Deus ex human revolution weapon upgrade. The best weapons and modules in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided – where to find them

There are two main ways to win in Deus Ex Mankind Divided. You can carefully crawl like a snake between enemies, occasionally breaking skulls depending on the mood, or take as your motto the phrase “when leaving, extinguish everyone” and act accordingly, without leaving a single living soul behind. What unites these two approaches is the completely objective factor of gameplay. You won't win much if you're empty-handed, even if you move like Muhammad Ali and hit like Chuck Norris.

This means you need weapons and ammunition, preferably more of everything. But don't worry, now you will get comprehensive information on how to not only find the right gun, but also save your hard-earned credits.

So, guns. You can, of course, buy almost any of them from death merchants. However, no one canceled the freebie, especially since the word “almost” appeared in the text for a reason. Deus Ex Mankind Divided has some nice horns that aren't for sale, and you don't need any credits to own them. As they say, you need to know the places.


  • Location: Prague

After the initial two missions, Adam Jensen will need to meet Koller at the bookstore. Go inside the building and head to the basement. Once down, you can safely activate your super-super-smart vision to find the thinnest place in the wall. Having discovered the “weak link”, hit it properly with a punch. The wall will open, and there...and there is a nice little pacifier, which is now rightfully yours.

Silencer for general peace

  • Location: Prague

You need to be inside the TF29 office. Look around, Vincent Black should have a safe on the second level. It's in the wall, but it's quite easy to find. Hack the box to get experience points. But if you don't have the patience, then use the code Origami1970. Actually, that's all. Now enemies will fall with rather surprised faces.

We hit from afar

  • Location: Prague and Golem City

Strange as it may seem, in the same place where a tranquilizer is waiting for you in Prague, you can also see a sniper rifle. Almost.

This time you will have to leave the bookstore to the left, there is an alley nearby, where you will find a room with an open door, in which, what a surprise, a poorly made wall will appear again. Punching through the wall is your answer to such nonsense obstacles. The reward for a good hit will be a pair of bays - a calm tranquilizer rifle and yes, your favorite sniper.

In Golem City you need to find the "Throat" area, then RVAC Row. Climb the stairs, continue along the passage, and soon you will find yourself in the weapons cabinet, where there will be not only a sniper weapon, but also a holographic sight for it.

If you have “geographical cretinism,” then don’t despair. All you need to do is find the room on the map marked "Gymnasium".

Revolver baton Otara

  • Location: Prague

After visiting GARM, according to the gameplay conditions, you need to sniff out what is going on in the territory of the Dvali syndicate. Head to the theater, find Radik and Otar. Further depending on the circumstances. If they are already lying face down, then take the gun and quickly leave. If they are lucky to stay alive, deprive them of this happiness on your own, after which, taking the revolver, quietly leave.

Revolver. Just a revolver

  • Location: Golem City

Don't waste your time combining business with pleasure. It's nice to help Duskan in Golem City. A useful, understandable, free gun, which you can easily find in the passage leading to the market square. There is a series of rooms along the way. The third of them, locked with a terminal lock, is exactly what you need. Hack the terminal with a little upgrade to XP, or use the code, which is outrageously simple. Especially when you know him...What? Oh yes, code 2544.

4x zoom

  • Location: Golem City, RVAC Row

In the depths of the map, in an area designated as RVAC Row, you will meet two charming Amazons and fall in love with them with all your heart (not really). The girls from ARC will soon leave and clear your path to the two brown cylinders. These are the ones you need! Climb onto the cylinders and carefully inspect the space behind the first row. There, in a small and cozy niche, you will find a 4k zoom, making your task of taking out enemies at a reasonable distance exactly four times easier.

Heavy Rifle

  • Location: Golem City, Throat

Once you're in Throat territory, go left. There will be a house made of containers nearby. Climb inside through the window. Your path lies to the roof. Climb up the ladder. Don't stop, run across the yellow beam and scratch further, you need an elevator, which you will soon arrive at, not without grace. Press "up" on the control panel and take a short break.

Having arrived, go along a rather narrow ledge to next stairs. But don’t try to reach for the stars out of habit! On the contrary, go down and use the yellow beam as a navigator arrow. She will lead you straight to a suitcase with a powerful Lancer rifle.

Grenade launcher

  • Location: GARM facility

As soon as you are within the boundaries of the Snowy Area, find the location of Hanger 1 on the map. Having arrived at the place, climb the stairs into the office. There will be a cute little rack with all sorts of goodies. But don't worry, the launcher is big, you won't miss it.

Let's play around with electricity?

  • Location: Prague, The Time Machine (Koller's Vault)

Go upstairs to the room where it turns out there is a secret elevator that will help you get to the shelter. As soon as you enter, turn right and carefully examine the lonely and attention-seeking shelf, on which there is a framed photograph and, for some reason, a globe. The stun gun hid from prying eyes behind the frame, but you won’t let it become covered with dust from inaction, right?

Cote d'Azur. Pumped Death

  • Location: Tarvos Security / Sobchak Security Dungeons

A pumped up rifle requires a lot of attention, time and skill from the gamer. You need to get into the underground vaults of Palisade Bank, and also pick up the key card for Tarvos Security from the basement of Sobchak Security. In Palisde Bank you can climb through the underground parking garage after you have played M12. However, as is often the case in Deus Ex Mankind Divided, there are at least two ways to complete the game, so improvisation is quite appropriate here.

