A guide to Darkest Dungeon for those who don't want to die right away. We exalt Darkest Dungeon itself


What time is it? Adventure time! It is Darkest Dungeon time!

The second darkest dungeon was frightening with its unknown. The absence of a boss was alarming. The game asked you to find and activate three iron crowns. In addition, I did not understand why three fire talismans were given out at once for defeating the Shambling Horror.Darkest Dungeonnever merged.

As our friend Winnie the Pooh said: “This is not without reason!” I ignored the spoiler link in the comments, but listened to the readers' advice. They couldn't want me to lose it. In any case, I didn’t want to think so badly of them. From the advice I took away the following: talismans are simply necessary (although you don’t have to take everything), you should also take a warrior “with his main ability” on a campaign.

I carefully studied the warrior's abilities. Main active ability "Altercation" The warrior puts a mark on himself, and for two rounds begins to respond with a shield to everyone who touches him. A useful feature, it’s a pity that it doesn’t last long, and the enemy doesn’t always start to “aggro” the desired hero. Fire Talisman reduces damage and stress from the ability "Revelation" Similar words, only the first is translated as “Dispute”, the second as “Revelation”. I re-examined the abilities of all classes (with the exception of the late Jester), no one has the "Revelation" was not found. Strange... and not a damn thing! It turns out that someone else will use this ability. Probably our enemy.

At first I decided to take two talismans out of three. One was given to a warrior, the second to a vestal. He placed a plague doctor and a knight in company with them. At one time I was a little disappointed in the knights, as in the class, but going against the Shambling Horror made me reconsider my attitude. ExactlyLinorius, thanks to the flag, kept the group from a nervous breakdown (well, the artifacts also helped a lot). In the Darkest Dungeons, stress has once again become a major issue.

However, just before leaving, a message popped up with a transparent hint - there was only one talisman left in the chest. The game clearly offered to take all the fiery artifacts with you! I again began to delve into the skills of the heroes and, after much deliberation, decided to replace the knight with a robber. He, like the vigilante, also has Altercation, and if the commentators are right, the rogue may well play.

As a result, the group gathered as follows:
1. Druzhinnik romulan_da
2. Robber julegg
3. Plague Doctor ko4evnik_v
4. Vestal Virgin wirebreak .

The warrior received a fire talisman and a shield that gives a bonus to stun. The rogue took a second talisman and his class artifact, which increases speed and evasion chance. The plague doctor was left without a talisman, taking the head of Cthulhu and the blue crystal (+20% health, but -1 speed). The Vestals received: the heart of a swine mass (+15% health) and the last fiery artifact (abilitiesAltercation she doesn’t have it, but I took it just in case, the game recommended it).

The second Darkest Dungeon greeted us with...umm...how to describe it...a disgusting toothy-eyed mass. It covered the walls, ceiling, doors and all surrounding objects. Looks like the Darkest has gone crazy!

The dungeon map was naturally hidden. I had to “move” by touch. Of the three corridors in the starting room, I chose the western one, i.e. went left. In the middle of the bridge, the first pack of monsters blocked the road. Scoundrels in robes and zombies. The enemy's first hit turned out to be a crit.

Hmm yes! The dungeon has begun awesome!

The second room was empty. Two corridors led to the south and north. I led the team north. In the third room, the group encountered a new pack of enemies. Again scoundrels and zombies, and again the battle turned out disgustingly. The heroes missed two critical hits at once and accumulated stress. I decided to set up camp to bring the team to their senses.

It was necessary to either continue moving north to the north, or turn to the southwest. I decided to turn it off. Having cleared another pack of enemies along the way, I discovered that four rooms closed a “ring” among themselves. The corridor to the south seemed to lead to a dead end, because... The border of the dungeon was visible on the mini-map screen. It was impossible to ignore the “appendix”. From the experience of standard missions, I knew that if some things had to be collected or consecrated, they could be scattered anywhere, even in the corridors.

In the dead-end room, the first iron crown was actually discovered, placed on a laughing skull! Only the boss was also in the room, in the company of evil-eyed minions!!!

It seems that the heroes have stumbled upon the last stage of degeneration of the local cultists. The boss’s head and shoulders retained human features, even the yellow mask of the fanatic was clearly visible, but the rest of the body mutated into an ugly something that simultaneously resembled a scorpion and a crab. A long tail oozing poison and powerful claws covered with black growths. Horrible!

That's when the boss playedRevelation; an ability that I, naively, looked for in my heroes.

