play. The creators of computer games are fighting for their client, using various psychological techniques, schemes, tricks, trying to create games that touch really deep strings in the human soul.

It is believed that the most addictive are network games... Coming into contact with other players in his virtual image, a person has the illusion of real relationships, real life. Then it's easy to lose track of hours and sometimes days. Physical needs, obligations to others, life circumstances fade into the background, and "the figure turns into the background" - virtual reality becomes more real for the player than "offline reality".

Virtual reality: entry and exit

If computer games have become anything more than a convenient way to while away free time, a person is faced with the fact that the passion for the game begins to disrupt the course of his daily life. The desire to go into the game becomes very demanding, even obsessive. And then an understanding may arise: "the games are over," gambling addiction. What to do?

Some people find it relatively easy to give up games. These are people with very great willpower and not very far-reaching passion for games. As a rule, such people, realizing their addiction, simply give up the game, remove it from the computer, and find for themselves other, more comfortable ways to deal with stress life.

Sometimes, friends who have realized their addiction, give up games together... The effect of a group arises: together it is easier to abandon the formed habit, it is easier to find for oneself already half-forgotten activities in real life. And, of course, another person, taken as an ally in the fight against addiction, is also controller(in front of which it is a shame to break), and support(so necessary sometimes in the struggle with oneself). Of course, such a person can be someone close who does not suffer from gambling addiction himself. He can "strengthen" the player's "I" captured by passion, offer to help his willpower and determination to find a way out of the virtual trap. But this help is really effective only if the player is aware of his addiction and wants to get rid of it himself.

Sometimes it is not possible to cope with addiction alone or even with the help of friends and relatives, despite all the efforts and desire. Usually this is due to the fact that there is not just a habit, but a serious internal attachment to the game. This happens when the game "caters" to some important psychological needs or distracts from serious psychological problems. Then it is impossible to just close the game and turn off the computer - while there are problems, our psyche will look for their solution (and the easiest way - a virtual pseudo-solution - it has already found and will simply repeat it!). Therefore, getting rid of gambling addiction often lies through a decrease in the level of anxiety, release from internal conflicts, self-acceptance, self-respect and an increase in the ability to actively express oneself in the outside world, an increase in the ability to build and maintain close relationships with other people, and the acquisition of meaning in one's own life.

ECPP training analyst and supervisor

Many of us grew up playing computer games. This is a thing that cannot be compared to any other kind of entertainment. Whether it's a gripping thriller or a beautifully crafted game, we've played it all. And there is more than one reason why people enjoy video games.

We have said many times that online games are not good for us, they damage our eyes, and they also don't help our skills develop. But what if all this is empty talk and what if they really benefit us and allow us to develop further. Sounds absurd, doesn't it? However, this article lists the reasons that will make you change your mind. Video games help us develop certain qualities and make us fall in love with them. So what are these reasons?

10. Help in socialization

We all know how gamers love to withdraw into themselves. They are usually uncommunicative and unsocial, but online games help them communicate. They feel they are part of a group of people. There are many online games where anyone can chat while playing. In addition, events are held every year where all gamers have the opportunity to meet and chat. In general, gamers spend many hours playing games. And besides the entertainment factor, there are many prizes that gamers can win by participating in various competitions.

9. Pause and resume

This is an underestimated advantage of video games. You can manage your schedule yourself. Thanks to this, you can play games and you still have time for other things. For many gamers whose source of income is playing video games, this is The best way Earn Money. And in this case - favourite hobby... Thanks to the music and the gameplay itself, this feature of video games provides an amazing opportunity to make money.

8. Difficulties

In general, there are few people in the world who can live without problems. And games give you the adrenaline you need when solving problems. You face many problems in the process of playing and when you come to a solution, it becomes a personal achievement. The biggest challenge, though, is to finish the whole game and win. There are many games that provide riddles to solve and which will further help you understand the game and play it better. However, solving problems depends on people, that is, what may be a problem for one may not be a problem for another. That is why the games are divided into difficulty levels. And in the end, there is always a sense of pride in the fact that you overcome difficulties yourself!

7. Gambling addiction

Okay, that might not be such a positive reason for anyone who enjoys playing video games. But still this is the reason. Gamers are so addicted to games that they seem to find themselves in a virtual world and begin to believe that their lives depend on it. As a result, this leads to the development of health problems and even death. This addiction can also develop due to mobile games... Therefore, you need to play in moderation so as not to become addicted.