The key card is in a safe located in one of the basements of Sobchak Security. This is a forbidden zone, stuffed to the brim with everything possible. They don’t like strangers here, so if you’re gathered behind a gun, then take more EMP or get ready to show off your ability to hack lasers and other computer traps from a distance.

You will find the sophisticated Cote d’Azur in one of the bank vault cabinets as soon as you break the last layer of computer protection.

Heavy polyurethane police baton. With three blows to the head, she knocks out the enemy, but she cannot kill her. Indispensable at the beginning of the game, in the absence of standardized ammunition for firearms.
Modifications: Not modifiable.

The most powerful standard crowbar. Deals slightly more damage than a club, but much slower.
Modifications: Not modifiable.

Heavy combat knife. Suitable for both opening cans and chopping enemies. There is also a modified prototype of this weapon (see the article "List of unique weapons of Deus Ex: Invisible War").
Modifications: Not modifiable.

Modified stun gun. On a short distance releases an electrical charge at the enemy. The most useless weapon in the game, because... El-shock actually does not cause any damage to the enemy and does not knock him out, as it was in DX1, and also consumes scarce uni-ammo.
Modifications: Not modifiable.

Balanced plasma energy sword. It comes in handy if you want to make a quick cut from a mutant karkian, if, of course, you have time. Despite the high damage it causes, the thing loses to firearms in battle. There is a modified prototype in the form of the good old “Dragon’s Tooth”.
Modifications: Not modifiable.

Light firearms

A modified crossbow, or more precisely, an “arrow thrower”. Fires non-lethal neurotoxic bolts. Alternative fire - optical sight. With three hits, it incapacitates the enemy if he is not a bot or does not have energy armor. A silent weapon suitable for stealth tactics. At the last levels of the game it is useless... however, at the beginning too. There is a modified prototype of the "Hellfire boltcaster".

Regular 9mm pistol. Alternative light is a flashlight with a small radius of illumination. After installing patch 1.1, it becomes effective when shot in the head. The agent's loyal friend throughout the first half of the game. Because if you find its modified prototype - the “killer pistol” and supplement the latter with mods for increasing damage and, for example, reducing the charge per shot, then this weapon becomes universal until the end of the game, in fact, in any battle with the enemy.
Modifications: All modifications are installed.

Automatic and rapid-fire submachine gun. Alternate fire - flash grenade (blinding). Its significant disadvantage is the low damage caused, even to an enemy without armor, and its advantage is alternative fire, since flash grenades themselves are not found so often in the game. Overall, this firearms loses to the others in terms of efficiency if it is not modified. There is also a prototype of this weapon in the game called “Widowmaker”.
Modifications: Everything except reload and silencer.

A powerful shotgun for close combat. Alternative fire - smoke grenade. The most lethal weapon in this group. Takes out virtually any enemy with average defense in two shots at point-blank range. Has a high rate of fire. Therefore, if you are attacking a small group of enemies, then with a shotgun your attack will last no more than a few seconds. In addition, the enemy flies a couple of meters away and does not get in the way :)
Modifications: Everything except the muffler.

An ordinary sniper rifle. Apparently, it will not be possible to invent a newer and better weapon for this weapon even in the distant future. Alternative fire - an optical sight and, at the same time, an increase in the damage dealt from a shot. The principle of operation is the same - one shot in the head (using an optical sight) - one corpse. If you install mods to reduce the charge for the shot and increase the rate of fire, then you will never part with this weapon in the game.
Modifications: All modifications are installed.

Heavy firearms

Energy gun. Shoots a thin beam of powerful energy charge. Alternate fire is a stream of electromagnetic charge that passes through walls. Although the main fire is powerful, it does slightly more damage than a rifle, and therefore it is better to use the alternative fire of this weapon in conjunction with the enhanced vision biomod. Effective against security systems, bots, and heavily armored Templars. Supplemented with modifications to increase damage and reduce charge per shot, this weapon will remain in your inventory until the end of the game.
Modifications: Increased damage, reduced charge per shot, increased range, increased rate of fire, silencer, glass spray.

Flamethrower. Alternative fire - a bunch of burning napalm is released, which hits the object and sets it on fire. Bots and Templars wearing heavy armor cannot be set on fire. The main fire is not effective, since the damage is small, and the cartridges melt very quickly when fired. It is best to use alternative fire, since an enemy that is set on fire is obviously a corpse (since it will not be able to extinguish itself).
Modifications: Reducing charge per shot, increasing damage.

Rakit Launcher. Favorite weapon of the Templars. Alternative fire - guided missiles, with the ability to direct the missile to a target using a mini-video camera built into the missile. An effective weapon against all types of enemies and obstacles. It is also an indispensable weapon at the last levels of the game. But, in the hands of a fat Templar or Templar woman, this weapon becomes useless if the agent uses an aggressive defense drone when confronted with the latter.
Modifications: Reducing the charge per shot, increasing the range, increasing the rate of fire.

Grenades and mines

All grenades also have an alternative use - when thrown, the grenades explode as soon as they make contact with an obstacle. An alternative use for the mine is to set a timer for a few seconds. This can be convenient when undermining security systems and, importantly, laser trip wires.

Awesome explosive grenade. Turns everything in the affected radius into mince.
Modifications: Not modifiable.

Electromagnetic grenade. Disables electronic defense systems and bots, and also causes damage to biomodified soldiers.
Modifications: Not modifiable.