The flame talisman protected the Vestal Virgin.Wirebreak lost only four health lives and gained a bit of stress. Phew! You did the right thing by taking all three talismans! It's a pity there weren't enough of them for all the heroes. The plague doctor was left without protection fromRevelation. I think that’s why the advisers in the comments suggested taking the squad, so that he could “aggro” the boss with his technique.

EarlierRomulan_ damanaged to goJulegg, and I decided to play "Altercation" them. The robber hit the boss for 11 lives and put a corresponding mark on himself. With this, he really caused fire, or rather, the tentacles of the minions, to fall on himself. Little evil-eyed creatures pounced onJulegg. They stopped me and threw me back, taking off more than half my health. Fortunately, the boss himself was unable to strike,Romulan_ da managed to stop him.

Unfortunately, the scorpion crab quickly came to his senses and, despite the markJulegg, showed his “Revelation” to the plague doctor,ko4 evnik_ v there was no talisman, and he got it in full!

17 hits of damage is bad in itself, but almost 50 (!) units of stress - it was just horror, horror! Nervous scaleko4 evnik_ v Instantly it was half full. Damn bosses! Are there any tags onJulegg I didn’t see it, it was staged for him! Blind creature!

The minions continued to beat our robber, however, the Vestal Virgin came to the rescue.Wirebreak overcame, restoring with critical treatmentJulegg almost 20 lives.

IfDarkest Dungeonwhat he taught me to do was never touch the minions. The plague doctor poisoned the monster twice, and the warrior and the robber rushed to beat him with their weapons.

The fire talismans helped incredibly, but before his death the boss attacked againko4 evnik_ v! As a result, the plague doctor's stress bar was filled to 90%. Disgusting! We could only hope that the other iron crowns would not have bosses! It somehow turns out to be painfully harsh! TwoRevelationand get a virtually guaranteed nervous breakdown.

It would have been possible to set up a camp, but there was only one set of supplies left in the backpack for the fire, and there was still 2/3 of the dungeon to go through.

Returning to the “ring”, I led the heroes north. Having fought through one room, I again came to a fork, and then I began to suspect that this dungeon, unlike the others, was not generated randomly. It's symmetrical!

Take a look at the mini-map in the corner for yourself. Three roads lead from the starting room. I explored the western direction. I found a ring of four rooms and two corridors. The southern corridor led us to the boss, and the northern one led us to a fork, very similar to half of the second ring! The road south from the fork led to the starting room. Somehow everything is too smooth!

If the second Darkest is truly symmetrical, the dungeon should include three similar rings connected to each other by "jumpers". Following this logic, I will find the second iron crown to the northeast of the fork, just one room later. Then you can explore all the corridors and rooms need to (!) Score.

Settling on testing my theory, I went north and, indeed, the main road turned southeast to close the second “ring,” but from its top there was another path to a dead-end room in the north. Unfortunately, the road was blocked by a new pack of monsters. One of the enemies dealt a critical blow to our doctor. The stress bar has filled to the end and...

Ko4 evnik_ v took it and overcame it! Good boy! Awesome! Well, just awesome timing! We have a real chance to get out of this ass and defeat the second Darkest on the first try. Not only did the doctor relieve most of his stress, he also experienced a surge of vigor (“Vigorous"), starting to regenerate 5 units of health each turn. Wow, how that helped!

Having defeated the monsters, Ifull of optimism,went to the northern room. The main thing is that there is only a standard pack of enemies there, and not a boss. After all, even for this game it would be too much to cram three bosses into one dungeon at once! Or…

No fucking plank! The column with the skull was guarded by the second boss. The twin brother of the first, only he was accompanied not by evil eyes, but by some strange arthropods.

Lucky at leastJuleggprevailed and scored a critical hit with the first hit.

Considering we were fighting against a boss, the fight went relatively smoothly. The scorpion crab constantly used his ability, but the talismans did their job, and the one who prevailedko4 evnik_ v I managed stress well myself.

Having defeated the boss and his koloboks in seven rounds, the heroes successfully consecrated the second crown. It remains to find one more, victory is ours! Luckily, after making sure the dungeon was symmetrical, I knew where to look for our target.

Normal heroes always take a detour! So we went, sideways along the wall, along a well-trodden path, returning to the starting room, passing through the already cleared rooms through the first ring. Luckily I had plenty of torches.

Having reached the third ring, I set up a second camp.

Enjoying the “hospitable” toothy-eyed-tentacle landscape, the heroes calmly ate, restoring strength and health.

All that remains is to follow the ring to the south and reach the last dead end. Just two rooms and one boss!

I almost guessed right. There were two bosses! The game decided not to waste money on minions!

Four! Four fucking bosses for one dungeon! Fortunately, we managed to get to the last crown practically healthy, and everything was fine with morale.

