GTA 5 steal a military helicopter. A selection of the fastest helicopters in GTA V

An integral element of every game in the GTA series is a helicopter. As a rule, it is used by the police, the military cannot do without it, and journalists need it. However, in certain cases, access to the helicopter also gets main character. Of course, in terms of speed, a helicopter cannot be compared with an airplane, and in addition, they are much more difficult to control, but if this is done correctly, then a helicopter can seriously compete with an airplane.

Types of helicopters: where to find and how to purchase

IN game world gta5 There are 8 types of different types of helicopters. You can get each of these types in a certain way. For example, some helicopters can be purchased in an online store, while other devices can be obtained exclusively from their owners. Only they won’t give up the helicopter voluntarily, so it will have to be stolen.

The Maverick helicopter is the most common aircraft in the game. You can find it at almost every high-altitude helicopter site. Both television and the police prefer this particular model. In addition, you can find the device on a hospital roof or buy it online.

To get the Cargobob, Skylift and Buzzard Attack Chopper models, you will have to steal them from the Zancudo military base where they are located. And you will find the Annihilator device only if you use the multiplayer mode of the GTA 5 game.

Where to find a UFO

In addition to helicopters, there are other aircraft in GTA 5, but they are much more exotic. It's about about UFOs. Many fans of the game strive to find UFOs and aliens, or at least find traces of them. The game world contains many different elements, each of which ambiguously indicates the existence of civilizations of extraterrestrial worlds, and there are even eyewitnesses to their appearance.

In GTA 5 it is quite possible to find a plate. For example, you will find one UFO on the ocean floor, although this plate is inoperative and cannot be interacted with. And yet she is of interest because her mere existence is surprising in itself.

Working UFO harder to find. There is one condition - to complete GTA 5 one hundred percent. When the game is completed from start to finish, you can climb Mount Chiliad. There you will find an observation deck. Don't get too excited, because the difficulties don't end there. The fact is that an extraterrestrial aircraft can appear here at a strictly defined time and under appropriate conditions: at three in the morning and always during a raging thunderstorm. So you will have to wait to see the UFO.

However, this is not all the flying saucers that are present in the game. One of them appears at certain times above Fort Zancudo. This device is significantly different from the previous two. Conspiracy theorists believe that only it can be called genuine. So it's likely that this is actually an alien ship. Although the most skeptical players tend to believe that this is just a secret military development. It is impossible to know the truth yet.

Considering the cost of transport in the game, many users are interested in where to find a helicopter in GTA-5. The open world in the project is quite extensive, and traveling without knowing the direction will not bring results. You need to know exactly how to get flying equipment with minimal investment of time and money.

The first and cheapest way

In order to no longer ask the question of where to find a helicopter in GTA-5, it is worth going through the storyline. After the Merryweathe mission, a new contact will appear in the main character's phone. Calling him will allow you to call a helicopter in the form of support for just a thousand dollars. It will land near the player.

After this, all that remains is to kill the pilot and capture the transport. This can be done almost at any time, with the exception of a few missions from the main line. At the same time, a rather strong combat vehicle arrives, which can destroy more than one area. You can save another $300 by calling the pilot through Lester, so it's also worth calling him from time to time.

Friend's helicopter or codes

If you want to know where to find a helicopter in GTA 5, but stealing doesn’t suit your game style, then it’s best to use Trevor’s transport. A good combat vehicle will appear on its site near the hangar, which can be taken at any time. This will become possible after the mission of the main plot, where it is necessary to kidnap a suspected person from the Office of the Directorate. After completing the mission, you can go to a friend’s site at any time and take a helicopter for yourself. To store it at home, you need to buy an equipped platform.

If this does not suit the user, then single player you can just use the codes. The powerful Buzzard military vehicle will appear using the code for a helicopter in GTA-5 - BUZZOFF. Call the console using the tilde key and enter the command. You can also buy an aircraft inside the game, but it costs a lot, and it is better to spend the money on purchasing buildings or other objects. These methods are also simple, and players do not need to try hard to get a helicopter.

Theft from points on the map

There are a number of places on the game map where any user can find a helicopter in GTA-5. The first of them is the Buzzard model already mentioned above. You can try to steal it from the Zancudo military complex, where access is prohibited. When entering a closed area, guards will begin shooting and chasing, for which you should be prepared. More in a simple way Finding a police helicopter in GTA 5 is a theft from the roof of the central hospital. There is a variety of news, patrol or ambulance transport.

You can get to the roof in different ways from outside and inside. The same model, called Maverick, can often be found on the roofs of skyscrapers. Simply fly over the central area of ​​the city and several options will be discovered. If there is no helicopter at the indicated points, then you should turn around, run 50 meters and come back. After this, the transport should appear, and you can pick it up for yourself.