Blinding grenade. Ineffective in practical use, because The flash is blinding if you look at it. If the enemy has his back to her or, say, has his eyes closed :), then she is of no use.
Modifications: Not modifiable.

Gas grenade. All organic beings caught in the affected area of ​​an exploded grenade experience suffocation, including loss of consciousness, with prolonged exposure to the gas.
Modifications: Not modifiable.

Stun grenade. For some time, distracts the enemy (both people and bots) from important matters, and forces them to follow towards the source of the noise. With the same success, you can throw, for example, any box or other object that creates some “strange noise”.
Modifications: Not modifiable.

Electro-virus grenade. When it explodes, it affects video cameras, turrets and bots in such a way that they temporarily switch to your side (the bright side of good :)) and, with all their might, try to destroy units hostile to the agent. The effect lasts about 30 seconds.
Modifications: Not modifiable.

Surprise grenade. When detonated, a spider bot jumps out and engages in battle with the agent’s enemy, sometimes at the cost of his short life. Also, it can be used as a spy drone if you activate the “bot domination” biomod on it. The enemy may also be armed with this grenade, so be careful. Spider is the most effective remedy against transgenics (grisels and karkians), as well as against hostile spiders, and also as a distraction maneuver for a large group of the enemy, and also, just to make it more fun somewhere in a smelly and dark sewer :) Always have a couple with you in in stock
Modifications: Not modifiable.

The same electromagnetic grenade, but only a mine.
Modifications: Not modifiable.

The same electro-virus grenade, if it weren’t a mine.
Modifications: Not modifiable.

The same amazing explosive grenade, although still a mine.
Modifications: Not modifiable.

Future. A world of new technologies, new opportunities and new dangers. Read on to find out how to combat these dangers.

Annoying note for everyone: this article is no different from my previous ones, that is, this is my assessment of the weapons included in the game. Instead of screenshots, some weapons will come with concept art and screenshots from Mission Link. Please note that the concept art and screenshots from Mission Link show the same weapons featured in Human Revolution. Modifications have not been made to this article due to the difference in passing tactics. The only thing I can say about modifications is that you don’t have enough PRAXIS points for all the modifications. Therefore, it’s better to think three times whether you need this modification, and try to leave two or three PRAXIS points just in case. Good game!

Hello again! Another “FAQ” aimed at making the game easier and helping in the world of the criminal part of the Deus Ex world.

Attention! Reading this article may deprive you of wonderful moments of understanding the merits of weapons! If you want to run from enemies through ventilation shafts, looking for out of ammo, don't read this article!

Weapons it’s more than enough for both stealth passage and mass executions, so we read and build a rough strategy.

Light weapons

10mm pistol:

A very convenient thing, given the ability to screw a muffler to it (which is what we do with the first muffler that comes into our hands in any way, it will come in handy). Accordingly, the most common (at the time of Adam Jensen’s “life”) ten-millimeter pistol cartridges are suitable for it.

Supports all universal gadgets (laser sight, silencer, extended clip, etc.), as well as one unique armor-piercing module, which significantly increases the damage from a shot.


Slower, but more lethal than the previous murder weapon. Has a magazine for five rounds.

Upgrades: Supports all universal gadgets except the silencer, as well as one unique gadget for the barrel, allowing you to fire time-consuming explosive fragmentation ammunition.


Non-lethal weapon, does not use modifications, long reload time. The shot is quite noisy and noticeable to the eye. The greater the distance, the less likely it is to knock out the enemy (when shooting, ~0.5 meters knocks out immediately). A useless thing, in my opinion. But some people might like it.

Stun gun:

Everything is the same as above, only it is silent and has a short firing range. Cannot be modified. Despite the range and single-shot (magazine one cartridge) it is excellent for hidden passage. Disables turrets and security robots (temporarily).

More powerful weapons

Submachine gun:

A submachine gun, exactly the same as at the beginning of the 21st century. Small size, capacious magazine (30 rounds) and sufficient lethality (for a submachine gun) are its main advantages. Supports all universal modifications.

Automatic rifle:

An automatic rifle that fires feathered projectiles (darts).

Gadgets: all universal modifications, plus a unique gadget target acquisition system (shells bend around obstacles on the way to the captured target).


A lethal melee weapon that suffers from a long reload time. At medium and long distances it is useless. Supports all universal gadgets, except for the silencer and laser sight, as well as one unique double shot system.

Heavy weapons

Laser rifle:

A very lethal weapon. Can kill an enemy through shelter\wall. It discharges quickly, is silent, but the beam can be noticed. You can get it according to the plot.

Heavy Rifle:

Machine gun. Fast, killer. It spins up before firing and quickly consumes ammunition.

Gadgets: all universal, except for the muffler, as well as a unique gadget - cooling system.

Rocket launcher:

A rocket launcher and in the future a rocket launcher. A killer thing that fires two types of ammunition: cumulative and cumulative fragmentation. It only supports the laser target and the system for increasing the reload speed, as well as a unique gadget - heat guidance.

Plasma rifle:

One of the most powerful weapons in the game, it shoots plasma clots.

Of the modifications, it supports everything except the muffler, and can also be combined with a cooling system.

Ranged weapons

Tranq Rifle:

Non-lethal weapons ranged, shoots darts with a strong sleeping pill. Attention: shells fly at subsonic speed, in a parabola. Take this into account when shooting.

Gadgets: faster reloading and a unique gadget target acquisition system.