It wasn't easy, very difficult. But with powerful critical hitsRomulan_ da AndJulegg managed to cut off 2/3 of the health of one of the bosses. The technique available to the heroes was really usefulAltercation. Thanks to the talismans, the bosses' main ability turned against them. Talismans almost completely neutralized the damage fromRevelation, but our heroes were in response.Julegg he even gave out his second critical hit in one battle. In four rounds we managed to defeat one boss, and in three more rounds we managed to defeat the second! The enemies hit us painfully with their poisoned stings, but the poison did practically no harm to us, because I had prudently stocked up on bottles and bandages.

As a result, half-dead and almost on the verge of stress, the heroes lit the last iron crown! The dungeon has been completed!

OVERCOME! From the first time the second Darkest!!! This is what fortanulo skill means! On a whim, we managed to assemble the optimal team. Well done, well done to all the heroes! When necessary, everyone picked it up and dragged it in!Romulan_ da, ko4 evnik_ v, Julegg AndWirebreak gained fame as the winners of the secondDarkestA.

The last (third) Darkest Dungeon remains ahead, and then the game will be completed! You need to find and activate some kind of Lotus Lighthouse (Locus Beacon), however, according to the laws of the genre, somewhere next to him the very, very last boss is waiting for us - the primary source of all the troubles of the inhabitants of the glorious Hamlet. Pure evil, guilty of everything! The mortal enemy of all that is good and good! Until we find out his real name, we will temporarily call the last boss Putin the Darkest.

This will be an epic battle. To be honest, dungeon pioneers are almost 100% suicide bombers. Without knowing the tactics, without tips, it is almost impossible to defeat the Darkest One; but suddenly the key word in this phrase is “practically.” In any case, volunteers are needed who are ready, if lucky, to die at the hands of the Darkest. If we're unlucky, we simply won't get there. But suddenly you get incredibly lucky, then eternal glory awaits the volunteers!

We will overcome! Wait for the next releases, let's playDarkest Dungeon!

Darkest Dungeon is an RPG that takes place in a dark dungeon. Moreover, the dungeon itself is created through procedural generation (the levels are created not manually, but using an algorithm, which allows you to create a unique dungeon each time). The player has the opportunity to choose a hero based on various classes, of which there are more than 10 in the game. You can be a mage, healer, archer, knight, etc. Try to take care of your heroes, because after death, you will never be able to use them again, and you will have to hire new heroes and upgrade your skills from the very beginning. There can be a total of 4 heroes in the dungeon who are not fearless and emotionless. The game pays great attention to the emotional state of the characters. They may be afraid, they may even go mad from the horrors of the dungeon. Watch your physical condition, let the heroes rest. You also need to monitor food supplies and prevent the heroes from starving.

In Darkest Dungeon you will have to fight not only monsters, but also various phobias of your heroes. Sometimes the strangest phobia can harm the entire team and lead to defeat. The combat system is turn-based, which gives you the opportunity to carefully think through your tactics. The game has an unusual and beautiful design, which adds the necessary horror to the gloomy dungeons.

Embedded text cracker from ZoG Forum Team
Built-in sound cracker from GameSVoiCE

Operating system: Windows 7, Windows 8
Processor: 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia 260 GTS or Radeon HD 4850 - 512 MB
Hard drive: 5 GB free space

Genre: RPG (Rogue/Action)
Developer: Red Hook Studios
Publisher: Red Hook Studios
Game version: Build 24839
Interface language: English, Russian
Voice language: Russian(sound cracker from GameSVoiCE)
No activation required

You can also download the version without Russian voice acting:
Download Darkest Dungeon Build 24839 + DLC – torrent

Add-ons (DLC):
- The Musketeer
- The Crimson Court
- The Shieldbreaker
- The Color of Madness

Size: 2.32 GB

Download Darkest Dungeon Build 24839 – torrent

In this guide we will look at the basics of Darkest Dungeon, locations and some other features. In the darkest catacombs, help will come in handy for both newbie and veteran, so take the time to read this guide if you are planning to play or return to Darkest Dungeon.

Paraphrase about the prologue

According to the plot you are the heir of an aristocrat who is fed up with the idle life of a nobleman, all this despicable metal of yours and your no less despicable, immoral society.

Having abandoned his usual life, he, having previously been involved in the occult, decided to find an ancient portal, the map of which he got from his previous craft. But during the excavations, something went wrong: terrible monsters appeared out of nowhere, the team of miners was brutally killed, and the castle where the work was carried out was partially destroyed.