6. Lets you be who you want to be

It is not easy for many people to be who they would like to be in real life. The reason for this may be public pressure or some circumstances. Games give good opportunity prove yourself. They allow you to choose whatever character you want to be. Everyone would like to be a hero who saves a woman from a robber or someone who is not afraid to speak out against some immoral incident in society. In games, a person can live the life he wants. It can also help people feel satisfied.

5. Music and soundtracks

The visual data in the game is complemented by sounds or soundtracks. This can make a tense game even more tense and exciting. Plus, music makes up a big part of the whole game. Try playing without music someday and you will lose all desire to play for a while. When it comes to soundtracks, Transistor is said to be the best example of this. Its background music is a delight to the ears and also plays a big role in the game.

4. Graphics

No one can refuse a game with good graphics. You can create a good pixel game or a 3D game, and both will be successful in the eyes of the people. Visually good game attracts every gamer. An aesthetically pleasing gaming environment with good texture and graphics is never impressive. Some of the best examples of good graphics games are Uncharted, God of War and Final fantasy... You will behold, without stopping, the stunning visuals of video games.

3. Plots

Games are often developed with stories that you unlock as you progress to new levels. And these plots are a serious reason forcing a person to spend hours playing a game. If you play a game with good graphics but bad storyline, you will get bored in no time. Gamers love this feature of video games and therefore love to play them.

2. Improving skills

It sounds absurd, doesn't it? However, it is not. That is why this reason is on the second line of our Top. If you play games like World of Warcraft and Assassin, you will learn history. There are many games that can teach geography as well, English language and many other things, so someone who does not want to, may not study all this in universities. In addition, it will also improve eye coordination and help make decisions faster. Multiplayer games will help you become the best team player. The player can develop his consciousness, improve his knowledge by playing video games. It also helps you think outside the box. And all these are not just phrases, but scientifically proven facts.

1. It's fun

It's too obvious. We all start playing games for this reason alone. It's worth noting that fun is the foundation of video games. But we need to understand that this fun should not turn into an addiction. Who doesn't love stunning graphics, special effects and immersive music? And when all these ingredients are in one game, it's not such a bad combination, is it?

Video games, good or bad? Why is everyone so fond of playing them? See the answers in this video and share your opinion on this matter!

Why, from the very beginning of the development of civilization, not only children, but also adults have always played?

In the business world, 2016 can be called a trend in the entertainment industry.

Why mobile online games Have you become a trend? Because even adults love to play and because the number of smartphone users is constantly growing.

In the next article I will show everything in numbers, but today about why all people, young and old, love to play and from the very beginning of the development of civilization, people have always played.

If you are reading this article, then you, like everyone else, love to play and in the end you will receive toys as a gift.

If you do not think deeply, then the concept of play is associated only with children - this is a big mistake.

But in fact, a person does not stop playing all his life, they say, “all life is a game” according to certain rules. Which we set ourselves.

Often we stop liking such a game-life, but we cannot get out of it, because it has certain rules. And sometimes we want to play another game-life, but the rules of that game allow others to join, but not you.

In sports, teams in athletics, biathlon, gymnastics compete - it's just a competition. And the teams in hockey, football, volleyball do not compete, they play. Don't you think that this competition was called a game for a reason?

We grew up, but did not stop playing, only the games changed - checkers, chess, badminton, tennis. Many people love to play - cards and lotto ...

Computer games are just a new stage in the development of games, dictated by the time. First appeared electronic toys, I remember playing Tetris. Then on computers - games are already built into the system. Also on the Internet there are games for every taste.

An entertaining page has been created on the blog, which contains both mobile games and a crossword heading. I will hold crossword tournaments with real prizes, subscribe to blog news to participate in them.

Why do adults like to play?

  • To relieve tension or stress of the past day, to switch to the positive.
  • Sometimes the fear of reality with its problems and troubles is overcome in this way, in the game everything is solved easily and you can become and feel like a winner at least in an unreal world.
  • Sometimes they move away from real problems to virtual problems that, in any case, will not affect real events.
  • You can do everything in the game, even what you can't do and what you would never do in your life.
  • And finally, a simple desire to kill time.
  • Many more reasons can be written….

For example, I like to spread out before going to bed card solitaire on the computer - it erases in my head the thoughts with which it was filled, I do not continue to solve problems in bed and therefore easily fall asleep.

Generally, I love. But nowadays you can easily see a 30-40 year old businessman or even a member of the government playing some kind of "shooter". And more professional than their children. Nobody thinks this is wrong.

Mobile games - is it good or bad?

Games switched to new level, mobile. And you can play mobile games while being away from your computer.