The crossbow is a fairly powerful and quiet killing weapon at medium distances, which compensates for its low reload speed. Great for lightly armored targets, but it's best not to use it against heavy armor.

Of the gadgets, it supports faster reloading, increased damage and increased rate of fire. Among the unique modifications: target acquisition system.

Sniper rifle:

Well, I think everything is clear. It fires slowly and has five rounds in the magazine.

Of the universal modifications, it supports everything except the muffler.


Frag Grenade:

An ordinary fragmentation grenade. But very dangerous.

Electro-magnetic grenade:

Disables robots, turrets, modified enemies, cameras... and causes a lot of trouble for you if you are in range.

Gas grenade:

Incapacitates (puts to sleep) all living creatures that do not have a closed-circuit system (armored in helmets). May poison you.

Stun grenade:

Incapacitates (puts to sleep) all living creatures within the range of action. May blind you for a few seconds.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided features several different types of weapons. Some of them (pistols, shotguns) are quite easy to find, while others ( sniper rifles, revolvers) are well hidden by the developers in various locations game world. In this guide, we will tell you where you can find not only rare and best weapons in the game, but also additional modules to it, for example, silencers and sights.

Paralyzer or stun gun (Stun Gun)

Where to find: Prague, in the Time Machine bookstore (Koller is located here).

You need to go to the top floor and find a room with a secret elevator. Get in it and go downstairs to Koller's hideout. Enter the new room and immediately turn right. There you will see a lonely shelf with a globe and a framed picture. The stunner will be right next to the picture.

Tranquilizer Rifle

Where to find: Prague, next to the Time Machine store (Koller's hideout).

This weapon is located next to the bookstore. Approach the main entrance to the store, and then go down the left alley. Then go through open door into a room in which one of the walls will be dilapidated. Use a special augmentation to break through the wall. Then jump down and find the tranquilizer rifle. There may also be a sniper rifle here.

Combat or assault rifle (Lancer Rifle)

Where to find: Golem City - Throat

In Golem City, during the seventh mission, you will be able to get to a place called "The Throat". Once you're there, jump into the trench and then turn left. Walk forward until you reach a container house. Climb through the window and then climb onto the roof to reach the ladder. Ride it upstairs, jump onto the adjacent elevator and press the “Up” button on its control panel.

After the elevator stops, continue along the small ledge. You will see a second staircase ahead - no need to climb it. You need to jump down and go left, following the yellow ray. As a result, you will find a case with a powerful assault rifle.

Grenade Launcher

Where to find: during 13 missions in the first Hangar.

When completing this mission, you will be taken to Hangar number 1. At this moment, it is worth checking your map to make sure that you are in the right location. After that, go up the stairs to the office, the windows of which overlook the Hangar. Approach the weapon rack located in the corner. This is where you will find the hand grenade launcher.

Sniper Rifle

Where to look: Golem City - RVAC Line.

The ARC Soldier area, known as the RVAC Line, is located just outside the Throat location in Golem City. As soon as you enter this area, immediately use the stairs to the right, and then jump up to reach the vent leading to the room labeled "Gymnasium" on the map. Enter this room and examine the weapons cabinet in the back corner - it should contain a sniper rifle.


Where to find: shopping area lobby.

After passing through the restricted area, you will come to a narrow passage leading directly to the market. This hallway has several locked rooms on the right side. Just before entering the trading area, you should climb the stairs and turn in the opposite direction after leaving the checkpoint.

Hack the security terminal to enter a small room with a sofa. To the right of the sofa is a table. It is on this table that the revolver will lie.

4x Zoom (4x Zoom Mod)

At the far back of the RVAC Line you will meet two soldier girls, talking friend with a friend next to the large brown cylinders located in the pantry. This place is located immediately behind the residential complex.

Climb the brown cylinders to find an open space behind the first row. It is in this hidden niche that the 4x weapon magnifier is hidden.

Silencer Mod

Where to find: Prague, Task Force 29 headquarters.

Climb the stairs to the top floor and find Vincent Black's office. Enter the room and immediately turn left. There will be a safe on the wall. Hack it or open it with a master key. The safe will contain a silencer for weapons.

Holographic sight (Holosight Mod)

Where to find: Golem City - RVAC Line.

In the ARC area, you can use the elevator to go up to an area called the RVAC Line. Check your map and look for the room marked "Gymnasium". Go up the stairs and turn right. You can use the vent outside the gymnasium to get into the room where the weapon box is located. This container will contain the holographic sight.

They say that when you lose a significant part of your own body, the hardest thing is to simply remain human. Our hero will have to solve a moral dilemma fourteen times - to help or to pass by? Or maybe he agrees, but prefers the benefit for himself?

In Deus Ex: Human Revolution there is no overloaded quest log, random passers-by do not offer to take unknown things to unknown places, and in general it is not proper for the head of the security service to play philanthropist.

And yet, rare breaks between special operations and international business trips are the right time to settle the problems of friends, colleagues and old acquaintances. Sometimes extra-plot missions are found in the most unexpected places - in a brothel or on a ship of a private military corporation. One way or another, this is a source of invaluable experience and new knowledge, and in almost every task we are faced with a difficult moral choice.

Additional quests are available in four locations - Detroit, Hansha, the Belltower ship and the Rifleman Bank base. Some will appear according to the plot and even after our refusal will not go anywhere - you just have to chat with the character again. The rest are not always obvious and accessible. And we'll start from the very beginning.