A few years later, you, being the heir of a short-sighted nobleman, go to the ruins to find out what kind of dashing woman brought your father there. You have to assemble a team and face unprecedented obstacles, the main of which are the vices and fears of you and your comrades.

Where does the action take place?

In total, you will visit a dozen locations, each of which is atmospherically gloomy and unique. First, let's note the peaceful levels where your heroes rest.

1) City - what can you do in the city? Of course, this place won’t offer anything overt, but you will satisfy your primary needs. In general, on its streets you will find: an inn, a monastery, a stagecoach, a hospital, a workshop, a guild, an estate and survivalists.

2) Inn - in the city you can find an inn and relieve stress with a pint of foam. There is also a brothel and a gambling hall there.

3) Hospital - offers the services of a doctor who can mend your wounds and cure diseases such as rabies, paranoia and insanity. Plus, heroes can strengthen any character trait, or, conversely, destroy a bad characteristic.

4) Workshop - armor and weapons are improved there.

5) Stagecoach - a cart in which new comrades are bought.

6) Guild - within its walls, heroes upgrade and buy abilities.

7) Master of Survival - increases the skills that are used for halts.

8) Burial ground - rows of tombstones on which the names of fallen heroes are indicated, as well as the reason for their death.

9) Nomad's carriage - here the fortune teller sells valuable things, but at a high price.

10) The estate is kind of like your home.

During your travels in the world of Darkest Dungeon, you will visit more dangerous places. Let's look at the locations and the creatures that inhabit them.


People and the dead live here. Undead are almost completely resistant to bleeding, but are easily stunned. Pick good guys with a high chance of stunning so as not to stumble in this type of location. From the loot you will find various display cases, chests, closed doors and altars, for which you will need keys, holy water, etc.


A dense and dark forest, full of rotten and darkness-soaked plants. You can only enter the City through this location. Bring bandages, antidote, holy water and herbs with you.

For a beginner, the Thicket presents many dangers, so be well prepared before you go there. Take with you heroes who have a high rate of bleeding and weakening, since the local enemies have little resistance to them.


An old dungeon of tunnels and aqueducts, built for no one knows why. Now this place is full of corpses, garbage and manure - a home for carriers of deadly diseases. You will meet a people of half-humans, half-beasts, who were given a telling name - “Pigs”.

Take a bandage along the way, as there are many traps in the Sanctuary that cause bleeding, healing herbs and food. The inhabitants of the location are immune to poisons, so it makes sense to take characters with high bleeding efficiency. The hero Trainer, who has the greatest damage to animals, will also help you.


The penultimate location is half-flooded and dotted with sea monsters. The Ancestor once used it to transport contraband. In the Bay, herbs that remove the “debuff” of weakening from traps and attacks, shovels to get chests, and bandages to stop bleeding will help.

Bleeding in the Bay won't help, but the poison will come in handy. Take heroes with high defense and increased damage from poison. By the way, the hero Occultist is good at attacking mystical creatures, which include most of the inhabitants of the Bay.

This is where you will be at the end of the game. The final location, full of horrors from ancient times, as well as their admirers.

Keep in mind that the Darkest Dungeon is many times more difficult than all previous locations. Almost all monsters inflict stress, poison or bleeding on you every once in a while, causing huge damage.

It won't be possible to escape from here without losses either - one comrade will die in any case, and randomly. There are four quests in the Darkest Dungeon, but the last one is completely impossible to escape.

The entire location is scripted, unlike the previous ones, so replaying it won’t be too difficult. Plus there are no traps, blockages or night attacks, and your heroes starve more slowly. Bandages and antidote, food and torches will help you. Holy water is also useful, but only in certain battles.

Mechanics of Darkest Dungeon

Damage deduction and battles in general work clearly and simply. All heroes and monsters have an evasion rating, in contrast to which each skill has hit accuracy. The total score is obtained by subtracting the evasion from the accuracy figure.

Debuffs work in a similar way to other features. For example, if the stun percentage is one hundred and the evasion is twenty-five, then in the end we will get seventy-five. The hit chance is increased by artifacts and sometimes by new abilities.

C tress is your main enemy

A key feature of Darkest Dungeon is stress, which affects the combat effectiveness of your squad. Almost all enemy actions accumulate stress: this applies to a critical hit, disease and darkness, and the effect goes on the entire squad at once.

If stress exceeds the limit of 100 units for a character, then he breaks down, after which in most cases he receives a severe “debuff”. The character of a knight, for example, may change to suicidal, causing him to start attacking himself, or refuse to heal your ally, considering it pointless.

Thus, a weak link appears in your team, which puts a lot of pressure on the rest of the group. Oddly enough, sometimes stress has a positive effect: a heavy alcoholic can stop drinking and take the path of truth.