Mobile internet has taken the entertainment industry to a whole new level. It's a convenience for players and billions in revenue for game creators.

You can play the mobile game absolutely anytime and anywhere. This enables people to pass the time on travel, flights, train stations and airports.
A huge variety of mobile games allows anyone to choose a game that suits them or several. Mobile games are incredibly colorful and dynamic, which attracts both children and adults.

Scientists write a lot about the benefits of mobile games, but they have not given a definitive answer, there is still a lot of unsolved.

Educational games, even for a two-year-old child, are useful within reasonable limits. During the game, the child's practical skills are developed and consolidated, he learns to think logically, and his memory begins to train. Children have always developed faster in a family where there are many other children to play with; in kindergartens, children are more developed than at home.

For older people, computer and mobile games prevent Alzheimer's disease. Even if there is no partner for playing checkers or chess, a computer can become one.

For people with a huge psychological load, games relieve stress.

Although a game is, of course, a game, you can lose. But it is necessary, while honing your skills, to follow the rules - these skills will certainly come in handy in life.

Have you noticed that someone who lives and works playfully has happiness and success?

They also talk a lot about the dangers of games, in the sense of gambling addiction, addiction to games.

But this, as with good wine - no one will cut down the vineyards, will not stop the production of good grape wine due to the presence of alcoholism among the people.

Or the production of cars and airplanes is increasing, despite the fact that people are killed in car and plane crashes.

Online mobile games on smartphones, tablets are not only interesting, but also profitable?

The convenience of the mobile Internet cannot be overestimated at all and, accordingly, wide access to mobile communications has brought the gaming industry to a completely new stage.

The growing quality of online games for mobile phones, their colors, dynamics attract even more players to mobile games, and the work of game developers has increased.

My fellow countryman, 40-year-old Viktor Kislyi was in first place among the most successful Belarusian businessmen.

Childhood hobby, playing "dances", and the fact that at school he spent a lot of time in his father's software laboratory, led to the fact that at the age of 17, together with his friends, he began to create his first online game.

A couple of dozen created games on Victor's account, but Victor Kisly brought fame and money World game of Tanks. It is now one of the most popular mobile games in the CIS countries and in most of the world.

If you have a smartphone, then the opportunity is now available to you to get acquainted with the best mobile online games.

Go to this site, choose a game for yourself, install it for free and get 20 more tokens as a gift to participate in the raffles.

You probably won't take my word for it. After all, we are used to the fact that games are associated with a useless activity that only brings pleasure to children and strange adults who play instead of supporting their families, chatting with friends and going fishing on weekends. Did I express your thoughts correctly?

To start with, I'll give you a study from the University of North Carolina that showed that adults who play computer games are happier and less depressed than those who don't recognize games.

Should I believe this study? I think yes. If only because there is no research that would prove the negative impact of games on the emotional background of a person. Of course, we've all heard of gamers who fainted from spending 24 hours playing games. But these are rather exceptions to the rule than the norm.

In addition to this research, I would like to give 10 reasons why adults should play computer games.

You will connect with your inner child

Only a few of us after work do something interesting for ourselves. And the constant thoughts of work (especially unloved) lead to depression and boredom.

You can choose any hobby you like. And if these are games, then why not? Remember how much you played as a child. By creating this connection with yourself as a child, you will realize that you can enjoy many things, not just games.

Games help reduce stress

The older we get, the more problems and obligations fall on our heads. Loans, debts, problems at work - all these create stressful situations. First of all, you need to understand the cause of stress and get rid of it. And playing computer games can help you relax and take some time away from daily stress.

They develop imagination

Anyone who has ever played computer games can say that they put their imaginations to work, associate themselves with the main character, and follow the plot closely. Will it help you in real life? Perhaps yes. After all, we all like people with rich imaginations.

Games are a great topic of conversation

You will be surprised, but a lot of people play computer games. And the next time you're at a party, inadvertently ask your other person about it. And if he loves to play, you can find good topic for conversation.

You will learn how to balance work and play.

If you can't get distracted and play all day long, then it's not that the games are bad. It's about you. And games are just one way to distract yourself from problems in life. If they weren't there, you would have found something else. Try to find a balance between fun and responsibilities.

Games develop visual motor skills

Research shows that people who play computer games have better motor skills and coordination. In this way, you develop your physical skills. Many activities require good coordination and motor skills. For example, driving.

Spending time with friends

If you are tired of going to the same places with your friends, try to diversify your leisure time with computer games. It can strengthen your relationship and help you stay close to your friends.