The main villain of Missing Link, Peter Burke, is armed with a unique revolver. Well, almost unique. You can find another experimental model of a weapon with a laser sight in his office while stealing lenses. The revolver is in a secret safe.

In Dr. Kavanagh’s office (yes, there’s a lot of stuff there!) we will hear one of the “patients” begging for an end to her suffering. In the same room there is a first aid kit containing a lethal dose of morphine.

First time for the first time... hole

Before we have time to return home after the mess with the “cleanliness fighters,” the first sufferers will appear right at the Sharif Industries office. A colleague gets involved in illegal dealings, and Cassandra Reed begs to find out what happened to her daughter Megan “that day six months ago” when the laboratory was attacked by mercenaries. An undercover policewoman hangs out in the Slums area, eager to expose a corrupt cop, and two more mini-quests depend on exactly how Adam spent his time at a factory in Milwaukee.


At the end of the first day of work, Adam will be asked in a stern voice to look into his office. Waiting for him there is Tim Carella, a scientist who has gotten into big trouble. He secretly “borrowed” Neuropozyne from the company’s warehouse, repented, but his partner is now threatening the poor fellow with incriminating evidence if he leaves the game. Goal: steal video recordings. Reward: Laser targeting system.

THIS IS INTERESTING: You can find out about the mysterious Neuropozine thief even before leaving for the factory. Read the mail in your office - one of the employees will express his suspicions and ask to investigate. Not noted in the quest logs, the detective walk will take you through the offices of several employees. You will find another trace of the thief in the ventilation shaft of the Sharif headquarters. But it’s better to start ransacking other people’s rooms after the mission in Milwaukee - if you don’t rush to the helicopter, the hostages will be dead before the operation begins. In addition, it is impossible to complete the quest before departure.

There are three ways to get into the house where the blackmailer has settled: hack the second-level terminal on the locked gate (code 0002): build a pyramid from a pile of garbage cans, jump over the fence or climb the fire escape nearby (you need the skill of throwing and moving heavy objects) and enter through roof; climb the fire escape of the neighboring building and jump onto the roof (you will need a jump boost).

Inside, nothing but trouble awaits us: after reading the mail, a big guy with a shotgun will come to visit. Having pacified him, look into the gateway where Brian Tindall, the culprit of all the troubles, hangs out.

If you are in a hurry, knock out the insolent person and take away the incriminating evidence (use tranquilizers or shock discreetly, otherwise the punks standing nearby will open fire). If you have a social corrector, you can convince him by selecting the “alpha” option. Otherwise, neutralize the two armed gangsters living near the basketball court (take the "reflex booster" to knock them out with one blow, or climb higher and shoot them with a tranquilizer rifle).


At the front entrance to Sharif Industries we will be intercepted by a concerned Cassandra Reed. Since her only daughter disappeared after a mercenary attack on the corporation's headquarters, the lady cannot calm down, complaining that there are inconsistencies in Megan's case. She wants to get to the bottom of the truth.

You can get to the vault in several ways: through the police station (back door or ventilation), sewers with aggressive punks, passage in the east (under voltage): build a barricade and climb over the fence to the left of the site. Inside we will find four e-books (you should read them all) and Megan's bracelet in the safe.

Wagner hangs out in the police station reception area. A social corrector will help in a conversation if you apply pressure (“omega”) in time. In case of failure, we go to the third floor (it is important to win a conversational duel with Haas so that we are allowed inside the station, otherwise - only hide and seek and ventilation), hack the computer in Chet's office and go to the impudent man with incriminating evidence - he will not get away.

Captain Penn's office on the second floor is locked by the second level terminal. There is a policeman wandering nearby who does not approve of breaking into government property, so we either quietly stun him or go through the ventilation in the next office. The computer in the captain's office is also subject to hacking.

Having collected all the evidence, we go northwest, to the Chiron Building, - Cassandra is already there. We can give her Megan’s bracelet or keep it for ourselves - this decision only affects the “Sentimentality” achievement.


While walking in the Slums area, you will meet a former colleague, detective Jenny Alexander (if you take too long walking around the city, Pritchard will inform you about her through the infolink). The girl seeks to expose the corrupt cop Jack O'Malley. The scoundrel is suspected of corruption, trading with local gangs, but someone from above is covering for him, and Jenny's department cannot prove anything.

The skimpily dressed detective will immediately load Jensen with assignments: to find a cache of weapons on the territory of a gang of “boys” in the Slums; search the cop's apartment: meet O'Malley under the guise of an assassin.

The cache is easy to find by going through the sewers. We approach the “guys” checkpoint, hiding in the pipe, behind boxes and concrete blocks, we make our way to the hatch leading to the drains. If we don’t turn on camouflage, we will be noticed the moment we open the hatch, but the optional condition (to remain unnoticed) will still be fulfilled - the bandits on the street will be alarmed, but will not become hostile.

Inside you have to fight your way through four enemies - these will not stand on ceremony and at the first opportunity they will add lead to the body of our already metal hero. One can be knocked out in close combat, the rest can be stuffed with tranquilizers or sneak past using disguise. Having climbed out through the hatch to the surface, we will see an opening near the barrels, and behind it is the treasured hiding place.

If you have a social corrector, when meeting with a police officer you can get 1000 credits in advance by choosing “alpha” in the conversation. O'Malley will order you to pick up a weapon (crossbow) in the service room next to the Chiron Building, and shoot Double-T, the gang leader, with it. Jenny asks to leave the victim alive, so use a tranquilizer rifle.