Stress is released in the city, and specifically in the tavern and monastery during the week. Some heroes have greater resistance to stress. Leveling up and killing enemies reduces this stat.

What to take on an expedition

We have already mentioned above which things are more useful in certain locations. Here we will analyze the general features of the issue.

It is important to consider for what time and where exactly your group is going. For a short visit, eight units of provisions, six torches and two shovels will be enough. Depending on the location, you will have to take bandages, keys, and other equipment with you if you want to get extra gold.

In general, provisions are used for a specific event - “Hunger”, which occurs regularly at a certain time. It costs 1 food per hero, and if you don’t feed him, he will receive a “debuff” to health and stress.

Torches are needed to illuminate dark places. Darkest Dungeon has an entire lighting system, displayed as a scale at the top of the screen. There are four phases in total, each of which accumulates 25 units. The less light, the greater the increase in stress and the attack of monsters, but the more loot and critical hits from your heroes.

Each dark cell takes five torch charges, and the one you have already walked through takes one. Some heroes and abilities increase or decrease the charge of the torch. With bandages you stop the bleeding, and with an antidote you remove the poison - everything is clear here.

Wrong steps at first

If you can't play normally yet, don't despair. Darkest Dungeon is a pretty hardcore game, and as we know, everything comes with experience. Running out of gold? Recruit new heroes and use them as meat as you make your way for rewards. Don't spend money on supplies for them, and then you can quickly accumulate considerable capital.

If your main character dies, then nothing can be done about it. Hire a new one and go on an adventure again.

P oddities

Quirks are character traits in Darkest Dungeon that unlock a random set of bonuses and stats for heroes. Quirks are generated randomly based on certain actions of your characters.

The resulting characteristics can be both positive and negative. You can dump them in the sanitary facility or at special places in the dungeons.

Video guide Darkest Dungeon: gatherings, supplies and locations

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Darkest Dungeon- a hardcore party roguelike, the events of which unfold in a gloomy dungeon, where a party of your heroes went. The game implements a unique system of stress and morality, which affects the attitude of your characters within the team. Heroes and party members will irritate and hate each other, and you will have to keep this motley and capricious “company” in check. Your worries do not end there, do not forget about hunger, illness, and many other external factors, as well as the permanent death of your charges.

Read a detailed overview of the game's features inside the news!

The game has been updated to version v16.08.2018 + All DLCs. The list of changes can be viewed.

"Four heroes plunges into the darkness of an eerie dungeon to deal with the evil spirits swarming there. An ominous growl is heard from the darkest corner, the battle is about to begin... Then it turns out: a crusader, a fearless leader of the party, completely drunk. He's just in no condition to fight. The huntress following him understands that things are bad. He panics. The bow literally falls out of her shaking hands. In this moment the battle mage says to the healer mage:“It was you who brought them down with your medications. Figure it out without me.” And he runs away. Left alone doctor decides that this way he will definitely not defeat anyone and, in order to ease his torment, takes the poison himself. Coming out of the darkness one single flaccid skeleton, sees that he has no one to fight with, and, shrugging his shoulders, returns home."

The situation described above is the norm for the game Darkest Dungeon. Without proper preparation, this is exactly how every attempt to clear a dungeon will end. As the developers say, their goal is to show what irreparable damage the horrors of Satanic crypts cause to the consciousness of the heroes who descend there. “In 99% of combat RPGs you only take physical damage. Then your fighter swallows a healing potion, the health bar becomes long again, the consequences of a collision with evil become completely eliminated, - says head of development Tyler Sigman.- One day I thought about what would happen if these consequences suddenly became more significant. Indelible. I've been thinking about transferring the morality system from tactical strategies to the mechanics of roguelike action games. At first I just thought this idea was funny. Then I came to the conclusion that a whole game could be made based on it.”

The action takes place in a conventional Middle Ages. The hero returns to the long-vacant family estate and sees that it has been captured by some kind of evil spirits. He gathers a team of brave warriors to cleanse the house of filth, but quickly discovers that, like Resident Evil, a whole network of catacombs branches under the estate, hiding a much more ancient and terrible evil than what crawled to the surface. Your task is to go through all the floors to the very bottom, to end up in the title "The Darkest Dungeon"

Darkest Dungeon- party dungeon crawler. The best analogy is Legend of Grimrock, only the viewing angle must be mentally rotated 90 degrees to the right. You clear dungeons not from first person, but from a 2D perspective. Otherwise, everything is exactly the same: moving around the cells, collecting treasures, four fighters in a team, skills must be combined.