Games always have a goal

There is always a goal in games, whether it be reaching a new level or some other achievement. This makes your pastime more interesting and exciting.

Exercise can be turned into a game

Training in and out is great. But sometimes they get too monotonous and annoying. In such situations, gadgets like the Kinect or Wii can be a great outlet.

Awful minutes of waiting in the past

Lines at banks, hospitals and other institutions are sometimes crazy. It is in such situations that an exciting game on your smartphone, tablet or console can help you not only have fun, but also save nerve cells.

Where do games play in your life? Do you consider them child's play, or is it good way spend time?

Games have long become one of the forms of contemporary art. They are able to tell a story at the level of films and books, or to throw the player a serious challenge and provide a real rush of adrenaline. In terms of income, the gaming industry has already bypassed all other entertainment, and the release of a new part of the cult game is discussed no less than the presidential election in the United States. And this is without taking into account esports, which over the years has become a separate and large-scale discipline with a million audience. tells why it's time to take up the joystick and how to do it, if you really want to, but it's not very clear yet.

If you still ignore games, you are losing a lot. And that's why.

It doesn't matter who you are - an accomplished top manager or a young student, an adventurous traveler or an exemplary family man - everyone can find something to their liking. Combining work, personal life and play is not only easy, but also fun.

Previously, games could well be compared to "contemporary art is not for everyone." But a lot has changed over the past ten years. Games have evolved into something affordable, massive and versatile, and the budgets of individual franchises even exceed those of the largest film studios in the world. The development of technology has allowed developers to implement the most daring ideas.

Games ceased to be something isolated and went to the masses. Today they are discussed in the central media, their advertising is running on the main media platforms along with the cinema, and children learn the world through educational games in schools and at home. In a word - mainstream!

A penny protects the ruble

The main obstacle to starting gambling is the stereotype about the high price of this pleasure. Indeed, even considering buying an average computer geared towards startup modern games at relatively high settings, then this undertaking can result in a lumpy sum.

The way out of this vicious circle is simple enough - to purchase a game console. Consoles are specially created to make playing easier and more convenient. Yes, you can assemble a computer yourself, order its assembly in a store, or buy a ready-made solution. However, each of these options is unambiguously more expensive than the set-top box.

The current generation of consoles, thanks to the strengthening of the ruble, is relatively inexpensive (about 20 thousand rubles) and a computer assembled for a similar amount can only run a "Klondike" or "Minesweeper". To buy a real computer gaming machine, you will need an amount that is three or even four times the price of a console. And if you want to do everything smartly and beautifully, then even thinking about the price of the system unit and accessories becomes scary.

Someone might argue that the main waste of console owners is games. Yes, it has been for a long time. Now the prices for computer games are gradually leveling off. Previously, a top-end computer game could be bought for 600 rubles, but now everything has changed. Today, few people will be surprised if a new hit on PC starts with a price tag of 2,000 rubles, which is comparable to the cost of the main console exclusives during the discount period. Simpler (but no less exciting) games for inexperienced users sometimes cost even less on consoles.

Anytime and anywhere

Another advantage of the console is that there are no problems with configuration, connection and direct use. Bought and play.

After purchase, PC users must have difficulties with drivers, installing the necessary software, antiviruses, the need to carefully read into system requirements every game and remember to "upgrade" from time to time. The computer less often allows you to lie back on the couch, and if it is alone in the family and someone needs to work, then the desired rest is postponed. At the same time, people watch TV less and less, and more often it stands idle. So why not find a better use for this large HDMI display?

In the case of a console, the entire spectrum of difficulties is limited solely to its purchase, so it is often the preferred option. Especially among those whose only computer is a laptop.

Of course, some people get incredible pleasure from smearing thermal paste, laying wires and installing drivers. But most people value their time and want immediate pleasure from the game. And the console gives them this opportunity - just plug in two wires and press a button on the gamepad.

The advantage of the consoles is the absence of "surprises" inherent in PC gaming: "even at minimum salaries it does not pull", "it is necessary to reinstall the system" or "it's time to change the video card" - there are no such problems at all. The user is not distracted from the game until the moment when he wants to go to the "new generation" for the sake of more advanced games, and this happens only once every few years. The PlayStation 3 was released in 2006, and the PlayStation 4 only in 2013. How many times have you updated your computer during this time?

The approach to the very process of the game is also different. Lounging on the couch in front of a huge TV, relaxing is much easier than huddled in an office chair. And the presence of a console becomes a great reason to get together. big company and spend the evening playing games. Unlike computers, consoles allow two, three or even four people to play without any problems. And if this is not enough, network multiplayer has not been canceled either.