The last goal is the apartment of the “werewolf in uniform.” It is in the same place as Tindall’s home, a participant in the “Lesser Evil” quest. Having cracked the first level lock, we will find ourselves in the living room, where there is no evidence, but there is a pocket secretary with a code for the bedroom (1029), protected by a level 4 terminal. There are several fragmentation mines inside - crouch down and press Caps Lock to slowly crawl towards the charges and neutralize them. All that remains is to inspect the cargo with weapons, pick up the drugs to the left of the bed and search the computer.

ON A NOTE: when completing Jenny's quest, you will have a choice - give the crossbow or keep it for yourself. In the first case, we will receive 1000 credits and a modification to increase the store capacity, otherwise - only money.

Finally, we will be asked to personally arrest the scoundrel in his apartment (we can refuse, but why lose experience?). There are several endings: neutralize (lethal or not) or accept a bribe (3000 credits at Jensen's apartment). The amount of experience is the same everywhere, but if you decide to neutralize O'Malley without first talking to him, do it from close range, you will receive 200 more experience units.


If you saved Josie and the other hostages during the riot at the factory in Milwaukee, upon your return, look into your office and read a letter from Greg Thorpe, who wants to personally thank Adam for the rescue.

We go to a residential area behind an old gas station (where we also meet Detective Chase for the “Maternal Care” quest), looking for the Thorpe family’s apartment on the second floor. Greg will tell you about the merchant Sera and advise us to mention his name when meeting him so that we can get a discount. This will complete the task, you will have to look for the merchant on your own - he stopped in a residential area near the basketball court, on the second floor. To get inside, we use the ladder and climb through the window.

If you win a conversational duel with Zeke Sanders, he will contact you and set up a meeting near the Sharif Industries office. The mission does not involve hidden paths and unexpected troubles, the leader of the “purity movement” will give us a pocket secretary with various codes and information about the secret F.E.M.A. base. In addition, the quest will give you some experience.

THIS IS IMPORTANT: before leaving for Hansha, talk to Pritchard (when he says that Adam should see him) and convince the boss during a conversational duel to tell about the secret communication channel. When David Sharif sends the data by email, be sure to read all the letters in your account. Without this series of actions, one of the tasks will not be activated upon the second visit to the city.

Problem solver is a profession in demand

After a walk to Highland Park and a meeting with the first “boss,” fate will throw Adam into Hansha, a multi-tiered anthill where a variety of segments of the population hang out. But no matter where we are, the skills of the “tin cans” are always in demand. So, a representative of one ancient profession is looking for a representative of the second - a hired killer. A bartender from a prestigious establishment needs a “tax collector,” and our friend Malik wants justice to prevail. Who to help first?


At the Honghua Hotel (Kuaigan District), which looks more like a brothel, go up to the fourth floor - you will hear Mei Suen quarrel with the manager Edgar. After talking with the lady, we learn that they are trying to get her and other girls hooked on implants to please clients with “special” desires. One of the hotel workers, a girl named Ning, disappeared without a trace, and Mei suspected something was wrong.

Guard Chuan Li knows Ning's location. He asks for 2000 credits for information, but you can use a social corrector (“alpha”), and the bouncer will tell you everything for thanks. Or you can first pay the Chinese, then cut it off and take the money back.

The girl is being held in the Daigong area, south of the entrance to the Alice Garden capsule hotel. Three guards are easier to tranquilize or knock out in close combat. Nin is in the garage, under a second-level lock (code - 5377), safe and sound. We return to May for a reward and further instructions.

Now you should go to the Yuzhao region, get into a private apartment and neutralize Daimon Chan, who has become a headache for the girls from Honghua. May asks to set up an accident, and if we wish, we can clarify whether there is a way to do without casualties. Miss Suen will hand over a bag of drugs to frame the villain.

Chan's hideout is on the roof, you can get there by jumping from the adjacent building. Creeping up to the entrance, eavesdrop on the conversation and wait for the target to move away from the door (otherwise the scoundrel will become alarmed), then climb inside and hit him from behind. What we do with Daimon afterwards will not affect the amount of experience, but if the drugs have already been planted, killing him or dropping his body from the roof will result in failure of the mission.


After you visit The Hive for the first time, you then proceed to the front exit of the club. Adam will be called by a bouncer, offering to visit a real bartender for a well-paid job. Bobby Bao will tell a moving story about how their gang helped the poor girl Jaya with the installation of a social implant, and she “threw them over” by refusing to pay. Task: shake out every last penny from the scoundrel.

To find out where Jaya is hiding, you need to “borrow” their tracking system from Belltower - jump across the roofs in the spirit of a Florentine assassin and turn off three antennas (hacking second-level terminals). Difficulties are possible only at the last transmitter - there are two patrolmen there, but they can be sent to temporary or eternal rest with one blow.

The girl hid in the Hansch Gardens hotel, where we were looking for the hacker "Melnik" (Belltower, by the way, has not gone anywhere and continues to guard the building). The mission has several endings: with a social corrector (“alpha”) or brute force, take the chip from Jaya and take it to the “Hive” - the bartender will be dissatisfied (where, you know, is the money?) and will not give a reward: use the same corrector to persuade her to pay - the bartender will approve and give us praxis; leave the lady alone and persuade Bobby Bao to write off Jaya's debt - we pay 5,000 credits and get praxis. The last option promises more experience than the others, but if you beg for money and then pay off the bartender, the XP bonus will be 200 points less.