So, your four fighters have finally reached the first enemy. The moral system described above begins to operate: yes, you killed the skeletons, but one of the team members was scared to death and panicked drove his sword into the ear of the sorceress standing in front of him. So what? In recent XCOM all this has already happened: having seen enough of all sorts of horrors, yellow-haired newcomers could fall into a stupor or simply shoot their colleagues. Such mechanics are clearly not suitable for a supporting structure for gameplay.

The catch is that Darkest Dungeon the influence of “moral effects” is much more significant. Not a single battle will pass without leaving a mark on the psyche of the heroes, absolutely every fight will have consequences. The balance is built around the fact that not all of them will be negative.

For example, a knight, after another raid, began “to touch the bottle more often than to the sword”. So what if he gets drunk: he can fight much better drunk than when sober. You can take away the swill - you will get a minus to the attack and the likelihood that he will have a nervous breakdown, or even go completely crazy. You can, on the contrary, purposefully pump him full of alcohol before each battle - he will fight like a berserker, but how long will his liver last, and where is the guarantee that one fine day he will not develop delirium tremens?

Another example: a sorceress (in the game her name is Vestal) received a critical wound in a battle with skeletons and is now terribly afraid of all creatures whose bones are not covered with skin. You don’t have to take her to the next raid, let her rest and calm down, but here’s the caveat - she has a bonus to attacks against zombies. No one knows what awaits you around the corner: an army of skeletons that will drive the Vestal into hysterics, or a crowd of zombies, after dealing with which the girl will be encouraged and healed from mental trauma.

Finally, there is a plague doctor on the team. The bard, who inspires the team with cheerful songs, cannot stand the nasty healer, so if he tries to treat him, he may get angry and receive a minus to his combat characteristics. You can separate the bard and the doctor into different teams so that they overlap as little as possible, but you will not always have the opportunity to easily change fighters in the squads when half of the personnel are already being treated for wounds, drinking, moping, or even lying in a madhouse .

This is not a figure of speech: the game will actually have a psychiatric hospital where you can send your soldiers to “get treatment.” In other words, if your brave crusader periodically sticks out his tongue and ululates to himself about something for no reason (this started right after a giant caterpillar devoured a vestal before his eyes), it makes sense to think about his mental health.

It is important to understand the main thing: it is impossible to complete a level perfectly. One way or another, something will have to be sacrificed. All you can do is minimize the damage.

If you act carelessly, all adversity will fall on your unfortunate squad in one fell swoop. We quote: “When the pressure becomes unbearable, you will face a whole bunch of problems: paranoia, panic, greed and even sadism.” There will be no need for any monsters here: the maddened heroes will kill each other themselves.

Actually, the concept would have been limited to this if the authors had not raised money beyond all limits on Kickstarter. They will have to fulfill all the promises they made in pursuit of hard cash.

So, for example, there will be city ​​events. In spirit Diablo In between sending satanic scum back to hell, you relax in a small gothic town. It is there that you can purchase ammunition and treat soldiers. Convinced paladins whose faith is strong will spend time praying; the rest will drink until they lose their human appearance or go on a new raid - on a brothel.

Moreover, periodically the city will host so-called gossip. Someone started whispering that a cauldron full of gold had been found in the catacombs of the estate, and thugs eager for easy prey immediately came running from all the outskirts. Why not take them on the team as cannon fodder? Or someone spread a rumor that you can become infected with the plague underground - you won’t find volunteers, but the reward for clearing the next crypt may be much higher than usual.

Finally, even if we take the entire moral system out of the equation, the combat system Darkest Dungeon she still turns out to be more than competent.

The most important feature is the order of the heroes. As you can see, they go like a kind of “train”, one after another. The position of the fighter in the “line-up” plays a major role. Obviously, the strongest warrior should go first. It is he who will have to take the maximum damage. It’s better not to get close to heroes who don’t like each other.

Before the battle, you will have a lot to think about when completing a set of fighters, but you will have to think even more actively during the battle. The fact is that the enemy “locomotive” works according to exactly the same rules as yours. Here, for example, are four skeletons: a swordsman, a spearman, a swordsman, and a crossbowman. The crossbowman deals heavy damage with arrows. The question arises, on whom to concentrate attacks? Logically, it is quite possible to try to eliminate the crossbowman first, before he shoots your entire team. This should not be done for two reasons. One: he's standing far away (fourth), so there will be a penalty added to your shots. Second: there is another way to leave him without a crushing attack. Kill the first swordsman - the entire team of skeletons will move one step to the left. It turns out that the crossbowman is no longer fourth, but third. From this position he cannot fire arrows - for a remote attack he needs at least three squares of space, and since there are now only two of them, he will have to put aside the crossbow and switch to a stupid little dagger.