Purchase of transport

If you do not want to use cheats for helicopters in GTA-5, then you should use the purchase function. This can be done via the in-game Internet; there are two special sites for this. The method of obtaining a car is honest, but has two significant disadvantages. The first is the high cost of the models. For example, the most inconspicuous helicopter of the “Tramp” model costs 780 thousand dollars. You can collect this amount in the game different ways, but they will have to be spent on mediocre vehicles with weak combat characteristics. A good helicopter with four seats, the Frogger model, costs 500 thousand more. The second problem is product delivery. You will also have to spend money at the Pegasus company, which delivers all types of cars. It's not enough to make a purchase and head to the hangar. Without delivery, the helicopter will never be used. The developers specifically did this so that players understand the difficulty of fair play.

Other information about helicopters in the game

Despite the fact that the code for a helicopter in GTA-5 is only for the Buzzard military model, the total number of varieties is ten. There are conventional transport vehicles and a powerful Combat vehicles. This list includes: Savage, Skylift, Valkyrie and others.

The developers have completely changed the management of this type of transport. Take-off, landing and turning are carried out using the character's walking keys, and the direction for movement is selected using the Num Lock 8, 5, 4 and 6 keys on the keyboard. The helicopter can be used for a wide variety of purposes. It is most useful for simple long-distance flights. This can be done by air much faster than in a car. There are no restrictions in the air and no need to follow the roads clearly. Each of the above methods works and has been tested in practice. The user just needs to purchase a platform, and then get a helicopter for himself. After that you can enjoy open world above.

There are times when moving towards the horizon along roads with their countless turns and oncoming traffic gets incredibly boring. For such cases inGTA 5 provides for aviation and, in particular, helicopters. The range of models is extremely wide - from small civilian ones to heavy military turntables.

Helicopter control in GTA 5

Controls have not changed much since GTA 4, so with the help of “W” and “S” the height is adjusted, “A” and “D” set the direction of turn left or right, “4”, “6”, “5” and “ The 8" on the number pad allows you to tilt your turntable left, right, back and forward respectively.

By pressing "TAV" you can select a weapon, and by pressing "space" you can start shooting. "Insert" enables the weapon chamber, "E" promotes the use of the hook in the Cargobob.

So, where can you get a helicopter without spending a cent in single player mode?GTA 5?

The simplest and most obvious way is to call Lester with a question about the location of the nearest rotorcraft. You can also call Merryweather and order a helicopter, and when it arrives, simply kill the pilot and take possession of the “bird.”

You can get a helicopter legally without wasting resources. As you progress through the campaign, after the mission with the kidnapping of the suspect, a rotorcraft will appear at Mr. Phillips' alma mater, Sandy Shorrs Airfield, which you can use at your discretion.


It's important to remember that codes inGTA 5 has not been canceled, there is also a cheat for a helicopter among them. Cheats are introduced via mobile phone- to do this, take out your mobile phone, go to contacts, click on the mouse wheel and type the combination on the keyboard:

If everything is entered correctly, then you will have a Buzzard - a small black military helicopter, which is equipped with ammunition.

Helicopter hijacking

Of course, in addition to the methods described, you can take possession of a helicopter like a notorious criminal by simply stealing it. For example, Maverick, which is located on the roof of a hospital in South Los Santos or on turntable platforms on skyscrapers.

And, if when hijacking civil aviation, difficulties do not arise or appear in minimal quantities, then when hijacking such rotary-wing aircraft as Buzzard or Cargobob you will have to work hard.

First, you have to get to Fort Zancudo - a well-guarded military facility that is not shown on the road map. It is located south of the town of Northern Chumash.

The location of Buzzard is marked in red, and the location of Cargobob in black. As soon as you cross the border of the fort, a barrage of fire will immediately fall on you, which is not possible to resist. The number of soldiers at this base appears to be approaching infinity, so the best option is not a war with them, but a direct breakthrough to the goal.

It is important to remember that Cargobob can take off and patrol the territory, so if it is your target, you will have to wait for the right moment.

In online mode, getting a “bird” will be a little more difficult for obvious reasons - everyone wants a helicopter. Helicopters appear at five points, and the appearance of one or another model is not determined by any sequence, that is, you can get both Maverick and Annihilator.

Computer games almost always have a clearly defined plot that tells a specific story. However, the scenery, characters and much more may differ. The world around you may be linear or open, there may be many important characters in it, or you may not meet anyone along the way. But almost always there are certain secrets in games that you cannot discover if you just follow storyline. To obtain secrets, you will need to spend more time, deviate from the plot, sometimes even get quite creative to discover something that many people miss. The game "GTA 5" has quite a lot of similar secrets. Rare transport is a full-fledged separate section that will require you to spend many hours traveling around the city in order to find cars, planes, and so on. In this article you will learn where to find a helicopter in GTA 5.

Combat helicopter

If you are wondering where to find a helicopter in GTA 5, then you should first of all pay attention to the Buzzard model, which you already saw in the previous episode of the game, or rather, in the add-on dedicated to Jolly Tony. However, how can you discover this, which will also give you impressive firepower? In fact, everything is not so difficult - you need to find the National Security building, which is surrounded by a fence. You should not try to get inside in any special way - this will only attract attention to yourself. Just enter through the gate that will open in front of you. Well, then you will need to climb onto the roof using one of the stairs, go to it - and a helicopter will be waiting for you there. You get it absolutely free and can use it as much as you want. However, this is not the only place you should explore if you want to know where to find a helicopter in GTA 5.