ON A NOTE: After the mission, you can quietly knock out the bartender (so that his body does not fall within the viewing radius of surveillance cameras) and take back the money you spent (or praxis). The collectors in the “Hive” will become neutral for a while (white marks on the map) - sit for a couple of minutes at the bar counter.


When the plot sends Adam to the Alice Garden Hotel, we "accidentally" meet Farida, our pilot. Even without social implants, Jensen will understand that something is wrong... It turns out that her friend died in Hensha, but everyone considered it an accident, although Malik rules it out.

After we take the police report from capsule 009 on the second floor of the hotel, we should go to the Prosthetic clinic and pick up the autopsy report from the mysterious Mr. X. It is not necessary to say a code phrase when meeting - a Chinese man in a funny cap will make an appointment for any outcome not far from the establishment. There is also no need to pay a health worker a thousand - our paths with him will not cross in the future.

ON A NOTE: If you refuse the task, you will no longer be able to talk to Malik again. To reactivate the task, you should “touch” (without target indicators) find the report in capsule 009 and meet with Mr. X at the clinic.

The next stage of the mission is to infiltrate the apartment of Lee Gon, a murder suspect. The hero of the occasion is not there - all that remains is to search the home for evidence. Notice the answering machine next to the bed, the broken antique clock on the closet, the baseball bat by the entrance, and don't forget to rummage through the computer. After studying the evidence, there will no longer be any doubt about the guy’s involvement in the murder.

Lee is chilling in the Hive, on the second floor of the club. We should crush him with facts so that he will confess. It is difficult to fail a conversation, because two out of three options in the dialogue are always correct. Just don’t use these options: “inaccurate”, “drunkard”, “fists”, “break”, “police”.

After Lee Gon's sincere confession, all that remains is to add the final touch - to hack the command panel on the same floor. Do not use automatic master keys - the guards will instantly become alarmed and open fire. The only guard is not looking in your direction, so hacking the third level terminal will not require tricks. We go outside - and the job is done.

Second time - in the same hole!

After staying in Montreal, Adam returns home. The town has turned from a meditative, sleepy kingdom into a stirred up hornet's nest - people oppose implants, police robots walk the streets, society is on the brink of war between supporters and opponents of modifications. Here again you can get hold of a couple of quests - we definitely won’t miss one, the other depends on our actions in previous chapters.


Remember the incident with the secret communication channel and the conversation with Sharif after the mission to Highland Park? If you convinced your boss and then read all the mail in your office, then upon returning to Detroit, Pritchard will be in touch. He will give out the address of the detective who made inquiries about Jensen's biography.

Brent Radford lives in a residential area near the basketball court (entrance via the stairs and through the window), opposite the apartment of the Double-T gang from the mission "Cloak and Dagger". Inside we find a seriously wounded detective and a stranger in a suit (the spitting image of an agent from The Matrix) standing nearby.

Having knocked out the enemy, start a conversation with the detective - he tells you to find a first aid kit with morphine. Redford will lead Adam to a new lead, and finally ask for a lethal dose of painkiller in order to ease his suffering. If you are armed with a social corrector, talk the old man out of suicide by taking the “alpha” or “omega” position (both options work, but the detective will only survive if he chooses “alpha”).

The next task is to search the data storage facility near the police station. “Men in black” are already hanging around there - they need to be neutralized without attracting attention (there is a police brigade around the corner of the building - we don’t need any extra trouble). In the computer (third-level terminal) find records about Michelle Walters, and in the safe under the fifth-level lock (code 4062) - valuable photographs.

THIS IS INTERESTING: The IDENTITY of who is behind the attack on Radford and who has an interest in Adam's past is not specified, but it can be assumed that it is none other than Hugh Darrow. On the body of one of the attackers there is a pocket secretary, where the schedule of the routes of movement of a certain Mr. Gray is indicated. Destinations include Singapore (possibly Darrow's Omega Ranch) and Prague (during our first stay in Hensha, we will hear an interview with Elisa about Darrow's meeting with the UN delegation).

We go to the residential area (behind the gas station, entrance through the fire escape on the roof), where Miss Walters has settled, to find out the answers to many questions. When we give the photographs to the elderly woman, she will tell you about the mysterious past of baby Adam. With a social corrector (“beta”), the conversation will last a little longer. It doesn’t matter whether you take the money or not; this decision will no longer affect the plot.


After a verbal altercation with Taggart in the convention center, you will meet a former colleague, Officer Nicholas. The cop is alarmed, and for good reason - an informant says that veteran repeat offender Jacob White has obtained explosives and is planning “something big.”

The officer asks Adam to comb the subway crosswalk, alley, and sewer. With a social corrector (“omega”), you can reduce the number of places for terrorist attacks to two, excluding the metro.

The villain occupied the sewers, bringing with him not only a bomb, but also turrets. The approach to the criminal is covered with fragmentation mines. Electrified water will come in handy - throwing a turret at it turns the combat installation into a pile of rubbish (though without an XP bonus). Jacob himself is easiest to put to sleep with tranquilizers (a living White is more valuable).

The bomb can be defused in three ways: hack the fourth level terminal (most experience), enter the code 0000, break one of the flasks. In any case (provided that Jacob is alive) we will receive 1000 credits and a silencer from Nikki.

How to earn money with muscles and intelligence

After a short stay in his homeland, Jensen is again thrown into a familiar metropolis. A couple of new tasks await us, where success depends on the talent to persuade and skillfully choose words. However, when there are not enough arguments, you can always pass the word to the machine.