It is important to remember that castling can be done directly during the fight. If your paladin takes too much damage, you can put him in the tail to rest.

Language: Russian English.

System requirements:
OS: Windows 7+
Video card: OpenGL 3.2+ Compliant
Disk space: 900 MB
Additionally: 1080p, 16:9 recommended

Darkest Dungeon is a challenging gothic roguelike turn-based RPG about the psychological stresses of adventuring.

Recruit, train, and lead a team of flawed heroes through twisted forests, forgotten warrens, ruined crypts, and beyond. You"ll battle not only unimaginable foes, but stress, famine, disease, and the ever-encroaching dark. Uncover strange mysteries, and pit the heroes against an array of fearsome monsters with an innovative strategic turn-based combat system.

The Affliction System – battle not only monsters, but stress! Contend with paranoia, masochism, fear, irrationality, and a host of gameplay-meaningful quirks!
Striking hand-drawn gothic crowquill art style
Innovative turn-based combat pits you against a host of diabolical monsters
Ten (and counting!) playable hero classes, including Plague Doctor, Hellion, and even the Leper!
Camp to heal wounds or deliver inspiring speeches.
Rest your wear, shell-shocked characters in town at the Tavern or the Abbey to keep their stress in check.
Classic CRPG and roguelike features, including meaningful permadeath, procedural dungeons, and incredible replay

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Dungeon information.

Welcome to the latest Dungeon game.

This dungeon has monstrously powerful opponents, tons of stress and many features such as:
1) You don’t see the entire dungeon, it is closed by the “fog of war”, in order to open it you need to move through the dungeon, reconnaissance will not work. There are no obstacles in the Dungeon, there is no point in buying shovels.
2) in the Dungeon there are both long corridors of 10 cells and short corridors of 3.
3) In the Darkest Dungeon, you cannot get Suprise on your party and on your opponents.
4) It will not be possible to escape from the Dungeon without losses; one of the random survivors will have to sacrifice themselves in order to give the others the opportunity to escape.
But those who escaped the dungeon receive a double boost to experience.
5) After successfully completing the dungeon, the surviving heroes will have a small torch icon near their portrait (the “Never Again” effect) and they will never go to the Darkest Dungeon again (they will go to other regions), keep this in mind when making up your team. It’s worth starting to collect 4 teams for 4 passes from the moment the list of heroes begins to grow, and also train a replacement for them if someone dies during pumping.

6) Heroes with the “Never Again” status (Torch near the portrait) give a boost to the experience of those who do not have this status; the bonuses do not add up.
7) There will be a total of 4 entries into the Darkest Dungeon, each time there will be a new task, the size of the dungeon will increase, there will be stronger opponents and their diversity will increase (the 3rd entry will have a super long dungeon size - 4 packs of firewood for the fire), but the last 4th entry will be only boss fight.
8) In the dungeon there will be no items between the rooms that can be picked up - buy in full for the trip.
9) After the successful completion of the dungeon, all the heroes will lose stress, both the party that went to the dungeon and the heroes in the city.
10)There are achievements associated with this dungeon:
“Like lambs to the slaughter” - send a party from the 0th levels to this dungeon. (You get the achievement when one of the characters dies)
"Redemption was found on the old road." - The 2 very first characters Dismas and Reynold must survive the entire game and go through the 4th entry into the dungeon.
"Brave Sacrifice" - losing the entire group in the Darkest Dungeon, can be completed together with "Like Lambs to the Slaughter".
"In such a hurry" - Complete the game in 99 weeks.
"Victory as it is" - complete the game.
"End of the World" - Complete the game on NG+ (higher difficulty)
11) It is possible that the entire group will die. You may receive this effect.

Opponents. Part 1.

Priest - Priest Cultist.
Brawler - Ethereal cultist.
Witch - Ethereal witch.

Shuffling Horror - Creeping horror.
Chest - Chest.

There is a lot of bleeding in this run, stock up on bandages and 16+ torches.
There is also a lot of stress, you can take the Jester to reduce stress, but personally I went through without the Jester, the choice is yours.
I don’t recommend taking Leper or anyone who is too tied to a position, because the final boss always mixes up the team.
The Man at Arms with his Guard and Riposte will be very useful, since the boss moves 2 times.
If you take the Occultist, take him for the extra. damage by mysticism (eldritch).