Medical helicopter

Naturally, a military helicopter is not the only type that will be available to you in this game. If you want to know where to find a helicopter in GTA 5, then you should also pay attention to the medical model, which is also not so difficult to get. You need to go to the Los Santos Medical Center, which has several passages leading up to the helipad. There you can even find not one, but several small red helicopters, which have quite high speed and mobility, as they are designed for high-speed delivery of seriously ill patients to the hospital. Here, too, no one will stop you, and you can take possession of these helicopters without any problems. Now you know where you can find a helicopter in GTA 5 on the map, but this is not the only search method.

Helicopters on the Internet

If you are wondering where to find a helicopter with a magnet in GTA 5, then you will need to access a computer with the Internet. In the fifth part of the series, this opportunity became available to everyone, thereby greatly expanding the functionality. Go to the website, which sells a wide variety of types of equipment - there you can find the one we were talking about earlier. But not only that - in addition, you will have a chance to purchase the Cargobob transport model, which has that same magnet. If you are interested in where to find it in GTA 5, then you can also go to this site. But remember that he is not the only one - you always have an alternative.

As mentioned above, everything is not limited to just one site on the Internet. You might be surprised, but there are several of them, but not all of them have helicopters. is a page where you can find almost all models available in the game, including the police helicopter. And all of them can be purchased - of course, they will be quite expensive, but it is really worth it. And getting a police helicopter in this way is much easier than breaking the law, waiting for serious persecution and trying to hijack this model during a shootout. You can get a ten percent discount on your first purchase if you find the company's social page online and follow it. Thus, you can buy any helicopter much cheaper.

Video guide of all helicopter locations in GTA 5

Want to fly a helicopter, but don't have one? Then read the guide and see where the helicopters are located on the map!

Key points when searching for a helicopter

  • Keep in mind that helicopters appear in the same places, but are always different: civilian, military or cargo (depending on chance).
  • Certain helicopter models can only be encountered after reaching the appropriate level.
  • Sometimes there are gang fights near the helicopters (you need to kill 15-20 enemy NPCs). If you get shot, you will be resurrected near where you died, but the helicopter will most likely disappear. In this case, proceed like this: first kill all the bandits, then move some distance away from the disassembly site and return back - with a high probability a helicopter will appear out of thin air right before your eyes.

List of helicopters that can be found in GTA 5 Online

(the required level of pumping is indicated in brackets):
  • Maverick (11);
  • Cargobob (22);
  • Frogger (32);
  • Annihilator (37);
  • Buzzard (42).

Places on the map where helicopters are located in GTA 5 Online

1. Elysian Island
Here you can find: Cargobob, Frogger, Buzzard

To get to the helicopter, you will have to go through the port facility (the entrance to it is shown in the screenshot below). The problem is that a gang war may be waiting for you inside.

2. Los Santos International Airport

The helipad is located next to Devin Weston's hangar and is not difficult to find.

3. La Puerta / Shank Street

The helipad is located on the shore of the bay - getting here is as easy as pie.

4. Davis
Here you can find: Maverick, Cargobob, Frogger, Annihilator, Buzzard

Helicopters appear on the roof of the hospital (here you can also find a medical Maverick in story campaign). You can get to it using several stairs at once - you shouldn’t have any problems.

5. N.U.P.
Here you can find: Maverick, Cargobob, Frogger, Annihilator

The helicopter appears on one of two platforms on the roof of the complex.

6. Grand Senora Desert
Here you can find: Maverick, Cargobob, Frogger, Annihilator, Buzzard

The helipad is located at the Sandy Shores airfield (be prepared for gang warfare).

7. Grapeseed
Here you can find: Cargobob, Frogger

Another airfield, another criminal showdown.

8. Paleto Forest
Here you can find: Maverick, Cargobob, Frogger, Annihilator, Buzzard

Another helipad is located in the southwest of the small town of Paleto. Don’t be surprised to see a “pinwheel” right in the middle of the forest - that’s not what happens here.

9. Fort Zancudo
Here you can find: Buzzard

The Zancudo military base is by no means the best place to get a helicopter. Not only will you automatically receive four wanted stars, but you also need to fly here on Buzzard to get... Buzzard. Do you feel the absurdity of the situation? You can hunt for a local helicopter only for sport.

10. Vinewood Center
Here you can find: Maverick, Buzzard

There is evidence on the Internet that a helicopter can be found on the roof of the police station in the center of Vinewood. However, after several hours of play, we were unable to find it. Perhaps you will have better luck?

GTA 5 Online helicopter near Leicester

Don’t want to wander around the map looking for a “pinwheel”? Just call Lester and ask him to find you a helicopter (this service will cost only $700). But there is a small nuance: if you destroy the transport or do not return it back within 12 hours, you will receive two wanted stars. And then don’t say we didn’t warn you!