When you finally reach the Yuzhao region after a forced emergency helicopter landing, millionaire Hugh Darrow gets in touch asking for help. The “father” of implant technology is a man of few words - if you please, look at your assistant, she will tell you everything.

Mr. Darrow's companion, Mengyao, is waiting for us on a rooftop in a residential area of ​​the city. Calling Jensen a valuable resource, the lady tells about the Panchaea project and admits that terrorists stole some secret information and are demanding a ransom for it. Adam needs to take away the data chip and neutralize the gang.

Five gentlemen with submachine guns are waiting for Adam (or rather, the one who was supposed to come instead) in the Daigong area, not far from the Alice Garden capsule hotel. Menyao asks to take the terrorists alive, so we use our fists or a tranquilizer rifle (going up a level).

Don't rush to give the girl the chip. If you have a social corrector, ask her about the data on the electronic device. Select the “beta” option - Menyao will talk about a secret project being developed on Panchaea. For the quest we receive 1000 credits, and after that Hugh himself will contact us to thank us.


When you look into the Prosthetic clinic, you will notice an alarmed Dr. Vin there. He will tell the thrilling story of a Belltower operative named Michael Zelazny. He deserted from the corporation and is robinhood - taking the lives of bad guys and sparing the respectable ones. True, he determines the criteria of integrity himself. In the old days, Wing Hui personally turned Michael into a murder weapon, installing a bunch of the most modern implants for the fighter, and now asks Adam to make him come to his senses.

Our target, according to the doctor, is hiding in a butcher shop in the Yuzhao district. But we will only find the corpse of a special forces soldier and a pocket secretary, which talks about Zelazny’s desire to move into the sewer.

IT IS IMPORTANT: after reading the entry, the next target marker will not appear on the map. This is not a bug, it’s just that the deserter’s exact location is unknown and you have to look for him yourself. A comrade with a literary name hid in the Daigong area; You will find the sewer hatch where you neutralized the terrorists in the “Corporate Wars” quest.

Having gone down to the drains, go to the green marks on the map - this is Michael and the three fighters loyal to him. Zelazny is a pronounced “alpha”, but in a conversation with him the social corrector is powerless. You won't be able to convince the saboteur to surrender - you can either approve his actions at the end of the conversation, or engage his squad in battle. No matter what you do, the amount of experience is the same (not counting the bonuses for winning the battle).

With a forceful approach, a gas grenade is effective - one successful throw will get rid of all enemies. If you are in the mood for a fight, you can not start a conversation at all and attack Michael’s squad right away. If you release the righteous man in peace, he will contact you via the infolink and inform you that Belltower has changed its patrol routes for some time.

Dr. Vin will give you a Praxis kit regardless of the result - even if you lie that you haven't seen Zelazny at all.

Hey there, on the ship!

In the Missing Link downloadable add-on, the scenario will drop Adam onto the military corporation Belltower cargo ship. In an unfriendly environment, we should not count on an abundance of people suffering for help, but one assignment is still available to us.


After you take your equipment out of storage and head to the bow hold, the ship will shake from an unexpected blow, and the game will offer to understand the reasons for the shock.

We go to the control room and climb through the window into the cargo compartment with containers. One of the blocks, according to all the laws of gravity, fell down, breaking a hole in the floor. Cryogenic chambers are stored on the “minus first” floor - one of them was smashed, causing a malfunction of the power source. We should find a spare battery and connect it to the server.

The find is waiting for us in the next room on the right, next to the elevator. The whole room is littered with boxes, one of them can be moved aside and you can get through the gap. There is also another container there - moving it aside, we will find ourselves in a cache with a battery and a weapon modification to speed up reloading.

We connect the energy source to the server and finish the optional mission. This kind deed will not go unnoticed - merchant Quinn at the Rifleman Bank military base will give Adam a discount.

Rocket launcher on the Great Tower

After leaving the ill-fated ship, Adam will find himself at the secret Belltower base. The military complex is teeming with enemies, and the only problem we can help them solve is getting rid of evening duty. But even here you can find a side mission.


During the meeting with Lieutenant Keitner, mention “weapons” in the dialogue - Netanya will tell us. where you can get hold of equipment by sending Adam up to the service level to mechanic Quinn. The stingy Irishman will show you the assortment and tell you about the “special offer”, the mysterious 329 series grenade launcher. It's about about a simple rocket launcher, and to make it, a mechanic needs parts - a barrel, a sight and a trigger.

QUOTE: One ship once had grenade launchers, but I didn’t have time to get to them. Sent to the arsenal. Fortunately, my friend managed to “lose” one grenade launcher during maintenance work, but he was fired, and again I did not have time to pick up the weapon. And now this beauty is lying around somewhere, dismantled into pieces! I'm talking about a grenade launcher, not a friend. Although who knows where he really is now.

The sight is in the administrative building (on the way from the first cargo bay to the prison block), in one of the rooms in the western section. The trigger mechanism is in cargo compartment 1, inside the container in the western part of the room. The grenade launcher barrel is in cargo compartment 2, in a blue container (lying on top of the red ones); to get to it, build steps from boxes and crates or use a “jumping” implant.

These parts can be found and picked up even before accepting the quest - then Adam will give all the things to Garvin Quinn without further ado or questioning. The mechanic will assemble the rocket launcher for free immediately after we bring him the last part.