Second run - “Sanctify the path”

Rapture - Exalted cultist.
Priest - Priest Cultist.
D.growth - Protective growth.
M.growth - Malignant growth.
Polyp - Polyp.
Hound - Flesh Hound.
Templar Warlord - Templar Voivode.
Templar Impaler - Templar Impaler

It is advisable not to put a trinket torch on someone who really needs protection, subtle characters such as the Vestal or the Crossbowwoman

They'll be great : Warrior (Man at arms) with Guard and Riposte, because there are a lot of minibosses and everyone goes 2 times.
The trainer thanks to his Guard, mark and increased damage to animals.
They'll come in okay: Mercenary (Stun\Mark), Crossbowwoman (Damage on mark with crits + camp buff to self for damage and crits)
They'll come in terribly:Leper, due to his very weak resistance to poisoning, will die on the first mini-boss.
Subtle characters: Jester, Thief, Robber

Make sure you take the trinkets with you as a reward from the first run.
Bosses inflict poison.
Regular enemies bleed.
In this run tons damage
As you can see on the map, there are double mini bosses in the lower right corner, be prepared, it’s better to go for them first.
There are 2 Exalted Priests on the map, they are absolutely harmless, you can use them to completely heal yourself and reduce stress. (When you fight with 1 enemy, stress drips and reinforcements may come, but when there are 2 of them everything will be fine.)
Buy all the food, all the anti-poison, bandages, herbs to knock down the debuff and the torch.

Third entry - "In the Belly of the Beast"

!!!The blue cell on the map is the destination of the task!!!

Antibody - Antibody.
Polyp - Polyp.
Hound - Flesh Hound.
Mammonth - Large cyst.
White Cell - White cell.
Templar Gladiator - Templar gladiator.
Templar Sniper - Templar sniper.

In this run:
A lot of poisoning
Push-offs from positions
The enemy has a lot of dodge (Dodge). I recommend taking heroes with high initial accuracy (Crossbowwoman, Rogue, Grave Thief) or other characters, but with pumped up accuracy using trinkets or traits.

Tips: If possible, keep mini bosses in your camp.
double Polyps, an excellent replacement for double Exalted sectarians to heal and relieve stress.
Follow the map attached above, so you can pave the way to the goal with minimal losses.

You will need: All anti-venom, all food, all torches, holy water and herbs, no bandages needed.

They'll be great : Plague Doctor (Stun\Poison opponents), Grave Thief (high initial accuracy + her buffs to accuracy), Trainer (All opponents of the Mystic\Animals, high damage + stress treatment)
They'll come in okay: Savage (hit 4 positions from 1), Mercenary (in a combo with the Plague Doctor)
It's going to be terrible only Leper (Lots of pushes back, but he has no skills from 4th and 3rd positions)

Fourth entry - "Hell is in the heart"

The final battle, no map needed, just the boss.

Balanced damage from everything: Bleeding, poisoning, stress, stun.
The ability to hit in all positions will be very useful.

Will go great: Savage, Trainer, Grave Thief
The rest will be good too.
(Actually, use anyone who is left, all will do)

There is no point in taking food or torches, buy all the bandages, anti-poison, herbs, holy water.

The battle is divided into 4 parts.

Part 1.
Kill one reflection every round, ignore the Ancestor, killing an Imperfect Reflection deals 1 damage to the Ancestor, easy isn't it?

Part 2.
Ignore Absolute Nothing, hit the Ancestor, he will change position every round.

Part 3.
Hitting the heart heals the character, but inflicts poisoning, no matter what damage you do, it does not carry over to Part 4 (But the debuffs remain, marks, poisoning, bleeding.). Lowering the heart's health to 0, triggers the true form.
Waiting too long also triggers the final form, so you can just stand, heal, buff and not beat your heart.

Part 4.
A real boss fight, but not that difficult.

The boss has one ability and trait.
Firstly, when the heart's HP drops to 2/3, the heart will instantly kill one character of your choice (you must click on the character you are sacrificing).
Then at 1/3 of the second, but this is not activated if you already have first one dead (at 2/3) then two (at 1/3).
Plan your party so that everyone can deal damage when they are alone.
Secondly, the heart imposes appropriate debuffs on your heroes, if it has a low resistance to bleeding, then it will catch bleeding, if to poisoning - poisoning, and so on, accordingly, stuns, stress.

1 vs 1, 2 vs 1 with the boss is the Rogue ("Point Blank Shot", if you also buff him for ranged combat, you will merge the boss very quickly) or Jester (Skill “Final”, use grass to remove the debuff) Not relevant after the last nerf to the Jester.


The main opponents of the "Mystic" (Eldritch), the corresponding Traits (Quirks) are desirable.
-In complete darkness, most opponents will take on their true form.
-Never drag out battles, opponents have too much damage and stress.