Games for every taste

You don't have to be a fanatical gamer to enjoy the console. Many games (they are also called "casual") are created with the expectation of the widest audience. You can easily get used to it even if you have never held a gamepad in your hands.

A separate argument is exclusive projects. Some major developers only release their games for one of the platforms. As a rule, these are flagship games that attract the attention of all fans of virtual entertainment and make those who have chosen a different platform think seriously.

Image: Sony

The fact is that when a project is being developed for several platforms at once, time for fine work often does not remain, because you have to spend it on adaptation for different hardware and internal system architecture. As a result, games come with their own technical flaws. In the case of exclusives, developers concentrate on one platform (with which they have been working for many years). They know its features, potential, and they have enough resources to work out the project to the smallest detail. Such an exclusive becomes a small masterpiece, a living classic that leaves unforgettable emotions and is a must-see. The last part of the cult Uncharted or the new Horizon Zero Dawn simply amaze with visual design and stage setting. This is the case when it is better to see everything yourself than to learn from someone.

If we compare the number of high-quality exclusives, then the PlayStation 4 holds the clear leadership in the current generation of consoles. This situation motivates not only gamers who prefer this console, but also developers who feel its relevance and prefer to "sharpen" their projects specifically for this platform. If you want to fully learn what a "blockbuster game" is, then you are definitely here.

Full immersion

In fact, the PlayStation 4 is not only about game console, but also the most accessible portal to the world of virtual reality at the moment. The PS VR helmet, which appeared at the end of 2016, unexpectedly became a hit of sales for many. Not everyone decides to buy it for themselves, but this a great opportunity try the technology of the future in action ... and it's really fun.

A fair number of interesting projects for every taste and color have already appeared for virtual reality, ranging from puzzles like SUPERHYPERCUBE to quite “adult” projects Battlezone and RIGS. One of the main reasons to touch VR technologies has become Resident evil 7 Biohazard. The whole horror of the terrifying horror in virtual reality is felt much stronger. This is literally a new experience and in places extremely impressive and compelling. Resident Evil 7 Biohazard VR is an important step for both avid gamers and casual gamers looking to while away the evening. This is the first sign of large projects for new technologies, which means that there is a lot of interesting things ahead. There are already several powerful games a wide variety of genres. The further - the deeper the immersion in virtual reality.

Unobvious and incredible

Even if you only devote a couple of hours a week to games and are not so much interested in exclusives (and don't even know what they are), then even in this case, the preponderance is on the side of the consoles. The already mentioned multi-platform projects on consoles turn out frankly better, because they are developed primarily for them. Many games come to the computer as ported versions that can be made slipshod by third-party studios. A significant incident took place several years ago. Released large and famous game, which works great on consoles, turned out to be so unoptimized on computers that the publisher had to remove it from the store and send it back for revision. She returned to the PC only six months later.

It also happens that publishers in general first release a product on the console and only after a while prepare a version for computers. And while your friends are already playing cool games with might and main, and the Internet is filled with spoilers, you just have to wait patiently and believe that the version for your system will be released soon.

Multiplayer deserves special attention. On consoles, it often turns out to be more stable, because users do not buy the game for a couple of evenings. Strong sales of consoles also ensure a stable online. Sony has sold over 52 million consoles by early 2017 last generation... And all these users love to play popular games, which means that you will always find a company and it will be almost impossible to face a long search for a game or an empty lobby.

When choosing a platform, you cannot kill two birds with one stone. A personal computer is primarily required for work. And he fulfills this task perfectly, significantly losing to consoles in terms of games. If you choose between consoles, then the most optimal choice is the PlayStation 4 system. It has many advantages over other consoles. It is more popular, there are more cool games and exclusives coming out on it, and with the pumped version of the PS4 Pro, these games can also be played in 4K resolution with HDR support!

The PlayStation 4 was created purely for gaming and entertainment. Add to this support for the most affordable and convenient PS VR virtual reality headset, small dimensions (PS4 weighs only two kilograms, which is lighter than some laptops, not to mention large stationary computers that can "pull at maximum speed"), an affordable price and constant discounts on popular games in the company store.

The result is a convenient and easy-to-use gaming system that does not require any special skills and is the ideal solution among the devices on the market. And if you think that you will not be able to cope with the gamepad after many years of using the mouse and keyboard, then we hasten to reassure you - the PS4 gamepad is so convenient that in a couple of hours you will simply forget about it and completely focus on relaxation and fun. But for this, everyone plays games ...
